Impactor/Springer baby is now added to the docket. Springer would forbid Prowl from so much as thinking about being Grandpa but Kup is welcome. Unfortunately, all their kids are the only ones within each others age ranges and so playdates happen.
Springer and Prowl, whose personalities are funnily alike, do eventually become amicable and Springer doesn't mind the Constructicons. Springlet (nickname for baby Springer) of course adores their many large relatives and Uncle Megatron.
Also since they'd all be in the same spot lets go ahead and throw a Roddy & Arcee & Springer friendship into this. All of them need more friends.
Sentinel and Getaway are going through it about the Rung thing. Even worse, the Rodimus was the right thing.
Rodimus is gonna be so smug about this until he realizes that "wait a minute"–Rung is Primus? He has to sit down a few minutes.
Also the Prime + Primus Effect causing baby booms is so funny. Two weeks with three primes by the time they arrive to Megatron's trial half the crew is hitched or pregnant.
(Including Megatron with a guilty Minimus and smug Roddy trailing behind.)
Kup is grandpa material
So many of the kids are just gonna call Prowl "Prowl". No "grandpa", no "dad", no "carrier", no "sire". Just "Prowl" lol.
The constructicons are oddly nice when compared to a lot of the recognizable personalities in this game
Springlet is adorable
Oooo yesss!
Getty and Sent are absolutely going through it, but they're going through it together.
Roddie this is what happens when you sit down and think for a minute
It issssss
I'm almost inclined to suggest this is SUPPOSED TO happen? Albeit at a much slower pace, but the universe has to make up for the population loss caused by the war somehow. "Shit we're way behind schedule, you take a baby and you take a baby and YOU TAKE SEVERAL BABIES!!!"
Oh we know we can't leave Megatron out of the fun
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camp-mithril-lake · 1 year
Currently Taking Writing Requests (x)
Personal posts tagged " . " if you want to block.
Fics To Work On:
Prowl Fucks Around (Optimus) and Finds Out (Has Getaway)
MTMTE Rodimus Goes G1
TFE JazzProwlWaveTara + Sanctuary Station
Minimus Ambus kills Armada Megatron and accidentally takes over the UT Decepticons
Pharma as the Dratchet Pre-War baby
Sex Club AU starting with MiniMegs + Overlord
Minimus + Tarn = RID01 UM | One night stand pre Minimus becoming Ultra Magnus
Minimus Ambus/Ultra Magnus arranged marriage AU Pre-War or No War
G1 Galvatron seduces Rodimus on the Lost Light
Get Wrecked Sentinel, GetSent Crack Au
No Romo: Prowl saves the future with a consensual workplace relationship.
Discord Server is 18+!
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surfoceanglory · 6 years
wsl: Check out episode 1 of getsent now at https://t.co/u9mve060c5 | User Clip: Sierra_Kerr1 pic.twitter.com/Bey1no03Lp
— Tigmi Ocean Glory (@tigmioceanglory) July 24, 2018
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funbro-blog · 10 years
#tbt 1986 Farnum Raceway, Ventura, California. Pro class. I’m on the inside line in the black helmet, dicing with legends Eric Rupe and Travis Chipres, among the rest of the dudes in the moto. Things are looking good for me until the second straight, where it appears I zigged instead of zagged and went down, then got plowed. No injuries on the clipboard, but I was beat up from the feet up. Video by @mikecarruth #getsent #rackedandstacked
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
The Prowl/Tarn was in the Garbage husbands AU soul mate edition. Aka GetSent I think. You have Prowl arguing his ride or dies the DJD Rolls up and Tarn decides to capture his soulmate plus gestalt and in an epic hate frag they knock eachother up.
Then while they're arguing in pure petty bitchyness Pharma, (Tarn forgot to cancel the T-cog delivery) flys up and he's the third soulmate of the trine. Compleetly oversets the what few comprmises over the new base because it's completely unsuitable for flight flames.
