#gfl m4 sopmod ii
Can we have T-Dolls/Gryphin staff (Angelia + Kalina) getting a message from the medical bay about their S/O getting injured when test firing a new gun?
It was the recoil. It’s on par with a Nikke’s weapon. They got ragdolled across the firing range.
(GFL/NIKKE) M16A1, M4 SOPMOD II, Angelia, Kalina, Rapi, Anis, and Neon's S/O getting injured by recoil
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M16A1 winces at the message received and gives a wry chuckle.
(M16A1) "Oh man, that's gotta hurt..."
It's a good thing they never tried the gun she usually carried in her case, she was pretty sure that would tear a human in half. Not even most T-Dolls could withstand the recoil on that bad boy.
Regardless, she makes her way to the medbay with a lighthearted smile.
(M16A1) "Yo, heard you got knocked on your ass."
(S/O) "Agh, yeah something like that."
(M16A1) "Was the gun at least functional?"
(S/O) "I mean, I guess I did obliterate the training dummy."
(M16A1) "Then good job! You further advanced science, or something like that."
(S/O) "Did you come here just to tease me, Sixteen?"
M16A1 just smiled at that.
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SOPMOD immediately hops off the chair was sitting in and rushes towards the medbay.
(M4 SOPMOD II) "OH NO! S/O was using my guns, weren't they!?"
Those weren't even sanctioned by Griffin, mostly being her own personal test weapons!
A T-Doll couldn't handle them, let alone a human!
SOPMOD opens the door and breathes easy, seeing them thankfully alive.
(M4 SOPMOD II) "S/O! Why did you use my guns- No, wait! Did they work, were they cool?!"
(S/O) "Ack, that was yours?! How do you even lug that around?!"
(M4 SOPMOD II) "I carry it in a REALLY big bag! But how did you even get access to it?"
(S/O) "It was thrown alongside the experimental weapons the Commander wanted tested! Did you mix that pile up with yours?"
(M4 SOPMOD II) "...Oops."
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Angelia sighs upon receiving the message on her phone.
(Angelia) "Well, can't say I'm exactly surprised."
She goes to personally see S/O in the medbay, with her leaning against the wall as soon as she entered.
(Angelia) "Told you so."
(S/O) "Ow...! Yeah yeah, you were right, I was going to get hurt."
(Angelia) "Did you at least brace the way I told you to?"
(S/O) "Hah, tried to. Kind of hard to do that when you're flying in the air."
With a little hum of acknowledgement, she turns around and waves a hand.
(Angelia) "Well, you'll live. Just see me when they let you out."
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Kalina can't help but cringe at the news, fingers fidgeting as a slight feeling of guilt washed over her.
It was her idea to go test out the new weapons, so she couldn't help but feel partially responsible.
(Kalina) "Oooh, crap!"
She pokes her head through the medbay door to see a cast over S/O's arm.
(Kalina) "Ouch! How bad is it?"
(S/O) "Just 2 weeks, nothing that broken, just one hell of a bruise...And uh, muscles pulled. Maybe more than a few."
(Kalina) "Sorry, I should've warned you that those weapon tests aren't really kind to us humans!"
(S/O) "Psh, no kidding! Well, we got the results at least but I can't say I'm exactly entirely pleased about it...You're not making me foot the medical bill out my paycheck, are you?"
(Kalina) "C-Come on, would I really do that?"
(S/O) "..."
(Kalina) "Hey, don't go all silent on me!"
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Rapi is of course concerned, but she isn't exactly surprised.
A NIKKE's weapon was extremely powerful, and ordinarily humans shouldn't even be going near them.
But S/O volunteered for weapons testing for the Commander, which led to her sitting next to them in the medbay.
(S/O) "G-Guess I underestimated how easy you guys make it look..."
(Rapi) "We were designed to handle the weapons, S/O. I'm just thankful you aren't hurt more than you are."
(S/O) "That'll teach me to try and help you all fight, hah..."
Rapi squeezes their hand gently, making sure not to hurt S/O further.
(Rapi) "You don't need to do something so dangerous to let me know how you feel, S/O."
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Anis can't help but snicker, at least a little.
I mean, S/O was going to fire a NIKKE weapon, what were they honestly expecting? To take the recoil like a human gun?
She brings some soda for S/O as she plops down on their bed, flashing a cheeky grin.
(Anis) "Soooo, how'd it go?"
(S/O) "You tell me! How do you even fire your launcher without it forcing your entire body back?!"
(Anis) "Psh, what you were handling is a pea shooter compared to mine! You're lucky your arms didn't go flying off!"
