#gfl st ar 15
Hello can I please request a scenario where the reader messes with the character by saying “I like you too” instead of “I love you too” with Hu Tao, Furina, UMP45, STAR 15 and Makoto from Persona?? Thank you!!
(Genshin Impact/GFL/Persona 5)
Hu Tao, Furina, Shenhe, UMP45, ST AR-15, and Makoto's S/O messing with them
Adding in Shenhe because I felt like writing her! (As per usual)
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Hu Tao has to take a second to register what S/O had replied with.
"I like you, too"?
Hu Tao halts before her foot is out the door, turning around with a smirk and eyebrow raised.
(Hu Tao) "Oh? We're being like that today are we?"
(S/O) "Like what?"
Hu Tao taps her finger on their nose as she crosses her arms, smiling.
(Hu Tao) "I'm not leaving until you say it properly!"
(S/O) "Psh, no you won't."
(Hu Tao) "Unlike you, I don't need to be physically present at my job today, so I absolutely can!"
S/O had to relent after that. Because she was right, she would prevent S/O from leaving.
And even if they managed to get away, the prank Hu Tao would play as retaliation would probably not be worth it.
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Furina pouts when S/O didn't even say "I love you back". The audacity!
Her hands move to her waist, giving a harsh glare to S/O.
Well, as harsh of a glare as Furina can manage. If anything, it makes her look adorable.
(Furina) "You don't even want to say it back to me, your girlfriend?! Oh, you wound my heart!"
S/O chuckled at her dramatic response.
(S/O) "As if you didn't do this very thing to me last week!"
(Furina) "Hmph! Fine, be that way, for I will not declare my love for you if this is the response I should expect!"
She tilts her head away and begins marching away from the door, still pouting.
It was obvious she wasn't genuinely offended, but two could play at this game!
She could actually keep this bit up for weeks, if prompted.
S/O does not, lest they incur her verbal wrath for the next month or so and demanding a ransom of sweets.
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Shenhe stoically turns to S/O, noticing their lips were trying their best not to break into a full smile.
(Shenhe) "...S/O, did I do something wrong?"
They shook their heads and covered their laughter with one hand.
(S/O) "Sorry, I couldn't resist teasing, Shenhe. I just wanted to see your reaction."
Shenhe blinks and tilts her head in confusion.
(Shenhe) "What do you mean? All you said was that you liked me."
(S/O) "Oh, that's what you're referring to. I figured you were going to ask me why I said 'I like you' instead I love you."
(Shenhe) "That goes without saying, does it not? For us, it means the same thing."
S/O chuckled and couldn't disagree with that logic.
(S/O) "Got me there."
Shenhe, for her part, was still very confused.
What was the joke?
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45 frowns before she turns back to S/O, adjusting the hair out her face.
(UMP45) "Wow, so that's what I get after opening my heart to you?"
Those words were rarely said by 45, even less so when she was about to depart for an operation.
She looked genuinely hurt, which made S/O rush up to try to ease her anger.
(S/O) "S-Sorry! It was just a joke-"
They were interrupted when 45 broke into a smirk and cut them off with a kiss.
(UMP45) "Mhm, and so was that. Now, say it properly this time, would you?"
Both of them chuckled lightly before S/O gave the correct reply.
(S/O) "I love you, too."
(UMP45) "Not so hard, was it?
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STAR pouts when she hears S/O's response, making her face them.
STAR had a hard time saying it without blushing madly, and this time was no exception.
So to get that in response?
(ST AR-15) "Hey, that's not funny!"
S/O barely held back their amusement, making STAR's annoyance grow.
STAR flicks their forehead gently, taking care to not put too much of her T-Doll strength into it.
(ST AR-15) "S-Say it, already!"
With a tight hug around her, S/O gives in, but still laughing.
(S/O) "Sorry, sorry, couldn't resist. Love you too, STAR."
(ST AR-15) "Good..."
She squeezes them back before leaving the room.
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Makoto hesitates on departing, taking in what S/O had replied with.
(Makoto) "Like me?"
(S/O) "It's what I said!"
Makoto looks a bit disheartened at the response.
(Makoto) "I see..."
Before her mind could wander, it was brought back to S/O when she heard them chuckle.
(S/O) "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad! I just wanted to tease you."
Makoto's blush crept up on her cheeks for a brief moment before she cleared her throat.
(Makoto) "Ah, my apologies. I suppose I'm still getting used to this kind of banter in a relationship-"
S/O cut her off by giving her a kiss on the cheek, making her face burn red for a different reason.
(S/O) "Don't apologize. You're cute when you blush."
Makoto stammers over her words before simply sighing and smiling back.
(Makoto) "I'll just take the compliment...Next time, I should play a joke like that on you."
Which would be easy, if she had a sense of humor.
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centaurealsm · 2 years
god gfl ost is so good and the storyline seems promising if not for the pandering stuff also also some of the character designs are good esp the recent ones since im only interested w the ar team so far
looking forward to gfl 2 tho w possibly bringing back the ar team since i saw st ar-15 on one of the pvs
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xmingyu · 3 years
Dolls Frontline OP 1
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96chopsticks · 5 years
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totallyseiso · 3 years
I really love seeing you post girls Frontline stuff because even if i don't play it, i usually play Arknights and i love that both games character design philosophy is "let's give people the coolest street wear ever with the fancier armor/weapon/tech we can" so every just looks rad as fuck
Also just in general like your blog, your reblogs are top notch and your content cleans my skin
It's kinda funny that you made a comparison to Arknights because Lowlight, the founder of Hypergryph, worked on Girls' Frontline before making Arknights. In GFL Lowlight is known for designing 4 members of the Anti-Rain Team, who are basically the main characters (didn't design ST AR-15 as far as I know)
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And I haven't seen any actual confirmation for it, not that I've cared enough to go digging, but there's a claim that the AR team was meant to have one more member who was cut for whatever reason, and her design was recycled and became W in Arknights. Which leads to some artwork like this:
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(not sure who the artist is, I pulled this from a reddit post)
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commander-frostii · 5 years
A little late but I'm also in the underleveled and struggling boat. Are there any guides or resources with help along the lines of team building, leveling, what to focus on, etc?
I used this guide when I was starting out. It’s been updated since then with some newer dolls and info, thankfully. The biggest problem with this guide is that it’s so aggressively geared towards giving new players some basic guidance and helping them avoid “newbie traps” that it actually winds up giving harmful advice to midgame players. 
I did kind of start making a new player guide but I couldn’t really figure out what level of advice made sense to give. I’m going to try to give a shorter version of that guide here, but it would really help me if you (and anyone else who reads this and finds it interesting or helpful) ask more questions or call out explicitly what you find helpful and whether you feel like I’m missing anything or saying anything misleading, because I would really like to make more resources for other players and I feel like not knowing where other players are at is kinda holding me back. c: 
There’s kinda two different areas of focus for advice here; the first is just general base and resource management stuff. Unfortunately, people don’t make guides for this kind of thing. (I would love to sometime tho.) Here’s what I’ve learned. 
Running 4 logistics at all times is not optional. It is required. Do your best to refresh your logistics as often as you can. Stacking up your resources to 100-200k lets you farm maps as much as you like for drops (read: dummy cores) and XP. 
The fastest way to get a lot of dummy cores for linking your high-rarity dolls is crafting. This is another reason why logistics are so important, and learning to manage your logistics so that you have not only a good ratio of resources but also are building up your contracts over time is really important. If you want to do construction just for cores and don’t care what you pull, I recommend pulling for SMGS (430/430/130/230), as the UMP sisters have a high drop rate and give 3 cores each. (They’re also just really good, so you should raise them if you can.) 
Even if you’re poor, do 4 constructions a day every day. 30/30/30/30 is good enough. You’ll make your resources and most of your contracts back from daily quest rewards, plus you get a guaranteed core every day from the dailies AND you have a solid chance of getting at least one 3* HG from that recipe. It doesn’t seem like much when you’re waiting on 45 cores to get that x5 for just one of your dolls, but I promise it builds up quick. 
If you’re desperate for cores, running maps for drops sounds awful but honestly isn’t that bad over time. I personally liked 7-2E a lot but that’s because My Wife Is A Shotgun and having a shotgun makes it much easier to clear that map without paying a ton of repair costs. 0-2, 0-4 (retreating instead of trying to clear the map) and 4-3E are all fine choices and the guide linked above gives even more options.
