#gfl m4a1
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how many times do i have to teach you this lesson old man
Ya know what? What if I want to be thirsty on main? AS A MATTER OF FACT:
(Genshin Impact/GFL) Stripping their S/O's clothes off
Genshin: Arlecchino, Clorinde, Chiori, Furina, Rosaria, Shenhe Girls' Frontline: M4A1, M16A1, AK-12, AN-94, Springfield
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Arlecchino's sharp gaze doesn't flinch as she's slowly tearing off S/O's shirt, one of her darkened fingers trailing down to their chest.
Despite how much S/O is squirming and avoiding to meet her gaze, Arlecchino pays it no mind and continues to study their body.
It was enticing to her, knowing that S/O belonged to her, and nobody else.
Which meant that there was no problem with her getting to see S/O's body with no obstructions.
One of her hands grab's S/O's face and forces it to look at her while the other quickly yanked their waist forward, making S/O yelp in surprise.
(Arlecchino) "Keep your eyes on me, S/O. I want to see all your reactions perfectly."
Arlecchino had the faintest appearance of a smirk as the hand on S/O's waist slid down underneath their pants and removing it, watching S/O flush red.
(Arlecchino) "Hm, much better."
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Clorinde takes care to not rip any of S/O's clothing, lifting their shirt off slowly as both their breathing gets heavier by the second.
She can't help but admire their chest, with one hand brushing across it and just gently squeezing it with her fingers.
Seeing S/O's face, they were bright red. Clorinde doubted that she was faring much better, but it didn't stop her.
With a nervous chuckle, she meets their eyes with a smile.
(Clorinde) "I do not think I've had much opportunity to say how beautiful you are."
To make things fair, she unbuttoned her own shirt and felt her chest bounce free, knowing S/O was staring right at them.
Now that she was matching them, she leaned in to kiss their neck, hearing S/O moan positively in response.
(Clorinde) "I will match the pace we're going...If you would allow me?"
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Chiori had S/O standing as she was "measuring" them, despite the fact she was missing all of her tools inside the bedroom.
It was then S/O quickly realized what Chiori had in mind, as she hugged them from behind, deftly unbuttoning their shirt and hearing her hum.
(Chiori) "As good as you look with my clothes on, you look much better with nothing on, S/O."
Her voice had a teasing air to it as she promptly lifted their shirt above their head.
S/O's body twitched from her fingers rubbing themselves all over their stomach, but one firm hand pushing lower stopped them from moving.
(Chiori) "Ah, no moving until I say so. I'm still measuring after all."
She unzipped their pants before yanking it down, a small chuckle coming from Chiori as her hands moved up from their stomach to their chest, her breath hot on the back of their ears.
(Chiori) "Good, keep still like this."
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Furina took a deep breath, mostly to steady her own nerves, before moving to slide S/O's jacket off.
(Furina) "...N-No, I don't need help! I can do this!" Probably...?
Every few seconds she hesitated to continue as the embarrassment building up within threatened to explode.
...There was also the heat she was deliberately avoiding to mention while finally working up the courage to take their shirt off.
Furina stared with her mouth agape before quickly shaking her head and closing her eyes, fists clenching.
(S/O) "...But I didn't say any-"
(Furina) "I demand silence! Just...give me a moment to compose myself!"
It took a full thirty minutes for her to remove both their clothing, and somehow that made her more flustered than the fact they were both naked.
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Rosaria skips straight to the main course, no hesitation or waiting.
Immediately, she goes for their pants and yanks it off, throwing it behind her as it hits the bedroom walls.
And without warning, she bites the inside of S/O's thigh, making them moan as her hands keep S/O's waist locked in place.
(Rosaria) "Quit squirming, or I'll bite you harder. Then again, you'd probably like that."
Rosaria kisses each spot that she gives a hickey to, teasing S/O by touching them everywhere except the one place they were almost begging, making her smirk.
(Rosaria) "Maybe I'll listen if you strip for me first."
If they wanted her, Rosaria was going to make S/O work for it.
As much as she loved S/O, there was some bit of sadistic pleasure knowing that they went along with her demands solely because it was her, knowing they'd refuse anyone else.
