jaskierswolf · 2 years
Panda's Hug Prompts!
So because of who I am... I encouraged @dapandapod to said me a prompt for every single number on this hug prompt list. So I believe that deserves it's own masterlist! Some of them are doubled up but I'm very excited to finish all these up! Some of thse I couldn't find the tumblr links (hellsite) for but the whole set is on AO3
clinging hug
all encompassing hug - Geralt & Ciri
awkward hug - Vesemir and Geralt (Art)
comforting hug - Geraskier
jumping into a hug - Gerlion
pat on the back - Lambskier
hug from behind
hug where Person A is sitting and Person B is standing - Lambden
the hug that feels like home - Geraskier
one armed hug - Valskier
hugs from parent or guardian - Vesemir and Geralt (Art)
Burying your head in someone’s neck - Gerlion
the hug to hide your tears - Geraskier
bear hug - Geralt & Ciri (feat Jaskier)
glomp hug - Geraskier
cheek to cheek - Geraskier
the goodbye hug - Geraskier
tight and desperate - Gerlion
chaste hug - Dara/Ciri
formal hug - Geraskier
one-sided hug - Tissaia & Stregobor
can’t stop yourself from hugging - Dandelion & Essi
sitting in lap hug - Jaskilion
wanting to hug but your ignored - Gerlion
lying on chest, listening to heartbeat - Gerlion
exhausted hug - Geraskilion
the hug you didn’t know you needed - Jaskden
the hug you don’t deserve - Gerlion
group hug - Lambskier
cuddle puddle - Yenfri
swaying side to side whilst hugging -Geralt & Ciri - Geraskier
hugging a pillow because you wish it were someone else - Geraskier
the hug from that one person who is allowed to hug you - Geraskier
hug to prevent a fight - Valskier
hug after a fight - Lambden
I thought you were dead hug - Gerlion
I almost fell but you caught me - Valskier
bridal style hug - Geraskier
spinning around in the air hug - Yenfri
post-nightmare hug - Trissefer
Hugging someone’s legs - Yennefer & CIri (Art)
Laughing so much you just fell against each other and are now hugging oops - Geraskier
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officerjennie · 3 years
For @jaskierswolf - some NB Jaskier with their two husbands, Dandelion and Geralt
CW: Nudity? Not really sexualized, though more than implied that they had sex the night before. And they might have some hoey thoughts
Summary: Jaskier lazes around in bed until their husbands have to come fetch them.
WC: >1k
Tumblr media
Calling it morning would have been a lie. The sun was well up into the sky while Jaskier was still stretched across the rather large bed, their bare skin showing little red teeth marks from the night before, chest and neck littered with them. With a light touch, a hum on their lips, Jaskier traced idle patterns into their own skin, remembering the paths other fingers had taken - though the touch held less lust and more a reluctance to let go of the soft feeling that had followed their roll in the sheets.
When the door opened, Jaskier’s eyes fluttered, a lax and lazy smile crossing their lips as one of their husbands entered the room. Dandelion looked as breathtaking as ever, his hair neatly curled, beard groomed, deft fingers working on the lacings to the dark green doublet he’d decided to wear. Dressed up as if the world was his stage and he owned that stage, as well as half of Jaskier’s heart.
“You know I love you like this, darling. Spread out on the bed for me, naked and waiting.” There was a brilliant smile on Dandelion’s lips that had Jaskier sighing like the fool in love they were, eyes fluttering closed once more as Dandelion sat down on the edge of the bed to card his fingers through their messy hair. “But the day does go on, love. I’ve sent Geralt out to procure us something halfway decent for breakfast - you will be joining us, yes? Hopefully in less...distracting attire.”
“I don’t know,” Jaskier said slowly, leaning into the hand that now caressed their cheek. “One greasy witcher, a bard dressed for a banquet, and a bard in the nude. What a team we’d be.”
“Oh, darling, I have no doubt that we’d team up.” When Jaskier looked up and saw the heat in Dandelion’s eyes, they almost laughed, caught up in the feeling of rightness and wholeness they’d found in the arms of both their husbands the night prior - and more than a little smug over the fact that they could have any sort of effect on the gorgeous man in front of them. “I would just rather be able to eat my breakfast, instead of seeing it all over the floor. Or your backside.”
“On the kitchen table?” Jaskier caught his hand then, kissing Dandelion’s fingertips, the soft presses not matching the teasing tone their words took. Their whole body had started to gravitate towards their dear husband, seeking out his touch and warmth without Jaskier putting any real thought into it.
Dandelion leaned over to press his own lips to Jaskier’s forehead, his long, blond curls slipping over his shoulder and tickling Jaskier’s nose. It took effort to not crawl straight into the man’s lap and bury themselves into him. “What can I say? My husbands have a significantly lesser amount of decorum than I do.”
“You love it.” Jaskier caught their tongue between their teeth, brilliant blue eyes staring up at their husband in wonder.
Their noses brushed together as Dandelion leaned ever closer. “I love you.”
In another moment, their lips were brushing together, but their almost kiss was interrupted by a chuckle from the doorway. Jaskier pouted as Dandelion sat up and away from them again, though they could never be truly disappointed to see their oh so rude interrupter. Geralt was leaning against the doorway, a bag of presumably ‘halfway decent breakfast food’ hanging from one of his crossed arms. Dashing smile, relaxed street clothes, his hair pulled back and his eyes roaming every inch of Jaskier’s skin that he could see - how anyone could look at this man and see a monster was beyond them.
That look and those hungry eyes only fueled that familiar warmth sweeping over their skin, and suddenly Jaskier wasn’t all that determined to soak in the softness of their night together anymore.
“Clothes, Jaskier. Then breakfast.” Jaskier just found themselves nodding at what Geralt was saying, sitting up and sighing when Dandelion kissed their shoulder all the way up to one of the more visible marks left on their neck. Though if Geralt didn’t want them to get handsy now, him standing there and watching really wasn’t helping. Something he knew all too well, the jerk, given the flash of teeth he sent the two bards on the bed. “Fun can come after you’re taken care of.”
“Cruel tease of a witcher,” Jaskier mumbled under their breath, though they notably swung their legs off of the bed as soon as Dandelion moved so they could. Not that Dandelion was free from their accusations either, Jaskier shooting them a dramatic look of betrayal as they walked towards the door - though all they received in turn was a wink and a kiss blown their way in turn.
The door clicked shut, and Jaskier was alone in the room once more, left to get dressed and finally greet the morning - or day, rather. But it had been many many years since Jaskier had ever felt truly alone.
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
Hullu sweets!
Alright, modern au, maybe Geralt is the one working with children, and comes home all tired after a really, really long day, so 26 exhausted hug from the promptlist? Pretty please? Oh and husband would be dandelion or Jaskier ofc. Love you <3
You say Jaskier or Dandelion... and naturally my ass says "why not both??" So have some Geraskilion!
CW: None?? I think.
Geralt loved kids. They were bright and innocent and had so much passion for a world they would soon grow to despise as it suck out their souls through work, money and hatred. Being a teacher meant that for a few hours a day, Geralt could remember what it was like to have that childhood hope again. He really did love it, especially the kids. They were great but it was everything else that went with being a teacher that he hated. His headmaster was cruel and the curriculum was uninspiring; it certainly did not take into account that children were not all the same. They weren’t robots to be filled with data and then shoved out into a mean and thankless world, another cog in the machine that had no love for those who were kind.
And the homework.
As if seven hour days weren’t enough, Geralt had to give them hours of work on top of that, meaning not only did they spend their free time slogging away, he spent just as much time outside of work marking the shit. If he wasn’t at school then he was at home in his office, lesson plans, marking, reports…
It was never ending and he just never got a break.
He wasn’t even paid for half of it.
Geralt sighed as he pushed the door open. He didn’t want to spend another evening marking. It wasn’t fair. He was fucking exhausted from Parents’ Evening the night before, whiny parents that all thought their child deserved to be at the top of class in Maths, Science and English. It didn’t matter that they were practically a virtuoso on the piano, or could move the entire school to tears in the end of year play. At least the sporty types appeared to get a break. Their parents were usually proud of those accomplishments, although it did mean that the poor child was dragged off at weekends to attend extra clubs to compete.
Fucking society.
Let them play, have fun… be kids.
And as for Geralt he just wanted to climb into the arms of his husbands as they bickered about who got to braid his hair. He could be listening to Jaskier’s heartbeat whilst Dandelion sang about the beauty of the Continent, or buried under a mess of blond curls whilst Jaskier pontificated about everything and nothing. It didn’t really matter, half the time Geralt didn’t listen. He just liked the warm melodic tenor of his husband’s voice so it didn’t matter what he was wittering on about.
“Geralt!” Dandelion called from the living room. “Is that you, darling?”
“Yeah,” he grunted.
“Wonderful , Jask just went out to pick up some Chinese, we ordered your usual. I hope you don’t mind, love?” Dandelion asked as he appeared in the hallway.
Gods, he was beautiful. Jaskier had obviously been practicing his braiding again. Along the side of Dandelion’s hair was an intricate plait, strands of hair woven in from… well everywhere it looked like. The plait almost looked like rope the way it was twisted around. On the other side was a more familiar looking braid, but there was blue ribbon weaved into the golden strands of hair that really brought out the colour of Dandelion’s eyes.
There was a glowing smile on the musician’s face that melted Geralt’s heart, the crinkles at the corners of his eyes lighting up the entire world. Geralt sighed as he dropped his bag and strode across the hall, falling into Dandelion’s waiting arms.