The most important stuff to buy from the Black Market Shop, in order, is Combat Reports > Universal Parts > Cores (they’re disproportionately expensive imo so i value them lower) > Special Reports > Batteries > Enhancement Capsules. 
It should also go without saying that you should do your combat simulations every day and use up all of your sim energy. Leveling dolls’ skills is really important when you get to late and endgame, and will also make a big difference in night battles. Enhancement capsules become easy to come by once you are able to farm event boxes reliably (and thankfully you don’t need to be high level to do that), so you can spend capsule days on neural fragments instead if you want. 
I don’t personally like to spend combat reports on dolls over level 90 because getting from 90 to 100 is almost as expensive as getting from 1 to 90, but you get triple combat XP when fully dummy linked and can clear maps with much higher XP yield at that level, so it seems like a really inefficient use of reports. 
The other side, like you mentioned, is more in the game theory and meta world. What dolls are worth using? How should I combine them? What’s the highest priority to raise? 
Purely from a “clearing content efficiently” standpoint, your number 1 priority is M4A1, followed closely by ST AR-15 and M4 SOPMOD II. RO635 is also good but not quite as much of a hard requirement. But the three core AR team dolls are all virtually best in class and M4A1 is literally the best doll in the game when she gets her neural upgrade, with ridiculous damage output and unparalleled versatility. These dolls will carry you through content for your entire career in GFL. 
M16 is kind of niche and weird but certainly not bad to raise. I just wouldn’t consider her a top priority.
Your first echelon should be ARSMG (probably built with the AR team). If you don’t know what to build after that, build a second ARSMG team, then an RFHG team. If you’re diligent and make liberal use of support echelons, this should be enough to clear all story content right now (though I won’t promise it’ll be easy). MGSG echelons should wait until you feel like you have a good grip on your logistics management, because they’re very expensive to use and not that much better than ARSMG.
Great early ARs: FNC is surprisingly good even in lategame and is a solid choice thanks to how common and cheap she is to raise. OTs-12, F2000, SIG-510, and G3 are also good. You get an STG44 from quest rewards and she’s fine, too. Most ARs are good, but lower-rarity ones are obviously easier to raise. 
Great SMGs: A well-loved Skorpion will surprise you. Ingram and PPS-43 are also great choices. I had decent success with Type64 and Spectre M4, too, but they will be outscaled by higher-rarity options later on. The UMP sisters are excellent SMGs with UMP45 possibly being best in class, but they are a little more expensive to raise. 
You should stay away from most 5* SMGs unless there’s one you really love, because choosing your SMGs properly is actually deceptively really hard and spending a bunch of resources on one that doesn’t synergize well with your other options would be a huge bummer. The one exception might be Vector, but only if you really invest in her skill.
Great RFs: People hype up M14 for a reason. She’s cheap, the game hands you a ton of copies for free as achievement rewards (and you can get more of her from map drops easily), and she scales really shockingly well, remaining a really strong choice even in endgame content to this day (and probably forever). SVD and WA2000 are high rarity but so fantastic that they are worth raising if you don’t have any other options. SKS and FN49 are also good low-rarity options; the quest reward Springfield is worth raising, even if she doesn’t really reach peak performance without her special equip (and thankfully it’s not hard to farm for!). 
Handguns starting out are just kind of tough. There are two reasons for this; one, they don’t provide their full power buffs until max dummy links; two, they can’t equip an exoskeleton until level 80, which means they’ll get shredded by basically any enemy that looks at them funny. If you’re having a hard time running RFs + HGs at mid level, it’s fine to put an SMG in front for a while just to absorb damage. Later on you will want to practice luring and stalling enemies by moving your HGs around manually, and if you can master that, RFHG will become a lot stronger (well, technically every echelon will, but RFHG will benefit the most). 
Again, please please please let me know whether or not this is helpful and don’t be shy about asking follow up questions. This game is kind of hard and tricky and weird and I want very badly to help! The more I know about where my followers are at, the better advice I can give!
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sylvastheicefairy replied to your post: Only just now deciding to actually level ST AR-15...
i took until chapter 8 or so to level m16, so.
See, I find this baffling because I partially picked up GFL because of M16, I rushed through the story to get to chapter 4 specifically for her. 
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cerastes · 6 years
You have to pick the cutest gun of every type in GFL. Who do you pick?
HG -> Five-seveN.
AR -> ST AR-15.
RF -> SVD.
MG -> PK.
SG -> Mossberg M590.
Sangvis -> Gager.
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AR team drunkingly rambling to their S/O. What would they say? how would they act? Cute or dark, up to you!
(GFL) M4A1, M16A1, M4 SOPMOD II, ST AR-15, and RO635 drunk with their S/O
WELP this was requested back in October. Better late than never? And we shall do both! Dark/Cute!
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M4 used to not drink, though with her recent upgrade and what Griffin had been through, she now understood why M16A1 did.
She only drinks every now and then, though it was usually in company of her squadmates or S/O.
It didn't dull her senses or affect her systems like how it would affect a human, but it did make her a little more melancholy.
Though that she didn't really need to drink for that.
(M4A1) "S/O, can I ask you something?"
(S/O) "Hm? What's up?"
(M4A1) "...Why did you end up choosing to stay with me, of all people?"
S/O's eyes went wide at her question, as she slowly stirred her glass cup of Jack Daniel's.
M4 glanced over to her lover, waiting for a response.
(S/O) "I-Where is this coming from?"
(M4A1) "After all we've endured throughout the years, you're still here, treating me no different than before...why? I'm a broken mess..."
S/O was silent for a moment, not entirely sure what to say. They weren't sure if it was the drink or the emotions that she was processing, but her hands started to shake as the ice clanked against the cup.
Instead, S/O's hands rested on M4's, making her set down the cup, feeling her frame start to relax.
(S/O) "I think the answer may be a little more simple than you're expecting...It's because I love you, M4."
(M4A1) "..."
Sighing, she leaned into S/O's chest, her breath faintly smelling of whiskey.
(M4A1) "Choosing a human would have saved you a world of trouble instead, you know?"
(S/O) "Then I wouldn't have you. Even if you doubt yourself, I won't..."
S/O hugged M4 on instinct, and she did not move to resist as S/O gave her a kiss on her head.
(M4A1) "Hah...maybe I should lay off the drinks."
S/O just quietly hummed in agreement as they continued to softly kiss her, eventually sitting upright to reciprocate their feelings.
(M4A1) "I love you too, S/O...And...thank you..."
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Before meeting M16 and some of the Russian T-Dolls, S/O wasn't even aware T-Dolls could get drunk. At least in the traditional sense.
But whatever M16 had been drinking, she clearly wasn't alright.
(M16A1) "S/Ooooo!~ Come drink with me, I need a buddy!"
(S/O) "I got reports to file in the morning Sixteen, I need to-"
(M16A1) "IN THE MORNING! Come on, don't be such a killjoooy!"
Sighing, they decided to join her, in which she became very handsy.
Grabbing their arms, waist, kissing their face all over, ignoring the rest of the crowd in the bar much to S/O's embarassment.
(S/O) "S-Sixteen! We're in public!"
(M16A1) "Good! People need to know you're mine."
Seeing the sinister grin grow across her lips, it made S/O dread the return trip.
Because they would have to carry her back to her dorm.
The entire time, she's talking absolute nonsense, subjects ranging to how much she had to protect M4A1 from other boys and girls, or to how huge her S/O's ass was, regardless of how true that was.
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SOPMOD does not stop talking.
She is the type of drunk to ramble at a thousand miles per hour, and considering how energetic she normally was, S/O was having a nightmare trying to contain her.
With her strength, she's able to pick up S/O and carry them wherever her whims demanded.
(S/O) "S-SOP, it's July!"
She only decided to drink originally just so she can do something fun with S/O.
But after this, RO and S/O work together to make sure SOPMOD never drinks again.
Especially after nearly driving a car through the dorm's walls.
M4A1 and ST AR-15 were just wondering how she even got a car in such a remote area, and so far away from the base's garage.
And M16A1 was laughing her ass off at the news.
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STAR had found M16A1's Jack Daniels stash and constantly took swigs from it, much to the annoyance of RO635.
She had no idea how M16A1 could drink so much and get affected by it.