And she was going to live that fact up to the fullest tonight.
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Shenhe simply takes off all her clothing, setting it to the side neatly, and doing the same with S/O under a minute.
Then she...just sat there.
(Shenhe) "Our clothes are off now, S/O. Is there anything else you wish for me to do?"
It was a little awkward. Shenhe didn't really know how to be seductive or erotic.
Yet, it was her blunt way of just instantly getting them naked that made her all the more endearing, cutely tilting her head in confusion at S/O's flustered expression.
(Shenhe) "Your face is heating up. Are you feeling alright?"
It took S/O a few minutes to explain to Shenhe what they wanted to do with her.
In which she nodded, and complied.
(Shenhe) "Please relax, I will make you feel good."
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M4 reverts to her demure self for a few seconds before quickly regaining composure.
She strips down herself to match S/O, feeling her own core heat up from doing so.
M4 laid S/O on their back before giving them a kiss, her hands sliding down to the sides of their waist, feeling a slight twitch as she did so.
She smiled gently, a quiet but pretty giggle escaping her lips.
(M4A1) "You're cute when you're like this, S/O."
Leaning down, she kissed them on the nose, both of them laughing as she situated herself on top.
(M4A1) "Please, let me repay your love and kindness tonight."
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M16 was surprisingly not drunk as she took off her clothes and frantically doing the same with S/O's, her hands struggling to unbutton their shirt.
(M16A1) "Damn...stupid...!-"
Pouting a little when S/O helped her, she sat by their side, dumbly staring as her one visible eye not so subtly stared below their waist.
(M16A1) "...U-Uh, right. We should get that off too, huh?"
Her usual bravado and confidence is gone, not used to sharing such an intimate moment with someone she loved.
Nor did she even expect to have someone she loved this way to begin with.
(M16A1) "Don't make too much fun of me, alright...Can...you help me take off my skirt?"
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Smugly humming to herself, 12 has no issues taking S/O's clothes off, even with her eyes literally closed.
(AK-12) "Mind if I take a peek, S/O?~"
Her glowing pink eyes opened and studied S/O's body with growing interest, nothing left to imagination anymore.
12's hands teasingly brushed up on S/O's thighs, before moving underneath their pants and feeling them freeze up.
(AK-12) "Mind taking these off for me? It's getting in the way."
She could've easily done it herself as she was sitting behind them, but 12 figured it'd be more fun to make S/O do it.
And she was right.
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94 nods and helps S/O out of their clothes relatively easily.
Though she is confused on what to do next, she could tell how nervous S/O was.
(AN-94) "I'm afraid I'll need instruction for whatever is next...Kiss you? V-Very well."
She closes the distance between their bodies as her small frame leans into them, slowly shifting their clothes off the bed as she does so.
Personally, she wanted to move them into their proper places in the drawer, but she assumed S/O didn't really care about that right now.
If this made them happy however, it would make her happy.
(AN-94) "I will make sure we are both satisfied tonight. A-And...thank you for trusting me."
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Springfield slowly takes off her own shirt, her large bust being freed and leaning into S/O.
(Springfield) "Let's get comfortable, dear."
She helps S/O's clothes off, all the while lovingly planting kisses on their neck, collarbone, anywhere skin revealed itself.
Sitting directly behind them, she didn't have a good view of what S/O looked like in the front with nothing on, but Springfield was going to change that.
Having them lean back onto her, she could now see everything perfectly fine as she let their clothes hang off the edge of their bedframe.
(Springfield) "You look beautiful as always...Do you mind if I enjoy myself tonight?"
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rennebright · 8 months
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M4 誓約 by PopoMan(泡泡麵) [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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11san · 10 months
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GFL M4A1-Mod3 pixiv
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xmingyu · 3 years
Dolls Frontline OP 1
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zetxune · 6 years
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I drew M4A1 from Girls’ Frontline like 5 months ago but only bothered to finish it yesterday
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kayoshibe · 5 years
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Can we PLEASE get a Junya fairy?
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96chopsticks · 5 years
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commander-frostii · 4 years
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i’m for real going to cry.
you did it, girls.
