itsascreambaby96 · 8 months
Hi can youwrite somethingwith an ghostface!Robin Buckley x reader sorry if it's too unspecific
if it is please let my know
Thanks :)
A/N:Honestly I love the idea of Ghostface!Robin! Thank you so much for the request!
Warnings: suggestive, but no full on smut. Fluff.
Pairing: Robin Buckley x reader
I bleed for you
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Halloween was your favourite holiday. All of your friends knew that. Your girlfriend, Robin, on the other hand hated it. She hates getting jumpscared, the screams and just everything about it. The only positive thing about it is getting candy for free. But you also got candy on Christmas and Valentine's Day so it didn't really count in her opinion.
Nevertheless she loved you and she loves seeing you all excited. Ever since October started there was a constant smile on your lips. The vibe of the month just got to you. Though Robin knew for you Halloween started way earlier. It always made her giggle when you tried to explain it to her, as it made zero sense to her.
But Robin listened to your every rambled speech. Her eyes shining with love as she looked at you, your hands gesturing wildly around, your excitement almost getting her in the Halloween spirit too. She was so helplessly in love with you. Robin would do anything for you.
That's why she dragged Steve along last minute, really it was one day before Halloween, and Robin now decided to surprise you and show up at your Halloween party tomorrow in costume. You told her multiple times that she didn't had to dress up, that you totally understood that it wasn't her scene at all. Robin's heart clenched at the memory, how considerate you were in regards of her feelings. But it also just confirmed her in making this decision.
But as it was only a day before Halloween most of the good costumes were gone. Robin groaned as Steve showed her yet another stupid Angel costume. This really wasn't her. She knew what you liked. And those were definitely not it.
"Steve I told you those look stupid!"
"Well who knows maybe they suit you. You haven't tried them on yet." He gave Robin a big grin and started to laugh as Robin threw him a look. She was about to give him a snarky retort, when she saw the perfect costume. She knew your love for horror movies. Especially slasher films. Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream. All those. She knew you absolutely adored them! Why? She had no idea.
"I dunno Robs there is just something about a killer being absolutely obsessed with you that just gets me. You know?" But Robin didn't know. What she did know was that you would absolutely love her if you saw her in that costume.
She pushed Steve aside and took the black robe and the white mask. A fake knife was also part of the costume.
Steve gave her a look, raising an eyebrow.
"Don't ask." Robin bought the costume with a satisfied smile. She couldn't wait to see your face oncw you realise Robin would make one of your fantasies come true.
The next day came and Robin got ready late afternoon. She hadn't yet told you that she was to show up at your party. Fully intending on surprising you. The robe luckily fit her well enough and the mask wasn't unbearable. What she wouldn't do for you. Luckily she had some black boots to go with the outfit. She took the fake knife and went out as she heard Steve's car.
Steve complimented her costume.
"Though I still think the Angel costume would have fit better." He chuckled.
He had his doubts if she could pull it off. But as she looked at him with those big black empty eyes like she actually wanted to kill him, he was convinced.
"What even are you supposed to be?"
"Really? Robin I am Han Solo come on!" he groaned. He had put actual effort into his costume.
Robin snorted. "What you are hoping to find your princess Leia?"
He gave her a wink. The both of them laughing. The drive was fun as always and as they parked they could already see people having a good time.
Your house was decorated on theme. Spider webs, skeletons, spiders, blood, ghosts, anything you could think of that screamed Halloween, was here. But it wasn't cheesy. You actually knew what you were doing. You took this serious.
Steve left Robin as soon as they entered. She was looking around for you as soon as she was inside. She spotted you, greeting Steve, who hugged you and went to the kitchen to get something to drink.
Robin took in your costume.
You wore a pink dress, it was pretty and you looked ever the prom queen, if it weren't for the blood covering you head to toe, even the tiara you wore. She remembered how you told her that you had found the perfect dress months ago. Complementing your curves perfectly. You had refused to show her beforehand and Robin had pouted at it. But it was worth seeing you now.
