#ghostie's stories
cutesmokes · 10 months
‘Come back down to earth, kay?’  
Summary: After the incident revolving around the boy on the roof, Nene couldn't stop her mind from spiraling. It's winter break now and even after the bathroom ghost promised that she would have her answers, she couldn't help but worry. (Un)fortunately for her, Hanako knows her more than she could even begin to imagine.    
Author’s note: HOHOHO!!!!!!! Surprise @duckymcdoorknob ! I'll be your secret santa this year~! Thank you so much to @hypahticklish for hosting @squealing-santa this year. Good GOD this is a long one. It's been a while since I've written anything but wow I've really had fun not only writing this but having the excuse to finally rewatch this anime~! Happy holidays my dear/p I hope you enjoy this little story about our favorite bathroom ghost~! (its just a tad edgy in the beginning and at the end lol. Yay for overthinking/j) 
Cw: very brief mention of murd3r/ some overthinking
Word count: 1526
Who was he; that boy on the rooftop, why did he look almost identical to the ghost in the bathroom? Hanako looked so.. Scared, maybe? What was that look in his eye- all his courage and confidence That  practically drained from him as was what the stranger said true? Did he really… murder someone?   
Nene cringed as she swept the bathroom floor, the coarse bristles of the broom licking over the floor, the soft sound the only thing audible in the empty school. The world outside was gray and cold, clouds blanketed the dull sky, threatening snow. School had let out early and Yashido stood shivering with a cold that only anxiety could bring. Before she had actually dared to challenge the legend of the Seventh wonder of her school, she would have been home by now; lounging in something cute, the soft twilight cooling the night as she babied her beloved hamster, but now she was here- spending most of her freetime in the girl’s bathroom. 
 She sighed to herself, smiling slightly as she let the broom rest against one of the walls before dusting herself off. She found that, within the last few months, she hasn't minded her chores so much anymore. Sure, she still felt obligated to somehow repay Hanako for all the times he's saved her- it was almost embarrassing how extensive the list was. She always seemed to get herself into trouble but Hanako was always there to save her. It almost made her feel.. Special. She shook her head, denying even the slightest possibility that she could like the ghost more than just a friend. The last time she let herself believe that, it ended in more hurt feelings as she cried into his arms. She really was silly. 
When she looked up, bright gold eyes met her amber ones. with a high pitched scream, she jumped back, almost tripping over herself as she turned back to the ghost boy, who was not trying very hard to hold back amused snickers.
“UGH!! You startled me!” she shouted with an aggravated stomp of her foot. Hanako hung upside down, floating almost weightlessly in front of her as he chuckled. 
“Oh come on, Yashiro, you've been so jumpy lately! What's going on in that head of yours, hum~?” he asked playfully, tapping his pointer finger against her forehead. She turned away from him, going to pick up the broom to return it back to the closet, Hanako not far behind. 
“Its nothing- I've just been in my own world is all.” She muttered nervously, smiling with a dismissive wave of her hand as she walked away from the closet. Once she got home, she could think things over, or, better yet, distract herself from all this bust HAnako wouldn’t have it. He knew her better than just about anyone, probably thanks to the bond they shared due to the mermaid’s scale. Still hovering over her shoulder, his fingers rapidly poked over her cheek and down her arm. Annoyed, Nene swatted at his hands,
“Hanako! Knock it off!”                     
“Not till you tell me what’s wrong~!” he said in a sing-song manner, chasing after her like a child. Seeing the stairs that led to the roof’s exit, Nene ran like her life depended on it. Hanako had gotten so mad last time and she did not want to risk repeating that. Her shoes clicked noisily against the cold wooden steps as she made it to the roof, not without clumsily tripping over the last step and falling through the unlocked door however. As soon as she tumbled out onto the rooftop, the cold wind nipped at her skin, making her shiver- she really wasn't dressed to be out in the cold, she didn't even have her coat! None of that mattered as the apparition appeared in the doorway, his silhouette darkened by the dim lights leading to the stairwell. Nene watched in silent terror as Hanako walked towards her, smiling as he always did, hands hiding behind his back. The poor girl found herself closing her eyes, maybe if she just closed her eyes hed go away- 
Cold fingers cupped her cheek, gently turning it upwards. When her eyes fluttered open again, she found the apparition’s enticing eyes dangerously close to hers again. She felt her heart flutter, making her turn away. Darn him. Hanako just continued smiling as his hands freed her face, only to intertwine with hers, making her squeak. 
“Now now, it's just me~! Friends talk, remember~?” he coos, but Yashiro just turned away again. The boy huffs, pooting just a little.
