#ghostly-sloth art
ghostly-sloth · 4 months
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Came out a bit grungier than I expected, but at least it is finished! Have I ever mentioned that John Carpenter's "The Thing" is one of my comfort films? I've been sort of in a depression slump as of late and found myself sketching The Thing fan art ideas, so while I get out of this depression spell, I plan on sporadically releasing finished fan art for my beloved horror classic :D
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comatosebunny09 · 1 year
moonlight serenade
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genre: fluff, modern au warnings: suggestive, female anatomy, sleepy boi kyo music inspo: dreamscape (slowed) - austin farwell new home (slowed) - austin farwell
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Imagine being aboard one of those luxury trains. The ones with fancy sleeper cars decked out like the Taj Mahal, traveling from London to Venice to regroup for another mission.
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You’re cozy on the bed, the soothing vibrations of the train gliding along its tracks, lulling you into tranquility.
The pale moon shines through your window, competing with the blue light of your phone dancing over your features as you passively review your next assignment.
This one will be alone, much to your dismay. But you’ll cross that bridge when you get to it.
In the meantime, the door slides shut behind you, followed by the quiet click of the lock. You don’t bother turning around as the train car’s pressure shifts, along with a familiar woodsy scent infiltrating your senses.
Leisurely footsteps round the bed. The mattress dips beneath the weight of the room’s new inhabitant. The comforter lifts, allowing another tired body to slink beneath it.
You don’t bat an eye as sinewy arms wind around your shoulders, hauling you back into the homely warmth of a lean body. Nor do you flinch when damp strands tickle your neck whilst he burrows his chin into the junction of your shoulder. You do make yourself more comfortable, nestling your bum into his pelvis, his legs tangled with yours. You chuckle gruffly, branding his forearm with a kiss.
His response is a throaty groan, scratchy like sandpaper. You can taste the exhaustion in his tone. Feel it in how he melts against you, pressing his lips to your shoulder as if he intends to siphon all the heat from your body.
“I take it your shower went well,” you say whilst a ghostly smile teases your features. Kyojuro huffs, too weary to conjure up something coherent.
With your phone tucked beneath your pillow, you reach back to tangle your fingers in his hair, nails grazing his scalp, eliciting appreciative murmurs from him. His hold on you tightens as if he’s afraid you’ll drift away. He nuzzles further against your nape, his lips imparting on a slothful journey down to your shoulder blade.
You watch the scenery skate by with shuttered lashes and pursed lips. Ghostly silhouettes of trees and the occasional railway light flickering in and out of focus. It’s beautiful, much like the man settled behind you.
A dexterous hand makes its way down to the swell of your hips, kneading and burning through your night shorts. Fingers gangly like spider limbs search for the hem of your shirt to draw it skyward. They creep beneath the thin cloth on an unhurried excursion to your rib cage. Artful as they brush the skin just shy of your right breast.
You whimper against the tickling sensation, idly notching your hips against your lover’s, evoking a satisfied purr from him. He nibbles on your neck, content with teasing you like this until you’re a giggling mess. Tiptoeing below your bosom, fingertips gliding between the valley of your breasts and across your collarbones.
Just when you think he will finally reward you for your patience, his hand retreats from beneath your shirt, alongside the hot suction of his mouth from your shoulder. He instead snakes his arms around your middle, pulling you impossibly closer. He whispers, his forehead pressed between your shoulder blades, “Too tired. Promise to make it up to you later, my love.”
Though your body whirrs in protest, you concede, relaxing in his embrace. You smile the smallest of smiles, allowing the gentle rumble of the train to tow you both under.
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demi-shoggoth · 9 months
2023 Reading Log, pt. 15
I am behind on my writeups: the last book here I read the week of Thanksgiving!
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71. The Body Fantastic by Frank Gonzalez-Crussi. This book made for a surprisingly relevant pivot from Cult of the Dead, as it starts with talking about how Christianity has made a long history from denying and denigrating the flesh. This book is a miscellany of odd medical trivia and historical beliefs about the human body, from wandering wombs to the curative power of saliva. As someone who’s read a lot of medical history books, this one didn’t stand out so much to me, but it would probably be a good starting point for someone looking to learn some of the odder highways and byways of how people have thought about bodies. The author’s sensibilities are philosophical, leaning mystical, and his personality shines through. This is particularly true in matters of food and drink—he feels disgust over eating competitions having gone hungry in his youth, for example.
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72. Eight Bears by Gloria Dickie. As the name suggests, this book covers all of the extant bear species, although more from a cultural and conservation perspective than evolution or ecology. The author travels around the world in an attempt to see all of the bears in the wild, or at least in local captivity (such as going to a panda preserve in China). I think the book’s strongest chapters are the ones in South Asia, where she sees how in India, humans and sloth bears are being pressed into conflict through land use, and the waning in visibility but still strong market in bear bile in Vietnam. I was also pretty surprised about the chapter closest to home—how the black bears in Yosemite National Park were outright fed by park management for decades as a tourist attraction before the realization that, wait, getting large strong omnivores used to associating humans with food is a bad decision.
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73. The Delusions of Crowds by William J. Bernstein. This is an odd one. It poses itself essentially as a sequel to Charles Mackay’s Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, a book about mass hysteria and fads from the 1840s. It narrows down Mackay’s wide scope to two major domains—economic bubbles and millenialist religion, and then progresses in a roughly chronological order. The problems are two fold. One, the narrative never really draws much linkage between these two types of “delusions of crowds”, leaving the book feeling disjointed. Second, the author assumes a lot about the reader’s background in economics (possibly because he’s an economist himself), so the explanations of the exact financial chicanery involved in the various bubbles are not always fully comprehensible. I wanted to like this book a lot more than I actually did.
