#geshin zhongli
hiraya-rawr · 2 years
fix me up, lover boy
synopsis !! they like you and they help fix your appearance
characters !! Butler Elzer, Ayato, Zhongli, Diluc
note !! gn!reader but mentioned maid role in elzer's. slight suggestive implication in elzer and ayatos? and yes WEBTOON ELZER IS ON HERE BC CUTE BUTLERS–
— E L Z E R .
As a servant of the winery, you were required to keep up appearances. It was necessary when representing the Ragnvindr name after all. Adeline was especially strict when it comes to an out-of-place tie or a wrinkled skirt.
Tonight was no different; master Diluc was holding a gala, displaying the newest collection of wine. Your fellow maids had already left to help serve the influx of guests, but you lingered just outside the main hall, struggling to fix your headband.
You almost didn't notice Elzer calling your name.
"(Name)? (Name), the other maids are looking for you."
You look up to see the butler holding a tray of champagne glasses, upon seeing your struggle, he carefully places the tray on a console table.
"May I?" He reaches up with gloved hands, gesturing to your head piece. You nod as he adjusts the hairs out of place, tying the intricate lace with the proficiency of a trained butler. All the while you stare up at him. He wonders if you could notice the pink dusting his cheeks.
Once he's done, his hands linger as they fall to your cheek, brushing an unnoticed strand away.
"You're looking presentable now." He says softly, face much too close to yours. His hand stays on your cheek and you briefly wonder why isn't he pulling away.
"Just presentable?" You inquire back.
". . .More than presentable." He pauses, then adds, "I fear you might outshine the lavishly dressed nobles in the main hall."
Your breath hitches, his eyes never leaving yours. There's a thumping in your heart from such a comment. "Elzer?"
He leans in a bit closer, the hand on your cheek pulling you in and–
"I hate to break the moment but there are guests without champagne glasses waiting by the door." A gruff voice cuts through. Diluc crosses his arms at the other end of the hall, an eyebrow raised.
"Master Diluc! My apologies, we–"
"Young Master, I was just about to–"
You start in unison but Diluc only waves you off, "You both have the day off tomorrow, isn't that right? Enjoy all the time then but not when there are visitors to attend to." He scolds and you both nod.
The redhead makes his way back to the main hall, but before that he turns once again, "Or, y'know, there's always time later tonight once all the guests are gone. Do enjoy yourselves." A ghost of a smirk crosses his face as you both turn as red as your master's hair.

– A Y A T O .
Traditional Inazuman clothing were difficult to put on alone, especially the decorated ones. It's not easy to arrange layer after layer with all their ribbons and knots.
So please forgive your amateurish abilities when the knot behind your back started to fall apart, loosening the entire wardrobe along with it in the middle of a teahouse gathering.
It was Ayato who immediately notices your quiet distress, pulling you aside behind one of the screen doors before anyone notices.
"I thought I secured it." You whine, hands on your face to hide the slight embarrassment. He only chuckles, turning you around to witness your disaster of a so-called-'secured knot'.
"You tied it like a shoelace." He says it a matter-of-factly, voice stuck between amusement and disbelief, unsure if he wanted to laugh at your misfortune or question how you thought this could ever be secure.
"Just please tie it properly for me. Archons forbid anyone finds us here and assumes– erm..."
He smirks, "Assumes what, exactly?"
"You know what." You feel him handling the ties on your back.
"It's not as if it would be a bad assumption."
You huff, "It would be bad for a bachelor to be caught up in a scandal."
He laughs, it's lithe and almost melodic sounding. "What an overreaction, I'm merely tying some knots."
You pout at his disagreement, wanting to justify yourself: "This is the work of the house-help, not the Yashiro Commissioner. Although if you enjoy it so much, you could do it for your future spouse everyday."
"I wouldn't have to do it everyday if you learned how to do it on your own." He talks back, almost nonchalantly, a habit– and you swiftly turn to face him.
". . . what?" He repeats, raising an eyebrow.
"You said. . . " Your eyes narrow at him in confusion. The realization, the implication, settles in his mind slowly.
"Ah. . . " Lavender eyes stray away from yours, seemingly interested on the wall beside you, "I misspoke."
"I said your future spouse." You try to bite back the teasing smile on your lips, a hidden laugh on the tip of your throat, "You didn't even hesitate to say–"
"I said I misspoke!" He turns his back on you but you see the flush reaching his ears, tinting them pink.
You muffle a laugh, "Should I learn how to tie knots, Ayato dearest?~ Or should I leave that up to you?"
He groans, a hand hiding his face, "We should go back to the party. People would start assuming things." The screens slide open as he briskly walks out, leaving you to call out to him in glee.
"People would assume what, Ayato!"
– Z H O N G L I .
"I wonder what I would look like with red eyeliner." You mutter, observing the way his hand -steady as rock- brushed the signature red eyeliner on the edges of his eye.
"Would you like to know?" He smiles, slipping his free hand to cup your chin and pull you close. Your breath hitches.
"Don't move now," he says, voice low, "We don't want it to smudge." You almost nodded, but his fingers kept your chin locked and close to his.
A soft brush caresses the underside of your eye, moving to the corner and flickering gently to form a wing.
"Is... is it done now?" You ask. He doesn't respond, instead, he smiles and gently moves your face to the side.
"The other eye as well, darling."
— D I L U C .
Kameras weren't that known outside of Fontaine, but because of privilege and wealth, Diluc had managed to get the latest prototype with ease. The mechanical device looked interesting to you, the fact that it could produce an image even faster than any painter sounded magical.
So when Diluc suggested you both take a "photo" together, you were excited to say the least and wanted everything to be perfect.
"Do I look all right?" You ask, turning to him as you pat your clothes down. He glances you over and you feel yourself shying away from his gaze. It's a little strange to have the aloof man act attentive over appearances.
"There's rice on your– no, not there, over–" He pauses, glancing at you, almost hesitant before muttering an "I'll do it."
A gloved hand reaches out to your hair, brushing it away with his fingers. It's strange to see him so close to you when the gentleman usually keeps his distance.
He takes a step back. You exhale a breath you didn't know you were holding.
"Ah, is it good now?" You ask.
