#gfl executioner
rennebright · 3 months
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劊子手誓約 by PopoMan(泡泡麵) [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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(GFL Short Fic) "A Scarecrow's emotions"
Author's Note: This was originally in a different prompt before I had a moment of realization and went "Wait a second this is WAAAY too long to just be in a headcanon!" So now it's here, and I hope ya'll enjoy! Word Count: 1.5k
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To say Scarecrow struggled understanding the emotions of others was a colossal understatement.
Before she began working under the Commander and Griffin, she despised sentimentality. Thanks to the Protocol Assimilation however, her hatred of emotions lessened.
This did not help her understand it any better unfortunately, something she continued to struggle with.
It especially didn't help that her only other encounters with emotions was with the Commander (which was fairly recent), and Executioner, who was a loudmouth tomboy of a T-Doll.
And lastly, one human who expressed interest in her, to her complete shock.
Being from Sangvis, she and her comrades were understandably treated coldly at first from Griffin personnel, barring some of the extremely friendly ones.
Scarecrow was quite used to this, considering she barely had any respect from her allies to begin with.
And given that her entire role was scouting and data gathering, she had no need for emotions, or friends.
When Scarecrow had met (Y/N) for the first time, she was honestly annoyed and quite suspicious of them, given how the rest of the humans wouldn't even give her the time of day. (Not that she exactly needed to ask them for it)
Scarecrow walked out of the maintenance bay and into the brightly lit hallways of Griffin's Base, prepared to make her way towards the dorms. Before she could get much further, she was stopped by one of the engineers.
(Y/N) "Scarecrow! Um, how are you feeling?"
She turned towards them, her eyes remaining unchanged as the mask obscured her mouth, showing no visible change in emotion.
(Scarecrow) "I am operational."
Scarecrow replied curtly. She observed their movements and they seemed...relieved?
(Y/N) "Oh, good! I was worried that we may not have gotten your repairs right! I don't think I've ever worked on anyone quite like you before."
(Scarecrow) "Of course. Griffin T-Dolls are far less advanced than Sangvis."
(Y/N) seemed to struggle on how to choose their next words, though it did not seem like her statement was the cause of it.
(Scarecrow) "You are fidgeting an abnormal amount for a human. Are you intimidated by me?"
(Y/N) "...W-Well, kinda, if I'm being honest...!"
They laughed nervously, but it was cut off by Scarecrow's continued deadpan stare at them. They cleared their throat and straightened their back.
(Y/N) "But, really, I was nervous that your repairs might not have gone smoothly. I see I was worrying for nothing."
(Scarecrow) "I see."
She gave them a simple nod with her facial expressions not budging an inch.
(Scarecrow) "I recognize you are simply being polite. It is wasted on me, nevertheless I will say 'Thank you'."
(Y/N) "If something's wrong with your systems, don't hesitate to come see me!"
(Scarecrow) "Acknowledged."
Finally she began departing for her dorm, processing the conversation she just had. That was the first time anyone was worried about her wellbeing.
Besides the Commander, (Y/N) had become someone she visited often, though it was mostly because she wanted peace and quiet and did not want anyone to disturb her thinking.
They treated her with respect, despite the fact she was a former adversary.
The fact they were so open to trust a Sangvis Doll was stupid. Humans made no logical sense to her. And yet...something drew her to them, and it frustrated her to no end that she couldn't determine why.
This was the first time that she had interacted with humans and did not want to immediately end their lives, so the change in perspective was unnerving to her. It felt like it went against her base programming.
But she did not hate the feeling. At least, it did not feel that way.
Anytime she spoke with (Y/N), she always had her mask on them, more out of habit since that was her uniform than anything malicious.
And she knew they were always staring at it, and her eyes when they replied. She didn't know why, until a few months into their 'friendship, for lack of a better term, did she know why.
(Y/N) "Hey, Scarecrow?"
(Scarecrow) "What is it?"
Scarecrow replied, her tone muffled and cold as ever.
(Y/N) "If it's not too rude for me to request this, could...I see you without your mask?"
She turned to them, curiosity rising in her digimind, though her face did not portray it.
(Scarecrow) "Why? I do not possess any facial features that can recreate emotion like you can."
(Y/N) "That part doesn't really bother me. I just...want to see you, if that makes any sense."
(Scarecrow) "It does not."
(Y/N) began stuttering, trying to find a better way to phrase what they meant before noticing her irises were changing ever so slightly. They seemed to focus on their face, her hands slowly reaching for the mask and disengaging the locks.
Her lips were surprisingly soft looking, and not as rough or machine-like as (Y/N) was expecting.
(Scarecrow) "However, I will comply with your request."
Her voice was finally unfiltered from her mask, the voice sounding quite soothing to their ears.
(Y/N) "W-Wow..."
(Scarecrow) "What is so fascinating about my lips? You have seen them on other T-Dolls and humans."
(Y/N) "It's not that, it's...you're really pretty is all."
Scarecrow's eyes adjusted once again, though to what emotion it was portraying, (Y/N) couldn't tell. She looked away, staring at the ground.
(Scarecrow) "Are humans that susceptible to be allured by a simple face?"
Scarecrow noticed that they had gotten closer, though she made no move to push them away.
(Y/N) "Maybe? For me I'm...more allured by you than anything."
Scarecrow turned to face them again, her face unmoved by (Y/N)'s words.
(Y/N) "S-Sorry. That must sound stupid."
(Scarecrow) "It is. You are attracted to an android that cannot even reciprocate its feelings on the most basic level."
(Y/N) "...Reciprocate?"
(Y/N)'s shoulders slumped and looked at her, noticing that Scarecrow was staring at her hand moving to theirs. The hand wrapped around theirs, and gave it a gentle squeeze.
