#getting thrown around by a big dude getting trapped in a container full of body parts being covered in blood
lifesver · 4 months
keep also thinking about a particularly fucked scene of leland getting tossed in a freezer w body parts already in it, waking up and just fucking freaking out, hyperventilating, slamming at the lid trying to get out. when he does get out there just being , bodies wrapped in plastic, freezer burned staring at him from the walls of the cold room. forcing himself to get up, think about his friends. anyway he gets really claustrophobic after that and a lot of his nightmares later are about the cold room.
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theveryworstthing · 4 years
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So over on patreon Trevor asked for my take on the Addams Family and I grew up LOVING the Addams family movies so here we are. Instead of doing a straight up style interpretation, I decided to do a full on design challenge, using the characters as bases to make a black southern gothic Addams au. I actually drew the kids first, using the character bases of Wednesday and Pugsley to create some delightful kiddos I'm calling Sunday and Blanche. I of course then redesigned Gomez and Morticia into Carlisle and Mortesha.
The Addams have a very specific high aristocratic goth aesthetic (they've got a butler and nobody really works among other things) so in this re-imagining I wanted to go with vibes that run a little more middle class/upper middle class.  I thought it would be interesting to think about what would be considered weird and off-putting in an entirely different culture, and how being a big ol' goth is way less controversial than it used to be.
I tried to keep this short (HAHAHAHAHAHA) so I didn't spin off into an essay about villain coded families, black people in the horror genre, and normalcy as it pertains to social survival, but just...bits of that are in these designs and lore. Keep that in mind.
Also I made the kids twins because they've flip flopped in age so much in different media and also twins run in my family (i'm the daughter of one). And let's face it, I'm pulling a lot of their southern gothic traits from living as a southern goth so *shrug*.
10 thousand pounds of lore incoming loooooooooool.
The Parents
From the moment he saw her he knew that there was a 50/50 chance of him either never making it out of that swamp alive or marrying the figure that was creeping out from under the distant willow tree in a black cocktail dress. The third time she found him trussed up in one of her traps, he complimented her rope work and asked if she'd like to go out sometime after his head wound stopped bleeding.
Or while it was still bleeding.
If she was into that.
Some kids and a mysteriously burnt down Piggly Wiggly later, their love is still as strong and inescapable as a bear trap in a sink hole.
Carlisle Guillermo (now Addams through marriage but I wanted to give him two first names for a name since Gomez has two last names) makes a vaguely described living practicing ‘law’ around town. A loophole king, people come to him from miles around with contracts signed in blood, fights over chunks of hair buried in their rivals’ yard, dehydrated primate hands, memories that seemed like dreams until the evidence of their happenings became too real, and other regular Legal Items asking for counsel which he is all too happy to give. For a price. Sometimes that price is a homemade pie and sometimes it’s a million dollars, depends on who you are. Whatever you’re asked to pay it’s worth that price, and if you try to scam him out of work or he just plain doesn’t like you? Well. He knows how to twist a contract better than anything at the crossroads.
And he always gets his due.
He doesn’t just serve the local (living)humans though, there are many things that need proper legal representation in this day and age. You wouldn’t believe how many city councils try to build on sacred burial grounds even after he lets them know that his ghostly clients are totally gonna haunt the FUCK out of the ensuing shitty condos and curse their families for all eternity. At least 50% of his energy goes towards dealing with real estate bullshit.
Carl is an excitable and good natured(?) man who loves his family, cigars, dancing, and his many knife-based hobbies. People find him very charming once they get past the feeling that they’re talking to a sultry gator badly disguising itself as a human. I didn’t put a ton of deep thought into designing him, mostly I wanted to make a middle aged dude who looked like he would have been voted ‘most likely to smooch the literal devil’ in high school. Tbh he probably has, but no demonic ex’s can compare to his lovely wife~
Mortesha Addams(her name was already perfect so I just tweaked it)is a woman of many talents. A self proclaimed homemaker, she prides herself on a greenhouse full of Concerning Foliage, a beautiful wasp apiary, and a coop full of what are probably chickens that she keeps for what are probably eggs. She’s also an avid creator of the outsider art that can be seen around the estate. She has taken on the family business of selling her homemade goods in a little stall by the road just outside the swamp with her mom, and makes pretty good money doing so. A surprising amount of poison gets bought in quaint southern towns.
Speaking of poison, people who come out to the edge of the swamp to buy it are usually carrying a lot of secrets around, and Mortesha knows most of them. It’s not like she pries the truth out of people, it just so happens that many nervous hellos eventually turn into the tragic backstory power hour if she’s alone with a client for long enough. She supposes that’s just how people are. Despite the fact that the Addams are very active in the community (whether the community likes it or not) she especially, as a direct descendant of the first Addams matriarch, is seen as…Well not an outsider because the community feels A Certain Way about outsiders and despite it all the Addams are their people, but maybe something like an exception. They feel like whatever weirdness they’re hiding can’t be weirder than any given Addams, so they get a little loose with their words.
This is amusing to her, since Addams’ don’t naturally keep the kind dramatic secrets that their surface level prim and proper neighbors do. It’s much more fun to openly talk about those things.
Do they have a sadly decrepit yet terrifying grandma up in the attic? Yeah, like three. They got a tv, all the creepy porcelain dolls they could want, and they’re close to family. Where do you keep your gram-grams?
Any bodies buried on the property? Yeah some, but most are thrown to the gators.
Any creeping through the balmy summer night with ill intentions? Yeah dude, everyone loves a nice family stroll.
What about dangerous forbidden love? If an adult Addams isn’t incorporeal then they’re either queer or in a torrid romance with some person/thing mysteriously drawn to that awful swamp. Sometimes both at the same time. Most times actually.
Mortesha would know.
The current head of the Addams family is just as outgoing as her husband but a lot quieter and harder to read. She never really seems to get mad about much and always has a genteel smile for everyone whether they deserve it or not. A seven foot tall human shaped “Oh, bless your heart”. A perfectly composed Lady even when she’s, oh I dunno, burning down a Piggly Wiggly. You know. A regular southern mom. Chat her up at the hair salon for 50% off a jar of wasp honey with your next purchase of a mysterious but foreboding packet of herbs.
Designing her was pretty easy because I just drew a lankier Grace Jones and called it a day. I had some problems with her outfit simply because if we were going HARD southern gothic then she’d probably be wearing a white/cream dress with a fuller skirt but I thought keeping the silhouette and the black was more important. She’s supposed to be an anti southern gothic southern gothic character anyway. A woman who looks like she has a million secrets who is actually the most open person you could meet. For better or worse. The red hair came from a coloring error that I really ended up liking (my mom had red hair her whole childhood that only darkened up in high school so I can buy that an Addams can be naturally fire engine red) and the veil was to get more of that classic Morticia silhouette in there.
The Children
Sunday and Blanche are the twin children of Carlisle and Mortesha Addams. Some say the Addams clan got their cursed homestead when a wealthy local businessman made a deal with the devil and lost, leaving his grand mansion to his least favorite maid and cutting his losses once he realized that the swamp would do everything it could to drag the house into the water and take what was owed with its horrible curse. Others say that the family has just always squatted there and no one really cares because man, fuck that particular swamp. Have you been in there? Absolute horror show.
Blanche is the more outgoing sibling and quite the engineer/mad scientist in the making. He started going grey at 2 weeks old but considering he was also rocking some extra fingers, toes, and a tiny tail (he takes after his dad), his parents just put it on the 'not life threatening' pile and decided not to worry about it. He's the kind of smart that teachers find utterly infuriating, less a dog eagerly learning and obeying commands and more a hyena who keeps teaching itself how to pick locks. He has a few friends in his school's robotics club (which they honestly allowed him to make so the school could contain his... creations) but mostly hangs out with his sister exploring the swamp. They find all sorts of neat things in there! wedding rings, suspiciously lumpy garbage bags, cloaked cultists who can't read private property signs, it's an adventure every day!
Blanche is all about experimentation with his creations, his look, and his tether to this mortal coil. Is lipstick a cool thing to try? Let's find out. Can he get out of a strait jacket fast enough after being pushed into the depths of the swamp by his sister? let's find out. He's not dead yet and confused local doctors can attest to the fact that he's rarely attained more than a bad bruise so he's pretty set on continuing to kiss rattlesnakes on their cute little heads and have his sister practice her knife throwing at him until that fact changes.
Blanche is very much a country goth. Cowboy boots (customized by his mom), knife, and lighter are daily accessories. He likes to wear the crusty swamp jewelry they find (the rust adds a splash of color!) and despite appearances he does try to keep himself neat. He's just got  natural Grunge Colors and a tendency to wear clothes he likes until they fall apart. Pugsley always seemed the most modernly styled to me (which might just be because little boys clothes have been the same for a long time) so I wanted Blanche to be the most purposely fashionable Addams. Everyone else is goth by nature, but he's the only one truly familiar with goth as an alternative fashion.
I got really into designing Blanche because honestly, I find Pugsley to be the most boring member of the family. And he was hard to design! I had to mess with his vibe a lot to get him looking how I wanted. I know he's supposed to evoke an " 'evil' little boy next door who's parents never reign him in", but that's just goth Dennis The Menace.  I's 2020. We can at least go queer goth Calvin.
Sunday was much easier to design. Wednesday was my favorite as a child (of course) and I really wanted to keep the spirit of her look while adding things like billowy sleeves (it gets HOT down here), big poofy twists instead of braids, and a nice tie. She's a professional after all, been running the local pet cemetery since she was 6 and the previous groundskeeper met with an unfortunate accident after telling her that tarantulas don't have souls. Her specialty is creating beautiful naturalistic animal funerals similar to those that Maquenda (https://linktr.ee/artofmaquenda) makes, and she takes pride in creating miniature dioramas of her subjects after each burial which she uses as a kind of 3D catalog for future clients.
She really wants to try out her skills on humans one day. Well. Publicly try out her skills. Lotta random bodies float into the swamp. None of them have turned down her requests for diorama models so far. Most seem downright flattered. Plus, she usually figures out which graveyard/crime scene they floated over from and gets her parents to give them a lift back. She'll even help enact terrifying revenge from beyond the grave on whoever put them there if she's not, y'know, busy.
Besides arts, crafts, and pet based funerary arrangements, Sunday is an avid lover of archery (any ranged weapon really), books where little fantasy adventure animals die dramatic deaths, and history. She is That Kid who eagerly raises her hand when asked who Christopher Columbus was and ends up being sent out of class after 15 minutes for making 'a scene'. Her favorite party trick is just picking an item in the room and talking about how it relates to either some obscure historical figure with a buck wild life or a horrible disaster. At least one charity pancake breakfast ended with children in tears after her vivid description of the Great Molasses Flood of 1919.
