#Get Wrecked Sentinel Au
Oh yeah Breakdown's volunteering, Hook is there, Knockout if he's in this universe, First Aid, Velocity, and Ambulon. Heck even Spinster, Flatline and Nickel are there. Nickel is a hoot since her personality is a match for Ratchet's. She oveheard an awe struck Drift tell Ratchet "Ratty if you weren't standing next to me I'd swear I met your reincarnation." She and Ratchet shot back at the same time "Well I aint trining ya," and "There's no such thing as reincarnation!"
Verity accidentally created an idea that is a good one but also the bane of Ratchet processor. She mentioned Doulas and Midwives around Drift and First Aid. Ratchet has oppions about waves of inexperenced paramedical professionals potentially geting in the way of the medics. Highly specialized advanced practice nurses he can accept on principle if there wasn't such an all around medic shortage. It's just poor use of resources. This does not dampen Aid or Drift's enthusiasm.
Knockout and Breakdown are both in this universe and canonically married, so they're in this together
Sdghhji yes. Nickel, yes yes yes
Oh Verity you've suggested an interesting idea with funky consequences
ohhh ratty
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cozzzynook · 11 months
anymore hc or aus for TFP bee or TFA?
Transformers prime Bee was adopted by Optimus at a very young age. He could only wobbly as he sat up when Optimus rescued him and the Prime was attached the moment he looked at him.
Bee had attachment issues. He was both hyper attached needing touch every nanoclick from Optimus or looking into the void with a detachment that scares even Ratchet.
Bee wouldn’t go to anyone else but Optimus, he was surprisingly well behaved so he didn’t cause much stress to Optimus. It was when Bee was older that Optimus stressed a lot because their base was invaded and a bot was offlined and Bee didn’t even react. He just waddled over to Optimus covered in life energon reaching for him. He didn’t start leaking until Optimus stayed still.
Optimus didn’t hold him fast enough and Bee was upset thinking his person was abandoning him.
Tfa Bee is adopted by Optimus when he’s full grown and they’re on the ship still repairing space bridges. He sees this little wreck of a minibot trying to prove himself and asks what his creators think of him being here and Bulkhead flinches.
Bee immediately goes from blue eyed bot to orange eyed threat and tries to take Optimus out. Its thanks to Ratchets sleep neurons and Optimus and Prowl putting Bee in a chokehold that they learn from Bulkhead that Bee was labeled “unstable sparkling center trainee.”
Its then they rethink their opinion on Bumblebee and its that exact moment when Bee onlines looking like an entirely different bot than the hyperactive one they’re used to does Optimus just go, “that one. I want that one. He’s mine, he’s my son now.”
And from then on he not only creators Bee he stops holding back in battle when Bee gets hurt. Megatron thought twice about going after Bee when he knocked out the yellow mini and made him spill energon.
Optimus was given new respect among his fellow autobots and Megatron himself when Optimus used his blade and battle ax to take Megatron head on and rip his arm cannon off. Even tried to use it against him only for Megatron to slip away at the last minute.
Optimus almost ended the war right then.
Bee does not like being treated as a child but Optimus just ignores it because he knows Bee both needs and loves it.
Bee lets Optimus swaddle him and carry him on his back while he does reports and paper work. He frets over Bee while they’re in the base and his lack of caring for his health while also scaring off bots interested in courting Bee.
Optimus hates when the twins come over since they try to court Bee together and he really hates when Sentinel comes over because he keeps him from spending quality time with Bee.
Bee snapped and broke Sentinels jaw when the aft insulted Optimus on a personal level and made his em field sad.
Optimus was so proud of Bumblebee’s form when he did it but he ruined it for Bee by pinching his cheek.
…dad Optimus and son Bee..thats my hc & au
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kandisheek · 2 months
What I really love about SailorChibi's soulmate fics is that they always have really fun, fantastical world building. Whether it be shapeshifters, sentinels, soulmarks or soulmate-related services, there's always something special that hooks me in within the first couple of sentences. Plus, their writing style is amazing, so really, what's not to love?
Here's some of their work that I think you should check out:
Black Streak of Lightning
Pairing: Steve/Bucky/Tony Rating: T Words: 2,953 Tags: Sentinel/Guide, Shapeshifting, Pre-Slash
Summary: Tony didn't want to tell Bucky and Steve the truth, but shapeshifting in front of them made the truth pretty hard to miss.
Reasons why I love it: I really love the choices for their shifted forms – I don't know why I never imagined Steve as that specific animal, but it really works. And Tony is, of course, his usual competent self whether he's shifted or not. Definitely read this one, it's amazing!
there and back again (to find you)
Pairing: Bucky/Tony Rating: T Words: 3,280 Tags: Time Travel, A/B/O, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Hydra has a plan to go back in time and kill Steve before he becomes Captain America. Tony foils them, and in the process finds his soulmate.
Reasons why I love it: Protective Bucky, Tony and Steve, my loves! I really enjoyed that glimpse into the past, and how Tony finds out that Bucky really is his soulmate. Their confusion makes a lot of sense, what with their respective body modifications. It's fantastic, and you should definitely read it!
Pairing: Steve/Tony, Bucky/Clint Rating: M Words: 5,280 Tags: Phone Sex Line, No Powers AU, Angst with a Happy Ending
Summary: Later, Tony would maintain that it wasn’t his fault. He was drunk and bored (lonely) and it just… happened. Pepper would look at him and, in the driest tone that Tony had ever heard, remark that he was the only person in the history of the world who would stumble across their soulmate while drunk dialing a phone sex line.
Reasons why I love it: The characterizations are perfect in this one. Tony being an insecure wreck, Steve standing up for himself, the team meddling until they finally figure their shit out – I love it all. Definitely check this one out, it's amazing!
Breaking Shields
Pairing: Steve/Bucky/Tony Rating: T Words: 4,835 Tags: Sentinel/Guide, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Spirit Animals
Summary: Tony is a guide doing his damndest to help out the two super soldier sentinels on the team. But it's not easy to give and give without getting anything in return.
Reasons why I love it: Aw, I was so happy when Natasha finally knocked some sense into Tony and got him to fess up! I always love Sentinel/Guide AUs, and this one is no exception, it's so good. Definitely give this one a read, I bet you'll love it just as much as I do!
I didn't know that it was so cold
Pairing: Steve/Bucky/Tony Rating: T Words: 13,363 Tags: Baker Bucky, Fighting and Making Up, Depressed Steve
Summary: For their six month anniversary, Tony buys Bucky a bakery. He has no way of knowing what kind of upset a simple gift could cause; thanks to his admittedly over-inflated sense of generosity, he might have just broken up one of the best things that's ever happened to him.
Reasons why I love it: I really love the conflict in this, it feels very true to life. Steve's feelings are extremely relatable, and I'm glad that SailorChibi lets him have his moment of reflection and gives him the chance for a genuine apology to both his boyfriends. This fic is amazing, and if you haven't read it yet, you absolutely should!
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moonlight-tmd · 11 months
how would the cons, bots, and elite bots react to the fact bee's parents are basically their gods
how would sari react too????
I love this au so much <3333 (it's funny af and has great potential for chaos)
Well, the others wouldn't really know they are gods since Primus and Unicron are not allowed to reveal themselves- hence the disguises and alias'. Bee knows they're gods but he's not allowed to speak about it either, he only refers to them as Sire and Papa anyway.
While Prisma and Unis know they are the gods, they speak about their god-names as if they were separate beings(mostly when they're arguing) to keep their covers- religion is a minority on Cybertron since the war began so it's rare to see someone speak about the gods so much. They are seen as religious to say the least.
When Unis shows up in earth he's wrecking shit up for fun and the autobots come to stop him- he does his gig with "you have no chance against me! I will destroy you!" before he notices the tiny yellow bot standing in the group and changes his attitude to happy-go-lucky, The others are very confused and alarmed when Bee runs towards te colossus, even more so but add shocked when he picks Bee up and starts baby-talking to him and Bee yells; "Meet my Creator!"
They are sceptical and wary of Unis cuz this mech just threatened to kill them and now he's acting all friendly and good. He straight up says he was gonna destroy the planet for fun but he can't do that since his beloved sparkling (and his friends) live here.
And so Unis is a "guest" in the plant for few weeks. He's like gremlin-mode Bumblebee but worse- he dubbed Sari an abomination when Bee introduced her to him, Unis was quick to clarify he likes her very much and insults are his way of showing affection(in a way). She was hurt at first but quickly got used ot this weird affection Bee's dad gave her. She likes to go messing around with them in the middle of nowhere sometimes.
He doesn'd do shit when there's something bad happening and the team has to go take care of it. In fact, half of the calls happen cuz he's causing trouble. He's also encouraging Bee causing mischieft and doing pranks and saying he's "going in his Creator's pedesteps".
Unis had bragged about being the strongest warrior in the entire reality known, he's detroyed planets single-handedly and wrecked thousands of soldiers that happened to get in his way. Team Prime has a reason to be wary of him, not just because he's a giant.
The Decepticons straight up skidaddle on the sight of him- he's triple the size of Blitzwing AND wielding a giant double-sided axe. One time Megatron got his servos on Bee and threatened the other Autobots that he'll hurt him, Unis seemed to just materialize out of thin air behind him and politely got his attention before he suplexed him with one servo. The 'cons are straight up avoiding the yellow mini now in both fear of what other fucked up abilities he has and because they don't wanna be pavement on the courtesy of his apparently Creator.
Sentinel is giving Bee all the respect and praise he "held back on" the moment Unis approaches him from behind while Sentinel is trash-talking Bee and excuses them both so they can go on the promised treasure hunt.
While Unis does seem like the strongest in the universe, he's not on either side of the war. He calls it stupid and says that he "spreads the chaos equally".
Then Prisma shows up. He drops from the sky and seizes Unis by his horn. He says few things to his "little sunray" and promises to visit soon before leaving thru a "space bridge" with his husband.
Bee then tells them that was his Sire.
If Ratchet was questioning how this colossus Unis managed to take care of such tiny Sparkling like Bee then now he's questioning how the frag Bee is so small if he got 2 literal giants for Creators- and he doesn't look like he was adopted by them.
And yeah, Prisma does show up unexpectedly like a week later- they find him sitting in the main room with Bee, he was recovering from an injury so they left him in base for the call and when they come back- oop, there's a fucking huge airplane just sitting in the plant. How did he fit in the room? None of them know!
Surprisingly, Prisma is very likeable and they actually get to be kinda friends with him instead of being afraid- well, they're still scared cuz he does clarify he'll send Unis to wreck chaos if something happened to Bee but he's not as aggressive as Unis. He's not even violent- physically at least. He's also on neither side of the war- he says it's a pointless tragedy and he's giving help to anyone in need.