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74. Spirit Beings in European Folklore 2 by Benjamin Adamah. The second of four volumes, this covers primarily north-central and north-east Europe. Germany, Finland and the Netherlands get the most attention. The monsters contained within include a lot of house and field spirits, as well as many variations of alps and other sleep paralysis monsters. Again, what monsters the author decides fall into his category of “spirit beings” and which ones don’t is somewhat arbitrary. Tatzelwurms and stollenwurms, for example, are listed, even when more traditional dragons are not. I also think that the author needs to be more careful with their word choice, and/or spend more time studying folklore as a whole. For example, the book talks about the spoukhoas, a ghostly hare from the Netherlands. It talks about the spoukhoas as being a “were-hare”, despite the only lycanthrope-like trait in the entry being its vulnerability to silver… which is not universal to werewolves, and only became inexorably linked to werewolves due to Hollywood. No references to being a person at all!
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75. Saurian: A Field Guide to Hell Creek by Tom Parker, Chris Mansa and RJ Palmer. This is an art book, tied into the Saurian video game in which you play as a dinosaur. As such, the book takes an in depth look at the habitat represented by the game, and discusses the flora and fauna of the late Maastrichian South Dakota. The book is, of course, gorgeous. Both in terms of the dinosaur reconstructions and the landscapes, this makes a wonderful coffee table book. This might sound like an odd complain for a coffee table book based on a video game, but I do wish it had a bibliography. The book talks a lot about specific diets and habitat preferences of the animals within, and I want to have some sort of a guide to sorting out what’s supported by evidence, and what’s creative license.
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cherisebombe · 5 years
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Sloth 🍾
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'There's a rumour going a around that, that Warrington got up early and put his name in, Dean told Harry. 'That big bloke from Slytherin who looks like a sloth.'
Harry, who had played Quidditch against Warrington, shook his head in disgust. 'We can't have a Slytherin Champion.'
After the representatives were chosen for the Triwizarding Tournament, many began leaving the Great Hall.
A fourth year Hufflepuff student shoved a sixth year Slytherin into a hidden corridor. Following behind was a Slytherin third year who was checking over their shoulders.
If anyone saw the interaction they would completely taken aback.
The Hufflepuff student was Susan Bones.The youngest of the trio was Poonima Shah.
The eldest of the group, Cassius Warrington, a Chaser for the Slytherin quidditch team.
Susan elbowed Cassius in his side.
"Fuck." Look I -
No! First you, now Potter! "At least your name didn't take but that was really stupid Dearborn" whispered Poonima.
"Tch, whatever Fenwick."
Poonima Shah's father, Benjy Fenwick and Cassius Warrington's grandfather Caradoc Dearborn were former members of the secret organization known as the Order of the Phoenix.
Poonima and Cassius had been enrolled at Hogwarts under their mothers maiden name to avoid unwanted attention.
Both their mothers Chandramani Fenwick (née Shah) and Allene Dearborn (née Warrington) were allies of the Order of the Phoenix. Mrs. Fenwick a Hit-Witch and Mrs. Dearborn a Healer.
Only a selected few at Hogwarts knew who the two were which of course included the Headmaster Albus Dumbledore.
Susan Bones' uncle Edgar Bones was also a former member of the Order of the Phoenix but unlike her two companions she didn't have to hide her identity. Her name was as well known as Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom's.
Cassius saw it as a double edge sword, but ultimately unwanted attention and expectations.
The wixen community proped Harry up on a pedestal that he clearly didn't want. Along with the moniker The Boy Who Lived" he was also called the "Chosen One."
To Neville's grandmother and great-aunt and uncle there was much at stake with him being the only son and heir of the Longbottom family. They wanted him to exceed and be as great as his parents who were once renowned Aurors.
At every turn Susan was constantly reminded by peers and teachers alike about her family being massacred during the First Wizarding War.
A gust of cold wind blew through the three Hogwarts students. A ghostly figure briefly appeared.
They exhaled a sigh of relief as the intangible apparition disappeared.
"What do you mean why!?"
Why did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?
"Did Professor Dumbledore ask you too?"
Cassius was silent.
"Voldemort is back and like or not Potter's going need back up."
"Of course he's back, you remember Professor Quirrell!?" Susan exclaimed.
Whose that? questioned Poonima.
"I forget Poonima, your first year was when Gilderoy Lockhart become Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."
"I can't believe I thought he was cool" Susan rolled her eyes.
Well Professor Quirrell was a sorry bastard. He was the DADA professor in my fourth year and Bones first year. He put on a convincing act. Long story short apparently Voldemort had been leeching off the man's head like a parasite. Literally."
"Ew." Poonima grimaced.
"Ew is right, now back to you", pointed Susan and Cassius.
"Did you not attend the same meeting with your parents and grand-aunt as I did with my father and aunt three years ago? Susan voice rose but still in strain whisper."
Albus Dumbledore had called a gathering of the surviving relatives and members of the Order of the Phoenix in 1991 after death of his DADA professor and the destruction of the Philosopher Stone. 
"How does this help anyone!? You purposely tried to put yourself in a dangerous situation and now Harry is in thick of it by himself!'
"Did you see Potter face. That was genuine shock. I don't think put his name in the Goblet. Someone else did." Replied Cassius.
"I don't know."
"But you voluntary put yours in, am I correct?" Poonima stated.
"Yeah." Cassius said softly.
"They'll be talking about it in the common room. People will question you, especially your teammates Bletchley and Montague." Plus they are your dormnates so there's no way around it.
"I'll make up something. Keep up with appearances and what not." Shrugged Cassius.
"If your name had took, I would have gladly supported you. They're saying that a student in Slytherin house should not represent the school. Hogwarts is made up of four houses not three. Susan said sincerely."
"If people only knew how ignorant their comments were" scoffed Poonima.
I don't care about that. Anyways I'm not trying to be a champion or hero."
I just got bad feeling about this Tournament in general."
"From Professor Quirrell and the Chamber Secrets being opened. To being taught by Remus Lupin and Sirius Black breaking out of Azkaban in the same year. Learning the true nature of Peter Pettigrew. "
"It's one thing after another" sighed Susan.
"Nothing is a coincidence." Poonima agreed.
"Another thing something is definitely off about Professor Moody."
His teaching style is certainly different than Professor Lupin's that's for sure.
