#get a hobby ffs
queer-geordie-nerd · 8 months
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So, someone screen shot one of my posts, put it on their blog and then tagged me at the bottom so their followers can block (or harass me) as they see fit - because this is positive activism 🤔
Also, rjalker thinks I’m a racist but after seeing some of the shite they’ve come out with, I’m hardly going to concern myself with that. I hope they didn’t sprain something making that gigantic leap to an imaginary opinion they think I have.
Spoiler alert: if you think it’s racist to support Jewish self determination in their homeland, you are just antisemitic. The truly hilarious thing about this is a quick scroll through the blog of @/mpreg-jesuschrist will eventually bring one to a post saying “you have to love Jews more than you hate Nazis. Listen to and uplift Jewish voices” without a hint of irony or self reflection. Mind boggling, truly.
It’s also worth noting that the tags in the original post calling me out to their followers make it obvious they think I’m Jewish, which makes this whole thing exponentially worse. Targeting bloggers you think might be Jews for harassment and thinking you’re doing something worthwhile or productive ain’t social justice or activism, pal. Get a life.
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haha oops. just bit my friend's head off over a tiktok she sent me.
She always sends these complaining about homelessness in portland videos. I hate these videos, they're rage farming, place the blame on the houseless themselves. And i'm tired of her sending them to me. Because they're pointless.
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paigemathews · 5 months
Okay, but why did they write Sheila like that? Like she gets next to no screen time, despite viewing the girls as family, and then suddenly doesn't want Darryl covering for them anymore (which don't get me wrong, she's valid for it but it's a 180 reversal of the like one personality we had going for her) and like. The sisters needed friends, and Sandra Prosper is on the show for nine episodes but they just. stick her in the background, give her a line or two, and that's it. And I mean, Darryl is a main character for seven seasons, and she's his wife. Even though he wasn't one of the main main characters, you'd think they'd do literally anything with her like c'mon.
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sneakydraws · 2 years
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@chernychnyi wanted to see adult Theo and boris and I may have… exploded a bit… where’s that post about how in Theo’s life food is often used to signify comfort and security? It was so true, and I think a thanksgiving dinner would be especially meaningful to him :’) so here he is, trying to bring all the people he loves together into a dysfunctional little family and immediately regretting it when he remembers boris’s bottomless arsenal of embarrassing stories. Theo decker lives in fear
And just because this was supposed to be about boris and Theo being cute:
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fruityindividual · 2 months
listened 2 a man describe his 'game of thrones meets acotar fantasy novel in progress' 2nite. didnt even ask
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pissmoon · 11 months
I cant stand when someone describes in detail how awful capitalism is just to PROUDLY say something like 'this is why as a working class person my job is my entire life and i made being a good worker my entire personality and i dont even have hobbies aside from job my job is my entire personality only pretentious rich people would have a luxury to have a different mindset than i do!'
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 9 months
just because you follow someone doesn't obligate them towards you in any way. it wouldn't on any other hellsite but it especially doesn't on this fucking hellsite lmfao. no one on this fucking hellsite needs to walk around eggshells with you and stop expressing their opinions bc you follow them.
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braedenhales · 3 months
I am so tired of poc characters not having last names. The fact that you have to put the first name and whatever media the character from is wild. In fics some writers use the actor's last name to cover for it like ?????
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dreamsy990 · 1 year
hi im going to talk about kingdom hearts with no aim or major point
finally going through and playing the kingdom hearts series is such an experience for me because like. even though i barely played them these games were really part of my childhood.
i used to watch my sister play them all the time and just thought they looked so cool. i wasn't really a disney kid or anything, i didnt have any attachments to the characters. eventually, my sister got to the lion king world in kh2, and that being one of the first and only worlds i really recognized, i told her i wanted to play the game. so she set me up with kingdom hearts 2 and let me play the game on my own.
i know every game reviewer from 2006 hates the first few hours of kingdom hearts 2, but personally, i loved them. i pretty much instantly fell in love with roxas and his story. (i really relate to some parts of it to be honest). and i wasn't very good at video games, actually only recently did i start getting better, but this was one of the first games where i could understand the plot.