Prisma is similar to Prowl actually, he's calm, respectful and the responsible parent- he doesn't let Bee cause any trouble (most of the time). He actually made Bee apologize when he called Prowl's documentaries boring; "Just because his interests don't align with yours, it doesn't mean they are any less than what you enjoy." He has said.
Now, the 'cons and Elite Guard are still scared shitless from Unis' visit so they also avoid him. Bee and Sari have the fun flying together in his cockpit and seeing stars and galaxies from the "projector"- it's like they were actually in space!
Prisma leaves and things have quieted down. But all of the eath transformers were traumatized enough to treat Bee with respect. His team still bosses him around a bit cuz he is a teammate but they certainly are worried of what might happen if they so much as insulted him. But the tension shrinks the further Bee's parents' visits were in the calendar.
Now i have few funny ideas with BlitzBee and "meeting the in-laws" that i vaguely mentioned in this post. But i also think ProwlBee would fit. Feel free to send questions about whichever you want.
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iphoenixrising · 2 years
Dick and Tim and Jay in some combination:
Angst: I've already forgiven you, but I won't make the same mistake twice | Effect | Fallen (‘What if Dick didn’t catch Tim when he fell through the window’)| Get wrecked Dick! (HC) | Tim moves on angst | Subdue | Last Line game | Cold Reception (HCs): Too old to cry, Get Wrecked
Misc Ficlets: The night the Flying Graysons Died | Tarantula (HC) | Birthday, Dick & Tim & their parents (HC) NSFW: The Suit (for 400 followers!) & Worth the Wait | Soul Mark
Sentinel/Guide WIP
The Body Swap epic The Swap & The Fallout & The Follow-Up (for 300 followers!)
Time Travel: Links & One & Two
Detective!Dick AU: Red Hood!Tim au (for my babe poison-basil) & art! | Civillian!Tim au
Dom!Dick/sub!Tim AU: One &|Sub!Tim SFW? &|Continuation?|Part II on Ao3|Part III|Sub!Tim Omake: Superbats | Ask | and another | Bruce initially struggling |Sub!Tim WIP challenge post | Mostly NSFW WIPs
DickTim Week 2021 On Ao3 | Day 1: Creature!Dick | Rambling about what happened after Creature!Dick | Day 2: Sad Time Loop, watch your feels | Day 3: AOB and BDSM with Alpha!Tim and Omega!Dick | Day 4: Dark!Dick and Vampire!Tim. Warnings for captivity, torture, blood-letting, and missing Bruce | Day 5: Winged Talon!Tim au. Warnings for violence, brainwashing, and injuries. | Day 6: Truth and Mutual Pining
SFW: DickJay travel thru time for Tim | & creepy Ra's | DickJay came for Tim | Boneless | "Don't!" | Tim being Tim | Childhood (for 200 followers!) | Jason's Shirts (HC) | Boyfriends to the rescue! | memory loss ask |Missing memory, more ideas | Soul Mark AU: One & Two Soulmate au Epilogue for 800 Followers! (NSFW) & Art!!! | Strip Tease The First Ask And the continuation | Headcanons: Bond & Incomplete
NSFW: Whole Lotta Nice (HC) | Stuck in a Wall | Food kink | Birthday | Christening (for 600 Followers!) | Need: One & Two | Art & Art: AO3 | Counter: One & Two | Venom!Jay: HC & Ficlet
Mer!Dick, Mer!Jay: Logistics | One & Two (in which I like it better if they speak Mer language and they can’t understand each other; minor breeding kink) & Thirst & Future
Fic Rec: On the Clock by chibinightowl
Misc: “For this,” he cracks his neck a little, “call me Robin instead.” | Tim waking up from a nightmare about Jay killing him| 700; JayTim vs NHFDB | Thinking | I Choose You | Knife kink | Pit Rage (HC)
Bottom Jason Todd Week: Cam Boy Jason, JayTim | Bottom Jason Todd Week: Willing impregnation | Jay's birthday NSFW
De-Aged Jay (based on fanart): Ficlet | HC
Night Call (Stripper!AU; NSFW): One & Two & Three
Praise Kink (NSFW): Ficlet | PodFic (& my take on a Gotham Accent) | Heart-to-Motherfucking fist
Robinpile Praise Kink idea | The initial ask | Chip’s art | A snippet of the idea
Bad Idea: (Space Salvagers AU): Ficlet & HC
Fic Recs: Are you Trying to Kill Me? by chibinightowl
DamiTimNight Sky: One & DickJayTim (HC) & "Gotham and Explosions" (for 100 followers!) & "Poke" & Two & Three & Finale
Tim (art rec)
Caroline: TimKon | DickTimJay & NSFW drab based of @curdleddoodle's amazing art
Misc Tim HCs: Ra'sTim: Bard | Marshall | Concussions & 90s | Brain | Plans | Fighting | Birthday | Family | Religion | Security & Steph | Steph or Tam | Why I Like Him Tim's hair: One & Two & Hair-pulling kink & His Weakness Tim's scars: One & Two & Three Supervillain Tim Drake:Supervillain Tim Drake | All the Titans as supervillains
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satashiiwrites · 1 year
Snippet sunday/wip whenever
tagged by @outtoshatter for a wip whenever/snippet sunday. Tagging the usual suspects: @monsterrae1 @missanniewhimsy @quietborderline @westernlarch @rosieposiepuddingnpie @whimsyswastry @tkwritesdumbassassins @alyxmastershipper with no pressure tagging—this is just for fun.
From my July Rough Trade.
Title: Scintillation, chapter 4B
Pairing: main Winteriron, one sided Stucky, Erik Killmonger/T’Challa
Fandom: MCU
tags/warnings: canon typical violence, covers a lot of the events of Iron Man 2 with Tony’s inner commentary. First draft. Non-linear storytelling. Sentinel/guide AU. Tony is not a fan of Natasha atm.
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Someone goes through a lot of effort to break Vanko out and make it look like he died.
Tony’s money is split between Senator Dickwad and North Korea—he’s leaning toward Stern, with maybe someone like Justin Hammer whispering bad ideas in his ear.  
Rhodey is smarter than doing something this dangerous and stupid, and he immediately messages saying it wasn’t him. Unfortunately, Rhodey also has zero idea which dark and damp hole Vanko has disappeared into. 
Tony instructs Jarvis to keep digging. Eventually, someone will make a mistake, and he’ll know where the Russian is. In the meantime, Tony gathers as much information as possible on Ivan and Anton Vanko. It turns out dear old Dad had known Anton, but the son is a thief and sold weapons to terrorists—even the Russians felt he deserved to be locked up and the key tossed away. 
Russian prisons are brutal. Tony’s been around the block before and met former prisoners, but Vanko makes his skin crawl more than usual. 
His data mining is interrupted by Rhodey warning him that he’s on thin ice with the military. Stern is doing everything in his not-inconsiderable power to try and force the turnover of Tony’s suits to the military, which Tony’s been trying to prevent for the last year. 
When will everyone understand that it’s the man within the suit that makes Iron Man special—not the prosthetics he wears? He wasn’t kidding in his senate testimony when he called the suit a prosthetic. It’s an extension of him and gives him possibilities, but it’s still his decision to pull the trigger and his brain marking targets. 
Take away the human element, and you’re looking at something worse than what happened in Gulmira. 
He won’t let that happen. 
So… he maybe wrecks his own party and house—it’ll make it easier for Pep to redecorate later so she can remove the parts that are too painful to remember about him. He has to push Rhodey to do what Tony needs him to do. If he just asked Rhodey, the man would focus too much on trying to save Tony that he’d defer taking what Tony wants him to have. 
He’s known Rhodey for a long time, and Tony is very aware of exactly when he crosses the line and can’t be ignored anymore. 
Tony needs to know Rhodey will take the shot when it matters. 
Rhodey does, and he takes the suit—or, as Rhodey later puts it, commandeers it. 
You stole it, Honey Bear, and I let you.
Tony is sleeping off the battle and maybe has a slight hangover when he wakes with a craving for donuts. His donut time is interrupted by none other than his royal sneakiness and wannabe pirate, Nick Fury. 
Fury gets in his face and is unimpressed by Tony’s chatter that’s designed to irritate and confuse. 
“I’m the realest person you’re ever going to meet,” Fury insists, but the effect is ruined by the smell of cherries coming from his mouth from the donut he’d just eaten. 
He’s also infuriatingly observant and points out the taint from the palladium that’s starting to creep up Tony’s neck. “What is that? It doesn’t look good.”
Tony is maybe hiding behind his sunglasses like a petulant child. He has a plan and wants to die in peace without being hassled by the spy of spies. 
“I’ve been worse.” He means hangovers, but Fury doesn’t take the line he’s selling. 
Of course, that’s when Natalie Rushman—I’m sorry, Natasha Romanoff—makes her presence known. She’s one of Fury’s pets. He should have known. That’s why she felt like silk stretched over solid steel.  
Tony thinks her ass looks good in her leather suit, but the hair hanging loose in curls is impractical. Pep would be on his side and snarkily observe that capes and long hair are terrible if you’re going to be in the superhero business. She-spy should take note. 
“We’ve secured the perimeter, but I don’t think we should hold it for too much longer,” she informs Fury, ignoring Tony. 
He immediately fires her, which she smugly informs him isn’t up to him, sitting next to Fury and snagging one of Tony’s donuts. 
Uncharitably, Tony hopes she chokes on it. 
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TFA Invasive back and ready for more!
I'm gonna address it back point for point so here goes!
First, yes, the lil guy is their eldest from a litter; there were three others in it. The others are in the back with Ratchet, enjoying nap time, their eldest is just a little spoiled and prefers napping to the sound of his sire's or carrier's spark thrum. Optimus and Megatron have had a couple of broods by now, at least three and they're working on a fourth. An abandoned airfield outside of Detroit has been fully taken over as a nursery/playground area for the flight frame babies.
The cross pairings are so fun! I love the concept too in the invasive AU and it also works with how I like to smash things together. As for Bulkhead, he's got two of his own, one from Prowl and one from Bee; he carried both. Both bitties are grounder types, with one patting jeep pictures and the other staring with interest at work vans and trucks. Otherwise, he's just not that interested in producing more and is more content with being a teacher and big brother figure to the various broods. And yes, the Blitzbee babies were twins; Bee got his horns a little twisted for that but Blitz forgave him after enough pampering.
Lockdown is totally interested in another sparkling or two from Prowl, once he gets a little more settled down and has his work orders handled. Prowl and Bee only had enough interest for the one bittie but coparent rather well otherwise.
Once it's known that they're alive and on a budding colony world, Drift totally shows up to their base with a Cyberrose in his teeth (or whatever the romantic equivalent is for Cybertronians). He and Ratchet disappear for a while and eventually show up with just the one tiny little bittie. He's already got Ratchet's annoyed face down pat and with Drift's colors so there's no question about his parents at all. Ratchet also makes it very clear this is the *last one Drift*, he's serious!