“Long day, love?”
They couldn’t stay like that forever. He knew that… but gods, he wanted to. Geralt could stay wrapped up in Dandelion’s arms for the rest of the evening- well until Jaskier came home. Then all three of them could retreat to their bedroom and just…
Not exist?
Wasn’t that a lovely thought?
“Hmm… gotta go work,” he grumbled as he tried to pull away.
“Absolutely not!” Dandelion cried, pulling Geralt back into the hug. “You, mister, are dead on your feet. It’s a Friday- the books can wait.”
“No buts, Geralt!” Dandelion glared down at him fiercely, as he poked Geralt on the nose.
“We are having date night. You already stayed late at school… please?”
Geralt had never been able to say no to Dandelion, or to Jaskier. That was how the three of them had ended up together in the first place. Geralt and Dandelion had been married for a couple of years by the time Jaskier swung into their life, younger and brilliant and free. Polyamory hadn’t been something Geralt had expected but as he turned to face his husband, he knew that Dandelion was just as smitten for the young hairdresser as he was.
It had been an easy decision to make.
Less easy to negotiate, especially with jealousy, and even bringing it up to Jaskier in the first place, but even back then Jaskier had known them better than they knew themselves. He’d rolled his eyes as the pair of them tried to figure out the words, and promptly kissed them one after another, declaring that he would be honoured to join them.
They still argued at times, but… well… so did every couple? And Jaskier had only enhanced their marriage, bringing so much joy into their lives that they’d never turned back. After only a year, they had a private ceremony, led by a family friend, and Jaskier was their husband. Equals in every way.
And now Geralt couldn’t imagine his life without both of them. The three of them balanced each other out in a way Geralt hadn’t realised was possible outside of monogamous relationships. Sometimes he would have dates with one or other of his husbands, sometimes with both… and sometimes he would come home to find the pair snuggled up in front of the TV with an empty bottle of wine on the side, and some strange high brow music show still rolling in the dark.
Despite the aching exhaustion he felt, with them he felt happy.
“Please, love?” Dandelion asked again, pouting with his whole body, wide-eyed and beautiful.
“Fine,” Geralt grunted.
Maybe he did need a break anyway. Dandelion pulled him to the sofa and soon enough they were a tangled mess of limbs, with his husband happily humming away underneath him. It was easy to worry that he would crush Dandelion like this, but he always argued that he liked it when Geralt squished him, and Geralt enjoyed being allowed to feel small for once. He rested his head on Dandelion’s chest, listening to the steady flutter of his heart, starting to drift off into a doze when the front door slammed.
“I’m home!” Jaskier called loudly, the smell of BBQ ribs and spice floating through the hall into the living room. “Oh brilliant! Geralt’s home! Does he know? Have you told him? Do I get to burn the book?!”
“Aww, come on,” Jaskier teased, and Geralt heard him put the bag on the table then there was a press of lips against his hair. “Not even a page?”
“No, Jask,” he replied, grumbling into the mess of Dandelion’s hair.
“Grumpy baby,” his husband cooed, “hello, dear heart.”
There was the sound of kissing above him followed by Dandelion’s musical laugh.
“He’s been a grump since he got home love. Nothing some good food, wine and cuddles won’t fix,” Dandelion hummed, another kiss placed on Geralt's hair.
“Budge up then, dearest of hearts, loves of my life!”
“No,” Geralt huffed again, regretting the decision immediately when he felt the weight of his husband on his legs. “Fuck.”
“Hmm.” But Geralt did shift so his legs were on top of Jaskier’s lap rather than beneath him, enjoying the lighter weight of Jaskier’s arms on his calves. “Better.”
“Nap first I think, darling,” Dandelion suggested. “We can heat up the dinner after.”
He meant to reply, but the exhaustion overcame him, and with his husbands safe beside him, Geralt fell asleep.
Taglist: @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde, @comfyswitcherblanketfort, @fontegagrilledcheese, @dani-dandelino, @dapandapod @damnbert @officerjennie @feraljaskier @geralt-of-riviass @kueble @gilberik @llamasdumpsterfire @wherethewordsare @trickstermoose67 @alllthequeenshorses @skai6 @karolincki
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
hello i would like to make a humble prompt request: bards
*cracks knuckles* let's fucking do this!
CW: a little bit hoey, and some multiverse fun!
The last few years had been crazy for Jaskier, losing Geralt, getting recruited by the Redanian secret service, and most importantly... the portals.
And yes, okay, he didn't have to step through them every time they appeared, but if Jaskier had one flaw, then it was his curiosity. So through the portal he went into weird and wonderful worlds. Well, not that weird. They were his own, but with strange differences. In the first world he'd stepped into, he'd found himself in a rather lovely house in Toussaint, and he'd been greeted by a very handsome man who went by Dandelion. The poet was dressed in purple, pink, and blue silk finery, that is... until Jaskier had promptly disrobed the man and taken him to bed. It was a rather lovely break from the war torn Continent he was used to, and gods, it was heavenly. Dandelion knew his body better than he knew himself, taking him apart slowly and barely letting him put himself back together again before they fell asleep in each other's arms. The real shock had been waking up to Geralt, a different Geralt, greeting Dandelion with a kiss, and welcoming Jaskier into their bed and home as if they were old friends... which maybe they were.
It made Jaskier's head spin.
The next portal was another world again, still the Continent, but this time he landed in a crumbling castle, a taller, leaner version of Geralt staring at him with cat-like golden eyes, beside him a blond man half undressed from his colourful silk doublet. Another Dandelion, another bed, and another universe in which Geralt loved him dearly.
He was starting to think that maybe he wasn't the problem.
So when a third portal shone in front of him, Jaskier didn't even hesitate. He was trapped by Nilfgaard with no other hope of escape, and he was feeling unbearably horny after weeks alone with just the mice for company. Fuck, he was starting to associate the portals with sex... that could only end badly. Still, he leapt through with a spring in his step into a clearing filled with buttercups, dandelions and cornflowers. Dandelion and Dandelion were already there, locked in a heated embrace, hats fallen to the floor as they kissed, lost in each other. When Jaskier cleared his throat, they pulled apart, matching smiles on their faces, lips swollen and red from their kisses, and looking like sin.
"Jaskier!" Blond Dandelion exclaimed, reaching out to him with elegant lutist fingers.
"We were wondering if you would join us, my friend," the brunet Dandelion agreed with a tilt of his head.
Running his hand through his hair, Jaskier grinned at the two bards. Oh, this was far better than a Nilfgaardian prison cell. He sent up a prayer to the Melitele, and then fell into the embrace of Dandelion... both of them. Things might have been crazy, but Jaskier was having the time of his life.
Taglist: @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde, @comfyswitcherblanketfort, @fontegagrilledcheese, @dani-dandelino, @dapandapod @damnbert @officerjennie @feraljaskier @geralt-of-riviass @kueble @gilberik @llamasdumpsterfire @wherethewordsare @trickstermoose67 @alllthequeenshorses @skai6 @karolincki
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
Just the Three of Us
Written for @thewitcherbog teef week!
Prompt: Thigh bites
Ship: Geraskilion (Book!Dandy, Geralt, Jaskier)
Rating: Explicit
CW: smut ahead, blow jobs, threesome, voyeurism, exhibition, anal sex, mentions of double penetration, thigh riding/frottage, biting
When Jaskier had been portalled into a whole new realm, a parallel universe as it were, the last thing he’d expected was to end up in a relationship with another version of himself, and his life-long crush; Geralt of Rivia. Really, after so many years of travelling with his Geralt, he should have expected the unexpected, and if anyone was going to fuck themselves it would be him.
Or maybe Yennefer?
She definitely seemed like she was into some kinky shit. Yeah, she’d definitely fuck herself given the chance, and really Jaskier couldn’t blame her. He was hardly an innocent party, but Dandelion had been so fascinating and so beautiful that really Jaskier hadn’t stood a chance.
They were alike in many ways, but equally just as different, enough to make it absolutely thrilling. Dandelion knew exactly what Jaskier liked in bed, and their libidos pretty much matched, leading to a rather ridiculous amount of sex all around Geralt’s estate at Corvo Bianco. Clothes were a thing of the past, and if the surface was free enough, then it was very likely to be used for their exploits.
Geralt seemed almost relieved by Jaskier’s presence in their world, finally able to take a break from his bard’s insatiable sexual appetite. In this world, the witcher had a fondness for watching, sitting comfortably in the corner of the room, quite content to ignore his own erection as the two bards fucked each other in a frenzy. It was even hotter when Geralt took himself in hand, grunting as he came to the sight of his boyfriends. That always took Jaskier’s breath away, making his skin tingle and his cock twitch even mere moments after he’d cum.
But the best times were when Jaskier and Dandelion could lure their witcher boyfriend into their arms, lavishing him with attention, waxing poetry as they worshipped his body. Sometimes he would fuck one of them as they sucked the other’s cock. Other times, they would fuck Geralt at the same time. It took far too much thought and planning for Jaskier’s liking, but the end result was worth it, seeing Geralt’s hole stretched around both their cocks.
Was it any wonder that he couldn’t keep his hands to himself? He was just horny all the time, all the sinful memories trapped in his mind, replaying at the most inconvenient times, like when he was trying to write his entry into the Toussaint Bardic competition, for instance.
Well, if he was going to fail then the best thing he could do was drag Dandelion down with him. He smirked as he sprung from his chair in his office, and went to find his boyfriend.
“Lion?” he called as he wandered around the house, padding barefoot along the stone floors.
