#gf Starla
travelinstan · 8 months
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aceofstars16 · 8 months
Also what are your thoughts on mabcifica?
As friends, great! As a ship, not a fan 🥴
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🎼 starla
And the ground has been slowly pulling us back down You see it on both our skin We get a few years and then it wants us back
(two slow dancers - mitski)
send me 🎼 and a character or a ship for a song quote that reminds me of them.
it's sleepover saturday!
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littlepawzbigheart · 9 months
INTRO (very detailed I put a lot of effort into this) (meme by @zerosdumpsterfire)
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DNI: proshipper NSFW terf anti-therian anti-lgbt anti-furry and normal dni things
pronouns bc i can't fit in descrip:
they\it\>:3\sticker\mew\tbh\moon\star\ghost\glitch\plush\ghostcat\yan\calicofluf\nom\astro\blood\silly\x3\paw\btw I will make the time to add all my genders and flags later my sexuality is pansexual and my gender I usually introduce myself as is nonbinary
Sage: MC found the area where de other OCs live me in da story was cursed by goofy ahh wizard
Starla: Isis's GF flirty troll total bitch in a good way
Alice: Not in this timeline
Naomi: Not in this timeline Alice's GF
Aven: Starla's ex has dated many ppl total bitch in a bad way
Evita: Alice's mom not in this timeline
Oliver: Evita's husband not in this timeline
Nyx: Starla's sister like a chill angry
Vision for the place: A wooden human-made building inside of a mossy beautiful cave as well as a cafe outside of it that is run by ??? (new oc) and Starla. they serve a lot of stuff @stellarstarcafe :3
if you made it down here have a treat from the cafe with dis coupon
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gmanwhore · 10 months
Something that happened yesterday
The Star: I need a gf Me: Why? The Star: I need someone who will not only love me for my looks, my killer personality, my millions of abilities and excelent music taste, but also because i am a silly girl Me: Starla is 12 am
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jiminrings · 1 year
jay em … just finished all of 478 drabbles and god ur sick … ur sick in the head … he’s a grown stemkoo from another universe … but i love and appreciate the 478 jk he is . ur new works r so incredible and god i cannot wait to read the new ones 😊 fifth wish that was SOOOOO LONG AGOOOO AND I STILL HAVENT GOTTEN TO IT. pink sapphire is such a pretty name and then the jimin one that i predicted i think… r there any other new works i’m missing or don’t know of plz tell me… i am reading the jimin one tonight 😍 also anon saying write 478jk as a sub u said what we were all thinking i love u and i luv u always ms rings thank u for sharing ur work with us 🫶🌟🫶🌟🫶🌟
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MY STARLA WOOGIE BOOGIE ........ thank u so much and yer right it's a disease and i see it now that 478jk has been stemkoo-fied and this is further proof of the stemkoo cinematic universe 🙏🙏 there's also yoongi's lullaby aka soulmate au fic AND yoongi's real gf (it is nawt a fic it's just me) <3 thank u for having one brain THANK U LOVE YEW COME OVER TO MY PLACE NOW!!!!
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freshydip · 2 years
looking at my old rbs of gravity falls fanartists and going to their pages and seeing they’ve long since deactivated like a war veteran walking through a cemetery of his fallen compatriots. sometimes he stops at a particular grave, one whose name he recognizes, and he stands there. remembering the good times. he gently touches the grave marker. “i loved the way you drew Grunkle Stan” he says aloud gently. “i even saved some of your art to my hard drive, all those years ago… i wish i could’ve told you sooner.” he smiles sadly and walks on to find the next name of the next comrade he’ll never see again
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rosaland44 · 3 years
Gravityfalls : A rewind loop summary
Set when the Stan twins were seventeen after Stanley was kicked out and Ford graduation .
It was their graduation or at least Ford’s and Stanley wasn't going to mess his brother graduation even if his brother didn't want to see him there it was okay Stanley plan was to go watch his brother graduate wearing a Hoodie or a Disguise to hide identity he will see his brother graduate from a distance without being caught and then he will leave .
That was his plan simple and easy three steps plan what he didn’t expect is while he was driving to the said graduation is his car crashing into a truck and rolling down to the bottom of a hill he was injured so badly that he expected himself to die right away .
Luckily for him ambulance has arrived while he was passed out and took him to the nearest hospital.
As for Ford at his graduation a sense of dread wash over him like there’s something wrong or something bad happened and he doesn't know what is it ? But what could possibly have gone wrong he is graduating high school and soon going to college there is nothing going wrong now right ?
The graduation went on smoothly but the feeling of dread was still there growing stronger each second he tried to push it down and have a nice graduation he didn’t know what caused that feeling until he got home with both his parents and watched the news that his father love to watch so much that he found out what was the feeling about .
There at the news was scene of horrible accident a car crashed into a truck while the reporters were trying to explain the accident his heart stopped beating when they showed the state of the car it was crushed , broken beyond Repair but what caught his eye was the sing on the car it had the name Stanlymbl on it .
But it couldn't be he couldn't believe it until the reporters said Stanley name and in his name was shown in big bold letters and where he's at which hospital he was in with that information set in front of them the pines family went to the hospital Stanley was in as fast as they can .
When they got there they asked about Stanley and which room he was in when they reached there Stanley was there lying in bed looking so close to death When the doctor responsible to watch over Stanley arrived to report them with Stanley condition shocked them and strike them at same time .