Can't find Wreck-Gar? Follow the sounds of excited laughter, 9/10 you'll find him either being a bittie jungle gym or in the middle of an art class (planned or random) with a small herd of excited bitties copying what he does with random stuff.
For the Constructicons, it's a little of both? The Earth made ones are kinda just, there, helping out and eventually the Decepticon ones make their way over and like, adopt in the two newest brothers. Now, time to get to *work* on establishing a more proper base!
And actually, yeah, with Archa 7, ish. It was still Sentinel's idea to go to it, following the old reports of a downed Decepticon exploration ship that was supposed to still be full of supplies and materials for possible colonization. He had convinced the other two to come with him on the idea to see if they couldn't get a colony world started since Archa 7 sounded perfect for it. They didn't know about the spiders until they basically fell into the main nest and the events sort of still follow canon from there. Sentinel's also not so much of an asshole here; when he finds out Optimus is still alive, he commandeers the Steelhaven to go to him; he might be panic puking into a bag the whole time at the idea of going to another organic world but he's still on his way!
Oh actually, to me Sumdac still does have his tech empire. Instead of harvesting Megatron's ruined body for tech, here he came across one of the energon convertors and pulled it apart out of curiosity. Prowl caught him at it and chased him away, but Isaac still kept coming back and eventually, slowly they built up something of a friendship between himself and the team. Especially when he helped them get supplies in exchange for examples of their tech or being allowed to examine it under careful watch. This allowed him to still become a tech giant, just in a different way. Coin flip on if Sari is here though, I'm honestly not decided on that.
Oh Starscream has both. The mountain nest is for when the bitties are still in eggs or fresh hatched, so they can be kept safe and hidden. When they're big enough to be able to start defending themselves, he moves them to the tower nest so they can start adapting to the outside world more.
Yes to all of that with Strika and Lugnut. Just, yes to all of it.
OOooh yes, they're here and ready to mingle! Megatron might have also put the call out to any interested Decepticons about the new colony world and who would be the first to answer? Why, no other than the DJD of course!
Answers and responses again under the cut because it’s a long one!
1. I love that for them. I love them having 3-eventually-4 broods of little babies. Megatron’s got a whole ass helicopter flock and it’s all his own bitties :’)
2. I love all of this, all of it. Coparenting is so good—I love that Cybertronian colonies, at least in the early stages, everyone kinda helps out with the babies. Make for a much more an enriching, safe life for the little ones. I wanna name and develop every single one of them 🥺 Bulkhead is probably such a warm, sweet carrier
3. Yes. Good. Lockdown looks terrifying and that’s why no one messes with him or his kids XD we could also throw in Fracture from rid2015 👀 purple bounty hunter con. Swinlock baby? 👀👀
4. PFFFFFFFFFT- just. Drift sliding in with a spotlight and a rose like Hiiiiii Ratchet~ 😏 and the medic just SIGHS because ‘I told you, last time was the last time!’ To which Drift responds with, ‘uh huh uh huh sure, now get over here and spike me 👀’. Ratchet doesn’t protest, obviously
5. Wreck-Gar is too good for this world 🥺🥺 he’s such a sweetie! There’s not a single kid in the colony he hasn’t won over, even the grumpy Dratchet bitty
6. Ohhhh, ok. So there’s like, the original Devestator gestalt (constructiprowl, anyone? 👀 I’ve never really thought about them for TFA, but if any Prowl deserves a harem it’s probably TFA Prowl, lbr) and also the earthborn constructicons? How did that happen? The Allspark is still where it belongs within the Well, since there’s no reason they ever would have yeeted it into deepspace, so 👀 mysterious!
7. F in chat for Sentinel please. Never thought I’d say those words, but hey, if he’s not a total jerkwad here maybe he’ll be bearable. I like to imagine he comes to check in Optimus, lectures him for not checking in and being reckless and for Primus Sake don’t scare me like that, then immediately holes himself back up in his ship like 😶 cuz organics are Scary. Does he actually stick around on this colony? Probably not, but maybe one of the neighboring planets might be useful. Perhaps he’ll just go scout those out, yeah, yeah…
8. Hmmmm yeah, I can work with that. Cybertronians are usually super protective and aggressive if they think their young are in danger, so Sunday is definitely flirting with death while he’s actively robbing them 😂 as for Sari, absolutely not. There is no way I’m making Megatron suffer having one of his unborn protocol stolen and then mutated into a techno-organic. There is no room for angst in this AU
9. EVEN BETTR :D is he still a lone seeker, or can we twist it and say his trine is still alive and well? He deserves to be loved 🥺
10. Listen. LISTEN. Cyberverse gave us the perfect candidates. Remember when Clobber was revealed and everyone thought she was a gender bent Lugnut? And we were all cheering for lesbian cons because Alpha Strike is literally just cyberverse Strika? But then they changed their names on us because we can’t have nice things? Yeah, same. So Clobber and Alpha Strike are their twin daughters because this is how I’m coping
11. THE DJD? HELLO???? One, I love the DJD so, Kaon is my favorite. But why is there a DJD in this AU? There’s no war and Megatron doesn’t really need a team of handpicked assassins. Are they more colony scouts/early settlers to put down roots? Traveling merchants? Megatron’s harem (don’t look at me like that, Tarn is completely obsessed with him)? So many options!
Side note anon idk if you’ll read this but I’ve genuinely been enjoying this so much I kinda really wanna write fic about it 👉👈 idk if you’d be interested, but I’d love to collaborate and talk about it more in depth. Rn we’ve got so many good ideas flowing but they’re all crammed together so developing individual little pieces is difficult. If you’d ever wanna collab and work on more story development together, please do me! You can reach me on tumblr or on discord 💖
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camp-mithril-lake · 1 year
Currently Taking Writing Requests (x)
Personal posts tagged " . " if you want to block.
Fics To Work On:
Prowl Fucks Around (Optimus) and Finds Out (Has Getaway)
MTMTE Rodimus Goes G1
TFE JazzProwlWaveTara + Sanctuary Station
Minimus Ambus kills Armada Megatron and accidentally takes over the UT Decepticons
Pharma as the Dratchet Pre-War baby
Sex Club AU starting with MiniMegs + Overlord
Minimus + Tarn = RID01 UM | One night stand pre Minimus becoming Ultra Magnus
Minimus Ambus/Ultra Magnus arranged marriage AU Pre-War or No War
G1 Galvatron seduces Rodimus on the Lost Light
Get Wrecked Sentinel, GetSent Crack Au
No Romo: Prowl saves the future with a consensual workplace relationship.
Discord Server is 18+!
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I I also have a masterforce Prime au about Miko getting a transtector and kicking ass, do you have more details about your au?
Uh, lemme see
I know that out of the Autobot headmasters (Powermasters? I haven't decided which they would have), Miko is definitely the biggest and strongest. Like Breakdown, her alt mode is an armored truck, though her driving skills (Or lack thereof) rival that of TFA Sentinel. Miko ends up proving she can wreck with the best a little earlier than in canon, and she wears the wrecker's insignia instead of a standard Autobot badge.
Raf essentially becomes the Autobot's Soundwave. I'm unsure of what kind of car his alt mode would be, but I know that it would be able to keep up with the likes of Bumblebee and Smokescreen. Or at least it would if he could reach the pedals.
I'm unsure of what Jack's alt mode would be, but I know he and Raf don't go out into the field anymore than they do in canon.
MECH's transtector is nearly torn apart for study, but Silas quickly realizes what it is and decides that this will be the perfect meld of man and machine. After Nemesis Prime crushes him, his men figure out how to permanently bond him to his transtector, only for him to turn around and kill them all in favor of joining the Decepticons, though I'm not completely sure whether or not he becomes a science project. Breakdown's either alive and on the ship or alive and rogue, so he doesn't become a suit in this. At the very least, Knock Out and the Vehicons are gonna have it out for him for gutting Breakdown.
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elendiliel · 2 years
Last one before I return to the canon events (with the addition of a sassy field-tech)... (By the way, the placeholder tag for this series is now "Misplaced Medic AU"; I will happily accept suggestions for better ones.)
Possible inspiration credits to the usual sources (@justawannabearchaeologist's "TFP Wheeljack in TFA" series here on Tumblr and @blueskyscribeupdates' With A Side Of Rust, both highly recommended).
“How’d you learn how to do all this?” Glitch was too wrapped up in “this” to answer Raf’s question straight away, so Wheeljack rephrased it for him. “Yeah, just how does a nice young femme like you learn to intercept Decepticon comms?”
“Intel-bot I know back home.” The dimensionally displaced Autobot’s voicebox was on autopilot while her optics scanned the encrypted data in front of her, looking for the patterns she knew would be there. “Think I’ve mentioned him. Blurr. Assigned to keep an optic on Optimus and his team – probably by Sentinel – but ended up tracking down Megatron’s HQ as well, just in time. Well, his power is speed. Fastest thing on wheels – much to Bee’s annoyance – and talks like Miko sped up. Once ran halfway across the galaxy, probably through the transwarp network, to try to warn Cybertron about a ‘Con double agent.” And would have succeeded had he not run slap bang into said double agent. “But this isn’t a new idea, even on this planet; it’s been done pretty much since you started using radio to communicate. Look up Bletchley Park some time. British Intelligence’s cypher-breaking station during your Second World War. Some fascinating work went on there – thought to have shortened the war by two years and saved millions of lives, and did a lot for human computer science. The codebreakers used everything from pure maths and brute force to imagining the short-cuts a lazy operator, or one in a hurry, might take. Everyone gets sloppy sooner or later – case in point…”
Her digits started to fly over her keyboard as she exploited a weakness she had just found in the encryption of some of the data. She might not be much good at reading faces, frame language, social cues and so on, but sometimes – not always – she could see patterns in other types of information that most others couldn’t, and use that to her advantage. Clear Cybertronian text gradually began to scroll across the screen; she let Ratchet, Raf and Wheeljack analyse it while she worked on decrypting the rest. The process of solving puzzles was more interesting to her than the final solution.
But the solution was still important, which was why she had gone to the trouble of raiding the wrecked Decepticon ship Harbinger for the equipment and intel she needed to intercept ‘Con transmissions. The cyphers had been updated since the ship crashed, of course, but nobot had bothered to change the frequency bands. That was good, as someone – quite possibly Soundwave, now a strong candidate for the title of Glitch’s Least Favourite Decepticon, challenging her universe’s Shockwave – had taken countermeasures against the Autobots’ tracking of Predacon fossils, and Team Prime, outnumbered and outgunned, needed all the help they could get.
