#gerd means gastro-esophageal reflux disorder
ayyy-imma-ninja · 10 months
it's late at night and i'm genuinely curious about something:
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gsgroupofficial · 6 months
Gastroenterology: Exploring Digestive System Disorder
The gut is your second brain. Yes, it's true! Many of us know that a healthy gut leads to a healthy productive mind. Moreover, 90% of the immunity lies in the gut. Gastroenterology awareness is a must for every balanced individual. GS Hospital, the best hospital in Noida, aims to spread awareness about gut health to prevent digestive disorders.
The gut is related to all the healthy systems of the body. The main reason behind this is the absorption of vital nutrients which are a must for every cell of the body. Right, the body needs energy to perform various activities which may be physical or mental. This energy is mainly received through food which is digested and assimilated well by the gut.
GS Hospital, the top private hospital in Delhi NCR, provides extensive information through this blog on Gastroenterology. Let us go ahead and explore more about digestive system disorders.
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What is Gastroenterology?
Gastroenterology is the study of gastric systems which cover the esophagus, stomach, intestine, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and rectum. As the name suggests, gastro means stomach, and entero- means intestines. Gastroenterology holistically means the stomach and intestine together. It involves the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract. A medical doctor having expertise in the study of Gastroenterology is called a specialist in Gastroenterologist. 
Awareness about digestive system disorders is a must for a healthy gut. Preventive care is considered the best care for the gut. In this view, let us go ahead and explore more about digestive system disorders in the next part of the article. 
What is a digestive system disorder?
The digestive system is the body’s system which extends from the mouth to the rectum. The main function of the digestive system is to digest, absorb, and assimilate nutrients and minerals by eliminating the waste and toxic substances in the body. This is very important for the immunity and overall health of the body. 
Any kind of disturbance in the entire process of the digestive system in the form of symptoms such as stomach pain, indigestion, or discomfort will lead to digestive system disorder. 
Early detection is a key to better recovery for digestive system disorders. Many digestive disturbances and disorders can be simply prevented with a healthy lifestyle, diet, exercise, regular monitoring, and screening. So, let us take a quick look into the top 10 digestive system disorders that can be prevented with healthy solutions. 
Top 10 Digestive System Disorders
The top 13 digestive system disorders are as follows:  
1.   Constipation
Constipation is a digestive system disorder mainly characterized by hard stools, straining during bowel movement, and decreased bowel movement. This is mainly caused by the slow metabolism of the gut. It is commonly seen in people above the age of 40 years when the gut metabolism slows down. It is also common in people with low fiber intake, dehydration, stress, sedentary lifestyle, and certain medications like antidepressants.
The best treatment options for constipation are to increase fiber intake, laxatives, and stool softeners, and improve fluid intake. Severe constipation required medical attention with enema and other medications.
2.   Gastroenteritis and stomach flu
Gastroenteritis or stomach flu is mainly caused by inflammation of the stomach and gut lining which may be due to an infection by consuming contaminated food or water. It is caused by bacteria, parasites, drugs, or food poisoning. This results in vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, fever, stomach cramps and pain, dehydration, or loss of water.
The best treatment for gastroenteritis will be prescribed by your gastroenterologist by controlling vomiting, and diarrhea, treating infection, and oral rehydration solution (ORS). Get connected with your doctor for the right treatment course of antibiotics.
3.   Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD)
GERD is characterized by acid reflux which mainly causes stomach acid to flow up into the food pipe. This mainly occurs at night or immediately after meals leading to acidity, heartburn, sensation of lump in the throat, difficulty in swallowing food, and indigestion. Complications of GERD may cause coughing, vomiting, or throwing up of acid, trouble breathing, or globus sensation in the throat. Making lifestyle changes and diet modifications along with antacid medications can help in treating GERD. 
4.   Gallstones 
Gallstones mainly occur when there are cholesterol deposits that harden up in the gallbladder. The gallbladder is an organ that helps in the secretion of bile for the digestion of fats. Gallstones result in abdominal pain, epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, bloating, and acidity. The best treatment option for gallstones is to avoid heavy meals which trigger gallbladder pain. Severe cases may require removal of the gallbladder or cholecystectomy. 
5.   Celiac Disease
Celiac disorder is a digestive problem which is an auto-immune disorder caused by the consumption of gluten foods such as wheat. Patients with celiac disease are mainly allergic to gluten. The common symptoms of celiac disease are bloating, diarrhea, constipation, gas, vomiting, stomach pain, and loose stools. The main treatment for celiac disease is to consume a gluten-free diet. 
6.   Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is a digestive system disorder mainly caused due to indigestion of food. This is mainly related to stress. The symptoms of IBS are very typical with indigestion, constipation alternating with loose stools, gas, acidity, stomach pain or cramps, and allergy to certain foods which may trigger the symptoms. The best solution for IBS  
7.   Crohn’s disease 
Crohn’s disease is an auto-immune inflammatory disease of the digestive system that mainly affects the intestines causing inflammation of the gut. The common symptoms of Crohn’s disease are weight loss, diarrhea, and cramps. It is mainly associated with a strong family history of Crohn’s disease and stress. The gastroenterologist recommends corticosteroids, biological therapies, and other medications along with lifestyle changes.  
8.   Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative Colitis, also called UC, is the inflammation of the gut along with ulcers in the large intestinal tract. The main symptoms of UC include weight loss, fever, tiredness, urgency to pass motions, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and anemia. The treatment for UC includes steroids, immunomodulators, and biological therapies. Complicated cases of UC cause colon cancer.
9.   Peptic ulcers
Peptic ulcers are an ulcer that occurs in the gut lining of the digestive tract which includes the stomach, esophagus, and intestine. This results in the formation of gastric and duodenal ulcers which are common forms of peptic ulcer. This is mainly caused by Helicobacter Pylori infection or taking long-term medications like painkillers. The treatment includes antibiotics and antacids.
10. Hemorrhoids or Piles 
Hemorrhoids or Piles are mainly caused due to swollen veins in the lower rectum. These may be external and internal hemorrhoids. Piles are generally uncomfortable and difficult to deal with due to the presence of swelling, constipation, and bleeding. It can be controlled with medications, high intake of fiber, sitz baths, and lifestyle changes. Severe cases of hemorrhoids may require surgery. 
A Caring Note for Your Gut 
The gut and mind are interconnected to each other. Gut microbes help stimulate chemical neurotransmitters in the brain. Yeah! It's true. Just like a piece of dark chocolate makes you feel happy. Millon's of nerves and neurons are interconnected between your gut and brain. A healthy gut is related to a healthy mind. GS Super Specialty Hospital is considered not only a Best Gastroenterology Hospitals in Delhi NCR but also the best hospital in UP for Gastroenterology. They provide exceptional gut health and care for all patients with a team of experienced and professional doctors who have expertise in treating all types of digestive disorders which cover rare, auto-immune, and common disorders. Apart from this, the hospital offers preventive care for a healthy gut under the direct expertise of certified doctors.
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hazel51 · 2 years
Hiatus Hernia Surgery and Procedures
Hiatus hernia or the hiatal hernia is a common condition leading to gastro-esophageal reflux, commonly called as GERD.
Hiatal hernia is a condition when the barrier between the food-pipe and the stomach becomes less competent and the stomach acid refluxes in esophagus. The stomach slips through the diaphragm causing hiatal hernia. This type of hernia is called as a sliding hiatus hernia and usually does not cause any problems but some studies have shown its effects of GERD too. Since the anti-reflux barrier becomes more open and weaker, acid reflux and the problems associated with it become more common in patients. Hiatal Hernia Surgery in Mumbai will be coming with an convenient cost and also looking upon the paitent condition too.
Small hiatal hernias are not a cause of concern but if the opening in the diaphragm becomes too large then there is a risk that the stomach and other organs can slide upwards into the chest. This could result in severe symptoms like chest pain, trouble in swallowing or breathing, heartburn, GERD etc. Untreated severe hiatus hernia can also cause ulcers in stomach, bleeding and even anaemia.
If you are looking for a female surgeon for Hiatus Hernia Repair Surgery then Dr. Aparna Govil Bhasker is one of the best surgeon in Mumbai
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Symptoms and problems that hiatus hernia may cause include
Burning or acid taste in the mouth
Chronic iron deficiency
Poor exercise tolerance as the pushing stomach against the chest limits the body’s ability to breath normally and pump oxygen.
Chronic coughing
Worsening of asthma
Change in voice
Early satiety which means feeling full after a small amount of food
There are four types of Hiatus hernia Type 1 to Type IV. Type 1 does not cause any symptoms but type II, III, or IV hiatal hernia cause severe and sometimes unmanageable symptoms.
Treatment for Hiatus hernia
Gastroenterologists use different diagnostic tests to diagnose hernia. These include barium swallow, X-rays, CT scan, upper GI endoscopy and pH manometry. In uncomplicated hernia lifestyle changes, regular meal timings, healthy diet and anti-reflux medications can help.