Social-wise, while Wednesday is the girl that people ask to smile because they think she'd, "look so pretty", Sunday is rarely asked anything at all. People just kind of assume from her quiet nature (in between horrible history facts) that she's angry all the time and that she hates everyone. This is untrue. She hates some people but she's ambivalent to most everyone else and even downright friendly if you bother to talk to her like a person instead of a terrifying cryptid. Like, she IS a terrifying cryptid but she's also a little girl.  
That’s about it for now. One day I might do the other family members but for now I’m happy with the four I’ve redesigned. Making an au! Lurch in a family that doesn’t do butlers could be interesting. Over on patreon I put forth that he could just be Motesha’s mute little brother (similar bone structure) but Amy Crook had the nice idea of quote: “ a mysterious "cousin" that "helps around the house" whose origins are both long in the past and faintly unsettling. He's good for lifting heavy things, like that tank of propane you're about to throw into the burning Piggly Wiggly... “ which i now consider canon. Who's kid is he? How old is he? Not important. Anyone willing to commit arson with you is family.
Annnnyway.  This challenge was a lot of fun! I love indulging in AU’s.
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bodyswapmischief · 5 years
Fit For February
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I looked around me. I looked at the empty buck of fried chicken. I checked the empty containers of mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, and coleslaw. I grunted as I picked up the two empty 2-liter bottles of soda. The only thing left was half of the cake that came with the party combo meal.
I looked at my bloated stomach. I fell back onto the couch. All 320 pounds of me felt even more tired and heavy from the meal. I started rubbing the pain from my stomach. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought to myself. A few weeks into January and I already broke my New Year's resolutions. And, in a big way. I made a complete pig out of myself.
But, how could anybody not expect me to binge after the kind of day I had. I started the day as usual, since the new year began. I ate a bowel of plain cereal. I went to work. I ate a salad, for lunch. The only thing different was today was gym day.
I was still very self conscious about my body and only planned on going to the gym once a week, to start off. Being January the month of New Year's Resolutions, the gym was pack with a lot of people. It helped to see other out of shape people. But, I still saw that I was the fattest person there.
Being in my 40's and fat my whole life. I didn't really have a game plan. I was just winging it. First, I went on the treadmill. I knew I wasn't in shape to run for a prolong period of time so, I started at a walking speed. That's when I saw him walk in. He wore a tight muscle shirt that showed the curves of his abs. His strong arms were out on full display. "Fuckin Shit! I hate January. All the fucking fatass come in thinking they're gonna lose weight this year." He said to his friends not being subtle at all. They all laugh.
A few more minutes past, I'm was still on the treadmill. Then I feel a strong force push my arm. It almost sent me off balance. But, I caught myself. I looked to see who pushed me. "Hey dude, I need to use it," said the guy from earlier. He was clearly annoyed by me being there. "Um ... I'm still using it." I sheepishly replied. He looks at me with full on hate. "Oh yeah. Your using it? Are you sure about that fatass?," he says aggressively. "Um... yeah." I said starting to get scared. "Let me fucking guess. You ate a salad today, too. And, you're feeling proud about yourself'" he said mockingly. "Now, your deciciding to waste everyone's time by WALKING on a treadmill. Take your fatass and walk somewhere else. Better yet, stop lying to yourself. We both know this is some silly New Year's resolution. It's not going to last. You're gonna stop trying to lose weight by the end of this month, especially a fat ass like you. I mean look what you've done to your body. There's no reversing that damage. I don't go into your kitchen and eat your food so, stay the fuck out of my gym."
I stood there motionless for a few seconds. I couldn't believe the hate and words coming out of his mouth. I looked around and saw a majority of people didn't hear him. They were either to in the zone or had their earphones in. However, a hand full of people did hear him. They looked at me with pity, but didn't say anything. My face grew red. I could feel tears wanting to form. Without saying anything I just left. I walked quickly to the locker room and got changed. I looked back over at the treadmill. And, there he was. Not even bothered by what he said.
I left and started crying. I felt like a complete loser. I was fat and weak. I couldn't even stand up for myself. My stomach started growling in sympathy. I was hungry. I was beyond hungry. I could feel my stomach turn into a black hole. So, instead of going home to my premade chicken breast, brown rice, and steamed vegetables, I got the party Combo meal at my local fried chicken restaurant.
After thinking about everything that happened, I sat on the couch eating the rest of the cake and distracting myself from my pain by watching tv. Slowly, I drifted of to sleep.
The next morning, I slowly woke up. And was surprised to feel that I was on a bed. I must have woke up and put myself to bed, I thought. I opened my eyes to see, I was in a bed room. But, my vision was still hazy with sleepiness. So, I closed them, out of habit, and began stretching. It was weird. I actually felt good. Usually I'm sore and still tired. But, I woke up feeling light and energized. I removed the blankets from my body and I could tell something felt off. But, I was to comfortable to care. The morning air was colder than usual.
I went to pat my stomach. For a breif millisecond, my mind panicked. My hand should have touched my stomach already, I thought. Then a millisecond later I touch some something hard. My eyes immediately opened. I'm not in my room, I immediately realized. I looked down and saw why I felt different. I wasn't staring at my pale white obese body.
Instead, my skin was now a beautiful tanned brown. I rubbed my hands along the ridges of my abs. I felt up the new pecs on my chest. I flexed and watched my biceps bounce around. My penis was growing from the excitment. Reaching a size I could only dream about. I can't, I thought to myself. It's not my body. But, the urges were just too strong. As, I masturbated I moaned in complete ecstasy.
After enjoying my new body, I finally got of the bed and started exploring my surroundings. Everything felt easier. I felt so much lighter and stronger at the same time. I made my way to the bathroom and jumped. I saw the guy from the gym staring at me. He looked scared, too. I quickly realized I was looking at a reflection. I was looking at the body I was in. I smiled.
I left the bathroom and saw a phone sitting on the nightstand. Memories started flooding my mind. Instinctively, I used my finger print to open my ... his phone. More memories started filling my mind. I was Javiar Ramirez. But, even with these new memories, I knew this body was not really mine. Memories of my daily routine flooded my mind. I had to get ready for work.
I sighed, but looked at my reflection through my phones camera and smiled. I didn't know what to do about my old life. I was in this body now. So, I had to play the role of Javier, until I could find a way back. I looked at my body again. But, do I really want to go back, I thought to myself.
So, using his knowledge I went about my day. I made my protein shake. I made my breakfast. I had fun trying on different clothes combinations and talking pictures of myself. Finally I got dressed for work. I had my lunch. I met up with some of Javier's friends. Then I went to the gym.
As soon as I walked in, I looked around. Hoping to see my old body. And there it was. Struggling to run on the treadmill. I never realized how fat I really looked. But, now I was ready to give Javier a peace of my mind. Words filled my mind, as I was thinking what to say. Maybe something along the line of who is the fatass now, I thought.
I forcibly tapped him on the shoulder and he almost tripped. I chuckled to myself, as he turned to face me. He look at me scared, "I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd be back here today... I'll get off." He lowered his head and started getting his belongings. I was thrown back a little. Before he could leave the treadmill, I held him by the shoulder. "Look, I'm sorry. I don't want any trouble ... I'll stop coming to the gym, just let me go," he started to plea.
I just looked him in the eyes. Was he in there, I thought to myself. Does he think he's me? Is he trapped and forced to act as me? No matter his fate, I saw the deep pain that I used to have in his eyes. My anger vanished and I could only feel pity. "No, it not like that," I sighed. "I just wanna apologize for everything I said yesterday. I was just having a bad day but, that still didn't give me the right to act like an asshole." He smiled at me and nodded. I continue, "I'm actually proud for you. That your trying to make a change in your life. Keep it up. But, I did see you struggling." His face started to turn red. "I know what I said yesterday. But, for a big guy like you walking is actually going to be a better and safer exercise. Just keep at it and if you need any tips, I can help." I said as knowledge about working flashed through my mind. His face still red, he thanked me and continued his work out. I finished mine and headed back home.
I don't know who did this or why but, I'm glad it happened. I can gladly say that becoming fit is marked off my New Year's resolutions. However, I do hope Javier's or should I say Mark continues his weight loss journey. The next time I see him, I should offer to be his personal trainer.
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sero-sphere · 4 years
Early Morning Tea PT 1
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 soo...i saw this picture on twitter and couldnt help to think Katsuki fucking Bakugou...so now we’re here. 
well maybe not here, maybe we’re all on momos crazy expensive yacht with your classmates trying to figure out what bakugous really packing?
this is only pt 1 so word count is right around 1,600
(Baku x f reader) Warnings: seeing the pee-pee go ‘da-doing doing doing’ ... swearing cause its Bakubro...idk i never know what to put here. this parts pretty chill. ( happy birthday baku bb ) 
It was 6am, a little early for you, but you had woken up and couldn’t go back to bed. You had plans that you definitely didn’t want to over sleep for, so you made your way downstairs for a cup of tea. That was bound to wake you up. You exited the elevator and made your way to the kitchen, still groggy as ever. Sleep still laced heavily on your face, eyes barely even registering the figure in front of you. His voice broke you out of your early morning trance.
"Oi, What are you doing up?"
It was Bakugou, you could tell that much, his figure still blurry as you brought your hands up to rub at your eyes. As the fuzziness started to fade away, you were able to clearly see him....all of him. Your eyes immediately started to focus on the rather large bulge protruding from his grey sweatpants.
"What the fuck are you looking at?" He glared at you, then followed your eyes. He adjusted himself, which didn’t work out that well, because he just managed to grab your attention even more. There was no way you were actually seeing, what you were seeing.
"I'm sorry, I just woke up, I couldn't fucking see you... Why the hell would you come downstairs like that?!" you asked and pointed to his problem he was still trying to fix.
“I could ask you the same thing, dumbass."
 You looked down at what you were wearing, a small grey tank top, and the shortest pair of sleep shorts you owned. Your hardened nipples clearly evident through the shirt. You crossed your arms over your chest for some modesty
"I need tea, I'm so tired." You managed to grumble out, despite your embarassment.
"Here I just made some, I'll go grab another cup." He handed you the mug he had in his hand and turned back towards the stove. An unusually strange move for the class grump.
"You're pretty nice in the morning, maybe I should start getting up a little bit earlier... I bet it’s because Kaminari hasn’t gotten a chance to annoy you yet."
And you did just that, you're not going to lie, after that day you were left wondering if your sleep eyes had played tricks on you, or if his dick was really that big. You tried catching glimpses every chance you could. Bakugou was one step ahead of you though.  He caught you checking him out, and made it a point to angle his body during workouts, and training sessions, so you purposely couldn't see anything. Not that he really didn’t want you looking, he just wanted to tease you. See how far you'd get before you'd crack.