Covered in blood and you still were the most beautiful thing she has ever seen. Robin licked her lips under the mask. She was about to go over to you but then she got an idea and refrained from greeting you.
She grinned. This night was about to be fun.
You were talking with some of your friends, but you could feel eyes on you. Looking around, you saw who they belonged to. Well not exactly who, as you had no idea who was under that mask, but your breath hitched never the less. Now you were a faithful girlfriend and would never ever cheat on Robin. But seeing a Ghostface here made you giddy in a way that you couldn't explain.
You were certain that Robin was home. You would never pressure her in coming to this sort of thing. You weren't mad at her for it, never could. You respect her too much. You could picture her watching some cheesy movie instead of a horror movie, snuggled up on the couch, occasionally handing candy out to kids. A soft smile graced your lips at the thought. Unbeknownst to you Robin saw. She watched you like a hawk.
You gave the starring Ghostface a polite wave and turned back to your conversation. Still you could feel those dead eyes still watching you. Throwing a glance over your shoulder you saw them still looking at you, twirling a knife in their hand, fidgeting almost. It reminded you a bit of Robin. You smiled again at them and turned around to go meet your other friends.
For the whole night you could feel these eyes on you. Whenever you looked the Ghostface was somewhere near, staring at you. It kinda gave you chills. And you tried to stick close to your friends.
Now nearing the end you haven't seen the white mask in over half an hour. Conviced that they must have left.
As you said goodbye to the last of your friends you closed the door. It was somewhere around 3 in the morning. You were tired as hell but you also knew you had to clean up. With a sigh you started in the kitchen. Deep in thoughts about how strange this one person was being all night, you heard a noise. Jumping slightly you looked into the dark living room. But you saw nothing.
With a sigh you returned to your task at hand. But then another noise made you jump.
"Hello? Is someone there?" You called out. A second later you realised how stupid and cliché that sounded. Is someone there, how stupid could you be? You always groaned when someone in a horror movie said that.
Deciding that it must be a guest who didn't get the call that the party was over now, you went into the living room. Turning on the lights you saw none. Confused you looked around. You went onto the patio and turned on the light there too. Nothing.
From the corner of your eye you saw a reflection in the glass door. Whipping around you saw none there. Blinking you rubbed your eyes.
"I must be fucking tired." You mumbled. Dragging yourself back into the kitchen you froze. There in the middle of the kitchen stood the Ghostface from earlier. He twirled his knife on the counter, waving teasingly at you. You really hoped that this knife was fake.
"The party is over. Please leave."
The figure remained as if not hearing you.
"You need to go!" You said with more urgency. The figure tilted it's head at you before lunging at you. With a panicked scream you darted to the living room. The Ghostface hot on your heals. You threw a pillow at them as some form of self defense. You heard the Ghostface chuckle and you could have sworn you knew that chuckle. But you couldn't think clearly right now, scared for your life.
You made a run for the stairs, hoping to get to your room and lock you in. Safe. That was all you could think about.
You almost made it but the Ghostface caught up to you, you could hear them panting. With a cry of yourself you were pinned against the wall beside your door. A whimper left your throat.
"Please... Please don't kill me." You were actually frighten.
"As if I could ever hurt you." The voice spoke. And that voice! You knew it immediately. Your eyes snapped open and a relieved sigh paired with a cry left your lips. Robin lifted her mask smiling brightly at you.
"Surprise?" She was a bit unsure of your reaction now. She could see how scared you were. But a laugh escaped you. A beautiful laugh and Robin was relieved you weren't mad.
"That truly was something else Robs!"You gave her a kiss, still giggling.
"I didn't think you had it in you! I was actually scared!" You smiled at her.
"Honestly I am surprised myself."
"So what do you think of costume?" Robin asked, doing a little twirl. You eyed her up and down.
"Honestly? You look damn sexy as a killer?"
She gave you a wide grin. "Really?"