Hiatus hernia surgery
There are two types of surgeries that surgeons use for treatment hiatus hernia
Open surgery: This is an invasive surgery which is done under general anaesthesia. The surgeon makes an incision around the abdomen and then gently pushes all organs back to their place through the hiatus. The opening in the diaphragm is then stitched to create a snug opening and prevent the stomach from pushing up backwards. Surgeons may rarely use a surgical mesh to reinforce the junction and may also suture the stomach to the connective tissue. This way there is less chances of the abdomen migrating upwards. Open surgery is rarely performed nowadays.
Laparoscopic or key hole surgery: This is the minimally invasive version of the open surgery. The surgeon will make small incisions around the stomach  and use a tiny camera and equipment to nudge the stomach to its normal position and then tighten the hole in the diaphragmatic junction. Nissen fundoplication and Toupet’s fundoplication are the most commonly performed surgeries for hiatus hernia.
Best surgeons of hiatus hernia perform a partial or full fundoplication procedure to treat acid reflux to help with the problem and keep the abdomen in its right place. The minimally approach to surgery gives quicker recovery time than the open surgery.  Gastroenterologist or the surgeon is the best person to explain the type of surgery suitable for the patient. Hiatus surgery is not suitable for patients who are
Are allergic to drugs or medicines like iodine, or anaesthesia.
Have bleeding disorders
Taking medications like aspirin etc.
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armshape89-blog · 4 years
Efficient Natural and organic Remedies To Take Care Of Level of acidity, Heartburn symptoms By natural means
Just in case you have problems with from heartburn, being aware of natural and organic meals that aid heartburn symptoms is important. I would personally motivate every individual who is experiencing the acid reflux disorder problem issue to get rid of the paradox linked to acid reflux disorder problem dis-alleviate. To be able to supply quick lessening to grownups in the event there is certainly heartburn symptoms or acid reflux disorder condition, you must try a number of residential alternatives. Actual physical elements that initialize GERD include reduced esophageal sphincter (LES) hypotonia (the modern weakening through the LES), along with retrograde movement of tummy components directly into the esophagus, together with the measure of level of sensitivity of your own esophageal mucous for that reflux content. Typical factors behind acid reflux disorder and also GERD include pregnancy, history of hiatal hernias, obesity, eating a poor diet, more aged age along with an disproportion of abdomen acidity. Plus the primary reason why is generally organic residence cures are all-natural remedies. This will keep you from laying toned and stop gravity from impacting on the acidity with the tummy to maneuver up in your esophagus. Uncooked and also unfiltered apple company cider vinegar can be discovered to be being a all-normal remedy for healing acid reflux disorder troubles. Most Effective Natural Remedies For Heartburn Thankfully, you just might treat your acid reflux ailment naturally. Heartburn is actually a sign of GERD ( gastroesophageal reflux issue ), as well as it's a result of acid solution refluxing into the esophagus. Which generally signifies no nighttime snacking or maybe a nightcap possibly, all of that will ramp up abdomen acid production. It's regarded that it could aid in increasing the mucous coating of your personal esophageal coating, which may possibly safeguard your esophagus from damage due to stomach acid. Stomach acid has to be all around 1.2 to 2.5 pH to complete the several responses that it tummy has to do. When these allergic reactions will not likely take place, a cascade of harmful situations commences. At times acid reflux disorder continues to GERD, a far more extreme kind of reflux. During this time, the tummy offers acidity and digestive enzymes that happen to be controlled by lots of enzymatic and also hormonal signals during digestive system. You will need an emergency means to fix the concern of the way to get respite from level of acidity as soon as the upset stomach dilemma carries on. Popular Natural Remedies For Heartburn It cuts down on inflammations in stomach and enhances the development of digestion nutrients in body. I just do advise experiencing your individual physician along with hunting immediately after any kind of wellness-associated signs and symptoms each time they initial look because it's quicker to ease in addition to boost signs as well as to street address the reason for well being problems immediately after they first manifest, instead of waiting around right up until finally they progress directly into a significant issue. Too much utilization of water can serve as a cause of hyperacidity. So Exactly what Can I Take in To Absorb Belly Acidity. Continue to we encounter acidity and in addition acid reflux disease every day. Most drugstore remedies are created to adjust or decrease acid solution strength or quit the belly lining from creating much more acid. It really is a issue through which belly acid seeps back into the esophagus to bring about a burning up experience as well as a lot of soreness. The whole label manufactured assist of by the medical profession from the US is gastro esophageal reflux condition along with inside the Great britain gastro oesophageal reflux sickness. Promotility Agents: This particular treatment energizes the gastrointestinal pathway bicep muscle tissue as a way to prevent the dinner intakes from settling in the abdominal area in excess of essential. As an example, h2o is a really efficient therapies in acidity or acid reflux need to this be caused by irregular diet behavior. Food items which can be high in excess fat plus sugars may cause hyperacidity. Moreover, the growing uterus crowds the abdomen, compelling acidity into the esophagus.
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472239364-blog · 5 years
Domperidone and pregnancy
Shame regarding the remedies, nevertheless the care sure feels good! Monique would be a hostage to migraine attacks. They lasted all day and he or she was unable to do just about anything but lay down in bed until it passed. Sometimes her migraine was accompanied by nausea and also other times by cramps or acid reflux disease. Treatments from herbalists, acupuncturists, nutritionists, homeopathic doctors, spiritual healers, medical professionals and meditation did nothing to halt the onset or decrease the seriousness of the pain and exhaustion that accompanied the episodes. But she enjoyed the care and concern the agencies showed, and came away feeling lighter and much better.
Different hormones are being released upon pregnancy to help you it. Since nothing that's an excessive amount of remains good, the overflow of the hormones will result in unwanted effects. One from the prime suspects may be the hormone called HCG. It means human chronic gonadtrotopin. This particular hormone is first produced by the embryo, then the placenta. It then produces progesterone, which pregnancy needs. In short, progesterone can be another probable cause. Progesterone, especially in higher levels, relax the uterine muscles and helps over from having a baby to soon. But the relaxing effect can reach the stomach and intestines that enables more acids inside the stomach - contributing to nausea and vomiting. Another hormone that can cause nausea and vomiting, especially in early stages in the pregnancy, is estrogen. Estrogen levels rise when the woman starts nursing a child in their womb.
You need to give consideration, because though it is one thing a young pregnant woman - friend, wife or relative - must endure and move through whether sherrrd like to you aren't, it isn't really a relentless thing. Morning sickness manifests itself in different women differently. It means that how serious it can be and how often it occurs is set from your genetics and circumstances, and even though it seems like a horrific experience, it is usually a lot better than it sounded.
A breastfeed baby receives precisely what they for growing. Breast milk is the greatest protection against some diseases such as gastroenteritis and necrotizing entercolitis. Besides, breastfeeding activity also decreases the probability of chronic constipation, colic, along with other stomach upsets. It is also important to realize that breastfeed baby will grow with a child with higher IQ. The baby can also have more improvement brain and neurological system development.
There is a medical issue that affects some women till the end of being pregnant. It is well known as "hyperemesis gravidarum" (HG). This does cause frequent and quite often severe vomiting and nausea. The major problem here's nutrition isn't being brought to mother and baby as the food isn't being retained within the body. Dehydration can occur also. It is crucial to look for health care bills from a professional if this condition is known. When it comes to gastro esophageal reflux disease, also referred to as GERD, and acid reflux disorder, the symptoms could be very similar, this is why lots of people get confused between your two. However, these conditions are actually different health concerns. The key to differentiating both conditions is understanding acid reflux disease and gastro esophageal reflux disease. If you get an improved comprehension of both conditions, it might greatly enable you to see whether there is a acid or perhaps the more dangerous condition between the two, gastro esophageal reflux disease or GERD.
As effective as the drug might be, there are a few concerns in connection with medicine then one should be aware of them. In fact, the drugs effects on children and adolescents have been under increasing speculation there happen to be various studies to be aware of this. It has been observed that Effexor can increase thoughts of suicide among children, and actually, tries to suicide also do increase. There have even been reports of kids and adolescents, under medication, inflicting problems for their very own bodies. With such serious side effects, to make sure the harder crucial that we achieve a complete knowledge about the drug. That is exactly what we're going to do inside the following area of the article. Like most other drugs the unwanted effects might be classified into two groups - common unwanted effects and less common effects.
There are many different symptoms of stress; you might begin to have cognitive problems, emotional problems, physical problems and in many cases behavioral problems. When you are constantly in high gear, it will take a toll on your own body mentally and physically. Some cognitive symptoms you may begin to have can be possible loss of memory, poor judgment, seeing only the negative in anything and constant worry. Emotional symptoms would include, moodiness, irritability, depression or just being unhappy.