STAR would try again and again to block out some memories in her core that she couldn't delete, but the drinks would not do anything.
If it did do anything, it just made her more irritable.
(S/O) "S-STAR...?"
(ST AR-15) "What?!"
STAR snapped at S/O, making them flinch and making her realize who was calling for her.
(ST AR-15) "...S-Sorry. I didn't mean to-"
Sighing loudly, she drops the bottle onto the floor and buries her head into her knees, hearing S/O sit next to her.
(S/O) "Come on, let's go to bed."
(ST AR-15) "You're better off leaving me to wallow-"
(S/O) "Heh, and hear SOPMOD yell at me for the next few hours for leaving you here? Don't think so."
That made her chuckle, S/O's hand gently grabbing her arm causing her to look up.
S/O brushed some hair out of her face before giving her a soft peck on the lips.
(S/O) "...We'll sleep in my room tonight. You could use the shut-eye, I think."
(ST AR-15) "...I think I'd like that."
S/O began coughing into their arm suddenly, making STAR's eyes go wide as she immediately began scanning if anything was wrong.
(S/O) "Hah, didn't mean to scare you! That taste was a little strong on my lips."
STAR gave a wry smile before getting up and helping S/O stand, an arm wrapped around theirs.
(ST AR-15) "Well, I hope you weren't expecting that to be the last of it tonight, S/O."
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RO is on S/O's bed, groaning as her arm is on her head.
(RO635) "So bright..."
(S/O) "RO, are you...?"
She didn't even hear them into the room, but she still didn't look directly at them as she just grunted.
(S/O) "I never thought I'd see the day when you were drunk."
(RO635) "Commander offered some wine...didn't want to decline..."
S/O chuckled and sat on the bed near her legs, shaking her gently.
(S/O) "Want me to grab SOP to cheer you up?"
(RO635) "I will kill you if you try. I may be experiencing some effects of being drunk, but I'm still a T-Doll..."
(S/O) "Well, you're pretty cute when you're experiencing some effects, RO."
Even though her eyes were covered by her arm, S/O didn't need to see them to know she was glaring.
Plus, the flushed cheeks and pouting gave it away.
S/O climbed into the bed with her, pulling up the covers before giving her a tight hug and making her whine.
(RO635) "Noooo...! I probably smell of booze!"
(S/O) "Dear, it was just wine, not some cheap beer or something."
Mumbling something they couldn't understand, S/O instead just gave her a kiss on the cheek and snuggled into her, with RO not moving to stop them, though she very much could.
(S/O) "Next time you drink, please grab me. I probably missed out all the fun bits of you being drunk-"
(RO635) "Ugh, there's nothing fun about this..."
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Pick your favorite robo girls/Angelina! I’d love to see an imagine of them reacting to their S/O falling asleep on the transport back home, and what they do from there.
I can see the more… caring? Motherly? Girls picking their S/O up like a child who fell asleep in the car and bring them in, lul.
(GFL) S/O falling asleep on the way back
RO635, ST-AR 15, M4 SOPMOD II, AK-15, RPK-16, Angelia, HK416, G11, SPAS-12, WA2000, Gager, Hunter, Architect, and Scarecrow
Not as much as my favorites, but the gals who need more love this time around! Might do more if asked again for the others.
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RO felt her core start to heat up when S/O leaned into her shoulder, clearly exhausted from the operation.
S/O and some other human personnel were required to go out, and Anti-Rain had successfully escorted them, thankfully being an uneventful patrol.
Regardless, they humans were required to do lots of repairs and physical labor to get it working and most were tired like S/O.
Though she was embarrassed since S/O was getting too comfortable in front of her squad, RO still smiled and gently put one hand on their head.
Her good mood quickly vanished when she saw M16, her eyebrows going up and down with a smirk growing. RO frowned at her squadmate, her voice barely going above a whisper as to not wake S/O up.
(RO635) "Wipe that smirk off!"
(M16A1) "What, you gonna make me with S/O on your lap?"
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STAR started to fidget when S/O's weight started to increase on her shoulder, not really knowing what to do.
Should she wake them up? But then again they looked so...peaceful.
A small smile forming, she instead just holds their hand but remains awake and quiet, waiting for the Black Hawk to get back to base.
(ST AR-15) "You look cute when you're sleeping."
STAR quietly commented to herself, making her own head lean onto them, but not feeling too tired. She wouldn't rest just yet.
At least not until they were back in their own dorm.
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SOPMOD pouts when she realizes S/O fell asleep when she was in the middle of talking.
She was just about to show them some really cool souvenirs she found on the field too!
Sighing a little too loudly, SOPMOD's head bangs against the Black Hawk as her lips flutter in bordeom.
Now she had to wait until they woke up, which was gonna be HOURS from now!
(M4 SOPMOD II) "Hmph! Fine, I guess I'll wait..."
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15 knew S/O was fatigued the moment they got onto the Black Hawk.
15 didn't blame them, even she was feeling a bit drained, and she didn't even need to sleep.
Her voice is quiet enough for only S/O to hear, but she knew they weren't awake.
(AK-15) "Good work today, S/O."
With one hand gently brushing against theirs, she makes sure they're fastened in their seat so they won't lean out.
After doing so, she quickly enters into a sleeping mode herself, joining S/O in getting some peace and quiet.
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(RPK-16) "Aw, how cute."
16 chuckles when she sees S/O sleeping next to her.
Well, at least they were comfortable enough to do so around her and DEFY.
That, or they were too exhausted to care, which was fair enough.
Part of her wants to poke them awake or tease them, but decides to do that later.
They at least earned a little bit of a break, but she certainly wasn't going to wake them up when they got back. She wanted to see AK-15 or AN-94 do that.
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Angelia had gone out into the field, accompanied by S/O.
She rarely needs to follow her own squad out, but since this specific patrol required a human, it'd better for her to do so than the Commander.
But it was annoyingly long and uneventful.
So when S/O fell asleep, she didn't chastise them for it.
What she did mind was the fact their head found its way onto her shoulder, making her sigh.
(Angelia) "Couldn't even wait 'till we got back home, could you?"
She was going to have words with S/O for doing this in front of DEFY.
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416 rolls her eyes and groans when S/O is asleep.
She moves to wake them up, but stops at the last second as her hand grabs their arms.
Blushing slightly, she saw just how at ease S/O was. Doubly so when they were sitting closer to her than needed.
(UMP9) "Aw, how cute!-"
(HK416) "Shut your trap, not a word."
(G11) "...How come you let them sleep-"
(HK416) "Because S/O doesn't sleep nearly 24/7."
(UMP45) "Psh, talk about boyfriend/girlfriend privelege.-"
(HK416) "Quiet you little shits."
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G11 is not far behind in joining S/O in sleeping.
(G11) "Hm...comfy."
She quickly falls asleep herself, resting on S/O's lap, leaving no one in 404 surprised.
HK416 moved to yank her off S/O, but UMP45 stopped her.
(UMP45) "Let the love birds be, HK. They've earned the rest."
(HK416) "My ass. G11 is always asleep."
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SPAS panics a little when S/O starts leaning towards her as they're asleep.
She frantically moves her equipment out the way so S/O's head didn't collide into armor plates.
Barely getting it out of the way in time, she breathes a sigh of relief when S/O is resting comfortably on her chest.
...Wait, her chest?
Now she's panicking for a very different reason, all the while trying to stay quiet for their sake.
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WA mumbles something under her breath about S/O being a blockhead, but not loud enough to wake them.
Instead, she just blushes and continues her line of "insults" in her head, wrapping both arms around S/O's and holding them close.
(WA2000) ...Idiot. You should have gotten better rest.
It was only the two of them in the Black Hawk since this was just an excursion into Griffin Territory, which she didn't mind letting her guard down a bit more than usual.
Something she quickly regretted when the doors opened and Kalina, the Commander, and G36 all saw her asleep with S/O.
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Gager didn't know how to feel, seeing S/O asleep on her shoulder.
On one hand, it made her proud that they felt that safe around her. Of course they'd feel safe, she was superior to any Griffin Doll.
But at the same time, were they an idiot? Here was a former enemy, and they were literally just on her, without a care in the world.
Gager's fingers intertwine with S/O's thinking to herself.
(Gager) I wonder...what do you see in me?
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Hunter quietly chuckles to herself, slightly tilting S/O's head off her gently.
