cozzzynook · 2 months
Silly Minimegarod thingy
When Minimus enters his rut cycle the poor mini bot is sitting in his office in shame as he is too nervous to leave. The last time he went into rut he tackled Rodimus in Swerve's and the pair became the night's surprise entertainment (Minimus was so embarrassed) So he just sits in his Alt-Mode and tries to wait it out.
Eventually Both Megatron and Rodimus notice that their smaller Conjunx hasn't left his office in a couple of hours. When they check up on Minimus they see a turbo fox hiding under the desk while letting out a soft growling purr. Megs and Roddy barely take a few steps inside before Rodimus is tackled by a very frisky Minimus, shocking Megs who barely has time to lock the door before he is also tackled. No one sees the Captains or Minimus for the rest of the day.
Some time later a very proud Minimus is happily napping on both his Conjunx's tanks that are a lot larger then they where a few weeks ago. The small sire is happy and protective of his mates all the while excited to meet his pups when they finally arrive.
I love this so much.
That little short king is knocking up his mates and fragging them till their valves almost swell off and he’s more than capable of keeping them filled and taking care of all their needs. He literally relaxed now because of it and the two just…look so embarrassed blushing with heavy tanks that fill them out.
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neighboringheart · 6 months
woke up with a fever which means more canceled plans bc my body doesn't let me do fucking anything anyway minimegarod (or megarodimags? it's Mags in this scenario) breeding kink shit on the brain
picture it with me Rodimus strapped to a breeding contraption (I know it's got a name but I'm too tired and ill to remember rn) that keeps him comfortably laying on his front legs spread and valve bared but he's also strapped down so he can't escape even if he wanted to but they've been planning this for weeks so he's already dripping
Magnus playing the role of Rodimus' owner soothing him and telling him that he found the perfect stud to breed him until he's round with strong newsparks (which not possible in this scenario but he's saying it for Roddy's sake) and Rodimus whimpering and squirming like he's nervous until he feels huge warm servos land on his hips and a fat spike nudge his valve
Megatron grinds against his folds for a moment and it's the only warning Roddy gets before he's pressing in and spreading his loose walls wide around the plentiful ridges that adorn his shaft
for the sake of extra weird details Megs is also wearing a removable set of fake balls that Rodimus loves for the way they smack against his node with every rough thrust and it only makes the fantasy feel more immersive as though he actually could be bred which just makes him pull harder against his restraints trying to fuck himself against Megatron's fat spike
the final icing on the cake is the way Roddy gets more and more desperate as he feels Megatron's knot slowly inflate and bump against his entrance
Magnus will hold his face and pet him gently telling him that he's being so good and that he's gonna be full so soon and then he can rest and be pampered just like the rest of the carriers taking spike whenever he needs it
the knot is roughly shoved into him and he overloads drooling as he feels his valve filled with a thick flood of transfluid
it lights up every node he has and makes him feel weightless his walls stretching to hold it all and when Megatron's hips twitch trying to get just a bit more friction the way it sloshes rips a broken moan from his vocalizer
there's just so much and it feels so good clinging to every inch of the inside of his valve
he's barely cognizant as Magnus carefully wipes over his body waiting for Megatron's knot to deflate but when Megs finally pops it out Roddy's eyes go wide as some of the viscous cum squirts out of his valve sobbing as more tries to dribble out of him
how can he be a good carrier if he can't hold all that he's given what if it doesn't take
but Magnus is swift to scoop up whatever is dripping down his thighs and pressing it back into him easily sliding a plug into place that locks every last drop inside steadily pulsing charge to keep Rodimus calm
and if Magnus decides to commit a taboo and fill up his lovely bitch's aft port with a fat load of transfluid of his own who's to know
Rodimus certainly wouldn't tell anyone even if he could
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Impactor/Springer baby is now added to the docket. Springer would forbid Prowl from so much as thinking about being Grandpa but Kup is welcome. Unfortunately, all their kids are the only ones within each others age ranges and so playdates happen.
Springer and Prowl, whose personalities are funnily alike, do eventually become amicable and Springer doesn't mind the Constructicons. Springlet (nickname for baby Springer) of course adores their many large relatives and Uncle Megatron.
Also since they'd all be in the same spot lets go ahead and throw a Roddy & Arcee & Springer friendship into this. All of them need more friends.
Sentinel and Getaway are going through it about the Rung thing. Even worse, the Rodimus was the right thing.