(Y/N) froze, and realizing that, Scarecrow moved back to her normal sitting position. She must have mistaken their shock as disgust.
(Scarecrow) "I will depa-"
(Y/N) "Wait!"
(Y/N) took Scarecrow's hands again, holding onto it tightly and not wanting her to leave. Slowly, she looked back at (Y/N)'s face as it closed in.
Their eyes were closed as they leaned in for a quick peck onto her lips, scrambling everything in Scarecrow's digimind.
Her eyes rapidly adjusted themselves as she was trying to process what exactly she was feeling. The sensation of (Y/N)'s lips, their emotions, her own, everything was so overwhelming.
Scarecrow remained still for a couple seconds before looking back up to (Y/N).
(Scarecrow) "...I still do not understand why you feel such attraction for a mere T-Doll-"
(Y/N) "Y-You're not just 'some' T-Doll, Scarecrow! You're just...you."
(Scarecrow) "You have said that twice now, as if I can understand what you mean."
(Y/N) "It means that there's only one of you, Scarecrow. And...!-"
(Y/N) took a deep breath to calm down, trying to defend her existence against herself was riling them up far more than they had anticipated.
(Scarecrow) "I should be exactly what my name implies. Nothing more, and nothing less."
Her reply finally got (Y/N) to steady their breathing, their lips slowly growing into a smile.
(Y/N) "If that's the case, you wouldn't be holding my hand right now. That's an emotion, you know, and I've seen you show it!...W-Well, not directly, anyway."
(Scarecrow) "...I am unable to comprehend your logic, nor can I fully process what information has been given to me."
Scarecrow's grip on (Y/N)'s hand subtly got tighter as her eyes refocused solely on theirs. Their mouth did not tremble, nor did her tone even remotely change, yet (Y/N) could tell there was a sense of hesitation.
(Scarecrow) "...I request that you assist me in understanding emotions, and your faulty logic in putting this kind of faith in me."
(Y/N)'s smile grew even bigger as they leaned into Scarecrow, embracing her gently. At first she did not move, but moved to mimic their actions by raising her arms around their back.
It felt quite awkward, but it was the gesture that mattered to (Y/N). And they hoped that she would understand that.
(Scarecrow) "If I'm careless with my words, I could end up hurting others. So I just need to be a scarecrow – I serve in silence…"
(Y/N) slowly backed off and held her shoulders, her eyes blinking for the first time at them.
(Scarecrow) "But I won't be like that with you, because no matter how I hurt you, you'll always stay close to me, won't you?"
(Y/N) "…As long as you want me, I'll be here with you."
They stayed like that for a few brief moments before Scarecrow stood up without warning, confusing (Y/N). She put on her mask and simply stared back.
(Scarecrow) "Humph, just kidding."
(Y/N) "...W...What...?"
Scarecrow leaned towards (Y/N)'s head, her mask gently bouncing off their forehead. Was that supposed to be her version of a kiss?
(Scarecrow) "That was also a joke. I genuinely meant what I asked, I simply wanted to see your reaction since you can tell when I'm portraying emotions indirectly, apparently."
(Y/N) pouted and muttered something underneath their breath. They swore Scarecrow's eyes slightly raised in amusement.
(Y/N) "Way to ruin a romantic moment..."
Scarecrow offered her hand to (Y/N), her tone unchanged.
(Scarecrow) "Well, it's a good thing you'll be giving more, won't you?"
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xmingyu · 3 years
Dolls Frontline OP 1
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boobiemom · 5 years
I name all of my girls in GFL. I also have a personal GFL-verse where I adopted several S.F. girls and yes I’m not kidding I named Executioner, Hunter, and Scarecrow, “Zangetsu, Ocelot, and Mantis” respectively. They’re a special secret ops team I have with me in special circumstance missions. They’re all cute badasses.
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New GFL Characters I can write for!
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Alrighty this has been a long time coming, but we'll start with a small group first before I throw everything right at ya:
Finally introducing the T-Dolls of Sangvis Ferri!
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I can now write Scarecrow, Architect, Gager, and Hunter from Girls Frontline!
Griffin eventually found a way to have formerly hostile T-Dolls work under them, and the Sangvis Dolls aren't mind controlled nor did they have any memories wiped, it's of their own volition.
There is quite a bit more members to add, but for right now, I feel that this will suffice for getting to know Sangvis!
Anyways, more info about each individual is under the cut, but here's your intro video!
Also I didn't realize it until I put it together, but man Sangvis doesn't like to clothe their T-Dolls do they?
A Sangvis specialized in gathering and analyzing intelligence.
She isn't the best in direct confrontations, which earns her little respect among Sangvis Dolls.
Rational, curt, and dutiful, she despises sentimentality and looks down on emotional Griffin Dolls who blindly follow their orders.
A loner with high combat prowess that specializes in long-range attacks and fire support.
A cheerful and energetic airhead of a girl who's always in high spirits. She isn't particularly antagonistic towards Griffin and doesn't always go out of her way to follow orders from Sangvis Ferri.
However, her passion for bombardment and destruction still makes her a highly dangerous enemy.
Mostly in charge of issuing commands and deploying units.
Relatively high in rank, she is in command of combat units, yet is quite adept at combat herself. Answers directly to Agent.
Serious, uptight, and meticulous, she always appears cool and businesslike both in speech and action.
She holds herself to a code of honor even against her enemies.
Highly flexible and intelligent, she is adept at sabotage and tactical pursuit, though her true power can only manifest when working with Scarecrow and Executioner.
Stoic and cool-headed, she enjoys cornering her enemies and capturing them alive.
Despite feeling superior to Griffin Dolls, she considers herself above using underhanded tactics against them.
Scarecrow best Sangvis T-Doll, FIGHT ME
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