“This doesn’t make sense,” Ratchet said as Glitch finally hit another, properly encrypted block of data. “These are engineering specs for something close to a space-bridge, but the destination coordinates here aren’t for Cybertron, or anywhere on Earth – I don’t know where they correspond to.”
“I do.” The fuel in Glitch’s tank and lines had turned to ice. “Sumdac Tower, Detroit, Michigan, the USA, Earth, in the year 2112 – in my reality. Those were my target coordinates the last time I left my Cybertron, when I ended up here instead.”
“That why these specs are so weird?” Wheeljack was letting his inner scientist show as he studied the deciphered intel. “Most of this is like a typical space-bridge, but these elements here…”
“They’re using transwarp technology, I think. I don’t understand it, but I’ve seen enough diagrams – and they got all this from me. That cortical psychic patch. Either the results were duplicated before I fried the lab hard drive, or Knock Out remembered enough.” Glitch hoped for the former possibility. The level of accuracy and detail required to reverse-engineer such complex technology would be best extracted via cortical psychic patch, and Knock Out had been through a great deal already.
“So, what – the ‘Cons are after your reality?” Raf summarised in question form. “Why?”
“I can think of two reasons. One, Energon. When the Allspark was reassembled, we found Energon deposits where fragments had been. That was part of the reason I was back on Cybertron – arranging for it to be extracted with minimal damage to Earth and no corruption on Cybertron if possible. I know Knock Out knows that from the patch. Two, technology. If one junior field-tech’s loadout can cause as much havoc as mine has here, I don’t want to think what the ‘Cons would do with the cutting-edge military gear from home. Or what they’d do to Earth to get at its Energon, or my Cybertron, just in general.” She took a deep, steadying vent. “We have to stop them.”
“We will.” A heavy servo descended on her shoulder, and she looked up into a pair of kind, wise, weary blue optics, much closer than usual. While she’d been distracted by data, the rest of Team Prime had gathered round, and Optimus Prime was now kneeling behind her. “The tragedy that befell our Cybertron, and the fate the Decepticons intended for this Earth, must not happen again.”
“Do you have any indication of when this space-bridge will be completed?” Ultra Magnus focused, as ever, on the practicalities of the situation.
Glitch scanned the intel, realising that it was a week old. She’d intercepted far more than she had time to study. “Stars, today! They must be reusing components from their existing bridge, or we’d have heard about another lot of thefts.”
“And I have a location.” Ratchet was already programming the groundbridge – or trying. “Blast, it’s shielded. I’ll get us as close as I can.”
“This could be your way home,” Arcee murmured to Glitch as Ratchet and Raf set up the bridge. The smaller two-wheeler hadn’t even thought of that, and knew she couldn’t get distracted by the idea.
“Let’s – play that part by audial. The important thing is keeping the ‘Cons out of that space-bridge. Which side of it I’m on when it closes is neither here nor there.” Arcee didn’t have time to argue with that before the groundbridge operators finished their task and Prime called for the Autobots to transform and roll out.
Like a previous Decepticon space-bridge, that one was being built next to an Energon mine, and therefore close to a fuel source. Unlike that other one, it was heavily guarded; Megatron clearly learned from at least some of his mistakes. Had it not been for an otherworldly blue-green glow coming from a distant chamber, the battalion of Vehicon soldiers between it and the raiding party would have indicated a trap. But Glitch knew that wasn’t the case the moment she set ped in the mine and a comm frequency band she hadn’t used in months sprang to life.
She barely noticed the Vehicons taking aim at them, or Prime’s attempt to find a peaceful resolution. All her attention was on a familiar, beloved voice that made her spark hum with joy. “…head’s trying to figure out what’s going on, and the Professor’s on his way up now – had to get out of some meeting or other. It’s probably not about to explode, but that’s about all we can tell so far… OK, will do. Bumblebee out.”
As Prime’s negotiations failed (which he must have known would almost certainly happen) and both sides opened fire, Glitch let her automated subroutines (less effective than her conscious mind, but competent enough) take over for the battle, focusing on talking to her partner for the first time in too long. “Bee?”
“Glitch?” Bee sounded as happy as she felt. “Where are you? Are you OK? What happened?”
“I’m fine.” Relatively speaking. Face-to-face, she’d have been more honest, but there just wasn’t time. “The space-bridge home from Cybertron malfunctioned and sent me to another universe.”
“That tracks,” a deeper, almost-as-familiar voice broke in. “This thing’s been buggy ever since the Professor and Powell sent that Tux guy through it. Good to hear you’re OK, little buddy.”
“Good to hear from you too, Bulkhead. Are you both at the Detroit space-bridge?” Close to the connection the ‘Cons were forging between the universes; that would explain why she could hear them but not Optimus.
“Yeah. It started acting up a little while ago. Triggered the alarms I put in after it took Fanzone off to Cybertron. I couldn’t tell what was wrong with it, but now I know where you are, the readings make sense. You’re coming back, right?”
“If I can, but the Decepticons are the ones opening the portal. We’re trying to stop them using it. “We” being another team of Autobots, by the way, including alternate versions of you two, Prime and Ratchet.”
“There’s another Bumblebee? Should I be jealous?” Glitch laughed even as she deflected a point-blank blaster round. She’d missed being teased like that. “Not in the slightest. You know where my spark lies. Now, can you tell how long it’ll take for that portal to be fully open?” She was studying her surroundings with a mathematician’s optic, estimating how much progress the Autobots had made already, how many Vehicons remained, how long it would take to reach and secure the bridge. She could see it now, a hybrid between the circular tunnels of that universe and the two-pronged structures she knew from home, enclosing an orb of blue-green light that grew brighter with every passing nanoklik. But could she and the others get to it in time?
Bulkhead answered her question, and the flame of hope in her chest was replaced by ice-cold steel.
“Shut it down.” The words were ground glass in her voicebox, and saying them felt like tearing out her own spark, but her duty was clear. “Shut it down and make sure no-one can come through from this universe.”
“Have you lost your motherboarding mind?” Bee spent too much time with their Ratchet. Come to that, so had Glitch. “I’m not going to give up a chance of seeing you again.”
“You’ll have to. I can’t get there in time. The Decepticons will use that portal, invade our home and start by killing you.” Now there was an image that wasn’t leaving her processor any time soon – Bee facing down a Vehicon squad, maybe stinging one or two, before being shot down without mercy, his colours already gone by the time his sparking body hit the tower roof. That won’t happen. It can’t.
“We’ve kicked plenty of Decepticon skidplate before. We’re a match for those guys, right?” Bee’s confidence, which on any other solar-cycle would make her smile, almost quenched her spark.
“Wrong. The ‘Cons here would eat ours for breakfast – no, more like a mid-morning snack. The Autobots are much better armed and far more experienced than us and they’re barely holding their own. You won’t stand a chance.” If Glitch could cry, she would have been in floods. “Please. I want to see you, more than I can say, but I need you to be safe. And don’t even think about coming over here. If there’s another way, I’ll find it, I promise, but – I can’t lose you. Not again.” Her optics rested on Wheeljack’s grenade, still on his hip, and her resolve hardened. Take it off him, activate it, use her magnets to throw it into the space-bridge infrastructure – yes, it could be done. She’d be killing who knew how many Vehicons, but for her home – for Bee – she would do it. Whether she could live with herself afterwards, of course, was another matter, but not yet relevant. “Shut it down, or I will.”
Bee was silent for an uncharacteristically long moment. “All right, you win. This time.” Bulk must have agreed; the portal started to fade away, much faster than it had brightened, as he terminated the connection.
“See you on the other side.” When would she next get the chance to play musical quotations with someone on her level? Soon, I trust.
“’Til we meet again.” The line went dead, and a wave of grief swept over the tiny Autobot, though she knew her loved ones were alive and well. She was dimly aware of the space-bridge operators frantically trying to reopen the portal, comming for instructions, but Bulk knew what he was doing. The gateway between universes remained firmly closed, and eventually somebot (probably Megatron; Glitch was vaguely surprised he hadn’t been there himself) ordered a retreat, leaving the Autobots alone with their “prize”.
“Well, I suppose we can’t leave this lying around for the ‘Cons to get their hands on again,” Arcee said, referring to the bridge. Then she looked at Glitch, remembering again what it meant to her. “Can we?”
Glitch barely needed to compute the answer. “No. It’s too risky, even by my standards.”
“Well, in that case…” Wheeljack drew his grenade and prepared to throw it – only for Prime to raise a questioning optic-brow at him, which prompted him to turn to Ultra Magnus, his direct superior. “Permission to destroy, sir?”
“Permission granted, soldier,” Ultra Magnus replied – after a brief, almost apologetic glance at the miniature medibot. As though she hadn’t been prepared to do what Wheeljack did and blow the thing to scrap, without clearing the area first.
Nobot spoke much as they returned to base, or as Ratchet fussed over various scrapes and dents and he and Glitch fixed everybot up, or as they consumed their evening rations (it was getting late and the humans had already had supper) and headed off to power down for the night. Glitch didn’t enter stasis, though, partly because she had a project to finish, but mostly because she just couldn't switch off.
“Mind if I come in?” Glitch, who had been leaning back in her chair – which could convert into a berth – trying to clear her processor, jolted upright as a familiar human face appeared around the curtain that marked off her private area.
“Shouldn’t you be asleep, Miko?” It was close to midnight and a “school” night.
“Shouldn’t you?” Fair point. And Glitch had done the same at Miko’s relative age, not so long before.
“I suppose so. All right, I won’t tell if you won’t.” Miko came in and climbed up to sit on Glitch’s desk. “Bulkhead told me what happened earlier. I’m sorry you’re stuck here.” Sorry as in sorrowful, Glitch thought, not as in apologetic. It wasn’t Miko’s fault by any stretch of the imagination.
“It was always very much on the cards. On the plus side, my other team know where I am now, I know at least two of them are OK and that it’s possible to get back, and the Decepticons didn’t get through.” Glitch’s digits traced the newly repainted band of yellow and black at her wrist. “Going home would’ve been nice, but it wasn’t to be. ‘Sides, I hate leaving a job unfinished.”
“That makes sense.” Miko looked at Glitch’s wrist for a little while. “Bulk also said you were talking to your partner most of the battle. The other Bumblebee, right?” Glitch nodded. “He’s your boyfriend, isn’t he?”
“That’s the nearest human term, I think. On my Cybertron, maybe the others’ as well, we’d say we’re courting.”
“Isn’t that an old word for when you want to get married?”
“Bonded, we call it, but yes. Though that’s still some way in the future for Bee and me, if we get there at all.” The way things were going, that wasn’t a certainty by any means.
