#george knightley headcanon
make-me-imagine · 7 years
Headcanons: Being under the mistletoe with George Knightley
This same headcanon with Mr Darcy can be found here
Requested by anon
-You would walk into the room and stop in the door way, looking around at the people, wondering who to greet first
-No one would notice you, they would all be involved with their games and conversations
-But someone would clear their throat behind you, startling you
-Turning you would be greeted by a smirking George Knightley
-After greeting each other he would lean down and whisper to you “Look up”
-Doing so you would immediately blush at the realization of where you were standing
-Mr Knightley would smirk even more at your reaction before clearing his throat and telling you a small fact about the mistletoe tradition
-Wondering how you were going to get out of this situation (not that you wanted too) you tried to rack your mind for a joke or reason to leave
-But before you could Mr Knightley would lean closer again before speaking quietly to you “It would be a shame to break the tradition”
-Not knowing how to respond you only nodded lightly
-Smiling, Mr Knightly would gently take you face in his hand and press a kiss to your lips
-You would be surprised, having expected a small peck, but instead getting a more passionate longer kiss
-After pulling away he would smile at you before glancing at the others in the room, all of whom were unaware of what was happening in the doorway
-He would then take your arm in his and lead you into the room without a word
-The rest of the night would go on normally, but this time, every time you and Mr Knightley would make eye contact you would smile about the secret the two of you now shared
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ladyannelister · 5 years
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lgbtq+ headcanon moodboard: gay George Knightley
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busyncthings · 3 years
tag drop - george knightely 
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boopliette · 7 years
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you May Have noticed but i love period dramas, and i’ve been rewatching my all time favourite– the bbc miniseries Emma,,,, it’s just so good and i love these nerds
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cinemaocd · 3 years
Historical characters: Who makes your shirts
There's an epic post going around about "who makes your shirts" for pre-C20 characters/people and rather than reblog that mess and add my not very interesting "but ur wrong because" addendum, here is my list:
Thomas Cromwell: OK...obviously Liz when she was alive, Mercy after she died, and in my fic, Mary after they were married with the caveat that Mary was kind of shit at it so she and Mercy started working on them together.
Francis Crozier: In my fic, he had the same shirts made by his mother and sisters from the time that he first got made an officer. Jopson keeps these going strong because Francis' mum used very high quality linen that maybe wasn't the most comfortable but was sure as heck more durable than was typical for officers.
James Fitzjames: His aunt and then James has them tweaked by a tailor, discreetly.
Frederick Wentworth: Sofia Croft (his sister).
George Knightley: This is tough one, since he has no close female relatives alive. Emma's sister, Isabella is the closest, but I can't imagine this being a favorable solution for anyone involved. I mean, it could be Emma...She has the time and she is a relative. Maybe she does up Knightley's shirts when she does up shirts for her dad and that's why it's never commented on.
Edward Rochester: Rochester just keeps having the shirts that Bertha made him restyled by Mrs. Fairfax and others. After the fire, all his clothing is very old and in bad need of repair. Jane spends a lot of time organizing new clothes for him, which he bridles at just as much as she bridled at new clothes when they were first engaged.
Heathcliff: part of his emotional abuse of Isabella was finding faults with her doubtlessly faultless shirts. He kept wearing the clothes that he wore on his return from abroad after Cathy's marriage to Edgar, which were of unknown origin. My headcanon is that Heathcliff was in the West Indies visiting his relatives (Mr. Earnshaw's secret second family) when he mysteriously disappeared and his mother or sister made them for him.
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heartbetween · 4 years
Among the guests at Charles Bingley’s ball were George Knightley and Emma Woodhouse because Knightley is also one of Darcy’s close friends and by extension Emma as well.
you can’t change my mind
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intelwon · 4 years
Among the guests at Charles Bingley’s ball were George Knightley and Emma Woodhouse because Knightley is also one of Darcy’s close friends and by extension Emma as well. 
you can’t change my mind
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smallblueandloud · 5 years
thoughts on episode ii
subtitled let’s fix attack of the clones!!: anakin edition
i came out of this movie really not shipping anakin and padme. he is selfish, awkward, and distracting - and she should too busy to consider a romance.
the prequels are trying to tell two stories (anakin’s fall and the fall of the republic) and it barely tries to link them, instead just spending time on the boring, clunky one (anakin) at the expense of the more interesting one (the republic/the clones, represented in this movie by obi-wan), which seems like it’s missing vital conversations.
but this post is about anakin and anakin/padme. so let’s get started.
