#george knightley x reader
rusakkowrites · 7 months
For the alphabet asks:
A, B, C, O, W, X
(Reducedv to the most important because I'm on my phone and can't look at the questions while typing...and I can't just say all 26 ;)
Yay, thanks for the ask! <3
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
There are many, but my current particular favourites are Emma Woodhouse/George Knightley and Aral Vorkosigan/Cordelia Naismith.
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Caroline Bingley/Colonel Fitzwilliam. I ended up writing it as part of a gift exchange because it was one of my recipient's requests. While I initially treated it more as a fun writing exercise, I gradually grew genuinely invested in the ship.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Mary Bennet/Colonel Fitzwilliam. I just can't see it happening based on their book characterisation, and I don't really enjoy out-of-character portrayals in fic. The Colonel likes lively, charming, pretty girls and needs to marry money. Mary is not lively or charming, she is less pretty than her sisters, and she has a very small dowry. And Mary doesn't seem to share her younger sisters' fondness for men in uniform (though admittedly I suspect that she wouldn't be too picky if a respectable man took an interest in her). Putting Mary and the Colonel together feels like pairing the spares with little regard for the characters' canon personalities. No hate for anyone who likes this ship, but it feels a bit too unlikely and contrived to me.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
I used a random song generator for this, and it gave me Adventure of a Lifetime by Coldplay. I wasn't previously familiar with the song and didn't immediately get an "omg, it's so this character" feeling from it. After thinking about it a bit, though, I feel like it's actually a pretty good fit for Dag Redwing and Fawn Bluefield from Lois McMaster Bujold's Sharing Knife series. The themes of finding your will to live again and choosing your own path in life certainly fit, as do the mentions of adventures and magic.
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
This is a tough one, because I feel like almost all tropes can be written in a way that I enjoy, though some very rarely are. But if I have to pick one, I'd say the Moustache-Twirling Villain trope, because I find these kinds of one-dimensional, evil-for-the-sake-of-evil villains really boring. I much prefer mundane villains who have realistic motivations (like selfishness, greed or the like).
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Does dramatic irony count as a trope? Well, I'm counting it anyway. I love when the reader knows more than the characters and can enjoy watching the events unfold (or suffer from the unbearable suspense of knowing that the characters are about to royally mess up).
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Jane Austen Adaptations Masterlist
This is the masterlist for Jane Austen movie/show adaptations.
Link to my Main Masterlist
- - - - - - -
My Fave Austen Men Gif Collage
- - - - - - -
- - - Pride and Prejudice - - -
*mainly based on the 2005 movie
Mr Darcy
Gif Imagines:
‘Imagine Mr Darcy getting jealous when you dance with someone else at the ball’
‘Happy/Romantic Headcanons’
Being in an arranged marriage, but actually in love with Darcy (cute)
Being under the mistletoe with Mr. Darcy (romantic)
What flowers he surprises you with and why (cute/romantic)
“I didn’t want to wake you up. You just looked so peaceful” (fluff)
- - - - - - -
Mr. Bingley
‘First Meeting>Crush>Courting>Proposal’ (cute/fluff)
Charles helping/reacting to the reader being on their period (fluff)
Being in an arranged marriage but actually in love with Charles Bingley (cute)
What flowers he surprises you with and why (cute/romantic)
“I wanted to know if you were okay” + ”You don’t have to leave”  (angst/fluff)
'Gullible Determination' (angst/romance)
- - - - - - -
- - - Emma - - -
*2009 movie
George Knightley
Being in an arranged marriage, but actually in love with George Knightley (cute/romantic)
Being under the mistletoe with George Knightely (fluff)
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- - - Northanger Abbey - - -
*2007 movie
Henry Tilney
Being in an arranged marriage, but actually in love with Henry Tilney (cute/romantic)
Being under the mistletoe with Henry Tilney (fluff)
‘You own my heart’  (fluff)
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- - - Mansfield Park - - -
*1999 movie
Edmund Bertram
Headcanons: What flowers he surprises you with and why (romantic)
- - - - - - -
- - - Persuasion - - -
*2007 movie
Frederick Wentworth
What flowers he surprises you with and why (romantic)
Frederick Courting and Proposing to you (romantic)
- - - - -
**Will also write for Sense and Sensibility 2008 mini series; and Mansfield Park 2007 film; and even the Lost in Austen 2008 movie.
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dantelovesvirgil · 4 years
rules: tag 9 people you’d like to know better
i was tagged by @apmnwq thank you so much ^^
top 3 ships:
i’m gonna say bevi(?) ( like ben x devi from Never Have I Ever) but tbh even Emma Woodhouse x George Knightley or Amy  x Laurie (which the new film made me appreciate more btw)
last song (more like currently listening to): I guess Cover Girl by Rupaul 
I’ve been bingewatching the show and I love it
last movie: I watched Little Women (2019) and i fking cried too much ,but I REwatched Emma(2019) the COLOURS OMG
reading: kay so i’ve never been a constant reader but aside fanfiction I’d say L’Esclusa by Pirandello (whose translated title isThe Excluded woman according to wikipedia)
food i’m craving rn: I was gonna say pizza when i first read the tag, but then I ate a pizza with a burrata that usually I love but this time tasted literally like vomit, and now my faith in humanity has to be restored. especially bc i had to throw the burrata away and i felt like I just committed treason. So now I’m just gonna say a good pizza. Or an ice cream. Or a kebap. I mean I’m hungry
tagging: @thisismyretreat  @bringbackemoculture @conversecreeps @fableex @giantgoldenradio @moody-avocado @obi-wan-ken00b @theaberrantwritergirl @ourladyofrebellion
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make-me-imagine · 7 years
Headcanons: Being under the mistletoe with George Knightley
This same headcanon with Mr Darcy can be found here
Requested by anon
-You would walk into the room and stop in the door way, looking around at the people, wondering who to greet first
-No one would notice you, they would all be involved with their games and conversations
-But someone would clear their throat behind you, startling you
-Turning you would be greeted by a smirking George Knightley
-After greeting each other he would lean down and whisper to you “Look up”
-Doing so you would immediately blush at the realization of where you were standing
-Mr Knightley would smirk even more at your reaction before clearing his throat and telling you a small fact about the mistletoe tradition
-Wondering how you were going to get out of this situation (not that you wanted too) you tried to rack your mind for a joke or reason to leave
-But before you could Mr Knightley would lean closer again before speaking quietly to you “It would be a shame to break the tradition”
-Not knowing how to respond you only nodded lightly
-Smiling, Mr Knightly would gently take you face in his hand and press a kiss to your lips
-You would be surprised, having expected a small peck, but instead getting a more passionate longer kiss
-After pulling away he would smile at you before glancing at the others in the room, all of whom were unaware of what was happening in the doorway
-He would then take your arm in his and lead you into the room without a word
-The rest of the night would go on normally, but this time, every time you and Mr Knightley would make eye contact you would smile about the secret the two of you now shared
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