Patting their leg she tried to brighten their mood, which thankfully was working.
(Anis) "Next time, leave the weapons testing to Neon? She may be smaller than you, but she can actually take a hit."
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Neon immediately begins panicking at the message.
S/O was test firing her guns?! They were probably in 400 pieces in the medbay right now!
(Neon) "S/O, ARE YOU ALIVE?!"
(S/O) "Somehow...-"
Neon goes in to hug S/O, making them wince in pain.
(S/O) "Ow! Neon!-"
(Neon) "Whoops, s-sorry! Master told me that you were trying to test my weapons! That kind of firepower isn't meant for you to handle!"
(S/O) "I can at least see why you like it so much, the destructive power is insane, and that's just the kickback!"
Neon puffed her chest out a little in pride at their comment.
(Neon) "Well of course! Anything less than that would be an insult to the art!"
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rennebright · 8 months
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// SOP II 誓約 // by PopoMan(泡泡麵) [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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fishyfee · 1 year
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Doll Cuddles
It's the girls from the frontline and they are in cuddle formation
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saintgal · 7 months
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Is it Spring already? 🌸✨🍃
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unlimited-nobu-works · 7 months
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wilt-ed-petals · 1 year
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This is OLD OLD, but Sopmod is my beloved <3
I never see much GFL art outside of a few Chinese artists, it is older now though so I get it. And as far as I know, it never really blew up in the first place.
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lordelmelloi2 · 2 years
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Vote now on your phones
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higanbanax · 2 years
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xmingyu · 3 years
Dolls Frontline OP 1
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all-hail-trudos · 3 years
What's better than one brainlet gremlin who should never drink again? Two brainlets of course.
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Although I refer to 416 as a brainlet in the loosest and most affectionate ways possible.
Sop2 getting absolutely hammered before a banquet, hallucinating like a mad woman, forcing AR-15 to drink a third of the bottle in one go, and generally wreaking unparalleled havoc is 100% in character. I was hoping for something a little more touching, but I can't say her anniversary dress story disappoints.
My murder demon puppy waifu will always be on brand.
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kayoshibe · 5 years
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Can we PLEASE get a Junya fairy?
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AR team drunkingly rambling to their S/O. What would they say? how would they act? Cute or dark, up to you!
(GFL) M4A1, M16A1, M4 SOPMOD II, ST AR-15, and RO635 drunk with their S/O
WELP this was requested back in October. Better late than never? And we shall do both! Dark/Cute!
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M4 used to not drink, though with her recent upgrade and what Griffin had been through, she now understood why M16A1 did.
She only drinks every now and then, though it was usually in company of her squadmates or S/O.
It didn't dull her senses or affect her systems like how it would affect a human, but it did make her a little more melancholy.
Though that she didn't really need to drink for that.
(M4A1) "S/O, can I ask you something?"
(S/O) "Hm? What's up?"
(M4A1) "...Why did you end up choosing to stay with me, of all people?"
S/O's eyes went wide at her question, as she slowly stirred her glass cup of Jack Daniel's.
M4 glanced over to her lover, waiting for a response.
(S/O) "I-Where is this coming from?"
(M4A1) "After all we've endured throughout the years, you're still here, treating me no different than before...why? I'm a broken mess..."
S/O was silent for a moment, not entirely sure what to say. They weren't sure if it was the drink or the emotions that she was processing, but her hands started to shake as the ice clanked against the cup.
Instead, S/O's hands rested on M4's, making her set down the cup, feeling her frame start to relax.
(S/O) "I think the answer may be a little more simple than you're expecting...It's because I love you, M4."
(M4A1) "..."
Sighing, she leaned into S/O's chest, her breath faintly smelling of whiskey.
(M4A1) "Choosing a human would have saved you a world of trouble instead, you know?"
(S/O) "Then I wouldn't have you. Even if you doubt yourself, I won't..."
S/O hugged M4 on instinct, and she did not move to resist as S/O gave her a kiss on her head.
(M4A1) "Hah...maybe I should lay off the drinks."
S/O just quietly hummed in agreement as they continued to softly kiss her, eventually sitting upright to reciprocate their feelings.
(M4A1) "I love you too, S/O...And...thank you..."
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Before meeting M16 and some of the Russian T-Dolls, S/O wasn't even aware T-Dolls could get drunk. At least in the traditional sense.
But whatever M16 had been drinking, she clearly wasn't alright.
(M16A1) "S/Ooooo!~ Come drink with me, I need a buddy!"