this movie, at least in terms of anakin’s development, suffers from middle-of-trilogy syndrome. nothing really happens. his mother dies (oh my GOD) and he angsts about it for a while, commits mass murder, and then jumps right back to pursuing his terrible “romance” with padme.
i mean, there are NO lasting effects of his mother’s death. he learns no coping techniques, feels no real emotions about it...
shmi was done dirty in general though. the idea of her marrying the guy that bought her is pretty icky. i’m becoming more and more fond of fialleril’s headcanon that shmi meets beru and adopts her as her daughter. cliegg is nothing but owen’s offscreen father.
i mean, that would’ve been SO MUCH BETTER, even if you keep the whole shmi-dying-solely-to-cause-her-idiot-son-pain. WHICH YOU SHOULD NOT. why spend all of episode i talking about freeing the slaves and then do absolutely nothing about it??
picture shmi, her adoptive daughter beru, and her adoptive daughter’s boyfriend owen (who really isn’t sure how he got involved in this but isn’t complaining) running an underground slave-freeing operation.
not sure how this would tie into the movie, plot-wise or anakin-development-wise, because yeah, you do need to start getting nervous around this kid. (I MEAN, IN MY PLAN FOR THE PHANTOM MENACE, YOU WOULD’VE STARTED THIS IN THE VERY BEGINNING BY USING A SLIGHTLY WORRYINGLY COMPETENT AND BRUTAL 14-YEAR-OLD, NOT THE PREPUBESCENT NONSENSE WE GOT. but regardless.)
i guess you’d need anakin and padme to be hanging at on naboo, in her lake house (god padme’s so freaking bougie), and padme asks how anakin’s mom is.
queue the obligatory “oh, haha, i don’t actually,,,, know??”
padme proposes that since they have no duties and she’s actually bored out of her mind, they should go visit shmi. anakin protests for about two seconds before realizing a) there’s no stopping her, and b) he’d actually kinda like to see his mom.
(padme has some ulterior motives besides wanting anakin to see his goddamn mom again. she wants to buy her freedom, since she’s actually prepared with real funds this time, and she wants to ask her advice on helping out with abolition, since she and sabe had failed miserably when they tried on their own. [this is canon, go read queen’s shadow if you haven’t already because it’s an excellent book.] we love women acknowledging other women’s expertise!! padme has grown a lot and wants to stop being so core world-y.)
so anyways, they go there, meet shmi (who’s already freed herself, thanks so much), and beru and owen. anakin, because he has had no emotional support network since he was nine goddamn years old, is jealous, but does his best to keep it under wraps.
at some point, while anakin and padme are helping out with the freedom trail, and someone (not sure who) gets a little violent with shmi.
anakin... goes ballistic, we’ll say. it gets violent. he gets harsh. it’s an overreaction, but shmi manages to calm him down.
(padme, on the other hand, is frightened. she takes a step back the next time anakin turns to her. but she manages to hold it down until later.)
the flighty escapee that beru is operating on goes into hysterics. shmi pulls anakin outside and tells him, quietly, that she’s so overjoyed to see him but that she thinks he needs to be getting on his way.
padme, meanwhile, gets pinged on her communication device. obi-wan has contacted them, just like he did in canon.
also, there’s some kind of beru&anakin moment, or maybe a beru&padme moment. just a conversation of some kind, for uber talented gifset-makers to gif and put alongside beru talking to luke so i can be destroyed emotionally.
this serves several purposes.
the movie feels more emotionally coherent. anakin doesn’t jump from awkward flirting to mass murder to making out with his girlfriend.
shmi gets some closure.
we’re introduced to beru, who clearly meets anakin and padme.
we get to see the little people making a difference, which is a huge theme in star wars. this can act as a foil to the hugely ineffective senate.
padme gets the opportunity for some character growth (she’s my wife and all but she’s so bougie).
we get to see anakin be dark, over something.... sorta understandable?? and it doesn’t quite make us think he should be locked up (unlike murder) (except the movie says it’s okay because they’re just sand people and i really don’t like the implications of that). also, we can see the inherent tragedy of someone who needs so much community support being “”chosen”” by the force to go into an order of emotionally private individuals (not that that isn’t a bad thing for someone like obi-wan, but it really isn’t good for anakin).