She was a T-Doll, they really shouldn't be sleeping on them. Plus if something were to happen, Hunter would be ready to spring into action.
She couldn't do that if her lover was occupying half her space.
(Hunter) "Hm, maybe later, S/O."
She at the very least makes sure they're comfortable on the ride back, thoughtfully glancing at their sleeping expression with a soft smile.
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Architect groans at S/O falling asleep, knowing she'd have no one to talk to on the way back.
...Granted, the other Coalition Forces with her were there, but they could only make beep-boop noises, or speak binary.
Sure she could translate that instantly, but that was too much work!
(Architect) "Come ooooon, we still got another hour! It's too quiet without you speaking!"
She shakes them awake, though being careful enough not to hurt them.
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Scarecrow's eyes shift to the right, seeing S/O fall asleep.
She simply hums audibly as she doesn't move an inch, much like her namesake, remaining still.
Were humans always this trusting of former enemies?
Whatever, it made no difference to her.
...Is what she told herself, yet her "emotions" from the Protocol Assimilation were going haywire, unsure if she would wake them or leave them be.
(Scarecrow) "You remain constantly to be illogical, S/O..."
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Your pick of T-Dolls(/Angi) watching S/O dive into the extraction helicopter, ala Helldivers.
And of course, the customary “what the fuck were you thinking, making me worry like that?!?” After the fact.
(GFL) RO635, HK416, AN-94, and Angelia's S/O diving to extraction
I thank Super Earth everyday for giving me the Light Medic armor, juicing myself with stims as I'm diving from the hordes of bugs.
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[Commander's Voice] "AR-Team, Pelican-1 has landed, get to extraction!"
(M4A1) "Understood, pulling back!"
The T-Dolls of the AR-Team were sent to protect a group of refugees escaping Sangvis Dolls that had pursued them.
RO's S/O had joined the team, alongside a myriad of other medical personnel from Griffin.
She initially voiced against their inclusion, alongside the other humans but the decision was final.
And sure enough, her fears of them getting attacked came to fruition, but now wasn't the time to let it paralyze her.
S/O was focused on getting the refugees out first before finally joining the team, rushing for cover as bullets flew overhead.
(RO635) "S/O!"
Switching her gun to full-auto, she began giving cover fire by keeping the enemy pinned down, with SOPMOD and M16 joining her.
(RO635) "We can't stay any longer, come on!"
With the last refugee on board, S/O sprinted for the helicopter as it slowly began to lift.
S/O dove headfirst onto the helicopter's floor from a small cliff, and painfully sliding across the metallic ground.
RO flinched from both the sight of S/O getting themselves hurt, and the bullets bouncing off her frame.
The team leapt onto the helicopter as it finally departed and left the combat zone, letting RO quickly rush over to S/O.
(RO635) "S/O, are you hurt anywhere?! A bullet didn't catch you, did it?"
(S/O) "O-Ow...! No, it didn't."
Noticing a red stain smeared on their uniform, RO quickly sat them on the seat and began tending to their wounds.
(RO635) "That was extremely reckless, but...I'm glad you're alright."
She at least understood why they dove, but getting themselves hurt at all did not ease her in the slightest.
(RO635) "Next time, don't get yourself hurt just trying to get to safety..."
With a quick hug, she quickly attends to the rest of her squad and other personnel.
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Squad 404 was caught in a bad spot as they ran towards extraction.
Normally, no human ever came along for their operations, but this time was an exception as they needed one for an undercover story.
S/O was the only one with the technical expertise who could come along, a decision which 416 quickly regretted.
As soon as they had to make a break for it, S/O was one of the last ones left behind as they were slower than the team.
(HK416) "Dumbass, GET DOWN!"
Immediately, 416 and G11 tried to cover S/O as they rushed forward, pinning down the human mercs after them.
S/O threw the item they were stealing onto the helicopter first, ensuring they were able to get the data needed.
It was after that, S/O dove face first onto the Black Hawk before the rest of 404 could hop on, barely in time as the doors shut.
416 sighed loudly, grabbing S/O and shaking them.
(HK416) "The hell do you think you're doing?! Why did you toss the data first instead of yourself?!"
(S/O) "A-Agh! It worked out in the end-"
(UMP45) "Alright, calm it down there. We know you're concerned-"
416 rolled her eyes as she gently let go of their collar, trying to act unconcerned.
(HK416) "Whatever, just get yourself looked at, I'm not going to babysit you."
(G11) "...That's a lie-"
(HK416) "Shut the fuck up, G11."
UMP45 and UMP9 snickered before G11 promptly fell asleep, with S/O taking a seat next to 416.
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DEFY was moments away from escaping on Pelican-1, the only thing stopping them from leaving being S/O.
AK-15 leapt to the cover S/O was hiding behind and nodded to them, letting them escape.
94 and AK-12 both took out enemy drones hovering above them as the bullets went flying above S/O's head, with RPK-16 providing suppressing fire as she slowly walked back to the helicopter.
(AK-12) "Time to go."
AK-15 grabbed the sheet of metal before throwing it at the approaching dolls, bisecting them and tanking the retaliating fire with her arm.
94 saw S/O dive and hurt themselves as they rolled on the helicopter's floors, making her quickly rush back and block them from any incoming gunfire.
The rest of DEFY jumped in before the helicopter quickly took off and finally getting them to safety.
94 immediately grabbed a first aid kit and helped S/O onto a nearby seat, still not taking off her combat mask.
(AN-94) "No serious injuries, but are you okay?"
(S/O) "Agh, y-yeah...! That floor hurt a lot more than I thought it would."
The rest of DEFY took off their masks and relaxed into their seats.
(AK-12) "Yeah, I could hear you slide against the metal."
(AN-94) "Please do not hurt yourself like that again."
(S/O) "Hah, no promises. Next time I hopefully don't need to dive like that again, or at the very least I can slide on dirt."
(AN-94) "I am being serious, S/O."
(S/O) "Come on, that was a joke-"
(AN-94) "I am aware, I do not find it funny."
(AK-12) "Ouch, think that might hurt more than your dive."
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Angelia waits for the Black Hawk to land as she stands next to the Commander and Kalina.
Finally, S/O stepped out with DEFY, though they were limping unlike the rest of the T-Dolls.
(AK-12) "Hey, Ange. We're back in one piece."
(Angelia) "Surprisingly."
She dryly commented, turning to S/O.
(Angelia) "AK-15 told me what stupid stunt you pulled to get on."
(S/O) "Ah, so she did..."
DEFY, the Commander, and Kalina all stepped away for a moment, knowing to give those two some time alone.
Which Angelia immediately sighed, half tempted to hit them on the head with her metal arm.
(S/O) "L-Listen, it was the heat of the moment, I had to get to cover!"
(Angelia) "By diving off a rock and directly into the helicopter?"
(S/O) "Well, when you put it that way-"
(Angelia) "Next time dumbass, just try sliding, not diving. That's metal you're jumping onto."
(S/O) "Can I dive into your arms next then?"
Angelia stared at S/O, completely unamused.
(S/O) "...C-Can we go inside, it's freezing out here."
Angelia rolled her eyes and walked ahead of S/O, letting them catch up.
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Let me ask for a crossover fic Nikke and GFL
Squad counters and Anti-Rain getting into a cat fight over a commander S/O
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(GFL/GoV: NIKKE) Anti-Rain and Squad Counters fighting over their Commanders
Also, the Commander won't be S/O since that'd be kinda hard to implement in this kind of scenario. Unless it was a harem, which I absolutely refuse. We have the serious ones, the catty ones, and the glue eaters for this team matchup.
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Squad Counters entered the room, noticing the squad from Griffin looking far more serious than them.
M4A1 examined the newcomers and nodded.
(M4A1) "So, you're the T-Dolls joining us for this operation?"
(Anis) "The hell is a T-Doll? We're Nikkes."
(ST AR-15) "Hm. It doesn't really matter in the end. Just don't fall behind."
On the other hand, SOPMOD excitedly jumped in front of her two sisters-in-arms, extending her hands.
(M4 SOPMOD II) "New friends! Let's shake hands!~"
Rapi leaned back in slight surprise, unused to SOPMOD's straightforwardness.
Neon however extended her own hand and shook SOPMOD's excitedly.
(Neon) "Hi, I'm Neon! Do you like big guns?"
(M4 SOPMOD II) "What kind of question is that, of course I do!"