"Yes." He nods and stands stiffly in front of the kamera, waiting for you to take your own place. Later on, you'd wonder why Diluc would refuse to show you the produced image, huffing how "it didn't turn out right. we can have another one taken next time.", unknowing of how it perfectly captured the blush on his cheeks and the way his eyes were not on the lens, but on you.
note // thinking of shy ayato, i think it still fits his character well. he could be teasing most of the time but catching him off guard would be cute too. and i hope you like elzer's part!! it's been in my drafts for so long (months, actually) that im glad to finally post this. lemme know what you think of short works like this!
masterlist 2 // commission a writing!
almost forgot the taglist... // @absolut-wildflower @boundedbyfate @sadlonelybagel @eissaaaa @ladycoleigh @nejibot @milkypompon @bloodreaper08 @irethepotato @x-zho @roriver @mich-cola @mxsomn @ackrylik @nicebonescomrade @starforecasts @stygianoir @yuminako @eccedentesiast-sapphic @nebulaera @nuttytani @klutzkat @stygianoir @shizunxie @bluriie @aestellia
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whispereons · 1 year
Oracle!Reader Part 13
Masterlist - Part 1, Part 12, Part 14
Warning! As usual, there are descriptions of violence, gore, and death! Ya know, the usual yandere imposter sagau stuff.
Leaning against a tree, you finished the last volume in 'Hilichurl cultural custom'. It was definitely the most informative with the next being 'Hilichurl Ballad Section'. You didn't plan on studying the Hilichurl language but it could come in handy.
You just didn't bother finishing 'Draft Hilichurl ballads'. Ella Musk's rough translation paper in her commission would be far more helpful than that. The game screen is closed as you think back to what you memorized.
Hilichurls worshipped the elements rather than the Seven, which makes sense due to their Khaenri'ah bloodline. Could you use the elemental power in your possession to distract them? Would they recognize you as they can control elements or would the curse from Celestia interfere?
Twirling your sickle mindlessly you keep watch on the camp as hilichurls continuously walk around. A Mitachurl carrying a rock shield sat in the base as a Geo Samachurl helped construct a tower.
Actually, now that you think about it, isn't it kind of strange how this is your first time encountering a Hilichurl? One of the most common enemies that appears in almost every location, yet it's only when you purposefully search for one that you-
"Mimi ye?"
Jumping away from the tree in shock, a sharp gasp escapes you as you turn around, your sickle held firmly.  You resist the urge to raise it in defense.
A Hilichurl stands now in front of you with a crossbow, tilting its head. It would be cute if you weren't hyper-aware of the weapon in its hands. Relaxing your posture, the sickle in your hand is hanging to avoid making the hilichurl feel threatened.
"Hello, do you want something from me?" Awkwardly smiling at the masked creature, you speak slowly in hopes of not exciting it.
"Celi dada, mimi nunu!" It walks closer to you, making you cringe internally from the smell. It's not just a smell from bad hygiene, it smells like death.
"Are you curious about me? Do you want to see something cool?" You wait for it to react, which it does by strolling a bit closer before presenting your sickle.
It stops at the sight of the weapon and you watch nervously as its grip tightens on the crossbow. Hurriedly you push the Electro to crackle through the weapon but you don't swing it.
Not even as the Hilichurl begins to load an arrow.
"Nini movo muhe yoyo!" You repeat the few phrases that you drilled into your mind. The pronunciation is bad and the accent is horrible but the message is received by the Hilichurl.
The arrow is slowly removed from the crossbow as the Hilichurl points to the Electro and asks, "Eleka mimi-a-Domu?"
Racking your brain to recall what it's trying to ask you, you nod hastily. It wasn't attacking you so whatever it asked hopefully wasn't bad.
The Hilichurl begins to circle you as it gets closer, seemingly inspecting you. "Muhe ye! Mimi tomo!"
'Muhe ye' was something praiseworthy if you remembered correctly. It suddenly begins to push you towards the camp while repeating the same phrase.
Not willing to risk angering it, you let it push you down the hill and cross the small river of water. Your sickle disappears in gold specks before the other Hilichurls and Geo Samachurl spot you.
They all tense up with their weapons ready yet they don't attack until the Hilichurl pushes you in front of them. It begins to speak to the whole group loudly as they all peer at you from behind it.
"Mimi mosi ye mita!" Hilichurlian is spoken quickly as you look at the half-finished tower and the second tower that was completed. Could the towers be part of the worship they hold to Teyvat?
"Ya!?" The rock shield Mitachurl suddenly storms down the stairs from the main camp making you stare up at the Mitachurl in panic.
Shit, shit this was getting out of hand. Looking around the camp for some form of escape or distraction, the Samachurl stomps his staff onto the ground twice.
"Celi upa celi! Ye dada!" The Samachurl yells out, making the rest of the Hilichurls cheer and begin working faster on the second tower. You could hardly focus on that as the Mitachurl stops in front of you with a mean glare.
It towers over you with the rock shield looking almost as heavy as you. A snort of hot, stinky breath is pushed onto your face making your features scrunch up in disgust.
It begins to argue with the Samachurl as you recover from the horrid smell of the group. You weren't being attacked so that was a good sign, but how were you supposed to lead them away?
Multiple hands begin to drag you toward the half-built towers with their overgrown nails tickling your skin. Not wanting to be forced, you keep pace with the group. Looking down to not trip, you notice their feet.
It was kinda strange how they had five fingers but only three toes. The cloth-like fabric of their charcoal skin was also strange along with the horn-like features on their head. Perhaps the curse melted their clothing with them into one being? That would help explain why they wore so little clothing even in harsh climates.
The Hilichurls pushed you into helping with the tower construction, they all seemed enthusiastic to have you on board. Working with them, instead of fighting against them was far more ideal even if you had more work to do when it came to destroying the towers.
Not long after helping finish the tower, the Hilichurls and Samachurl celebrate. The Mitachurl sits on the perch on the base camp as the Samachurl begins to sway his staff.
"Eleka mimi-a-Domu~ Mita domu-a-dada!" As the Samachurl begins to sing, the hilichurls dance around both towers in sync. Sitting down you watch it curiously while keeping an eye on the Mitachurl.
"Mimi mosi ye mita!" From what the books said this song was supposed to be sung during festivals. What could they be celebrating?
A few Hilichurls arrive at the camp holding Geo clubs and shields. They pause at the sight of you until the Samachurl speaks to them, making them calm down.
One of them seems heavily injured and is escorted into the main camp with bleeding wounds. The smell of iron mingles unpleasantly with the sweat and dirt in the air. God, you regret having a working sense of smell.
The rest of the group brought back meat and rotting fruit? The meat was put to cook over the fire and the fruit was handed out. You only took a single fruit to be polite but it didn't smell... right.
It was a wet, overripe Sunsettia looking far more red than a normal orange Sunsettia. It was probably washed in the river but the water only made it muddy. You look around to see a whole basket brought to the Mitachurl who takes it with a huff.
"Ya celi mimi nunu!" The Samachurl exclaims before they all begin to eat. You try to put the dirt-speckled Sunsettia on the ground but the Samachurl stares at you with expectant eyes. It keeps the staring contest as the Mitachurl begins to look at you too.
Damn, you really didn't want to do this.
