#georgian goddess
marsprincess889 · 1 year
DISCLAIMER: This is based solely on my research and the patterns that I saw. I can't promise that I'm gonna be sure in all the coorelations, but I'm going to attribute each nakshatra a goddess that I think fits it the closest. If you're dissapointed, to make up for it, I'm going to list some other deities in the end that I think also fit the nakshatra. Don't come for me if you think I'm wrong, be respectful in the comments if you think so and have fun 🤍
This one is more of a collection of very similar goddesses who are all pretty much well-suited for Mrigashira. I still chose the principal goddess, although it was very hard to focus on only one.
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Pantheon: Celtic
Name meaning: soft-haired, fair haired.
Associations: Hunting, woodlands, wild animals, cattle, deer.
Symbols: deer
Flidais is a somewhat obscure Celtic goddess of the hunt. She's similar to more famous goddesses: Artemis and Diana, but unlike them, she's not a virgin and her story is different.
The mythology of Mrigashira is about how the seeming perfection of Rohini (the union of sexes) gets shattered. It's the birth of seduction and pursuit between the sexes, this is the place where Eve eats the forbidden fruit and becomes aware that she's separate from the male, not just something to be placed under his submission, as she was in Rohini. In Hindu mythology, when Rohini realizes that she's desired by Brahma, she turns into a doe and flees. Brahma then turns into a deer and chases her, before his head is cut off by God Rudra (God of the next nakshatra_ Ardra), thus, the deers's head being Mrigashira's symbol.
The story of goddess Flidais goes like this: She's unhappily married to a man she dies not love, feeling stuck and not knowing what to do, until another man appears, with whom she shares a deep love. He gets challenged by Flidais's husband, and he wins. As a reward, he gives deer and cattle to Flidais, for her to have something on her own, placing his faith in her. In one myth, she's said to have transformed into a stag.
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Flidais has a surname, Foltcháin, meaning "beautiful(soft) hair". Mrigashira belongs to a clan of nakshatras called Pulastya (smooth haired).
Besides Flidais, there are other goddesses that can be coorelated to Mrigashira. One of them is Dali- Georgian goddess of the hunt, deer and other horned wild animals. She's said to have beautiful, long golden hair and is the Goddess that governs the rules of the hunt. Either completely nude or dressed only in white, she frequently mated with humans as she wished, just like the female in Mrigashira awakening to her own sexual power. She was said to be unbelievably beautiful, both irresistible and terrible. Dali was harsh with those who violated her rules. She lived in a cavern in a mountain. Parvati, the goddess that was born under this nakshatra, was the goddess of mountains, among other things.
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There is also a story about a celtic maiden named Sadhbh, who refused to accept a Druid's advances and because of that, was cursed to be a doe. After three years, the serving man of that druid took pity on her and said that if she were ever to set foot in the dún (castle, fort) of the Fianna of Ireland, the curse would be lifted. Fianna were small bands of warrior-hunters in Ireland during the Iron age and early middle ages. Sadhbh travelled straight to a house that belonged to a Fionn. She was found by him as a doe when he was out hunting. His dogs didn't harm her since they too had been humans before. When they returned to the house, Sadhbh was once again a beautiful girl. They got married.
After Fionn was called to battle against the Vikings, the druid reached Sadhbh and laid the same curse on her, again. Fionn spent several years searching for his wife, but without success. At the end of those seven years he found a wild boy in the forest who said he was raised by a doe. Fionn looked at his face and recognising his wife's features, he realised that he was looking at their son. The boy was Oisín, a famous figure in Irish mythology.
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Another interesting deity is the Albanian goddess Zana- goddess of the mountains. Zana were said to be fairies who lived in the mountains and bathed in waterfalls and river streams in nature. They're said to have a very brave character that was known to all. She's a somewhat obscure goddess given her name comes from the name of a creature, but I thought that she was interesting nontheless.
I want to talk about Mrigashira's ruling deity- the moon god Soma. Soma is also known to be the exilir of immortality. Mrigashira's power is to give fulfillment, so to drink Soma, to eat the forbidden fruit, to attain something not everyone has access to is risky, but it's worth the risk. Mrigashira is also associated with quests, adventures and bravery (just like Bharani, the other Venus-Mars ruled nakshatra). The real life natives of Mrigashira are often daring and inquisitive, always craving something else besides what they have.