What the doctor said about Stanley is :
He is lucky that he made it that he still alive that Stanley was in a coma and there a huge chance he won't wake up and if he did he will suffer from memory loss and properly have a short _term memory for the rest of his life
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 3 years
Aw c'mon where's that can-do attitude that got u to commit weirdmageddon in the 1st place, I'm sure all you need is the right words and her body will be your body
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Bill: Well, as I remember, I have a human body as much as I have my demon powers, which means I can feel pain and electricity…
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jackedspicer · 4 years
literally all the women on regular show are made to be girlfriends of the main cast... thats it... it’s straight culture and it fucking sucks
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vulpixen · 4 years
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My drawing of my Pines ocs: James Stanford Pines and his wife Tara Grayson-Pines from the One Big Weird Happy Family AU (OBWHF) and fanfiction me and @sailormew4 have been writing these past few years. Currently have been going through a hiatus for awhile but want to say the remaining chapters will come when they do. I plan to draw more of my ocs like these two here soon to show off. The markings on James are his scars he received in his childhood.
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okay I think I’m late again but do you have any starla/g4g/gravity falls head canons for us 👀
YES. it's sad though. i've been thinking about this a lot bc of the starla fic i've been working on today.
i really don't think carla was around for a lot of lex's early years. i definitely think she was following thistle around for a few years there until he dumped her in a city in exchange for someone younger and more impressionable.
when she comes to her senses, she calls the pines and learns that stan, who she thought was raising their baby, was kicked out years ago. lex is growing up without a mom or a dad - only a grandmother and a grandfather whose acceptance he never earned before he died.
so carla vows to get her shit together. she finds a cheap room in the city and starts to work whatever odd jobs she can find during the day and dances at night. she talks to lex on the phone every day. he's not too sure about this new "mom" person, but he starts to come around, telling her about the new gizmos he's tinkering with and how he's the smartest kid in his class.
carla finally saves enough money to return to her hometown securely and gets a little apartment for her and lex. she takes night classes to work towards becoming a paralegal, but all of her free time is spent hanging out with her kid, making up for lost time. but she knows something's still missing.
once she has a stable job, she hires a PI to track stan down. she wants their son to know him before he becomes too jaded at the idea of his father. the PI finally catches up to him in the summer of '79. she's worried at first that he'll be mad at her for leaving, but when stan picks up the phone, he's only relieved that she's okay and with lex. she tells him their son needs a father, and he argues that his life is too chaotic right now for a kid.
carla says: "if i can get my shit together, so can you. all i want is us to be a family again. i want you here for lex's bar mitzvah and then i want you to stay. please. it'll work this time, i promise."
it inspires stan. he swears he'll make it back for his son's 13th birthday. he spends the next year and a half saving every single dime he earns, resorting to sleeping in his car out in the cold if he has to. he'll do anything to get back to carla and lex - anything to be a family again.
he keeps in touch with carla. she tries to stay neutral on their calls at first, but soon he has her laughing and recalling old memories with him. eventually she tells him this finally feels real. she can't wait for him to come home.
she even puts lex on the phone a few times. he's a sarcastic little shit, but begrudgingly answers stan's questions about school and hobbies. lex lights up when stan mentions that his watch is broken and walks him through every minuscule step to fix it. stan loves every single second.
a month before he plans to go back, stan hears from his brother. it's strange, but fills him with so much hope. a chance to reconnect with ford before doing the same with his son and the love of his life? the universe must be smiling on him. just a little bit.
two weeks before the bar mitvah, stan pines is declared legally dead.
it’s sleepover saturday!
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gruvu · 6 years
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I drew a gift commission for @doubtingsalmon for Christmas I believe. So finally for some people. I actually drew some Starla. Might draw more. 
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aceofstars16 · 6 years
3, 6, 10, 17, 25
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in?
Oooo man this is hard…cause I have some very fond memories in the Rebels fandom, but there were certainly people in it that I didn’t…interact with much…so I’m gonna have to go with The Silver Eye, everyone is so nice and we are all silly too, it’s great!
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY FANDOMS I’M IN?!?!? *flops* I’m just gonna list the OTPs I can think of…
Percabeth (Percy Jackson), Hicstrid (HTTYD), Peter and Elizabeth Burke (White Collar), Pepperony (Mavel), Plance (Voltron), Finnrey, Sabezra, and Kanera (Star Wars cause I can’t pick just one), Kainder (The Lunar Chronicles), Runo (The Silver Eye), Elate (Uncharted), New Dream (Tangled), I know I’m forgetting some tbh…xD
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
So…I don’t actually read a lot of fanfiction to begin with? So…I don’t really think so? I’ve read a few PJO fanfics and I have yet to successfully write anything for the fandom so…I guess that one?
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favorite?
I’m 99% sure it was Percabeth and yes I still adore them (and ignore whatever Rick is doing in their world thank you very much they are happy and have kids and don’t deal with crap anymore!)
25. What’s your most popular fanfic?
Well, according to Ao3, that would be “To Find a Home” but if it’s a one-shot then “Vine Worthy” is very popular??? xD
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mikiruma · 6 years
just remembered that "dating short people is problematic" post & how kelp is like 3-4 ft tall and all her datemates are easily double that
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doberart · 7 years
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I’m so sorry I’m late with this...but happy birthday to @doubtingsalmon! You are one of the best people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting and I hope you had an amazing day full of adventure! You’re an awesome friend. :)
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