Rodimus is gonna be so smug about this until he realizes that "wait a minute"–Rung is Primus? He has to sit down a few minutes.
Also the Prime + Primus Effect causing baby booms is so funny. Two weeks with three primes by the time they arrive to Megatron's trial half the crew is hitched or pregnant.
(Including Megatron with a guilty Minimus and smug Roddy trailing behind.)
Kup is grandpa material
So many of the kids are just gonna call Prowl "Prowl". No "grandpa", no "dad", no "carrier", no "sire". Just "Prowl" lol.
The constructicons are oddly nice when compared to a lot of the recognizable personalities in this game
Springlet is adorable
Oooo yesss!
Getty and Sent are absolutely going through it, but they're going through it together.
Roddie this is what happens when you sit down and think for a minute
It issssss
I'm almost inclined to suggest this is SUPPOSED TO happen? Albeit at a much slower pace, but the universe has to make up for the population loss caused by the war somehow. "Shit we're way behind schedule, you take a baby and you take a baby and YOU TAKE SEVERAL BABIES!!!"
Oh we know we can't leave Megatron out of the fun
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mychlapci · 5 months
Mer minimegarod with a sparked Roddy.
Rodimus is literally too heavy to swim on his own now which is not even a problem for Megs who easily carries him or Minimus who easily wraps around him with one of his tentacles and pulls him along.
Rodimus is literally crying at being too stuffed and bred to move but Minimus and Megs are just…planing to do this all over again.
hrghh ohb Too pregnant to swim is one of my favourite things…
Roddy is so full of Megatron’s giant pups and Minimus’ eggs and he's so heavy. Moving his tail tires him immediately, and if his mates weren’t around he wouldn’t be able to move at all, perhaps he’d be uselessly dragging himself over the sea floor until his arms got too tired. They’re the only reason he can move around and they bring him so much food, knowing he’ll be even bigger. Rodimus is on the verge of crying most days because he’s just too full, he can’t bear this anymore, his belly and tail is so stretched, though he’s even more afraid of the impending birth…
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unsanitarystation · 7 months
hey pspspsps minimegarod piss fic
-burnt ice anon
... this one is very good.
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cozzzynook · 2 months
May I offer some hurt/Comfort MiniMegarod?
During the bad ending of the LL Minimus and Roddy pay Megatron one last visit the day before his sentence is carried out. There's tears and a lot of hugs despite the judging optics of the guards. They promise to love Megs the way he was and not before despite how history may paint him. The leave the prison crying and wishing they had more time together.
A few weeks later Rodimus is laying in berth feeling tired and sick, He thinks its just the grief from losing one of his Conjunxs. However over the coming weeks it gets worse to the point he can't eat without purging. Minimus the ever sweet mech is rightfully worried, he doesn't want to lose another partner so he calls First Aid to check Roddy out.
The bittersweet news arrives that Roddy is sparked with a large bitty who clearly has Megs frame type. Rodimus is a mess with happy and sad tears. They have something to remember Megs by but are sad that he never got to meet his Bitty.
Time passes and the pair are welcoming their large bitty with Megs frame and Minimus's colour and Roddy's optics. The promise to look after and love this Bitty no matter the strange looks others might give them. They love their sparkling and no angry message from Prowl won't change their minds.
Hope you enjoy :D
Anon i love you so much but you better sleep with one eye open 😭😭😭😭😭
I seriously grasped my chest because my heart hurt at this and i my eyes stung. Oh my gosh.
Their bitty growing up knowing what one of their sires did but also how loving he could be and was.
The initial news must have been so devastating because Roddy couldn’t tell him but he also could live on in a good way.
I just know Minimus was so torn not having the other sire to celebrate with or comfort him and Rodimus during the lows since Megs is better at emotional matters when it comes to Roddy than Magnus is.
Not to mention Roddy doesn’t tell his friends because he doesn’t want them judging him or doing anything to his sparkling. So they probably move somewhere else.
In fact they would have to because if someone caught word that Megatron had a sparkling with his cna they would try to kill them.
So they leave Cybertron and cut communication with a lot of bots save for a few.
They welcome their sparkling and he grows up liking so many of the same things Megatron liked. Its both really sad and really spark warming.
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cozzzynook · 3 months
Ratchet is sick and needs an expensive experimental surgery. Drift goes to pay for it when his card gets declined. Confused because he's rich he calls up his bank demanding to know what's going on. He finds out someone purchased a ship and other expensive things.