Early morning tea turned into a daily routine. You stumbling down to the kitchen, to Bakugou already setting down some cups, one for you, and one for him. His temper really did seem better in the mornings. You decided you’d put that to the test.
"Hey, I know you don’t like to hang with everyone and shit, but the girls are all planning a little weekend thing… I heard Kirishima say he was going to go. You should come too…"
"Why the fuck would I do that?"  You glanced over to Bakugou who was scowling at you. Not bad so far, his stares became less intimidating the more time you spent with him. You were able to tell when he really meant them or not.
You thought to yourself “so I can fucking see what's hiding in your pants THATS why” but there’s no way you could come right out and say that to him. A little white lie wouldn’t hurt anyone right?
"Because you’re the only one not doing anything this weekend, and you'd be bored here all by yourself…" You took another sip of tea to occupy your mouth before it had the chance to say what you were really thinking.
"Tch. I'll think about it."
“Oi shitty hair. What is this thing this weekend? “ Bakugou shouted as he burst into Kirishimas dorm room, interrupting his game of smash. Kirishima wasn’t even fazed at this point.
“Oh haha, what…. Who told you bro? Sorry I didn’t ask, just figured you'd say no. Are you coming?”
“What is it?”
“Oh well uhm, everyone’s sort of hanging out on Momos yacht...”
“She has a fucking yacht…..”
“Yeah dude! Come! It's going to be awesome. Just thought you wouldn’t want to be trapped in the middle of the ocean with everyone...” 
Kirishima was right, Bakugou really didn’t want to be stuck out on the ocean with all those idiots. So clearly that's the exact reason why you wanted him to come. Perfect opportunity to check him out, while he’s distracted by everyone’s shenanigans, and by everyone that meant Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Jiro, Ochako, Momo, and obviously you. There was no shitty Deku ( he happened to be busy, along with Todoroki )  so at least he wouldn’t have to deal with them, if he ended up agreeing.
It seems that agreeing might have been a bit of a mistake on Bakugous part. Momos yacht only had 5 bedrooms, two of which contained two twin sized beds, two of the other rooms had a full, (with an en-suite living room area that contained a couch) , and the last was a master bedroom, that had a deck to lead outside. Momo insisted everything be fair and had everyone do a few games of rock-paper-scissors to decide who would get each room. Kirishima and Kaminari were to share one of the rooms with the double beds, while Momo and Jiro were sharing the other. Ochako, and Sero ended up getting the singles, and you were the lucky winner, claiming the master all to yourself. None of you really thought Bakugou would actually agree to coming, so you didn’t include him in any of this.
 The room situation was long forgotten by the time the weekend rolled around, and none of you realized until you heard the explosive yelling that started not long after boarding.
“Oi! I'm not sleeping on the fucking couch this weekend! Do I look like some fucking extra to you?”
“Dude, I got the room fair and square...I get the bed. Why don’t you just ask Kaminari to switch with you and bunk up with Kirishima?” Sero replied calmly as he laid back with his hands behind his head, in the bed, that he indeed won.
“Have you heard how loud that fucker snores! I’m not doing that…. I’m not sharing with dunce face either, so you can forget it!”
“Dude you could always kick Y/N out of the master, and make her shack up with Uraraka.”
Bakugou just stood there silent…
“I mean unless you wanna shack up with Y/N instead…” Before Sero even had a chance to rethink that last sentence, his smug grin was being blasted off his face.  
Bakugou was faced with the reality that those two suggestions were actually his only valid options.  Well, it was either that, or the couch, and there was no way in hell Bakugou would sleep on the couch like some fucking extra.
 On the other end of the yacht, everything was going great for you at least. Despite all the yelling going on in the distance, you used your time to settle in and admire how lucky you really were. So far the weather forecast looked perfect, and all the food you’ve been served so far was amazing. You couldn't believe that Momo was this loaded. How you ended up with the extra master was truly a gift.
You were all given an itinerary, times and places to meet. Everything planned by Momo of course. You had exactly 1 hour to finish getting settled, and ready before dinner was set. You were just about to do your makeup, and change, when the bedroom door was just about thrown off it’s hinges.
"Oi, get your shit, and get the fuck out." Bakugou shouted and he threw his bags into the room and flopped down on the bed.
"Uhm, what….No your sharing with one of the boys...what are you doing….."
"I'm not sleeping on a couch." He shifted so his arms relaxed behind his head. How fucking cute. At least it would have been if he wasn’t trying to hi-jack your room.
"What the fuck Bakugou, I got this room fair and square! I’m not leaving!"
“Tough princess…either take the couch in round cheeks room, or go sleep with Sero for all I care.” He was hoping you wouldn’t do either, but he had an ego to protect.
“I'm not doing either Bakugou, this is my room fair and square! I didn’t ask you to come so you could ruin my time.” You plopped yourself on the bed beside him and gave him a death glare. You were willing to fight....if it came to that. You grabbed a pillow and smothered his face with it. You heard the faint sound of his quirk activating from underneath you, but you wouldn’t let up.
 “You fucker! Get the fuck off!”
“No this is my bed! All my shits already unpacked!” Bakugou managed to flip you around so he was caging you in. He grabbed the pillow from your hands, and threw it to the floor. He leaned in close and whispered…
“You can always share with me…Princess…”
You heard a noise off to your right looked up to see Sero, standing there, looking at the two of you laughing.  “Wow, fuck, when I told you to share with Y/N I was only joking….didn’t think this would happen so quickly…”
Bakugou abruptly shoved you off the bed, and onto the floor.
“Shut it tape face, before I fucking kill you.”
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rpausandwhatifs · 5 years
Sleepover|| AU Drabble; Shawna, Danny, Arina
Shawna had been rather solitary and busy with her midterms, and just happened to finally find time on one of her late nights were she was supposed to be studying or working on a project and thought about the invitation that Arina had extended to her about hanging out over the weekend to finally hang out and sleepover. The girl had basically thrown a tantrum because she had come back and wanted to see the other girl, to which she was surprised to be wanted so badly and it’s exactly what she could handle. 
Danny and Arina had spent countless hours together since he had picked her up from the airport. The couplet had decided to waste no time with their rare opportunity to see if their usual fun and antics still could be enjoyed even as a girl. It was better than they could have imagined, but Danny’s mind did wonder when the moments were still. Arina was everything he wanted and he still saw the man in flipflops. He could express what he felt and it seemed easier than the games and teasing they’d do to hide their affections under, probably because the male version held onto the fear that didn’t exist in Arina, it made this way more comfortable- almost too comfortable.
“Danny?” Arina asked while drying her hair with a towel, wrapping it around her and crawled over Danny’s bed to hear him, her body and face glistening with droplets of water and painted pink with blushing rosey skin. The man was not expecting her to crawl up because he was lost in his headphones, rolling tray in his lap while he rolled. The only thing that indicated her presence was the soft pressure of his arm getting lodged between her breasts. 
He quickly straightened up and pushed off one of his headphones, “A-A-Arina, back up sweetie, I almost dropped this-” he said, looking over slowly before exclaiming from noticing her lack of clothes, “Ah! My arm was caught in your..fun bags!” he erupts into giggling, “Put some clothes on, please.”
Arina gasped and looked down, throwing herself back on her knees, clutching herself as he explained, gasping and getting frustrated herself. “Danny~! I-I was trying to ask you something!” she lightly throws her fist down and as her hair materializes into a messy ponytail, “I’m still not used to having boobs, forgive me, my depth perception is off!” she argued, her chest undulating lightly, “Now that I have your attention, how about we have a sleepover!” she perked up.
“You’re here all the time, you live here! How does that not count as something other than a constant sleepover,” he teased.
“You’re right,” Arina mused staring quizzically at her bra, but threw it away for an oversized t-shirt on Danny’s floor, which immediately changed to a tighter crop top, her underboob on display, and a very cheeky pair of bikini-cut tidey whiteys that were pink with Danny’s favourite dinosaur littered about the fabric as 8-Bit figures. She turned to him after, still making a hard-thinking expression complete with her thumb and finger craddling her chin. Then the idea strikes her, rising a pointed finger and an exclamation point appearing above her, “We should tell Shaw to come! Oh I missed her so much! I slept over with her the last time and I had soo much fun!” She shakes her fists and her eyes closed as she bounced up and down. Danny had still been frozen at his favourite things appearing on Arina, worry about it only briefly since it would go back after she took it off. He was more enamored by her overall look and her voice. Once he heard Shawna’s name, and that she knows about Arina, he figured it would be good for all of them. He quickly searched the bed for her phone and handed it to her. While Arina called Shawna over with promises of a sleepover, Danny couldn’t get his mind off Arina and how his visual stimulation was normal, but his chest felt so tight while his body felt like adrenaline was pumping- even a small sweat starting to form. It was becoming more apparent he couldn’t deny how he felt. He just tried to focus on finishing his blunt and grabbing his container full of roaches and breaking them down for the last one. “She said yes!” Arina piped up and ran out of his room to the kitchen.
Danny was worried about someone seeing her, but their whole house knew of his...girlfriend? So, he finished his task before joining her popping popcorn in the kitchen. “I’m gonna Go Puff some more stuff, and I’ll get...what did you want to eat?” he asked, walking up to her while she sat on the counter, scrolling through his phone.
Arina initially got nervous when he came up because she was hyperfixated on waiting for the popcorn.The girl welcomed the warmth of his body and stared at him up and down, also seeing what food he was scrolling through to give herself a better idea. “Uhhm, I’ll eat whatever Shaw eats! She’ll be here soon anyway!” Arina shrugged speaking lower since Danny was so close. She couldn’t hide her blush and stress mark on her forehead. She could practically hear her heartbeat as she scooted closer to the edge and caught a whiff of Danny’s sweat and light cologne and was caught up on its must and sweetness, “Oh my god, Danny~...You smell amazing..” her body leas into his as she tries to inhale more.
“Wo-oo-woooaaahh! Arina!” Danny exclaims as his best friend was extremely close and throwing her body off the counter to smell him. He acted fast, getting his hands under thighs and her cheeks, grabbing on and pushing her up a little higher so she was perched. She pinned his hands down when she sat and it felt like her grip on his neck might make him woozy, but there he was: face buried Arina’s neck, but quickly retreated with the sweet smell of spring and fruit lingering on his nose. 
Arina was so intoxicated that she barely noticed that she was sitting on Danny’s hands, making her push her knees in to trap his waist. “Leigh Daniel Avidan...you dog!” she bit her lip, no longer hiding her blush. Her breath heavier in her voice she decided to test the waters, “Aren’t you supposed to handle delicate packages with care?”