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AR team drunkingly rambling to their S/O. What would they say? how would they act? Cute or dark, up to you!
(GFL) M4A1, M16A1, M4 SOPMOD II, ST AR-15, and RO635 drunk with their S/O
WELP this was requested back in October. Better late than never? And we shall do both! Dark/Cute!
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M4 used to not drink, though with her recent upgrade and what Griffin had been through, she now understood why M16A1 did.
She only drinks every now and then, though it was usually in company of her squadmates or S/O.
It didn't dull her senses or affect her systems like how it would affect a human, but it did make her a little more melancholy.
Though that she didn't really need to drink for that.
(M4A1) "S/O, can I ask you something?"
(S/O) "Hm? What's up?"
(M4A1) "...Why did you end up choosing to stay with me, of all people?"
S/O's eyes went wide at her question, as she slowly stirred her glass cup of Jack Daniel's.
M4 glanced over to her lover, waiting for a response.
(S/O) "I-Where is this coming from?"
(M4A1) "After all we've endured throughout the years, you're still here, treating me no different than before...why? I'm a broken mess..."
S/O was silent for a moment, not entirely sure what to say. They weren't sure if it was the drink or the emotions that she was processing, but her hands started to shake as the ice clanked against the cup.
Instead, S/O's hands rested on M4's, making her set down the cup, feeling her frame start to relax.
(S/O) "I think the answer may be a little more simple than you're expecting...It's because I love you, M4."
(M4A1) "..."
Sighing, she leaned into S/O's chest, her breath faintly smelling of whiskey.
(M4A1) "Choosing a human would have saved you a world of trouble instead, you know?"
(S/O) "Then I wouldn't have you. Even if you doubt yourself, I won't..."
S/O hugged M4 on instinct, and she did not move to resist as S/O gave her a kiss on her head.
(M4A1) "Hah...maybe I should lay off the drinks."
S/O just quietly hummed in agreement as they continued to softly kiss her, eventually sitting upright to reciprocate their feelings.
(M4A1) "I love you too, S/O...And...thank you..."
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Before meeting M16 and some of the Russian T-Dolls, S/O wasn't even aware T-Dolls could get drunk. At least in the traditional sense.
But whatever M16 had been drinking, she clearly wasn't alright.
(M16A1) "S/Ooooo!~ Come drink with me, I need a buddy!"
(S/O) "I got reports to file in the morning Sixteen, I need to-"
(M16A1) "IN THE MORNING! Come on, don't be such a killjoooy!"
Sighing, they decided to join her, in which she became very handsy.
Grabbing their arms, waist, kissing their face all over, ignoring the rest of the crowd in the bar much to S/O's embarassment.
(S/O) "S-Sixteen! We're in public!"
(M16A1) "Good! People need to know you're mine."
Seeing the sinister grin grow across her lips, it made S/O dread the return trip.
Because they would have to carry her back to her dorm.
The entire time, she's talking absolute nonsense, subjects ranging to how much she had to protect M4A1 from other boys and girls, or to how huge her S/O's ass was, regardless of how true that was.
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SOPMOD does not stop talking.
She is the type of drunk to ramble at a thousand miles per hour, and considering how energetic she normally was, S/O was having a nightmare trying to contain her.
With her strength, she's able to pick up S/O and carry them wherever her whims demanded.
(S/O) "S-SOP, it's July!"
She only decided to drink originally just so she can do something fun with S/O.
But after this, RO and S/O work together to make sure SOPMOD never drinks again.
Especially after nearly driving a car through the dorm's walls.
M4A1 and ST AR-15 were just wondering how she even got a car in such a remote area, and so far away from the base's garage.
And M16A1 was laughing her ass off at the news.
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STAR had found M16A1's Jack Daniels stash and constantly took swigs from it, much to the annoyance of RO635.
She had no idea how M16A1 could drink so much and get affected by it.
STAR would try again and again to block out some memories in her core that she couldn't delete, but the drinks would not do anything.
If it did do anything, it just made her more irritable.
(S/O) "S-STAR...?"
(ST AR-15) "What?!"