(Rapi) ahem. "Rapi, Leader of Squad Counters. This is Anis and Neon."
Anis simply shrugged while Neon waved a friendly hand towards the team.
M4A1 crossed her arms.
(M4A1) "M4A1, leader of the Anti-Rain Team. ST AR-15, and M4 SOPMOD II."
(Anis) "Wow, you guys just name yourselves after the guns? Talk about lifeless-"
STAR frowned at Anis.
(ST AR-15) "They're code names. And who are you calling lifeless?"
(Anis) "I don't know, you were just calling us Dolls a second ago-"
A loud throat clearing from the center of the room caught both team's attention, everyone directing their sights towards the two humans in the room.
(Griffin Commander) "We're being sent to take care of some Sangvis Dolls that are reportedly running around the area with some unidentified at their side. Which, I presume to be yours."
(Counters Commander) "Yeah, the fact that the Raptures haven't taken over your forces or anyone else's is a miracle, honestly..."
(Rapi) "Commander-"
Both of the humans turned to Rapi, before looking at each other in slight confusion.
(Griffin Commander) "Oh, right."
(Counters Commander) ahem "Yes, Rapi?"
Rapi seemed slightly flustered before that expression vanished.
(Rapi) "If we take care of the Raptures, is it possible for us to return home?"
(Counters Commander) "That's the hope, but I have no idea if anything we did was the cause of it...Kind of reminds me of those devil hunters-"
(M4 SOPMOD II) "What, you guys hunted devils?!"
(Neon) "Yeah, we had some super cool people help us out too! One of them could turn into a chainsaw and-"
(M4 SOPMOD II) "WHAAAAAT?! Commander, I wanna go to their place-"
(Griffin Commander) "Absolutely not."
(Anis) "Psh yeah, you softies wouldn't last a day in there."
(Rapi) "Anis."
(ST AR-15) "That is quite the boast, coming from someone who'd get eviscerated by the most basic doll in our world due to lack of armor."
(Anis) "Hey, I'm just stating the obvious. Our commander could beat the crap outta yours."
(M4A1) "Do NOT talk about our Commander that way."
(Griffin Commander) "M4, STAR. Knock it off, both of you."
(Counters Commander) "You too, Anis. We all need to work together."
(Neon) "Well, I mean, Nikkes do sound cooler than T-Doll."
(M4 SOPMOD II) "Nuh uh! We sound cooler!"
Both commanders sighed loudly as the girls of their squad started arguing.
(Griffins Commander) "Sorry, my teams are not usually like this."
(Counters Commander) "I...wish I could say the same. Well, except for Rapi."
Both Neon and SOPMOD turned to the Commander expectantly.
(Griffin Commander) "...Well, I'm glad to see in whatever world, our squads will always be the same it seems."
(Counters Commander) "Is...that a good thing?"
(ST AR-15) "Our Commander has led several echelons to victory against improbable odds."
(Anis) "Our Commander is the improbable odds!"
M4A1 and Rapi looked at their commanders before glaring at each other silently.
(Griffin Commander) "I'm so glad M16 and RO aren't here today..."
(Counters Commander) "They would've made it worse, I assume?"
(Griffin Commander) "I'd say you'd have no idea, but I think you're the only one who could..."
Both Commanders stared at each other with a mixture of respect, and pity.
Only they knew the struggles of their daily lives, trying to herd an entire army of robotic cats around.
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Alright, since Christmas is basically in pissing distance, we need the power of the indomitable Christmas Spirit.
aka ar team & task force defy snuggling close to their S/O by the fire
(GFL) AR Team and Task Force Defy cuddling with their S/O
AR Team: M4A1, ST AR-15, M4 SOPMOD II, M16A1, RO635
DEFY: AK-12, AN-94, AK-15, RPK-16, Angelia
WELP meant to write this way sooner during christmas when this ask was actually sent but, better late than never?
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M4 relaxes, staring into the fireplace with S/O next to her.
She wishes that time could just stop, and thinks about what life could be like, assuming they both leave this war alive.
But, she shouldn't think like that, at least not for right now.
M4 holds S/O's arms closer to her, smiling and closing her eyes.
(M4A1) "...Thank you for having me, S/O..."
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STAR slightly shifts in her seat as she sits under the blanket with S/O.
She doesn't really know what to do in this kind of situation, especially with their arm around her.
It made her feel safe, anxious, loved, all sorts of emotions she didn't know she had.
But, she certainly wasn't going to complain about it.
(ST AR-15) "Are you comfortable? I can move a little if you need me to."
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SOPMOD is almost bouncing with energy, crushing S/O in a tight hug.
She's so excited to open her presents in the morning, and she's waiting to see if Santa will come down the chimney.
...Wait, if the fireplace was still going, wouldn't they catch on fire?
Eh, who cares? It made her feel nice, so she wasn't gonna move.
(SOPMOD) "S/O, feed me the cookies, I dont't wanna get up!"
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M16 was ready to get absolutely shitfaced, but she surprisingly decides against it, and holds off on the eggnog.
Instead, she decides that she could at least do something a little romantic and sit with S/O.
Her head being gently rubbed by S/O's hand was making her a little sleepy. The fireplace was doing a good job at setting the mood too.
She stops their hand by simply holding it and smiling up at them.
(M16A1) "In the morning, we'll make a toast to a new year, so you don't have to worry about me doing anything crazy...For tonight anyway. We're celebrating with chicken and Jack Daniels tomorrow!"
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RO is completely melting in her S/O's arms, feeling the warmth of their affection moreso than the fire.
She was glad no one else was able to see this, being able to fully relax without anyone to tease.
RO makes sure S/O is comfortable as well, wrapping her jacket around them.
And when she feels a kiss on her forehead, she giggles but averts her eyes.
(RO635) "A-Ah!...No, I didn't mind, it just surprised me is all...Can you do that again...Please?
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12's smile seems to grow bigger as she just relaxes with S/O, feeling them lean into her.
This was a nice change of pace from most Christmas's she had, those were either spent in operations or trying to fend off AN-94.
Plus, she got to see the reaction of S/O under the mistletoe earlier, and that was something worth remembering.
She lets one eye slightly open to commit the sight of S/O under the blanket with her to memory.
(AK-12) "I always do enjoy the sight of red on the white snow...I'm talking about the Christmas decorations, by the way."
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94 has a small smile form as she holds onto S/O's arm, adjusting the blanket to be over her.
She didn't really need it, but it made S/O comfortable so she was happy to oblige.
94 gives S/O her full attention as they explained many human customs of Christmas, and getting to spend it with loved ones.
And the realization finally dawned on her.
(AN-94) "You consider me a loved one by having me spend Christmas with you...This...makes me very happy."
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15 was content to go into sleep mode near the fireplace. It would not set the room they were in ablaze, given that there were state of the art fire detection and supression systems.
But she wasn't entirely sure why S/O insisted on putting the blanket over her as well. It's not like her systems would get damaged.
Nevertheless, 15 went along with S/O's wishes.
It made them happy, and in turn, it makes 15 satisfied.
(AK-15) "If I can ask, why do humans wait for someone that doesn't exist during Christmas? It makes no sense."
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16 has a big smile on her face, the biggest of all DEFY as she relaxes into the couch.
That in combination with S/O's blanket made her quite relaxed.
With S/O on her shoulder, there was one thing really to do.
Prod them for reactions.
(RPK-16) "Do you think if Santa was real, he'd get shot down by this base's Anti-Air? It'd make all the human children of the world quite sad, wouldn't it?"
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Angelia was still working, with a laptop on her legs while S/O snuggled up next to her.
They held onto her prosthetic arm, making her slowly roll her eyes. She knew better than to question why they were holding onto that arm.
"It was still Ange", would be their answer.
She had to slightly adjust them off so she could continue typing, smiling when she saw them pout.
(Angelia) "If you like this arm so damn much, then I should just rip it off and give it to you. And quit hogging the blanket, I can get cold too, you know."
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Remember S/O sacrificing themselves for Task Force Defy?
Yeah that but for AR team, which is arguably worse since they only have one life
(GFL) AR Team's S/O sacrificing themselves
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M4's eyes shut as S/O's life signs go flat on her display.
Yet another person she cared for has died for her.
And like the ones who did, they only had the one life. Just like her and the rest of AR.
M4 remains still until M16A1 takes her into a tight hug, but only for a brief moment.