“You wouldn’t really want me to grab you anywhere else,” he responded, stuck but also not running from the lingering scent or soft flesh and voice.
“Oh? I think you’re supposed to avoid going straight for grabbing my ass, just shows where your eyes have been,” Arina retorted.
“You keep..throwing your..fucking bouncy ass tiddies on me and you’re mad I grabbed your ass?!” he says exasperated, sliding his hands from under her, “And from my experience, girls don’t react well to big guys grabbing their waist.”
“You caling me a whimp?” Arina challenged.
“I’m saying that we shouldn’t be doing this in the kitchen-”
“Do it, do it, Dan! Fucking coward,” she cut him off and reached to hold his face, giggling with her elevated energy.
Danny didn’t back down, pressing his lips into hers, sliding his hands up her thighs until he met her hips and then waist, being sure to hold off on his heavy pressure as his thumbs pushed into her sides, fingers pushing into her lower back. He knew he had passed the tipping point and got into it, pulling her closer and deepening the kiss, knowing from the muffled moan from her end and her relaxing into his touch and throwing her arms around his neck. They quickly separated when they they heard the door being wrapped on, but not enough, “That’s...It’s Shawna. I gotta get the door dude...”
“Awh..” Arina said, making a pout, then thinking quickly, “Send her the code to get in.” She mentioned it, getting more lost in Danny’s hands and his scent.
“Arina...Come on-” he said, trying to fight her off.
“Do it or carry me with you...How’d you think I’ve been getting in Theta Mu, baby?”
“Just because you do it doesn’t make it right,” he argued with a scoff, simply grabbing her cheeks again and picking her up, walking over to the door and opened it for her.
“Oh my god,” Shawna giggled, taking a long look at Arina wrapped around Danny, coming in and closing the door. “Is that what we’re doing over here?” She asked as she took off her coat, following the two.
“You’re just in time actually,” Danny said over Arina’s shoulder as he returned to the kitchen, giving one cheek a playful slap, causing Arina to yelp, “We were popping popcorn and deciding what else else we’re ordering out.”
Shawna smiled at Arina’s noise, grabbing the popcorn bag and dumping it into the bowl on the counter, “OOOooo, I want some Asian food. Like I wanna fill up my palette with it!”
“That does sound amazing~” Arina joined turning her head.
“I know this cheap ramen and sushi place we can order from,” Shawna said getting close to Arina, “Hey Arina, are my hands cold?!” 
Danny laughed as Arina screamed from cold hands on her back, “Staaahhhp! Put me down!~” she exclaimed, making Danny put her down with a huff, only to get her waist grabbed by Shawna, the electricity of pleasure shooting through the girl, moaning softly as she was pulled into her, “Aaah~ So c-cold!~ Shaw!” she fought her off weakly before being let go and still recieveing a slap on the ass from her.
“Go and put some clothes on, babe,” Shawna said, laughing.
“This is as good as it gets, you know that!” Arina snapped back with a stomp.
“What’d she put on?” she asked.
“That’s my The Who t-shirt. The really big one, and it just-”
“Oh yeah, I know, I’m jealous because it’s made some of my clothes cuter,” Shawna replied to Danny, who takes the popcorn bowl and starts taking their party back to his dorm.
Danny, Shawna and Arina were strewn across his bed, their highs settling in as they watched TV. Shawna gave Arina a glance to see her intently playing on Danny's Switch with a blanket over her legs and headphones on. "Hey Danny," Shawna asks from the edge of the bed while she sat up. He looks over at her and raises an eyebrow.
"Heyy, Shawna, what's up?" he asked with a lazy smile, "Is the food coming?"
"No..not yet...but like..do you like like Arina too?" she questioned.
"Yeah, of course I do. I love her, but shush! I never said that..." Danny replied, then sitting up more too, getting the tray off his bed and allowing Shawna to crawl up onto him, "I love you, too," he cooed, kissing the girl's forehead and causing her to smile.
"Awh, Danny, that's sweet. I love you a lot...but like, would you fuck her?" she asked with a giggle growing in her throat, rolling onto her back off of him, looking up anticipating a response.
"Uhh, well  yeah duh, I'd fuck her right outta those..sick dino panties," he said a little slurred, "But like, it's still my best friend."
"So..you're saying that if if was Arin in dino panties, you still wouldn't?" she asked after the giggle escaped.
"No! It's that it's Arin!" he says, which triggered the both of them into a harsh laughing fit, then finding his breath, "There's still a whole blunt left by the way," he notes as he sits up and glances at the tray.
"Well let her and I earn it first, cus fuck I'm like trying not to be a damned vegetable," Shawna whined a little as she pushed her hair back.
"How would you wanna earn it?" he asks, turning his body in a complete 180 to be criss-cross applesauce next to Shawna, seemingly upside down to her, "You wanna play for it, babygirl?" He smiled while he playfully pinched her cheek and she slunk to the middle of the bed before sitting up and crawling to his shoulder, causing him to give her another peck on her forehead. She kissed his neck, then pushed a finger on his jaw and pulled him in for a slow and electric kiss that caused her heart to beat out of her chest with excitement that sent a wave of pleasure through her body, "You're right, I forgot my manners, hey honey bunch, how've you been?" he asks, realizing how late he was with catching up on Shawna's life. She shrugged and began trailing kisses down his neck, settling on a spot and taking a curious hand to his lap, which made him catch on to what she was saying, but let his awkwardness get the better of him and he huffed nervously as he began to squirm from her touch making his bulge harder to hide, "Hm?" he turned to her and gave her a few more kisses when he gently grabbed her head, "Mmh-Mmh, tell me, baby," he shook his head and touched their noses together and she caressed his face with her thumb and booped his nose.
"Ok, but seriously, it's been hectic...Like I've been reading and putting together sources for the general topics of my thesis, and shit like that..." she explained, never stopping her hand and trailing off and she studied his expression changes from her working at his flesh. Both of them pushing their hair out of their faces as they found a little break from what they had started, "So was the sleepover your idea or hers?"
"Arina's, she really wanted to hang out with us. And I'm not sure she knows about...us..." he replied, hesitantly, struggling to think due to his high and the fact that his cock and began to throb from Shawna's touch uncontrollably. The both of them had looked over at Arina, who was still completely immersed in her game. Shawna turns back to Danny with a warm smile, "She really is adorable," he said to the air, mindlessly rubbing little shapes into her side.
"Adorable enough for a little romp?" Shawna asks, making her voice cuter and slower, turning her head towards him again, feigning a pout as she continued aimlessly massaging him.
"Sh-Shawna~ c-come on!" Danny said as he was overwhelmed, taking her hand into his and stopping it, "You're such a horndog..I-It's Arina we're talking about here, and..I.uh-"
"I already did that...why do you think she called me here? At some point tonight, your dick is gonna give her the aheago face. And it's pretty fun. She's hella into stuff and clearly if she sought me out then nothing has changed between us, if that's what you're worried about," Shawna jumped up with her frank enthusiasm, hoping to make him more comfortable, "ALSO! Now. Stay with me here. You get to have live lesbian porn in front of you. You can touch, you can play..if you say, I'm always yours!" the girl half-joked, erupting in a laughing fit with Danny and fell back to the end of the bed, staying there.
"How are you gonna fuck her and you're stoned?" Danny argued, "You would laugh more than you would cum."
"Then sober me up and make me cum, baby," she challenged him, sitting up on her elbows and raising an eyebrow while she shook her knee.
"Well I don't believe you swapped bodily fluids with her, so maybe...show me?" Danny, trying not to hesitate while thinking of how to engage but also indulge Shawna. His member started to pulse from the sheer though of the two having sex in front of him.
"You dare me?" Shawna asked.
"You know what? I triple-dog dare you to get under that blanket and..I dunno, work your magic I guess!" he said, not meaning to sound more enthusiastic, but couldn't laugh off his nervousness because the girl had disappeared, crawling to his blindside and pulling him in for another slow kiss before he bounced back by deepening the action, caressing her cheek and almost falling into her so that he could find his relief before she pulls away, putting up a finger to his lips.
"Your wish...is my command, just watch and learn, baby," she said, moving back and positioning herself under the blanket where Arina couldn't see her sneaking underneath and using her fingers to feel her out and tease her folds, kissing up her thighs.
"Sh-Shaw..hah~..what're yahhh~" Arina said when she noticed the girl digging under the blanket, gasping and trying not to moan, pulling her headphones off, blush escaping her cheeks, "F-f-f-f-ffuck, Shawna, slow d-do-down~" Although being caught off guard, Arina felt the electricity of Shawna's movements, her hips lifting a little, not realizing that she had forfeited her underwear, feeling the warmth that shot her pleasure higher, exclaiming to the ceiling and slinking down a little more. She almost forgot about Danny until she opened her eyes again panting and covered her mouth. Her moans became rougher while Shawna continued, her back arching as she saw the girl push the blanket off of her, locking eyes as she looked down, "Oh my gosh~s-s-so good~" she breathed, hearing Shawna's moans against her bud, her hand sliding off her face and push her hair back, the other holding Shawna's crown section of hair.
Danny was in a state close to euphoria and peak arousal as he watched the girls, trying to let his nervousness flow as his legs shuffled over to get a closer look at Shawna and Arina. It was stunning and beautiful to just observe how pleasure flows through them. The control and aggression Shawna exhibited was so unlike what he'd seen her to be, even as a co-head of her house. Arina looked nothing like Arin while she rolled her hips and squirmed in Shawna's hands and began to really envision himself in her mouth, just to start, he wanted to keep her mouth busy if it was going to be open wide like that. He just wanted to savor his view before finding a place to start in on. Arina's playful noises had been superseded by her moans and rushed words in response to Shawna, and Danny was engulfed by it as his hardened cock being touched without his knowledge caused him to shift, then gasped. Instead of jumping, he melted into Arina's hand, a gruff groan as she stroked him through his pajama pants. He was still very hesitant although his hips were moving with her and let her have control. Arina's gasp at his rigid organ trapped in cloth was deep and curious, her lip curling in as Shawna's fingers found her sweet spot pushing a long moan in her throat. Danny finally caves as he yanks down his pants and boxers, allowing his member to flex free, and taking Arina's hand and enclosing it on him, groaning into the ceiling.
Arina tried her best to keep a rhythm since Shawna had raised her head slowly to pump her fingers to keep Arina's pleasure, biting her lip as she watched Danny finally joining and an idea brewing in her head, She looked at him and Arina while she continued to play with Arina's bud and curl into her g-spot, wearing her down into an eruption of cries, moans, and rambling. Upon her pleas that she was close to an orgasm, Shawna double down, making her let go of Danny and throwing her hand down onto the discarded blanket as she gripped it and arched her back. Danny was surprised but almost relieved as he had been extremely close to his first orgasm just when Arina let herself go and released him. He let out a stuttered moan as he watched Arina's back arch while Shawna watched on with a devious smirk.
