#mtmte atomizer
tiny-tf-faces · 9 months
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Some unnamed ice planet the Lost Light is using to pick up resources for refueling and as a vacation. Things are going well until they find an old abandoned building with Ancient Cybertronian markings that Rodimus recognized from Nyon's old buildings that relate to the Knights of Cybertron. They start looking. Typical shenanigans happen, it is trapped. Getaway and Rodimus end up in an undercity that is freezing. So cold it's dangerous levels for most Cybertronians.
They find a place to haul up as the LL crew works to excavate them and push comes to shove and they definitely "share some charge" again to help keep themselves warm which is a blatant porn scenario that makes Ratchet just look at them judgemental and comment with Rodimus's ability them cuddling some place small and contained would have retained enough heat. Survival interface was unneeded.
Rodimus and Getaway are pointedly not looking at each other. At least until there is a party to celebrate something with the usual "WE DID SOMETHING" banner and they both end up in a corner together slightly tipsy.
Ultra Magnus arrives to the party and is about to dismiss everyone for the night and insteads heads straight for the corner where Rodimus is starting to feel up Getaway, grabs Rodimus by the waist, picks him up, throws him over his shoulder, calmly tells the gaping Blaster he is commander in charge for the evening and carries a protesting Rodimus to his private quarters where he initiates a lockdown drops Rodimus on the bed and informs him ber the SOP that Rodimus initiated he is not leaving until he has activated his Fuel chip and is no longer in danger of making a colossal mistake.
Rodimus is pissed and offended and only Magnus's repeated refusal to allow him to make a run for it and one time biting him does he finally do it and then groaning collapses on the bed horrified.
RODIMUS: I am a fragging moron. Oh Primus, I almost, I was touching him and–Fuck Mags horny me is a idiot.
ULTRA MAGNUS: I will refrain from commenting on your relative intelligence in relation to your inebriated state. Do you feel you are currently in possession of the correct processing to not make "horrific and irreversible personal choices" per your own words.
RODIMUS: Yeah Mags. You are the MVP. Sorry about the biting. Fuck I need a good frag or at least a regular buddy for distraction.
ULTRA MAGNUS: (reaches over and mechanically pats RODIMUS'S spoiler five times) I am sure you will be able to locate an appropriate substitute. Your frame is conventionally attractive and your personality is generally pleasing. By your own words you have "rave reviews". If you feel you are not up to the task of selecting potential partners I can compile a list of sexually available mechanisms who fit a general criteria you provide.
RODIMUS: That's sweet Mags, but honestly probably not a good idea to go looking through the crew for a lay. Not exactly the most popular guy right now.
ULTRA MAGNUS: I see. If you are looking for someone of similar rank outside of the chain of command, Thunder–
ULTRA MAGNUS: Unfortunate. Is there something beyond interfacing you can feel your time with instead?
RODIMUS: Again Mags, not the most popular guy right now. Most people aren't to keen on hanging out with the guy who brought Overlord onboard.
ULTRA MAGNUS: We could always socialize together.
RODIMUS: …like sexually?
ULTRA MAGNUS: No. You enjoy other activities. We can do an activity together. Socially.
ULTRA MAGNUS: You are not the only one who has made mistakes recently.
RODIMUS: We could try? I guess. I don't think our tastes crossover that much.
ULTRA MAGNUS: I will endeavor to approach this with an open mind if you will.
RODIMUS: (interested, wiggling up) Why not! Nothing can be worse than what almost happened. Maybe a movie? That's pretty neutral right? Good start.
ULTRA MAGNUS: (nods) Tomorrow after our shift. I will meet you in your room.
RODIMUS: It's a date. Ah, a not-date? An activity?
ATOMIZER: Why do you care?
GETAWAY: (through gritted teeth figuratively) I don't. I'm fine with this. Hot Rod can frag anyone he wants. We're over. Who cares if he's decided to rebound with minibot-in-a-bbox?
ATOMIZER: …really getting the lack of care.
Mmmhm makes sense makes sense
I mean hey in all the situations they're allowed to fuck it's certainly this. (Even if it was a big unnecessary, considering the living furnace that is Roddie.) The way Ratty and crew full on caught them too ssdgdss. Unneeded, yes. Hilarious, yes.
Ultra Magnus, professional cock block.
He didn't even give a fuck about the rest of the party goddamn
Of course biting got involved
Mag is the absolute MVP yes yes
Magnus are you offering to wingman for him in your own way
youuuuu sure you don't care Getaway? Sure-sure? :3 you sure?