They still had to leave the AO.
(M16A1) "...M4-"
(M4A1) "Please...Don't say anything right now."
SOPMOD is about to say something before RO635 and ST AR-15 stop her, shaking their head.
The ride back home was quiet, with M4 silently staring at the Black Hawk's floor.
ST AR-15 is the one to give the debriefing while M4 leaves for the dorm, alone.
T-Dolls can't cry, not physically as far as M4 was aware.
But the emotions swelling through her systems were probably the closest she could, staring at the photos of herself and S/O, all smiling with the rest of AR.
They gave their life so the rest of the team could continue living.
(M4A1) "I...Suppose I can't blame you, S/O...Not when all of us are willing to do the same."
Their passing hurts her far more than she thought it could, but she makes sure to never forget it.
It was her fault that they got themselves killed, and she swears to herself that not one person would sacrifice themselves for her again.
That failure would continue to haunt her for as long as she was activated.
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STAR grits her teeth as she punches a hole into the nearest wall.
(ST AR-15) "...GOD, DAMN IT!"
S/O's signature went quiet as soon as the explosion rocked the building.
They had finished their mission in destroying an experimental Sangvis Unit.
But S/O wouldn't be joining them on the ride back to base.
If only she had been fast enough to come help...!
(ST AR-15) "Shut up. Don't say a word, SOPMOD."
STAR stomps away from the rest of the team before trying to regain what shattered composure she had left.
She doesn't give herself a moment to think, training even harder the moment she returns to base.
She was weak, that is why S/O died, because of her.
M4A1 tries to talk her down but STAR ignores her as she's moving equipment back to the dorm.
(M4A1) "STAR, please slow down."
(ST AR-15) "I'm fine."
STAR spat out, but as she turned to keep walking, she fell over. She slammed her fist into the ground, denting the concrete floor as her eyes shut.
(ST AR-15) "I'm fine. I'm still here, and S/O isn't!"
M4 takes her into a hug and STAR doesn't resist, just putting her head into her shoulders.
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SOPMOD goes completely silent when S/O's vitals do the same.
Her weapon almost drops out of her hand, but SOPMOD quickly catches it and just quietly leaves for the LZ.
SOPMOD's usual smile is completely absent for the next week, with her barely uttering a word for the duration.
(RO635) "SOPMOD?"
RO enters S/O's quarters with the lights turned off, but she knows SOPMOD was on the bed, alone.
SOPMOD held her knees to her chest, silently staring at the wall, she didn't even move when RO sat next to her.
(SOPMOD) "I know S/O wouldn't want to see me like this but..."
She buried her head in her arms, her voice trembling as she did so.
(SOPMOD) "...What do I do without them?"
RO gives SOPMOD the tightest hug she can, which SOPMOD reciprocates.
From then on, SOPMOD permanently has S/O's dog tags with her every operation, eventually recovering.
Though, nothing is as fun anymore for her.
With S/O gone, how could it?
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M16A1 silently exhales through her nose as she couldn't detect S/O's vitals anymore.
She wants to scream into the sky, fill the nearest enemy full of holes in rage, but knows that won't bring S/O back.
Nothing will.
And she knows better than to cry about what she can't fix.
Upon arriving at the bar, M16A1 grabs a bottle of Jack Daniel's and begins chugging it, slamming it down onto the counter, near breaking the bottle.
Though, drinking was becoming less and less fun by the day.
Doubly so now that she was missing one lover and drinking partner.
Though she asks for a second cup and silently sits it next to her, her lips forming a wry smile.
(M16A1) "...I'll make sure to drink yours, S/O."
She raises her bottle to the air, with no one to put their drink to hers.
M16A1 moves on, but the hole S/O leaves in her metaphorical heart would stay there as long as she could remember.
Much like her scar and eyepatch, she makes sure to have S/O's picture with her no matter what.
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RO hand rests on her chest as she reads the team's vitals.
S/O just died to save her and the rest of the team.
Something she would be grateful, and resent S/O for eternally.
Because now, RO could never speak to them again and lecture them for doing something so reckless.
RO is the one to debrief the Commander, trying her absolute best to keep her emotions in check.
(RO635) "...S/O died in the line of duty, Commander. They were the reason we came home at all...Please make sure their family is informed of that. S/O was a hero."
RO continues on, trying to convince herself of that to make their passing hurt less.
But it doesn't.
RO avoids anything that reminds her of S/O for the first few weeks, but breaks down when no one is looking as she finally enters the dorm alone.
(RO635) "S/O...I'm so sorry..."
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Hey, love your work and I hope you are having a great day. If it isn't too much to ask, could you do a imagine where team Defy and AR team travels to an alternate timeline where S/O is a Big Boss like status (owns his own army)? Would be cool to see their reactions compared to normal version(s).
(GFL) AR and DEFY meeting their S/O in an alternate timeline
AR: M4A1, ST AR-15, M4 SOPMOD II, M16A1, RO635 DEFY: AK-12, AN-94, AK-15, RPK-16, Angelia
You activated my sleeper agent response by mentioning Metal Gear, and I love Metal Gear. I hope you're happy now, because this post is 10x longer than what you probably imagined it to be.
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M4 fell in love with one of the human officers of Griffin.
They were casual, quite teasing, but most of all, optimistic.
Despite World War 3 passing, their job as a mercenary, and their war with Sangvis, S/O had faith in her, the rest of Griffin, and humanity.
They believed that one day, humanity would be able to live without fear of eradicating itself.
M4 still had no idea how she ended up in another timeline, frankly she thought it was impossible, yet instead of an arctic base, she found herself in the middle of the ocean on top of a metallic catwalk.
Soldiers wearing uniforms she didn't recognize surrounded her, all pointing their weapons.
M4 reached for her own and pointed it back, quickly trying to scan who her attackers were.
Only to realize that she recognized some of the faces, they were other human personnel under Griffin.
They must have recognized her too, judging by their shocked faces, and the way they looked at her.
(S/O's Voice) "...M4?"
From the crowd of soldiers, S/O waded their way towards the front, making M4 lower her weapon.
S/O wore some kind of battle fatigues, a patchwork of newer equipment and an old red Griffin Uniform. An black patch covered their right eye, and they looked far more tired than she had ever seen them before.
(M4A1) "...S/O? What's going on, why are you wearing that?"
(S/O) "Is...Is that really you?"
Before M4 could say anything else, S/O wrapped her in the tightest hug she had ever received from them.
The soldiers quickly backed off and saluted, giving the two alone time once they confirmed there was no threat.
Taking them to a private room, S/O slumped down in the chair and closed their eyes while M4 examined the room in curiousity.
There was not much in the bedroom, only their bed, a shelf full of pictures, and weapons.
Half the pictures she recognized were S/O with M4, AR Team, the Commander, and many other people.
The other half seemed to be brand new, all sporting the uniforms she saw outside.
(S/O) "...You're not my M4, are you?"
(M4A1) "And you're not my S/O."
The two of them looked at each other silently, but S/O still relented, sighing in what she assumed to be a mixture of defeat yet acceptance.
(M4A1) "Then if I may ask, what happened? Judging from your tone, I'm not around anymore."
S/O remained silent as they tapped their finger idly against their leg. Their eye seemed to be swirling with emotions, nothing to say of their facial expression as it scrunched up in debate.
They sighed, motioning to the chair across from them. M4 slowly walked over and sat herself, her full attention given to S/O.
(S/O) "It was nine years ago. Griffin's main base came under attack, AR Team and all of the other T-Dolls were the first line of defense."
They turned to face M4, their uncovered eye staring at her with a mixture of sorrow and affection.
(M4A1) "Was it Sangvis?"
S/O nodded and turned away again, closing their eyes as their head faced the ceiling now.
(S/O) "They put everything into their assault, and the end result was that we tore each other to shreds...You, the rest of the Anti-Rain, everyone else...There weren't exactly a lot of us left...You died protecting me."
M4 chose to say nothing, her metaphorical heart aching for S/O. They had always been so full of life and energy, and seeing them with barely anything in their eye left was a pain she didn't know she could feel.
(S/O) "The only survivors were myself, a couple of the guys you saw outside, a handful of T-Dolls, Kalina, and the Commander. It was in the aftermath I learned what we had been fighting for was a lie. Why we fought Sangvis, why we fought at all..."
