hula-zombie · 5 years
Top 5 child hairs
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1. x2. x3. x4. x5. x
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bimbles-and-simbles · 7 years
Bloop the crown!
Despite her craziness, The Crown is a very nurturing and motherly sort. She just doesn’t show it all that often.
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asinglewallflower · 7 years
Let’s do Mirabelle~!
Mira won’t admit it, but she can’t sleep without Sir Snuggles III. He’s a hand-me-down teddy that Choux used first, but has stuck around with Mira. She hides him under her pillow during the day, and sneaks him out once the lights are out. Choux knows she has him… but has chosen not to say anything. Good for him.
Thanks for asking~!
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sunflowersim · 7 years
Can ultrasounds tell a baby's color? #yikes
Interesting thought! I didn’t even consider that! Although, seeing as ultrasounds are black and white in our universe, I’d like to think it’s the same for them(just because I’m cruel like that). We’re just gonna have to wait and see when the bab’s born. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ monets-pixels replied to your photoset “Harmony: I’m happy we’re doing this. Having a baby, I mean. I love...”
Oh Harmony.....
simsplyirresistible replied to your photoset “Harmony: I’m happy we’re doing this. Having a baby, I mean. I love...”
#mood #mood #mood asinglewallflower replied to your photoset “Harmony: I’m happy we’re doing this. Having a baby, I mean. I love...”
rinn. pls let it be his so they don't have the whole awkward confrontation thing >_>
germansam replied to your photoset “Harmony: Nothing’s wrong. I was…just nervous, about telling you. ...”
Gurrrrrrl you better hope that babe is pink
I sure hope it is, too! I don’t wanna write out an awkward confrontation. I’m no good at them. ): germansam replied to your photoset “Roswell: And the best part is that we’re in this together. Harmony:...”
Tell him tell himmmmmm
asinglewallflower replied to your photoset “Roswell: It’s getting late. Are you about ready for bed? Harmony:...”
More #mood simsplyirresistible replied to your photoset “Harmony: Nothing’s wrong. I was…just nervous, about telling you. ...”
The universe is so cruel, huh? simsplyirresistible replied to your photoset “Harmony: Nothing’s wrong. I was…just nervous, about telling you. ...”
socialbunnies replied to your photoset “Harmony: Nothing’s wrong. I was…just nervous, about telling you. ...”
The second #mood of the queue asinglewallflower replied to your photoset “Roswell: And the best part is that we’re in this together. Harmony:...”
TELL HIIIIMMM >:O Harmony communication of the foundation of a good relationship! >:O
Em is right! Unfortunately, she’s not the best at communication. (Which will come back to bite her) simphonics replied to your photoset “Roswell: I can pick up extra shifts at work so you don’t have to paint...”
Hmm she doesn't look happy
Nope. She’s not. ): mdebunny replied to your photoset “Roswell: I mean, we haven’t talked about kids or anything like that,...”
Oh Ros, just let her talk!
Poor Harmony always has a hard time getting a word in. bouquet-of-scissors replied to your photoset “Roswell: I mean, we haven’t talked about kids or anything like that,...”
I'm so nervous....
I feel like that was the #mood of the queue(at least for the first half) simsplyirresistible replied to your photoset “Harmony: But the thing is- Roswell: That’s great! Harmony: Uh, it...”
well ros, you might not think so in a minute bud (but I hope you're kind enough to not be an asshole abt it since it was before yall were together AND she was drunk)
Ros is a good guy - he definitely would have accepted it and would love this baby as if it were his own. It’s when you factor in her lying that things get complicated. Is he that good of a guy? germansam replied to your photoset “Roswell: Are you finally admitting defeat and going to the doctors?...”
I'm worried
As you should be. asinglewallflower replied to your photoset “Later that night… Ros: So, you had something you wanted to run by me? ...”
...do tell... *wiggles eyebrows*
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smallcowplant · 7 years
Can I ask wcif that photo frame in your one post where Esther is taking pictures of the town? That overlay that looks like it's through the lens of a camera?
camera overlay!
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bouquet-of-scissors · 7 years
Dusty Petal Replies
@frost-rainbowcy @asinglewallflower @limericksims @germansam
frost-rainbowcy replied to your photoset “Iclynn: You wouldn’t happen to know him? Lila: My husband and I just...”
 frost-rainbowcyreplied to your photoset “???: Oh, who’s this?”
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
asinglewallflower replied to your photoset “Iclynn: I’m so sorry about this, she slipped away while I wasn’t...”
super duper plot twist Lily gets w/ Lila xD
o m g... what if
asinglewallflower replied to your photoset “Rosebud: Daddy, what wrong? Lilium: I’m fine, Rosie Posie… don’t...”