“In here!” Dandelion called back from the lounge, a couple of velvet couches set up in the front of the house.
Jaskier smiled seductively as he slid into his boyfriend’s lap, knocking the book from his hands and sending it tumbling to the floor.
“Hello,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to Dandelion’s neck as he brushed the long blond hair behind his back. Dandelion let out a soft sigh, tilting his neck to give Jaskier better access, the skin already sporting a rather lovely dark bruise from Jaskier’s attention the night before. “I missed you.”
“Darling, it’s barely been an hour,” Dandelion reminded him, trailing his fingers along Jaskier’s spine, making him shiver as he kissed the hickey he’d already left behind.
“Hmm… far too long,” Jaskier agreed, nibbling at Dandelion’s ear and then capturing the poet’s lips in a lazy kiss, licking into his mouth, the taste of fiorano lingering on the poet’s tongue, rich and tantalizing, reminding Jaskier of their many picnics together in the fields surrounding the vineyards.
It didn’t take long for the kiss to turn heated, Jaskier wriggling in Dandelion’s lap, the poet’s hard cock pressed up against his arse. His fingers threaded into soft golden curls as he moaned into the kiss, yanking hard at the hair in his hands just to hear the sweet sound of his boyfriend’s moans, and Jaskier sat up just enough so he could reach behind him to guide Dandelion’s cock inside him, already loose and well slicked from Geralt’s cock not an hour before.
“Oh gods,” Dandelion gasped, his lips never leaving Jaskier’s. “You little whore.”
“Can’t leave you two alone for a minute.”
Jaskier moaned loudly as he turned to the door, and sure enough, there was Geralt gazing back at them with dark golden eyes, his arms crossed in front of his chest. He licked his lips as his eyes roamed over Jaskier’s body, lingering where Dandelion’s cock was pressed into his arse. Jaskier winked at the witcher, slowly pulling off Dandelion's cock before sinking back down with a choked gasp, biting down on his lip.
“Fuck, Geralt, it feels so good, he fills me up so well,” Jaskier whined, rolling his hips to drive Dandelion deeper inside him.
“Not well enough if you’re still running your mouth, darling,” the poet purred, capturing Jaskier’s lips in a searing kiss, nails scraping down Jaskier’s back as he thrust up, hitting that sweet spot with ease, sending sparks flying across Jaskier’s vision, and before he could recover, Dandelion had thrust up again.
“Ah- f-fuck!” Jaskier gasped, the words muffled as Geralt’s lips covered his, the taste of fine wine replaced dwarven spirit, but Jaskier didn’t mind, he could spend a lifetime kissing Geralt and never get bored, especially whilst impaled on Dandelion’s cock.
Geralt’s hand pinched Jaskier’s nipple as his tongue delved into Jaskier’s mouth, leaving him breathless, and falling towards oblivion as Dandelion fucked into him with sharp thrusts. Calloused fingers trailed through the thick dark hair on his chest until they finally wrapped around Jaskier’s cock, and with just a few quick tugs, Jaskier spilled all over Geralt’s hand, droplets of cum hitting Dandelion’s chest.
Before Jaskier could catch his breath, he was pulled into Geralt’s arms, away from his beautiful poet, and he let out a soft whine, reaching out for Dandelion. “Lion…” he slurred, gazing at his boyfriend through the fog in his mind.
“I’m here, my dear buttercup, no witcher can take you away from me, isn’t that right, Geralt?” Dandelion purred, licking his lips as he looked at Geralt over Jaskier’s shoulder.
“Wouldn’t even try,” Geralt agreed, humming as Dandelion stood up, leaning into Geralt’s side as the pair of them shared a deep kiss. “Bedroom, more room there.”
“Excellent plan, my dear.”
“Hmm,” Jaskier agreed, mouthing at Geralt’s shoulder.
When Geralt finally kicked open their shared bedroom, Dandelion crawled onto the mattress and then beckoned them with a crook of his finger. “Won’t you join me, loves?”
“With pleasure,” Geralt growled, setting Jaskier down in the middle of the bed and then pulling Dandelion into another kiss over Jaskier, until Jaskier started to pout, feeling needy and left out.
He managed to get his hand between the two, pushing Geralt back onto the bed, and positioning himself between the two as he kissed down the witcher’s body, nibbling gently at each and every scar that passed under his lips. Finally, Dandelion joined him, licking and kissing at Geralt’s nipples as he straddled one leg, his still hard cock leaking as he rutted against the thick muscles of Geralt’s thigh. It was a dizzying sight, and Jaskier’s cock was already threatening to fill out once more. He groaned into Geralt’s skin as his teeth nipped at the soft curve of Geralt’s stomach.
“Gods, you’re so hot,” he murmured, one hand pressed against Dandelion’s thigh, as the poet rode the witcher so beautifully, golden curls falling in front of his face as he lost himself in his own pleasure, the most beautiful medley of moans and gasps escaping his lips.
“Oh fuck,” Dandelion moaned, long lutist fingers wrapped around his cock as he brought himself off, his cum covering Geralt’s stomach, tantalizingly close to Jaskier’s lips and tongue.
“Such a mess,” Geralt hummed, his fingers carding through Jaskier’s head, eyes dark with hunger as he watched his two bards use his body for their pleasure. “Clear it up.” The order was gentle, more of a suggestion but it still had Jaskier’s head reeling and he let out an obscene moan, crawling back up Geralt’s body to lick the mess of cum off the pale skin.
It wasn’t his favourite taste, but he felt filthy, and wasn’t that just the best fucking feeling when having sex with the two most beautiful people in all the universes.
When he was done, Dandelion pulled him into a sloppy kiss as both their hands reached for Geralt’s cock together. They laughed as they broke apart, eyes meeting, two very different bards, but still the same in so many ways…
Without talking, they both settled between Geralt’s thighs, Jaskier taking the head of his cock into his mouth, whilst Dandelion kissed the shaft. Above them, Geralt swore, his hips bucking off the mattress, and he dick fucking deeper into Jaskier’s mouth. Jaskier whined, a little surprised but taking Geralt’s cock with practiced ease, hollowing his cheeks, and bobbing his head as the witcher settled back onto the bed. Next to him, Dandelion hummed happily, kissing at the soft pale skin of Geralt’s thighs, and as he met Jaskier’s eyes he winked, and bit down hard, nearly breaking the skin. Geralt cursed, a growl tearing from his throat as he struggled to catch his breath, but the two of them managed to keep him pinned to the bed as they worked. With a content hum, Jaskier pulled off of Geralt’s cock, sharing a quick kiss with Dandelion before they swapped places, the poet licking a long stripe up the underside of Geralt’s cock before swallowing it down, Jaskier’s hand stroking the base where Dandelion couldn’t quite fit it all in without damaging his throat.
The bite mark on Geralt’s thigh was already red and swollen, a perfect indentation of Dandelion’s teeth marking the witcher as his. Well, that wouldn’t do at all.
Jaskier giggled, his lips grazing over the tender skin on Geralt’s other thigh, mirroring where Dandelion's mark was, and nipped gently, kissing and nibbling all the way down to Geralt’s knee. He pressed a single kiss to the side of Geralt’s knee, a silvery scar marring the skin there, and then ran his nose back up along the inside of his thigh until he reached his mark. As Geralt’s gasps and pants grew more frantic, Jaskier bit down, sucking a dark bruise into the skin, just as the witcher came with a guttural moan that would haunt Jaskier’s dreams for years to come.
“Fuck!” Geralt cursed, the word slurred as he slowly recovered from his orgasm, letting Dandelion and Jaskier kiss him lazily until one golden eye cracked open, the taste of their witcher’s cum lingering on their tongues.
“Fuck indeed,” Jaskier sighed, and the three of them collapsed onto the bed, far too exhausted to move.
Taglist: @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde, @comfyswitcherblanketfort, @fontegagrilledcheese, @dani-dandelino, @dapandapod @unyielding-as-the-sea @officerjennie @feraljaskier @geralt-of-riviass @kueble @gilberik @llamasdumpsterfire
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
👀👀👀👀 fluff prompts you say?? Maybe, hmmm... soulmates AU? Jaskier has a romantic soulmate and a platonic soulmate, and he introduces them? Geraskilion? Or any soulmate AU, I am WEAK.
Also have I mentioned that you're brilliant and wonderful and amazing lately? Because you are 💕💕💕💕💕
Short and sweet I said... then you hit me with geraskilion and I had feelings 😂
Ship: Jask/Geralt/Dandelion
CW: brief mention of sex, alcohol
Everyone had one. Jaskier had two. He had a blazing red sword spanning from his right shoulder across his pectoral, and a delicate feathered quill in buttercup yellow on the inside of his wrist. Each mark bonded him with someone in a unique way. The red inked into his skin signified a romantic bond, and the yellow, a platonic one.
Not everyone was guaranteed to meet their soulmate(s). Jaskier was one of the lucky ones. He’d met both of them very early on in life. He’d been barely eighteen when he stumbled into his classroom at Oxenfurt university, flopping onto the bench, almost ten minutes late and horrendously out of breath. He’d spent the next two minutes digging through his satchel looking for a pen, when a long feathered quill had waved in front of his face, pink and sparkly and garish, but that hadn’t been what grabbed his attention. No, Jaskier had been more concerned by the yellow quill tattoo on their wrist.
A tattoo that matched his perfectly.
Jaskier had naturally promptly fallen out of his chair in an effort to pull back his sleeve to reveal his own yellow quill.