She might also request her partner to get ready some snack overnight whilst beside her. Switching with a 6 meal each day habit of eating would be recommended, when you don't wish to aggravate the scope of nausea by continuing to keep her stomach empty without notice. Some varieties of peppermints or candies are useful to avoid the nausea, like ginger tablets be really nice. Enough fluid weight loss program is important. Avoid any spicy food along with contain the drive or yearning for anything if it arises. It keeps her happy and fulfilled that's most significant.
No one can come for your aid except YOURSELF! Costly specialist consultation and herb remedies are targeted particularly to the short-term recovery amongst initial phase sufferers. Who knows the problem might persist. You, yourself need to break this cycle of fear with the only solution for lots of people to revive the pure joy you will ever have. This unique element of method is to personally inform yourself by acquiring experiences impacting others as well as their testimonials. Just one click for starters easy solution for those, to regain the confidence, health insurance and joy of life using your beloved family and friends.
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Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism
Okay. I give up. Vaccines do not cause autism.
Autism is a behavioral diagnosis. In order to receive the diagnosis of “Autism” a child must exhibit a certain number of behaviors over a certain time frame. If he or she does not do so, the diagnosis of “autism” is not warranted.
There is no blood test for “autism.”
“Autism” can’t be confirmed or “ruled-out” by laboratory analysis. It’s strictly a behavioral diagnosis.
Therefore, anything that causes physiological damage cannot directly “cause” autism.
Ergo… vaccines cannot “cause” “autism.”
Vaccines cause other stuff.
Vaccines cause encephalitis. Vaccines cause seizures. Vaccines cause immune system deficiencies. Vaccines cause gastrointestinal problems.
Encephalitis causes mood swings. Encephalitis causes extreme pain. Encephalitis causes inattention and impulsivity. Encephalitis causes aggression. Encephalitis causes balance problems and difficulty relating to one’s environment.
Seizures cause mood swings. Seizures cause inattention and impulsivity. Seizures cause alterations in conciousness.
Immune system deficiencies cause children to have more frequent bacterial infections, such as ear infections, upper respiratory infections (URIs), sinusutis, and strep infections.
Immune system deficiencies cause children to have more frequent viral infections, such as stomatitis, “fevers of unknown origin,” “viral rashes,” hives, conjunctivitis, and gastrointestinal viruses that cause vomiting and diarrhea.
Immune system deficiencies cause children to be more vulnerable to “everything that’s going around” and to have a tougher time getting over things than their peers.
Gastrointestinal damage from vaccines causes diarrhea. Gastrointestinal damage from vaccines causes nausea, reflux, vomiting, and the recently discovered “disease” now known as GERD (Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease).
Gatrointestinal damage from vaccines causes increased vulnerability to viruses and bacteria, which leads to increased administration of antibiotics, which leads to overgrowth of pathogenic yeast.
Pathogenic yeast overgrowth leads to intestinal hyperpermeability (“leaky gut syndrome”).
Pathogenic yeast overgrowth leads to constipation. Pathogenic yeast overgrowth leads to food allergies. Pathogenic yeast overgrowth leads to skin eruptions, “drunken, silly behavior,” inattention and impulsivity, and cravings for bread, sugar, ice cream, milk, and carbohydrates.
Technically, vaccines do not cause autism because techincally there is no such thing as autism.
Vaccines cause the underlying physical conditions that result in the pain, neurological damage, immune system disorders, gastrointestinal damage, and yeast overgrowth – all of which combine to produce the behavioral symptoms that result in the “autism” diagnosis.
Gastrointestinal damage is the most obvious result of vaccine damage.
When a previously healthy child suddenly starts having multiple episodes of watery and extremely stinky diarrhea every day, and this happens shortly after receiving vaccinations, it is notable as a “vaccine injury.” What is not so obvious is that when the child’s gut is permanently damaged, he or she is no longer able to absorb nutrients necessary to produce neurotransmitters necessary for proper brain function. So when the child develops mood swings, sleep difficulties, and learning disabilities several months later, these issues are not recognized as being related to the vaccine injury because the initial damage occurred many months earlier.
Please re-read the previous paragraph.
This is why Dr. Andrew Wakefield is such a threat to the pharmaceutical industry.
Dr. Wakefield NEVER said vaccines cause autism. Dr. Wakefield is a gastroenterologist. He saw a number of children with gastrointestinal problems who also happened to be diagnosed with autism. Dr. Wakefield reported his observations. He never claimed that the MMR “caused” autism. He merely reported that a number of children he had seen had BOTH gastrointestinal problems AND autism, and according to parental report, these issues developed within a short time of when the children received the MMR vaccine.
Again… Why is Dr. Wakefield such a threat to the pharmaceutical industry?
Hint: Not because vaccines cause autism – they don’t.
Vaccines cause gastrointestinal damage.
Gastrointestinal damage causes malabsorption of nutrients necessary for proper brain function. Malabsorption of essential nutrients causes immune system disorders, seizures, encephalopathy, etc… and THAT’s what leads to the ultimate diagnosis of “autism.”
If Dr. Wakefield’s observations are correct, SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE will eventually draw the connection between vaccines and the domino-effect that leads to the “autism” diagnosis. From the perspective of the pharmaceutical industry, better to “nip it in the bud” now, which means discrediting Dr. Wakefield to the extent that no one will look further into the science.
Has this ploy worked? Not for me. And not for many of the very intelligent parents I know. Only time will tell if there are enough of us to make a difference.
Note:  For more on vaccines and encephalitis:  http://www.whale.to/v/buttram.html
Vaccines and seizures:   http://www.politicolnews.com/flu-vaccine-stops-in-australia/
Vaccines and immune system deficiencies:  http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/04/01/the-dangers-of-excessive-childhood-vaccinations.aspx
More links to peer-reviewed medical literature:
CNS Recruitment of CD8+ T Lymphocytes Specific for a Peripheral Virus Infection Triggers Neuropathogenesis during Polymicrobial Challenge
Epidemiologic Characteristics of 500 Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Iran Studied from 2004 through 2007
Phenotypic expression of autoimmune autistic disorder (AAD): a major subset of autism.
Interaction of free radicals, matrix metalloproteinases and caveolin-1 impacts blood-brain barrier permeability.
Consumption of mercury-contaminated rice induces oxidative stress and free radical aggravation in rats.
Toxicity of nano gamma alumina to neural stem cells.
Abnormal measles-mumps-rubella antibodies and CNS autoimmunity in children with autism.
If you believe the above links are biased, then please, get it straight from the horse’s mouth and check out the vaccine inserts (direct from the manufacturers) for yourself.  Link:  http://www.vaccinesafety.edu/package_inserts.htm
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thrivous · 4 years
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Melatonin is a hormone and a popular dietary supplement. You’ve probably heard that it regulates your sleep and wake cycle. But it also does a lot more that most people haven’t heard about. This is a review of the emerging science, practical use, and safety of Melatonin supplements.
Many people think, as claimed on Wikipedia, that the molecule “is primarily released by the pineal gland.” That’s an organ deep in the center of the brain. And, as discovered in 1958, Melatonin production does occur in the pineal gland. But other organs and systems in the body produce more.
Notably, the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) produces hundreds of times more than the pineal gland. The GIT includes your intestines, as well as your stomach and esophagus. And this hints at some of the (perhaps surprising) things that supplements can help with.
The body makes Melatonin from serotonin. Serotonin is also a hormone, which the body makes from dietary tryptophan, an essential amino acid. Many people associate serotonin with the brain. But again, although serotonin exists throughout the nervous system, the GIT produces most serotonin.
How does Melatonin work? Once produced, it interacts with other molecules in its vicinity that have matching receptors. Such receptors exist throughout the body, including the brain, heart, and skin. Receptors also exist throughout the reproductive system and the GIT.
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What does Melatonin do? Specific effects depend on its context (see below). But an important general effect is synchronization of body functions. This synchronization is the circadian rhythm, which is a biological clock for cyclical processes throughout the body.
Over time, our bodies may decrease production of Melatonin or change the pattern of production. This may be caused by aging or by environmental factors. And it’s often associated with trouble falling asleep, as well as disturbances and inefficiencies in other body functions. In an effort to support healthy Melatonin levels, many people use supplements.
Supplements generally provide a bioidentical version of the molecule. That means the molecule is chemically identical to that which the human body synthesizes. Some supplements provide a version of the molecule that comes from animals. But they are less popular for various reasons, including a higher risk of contamination.
What is Melatonin used for? The most popular application is as a sleep aid, among people with insomnia or that have a delayed sleep wake phase. Travelers often use a supplement to help them avoid jet lag and sleeping problems when they cross time zones. However, supplements offer more than sleep benefits, as we’ll see below.
Does Melatonin Work for Sleep?
People make many claims about what does and does not work. Often they appeal to their personal experience or the testimonies of others. Sometimes they talk about studies done in test tubes or on lab rats. But the best evidence comes from clinical trials that involve humans, preferably with placebo control.
