stripesofbrooklyn · 4 months
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"Love of my life, I want your attention. And it's Buckake not Bukkake."
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crossxxbones · 2 months
that’s my cue.
It had been nearly two years since Brock last saw the Winter Soldier, and the changes were evident in both of them. Where one could argue that Barnes looked better--less starved and dead-eyed, for example--Rumlow looked like he'd been put through a wood chipper. Felt like it at times, too, the process of being dug out from the rubble of the Triskelion and pieced back together a hellish one. Death would have been easier, something he expected the soldier understood.
But here they both were, alive and in reasonably good shape. It had taken time, skill, and resources to track him this far, and he wasn't about to let him go that easily. The Winter Soldier was a valuable asset, even without the long arm of HYDRA to keep him compliant. The gun was already in his hand, a shot fired at the floor in front of him to discourage him from taking another step. "Don't even think about it. Think I tracked ya down for my fuckin' health? Sit the fuck down, and we'll have a chat here like the grown-ups do."
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sohelish · 2 months
The Ferris wheel was not a large one, but all is relative. Especially with Hel being at risk of losing composure when lifted above the ground. Her enigmatic acrophobia. She gulped, studying the intricate metal contraption to the best of her ability as the dark of the evening obscured the beams and mechanisms of the structure. If only she could spot the inner workings better, the woman would regain peace of mind. The machine appeared to her as an intimidating, taunting neon eye of multiple flashing lights. It was blinking threateningly. It's just an apparatus, she thought sternly. Don't worry. Don't worry… I'm not afraid. In fact, I find this rather enjoyable. @ghostsandmirrors
Her eyes went wide with realisation. The mental link between her and Lieat was becoming more stable. In the middle of Helena reassuring herself, they overheard it. '—that right, huh?' she put more weight on the side of the stall she was leaning against, smoking. 'What are you enjoying exactly?' She was curious if they would elaborate, yet her tone fell flat, eyes darting across the hectic crowds to the screaming children, to the reason behind the screams - the most ugly-looking, nearly distorted clown she had ever seen. If she enjoyed the scenery, she did so in morbid fascination.
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hattiexmae · 3 months
Her lip curled up on one side in a half smile. “If I wanted you dead you’d already be.” She also knew he could easily take her. He had in the past too. She gave a smile. “It’s chicken pot pie. I figured with the snow we could use something warm.” A shrug came from her as she got her own bowl and dug in.
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the27percent · 1 month
hate: What does your OC hate? Why? How do they act towards the object of their hatred?
Atieno hates, hates hates the notion of being controlled or used towards other people's purposes. As related to a previous ask, it's one of the things that will very much set them off in a very personal way because of the memories they have towards multiple attempts of that happening.
And it seems like every time someone tries it, Atieno gets even more pissed off in response.
So they really do make every effort to break out any holds. Or even if it hasn't gotten to that point, they are very very wary of anyone who is trying to convince them of a specific cause, especially if they are insistent and not respecting of boundaries.
If someone insists on not listening as to why they could not and should not be used for a given purpose not of their origins, then .. they will have to cut them off or make it very clear that they will not tolerate such efforts. Cutting words, a powerful scare can be helpful in some places. But sometimes.. it takes more.
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setitallaflame · 2 months
was that what you expected? (bam for reagan)
It had been months since Reagan had been to the farm she had come to think of as a second home. The last time she’d snuck back into town, it had been because Bucky had been in the hospital, and she had to make sure that he was all right. That he was going to be okay. The kids - and Bam - needed him. She needed him. But tonight... She wasn’t sure. There was something pulling her back, something telling her that she had to at least see everyone, to reassure herself that the little world that was the farm was continuing to spin - albeit in its own insane way - on. So she triple and quadruple-checked that she wasn’t being followed, and that everyone was asleep. Or so she thought. Because when she went to open the door... Jell-O. Gallons of different flavors of Jell-O came cascading down over her, and Bam was just standing there, grinning as he asked if that was what she was expecting. She spit out a mouthful of - orange, cherry, and... grape? - before replying, “From you? I expect nothing less.”
