#gilbert the snowman
melongraph56 · 7 months
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day nine - rivalry, archived concepts
for a bunch of mushrooms the rivalry sketch goes hard. also enjoy the blocky men, can't compete with cheery's version it's too goated. very big 2012 vibes!!! sadly had zero spoons to do a lever game one :(
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dark-frosted-heart · 1 year
Team Fair-weather Friends - I'll teach you. Making unreliable friends
3rd King of the Beast team story
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Emma's reading to some children in the castle gardens about a traveler that discovered the beauties of the world with friends. It was a nice day out; a little too nice.
One kid exclaims how he wants to be friends with a Kogyouku swordsmith while another wants to build a snowman with an Acroite princess. Emma tells the kids that the people they mentioned want to be friends with them too and the kids cheer. One girl then asks Emma who she'd want to be friends with. Emma looks through the characters in the book and considers the florist who's cheerful and cute. Two men peek from behind the sofa the kids are sitting on.
Clavis: I thought big sister Emma would say something like that. Gilbert: But I'm your best friend, aren't I? If not, I'll cry.
Why are they here?!
Boy: Papa said that if I ever meet someone named 'Clavis', I need to run! Girl: I'm not supposed to make eye contact...Thank you so much for reading the picture book to us, big sister!
Aaand the kids are off. Clavis certainly has a reputation. Now then, how's Emma going to get out of this? In that moment, she hears footsteps and sees Sariel, Luke, and Jin. Sariel had just seen the kids running away and was wondering what happened. But now he understands. Luke can't believe the two are bothering Emma again. Jin tells them that they need to stop or else Emma's going to hate them. The sight of the three of them brings some relief to Emma.
Clavis says there's nothing to worry about since he's just toeing the line. He then asks if they're all together because Luke was skipping out on lessons again. Jin replies that Luke tried, but it's hard to go against Sariel. Luke says he's going to run next time.
Sariel: Put the same level of enthusiasm into your studies. Still, it's hard to catch Prince Luke every time. Gilbert: Can't help being old. Clavis: You are too... Gilbert: I heard that.. Clavis: Hey, don’t jab me with your cane. Gilbert: Hehe, does it hurt?
The way Gilbert's enjoying this kind of scares Emma. But anyway, she's glad that Sariel and the others are here. She could've been roped into something terrible.
Jin asks why the three of them are together and Gilbert answers that Emma was reading a picture book to children. He and Clavis were listening in from behind the sofa. Sariel calls them creeps. Luke asks Emma about the picture book. It's a an adventure book about a traveler that makes friends in various countries, and in the end, they band together to defeat a demon king. The guys comment on how it's a traveler that fighting and not a warrior. Meanwhile, Luke thinks this setting's too brutal. Jin agrees, but being able to make friends with people from various countries is nice. It'd make kids interested in other countries. Emma mentions that the traveler's kind and friendly so they're able to make a lot of friends. Being able to broaden your horizons is nice and she's love to be able to make many friends like the traveler does.
Clavis agrees that it takes a lot of courage to make friends, especially if it's someone that you really want to be friends with. Wearing a proud smile, he adds that he'll teach her a good technique how to make friends since she's so shy. Sariel corrects "good" to "bad". Luke agrees. Emma too, internally. But... Gilbert finishes the thought for her. But she still wants to know, doesn't she? Jin wonders if Emma's become used to Clavis' mischief. Sariel says that once you get used to Clavis' mischief, you notice that it's a daily occurence. He hates it. Clavis can't be stopped.
So what is Clavis' bright idea?
Dig a pit
Lure the other person into the pit
Pretend that you were just passing by and reach down to help
Rinse, repeat, and you'll get 10 friends in a month. He speaks from experience. As expected from Clavis. Luke says that's too much work. However, since Clavis is always digging pits, it's not something that takes him that long to do. But he does admit that it's a blind spot. Gilbert adds that Emma's not strong enough. Emma tries to see the bright side of the technique though it sounds like a rejection. According to Jin, his methods have been the same since he was a kid. He pats Clavis' shoulder.
Jin: It's not too late to make friends the adult way. Clavis: And what about you?
Jin's method's normal. Just share a meal and a drink with someone. Emma thinks it's a brilliant idea and Sariel agrees. Where'd he get the idea from? Clavis says that method of making yourself look good means digging your own grave. Luke comments on how the method's used to hit on women the friends introduce to Jin.
Jin: Emma's unimpressed look's more heartbreaking than the others' cold ones. Clavis: Unfortunately you're back to becoming the enemy of women.
Luke has a question. Are friends really that necessary? Everyone else stares at him in silence. Luke continues on saying that it's not like you're going to die if you don't have any and you shouldn't force yourself to make them. He's fine not having any and doesn't find it necessary.