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yogurtlid10000 · 10 months
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Idk I had this idea for awhile to show the dynamics of the leaders throughout the comic lol
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These ones are from panels from the holiday issue lol
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Myyy personal favorite arcs would have to be “Elegant Chaos” in like around issue 30 I forgot 😓 umm and ofc “Dying of the Light” at the end through like issue 50-55 or smth
I also like issues 15 and 16 a lot 🔥and the “Slaughterhouse” arc Rewind 2.0 reveal is elite
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scal-po · 4 months
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J’aurais pu compter tous tes atomes
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yumyumsteak · 9 months
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MTMTE GALformers / 2019-2020
bonus getagate
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creehd · 7 months
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I have funny ideas at times
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cyber-streak-2 · 5 months
Tailgate: Can you keep a secret?
Getaway: Yeah, we can keep a secret.
Tailgate: What?
Getaway: Yeah, me and Atomizer are like a vault. No one else will know.
Tailgate: No, I want you to know. I don’t want Atomizer to know.
Getaway: If you don’t want Atomizer to know, then why are you telling me?
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tonikkyn · 4 months
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zephyrrhiesfyrian · 1 year
I have more MTMTE sillies for you.
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whirl lounging
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there are no words for this panel
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happy pride month everybody <3
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we stan simpatico in this household (also why is there just an abyss behind percy's aiming reticule)
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"holy shit nautica -you have friends?"
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the fact that nightbeat is just inexplicably more fit than a literal special ops agent will never not be funny to me
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"yes yes good job my child"
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atomizer is busting it down (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
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zhibekfromkaon · 2 months
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“I swear Getaway I didn’t know it was only Decepticon bar…! Ohhhhh so that’s why you hated that place…”
(GetMizer AU with a good ending)
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RODIMUS: Hey Mags, I've got a concern about fraternization.
ULTRA MAGNUS (pained): I applaud your attempt to handle this professionally. Perhaps Rung or Ratch-
RODIMUS: Nah, Mags. I trust you and your kind of in the know. So you remember the whole Getaway Thing?
ULTRA MAGNUS: Yes. I do recall your intial announcement of a former sexual relationship. And the follow-up intoxicated discussion about the "subpar spike" you have endured since. Ratchet has denied my requests to assist in the deletion of these memories.
RODIMUS: Cool, so we don't need to recap. I know I didn't mention it but the breakup wasn't...it was pretty bad. Whole relationship. Like messed me up for a while. Bad bad. Not Nyon Bad. But definitely Doubledealer Bad. Kup had me on watch for a bit for "self-destructive tendencies".
ULTRA MAGNUS: I–One moment Captain. (Types something and the doors lock) I have fully booked my time for the next hour for this discussion.
RODIMUS: Thanks Mags. Anyway you just gotta know it was bad. I was bad. He was bad. It was all just...
RODIMUS: Yeah. But like the interface was good. Like really, really good.
ULTRA MAGNUS: (Clenches his teeth but nods)
RODIMUS: And I thought if it was it had to mean something. It, eh. It didn't.
ULTRA MAGNUS: Captain, does Getaway need to be removed from the ship? I haven't approved his transfer I can defer him to be returned to Cybertron.
RODIMUS: (hesitates) No. We're all about second chances, right? The crew gave me one. I'd be pretty hypocritical if I didn't give him one. 'Sides, Skids is here and Atomizer. 'Cept Prowl, Getaway doesn't really have other people to help him move post-war.
ULTRA MAGNUS: That is very mature of you.
RODIMUS: (smiles) Thanks, Mags. But anyway, I have an actual reason. I need you to swear on your Spark no matter what happens. No matter what I say, no matter how drunk I get, do not–I repeat do NOT let me frag him again. It will end total emotional devastation, at least three deaths, and potentially the destruction of at least one species.
GETAWAY: If I try to frag Hot Rod shoot me.
ATOMIZER: Will do.
WHIRL: Happily.
SKIDS: Okay? I–Can't you two just talk?
He's trying
Mags is trying desperately
Sdfhjk. Mags please don't encourage Domey to do mnemosurgery just to erase an unpleasant convo
Rodimus that's definitely not making him feel better
roddie you know this is a bad idea but you're doing it anyway. Great.
The way they keep going on about "don't let me frag Getaway/Rodimus" tells me they're probably going to frag again at some point.
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all-might-simp · 1 year
My type:
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Moral of the story: I have some of the weirdest tastes.