i played the entire opening. i got up to sora's introduction, and i was so fucking confused. i just wanted roxas back. i stuck around twilight town for as long as i could reasonably justify, i redid the skateboarding minigame over and over, i just walked around. i stalled until i couldnt justify it anymore and then i tried to continue. i got all the way to hollow bastion before i gave up.
i kept coming back to kingdom hearts 2 over the years. every once and a while i would try to continue it again, but i could never really get past the first hour or so with sora. all i wanted was to keep playing in twilight town with roxas. one time i even tried to pick up the first game but i just couldnt get into it.
then earlier this year, i was out with some friends and i saw the kingdom hearts 2 manga on the shelf, and i thought what the hell, why not read it. i read part of it, then i bought it, and i read up to the end of roxas' story and started crying. i kept reading until the end of the twilight town story. a few days later i booted up the game again and replayed roxas' story and started crying. and then i just decided to play the rest of the series. now im playing through birth by sleep.
anyways kh2 is pretty good. but as much as i love sora now, roxas will still always mean more to me.
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Can someone please tell me the benefits of giving kids smartphones
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pondslime · 4 months
me when the words I write sound like I wrote them:
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cwarscars-a · 2 years
just finishing my threads rn but like - i wanted to make a post. 
i was gonna make it on my chris blog because it applies there much more than it does here but basically, what i want to say is - every portrayal matters. every interpretation, your headcanons, your ideas, the quirky little traits or ideas that you apply to your muse whether it be silly little quips about their taste in music or the big brain theory you’ve had because of that one facial expression they pulled in that one scene
- your portrayal matters, is valid and is incredible. you have put a piece of yourself in the art that you’re sharing with your moots ( & your non-moots ) & that’s magical.
passion is a wonderful thing. passion for art, writing, creativity. it doesn’t matter if you have the fanciest graphics or the best writing. it doesn’t matter if you’re opinions go against ‘fanon’ or if your view of a muse is ‘different’. if you write short snappy paras / one liners or fifteen paras of detail. if you like that unlikable or unused muse, that’s fine. and the same goes for if you’ve a passion for a character /everybody/ loves. 
i write this post because after a lot of discussion with people - i’ve noticed a trend of ‘if you don’t write x, you’re not a true fan’ or ‘if your character doesn’t do x, do you even know the character’ - i’ve come to really resent posts like this. it isn’t nice. it isn’t supportive. we can have disagreeing opinions on muses / characters / fandom; but making digs at other users because they don’t see a character the same way as you? not cool. 
i want to say right now that i appreciate every portrayal. seriously. i appreciate the passion, the love - that people pour into their characters. even if we don’t always agree on certain characterisations / headcanons / themes, whatever - i’m never not going to appreciate a person’s time & love going into a character. whether you’ve been doing this for ten years + or a month; i say, godspeed. 
we all know my galaxy brain comes up with the dumbest shit for my man & i go all ‘always sunny meme’ in explaining how i get to my conclusions - it’s because i love doing all of that stuff & i know you guys love doing that for your characters, too. 
don’t ever let anybody make you feel like ‘less of a fan’ or ‘not knowing canon’ just because you like giving your character something different or you don’t agree with a popular fanon opinion. 
as somebody who has seen & felt the feeling first-hand that comes with people putting down others over ‘not being true fans’ or ‘not agreeing with fanon’ - i tell you right now, you’re as much a fan as you want to be. you love your muse as much as you love them. 
if you’re passionate, that passion will shine through & fanon / canon / and all of the rest of it wont matter because that muse will be yours. 
don’t let anyone ever make you feel any differently; you’re appreciated.
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iqmmir · 7 months
John milgram why r you like this (a pain in the ass to draw
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dragon-spaghetti · 2 years
I give up on art actually 🥰
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iguessitsjustme · 10 months
One time I was on a date with a guy and I told him I liked roller blading and that I was trying to find a pair of roller blades so I could go roller blading with my coworker and this dude looked me dead in the eyes and asked “Do you know how to roller blade?”
My brother in christ
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lizard-dumbass · 2 years
I should probably stop reading youtube comments on videos that have raine in them
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