You nodded, giving her a wicked grin. "Why don't you show me what's underneath this robe?" Opening the door to your room, you walked in backwards. Still watching Robin and how her cheeks tinted back. The confidence she had seconds before already gone. She followed you into the room like a lost puppy. The two of you screaming for a whole nother reason the rest of the night.
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darkie-parkie · 1 year
I was reading scary movie before ao3 went down and I was wondering if you had the fic posted anywhere else? Cause I would really like to finish it
I don't, but tell you what if ao3 continues to be down, I'll try to start posting chapters here. But I did make some adjustments from the doc version to the ao3 version when posting so some things may not be the exact same and it may take some time as it's a 50k fic
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Everyone talks about ghostface!Steve and Eddie. (Which is valid)
But is anyone talking about ghostface!Steve and Robin??? No. And you know they’d slay together
Besties who’ve had enough with the worlds bullshit 🤞🔪🔪👻
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m1lkywaves · 1 year
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ronance ghostface duo
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chaosangelmp3 · 9 months
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ronancetober day 3: horror movie au
a day late due to some issues but oh well..
anyway some context: nancy is the final girl who has pulled a sydney on the second ghostface, which turned out to be robin..... yeah.....
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abellmunsonmovie · 4 months
Eddie Munson Blurbs/Drabbles
"What a day..." EddiexReader (fluff) “Sweeter Than Whiskey” EddiexReader (fluff/comfort kinda) "Eating Me Away" EddiexReader (comfort, fluff, angst) "Say Yes to Me" EddiexReader (fluff) "I Wouldn't Ever Hurt You" Ghostface!EddiexReader (Angst/Fluff) "Always take care of you" Dadsfriend!Older!EddiexF!Reader (Angst/Comfort/Fluff) "Self Care" EddiexF!Reader (Fluff/Comfort) "Tears and Pancakes" EddiexReader (Comfort/Angst?/Fluff) "You'll always be my girl" EddiexF!Reader (Comfort/Fluff/Hurt)
Coming soon...
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kurosstuff · 1 year
Ghostface!Nico Robin
Warning(s): blood, violence, its horror.
I don't remember why I wrote this but it was fun also reader is stated to have hair/long enough
The world is a scary place. Especially one where a deranged murder is out in your town killing innocent people - your friends. One who set their sights on you. Spending every day in fear of it being your last- the calls became more and more frequent- things moved and placed in new areas as the killer became more confident with tormenting you. Calling the cops didn’t help- there were no signs of a break in.
They couldn’t do anything
You were almost alone - but thankfully, your girlfriend Robin never left your side. The thought of her made you almost weak at the knees- the most gorgeous woman in your college choosing you- loving you? It was a dream come true. Even now as you tiredly rubbed your eyes- the words of the page becoming more blurry. She always took care of you
“Come on, love,” a brush of a hand gently brushed yours - stopping the pen from moving. Looking up those soft blue eyes staring into yours with such love “lets get to bed? You’ve been studying for hours now”
Picking you up, you automatically wrapped your arms around her neck, holding Robin close. Placing a soft kiss on your forehead, she walked you down the hall to your room. Dressing you in your pajamas for you. “I can’t stay for long. I have to get to work soon” She hummed softly
“Cuddles first?” You tiredly asked, nuzzling into the soft blankets under you. Smiling, she got underneath, opening her arms for you to dive into - “you smell like tar,” you mumbled, scrunching your nose in disgust- leaning down she kissed your nose
“Yeah- I had to clean up a bunch. Someone knocked down the whole jar of it- almost ruined the project”
Humming, you started to fall asleep in her arms. Didn’t even feel her move herself from you when she needed to go - smiling at the gentle kiss goodbye- you curled up into the blanket falling asleep. Feeling safe.
A familiar ringing sound echoed into the house- taunting you. Teasing you. Your eyes widen in fear. It’s them. You don’t know for a fact it is- but their the only one who calls the house phone. The one who constantly calls when you think your safe. When your alone
You were almost tempted to ignore the phone- but remembering what happened last time you sighed shakily. Getting up, you slowly walked down the hall. Your heart pounded in your ears once you reached the phone. It was so tempting to cut the wire- to do whatever to get them to stop. Taking a deep sigh you picked up
"Took your time, little mouse.”