Below, I’ll share several human studies. My goal is to promote education. This is not medical advice. At Thrivous, we always encourage you to consult with your physician before and during use of all supplements.
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With that in mind, let’s look at the evidence. Melatonin supplements are well known to promote sleep. And for that use, this supplement appears in my list of top tier nootropics. Evidence comes from multiple human studies, including the following:
Add-on Prolonged-Release Melatonin for Cognitive Function and Sleep in Mild to Moderate Alzheimer's Disease: A 6-month, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter Trial. In 2014, this study found that the supplement “has positive effects on cognitive functioning and sleep maintenance.”
Prolonged Release Melatonin in the Treatment of Primary Insomnia: Evaluation of the Age Cut-Off for Short- And Long-Term Response. In 2011, this study observed “short- and long-term efficacy of [Melatonin] in insomnia patients.”
The effect of prolonged-release melatonin on sleep measures and psychomotor performance in elderly patients with insomnia. In 2009, this study found that “nightly treatment with [Melatonin] effectively induced sleep and improved perceived quality of sleep in patients.” It also found that “daytime psychomotor performance was not impaired and was consistently better … compared with placebo.” And the supplement “was well tolerated with no evidence of rebound effects.”
Controlled Release Melatonin (Circadin) in the Treatment of Insomnia in Older Patients: Efficacy and Safety in Patients With History of Use and Non-Use of Hypnotic Drugs. In 2009, this study found that the supplement provides “shortening of sleep Latency.” It also found “improvements in sleep quality and next day alertness and subsequently, quality of life.”
Prolonged-release melatonin improves sleep quality and morning alertness in insomnia patients aged 55 years and older and has no withdrawal effects. In 2007, this study found that Melatonin improves “quality of sleep and morning alertness.” This suggested “more restorative sleep, and without withdrawal symptoms.”
Efficacy of Prolonged Release Melatonin in Insomnia Patients Aged 55-80 Years: Quality of Sleep and Next-Day Alertness Outcomes. In 2007, this study found that Melatonin “results in significant and clinically meaningful improvements in sleep quality.” It also improves “morning alertness, sleep onset latency and quality of life.”
Not all studies have produced the same results. For that reason, scientists have performed meta-analyses. These are studies of other studies, which help us make general observations. Here they are:
Exogenous Melatonin as a Treatment for Secondary Sleep Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. In 2019, this meta-analysis of seven human studies observed that Melatonin “lowers sleep onset latency and increases total sleep time.”
Meta-analysis: Melatonin for the Treatment of Primary Sleep Disorders. In 2013, this meta-analysis of nineteen human studies observed that Melatonin “decreases sleep onset latency.” It also “increases total sleep time and improves overall sleep quality.”
Melatonin for the prevention and treatment of jet lag. In 2002, this meta-analysis of ten human studies observed that “Melatonin is remarkably effective in preventing or reducing jet-lag.”
In summary, the best available science shows that Melatonin may promote sleep. The evidence comes from multiple human studies and meta-analyses. That doesn’t mean that it will work the same for everyone in all situations. But it does provide reasonable grounds for consideration, informed by unique personal situations.
More Melatonin Benefits
Now let's take a look at evidence for some other benefits that most people don’t know about. Scientists are testing many possibilities, ranging from support for healthy blood pressure to enhancement of memory. Some have little evidence, and some have small effects. But I’ll share three benefits for which there’s relatively good evidence for notable effects.
Before I share them, here’s another word of caution. Some of the evidence that I’ll share comes from studies of persons with health conditions. But my goal is to help healthy adults have informed discussions with health care professionals about options for better aging. Supplements are not approved in the United States to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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Remember that your gut normally produces hundreds of times more of the molecule than your brain (see above)? Well, as it turns out, Melatonin supplements may support healthy stomach and esophageal function. For example, healthy adults may experience less heartburn, which many of us have from time to time. Evidence comes from multiple human studies:
Effects of melatonin and tryptophan on healing of gastric and duodenal ulcers with Helicobacter pylori infection in humans. In 2011, this study found that Melatonin “significantly accelerates healing rate of H. pylori infected chronic gastroduodenal ulcers.”
Melatonin or l-tryptophan accelerates healing of gastroduodenal ulcers in patients treated with omeprazole. In 2011, this study found that Melatonin, “when added to omeprazole treatment, accelerates ulcer healing.”
Role of melatonin in mucosal gastroprotection against aspirin-induced gastric lesions in humans. In 2010, this study found that “melatonin and its precursor tryptophan given orally significantly reduce gastric lesions induced by ASA.”
The potential therapeutic effect of melatonin in Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease. In 2010, this study found that “melatonin is a promising therapeutic agent for the treatment of GERD.” And “it is an effective line of treatment in relieving epigastric pain and heartburn.”
Next, Melatonin supplements may support healthy auditory function. For example, healthy adults may experience less ringing in the ears, which many of us have from time to time. Again, evidence for this benefit comes from multiple human studies:
Melatonin: can it stop the ringing? In 2011, this study found that “Melatonin is associated with a statistically significant decrease in tinnitus intensity.” It also “improved sleep quality in patients with chronic tinnitus.”
Treatment of central and sensorineural tinnitus with orally administered Melatonin and Sulodexide: personal experience from a randomized controlled study. In 2009, this study found that Melatonin is “a viable treatment option for patients suffering from central or sensorineural tinnitus.”
The effects of melatonin on tinnitus and sleep. In 2006, this study found that “Melatonin may be a safe treatment for patients with idiopathic tinnitus.” And “especially those with sleep disturbance” may benefit.
Effect of melatonin on tinnitus. In 1998, this study found Melatonin “to be useful in the treatment of subjective tinnitus.”
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These studies provide evidence that the potential health benefits of Melatonin go well beyond sleep. But they still might only be scratching the surface. Let’s take a look at one more possibility, with broader implications.
Can Melatonin Reverse Aging?
Perhaps most intriguing, Melatonin supplements may be geroprotectors. In other words, they may help us combat the effects of aging throughout the body. Scientists have found preliminary evidence for this in animal studies, where they extended the life of flies and mice. One explanation is that the supplement acts as a potent antioxidant.
During aging and other stressors, the body produces free radicals. They include unstable oxygen molecules with an unpaired electron. The electron can cause damage to cells, proteins, and DNA as it attempts to pair with them. An antioxidant can prevent damage by pairing with and neutralizing the free radical before it does damage.
As in animals, Melatonin supplements act as particularly potent antioxidants in humans. Evidence for this comes from multiple human studies:
Melatonin administrated immediately before an intense exercise reverses oxidative stress, improves immunological defenses and lipid metabolism in football players. In 2012, this study found that “treatment with melatonin in acute sports exercise reversed oxidative stress.” It also “improved defenses and lipid metabolism, which would result in an improvement in fitness.”
Melatonin supplementation ameliorates oxidative stress and inflammatory signaling induced by strenuous exercise in adult human males. In 2011, this study found that “melatonin supplementation before strenuous exercise reduced muscle damage.” It did so “through modulation of oxidative stress and inflammation signaling associated with this physical challenge.”
Melatonin treatment improves blood pressure, lipid profile, and parameters of oxidative stress in patients with metabolic syndrome. In 2011, this study found that “Melatonin administered for 2 months significantly improved antioxidative defense.”
In fact, Melatonin supplements may be more effective than other well known antioxidant supplements such as Vitamin C, Resveratrol, and EGCG. Here’s a study that compared them:
Melatonin, xanthurenic acid, resveratrol, EGCG, vitamin C and alpha-lipoic acid differentially reduce oxidative DNA damage induced by Fenton reagents: a study of their individual and synergistic actions. In 2003, this study found that, "among the antioxidants tested, melatonin was the most effective.”
This antioxidant power may be particularly important in mitochondria. Not only the power plants of cells, mitochondria play a role in most cellular functions. Consequently, they produce many free radicals. And, when functioning well, mitochondria also maintain high concentrations of Melatonin.
Such studies and observations have motivated scientists to look harder at Melatonin anti-aging potential throughout the human body. And research has increased in exciting areas such as regenerative medicine. Much work remains to be done. But the prospects already merit serious attention.
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How Much Melatonin Should I Take?
Scientists have used a range of doses in clinical studies, as outlined above. Most sleep studies have used an amount of Melatonin around 2 mg. Dosages in studies for digestive and auditory benefits ranged from 3 to 10 mg daily. And dosages for antioxidant benefits were around 5 mg daily.
When to take Melatonin? The best time is shortly before you plan to sleep. It is a sedative, which means that it makes most people sleepy. Don’t use it before driving or any other activity that requires focus.
How long does it take for Melatonin to work? It will usually begin to promote sleep within a half hour. Other potential benefits may require regular use for several days or longer periods of time to become noticeable.
