taintedcraft-ltd · 2 years
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Gerald Garnder the father of Wicca on this day took his trip to the Summerland. In honour of his work and those who came before and after him and in honour of those who practice Wicca, I’ve created this post to teach you about the Origins of Wicca. —————————————— Wicca is vast subject, and I implore you to carry out you’re own research and studies to consider what Wicca is to you. —————————————— Information used and cited here is from Britannica, History Channel and Wikipedia which can be found here: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Wicca https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wicca https://www.history.com/.amp/topics/religion/wicca —————————————- #wicca #wiccan #wiccans #wiccawitch #wiccanwitch #wiccanwitches #wiccacommunity #wiccansofinstagram #wiccabrasil #wiccaespaña #wiccalife #wiccawoman #wiccaitalia #wiccafrance #wiccamexico #wiccamagic #wiccachile #geraldgardner #gardenarianwicca #gardenarian #dianic #dianicwicca #alexandrian #alexandrianwitchcraft #taintedcraft #onthisday #onthisdayinhistory # https://www.instagram.com/p/CokMPPwrBzr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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angelasymposium · 2 years
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Is Wicca the Oldest Religion or, indeed, 'the Old Religion'? Let's dive into the claims put forward by Gerald Gardner and based on Margaret Murray's theses. #wicca #wiccan #paganism #academic #geraldgardner #margaretmurray Link below and in the stories. Link to the YouTube Channel in bio. https://youtu.be/4gHmQa7tCBw https://www.instagram.com/p/CncZK_nr2K_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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grimoriosmisticos · 2 years
A tradição Wicca de Gerald Gardner
A tradição Wicca de Gerald Gardner
Gardner nasceu em 1884 perto de Liverpool. Teve diversas carreiras, e sempre se interessou pelo místico e pelo oculto. Conta-se que estudou desde as fábulas e as lendas antigas até os cultos secretos da Grécia, Roma e Egito. Gardner pertenceu à Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (Hermética Ordem da Aurora Dourada).
Em 1954 ele apoiou as teorias de Margaret Murray; que havia lançado um livro anteriormente defendendo a teoria de existirem cultos à Deusa que se perpetuavam desde a antigüidade; e que tiveram de ser disfarçados devido às caças às bruxas da idade média. Nesse mesmo ano ele lançou o livro ” Witchcraft Today”. Segundo ele, a bruxaria teria sido perpetuada pelos séculos de fogueira por uma tradição oral e familiar. Ele dizia que havia tido contato( em 1939) com a “Velha Dorothy” Clutterbuck, herdeira e alta sacerdotisa de um culto milenar sobrevivente . Segundo ele ela o havia iniciado e lhe revelado a palavra Wicca.
Dizia também que lhe foi dado a missão de ser o porta-voz informal da prática da Wicca.
Como começou
Gardner reuniu antigas lendas , rituais e fragmentos de textos antigos como base de sua doutrina. Somado a isso, ele teria inserido elementos da simbologia da magia tradicional e alguns rituais e citações de seu amigo Aleister Crowley. Com isso Gardner adotou como livro sagrado ou “Evangelho”, chamado Aradia. Este último era uma coleção de textos selecionados por Charles Leland em 1899; que contava várias lendas, entre as quais a principal era a de Diana, cujo encontro com o deus-sol Lúcifer originou Aradia, a primeira bruxa que revelou os segredos da feitiçaria aos humanos.
O culto de Gardner consistia em reuniões conduzidas por sacerdotes ( apenas mais tarde foram consideradas as mulheres como as sacerdotisas principais peças do ritual). Nestes ritos eram adorados os deuses da fertilidade, a grande Deusa tríplice enquanto que dançavam nus e invocavam as forças da natureza. Os rituais eram semelhantes aos da magia tradicional, com círculos mágicos, exercícios de meditação, o uso de instrumentos como a adaga, a espada, o cálice e etc…
O ideal, segundo Gardner, era que os ritos fossem celebrados em plena nudez, pois dessa forma simbolizavam um regresso à era anterior à perda da inocência. Além disso, havia uma passagem em Aradia que dizia: ” Como sinais de que sois verdadeiramente livres, deveis estar nuas em seus ritos; cantai, celebrai, fazendo música e amor, tudo em meu louvor”
Gardner ainda considerava o que chamava de ” O Grande Rito”, que era a prática sexual ritualística.