Smiling, you brush the mud off (that unfortunately smears it more) and try to ignore the gross possibilities of who and what touched the fruit. You chomp a good-sized bite and hold it in your mouth until the Samachurl nods in approval. The Samachurl begins to feast on his own Sunsettias and you try not to gag. You're about to spit out the piece in your mouth until the juice hits your tongue.
It's sweet. The slight bitterness is pleasant, if not familiar. Experimentally, you begin to chew on the fruit and savor the taste trying to recall what it is.
After a few more bites, you notice a weak burning sensation that travels down your throat. It's… alcohol? These Sunsettias are fermented. Not strong enough to get drunk off one, but after a few?
You look back to the Hilichurls and blanch at the empty basket. Now with what seems like the whole camp they resume the dance. The Mitachurl flops into the middle of the camp, dropping his empty basket.
The staff in the Geo Samachurls hands sways drunkenly as it sings loudly and off-key.
"Nini movo muhe yoyo! Nini movo mimi tomo~! Lata movo mosi yoyo, celi movo celi yoyo!"
Cringing, you finally got up and walked past the drunk Hilichurls. You could barely hear yourself think with all the noise, how were you supposed to plan with it?!
The only place within the Hilichurl camp that had a chance of keeping out the singing was the sole building. Casting a parting glance at the partying Hilichurls, you climb up the stairs and enter the hut.
The poor workmanship let drafts in as two lit torches kept it bright. The obnoxious singing gets quieter so you suppose the building served its purpose. A sole beat-up hilichurl lays on a straw make-shift matt, it groans in pain weakly.
You stop in the middle of the building, just a few steps away from the Hilichurl as you watch it. The question lingering in the back of your mind finally comes forth.
Why did you not want to harm the Hilichurls?
You had no problems attacking and even murdering people, yet your heart ached at the thought of hurting the cursed citizens. Was that it? Did you pity them to the point of refusal of harm? Or was it like you originally thought of the Hilichurl camp being too strong for you to face on your own?
Quietly, you take slow steps toward the Hilichurl, the torches cast your shadow to loom far above it as if swallowing it whole. Stretching out your hand your fingers inch closer to the wound winding down its back.
It must be in so much pain. Your fingers graze the cut just barely as you laugh at yourself. Were you always this hypocritical? Just yesterday you let a treasure hoarder bleed to death with his critical state, yet you tenderly touch this Hilichurl hoping that your power could heal it.
Even with your conflicting feelings, you smile as the Hilichurl begins to glow gold. If your touch was enough to heal it then Teyvat must recognize it as an animal rather than a human.
How sad...
The Hilichurl is quick to wake up once the light fades. A mumbled "Dala?" leaves it as it felt its body multiple times as if checking that it really was healed. It finally turns to look at you with a tense silence.
Smiling calmly, you stay standing as it shakily steps closer to you. "Unu, unu!" The Hilichurl falls onto its knees as it shouts loudly making you jump.
Loud thudding could be heard behind you. You looked behind you, a grimace on your face. This wasn't supposed to happen, what did it yell to the others?! You may have been against fighting them if you could avoid it, but between their life and yours, you come first.
Your sickle is summoned into a clenched hand as you move to turn around to face the sole entryway. Coarse hands grab your ankles and something rough lays on your feet. You freeze at the sight of the Hilichurl in a full bowing position at your feet with its cracked mask pressed against your feet.
Did it recognize you? Or is it simply trying to stop you and is still weak from its earlier injuries? Nerves aflame, you lift your sickle prepared to strike it down and start the fight.
The Hilichurls swarm the building making you freeze up. The Samachurl walks in with the Mitachurl trailing behind it. Attacking now would only lead you to being overwhelmed. All you can do is wait for them to make the first move. If only you remembered what unu meant!
The Samachurl speaks to the Hilichurl that is still clinging to your feet, yet the Hilichurl only repeats unu. That must have been the last straw for the Mitachurl as it yells with spittle hitting your shoulder. It grabs the Hilichurl and lifts it up into the air as you rub the spit off with a nauseating feeling.
The sound of the Samachurls staff dropping to the ground is what has you raising your head. Not a second later, all the Hilichurls get on their knees, yelling with enthusiasm.
"Unu! Unu! Yo unu!"
It wouldn't be a stretch to say that unu must mean something like god as lawa meant chief. There wasn't anything else they would bow to that wasn't a god. Even the mighty Mitachurl sets the Geo shield down to bow low enough that you stand taller than it.
If healing a single Hilichurl had this effect, then you never have to worry about Hilichurls again. This was just another thing to add to your growing list of plausible evidence for you being the Creator to use in the worst-case scenario.
Of course, this could be used against you just as easily. The Hilichurls are by technical means 'monsters'. The only people who know that they were once people are far too little. Some would even kill you to hide this fact...
With a heavy heart, you force yourself to remember not to let hilichurls know your identity from this point on. So many good opportunities are missed due to your stupid acolytes. You'll be stuck keeping this Hilichurl situation quiet for both you and the Hilichurl camp's sake.
Glum with disappointment, you resign yourself to finishing the commission and point out the tent. "All of you, follow me." With that, you leave the building as the Hilichurls rush to follow you.
There's no fear in your heart as you continue to speak while using hand signals to order them. Opening the map, you hum as you try to find a good spot to move them to. It would suck if they saw you destroy the towers and rebuild them before you get the reward for the job.
It takes a bit longer than you hoped due to the alcoholic fruit they consumed but soon enough they follow you farther south to the border of Tianqiu Valley. A nice open area is spotted and you stand there while pointing at the ground.
"Here, this will be your new home." The Hilichurls cheer and rush to work. You slide down to rest against a tree trunk. All you had to do was sit and wait until you saw a good chance to slip away.
Except, they just would not stop bugging you. Fruits, meat, flowers, and any relatively presentable objects were given to you constantly. It didn't help that the Mitachurl refused to leave your side after you winced at the sunbeam hitting your eye.
You had accepted all the gifts and mindlessly stuffed it all into your bag. It was a bit embarrassing to admit but the way they cheered and danced at your approval was nearly endearing. Keyword: nearly.
The stream of gifts came to a halt as the squishy sounds of slime padding along the grass came closer. A batch of big and small cryo slimes stared at the Hilichurls before jumping into the air to attack them.
The Mitachurl quickly leaves your side to attack them as the Hilichurls follow it into battle. Not a moment too soon either, the camp is almost done and you aren't sure if they would even let you leave at this rate.
It was a shame you had to miss watching the battle. Seeing the two most common mobs fight each other was a rare sight as they usually work together. With a bit of effort, you successfully escape without alerting the Hilichurls, smiling in anticipation at the sight of the old camp.