Drift thinks it's Rodimus and is angry. Ratchet is also upset because Rodimus was planning on leaving them without saying goodbye.
Except Rodimus didn't purchase those things. Someone else did.
When he gets home he's confused about what's going on. Drift is angry and they start arguing. Rodimus keeps denying it and a little bit of Deadlock comes out. Thinking Ratchet is going to die because his card declines he yells at Rodimus and ends up hitting him.
Hot Rod falls to the floor in shock and looks up to see and angry Drift standing over him. Telling him that he never wanted to see him again. When he looks at Ratchet he doesn't say anything just gives him a disappointed look.
Feeling spark broken he runs off going to a different city. He starts working all kinds of jobs wanting to pay Drift and Ratchet back. Even though he didn't take the money he still feels guilty and blames himself.
That is so painful to think about.
I could see a lapse of judgement happening and Drift snaps at Rodimus because his connection to Ratchet is closer and this very well could mean he loses his conjunx. The last person, his last person, even if they’re with Rodimus.
It’s something he didn’t consciously mean to do but did.
Ratchet is just really disappointed because Rodimus should’ve talked with Drift before spending so much of his money.
They both still love him they just…are scared and Drifts angry while Ratchet is so disappointed.
To learn it wasn’t Rodimus and that someone stole Drifts money.
They’re devastated.
Especially when they get a large sum of money that Ratchet needs for the operation and a note telling them he was sorry and telling them he would never bother them again.
I’m making this angsty.
It was someone that wanted to get back at Drift from when he was Deadlock. He killed their mate under an order from Megatron and they wanted revenge. They knew about Ratchet and slipped him something when he was at the clinic. They planned on killing Ratchet slowly and making Drift suffer and they bought a ship knowing Drift would think it Rodimus because they watched them all and noticed the dynamic between them.
But really anyone would know seeing as Drift and Ratchet didn’t conjunx Rodimus even after more than a hundred years together.
Drift rushes to get Ratchet to the surgeon and the procedure is a success.
They also caught Ratchets spark flames lowering and matched it with Drifts so he wouldn’t have to worry about his spark fizzling out any time soon.
That was something they weren’t aware of and they were glad to have caught it. Ratchet didn’t want to leave Drift alone…
That was something they had to accept for the moment seeing as Ratchet was on berth rest and Drift didn’t want to leave him.
Rodimus meanwhile was beyond exhausted and resting in a clinic.
He resorted to…unsavory methods of getting such a huge amount of money for Drift.
He..agreed to sell his frame for pleasure and since he was so beautiful and sought after well..it wasn’t hard.
He got lucky in a way. A high profile mech paid for him in full and he was given the money upfront.
The mech was surprised when Rodimus sent the money to another and agreed upon fragging the mech as much as they wanted.
Turns out the mech had a bit of a spark and used Rodimus for cleaning and an arm piece along with being a literal berth warmer. The mech would get lonely and paid for Rodimus to keep him company.
He didn’t mind.
But he did miss Drift and Ratchet.
When he got charged on engex he asked the mech to frag him because he needed a distraction and the mech did.
Rodimus was thankful for his spark baffle and the mech gave him his personal comm and a nice sum of money telling him to come back within a month if he didn’t make up with the mech he sent the money to. The mech was smart and knew it was more personal than owing a lot of money. He made him an offer.
“Make up with them and stay with them, just visit me often. I’ll get lonely without you. Or..stay with me if it doesn’t work out…I’ll give you whatever you want. I’ll be whatever you want. Just stay with me and we’ll travel and do whatever your spark desires.”
And…how could he pass up an offer like that?
His spark was stuck on Ratchet and Drift.
So he left, refusing to take the money and hugging the mech. He promised to visit often and left.
He didn’t want to do that to the mech. He deserved someone who loved him, not be a replacement.
He took up odd jobs until he landed on a planet where he ended up running into Megatron who was living with Minimus.
The two were acting a bit odd at first but then they refused to let him leave their sights.
He didn’t really mind since he knew them and enjoyed relaxing with them. Especially when they would play smooth music during the early hours and watch him paint while drinking their early morning oil.
He wasn’t interested in oil, never really liked the stuff outside of medical oil and even that he didn’t care for but Minimus made the best oil and he was slowly drinking off theirs.