AND I HAVEN’T EVEN REALLY MENTIONED PADME. i have a wishlist for padme, and it boils down to: at least mention her relationship with sabe, show her being good at politics, let her have character development, don’t make her have to mother anakin, and oh by the way make her two-dimensional enough that her abandoning her ideals to get together with a jedi actually makes sense.
because like! i can believe she likes anakin! he’s an old friend, from a time that seems simpler in hindsight, and he’s in love with her and flirts awkwardly and makes jokes. i mean, the dialogue makes it impossible for anakin to seem remotely attractive, but we’ll leave it at the fact that padme desperately wants something simple and a relationship with anakin, paradoxically, looks like a winner.
but i want to see her like anakin. show, not tell, georgie boy!! all we see in the movie is her giggling at him and her rejecting him, and then her kissing him, and there’s really no falling in love.
because okay. they’re a fundamentally doomed relationship, total opposites who are both startlingly naive wrt their personal lives. so i accept that they’re not really in love - they’re just clinging to ideals of each other. well. at least padme is. she’s smart enough to recognize what she’s doing, but she pushes it down because she is forced to hold too much on her shoulders (BECAUSE THE SENATE DOESN’T WORK) and she needs something that is just for her.
look, i really need sabe in these movies, okay. this is unrelated to my humongous crush on keira knightley. i need padme to have a friend, someone she can express this to, who can look at her doubtfully when she says she’s in love with anakin, because we really need to drive in the idea of this being a tragedy and we can’t see it unless we see how goddamn foolish even padme “good choices” amidala is being.
also like. padme needs friends. and i firmly believe that the “mother” that leia remembers was sabe, who is actively involved in the rebellion during the OT. because like. i have emotions, and most of them come back to luke&leia.
i’m not sure i’d have them get married, but that’s just a matter of taste. and you have to admit the set of final shots - the victory with the clones, baby boba pressing his forehead to his dad’s helmet, the marriage - with the overlaid music is really something. i mean, there you have the myth stuff that george wanted. i vibe with it.
anyways. thank you for coming to my ted talk, part the second.
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beingstacey · 3 years
George Crabtree and Emma (from Emma)
Thank you, Anon.
George Crabtree - I am always thrilled for any opportunity to talk about George.
do I like them: I love him!
5 good qualities: Kind, loyal, hardworking, creative, and perceptive. This is not an exhaustive list.
3 bad qualities: Can get tunnel vision, he lets things go to his head, unlucky in love (not his fault).
favourite episode/etc: The one with the underground mole men, the one where he goes back to Newfoundland and we meet his aunts, when he's freed from jail. (Sorry I don't know the episode titles). Any time he gets excited and starts going on flights of fancy or anything with the hint of cryptozoology.
otp: George/Best selling author. George/Emily. George/Effie. (I'm not super super sure about Effie but they've been so supportive of each other lately and I'm into him settling down).
brotp: George/Henry, George/Nuniq
ot3: I don't have one.
notp: George/Amelia Ernst!!
best quote: The whole speech about the horse that can ride backwards. "Oh my socks!" I will base a character on you "and he will be the village idiot." "Sliced bread would be the greatest thing since ... since ... "
head canon: You know, George is so marvellous on screen that I don't have headcanons for him. But I do daydream of his future being safe and stable and happy.
Emma Woodhouse - My favourite Austen leading lady
do I like them: Yes, I do.
5 good qualities: Clever, confident, romantic, affectionate, sociable.
3 bad qualities: Manipulative, short sighted, doesn't always apply herself.
favourite episode/etc: Her friendship with Harriet.
otp: Emma/Mr Knightley of course
brotp: Emma/Harriet, Emma/Her Dad.
ot3: Don't have one
notp: Emma/Frank
best quote: "I would rather not be tempted" - about getting married.
head canon: Emma's teenaged daughter finishes her reading list before she does.
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Stardew Valley Headcanons: Last Names + LI Body Types
Alex Lonsdale (He really hates it because of his dad though and prefers his mother’s maiden name) he’s muscular and athletic, built like a football player. He’s quite proud of it.
Elliot Connelly he’s tall and broad but not muscular at all (guy does not work out). The tallest bachelor
Harvey Ramsey: soft, a bit short and out of shape (though he gets abit leaner)
Sam Knightley: Athletic, flexible and lean, a skateboarder bod, basically
Sebastian Myers (it’s Robin’s maiden name): He’s a beanpole, tall and thin (second only to Elliot in height)
Shane Kiddell: Short and with a bit of a gut, but he’s surprisingly strong (based off of my boyfriend who has gotten really strong since working a job like Shane’s). Noticably shorter than the other bachelors
 Abigail Hexter (this is honestly my ironic headcanon for Pierre’s last name): Tall for a woman, muscular and well built (she’s almost the same height as Sebastian) (I headcanon that the Wizard is close to 7′ tall, meanwhile Caroline and Pierre are both average height so Abby’s height is especially noticable)
Emily Foster: short and petite with small breasts
Haley Foster: Nice legs, busty, chubby, carries most of her weight in her midsection
Leah Willet: Lean with nice hips
Maru Marshall: big boned (not a euphemism for fat, as in she has a large bone structure), flat chested
Penny Freeman: she’s slender but she has the most neutral figure of the girls
Non romanceable character last names!