The same distorted voice called out from the phone. Your heart dropped. Biting your lip nervously you missed whatever they were saying to you
“Do not ignore me. After all, you’re alone right now -”
“Stop - I’m not alone -” you interrupted - it was silent on the line for a moment before a chuckle happened
“Hm maybe I should call you little Rabbit” the distorted voice broke through the phone. “Those pajamas are certainly adorable. The little rabbit on the front? Quite cute”
Your heart dropped. Dropping the house phone, you rush out of the room, fear coming up in the throat
Rushing around- you started to stumble - hitting chairs and tables in your fit of panic. Their breath caught in their throat their near - they can see me
Finally closing the last window and locking it- they took a moment. A deep, shaky breath as they debated on calling Robin. Bitting back tears, they couldn’t be alone. Not now, she would keep them safe - be there.
Pulling their phone out they shakily dialed- a moment passed as their heart pounded in their ears
“Robin-” they cried out happy- “what’s wrong-? Are you ok?” Her automatic concerned voice cut into their ear- making them calm down with ease.
“Please- they- they called again. They can *see* me”
“Hey, hey- it’s ok . I’m on my way right now, alright?” Cooing into the phone, they heard sounds of keys being picked up and Robin running.“I’ll be there in a moment, ok? Stay in your room and don’t open the door to anyone until I call, alright?”
Hanging up Robin smiled putting away her phone- the mask she held in her hand placed on a simple copy cat- sneering down at the body in amusement “guess you got your wish.”
Supposed Ghostface found dead
The relief you felt from the news. Finally. Finally, you’re safe. You almost wanted to celebrate it - but the thought of celebrating someone’s death - even if they were tormenting - you sounded down right horrible.
Falling on Robin’s lap, you curled up to face her- smiling up at her brightly. She placed the book down, raising an eyebrow - curling to her stomach, she ran a hand through your hair softly. “What’s up, love?” Smiling down at you
“Oh, nothing iust- really relaxed right now.”
The phone rang- the automatic dear crept up until you remembered the news- and picked up. It was silent on the other end- deafening silent.
“Miss me?”
Your mouth fell open in shock. Swallowing thickly, you felt sick. Felt terrified. They were alive?
“Of course I am. You think I’d really die just like that?”
“But- but the news-”
“I was bored. Thought it’d be funny if you found out I was actually alive- I was right. You certainly are adorable.”
Hanging up without a second thought, you turned rushing into your bedroom pacing. “No, no. This is wrong. ” You felt tears coming. They can’t be alive.. can they? Coming to a stop you took a deep breath. You just needed some air. Needed a quick walk to calm down. To relax.
Walking down the sidewalk. You came to the conclusion that going at night was a horrible idea. Especially if the murderer was actually alive.
Did you have a death wish?
Sighing, you turned around to go back home before freezing. Looking back, your heart dropped. The person hunting, you wore the same outfit Ghostface did. But they looked so much smaller. You took a deep breath, trying to calm your breathing. Just dressing up- you kept repeating in your head. You turned back to walk were you originally going
It’s a horrible choice.
Hurried footsteps came from behind you - before you could look back, you were slammed into the alley way close by you. Without letting you get a grip of what’s going on, you were slammed into the wall. Trying to fight the person off gave no help - the shock you got gave them too much of an upperhand- couldn’t even think to yell for help.
Before the person could stab you - the world around you spun as they were yanked off you. Your eyes widen in surpise and a sickening feeling of relief. “Now, what do we have here?” The real Ghostface spoke weirdly sounding pissed. Without missing a beat- ignoring the cry of the guy who begged to be let go went quiet as he was stabbed aggressively. Tilting their head to look at you- they dropped the person to the ground with little to no concern. Whipping their blood off on the black cloak they put it away.