“How long’ve you guys been together?” Someone who didn’t know Miko well would have been surprised by her patience and kindness. The fearless Wrecker could be remarkably gentle and perceptive at times. She’d seen that Glitch was hurting and refusing to burden anyone else with her problems, at least until morning, so she was forcing help upon her in the nicest way possible.
“Less than a year, but I’ve been in love with him since we were cadets. I only found out recently he felt the same way about me. We put our duty and each other’s careers first – until Optimus basically sent us on a date.” That made them both laugh, all too briefly.
“What’s he like?”
Glitch tilted her head, trying to find the right words. “One of the bravest, most loyal people I know. Clever and kind in his own way. Which is a good way, I hasten to add, just – not a usual way. He’ll never back down from a fight unless forced, especially if someone he cares about is in danger. Constantly beats me at video games, and watches my favourite shows with me. Finds it hard to be quiet, but he’ll listen to me ramble when most people wouldn’t.” She sighed. “I don’t have all the right words to describe him. He’s just – Bee.” Her beloved, and maybe, one day, her Conjunx Endura.
“Sounds like you two were made for each other.” Miko smiled. “I hope you get back to him one day.”
“So do I.” Glitch decided to change the subject. She could only take so much “talk about your feelings” in one session. “Oh, while you’re here…” She opened a drawer in her desk and brought out a flimsy, human-sized folder, the pages within still warm from the printer. “It’s a bit early, but – tanjoubi omedetou, Miko-chan.”
“Arigatou, Glitch-chan.” Miko’s eyes widened as she opened her birthday present. Glitch had composed a piece of music for her, the kind of metal the human girl loved, scored for electric guitar and drums. (She usually hated writing for the guitar – the extra notation system was so confusing – but for Miko she had made the effort.) It had no lyrics, words not being the field-tech’s strong point, but that wasn’t unusual in that genre. The guitar mostly led the melody, but the drums were always there in support, and at times the instruments traded places – just as Miko had had to protect or help Bulkhead, the way he so often protected and helped her. It had been written as a gift for Miko alone, but the human and Cybertronian Wreckers could not be separated, and it had felt wrong to try.
The piece was simply entitled, “Partners”.
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Our special skill here is taking two characters who are pretty similar but in the history of the franchise have either interacted once or never interacted at all, and saying "... yeah they're in love."
Crackships ftw the possibilities are endless
Yes yes it is🥰🥰🥰
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storyrecorder-au · 3 years
Duty and Peace AU Headcanons 2:
•Optimus is such a mama.He even adopted Scrapper,Mixmaster even Wreck-Gar
•Prowl is the one that adopted the Dinobots
•Sometimes Optimus read stories for the six oversized sparklings, usually it's Prowl who read stories for the Dinobots but they said OP tell it better
•There will be some OCs included in this stories
•Optimus have siblings,technically Prowl too ;3
•Starscream's clones is not clones but normal seekers
•Later Optimus will adopt Jetfire and Jetstorm
•Skyfire exist,the council just froze him somewhere no one thinks actually exist
•Some drama happened,obviously
•No Optimus is not some lady in distress
•Optimus' relationship with Megatron is slow building
•Bumblebee got jetpack ;D
•Sari is a sparkling that even big Decepticons will try to protect
•Sentinel is the next Magnus after got properly trained
•Rodimus lead the Autobots army after Sentinel become the Magnus
•Optimus get married with Megatron, because it's kinda like how two kingdoms form an alliance XD
•There's no Drift,only a feral but polite enough Deadlock
•Arcee live!
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toonformers · 3 years
Tumblr media
Here's something cool. Know the Redemption AU I talked about a while back? I started a script of the first episode, Transform and Roll Out. It plays out almost the same as the episode, with some added dialogue. I just wanted to show you it n.n
Episode 1
Transform and rollout
[Flashback scene, Autobot prosecution center]
[Optimus, Sentinel and Ultra Magnus are present]
UM: Optimus Pax, Sentinel Minor, you stand accused of exiting the Autobot Academy during curfew hours, stealing one of the Academy ships and participating in an unsanctioned mission to a forbidden organic planet, with the intention of obtaining rare energon from a decepticon cargo ship. And due to this disregard for the rules our society, you’ve lost one of our best intelligence students, Elita One. How do you plead?
Sentinel: [looks at Optimus’ direction angrily and turns away]
Optimus: It was my fault, sir. I had planned this mission. And when we lost Elita, I panicked and intended to pin the blame on my colleague, Sentinel. But I could never betray him, for he’s been nothing but kind to me. I’m sorry I’ve disappointed you, sir.
UM: Sentinel Minor, anything you’d like to add?
Optimus: [Looks at Sentinel sadly]
Sentinel: Yes…. *sigh* He’s lying, sir.
Optimus: *whisper* Sentinel, what are you doing?!
Sentinel: Optimus didn’t plan this mission. I did. I even have the plans in my dorm to prove it. I wanted to make easy money. But I wanted to share it with my friends. I didn’t think anyone would get hurt. Or worse… And when we lost Elita, I snapped and blamed Optimus. But he shouldn’t take the fall for this. He couldn’t have done better. And I’m sorry I ever put you through this Opi.
Optimus: *smiles worriedly*
Sentinel: *smiles, goes back to serious* So please, sir; punish me, but leave my friend out of this.
UM: I see…you did a very brave thing, Sentinel. Admitting your mistakes isn’t easy, especially knowing it could cost your future. However, Optimus was an accomplice to this mission and therefore will receive the same punishment as yourself. Your time in the Autobot Academy will be terminated and will be sentenced to work in space bridge repair and maintenance. [distant scream, male] What in the world…?
[End of Flashback]
[Optimus and Sentinel’s ship, both watching history videos]
Sentinel: [Looks at Optimus, then back at the screen] That one in the back needs to pick up the pace.
Optimus: I’m sure he’ll be fine.
Sentinel: Woop, there he goes. Hey, he’s still going. Here come the medics.
Optimus: Just in time. [Moment of silence] Think he’s still online?
Sentinel: Hard to say. Those wounds aren’t easy to recover from. But I could be wrong.
Voice in video: …the Autobots battled valiantly in the name of honor. Their courageous exploits bringing hope and glory to a beleaguered war torn planet, and inspiring countless generations of robots yet to come online.
[Ratchet enters]
Ratchet: What a load of scrap metal. Why do you two waste your time with those old history vids?
Optimus: All the great Autobot leaders learn from the past.
Ratchet: Look around, Primes. The Great War ended centuries ago.
Sentinel: True. But you were there. In the moment. You saw what happened. We weren’t there. We didn’t see what happened.
Optimus: Yes, thank you Sentinel. What where the decepticons really like?
Ratchet: Trust me, kid; you’re better off not knowing. Besides, looks like the young bots could use a hand.
Bulkhead, distant: BUMBLEBEE! My wrecking ball’s stuck again!
[Sentinel snickers as Optimus sighs]
Optimus: [looks at Sentinel] Want to help?
Sentinel: I’m offended you even asked. *smirk* [gets up with Optimus and both follow Ratchet]
Ratchet: Just take it easy, kid. You may have that new processor, but you’re still healing from the surgery. Don’t overdo it.
Sentinel: Yeah, yeah. I’ll be fine.
Optimus: Ratchet, you ever get the feeling you were programmed for something more than repairing space bridges?
Sentinel: You mean like me, every cycle?
Ratchet: I got a diagnostics program that can delete that feeling like a bad line of code.
Sentinel: Ha. No thanks. Replacement surgery was enough.
[Optimus opens the door, all bots transform to vehicle mode and head out to BB and Bulkhead]
[Pan to Bulkhead, dangling from a cord. His wrecking ball wedged in a rock pile]
Bulkhead: I don’t like heights, Bumblebee!
[BB appears running up Bulkhead]
Bumblebee: Cool your circuits, Bulkhead. I’m working as fast as I can, and you know there’s no bot faster. *shoots rocks, no effect*
Bulkhead: [looks at BB unimpressed] [watches BB kick rocks then looks down covering mouth] I think I’m gonna blow a gasket!
Bumblebee: Try to hold it in a little longer. [Rocks tumble, BB and Bulkhead scream and fall on top of each other]
[Optimus, Sentinel and Ratchet arrive and transform to robot mode]
[Sentinel is snickering]
Optimus: Alright, what seems to be the problem?
Bumblebee: I think the technical term is “bunch of big honking rocks jamming space bridge”.
Sentinel: So I see. If that’s all, we’d just need to do a standard clean up and we’ll be good to go.
Optimus: Seems so. Thank you, Sentinel.
Bulkhead: Know what I can’t figure out? Why would anyone want to transport to this All Spark forsaken sector?
Optimus: That’s not the point, Bulkhead. We have a job to do. And no problem is insurmountable with the right tools…and a little teamwork. [Optimus wields his axe and begins smashing rocks] Everyone lend a servo. Bulkhead…[Bulkhead is punching rocks] …and you, Bumblebee. [Bumblebee is shooting rocks] C’mon, Ratchet. [Ratchet uses electromagnets to levitate the rocks] [Optimus suddenly stops and looks at Sentinel. Sentinel smiles] Go on, Sentinel.
[Sentinel wields his plasma knuckles and punches away the rocks at an extremely fast pace. After every fifteen seconds or so, he would stop and a hiss would come from his arms followed by steam. Then he would start again]
Sentinel: I think I’m getting better at it!
Optimus: I see! Very nice! You too, Prowl! *looks around* Hey, where is Prowl? [Shuriken suddenly appears and breaks a rock next to Sentinel, who was startled. The shuriken returns to Prowl]
Prowl: Just have to know the weak spot.
Sentinel: Maybe a warning next time, you malfunction!
Prowl: That would just mess up my time. *Ratchet sighs as Sentinel crosses arms and mutters*
Ratchet: Young bots. Can’t live with ’em. Can’t melt ’em down for spare parts…
Bulkhead: *whisper* Why is he so grumpy all the time?
Bumblebee: *whisper* You’d be grumpy too if you had one servo in the scrapheap. [Ratchet smacks the back of BB’s head as Sentinel cackles]
Ratchet: I may be one servo in the scrapheap…but I can still hear!
Optimus: Okay, I know where stuck out here in the middle of nowhere on a thankless assignment, but remember, we are all cogs in a great big Autobot machine.
Prowl: *facepalm* Not this speech again…
Optimus: A machine that’s stronger as a whole, than any one component part. [The ground begins to shake and rumble] Together, we can move mountains. [Space bridge opens, the sudden opening pushing the Autobots away from it]
Sentinel: How about space bridges??
Optimus: Not funny! *looks around* Protocol Alpha 1-3!
Sentinel: You got it! *runs to Bumblebee, smashing incoming rocks* Go, kid! *Bumblebee runs off. Sentinel catches Prowl in mid air and gets him out of the way.*
Optimus: *Nets incoming rocks heading toward Bulkhead. Shuts off bridge with grappler*
Bulkhead: *mouth opened in shock*
Prowl: Impressive. *shuts Bulkhead’s mouth*
Bulkhead: Where did you learn moves like that?