Their hand clenched, slamming it on the table.
(S/O) "All the friends we lost that day. Every life lost. For fucking nothing. And the higher ups knew the entire time. The Commander wanted us to stick together, I wanted to make the rest of Griffin and Sangvis pay."
(M4A1) "You're at war with Griffin?"
(S/O) "We still are."
(M4A1) "B-But, how could you...?! After everything we-"
(S/O) "I lost my faith in Griffin a long time ago, M4. It died the same day you did."
They got up from their seat and reached for M4's face, gently caressing it. M4 let their hand stay a moment before slowly lifting it off, making S/O walk toward the door.
(S/O) "M16 was the one who convinced me to choose my own path, actually. She's still around, though she's part of Sangvis."
(M4A1) "M16...?"
(S/O) "I want a world where soldiers like us can live without being used as tools. That is why I want Sangvis and Griffin dead."
They turned to her one last time and closed their eye, facing the door after a moment had passed.
(S/O) "I don't know how you got here, but go home, M4. This isn't your war."
M4 wanted so desperately to try and comfort the S/O of this time, but knew she could do nothing.
Their cold monotone voice replaced the warm and joyous tone she had grown so accustomed to.
Nothing she could say or do could convince them otherwise. M4 still believed in Griffin, no matter what.
Realizing that, she had no choice.
M4 would have to fight S/O.
M4 immediately engaged S/O in combat, though she was completely blindsided by how deadly they were in close quarters.
Even though she was a mechanical being, S/O was able to match her blow for blow, when the S/O she had known had received only basic training.
And it was then she realized that some of their combat skills were in fact her own.
M4 saw the way S/O reloaded their weapons, threw her against the ground and even dove for cover. It was a mixture of the training she gave them, and more than likely their own experience after nine years.
They were more than a match for her, which horrified M4 to no end.
S/O was never in a combat role in her world, she could not imagine what they had gone through here.
And the absolutely loyalty S/O commanded in their troops as they engaged her was nothing short of awe-inspiring.
They had such absolute confidence in them, even when they were getting injured or worse, they fought on in S/O's presence.
It was almost cult-like in the way they refused to yield no matter how dire.
But before she could make any meaningful progress against S/O, she was forcibly yanked back into her world.
Something she was thankful for. M4 wasn't entirely sure just how much longer she could stomach that timeline.
(S/O) "M4! There you are, you've been gone all day!"
M4 eyes fluttered open, reaching for her head and seeing the light come into the room.
S/O was in their Griffin uniform, both of their eyes looking at her with a modicum of concern.
(S/O) "Wow, you're looking pale. Heh, I didn't know you could!...Oh, that's probably not good."
M4 blinked a few times to make sure she wasn't dreaming. Checking her weapon, it was definitely used, which meant what she had seen actually happened.
(S/O) "M4?"
M4 said nothing and instead hugged S/O with an iron grip.
(M4A1) "I-I'm sorry...Could I bother you to stay like this for a while, S/O?"
(S/O) "Sure, but...what happened?"
(M4A1) "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."
(S/O) "Try me."
(M4A1) "Well, I just met you from another timeline. And you almost killed me."
(S/O) "...Okay you were probably right, I don't believe that for a second. I can't even beat SOPMOD Jr. in an arm wrestle!"
M4 chuckled and continued holding them, not wanting to think about the horrific 'what if' scenario she had witnessed.
She doesn't bring it up again afterwards, but makes sure to keep an eye on what missions she was assigned afterwards, especially concerning S/O.
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STAR is both amazed and in utter confusion that alternate timelines actually exist.
Let alone something so similar to her own world.
But when she sees S/O not looking too dissimilar from M16, her thoughts screech to a complete halt.
(ST AR-15) "What the hell happened to you, S/O...?!"
Seeing their eyepatch, their new robotic arm, and their own PMC was almost enough to fry the logic circuits in her head.
But what broke STAR was how tired and scarred S/O looked, the spark in their eyes had vanished a long time ago it seemed.
STAR wanted nothing more to comfort them, but upon learning what S/O's goals now were, she could not in good conscious get near them.
She tried to justify in her head in order to fight, they only looked like the person she loved.
And she was right to do so, since S/O and their men had adopted the same mindset.
It threw her off with how well S/O had combatted her, in fact they had surpassed her in some aspects which almost got her killed.
Before anything too dire could happened, she was brought back to her own S/O, needing to remind herself that this S/O was hers.
(S/O) "STAR, you're being a little more clingy than usual. Something happen?"
(ST AR-15) "Be quiet for a second, okay...H-Hang on a second, I am not that clingy!"
STAR doesn't dare bring up once what she saw, attributing it all to some weird fever dream, despite the fact it was impossible for her to do so.
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(SOPMOD) "...Neat, this place looks new!"
When SOPMOD first sees S/O, she honestly thinks it's just some new outfit they decided to wear, nevermind the fact she had literally been teleported.
Her cheerful energy dissipates once she sees that this S/O was not at all entertained by her usual tone.
It was enough to make SOPMOD go on guard from the moment she arrived.
Surprisingly, she is quickly able to grasp that this S/O had gone off the deep end and was ready to fight.
Her ferocity in combat is matched by S/O's skill, but only barely.
It surprised SOPMOD that they were even able to withstand being on the opposite end of her barrel, given how they were able to dodge a majority of her attacks.
When SOPMOD is brought back to her timeline, she just rushes up to S/O.
(SOPMOD) "Oh my god, that was SO WEIRD! You had an eyepatch and you kind of reminded me of a pirate!"
(S/O) "...But that doesn't tell me where you've been all day, though."
(SOPMOD) "I was probably asleep, I must have been to think of that kinda thing!"
(S/O) "Hah, well I guess you have an active imagination!"
SOPMOD decides its for the best that it was some strange dream she had.
She especially keeps out of mind the fact S/O's robotic limb was in fact her own replaced arm, and how sad they looked.
No matter what happened, SOPMOD would never let S/O look like that!
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(M16A1) "...I think I've had too much Jack Daniels tonight."
M16 is convinced what she's seeing is some hyper-realistic drinking induced coma.
Or whatever the T-Doll equivalent of it was.
Because it sure as hell wasn't natural.
When she meets S/O, M16 is about to crack a joke about them stealing her eyepatch, stopping when she sees how depressed and tired they were in comparison to their normal selves.
M16 doesn't fight back at all, listening to what S/O had told her about Griffin and Sangvis.
She wasn't surprised at all, since she knew far more than what she was supposed to as well.
Especially in regards to Griffin's secrets.
M16 never engaged in combat with S/O, instead watching them train their men.
She would normally make all sorts of jokes and tease S/O, but given the circumstances they were in, she didn't have the heart to do so.
It was impressive, but tragic S/O had to become as skilled of a fighter as they currently were.
Getting back was a jarring shift for M16, though she was not even in the alternate timeline for long.
(S/O) "Hey, you alright? You look a bit out of it."
(M16) "Eh? I-I'm fine, thanks."
M16 doesn't bring it up, but from then on, she seems to be lost in thought more often when she sits by herself.
(M16A1) "...Griffin's secrets, huh...?"
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RO own train of thoughts could not function as she witnessed a brand new environment materializing around her, despite the fact she was just in an office room not a second ago.
Seeing S/O, RO's first instinct is to help them and check for injuries based on their appearance.
She halts herself once she realizes this S/O was far different than the one she had grown to love.
Looking at their eyes alone was enough to tell her that the person she fell in love with died, and what stood before her was just a husk.
RO does not even hesitate in fighting S/O, though she is quickly overpowered in terms of skill by S/O, to the point it startled her.
What the hell happened in those nine years for a human to match a T-Doll in combat capability?!
As she's thrusted back into her own world, the first thing she saw was S/O looking back at her with a smile and both eyes in tact.
(RO635) "S/O! I swear, nothing will hurt you!"
(S/O) "WOAH! Heh, t-thank you, RO. I didn't realize you'd get like this after being gone for a couple hours."
(RO635) "Hours?...I-I see. I must have fallen asleep then."
(S/O) "...RO?"
(RO635) "Nevermind me, S/O. I have to make sure that AR Team hasn't burned itself down while I've been gone. You're coming with."
RO drags S/O by the hand to see the rest of her squadmates. Half because she was genuinely worried about what shenanigans they had gotten up to, but the other half was to calm herself down.