“Can’t stand copy cats”
Ghostface slammed you into the wall- letting out a terrified squeal you cowered under them- how they chuckled in that distorted voice. “Well, well, little mouse~” they cackled. Their knife titled from your chin up- forcing you to look into that white bloodied mask- the one that kept you up all night in fear. “No, thank you? I saved your life, did I not?” Leaning down the black around their eyes gave nothing away they were carefully covered.
“Come on~ be good and-” their other hand grabbed your jaw harshly- before gently rubbing your chin. “Thank me.”
“Th-” biting back a sob, you cleared your “Thank you” the gentle pat on your cheek told you. You did the smart thing to listen.
“Keep those pretty eyes closed for me, would you?” Ghostface asked, pushing you further into the wall blocking the exit. Closing your eyes tightly, you heard some shuffling. “Open them, and I’ll gut you right here and now.” The firm warning kept you from peaking - your jaw clenched until something hard and firm yet soft hit your lips in a bruising way - they were kissing you. You couldn’t help but moan- they smirked. You were enjoying the kiss- you felt horrible, but it felt so sickeningly sweet.
Harsh bites on your lips made you open up while gloved hands felt you up by your sides- your hands gripped the wall scratching the brick- their tongue invading your mouth fighting yours. The odd metallic taste hit yours.
There was blood in your mouth as you kissed them- a murderer. Your stalker. The unknown Killer at large and you didn’t care- when they pulled away, you whined from the empty feeling. Shuffling was heard
“Open those eyes”
Opening them- you flushed in embarrassment on what you just did- the bloodied tilted mask told you the person underneath was studying you- almost waiting.
“I can see why your girlfriend likes you so much.” They laughed, moving to brush some dirt off your cheek
“Get home safe now, little mouse~ There’s a murder out and about”
Your car keys were dropped into your hand
The whole drive home, you should have felt disgusted with yourself. Felt fear anything - but you want nothing more than to feel those lip- you shook those thoughts away- You kissed - made out with your stalker- the town murderer, and your sitting in your car driving home wishing for the same person to kiss you again?
Getting into the house, you locked the doors closed everything. Once you finished, you sat down on the couch, staying at the ceiling. Everything hurt. Your lip quivered - tears started to fall.
Why did they save you?
Maybe it was some sick game to them. That’s all you could think of. How mad they got when that fake tried to kill you- their prey. You blinked. Their? It almost felt relaxing. Standing up you paced tiredly.
This whole situation is fucked up.
“-?” A hand touched your shoulder. Quickly jumping away, you stared in fear before calming down.
“Robin -” Going to her, you put your head on her shoulder- letting her hold you close. “I-” you started wetting your lips. She’d understand. You were sure she’d understand that they kissed you. “I need to tell you something - Ghostface- their alive. They- they ki-, ” cutting you off, Robin pulled back, looking you over
“You’re hurt. Let me take care of you.” Shushing you softly once you tried to explain what happened. How they kissed you. She wouldn’t listen and kept interrupting you. Stopping you from speaking or it. You were too tired to think of why she was so insistent of you not talking about it - how she didn’t care about Ghostface being alive
Robin washed you clean- gently rubbing the forming bruises from the hits the fake gave you. Silently brushed your hair, pulling it back for you. Even going as far as getting you hot chocolate as you got dressed.
You were so lucky to have her in your life- so lucky your girlfriend would do anything to keep you safe- keep you happy. You missed the knowing smile she gave you when you rubbed your mouth flushed in embarrassment whenever you’d remember the encounter.
What you don’t know won’t kill you after all.