(S/O) "I got reports to file in the morning Sixteen, I need to-"
(M16A1) "IN THE MORNING! Come on, don't be such a killjoooy!"
Sighing, they decided to join her, in which she became very handsy.
Grabbing their arms, waist, kissing their face all over, ignoring the rest of the crowd in the bar much to S/O's embarassment.
(S/O) "S-Sixteen! We're in public!"
(M16A1) "Good! People need to know you're mine."
Seeing the sinister grin grow across her lips, it made S/O dread the return trip.
Because they would have to carry her back to her dorm.
The entire time, she's talking absolute nonsense, subjects ranging to how much she had to protect M4A1 from other boys and girls, or to how huge her S/O's ass was, regardless of how true that was.
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SOPMOD does not stop talking.
She is the type of drunk to ramble at a thousand miles per hour, and considering how energetic she normally was, S/O was having a nightmare trying to contain her.
With her strength, she's able to pick up S/O and carry them wherever her whims demanded.
(S/O) "S-SOP, it's July!"
She only decided to drink originally just so she can do something fun with S/O.
But after this, RO and S/O work together to make sure SOPMOD never drinks again.
Especially after nearly driving a car through the dorm's walls.
M4A1 and ST AR-15 were just wondering how she even got a car in such a remote area, and so far away from the base's garage.
And M16A1 was laughing her ass off at the news.
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STAR had found M16A1's Jack Daniels stash and constantly took swigs from it, much to the annoyance of RO635.
She had no idea how M16A1 could drink so much and get affected by it.
STAR would try again and again to block out some memories in her core that she couldn't delete, but the drinks would not do anything.
If it did do anything, it just made her more irritable.
(S/O) "S-STAR...?"
(ST AR-15) "What?!"
STAR snapped at S/O, making them flinch and making her realize who was calling for her.
(ST AR-15) "...S-Sorry. I didn't mean to-"
Sighing loudly, she drops the bottle onto the floor and buries her head into her knees, hearing S/O sit next to her.
(S/O) "Come on, let's go to bed."
(ST AR-15) "You're better off leaving me to wallow-"
(S/O) "Heh, and hear SOPMOD yell at me for the next few hours for leaving you here? Don't think so."
That made her chuckle, S/O's hand gently grabbing her arm causing her to look up.
S/O brushed some hair out of her face before giving her a soft peck on the lips.
(S/O) "...We'll sleep in my room tonight. You could use the shut-eye, I think."
(ST AR-15) "...I think I'd like that."
S/O began coughing into their arm suddenly, making STAR's eyes go wide as she immediately began scanning if anything was wrong.
(S/O) "Hah, didn't mean to scare you! That taste was a little strong on my lips."
STAR gave a wry smile before getting up and helping S/O stand, an arm wrapped around theirs.
(ST AR-15) "Well, I hope you weren't expecting that to be the last of it tonight, S/O."
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RO is on S/O's bed, groaning as her arm is on her head.
(RO635) "So bright..."
(S/O) "RO, are you...?"
She didn't even hear them into the room, but she still didn't look directly at them as she just grunted.
(S/O) "I never thought I'd see the day when you were drunk."
(RO635) "Commander offered some wine...didn't want to decline..."
S/O chuckled and sat on the bed near her legs, shaking her gently.
(S/O) "Want me to grab SOP to cheer you up?"
(RO635) "I will kill you if you try. I may be experiencing some effects of being drunk, but I'm still a T-Doll..."
(S/O) "Well, you're pretty cute when you're experiencing some effects, RO."
Even though her eyes were covered by her arm, S/O didn't need to see them to know she was glaring.
Plus, the flushed cheeks and pouting gave it away.
S/O climbed into the bed with her, pulling up the covers before giving her a tight hug and making her whine.
(RO635) "Noooo...! I probably smell of booze!"
(S/O) "Dear, it was just wine, not some cheap beer or something."
Mumbling something they couldn't understand, S/O instead just gave her a kiss on the cheek and snuggled into her, with RO not moving to stop them, though she very much could.
(S/O) "Next time you drink, please grab me. I probably missed out all the fun bits of you being drunk-"
(RO635) "Ugh, there's nothing fun about this..."
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sanguinechaos · 4 years
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instead of doing anything actually productive i spent a good 30 minutes editing the jank out of this old art of Soppo 
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evas-bloodbath · 4 years
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saintgal · 1 year
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commander-frostii · 5 years
Every Griffin Doll: We exist to follow humans' orders and that's all. Without humans, we are meaningless. No matter how we feel about them, without them, we're nothing.
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