Optimus: We trained in the Autobot Academy.
Ratchet: So how did Academy bots end up in a broken down maintenance crew?
Bumblebee: Yeah. Shouldn’t you be in the Cybertron Elite Guard or something?
Optimus and Sentinel: …
I'll leave that as a part 1 haha. If you liked it, I'll do more n.n
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whirlybotart · 4 years
Ratchet and/or Jazz
Think I’ll do both since I think I’ll have some pretty simple thoughts on them both! Starting with Ratchet!
first impression
I actually thought he was like,, really weird, esp that first episode where he’s just like “Yeah I can program out feelings n shit” but I became soft for his backstory... Used to also not like his entire thing for Arcee...
my overall feelings were mixed I didn’t hate him but he was like,,, pretty low on my fave characters list for a while.
Impression now
Soft old Bisexual Man!! <3
I love him to absolute bits! he’s so interesting!! esp since he seems to be one of the few main characters to actually kinda realize Cybertron is really bad and corrupt? That thing where they ordered him to not help an injured con and he does anyways? I fucking love that shit.I wish we’d have gotten more of him trashing Sentinel for his awful ruling of Cybertron..
I’d say now bc he’s a huge comfort character for me he’s ranking high on my favorites!
Favorite moment
they are so so fucking adorable and their interactions are perfection. From Sari being her confident sassy but not shit-taking self to Ratchet being grumpy but soft in heart I cry like a bitch for these two having those interactions and shit...
Idea for a story
Hmmm on a Ratchet centered story I’m not entirely sure but it would probably revolve around his relationship with Bee and stuff bc of my headcanons for the two....
Unpopular opinion
I kinda hated him in the Wreck-Gar episode lmao, I love the idea of him being a father to Wreck-Gar and such but man what on earth happened to him?? Ratchet is a medic at heart which shows in his most gentle and kind moments!! To see his grumpiness and semi-rudeness ramped up out of nowhere just kinda made me sad =[. Also i don’t think he’s hot like at all but maybe that’s bc I’ve never gotten the appeal of crushing on elderly characters...
Favorite relationship
Him and Sari or him and Optimus but I cannot choose...
I really really love how him and Optimus have a playful relationship and when they jab at each other they both don’t take much offense. It’s also really nice to see they can talk to each other about their trauma and pasts and is something they both clearly need. I think they’ve had rocky moments in their friendship but overall their relationship is delightful to see! And I already talked about Sari n him =].
Favorite headcanon
I ask for nothing more than more content of Ratchet adopting Bee and being his dad. I Love these two as father and son.  Ratchet and him had such potential to be just the perfect ‘grumpy but also soft’ father and ‘obnoxious but caring’ son dynamic. We were robbed!!! Anyways I love Ratchet listening to Bee infodump for 6 hours about fnaf and minecraft lore while he’s trying to fix him up and Optimus eventually being like “aww Ratchet I’m so glad you’ve taken Bee under your wing =] that’s really sweet” And Ratchet dies instantly bc he never realized he did that... no matter how many times Bee has called him dad...
Bee also gets really pissy when Ratchet doesnt take care of himself bc damn it old man you can’t be doing that!! Stop drinking coffee and go to bed if Bee loses a dad over how ‘important your work is’ than he’ll never forgive u he swears. Sometimes when Ratchet or Bee have nightmares they just sleep together,,, I just.... I care them so much I have a mighty need for more content of these two....
Okay Now Jazz!!!
First impression
I thought he was mega adorable, he was so great and dorky and I just wanted to kiss him cute lips... Love how he loved earth so much!! It was mega adorable
Impression now
He is forever mega adorable Earth nerd to me,,,, This man is just too fucking cute!!! Also bless him for being so cool and putting up with Sentinel’s aft.... His interactions with the Jettwins in the comics and manga are really wholesome too,,, he really gained two younger brothers on that day huh?
I absolutely love this man he is a fave for sure.
Favorite moment
Every moment he spent talking about how cool earth is makes me sob like a big baby full of Love...  The scene in the rain and the traffic light joke... Some of my favorite moments, I want to make a compilation Of Nothing but Jazz talking about earth and I’d have that shit on repeat like it was my new album. They are legit some of my favorite moments in the show and his interactions with Prowl,,, kinda homo and really cute...
Seeing Prowl low-key tryna flirt with and impress Jazz in show is so cute? That little allspark moment in end game? Filled with homosexual tension. Love the way they banter.
Idea for a story
Holoform Jazz and Prowl date “Hanging out” and they just walked around earth, holding hands,going to shops and eventually a restaurant and Jazz is absolutely gushing about how cool everything is... I feel like Jazz would have a coolass outfit with a scarf and shit...
Unpopular opinion
Hm Jazz should murder Lockdown and carry Prowl away from his dead corpse while they kiss.... Also Jazz would make a fursona unironically and secretly wishes Prowl was a werewolf it’s his biggest romantic fantasy to have big fluffy organic husband.
Favorite relationship
Chants loudly, Him and Prowl him and Prowl him and Prowl him and-
They are just too cute... The way they banter and impress each other while being kinda playful to each other.... It really shows off a new side of Prowl and the way he smiles when talking to Jazz and confides in him so much,,,, I just... I love them...
Favorite headcanon
Jazz is a furry. he has a fursona and Werewolf!Prowl aus are his fucking dream.... Bee is horrified to find out he’s the true furry out of him and Prowl...
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iphoenixrising · 5 years
hey we haven’t heard anything from you in a while. everything good? How’s life treating you? All my love for one of my favorite batfam writers!💗💗💗
Hi babe.
Ah sorry, I’ve been super busy at work and with kiddo :( I mean, I’m still writing when I can, but it’s just time and motivation. My project has really taken off (reads as: expanded) and most nights I’m chipping away at the massive amount of documentation for not only a Java-based framework, but an entire Platform *sob* So, it’s just such a huge amount of old articles and brainstorming sessions and meeting minutes and just ugh. I mean, it’s kind of interesting to try tracking all these things down and figuring out how they’re going to work together since the developers (from 12 to 50-ish, my God and now they want me to read markdown and do pull requests for comments and shit because this is my fucking life) are still working on the platform services, the development environment, and all these fucking tools I’ve never heard of (Kubernetes, wtf is this thing??) so I’m learning a foreign language almost tbh.
Did I mention *sigh*?
ANYWAY, also some of the things I’m working on that are like Batfam are a little more...I dunno, just things that a bit harder for me I guess, but even if I write just a sentence or two, I still count it as a win.
But like...I said something about a Sentinel / Guide Au, and even though I’m at what would be a good stopping point, I’m not very happy with it :/ So, if you’d like to see kind of what I’ve been doing, I’m going to throw down what I’ve got below the cut. 
DickTim, Angst
Sentinel/Guide Au
After he brings B back from time, send the Dark Knight back to Gotham, he gives in to things long overdue, and trains with Shiva–
–to be an effective Guide.
Years of suppressants made it literally hell without them, trying to keep his shields up, trying to push out the telepathic traffic suffocating him the second he opens up just a crack.
Shiva, of course, had been her cheerfully murderous self, plying him with the full onslaught of a powerful Sentinel.
"You will be drawn to us from now on, Little Bird. You will want to protect us, bring us back from the abyss. If you choose to allow your powers as a Guide rein free, then you must learn to fight against the urges."
The fucked-up part is–
–she's right.
If he wants to stay in the life, wear the cape and cowl under the new name, go back to the Titans (since they've been looking for him again, fly-bys and searches for his tech), then he needs to learn how to deal with what he can do and how to deal with the instincts that come along for the ride.
It's not enough that Shiva is in the middle of hunting down a few former students ("They have made...the wrong choices." 
"That's rich coming from you, you know."
"We all have a code, Little Bird, and I am no different.")
but they managed to run into a few other Sentinels along the way.
He'd like to say he'd taken his ass beating like a pro at this juncture in the vigilante game, but the reality is, they'd had to take shelter in a shitty lean-to, so he could be tragically, metaphysically hung-over.
He gives up the cowl and suit, utility belt and sundries. He goes as a wrecked teenage American boy, changing it up from the last time he trekked behind Lady Shiva and took on her adversaries. He tries not to think about Dick or Jason, Dami or Alfred, tries not to think about the confused look on B's face in his safe house, drying his hair after a long shower, trying to readjust to the current timeline.
("You aren't going back to Gotham?"
"I still have things to do."
"...there's something you aren't telling me."
"There's a lot I'm not telling you."
"Come to me when you're ready, Tim. No matter what, you're always going to be one of my Robins.")
Instead, he learns how to keep himself, and the Sentinels around him, safe and sane while trying to stay two steps ahead of the next fight, the next clue, the next "training."
In Shanghai a few months later, he knows it's time to move on when people part ways for the brightly clad superheroes coming en-masse down the packed street for him.
Well, moving on it is.
Going back to the Tower, away from the Bats and Gotham and the Rogue Gallery (thinking about facing the Joker this raw and open is fucking terrifying), was the best he was going to get considering the circumstances.
Those circumstances being the pointed twitch over Kon's eye and Bart's very intense gaze.
"You were supposed to call, asshole. The OG Batman has been back in Gotham for like months and you've just been, you know, chilling with Lady Shiva?"
Tim, who is so out of bullshit at this juncture, feels better after a hot shower and some old sweats with a Superboy t-shirt, throws up his fucking hands.
"All right, fine. I never told anyone. I...I've been on suppressants since I was a kid, just like my mom. Guides..."
"It's not that bad anymore!" Cassie tries helplessly, the first to actually reach across the table for his hand.
The instant connection makes them both gasp. It’s a shallow one, just a dip under her natural shield (he knows it’s Cissy, the Guide that’s been helping her until now, bringing her back whenever she hits a Zone, recognizes the touch of their Arrowette), just a skim over her immediate emotions  this thing now untried and how utterly calm he makes her just by hands lightly placed. 
"O-ooh," is soft while his fingers tighten, his eyes sharpen, his shields constructing around her, his instinct to protect.
"Not necessary," Gar chimes in, still leaning against the door between the kitchen and communal entertainment room, "we're all good in the Tower, T."
Is what shakes him out of it, hastily pulling away from Cassie's hand.
"Wow." Wonder Girl breathes out, eyes soft and half-mast, looking at him dreamily.
"Nope." Because he can already feel the headache coming on, how her hand tries to grab back at his.
“We could fight better together, Tim!”
“Do you even know how strong a Guide has to be to take care of four Sentinels?”
In one terribly creepy singular move, Bart, Kon, Gar, and Cassie give him that look.
You know, aimed at his face.