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daybreaklynx · 2 years
something silly. meme-y. fruity four agreed to dress up for halloween as "ghost" . clearly, they didn't specify which one
[halloween is forever] [steve as mw2 ghost, eddie as the band ghost, nancy as ghost, robin as ghostface]
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i actually don't know anything about the first two ghosts, but we'll roll with it. my tiktok fyp is just about ghost and everytime i have to guess which one they're talking about . i think this kind of misunderstanding is pretty funny
also this is obvious modern au, and idk maybe mike would play mw2 so that's why he told steve to dress up as simon lmao also because he knew nancy's costume and wanted to mess up w them. maybe
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eternalbuckley · 9 months
i‘m a sucker for any ghostface!character au story istg ‼️‼️‼️ i need to consume it all
evan buckley as ghostface? yes.
robin buckley as ghostface? yes.
steve harrington as ghostface? yes.
eddie munson as ghostface? yes.
nancy wheeler as ghostface? yes.
sarah cameron as ghostface? yes.
jj maybank as ghostface? yes.
rafe cameron as ghostface? yes.
any other character i love as ghostface? YES YES YES.
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i-heart-slashers · 3 months
You’re Mine | chapter one
𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 | A peaceful town in Indiana turns into a bloodbath when a deadly threat haunts the town. The resident teenagers are terrorized by a masked killer, which begins to tear at the fabric of an otherwise-peaceful community ending in bloody pieces of innocent lives scattered around the small town of Hawkins.
Kimberly and her friends have to navigate their lives while trying to survive the murderous Ghostface killer who seems intent on killing them all but is the killer someone they already know?...
𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | character death(s), harassment, violence, murder, stalking, slasher killer, killing spree,
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | 1.2 k
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | murder, gore, character death, violence, mentions of violent acts, home invasion and implications of eating disorder.
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Kimberly sighed as she leaned back against the couch, the weight of her friend Chrissy's troubled relationship pressing on her shoulders. The phone call had been another chapter in the ongoing saga of Chrissy and Jason, and Kimberly couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and sympathy.
Eddie, noticing Kimberly's evident distress, gently placed a wary hand on her shoulder. His soft brown eyes conveyed genuine concern as he asked, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, sorry, just Chrissy troubles," Kimberly replied, mustering a small smile for Eddie. She could always count on him to lend a listening ear. "I think I actually talked her into dumping Jason finally," she added, the sigh that followed betraying her building headache.
She felt pity for what her best friend was about to go through.
Eddie, the resident drug-dealing 'senior' senior of their high school, sat on the floor beside Kimberly, who had set up a makeshift study area with a coffee table strewn with books and study materials. "Wow, I can't imagine Jason will be happy with that," Eddie remarked, his tone reflecting a mix of curiosity and concern.
Kimberly frowned as she contemplated the repercussions of Chrissy's decision. "He hasn't got a choice; Chrissy deserves better than that asshole. Once we're out of high school, she'll see how better off she is without him."
Eddie chuckled, but his eyes were serious, contradicting his light tone. "Out of high school or Hawkins," he quipped, referring to their small town. The comment subtly acknowledged their unspoken plans for life after graduation.
Kimberly's wry smile in response held a mixture of determination and anticipation. She knew Eddie had overheard the conversation, and they both shared a silent understanding of their shared dreams of leaving Hawkins behind.
"I forgot to ask, how did the English paper go?" the brunette asks, remembering the last time they studied together, which was becoming more frequent over time. If Eddie needed her help, Kimberly was always there to offer it.
Eddie handed over some papers with a sheepish grin. His grades had steadily declined before he got tutoring from the pretty brunette, but now they were slowly going back up.
Kimberly's eyes scan over the words on the English paper he'd written in his scrawled handwriting.
"See! I told you that you could do it. If you put in as much effort with this as you do in your campaigns, you'll sail your way to graduation," She says to him with a happy smile, pleased at Eddie's work.
"I'm pretty sure I'm only passing because of you," Eddie chuckles as he scratches the back of his neck, feeling a blush rise from the neck of his shirt.
It wasn't speculation; it was a fact. Kimberly's help was keeping him going, and teachers were off his back.
Kimberly smiles as she looks at the older teen. "You're not just passing because of me, Eddie," she said, her gaze meeting his. "You're passing because you're putting in the effort, and that's something to be proud of. One day, you won't even need me," she teases, drinking from her soda bottle.
