#ghost band theory
Is Darkness at the Heart of my Love the only song Copia actually wrote?
Hear me out I have this theory...
I feel like, in light of the idea that because Sister Imperator and Papa Nihil were seen significantly in the Prequelle era music videos, it was because they didn't trust Copia after Terzo basically tried to expose their entire operation with Meliora... I feel like DATHOML is the one song Copia wrote about his true feelings about what's being done to him?
I think that Prequelle album has a really strong influence on the lyrics and songs from Sistor and Nihil. It's very focused on addressing the Ministry's mission. Whereas Impera lyrically feels more like Copia having his perception of the Ministry changed?
"I'm with you always" is a solid point the song keeps coming back to, possibly because Copia feels like he can't get away from them and they're everywhere? Kinda goes with the lyric of "paint a pair of eyes, lets watch as it dries" - I always imagined this as painting a pair of eyes on the wall (callback to Faith perhaps?). Just hinting at being constantly watched.
Another recurring line in the song is "remember always that love is all you need". This feels like something Copia's been told, over and over again from Sistor. Where "tell me who you wanna be and I will set you free" feels more like something he would've heard from Terzo during his reign as Papa. Maybe Terzo was trying to save him before he met his end?
"There's a darkness at the heart of my love that runs cold, runs deep. The darkness at the heart of my love, for you." Is this darkness... the truth? The truth runs cold and deep against his devotion to the Ministry? He's been very dedicated for many years after all. If something changed in how he perceives the goal they're trying to achieve, I'm sure it would be confusing and scary.
"And all this time you knew, that I would put you through the darkness at the heart of my love for you" could be Copia realizing that Sistor chose him to take over because he had a stronger connection to the organization? And hopefully had a lesser chance of rebelling like Terzo did?
The last lines of the song don't sound like Copia either. It sounds like the Ministry choir and maybe old Nihil? Reinforcing the idea that Copia feels like they have ears everywhere and they're always watching him? Ending with "I'm with you always, always" just fits right in too. To me sounds more threatening than endearing but could just be me.
I could just be hallucinating all of this but I'd love to hear what you guys think!
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honey-tongued-devil · 9 months
Dance Macabre explained
NdA: !!This text contains Los Angeles ritual spoilers!!
Do you remember that at the end of the Dance Macabre video, it says "the beginning"?
What if I told you that it was indeed the beginning, not of Ghost's lore, but of the actual dance macabre itself? Skipping the historical context, the "Dance of the Maccabees" is a biblical story where seven brothers (the Maccabees), condemned to death, disappeared one by one before dying in a certain rhythm that resembled a dance. Like every biblical story, it has been depicted and painted on various occasions, such as in Paris in the early 1400s, along the walls of the "Cemetery of the Innocents." Here we witness a transliteration from Latin to French that coined the word "macabre."
But why am I going on about this? First and foremost, it's because of the bloodline. Technically, Primo, Secondo, Terzo, and presumably even Copia himself are brothers. In the video, when Nihil becomes the pope, the words "the beginning" appear because that's the exact moment when the dance macabre begins, where we see the various brothers enter and exit the stage in a rhythmic manner (every 2 years). So, what does this have to do with yesterday's ritual?
Yesterday, while Copia was singing Twenties, skeletons came on stage and danced alongside the living (the audience) and the ghouls (other creatures from hell). This happened because, symbolically, the dance macabre spares no one. In Catholicism, when referring to Judgment Day, it is said that the dead come to take away the living, which is why artistic representations include people of all ages and social classes. At the end of the song, the skeletons left, only to come back again for Dance Macabre itself, where they lifted Copia, who completely surrendered to them, relaxed, without resistance.
This is, in fact, a "Momento Mori." A reminder of the impending death, the brevity of life. Copia doesn't fight the skeletons; he doesn't try to escape. He allows himself to be lifted. He accepts that he is dying, and indeed, during the ritual, he himself says, "This is the end of an era."
It's not the end of Ghost, but of the Impera. It has reached its end; death has already knocked on his door, as seen in the official lore videos.