“You used to make me laugh, ya know. You're so easy to annoy~!” he paused for a moment, thinking- had he ever heard her laugh? He couldn't remember… he smirked slightly, subtly reaching to experimentally squeeze her side. 
Almost immediately, her legs kick out in reaction to the electric shocks that shoot up her nervous system. Nene attempts to roll away from the tingling sensation but finds herself trapped, slumped in a wedge made by the walls of the safety rails that lined the roof with the mischievous ghost above of her. She tried to make herself look angry, but with her cheeks already warming, she knew it would be useless to play anything off.
“Hanako!? What was THAT!?” 
The boy just scooted closer to her side, scooping her up slightly so that they now lay against each other, side by side. 
“Oh! Just checking if you were ticklish or not.” he said casually, his words light, almost sounding excited.
“See- my twin and I used to have battles all the time- it was really fun!” he seemed sad, remembering things Nene couldn't even begin to imagine. Just as quickly as it came, however, the sadness in his tone was replaced with the bouncy, perky tone returned. A hand rose into view , fingers wiggling slightly before he continued.
“Seems to me like you could use a good laugh, Yashiro~” was all he said before fingers quickly began spidering across her stomach. Almost immediately, Yashiro bursts into panicked giggles, kicking and thrashing the best she could. 
“haha-HAnako! Y-hohou you big jerk! Stahahp!” 
“Hum… let me think… nah~! You have to tell me why you were sulking again.” he taunted, fingers bouncing across the top of her leg before rapidly squeezing over her knee. The response was a high, girly squeal, before Nene sank down farther to the ground. She shook her head, not only as a way to decline his little “Deal” but as a desperate attempt to decrease the feeling of delicate fingers across her knees. She knew she couldn't go on like this much longer, but she was feeling suborn. She tried shaking her hand free of hanako’s grasp but the ghost was strong, his fingers traveled down underneath her knee, fingers tenderly clawing at the skin that hid beneath her black tights. 
Her growing laughter turned silent due to the sudden change and intensity. She tried to sit up, but only tumbled into the 7th wonder’s lap as her bright, squealing laughter returned. Chuckling along with her, hanako finally released her hand, only to grab onto the school girl’s hips, squeezing in a new found rhythm. Yashiro’s feet stomped on the cement, her dainty hands latching onto Hanako’s wrists as she called out between squeals.
“OKAYHAHA-!! Okahahay- please! Stahahap!!”  
Fingers scamper up her ribs, jumping up to her shoulder and gently feathering into the crook of her neck before they remove themselves completely. The girl’s hands cup over her chest as she tries to take deep breaths in between her giggles, eyes closing as she grounds herself. Before long, Nene was able to sit up, whipping a tear of mirth from her eye with Hanako waiting, watching with that smug look on his face. Nene took one last breath before beginning to voice the concerns that had been bothering her for weeks. The longer she rambled, the faster she talked, her hands waving around as a way to accentuate her words. It was only when she seemed to start repeating herself was when the bathroom ghost interjected, gently grabbing her hands with his own. Yashiro gasped slightly as she is pulled out of her rant before meeting Hanako’s gaze.
“Hey. it's really cool you wanna know everything about me. No one’s really done that before, and.. I'm glad its you- but you have to be patient, okay? I promise I will tell you everything you want to know when I'm ready, but for now, just come back down to earth, ‘kay? I've missed you.”  
Despite the chill from not only the wind, but from hanako’s hands as well, she could feel a warmth deep within her chest, growing across her cheeks as she blushed softly. Nene became lost in Hanako’s honey-like stare; soft and sweet, feeling tears well up from how touching his words were. He was right. He may have been a tease, but he never broke a promise.. Her smile became more determined as she nodded. She really did trust him, despite all his secrets. 
Neither of them noticed that it had begun to snow..                                        
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shiroiroom · 1 year
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If a bunch of sleepy ghosts come to you with a (possibly cursed) book to read them in bed what do you do? 👻💕
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murmuringbug · 4 months
I really appreciate how bad sees relationships. It's so special to me.
I've not seen alot of people with a similar view points so it's really validating as an aromantic person :D! Especially from someone who from what we know is not aromantic!
It just feels really nice because I even saw it in the ghosties today (no hate of course I love my fellow ghosties so much :3). But theres this line that gets drawn alot where others tell you that something is romantic like they know you better than you know yourself, and it sure does get tiring.