Once she finished, Shawna rose and looked at the pinked skin on the girl. 'Aw, don't worry Danny you're gonna cum," she said, rising and getting off the bed, stripping quickly while she grabbed her bag and taking out long pink toy encased in a plastic bag sticking one end in her mouth as she came back to the bed.
"W-what are you gonna do w-with that?" Danny asked as he removed his bottoms and kept his shirt on for the time being, his brain fogging as Arina went to curiously pump his erection and thought deeply about putting it in her mouth.
"Mmmmmmh, probably see if she can do two things at once, or squirt, because I think that would be really cute," she said casually, tapping the girl and motioned for her to move so that she was positioned under the both of them and propped up just enough to take Danny dick into her mouth if she chose. "Where'd you wanna cum, Danny baby?" she asked before she finished lubricating the dildo and prepping Arina.
"Uhh..who wants it?" he asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked down and carefully took a hold of Arina's head and opening her mouth so that he slid in, "Fuck~ Shawna you're the guest babe..how about you?...E-Easy on the teeth, Arina," he mentioned quickly as his breath hitched, realizing he had to teach her how to suck dick as he went along. He stopped her when Shawna finally inserted the toy as far as it'll go feeling the vibrations of her moans on his cock and hummed happily, pushing her hair away as she looked at him. "You like being used like this? You're gonna suck my cock good, right babgirl?" he asked, slowly moving her head back and forth on his shaft while she hummed a yes and locked eyes with him. Arina was beyond excited and could barely contain herself when she had seen that Shawna was prepared and had a goal in mind that she never considered, let alone if she could do it. She was absolutely struck by how gentle Danny was being and how turned on by how sexy it looked and sounded. She watched Shawna take her leg up and mount herself to the other end of the toy and felt the push on her end. It sunk in at that moment that she was trapped between the two of them, her focus being switch once she felt Danny's warm hand on her breast, exposing it and playing with her nipple, which made her cry from the pleasure it sent through her body.
"She looks like a real slut..I can't wait for her to make me cum," Shawna smiled as she slowly began to move, biting her lip and letting a soft moan escape, "Well, Danny..you have to pick which one you wanna see~ You wanna watch her squirt all over this bed or see if she can swallow your cum while I fuck her?" she asked, taking his free hand and placing it on her own breast.
"Uhhmmmhh mmhh~ make her make a mess first. I wanna turn you into my cum dumpster," he said after thinking it over, interrupted by a moan before he said anything, "I want her to watch you and understand how I'm gonna fuck her for teasing me so much."
"Oooo~ I can't wait, baby," Shawna replied excitedly, picking up speed a little as she heard Arina's whines, "You heard that Arina? You're gonna fucking cum for me, baby~" She played with her now swollen bud as she thrust and rolled her hips on the girl, causing Arina to be quiet at times and then her noises ramp up as edging her. She tries to be mindful of her movements so that the blowjob Arina gives is somewhat enjoyable. 
Danny was trying extremely hard not to fuck her face, “U-use your tongue..there you go..g-g-good girl..” He was moving her moderately and careful not to push too hard, but he was in a state of euphoria that was only because it was her. Arina giving him eye contact as she watched the man fall under her spell and she couldn’t control her moans, even through her orgasm as she backed off and took a breath before shuddering through the orgasm that crept on her via Shawna’s thrusting, which made her smile when she heard the girl’s familiar moans and cries.
Danny moves away from Arina so he can give attention to Shawna, giving her a a long kiss while they heard Arina enjoy herself with Shawna’s hips. He held her head and touched their foreheads while he watched the girl get lost in her pleasure. "Such a good girl...Feels good?..Look at me. Does my good girl wanna cum for me?" he asked, pleasantly surprised at the assertion in his tone, and the dominance flowing through him as she nodded her head frantically, sounding very desperate as she agreed when she felt Arina's hands on her body.
Arina was absolutely taken by the sight of Shawna being under Danny's control while she heard the girl's whines and soft gasps from Danny's soft words. Her pleasure spiking at his dominance and Shawna simply melting from it, she didn't blame her, it was so unlike him that she would too. The girl studied her body a little longer and then shifted a little to sit up, taking her hip with one hand that rested on her back, the other snaking between Shawna's legs to give her extra attention, "Mm..Her turn first~" she smirked as she worked her front and took control of the thrusts, effectively drawing her closer to orgasm and watched as it wracked her body, merciless to Danny's mouth on her neck. Arina bit her lip while she watched, realizing her own arousal was becoming way too potent to ignore, but just wanted to edge it a little further as she looked at her hands and kept them there while she let Shawna ride out her last waves. Not long after, Arina was at it again, hearing the familiar feminine gasp and her hurried whines and begging to Danny was he simply soaked it all in. It was so powerful that Arina barely noticed her own soft hums as her hips slowed down again since tipping Shawna over the edge was easier this time.
Shawna couldn't have asked for anything better as she came down from her euphoric chamber to see Arina underneath her, but shot her an evil smirk as she looked back towards Danny and took his head in her hands, "I think it's her turn now...I got something that'll definitely turn her into a busted pipe!" Danny nodding into their slow kiss as her hands freed both of them of the pink toy between them and then leaning over her bed to grab the assembled piece: blue, slightly larger and only one sided. Shawna took the time to get herself ready while Danny watched until Arina rose and stood on her knees in front of Danny, which he smiled before taking her hand and making her stroke him lightly.
"I-I've never done it before..W-w-what if I can't..~" Arina asked, gasping when Danny surprised her with his gesture, picking up where he left off.
"If I can get it out of Shawna, then I have no doubt you can...you just gotta relax and remember to breathe..It's like cumming really hard, and you'll probably barely notice with my dick down your throat," Danny explained, landing plush kisses on her bare skin, whispering in her ear and causing her to gasp, throwing her hand over her mouth. She was still blown away at his change up that although it was very arousing to hear, it didn't even seem like Danny of all people would utter such words. He pulls her closer briefly to kiss her shoulder before tapping it and letting her know to lay down "And might I say you have the cutest little pink lips..."
"Danny, spit roast or side winder?" Shawna asks, sizing Arina up and coming over to place her hands on her waist as she moves forward when Danny moves back, lining herself up to tease her a little and running curious fingers across her lips while she's on her knees.
"Spit roast. It'll go straight down, just get a towel- actually.." he grabs his large towel from the end of his bed and throwing it underneath Arina, "There," he mentions before lining himself to her mouth, "Remember..don't go too hard. I'm saving my nuts for you."
"I won't~ not like it'll take much," she mentioned, spreading her lips and teasing her finger by pushing against her spot and hearing the gasps and cries starting already, "You're so fucking wet, baby.." She used her extension to tease her hole and lubricate it before pushing in lightly and pulling her back to keep her from leaning forward too much, hearing more sounds. Once she got a few pumps and found a comfortable way to focus her spot, she started with moderate long strokes first, hearing Arina groan from the intensity.
Danny smiled and welcomed Arina servicing him, especially when the pace was set by Shawna's hips. He sat back a little with a deep growl as he tried to keep his own promise to Shawna, pushing his hair back again as he dropped his gaze to the girl, "Look at me, baby..Let me see those pretty eyes, you're doing great~" he held her head a little, caressing her cheek and pushing her hair back. It really was a beautiful sight, especially since she was making so many little noises because of the other girl. He thought about how he could last without blowing it too early and simply moved back a little more, not allowing his full shaft in, and looked at Shawna, "Shawna, sweetheart, start giving it to her, I'm ready."
Shawna’s hips got quicker, the girl concentrating on her for a brief while before slowing down, teasing the other girl and hearing needy noises as she rose to meet Danny’s eyes again. She smirked as she made deep and slow strokes, holding the girl’s waist tight as she started to pump again, eating up all of her noises. Arina, in a whirlwind of confusion and pleasure, was enjoying Danny's gentle touch versus Shawna's roughness. She made sure to keep things even by swirling her tongue for Danny's head, hearing him falter at the motions. She felt the girl slow up once more and attempted to catch her breath while she dug into her spot, sliding Danny away from her to simply lay on the bed as she succumb to the waves crashing over her, panting and tongue lolling out. "I think I'm wearing her down," Shawna giggled, slowing for a brief pause, making sure that the girl was okay, "You alright, baby?~"
Danny looked at her with his lip pulled in to keep from biting it, but smirked when Shawna pointed out Arina's expression, "Yeah, let her take a breather..she's such a trooper." He reached down, caressing her cheek and pushing her hair off of her forehead adhered by sweat, while stroking himself with his free hand, "Fuck..~" he muttered, feeling himself get close again and it being unbearable from how many times he had been built up by Arina's mouth.
Shawna looked at her choices in front of her and really wanted Danny to follow-through. "How bad you wanna cum now, Danny?" she asked, pulling from the girl and clutching her own breast, "You look like you're ready to blow.."
"I really am~" he mentioned, scoffing lightly as she asked him getting off of the bed as the idea flooded into his head. "C'mere," he said, taking her by the waist gently, guiding her to bend over his bed, touching her dampened folds to tease her a little before lining himself up to push in, cursing quietly at her tightness. Shawna was through the roof as he pushed in, crying out as she felt him began to stretch her and work her walls knowing he could burst at any minute. She looked at Arina while Danny worked at her, locking eyes with her as she covered her mouth from an orgasm creeping up on her at the almost sudden deluge of pleasure, feeling fingers play with her sensitive bud, the girl turning as she screamed into his mattress, tensing around Danny and pushing him over the edge as well, giving her a few aggressive pumps while he unloaded before stopping, holding the hips close for a little longer while he came down and pulled away from her.
Shawna could feel the liquid pour from her as he pulled away, shuddering a little as he grabbed the towel to help her clean up, looking over at Arina as she had begun to touch herself again, and probably before Danny had even began to finish the job with Shawna. Her tongue stayed out as she chased her own orgasm with her own fingers, desperate to get lost in intense pleasure again. "I wanna eat the next one," Shawna said as she lined herself back up to the needy girl and pushed back in, hearing an excited moan, her hips giving her almost just what she was looking for. Shawna gave her several brief moments of slower build up before racing at it again, causing her to moan uncontrollably from the thrusts, but also hearing the music of her getting closer to the end. Danny smirked while Arina looked up at him with such surprise at the level of intensity she felt, sinking her head down while she groaned into the mattress like Shawna did. He took a hand, placing it on her head and picking it up as he locked eyes with the girl, giving her hushed nothings while she begged that she could barely handle it anymore. He calmed her down and kissed her lips while Shawna's hips began to speed up one more time, keeping Arina occupied while Shawna pushed her over and she could hear faint wet noises coming from between them, which caused her to pull away and scream a moan out when she felt her body release. "She did it! I told you she could do it," Shawna cheered, pulling out and finally taking off the harness, going to the blissed out girl and giving her the ponytail out of her own head for her, taking her sweaty hair and pushing it up for her, "There ya go, baby...How you feel?" she asked, picking her up from her position and allowing her to lay on her back.
