#giants among us
ashknife · 10 months
The Mushroom King
Bartholomew Bunsen's Adventures in Peq'mundo
An Adventure for all ages by Elias Morales, the celebrated Lostani author of many beloved tales.
Proudly printed, assembled, and distributed by Beauchene Book Publishing.
For Toby. A part of Bart went with you. Rest in peace, little brother.
A note from the author.
It is not often that I write a tale set in my home nation of Lostani in the Human Islands. I have written many fanciful tales set in old Earth and the many nations here on Paradigm, but rarely have I traveled home with my pen. The tiny world where Bartholomew becomes trapped, Peq'mundo, resides in the beautiful forests outside Chrysanthemum. Even the name of the world is a portmanteau of pequeño and mundo, a Lostani A words meaning "little" and "world" in Lostani B. It is wonderful to travel to distant lands in our tales, but we can also find magic and wonder outside our front door if we just take the time to look for it. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I have writing it and reminiscing of old times.
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smoll-stace · 1 year
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I’ve been playing among us alot (to the point i see the report button when i closed my eyes) XD anyways sorry i haven’t been posting lol 
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tidytrash · 3 months
A Rough Day
Gray is sad, Blue comes to help.
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Not everything is known about these characters, so I'm doing my best interpretation of them.
Enjoy. (I might continue the comic idk yet. This drained all my desire to do anything lol)
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gurple-glitched · 1 year
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askblueandviolet · 6 months
Hey Bai He , you okay ? Need a pillow to scream into ? It helps most of the time anyway.
Hey Mayor how many souls do you need to consume daily? Are some souls stronger than others?
Hey Macaque, all im gonna say is : good luck also ,why dont you just rob a bank with you shadow powers?
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orittsu · 3 months
All the tags I use on reblogs:
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wendig0ld · 1 year
Hi! I love your among us comic, and I'm not saying this to rush you or anything... But do you plan on continuing In Your Walls? If not that's fine. Cherry and White are currently my life blood anyway 👍 The way you draw the glass on the helmets is so neat— like the reflection of the colours and such. 10/10
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Hey a quick question about my other webcomic ;^;
In your wall is not abandoned, however I would like to work on my way of drawing it.
I started In your walls on Instagram with a square by square format, and I wish it had a format closer to the classic comic/webtoon (with frames and comic composition). I've never really work on "real" comics so I'm taking the opportunity of this little Among Us comic (which is much simpler for chara design and backgrounds) to learn and I'll come back to In your walls when I feel enough comfortable with the format c:
Thank you so much for your support and your patience >w< , I'm happy to see that my two stories are liked at least a little bit ;^;
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sanctaignorantia · 3 months
Okay let me put things into perspective so we can consider the fact that maybe that Giant is the Troy Baker among us.
I'm going to use meters because that's the unit we use here.
Troy -> 1,91 m
Ashley -> 1,63 m
Bella -> 1,56 m (like me)
Pedro -> 1,80 m
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Kojima -> 1,73 m
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Norman Reedus -> 1,78 m
Emily -> 1,68 m
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Tommie -> 1,78 m
Lindsay -> 1,75 m
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everytobito · 8 months
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areus-in-a-little-cave · 10 months
This was the first time that I've ever had a long form dream about the dsmp and it was literally about bedrockverse
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ashknife · 11 months
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
Those are some really interesting questions. Boy, do I have to make up a bunch of crap all the details for you!
Sophie was born on her parent's estate right in the middle of a dinner party. Her mother, Madame (yes, really, that is her first name), tripped over a patch of mushrooms growing on the lawn. Madame went into labor (Sophie was due around that time, anyway), and the little girl came out within the hour. Since several doctors were present at the party, the medical emergency was in good hands. Madame grew a distaste for fungus, and that grew into abject hatred the more Sophie took to mycology over the family publishing business. Sophie has mixed feelings about the estate. She enjoyed many grand adventures there, but she suffered greatly from her parents' abuse and neglect. She lives far away in Chrysanthemum forging her own life away from them and their money. Alex was also born in the family home. This was far less dramatic. His mother, Rosemary, went into labor with him while out in the fields with her husband, Benjamin. He brought her home, alerted the midwife, and by that evening the newest addition to the Chamberlain household arrived to the delight of mother, father, and three siblings. Alex also lives far away from home in Chrysanthemum, where he is attending a military college. He has fond memories of home and wishes he could return, but it was destroyed in an enemy attack a year after his studies began.