Remember he was a member of the Order of the Phoenix as well. Also a former Auror.’
"What if I talked to him after class” suggested Susan. I saw him conversing with Neville a few times."
You might catch in the Ravenclaw tower on weekends. I hear he plays chess against some of the Ravenclaws sometimes."
"Didn't know Moody was the chess playing type."
 “Who knows things change over the years. Last time I saw him I was four four years old and he had two eyes and two legs intact. ”
“Emmeline did mention you attended meetings with your parents and grandparents. What was that like? What was everybody like?” Poonima fiddled her fingers.
Susan waited with baited breath.
Cassius paused and studied the two girls. He ruffled Susan’s hair and flicked one of Poonima’s braids and smiled.
"I’ll tell you two next time. “Come on let’s get going”
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myth-lord · 5 years
Mythika’s creatures from Asian (Chinese + Japanese) myths.
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The beautiful white Caladrius is a celestial bird which absorbs diseases and poisons/venoms into its own body to save lives. Mostly they can handle these sicknesses and they quickly heal from them. Sometimes however the sickness or venom takes over, and the once gentle and holy creature corrupts into a new form, one that spreads poison/venom instead of curing it, these are called Zhenniao. 
@rt: https://gems-of-war.fandom.com/wiki/Zhenniao
Blemmyes, Xing Tian (Chinese) – Aberration (Giant) - More intelligent and cruel armored variants of the Blemmyes.
Bulgasari (Korean) – Aberration (Chimerae) - Bizarre chimerae which feed on metal and iron.
Dijiang (Chinese) – Aberration (Alien) - Also known as chaos beasts, the Dijiang just wants to make friends, but creates chaos instead thanks to its dangerous aura.
Gu (Chinese) – Elemental (Ooze / Spirit / Parasite) - Elementals created by the combined poison, venom and acid from various poisonous creatures.
Hongaek (Korean) – Elemental (Spirit / Vampire) - Red Mist Elementals which cause misfortune and worsen negative effects of all creatures that stand within them.
Kumiho (Korean) – Fae (Cursed) - Cursed Kitsune, very selfish, mischievous and cruel.
Nian (Chinese) – Demon (Unicorn / Summoner) - Demonic lions with giant magical horns which can control parts of time. They hunt for other powerful demons.
Olgoi-Khorkhoi (Mongolian) – Aberration - These large, red sandworms have multiple ways to kill prey.
Pixiu (Chinese) – Construct (Summoner) - Golden statues of pure greed, inside their bodies is a portal to a treasure-room of the Sinlord of Greed.
Pua Tu Tahi, Shen (Chinese) – Aberration (Psychic) - Giant clam monsters which can create very realistic illusions to lure prey close.
Qiuniu (Chinese) – Dragon (Reptilian) - Yellow dragons which control the sounds around them, their breath is actual sonic energy.
Taotie (Chinese) – Demon - Very gluttonous beastly demons which can endlessly devour prey.
Terra-Cotta (Chinese) – Construct (Spirit / Human / Mounted) * - Clay-like golems of warfare, they come in many varieties.
Xiao (Chinese) – Beast (Avian / Chimerae) - Like a mixture of magpie and monkey, they are all kleptomaniacs.
Zheng (Chinese) – Fae (Unicorn) - Very fast red panthers with magical horns and five tails which always move.
Zhenniao (Chinese) – Beast (Avian / Cursed) - When a Caladrius absorbs too many diseases these horrid and evil birds are born.
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Akashita are demons that can become as light as a feather and travel in the air without flying, they live among the clouds in high mountain area’s and can use their bizarre magical abilities to trap their prey. They can turn fog, mist, and clouds solid, trapping creatures within fog or clouds so they become easy prey. 
@rt: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/nightmaresyrup/akashita
Akaname (Japanese) – Aberration - Filthy creatures with very long tongues which mostly eat gross things.
Akaname, Gaki (Japanese) – Undead (Cursed) - Cursed gluttonous and greedy people turned into undead Akaname for punishment.
Akashita (Japanese) – Demon - Demons that live between the clouds and mist, they can harden clouds to trap other creatures within them.
Aoandon (Japanese) – Construct (Spirit / Tsukumogami / Summoner) - These strange Tsukumogami lamps summon ghosts, specters, and spirits to their location to fight for them.
Ashi-Magari (Japanese) – Aberration - Much like bizarre land-based anemone, but it is always invisible until slain.
Atuikakura (Japanese) – Aberration - Giant Sea Cucumbers, they come in many colors.
Bakekujira (Japanese) – Undead (Spirit / Cursed / Summoner) - Undead, vengeful ghostly/skeletal whales.
Buruburu (Japanese) – Undead (Spirit / Tulpa) - Ghost feeding on cowardice, only appears at random when you flee from battles.
Dorotabo (Japanese) – Elemental (Spirit / Cursed) - Mud elementals which hold the souls of angry humans who died in the wilderness.
Enenra (Japanese) – Elemental (Spirit / Cursed) - Smoke elementals, created from burned souls, the more people burned the bigger the Enenra is.
Futsunushi (Japanese) – Construct (Spirit / Tsukumogami) * - Animated swords and blades, their former owner still possessing it.
Garei (Japanese) – Construct (Spirit / Tsukumogami / Cursed) - Cursed paintings which house the spirits of their previous owners.
Hahakigami (Japanese) – Construct (Spirit / Tsukumogami / Cursed) - Animated brooms which hate dirty things and suffer from cleaning-disorder.
Heikegani (Japanese) – Demon (Vermin / Spirit / Summoner) - Demonic crabs which collect and control the spirits of the victims they slay.
Ikuchi (Japanese) – Dragon (Reptilian) - Deep sea serpents, they are covered with liquid shadows which kill any light source they find.
Isonade (Japanese) – Demon (Fish) - Giant demonic megalodon-like sharks, use their tails as fishing rods.
Ittan-Momen (Japanese) – Construct (Spirit / Tsukumogami) - Animated pieces of shawls or cotton-cloths, the spirit of a serial killer animates it and continues its grizzly work.