Electro is slashed at the tower as your sickle hits it repeatedly. The white winding tower breaks into a pile of rubble before you move on to the second one.
It's a little more difficult due to the wood pole that serves as a foundation but it comes crashing to the ground soon enough. In spite of your hits, the brown pole stays standing despite the marks you gave it.
Winded, you rest your hand against the pole and catch your breath. After a few minutes, you stand back up and raise your sickle to strike but stop at the sight of something interesting.
On the pole were the now translated words 'BELOVED CREATOR' in messy big writing.
That confirms it right? Not only do the people of Khaenri'ah worship you, but they also recognized you earlier. But if they were originally punished for refusing to be under a god then why did they suffer the same fate when they worshipped you?...
Celestia wasn't intended to be a good or liked character in Genshin. Hoyoverse made it very clear that no one liked Celestia, so Celestia alone attacking the people of Khaenri'ah wasn't surprising, even in this world, but what about the Archons? What reason did they have to attack Khaenri'ah when the Archons worshipped you too?
Your mind spins with possibilities as your feet automatically head back to the newly built Hilichurl camp. After all, you couldn't leave them unsupervised when they knew your secret.
Besides being showered with gifts and what you assume are compliments isn't bad. You didn't have to worry about saying the wrong thing or acting suspicious around them. Their minds and bodies just weren't good enough to revolt against you. Still, it made you happy that you could relax around them with no consequences.
The camp should be made with lighter-colored trees due to the different environments. The stone flooring of the building would cool the temperature slightly along with whatever air slips in. They should be feasting on the food they gathered and celebrate your return. You would enjoy the positive attention that you haven't truly accepted since you arrived here as they sing and dance awfully.
So, why did the sound of weak gasps and clashing weapons fill the air? Why did the well-accustomed smell of blood overwhelm your nose to the point where you could taste it?
Your answer came in the form of a woman with flowing silk hair adorned with red ropes strangling a hilichurl till it went limp. The body hit the ground with a thud as it dissolved into ashes leaving a splatter of blood and a cracked mask.
The spear twirled in her gloved hands as the crane-like cape followed her body as she surveyed the area. Her clothes were dyed in dark red as the ruby liquid shined on the head of her spear. The crane-like beauty of Shenhe is lost on you as your eyes never stray from the bloody cracked masked.
Stumbling without care for whatever sounds you make, the bushes shake as you walk through. Shenhe looks in your direction indifferently as you emerge from the shadowy trees. Weapon at the ready, she speaks harshly like the worst winters.
"This is a dangerous area, go to Liyue and get any wounds treated."
She turns her head prepared to leave when a choked gasp escapes you. Head still angled to the ground, your features are hidden from view as she watches you.
"The Hilichurls, t-they took me. Did you really k-kill them all?" A shiver and soft sob wracks your body as you bend to clutch your knees for support.
"Yes, you can get help at Li-" Her dismissive words are cut off by your coughing fit. Tears spring to your eyes as you lift your head up letting her see your masked face.
She steps through the blood-stained grass as the horns, arrows, and scrolls break beneath her steps. There's a twist of a cap before a flask is pushed roughly into your mouth. The stale water that Shenhe clearly doesn't drink helps the bile in your mouth go down with a bad taste.
She brings it away and closes it as she barely glances at your face. She moves to leave again but your hand wraps around her upper arm tightly. Your voice shakes with emotion as you begin to speak.
"Those Hilichurls-s dragged me with them and thanks to y-you they're dead. They're really dead aren't they?!" Shenhe narrows her eyes in distrust at the way you finish your words.
"Goodbye." Emotionless as always she moves to wretch her arm out of your grasp but ends up gasping in pain instead. Her stomach bleeds into the black bodysuit as your sickle stabs her stomach. The grip you hold onto her is bruising as you stare up at her with indifference.
"They were only working on their home. Is it a crime for them to simply exist? You can't even understand your own existence, let alone empathize with another's. What right do you have to deny them the bare minimum in a world they didn't ask to live in?"
The words come out coldly as your teeth dig into your lips. The spear is stabbed into your right shoulder making you release her with a pained cry. She pushes you away, letting the blood flow out of your wound as you press your free hand onto it.
"You must be possessed by a demon." An ice talisman is summoned between her fingers as Cryo envelopes her weapon. The deep cut you left on her stomach continues to bleed but Shenhe ignores it. Meanwhile, you continue to press against your wound as the blood stains your hand.
Shenhe takes a step in your direction before a loud roar captures both your attention. The Mitachurl rushes in Shenhe's direction holding a brand new Geo shield. She steps back quickly but not fast enough to dodge the shield bash.
The satisfaction you get from watching her nose break and bleed is short-lived as her elemental burst is activated. The Mitachurl is already weak and once she's done with it, she'll be after you. It's that quick realization that has you running away from the area.
Wouldn't it be good to test if the statue of the seven could heal you? You skid to a stop at the old Hilichurl camp as you quickly bring up the game screen. As much as you would like to teleport without it, that requires you to remember what the location looked like, which you definitely can't with how fast your mind is racing.
The map is pulled up and you move to select the waypoint closest to the statue when your instincts scream at you. Something’s coming, something’s coming!
Letting your body lead, you dive to the left and grit your teeth at the pain of new scrapes forming. You watch in a mix of fascination and horror as it's overwhelmed by ice maidens. The near-death experience only leaves your nerves shot as you jump to your feet and continue running.
Shenhe already finished the Mitachurl, she's coming after you. The crackling of ice following and the lowering temperature are signs that only push you to escape faster.
The only exit of the area is a narrow gap between two mountains and you are distracted for a split second. The beautiful tree that rests over the sealed Azdaha overshadows you with every bit of grace you always imagined it would have.
"Transfiguration!" You didn't have Shenhe but it didn't take a genius to know she was going to use her skill. You can't keep running, not with these wounds. Not like you can fight her either no matter what creator buffs you get, it won't help you against the adepti's disciple.
From your right, you can hear the sound of crackling fire and Geo clashing. Swerving to the right, an ice talisman cuts your cheek but it's worth it as you spot Samachurl.
It's a huge hilichurl camp, at least two Mitachurls must be here! Grinning, you don't stop and hop over the shoddily made fence before it's destroyed by the cryo woman.
The camp is quick to begin attacking Shenhe as they must have judged that she was far more threatening. A Mitachurl holding an axe, and a shield bearing Mitachurl rush at the messy woman as you peek behind you.
Her lips are pulled into a snarl but her posture is clean as her spear weaves to hit any weak spots. Yeah, even with the Samachurl and Hilichurls supporting, you didn't have much time to escape.
You sneak into the now-empty Hilichurl hall-like building and pull up the screen. Impatiently you wait for it to load as the fighting continues on. It loads and you select the map quickly and find the waypoint on Qingyun Peak.