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I love the idea of Prowl having coniptions because Megatron's the Uncle/Godparent to his grand baby. The Constructicons are pointing out that anything that so much as look at the kid hostility is "gonna get slaged by the Slag Maker. Assuming the parents don't have it handled of course. Or we dont. Or the other Wreckers dont get there first." The last part was added when Drift, Perceptor, and Whirl gave them the side eye.
Thought three primes in one place might break/overload the Memory Cuse on Rung. The LL baby boom/Love Boat effect is because Rung is in proximity to the Prime that was the closest match to the Matrix. Puting him in proximity with Sent and OP just let his divine self fix things. But proximity to Prime(s) plus Primus equals baby boom.
Primus/Rung wants his children to be happy and fruitful. Rung had been so happy and excited about the baby boom then click. He rememberes. Actually everyone remembers him now all over the universe. Tyrest has an existential meltdown and follows Rung around like a lost puppy.
Sent has to have a lie down and a cry. His god just flat out told him everything Sent was taught about religion was a damn lie and Optimus and fragging Rodimus were practioners of the true way. Rung is there with tissues giving a "I'm deeply unhappy witn your actions but I believe you can do and be better," talk that puts Optimus's "I'm not mad, just disappointed," lecture to shame.
He's having so many strong opinions about this and the constructicons keep pointing out why Megs being the godparent is a good thing
That kid is gonna be so well protected it's insane
Okay okay but that's an interesting explanation which makes me wonder if creation is the true purpose of the Matrices
Aww yes
Rung has been kinda sorta repaired
I am remembering Cuppajj's one au that exactly had that, Tyrest following Rung around everywhere which I think will be good for Tyrest, that mans needs some help and we can help him with a little bit of metaphorical elbow grease
Ohhh Sentinel.
🎶Rodimus and Optimus were right🎶
ohhh Rung yes yes yes yes yes
Rung's right in this case.
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Jazz is definitely cooing at all the babies and ready to be the best uncle and hapoy to reunite with some others like Mirage.
The bitties are the most charming part about them and the Lost Light crew has softened a bit about how things ended. Spec OPs commanders Visages with Mirages support to throw a combined baby shower for GetSent and the Devstator Harem.
Awww yes yes yes
Yes they are
That's adorable. This has become an adorable crack au. I'll put it in the au master post eventually.
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Yes Bookie!
The GetSent bitlet I dub thee Scout and she is very small with all of Getaway's pretty colors in miniature. I expect she takes after Sentinel.
Prolw is having a whole Build Team between them all. Hook very politely flips the table before helping him out. Lets throw in Wedge and them since they were delightful and a tiny Chase on top of it.
Oh, the Lost Light definitely got charged with being the ride, which turned into a Prowl+extended family trip. Prowl is relieved that Ratchet is there to give a check up. There are definitely shenanigans. Getaway is suddenly very popular and has to behave because the Lost Light is also giving Optimus and his group a ride, hence OP and Jazz's presence.
There is so much drama and relationships occurring in the two weeks they travel to the court case that Sentinel keeps track of it and Perceptor actually starts running stats.
So the Lost Light may actually be somewhat responsible given the amount of confessions and new/old relationships being started.
Sentinel feels vindicated and grumbles about it to Scout and Getaway.
Awwww yesss
Scout is such a cute name, and I admut it I love Getaway's colors
Awwww yes yes yes
Maximum chaos time
You know shit's going down when Percy starts running the numbers
Makes sense makes sense
Aww yes.
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Oh the Constructicon have definitely overseen attitude adjustment details before. And that it is Sentinel fragging Prime of all bots this time? Ohh boy, they are enjoying their job.
Sent's misery comes to a fricken head though. If he's been taught to reject his feelings whatcha bet like many a kid who grew up in an ultra conservative home he never got the talk, just the "Doing the Sex is BAD" spcheel. So GetSent have been doing it unprotected. He's horrified to descover after fainting on the job site he in his Infinitus form is Sparked. To far along to terminate and he legit had no idea how it happened.