Jinmenju (Japanese) – Plant (Summoner) - Intelligent tree monsters which fruit resembles heads, when ripe they turn into fruit-minions that catch prey for their tree parent.
Jorogumo (Japanese) – Fae (Shifter / Vermin / Summoner) - Black Widow like fae spiders which can take the form of a beautiful woman.
Jubokko (Japanese) – Plant (Vampire / Cursed) - Red-leafed vampiric tree monsters.
Kamaitachi (Japanese) – Fae - Very fast weasel fae which rides on the wind and have scythe-like arms.
Kameosa (Japanese) – Construct (Spirit / Tsukumogami / Summoner) - Animated vases which control the endless water supply that is within them.
Kamikiri (Japanese) – Aberration (Tulpa) - Strange aberrational humanoids which scissor-like features cut off hairs which they eat.
Kasa-Obake (Japanese) – Construct (Spirit / Tsukumogami) - These living, possessed umbrellas protect their allies from water-based attacks.
Katsura-Otoko (Japanese) – Fae (Nymph) - Male nymphs of the moon, they kidnap pretty creatures and hate ugliness.
Kejoro (Japanese) – Construct (Spirit / Parasite) - Like an animated wig, these hair-monsters wear humans instead of the other way around.
Keukegen (Japanese) – Aberration (Tulpa) - Cute, and furry creatures which are actually horrid itching spreads of diseases.
Kurage (Japanese) – Aberration * - Floating elemental jellyfish creatures which live on land instead of in the water.
Mekurabe (Japanese) – Undead (Swarm) - Collection of skulls which form a giant skull by working together.
Namazu (Japanese) – Beast (Fish) - Giant catfish which cause earthquakes.
Nekomata (Japanese) – Fae (Shifter) - Two-tailed, evil Cath Sidhe variants, they have 9 lives.
Nekomata, Kasha (Japanese) – Demon (Shifter / Summoner) - Demonic Nekomata, they carry the corpses of their victims and they can also animate them with their 9 lives.
Nojukubi (Japanese) – Elemental (Spirit / Parasite) - Fire Elementals which can possess other creatures, and burn their way out of them after a while.
Nue (Japanese) – Demon (Shifter / Reptilian / Chimerae / Mara) - Living nightmares, summoned from the nightmares of Kings and Warlords.
Nuppeppo (Japanese) – Demon (Cursed) - Demons of sloth, almost never move, appear to nothing but flesh and fat.
Nurikabe (Japanese) – Aberration (Ooze / Shifter) * - White oozes which can harden themselves to form solid walls and barriers.
Oboroguruma (Japanese) – Construct (Spirit / Tsukumogami / Cursed) - Imagine these oxcart-like Tsukumogami to be the Mythika variant of the horror car Christine.
Omukade (Japanese) – Demon (Vermin) - Almost endless demonic centipedes from the mountains.
Ozaena, Umibozu (Japanese) – Aberration (Ooze / Spirit / Cursed) - Sea oozes created from the drowned souls of sailors.
Raiju (Japanese) – Elemental (Shifter / Spirit) - Lightning elementals which can take the forms of small carnivorous mammals.
Rokurokubi (Japanese) – Fae (Hag) - Chaos Hags which can stretch their necks to impossible lengths.
Satori (Japanese) – Beast (Psychic) - Strange monkeys with telepathic and psychic powers.
Sazae-Oni (Japanese) – Demon (Cursed) - Merfolk possessed by demonic spirits slowly become Sazae-Oni.
Sessho-Seki (Japanese) – Undead (Spirit / Cursed) - The spirits of Kitsune which can’t rest, they possess a giant rock and spread horrid poison into the environment.
Spartoi, Gashadokuro (Japanese) – Undead (Human / Swarm / Summoner) - When many Spartoi/Skeletons merge together a Gashadokuro is formed.
Suiko (Japanese) – Beast (Amphibian / Reptilian / Chimerae) - Evil variants of the Kappa.
Tengu (Japanese) – Humanoid (Beastman / Avian) - Moody natured humanoids wearing masks and using Kitana-like fan weapons.
Tenome (Japanese) – Aberration - Yeah, much like the Pale Man from Pan’s Labyrinth, they only feed on bones.
Tera-Tsutsuki (Japanese) – Beast (Avian / Swarm) - Swarms of destructive woodpeckers, they destroy everything in their path.
Tesso (Japanese) – Humanoid (Beastman / Summoner) - Humanoid rats with magnetic abilities, iron teeth and nails.
Tsuchigumo (Japanese) – Demon (Vermin) - Demonic trapdoor spiders, their webs drain life.
Wanyudo (Japanese) – Construct (Spirit / Cursed) - Cruel torture devices created by demons, look like wheels with screaming faces stuck to them.
Yamabiko (Japanese) – Fae - Funny looking creatures, they can copy any sound and spell they hear and use it against their attackers, like an echo.
Yuki-Onna (Japanese) – Undead (Spirit / Human / Cursed) - The frozen spirits of lone women that died alone, they absorb the warmth and compassion from their victims.
Zorigami (Japanese) – Construct (Spirit / Tsukumogami / Summoner) - Animated clocks which have some abilities over rewinding time.
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2020 Books
 Kiss Me In New York
The One That I Want
Flirting with Boys
Every Moment After
The Liar’s Daughter
Teeny Tiny Toady
41 Reasons I’m Staying In
The Gorehound’s Guide to Splatter Films of the 1980s
Forgotten Bookmarks
101 Greatest Baby Boomer Toys
The Addam’s Family
Hex Wives
Humpty Dumpty Lived Near A Wall
Fred’s Big Feelings
Avengers Scarlet Witch
The Modern Horror Film
50 Fashion Designers You Need To Know
Strange Planet
Just Shopping With Mom
Back To The Future
Run Hide Fight Back
The Worrier’s Guide to Life
Black Widow Forever Red
Ghostbusters: The Ultimate Visual History
Mid-century Kitchen 
Black Hollywood
Long Way Down
Getting Lost With Boys
Hearts, Strings, and Other Things That Can Be Broken
Marvel Studios: The First Ten Years
The Cozy Life
The Little World of Liz Climo
What We Keep
I’d Rather Be Reading
The Hygee Life
Heavy Vinyl
Sabrina The Teenage Witch
Vintage Party Games
Scary Scary Halloween
The Hidden Art of Fucking Up
Grace and Style
The Joy of Hygee
Georgie to the Rescue
The Bees in Your Backyard
The Art of Zootopia
Marvel Zombies
Girls With Sharp Sticks
Sad Animal Facts
Avengers: Infinity War Prelude
The Princess Saves Herself In This One
Defending Jacob
Chain of Gold
The Graveyard Book Volume 1
Godzilla Aftershock
Anne Frank’s Diary
The World of It
How To Die Alone
What Would Wonder Woman Do?