Since they wouldn’t let him pay for his stay, he cooked for them. It was amazing to how shocked they were and how ravenous they seemed to grow. Wanting to eat more often was a nice complement to his culinary skills and he ended up cooking all the meals save for the one day they would make him meals, every week without fail. And holidays? They took him to the inner city to nice restaurants that they all could enjoy.
Rodimus had been with them for months and hadn’t even realized until the mech he met came knocking at their door. They were understandably terrified meeting Megatron and seeing Minumus come up from the rear about to tackle them until Rodimus smiled at the mech and hugged them tight.
“Sorry..I lost track of time,” he felt guilty but the mech was happy as a cybersquito on a full cyberphant.
“I see all was forgiven? Have they finally sealed the deal?”
That made Rodimus splutter and Megatorn and Minimus blushed heavily looking like a bitty caught in the nickle cookies.
Rodimus shook his head no and tried to tell the mech to be quiet only for Megatron to speak, “so Ratchet and Drift really never conjunxed you?”
He looked…like he was suppressing anger and failing and he..couldn’t stop himself from shaking a vent out.
“No. It just..wasn’t meant to be.”
“Bullslag. Those must be the mechs you gave the money to because these mechs look too far in love to let you go let alone give you up.”
The mech was carefully removing their servos from his waist at Minumus removing it for him as he glared trying to keep himself together.
“It’s not like that, it was just..stuff happened and..its not important..”
Rodimus was trying not to get frustrated and cry. The mech easily changed the tone and asked when the wedding would be to which Rodimus spluttered again and tried to get the mech to leave.
“I’ll be staying at a suite in the city. I expect our time tomorrow to be amazing? Imll he borrowing him for my stay, if you don’t mind,” the mech smirked.
“What? I’m sure they won’t mind. You’re single and my offer will always stand,” he got in a kiss to Rodimus knuckle but Megatron gripped the mechs face and lifted him up to optic level.
“It’s ill advised to push us, Crowe. I have no problem committing a..necessary act of violence,” Megatron promised.
“Megs! It’s fine he’s harmless I promise.”
“He doesn’t need to be touching what doesn’t belong to him and you don’t belong to him,” Minimus put a servo on Rodimus lower back and that just..he didn’t expect to melt into the touch. He was embarrassed that Megatron came to hold him up and he was even more embarrassed when Crowe smiled and clapped at the display. Ring shining on his servo as he looked at all three and spoke once again.
“So..I ask but one last time. When are you conjunxing my dear cyber flame? Wouldn’t want another to come and take him now would you?”
That made the two look at each other and Rodimus was confused as to why Megatron and Minumus looked like that.
“I see you have things to discuss. You have my personal comm darling. Message me the invite hm? I hope to have bitties to spoil as well. A bitty of yours is a bitty of mine,” the mech smiled daring to steal a helm kiss and run for dear life.
“Crowe! Ugh, he’s such a.”
Rodimus stopped when he saw Megatron and Minimus looking at him the way he’s always dreamed. He’s never had someone look at him that way. He’s never felt a mechs affections like script written in stone just from a look, but today he has.
There was a lot of talking that happened after.
Megatron and Minimus admitted they were slowly trying to court Rodimus but didn’t want to lose their chance so they rushed a little by having him stay with them. They figured since Rodimus wasn’t with Drift and Ratchet that they severed the spark bond but to find out it never even happened?
Well, they wouldn’t say they weren’t happy to have a chance but…they were upset Rodimus was never loved the way he deserved.
They immediately got to changing that with Rodimus permission and soon, it’d been almost a thousand years of living together conjunxed.
Crowe of course came to the wedding and teased Megatron and Minimus because he could. Rodimus was worried for his friend but Crowe assured him, he was fine. So long as he could have Rodimus in his life, he was happy. That and he’d met a minibot who made his helm spin and Rodimus was beaming happy for him with how Crowe talked about the mini.
It was a wedding filled with friends and family and Rodimus felt guilty not inviting Ratchet and Drift but the two ended up seeing him a long time after the ceremony.
Rodimus was sporting a sparkling in one hand that looked exactly like Minimus but they weren’t a minibot and had Megatrons build. He was also carrying around a heavy belly that his sleeping sparkling was sitting on. Their helm on his chassis sucking a pacifier while his fists held tight to Rodimus.
The mech had dropped something and sighed letting his shoulders drop and tried not to cry.