Getaway still fuming from the terrible proposal, is suspicious he's being baby trapped. Except the bit is too far along. He's not accepting the proposal but he's willing to step up and provide for the sparkling. Their species numbers are too low to do anything else. Looks like Sent is gonna be an unwed carrier. Going through a difficult carriage on near total berth rest. And since the Constructicons dont think Sent is good for their stepson Getaway isn't getting the "make an homest mech out of him" speach. More the "dont make anymore hastily life altering decisions until after the sparkling comes and things stabilize" speach.
Prowl is watching on with smug glee until he realizes to his horror his recent reconciliation with his harem has put him in a similar state. Based on the speach he fed Getaway he has to carry to term. He's carrying a whole damn gestalt to the joy of the green and purple himbos. Sent is jealous cause Prowl's pregnancy is so much easier than his. And the Gestalt is proposing to 'jux Prowl several times a day.
All plots have to be shelved and baby proofing the base has to begin in earnest.
Yep yep yes they areeee
Why do I feel like that always happens? That it's always the people who were taught abstinence only are the ones who get knocked up / knock someone else up? Can't stop anyone from fucking can we
Sfgh. Yes. Sentinel is with child.
Makes sense Get makes sense
Is this when we reach a plot divergence in the GetSent timeline
Honestly the constructicons are the ultimate MVPs this au
That's what you get for letting your guard down, Prowl😁
Of course he is of course he is
The Gestalt is so goddamn excited about this, they may dislike Sent but they're in full baby mode
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The final reunion between GetSent and the Lost Light crew though is going to be hilarious.
Atomizer is like half convinced his friend his dead and relieved to reunite with the boss and re-introduce him to Skids and the rescued Dominus only to find Getaway following behind Prowl with a (smaller than the last time they met) orange problem he embarrassingly introduces as his Conjunx. Rodimus, who is still kind of pissed, hears this and Sentinel wants to keep it quiet and immediately spreads around how Sentinel was redeemed through the power of love and the little orange minibot with Getaway is him.
Rodimus gleefully updates Optimus with wide eyed innocence, that is doe eyed and fake, about the healing powers of love and restorative justice and how it benefited Sentinel surely if Sentinel can be redeemed certain other people can to.
Needless tonsay GetSent accidentally help destroy Prowl’s case against Megatron as a case study and give Roddy an idea to argue for Megatron working off his damages like Sentinel is via the Lost Light as a rescue ship.
Prowl snaps the datapad he is holding in half, while Scavenger starts making soothing noises and Bonecrusher asks if they should cut the Lost Lights breaks.
Prowl appreciates hos gestalts support.
All the spies are now surroundibg Getaway and Sentinel though to give him "talk". Including Jazz who has finally started talking to Prowl again and met back up with Getaway.
Jazz is the one who helped train Getaway in hand-to-hand and is fond of him.
This is not a good thing for Sentinel.
Yesssss yes it is
"Orange problem"
Lmao yeaaaa
Roddie saw that opportunity and took it, you petty beautiful bastard ily.
Of course he runs to Optimus about this, yes yes, and pulls the most unconvincing act to ever work
The powers of #GetSent have foiled Prowl's plans, alas! Go fuck yourself Prowl, you are amazing but you lost this one girly
I mean Rodimus that is a good idea
Sdfgjkk. Ah yes, the constructicons arguing in favor of the Lost Light.
They're trying to comfort their failhusband, aww
Mmmhm time for the shovel talk yes yes, oh Sentinel if you fuck this one up you're ending up six feet under on seventeen different planets.
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A united front against Sentinel is the best thing to ever happen to the Constructicon/Prowl dynamic especially since both had time apart post their break up. Him calling them help repair the moon and then letting them put Sentinel to work was an olive branch.
Now he finds this strangely sexy and is having to seduce his boyfriends back. Thankfully, they find his shitty attempts at dadding and plotting also incredibly sexy. Petty, in their opinion, is a great look on Prowl, and his decision Sentinel has to work for his Energon had whole layers of him being in charge and letting them beat up a Prime.