How long does Melatonin last? For all normal doses, blood levels peak after about an hour. Then blood levels decrease by half every 30 to 45 minutes. And the body returns to its pre-supplement state within about six hours.
Can you build a tolerance to Melatonin? In long term studies (see below), participants didn’t develop a tolerance to any normal dose. Supplements continued to be effective even after months or years of use.
Is Melatonin Safe?
Is Melatonin bad for you? Some people worry that, despite the benefits outlined above, it may be harmful. There are concerns about the possibility of overdose and addiction, as well as safety for children and pregnant women.
Can you overdose on Melatonin? It’s possible to overdose on anything. Even too much water can kill you. So it’s best to use doses for which human studies have been performed.
How much Melatonin is safe? Human studies suggest that it’s generally safe for healthy people to use normal doses. As outlined above, normal doses range up to 10 mg daily.
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How much Melatonin is too much? Scientists have tested single doses of 240 mg and 500 mg on healthy men. They observed no toxic effects. However, these tests do not establish the safety of such doses for repeated use.
Is Melatonin addictive? Scientists have conducted long term studies on older women and dementia patients, as well as children (see below). The adult studies were for periods ranging up to nearly 3 years, at dosages ranging up to nearly 10 mg daily. They reported no evidence of dependence or any other serious adverse effects.
Is Melatonin safe for kids? Clinical studies for most supplements focus on adults, but some Melatonin studies have included children. For example, scientists conducted long term studies on 44 children and 51 children. They reported no evidence of substantial deviation from normal puberty development or any other serious adverse effects.
Can you take Melatonin while pregnant? Clinical studies for most supplements don’t include pregnant women, so caution is warranted. However, some Melatonin studies have included pregnant women with positive outcomes. If you’re pregnant and would like to use a supplement, please consult your physician.
Thrivous Serenity
Based in part on the information presented in this article, Thrivous developed Serenity Nightly Nootropic. Serenity is a dietary supplement that provides 5 mg of Melatonin in each serving of two capsules. It also provides clinical doses of L Theanine and M
Originally published at thrivous.com on February 11, 2020 at 08:32PM.
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not-poignant · 3 years
Speaking of the stomach symptoms that Ef has to go through, how do you cope with your own symptoms and do you have any protips for dealing with the pain?
Hi anon!
This one's tough, because the cause of the pain can be so multi-factorial. Digestive issues - for the best pain treatment and management - require:
1. A diagnosis 2. Understanding your allergies and intolerances*** (and they are not the same thing) 3. Understanding your triggers
The thing is, a diagnosis can be as good as a cure for some people who are lucky enough have treatable digestive conditions. A person with a finicky digestive system who learns they're gluten intolerant has a cure, even if it's not an easy one (avoid all gluten - symptoms and pain gone! Huzzah!)
Anyone who is having difficult digestive times should, imho, never just leave that as something to self-diagnose and just accept. I get diagnosis is a matter of privilege in some cases, but where it's not, this is one area where you don't want to fuck around and find out. There are literally hundreds of different things it could be, all with different treatments, medications, options, and supports out there. And I do know people who've ended up with severe autoimmune conditions and losing like, feet of their intestinal tracts, or cancer-like conditions, because of chronic diarrhea in particular, because they just 'waited' on the pain they were experiencing in their digestive tract.
And then the rest of this post is mostly like, 'I can't help you because bodies are diverse and 'stomach symptoms like Ef' means hundreds to thousands of different illnesses and hell, I've suggested pain management techniques in that story that you can try right now, and also I can't tolerate any pain treatments so good luck anon but I got nothing.' But like, the long scenic route version.
I can't speak to your issues, anon, because I don't know what your diagnoses are. There's not really many 'idiopathic digestive issue' diseases, but there are a lot of chronic illnesses that can be diagnosed through exclusion that can't be cured. But again, of those - and there are many - I don't know what yours are. And what I have, may not apply to you. It may not even apply to someone with exactly the same symptoms I do.
A person having Efnisien's symptoms could just have some intolerances that could be easily cured by avoiding those foods. Another person might have cancer. Like...you'd be amazed how many diseases cause non-specific and painful cramps and diarrhea. Sometimes it seems like all of them can.
For example, one of my many digestive illnesses is severe medication resistant gastro-esophageal reflux disease. Everyone in my family on my mother's side has it to varying degrees.
My grandma has needed to have two Nissen fundoplication surgeries to survive it, and has taken a proton-pump inhibitor since they were invented to manage it (since the 1980s), and because she's been taking a PPI for 40+ years, her stomach is now also riddled with hundreds of (so far) benign polyps and cysts as a result of the medication that she must take.
She avoids certain foods that I don't have to avoid, but I also need to take more medications than her, my food triggers are different to her food triggers, my brother's food triggers are different to my food triggers and he has the same disease and presumably, with a very similar genetic make up because it comes through the family line. His is very severe like mine, and nearly caused esophageal cancer for going so long untreated (the medication to treat has side effects, but leaving medication-resistant GERD alone can cause cancer of the throat and esophagitis, which my brother has been diagnosed with). My sister also has it. My Mum's is very mild, and she just has to avoid certain foods but needs no medications. And so on and so forth.
So how I manage the pain of just that one digestive disease - for I have more than one - (PPI and H2 receptor antagonist, certain food avoidance, no NSAIDs at all) is different to how my grandmother manages the pain (two surgeries, food avoidance that I don't have to avoid, PPI only), is different to how my mother manages the pain (food avoidance only, and different foods to me), is different to how my sister manages the pain (heat packs). Even the specialists we see are different, and our doctors suggest different management protocols. In that sense, I'm lucky, because my GERD can be medicated and I can generally enjoy eating and not choking on my own stomach every single night. Though I still have 'breakthrough days' where I do wake up choking on my own stomach acid, and have a sore throat / cough for the rest of the day.
So like, I can't take anti-inflammatories for the pain because that affects the stomach lining and mine's already fucked from GERD, but you might be able to. I can't take Buscopan for the pain, but you might be able to. I can't take Immodium on bad days, but you might be able to! Don't get me started on opioids or tramadol, it is very much like my body wants to suffer sometimes, the way I can't tolerate meds that are specifically for pain management. :/ I highly recommend looking up some support groups for the diagnosis/es you have, and seeing what people are recommending.
Because I don't tolerate almost all painkillers, I can't take any pain relief for my digestive illness/es (of which there are like...four, not including doctors thinking that my genetic cancer is causing some of it too, which is just a whole lot of oh well) that isn't just paracetamol (acetaminophen) which doesn't work.
There are no medications that help my chronic diarrhea at the moment, because it doesn't seem to be an autoimmune disease (at least so far, despite flagging for mild autoimmune stuff in every bloodtest I've ever had since I was 18 years old, but that's another story), but if yours is autoimmune in nature, there will be options that aren't pain-medication that may help you, and anything that helps with symptoms also, by default, helps with pain.
Some of my symptoms/pain is stress-triggered (my PTSD and my tumours can cause massive and unusual amounts of adrenaline to dump through my system, and one of the side effects of adrenaline entering the system is diarrhea - it's part of the flight/fight response: digestive disturbance). Therefore, less stress would certainly help me. But one of my specialists just laughed at me gently when I asked him how people stress less. You have to be awfully privileged financially to even try, even without a diagnosis of PTSD. And my tumours will still likely do this to me for the rest of my life, whenever they just feel like manufacturing hormones. They're neuroendocrine tumours, they want to fuck up my hormonal system, lmao.
Basically, anon, your question is kind of too vague to suggest much more than what's in Falling Falling Stars - perhaps some pain killers, perhaps some food avoidance, perhaps some heat or cold packs. Who knows? I have no idea what your diagnoses are, what you can tolerate, and I know what other people use for support, I can't, so I can't speak to how good those things are.
I'm going to level with you, anon. I have no protips for dealing with the pain aside from sucking it up and dealing with it, because I have almost no other options myself except to develop a high pain tolerance (which I have, which is terrible, because it means I wait too long to see doctors for very serious issues, and this has fucked me over more than once - one of my specialists literally yelled at me for it only last year: 'WHY DIDN'T YOU COME IN SOONER, DO YOU NOT TRUST US' which was great).
I'm really hoping you are not in my situation, because my 'dealing with the pain' is a version of 'I am in moderate to significant and sometimes severe pain 24/7 and no one can do anything to help me.' I wish it was only my digestive issues causing that, but the Fibromyalgia is certainly part of that. Sometimes the only way to deal with pain is to see a psychologist, and learn how to live with pain.
Find the support groups for your illness/es anon, they will have big personal lists that everyone is doing, they will be highly diverse and everyone will be doing something different for pain management, from ketamine infusions, to low-dose naltrexone, to ultrasound therapy, to heat packs, to a billion different medications, some for pain, some for your diagnosis. Having a diagnosis will help, because there are medications for specific diseases and disorders, someone with Crohn's will be on a very different cocktail of drugs compared to someone with IBS-D type compared to someone with IBS-mixed type, compared to someone with food intolerances.