The moon god being Mrigashira's deity makes me think that Artemis- Greek goddess of the moon, hunting, deer and other wild animals is a great fit for it, but her virginal nature is not in alignment with Mrigashira. If we think of her virginity as simply her being unmarried and independent, then she definitely can be coorelated to Mrigashira. The same goes for Diana- her Roman equivalent.
Some other deities I coorelated to Mrigashira other than Flidais:
Artemis- Greek goddess of hunting, deer, wild animals, the Moon and virgins.
Diana- The Roman equivalent of Artemis.
Dali- Georgian goddess of hunting, deer and other horned wild animals.
Zana- Albanian fairy goddess of the mountains.
Sadhbh- Irish doe-maiden goddess
Cernnunos- Celtic horned god, the god of wild things.
This is it for Mrigashira. I'm very happy I found the Goddesses whose mythologies were so obviously similar to Mrigashira's. As I said, it was hard to choose just one, but I think that I made the right choice, given that Flidais ticked off the most similarities. I'm consistently fascinated by the coorelations between seemingly unrelated cultures and this one was big. It's also my sun, rahu and saturn placement, so no pressure there lol.
Anyways, let me know what you think. Like COMMENT AND REBLOG, please interact with me if you found this interesting. Love you, and take care 🤍🤍🤍
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allmythologies · 6 months
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georgian mythology: apsat
apsat is a male deity of birds and animals. some sources regard him as responsible for all hunted game, while others consider him to watch over fish and birds specifically. in some cycles, he is the primary hunting god, while in others, he is part of a pantheon of hunting deities.
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pyrasterran · 5 months
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Commission of client's hero based off the Georgian goddess
If you want a commission, check the link! https://ko-fi.com/pyrasterran/commissions
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w-i-m-m · 11 months
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catnip-reed · 6 months
Hey what your upg on barbale the Georgian mythology?
Hello! Thank you for asking!
Barbale is a Georgian goddess of cattle and poultry fertility, women’s fertility, the sun, and healing. Because of this, I find that she takes on a more motherly role. She’s very encouraging, but also lets you make mistakes.
For offerings, I tend to look towards offerings to Apollon and Hera, since I also worship them. Milk, eggs, and other animal products are good. Yellow things are great, especially lemons. Any medications or pain relief is also great for her.
For devotional acts, I do the same. Any creative act works. Taking care of yourself, others, family, and animals is great. Volunteering at animal shelters and the like is a common thing for me. Sitting out in the sun is also amazing.
This may be different for you (and others), but these are just my UPGs. If you have anymore questions, please feel free to ask!
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mynqzo · 1 year
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drawing some deities from georgian mythology! starting off with dali, goddess of hunting and patron of hoofed wild mountain animals
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letterful · 14 days
❝ “Columbia now nine times the speed of sound.” “Roger that, Dan, I’ve got a solid TACAN locked on, uh, TACAN twenty-three.” “The, uh, tracking data, map data and pre-planned trajectory are all one line on the block.”
These authentic samples of communication between NASA and astronaut Dan Brandenstein on the space shuttle Columbia place us in orbit around our planet. Kate has said of “Hello Earth,” “…this is the point where she’s so weak that she relives the experience of the storm that took her in the water, almost from a view looking down on the earth up in the heavens, watching the storm start to form - the storm that eventually took her and that has put her in this situation.” Our narrator is having another out-of-body experience but this time it’s not nearby, on terra firma, but literally out of this world, and it seems to be final. She is high up above our earth, looking down, and there is a shocking sense associated with that as so few human beings have ever left our world to look back on it. There is a disconnection from what is common, known. I am reminded of The Overview Effect, the very real psychological and cognitive shift experienced by astronauts and cosmonauts—anyone who has left the planet and gone a sufficient distance to look back and perceive our planet not as a familiar home, but as a tiny, fragile ball, barely protected by a thin membrane of atmosphere. This awed feeling is described as one of ultimate compassion and understanding of the imperative to preserve and safeguard the planet.