"I-I can't feel anything~" she said laughing weakly, staring at the ceiling while shook her head, "I feel so...so messy.."
"It's okay, it feels like that the first time," she replied, catching Danny's eye as he began to finally stroke himself some more.
"It felt really good for a second..wh-what were you doing?" Arina asked, attempting to get her bearings, finally sitting up on her own.
“It’s what happens when you tease a cat for a bit too long, it’s gonna jump. So that one area is meant to cause a lot of pleasure gets worked at a lot before finally reacting,” Shawna explained, packing her items away, “It’s just having the right size and motion will make a difference...I-I didn’t hurt you, right?”
“Mm-mm! Like I said I could barely feel anything, so I guess I let go-”
“My bed says otherwise! You went through the towel!” Danny complains while he tried to clean up his room and dressed, then checking his phone, “I’m gonna get the food from the front, just sit tight you two.”
"Ah whatever, you should have been more prepared," Shawna joked back and waved Danny off before turning back to Arina, "You were saying?"
"Uhh I feel a little embarrassed..like all I did was pee on Danny's bed. Shaw is that all it is?!" Arina asked, darting her eyes to her with worry.
"I mean yeah, but kisses are just us pressing our gross faces against each other and we do it anyway. You mess with your spit glands to gleek even though it's not meant for that..You touch your uvula to throw up even though we stick shit down our throats all of the time..Par for the course really," she said, laying on her stomach looking at the girl.
"Eww~ well..when you put it that way.." Arina grimaced, shaking her head, " I guess it's subjective..it was an interesting thing, though."
"Yeah. This falls in the category above anal for me. Like I can see why it's hot, but I'm not always in the mood for it unless it's a special occasion and I'm like, gearing to go..Also, it's super time consuming," Shawna said, reaching over and grabbing the already rolled blunt, taking her lighter off the tray and lighting it as Danny comes back in the room. "Did you wanna get dressed, babe?" she asked with her lips full.
Arina watched Shawna lazily, her tiredness fading in as she settles, "Oh yeah, I should.." she crawls to the front of her bed and grabs one of Danny's hoodies and scans the room for her underwear. She puts on a bra and a tank top with her panties, the hoodie becoming much baggier yet shorter and changing design. She was fine with this transformation because it was the least revealing and warmer than the others, bringing a comforting sigh out of her. She clutched the ends of the sleeves an stretched in the room, the hoodie riding up to reveal her hips. "How can you think of smoking at a time like this? We're about to eat!" she mentioned as she plopped on the bed.
"At least you waited until I got back. I was just gonna eat and smoke since Shawna wants to play some games for a bit. She earned the blunt," Danny said while he began opening the bag and revealing that their plan was incentivized. He kneeled onto his bed and grabbed Shawna, planting a kiss on the top of her head, which she buried her head in his stomach. Arina watched with a puzzled look and felt like there something she was missing here. He was crazy about her this whole time until Shawna came over. Or anytime Shawna comes over. It doesn't matter that he went to her first, but she was standing in front of her and gave it to her first. There was a skipping in her chest as her eyebrows furrowed at the simple gesture. She was trying to tell herself that he didn't mean anything by it. It wasn't working.
"Danny~ what about me?" she finally said, coming out as a whine, lightly stomping. He chuckled lightly and went over to hug Arina, clutching her to him, and a kiss to the top of the head. He kissed her lips earlier. What fucking gives? She looked up immediately with her eyebrows furrowed, "You kissed me earlier.. what changed?"
Danny was confused, not sure if Arina was joking or not, "Yeah I did, so what?" he replied as Shawna came over and handed him the blunt, pulling him away to shotgun into his mouth, which he took in, allowing himself to get into kissing Shawna for a little longer. It was really hard to hold down what she felt about what was going on. He pulls away, giving her another soft peck on her lips, "Thanks, babe..Sorry, Arina. What's wrong?"
"Are you and Shaw a thing? I mean, that's really rude going around me like that first of all!" she finally blurted, trying to jump back from them, "Second..how come you never told me? Shaw, what the fuck?" Her eyes shook while they welled up with tears as she closed them and turned away. 
"It's..not exactly black and white, Arina," Danny chuckles nervously, "And I really..really didn't mean to make you feel less than anybody.. You're still my number one!" He was trying but Arina looked so frustrated and he didn't know what to do. Shawna saw him getting lost and a little anxious, tapping him to sit down while she approached her.
"Arina..come here..." Shawna came up and hugged the girl, who didn't feel like reciprocating the embrace, almost fidgeting, "Are you okay?"
"No~! I feel so fucking stupid!" Arina whined, jerking a little, "Why...Why do I care?! I'm so fucking mad at you right now~!"
Shawna chuckled softly, rubbing the girl's back to comfort her, "Aww..is someone jealous?..Or are you being needy? You want some love too?" she said, then pulling back and lifting the tear stained girl's face up, wiping her cheeks and placing a few soft kisses on her lips, "It's okay, Rina Beana...you can be jealous of watching Danny kiss me. Some girls feel like that sometimes, but we both love you..And all you had to do was ask."
Arina simply nodded as a shy smile crept up on her face. "Well, I want more~ I should get twice as much," she beamed, causing Shawna to laugh and into another embrace that she responded to this time.
"I think you'd actually die if we gave you two shotguns!" Danny joked as he began to dig into his chicken dish, handing off the blunt to Arina.
"Teach me how to give one then, asshole," she smiled back as Shawna guided her to sit back down between her legs loving the embrace she felt as she fed the girl behind her sushi, "Like what's the trick?"
"You can't breathe out of your mouth. Blow soft," Shawna said into Arina's shoulder, wrapped around her and kissing the back of her neck, "You wanna carry the smoke but not blow in their mouth."
"I like making Shawna open wide because she's a stoner like me," Danny said, watching Arina take her hits, taking it from her when she's done, "It's also helpful if you make them breathe in if they don't do it first already."
"Why?" she asks, curiously biting her lip after she blows when Shawna's hands wrap around her stomach.
"The hitter just moisturized the smoke and took a lot of the heat out of it, so if you breath it in, you'd just be choking on basically micro-ash that makes up the burning weed and paper, and not damage your throat or your lungs or anything," Danny says, "Allow me to demonstrate," he mentions while he leans over and ashes it into his ashtray and bringing it with him, setting down the blunt after taking a hit. Shawna gets the cue to let her go a little as he gets closer and moves in, swooping his head a little to remind her to open her mouth and delivers a deep kiss while trying to gently blow into her mouth. Arina was not expecting his approach, which caused her to gasp quickly, making her choke and she backed off, coughing for a few seconds, and Danny laughing lightly, "See? You're not a stoner yet, so you coughed...It's ok though, you're getting there."
"You've got time, we're gonna be here all night, so I can't wait to get my turn," Shawna mentioned, shaking her lightly and patting her back, handing her the cup from the nightstand so she can clear her throat.
"This is probably gonna be the best sleepover I've ever had~!" Arina beamed, biting her lip while Danny kissed her forehead.
"The best sleepover you've had so far.." Danny joked.
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svtegg · 5 years
syncope (SVT apocalypse!au)
♡ wordcount: 2,1k ♡ chapter 3/? (chapter 1 & chapter 2 is here!)
♡ rated PG-13: mentions of blood, voilence and death, sexual themes
♡ pairing: svt x reader (mostly soonyoung in this part!)
♡ After meeting the boy from the office building again, finding out he was named Soonyoung and then running from him in a panic after another one of the men in his group had shouted for him, I found myself in dire need. The scorching summer was nothing but ruthless and my supplies where long gone. In a last attempt at saving my own life I had searched for water in a park across town but barely managed to get there in time, my weak body giving out. But where did that voice come from? Who was staning in front of my half-unconcious body? How long had I been blacked out? 
“Hyung. Look, over there!” I could faintly hear a voice and then footsteps approaching me, the dry ground almost crunching under the weight of the person walking around me. The voice was soft and high pitched, with a sort of bounce to it. I opened my eyes but couldn’t move. My vision was swimming, and everything seemed to be further away somehow. The foggy silhouettes of two people leaning over me, the green grass and the light blue sky above. There where birds singing in the trees looming above me, and I felt like I had died. An eerie peacefulness encapsulating my body as I blinked in an effort to clear my vision. Then black. And blue. The sky, the fluffy white clouds drifting past me miles above where the only thing I could focus on. I couldn’t really feel my body, but the familiar sound of birds and the smell of grass was still registered by my senses before my body decided I needed to go back into the darkness.
Jicheol had led Eunju, Junghyun and I back into the city. I had recognized the signs. Seoul. The four of us had moved from camp to camp, avoiding the packs of roamers as best as we could. We had almost been hunted down by a group of raiders, or bandits. They drove around in a big military looking vehicle, yelling and laughing as they hit roamers and drove over those who where already dead. Crazy. They must be crazy. Jicheol had managed to hide us in a back alley as they drove past, a huge container serving as our shelter for the night as we waited for the raiders to drive off elsewhere.
“Hello? Are you okay?” I could hear somewhere far away. I could feel my body laying on something soft, and a faint sound of something roaring. It could have been a car engine. “She’s talking, hyung..” a distressed voice said, it suddenly sounded closer. I tried opening my eyes but it was too bright. “Something about a Jicheol?” the same voice continued. I could feel my body shaking slightly, my muscles involuntary clenching as I suddenly became really cold.
“I’m hungry..” Junghyun complained for the nth time that day, it was hot and the sun was burning the skin on my shoulders. No one answered the young boy as the group of 4 trekked along a highway full of abandoned and rusted cars. Eunju was panting heavily beside me. “I’m hungry!” The young boy said again, louder this time. No one answered. There had been nothing. Nothing for days. No food, no water, nothing. A breeze blew by but somehow the wind made me feel even hotter. “I’m hungry!” The child stomped. Eunju turned around, her voice hoarse and dry. “We know, Junghyunnie. We don’t have food, sweetie. You’ll have to hold on for a litte longer.” She breathed, her skin dry but still sweaty, and looking to be on the verge of burning under the unforgiving sun. Jicheol kept walking. His broad back becoming smaller as his heavy footsteps took him away from the rest of us.  