Caroline Hexter
Clint Everett
Demetrius Marshall
Evelyn Mullner
George Mullner
Gil Frazier
Gunther Jackson
Gus Dorsey
Jas Thomas
Jodi Knightley
Kent Knightley
Lewis McClain
Linus Niles
Marlon Garza
Marnie Boone
Morris Addison
Pam Freeman
Pierre Hexter
Robin Marshall
Vincent Knightley
Willy Stanton
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gentianablue · 7 years
George Knightley and your favorite Doctor! :))
put a fictional character in my inbox and I’ll answer these questions on them
1) fight them or fight for themMr Knightley: fight for them all the way. I am no Emma! :D (well… at least not in that way.)Seventh Doctor: fight for them. Believe me, that’s the safest thing you can do. Eventhough it doesn’t seem so.
2) on a scale of 1-10 how excited do I get when I see themMr Knightley: aaabout 9. A lot. And in the good way. He’s a sweet person and he’s clever. Would be a nice talk.Seventh Doctor: 10. 11 if there’s Ace around. Seeing them means adventure, witty talk and some slightly nostalgic happy ending. Me likes.
3) would i smoochMr Knightley: em… nope. I’d leave that to Emma. I’d maybe gently poke his cheek with my finger. Seventh Doctor: In a very jokingly atmosphere or right before disappearing back to my reality, I might consider a quick kiss on his cheek. Maaaaybe.
4) have I drawn/written about them/should i draw/write about themMr Knightley: I’m pretty sure he and his estate figured in some of my Fans and Fascinations drabbles… No drawing though.Seventh Doctor: I imagined several short stories, but I think I never wrote one. No drawings, nuh-uh.
5) voice HC if they don’t have a voice alreadyMr Knightley: Emma 2009 adaptation, Jonny Lee Miller as Mr Knightley. He sounded great. Though Mark Strong was awesome as well. No other voice headcanons.Seventh Doctor: his voice is unique and pleasant, no need for a change.
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Jane Austen Adaptations Masterlist
This is the masterlist for Jane Austen movie/show adaptations.
Link to my Main Masterlist
- - - - - - -
My Fave Austen Men Gif Collage
- - - - - - -
- - - Pride and Prejudice - - -
*mainly based on the 2005 movie
Mr Darcy
Gif Imagines:
‘Imagine Mr Darcy getting jealous when you dance with someone else at the ball’
‘Happy/Romantic Headcanons’
Being in an arranged marriage, but actually in love with Darcy (cute)
Being under the mistletoe with Mr. Darcy (romantic)
What flowers he surprises you with and why (cute/romantic)
“I didn’t want to wake you up. You just looked so peaceful” (fluff)
- - - - - - -
Mr. Bingley
‘First Meeting>Crush>Courting>Proposal’ (cute/fluff)
Charles helping/reacting to the reader being on their period (fluff)
Being in an arranged marriage but actually in love with Charles Bingley (cute)
What flowers he surprises you with and why (cute/romantic)
“I wanted to know if you were okay” + ”You don’t have to leave”  (angst/fluff)
'Gullible Determination' (angst/romance)
- - - - - - -
- - - Emma - - -
*2009 movie
George Knightley
Being in an arranged marriage, but actually in love with George Knightley (cute/romantic)
Being under the mistletoe with George Knightely (fluff)
- - - - - - -
- - - Northanger Abbey - - -
*2007 movie
Henry Tilney
Being in an arranged marriage, but actually in love with Henry Tilney (cute/romantic)
Being under the mistletoe with Henry Tilney (fluff)
‘You own my heart’  (fluff)
- - - - - - -
- - - Mansfield Park - - -
*1999 movie
Edmund Bertram
Headcanons: What flowers he surprises you with and why (romantic)
- - - - - - -
- - - Persuasion - - -
*2007 movie
Frederick Wentworth
What flowers he surprises you with and why (romantic)
Frederick Courting and Proposing to you (romantic)
- - - - -
**Will also write for Sense and Sensibility 2008 mini series; and Mansfield Park 2007 film; and even the Lost in Austen 2008 movie.
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busyncthings-a · 6 years
tag drop -- george knightley
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