After the NASA samples, we join our narrator floating in space like the Star Child in “2001: A Space Odyssey,” of the earth, but no longer attached to it, in fact freed from it. The tether has been cut. She is detached from her life and its meaning: there is an innocent, bemused approach as she plays a little game. She is so far from home, she can hold up one hand and block the planet from her field of vision—the earth is a toy. And we shift place, time, and point of view (as Kate so often does in her music) to our narrator driving home in a car at night, looking up at the sky, her loved one asleep on the seat beside her (a sweet, gentle, highly cinematic image, and all the more moving when we understand where our narrator currently is and the loss ahead), when she sees something bright streak across the sky. As she watches it shoot through the stars, she sings, amazed, “Just look at it go!” And what is “it?” Shooting star? Satellite? Space shuttle? A “little light?” If all time is simultaneous, has she glimpsed her own soul shooting past the planet? It is her own little light, a mind-boggling and heartbreaking idea—the cry in her voice when she sings this line indicates that she understands the meaning of this object, and its finality.
At this point, something very unexpected happens. An ethereal, arresting male choir sing a passage based on a traditional Georgian folk song from the Kakhetian region called “Tsintskaro.” It is a shocking transition, one that makes us hold our breath so as not to disturb this sudden, delicate, transcendent moment. Kate on the men’s chorus: “They really are meant to symbolize the great sense of loss, of weakness, at reaching a point where you can accept, at last, that everything can change.”
Our narrator, in full Overview Effect at this point, watches storms form and move to threaten the lives she sees below. She cries out to them in vain, all of them, the sailors, life-savers, cruisers, fishermen, anyone on or near the sea, to protect themselves. We hear in this section a few of the Irish instruments, bringing in echoes of meaning from the previous song “Jig of Life.” Here I am reminded of the idea of the Asian goddess Kuan-Yin, or the Buddhist idea of a Bodhisattva, a human who has attained ultimate awareness (Buddhahood) but motivated by compassion, refuses to leave this plane of reality for the benefit of all sentient beings. Our narrator, moved by the end of her own life, is now able to perceive the ephemeral nature of all creation. Everyone can be exposed to danger, everyone can suffer, everyone can—and will—die. This truth is universal. But she is unable to prevent or stop this truth. No one can.
She then sings a passage that is full of several meanings. She says she was there at the birth, out of the cloudburst, the head of the tempest. This could be the storm that took her, or it could be, from her newly widened perspective of awareness, the start of life itself, the start of the universe. We were all there, we are all made of the matter from a singularity—we are all star dust. The murderer of calm is this physical reality itself. All that is born must die. Entropy exists. She understands this and cries out, “J’accuse.” Hence the ultimate compassion for this tiny little blue ball.
The piece ends with whale song, sounds of radar, and a very mysterious, arcane passage spoken in German which, when translated into English, means “Deeper, deeper, somewhere in the deep there is a light.” In German, the word “tief” can also mean “profound,” and I am reminded of the Latin phrase at the beginning of the Christian Psalm 130 “De profundis clamavi ad te:” “out of the depths I cry out to you.” In the depths of sorrow, in the endless well of suffering, there is a light. Compassion is the light. ❞
via: (x)
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yesthe-artblog · 7 months
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Decided to draw character designs for some Horus Heresy girlies. So here they all are!
Design notes below the cut:
Bequa Kynska: I decided to base her whole vibe slightly off Carla Rockmore. The patterns on the sleeve cuffs are inspired by this piece of 13th century Lebanese embroidery.
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Cyrene Valantion: Her outfit is inspired by traditional Georgian and Azerbaijanian women’s dress, also some (indirect) inspiration from the works of Michael Nesterov and orthodox saint icons in general.
Lotara Sarrin: Her design didn’t change much because she’s already perfect. But I did make her look a bit like Amrita Sher-Gil’s “Three Girls” painting.
Amar Astarte: Based off the irl statuette of (possibly) the goddess Astarte that was found in the necropolis of Hillah, near Babylon. I also gave her a lab coat because cmon, evil scientist gotta evil science. (Statue pictured below)
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Mersadie Oliton: Her clothes and jewellery are based off art from the 17th century Ottoman Empire, specifically from the Rålamb book of costumes.
Tarasha Euten: Clothing and hairstyle are inspired by statues from the Roman Empire, while the accessories are inspired by the Indus River Valley civilisation.
Euphrati Keeler: her clothing is inspired by a mix of fanart I’ve seen of her and this photo of a person from Elmali in traditional clothing (from the 1873 Vienna world fair)
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This started off as a fun design thing and ended up with me doing hours of historical clothing research lmao 💀
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blueishspace · 18 days
Updated Mcyt x American gods au
New Gods (Main team)
Scar - New god of the "green" world. (Ecology, both genuine and shallow and all in between)
Cub - New god of advancement and development.