The noises abruptly stop before there's loud thudding as the whole area becomes cold. Panicking you press the 'teleport' button multiple times as the steps shake.
Iridescent eyes that hold boundless rage as the red ropes slip off meet your smug eyes as the light engulfs you.
Rubbing your eyelids as the light dies down to show beautiful scenery, you sit on a cold stone blankly. Just how dumb were you? Groaning, you flop backward and stare at the sky tiredly.
What a great idea it was to stab a homicidal overpowered woman with trust issues and only a small sense of morality. That makes it twice now that you were chased by braided-hair women that wield spears, except this time you knew better and could have prevented it completely.
But... you really didn't want to. If she had killed them after you said a proper goodbye then you would be upset but not like this. You wouldn't have been willing to employ that tactic again.
Just mentioning it seemed to direct your thoughts back to that day. Just like today, you had started to fully trust and unknowingly depend before they were taken away without warning.
A young man stands with shaky hands as he stares at the now-dead body of the homeless man he shot. A panicked chuckle escapes him as his vision blurs and shakes at the sight.
No one would have to know. No one would even know. Nobody cares about the homeless, let alone a stray cat.
You're almost positive of that, that was his thought process before he spots you staring vacantly at your adoptive father and Ashtray. The only family that you had.
Tears burn your vision as you look at the gun in his hands. A weak laugh leaves you making the man stare at you nervously. You weren't even 18, yet you lost your father for the second time. The only difference was that you actually loved and remembered him.
"I really have to thank you, ya'know?" There's a slight voice crack when you speak but you smile at the guy despite it. "I mean, he was just soo annoying."
He smiles at your words, seeming to calm down at the friendliness and accepting nature you showed. "I know right? Constantly trying to convince everyone to 'make the most of your situation' or 'try to enjoy life while we have it' like what a fucking joke!"
His slimy laugh is accompanied by your fake laughter. It didn't feel real, you didn't want it to be real. Your feet carried you closer and your hand rests on his shoulder.
"Tell me about it. At least the old man's dead now! I can finally do the shit I wanna do." Your dad's blood from all the gunshots sticks to the nasty clothes and your filthy skin like paint. He didn't deserve to go like this, he deserved someone that isn't as selfish as you.
"Can you even guess half the stuff he made me do? Man, if I had access to a gun like that, shit he would have died way earlier!" The cockroach in human skin laughs and rests his palm on the alleyway side. A perfect match considering they're both utter shit.
"You're hilarious. How about this? I can introduce you to the guy that got me a hold of this, you can get it real cheap too! Of course, you'll need to pay me back in some way..."
You don't like that look in his eyes, you hate this man with passion you never knew you held until now. He's brought closer to you as you give a slight nod.
"But before that, I just gotta ask. I'm so fucking curious." Smiling with pride he lets you pull him closer.
"Sure, what is it? Just don't ask me for this gun, I paid a shit ton of money for it." Laughter rings out softly as every cell in your body resists the urge to strangle him.
"Don't worry man, I just wanted to ask." Your head tilts to the side closer to his ear as you whisper.
"Just how fucking dumb are you?"
Your hand is bruising on his wrist that's holding his gun. Blood seeps out of his mouth as he coughs. The knife you thrusted into his chest where you hoped the heart was pulled out.
He gives his best to struggle the gun into a position he can shoot you but you didn't survive this long to be weak enough for that. The gun clatters loudly as it hits the floor, his mouth opens to scream but your arm gags him.
Bite marks litter your sleeve, hands punch and grab at anything but it's useless as you stab him again. Stabbing him repeatedly your fake grin twitches and twists into something unhinged.
It's useless to resist, your actions scream as you bring his dying body to the ground. A chuckle leaves you as you raise the knife high into the air and watch his eyes go wide with fear. It's cathartic, nearly healing, but you know nothing will heal you after this.
You stab him for what seemed like hours until his body is bloody with torn clothes. Bile and spit drip out of his mouth as his eyes stay open, his mouth frozen in a screaming formation.
Thoughts stab at your consciousness as you stumble over to your father's dead body. You could have just called the police and had him arrested. Maybe get one of the people who liked your dad to avenge him. You didn't have to do that.
But you did and you couldn't regret it. Resting your head on your father's chest as the tears and broken sobs are muffled in his clothes you continue to berate yourself.
The blinding pain from your wounds is what drags you out of memory lane. The new wound from Shenhe isn't something you even want to see anymore. The lightheadedness you got from the blood you lost is making you dizzy.
Your medical kit is dug out and you apply the proper care for it. It hurts to even lift it but there's no one to help you so you push past the pain. Slowly, you walk to the edge and look down.
Cursing your bad luck you stare at the statue of the seven on a floating rock piece. Gliding was hard by itself, let alone landing on a small piece with such little experience.
Hissing in pain, you clutch the wound and close your eyes. You didn't have much of a choice, if you wait too long you might get permanent damage. What if the statue couldn't even heal you, you'd be losing time to get to Bubu's Pharmacy.
With a few insults to Shenhe, you deploy the glider and set for the statue. It's not that far and you land fairly easily. Good enough for your first solo glide.
With wary eyes, you inspect your surroundings before touching the statue. The glow it gives off is almost traumatic to your first day after getting thrown into Teyvat. You can only hope that this time you'll be able to handle the Archons better.
The puncture in your shoulder seals up nicely until not even a scar is left. The scrapes, laceration from Mountain Shaper, neck wounds from Cloud Retainer, and even some injuries you failed to notice heal up completely. You note the slight discomfort you feel from the wounds you didn't get to clean. It seems the statue can't deal with healing and preventing infections.
Even still everything you wanted to do is done now, it's best you leave before- "Pardon me."
A smile graces your face with ease as you turn around to face the handsome man. An overwhelming aura that silently demands respect paired with the manners of a humble citizen.
Zhongli's eyes glow with elemental power as he speaks with a voice that lulls you into a sense of security.
"Would you be willing to answer some questions?"
The only question is whether he came here as Zhongli or as the Geo Archon.