Dandelion’s laughter had gone straight to his heart, and Jaskier had been completely taken by his best friend ever since. The two Julian’s of Oxenfurt, completely inseparable, both in name and nature. No one who met them could believe that their soulbond was only platonic but it truly was. Dandelion also had two tattoos, but Jaskier had only seen one, all he knew was that they were both yellow, and his soulmate really didn’t care for nor want romance.
That was fine by Jaskier.
He’d known his romantic love was out there, waiting for him to find them.
Meeting Geralt was a lot less dramatic. Dandelion had been out drinking with some old school friends, so Jaskier had wandered to the other side of town to give his soulmate some space. The old bar had attracted him like a moth to a flame. It looked like something out of an old western film and Jaskier was weak for anything with a theatrical flair. He’d shuffled into the bar and plopped down onto the stool next to an unfairly attractive man who’d been nursing his whiskey, and ordered a Sex on the Beach.
Geralt hadn’t stopped staring at him, which wasn’t entirely unusual, Jaskier was an attractive man but this had been different. The sheer intensity of Geralt’s gaze had burned into his skin… his shoulder to be precise. Jaskier had been wearing a transparent black mesh shirt with cornflowers decorating the fabric, but his red sword tattoo had clearly been visible.
The rest of the night had been a blur but had ended with rather spectacular sex at Geralt’s place, revealing a second yellow tattoo just above Geralt’s hip, a marigold; a platonic soulmate that Geralt hadn’t met yet.
Five years later, that yellow marigold still went unclaimed, and Jaskier was still dancing between Geralt and Dandelion. It wasn’t as if he was intentionally keeping them apart, he was just worried they wouldn’t like each other. They were opposites in every way. Geralt was practical, rough around the edges, and a little too guarded in his emotions, whereas Dandelion was a flamboyant mess, a lover of finer things and eloquent to a fault.
It would break Jaskier’s heart if the two pieces of his soul didn’t get along.
So he artfully managed to keep them at a distance.
Until now.
Jaskier had finally decided it was time to move in with Geralt, after years bunking with Dandelion, Valdo, Essi and Pris, and Dandelion was helping him move. Although ‘helping’ was probably a strong word. Dandelion’s help was closer to just keeping Jaskier company, and really it was just making Jaskier sad about leaving him behind. He’d never wanted to be that person, the one that left his friends behind, but he missed Geralt more and more each day.
It just wasn’t fair.
“Jaskier?” Geralt’s voice called out from the open door; an hour early. “Are you ready to go, love?”
“Oh, ho, ho!” Dandelion giggled from Jaskier’s shitty single bed that he was leaving behind. “The famous Geralt Rivia! Fucking finally, I was starting to think you were making him up, darling.”
“Lion, no,” Jaskier groaned as his friend bounced up and skipped from the room. “This- this is a terrible idea!”
“Dandelion, I presume?” he heard Geralt ask, and Jaskier skidded into the room too late. “It’s good to finally meet you.”
This- this was not as terrible as he’d expected. The soft smiles the two shared was so much better than Jaskier’s wildest dreams. He let out a sigh of relief and everyone got back to work, until Geralt stretched up to pick up Jaskier’s stuffed lion from the top of his bookcase, which definitely didn’t still spend every night in Jaskier’s bed… of course not.
Dandelion shrieked and there was a twang of ukulele strings, as the instrument fell to the floor.
“Julian Alfred Pankratz!” Dandelion spat out vehemently, “You didn’t tell me your soulmate was my soulmate!”
Everyone froze.
Geralt glanced down at his now exposed yellow marigold tattoo, and then his eyes snapped up to meet Dandelion’s fierce gaze. Dandelion’s skirt was pulled down to reveal a very familiar marigold tattoo just above his hip.
“Bollocks,” Jaskier groaned, as the room burst into an array of laughter.
He’d really fucked up this time.
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
Hellu dearest darling Wolfie, you know I am but a simple Nat and what I require most in life is some quiet cuddles in the dark. So, let me humbly request some? Possibly for Dandi or Jask, though it doesn’t really matter. And it’s up to you who cuddles them. Romantic ship or QPR, whatever inspires you, darling. Thank you 🥺💕 hnnnn cuddles
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Hide Under the Covers
Pairing: Geraskilion (Jaskier/Geralt & Dandelion) Rating T: CW: Anxiety, hurt/comfort, non-binary they/them Jaskier,
_ Jaskier came home from work feeling absolutely exhausted, which was fucking annoying. They hadn’t even had any work to do, staring at their god damn monitor all day, refreshing the task list, praying that by the time they’d looked at the clock it would be five and time to go home. It shouldn’t have been as tiring as it was, but Jaskier had always known office work wasn’t for them. They’d just been backed into a corner with bills, and pushy parents.
And thus, their office was as dull as the grey clouds of England.
A gorgeous guitar was left gathering dust in the corner of their room, begging to be played, to bring music back into their life once more. But Jaskier just never had the energy anymore. It was heartbreaking. All their hobbies were left to rot, and Jaskier was just so tired all the fucking time.
When they got home Geralt and Dandelion were both still at work; Geralt at the fire station and Dandelion at the late shift in the theatre serving arsehole customers overpriced wine. Jaskier sometimes considered joining Dandelion at work but living and working with their best friend would just be too much. As much as Jaskier loved Dandelion, they needed a break every once in a while. So they padded through the empty house, dropping their bags, coat, lanyard as they went, and then fled to the bedroom, not bothering with the lights. They stripped down to their underwear and dived under the duvet. It was dark, warm and the weight was calming on their head. Jaskier rolled onto their side and pulled up Netflix on their phone.
They couldn’t find anything new to watch, so they settled on rewatching Merlin. Something that always settled them, pretty people, swords, dragons… it was perfect for a demi-bisexual enby who much preferred their crushes to be fictional.
The minutes drifted into hours, and the sun had set without them realising, and they were so engrossed in their world under the duvet they didn’t hear Geralt return home, nor Dandelion shortly after.
Not until there was a soft knock at the door and they were startled from their daze.
“Jask, darling, are you okay?”
“Can I come in? Geralt’s here too. We’re worried about you, love.”
Jaskier sighed and rolled over onto their stomach. The duvet was lifted from off their head, and they blinked into the darkness at the two shapes, one bulky and silent, the others humming gently with everything breath, bouncing lightly on his toes.
“Lion,” Jask groaned and reached out for their friend.
Both Geralt and Dandelion slipped under with them, wrapping Jaskier up in their arms. It was warm. It was safe. It was perfect.
Nothing was ever complicated with Dandelion or Geralt. Jaskier’s heart belonged to them both; it was only natural as they fell in love quickly and deeply, but it had never hurt that Dandelion didn’t love them back romantically. Their friend loved them deeply, and Jaskier could get their romantic needs from Geralt.
Physically, well… Jaskier wasn’t always interested in sex but when they were Dandelion was there.
It was complicated but it worked for them.
Tonight Jaskier just needed their best friends and the warmth of their arms. They nuzzled against Geralt’s chest, inhaling his rich smoky scent that always helped to ground them. The duvet was still pushed just past Jaskier’s shoulders which was not ideal. They really loved being properly buried, so they let out a small whine.
Dandelion’s fingers brushed down their chest, rubbing the curve of their stomach. “What do you need, love?”
“I’ll do it,” Geralt hummed, pressing a kiss to Jaskier’s forehead, brushing their fringe out the way, much to Jaskier’s despair. They were always self-conscious about the size of their forehead, which only made Dandelion and Geralt dote on it more.
But before they could truly complain, Geralt had rolled over onto Jaskier’s chest, burying his head into Jaskier’s shoulder. The weight had an instant effect on Jaskier’s anxiety. They sighed happily, hands running through Dandelion’s long hair. The dark was as comforting as the weight of their lover on their chest. It hid the tears in their eyes, hid them from the big ole scary world outside. Nothing mattered beyond the three people in this room, their boyfriend and their very best friend in the whole wide world.
It had been a long week at work, but Jaskier knew that with Geralt and Dandelion by their side, everything would be all right.
Tag list: @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde, @comfyswitcherblanketfort, @fontegagrilledcheese, @dani-dandelino, @dapandapod @damnbert @officerjennie @feraljaskier @geralt-of-riviass @kueble @gilberik @llamasdumpsterfire @wherethewordsare @trickstermoose67 @alllthequeenshorses @slythnerd
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
GUESS WHOSE BACK. Can I please get some Geraskilion, tattoo edition. Please. I beg. Make it gay and poly and give them ink. I will literally beg. Call me right now and I will beg. Promise.
This was definitely not what I was going to write for this prompt... but here we are. Have some enby they/them Dandelion with their tattoo artist boyfriends.
CW: Period hurt/comfort.
Dandelion whined as they cuddled up to their hot water bottle. It was that time again, complete poppycock if you asked them. They were in pain, exhausted and feeling desperately needy. It didn’t help that Geralt and Jaskier were out at a convention. It was one of Jaskier’s grand schemes to get Geralt better at social situations and to help network their shop. Geralt and Jaskier’s tattoo designs were some of the best work that Dandelion had ever seen. Their body was a walking canvas to their boyfriends’ art, and they adore it, but in that moment they would really rather prefer to have their actual boyfriends with them instead.
But alas, they were alone and they wanted to cry.
“Fucking shit balls,” Dandelion groaned, burying their face into the hot water bottle. The cornflower blue cover was hand-knitted, one of Dandelion’s first projects when they’d taken up the craft. It was a mess but they were proud of it. Well, they’d hated it at first but Jaskier and Geralt had pointed out all the best parts and after that Dandelion had grown rather attached.