STAR snapped at S/O, making them flinch and making her realize who was calling for her.
(ST AR-15) "...S-Sorry. I didn't mean to-"
Sighing loudly, she drops the bottle onto the floor and buries her head into her knees, hearing S/O sit next to her.
(S/O) "Come on, let's go to bed."
(ST AR-15) "You're better off leaving me to wallow-"
(S/O) "Heh, and hear SOPMOD yell at me for the next few hours for leaving you here? Don't think so."
That made her chuckle, S/O's hand gently grabbing her arm causing her to look up.
S/O brushed some hair out of her face before giving her a soft peck on the lips.
(S/O) "...We'll sleep in my room tonight. You could use the shut-eye, I think."
(ST AR-15) "...I think I'd like that."
S/O began coughing into their arm suddenly, making STAR's eyes go wide as she immediately began scanning if anything was wrong.
(S/O) "Hah, didn't mean to scare you! That taste was a little strong on my lips."
STAR gave a wry smile before getting up and helping S/O stand, an arm wrapped around theirs.
(ST AR-15) "Well, I hope you weren't expecting that to be the last of it tonight, S/O."
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RO is on S/O's bed, groaning as her arm is on her head.
(RO635) "So bright..."
(S/O) "RO, are you...?"
She didn't even hear them into the room, but she still didn't look directly at them as she just grunted.
(S/O) "I never thought I'd see the day when you were drunk."
(RO635) "Commander offered some wine...didn't want to decline..."
S/O chuckled and sat on the bed near her legs, shaking her gently.
(S/O) "Want me to grab SOP to cheer you up?"
(RO635) "I will kill you if you try. I may be experiencing some effects of being drunk, but I'm still a T-Doll..."
(S/O) "Well, you're pretty cute when you're experiencing some effects, RO."
Even though her eyes were covered by her arm, S/O didn't need to see them to know she was glaring.
Plus, the flushed cheeks and pouting gave it away.
S/O climbed into the bed with her, pulling up the covers before giving her a tight hug and making her whine.
(RO635) "Noooo...! I probably smell of booze!"
(S/O) "Dear, it was just wine, not some cheap beer or something."
Mumbling something they couldn't understand, S/O instead just gave her a kiss on the cheek and snuggled into her, with RO not moving to stop them, though she very much could.
(S/O) "Next time you drink, please grab me. I probably missed out all the fun bits of you being drunk-"
(RO635) "Ugh, there's nothing fun about this..."
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frostiifae · 5 years
ultrakatua replied to your post “Conversation about Edelgard makes me really nervous and I think I’ve...”
Honestly the amount of hate she gets is baffling to me, especially the proportion it takes. Like legit under every piece of El fanart/merch you ALWAYS have someone spitting hatred. There's much, much more divisive characters in a lot of books, games, series... She's honestly pretty tame all things considered?
I do think Edelgard’s case is a bit more complicated, but my gf and I theorize that it’s at least partially linked to the FE fandom’s obsessive inherent sexism. FE has been refusing to actually think about its female characters and their character arcs since at least Sacred Stones (and god if it’s been longer than that, I do not want to hear about it, leave ayra and lachesis A LONE).
Why do people think Edelgard is a fascist? Why do people think Micaiah is a mary sue who solves all of her problems without ever going through hardship and steals Ike’s spotlight? Why do people think Celica and Eirika are stupid one-dimensional characters that made obvious mistakes for no reason whatsoever? 
Probably because they’re women in power with their own motivations, struggles, aspirations, fears... and people choose to make surface-level snap judgments instead of actually trying to relate to them. 
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sandman-vo · 5 years
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kayoshibe · 5 years
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Agent, pls. 🌈
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smis-five-creedmoor · 3 years
M14 is so cute and energetic, G11 is my spirit animal, M4A1 must be protecc, and M16A1 has hot onee-san vibes.
Also worth mentioning is HK416, MP41, and AEK-999
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Can we get hcs of Helian and s/o waking up after a drunken night of doing spicy things?