Entre os principais críticos , encontram-se Francis King e Aidan Kelly.
Francis King não tolerava Gardner pelo fato dele ter pago enormes quantias em dinheiro à A. Crowley para desenvolver os principais rituais de seu culto.
Já Kelly ( fundador da Nova Ordem Ortodoxa Reformada da Aurora Dourada) acusou Gardner de criar uma religião inteiramente diferente do velho paganismo. Ainda não reconheceu Wicca como uma autêntica e “antiga tradição originada do paganismo europeu”. Ele revela também, que o pretenso “Livro das Sombras” escrito por Gardner que dizia ter sido criado no séc. XVI , nada mais era que uma coletânea das várias tradições medievais.
A tradição Gardneriana
A tradição Gardneriana era realmente muito diferente dos relatos de outras bruxas. A maioria delas revelavam que o culto se limitava à uma tradição mestre X discípulo, muitas vezes na família ( mas nem sempre); que o ensinamento era oral, e que depois de anos e anos de muito treino e provas, o discípulo era apresentado ao Conven. Se fosse aceito no Conven, depois de um ano e um dia recebia a iniciação. Segundo as bruxas, esse acesso era limitado a poucos escolhidos pois os rituais sagrados eram perigosos. Eles podiam provocar chuvas, ventanias, manifestar espíritos, elementais e etc…
Essa evidência, que supunha grande autenticidade, virou pretexto para aparecerem incalculáveis novas tradições subitamente; todas com pequenas variações do gardnerismo e supondo pertencerem à “antiquíssimas” tradições.
Com novas tradições aparecendo por todos os lados ligadas à Wicca, tornou-se moda, entre os anos 60-80 cada um inventar sua própria tradição. Cada livro publicado dava uma concepção diferente; começaram a aparecer os famosos “cursos de bruxaria por correspondência” e em pouco tempo o número de wiccanos auto-didatas era maior que os que ainda se mantinham à tradições específicas.
A bruxaria é aberta a todos, qualquer um pode adorar a Deusa e estudar profundamente sua literatura. Mas uma iniciação só é conseguida por esforço, compromisso e merecimento.
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judd051 · 3 years
The Gardnerian Tradition: “Common Knowledge” and “Appropriation” on Tumblr
Just a few points...
* Gardnerian Wicca is an initiatory tradition - a secret society.  Every secret society in the history of the world has done its best to hide from non-initiates the truth of its origins and the extent and nature of its teachings.  If you believe that Gerald Gardner made it all up, that everything has been published, and that what has been published is accurate… then we've succeeded.
* To define the Gardnerian Tradition by the texts that you read online is to ignore 70+ years of discussion within the Tradition – discussion in which those texts have been accepted, rejected, argued over, and re-interpreted.  This should be obvious to anyone who has been involved in any living religion.  Sure, texts are important, but so is the living community’s engagement with those texts.
* What an individual teacher says or does reflects that teacher’s interpretation of the Tradition. No one (including me) speaks for the Tradition as a whole, not even Gardner.  He was a reporter – a transmitter of information – not a prophet, and not our only source for information about the tradition he joined.  A LOT came through him, but not everything.
* From what I read on tumblr, exploiting material that is private to a “closed” tradition without that tradition’s permission is the very definition of appropriation; and it’s hard to be more “closed” than requiring training and initiation.  And yet Witches on tumblr are perfectly happy to incorporate Gardnerian material into their own public practice, while denouncing appropriation by others.  If it doesn’t matter in other cases that the material has been published (usually illicitly), then it shouldn’t matter in this case.  It also shouldn’t matter whether or not the material is truly and accurately Gardnerian, the intent to use material that is not yours is still there.  It just seems that ripping off Gardnerian material gets a free pass because it has been going on for so long, but that is not a justification either.  Obviously, in many respects, the cat is out of the bag, but it’s still hypocrisy.