And if you're lucky, your issues will be caused by intolerances, in which case you have a cure, even if it's an inconvenient one. But that cure (avoiding the food) can permanently remove the pain in some cases.
I'm sorry I can't be more help. There's just...thousands of things that can cause diarrhea and stomach cramps, and thousands of ways to manage those things. It's too nonspecific, beyond what I've already suggested in Falling Falling Stars. And anything more than that comes with side effects, and it's not good to already strain a digestive system that's strained, when you can potentially avoid it.
*** Please remember that there is almost no way to know your intolerances except through a food elimination diet, and anyone trying to sell you a blood test that tells you otherwise (i.e. naturopaths) is a fucking charlatan. There are, I believe, only 2-3 intolerances that can be read through blood test, one of them is lactose. There is no such thing as an accurate 'intolerance blood panel.' And only an allergist can diagnose allergies (with the exception of coeliac and again probably lactose issues lol), and finally, allergy =/= intolerance. Elimination diets should be overseen with the help of a doctor or specialist or dietician, because they are difficult to do and can cause or exacerbate eating disorders and disordered eating. I am not a doctor, always talk to your doctor about this stuff first, if you're concerned.
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refluxguardblr · 4 years
What are mattress elevator and its benefits?
Original Source: https://full-length-bed-wedge-for-gerd.blogspot.com/2020/06/what-are-mattress-elevator-and-its.html
As our world is becoming more and more fast-paced, we have to cope constantly with the piling work and performance pressure. All these lead to back problems because of the hours of sitting in front of a computer and being deprived of sleep. To help this condition, a mattress elevator is one of the solutions. This is a piece of foam that is put under our mattress to give a little slant in our upper body. It slightly elevates or slant our upper body which protect our body from bad postures and helps us to sleep better.
Benefits of mattress elevator
Although there is other way of lifting our body but mattress elevator has a multiple health benefits which made this product popular over the last few decades. It not only helps us sleep better it also give us relief from back pain. Here are some of the benefits of mattress elevator for our sleep:
Back pain relief
We often suffer due to bad posture while sleeping flat in our bed, as a result we suffer from back pain, spondylitis , sprain in neck or even spinal cord injury. Mattress elevator prevents our body from these conditions while sleeping. It also promotes healthy alignment of spine giving a soothing relief from any pain or stiffness in our body.
Reduces acid reflux
Acid reflux is a condition when we suffer from a burning sensation in our chest. This condition specifically occurs after finishing dinner or eating junk or any food that is acidic in nature. But sometimes if we experience this repeatedly this can be a serious issue of gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD).Mattress elevator helps in preventing this condition. A slight lift of our upper body eliminates the risk of accidentally reaching of acid from our stomach to oesophagus which causes the burning sensation in our chest.
Prevents sleep Apnea            
Sleep apnea or snoring loudly throughout the night is a sleep disorder that some of us suffer. If we snore the whole time while we sleep, that means our nasal passage is blocked and we are having some difficulty in sleeping. Our brain registers this problem while we are sleeping, and wakes us momentarily to prevent our airway from getting blocked which is the result of our snoring. Elevating our mattresses ensure even breathing and no blockage of air passage. It minimises snoring and help us in a sound sleep without any difficulty.
Types of mattress elevator
As there is a variety of mattress elevator available in market we can choose any alternatives based on our need and setting of our bed. Few common mattresses elevators that you can choose are-
·         Plastic-under bed wedge
·         Elevation toppers
·         Wedge pillow
·         Under -bed support foam
·         Elevating incline insert
Mattress elevator is a good solution to problems like back pain, sleep apnea and (GERD).It not only prevents such problems like snoring, acidity and joint pains but also helps in a comfortable and peaceful sleeping habit. There are a number of top brands providing with a large number of mattress in market to ease our life.
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mirascare · 5 years
How serious is Hernia?
You may be wondering what hernia is all about. In this segment, you are going to have to look at what and how serious is Hernia. You will also get to know the vital symptoms that help you diagnose on the medical disorder. The preventive measures and treatment procedures will also be given to you in a nutshell.
What do you understand by the term hernia?
Well, it is a medical disorder that is usually characterized by a bulge near the organ or tissue of your muscle. You could feel the sensation near the groin or abdominal area. While lying down, the bulge usually goes inside. But while you are awake and you are in a sitting position, the bulge presses you down. This starts from the abdomen reaching until your groin.
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You will be having a look at some of the detailed aspects connected with a hernia.
Characteristic features of a hernia
In the previous paragraph, you understood the overall meaning of what a hernia is all about. Do you want to have deeper insights into the same? Here we go:
A hernia is external and visible in nature. Do you know how? The bulge pushes through the posterior portion of your body. This way, you see the bulge sagging against the skin. This happens when it pushes through another muscle that is present deep inside the skin. You have different types of hernias. Let us move on, to have a look into each one of them.
Types of hernias
You can broadly classify hernias into external and internal. Most of the hernias, as already discussed, are external in nature. However, a few hernias can be internal ones. A deeper look at each of them.
Inguinal hernias
This is the most commonly found hernia. You have a set of intestinal or fat tissues forcing their way through your abdomen. This is the abdominal wall of your groin area. In other words, you feel a muscle protruding at the top of your inner thigh.
Femoral hernias
Femoral hernias aren’t as common as the inguinal. These hernias also impact the groin area. But a different set of tissues operate via the weakened muscles. A detailed analysis is needed to know the exact muscle that has been impacted via a hernia.
Umbilical hernia
This is a type of hernia that covers an area, or a section, of intestinal tissues or fat muscles situated near the naval area. You can visualize the bulgy tinge near your belly button. The abdominal wall of the belly button experiences a painful hernia when you are diagnosed with the umbilical one.
Incisional hernia
Have you had recent surgery on your abdomen? A hernia can push its way through the intestine or fat tissues surrounding the incisional site. This type of hernia is also named incisional hernia.
Well, these are the major types of external hernias you may come across. You will run through some internal hernias too. But before that, you need to know or understand the symptoms connected with external hernias.
Symptoms of external hernias
These are some of the symptoms of an external hernia, on a broader note. Here, they are:
Ø  As highlighted before, you can discover a noticeable bulge or hump near your abdomen or groin area.
Ø  This bulge automatically gets in or disappears when you are in a lying down position.
Ø  You notice an abnormal formation of a lump like tissue over a prolonged period. This happens when you leave the hernia untreated for long.
Ø  Men experience swelling, pain, and bulge near their groin or scrotum.
Ø  You experience pain or a bulging sensation near the site of the hernia formation.
Ø  You can experience pain while lifting heavier objects.
Ø  Coughing or bending over causes pain.
Ø  You experience a feeling of heaviness near your groin area.
Ø  You feel full even while you have not eaten anything. The bulge adds to the fullness of your stomach.
Ø  You also experience obstructed bowel movements while passing stools.
 While these are the most commonly felt symptoms of external hernias, let us find out what the internal ones are.
Types of Internal Hernias
Hiatal Hernia
You do not experience physically formed bulges, swelling, or lump like formations on an internally formed hernia. Hiatal hernia is the most commonly occurring form of internal hernia. Here, the hiatal muscle pushes the stomach up through the diaphragm. This is the sheet of the muscle that separates your abdomen from your chest area. Initially a hiatal hernia does not create any noticeable symptoms.
But if this form of hernia is left undiagnosed, this is what happens.
Now GERD is a more serious consequence of untreated hiatal hernia. The digestive juices of the stomach get blocked near your esophagus. While this happens, you experience a severe form of acidity also, known as acid reflux. The disorder is widely known as GERD. GERD stands for Gastro-Esophageal Reflux disorder. What do you think the symptoms of GERD are?
Symptoms of Internal Hernia or GERD
These are some of the commonly felt symptoms associated with GERD.
Ø  You experience heartburn. In other words, you feel a burning sensation near your upper chest.
Ø  You experience an extremely acidic or bitter taste at the back of your mouth. These are accumulated acids thrown from the stomach to your esophagus.
Ø  You feel a bloated effect on your stomach
Ø  You experience constant belching. In other words, you burp continuously
Ø  You experience pain or discomfort near your abdominal or esophageal tracts.
Hiatal Hernias can also cause chest pain, eventually leading to a heart attack. So immediate medical intervention is necessary when you feel gasping for breath or acute chest pain.
Diagnosis of Hernia
The body has its own way of signaling you as and when something goes wrong. The same rule applies to a hernia. If you have a chronic acidic sensation and not able to get rid of them via OTC drugs, chances are that you have been impacted by a hernia.
You can test for this via a physical examination. Or via CT and MRI scans. Earlier detection of hernia can also find an adequate solution for a cure.
The types of hernia, overview of symptoms and diagnostic procedures have been discussed here at length.