Getaway meanwhile has opinions on the Constructicons who are startled by Prowl's soft (for him) attitude towards him and treat him accordingly.
Fortress Maximus is still working on his recovery which includes building bridges and realizing Prowl is a sadsack and Getaway is three seconds away from a breakdown, his natural niceness takes over and despite Prowl being an asshat the Moon Husbands slowly warm up to him and Fortress Maximus actually offers him friendly relationship advice.
Sentinel is exhausted and determined, and while doing construction, puts him near the titans he is interested in raising. Sentinel can be patient and mentally curses the Constructicons during the day. Unfortunately, being away from the LL has not managed to stop his regard, and he finds himself still attracted to Getaway. Especially since they now have a new shared dislike of the Constructicons and agreement, they are bad for Prowl.
He decides, logically, the only way to overcome this is to convince Getaway to Conjunx him so there is little risk to betrayal and they will have to do a full old fashioned Spark bond where they die together to make sure they cooperate. This proposal does not go as planned as it is very Mr. Darcy First Proposal because Sentinel views himself as hot shit and mentions he has struggled against these feelings and all rational thought says Getaway is terrible.
Getaway reacts accordingly, and Sentinel is now sleeping outside in alt mode because Getaway hacked the system and Red Alert keeps "forgetting" to let him in or "losing" his com call.
Sentinel in desperation, Prowl was not sympathetic to his blight goes to Fortress Maximus and asks advice saying since he is "one of those" and managed to find two partners and is a Maximus, respected family, surely he can offer some worthy advice. Fort Max embarrassedly admitting he and the moon husbands are not Conjunxed yet makes Sentinel deeply judgemental.
And leaves him, clenching teeth, with the realization he will have to, though he hates it, ask the only other group around. The Constructicons. Getaway is too valuable to lose with limited resources as they are.
Code for he has Feelings and Hates them. Sentinel’s mentor/Prime would be deeply ashamed of him.
Yes it was🥰
Sentinel was such an asshat dickbag he got the constructicons their Prowl back
Aww yeah
YEPPP Getaway meet your stepdads, now they're gonna care about you damn it
Ah yes marriage time, plan A
Sdhhf. One of the few smart decisions Getaway has made, and Red is backing him up on that lmao
Oh Sent you 💖pathetic loser💖
Sentinel babygirl you are also "one of those"
Ah yes, the last option. The green harem
Yep yep, he's got the feels and he's been taught his entire damn life the feels are Bad™️
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This obviously means that GetSent's arrival triggers a change in Prowl's timeline and he makes back up with his harem.
The Moon Husbands have soap opera drama and it's all Prowl's terrible love and family life.
Yes, yes he does
Oh the moon husbands are having a TIME about all of this🥰🥰🥰🥰
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Prowl respects his spy kid's attempt, killing Megatron is a perfectly respectable goal, and he is happy to hear his other spy kids, Skids and Atomizer, are alive but he does offer some criticism on his overall plan involving the rest of the crew. It would have made more sense to seduce Rodimus and drive a wedge between them and turn the crew on Megatron. He does think using the Galactic Council is a nice touch, and attempting to send the DJD is a bit poetic but too extreme not to mention uncontrollable, and he can have his Nudge Gun back when he isn't grounded.
It's important to support your subordinates (kids) initiative according to Kup.
Getaway gets chewed out and then told that they will work on the next attempt together and Prowl has a plan.
Sentinel is another kettle of fish.
Getaway is his subordinate, somewhat a mentee in ways (and Prowl’s undisputed favorite) and respects him so he listens.
Sentinel keeps having to be reminded he is not the boss and is living here on Prowl’s good will and is basically a terrible relative you made the mistake of letting move in who keeps talking about the Worst Opinions about modern times at dinner. Worse is that he and Getaway apparently moved passed their disagreement and are flirting in front of Prowl.
He is suffering.