A bridge was coming up, which meant there would maybe be a run-down convenience store or a gas station somewhere near. “Just a little longer.” Eunju repeated exhaustedly as she turned around, following Jicheol’s footsteps. The boy sighed, and trailed after the old woman and as I stood there I could see the backsides of what was left of my group. A broad, strong looking man in his late 40s, a young small boy, smaller than his actual age with a bright neon cap on his head and a older woman, her back looking tired under the weight of her backpack. They all looked exhausted, I was took. Keep walking.
My eyes couldn’t focus and it was dark. Way too dark. I took a couple of breaths, first deep ones to calm myself then it evened out into easier lighter breaths. I blinked a couple of times as I tried to adjust my eyes to the environment. It smelled like wood. Not trees but actual chopped wood used to make fires. Firewood. It smelled a little like synthetic fabric. I could feel my head banging as made an effort to sit up, and I had to steady myself as I looked around. It looked like a small bedroom, almost like a motel. The walls where wood colored, the floor in a beige carpet. A dresser was placed under the window by the door. The window seemed to have been covered with something because small glimpses of sunlight peaked through one of the cracks in whatever it was covering the window. I was on top of a bed, an unzipped sleeping bag thrown over me, and a flannel covering the pillow that had been placed under my head.
I try sitting up, but at first my entire body gave out, my muscles aching at the slightest movement. I turn around slightly and a sharp pain shoots down my right arm. I bite my tongue to keep quiet and sit up. As my feet met the carpet, I noticed my shoes where gone as the carpet tickled the underside of my feet. I looked around and noticed my boots by the night stand. And on top of the nightstand, an unplugged bedside light and plate of food. It looked like bread with something red on, jam maybe. I didn’t spare it a second glance as I pulled my boots onto my feet and rose up from the bed. A wave of dizziness hit me, and I staggered a little before I steadied myself on the closet by the end of the bed.
As I stood and let myself breathe while I tried to focus my eyes back onto the carpet, I heart voices outside. “Seen anything on the lookout?” A deep voice said, it seemed to come from right outside the door to the room I was currently in. I froze. “Nah, no activity tonight. But that’s really the best outcome of a shift. How’s the newcomer doing?” the other person answered, voice even deeper than the first one. “I don’t know, there’s not been much activity there either. I checked a couple hours ago and she still hadn’t touched her food so I don’t think she’s conscious yet.” They seemed to go quiet for a while, until I heard more talking. “Was it Minghao and Cheol that found her?” One of them inquired. The other voice hummed in confirmation. “In one of the parks in fucking Guri.” Answered the lighter voice. “Shit, dude. That place is infested with lurkers all over. Lucky thing she wasn’t eaten alive.” They continue talking, and I start moving around the room. My knife is gone, and my thigh strap is no where to be found. They also took my backpack. I look though all the cabinets and drawers. Nothing. I creep back over to the bed and sit down, I can’t just leave. It seems like they, whoever they are, have set up guard outside the door of my room. My physique is nowhere near able to bust out and escape, I don’t know where I am or what’s outside the door of the apartment, I’m currently trapped in. But why did they bring me back here? Why didn’t they just leave me to die? Or kill me themselves?
As I sit and ponder about what to do, the handle of the door only meters in front of me turns and suddenly I’m face to face with a tall man. “Oh, good! You’re awake.” He says casually and opens the door wider. He stands there, looking down at me as I keep sitting on the bed. “Are you no hungry?” He questions, a slight smile on his lips as he gestures towards the food on the nightstand. I look down at my hands for a moment and then back up at him. The man is very handsome, a black tshirt stretched across his torso, black hair tousled and half covering his eyes. Light wash blue jeans that seem more like beige because of the specks of mud and dirt that are spattered across his legs. He hums in a questioning tone, the hoarseness of his voice shining through even when he’s just humming. “Where am I?” I say, my voice weak, dry and hoarse. I cough a little and look back at the man in front of me. “A little north of Seoul.” He answers simply as he leans against the door frame, still smiling slightly. It was hard to tell if it was a friendly smile or a smug one.
I didn’t say anything else, just looked around the room as his stare is fixed on me. I move a little and hiss at the pain that aches in my shoulder. “What’s wrong with your shoulder?” He perks, his head leaning a little forward to peek through the strands of hair hanging in his face. “I think its dislocated.” I state, my voice still a little strained from the pain. “Shit, how long has it been like that?” He asks in a hushed voice as he moves towards me, I flinch, and he stops in his tracks. “I don’t know, going on about three weeks, I think. I’ve lost track of time.” I state, my eyes scanning the tall man. His eyes meet mine and he seems to be gauging my reaction as he slowly moves towards me. “Let me have a look at it.” He rasps and takes the last two steps over and squats down to my level. When I don’t say anything, he reaches a hand out and places it on the back of my shoulder while his other hand comes up to lightly poke the skin around my collarbones.
His hands where cold, and the air that was now blowing in through the open door is chilly. I took a deep breath in. After a while the man looks back at me, and he smiles softly but his eyes still show worry. “I think we can fix this, but I’m gonna need some help.” He states, voice upbeat and friendly. He stands back up and runs a hand through his hair. As he moves around me, I can smell the scent of smoke, campfire smoke, and pine. And a little bit of sweat. “If you wanna come with me I’ll see if I can find someone to help me fix you up a bit, maybe we’ll even be in time for dinner.” He smiles, voice soft and I can hear a hint of a lisp when he speaks. “Sure.” I whisper, before I even get the chance to think about it. The man seems so friendly and I somehow choose to blindly trust him as I follow after him when he leaves the room.
The place I’ve ended up seems to be some sort of mountain resort, motel layout with several rooms. There are two additional buildings beside the one we’re currently walking down the stairs of. One of them seems to be some sort of administration or facility house, and the other is just a huge hangar. Maybe used as some sort of storage or parking housing. Then there’s the three-story residential housing I’m currently walking down the steps of. The entire facility is painted in deep red colors with green doors and windows, thick wooden beams keeping the overhanging ceiling in place. I spot a fence longer down the road, and something that looks like a watch tower tucked into the tree line.
“I’m Mingyu by the way.” The man says as he looks back at you. His eyes sparkle a little in the low evening sun, the orange light from the sunset making his skin almost glow. Then he turns back and keeps walking. As I look around some more, I spot two cars parked between some of the foliage behind some piles of wood. One seemed to be a dark grey Kia Morning in surprisingly good condition, the other was too far behind a tree to see but it looked to be in good shape as well. As we made our way into the ajar building I could faintly smell something that reminded of food. “What is this place?” I whisper, more to myself but Mingyu hears and chuckles.
“Camp.” He simply says as he reaches the glass door to the facility housing. “We’re a group who lives here, we’re doing pretty well actually.” He continues as he holds open the door, signaling for me to go inside. I look up at him, then back at the door. “You don’t have to be afraid.” Mingyu smiles, “I promise we’re nice.” I sigh and step through the entrance, and Mingyu follows, closing the door softly behind himself.
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blyanten · 8 years
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In the Duckburgian night, thievery is afoot. A trailer, transporting something with the nuclear symbol on it is attacked by several masked men, doing surprisingly well at teamwork and effiency.  There even a clear plan in action!
Unfortunately, it’s all a memory. One is reliving old memories of his time with the Avenger, almost two centuries after PKNA takes place.
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In other words, everyone is dead.
On the bright side, One has created both police bots and rescue bots through his company Robolab, that, according to himself, are functioning brilliantly.
It’s just not the same.
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In Dhasam-Bul, it turns out that Everett is still alive. Somehow. 200 years after PKNA. 
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He’s moved up in that little world, having become high priest of  Bhasam-Bul, but as with every other time we see him at the monastery, someone back home in his old life needs him, so he gotta go.
And somewhere towards the end of XX century (which is really the PKNA era, or the 1990s), a pair of maintenance workers find what appears to be a crashed… something suggestions are "it’s alien" and "it’s some experiment from the private sector". Never has two so different ideas been so correct.
As the workers decide to move it, they realize it’s connected to the box of wires they came to fix. Luckily, nothing is damaged, otherwise the network would be down for half the nation.
And we cut to Donald trying to check his bank account. The ATM is not working, but one is happy to appear and pretty shoot Donald’s debit card at him from the ATM slot. He walks off in annoyance, while an incredibly obvious robot spies on him.
Incredibly obvious robot isn’t a problem for long as he hooks up to the ATM and says there’s an anomaly before going from the top picture to… well, recognise those colours? This ought to be fun.
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Much discretion, very secret.
Obvious robot is thrown back from the shock, and worried bystanders appears, somehow failing to notice the "robot" part. At first he appears to have lost his memory, when his expression changes and he says that no, he’s recovered it. Dun-dun-duuun.
In the future, there is apparently a discussion about whether Ducklair Tower should be torn down or left standing as a historical monument. The discussion seems rather pointless though, as nobody has been doing proper maintenance, and it might just collapse on its own, which would be bad considering its size. One guy thinks it doesn’t even have an owner, but it does. It’s owned by Robolab.
Just as this is said, a delivery truck with «Robolab» written on it appears. As far as the driver knows, the Tower is used for storage. Driver also picked up a hitchhiker, who is thrilled to be there and vanishes the second no one is looking.
Driver shrugs, and deliver the cargo. He’s told to leave it in the lobby, as the elevator is broken. I think One might be a bit depressed, to allow the Tower to fall into disrepair.
Actually, there are probably limits to what he can manage as long as he wants to stay secret, but even so.
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Y-yeah, at 200-something, I have no doubt that stairs are rough.
Everett floated up to the secret floor, and One is glad to see him. After 184 years, he kinda thought Everett was, well… dead. But, no, Everett says, they live such healthy lives at Dhasam-Bul that they can totally double the human life span… and, okay, there’s some things he’s never told One, which is putting it mildly (and also wrong, assuming we’re talking about the same thing, but that’s the fun thing about canons with timetravel, you can retcon anything).
But of course, none of that is important right now! We can talk about the other thing some other time.
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You did? Huh. Does this make future events better or worse? Also, now seeing the future has always been part of your skillset? It’s starting to remind me of Vulcans in Star Trek. They’re telepaths! They’re super strong! They’re... whatever we need this week.
Everett is there to help One reach what he desires.
In the past Donald has some friendly banter with Angus before visiting Lyla, who’s noticed some issues with the timeline.
This is when incredibly obvious robot reappears, greeting the pair as «agent» and «Avenger». Lyla seems to recognise him, and he’s about to introduce himself when this happens.
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Lyla’s face here is amazing considering what is happening. 