I highkey love Rose and Lily. They're the absolute cutest together!
So do I x3 She’s def a daddy’s girl not that she has many options but let's not talk about that
limericksims replied to your photoset “Rosebud: Daddy, what wrong? Lilium: I’m fine, Rosie Posie… don’t...”
she is so adorable!
She’s my precious little flower <3 <3 <3
germansam replied to your photoset “Iclynn: Oh sweetheart… did you try calling her back? Lilium: I called,...”
Oh boy! Him with his hair pulled back is such a #look
It is, I love Lily’s hair so much x3
asinglewallflower replied to your photoset “Icylnn: Why wouldn’t she be worried? Lilium: She said that shortly...”
wait- Mr.Ghost man's identity revealed?! :o
Technically he’s revealed before x  x ;)
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sunflowerplumbobs · 7 years
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You guys are wonderful too! ❤
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hula-zombie · 5 years
Top 5 wedding dresses
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1. x2. x3. x4. x5. x
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simmancy · 7 years
Bloop Veri
Veri’s still the worst cook in the family.
She’s genuinely banned from the kitchen unless someone’s there to supervise her. 
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bimbles-and-simbles · 7 years
germansam replied to your post “Why does Ostara have blue eyes? Is it because of that demon Russet was...”
Can I add on and ask why blue if Russet is orange tho? Like its cool. I love the aesthetic so I'm curious why that color
That’s easy! His mother was blue :D
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asinglewallflower · 7 years
Wedding Belllls???
germansam replied to your photoset: Choux: “That… that was unexpected.” Clover: “What...
�� just let them get married already it’s fiiiiiine
I wiiiiishh I could do that. I’d be sooo happy. But... y’know... plotlines...  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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sunflowersim · 7 years
Midnight replies bc why not
@germansam @bouquet-of-scissors @asinglewallflower
replied to your photoset
“Harmony: You would be correct, good sir. Would you like something? My...”
If she doesn't try to finish kissing him Imma...imma do something
Sammmeeeeeeeee - but, I mean, do you think she’d try it knowing Norah was around???? Hmmmm....
replied to your photoset
“Sapphire: Oh, uh…nothing happened. What are you talking about? Norah:...”
Kay I ship it
The more I see them together, the more I love them! Can’t wait to see how life plays out for them. :)
replied to your photoset
“Sapphire: Hey, look who it is! I honestly didn’t expect to see you...”
Uh oh
Uh oh is right. The night is still younggggg
replied to your photoset
“Roswell: This was a mistake. We should head home. Norah: No, no, it...”
Norah and Sapphire sitting in a tree~~
replied to your photoset
“Roswell: This was a mistake. We should head home. Norah: No, no, it...”
oh no drunk shenanagins
I’ve said it so much already, but I love drunk Harmony(maybe that’s just because she acts just like I do when I’m drunk)
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Jo: I made a marshmallow Dan. See? His arms are crossed because he's mad at all the other marshmallow workers for annoying him. You like it?
Dan: *choked up* It's fine.
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niympha · 7 years
so many replies.
I actually wanted to wait with my replies post until Friday but you guys are just replying so much it’s amazing. Thank you for all the support it keeps me motivated to continue this story! ♥♥♥♥♥
foodietraits hat auf deine Bilderserie geantwortet “Athena: I’m sorry, Linen, but I think we should break up. I just know ...”
                       schlechte Wäsche                    
What are you trying to tell me with that? I don’t understand! D: Is this some kind of German saying that I don’t know even though I’m German?? I is confused!
germansam hat auf deine Bilderserie geantwortet “Athena: I’m sorry, Linen, but I think we should break up. I just know ...”
asinglewallflower hat auf deine Bilderserie geantwortet “Athena: I’m sorry, Linen, but I think we should break up. I just know ...”
                       BUT YOU'RE HAVING A NOOBOO                    
bouquet-of-scissors hat auf deine Bilderserie geantwortet “Athena: I’m sorry, Linen, but I think we should break up. I just know ...”
                       BUT YOUR EGGO IS PREGO                    
bouquet-of-scissors hat auf deine Bilderserie geantwortet “Athena: There’s just one problem, though.   Linen: What is it?  ...”
                       Uh oh...                    
This was a very sad part to write because they are so perfect together! And a lot is going to happen in the next few days...
foodietraits hat auf deine Bilderserie geantwortet “Athena: There’s just one problem, though.   Linen: What is it?  ...”
                       Oh, liebes Ich                    
“Oh, liebes Ich” sounds so cute. ♥
romeo-and-simulet hat auf deine Bilderserie geantwortet “Linen: I’m going to make you some tea. Maybe that’ll help soothing...”