(MirasCare) Author Bio
MirasCare provides complete care and guidance for patients suffering from health conditions like piles, hernia, Fistula, boils, etc. Led by Dr. Mir Asif, best Laparoscopic Surgeon in Gurgaon, patients can be assured of success even with the most advanced treatments and laparoscopic surgeries. For more visit here https://www.mirascare.com/
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hefakopi-blog · 6 years
Acid Reflux In Babies
In case you have, then what you've experienced is acidic burn, commonly referred to as angina. When it has to do with acid reflux, there are specific foods which are almost universally problematic. It is crucial to focus on the indicators and symptoms of acid reflux in babies and kids and should they present, to find medical care.
It is essential that you know what causes, so that it is possible to prevent yourself from getting acid reflux in the very first spot. Not only are you going to will need to ease symptoms and help the stomach regain its wellness, but you are going to also need to keep overall wellness. Gargling with salted warm water is a great path to start your day if you would like to cure acid reflux sore throat.
Typically, babies do not demonstrate any signs of acid reflux. Some babies may have reflux on account of the birth procedure. Most babies ought to be set on their backs to sleep even should they have reflux. A couple of babies also suffer from silent reflux that does not result in any visible symptoms.
The physician might also want to check for diabetes and dermatitis. It's simple to forget some symptoms when you get to the physician's office. Ask your pediatrician if you think your child has acid reflux. Last, if you see any of the symptoms of acid reflux in babies, it is better to make an appointment with your pediatrician whenever possible.
Acid reflux is connected with the abnormality referred to as gastro-esophageal reflux disorder, or simply GERD. In the event the condition worsens or begins to appear infected you need to immediately get in touch with your pediatrician. Attempting to deal with such severe cases can be extremely frustrating. Give the infant frequent small feeds, so the stomach doesn't get too full.
Your child's lymph nodes might become swollen and tender. Angina has the inclination linger for around one hour, or even more. Hemorrhoids are among the most frequent causes of rectal bleeding. Herbs have become increasingly more popular among reflux sufferers as it is readily available and it's cheap concerning costs.
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Feeding on demand, or whenever your baby seems to be hungry, may also be beneficial. Some studies have proven that babies benefit when mom restricts her consumption of milk and eggs. Tomato plants are incredibly acidic. Parents discover that feeding babies that are suffering from GERD is quite challenging.
The Acid Reflux In Babies Cover Up
An acid bun might cause many troubles and several folks do not realise that there is really a robust connection between snoring and acidic burn. For example, there are some food substances which can't be tolerated by means of a person. Certainly, it's the best thing which happened for parents with colicky babies. The issue occurs the exact similar way it'll be in grown-ups.
Formula-fed infants might be helped by means of a change in formula. It's highly essential for moms to continue to keep babies comfortable as their very first priority as it contributes to the overall well being of their son or daughter. Since babies can't tell you what's wrong, it's essential for parents to recognize the indicators and get the correct diagnosis and treatment. Since they cannot let you know what's wrong, it is important for moms and dads to acknowledge the twelve signs and obtain the right treatment and diagnosis.
In case your child's medication is not having the desired effect you should go back to your physician or paediatrician and discuss additional treatments once possible. There are other means to help your infant sleep, too. Your baby is not going to be able to inform you it hurts so there'll be some things you want to look for so that your baby can receive the treatment fast. Putting a comparatively inconsolable baby to sleep is perhaps among the best challenges of parenthood.
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aimeereese · 7 years
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Gastro esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) If you have a GERD diagnosis or you are suspecting that you may have it, you will want to know what it means. Gastro refers to the stomach. GERD is Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease; this is a digestive disorder. It occurs when stomach acid or stomach content flows back into your food pipe. If the lower esophageal sphincter opens at the wrong time or fails to close correctly, GERD occurs. The backwash causes a sensation to the lining of the esophagus and causes GERD. It is also known as Acid Reflux. To read the rest of the article visit: www.aimeereese.com/single-post/2017/10/20/Gastro-esophageal-Reflux-Disease-GERD
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preclinicalimaging · 7 years
6 Dangerous Health Conditions Molecular Imaging Can Spot
Molecular imaging is a branch of nuclear medicine that entails the visualization of living organisms at the molecular, cellular, organ or tissue level for the purposes of diagnosing and treating medical conditions. It is also called preclinical molecular imaging.
Some of the most common approaches of molecular imaging are magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), optical imaging (OI), near infra-red imaging (NIRI), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), and positron emission tomography (PET).
This technique of diagnosing diseases is superior to its conventional counterparts. The purpose and intent of this article is to identify and briefly explain the 6 dangerous health conditions molecular imaging can spot with relative ease.
Courtesy of this technology, doctors may observe the various parts of the body for any abnormal cell or tissue growths, ascertain the stage of cancer development/extent of tissue damage, predict how the cancer may most likely respond to treatment, aid in prescribing the most appropriate treatment, and establish the efficacy of any existing cancer treatment programs.
Heart Disease
Any scars, clogs, or damages to the heart may be easily revealed by the use of this technology. The technology may also reveal any lapses in the functioning of the heart. It is more effective than the conventional techniques as it does not interfere with the functioning of the heart during a scanning/imaging session.
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Due to its non-invasive nature, it allows medical practitioners to safely and effortlessly scan the entire digestive tract and look out for any damages to the tissues, or clogs. For this reason, it may be used to treat gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), gallstones, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, and diverticulitis, among others.
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that is chiefly caused by abnormal electrical activities in the brain and is characterized by loss of consciousness, recurrent incidents of sensory disturbances, and convulsions. This technology enables doctors to scan the brain to determine exactly which part thereof is infected by the disease, the extent of the infection and the most suitable treatment mechanism.
Neurodegenerative Disorders
Diseases that may break down the nervous system such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease may be detected by this technology. It easily detects the activities of dopamine-producing neurons, the visualization of metabolic activities, and detection of abnormal brain activities. These enable the doctors to diagnose and recommend appropriate medications to mitigate these neurodegenerative disorders.
Kidney and Thyroid Disorders
By enabling doctors to actually see and monitor the activities of the kidney and thyroids, this technology allows the detection and timely mitigation of the common kidney and thyroid disorders such as glomerulonephritis, goiter, Graves’ disease, Hashimoto’s disease, kidney stones, polycystic kidney disease, thyroid nodules, and urinary tract infections.
Final Verdict
It is worth noting that the 6 dangerous health conditions molecular imaging can spot with relative ease as identified and discussed above are by no means exhaustive. That is because this technology has very wide applicability in the field of medicine, so much so, that all the various sicknesses and medical conditions it can diagnose and treat could not be mentioned due to space constraints.
The post 6 Dangerous Health Conditions Molecular Imaging Can Spot appeared first on BioLaurus.
from BioLaurus https://biolaurus.com/6-dangerous-health-conditions-molecular-imaging-can-spot/
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Proven Some Tips To Cure The Heart Burn
Proven Some Tips To Cure The Heart Burn
acid and reflux syndrome is also known as GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease). It cannot be simply cured by just ignoring it or by self treatment. In fact it is important to learn up the right acid and reflux information understanding the cause and effect of itacid and reflux is a serious digestive disorder that affects millions of Americans on a daily basis. Besides being extremely painful acid indigestion can lead to more serious medical conditions such as esophagitis or even esophageal cancer. In almost all circumstances you can reduce your acid and reflux symptoms by avoiding certain ‘heartburn foods’.
There are a lot of delicious foods that are impossible to give up. I mean the number one way to overcome heart burn is to just stop eating these foods. Still people aren’t going to do that.
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Heartburn is caused by poor eating habits. The reason for heartburn is either by eating too fast or eating the wrong kind of foods. When you suffer with heartburn the amount of pressure in the heart increases and this causes.
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Have You Seen Jeff Martin’s new Acid Reflux System yet? It’s called Heartburn No More I’ve read the whole thing (all 150 pages) and there’s some great information in there about how to naturally and permanently eliminate your heartburn without drugs antacids or any kind of gimmicks. I highly recommend it – it’s very honest and straightforward without all the hype and b.s. you see all over the net these days. Here’s the website where you can get more information:
While lifestyle habits can worsen your heartburn symptoms and increase the number of heartburn episodes heartburn is a medical condition with biological causes.
Is morning sickness making you miserable? Are you having a hard time enjoying this happy time in your life? Would a few tips and tricks (that you can point out to your significant other!) help you out? Then read on my friend!
Judging your symptoms is a good start towards eliminating acid and reflux. Many people think they have the condition under control just by carrying a roll of antacids in their purse or pocket. A doctor will tell you that a pain induced reflux condition occurring more than once a week is a good sign of chronic acid and reflux. The good news for millions (15-20 million at last count) this condition is curable.
There are many ways for treating heartburn that seem to provide relief at least temporarily. Here are just a few of the foods you should completely avoid if you suffer from frequent heartburn.