“Honey, we’re home!” Jaskier’s melodic tenor called through the hall, followed by Geralt’s familiar grunting.
Dandelion just sighed dramatically, picking up the remote to flick off the television, and did their best to look extremely sorry for themself just as their boyfriends entered the room.
“Oh no, darling,” Jaskier cooed, immediately flying to Dandelion’s side. “Already?”
“Every month,” they muttered, not having the energy to be nice, despite wanting nothing more than to curl up next to Jaskier.
“Right, yes. Geralt, dear heart, can you put the kettle on?” Jaskier called as he pressed a kiss to Dandelion’s temple. “Chamomile?”
Dandelion nodded and held out their cooling hot water bottle. “Thank you, my dear.”
There was a plastic wrap around Jaskier’s wrist, and Dandelion couldn’t take their eyes off it as Jaskier pulled them into his arms, always surprisingly strong. The scent of chamomile surrounded Dandelion and they sank into Jaskier’s arms, their fingers tracing the tattoos on his forearms; a white wolf with buttercups and dandelions weaving around the animal. It was possibly Dandelion’s favourite tattoo, and definitely some of Geralt’s finest work. Dandelion had a similar tattoo on their upper back, the flowers creeping down their arms and onto their chest.
“This is new?” Dandelion asked, as they lightly brushed over the plastic wrap.
“Cornflowers,” Geralt said in his oh so beautiful gruff voice as he joined Dandelion and Jaskier on the sofa, passing Dandelion their hot water bottle. “The idiot was pining over you all weekend.”
“Oi!” Jaskier scoffed. “We both missed you, plus it was an excellent way to show off our work.”
Dandelion sighed again as Geralt’s fingers started to comb through their hair. It would be braided unless Jaskier took over but they enjoy the rhythmic tugging at their scalp. Geralt had always loved their curls, he loved the way they bounced when he pulled one. It was incredibly endearing and Dandelion felt so very loved, by both of their boyfriends. “I missed you too. It’s so lonely by myself.”
“Do you want me to kill your boss?” Jaskier asked, giggling as he held Dandelion closer.
“No, Jask,” Geralt chided.
Dandelion just hummed, closing their eyes as the exhaustion hit them. They’d struggled to sleep all weekend, the bed feeling far too large and lonely, but now they felt at peace again, safe in the arms of their lovers.
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
Hello my dearest darling love of my life 💜 I am here to request geraskilion! Established geraskier, open to a poly situation. Mayhaps Dandilion (book) is their waiter and Geralt picks up on some vibes between the other two? But Jask is oblivious bc disaster boi.
@dani-dandelino my love! Please enjoy this little treat! Thanks to @officerjennie for being a wonderful beta.
Just a note, Dandelion has Julian written on his name tag. I don't know if I really explain that 😂 But I don't think there are any content warnings?
Geralt smiled fondly as his boyfriend kept chattering away, seemingly oblivious to the fact he’d been talking pretty much to himself for the past ten minutes. Yes, Geralt had been there but he hadn’t said a word since they’d sat down. It was an enviable talent; Jaskier could just keep talking and talking and talking, without pause or breath. The strangest thing was that he very rarely revealed anything about himself. He spoke about the town and its history, whatever project he was working on, whatever his latest obsession was, but it had taken Geralt almost an entire decade to learn anything of note about his best friend. It wasn’t until they were drunkenly making out in the closet of Jaskier’s childhood home that the mask started to crack. He let slip that his parents had never approved of his lifestyle, and then spent the next hour sobbing into Geralt’s shirt.
They’d been dating ever since.
But Geralt wasn’t an idiot. By now he knew Jaskier better than anyone, better than he knew himself, and he saw the glances his boyfriend kept giving their waiter. Every time Julian breezed through the patio seating area, laughing as he balanced plates upon plates of pancakes, coffee cups and even the odd bottle wine even at this time of the morning.
“And then Essi, god bless her little cotton socks, decided to jump right in! It was a miracle that she didn’t get hypothermia,” Jaskier cackled, his eyes sparkling mischievously at the memory.
Geralt rolled his eyes and stroked his thumb along Jaskier’s wrist. “Love?”
“Yes, dear heart?”
“I was there.”
“Oh… really?”
Geralt chuckled and nodded, pulling his boyfriend into a chaste kiss just as Julian laughed at a joke at a nearby table. Jaskier turned away from the kiss, his eyes meeting Julian’s and Geralt smirked as his boyfriend blushed.
Before they’d started dating, Jaskier had flown through partners faster than lightning, but Geralt had never felt threatened by it. At the end of the day, Geralt had been the one constant in the whirlwind that was Jaskier’s life and he knew that whether they were friends or boyfriends, that wouldn’t change. He’d also never expected Jaskier to want to be in an exclusive relationship, that revelation had come as a surprise, and he’d always suspected that Jaskier was trying to push himself into a box that just didn’t fit him.
The way he was looking at Julian confirmed his suspicions.
“Hey?” Geralt squeezed his boyfriend’s hand to pull his attention back.
Jaskier’s eyes went wide and he stammered a ridiculous excuse that wouldn’t have fooled Geralt’s young ward, Ciri.
“It’s alright, Jask. He’s good looking, not too dissimilar to you actually,” Geralt teased. “Cornflower blue eyes, the voice of an angel… and weren’t you called Julian once upon a time?”
Jaskier shuddered. “It’s a terrible name, my parents hated me.”
Geralt scoffed and waved the waiter down. Julian smiled brightly and trotted over to them, a tune on his lips and he winked as he neared their table. “Gentleman,” Julian greeted warmly, “what can I do for you?”
“Gonna be blunt,” Geralt grunted, ignoring Jaskier’s protests. “My boyfriend fancies you, Julian.”
The waiter grimaced, wrinkling his nose in a way that Geralt found completely endearing. It was a habit that the waiter shared with Jaskier, one that Geralt adored. “Dandelion, please. They made me put Julian on the nametag.”
Geralt raised his eyebrows and shared a look with Jaskier. “Dandelion, meet Buttercup.”
“Jaskier,” Jaskier corrected, glaring at Geralt as he offered to shake Dandelion’s hand, “and I am so so sorry! My boyfriend is an arse.”
“Ah yes, but with an arse like that,” Dandelion winked at Geralt, “you just have to forgive him.”
Relief flooded through Geralt. Dandelion wasn’t creeped out by his pretty terrible attempt at flirting, in fact he was actively flirting back, which had Jaskier floored.The poor man was stammering and stumbling over his words nonsensically, his hands flailing until he ran them through his hair with a defeated sigh.
“Please just shoot me now,” he groaned, flopping forward dramatically so his head thudded against the table, almost knocking his plate flying.
Dandelion pouted, so very reminiscent of Jaskier’s own perfect pout, and cocked his head with one hand on his hips. His curls bounced with the movement, the golden locks catching in the sunlight.
And perhaps it wasn’t just Jaskier that had a crush on their waiter. Geralt was slowly realising he might be a little in over his head. Especially when Dandelion just sighed dramatically and cooed “Oh but darling, if we shoot you then I’ll never get to give you my number.”
“Wait, what?!” Jaskier’s head flew up and he gawped at Dandelion, his jaw almost hitting the floor.
“If your boyfriend doesn’t mind, that is?” He winked again at Geralt, making Geralt’s heart flutter in his chest.
He was suddenly bombarded with images of Jaskier and Dandelion giggling as they kissed each other without a care in the world.
Yeah, he was definitely in over his head. “Don’t mind,” he grumbled, trying to hide his own blush.
Jaskier beamed and pulled him into a fierce kiss, knocking both their drinks over in the process and Dandelion whined as he jumped back from the table to avoid getting splashed, but Jaskier didn’t seem to notice. “I love you,” he whispered in Geralt’s ear and then pressed another kiss to Geralt’s cheek.
Geralt tilted his head as he smiled dopily at his boyfriend. “I love you too, Jask.”
Dandelion laughed, a beautiful melodic sound that made Geralt ache to know him better. “Oh, this is going to be divine!”
And he wasn’t wrong in the slightest.
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
#15 for ask game ☺️
( @dani-dandelino )
I'm gonna go with witcher unless stated otherwise!
Favourite Poly ship... it's probably cheating but I'm a fan of Geraskilion (Jaskier/Geralt/Dandelion) I'm pretty sure It's just me and a handful of others that ship it but I can never choose between Jaskier and Dandelion 😂
I'm sure this is a surprise to no one!
Ask me things
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
Witcher Ace Week 2021
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AO3 - Ace Week Rec Tag - @thepassifloradiscord - AO3 Collection
Of Love and Hate - Geraskier with Ace!Valdo
To Have and to Hold - Lambden
The Perfect Balance - A/B/O - Omega!Jask in heat (sexual content implied.)
Kitten and the Wolf - Lambden
Touch My Heart and Soul - Geraskier (sexual content implied)
Hide Under the Covers - Geraskilion
Sing for me - Geraskier feat Siren!Jask
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
I’m thinking of restarting my tag lists! The anxiety got to me a bit before but I’m gonna try again because I miss interacting on tumblr. I’ll probably split them up again into the following:
All (including smut so please only read these ones if you are 18+)
I’ll add more as I work out which ships I write the most. So drop me an ask, DM or reply to this post if you want to be added to all or some of these tag lists.
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
May I humbly request 25. lying on chest, listening to heartbeat for Jaskier/Dandelion? Dandelion of your choice, though I'm partial to game.