"No one," Bart cuts in, eyes wide at the exchange, of Tim's aura warm and inviting suddenly stronger, reaching out... "Tim, T. No one has to know."
The flash of fear, a residual from the tunic, makes him hedge back a subtle step back.
Kon pointedly grips him by the bicep, over his shirt while Bart moves enough that his shoulder bumps into Tim’s ribs, halting the possible escape attempt.
“Okay, okay, backing off. New powers are about a bitch, not like we all haven’t been there once or twice.” Kon soothes over, taking small steps and tugging until Tim is moving with him closer to the communal kitchen where his seat is empty at the island, and they can possibly get proof the guy actually eats.
“Amen,” Cassie throws up a hand and is already digging through the fridge until she finds–
–the last grape Zesti.
Tim’s eyes narrow dangerously on that singular can, his body moving before his brain can take over because he’s sliding on his old chair, the can cold against his fingers, too thirsty for caffeine that he can’t even.
Sure, it’s a trap, but with these guys, at least he knows it.
“I’m very not ready to do anything remotely Guide-like in the field,” the soft ca-saaaa as the can opens. “You want me to sleuth, fight, and strategize, then I’m all for it.”
Bart is just suddenly in Kon’s usual seat beside him, spinning around in tight, fast circles, “you mean you’re thinking about coming back? To the life?” 
“Dude, that would be stellar.”
Tim side-eyes his besties, “it was never in the plan to-to stop.”
“Can’t blame us for assuming, you know,” Gar grins toothily, “no Red Robin for a while, my dude.”
Tim goes quiet, staring down at the can between his hands, shoulders hunched over.
“At least,” Raven’s voice is smooth and soft, comforting, “tell us why now, Tim?”
“Why now?”
“Why begin training as a Guide now?” She clarifies, sliding into the seat across from her, and the coolness of her aura, not a Sentinel, but something purely Raven puts his frayed nerves at ease, makes it easier for him to find the words.
“I turned 18,” and he can’t look at them while he admits to it, “and...and I figured out who my Sentinel is after Ra’s kicked me out the window.” (I was fine going out that way. It was fine. I was saving Wayne Enterprises from the League of Assassins, I was fighting the good fight. It shouldn’t have happened that way...why did it have to happen that way?)
“Oh,” and Cassie’s eyes get huge.
“Ra’s al Ghul is your Sentinel?!” Bart fairly screams.
“No dude,” Tim rolls his eyes and finds his can suddenly fascinating. “It’s...Dick. He’s...yeah. It’s him.”
“I didn’t hear that,” Kon hurries, standing shock-still, “I didn’t hear any of that.”
“Not him,” Bart is gritting his teeth because dammit, why couldn’t Tim have been his Guide? The universe was totally, wholly unfair.
A muscle in Tim’s jaw flexes, his nose pinkening along his upper cheekbones. He blinks watery eyes, takes a deep, deep breath to try and keep himself under control. 
“Yeah,” and Tim sighs a little, the ache in his chest more acutely painful when he thinks about that moment waking up in the Cave, Dick in the Batsuit without the cape/cowl combo smiling down at him, still painfully unaware of the connection drawn tight between them.
(He doesn’t need me. He’s got Babs and Dami. His Guide and his Robin.)
Getting the absolute fuck out of the Manor had been his first order of business once he’d come to, just sprouting whatever placating bullshit Dick needed to hear to let him go without much of a fight (this time).
Finding Bruce and staying the hell out of Gotham hadn’t helped the pull he inexplicably felt, or the pressure of minds around him that had sent him to Shiva in the first damn place. His Guide abilities were overcoming the suppressants, so he was out of time...and out of options. 
Still, even with the training, he occasionally has the dreams at night. Not the usual array of awful nightmares from his real life, Jason shooting him in the chest at point-blank to make sure the job gets done this time, Bruce dying right before his eyes, turning into that skeleton husk Superman brought to them thinking it was the real thing, Damian sneering at him with the katana held high, spitting out how it’s time the real Robin took his rightful place just before bringing the blade down–
No, no, it’s even worse than those.
It’s shadowy hands touching him, the warm wet of a mouth over his skin and scars, gentle voice in his ear telling him how beautiful he is, how much he’s needed, wanted, how it’s not just because of what he is or what tunic he used to wear, it’s all because he’s Tim. He doesn’t wake up when his dream self realizes it’s Dick over him, those blue eyes taking him in, pinning his wrists down to look over every inch of his naked body. He doesn’t wake up when Dick starts preparing him. He doesn’t wake up when Dick kisses him hard and desperate. He doesn’t wake up when the tears dry on his face and their bodies line up.
“Mine,” his dream Sentinel doesn’t even hesitate, “Don’t ever run from me again. Do you understand me, Tim?”
Just before Dick pushes, he wakes up, panting and hard, his instincts going crazy enough that he has to meditate to calm down.
Cassie gently wraps her hand around his shoulder, making sure they don’t have skin-to-skin contact this time. “I’m sorry,” she smiles gently at his frown, “I know you and Dick have had some...issues in the past few years.” But he can read the guilt in her face. Back when everyone thought Bruce was dead and his cape had been yanked out from under him, Dick had sent Cassie to try talking some “sense” into him. She still feels awful for jumping on the same train everyone else had been riding, the ‘that guy is suffering from depression’ instead of believing he might actually be right. 
(It still stings though, doesn’t it?)
He doesn’t say anything back, just looks out one of the big windows and pulls out of her hold to take a drink of his Zesti.
“But,” Gar quickly jumps in, “you’ll stay in the Tower and fight on the team again, right? Like, no more trips with World’s Deadliest Assassins?”
Tim visibly hesitates, pausing with the can up to his mouth. 
Slowly, he lowers it, his eyes taking on a cold calculation that is and isn’t like their old Rob. “Like I said, I can’t be a Guide for anyone, and I mean that. Second, I told you the truth in confidence, so I expect everyone to keep my secret. Third, I’m not anywhere near ready to go to Gotham or face the Bats, so for now, I’m fighting under the radar. If those aren’t acceptable stipulations, I’ll grab some of my clothes from storage and be out of your Tower.”
“Storage?” Kon glances around at the team, “Tim, buddy, why do you think we’d have your stuff in storage?”
“I assumed Dick would already approach you about making Damian part of the team,” his tone is absolutely empty, emotionless. “And there’s no way both of us could be here at the same time, so...” he lets them put it together from there.
The look of utter devastation on Kon’s face makes him feel slightly better.
Coming back when Cassie, Bart, and Kon have his back, just like they were closer to the end of their YJ run, makes the transition easier than it realistically should have been.
And it really might just be how low the dose of suppressants are now, or that he feels comfortable stepping into Robin’s role on the team, just with a different name, a different mask. It might just be how Bart has a tendency to hover with that hummingbird energy coming off him even when he’s seemingly standing still, maybe it’s Kon’s TTK pressing at his back even if the guy is across the room, maybe it’s how he and Cassie have leadership meetings where they just binge watch reruns of Gossip Girl and eat ice cream to bemoan their woes. 
But maybe, it’s how he can feel them pulling at his shields unconsciously. Maybe it’s how he can sometimes push back enough, can skim just the edges to get impressions of angry, sad, depressed and gently erect a mental shield without delving deep without permission, can give them the space they need from their intense senses and powers. 
Just another way he can be the regular guy on the team, working under the radar. So much a part of his role in the first damn place. 
He doesn’t realize it becomes something normal until they take the good fight a little too close to Gotham for his liking, but the choices were few and Luthor is such an incredible ass hat that Tim actually plays it down, dresses up as CEO Tim Drake to divert their baddie while the team takes apart his latest weapon of mass destruction on the down-low.
What he absolutely doesn’t expect is to leave the lobby of one of the most posh restaurants in Metropolis–
And walk face-first into Dick Gryson’s chest.
(Technically, it’s Nightwing, but really, this doesn’t make the sitch any better.)
A hand, black with blue fingerstripes, covers his mouth, and the sound of a grapple retracting is a pending oh no that he doesn’t fight the vigilante pretty much kidnapping him off the street in broad daylight. 
He can only thank God it isn’t skin-to-skin contact because his inner senses are flaring this close to the Sentinel, his Sentinel, that he has to grind his back teeth to keep himself in check. He pulls away the second they land it on solid rooftop, shoving his sleeve back to check the team’s status on his hidden wrist computer. 
Mission success! 
“Imagine my surprise,” Nightwing growls, hand on his shoulder to spin him around, “when I find you having lunch with someone like Lex Luthor instead of taking my damn calls, Timmy.”
Stepping out of that hold is subtle because Tim is looking over the side of the roof, adjusting his tie to try putting some distance between them. “I’m undercover. Those are the things people like us do when we’re running an Op, Nightwing.”
Those whiteouts narrow on him, a trick only Dick can really pull off effectively. “None of that tells me where the hell you’ve been for the last year since you left to find Bruce, found him, and didn’t come back.”
His back straightens, eyes looking away when the irritation and heat of anger hits him harder without the nice little cocktail of suppressants and stabilizers, makes his own shields tremble at the burning sear along the edges of his consciousness. 
Instead of saying something he might come to regret, Tim sucks in a breath through his nose and works through the bolt of pain, gathers his shields around himself to keep the Sentinel from unerringly lashing out at him again.
“What the hell are you even doing here? Recon on Luthor? For which nefarious plot?”
A black and blue hand slashes the space between them, “not even important, Tim. So, how about you call your team and tell them you’ve got some Bat business because we? Need to talk.”
“I’m sorry, what now?”
“You heard me. I’ve been trying to get in contact with you for weeks.”
“I sent back your case files, asshole–”
“Not about cape and cowl shit, Tim!”
“I don’t even know what you’re talking about right now,” even though he does, he really does. He just doesn’t know why it has to happen now.
Nightwing, however, has had enough of the talk and with a whip of his arm has a bolo out and thrown, his natural speed as a Sentinel might be slower than someone like the Flash, but it still has Tim wrapped up tight faster than he can realistically dodge.
The sight of the vigilante Nightwing swinging through Metropolis with the CEO of Wayne Enterprises over one shoulder would be big news in the city if anyone had been bothered to really look up.
The hotel is nice Tim thinks while wiggling around on the bed where Dick pretty much dumped him. His fingers are already getting the bolo loose from around his upper body by the time Dick has the mask off and the Nightwing suit unzipped to flop around his waist.
The Gotham Knights t-shirt underneath is a new one since the old faded one got blown up in that little explosion in the ‘Haven a few years back.
Dick lifts and sets a chair down with a pointed clack, sitting down to watch Tim squirm his way up. He’s got the bolo loose enough to brace his palms.