Like with the example of cucurucho. Bad said it was a friendly, platonic date and then the majority of ghosties were telling him that's not how platonic works. But like you guys dont decide that. >_>
If you did everything you would do on a date but you just literally dont feel romantic attraction for that person it cant be a romantic date that's it.
You cant agree to not wanting forced romance but then also force romance.
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monstersandmaw · 3 months
Male vampire x female character (Țepeș x Adriane - Full Moon Motorcycles) - Chapter One (sfw)
Hello all! While I'm finishing up this month's Patreon exclusive for you (m. dragonborn!), here's nearly 7k words of what was supposed to be the first in the Full Moon Motorcycle 'universe'. It's set before Demon's, Oats', and Pumpkin's stories!
I hope you come to love Țepeș as much as I have! He's got an interesting backstory, and although he looks intimidating, he's actually a huge softie under all that muscle and height. If you know Demon from his story, you get to see a different side of him in this, and you'll see why he was so keen not to introduce his human love interest to the gang after this (shitty) behaviour...
This is going to be up on Patreon on early release, but I'm keeping Demon's story back until it's finished so it doesn't spoil things, so keep that in mind if you leave a comment please :)
Content: plus size female character (unaware of the supernatural) is given a helping hand by the owner of a motorcycle shop, and returns later in the day to thank him, only to find half of the Full Moon Motorcycle bikers standing outside the shop that evening and goofing around. When she's offered a ride home, the tall, darkly-clad, silent biker nicknamed Țepeș volunteers to take her on his massive, black Ducati Streetfighter V4...
Wordcount: 6809
A dark, scuff-sided delivery moped — unsurprisingly missing its left mirror — clipped her elbow as it sped down the side street, spewing a cloud of nasty petrol fumes strong enough to make her cough. As she cradled her arm against her chest to rub at her elbow, Adriane’s heavy, cotton bag jolted down off her shoulder to catch painfully in the crook of her arm, and she cursed elaborately.
“Watch where you’re going, arsehole!” she yelling after the moped a second later, but they were long gone.
To add insult to injury, she snagged her boot heel on a crack in the pavement and tripped backwards to land hard enough on her ass that all the breath left her body in an inelegant grunt, and she was lucky she didn’t bite her tongue off when her jaw clacked shut under the force of the landing. The straining seams of her ancient and over-full tote bag finally ruptured on impact, and loose sheafs of paper fluttered up and away like white doves into the blustery autumn air.
“Shitting fuck!” she shouted and scrabbled to catch the remaining ones. If all of those pages got away, she’d have nothing to show at the interview — for which she was now probably going to be late — and there was no way they’d take her seriously without some kind of portfolio. And boy did she need this job.
“You ok there?” a rough, bass voice asked from right behind her. “Here, lemme help you.”
“My stuff,” Adriane choked out around a sob without turning around. “Shit…” Tears of raw frustration, tinged with exhaustion, filled her eyes and she bowed her head, willing herself not to burst into tears on the sidewalk outside some gritty-looking motorcycle shop in the back street of this new and relatively unfamiliar town.
“Here, come on. Let’s get you up.”
“What’s the fucking point?” she groaned, but she did get her legs under her and let the stranger help her to her feet with a kindly hand at her elbow. He released her and stepped back, and she smoothed the floaty, floral-printed, chiffon skirt down over her curvy thighs and tugged irritably at the hem of her cropped denim jacket before looking up at her rescuer for the first time.
She found an older man moving away to a respectful distance now that she was upright, and she regarded him a little warily. He wasn’t particularly tall or threatening though, with his wavy, salt and pepper hair falling scruffily around his ears and just brushing the collar of his blue-and-white-checked shirt. He had a short, grey beard, kind, smiling brown eyes and a significant barrel-belly. He also looked like maybe the kind of guy who rode a Harley and took no nonsense when pushed, but he seemed harmless enough as he steadied her and then stepped back another pace.
Adriane looked along the street and saw that one of the pages of her portfolio had landed face-down in a puddle, and the rest were lost to the wind. “Fuck,” she said again. She was forced to clutch the torn remnants of her bag to her chest to keep its remaining contents together, which felt like a metaphor if ever she’d known one.
“What’s wrong?” the man asked, raising his head slightly and breathing in as if he’d caught the scent of a familiar perfume. As he did, his hazel brown eyes caught the light oddly and seemed to flash amber. “You hurt yourself?”
“I’m good,” she said automatically, then added with a gesture at the soggy pages, “That was my portfolio though. I just got it printed this morning, and I don’t have the time or the money to get it printed again. My interview starts in —” she glanced at the old, analogue wristwatch on her left wrist. Only now, after the fall, it was cracked. Well, at least it wasn’t some fancy smartwatch. None of those for her with her bank account idling somewhere in the low double figures. “— twenty-eight minutes.”