(GFL) AK-12, AK-15, UMP45, HK416, M4A1, M16A1, RO635, G36, WA2000, Helianthus with their S/O the morning after
I've actually been wanting to write something like this for a while, so now's the perfect excuse to write it!
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S/O's eyes slowly flutter open from the lights of their quarters, feeling a warmth on their body.
Their head turned to a smiling 12, who was snuggled into their chest, her finger idly tracing the outline of their shoulder.
(AK-12) "Hm, looks like someone slept good.~"
(S/O) "Thanks to a certain someone."
S/O made a conscious effort to not stare at her bare chest as the blanket shifted, something which she noticed despite her eyes being shut still.
(AK-12) "Why so shy now? You enjoyed doing much more to them last night-"
(S/O) "Ah, don't say it like that! Makes me sound like some kinda pervert."
12 hummed playfully as S/O moved to get up. Their quarters had always been an enclosed gray rectangle with only space enough for a table, chair, bed, and a closet.
But with 12 hugging so tightly onto them, it felt even smaller somehow.
Before they could fully sit upright, she forced them back down, a small chuckle escaping her lips.
(AK-12) "Come on, we don't have to get up just yet. I'm not entirely satisfied."
(S/O) "We both have to get to work soon, 12. And unlike you, I can get sore."
12's eyes opened and revealed her glowing pink irises, staring straight at S/O, though her expression was more soft than intimidating.
(AK-12) "Please?"
(S/O) sigh "...That's cheating."
(AK-12) "Mhm, but is it working?"
It took all of S/O's self-restraint to not do anything else after giving her a kiss, resulting in 12 making an adorable pout.
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S/O felt a small nudge on their forehead that stirred them awake, turning their head to the left and seeing 15 looking at them.
(AK-15) "...Good morning."
(S/O) "Mm...Morning, 15."
Her face was stoic as usual, though there was the slightest tinge of red on her cheeks. S/O had no idea if that was her, or just their eyes seeing something that wasn't there.
Regardless, it made S/O cuddle into 15 with their arms wrapping around her waist.
She slowly raised her arms and did the same, their bare skin touching one another.
Although just like last night, it felt more passionate than lewd.
(AK-15) "You are not injured, I presume?"
(S/O) "Injured? From wha-...O-Oh, right." ahem "No, just a little sore is all."
(AK-15) "Understood. I will take better care next time, my apologies."
(S/O) "Heh, you don't need to say sorry. I don't exactly mind."
(AK-15) "No, but the Commander will should our intercourse become a liability."
S/O couldn't help but blush a little by how bluntly 15 stated last night's activities.
(S/O) "R-Right...By the way, did you kiss my forehead?"
(AK-15) "I did...Should I have not done that?"
(S/O) "Actually, I...was wondering if you could do it again."
15 remained silent again before nodding.
(AK-15) "Acknowledged."
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UMP45 yawned as she moved closer into S/O's personal space, a hand lazily resting on their chest.
(UMP45) "Mornin'."
(S/O) "Hey, sleep alright?"
(UMP45) "Mmm, guess so. Now I understand why G11 struggles to get out of bed."
(S/O) "The bed that comfortable?"
(UMP45) "Well, that and a certain someone is quite the sight to wake up to."
UMP45 playfully kissed their cheek and smiled, one of the rare times S/O got to see her genuine one.
(S/O) "You're not so bad looking yourself, you know."
(UMP45) "Aren't you the charmer?...Alright, we should probably get moving. Don't want HK screaming at me too."
UMP45 and S/O sat up, the blanket falling onto both their laps with nothing to make themselves look decent.
Not that either of them minded.
UMP45 felt a tad bit embarrassed about her chest being out in the open, but it quickly dissipated when her head fell onto S/O's shoulder.
(UMP45) "...On second thought, maybe we can stay like this for a few more minutes."
(S/O) "No complaints from me."
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416 holds onto S/O tighter the moment she felt them awaken and trying to move.
(S/O) "Wha...416?"
(HK416) "You move too much in your sleep."
(S/O) "You didn't have a problem with me moving last night-"
416 gave them a death glare as S/O chuckled, but she simply shook her head and rested it on their chest.
She angled her head away to make sure S/O didn't see her blush, but they could just feel it with how her face began to heat up.