“What part of I’m in the middle of an OP–”
“Don’t care,” Dick cuts him off ruthlessly, those blue eyes hard and jaw tense. “I honestly don’t give a crap about the Titans right now.”
“Well I sure as hell do thank-you very much,” Tim pulls the bolo off, tosses it across the room with an angry flick, facing his former mentor, former partner, former friend with those old feelings creeping up his throat to make the taste in his mouth coppery and bitter.
“The only thing I care about right now is that I finally caught up to you. The last time I even saw you was that swan dive–”
“I’m aware. Being kicked out of a window is pretty memorable, even for people like us,” he keeps it deadpan, keeps the anger and irritation, the feelings of shit like betrayal and it must have been so easy to throw me the fuck away.
“The point is, smart ass, you left the Cave and haven’t been back. You only answer my emails about cases and bad guys. But when I ask you to come back home, which I have, Tim, I don’t even know how many times, and I get nothing! We need you–”
“Why would I come back to Gotham for you?” Is what spills out of his mouth, something bitter and foul. “You’ve already got a fucking Robin to be your little brother, remember?”
Welp, there goes playing it cool.
But watching Dick jerk back like Tim had landed a physical blow was more satisfying than he wanted to admit.  
“Are you kidding me right now? You’re still angry about that? I’ve explained to you exactly why–”
The irritation in Dick’s tone, obvious disgust when he leans back and crosses his arms over his chest is just about enough.
“You explained it just fine. You made your choice, so everyone just has to deal with it, right? Yeah, that’s really being my equal.” 
Tim makes himself stay deadly calm and cold, moves his legs away from Dick’s to stand and take a few steps away from the seething Sentinel to adjust his tie and try to get his hands to quit trembling. 
“I can’t believe you’re acting this childish, Tim. I’m really disappointed with you right now.”
“Glad we’re on the same page, Dick, disappointed in each other,” but it strikes him anyway in the small, sad place where he held on to the hope they could still work everything out somehow and at least go back to being friends. A small part that’s been slowly dying in degrees, and that last hit is enough to make it so absurdly painful.
(All those years in the R, fighting the good fight, being brothers, having each other’s backs, and it all ends here, doesn’t it?)
“What? I did everything I could do for you! I–”
“If that’s what you want to believe, then that’s fine. I don’t have any reasons to argue with you,” staring at his own reflection in the mirror, seeing the red start to creep over his cheeks, his eyes get overly shiny, Tim Drake straightens his spine and flexes his own shields. 
He keeps himself together enough to turn on a heel and walk calmly to the door.
“Tim, just...okay, just wait. Let’s talk this out–”
He doesn’t even turn, hand already on the knob, just pulls open the door and takes a hasty step through. It’s only the first step, but Dick is still just suddenly there, trying to snatch at Tim’s wrist with a bare hand, managing the brush of fingertips over a pulse.
“Don’t leave like this,” Is the last thing Dick says before the electric shock slides up his spine, the pull to all his senses almost has him on his knees.
The touch has Tim lurching away, jerking his wrist up to cradle against his chest, the red burn of Dick’s emotions beating at his shields harder with just a simple graze.
It ends with Dick still in the doorway, braced against the frame, gaping, and Tim leaning heavily into the wall across the hall, a wince on his face.
Stupid metaphysical connections and shit.
The touch hadn’t been enough to, you know, like bond them or anything, but it’s widely believed True Pairs didn’t even have to touch to get impressions from one another.
“You asshole,” he seethes at that shocked expression. 
“You feel like I betrayed you,” is low and thick, Dick’s eyes a little dazed with what he picked up through the momentary connection, “it hurt you so much when I made Dami my Robin because I didn’t even talk to you, I didn’t trust you. You think I just threw you out of my life. How could I ever do that to you...?”
If Tim was a better Guide, on a higher dose of suppressants, he would have been able to keep himself closed off enough that if they did manage to touch, he could have kept Dick out of his shields, wouldn’t have given him the ability to skim over shitty emotions.
If Tim was a better Guide, he wouldn’t have the urgent need to run.
But welp, here they are.
As the thought takes shape in his brain pan, that he’s in his civilian day-ware and can run down the hall while Dick –still half in Nightwing– is trapped in the doorway, his knees firm and his eyes dart wildly to the side, giving himself away.
And since Dick was Batman, is Nightwing, is a Sentinel, he sees the writing on the wall and absolutely refuses to let it happen. Dick shoves with his arms, darts out into the hallway, makes his suddenly weak knees work enough to shake up Tim’s plan, seizes the apparent Guide, his Guide, in a princess hold and get back before the door even starts to close.
“Put me–!”
But Dick folds his legs to sit with his back against the door, and wraps both arms around the struggling third Robin. He can hold onto Tim better than a bolo anyway. 
The push at Tim’s shields is a pressure he isn’t used to dealing with, and it’s painful to fight against it rather than just let the tentative connection open. His hands curl into fists in his lap, trying to strain against the arms pinning him while concentrating on strengthening his shields. 
He doesn’t realize he’s whispering, “no, no, no,” under his breath. 
“Please,” Dick lays his forehead down on top of Timmy’s head, “please don’t go. Not now. I’m finally...Tim, I get it now. I swear, I get it.”
“...doesn’t matter. Too late.”
“That isn’t fair,” the smallest shift and Dick is breathing against his throat, making him shiver, “I just found out you’re...a Guide. My Guide. We haven’t even started yet. It can’t be too late if we haven’t had a beginning.” It gets worse when Dick breathes in his scent deeply, a noise coming out of his chest.
“We have had a beginning,” he bites out, fists tight, concentrating on keeping his shields strong but flexible, “we’ve had years–”
“And I’m not ready to throw all of that away.”
The pressure against his mental shields finally eases up as Dick raises his head, gives him a little shake to make him look up. 
“You already did, remember?”
“I didn’t... I never threw you away. That’s not what I meant or wanted. Yes, I should have handled things better. I know that now, and I’m sorry I hurt you. I was sorry before, I just didn’t know how to tell you, how to make it better between us.”
Tim’s eyes narrow, and he doesn’t let up in case this is one of those diversionary tactics to put him in a false sense of security. 
(They fight bad guys. Sometimes, they have to cheat, and he wouldn’t put it past Dick to do just that.)
“I don’t know what you think is going to happen here,” he finally tries, staring up into those blue, blue eyes (I trusted you once, and fuck if I’m going to let you do this to me again). “But whatever it is, you’re wrong. I’m not going to come back to Gotham and be your Guide. I’m not going to bond with you because the universe says I’m meant to be some kind of magical counterbalance.”
Dick’s expression crumples, his arms go a little slack. 
“Tim, we’re...we’re a True–”
“I don’t give a fuck about True Pairs, Dick, not anymore. Babs has been your Guide since you both presented. She wants the job, she can damn well have it.”
It’s not a fight to push against Dick’s arms the second time and stand up out of his lap.
“You’ve loved me since the moment you put on the cape, Tim. I know you have.” When what he means is I know now.
“I loved you before that, you asshole, and you betrayed me. You don’t get that chance again.”
Turning away shouldn’t be this easy now that Dick knows the truth, but it is, and the very last parts of him still hoping, still craving, are just as easily–
–wiped out.
Dick’s eyes are watery when the door hisses and creaks upon opening, and it’s an automatic thing, reaching a hand up just expecting Tim to take it.
“Tim. Timmy, please.”
“Good-bye, Dick,” is already fading with rapidly retreating footsteps. At least he can keep some of his dignity because Dick will never know he falls the fuck apart as the elevator goes down.
Author’s notes:Here’s why I don’t like this: 1. I want to talk more about why Tim chose Shiva as the Sentinel to teach him how to be a good Guide. Like, I want to explore that dynamic more because I’ve never really had the time or space to write Shiva as we see her in Tim’s Robin run.2. I wanted to go more into the expanded senses of Sentinels and how to - hell, I dunno, make it seem to be a little closer to cannon maybe? Like point out some of Dick’s greatest escapes and be like part of that is due to his Sentinel power. 3. Dick says some shitty things, and I don’t give him any context. Like, at that point, he legit believes he did the right thing at the time, and look! Tim’s Red Robin so everyone wins! But yeah, once he got under those shields, the truth shakes him up. 4. I dunno, this au might not be for me. It doesn’t feel very different from some of my other angsty things I guess but meh. Who knows, I might fix it someday :D 
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amnsiac starscream au: a well deserved rest.
Starscream felt absolutely , positively, emotionally wrecked.
Everything that could go wrong, went wrong, now tbere was a rift between prime's team and their government , sentinel is angey at him for "swaying jazz away" and the jettwins took two hours to go to sleep properly, they're too scared to stay in the same room as the elite guards.
This should have happened , why did the gods hate him? Was it a punishment for his existence? Or all his horrid actions he committed in the war and exile? Or his own old personality rearing in his head telling him how awful he truly is, it his fault skyfire was lost, his fault that they used him as a scapegoat to bomb vos, his fault for the twins own existence and his fault for his own murderous frame-
"You ok?"
Skyfire, oh wonderful, ever so caring daring flame of his, always knows when to get him from his own crumpling mind,he tried to hold himself together.
Before breaking down in silent sobs.
Skyfire didn't say anything , it wasn't the first time, all he needed to do was be near starscream and hold him while he cried out his anguish.
They stayed like that for a hour, skyfire, gently caresses his wings with soft comforting crooning as he presses tenderly kisses to his faceplates, before starscream was finally able to collect his words in his head.
"I'm . ..I'm sorry-"
"I know, don't apologize for things that aren't your fault, but today was...was..."
He chuckled "yeah...thanks"
His wings gave out a small flutter, before pressing his helm to starscream "anytime, now"
He picked up starscream like he weighted nothing, relishing in the starscream small squeak.
"Someone, needs to sleep, tomorrow we'll go on a little trip, i have something special set up, you'll love it.."
"Oh! What-"
He was shushed "no no, it's a surprise!"
Starscream grumbled, but he was tired, maybe sleep will do him good....
"So, what's with the paints again?"
"It's a old vosian tradition, i think you'll love it, lil bee"
"Hey! I told you not to call me that again-"
"So, what's importance does this tradition entail?"
"It's....a courting traditional dance"
"Wait...you mean you're finally asking him out?!"
"Right,right, they're sleeping, but man, finally!, do you know how awkward it was to see you two skirt around eachother like new bulit younglings?"
"Aren't you a youngling yourself bumblebee?"
"Aaaaiiii uhhh , i mean, only by a year...?"
"We will be pleased to help you skyfire!"
"Thanks prime, you will have so much fun, that, i can promise you..."
There was a mischievous Edge to his tone, withholding glee.
PLEASE this is so cute!! 😭💖 tell me it goes well please tell me it goes well!! I've always loved the idea of dancing being a big part of Vosian culture, especially skydancing! Yes yes yes
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