BigB - New god of gaslighting and illusion.
Joel - New god of content and lore.
Joe Hills- New god of tumblr.
Scott - New god of media and appearances.
Bdubs - New god of comforts.
New Gods (The indipendent ones)
Mumbo - New god of machinery and industry.
Grumbot - New god of the internet. Still Mumbo and Grian's child... It's complicated.
Jrumbot - New god of wifi.
Old gods (The family)
Grian (Grian) - Old Celtic sun god.
Pearl (Luna) - Old roman moon goddess.
Lizzie (Thalassa) - Old greek ocean goddess...kept alive by thalassaphobia alone and became more monstrous in the process.
Jimmy (Viridion) - Old celtic forest and marsh god.
Martyn (Caturix/Mars Caturix) - Old celtic war god.
Gem (Dali) - Old Georgian deer and mountain goddess.
Old gods (ZITS)
Zed (Phobos) - Old greek god of panic.
Impulse (Deimos) - Old greek god of dread.
Skizz (Cupid) - Old roman god of love, surprisingly powerful for an old god most likely because of the commercialisation of his figure.
Tango (Vulcan) - Old roman god of fire.
Old gods (The Hermits)
Cleo (Osiris) - Old egyptian life and fertility god. Chosen because they were sliced into pieces and then sewn back together as a green zombie in the mythos which fits perfectly with them.
Ren (Huveane) - Old south african trickster god.
Stress (Eoster) - Old norse dawn and spring goddess.
False (Sekhmet) - Old egyptian medicine and war goddess.
Keralis (Veles) - Old slav underworld god. Almost completely faded hanging out of spite and a few remnants still in polish/russian folklore.
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psikonauti · 6 months
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Olga Zelinskaya (Georgian,b.1974)
White Tara Goddess, 2016
Oil on canvas
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An update about Maaren lore
Currently working on expanding on general Maaren lore and their gods are currently being put through the wringers (and also adding fortresses, named after georgian gods/myhtology).
Why, oh why, does Georgian Mythology have so many gods that basically stand for the same thing?? I have seen at least three different gods who stand for some kind of fertility and two who stand for agruculture! Two others for cattle! Cattle!
I have atleast fused two gods with the same spirit now. There are gods and goddesses with no description at all!
Argh! This is so frustrating! I'm dying, send help!
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nyenne-safina · 1 month
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ϑϱ⭒ ݁ STAGE NAME. Safina
ϑϱ⭒ ݁ BIRTH NAME. Safina Niyne Tessema ❪ ሰተናይ ኒየነ ተሰማ ❫
ϑϱ⭒ ݁ TAIWANESE NAME. Ci Xiulan
ϑϱ⭒ ݁ ݁KOREAN NAME. Miyoung Deungjeong ❪ 미영등정 ❫
ϑϱ⭒ ݁ ݁NICKNAMES. sisi, fifi, safi, nene, nini, mimi, minnie, niymi, winter bunny, bimbo, bubble butt, kento's girl, danger prone daphne, senorita perfecta donna 
ϑϱ⭒ ݁ ݁TITLES. sleeping beauty, aurora, briar beauty, miss un, miss international beauty, worldwide/universal beauty, haerin's pettier twin, twice's sugar baby
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ϑϱ⭒ ݁ BIRTHDATE. December 31st, 2009 ❪ 17 ❫