"I'll always need you," Eddie says, looking at her with wide brown eyes. The thought of Kimberly not being around makes him sad. It's not every day someone treats him like he's not a freak, and it's even less someone like her was willing to spend time helping him out.
Eddie was grateful for Kimberly's support. His eyes scanned the pages of the English paper, absorbing the words and ideas that had earned him praise from the brunette. It starkly contrasted his usual encounters in the harsh high school environment.
Kimberly, in turn, appreciated the companionship that Eddie offered. She found comfort in the fact that, despite the storm raging outside, there was a sense of calm within the walls of her frequently empty home.
"Such a charmer, but your flattery doesn't work with me." With a sly, joking smile, Kimberly pushes the books and paper toward Eddie with a small smile as they begin to study.
The rain began to beat against the windows, the wind howling through the trees as the storm outside intensified. Lightning flashed through the room, casting eerie, fleeting shadows on the walls. Sirens wailed in the distance, becoming a haunting backdrop to their shared moment of silence.
Kimberly and Eddie immersed themselves in their books, and a comfortable silence settled between them; the atmosphere was warm and focused, but outside, the storm raged on as more lightning struck, but the two ignored it as the sirens mixed in with the loud bangs.
Eddie leaned over the coffee table, absorbed in his books and notes. Though a chaotic mess, he understood it, and that was something remarkable in itself. He wasn't dumb, and he knew it. He just needed a different way of studying and understanding.
Kimberly pointed to a particular section in one of the textbooks, underlining it in pencil. "Remember, Eddie, this part is essential for the upcoming test. You've got this. Just keep going, and you'll be on your way to graduation in no time and giving the middle finger to the man."
The dark-haired metalhead nodded, a determined glint in his eyes. "I owe a lot of this to you, Kimmy. Without your help and encouragement, I don't know where I'd be."
With a gentle smile and her gaze softening, Kimberly looked at her friend. "You've come a long way, Eddie, and I'm proud of you. And I'm always here to help, but you're more capable than you give yourself credit for."
The room took on an intimate atmosphere as the two delved back into their respective study materials. Eddie appreciated the solace that Kimberly's presence brought, a stark contrast to the turbulent environment of high school, where he often felt like an outsider.
As Kimberly flipped through her textbook, she couldn't help but marvel at Eddie's determination. It was evident that his academic struggles weren't due to a lack of intelligence but rather a lack of support. The quiet confidence he displayed in the face of challenges was something she found admirable.
"You know, Eddie, it's not just about the grades. You've got a unique perspective and voice. Don't let anyone make you feel otherwise," Kimberly said, her eyes meeting his. "I think you're selling yourself short. You're a lot more capable than you give yourself credit for. Maybe it's time to believe in your own potential."
Eddie smiled appreciatively, grateful for the academic guidance and the emotional support Kimberly offered. Eddie couldn't help but reflect on Kimberly's positive changes in his life as they continued to study.
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Outside the Caligari home, a dark figure shrouded in the shadows of the storm stands watching the teenage girl and boy laugh and work together as if in their own little bubble.
As the night progressed, the intensity of the storm grew. The lightning painted patterns across the sky, briefly illuminating the silhouette of the dark figure. The distant sirens and bangs became a haunting accompaniment to the unfolding scene.
A calculating glint in their eyes hinted at a deeper interest in the lives of these two teenagers. Unbeknownst to Kimberly and Eddie, their bond had not gone unnoticed. Their laughter and camaraderie seemed to be an oasis of normalcy in a world that often felt troubled and uncertain.
A gust of wind rustled the figure's coat, revealing only a glimpse of a face obscured by darkness. Their purpose and identity remained unknown. Only time would tell their intentions and the impact they would have.
In the midst of the raging storm, the two friends studied, laughed, and supported each other, unaware of the ambiguous figure lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to make their presence known.