I did game!Dandy for you 😘 Hints of gerlion and geraskilion. A helpful dose of multiverse and game!Geralt treating Jaskier right, and some soft bardic bliss.
Prompt from this list
CW: minor mentions of sex and alcohol.
Light filtered through the trees, warming Jaskier’s face with its glow, and he sighed, turning his face to nuzzle against the lacy chemise beneath his head. The day had been a lazy one, well, the week had been a lazy week if he were totally honest. It was strange, after years of travelling with his Geralt, a mess of monster guts and emotional turmoil, to have peace like this, and all it had taken was a drunken night and a strange looking portal in his chambers. He’d woken up with a splitting headache in the middle of a vineyard, two oddly familiar men staring down at him. Dandelion and new Geralt were incredibly hospitable, letting Jaskier stay with them whilst he tried to find a way back home, but the more he learnt about this new dimension, so very close to his own and yet almost entirely different, the more he wanted to stay. Here, Geralt was kind to him, warm and loving in a way that Jaskier couldn’t comprehend.
And then there was Dandelion.
A bard, another version of himself but with a different name, different songs, different memories, and well.. Jaskier had been intrigued; intrigued enough to fall into bed with his counterpart far too easily.
Perhaps that was to be expected. Jaskier was certain that his Geralt wouldn’t have been surprised, but his Geralt no longer mattered, not when he had these two new and delightful men in his life. It wasn’t as if he was replacing his Geralt with a new and improved version… except he sort of was.
And well… who could blame him? New Geralt was impossibly hotter than the original, with the scruffy beard, the undercut and the sarcastic wit that had Jaskier gasping for breath as he tried to contain his laughter.
Yes, he was quite happy at Corvo Bianco.
Which was perhaps why this week the hunt for a way back home had sort of maybe been forgotten, just a tad. He just- he’d forgotten what it was like to be happy, truly happy, without pining or yearning or wishing for something that he knew he couldn’t have. It was truly a weight off his shoulders that he hadn’t even realised was wearing him down.
He sighed dramatically and kissed the exposed skin between the unlaced collar of Dandelion’s chemise, then rested his head back down on the bard’s chest. Every beat of Dandelion’s heart reminded Jaskier that this was real, that it wasn’t some bizarre dream, and with every beat a new melody began to form in his mind. Dandelion’s heartbeat became the percussion to a whole new ballad that was dancing in front of his eyelids, the notes and lyrics swirling in colourful patterns as he tried to piece the shapes together. The rhymes fell off his tongue, trying to find words that fit the rhythm of his sparkling new melody. It would be easier with his lute in hand, but he still tapped out the fingerings on Dandelion’s stomach until long fingers caught his to still them.
“Jaskier,” Dandelion cooed in his strange accent, so very different to Jaskier’s. “You’re being awfully distracting, love.”
Jaskier snorted and pouted up at his companion. Dandelion was still resting on the grass, using his colourful hat as a pillow, his blue eyes shut, closed off from the world. He was uncharacteristically still. “You- you’re not doing anything!”
“I’m trying to nap.”
With a scoff, Jaskier sat up just enough that he could reach Dandelion’s jaw with his lips, and pressed a kiss to the stubbled skin there. “And how’s that going, darling?”
Dandelion’s eye cracked open and he smirked. “Terribly.”
“Hmm,” Jaskier agreed, a bad habit he’d picked up from Geralt. “Well then, maybe I should distract you some more until Geralt gets home.”
He pressed another kiss to Dandelion’s neck, his collarbone, running hands up his chemise, until Dandelion let out a soft groan, and Jaskier knew he had won. All dreams of sleep, quite forgotten.
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
Darling, gorgeous, incredible, beautiful Wolfie... my love of your Jaskilion works knows no bounds. The characterization of the beautiful bardic duo, and their snarky ways, is immaculate.
Might I request Jaskilion and the two Geralts having a foursome??? Because that has So Much Potential 💖
If not spicy, I will happily eat up some pseudo-domestic ~vibing~ with the four of them; just being silly and cute, the Geralts being amused, fond, and exasperated 💖
As discussed, this will be Geralt/Jaskier/book!Dandy... because I struggle to make the Geralts different. I mix them too much.
Geraskilion - 3.6k
Thanks to @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde for being my beta and making me cackle with her commentary.
CW: 18+ for shameless smut, threeseome, anal sex, blow jobs, name-calling (Dandy calls Jask a whore), hair pulling, multiple orgasms, coming untouched, voyeurism, exhibitionism, finger sucking, almost choking but more of a tease of it than actual?.... I think that’s it?
Jaskier stared at the man in front of him. Cornflower blue eyes blinked back at him like he was looking in a mirror. It was his eyes that were most startling. Jaskier had never met anyone with eyes quite like his before and now this man not only had similar eyes, but fucking identical. Facially they were similar too, although this… this imposter, had cheek bones that would look more at home on the elves. His whole face wasn’t too dissimilar to that of an elves now Jaskier came to think of it, and the long limbed fellow could easily be mistaken as one of Filavandrel’s brethren. His hair fell down to his shoulders in soft golden curls, like something out of a fairytale. On top of his head he had a wine coloured hat with an egret’s feather poking out from one side.
The man, Dandelion, put his hands on his hips, mirroring Jaskier’s own stance. He let out a peel of laughter, like a symphony of chiming bells, perfectly in tune and expertly rung. “Well, well, well. Isn’t this fun?”
Jaskier narrowed his eyes at the poet. “Hmm.”
Geralt grunted as he stood up from his corner. “Who are you really? You’re not human, my medallion-”
“Oh come now, Geralt. I’ve just apparently jumped into a whole new world! I can’t even begin to fathom the magic needed to make such a jump, not even that sorceress of yours could do it. In fact, I think I’ve only ever heard of Ciri successfully managing…” Dandelion trailed off and his tongue flicked out to lick his lips. “How old are you?” he asked Jaskier haughtily, peering down at him with piercing blue eyes.
“What the bloody hell has that got to do with anything?” Jaskier scoffed.
“Do you know Cirilla?”
Jaskier quirked an eyebrow and glanced at Geralt who just shook his head. “No,” he admitted.
“I didn’t think so,” Dandelion muttered, clicking his tongue. “My point is, my dear witcher, that I’m probably covered head to toe in residue magic. There’s no wonder you medallion is vibrating. Maybe your world’s magic can sense that I don’t really belong here. Fascinating, utterly fascinating!”
“You really think you’re me?” Jaskier asked, still not trusting this arguably very attractive stranger.
“But of course!”
Jaskier grinned as an idea came to mind. “Prove it,” he said, chin raised in a clear challenge.
Dandelion smirked and Jaskier recognised the glint in his eyes. “Oh, and how would you propose I do that, little buttercup?”
“You’re me?”
Dandelion nodded.
“Then you know exactly how I like to be kissed.”
“Jaskier,” Geralt groaned but Dandelion shushed him with a wave of his hand, long elegant fingers dancing in the air.
“No no, he’s got a point, my dear,” Dandelion giggled.
“It’s a bad idea,” Geralt tried again but both bards shot daggers in his direction. The witcher sighed heavily and pressed his fingers to his forehead.
“All the best ideas are very bad ideas,” Jaskier agreed. His heartbeat was starting to pick up, the thrill of seduction and the promise of a willing bedmate for the evening starting to send tendrils of lust through his body.
And come on, who else got the opportunity to fuck themselves. It would be a tragic waste if he let the opportunity pass him by, and curiosity was truly his greatest folly. He really did want to know if this man shared his own weaknesses when it came to carnal delights.
Dandelion stepped forward, his breath tickling against Jaskier’s cheeks, and the scent of wine and lavender oil washed over him. He wondered if he would be able to taste the wine on Dandelion’s lips. Dandelion’s fingers brushed against his wrist, a featherlight touch that danced across his skin, like leaves on the wind. Dandelion’s tongue swiped along his lips, making them look wet and so very kissable. Jaskier swallowed, he felt as if the rest of the inn had melted away. All he could see was Dandelion, all he could smell was Dandelion.
“You really are stunning, my darling,” Dandelion breathed, a whisper, an almost silent prayer.
Jaskier’s own breath caught in his throat. The fucker was even more charming than he was, he hadn’t been expecting that. He tried to stammer some witty response but he wasn’t even sure whether he even managed a single sensical word. Dandelion’s long finger trailed under his chin, his thumb brushing Jaskier’s bottom lip.
“Can I kiss you?” Dandelion asked, the tension now so thick between them that Jaskier honestly thought he might melt under the heat of it. He wasn’t used to being seduced like this. No one had ever needed to charm him this hard to woo him to their beds.
He nodded, not trusting his voice, and Dandelion’s lips were finally on his. The kiss was chaste, a tease of what was to come, leaving Jaskier weak and wanting. He chased Dandelion’s lips as he pulled away, eyes fluttering open.
Oh cock.
He swallowed, mouth dry as his heart thundered in his chest. He let out a low whine and Dandelion laughed before cupping the nape of his neck and pulling him into a second kiss. This time there were no hesitations. Jaskier eagerly explored Dandelion’s mouth, the rich taste of wine dancing over his tongue. Dandelion’s hat fell to the floor as Jaskier’s hand threaded into the soft golden curls, he tugged experimentally at Dandelion’s hair, and wasn’t surprised by the guttural moan the poet let out.
“Oh fuck,” he whined in between kisses.