(S/O) "Did you rest well at least? I hope I didn't annoy you too much then."
(HK416) "I slept good...t-thanks to you. Now, get your ass up. I don't wanna have to lecture you too as well."
(S/O) "But, you're on me-"
416 gently flicked their forehead, grumbling what S/O could assume was German.
(S/O) "Love you too, 416!"
416 rolled her eyes but S/O saw the tiniest smile on the corner of her lips that formed.
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S/O feels their hand wrapped in a comfortable warmth, turning over and seeing M4 smiling right at them, both her hands wrapping around theirs.
(M4A1) "Good morning, dear."
Even though she was blushing, her smile did nothing to mask her beauty, making S/O's mouth go slightly agape.
(S/O) "Morning, M4."
The two briefly kissed before S/O squeezed her hand in return, making her giggle.
(S/O) "You're very beautiful in the morning, you know that?"
M4 bashfully turned away, finally releasing S/O's hand.
(M4A1) "Hah, I-I don't know if I can handle these kinds of compliments this early in the morning."
(S/O) "How about this then?"
M4 let out a cute yelp when S/O suddenly hugged her from behind, rapidly giving her light pecks on the cheek that made her laugh.
S/O was just happy to see M4 laughing after what she had been through.
She deserved every bit of affection, and more.
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M16 obnoxiously stretched and yawned, her hand accidentally smushing against S/O's face.
(S/O) "Ack...!"
(M16A1) "Heh, what's up?"
She messily rolled over on top of them, her chest squishing up against them and threatening to press against their face, making S/O blush madly.
(M16A1) "Seriously? This wasn't even the craziest position w-"
(S/O) "Stop it! Too early for this, M16!"
M16 let out a hearty laugh, but her expression became softer as she laid her head next to theirs.
(M16A1) "...I love you."
S/O was taken aback by how affectionate she had just become, but returned the gesture with a kiss on her eye.
(S/O) "Love you too."
M16 finally got off S/O, letting them breathe freely again as she got up and put on a shirt.
(S/O) "...H-Hey, that's my shirt!"
(M16A1) "Psh, girlfriend rules. Whatever clothes you wear are mine."
She wore the shirt outside of their room, making many members of AR Team realize the implications of what had happened.
Except for SOPMOD.
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RO flusteredly put the blanket over her large chest, making S/O wake up faster than she intended.
(S/O) "Hm...? Oh, hey RO. Is something wrong?"
(RO635) "N-No, it's just...Um...I don't look decent right now."
S/O smiled as their hand brushed against hers.
(S/O) "You always look beautiful to me, RO."
Her cheeks brighten up at the compliment, but is quick to correct them.
(RO635) "I-I meant I'm not dressed!"
(S/O) "I know what you meant. But really? After what we did last night?"
(RO635) "That's a bit different! But...I appreciate the compliment."
S/O laughed at how adorable she was, giving them a small peck on the cheek. It made her shoulders finally relax, and let the blanket drop as she averted her gaze.
(RO635) "Can you hand me my shirt...please?"
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G36's eyes squint as she wakes up, trying to find a shirt to put on for the moment before feeling S/O's hand on her waist.
(G36) "Ah, good morning, dear."
(S/O) "Morning. Going to work already?"
(G36) "Indeed."
(S/O) "Can't you stay in bed for at least a few more minutes?"
(G36) "No, I cannot. I must make myself look presentable otherwise people might...talk."
G36 reflexively covered her chest, though she made no effort to hide it from S/O.
(S/O) "Well, at least that'll be easy for you..."
S/O awkwardly eyed the hickies on their neck.
G36 vision became clearer as she closed in on S/O's face, giving them a quick kiss before finally getting up and letting S/O stare.
(G36) "...S/O, I believe you have already had ample time to look at me from last night. May I ask if you can help find my clothes?"
(S/O) "R-Right."
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WA's eyes shot wide open the moment she realized she had no clothes on, and neither did S/O.
She looked hurriedly back and forth for a shirt before seeing S/O slowly get up.
S/O wrapped their arms around her stomach, making her yelp as she felt their head on her shoulder.