“Slag,” he whispered covering his sparklings audial even in sleep, “well looks like we have to wait for sires to come out now don’t we?”
Megatron and Minimus were inside the market getting groceries for him since the smell was getting to him. They were almost done and he was glad because his ankles and back was starting to hurt but he didn’t want to put his bitty down. He enjoyed this too much and he wanted them to have all the attention alone that he could give.
Suddenly a servo picked up his bitties bottle that he dropped and he beamed thanking the mech until he saw who it was.
“Drift..Ratchet..hey..thanks,” he failed to smile or even take the bottle. He moved his sparkling closer to himself and took a cautionary step back and since he and conjunx never closed their bond, they knew something was wrong.
“Glad to see you’re okay Ratchet, Drift,” he nodded to the two and turned to go back into the store when Drift and Ratchet stopped him.
“Roddy? You..”
They looked to the sleeping sparkling in his arms and the huge belly that made him lean back to stand.
“We’re sorry kid, Rodimus. We know you didn’t steal the money. We’re sorry we accused you..made you leave.”
“I’m so sorry Rodimus, I should’ve never hurt you. I should’ve believed you.”
Two voices boomed and soon he felt four servos on his frame and tensed when two went to grab their sparkling. Minimus stopped when he realized their sparkling was grounding Rodimus and the carrier needed their sparkling in their arms to know they were safe.
“Megatron? Minimus?”
The two looked to them and then to the sparkling that was starting to whine as they opened their optics and whimpered. That grabbed all of Rodimus attention and he shuffled a little soothing the sparkling in a voice neither the swordsmech or medic had ever heard before. “Drift, Ratchet, it was nice to see you in good health but we’ll be taking our leave.”
Minimus ever the polite one stated before taking the groceries and following Rodimus who waddled slowly with their sparkling that wanted his attention and was cranky from their nap being interrupted. Megatron kept a servo on Rodimus to help take some pressure off before bending into Rodimus audial and saying something that the mech nodded to.
Megatron lifted Rodimus into his arms and the two were able to walk off at a normal pace.
Ratchet and Drift looked on with sad expressions as they realized what they let slip through their digits.
“We fagged up, Ratty…we really fragged up..”
“We did kid..we really did..”
Back in their home, Rodimus was laying in berth with their sparkling asleep on their sire while the other was rubbing his sore and swollen ankles.
He didn’t ever expect to see the two again but he hoped one day they could all sit down and it’d be comfortable. But for now, he just wanted to focus on his conjunxs and sparklings.
I love dratchrod i promise i do. I just love minimegarod too
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cozzzynook · 16 days
A little sweet Minimegarod thing
Rodimus let out a long sigh as he slumped onto his desk with a tired expression, the last meeting last hours and his shift had just finally ended. Pulling himself off his desk and getting to his tired pedes Rodimus stretched before walking out of his office and towards the main hallway. There he bumped into Magnus who was waiting for him "Ready to go home?" Magnus carefully wrapped one white servo around Roddy's shoulder pulling the captain to his side. Letting out a sigh and giving a tired smile Rodimus simply nodded before nuzzling closer as they walked down the hall towards their shared hab.
A couple of minutes later they stood outside their door with small smiles, coming from the other side was the sound of giggling and laughter quickly followed what sounded like a toy accidently hitting the floor. Opening the door they were greeted by Megatron lying on his back with a wide smile as he played dead as one of their sparkling stood triumphantly on their Sire's chest, meanwhile their other siblings were busy either doodling on their blank data pads or playing with their toys. Rodimus gave a laugh as stepped inside before scouping up the sparkling on Meg's chest before giving them a nuzzle. "Did you defeat the evil War-lord my little spitfire?" The sparkling giggled as they babbled on about their adventures as Megatron slowly got back up on his own pedes before placing a gentle kiss on Rodimus's helm.
"This 'evil' War-lord missed you both" Megatron smiled as he turned to help Minimus who finally put away the Magnus amour and was beginning to tidy up the scattered toys. With a happy hum Rodimus walked over towards his other bitties before carefully scouping them up in his servos before giving them their own nuzzles. He then walked over to their nest to put them down for the night, while carefully tucking them in he began humming their favourite lullaby as he softly pet their small helms with his servo. It didn't take long for the sleepy sparklings to drift into recharge and with a pleased smile Rodimus returned to the living den to join up with his Conjunxes.