“How fancy are we talking?” he asked and she frowned, confused. The man jabbed his thumb over his shoulder and explained. “I’ve got a fairly decent printer in the shop for flyers and stuff. If you’ve got a thumb drive with the files on, you can print it off here.”
She blinked. Miracle of miracles, she did actually have the USB drive in her jacket pocket. “You serious? I can’t pay you.”
“I didn’t ask you to,” he said with a hearty smile. “C’mon. Time’s wasting and you ain’t got long.”
Adriane bit her lip, moved by the kindness of this complete stranger, and followed him into the bike shop.
Read the whole thing right now over on Patreon, and consider joining the Little Ghosties tier for access to this month's Patreon exclusive story, as well as my entire back catalogue of Patreon exclusive content.
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a2zillustrations · 2 months
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A mindflayers worst enemy: ghosties with no brains
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@madcatdaderpydrawer-blog @digi-sams-au-hell
The thread got a little too long for me! It started breaking. Restarting thread here.
I believe it is time for Digi to respond.
Last little bundle of replies.
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sincerely-sofie · 10 months
Cave-in: A comic starring Darkrai, Dusknoir, and an unconscious Twig on an expedition gone wrong.
(Note that this takes place after the ending of the fanfic, and people have settled into having Darkrai in their lives... for the most part. Dusknoir still hates his guts and doesn't trust him whatsoever.)
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ambrosia-ghostie · 5 months
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everything was beautiful at the ballet, raise your arms and someone's always there 🩰
thank you @janesimsten for your lovely mod
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marithefriendlyghost · 4 months
happy 10 year anniversary to Transistor!!!
as a reward: my sybil reisz cosplay :)
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maidarlingdesigns · 8 months
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Oh, look at that - it's a new kind of Ghostie!
You haven't seen these before but they have always been around. They have an incredibly important job to do as without them, all our dreams would be at risk of getting lost and disappearing for good.
I'll tell you more about that another time but for now, enjoy that sweet little face and the fact that your dreams are being kept safe and sound. 🌟
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hollowsart · 10 months
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Hm.. [Bat-Woman] ?
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vintageandroid · 3 months
Commenters in paranormal communities are obnoxious because the only two options are apparently
1. "None of this is real, it's probably racoons, if you believe in ANYTHING then you're an IDIOT unlike me (the smartest guy in the world)."
2. "You need to pray to God and accept Jesus into your life and He will make all the demonic energies surrounding you go away."
and what I really prefer to see is
3. "WHOA that's so spooky, here's my own spooky thing that happened!"
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amphiptere-art · 8 months
fae blue moon might have to handle two little naive dunces if he ever meets fae ghosty. He, like puppy, is completely inexperienced in the human world. He at least has fear which Puppy lacks, but sometimes not of the right things.
I mean fae ghosty got to figure out how to get past Blue Moon's aggression first. They either have to have fae to give Blue Moon or simply decide to observe from afar.
Once it get past that though, Blue Moon will be just as chastising. Their job is to be a warning. These two definitely need to learn those warnings.
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alitteraladhdmess · 5 months
Haven’t talked to you in a while..
I’m doin’ ok:) schools a bit stressful but that’s alright
I’m glad I’m past that stage of “indulge yourself into all things *hyperfixation* related” and I’m drawing again but I’m SO ready for school to end
Anywhizzle here’s my most recent drawing
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monstersandmaw · 9 months
Just a little reminder that if you’re stuck for something to do over the Christmas period, or you need a little virtual library to go curl up in for a while, my two free masterlists are linked:
here and here
And if maybe someone gives you a fiver, you could also consider my huge Patreon masterlist too (it’s free to browse to see what’s there anyway). You get discord membership for life for some chill chat and good vibes.
There should also be a short story with a sarcastic tiefling at the office Christmas party going up tomorrow on Patreon, if all things go in my favour… 🤞🤞🤞
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rebornologist · 7 months
Good morning rebornation, the fact that Tsuna’s voice is so different TYL while gokudera and yamamoto still have the same VAs just reminded me that Tsuna has yet to hit voice puberty or whatever… and I love the thought of him showing up to school one day sounding super different and everyone gets so excited that they ask him to say a bunch of things to the point where he loses his voice, it starts cracking again and goes back to the higher register. The episode ends with WHAT IF I SOUND LIKE THIS FOREVER ?!?!? (pan to evening sky).
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