(S/O) "Hey, WA-"
(WA2000) "W-Watch where your hands are going!"
S/O chuckled teasingly, but made no suggestive movement with their hands, much to her relief.
Instead their hug became tighter.
(S/O) "You didn't mind at all last night where my hands were-"
(WA2000) "I swear to god you blockhead, one more word out of your mouth...!"
WA felt S/O's smirk grow against her bare shoulder, but they said nothing else when WA sighed and relaxed into them.
WA rested her body against theirs, closing her eyes.
(WA2000) "...Just give me my shirt in a few minutes, and I'll let you have this, alright?"
(S/O) "Let me have this, or let you have this?"
(WA2000) "Shut it already."
WA squeezed the hands around her tightly, deciding to enjoy the intimate moment with S/O adding of saying anything else.
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Helian jolted awake as her eyes shot wide open, almost screaming.
(Helianthus) "I'M GONNA BE LATE!"
(S/O) "H-Helian! It's only 7, we still got an hour and a half!"
(Helianthus) "I...I-I see."
She finally realized what had happened, noticing her and S/O's lack of clothing.
Slowly, she grabbed the blanket and covered her chest awkwardly.
(Helianthus) "...G-Good morning."
(S/O) "Um...Morning."
An awkward silence passed between the two before she put the blanket to her mouth, her voice barely above a whisper.
(Helianthus) "...Was...I alright last night?"
S/O smiled and took her into a loving embrace, making her relax just the slightest amount.
(S/O) "More than alright. You made me feel loved, and that's all I'll ask for. What about you?"
Uncharacteristically, she gets even quieter as her expression softens and her shoulders become less stiff.
(Helianthus) "...I feel the same, S/O."
After a moment enjoying the intimacy, Helian clears her throat and begins speaking how she normally does.
(Helianthus) "Get yourself dressed. I want you ready by the time I come out the shower."
(S/O) "Can't we both use it?"
That immediately makes her fumble her next words.
(Helianthus) "I-...I suppose we can. Just...don't try anything, alright?"
(S/O) "Heh, yes ma'am."
She raised an eyebrow at their playful tone.
(S/O) "..." ahem "Understood."
S/O said in a much more clearer and professional tone.
That made Helian chuckle, making her squeeze their hand affectionately.
(Helianthus) "Much better."
She didn't mind S/O's playfulness and...other moods, as long as it was kept inside here in privacy.
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sandman-vo · 5 years
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Hi Hello Pinned Post Time! This is Hyacinth here! And this is Comfort blog, My Main is @chabby4memes, So feel Free to Stroll Down there, it's a tad more powerful than this! (Outdated)
My Comforts characters are, In order;
Specter (Arknights)
Sussuro (Arknights)
Projekt Red
Kiara Sessyoin
Silence (Arknights)
Scene (Arknights)
Iroha Tamaki/Kyoko Sakura
W (Arknights)
Sakura Matou
Talulah Artorius
Florence Nightingale (fgo)
Ch'en Hui-Chieh
Yachiyo Nanami
M4A1 (GFL)
Ushiwakamaru (fgo)
Cardigan (Arknights)
Bedivere (fgo)
Emma Verde
King Hassan/Cursed Arm
Kanata Konoe
Kiyohime (Fgo)
Mordred (fgo)
Nagato (kancolle)
Sayo Hikawa
Kaede Akino/Kyoko Kirigiri
Madoka Kaname
Weedy (Arknights)
Sorry if it's long or weird- First I'll have Some tags for Some content depending on if you're interested or not
-Crying about Fate Again
(a tag for fgo, fsn and fkl and the rest)
-Wailing about Magical Girls
(A Tag for PMMM/SS and Kalied Liner)
-Sobbing over Musical Artists
(What it says, mainly LL and Bandori tho)
-Bawling about the Danganronpas
-Skulking on Tumblr
(I'm having a bad time, I may say dumb stuff, like my Sense of humour going dark)
Bleating bout Arknights
(My experiences with misfortune)
Sorry if this is Complex, Really am, Please Send in asks, I thrive on Interaction!
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