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cherrytimemachine · 2 years
always felt Atomizer's death was stupid as hell. I mean Getaway's already killed dozens of people for trival reasons, he won't hesistate to murder you for betraying him. dumbass
I honestly hate the direction they took Getaway in. I felt bad for Atomizer the whole time he had to deal with this fucker. I think the the point where it got super over the top evil for me was when Getaway went out of his way to verbally berate Riptide right before trying to kill him just for the sake of it. And Atomizer, loyal Atomizer, he looked at Getaway and told him that what he’d done was excessive. Getaway could’ve been a much better villain, but I don’t fully blame Jro for that since Hasbro cut the length of their story. They had planned a season 3 and 4, but Hasbro gave them a limit they had to follow. Hasbro cutting production time for their shows or cutting corners for toy sales at the expense of the creators they hired seems to be a recurring theme the more I learn about them.
Give me a reasonable conflict that still tests the moral limits Atomizer is willing to accept for supporting Getaway. They could’ve kept Froid and Sunder in the mix, but instead of Getaway being outwardly evil out of nowhere, Froid encourages him to make harmful decisions and choices. Froid is intrigued by the thought processes and minds of people like Sunder, who commit horrible crimes, so why wouldn’t he try and do a social experiment where he pushes someone to the brink of becoming a worse person to test how the mind responds under pressure from an influence? Have Froid release Sunder himself, have Sunder threaten Getaway and his crew if he didn’t give in to their demands. I imagine it like Pharma’s situation with Tarn, but we get to see it in action. There is potential to seeing Getaway breaking behind the scenes with the added inclusion of Atomizer as someone who’s trying to help his friend, but Getaway pushes him away so he doesn’t get involved.
At one point he’s faced with the choice of killing Atomizer or sparing him, and Getaway has to choose whether to kill one or let them all die. They hold singular lives above his head and make him feed Sunder’s hunger as a means of saving the many for the sacrifice of he one. Sunder torments Getaway, tells him to kill Atomizer, and Getaway has to come to terms with how far he’s been strung up by these people. Because above all, he’s afraid of dying if he refuses, so he complies out of fear for his own life and others like him. That point would tie back in really nicely to his experience watching his fellow MTOs die during the battle of Corcapsia and the trauma responses that led him to where he is now.
He had such understandable motives as a villain, and that’s something I loved about him when I read MTMTE. They totally squashed that in Lost Light and I’m still unhappy about it.
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My Getaway TED Talk
I know, he’s an asshole by design. But fuck, if it felt stupid by LL. I feel like MTMTE S2 Getaway and LL Getaway are two separate characters
Now yes, his actions were horrible...but his motives are understandable. Imagine this from his perspective: he spent his entire life fighting the Decepticons. And after all the eons of fighting and dying, Megatron, the one who started it all, and the one responsible for billions upon billions of deaths...is given a slap on the wrist and let to go practically free.
While yes, Megatron’s change of heart was genuine, that’d probably be lost on someone who’s seen some of the worst the war had to offer. This, combined with the fact the other captain was an egotistical and reckless manchild...yeah.
Like I said, his actions can’t be justified. His motives however, can’t be dismissed. The most telling part is that otherwise upstanding Autobots like Perceptor, Mirage, and Bluestreak end up supporting the initial mutiny.
Getaway in Lost Light is a practical cartoon villain, who seems to be in a speed run to become the worst person imaginable. Brainwashing his own crew, inviting a reglious nut-who might I add tried to kill him back on Luna 1-on board to act as an enforcer, killing crew for their body parts to offer to serial killer to brainwash the rest, murdering his only remaining friend and framing someone else, agreeing to have the remaining crew turned into sparkeaters. You get the idea
At no point does he show any regret, remorse, or doubts. There’s no nuance, no subtlety. The Decepticons in the G1 cartoon were less transparently evil than this.
I like MTMTE and I love JRO’s work. But I think his depiction of Getaway falls flat in LL
If you have differing opinons on this matter, feel free to share them.
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verizeri · 1 year
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th3e-m4ng0 · 11 months
sometimes i think back about how i used to confuse optimus and megatron way before i properly got into transformers.. and when i started reading mtmte having only watched like 5 episodes of g1 and kept confusing prowl with ratchet and drift and ultra magnus with optimus and hound with hoist and atomizer with rodimus and for a while i had no idea who orion pax was and why he looked like optimus, and i would re read sentences over and over again with a tab open to google words because i didn't know the terminology like what the fuck is engex or a c.r. chamber or primus or shanix or vector sigma what the fuck is an AFT
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