The Big Book of Halloween
Stephen King on Film
The War Bride’s Scrapbook
10 Blind Dates
The Art of Toy Story
Vintage Living
The Returned
Dynamic Dames
Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
Book Towns
The Boy Next Door
The Bad Girl
The Best Friend
The Confession
Lost Ballparks
College Weekend
The Third Evil
I Really Didn’t Think This Through
Home Before Dark
Scream Jennifer Scream
The Nightmares on Elm Street 4 and 5
Jason’s Curse
Wes Craven’s New Nightmare
Nightmare Inn
The Pool
The Attic
We Speak In Storms
Vacations from Hell
Dear Heartbreak
Agnes at the End of the World
Coyote’s Kiss
Pioneer Woman Dinnertime
Haunt Your House For Halloween
The Art of Barbie
The Art of Making Memories
When Less Becomes More
Into The Streets
The Witch Who Went On A Walk
The How To Handbook
The Art of Sleepy Hollow
We Will Rock Our Classmates
The Avengers
You Are Here
The Art of Pixar
A Ghostly Good Time
The Art of Pocahontas
 Halloween Trick and Treats
Extreme Pumpkins
One Day at Disney
Artful Halloween
Disney’s Who Who
Sloth Went
Southern Folk Medicine
Global Bohemian
Milk Bar Life
Martha Stewart’s Organizing
Adventurous Eaters Club
A Very Vintage Christmas
The Illustrated Herbiary 
I Really Didn’t Think This Through
Have Yourself A Vintage Christmas
The World of Chas Addams
100 in Days in Photographs
Clown In A Cornfield
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
It’s Raining Bats and Frogs
Halloween Is…
The Halloween House
Haunted House
Trejo’s Tacos
Lady Lovely Locks
Tricks and Treats the Ultimate Halloween Book
Penguin Problems
The Ultimate Guide to Supernatural
The Haunted
Wes Craven’s Last House On The Left
Harry Potter Film Vault Volume 5
Harry Potter Film Vault Volume 2
Harry Potter Film Vault Volume 1
Supernatural The Official Cookbook
The Wizard’s Cookbook
The 13 Days of Halloween
Break An Egg!
Screams and Nightmares
The Cool Factor
The Phantom Prince
Disney During World War II
One Was Lost
Bookish and the Beast
Bart Simpson’s Treehouse of Horror
Maps of the Disney Parks
Friends Forever
Your Beauty Mark
I Left The House Today
Tales From The Crypt #2
The Origin
Kind of Coping
Make Yourself At Home
Totally Sweet 90s
The Minibook of Minigolf
A Kiss Goodnight
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
The Buffy Chronicles
Ghosts Went A Floating
Escape Goat
Fright Flicks
The Spirit Almanac
Album of the Damned
The Occult, Witchcraft and Magic
Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn
Monsters You Should Know
Alice in Wonderland A Visual Companion
Fantastic Beasts Movie Magic
The Art of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Tales for A Halloween Night
See You on Sunday
Runaway Pumpkins
The Walking Dead Official Cookbook
The Art of Disney Costuming
Christmas Wishes
The Monster on the Block
The Witches’ Handbook
Harry Potter Film Vault Vol 6
Bookish and the Beast
Forbidden Hollywood
Hungry Hearts
Self Care for the Self Aware
Perfect Little Angels
The 100 Thing Challenge
Thriving As An Empath
The 13 Nights of Halloween
100 Ideas That Changed The World
100 Years of Hollywood
20th Century Fashion
The Missing Season
I’m a Therapist and my patient is the next school shooter
the 100 simple secrets of happy people
entertaining with disney
a literary holiday cookbook
men to avoid in art and in life
no fuzzball
1000 tattoos
the art of rise of the guardians
100 places every woman should go
doll junk
countdown to christmas
clue vol 1
the art of walt disney
100 photographs that changed the world
501 most notorious crimes
the making of the crimes and grindlewald 
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moniacatellani · 5 years
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"Syssigy," by Leonora Carrington, oil on board, 22 by 19 3/4 inches, 1957. Several of the figures are dressed in what the catalogue described as "rather fanciful Edwardian dress" and although it is a relatively dark interior scene several of them wear sunglasses "as if to protect their vision from the unfolding drama occurring between the elderly seated woman and the standing man on the right." "Garbed in a somber black robe, this bearded man clearly plays the role of the Magus. Clutching a staff in his outstretched right hand, he resembles Hermes Trismegistus, messenger god and patron of the alchemical arts. Mixing the humorous with the sacred, he holds in his left hand an uroboros (the figure eight sign of infinity), which dangles at the end of a string like a mystical yo-yo. In fact, according to Carrington, the title Syssigy is a made-up word that for her means 'mixture' and appears to be in some way derived from the term 'syzygy,' connoting a pair of connected or correlated things. Syzygy, like Carrington's paintings, has a multitude of esoteric meanings as well. In astronomical terms it is the perfect alignment of three or more celestial bodies, or it can refer to the conjunction of the sun and moon. In Jungian pyschology it describes the pairing of opposites such as male (animus)/female (anima) which he related to the alchemical conjoining of the sun and the moon that resulted in the birth of a new androgynous being. Finally, within the Gnostic tradition, syzygy is a complex notion that expands upon the dualism of body-spirit to incorporate the idea that we all have a Heavenly twin, a personal angel that represents our own perfected self. A ghostly mixture between a monkey and a sloth clutches the staff while peering inquisitively at its bearer, as it conjured forth that very moment." Too bad Bosch is not alive. What a romance that would be!