ϑϱ⭒ ݁ ZODIAC SIGN. Capricorn ❪ ♑︎ ❫
ϑϱ⭒ ݁ BIRTHPLACE. Circassia, Russia
ϑϱ⭒ ݁ HOMETOWN. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia  
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ϑϱ⭒ ݁ NATIONALITY. Ethiopian ﹕Eritrean ﹕Russian ﹕Turkish
 ϑϱ⭒ ݁ RACIAL IDENTITY. East African꒰ horn of africa ꒱, Ciscaucasian | Transcaucasian ꒰ Ciscaucasian roots ꒱ half East Asian
ϑϱ⭒ ݁ ETHNICITY. Tigrinyan, Tigrayan ﹕Ciscaucasian ﹕ Circassian ﹕Chechen ﹕Georgian ꒰ Ciscaucasian ꒱ ﹕Tawianses
ϑϱ⭒ ݁ SPOKEN LANGUAGES. English ﹕ Korean ﹕ Adyghe ﹕Kabardian ﹕ Ossetic ﹕ Chechen ﹕ Turkish ﹕Arabic ﹕Russian ﹕Ingush ﹕ Tigrinya ﹕Ge'ez ﹕ Natukha ﹕ Mandarin ﹕ Cantonese ﹕ Taiwanese Hokkien
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ϑϱ⭒ ݁ HEIGHT. 162 cm ❪ 5'4'' ❫
ϑϱ⭒ ݁ WEIGHT. ━━
ϑϱ⭒ ݁ HAIR COLOR. Light Golden Blonde ❪ naturally ❫ ﹕Ebony Black ❪ dyed ❫
ϑϱ⭒ ݁ EYE COLOR. Baby Blue with a hint of Aqua | Sea Green with a hint of Turquoise
ϑϱ⭒ ݁ BLOOD TYPE. Rh-null
ϑϱ⭒ ݁ BODY TYPE. Hourglass ⌛| Pear 🍐
ϑϱ⭒ ݁ BRA SIZE IN CUPS. DD | E cups
ϑϱ⭒ ݁ MEDICAL HISTORY. Distichiasis ﹕Heterochromia ❪ all 3 types ❫ ﹕Ocular albinism ❪ without suffering from istrabismus or nystagmus ❫ ﹕ Oculocutaneous albinism type 2 ❪ OCA2 ❫
ϑϱ⭒ ݁ NOTABLE FEATURES. big cartooni cat/kitty eyes && dambi/doe eyes, plump pink plush lips, ungodly beautiful beauty marks && hearth shape ones too!!!, dainty small, elegant hands, prefect little upturned doll nose slightly of the center, goddess asymmetrical, symmetrical face, exotic ambiguous features && exotic mixed, ethnic features.
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ϑϱ⭒ ݁ LABEL . SM ❪ 2027 - present ❫ ﹕Esteem ❪ 2027 - present ❫ ﹕ Interscope ❪ 2031 - present ❫ ﹕WORLDSTARZ ❪ 2031- present ❫ ﹕VANTE ❪ 2031 - present ❫
ϑϱ⭒ ݁ TRANING TIME. 3 years
ϑϱ⭒ ݁ POSTION. Visual ﹕ FOTG ﹕Center ﹕ Vocalist ﹕ Dancer ﹕Maknae
ϑϱ⭒ ݁ REPRESENTATIVE COLOR. Light Pink && White
ϑϱ⭒ ݁ SOLO FANDAM NAME. Yeppeunies, Pookies
ϑϱ⭒ ݁ LINES. Maknae Line ﹕ Visual Line ﹕Long Legs ﹕ Foreign ﹕ Vocal Line ﹕ Doll | Barbie Line ﹕ Mixed Line ﹕ Bambi Line ﹕Wasian | Eurasian Line
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 ϑϱ⭒ ݁ CLAIMS.ꜜ
۪ ⋅ Ꮚ DOLL FACE 𓂅 𝒮akai ℳoka ˖ ׅ .ᐟ
۪ ⋅ Ꮚ ANGELIC VOICE 𓂅 𝒩ewℐeans ˖ ׅ .ᐟ
۪ ⋅ Ꮚ BARBIE RAP 𓂅 𝒟anielle ℳarsh ˖ ׅ .ᐟ
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۪ ⋅ Ꮚ Miss Sohee Couture |  ɢʟᴏʙᴀʟ ᴀᴍʙᴀꜱꜱᴀᴅᴏʀ﹕ᴍᴏᴅᴇʟ ❪ 2030 - since ❫
۪ ⋅ Ꮚ Sanrio | ꜰᴀᴄᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴʏ ﹕ɢʟᴏʙᴀʟ ᴀᴍʙᴀꜱꜱᴀᴅᴏʀ ﹕ᴍᴏᴅᴇʟ ❪ 2030 - since ❫
۪ ⋅ Ꮚ Dior | ᴀꜰʀɪᴄᴀɴ ᴀᴍʙᴀꜱꜱᴀᴅᴏʀ﹕ ᴍᴏᴅᴇʟ ﹕ ᴀʀᴀʙ ᴀᴍʙᴀꜱꜱᴀᴅᴏʀ ❪ 2031 - since ❫
۪ ⋅ Ꮚ Victoria's Secret | ꜰᴀᴄᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴʏ﹕ ᴍᴏᴅᴇʟ ❪ angel ❫ ❪ 2030 - since ❫
۪ ⋅ Ꮚ Chanel | ꜰᴀᴄᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴʏ ﹕ɢʟᴏʙᴀʟ ᴀᴍʙᴀꜱꜱᴀᴅᴏʀ﹕ ᴍᴏᴅᴇʟ ❪ 2031 - since ❫
۪ ⋅ Ꮚ Miu Miu | ꜰᴀᴄᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴʏ ﹕ ᴍᴏᴅᴇʟ ❪ 2032 - since ❫
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ϑϱ⭒ ݁ SCORING ꜜ
۪ ⋅ Ꮚ vocals ━━ ❪ 90 ╱ 100 ❫