Yep yep Prowl's got many opinions, positive and negative
It would've lmao
Prowl babygirl goddamn you're grading Getaway's plot
Sdgjff yes. Ah yes they're gonna try again with daddy's help this time.
Also OWO I wonder what Prowl's plan is??
Sentinel has the most rancid takes and Prowl Exe Georg here is more than a little bit done with his shit, but alas. Sadly Sent seems to be a package deal with Prowl's favorite trash son-ordinate.
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The GetSent shenanigans are just going to continue to get worse once they find Prowl and his harem. You have a gestalt full of Deceptacon himbos trailing Prowl around "helping." Just GetSent is stuck couch surfing with them because they have nowhere else to go and won't leave. It's like having 5 Kronks(of pull the lever fame) wandering about. The problem child and his it's complicated are given hard hats and shovels and put to work. They are salty about this. Prowl hopes they take the hint.
Ah yes
Prowl's harem, the constructicons 🥰
They're trying
Sfghjkll yes
Prowl has dubbed you constructicon Jr's lol
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Hmmm, the most miserable possible villain decay arc for Sentinel Prime in IDW1 is being found too early due to the Tailgate explosion and being dragged back to the Lost Light unconscious in his Infinitus form only to discover he, notorious anti-romance, has joined the love boat.
Yet he somehow gets dragged into nonsense after nonsense and is personally offended that Rodimus is his successor's successor and tries his damndest to make him something only to be corrupted in turn.
He ends up drunk making out with Getaway after spending two years absolutely loathing Rodimus together, helping cover up crimes the other commits, and discovering they complain and hate the same things. He refuses to ever acknowledge this has happened and blames the ship. Clearly, he can not stay here much longer.
And then Getaway has the audacity to not include him in planning his mutiny. He is furious, offended, and murderous. His fury only gets worse when he finds Getaway has been taken up with Tailgate.
Cheating on him.
Planning a mutiny and assassination without him. And has been in contact with the Galactic Counsel.
He's finally able to finish his make up body in time for Getaway to get caught in a slightly different way and then drags Getaway out, kicking and screaming to avoid him getting super murdered into the Rod Pod, which he steals.
Rodimus and Megatron and everyone kind of sit down and go over the fact that Sentinel was alive, a Minibot piloting a bigger bot (Megatron gets some suspicious side eye duebto the two penny scenario), and apparently pissed Getaway cheated on him with Tailgate.
Though it does explain Sentinel’s very personal hatred for Megatron.
GetSent are meanwhile on the way to the moon and going through several pissy revelations about the other and petty arguments. Both agree they need some place to plan their next move and someone useful.
Getaway calls his boss (spy dad), Prowl.
They show up like a stray dog, leading Prowl + the Moon Husbands to deal with Prowl's spy kid and said spy kid's boyfriend (?)/Prowl's ex-boss both of whose plans got trashed due to the love boat.
Red Alert does feel a little vindicated about his dislike of "poor innocent Infinitus" though.
Sentinel and Getaway going from legitimate threats to Prowl's half-feral problems who live on his couch because they both messed up and came to him licking their wounds since they both have weird almost respect for him.
Fortress Maximus at least enjoys Prowl's suffering.
Hgghjj YES.
Welcome to the Lost Light, Sentinel. Where you are statistically more likely to have a relationship and Riot swears there are pheromones in the walls
You say miserable, i say funny
Rodimus officially proving he's the stronger prime via managing to drag Sentinel under the chaos waves
Sdfhjkk. Yes. GetSent bitchhhh.
You know imagine one of Getaway's theme songs in this scenario being "Toxic" by Britney Spears.
Ah yes. Blame the ship (we know i do)
Sent babygirl are you jealous??
So very jealous???
Ah yes the best kind of murdered: super murdered
Als ohhhhh not the poor RodPod again
Lmao yeahhh
Mmmn yes our "are we frenemies or we we lovehaters?" calling Getaway's dad to take them in
Prowl must have so many opinions about GetSent.
Red is right for that
Yepppp yes yes
Max is right on that lol. Moooood.
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