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statecryptids · 7 years
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Folks who grew up in the late 80s/early 90s will remember well Alvin Schwartz’s Scary Stories To Tell in The Dark. Well, mostly people will remember- and are probably still haunted by- the books nightmarish illustrations by Stephen Gammell.  As far as I know, no other kid’s horror book since then has really been able to precisely capture the raw hiding-under-the-covers-all-night fear of that book and its stories.  But Nightmare Soup, written by Jake Tri with illustrations by Andy Sciazko, digs its twisted, ghostly roots dug pretty deep into that world.
The tales in Nightmare Soup are short and simple, like creepy tales kid’s would tell each other while sitting around a lone flashlight in a dark room (kids still do that, right?). The stories are all original but clearly drawn from contemporary horror and urban legends such as monstrous clowns, aliens and ominous, lurking Beings From Elsewhere like Slenderman and The Rake. There are also several works dealing with creepy real life animals- skin-burrowing botflies and the tongue-replacing sea louse Cymothoa exigua- that have gained infamy thanks to the internet. Many of these tales have the feel of Creepypastas, the internet’s answer to old campfire tales.
Andy Sciazko’s creepy black-and-white drawings are very clearly done in the spirit of Stephen Gammel’s illustrations. While some of the pictures are quite effective, I can’t help feeling like the art is trying a bit too hard to gross out the reader or project that nightmarish shock that Gammel’s art had.  That is not to say they aren’t good. Indeed, the illustrations often compliment Jake Tri’s stories quite well. And some of them can be extremely eerie.  But it’s the difference between finding a room with blood and innards splattered all over the walls and ceiling versus coming across an otherwise clean room with a few small crimson drops leading to the basement door.
There are some excellent stand-out stories in this book. I particularly like the poem The Sloth. I would not normally have thought of these slow, sleepy xenarthrans as being horror material, but this poem makes them into a particularly creepy predator that stalks its prey slowly, but inevitably catches them. The accompanying artwork is effectively macabre and unsettling.
I am also fond of the tales Full Moon Guests and Mr. Wilson, Their twist endings feel as if they’ve been pulled right out of old EC horror comics.  And, of course, I can’t help but enjoy the story Tongue- because really who can resist a story featuring the ghoulish charm of the aforementioned Cymothoa exigua.
If there is a flaw in Nightmare Soup it is that it seems to be trying to emulate the look and feel of Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark without having enough of its own identity. I do genuinely admire the attempt to capture that nostalgic fear that Alvin Schwartz’s original books spawned in so many kids. I think this anthology will be most effective on modern kids who don’t know Scary Stories and will get the chance to experience that squeamish fear for themselves.
You can get a copy of Nightmare Soup on the book's website.
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How Did We Get Here? The History of Events In Lucas Told Through Tweets
Top Rated Recommendations When Visiting Lucas
Lucas, TX, uses a bevy of can't- miss things to do, from participating in unique occasions, to getting included in the arts and discovering about regional history; to dining at independent restaurants and remaining active at area parks. Take a look at the following posts to get a within take a look at how Lucas, TX, will keep you entertained.
Nestled inside a massive refurbished storage facility in Dallas' Historical West End District, this privately-owned aquatic wonderland is home to many varieties of marine and animal life (much of which ... Learn More Nestled inside an enormous reconditioned warehouse in Dallas' Historic West End District, this privately-owned aquatic wonderland is home to numerous ranges of marine and animal life (a number of which are endangered) from all over the world.
Visitors can also communicate everything from three-toed sloths and manatees to huge river otters, penguins and ocelots. Not-to-be-missed are the animal talks and feeding sessions held throughout the day.
Popular Fun For The Kids In Lucas
Lucas, TX is situated at 33.08 ° North latitude, 96.58 ° West longitude and 182 meters elevation above the water level. Lucas, TX is a little community in United States, having about 3,922 inhabitants. Discover intriguing places and things Lucas Tx Attractions to do in Lucas, Collin County, Texas: lodging, restaurants, trips, tourist attractions, activities, jobs and more The map of Lucas TX enables you to safely navigate to, from and through Lucas TX.More, the satellite view of Lucas TX lets you see complete topographic details around your actual place or essentially explore the streets of Lucas TX from your house.
Accommodation in Lucas, Texas area Best Western Inn Wylie - 2011 N Highway 78, Wylie >> In-depth hotel facilities and rates for all hotels around Lucas TX, United States: Compare & Reserve ! Restaurants in Lucas, Texas, United States Dining Establishments in Lucas, TX . Here you can discover restaurants, pizzerias, barbecues & grills, gelaterias, cake shops and coffee shops in Lucas, TX Gas stations in Lucas, Texas, United States Health care centers in Lucas, Texas, United States Medical focuses in Lucas, TX .
Oral care offices in Lucas, Texas, United States Oral offices in Lucas, TX . Find all general dentistry offices and other dental care workplaces in Lucas, TX, together Check out here with their address, phone number and other contact information.
Our Fun For The Whole Family List
Pumpkin patches, haunted houses, ghost strolls, hay flights, and apple pie are all part of the fun as Fall methods. We've discovered some locations but would like to include to the list, so inform us if you know of anymore Halloween customs you have in Allen, Frisco, Mc Kinney, Plano-- or throughout Collin County.
For a day-by-day listing of fall celebrations and Halloween-related occasions, make sure to check our Calendar of Occasions . Are you wondering if you are welcome to attend one of these events at a church if you do not share the very same faith? Absolutely, you are welcome and no, the church folks won't be attempting to 'convert' you or your children.