۪ ⋅ Ꮚ rapping ━━ ❪ 22 ╱ 100 ❫
۪ ⋅ Ꮚ dance ━━ ❪ 90 ╱ 100 ❫
۪ ⋅ Ꮚ visuals ━━ ❪ ∞ ╱ 100 ❫
۪ ⋅ Ꮚ stage presence ━━ ❪ 90 ╱ 100 ❫
۪ ⋅ Ꮚ charisma ━━ ❪ ∞ ╱ 100 ❫
۪ ⋅ Ꮚ producing ━━ ❪ 0 ╱ 100 ❫
۪ ⋅ Ꮚ songwriting ━━ ❪ 22 ╱ 100 ❫
۪ ⋅ Ꮚ choreographing ━━ ❪ 0 ╱ 100 ❫
۪ ⋅ Ꮚ acting ━━ ❪ ∞ ╱ 100 ❫
۪ ⋅ Ꮚ leadership ━━ ❪ 22 ╱ 100 ❫
۪ ⋅ Ꮚ composing ━━ ❪ 22 ╱ 100 ❫
۪ ⋅ Ꮚ modeling ━━ ❪ ∞ ╱ 100 ❫
۪ ⋅ Ꮚ brand reputation ━━ ❪ ∞ ╱ 100 ❫
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ৎ ݁ ۪ ⋅ Ꮚ FACTS.
Her father is Tigrinyan, Tigrayan half Ciscaucasian, Circassian, Chechen and Georgian ꒰ Ciscaucasian ꒱ while her mother is Taiwanese.
She mainly has and comes from Ciscaucasian roots, on her Georgian side.
Some people don’t really believe that she is fully Tigrinyan, Tigrayan due to that side of the family having a LOT of Caucasian |  Ciscaucasian and Eurasian admixture, which doesn’t make them “True or Pure Africans”. ꒰ Some Highlander Ethiopian and Eritreans have an average of 50% Eurasian admixture, but her family has over 70% Eurasian admixture ꒱
She suffers for Oculocutaneous albinism type 2 or OCA2, where her skin color is a very pretty and light alabaster color, she can still tan but only lightly, as well as only making very light pigments.
She also suffers from Heterochromia ❪ all 3 types ❫ and Distichiasis, double rows or extra-long doll-like eyelashes.
She has a huge male fan base, with the majority or 99% of her fan base being male fans and within her fan base there is cult of attractive gay guys, guys, himbos | boytoys, gym bros and trophy husbands | boyfriends that are OBSESSED with her.
She only gains weight on her butt and chest and sometimes on her thighs with all the fat going in the right places but everything else is still skinny, she gains and loses weight pretty easily. That way when she gains weight, she still keeps her figure with it just being fuller think voluptuous.
Safina’s chest size has never stopped growing, ❪ big but perfect ❫ ever since she hit puberty and is still growing. But she has said that if it continues getting bigger to a point it's giving her back pain, she is going to have breast reduction surgery. 
Safina is known for being a sweet, compassionate and beautiful young girl but isn’t in any way very smart. A lot of people say what she lacks in smarts she makes up in her beauty and delightful personality.
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ৎ ݁ ۪ ⋅ Ꮚ Penelope's notes 💌 plan on making her parents profile next and a Miss Teen World story introducing her members and her sugar daddy relationship with the boys. tell me what yall want next and my taglist is open. toddles 💋
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allmythologies · 1 year
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georgian mythology: barbale
barbale is the goddess of cattle and poultry fertility, the sun, women's fertility, and healing.
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diana-thyme · 1 year
Deities and Spirits
This is a list of all of the deities and spirits I have a relationship with.