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makeyouminemp3 · 1 year
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melissa barrera as samantha carpenter in scream vi // dick grayson in titans season one episode five, 'together'
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earthherbsandlove · 11 months
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about me.
call me ani/asteria. | sixteen. (i've been reading/writing fan fiction since seven years old. you don't have to interact if you're uncomfortable and i will do the same.) | biracial (black and white) . | plus size. | she/they/he. | smut writer, mostly. it can vary though. | i truly don't care if you're twelve or if you're in your forties. it's your own media consumption!! | i used to have a tumblr called either stuillyspsychogf or polyghostfaceenthusiast . or something like that lolsies.
fandoms i'll mostly write for:
- scream
- stranger things
- outer banks
- the 100
- dc
- yellowjackets.
- american horror story.
- glee (i will not be writing smut about any of the characters from glee. i just, cannot.)
- new girl (comfort/crack fics.)
- heathers (movie or musical.)
- the selection.
- the wilds
- criminal minds.
this list will probably get longer in the future.
my blog will contain dark material like noncon or dubcon. please know that this is strictly a fantasy and i DO NOT and WILL NEVER stand for actual sexual assault.
i am aware that there is a lot of controversy surrounding minors writing smut and i totally get that. but there is nothing anyone on here can do to really make me want to stop. writing is how i've coped since i was a kid and now i'd just like other people to enjoy my stuff as well.
if you do not feel comfortable with my content, my age, or just my blog in general, that's ok! just please block and don't report.
i will probably make a masterlist when i actually publish fics.
this is all for now!
love, ani<3 .
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darkie-parkie · 1 year
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[insert giant info dump about the horror movie symbolism in my stranger things x scream fanfic]
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chaotic-king-arthur · 7 months
Chapters: 1/5 Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Robin Buckley/Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington, Jonathan Byers & Nancy Wheeler Characters: Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Jonathan Byers, Steve Harrington, The Party (Stranger Things), Tommy Hagan, Carol Perkins Additional Tags: Ghostface Mask (Scream), POV Nancy Wheeler, Nancy Wheeler Loves Robin Buckley, Jonathan Byers/Nancy Wheeler Break Up, Lesbian Robin Buckley, Lesbian Disaster Robin Buckley, Protective Robin Buckley, Not Canon Compliant - Stranger Things 4 Vol. 2, (no idea where it fits in the timeline but its after s4 don't worry about it), Movie: Scream (1996), NaNoWriMo 2023, Ghostface Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler Has a Gun, Angst with a Happy Ending, mostly everyone is fine and alive for the sake of the plot, Title from a Phoebe Bridgers Song Summary:
“Horror movies don’t make psychos. Horror movies make psychos more creative.”
Carol Perkins and Tommy Hagan were names that Nancy Wheeler had nearly forgotten about until their names appeared in the headlines– tied up, tortured and gutted in their own homes. With little evidence, no signs of a motive, and no answers, “Nancy Drew~” makes a return and finds herself trying to unravel the mystery of these strange murders, while trying to protect her own life– literally and romantically– as well.
AKA stranger things x scream au; robin is ghostface, nancy doesn't always make morally correct decisions, and i'm sorry in advance to anyone who like jonathan
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rottenaero · 1 year
Stranger Things x Scream
Ghostfaces:Robin Buckley and Steve Harrington
First Kill:Tammy Thompson
Robin makes the calls, leaving notes of pop culture references to hint who’s going to die next.
Steve does the killing, getting mostly people who wronged Robin, the kids, or even him.
When Eddie Munson gets blamed, Steve is a little pissed because this dude takes care of the kids, he doesn’t deserve to get blamed, the kids will be so upset.
Robin just doesn’t really care about the guy so she doesn’t feel a need to intervene.
Thats about it for the au so far, this kinda goes with my last fanart.
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buckleywheel3r · 2 years
ok but have we considered scream!ronance au? Robin doing the calls and Nancy killing the people... or maybe ghostface!Robin is about to kill Nancy and they have like a super homoerotic moment where Robin pushes Nancy against a wall and puts her knife against her neck...... or even better, NANCY being the Ghostface and doing that to Robin..... there are sm combinations, sm possibilities
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