Everyone is confused, but especially Two (you know it’s him, I know it’s him, let’s just stop pretending) who has ended up in the future, just in time to listen to One and Everett talking.
Everett explains that he was always aware that One would one day want to be more than a part of the Tower, that upon reaching full maturity he’d want an actual body.
So reaching maturity for an AI = 200 years, and a great part of those years spent alone in an empty building that falling apart. Dude, depression is not a necessary part of maturity.
I swear, it’s like listening to an alien, nothing makes sense if you stop and think for two seconds and there are more questions. But sure, let’s roll with that.
One admits that he does want a body, he could do so much more if he had options beyond being stuck in a crumbling skyscraper. But he doesn’t want Everett to think he’s ungrateful.
Everett doesn’t, but finally seems to have figured out that letting One think he was the only one until after his brother Two went crazy was a bad idea.
I’m tempted to hand out a «you tried» star, but I feel like that’s not quite right? A «congrats, you figured it out eventually» star, maybe.
Back on topic, One explains that in the absence of anyone like him, he’s learned to appreciate people. Like the Avenger, yes, but also everyone else. He wants to be where the people are, he wants to see them strolling along down a, what do you call it? Street.
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Jokes aside, this is genuinly heartbreaking and sweet. Just look at what he actually says.
Depressed, lonely and trapped seems like the best words to describe One now.
So he wants to create a droid capable of containing him, Everett says, and One finally lets a bit of rage show. If Everett knows everything maybe he can figure out why it isn’t working?!
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Also, why didn’t you come sooner? No, really, One’s been working for a while here.
One questions if it’s the tech that’s not advanced enough, and Everett says it might not be. Luckily, Everett’s not been idle at the monastery and he’s also learned things that go beyond science.
… At least it seems doubtful that the old High Priest would let him near that position without getting his mad science tendencies under control. The world still being there is proof of that.
In Time Ø, Lyla has called about Two’s droid body, and it turns out that it’s an infiltrator, meant to keep an eye on the Avenger. Lyla is annoyed, because from the sound of it, infiltrator droids sometimes go nuts and tries to kill the person they’re supposed to spy on.
In the future, Everett finally tells One to stop calling him "master", and that together they’ll create a droid body so fine it’ll be the ultimate form of the concept of AIs.
Two, still hiding and listening in, agrees, and decides to steal it. Unfortunately, he timetravels again, this time ending up sometime before Colombus arrived, I guess.
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Wow, you’re slow this time around.
In the present, One is annoyed that Two’s droid body is completely hidden from his sensors. This might be because he’s not there at all, but who knows. The Avenger complains about the Time Police creating unecessary messes because they just can’t trust him.
You stop one city from blowing up and you never hear the end of it.
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He goes to pick up Lyla in the Duckmobile, and Lyladressed in battle armor, because of course the infiltrator spy droid is also made for battle. However, Lyla implies this is because he was made specifically to deal with the Avenger AND Lyla at the same time.
Which is why Lyla has brought along a weapon she made after the droid revolt.
In the future, Everett and One is building the droid, with Everett cheating a bit by convincing the parts to assemble themselves. At the end of the scene, One is ready to transfer himself into the droid.
In the past, Two has worked out that his droid body has the ability to time travel and a bunch of other stuff. Being the bad guy, he then goes and enslaves some Native Americans for funsies, before moving on.
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EVIL. You know, in case you failed to notice.
In the future, Everett is panicking a bit as One has transferred himself to the new body, but is not responding in any way. In the end, he has to reverse the transfer. One reappears in his old hardware, and explains that he was just blocked from doing anything. Which makes no sense, the droid body has plenty of space for him, even to expland further.
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You deserve to panic.
But something is missing.
In the past, Lyla and the Avenger has located the infiltrator, but they, not expecting Two, walk right into a trap. This time, he’s red all over and The Avenger recognises him.
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Look at that bad boy walk. I’m serious, Two is just doing so many “bad boy” poses in this issue.
Two declares that he’s finally worked out where One is hiding, but the Avenger is unimpressed with his babbling, and has the Duckmobile open fire on him. It doesn’t work at all, but Lyla, having hid behind the Duckmobile, waiting for an opening steps in and shoots him.
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Robocop gone bad.
This gives the brief impression of having worked, but then Two breaks out the big guns… before putting them away and punching Lyla in the face.
He then turns down the Avenger’s offer of a fight, because at the end of the day, the Avenger is not the person he’s interested in. As the Avenger is now in a position where he can’t interfere, Two timejumps away to get to One.
Lyla, having picked up on the fact that something is off wants to know how the infitrator droid could resist her weapon.
In the future One is sad and Everett decides that not being the High Priest anymore he’s allowed to lose his temper. Yeah, the droid is still not working. One thinks it’s his fault, but Everett points out that the droid is designed for One.  
In the present, the Avenger has given Lyla an explanation and calls One to tell him to activate all defenses available. Seems like the kind of thing that should come before long explanations, but now that they’re actually doing it, the Avenger is pretty efficient, telling One to not waste time with discussion and just do it.
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As usual, very discreet.
In a few seconds, the secret floor becomes the safest place on the planet.
Lyla jumps in to ask One what the total value of his software is, and gets a bit of flirting and whole lot of nonsense in return. It makes enough sense for her to make some adjustments to her gun.
While she does that, the Avenger tries to explain that Two is back, but not even the safest place on the planet is safe from someone who can just travel back in time to before it was the safest place on the planet.
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Bad boy leaning on things.
Two having a one-track mind quickly gets to the fighting part, while One tries to get him to stop and talk. Unfortunately, Two isn’t much for talking, but the Avenger and Lyla arrives.
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Translation: Neer-neer-neer.
So they fight, trying to destroy each other, and have you worked out the flaw here yet? Two certainly hasn’t.
The sides are fairly evenly matched, between the armed to the teeth droid body and familiarity with Ducklair tech that Two has and the equally heavily armed One, the Avenger and Lyla, plus Lyla’s familiarity with Time Police tech.
Two is still the first one to really take a hit thanks to the Avenger messing with one of the canons. Lyla takes advantage of his distraction and uses her gun.
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Critical hit.
This time Two collapses, and Lyla explains it’s a deprogramming gun, one that basically erases the droid that gets hit. It didn’t work the first time because it was designed for a much less complex program than something like Two, bu tafter getting the necessary info from One, she made some adjusments.
The Avenger says that this was god enough, but Two wakes up to prove him wrong. He takes out both the Avenger and Lyla, and goes to attack One again.
One once again tries to convince Two to stop, because One is not a quitter, but Two says no, and brags about how he’ll steal One’s droid body in the future. One, being the sane one, immediately points out that that’s not how it works. If Two is going to steal One’s body in the future, then One needs to have a future.
Two is baffled as to how he could have missed that crucial detail, but as One said, he still has time to let it go, and timejumps to the future.
In the past, One examines Lyla’s weapon.
In the future, One and Everett are discussing the droid. Their only conclusion so far is that is’s like the parts aren’t enough to create a functioning whole.
Two appears, being very cocky, and Everett tries to use the erase code. Unfortunately, Two has done something to auditory receptors so it autmatically excludes the code. Clever. He then brings out a gun, tries to shoot Everett and misses.
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The other brilliant expression in this issue.
This triggers the realization that he needs to hurry before he loses control completely. So One hits him with a wrecking ball. An actual wrecking ball. I feel like I should say something about that, but I’m kinda stuck at "Really? A wrecking ball? Why do you even have that?"
Two starts in on a "you can never stop me" dialogue, but suddenly starts reciting some kind of science fact. Everett is confused, but One says he’ll explain later, and that for now they just has to keep Two occupied.
Two tries to shoot Everett again, butt his time Everett uses magic to block, before going on the offensive, trapping Two in a magic bubble.
Two complains that Everett used to be a wizard, and breaks free. But before he can do anything, he has another attack, this time talking about math. Both One and Everett attacks, and this time Two seems to be injured.
He collapses, crawling towards to the droid body, while telling them how it’s his only chance to be real, how he waited and waited to be useful. 
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Another “you figured it out eventually” star for Everett.
This is his only chance to be something more than the second choice and they can’t stop him from…
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I am constantly torn between “this is dumb” and “this is tragic”. That said, tragedy might work best if it’s more dignified, but it doesn’t have to be.
ETA:  Also most likely a reference to 2001: A Space Odyssey
And then it’s too late for Two. One, having had over a century to plan for this, springs into action, and absorbs what little was left of Two into himself. As he explains to Everett, Two was his only equal, he never wanted to lose that, and he didn’t want Two to completely vanish.
Oh, One. How incredibly lonely you must have been. I also think this shows how incredibly kind One can be. He planned for this, and waited and waited. It’s also a very nice and effective way of humanizing Two, by first breaking his defences and using that to show the damage done to him.
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Everett says no explanation is necessary, and then glances at the droid body, finally figuring it out. He tells One to transfer to the body right now, and it works.
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Easy to say after he’s explained.
As One sits up in his new body, Everett explains that One wanted to be a real person, and that means having a lot of the things Two were as part of himself. Evil, crazy, petty viciousness… all the things that make up a real person and that was never a real part of One until now.
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While I take issue with One not being a real person until now (I will fight you), I have to admit I like the idea that adding something so off the wall as Two to him helps to expand his programming beyond… programming, I guess.
One, being reassured that he’s a real person, decides that he needs an external coating. As it happens, he’s been working on one for decades.
While One is talking, Everett is surrounded by a bright light, telling One goodbye.
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At least he bothered dealing with his problems before ascending. That more than some does.
He tells  One that he never knew what responsibility he’d assume when he programmed One, but now his part is over and One will have to manage on his own. He then vanishes, leaving his robe behind.
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Old monks, always so dramatic.
On one hand, yeah, building an AI like One, especially if you know he’s going to become what One does here is one hell of a responsiblity and probably terrifying. On the other, you walked out and left him all alone for years at a time. And again now. Did you not pay attention to Two? Your grasp on emotional needs are terrible.
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This image serves no purpose other than “aww.”
In the past, One gives Lyla back her weapon, having determined how long it will take to reduce an AI to zero. The Avenger thinks Two will find a way to counter the effect, but One thinks it will be different.
The Avenger is doubtful, but agrees that Two usually was more trouble, while Lyla doesn’t understand why Two just quit. One gives a vague answer about Two realizing the consequences of his actions, and the Avenger suggests Two realized he’d be bored without them. He also doesn’t think there’s any point in worrying about it as Two is crazy and his actions might never make sense to any of them.
In the future, Robolab is getting a very important visit. For the first time ever, the owner and founder of Robolab is making an appearance.
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Behold, the arrival of the sexiest duck in the world and One finally, finally getting everything he deserves.
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