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backedagainstthewall · 3 months
What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
Edgy Questions
I've never really thought about this one before. Vengeance came to mind, but it depends on the situation. I think it's more accurate to say he has a certain sense of justice that can be a bit twisted. I don't know how to put that into one or two words. And yes, he's definitely aware of it.
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huntresscaraquinn · 3 months
Continued from here:
“It really doesn’t,” Cara instantly countered, “And yes, you could. There’s so much you don’t know about the supernatural world. So many creatures that can kill you in the blink of an eye, before you even realize what’s happening, before you even have a chance to fight back.” Now she was the one falling silent, giving him time to reconsider what she’d just told him while also considering how she wanted to respond about what he said in regards to not dying yet and having plenty more time to do so. Finally, she nodded, “You’re right. I’m not denying that. But I survived something... I’ve been doing this job for a long time, I’ve witnessed a lot, and I’ve heard a lot, and I’ve yet to meet anyone else who has managed to survive what I did.” It wasn’t a point of pride with her, and it wasn’t as if she thought herself better or stronger than those that didn’t. She was just... an anomaly. Somehow, someway she continued to survive.
“That’s because you don’t have all of the information, you can’t see the entire picture. I’m not saying I know everything that you’ve been through, but I at least have the bullet points. You have... nothing to go off of, so you have no way of comparing us. Which means all you can do is trust me when I tell you that you do have the moral high ground to justify abandoning me. And that the idea of you doing that terrifies me. Because I love you. Like my mom, and my dad, and Ariana, I love you.”
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spellwrites · 3 months
➹ + Zuri Reed
send me a ➹ and a fc ;; i’ll create a character on the spot !!!
Okay first off, I know nothing about this actress except she's insanely cute and I adore whatever she's doing in this gif:
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Meet Vivian Moore, breakout star Chaser for the Holyhead Harpies and professional nemesis/crush of Skyler Benson (herself a breakout star Chaser for the Tutshill Tornadoes). Viv is cute, bubbly, outspoken, fiercely competitive, and she's got the skills to back all of that up.
Skyler is completely starstruck. Can't tell if she wants to be her, beat her, or eat her (out).
(Who's she kidding? It's all three. Where's my sapphic rivals-to-lovers romance already?)
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lowestlayers · 10 months
“  what do you see when you look into my eyes?  ” (a meme for jay virginia from joker. masc or femme is up to you.)
He paused in the strokes, the paintbrush in hand hovering over the canvas at the still of his form. Virginia stared at the painting - he knew he specialised in abstract, how people often called it a nonsensical form of art, but this piece really did seem absurd to him, even if it had a certain beauty. He wondered briefly how he found himself here, seated across the Joker who sat behind a thick layer of protective glass and himself behind an easel as if this was a college art class.
"When I.. look into your eyes?" he muttered aloud, staring at the splashes of red, green, and purple. They were ugly colours, even together, but they fitted the clown prince of crime. "When I look into your eyes, I see..."
A monster. A psychopath. A madman. A person that the Gotham City government really should have put on the death sentence long before yesterday.
"Someone beyond saving," he answered at last, gazing over the edge of the canvas, the sharp angles only revealing the smokey fury that simmered just beneath its surface. "Someone who I don't understand why he can still walk on his two feet, basically a free man," he pressed the bristles into thick red acrylic, smearing a fat stripe across a patch of swirling greens and purples, "someone who I really should know better than to insult like this, but I couldn't really afford to care that much about repercussions."
As he stared at the canvas once more, the face of the Joker stared back at him. Yellows, reds, greens, purples, smeared and swirled into the visage of the man behind the glass. No, not man - the thing. The bright red curve of his lips flashed a smile filled with mockery and unbridled glee. And the eyes, oh, he was proud of those. He grasped the edge of the canvas and flipped it over to face his muse.
It was like looking in a mirror. Such cold, empty eyes.