This one had a lot of different things going on. From the hilichurl to Shenhe and the long awaited Zhongli! I know there's a lot of components in my story and I hate to confuse you guys so I try to give little explanations when certain things become relevant. I am glad to get part of Y/N's backstory out! This is explaining the single life Y/N 'selfishly' killed before being thrown into Teyvat. I hope you guys enjoyed the gradual shift when it comes to gliding. First Ayato carried, then a team glide with the guys and finally Y/N by themself! Now I really need to start Fontaine before I'm spoiled by social media. I'm too curious for my own good. Yet again, my editor did good on this chapter despite how many times I was berated for normal mistakes. (If your name is italicized that means I couldn't tag you.) Taglist: @vvyeislazzy, @nikqi, @the-dumber-scaramouche, @etherisy, @yourlocalstranger123, @ra404, @iruiji, @goldenglow149, @haru-tofuu, @lsleepysimpl , @bebobeboben, @yuyuzi-ling, @amidst-the-tempest, @resident-cryptid, @mxd1zzy, @mochicurls21, @nervouseaglelover, @thedevioussmirk, @yumuramma, @kwqsla, @undecidingfate, @ehjane, @game-savvy, @akiramirae, @sielt, @fluffy-koalala, @formacoon, @sxftiebee, @khxii-i, @ursinaw, @chuuya-brainrot, @sweetbills, @kazuchaos, @snowfoxnix, @bluebelony, @conspicuous-mayonnaise, @pencil-of-ashes, @ghostlyintervention, @taiformaifoe, @sielt, @goaudduck, @carminerin, @maddysflowers, @zenith-of-all-zenith, @crazydreamcat, @leafanonsforest, @grimreapersscythe, @leylanx , @undecidingfate, @sapphireknown, @help-whatdoimakemyusername, @zhonglisfruityass, @fluffy-koalala, @mer0n37, @victoria1676, @mochinessss, @sinnful-darling, @emilymikado, @pix-stuff, @esthelily, @luxie963, @emmbny, @millienolife, @kbar1013, @xxblackroses623xx, @chxrlxtteee, @aludicpoet
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samptlay · 7 months
This is perfect
Finished it. Alright, so this is a work of art. I'm so sad it seems abandoned and the creator is not even reblogging anything, so I believe their poof, gone. They will most likely come back eventually but for now, I'll feed your hunger.
Now I completely understand the AU you want me to make. It would be similar to @yandere-3-sagau's, yet different.
This is my rundown of my own AU for this, Simple!Creator!AU :
Now with the way I would have the Reader wake up in Liyue as well, though she doesn't run into a grandpa who takes care of her. She is aware that her blood is golden and she cries crystals, so she could never really be accused as an imposter, there's no worry on that part.
But Reader wants to live a quiet, peaceful life. She no longer has to worry about exams or deadlines. She finds an abandoned family cabin somewhere in the open fields of Liyue, renovating it herself to call it her own. The reader does farm work to get by, and with how much power she holds, all her fruits & vegetables are always sold out the fastest due to how fresh they are.
Word gets around about how amazing your supply is, and of course, eventually, even Zhongli is curious about the commotion.
So when he one day runs into Childe who had just gotten back from your stall and the ginger offers him some of your own fruits, he is, awestruck. Out of his 6000 years of experience, he had never tasted something so sweet & juicy. Not a single taste of bitterness in sight.
This couldn't have possibly been produced by a regular human being.
As an Ex-Overlord (Like An Archon, but we’re thinking of dynamics,) his suspension was too high for his too drop the concern so he hunts The reader down, eventually finds out the truth about who she really is and suddenly becomes as submissive as a loyal dog.
Though it feels nice, it’s not what she wants. So what else then to keep him on a leash, making a pact with him to silence The reader's existence. 
A LOT more happens, the story would be way more detailed but this is just a rundown. Each Genshin Man would discover her secret in different ways, and the reader eventually has them all wrapped around her fingertips.
The men are just happy to have their souls connected with the creators in some way.
I might make the pacts with Archon’s (including Neuvillette) a lot stronger, so they're somewhat more at her mercy, something in that manner.
What do you think? I’d like to hear more ideas and comments about this AU and how it should be constructed.
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Taglist For Those Who Want To Maybe Contribute Ideas. Edit: The reader will be Gender Neutral, though it'll be my first time writing like that so please forgive mistakes.
@uhfhfhfhf @xdrin @msun1c0rn @lovingnahida @strrawb3rrysh0rtcak3 @ssecylia @skyl8ver @immahuman @meowmeowraven @01234 @markexplanation @esthelily @dawnofazrael
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dex0s · 1 year
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Male reader x zhongli
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You and zhongli were inseparable, swans if one of you guys passed the other would follow and that’s exactly what happened. So when your death came so did zhongli’s or Morax I should said. Of course the old dragon was sad his mate was gone so he tried to move on. He tried with so many people and the closes relationship he had that reminded him for your guy’s relationship was with this ginger male but yet it still felt wrong.
Then when he met the traveler and their travel partner he started to feel happy again yet of course that one piece was missing. So when the traveler asked him if he want to be on his team the old dragon happily accept. And during his travels he met some new people and old friends. He was enjoy his time until he saw it. The shooting stars and that can only mean one thing… your back.
When you opened your eyes you were confused. Why are you alive you thought you died…didn’t you? Has you looked around your surroundings you found out you were stuck in a crystal like rock. As you touch the crystal rock it opens then you step out and see your in a crater. ’how the hell im I going to get out of this’ you ask yourself.
After thinking for some time you decided to rock climb…that was a fucking horrible idea good news your out the crater, bad news you feel like shit. Damn how weak is your body you asked yourself while getting up shaking your head to get the imaginary dirt off your head. . . .“Alright im thirst” you started walking in a a direction in hopes of finding water.
You thought of how good it would feel to drink water and how you mouth wouldn’t be dry like the desert or your lips would be smooth like a babies bums. I felt like you were walking for hours (when it been 5 mins, you lazy dragon…) Hey! I heard that! (Oh shush and get back to the story) anyways you turned to head a different direction but you saw it! WATER! You ran like someone was chasing you and put your whole entire head into the water to take a sip…as you were enjoying your water suddenly you got pulled into a hug.
“My baby, your back home” A deep voice called from behind you. You look down to the hands around your waist and see white and gold ring… you know that ring but who is this person. You turn your head around to see the man’s face. “…Morax..” you desperately called, “Yes my dearest,” he answers but before you can respond he interrupt you, “you look sleepy baby how about we go book a room and we can talk what we can do once we get there, okay.” You nodded your head and you two started to walk to the Wangshu Inn.
“So-“”You know I have been waiting and waiting your for you come back to me dearest” The older dragon started to hungrily look at you.” And it made me very sad” he got front of you and rubbed his hands over your body, exploring every inch of it. “You have such a beautiful body my love” Zhongli whispered lovingly in your ear. He pick you up and put you on the bed, “I think I deserve a treat for waiting patiently dont you think?” He asked you, you were still in shock and mindless nodded. 
You could feel something large and hard against your ass then suddenly you hear a rip and coldness hit your bottom half.”Wait! Why don’t we just talk instead” you were in shock because you know Morax the ruthless god but always gentle with you. So it shocked you that he was being rough with you. “We can talk later right now I need to fill you up with my eggs” He licked at your earlobe and started to rub his cock against your hole spreading the precum too have a “easy entrance.”