Greek Pantheon: Worship
Egyptian Pantheon: Worship
Norse Pantheon: Worship
Inari Ōkami
Amaterasu Ōmikami
Folk Catholicism
Mother Mary
Saint Michael Archangel
Saint Joseph
San José su Cristo
Saint Anthony of Padua
Santa Muerte
Prince Seere
Butterfly Goddess
Storm Goddess
Craft God
Other Pantheons: Worship
Uni the Cat God
Astarte (Sumerian)
Veles (Slavic)
Gwyn ap Nudd (Welsh)
Airmed (Irish)
Lady of the Lake (British)
Devoted To
Ares (Greek)
Apollon (Greek)
Barbale (Georgian)
Working With
Diana (Roman)
Pluto (Astrological)
Baba Yaga (Slavic)
Sea Turtle
Human Spirits
Local Land Spirits
Lost Spirits
Taliesin (Brittonic Poet)
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lahilden · 11 months
Mount Stuart
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Mount Stuart is located on the east coast of the Isle of Bute in Scotland. The Gothic Revival country house was built in the 19th century. The house was built upon an earlier 18th century home severely damaged by a fire in 1877. The Georgian wings and much of the contents survived the fire and were incorporated into the new castle by the 3rd Marquess of Bute. The opulent interior boasts carved paneling, painted mirrors, a spiral staircase, a chapel, and much more. The Marble Hall has a map of stars on the ceiling and 12 stained glass windows depicting the signs of the zodiac moving through the seasons on the walls. The Gallery’s ceiling is decorated with winding branches from the Tree of Life, which frame the classical heads of 128 goddesses from ancient myth and legend. The house has collections of art and artifacts, including works by Ramsey, Reynolds, Gainsborough, as well as books, furniture, silverwork, porcelain, and Shakespeare’s First Folio. The estate has 300 acres of gardens that include a rock garden, a kitchen garden, an arboretum, and pinetums. The castle is used as a venue for weddings and corporate events. Mount Stuart can accommodate 37 guests in 22 separate areas around the house. There is a visitor center, a shop, and the Courtyard Café and Bakehouse.
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river-in-the-woods · 9 months
You mentioned once being gifted with a Jade/green stone from the land, how has that been working for you? Have the spirits gifted you with anything else since or made any other bold moves you're grateful for?
I've kept that stone ever since, though I no longer live in the city where I found it. I might use it to craft a talisman if the need ever arises, but... so far I've not had a cause to.
I did also receive a holey stone from the river that city was named after, and had some interesting results meditating and scrying with it. One time, I asked to meet a beneficial spirit using the stone as a focus, and saw a vision of an elf-like being. Not the 'beautiful' kind such as from Lord of the Rings, though. Their appearance was a lot more fierce and wild. They had long black hair, claw-like nails, silvery eyes with no pupils, but they were smartly dressed in dark blue Georgian era suit. I felt that the spirit was cunning and had an air of aristocracy. Rather fae-like, if you will.
I later asked Ksitigarbha about it, and as far as I could gather, I had met a spirit, but my impression of their appearance was inaccurate because my spirit senses weren't very good (when one's clairvoyance is weak, one's mind will conjure images that are more familiar to the imagination). If I had gone ahead with further contact, the spirit could be helpful in removing stagnancy, thought they might do so in turbulent ways. I'm not sure I would have wanted to work with such a spirit anyway.
This was almost 2 years ago and nothing really came of it, and I've since moved away.
I do think I am exceptionally lucky, as in, circumstances tend to unfold in my favour. Good things come to me when I need them, and bad things, while they do still happen, don't stick around for very long. I've no idea if that's the work of spirits or not. I honestly do not have the skill to passively perceive them. Unless I am actively scrying and succeed in doing so, I don't know what they're up to.
There is a rather memorable night in September that I am grateful for. I was having an especially bad night of not being to sleep. Night starts, bad dreams, and a distinct feeling that something was entering my chest and blooming into a tingling sensation. It gave me so much anxiety that I couldn't sleep.
At the time, I was a few months into my training in Jason Miller's Sorcery of Hekate, so after tossing and turning in bed until 3am, I got up and recited Hekate's mantra. I had a vision of the goddess pointing her dagger at my heart (or at whatever was troubling me), and the anxiety dissipated until it was almost gone. Then I said a quick banishing incantation and went back to sleep without any problems.
It gave me a great deal of confidence in Hekate as I wasn't expecting her response to be so swift, and so early on in our relationship.
Thanks for the question!
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