#ghost was next on my doc but honestly i don't want to start THAT controversial so early
hopefulnightlady · 3 months
141 Headcannons two, electic boogaloo (NSFW, gender neutral)
Part one (Price): here
Part three(Gaz): here
Part four(Ghost): here
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Hello folks, as promised here you have more Soup (Soap). This is possibly one of my more controversial opinions, so read at you at own risk to learn the truth. If you disagree, tell me, so I can politely tell you how wrong you are.
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As always, here be spicy content beneath the cut.
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Perhaps, besides Ghost (and Price. oh god Gaz too. shit) my most controversial take.
If you think John "Soap" Mactavish is a sub bottom, kindly, this is your sign to leave, and possibly go nibble a brick wall to consume the lichen growing on it for sustenance.
This is your second, and last, warning.
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Are they all gone? Okay, now that only the objectively correct people remain:
more sadistic tendencies than masochistic, but both exist
Listen to me. That man thrives in the military power structure, he's happy there, so he'd be happy in a kink dynamic too.
Deffo more of a soft dom
I feel he'd be playful, and assertive, and perceptive at once somehow (juuust like everywhere else in life)
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Could totally decouple the giving/recieving bits of sex from dominance/submission and wouldn't think twice before power bottoming the hell out of someone.
Or just bottoming, he doesn't strike me as too picky
Could probably manage to dom someone while being pegged by them (and he'd love it too lmao)
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Probably not so much a fan of physical restraints, wouldn't really get the appeal at all
What would he do instead? Maybe ask you sweetly to 'Hold onto the headboard for him, darling?'
Or simply use those gorgeous muscles of his to pin you wherever (never without warning, though, even if it's a playful pin)
Growls. he canonically does, so i allow it here too
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Not to get into specific kinks too much but i feel like he'd enjoy chastity but like in a very dom way where he has his own keys and it's mostly for himself???
I know it may sound odd but I've seen people do it and i thought that was cool and Soap would enjoy that
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For aftercare, he'd be very attentive, and make sure you feel safe, and valued, showering you with praise
Especially careful with wound care, he enjoys impact play I’d think.
But he does NOT enjoy seeing his partner in pain they didn't want or plan to be in
Would also talk through everything PAINSTAKINGLY, like wayyy beyond necessary.
It's worse in the beginning, he'd be at least a little worried his partner might be pretending to enjoy things for his sake
As most things, the worry would fade over time, but the care doesn't
Would give BANGER massages as aftercare
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The end. lmao. As always:
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