With no preparation or stretching he forcefully entered his dick in your ass. Luckily the precum helped a little bit but it still hurts. You let out a painful cry and started to struggle, “Shh I know, I know it hurts but breathe with me and it will feel so m-much better” he started to take deep breaths and wait for you to join in.
You joined in and gave him the ok to move. When he started to move he felt like he was in celestia. You hole was tight and hot, plus you fit to him perfectly. This is why your his mate and no one else. Only his and that is how it’s going to stay. As you moan zhongli just spits complements at you while pounding in you like a animal in heat.
As zhongli drunkenly continues to pound in your ass you start to feel a knot coming up.”C-com~A-hh~ing” you spilled out, tears coming out your eyes. Zhongli wraps his hand around your cock and starts to milk it, “C-cum with me dear~” just as he finishes the sentence you both cum. You can felt the hot cum in your ass as your legs give out. “You did so good baby, so good plus now you’re hold my eggs” he smiles and mouths you a good night as you eyes close.
I miss you so much and now I won’t let you go again.
I do apologize for this not coming out sooner. I got sick and I wasn’t feeling the best. but I hoped it’s okay
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ichigomaniac · 11 months
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Furina Countdown - 4 Days Left
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animelover28sworld · 4 months
Telling the Genshin impact boys/men your pregnant. Pt 3 female reader
Characters: Zhongli, Itto, neuvillette, ayato, and Heizou, I was debating on putting Aether in this one but I decided not to but if you want me to just tell me and i will do one for aether.
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You and AYATO was actually aiming to have a kid, not because he needs someone to take over the Yashiro Commission when he's gone it's because you two actually wanted kids, and when you told him he was happy.
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Okay he is a detective, so you know HEIZOU would catch on, he did but he wanted you to tell him yourself. Which you did "I know." He told you. "How?" You asked him. "Honey, I'm a detective don't you think I would catch on?"
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You walked into NEUVILLETTE'S office while he was doing paperwork. "So neuvillette I got some news..." You told him. "Yes what is it love?" He asked you. "I haven't been feeling that well for the past few weeks so I went to the doctor's office." "Are you sick?" "No, I'm not sick I'm just pregnant." You told him with a big smile on your face, you swore you never saw Neuvillette's head whip up so fast.
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ZHONGLI noticed that your behavior has changed and was going to the bathroom more frequently in the morning. "Is everything okay Y/N?" Zhongli asked you. "yeah, everything's perfect, because I'm pregnant" you told him with a smile he lifted you up and spun you around in his arms. (To be honest it was kinda hard for me to write for him)
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You told ITTO alone and when he found out he said "yahoo! I'm gonna be a father!!" Then he hugged you really tight, but then realized that it probably wasn't good for the baby so he quickly let go. Then told the gang who which congratulated you.
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asuraid · 5 months
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y’all can’t tell me this infographic isn’t just zhongli (sylvie listens willingly and can’t comment cause they eat bark)
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italeean · 2 years
You know I’m gonna ask for ChiLi 😂 (someone stole Thomato and made it not-lee-Ayato tsk tsk). And 17! 💕
A/N: Hi shortie!! Here's your drabble with ChiLi as a pair 😸 I hope you enjoy it <333 and maybe, just maybe, I'll do another Thomato with lee Ayato without it being requested, ma vedremo 💚🤍❤️ (but we'll see)
Drabble Event Day 8
"Childe, what exactly are you doing?" The former Geo Archon looked at his boyfriend quizzically. He'd been poking him for quite a while without saying anything. "I'm just checking if you're ticklish." The redhead replied, still focused on his little mission.
"Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm pretty sure I'm above something so childish." Zhongli sighed, only earning a pout from his lover. "No, that's impossible! If you're not ticklish how can I get back at you?" Childe whined, thinking about all the times he'd been on the receiving end.
"I don't see a reason why you should do that, I only used tickling when you acted like a brat and needed to be treated like one." The older man stated, making the Harbinger glare at him with a blush on his cheeks. "That's not true at all!" He complained while stomping his foot "Now go lie down on the bed and let me do my research!" He commanded, sounding more bratty than intimidating or authoritative.
The Geo user could've easily said no and stop his boyfriend's shenanigans, but he didn't see why he had to deny him on that. They were at home and had a day off from work, so he figured that indulging in Tartaglia's request wasn't going to hurt anyone. Also, knowing the redhead, he would've probably tried to do it again in public, which Zhongli preferred to avoid.
He did as he was told and even put his hands behind his head to give Childe more access. The blue-eyed guy immediately straddled him and spidered his hands all over his torso, but with no results at all. The dark-haired man found it endearing to watch his cute lover frown and puff his cheeks, so after cherish that view for a bit longer he leaned back and closed his eyes, waiting for him to finally give up.
However things took an unexpected turn when he felt a tingly sensation coming from his thigh that made his leg twitch, then another one, and another, and another...
His eyes opened wide and met with the Harbinger's mischievous gaze. In that moment he realized he was in big trouble. "Ooohh did I find something interesting?" The guy asked while making claws with his hands and lowering them slowly towards the newly-found tickle spot.
The former Geo Archon took a deep breath, he could still save the situation. "I... I don't think so... you just caught me by surprise." That excuse was weak, but hopefully Tartaglia would believe him. "Is that so? Then let me tell you this, I'm gonna do it again." He warned him before squeezing his partner's thighs again, feeling his knees wiggling and his legs shaking underneath him.
This time he didn't stop after a few seconds, though. He noticed how Zhongli was trying not to laugh with all his might, so he decided to go on and see who had more resistance between his hands and his lover's stubbornness.
Obviously it was an easy win. The Geo user broke down in low-pitched laughter in less than thirty seconds. "Ohohokahay ohohohokahahay mahahaybehe Ihihi wahasn't juhuhust suhurprisehehed..!" He said between his giggles. "But weren't you above something so childish, dear?" His lover teased, deciding to try his luck and go back to the spots that hadn't elicited any kind of reaction.
He wasn't disappointed; the older man kept laughing, which made him understand that he was indeed ticklish, but he was also extremely good at controlling his reactions, except for when his death spot was targeted.
"How does it feel, huh? Being on the receiving end for once." The Harbinger asked proudly while drilling into hid boyfriend's hips without mercy, then poking his sides, clawing his ribs poking his stomach and repeating the cycle, continuously changing spots in a different order to make it all worse.
"Ihihit feehehels- ACK! Ihihihihit feehele fuhuhunnyehehe" The yellow-eyed man joked, since he didn't really mind the playful attention he was receiving.
Childe's assault went on for quite a while, and during that time he noticed a little detail. To find out Zhongli's most sensitive spots, he didn't have to observe the changes in his laughter, because it remained the same for every spot, but how much he squirmed.