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fangsforhire · 11 months
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@ghostsandmirrors asked:“you are unbelievable.” (from buck bcus I miss these two. Also it kinda gave me both 1940s and modern vibes)
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‘You are unbelievable.’ The first time those words had been uttered, they’d been blind drunk, waving around empty liquor bottles, about to be drafted to the war, oblivious to the rollercoaster of emotions that awaited them on the battleground. The men around them were loud and rowdy, excited at the prospect of doing their bit for King and country, naive really. ( Lucien had known back then that it wouldn’t be plain sailing. ) War never was, it was messy and left it’s mark on you. That hadn’t been his first and he assumed it wouldnt be his last, but amongst the humans, he’d blended in - forcing himself to down the Daiquiri in his hands. He’d snorted off the sargeants comment. The second time he’d been yelled at - shielding James from an explosion, the spray of shrapnel in the air causing him to grimace. They’d been at it none stop, defending their territory, sore and spent. ( He’d lost count of how many near misses they’d endured, certain that it was only a matter of time before one of them ended up at deaths door. ) He’d sensed the danger long before they’d triggered the trip wires; and instinct had kicked in, becoming an inhuman barricade, spluttering as he threw him across the ground and took the brunt of the damage. He’d gone down fast, knees buckling, and the last thing he’d seen was dust before his vision had rolled back. The third time - that he could remember that was - memories foggy of that time. Had been there, at the hellhole they’d been forced to call home. It had been the soldier who had grunted it, twisting his arm out of place; as he fought against the metal holding him down. ( They’d been sparring and he’d done what he did best, discovered a crack in his armour. He’d struck and taken his opponent by genuine surprise. ) What had followed was the beating of a lifetime; refusing to give in, spitting at superiors as the solider of Winter scolded him, like speaking to a child. No recognition in its eyes. He winced now stood before him, having shed his shirt and stretched. It had been a day, and to say he was in need of a shower was an understatement, scattered in blood, grime and bruises; they adorned his skin, a plethora of colours. ( He’d been reckless enough to take a pair of steel toe caps to the ribs, feeling them shatter upon impact, and then he’d had enough ) - making mince meat of the remains of a HYDRA cell, finally returning after burying their bodies and while the sarcastic response was at the tip of his tongue; it died in his throat. Instead all he could do was nod numbly; overwhelmed by lost recollections.
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Yeah he was - he would always be unbelievable. 
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stripesofbrooklyn · 2 months
"Ain't gettin' any fuckin' candy. Keepin' the fuckin' Werther's for myself, kiddo."
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'Boo. Share the old people candy you prune."
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imxthexhandler · 1 year
You’re Good Enough
[For @ghostsandmirrors; continued from here.]
Amelia silently fidgeted with her hands, standing before him, a weak smile tugging at her lips. “Yeah, I know,” she murmured. Hell, she had a hard enough time remembering that for herself, and she hadn’t experience near the level of trauma that Bucky survived.
“But...well, maybe that’s why I’m here,” she offered, her voice still quiet. “So that way, I can remind you when you forget.”
The corner of her smile twitched upward at his attempt at a joke, a breathless chuckle coming from her. “Hm. Well, in either case, I promise to be nicer than Sam and not call you a senior citizen at least?” she teased in turn.
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sohelish · 1 month
@ghostsandmirrors sent a "♦" for the first word my muse thinks of when your muse is mentioned. for Lieat.
Helena rarely consciously thinks of others. Nor does she associate particular words with people that often. Concepts and roles are more dominant: whether a person is accommodating or an efficient ally.
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Lieat is— there. They are occasionally at the back of her mind. Therefore, she doesn't think of them as anything but present, existing side by side. One might even say they are there for her, providing a connection she'd never experienced before she met them.
Sometimes, a word would emerge, and she had picked up on it: Mary. The origins of the name are not within her - she is aware. Hel is naturally curious and contemplates to ask, yet she waits. One day, they will show her, perhaps, why Mary is so important.
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congregaticn · 1 year
  @ghostsandmirrors​ continued eons later from ( x ). 
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    There was some relief granted when Natasha didn’t seem... upset at her mistake. Amused, even. It took her aback for a moment, but she did take that breath that the other suggested. And another. And another. After the third one, Wanda found it easier to think about what she could actually do to help fix the giant hole in the wall where a fridge used to be. To be fair, how could she have known that trying to open the fridge with her powers for practice and sneezing would result in a less than ideal situation? Her eyes were apologetic as she made eye contact with her. “I think anyone who walks by it will know it was me.”
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deafarcher · 1 year
✒️ (glitter gel pen? how can we resist?)
For unknown reasons, the picture got rotated, and the ink went from dark forest green to a shade of turquoise.
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