I knooow. ;____; ♥
romeo-and-simulet hat auf deine Bilderserie geantwortet “Athena: *Maybe a nap will help.*”
                       yeah...probably not             
It was worth a try...
romeo-and-simulet hat auf deine Bilderserie geantwortet “Athena: We should probably head inside.   Linen: Yeah…   Athena: Get...”
                       AAAAAAAAAA BABIES                  monets-pixels hat auf deine Bilderserie geantwortet “Athena: How late is it?   Linen: Not that late. You wanna head to bed?...”
Ahh, yes. Babies are great.
bouquet-of-scissors hat auf deine Bilderserie geantwortet “Linen: I’m going to make you some tea. Maybe that’ll help soothing...”
                       Okay, but Linen is so freaking sweet <3                    
He’s the sweetest bean to ever sweet.
stephaniesim hat auf deine Bilderserie geantwortet “Athena: How late is it?   Linen: Not that late. You wanna head to bed?...”
                       “Stomach bug” suuuureeee ;)                    
asinglewallflower hat auf deine Bilderserie geantwortet “Athena: How late is it?   Linen: Not that late. You wanna head to bed?...”
                       "stomach bug" *wiggles eyebrows*                    
Yes, definitely a stomach bug! >.>
socialbunnies hat auf deine Bilderserie geantwortet “Athena: How late is it?   Linen: Not that late. You wanna head to bed?...”
                       BECAUSE ITS A NOOBOO YAY                    
frost-rainbowcy hat auf deine Bilderserie geantwortet “Linen: Are you feeling any better?   Athena: Not really.   Linen:...”
berrysweetplumbob hat auf deine Bilderserie geantwortet “Linen: Are you feeling any better?   Athena: Not really.   Linen:...”
                       Narrator: In fact, there was something to worry about. A nooboo!?! ;)                    
germansam hat auf deine Bilderserie geantwortet “Looks like someone isn’t feeling so swell.”
                       >.> ....babies????                    
You guys seem so sure that Athena is pregnant... I have no idea what could give you that impression.
stephaniesim hat auf deine Bilderserie geantwortet
                       Get some “rest” ;)                    
After that they did get some rest, though. But yeah, that’s probably not the right way to get some rest. x3
foodietraits hat auf deine Bilderserie geantwortet
foodietraits hat auf deine Bilderserie geantwortet
                       pink girls you are beautiful oh ah                    
Pink girls are very beautiful, indeed.
asinglewallflower hat auf deine Bilderserie geantwortet “Athena: Are you checking out my ass?   Linen: Maybe…”
                       down boy                    
I love how you and @romeo-and-simulet​ have completely different reactions to that. :’D
amixofpixels hat auf dein Foto geantwortet “I know it’s not Sunday and this is the second day in the row that I’m...”
                       And that it is! You look awesome.                    
Thank you so muuuuch. ;___;
romeo-and-simulet hat auf deine Bilderserie geantwortet “Athena: Are you checking out my ass?   Linen: Maybe…”
                       good boy                    
cosysimmer hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet  “6, 7 and 8? ^-^”
                       ;_; ������������                   
You were actually the person that got me into berry sims! ♥ So it’s your fault that I’m obsessed with them now.
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babyitsmagic · 4 years
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@amongstmortals​ said: sher.idan pier.ce || npc meme (accepting)
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Karina Hodge
Karina is perfectly ordinary. Human parents. Normal childhood. Average grades. Nothing too spectacular. Except that she was gifted with True Sight. She sees things people aren’t usually meant to see and sometimes, as a result, she says weird shit. It’s hard not to say weird shit when you notice things other people can’t see. Which is how Karina and Vanna became fast friends. They met when they were 13 and for Vanna, it was one of those things that felt inevitable, unavoidable, and absolutely meant to be. For Karina, it was nice to finally have someone who got it. Vanna doesn’t have true sight. She sees more than most people do, but still not everything her friend does, but she trusts her, she believes her, and that was something Karina really, deeply needed. The two have been close their whole lives and when Vanna eventually starts travelling the world, they don’t fall out of touch. The friendship transforms and remains and it’s good, for both of them.
shoutout to @germansam​ for picking the muse for this one!
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h0ney-sims · 7 years
2, 7, and 9 for the Sim questions!
2- well I’m gonna have to say ts4 because the graphics are really good and I feel like it’s a bit more flexible and the cas aspect is really dynamic compared to the other games
7- CC for sure LOL , usually maxis match sometimes I use clothes that aren’t maxis match though but I love cc😍
9- play style : I usually just create families with a back story or a single sim and I just play from there sometimes I use the extreme violence mod heavily and other times I use the road to fame mod , it depends on how I’m feeling LOL
-thanks for the ask ❤️❤️-
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