He twitched and moved uncontrollably when his thighs were tickled, while his ears, stomach and hips made him twist way less, although they were still sensitive. Everywhere else elicited a good reaction, which is why he couldn't counterattack even if his hands were free. Every time he tried, the Harbinger darted his wiggly fingers all the way up to his underarms, making him clamp his arms to his sides reflexively.
After a while, Childe stopped. He didn't want to kill his lover, after all. "So," he began with his signature smug smirk plastered all over his face "now do you understand what you put me through all this time?"
"Yes, I think I do..." Zhongli replied "But you've had your fun now and got your revenge on me, so let me up." He asked smiling softly, only to be met with an evil chuckle and a playful-yet-ominous glare from the redhead.
"I've had my fun? Oh nuh uh, that was just me looking for your weak spots," Tartaglia cracked his knuckles "now I'll get my revenge."
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isimpxiaoooooo · 2 years
Zhongli x Y/n
(Zhongli simps only) *Warning long essay paragraphs in this story*FLUFF 👍
*Rumors have said that someone named Zhongli is a mysterious and ancient figure who might be the God of Contracts and the former leader of the Geo Archon*
(So as the story continues.. You headed to investigate in Liyue and Paimon tag along..)
Paimon : Paimon’s hungry!!!
Y/n : “There might be a restaurant nearby.”>
(As you walked, and walked…There was a small food cart beside the Liyue Adventurer’s Guild..It was called the Wanmin Restaurant which seemed it had good dishes to try out~)
Chef Mao : Welcome ! We have many dishes here to try! But I recommend to try the newest! “The Wanmin Restaurant’s Boiled Fish!”
Paimon : Pleaseeeeee Y/n!!?>
(You couldn’t say no to Paimon when she was making adorable puppies eyes..)
Y/n : ”Fine— I’ll have two of the Bolied Fish Dish!”
Chef Mao: “Coming right up!”
Paimon : yAy!!>~
( You sat down at a table where it had three seats but two left… The person who you were sitting next to had eyes like molten gold, quietly shining.. and in this moment your eyes met..like if love is as a painting filled with colors and shades..✨)
Paimon : ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Then something unexpected happens…
Zhongli: Seems like I have no mora…☠︎︎
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Chef Mao: But sir, you need to pay 💰!?
(Out of no where..a swift of wind passes by.. and it happens to be Childe~)
Childe: “No worries I can pay 💰 “
{Childe handed out 25000 mora~ to pay for all in total}
Childe : “Hey girli— I mean— Hey Traveler what brings you here?”~
Paimon: We’re looking for the Geo Archon!
Y/n: we hear rumors about it basically—
Childe : Hmm.. I see.. Well have you met Zhongli? We’re good old friends back then!> Y/n: Zhongli…
Paimon : “WAIT!!? THAT ZHONGLI AKA tHe gOd oF cOnTrAcTs??”
Zhongli : It seemed that you’ve have figured out my real identity.. and undercover as Zhongli..Well if you’re looking for the geo archon.. I would gladly to accept any request you’ll be needed by me~ Osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember… But where are those who share the memory..? Perhaps my power is growing, and so with it grows the burden on my body… I’m okay.. My structure is not the same as that of normal people. Please, do not worry yourself about me…
(In the end, you got along with the geo archon himself Zhongli, because you both were friends with Childe. And you fell in love with his eyes..Paimon knew that before you met you had feelings for him..) THE END <3
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genshinimpactlife · 2 years
Genshin Impact Discord Server!
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A small hiccup caused me to close my server for a while, but it's back up and running!
Perks of the server:
-All ages are allowed!
-NSFW section of the server is hidden behind verification
-A place to post about your own projects (Art, Cosplay, fanfiction)
-A place to post your Commission information for Art + Writing
-My Ko-fi supporters get their own special role
@0-kuki-0 @rainbowleo @okadahimeko @cyberpandas-blog @k1tty-c0spl4ys @ashzcookie @shdwwlkrsblog @coldasvenus-s @duhsies @x1a0sluver @cassiopeia-hashima @uchihaeirin  @naughtshade @le0needd @aesthetic-wannabe-simp @nico707 @imma-too-many-fandoms @starlettesworld @cutieandcrazypie @eccedentesiast-sapphic
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us4gig1 · 2 years
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Childe :,( Vem pra mim neném
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sharpenpalarie · 2 years
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lumixre · 2 years
Me when I make 10 wishes and I don't win any new character: Ah shit, here we go again
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samptlay · 6 months
About The Simple!Creator!AU
I'd recommend reading this first: Part of the Rundown
All the information I've been giving so far is my storyboard. With school, it's hard to get the time to create a new series since I'm working on SWCWH & My HS-Childe!AU, I'll most likely post the actual work during... June? The beginning-ish of summer is when it should come out. I'll be working on it, just not uploading it! That way if I don't like something about the story and change it, I can always go back.
That being said, this series will come out when I'm either finished or close to finishing it, uploading work is way less stressful than making it, uploading it, and then worrying about the next chapter. So please just look out for it! You can ask me to tag you when it comes out, but please specify. I only have one tag list for everything as of now so if someone randomly asks "Can I be a part of the taglist" I'll tag them for all my other works as well.
Who knows, I might do the same for HSR when I'm done with Genshin.
Credits for the AU idea go to @112-darling & @yandere-3-sagau
Taglist: @uhfhfhfhf @xdrin @msun1c0rn @lovingnahida @strrawb3rrysh0rtcak3 @ssecylia @skyl8ver @immahuman @meowmeowraven @01234 @markexplanation @esthelily @dawnofazrael @umi-adxhira @anime1fan2
Waiting List: @eyeless-kun @inamemyselficarus @reyal91 @coolcartmanjj @lightga1axy @ilxina
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sylnoplach · 2 years
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I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing…
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akaneisnothere · 2 years
special kinktober link + jjk - tr .
Gojo :
1. Sensei gojo x student = link
2. Boss gojo x newbie = link
3.Best friend gojo x reader (public sex ) = link
Megumi :
1. Afterschool sex = link
2. Dumb.. = link
Itadori / sukuna :
1. soft sex (itadori) = link
2.shhh! = link
Tokyo revenger
Mikey :
1. Baby traps) bonten mikey = link
2. Stop the tease!) Past mikey = link
3. Just put it in!) Past mikey = link
Sanzu :
1. Suck it bitch! = Link
2.Shut up slut. = Link
3.Who's your daddy huh? = Link
Rin and ran :
1. Step!sister reader = link
2.best friend Rindou = link
3. Ran showing rindou how to fuck a slut = link
Geshin impact (Bonus)
Childe : link , link , link
Zhongli : link , link, link
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