What had happened couldn't have been real.
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(AK-12) "...Something must be wrong with my scanners."
12 refused to believe what she was seeing was real.
But it couldn't have been someone hacking her systems. She would have noticed immediately.
When she opened her eyes and saw S/O with an eyepatch and robotic limb, she was immediately convinced someone was playing a prank or trying to confuse her.
Seeing how dead inside S/O looked was enough to convince 12 that whatever this was, it wasn't going to work, and immediately reached for her weapons, smile vanishing completely.
12 commends this look alike that they were able to at least match her in combat, but she still had the upper hand.
But she was going to tear this S/O look alike limb from limb for impersonating such a loving person.
When she realizes she's no longer in that timeline, she's doubly convinced that someone had messed with her systems, or that she had not run proper diagnostics.
Especially when S/O came to greet her with a loving hug.
(S/O) "12!...Oh wow, that's a pretty serious expression. Something going on?"
(AK-12) "Hm?...Ah, it's nothing, S/O. I think I just need some maintenance."
12 stared at her with open eyes, just to make sure the one she was seeing was the proper S/O.
(AK-12) "...A smile suits you better, S/O."
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(AN-94) "...I do not comprehend what I am seeing."
94 cannot compute what just happened. One moment she was in DEFY's dorms, and the next she was in the middle of the ocean.
She immediately assumes something is trying to hack into her systems the entire time, and has her weapon raised.
Though when S/O arrives, she hesitates for the slightest moment before going back on guard.
S/O should not look as blank as her own face, which steeled herself even harder.
In combat, 94 and this fake S/O seemed to be nearly a perfect match, but her being a T-Doll gave her the upper hand.
When she blinked, she was suddenly in S/O's bedroom, reaching for a gun that wasn't there.
(S/O) "Woah! 94, what's going on? Why are you like that?"
(AN-94) "...I request to see an engineer. I believe something is wrong with my digi-mind."
(S/O) "...O-Okay?"
94 has an iron grip on S/O's hand the entire time, not budging nor really giving a reason why.
Whatever she saw left her horribly confused. Especially that vision of S/O, it pained her to see them without that usual smile on their face.
She didn't realize how much she would miss it when it wasn't there.
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(AK-15) "It'll take more than an optical illusion to make me falter."
15 immediately assumed that she was under attack and reached for her weapons.
And upon seeing unknown soldiers descend upon her, 15's training immediately kicks in to subdue them.
Even though one of them wore S/O's face, it did not make her stop to think about her situation for even a second.
She raised a single eyebrow when the fake S/O seemed to be almost on par with her close quarters fighting, but it made her take the threat of whatever was happening far more seriously.
15 was far too busy to process what she was seeing in the heat of the moment, but it was when she returned to a non-combat state once more did the image of S/O sink in.
They looked as blank as she did, which troubled her.
Although S/O's teasing and loudness was annoying at times, she did not want to think about if they had lost their love for life and the rest of DEFY.
But she stopped thinking about it, and began to think more pragmatically.
(AK-15) "S/O. I request for you to remain the same as you always have."
(S/O) "Awww, does that mean you love my antics?"
(AK-15) "I did not say that."
(S/O) "But your face is telling me-...H-Hey, you look really serious. Did something happen while you were out?-"
15 held S/O tightly, and rested her head against their shoulder.
(AK-15) "...No. I just experienced a strange sensation, and had an the engineers fix a potential issue."
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(RPK-16) "...Well, this is not what I expected to happen when I woke up today."
Unlike the rest of DEFY, 16 knows what she's seeing is real.
It intrigued her to how she arrived, but the main star of her interest arrived, that person being S/O.
But the way they looked was drastically different from the one she knew.
And they looked...somehow less human than before.
Their eyes looked machine-like. 16 had seen T-Dolls with more life and human-like qualities than what she was seeing in S/O right now.
Upon learning what happened, 16 remains quiet. So this is what they would become like should DEFY fall in combat.
Well, that was one curiousity satiated.
And she knew immediately that she hated this curiousity.
16 was a support gunner and not a close combat fighter, so for this terrible parody of S/O to overpower her was not surprising in the slightest.
When 16 blinked and found herself back in her room, she breathed a sigh of relief. She had no idea what veil of madness she entered, but she was glad to be out of it.
(RPK-16) "S/O, do me a favor and never lose that smile of yours."
(S/O) "Hm? Why's that?"
(RPK-16) "...Let's just say my life would be terribly dull without it."
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Angelia was sitting in her room with a cup of tea in hand before being transported.
She simply sighed and put her cup down.
(Angelia) "Definitely need some more sleep."
But when she felt the ocean breeze blow across her skin, she knew that this wasn't a dream.
Especially when S/O arrived. She had always known them to be a softie, but capable.
What stood in front of her was some pale mockery. They looked too far gone to be anything remotely like S/O.
Especially hearing what their end goals were. Even though she was an ex-Griffin member, they were not the enemy.
Angelia could hold herself in combat, but the startling speed at which S/O moved and was able to disarm here was nothing short of inhuman.
It was as if she were fighting a T-Doll.
When she finds herself in her room again, she immediately calls for S/O.
(S/O) "Hey, Ange~! You call?...E-Er, did I do something?"
(Angelia) "Not really. Just get over here real quick."
S/O did as she asked before Angelia wrapped her prosthetic arm around them.
(S/O) "ACK! A-Ange, too tight!"
They chuckled nervously, which made her ease up.
(Angelia) "Sorry, just trying to give you a hug."
(S/O) "By trying to choke me with a metallic arm?"
(Angelia) "Yup. I thought you'd like it as a nice change of pace."
(S/O) "Hah, m-maybe I would if you weren't smiling while you said that!"
Their banter immediately put her to ease, and she had S/O sleep next to her that night, holding them.
Whatever the hell that was, she did not want a reminder of it ever again.
It was definitely some vivid nightmare she had.
The lifeless look in S/O's eyes was enough to scare her that week alone.
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Hey Chris! How are you?
I'm a victim of the raifu brain root too, so could I get AK12, STAR, WA2000 and Springfield with a s/o who loves drawing them?
(GFL) AK-12, ST AR-15, WA2000, and Springfield's S/O drawing them
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12 doesn't mind one bit posing for S/O to draw her.
(AK-12) "Make sure to get all the details of me right, S/O.~"
Being a T-Doll, she is able to stand perfectly still and doesn't budge a single inch for long durations of time. All the while, she's watching their expression and hearing the sound of a pencil scribbling away.
Once the drawing is done, she opens her eyes to examine it, making sure to stare straight at S/O.
(AK-12) "Hm, you're quite the artist. Oh? Why are you flustered from me looking at you? You were staring at me for a while, it's only fair I do the same, right?"
Closing her eyes as to not overwhelm her senses, she just laughs at their reaction.
(AK-12) "Joking aside, make sure to keep honing your skills. I'll be waiting for my next portrait!"
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(ST AR-15) "S/O, what are you drawing?...M-Me?!"
STAR takes a look at the page they're sketching on, and sees her serious expression front and center.
It was quite well drawn, and S/O had clearly been looking at her for some time now.
She can't help but feel a bit flustered, looking away from the page.
(ST AR-15) "That explains what I've been hearing. I'm glad that you enjoy drawing me so much...Show me when you're done, okay?"
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(WA2000) "You keep staring at me. Is something on my face?"
WA seems a little annoyed that S/O wasn't saying anything but just staring.
Not that she would have minded in any other circumstance, but the way they were doing it looked...suspicious.
Until S/O turns the page around, and WA sees herself.
(WA2000) "W-Wha...!? Why didn't you just ask me to pose?!"
She pouts, and becomes quite flustered after the revelation. After that, she begins looking at S/O herself, waiting to see if they were sketching her that time or not.
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Springfield glances over the counter after cleaning up some dishes that were stacked, noticing S/O writing.
(Springfield) "Dear, what are you doing?"
S/O turns the page upside down and shows her, Springfield's mouth going slightly agape.
It was a picture of her in uniform, serving dishes with a big smile.
(Springfield) "How long ago did you start that?...An hour? That looks great, S/O! If you're okay with it, I'd love to frame it on the wall!"
She tells the other T-Dolls and personnel about their drawing skills, showing everyone she can their drawing that's mounted behind her.
It may not have been absolutely perfect, but that was the beauty of art, wasn't it?
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