Most events at churches are free, but some may include a small cost (when suggested on this page) to offset the expense. Secret: Free $0 $ $1-5 $$ $6-10 $$$ $11-15 $$$$ $16-20 $$$$$ $21+ Does your family like to drive around and take a look at Christmas lights? We're collecting the very best family-friendly Halloween light shows to view in October! Just follow the link to our list and if you want to share a family-friendly, non-gruesome display screen with us, let us know.
Popular Don't Forget These Destinations
Free New in 2019, it's FREE! Get access to the National Soccer Hall of Fame, over forty digital experiences, magic shows, art installations, haute new styles, interactive picture opportunities, food trucks, a haunted carnival, a petting zoo, an outfit contest, live music and entertainment, and much, far more. Friscovania is totally free to the general public.
One movie for the kiddos at 7:00 pm, another for teens and grownups at 9:30 pm. Come and get frightened with your neighbors! 222 Town Location, Fairview, TX 75069 (Fairview Town Center - The Park) $$$ Again, this is simply outside of the Collin County line, but it too cool not to mention.
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This occasion has limited enrollment and fills rapidly, so don't postpone. 3700 Triggers Road, The Colony, TX 75056 $$$$$ An evening of outdoor games, nature walks, story-telling near the fire, s'mores, camping tent decorating contest, pumpkin painting, and make certain to bring some candy for 'tent or treating'. Limitation 5 people per tent site.
The Most Recommended Recommendations When Visiting Lucas
5901 Los Rios Boulevard, Plano, TX 75074 (Oak Point Park Nature and Retreat Center) Are hauntings genuine? We encourage you to read our article before messing around with the paranormal. Will you be hosting a haunted home, scare house or haunted labyrinth? Make sure to check with your city or regional federal government workplace to get all suitable licenses and after that submit your venue to us for inclusion.
A woman's scream. Shades open, doors unlock, chairs unfold-- but there's no explanation. Many denizens of downtown Plano report weird occurrences in the area's historic buildings. Some claim they're haunted. Marching from the Interurban Railway Museum, the tour supplies an exclusive peek at weird corners, back corridors and other far-off areas downtown.
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701 Taylor Drive, Plano, TX 75074 $$$$ Expertly guided tours of our Historic Homes and Discussion of Paranormal Evidence. * Suggested for ages 14 and Up 315 S. Chestnut Street, Mc Kinney, TX 75069 $$ Trolley Tour of Historic Downtown Mc Kinney where ghostly tales of the historical buildings are shared with the visitors.
Details About The Terrific City of Lucas Texas
- The elevation for Lucas is 568 ft (173 m)
- Lucas is located in Collin County, Texas
- The population of Lucas as of the 2010 census is 5,166
- Lucas is bordered by Fairview to the North
- Lucas is bordered by Wylie to the South
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- As of 2010, the median income for a Lucas household was $100,220
- The area code for Lucas is 214
- The private Lucas Christian Academy is located in the city
- About 4.1% of the Lucas population live below the poverty line
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origami-goblin · 7 years
Divine Pantheon - Homebrew
Here is a glimpse into the notes for the Divine Pantheon of a homebrew campaign that I ran a couple years back. I’ll get into finer details in a future post, but these are the main deities and some notable aspects of each. Enjoy!
Astraea, Faceless Mother - goddess of family, duty, and blind faith Description: Face shrouded with a veil; walks elegantly as if gliding Symbol: Outline of woman with outstretched arms over her head Familiar: Heron    
Tief, Tender of Blossoms - god of patience, growth and sloth Description: Dryad, shrouded in foliage; shimmers in ephemeral light Symbol: Young sprout with three leafing buds over a mellow sun Familiar: Hummingbird
Barbas, Wounded Mercenary - goddess of war, valor, and pestilence Description: White bandana around head & one eye, blood-battered; walks with a wooden crutch Symbol: Broken arrow overlaid on a yellow & red starburst Familiar: Crow
Haukis, Headless Minstrel - god of song, deception, and color Description: Beheaded Kenku; carries head on a shimmering, chromatic, velvet pillow Symbol: Brass harp tilted over a black circle. Right half of the circle is sunburst rainbow Familiar: Chameleon
Atheon, the Clockwork Tempest - god of time, storms, and retribution Description: Form of a fiery wind elemental; eyes burn with intense blue/red flame Symbol: Coiling Lightning Bolt that transforms into a snake, set over a dark blue cloud Familiar: Python
Nyxe, Wandering Stranger - god of death, travel, and sleep Description: Nomad-esque; short black goatee; dressed in desert attire Symbol: Black and yellow ‘n’ over a white background Familiar: Black swan
Tsarmina, Eyes of Existence - goddess of knowledge, justice, and terrible truth Description: Bald, black lines of tears running from eyes, ghostly white; third eye tattooed on forehead Symbol: Shimmering starry field covered with deep purple eyes Familiar: Peacock
Niserie, Gluttonous Maw - goddess of prosperity, civilization, and ruin Description: Bronze skin with black hair braided in Egyptian style; can open mouth wide like cobra Symbol: Bronze circle split top & bottom; top section is solid, bottom section is fragmented Familiar: Elephant
Raphyle, Silent Sculpture - god of heroism, the arts, and pride Description: Stone Golem; perfect except for long scar stretching from neck to hip Symbol: Lion-head facing right with flames for mane; over a white square Familiar: Lion
Oryx, Plague of Madness - god of sanity, manipulation, and illusion (previously clarity, foresight, order) Description: Combination of all nine faces, constantly shifting, spinning, & contorting. Symbol: Black & White semi-circles to form full circle; rose inlaid over the top. Familiar: Shapeshifter
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ghostly-sloth · 3 months
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With the upcoming Silent Hill 2 remake and general depression, I keep thinking of Angela. She deserves so much more. A redraw of one of her most iconic scenes. Original image below
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himan3214 · 7 years
7 deadly sins show
I can’t for the life of me find the post that had the idea going around of the 7 deadly sins taking in a guy and helping him get back on his feet using their skills as the sins (such as pride helping with self esteem which was said in the post I am talking about of which I couldn’t find)  that said instead of them being something like ghostly figures why not have them rent out a place in their house for this guy because they want to help him and bring him along to their day jobs that each one has to show and teach him how to become better and rise out of the slump he is in. Like gluttony is a chef, Greed is a banker (instead of buying things his greed is to horde money and all the financial stuff for the sin family), Lust is a human resource worker using her charm and wit to calm people down, Pride is a personal trainer, sloth is a masseuse/Masseur taking it slow and easy, Wrath is a martial arts champion/teacher, and Envy is a kick ass hair stylist (couldn’t really think of a good one)!