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know
(Just gonna go with Sophie here.)
People assume Sophie has heterochromia. One eye is green while the other is a deep purple. What they don't know is that the purple eye is completely blind, a result of a chemical burn. Rather, it's completely blind according to human standards. She can perceive leylines through it, something she acquired when eating a rare mushroom she found as a child. She is one of a small number of humans who can do this. Normally, this is how the giants can perceive the world around them (they can't see visible light).
Because Sophie can perceive the leylines, she is capable of weaving them and performing magic, but she's far more interested in mushrooms and cooking. In times of distress, she has grasped at them and created different kinds of chaos that ultimately saved her skin, but usually at great cost.
Although estranged from her family, she has used her publishing roots to establish a grassroots publication about mushrooms in the Chrysanthemum area for local mycologists and chefs. She effectively created an underground mycology association that has advanced local study, enhanced local cuisine, and stymied mafia efforts to import fungus-based drugs. There have been a few attempts to take her life due to that last bit.
Thanks for the ask! That was fun!
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crunchworldsupreme · 1 year
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Rate my setup
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croissantatwaitrose · 2 years
Random request. Among us vore SBI. 3 imposters have a crewmate family member. Fearplay, safe noms, little gore, hide and nom.
(Sounds fun let’s do this >:D)
Uh oh. Phil was screwed. He had agreed to play hide and nom with his imposter sons, but now he was badly injured. He had caught his arm on god knows what, and some of the flesh had been ripped out. Blood seeped onto the floor. Phil wasn’t going to be able to hide for long, that was for sure.
Techno was very chill and probably the best at finding, but never really liked playing the game so didn’t try. Tommy was shit at this game, but found it fun. And then Wilbur- could be absolutely terrifying during this game. It was Wilbur that Phil was really worried about.
His heart dropped when footsteps came his way. Luckily it was just Tommy, who, for some reason, could not see the mini pool of Phil’s blood on the floor, so Phil felt safer. He began mopping up the blood until there wasn’t any traces that could be seen by an imposter.
Then Wilbur came in. Phil wanted to scream, but forced himself to stay silent and hid behind the medbay scanner. Due to his nerves however, he stumbled right onto the scanner, which beeped, catching Wilbur’s attention. Oh Phil was definitely caught.
Wilbur studied the scanner until he saw Phil, then snatched him up quickly, and held him tightly in his fist. “Oh, finally. I was getting hungry.” He snarled, a small smirk lingering on his face. Phil knew Wilbur was just acting to make the whole thing more fun, but it scared Phil shitless nonetheless.
Phil gasped loudly as a sharp pain made contact with his arm. It was Wilbur’s tongue licking the wound, much like a mother cat would lick its kitten. Once Wilbur was done with that, he opened his mouth wide enough for Phil to see his large fangs, then dropped him in.
Wilbur’s jaws clicked shut once Phil landing on his tongue, which immediately began poking him and pinning him to the roof of his mouth, tasting him. Phil stayed still (not like he could do much anyway with his injured arm) and let Wilbur do his thing.
Once Wilbur was done tasting Phil, he tilted his head back and loudly swallowed, purring a little when Phil landed in his stomach. Phil quietly and irritably sighed, leaning back against the stomach wall and properly tending to his wound, feeling Wilbur rub where he was while getting on with the rest of the round.
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aecholapis · 2 years
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Ptera Geist is a mad inventor whose intelligence exceeds that of his co-workers by far. He is the single holder of the brain cell, but he is also a violent little gremlin. (Little in comparison with Dino Geist.)
Truly the best character in this show.
I've said it before and I'll repeat it again: There is just something about insane genius pteranodons in knight armor.
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jumpscaregoose · 1 year
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mspaint rendition of something I said to my sister at the mall today
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oflgtfol · 1 year
oh mein gott
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