However, I nod to those who wholeheartedly believed that Copia would become the Antichrist. While all the symbolism we've seen so far speaks of the imminent departure of Papa Emeritus IV, we are formal this time, as I mentioned earlier; this symbolism is used by Catholics not only to refer to death but also to Judgment Day.
The Day of Judgment, or the Apocalypse, is accompanied by the arrival of the Antichrist, signaling the imminent end of the world (in this case, the skeletons were dancing with the audience because they were there for them). For completeness, the coming of the Son of Satan, the Antichrist, accompanies the Parousia, which is the coming of the Son of God, Christ, in a battle between good and evil that, despite ending with Christ's triumph, leads to the end of the world.
In other words, we too could be part of the Dance Macabre without even knowing it.
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katiecanblog · 1 day
Some Ghost theory rambles:
I read somewhere that it's never actually mentioned that Primo is a brother to Secondo and Terzo. There was a theory that he's actually Nihil's brother and that the next Papa will be Primo's son.
But will there be a next Papa? T has said that he was getting bored of Papa after Papa which is why he had Copia introduced as a Cardinal first.
They keep hinting that Copia's time is up and there's subtle (or not so subtle) hints that he's going to die. Saltarian (however you spell his name) wheeling that display coffin past his bedroom. That religious recreation photo of him with the Ghouls where people were theorizing that Swiss was going to kill him. Etcetera. But let's not forget that all of the previous Papas were ultimately killed on Imperator's orders. Would she kill her own son? I don't think she would tbh. So if not her, who? Who would be behind killing him?
Based on T saying that it was getting boring with Papa after Papa after Papa, maybe there won't be a new Papa. Maybe the Emeritus bloodline will end (by death), Imperator will be overthrown, and a new system will take over. Will it be the Ghouls who do it? Is the next leader going to be a Ghoul King? A Dark Heirophant? (Maybe not, as that stands for tradition) A High Priest? (Too similar to the ex-Ghoul's band name, Priest) A Messiah? Antichrist?
Or you know, we could just be getting Papa Emeritus V.
I have a feeling the Ghovie is going to really further the Chapters' storyline along. But I've been wrong when it came to Ghost before.
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ren-therose · 1 year
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I saw this art done by @vanmec (which is freaking beautiful btw, go like their post), and I have a theory about how Popia will die…hold on for this one, rats.
I know we have seen the poster of Popia with “Jesus is Coming” on the bottom, and he ends his shows in that fun little pose that looks like he’s been crucified. I believe Papa will be crucified, point blank period. I also believe the next Papa will be the Anti-Christ.
And I believe it will be Terzo, coming back to take his place. He had the most violent death, the most personal death. Some say it was Popia’s way of helping Terzo escape the church, others say it was Popia’s revenge for being bastardized. Either way, I think Terzo will crucify Popia and return as the Anti-Christ. ( I personally believe it was a mercy killing, and I will explain that later). Now you may be wondering- what are my sources? Don’t worry, I have receipts.
In the lyric book for Imperative, you can see Terzo in the background of “Watcher in the Sky”, implying he has some kinda supernatural, almost god-like ability to watch over others. In that song, he also sings “We signal to another dimension”…maybe where Terzo is, telling him to take up his place?
Then, in “respite on the spitalfield”, he sings “did no one hear the distant thunder?”, which is a call to Circe from Meliora, Terzos album.
Now, I said that I believe the beheading was a mercy killing, and incredibly personal for the two brothers. In “Respite etc”, Popia is saying goodbye. I won’t cite all the lines about leaving, but it’s basically in every verse. And can you just imagine him being crucified during that song, and as the ghoulettes sing those haunting vocals, the cross, with papa on it is being raised…and then Terzo appears when the guitars begin to play the same riff from “Imperium”.
anyways, i have literal chills writing this, but i’m curious what other people think will happen. thank you for coming to my TerzoTalk.
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bubonicgucci · 2 years
Do you guys think Copias outfit could be styled after a historical figure like how Terzo’s was??