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
Hyperallergic: Considering the Clarity of X-ray Photography
Steve Miller, “Torch Snake” (2011) inkjet on paper, 24 x 36 inches
One of surest ways to generate interest in a technology that has been in use for some time is to combine it with a new idea. For example, take X-ray photographs of objects, both animated and inanimate and introduce them as illustrative of our networked world and the notion that each discrete human being is essentially a space of molecular flows, an interchange where energy moves through matter.
It’s this compelling theme that Steve Miller uses to ground his book Radiographic: X-ray Photo Inventions. X-ray photography has been used to make art, only a few years after 1896, when the German scientist Wilhelm Röntgen discovered that electromagnetic radiation could affect photographic film and provide images of dense materials surrounded by less dense matter. The foreword to the book, written by a science writer and academic, Carl Safina, guides the reader toward that penumbra space where science and art overlap, urging serious consideration of the link between the natural world and the world of aesthetic appreciation. The link Safina says is in our ecology and the place we as humans have in it:
Life is — more than anything else —  a process; it creates and depends on, relationships among energy, land, water, air, time, and various living things. It’s not just about human-to-human interaction. It’s about all interaction. We’re bound with the rest of life in a network, a network including not just living things, but the energy and non-living matter that flows through the living, making and keeping us all alive as we make it alive.
Steve MIller, “WiFi Favella” (2015) pigment dispersion and silk-screen on canvas, 79″ x 69″
Miller also explains in his own brief introductory essay that many of the images here are generated by a long-term project that began with his travel to Brazil and into the Atlantic rainforest. He talks about the biodiversity he witnessed and the varied vantage points: on the ground surrounded by the forest, flying overhead in a plane at 2,000 feet, and looking at the land clearing operations via satellite imagery. Miller sensed the precarity of that environment and the interconnectedness of all the creatures inhabiting it. Miller figured out that one’s perspective produces qualitative differences in what one actually sees. With this conceit and some technological wizardry Miller has made a collection of images that is at times wrenchingly beautiful and a bit elegiac.
Miller uses various technologies to see inside objects and creatures: X-rays, CT scans (which use X-rays to build up a three-dimensional portrait), MRIs, sonograms, and electron microscopy. It’s fascinating that, in a way, the work does what the horror genre does (albeit without creating a lot of dramatic tension before the reveal): turn what is supposed to be on the inside out, so that the viewer is subjected to a kind of visual transgression. Horror works as a genre, I think, because, aside from fear and revulsion, surprise and curiosity occur as well.
Steve Miller, “Health of the Planet #646” (2013) inkjet and silk-screen on paper, 29 x 24 inches
I experience all of the above looking at “River Raptors” (2011) a ghostly flotilla of Piranha in formation, whitish-gray against a deep black field, their mouths slightly open, their pointed teeth like ravenous jigsaws. Miller also pans his viewing angle wide to take in flowers, plants, assorted sea creatures, birds, guitars, purses, and on. This tome is not the size of a coffee table book, but it would work as such. There are enough images of creatures made gracefully alien here that casually leaving the book open to the image “Torch Snake” (2011) — an overleaf of a magenta and green X-ray image of a sinuous snake and tall plant with fanning leaves — would be sure to generate conversation.
Steve Miller, “Glass Times Square” (2008), inkjet, laminated glass, steel, 31.5 x 32 x 1 inch
At times the work is too decorative for my taste, such as in the piece “Health of the Planet #525 (2009) with its flower stalk superimposed over an image of three clay jars, against a black background that is smeared with white as if this were an accidental print that stumbled into beauty. It looks like the cover image for an upmarket collection of thank-you cards. At other places in the book, the images are too busy, too layered and washy as in “Fragmentary Traces” a combination of wires and weeds, stalks and thin pigments all roiled into a frame that means to show its energy cannot be contained. Or Miller goes too far is the impressionistic bent he has in “Turtle Lungs” (2012) where without the title, I have no idea what I’m looking at.
But then Miller creates some loveliness. As in “Law of the Jungle” which has a black-and-white X-ray of a snake with a mouse deep in its digestive tract. The piece “Glass” (2008) and “Tulips” (1996) are simple compositions: just flowers made transparent and even more ephemeral in their bodies. One gets a sense of how fragile the objects can be in real life. In “Tulips” they bending slightly with the weight of their heavy heads and that is enough to evoke for me the vulnerability of this planet.
Steve Miller,”Sloth Pieta” (2011) carbon inkjet on cotton rag, 26 x 24 inches
Ultimately, in the collection of images, one can see the painter and contemporary image maker that is Miller vying against the Miller who is a more sentimental chronicler. I believe the latter makes stronger pictures. In the image “Sloth Pieta” (2011) he has taken an adult sloth and its child and rendered them wraiths against a starkly black background. Still one sees the protective arm of the adult surrounding the child with their bones intermingling as their heads touch. It’s a refresh of the classic Christian motif, and a blending of art and science that lets us see through these creatures, but not see beyond them.
Radiographic: X-ray Photo Inventions (2017) by Steve Miller is published by Glitterati press (New York and London).
The post Considering the Clarity of X-ray Photography appeared first on Hyperallergic.
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ghostly-sloth · 3 months
It's official! My debut graphic novel has been acquired by Rachel Diebel at Feiwel and Friends! I am over the moon to be able to work on this personal story of mine!
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ghostly-sloth · 1 year
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It turns out I am not immune to drawing my kids to the bisexual Anne Hathaway meme. I miss my ghost kids, and I hope I get to draw them again soon :)
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