Megatron and Minimus have finished putting away the toys and were sitting on the sofa with open arms. Roddy quickly flopped onto the comfy padding before pulling himself closer to Megatron's side letting out a content sigh, Minimus on the other hand slowly weaselled his way into the middle of his two larger partners before settling with a content smile. With a pleased smile Megatron wrapped his arm around Roddy's waist pulling his smaller partners closer so he can give them gentle kisses.
"What do you two want to watch tonight?" Megs hummed as he grabbed the remote to the holo-Tv before gazing loving down at his partners. Rodimus shrugged giving a confused look before answering. "I'm not sure...I want to have a slow evening tonight. What about you Mims?" The green mech blinked a bit unsure himself.
"Hmm, how about that new drama show? I hear it's rather good" Minimus gave a sheepish smile as he turned to look at his partners. Roddy gave a smile as he wrapped one arm around Minimus's chest before placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. "Sounds fun, what do you think Megs?" Megatron turned giving a pleased hum as he turned on the holo-Tv already looking through the shows. "I see why not, I just hope it's not like that other cheesy romance drama from last week" He gave a low grumble as both Roddy and Mims chuckled lightly before settling down to watch.
(Hope you enjoyed this fluff :D)
I love this so much! I really enjoyed the fluff oh my goodness this is beautiful!
Megs would definitely be a stay at home sire because he loves sparklings and Minimus would be the “i like to work but also spend my entire break with the sparklings and bring them back with me,” while Roddy is just hogging the kids after work.
So loved!!
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On one hand, Dratchetrod. On the other hand, Minimegarod.
Smashing these hands together?
Why not all five of them together
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Rodimus's Most Well-Known Sugar Daddies: Ultra Magnus, Optimus Prime, Drift, Primus
He is the Sugar Baby. I think upon retirement it is only right he gets to Sugar Daddy a Warlord.
He'd probably be thrilled. He seems like the kind of person who adores giving gifts and seeing someone happy about them. Drags Magnus into finding books Megatron would like and getting notvthe super fancy berthpad he threatened but an ergonomic perfectly fitted and firm but comfortable one for Megatron's old back.
Okay that's a lot of sugar daddies, no wonder Roddie was semi-professional
Rodimus will get all the self care creature comforts that Megatron couldn't before but now stubbornly refuses to get and he's gonna like it goddamn it
Like! Yes this is exactly when Megatron will finally figure out his favorite kind of energon goodie! Dude's gonna get small trinkets to go along his bookshelf that we're gonna say he has!
Also the way my brain completely skipped over motherfucking PRIMUS being Roddie's sugar daddy
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cozzzynook · 2 months
Hurt/Comfort MiniMegarod Anon here! To make up for the last post I have come offering some wholesome MiniMegarod.
Rodimus had injured his leg and is stuck on berth rest. He is extremely bored and annoyed. However his partners are quick to make sure that he is well taken care off.
Minimus brings Roddy his favourite foods and bring him his medicine to help with the slight pain. Megatron often helps carry Rodimus to the wash racks when he needs too and help keep his wound clean while it heals as well as pamper the speedster with kisses and poetry.
The best part to Rodimus recovery time is when their bitties return from spending time with their Grand-Creators. They run up to his berth and curl up in his arms while they babble on about their day they even often show little drawings or crafts they made.
Hope you enjoy this little idea :D
😭😭😭😭 you’re invited to my transformers party again! 😭😭 i love this idea
Your brain is so sweet 😭
I just know Perceptor loves sending the bitties back with homemade sweets he used to make Roddy when he was a bitty. He puts extras in because the bitties nibble on them while walking back just like Roddy used to do.
Roddy is so taken care of giddy and omg i can see him servo feeding the snacks to Megs and Mins and their sparklings.
😭 i love this
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RAVAGE: With the exception of Soundwave and myself, and you have thoroughly burned that possibility, Rodimus is the best thing that ever happened to you and is not a cop. Do not fuck this up. Otherwise we will have to resort to Minimus. And I don't want to resort to Minimus.
MEGATRON: *looks away*
RAVAGE: ...both?
"and is not a cop" Megatron do you have something you need to tell the class
"resort to Minimus"
is a hilarious phrase like. He's. Minimus. Ah yes plan B if the Rodimus thing goes belly up, Minimus.
Or, if those last two lines are any indication, Minimegarod seems on the table.
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