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poisonerspath · 3 years
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Finally made it to @bucklandmuseum! They have a really amazing collection from Gardner and Crowley to traditional witchcraft and folk magic from around the world. #witchcraft #museumofwitchcraft #magic #folkmagic #geraldgardner #aleistercrowley #witchstory #raymondbuckland https://www.instagram.com/p/COTqeMXnng4/?igshid=vz3aja7bpr82
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thornmooney · 5 years
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How do witches signal to each other in public? How can you tell if someone is Pagan? In my case, you look at the snarky patches on my purse! 🤪 But really: what indicators do you look for when deciding if a stranger might be a witch? Do you consciously leave clues for others? With my pentacle necklace, I’m super easy to spot! . . . . . #witchesofinstagram #wiccansofinstagram #witch #witchcraft #witchessociety #wicca #witchythings #harmonynice #geraldgardner #doreenvaliente #witchfashion https://www.instagram.com/p/BwWwrCIH_et/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ztobmb3ruwgl
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shadowfishtank · 2 years
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Debuting these icons of Wiccan and Witchcraft!This Saturday, June 11th, @real_atomic_nj in bellmahr NJ, with @medusa.raptor.studios and a bunch of other folks. Fun starts at 1pm. @doppledanglers #mothershipton #lavoisin #madamlaveau #geraldgardner #alicekyteler #raymondbuckland #wiccan #witchcraft #decoration #cutpaper #papersculpture (at Atomic Vintage LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeleyQjON9q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ayumeeee · 4 years
"Faça o que desejar, sem a ninguém prejudicar".  (Gerald Gardner)
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sussexpellar · 7 years
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Day 3: My favourite witch. Without a doubt Doreen Valiente (another Sussex witch) has to be my favourite witch of history. I’ve read almost all of her work and she’s been such an inspiration to me on this path since the beginning. I’ve visited many places she used to practice and since I began as many do in very Wiccan way she’s always been the mother of modern witchcraft to me. #100daysofwitchcraft#wicca#witch#witchesofsussex#witchesofreykjavik#paganism#sussexpellar#sussexwitch#sussexfolkmagic#witchesofinstagram#doreenvaliente#geraldgardner#magic#paganism
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blackaproncraft · 5 years
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Long weekend? It's probably best to bring five books, and at least 2 journals. #bibliophile #bujo #bulletjournal #surrealism #leonoracarrington #RichardAyoade #pagan #Wicca #GeraldGardner #WitchingHerbs #witchcrafttoday https://www.instagram.com/p/BxjD6OkFwkv/?igshid=mua7bxknb2cd
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generallygothic · 5 years
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Though related to past pagan practices, the religion Wicca was founded in the C20th by Gerald Gardner (craft name 'Scire', 1884-1964) in the UK. Also referred to as 'modern witchcraft', Wicca is a nature-based religion, punctuated by the seasonal rituals of the eight-fold wheel of the year. These 8 'sabbats' are celebrated on the summer & winter solstices, spring (or vernal) and autumn equinoxes, and the 4 seasonal festivals of Beltane (spring), Lughnasadh (summer), Samhain (autumn), and Imbolc (winter). Generally, use of the term 'Wicca' implies the practice of witchcraft within a coven, though witches (which is a gender non-specific label) may still refer to themselves thusly without affiliation. It is also important to make the distinction that not all witches are Wiccan, and not all Wiccans practice witchcraft. Fall under the spell of 🔮The Season of the Witch🔮 this month at Generally Gothic & follow along! 📸: 'Witches going to their Sabbath', Luis Ricardo Falero (1878), via Wiki Commons. . #generallygothic #gothic #theseasonofthewitch #witchcraft #witches #witch #witchesofinstagram #wicca #wiccan #pagan #religion #paganpractice #geraldgardner #scire #neopaganism #beltane #lughnasadh #samhain #imbolc #solstice #equinox #sabbat #sabbath #luisricardofalero #spanishpainter #spanishart #witchart #openforsubmissions #callforartists #callforsubmissions https://www.instagram.com/p/BxIlEFhHAr9/?igshid=14oseuyhtyaae