“Upstairs, now,” was all the warning they had before they were torn apart and Dandelion was thrown over Geralt’s shoulder.
Jaskier’s eyes widened as Geralt stormed off up the stairs without evening looking back at Jaskier. “Oi!” he called after them, tripping over his feet as he stumbled after them. “Geralt! Darling I wasn’t finished!”
Jaskier fell into their room in his eagerness. Dandelion was lying pouting on the bed, and Geralt had settled into an armchair in the corner on the room. Jaskier felt a rush of arousal as he recognised the set up.
Geralt was going to watch.
He met Geralt’s eyes across the room and quirked an eyebrow in a silent question. Geralt nodded, his hand already palming himself through his trousers. Jaskier half wanted to fall to his knees in front of his witcher and get his mouth on that monstrous cock.
But then Dandelion was right there on the bed, already looking debauched. A temptation that Jaskier just couldn’t resist. In the time it had taken Jaskier to follow them upstairs Dandelion had unbuttoned his doublet, revealing an expensive lacy chemise underneath. He looked like a fallen angel.
“I trust you don’t mind the company?” Jaskier asked with a tilt of his head.
Dandelion scoffed. “It’s as if you don’t know me at all. Get over here and kiss me, you tease!”
Jaskier didn’t need to be asked twice. Pulling off his doublet as he went, he crawled over to where Dandelion was sprawled out on the bed. He ran his hands up the inside of his chemise before pulling him into a kiss, a mess of breathy moans as their tongues danced. Jaskier managed to elicit the most gorgeous songs from Dandelion’s lips, fingers pinching at his nipples. They may be strangers but Jaskier knew Dandelion’s body better than he knew his lute. He knew exactly which strings to pluck to draw out the most sinful melodies. Dandelion was a writhing mess underneath him before he even managed to undress him, kissing at his neck and biting bruises into the soft pale skin.
“Jaskier,” Geralt growled from the corner.
Jaskier stopped his attack on Dandelion’s elegant neck and glanced up at his witcher. Geralt’s eyes were dark with hunger, his cock now red and glistening his hand, and Jaskier moaned at the sight. What else was a bard supposed to do when he was just so weak?
“Yes, darling?” he asked, his voice low and sultry.
“Let him up,” Geralt said, already sounding as wrecked as Jaskier felt.
Jaskier pouted.
“He’s supposed to be proving how well he knows you, not the other way round,” Geralt explained softly.
Jaskier grumbled, biting Dandelion’s neck one last time before letting the poet up. Dandelion grinned as Jaskier rolled off him, and quickly straddled Jaskier’s waist, pushing him back onto the bed.
“You like being in charge just as much as you like being manhandled, don’t you, sweetheart?” Dandelion cooed, his fingers brushing along Jaskier’s cheek. Every touch sent shivers down his spine. He could feel the electricity between them, a hot wave of arousal with every moment of contact.
“Lucky guess,” Jaskier winked, moaning as Dandelion wrapped his hands around his throat. It wasn’t enough to choke him but the knowledge that Dandelion held him such a vulnerable position thrilled him, adrenaline mixing with the heady sensation of lust.
“Not a guess.”
Dandelion’s fingers gripped tighter at his throat as he rolled his hips forward. He could feel the poet’s erection through both their trousers, it was so close and yet not nearly enough.
“Dandelion,” he whined, “stop teasing, darling, please.”
“Patience, love.”
Dandelion’s lips captured his, a messy kiss as their bodies moved together, humping like fucking teenagers. Dandelion kissed like a dream, yet looked like the very definition of sin. He was tantalising, a temptation from Lillit herself.
And he was wearing far too many clothes!
“Off!” Jaskier snapped, tugging at Dandelion’s doublet.
“So demanding,” Dandelion sighed dramatically, but he pulled off his doublet and threw it at the armchair. Jaskier watched as Geralt caught it in mid-air, one hand still lazily stroking his cock.
Jaskier whimpered and pulled at the hem of Dandelion’s chemise until the poet yanked it over his head. Jaskier’s own shirt swiftly followed, landing on the floor in a heap. After that it was an awkward dance of removing their trousers and small clothes whilst desperately trying to keep their lips on each other, and, not a moment too soon, they were finally naked. Jaskier’s could barely resist rolling them back over and taking Dandelion’s cock in his mouth but Geralt preempted his move and let out a low growl. Jaskier tossed his friend a frustrated look.
“Geralt,” he moaned.
Dandelion just laughed, running his fingers along Jaskier’s lips, gently pressing them into his mouth. Jaskier whimpered, sucking at the long digits, swirling his tongue around the tips. It wasn’t as satisfying as having a cock in his mouth but it was enough for now.
“Good,” Geralt hummed, the praise making Jaskier’s cock twitch even though it wasn’t meant for him.
Dandelion preened, looking like a cat that had gotten the cream. His soft blond curls were a mess, and his face was flushed but it was his eyes. Gods, his eyes were almost black, only a thin blue ring visible. Jaskier moaned around the blond’s fingers, taking them further into his mouth.
“Gods, look at you, pretty little whore,” Dandelion cooed and Jaskier felt a rush of heat prickle over his skin. His cock was aching, desperate for touch, but Dandelion acted as if it didn’t exist, happy to just watch Jaskier suckle on his fingers.
It was driving Jaskier mad with lust.
The bastard really did know exactly how to destroy him, with the least amount of effort.
Jaskier whined, bucking his hips off the mattress in what he hoped what a clear sign of what he wanted, nay, needed. Dandelion pulled his fingers from Jaskier’s mouth, and immediately he felt empty, a pathetic whimper escaping his lips.
“Geralt, darling, do you have oil?” he heard Dandelion ask through the heady feeling that was making everything a little foggy.
Jaskier pouted as Dandelion shuffled on the bed, reaching towards the witcher sat in the corner of the room. He licked his lips as he watched the small vial of oil pass hands. He wriggled on the bed, his hands reaching down to touch his cock but Dandelion was back and swatting away his hand before he had a chance.
“Not yet, sweetheart, if your good I’ll touch you later, can you be good for me?” Dandelion asked in the sweetest voice, like honey trickling over his skin.
He nodded, tongue feeling too heavy in his mouth.
“Am I doing well, witcher?”
“Hmm,” Geralt’s reply was a low growl more than anything else and the sound went straight to Jaskier’s already leaking cock.
“Lion… please…” Jaskier whined.
Fuck, he sounded wrecked already. It normally took more to make him lose control like this. He looked over to Geralt, and the sight was nearly enough to make him cum. The witcher looked obscene, lips wet and red from where he’d been biting on them, fulling clothed except from where he’d unlaced his trousers, cock proudly on display. Jaskier wanted him, gods… but to have Geralt’s attention like this, trapped under his dark and wanton gaze.
He didn’t even hear the pop of the cork, too distracted as he watched Geralt lazily stroke his erection, precum already leaking from the tip. Jaskier licked his lips in reflex as if the action would allow him to taste…
He hissed as Dandelion’s finger teased his rim, arching his back, a familiar pull in the pit of his stomach. “Fuck!” he gasped as cum coated his belly, embarrassingly early but Geralt’s growl and Dandelion’s chiming laughter put him at ease.
“Oh darling,” Dandelion trilled, a finger trailing through the mess on his stomach, and then moaning as he took the digit into his mouth.
Jaskier groaned, if he hadn’t already cum then he would have done then. Judging by the wink Dandelion gave him, the whore knew exactly what he was doing, bastard. “What do you think, Geralt, shall we continue our little game?”
Jaskier glanced over to Geralt, a pleading look in his eyes. Yes, Dandelion had proved himself. Yes, Jaskier had already cum. No, he wasn’t satisfied. There was still an emptiness that left him feeling weak and wanting. He needed to feel full, needed a cock up his arse, in his mouth… just somewhere.
Geralt nodded. “We’re not finished yet, poet.”
“As you wish, witcher.”
The finger that had been gently teasing Jaskier’s hole pushed in. Jaskier gasped, still feeling sensitive from his orgasm, but Dandelion was more in sync with his body than any other lover, even Geralt. The blond took it slow, gently working his finger into Jaskier until his cock began to harden once more. He was panting by the time a second finger pushed inside, just as he was about to beg for more. Good gods, Jaskier was going to ruined for anyone else.
“Stop,” Geralt’s voice rumbled from the corner.
Jaskier huffed and managed to prop himself up so he could glare at his witcher. “Oh for fuck’s sake,” he groaned as Dandelion pulled out all his fingers. “There’d better be a bloody good reason for the interruption, Geralt!”
Geralt smirked and got up from his chair. “Mind if I join?” he asked, looking more at Dandelion than Jaskier.
The poet visibly brightened, his tongue flicking out to lick his lips. “Oh ho ho! Geralt, my dear, please be my guest. The more the merrier!”
Oh gods, Jaskier was doomed, completely done for.
Dandelion whispered something in Geralt’s ear, a flushed smile on his lips. Geralt’s eyes flashed dangerously to Jaskier and he nodded once before pulling off his clothes until he was deliciously naked, and Jaskier wanted to lick the lines of his muscles, kissing every scar until the memory of the battle had been replaced with Jaskier.
But Geralt had other plans. Dandelion pulled at Jaskier’s ankles until they were wrapped around the poet’s waist, and Geralt straddled Jaskier’s torso. Jaskier swallowed as he was left to stare at Geralt’s rather lovely cock, so tantalisingly close to his lips. His eyes flicked up so he could meet Geralt’s gaze as he licked his lips.