Vaginal odor is one of the most embarrassing health problems that a woman can have. You are ashamed of your body and the smell make you feel more self conscious and less confident about yourself. If you suffer from this foul smelling vaginal odor you definitely want a cure that can help eliminate and get rid of the smell permanently.
About the Author
Heartburn No More! Cure acid reflux end your digestive problems and regain your natural inner balance … Guaranteed! — Discover how Jeff Martin has taught thousands of people to achieve heartburn freedom faster than they ever thought possible… Even if you’ve never succeeded at curing your acid reflux before… Right here you’ve found the acid reflux freedom success system you’ve been looking for!
Heartburn begins as a burning pain behind the breastbone and it then usually radiates upward to the neck. There is often a sensation of food coming back into the mouth and is accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth.
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Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism
Okay. I give up. Vaccines do not cause autism.
Autism is a behavioral diagnosis. In order to receive the diagnosis of “Autism” a child must exhibit a certain number of behaviors over a certain time frame. If he or she does not do so, the diagnosis of “autism” is not warranted.
There is no blood test for “autism.”
“Autism” can’t be confirmed or “ruled-out” by laboratory analysis. It’s strictly a behavioral diagnosis.
Therefore, anything that causes physiological damage cannot directly “cause” autism.
Ergo… vaccines cannot “cause” “autism.”
Vaccines cause other stuff.
Vaccines cause encephalitis. Vaccines cause seizures. Vaccines cause immune system deficiencies. Vaccines cause gastrointestinal problems.
Encephalitis causes mood swings. Encephalitis causes extreme pain. Encephalitis causes inattention and impulsivity. Encephalitis causes aggression. Encephalitis causes balance problems and difficulty relating to one’s environment.
Seizures cause mood swings. Seizures cause inattention and impulsivity. Seizures cause alterations in consciousness.
Immune system deficiencies cause children to have more frequent bacterial infections, such as ear infections, upper respiratory infections (URIs), sinusutis, and strep infections.
Immune system deficiencies cause children to have more frequent viral infections, such as stomatitis, “fevers of unknown origin,” “viral rashes,” hives, conjunctivitis, and gastrointestinal viruses that cause vomiting and diarrhea.
Immune system deficiencies cause children to be more vulnerable to “everything that’s going around” and to have a tougher time getting over things than their peers.
Gastrointestinal damage from vaccines causes diarrhea. Gastrointestinal damage from vaccines causes nausea, reflux, vomiting, and the recently discovered “disease” now known as GERD (Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease).
Gastrointestinal damage from vaccines causes increased vulnerability to viruses and bacteria, which leads to increased administration of antibiotics, which leads to overgrowth of pathogenic yeast.
Pathogenic yeast overgrowth leads to intestinal hyperpermeability (“leaky gut syndrome”).
Pathogenic yeast overgrowth leads to constipation. Pathogenic yeast overgrowth leads to food allergies. Pathogenic yeast overgrowth leads to skin eruptions, “drunken, silly behavior,” inattention and impulsivity, and cravings for bread, sugar, ice cream, milk, and carbohydrates.
Technically, vaccines do not cause autism because technically there is no such thing as autism.
Vaccines cause the underlying physical conditions that result in the pain, neurological damage, immune system disorders, gastrointestinal damage, and yeast overgrowth – all of which combine to produce the behavioral symptoms that result in the “autism” diagnosis.
Gastrointestinal damage is the most obvious result of vaccine damage.
When a previously healthy child suddenly starts having multiple episodes of watery and extremely stinky diarrhea every day, and this happens shortly after receiving vaccinations, it is notable as a “vaccine injury.” What is not so obvious is that when the child’s gut is permanently damaged, he or she is no longer able to absorb nutrients necessary to produce neurotransmitters necessary for proper brain function. So when the child develops mood swings, sleep difficulties, and learning disabilities several months later, these issues are not recognized as being related to the vaccine injury because the initial damage occurred many months earlier.
Please re-read the previous paragraph.
This is why Dr. Andrew Wakefield is such a threat to the pharmaceutical industry.
Dr. Wakefield NEVER said vaccines cause autism. Dr. Wakefield is a gastroenterologist. He saw a number of children with gastrointestinal problems who also happened to be diagnosed with autism. Dr. Wakefield reported his observations. He never claimed that the MMR “caused” autism. He merely reported that a number of children he had seen had BOTH gastrointestinal problems AND autism, and according to parental report, these issues developed within a short time of when the children received the MMR vaccine.
Again… Why is Dr. Wakefield such a threat to the pharmaceutical industry?
Hint: Not because vaccines cause autism – they don’t.
Vaccines cause gastrointestinal damage.
Gastrointestinal damage causes malabsorption of nutrients necessary for proper brain function. Malabsorption of essential nutrients causes immune system disorders, seizures, encephalopathy, etc… and THAT’s what leads to the ultimate diagnosis of “autism.”
If Dr. Wakefield’s observations are correct, SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE will eventually draw the connection between vaccines and the domino-effect that leads to the “autism” diagnosis. From the perspective of the pharmaceutical industry, better to “nip it in the bud” now, which means discrediting Dr. Wakefield to the extent that no one will look further into the science.
Has this ploy worked? Not for me. And not for many of the very intelligent parents I know. Only time will tell if there are enough of us to make a difference.
Note:  For more on vaccines and encephalitis:  http://www.whale.to/v/buttram.html
Vaccines and seizures:   http://www.politicolnews.com/flu-vaccine-stops-in-australia/
Vaccines and immune system deficiencies:  http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/04/01/the-dangers-of-excessive-childhood-vaccinations.aspx
More links to peer-reviewed medical literature:
CNS Recruitment of CD8+ T Lymphocytes Specific for a Peripheral Virus Infection Triggers Neuropathogenesis during Polymicrobial Challenge
Epidemiologic Characteristics of 500 Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Iran Studied from 2004 through 2007
Phenotypic expression of autoimmune autistic disorder (AAD): a major subset of autism.
Interaction of free radicals, matrix metalloproteinases and caveolin-1 impacts blood-brain barrier permeability.
Consumption of mercury-contaminated rice induces oxidative stress and free radical aggravation in rats.
Toxicity of nano gamma alumina to neural stem cells.
Abnormal measles-mumps-rubella antibodies and CNS autoimmunity in children with autism.
If you believe the above links are biased, then please, get it straight from the horse’s mouth and check out the vaccine inserts (direct from the manufacturers) for yourself.  Link:  http://www.vaccinesafety.edu/package_inserts.htm
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Treat Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease with Medications
Gastro Esophageal reflux disease is also known as GERD. It is a digestive disorder that affects the lower esophageal sphincter the ring muscle between esophagus and stomach. Various individuals including the pregnant women suffer from heartburn and indigestion caused due to GERD. Doctors believe that people are suffering from GERD due to a condition called hiatal hernia. Some people can be relieved from GERD through the change in lifestyle and diet but some require medication.
Gastro esophageal refer to the stomach and esophagus. Reflux means to flow back. Thus, gastro esophageal reflux flows back of stomach content back into the esophagus. Gastro esophageal reflux occurs when LES( Lower Esophageal Sphincter) is weak Or relaxed inappropriately. In normal digestion, LES opens up to allow food to pass into the stomach and closes to prevent food from flowing back into the esophagus.
Symptoms of GERD:
Certain food such as chocolate, citrus fruits, spicy and tomato-based foods, caffeine, and alcohol or by eating just before going to bed can cause GERD.  Main symptoms of GERD are:
Heartburn Acid Indigestion Bitter acid taste in mouth Heart attack Stomach Ulcers Larynx
Risk Factors of GERD:
Hiatal hernia Obesity Pregnancy Cigarette smoking Complications Related With GERD: Erosive esophagitis Peptic Structure Barett's Esophagus Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Pulmonary disease
Treatment of GERD:
All age group individual including children, infants can suffer from GERD. If this disease is not treated on time then it can lead to more serious health issues. Some cases to treat GERD need medication but in some cases, people can improve it by:
Change in Lifestyle Avoidance of tobacco No alcohol No Chocolate No Citrus juice Elevate head during sleep Consume meals on time Loss in weight Avoid Carbonated beverages Eating smaller meals Not eating close to bedtime Wearing loose-fitting clothes Avoid spicy, fatty or acidic foods that trigger heartburn
Medications Used to Treat GERD:
There are various Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease Medications which are used to treat GERD.  the best way to treat any health problem is to preclude it. But if you already have acid reflux problems, there are numerous effective drugs for coping with the situation. One such drug is Nexium. Nexium is a popular choice among doctors who prescribe it to eliminate GERD symptoms. People who have used Nexium report improvements in short periods of time and elimination of symptoms after a full course of the drug. So if the reflux problems start to trouble you speak to your doctor about using Nexium and see its effective result.
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