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If you don’t know Terzo’s iconic fit that he could be seen in most of the time was styled after King Gustav three and somewhat predicted his faith.
So do you guys think this could potentially be the same for Copia? Ever since I’ve seen this particular jacket I thought there could maybe have a meaning behind it. I’m not a history nerd tho and I wouldn’t even know where to start looking to see if this is a reference to a historical figure yet again, but if you guys recognize it or have your own theories please share!
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con-clavi-con-jae · 2 years
Ok so Copia thought of the day while I translate that one fic
I've been seeing a lot of talk about that line in Witch Image, the one that says "like a mother would save her own child from digging a grave", I love that song but I have thoughts about it.
Mainly, I personally think Copia knows Imperator and Nihil are his parents (he literally referred to Mary on a Cross as "a song my papa used to sing" and also Seestor almost says she's his mom to him), and he's aware that Imperator killed the other three and the reasons she had to do it
Also, that line sort of sounds like he's saying it in a "as if she'd save her son" type of way, yk? So he wrote that line sort of begging her to spare him, but also knowing she won't
Basically, Copia knows his mother won't save her own child from death, but he still wishes she would
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serene-sun · 1 year
The way I fucking SCREAMED
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preqvelle · 2 months
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stillchuunya · 1 month
listen, I want Copia to turn out to be the Antichrist and I want him to be the most inept antichrist Satan could ever fear to get. I want to see him in diabolical situations in which his awkward autistic ass is just so out of place it confuses even the emissaries from hell/heaven/whoever he's trying to impress. let him try to fistbump god when he's supposed to fight him and go 'he he he' at his own jokes before solving a problem in the least antichrist way possible, creating more problems for the ministry and making everyone question their life choices.
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I have this idea that Copia isn’t going to be the antichrist……it’s gonna be Terzo.
with a vendetta…
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blackbird5154 · 2 months
I have a theory about the first song sung by the Papas characterizing them as characters.
Secondo's first concert song was "Secular Haze" - a song with a dark circus atmosphere, praising the Antichrist. As we know from Papaganda and interviews, he likes wigs, silly costumes and noisy parties, hiding his unhappiness behind this.
Terzo's first song was "From the Pinnacle to the Pit". His life path follows the path of Lucifer and Icarus, even the last word sung by him on his albums is "falling" ("Bible"). The higher one soars, the longer it takes to fall, the theme of hubris and the giddiness of success all reflect Terzo.
Copia's first song was "Rats" (acoustic performance). Rats prowl everywhere, small and inconspicuous, and bring death. I think he may have identified with death, as his reign began with the murder of the brothers. And as a bastard, he may have felt like a small animal, despised by all, but capable of revenge.
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bloodfin · 4 months
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novaiisk · 2 years
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🩸 Relented 🩸
I was thinking about that one theory from the Caligula coin that the ghouls are gonna turn on Copia during a ritual,,,, idk if it will actually happen but it gave me a great idea
Click for better quality, idk tumblr is fucking with it :/
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bubonicgucci · 2 years
Do you guys know which brother is supposed to be singing in the cirice music video?
I initially thought it was Terzo, because the song cirice comes from his album, but upon further observation is very clear that it’s not him or at least I think so.
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The kid clearly has identical face paint to Secondo from what I can tell, but his ghouls are wearing a silver grayish mask instead of the black ones that they wear in era two. Also the outfits that they are wearing are slightly different as well.
But by far the biggest question I have about this whole thing is who is the (couple?) supposed to be in this ??
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I once saw someone say that they could possibly be a placeholder/reference to sister and nihil but I don’t fully believe that. So what do you guys think?
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con-clavi-con-jae · 1 year
Ok but consider
The first song on every ritual this year is Imperium (like they did all of ImperaTour)
The last one is Respite on the Spitalfields
On the last show, when it goes back to the bit of Respite that's just Imperium
Copia gets killed somehow
And Terzo comes back
They play either Zenith, Monstrance Clock or Cirice
Everything is perfect
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