“Yes,” Geralt growled Jaskier whimpered as he lunged forward greedily. He wrapped his hands around the base of Geralt’s cock, whist he could take Geralt down his throat, he preferred not to. He was a bard after all. He really needed to take care of his voice, and deep-throating a witcher’s cock was not advised.
Although his professors at Oxenfurt had also never specifically told him not to.
That was one thing he’d learnt from experience. So instead he licked at just the tip, lapping about the precum that was already there. He hummed happily as he sucked around the head, working the base in his hands, the skin already slick from oil where Geralt had been stroking himself. It smelt like the chamomile oil Jaskier preferred to use for massages, he idly wondered whether it was the same one Dandelion had used whilst stretching his hole.
As if reading his thoughts, Dandelion pushed his fingers back inside Jaskier’s arse. He moaned around Geralt’s cock, taking the witcher deeper into his mouth. The weight was heavy on his tongue and with Dandelion’s fingers probing his hole… the aching emptiness was finally gone. He whined as Geralt’s fingers threaded into his hair, scraping at his scalp.
He closed his eyes, sucking and moaning around the cock in his mouth in time to Dandelion’s fingers fucking his arse, but it quickly began to leave him feeling dissatisfied again. He wanted more, so much more… always more.
“Hnnng,” he choked out around Geralt’s cock as the witcher held him in place, fucking into his mouth with shallow thrusts.
“Good,” Geralt half growled, “so good for us…”
“Hmm…” Jaskier whined.
“I think he’s ready for my cock now,” Dandelion hummed thoughtfully, pushing his fingers deeper into Jaskier’s arse, right against his prostrate.
Jaskier thrust up, moaning as much as he could around Geralt’s cock, trapped under the weight of his witcher. His fingers dug into the meat of Geralt’s arse. He couldn’t even beg for more, but he tightened the grip of his thighs, hoping Dandelion wouldn’t get the message. With a choked gasp, Geralt pulled him off his cock. Jaskier whined at the sudden emptiness of his mouth, pouting up at Geralt with wide eyes.
He was almost surprised by the fondness in Geralt’s gaze as a calloused thumb stroked his cheek. “Still good?”
Jaskier nodded and went to mouth at Geralt’s cock but he was pulled back again, a sharp tug at his hair.
“Words, Jask.”
“Yes, now let me suck your cock, witcher,” he grumbled, a happy sigh escaping his lips as he was finally allowed to take Geralt back into his mouth.
“Needy little brat, isn’t he?” Dandelion giggled.
“Takes one to know one,” Geralt replied, his breathing starting to hitch between words… fucking finally.
The bastard had far too much stamina. Although, Jaskier did love to take his time in worshipping Geralt, so he really shouldn’t complain. He hummed, flicking his tongue around the tip of Geralt’s cock, his fingers teasing Geralt’s rim. He almost regretted not slicking up one of his hands so he could properly tease his witcher, but instead he kept one hand on his cock, twisting his wrist as he bobbed his head.
He whined, head falling back against the pillow, as Dandelion pushed into him. It was tortuously slow. He could feel every inch of the bard’s cock as it filled him. Geralt’s hand cupped his cheek, thumb brushing along his lips. Jaskier whimpered as he sucked on the digit. It was a poor substitution for the witcher’s cock but he needed to adjust to the feel of Dandelion. Gods, it felt heavenly.
He had truly been blessed on this day.
“Fuck, Gods, Geralt….” he babbled, words muffled around the thumb that was still pressed between his lips.
“Thank Dandelion,” Geralt hummed, a quiet but firm instruction that made Jaskier feel all dazed.
Jaskier barely managed to gasp out his thanks to the poet. Dandelion had begun thrusting into him, finding his prostrate with ease, because, well.. of course he did.
Fucking yourself really did have its perks.
“Ger…” Jaskier panted but he didn’t have to finish his pleas because Geralt’s cock was already back in his mouth. Jaskier moaned loudly. He couldn’t even reach round the witcher to touch his own cock. He wasn’t sure if he could cum again untouched, every nerve ending felt like it was on fire, and his cock was aching. He needed more, he needed to cum, he needed…
“I’ve got you, sweetheart,” Dandelion grunted as he finally wrapped his long fingers around Jaskier’s cock, every thrust still blinding him with pleasure.
Jaskier came almost instantly, clenching around Dandelion cock and choking around Geralt’s. He collapsed back onto the bed, tears streaming down his cheek, feeling utterly fucked out. He might have blacked out for a few seconds, he wasn’t sure, but the next thing he knew, Geralt’s cum was splattered over his chest, mixing with his own, and Dandelion keened as he fell forward, pressing his forehead against Geralt’s back.
There was silence in the room except for their heaving breathing and the sound of his own pulse ringing in his ears. After what could have been minutes or hours, he started to feel uncomfortable, even with Geralt and Dandelion pressed into either side of him.
“I am not cleaning this up,” he grumbled.
“Well I did all the work!” Dandelion whined, in a similar tone.
They both turned to Geralt, with matching cornflower blue eyes wide and pleading.
Geralt sighed heavily and rolled off the bed. Jaskier laughed and pulled Dandelion into a kiss whilst they waited for their witcher to return.
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
Teef Week
AO3 - written for @thewitcherbog's event. All featuring different kinds of biting.
Your Heart Beats Like Wings - Fae!Dandelion/Geralt
A Lethal Combination - Cutagens with Geraskier
Bite Worse Than His Bark - Lambden
My only love sprung from my only hate - Lambden Werewolf/Vampire AU
Words Unspoken - Gerlion with nonverbal Dandelion
Just the three of us - Geraskilion (Geralt/Jaskier/Dandelion) at Corvo Bianco
A New Shirt - Geraskier
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officerjennie · 3 years
Jamie's Geraskier/Gerlion Masterlist
Updated 8-3-21
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Of lingerie and outdoor concerts
Rated T. WC: 1.3k+. CW: None. Summary: Geralt gets a peek at the lingerie at an outdoor concert. Horny in spirit.
Lace and Ribbons
Rated T. WC: 1.4k+. CW: None. Summary: Jaskier and Geralt get all cozy in bed while doing some online shopping lingerie shopping.
As the Clouds Whisp Overhead
Rated E. WC: 3.5k+. CW: Smut and fluff, mentioned past weight loss, weight gain spoken of positively. Summary: Jaskier gets off on Geralt's soft thighs and tummy, and Geralt lays back and enjoys the show.
Heated Kisses
Rated T. WC: 732. CW: some blood. Summary: Jaskier is hurt and Geralt kinda panics a little over it.
Breathless Kisses
Rated M. WC: 630. CW: light clothed frotting. Summary: Geralt's been gone too long and Jaskier's been worried (and is always horny lbr).
Hello Kisses
Rated T. WC: 906. CW: none. Summary: No matter how Geralt looks when he returns, he's a sight above any other in Jaskier's eyes.
A Kiss Goodbye
Rated T. WC: 2k. CW: none. Summary: The first time Jaskier ever kissed Geralt (which, sadly, was not on the lips).
'No,' he said, as if it meant something more
Rated T. WC: 6k+. CW: Geralt on a self-loathing streak. Jaskier not taking his shit. Some auditory hallucinations brought on by lack of sleep. Mentions of canon typical deaths. Summary: Soulmate AU where Geralt meets Jaskier post Blaviken and panics.
Platonic Pet Play Bulleted Fic
Rated T. CW: purely platonic pet play, Jaskier being a pet, consent discussion, brief mentions of sex (with other people), mentions of past sexual pet play (with other people)
one of Those days
Rated T. WC: 4k+. CW: gender dysphoria, trans!Jaskier, misgendering (by accident but it happens a Lot), disasters at a coffee shop, rude customers. Summary: Jaskier deals with disaster after disaster at work, has a particularly rough day concerning his gender dysphoria, and all in all has One Of Those Days where nothing seems to go his way. He gets cuddles from Geralt in the end and it makes it a little better.
Rated E. WC: 413. CW: smut, light bondage, edging, Geralt being a tease. Summary: Jaskier promises to behave and not say a word during sex, and Geralt puts that to the test.
5 Times Geralt Attempted to Court Jaskier (and 1 time Jaskier succeeded in courting him back)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Dandelion's Gift
Rated T. WC: 7.7k+ CW: None, just...super soft. Summary: Geralt gets Dandelion a gift, and it's one Dandelion will treasure close to his heart - but there's one he treasures even more.
curled around your fingers, wrapped up so tight
Rated T. WC: 3.8k+. CW: Hurt/Comfort, a lot of emotional pain over the loss of Dandelion's hair, but Geralt makes it better at the end. Summary: Dandelion loses his curls and it breaks a part of his heart, and Geralt tries to make it better (and succeeds).
you fit perfectly in my hands
Rated T. WC: 698. CW: None? Dandelion has a soft tummy. Implied they have sex at the end but there's nothing explicit. Still rated T really. Summary: Dandelion has gained a few pounds and find his doublet doesn't fit anymore. Neither him nor Geralt are all that upset about it, and Geralt rather likes having more of Dandelion to run his hands over.
Bulleted Shaving Kink Fic
Rated E. CW: shaving kink, coming untouched, very horny. Somehow also soft imo. Summary: Geralt has a shaving kink and gets overwhelmed when he’s allowed to shave Dandelion’s beard.
In the morning light
Rated T. WC: 841. CW: Nudity? Not really sexualized, though more than implied that they had sex the night before. And they might have some hoey thoughts. Summary: Jaskier lazes around in bed until their husbands have to come fetch them.
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