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Sun. Feb 17 Event: Perdurabo & Scire: The True Story of Thelema and Wicca with @khonsu_oto & @innercirclesanctuary http://ow.ly/hgBN30nfYgt . . . This class will offer attendees a unique, initiated perspective on the foundational connection between the Thelemic Current and the modern Path of the Wise. . . . On May Day, 1947 e.v., a mutual acquaintance would introduce infamous magician Aleister Crowley, the Prophet of Thelema, to a “Dr. G. R. Arch”, as noted in his diaries, whom we know as Gerald Gardner, the founder of modern Wicca. The friendship that developed between these two men would change occultism forever..." . . . Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas 309 S Valley View Blvd, Las Vegas, Nevada 89107 . . . #AleisterCrowley #GeraldGardner #Thelema #Wicca #Perdurabo #Scire #AleisterCrowley #GeraldGardner #Thelema #Wicca #Perdurabo #Scire https://www.instagram.com/p/BsdozHPn2zU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=c51ejhirmsyn
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angelasymposium · 5 years
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What is Wicca? Who was Gerald Gardner? The birth and origins of Wicca and the role of Margaret Murray and Doreen Valiente. Information based on studies by Vivianne Crowley, Ronald Hutton and Ethan Doyle White (all referenced in the infobox). Hope you'll enjoy the video 🖤 https://youtu.be/7JW-Qu60jTQ #wicca #wiccan #historyofwicca #wiccanhistory #whatiswicca #geraldgardner #doreenvaliente #academic https://www.instagram.com/p/B649-D4I2Ga/?igshid=18pborouof8dr
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judd051 · 3 years
The Gardnerian Tradition
I feel the need to repost this every now and then...
Every secret society in the history of the world has done its best to hide from non-initiates the truth of its origins and the extent and nature of its teachings.  If you believe that Gerald Gardner made it all up, that everything has been published, and that what has been published is accurate, then we've succeeded.  
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mooncraftmagick · 4 years
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Modern Wicca 💙💙
In the 1960’s, Wicca’s foundations were inspired from the ancient Celtic traditions in England by its founder Gerald Gardner, an Englishman. Today the Wiccan principles can be adapted to any pantheon and culture of the world.
At its core, Wicca is about the Divine that exists all around us and inside of us. This is the true meaning of the quotation “as above so below, as within so without”.
By honouring the cycles of nature and the Moon phases, Wiccan ritual practices are dedicated to becoming the best versions of ourselves, and thus, bringing us closer to the Divine source of all. By knowing ourselves better, we know what resonates and works in rituals and spells.
Modern Wicca is therefore an individualised practice in which staying in touch with intuition and spirituality is the practitioner’s own responsibility. Modern Wicca is about celebrating who you are in all its uniqueness: discovering and practising in your own way.
Thank you @ethicalelementsco (instagram) for my exquisite Tree of Life necklace.
Source: ‘Redefining Wicca for the 21st Century’ @https://www.thetetraktys.com.
#modernwicca #wicca #wiccan #celtic #geraldgardner #nature #divine #moonphases #rituals #spells #intuition #spells #spirituality
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witchitgood-blog · 6 years
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Leaves from a Book of Shadows #GeraldGardner #FatherofModernWicca #DoreenValiente #MotherofModernWicca #Wicca #pagan #witch #witchcraft #BOS #BookOfShadow #moreofaGrimoirereally #grimoire https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp7tPypn6fv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1o2zhsl093q5k
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