Sariel: Kids these days sure are so philosophical. Luke: I'm not a kid. Clavis: Am I not your friend, Luke? I'm going to cry, you know. Luke: *sighs* You're my superior. Moreover, I don't want a friend that digs pits every day. Jin: So blunt. Gilbert: Hehe, a pity that only one thought that the other was a friend.
Gilbert then makes an offhand on how Luke's grown. Emma asks if he said something and he brushes it off as nothing. Moving on, now that we've heard from the youngest, Jin wants to hear from the oldest.
Sariel: I assume you're talking about me. Clavis: Naturally. You are the oldest here. Or are you friendless like Luke? Sariel: No, I'm actually one of those that finds friends necessary. Jin: It's surprising to hear the court devil say that. Clavis: So the devil's a son of man after all.
Sariel asks for clarification on what kind of "friends" they were talking about when discussing making friends. A friend of the public or—Jin interrupts and asks if he thought they were talking about making bad friends. Sariel's just making sure. Some of his friends are just for business purposes. Oh, Jin covered Emma's ears so she didn't hear anything Sariel said. Jin apologizes, it's just that Sariel's method's too provocative for her to hear. Sariel tells the prince not to cause misunderstandings. Clavis asks if Jin's wrong though. Everyone but Gilbert shakes his head. Emma's eyes drift to Sariel in curiosity but he just smiles at her. She gives up on finding out what he had said. If Jin had to cover her ears then it must have been provocative.
For some reason, Emma feels someone staring at her. She turns her head and sees Gilbert smiling at her with a look that says "it's my turn, isn't it?" Damn, their eyes met. Surely his method's even more thrilling to hear about than Sariel's. But she can't ignore him since they made eye contact already. His gaze continues to exude pressure and Emma gives in.
For Gilbert, he has some magic words he can teach Emma to easily make friends that will never betray her. Jin tells Emma that she's going to regret asking. She's already feeling a bit of that. Gilbert politely takes a hold of her hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. He smiles and tilts his head.
Gilbert: Be my friend of I'll ruin your country.
Luke doesn't think it's funny. Sariel thinks the dark joke's refreshing. Apparently Gilbert's said this to Clavis before and Jin says that just makes it worse. Gilbert thanks them. But he wonders if people will think that Emma's just joking if she says that line since she's so cute. For Emma, she can say that her friend Gilbert will ruin their country instead. Now she can easily make 100 friends. Emma doesn't think she'll be able to build a good relationship this way. Gilbert says that she could always threaten them again.
Clavis: What's the magic phrase, world's calamity? Luke: Making friends is such a pain. Sariel: It's a difference in values, so you don't have to think that Prince Gilbert's method is right, Prince Luke. Jin: More of trait. I don't recommend copying it. Gilbert: Huh? Indirectly slandering me? How mean, you're going to make the world's calamity mad. Luke: Sounds like you're enjoying yourself.
Well! It looks like everyone has their own way of making friends. Emma's learned a lot. Clavis asks Emma if she's trying to end the conversation there because it's becoming troublesome. Gilbert tells the cruel bunny that she was the one that started this. Clavis was the one that actually started this, Emma thinks. She can't bring herself to say it though.
Jin turns the question to Emma. He'd like to know how she makes friends. For Emma, she usually becomes friends with people who have shared interests. She gets nervous and finds it hard to initiate if she doesn't know what she and the person have in common. Luke feels bad for Emma getting nervous over something like that.
Emma: "Something like that"?!
Jin agrees with Luke. Sariel thinks Emma's way is heartwarming. Clavis bets that Emma was honest and cute as a child. Gilbert wishes he could've met Emma back then. He would've tried everything to be her friend.
Is it just Emma's imagination or are they treating her like a child? She gave an honest answer and the reactions are making her blush in embarrassment. Unable to stand it any longer, Emma gets up to leave but Clavis puts his hand on her shoulder and sits her back down. He looks at her with a suspicious smile and asks if she'd demonstrate her method. Emma refuses. Gilbert wants to see too, even though they're already friends. Luke tells the duo that they're bothering Emma too much again. Jin adds that she's really going to hate them now.
Clavis: It's fine. Gilbert: No problem at all.
Sariel wonders where all this confidence comes from. Emma wants to know as well. Regardless, things are getting too out of control. Does she really need give a demonstration? Emma can only force a smile as her surroundings get even more noisy. But it's like friends to get so lively over exchanges like this, she thinks. She wonders if she'd become friends with them if they had met under different circumstances. As she thinks about it, somehow this loveliness doesn't feel so bad anymore.
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aquagirl1978 · 2 years
Thank you anon for this fluffy request - hope you enjoy this (and the surprise guest appearances)
The Ugly Sweater Party - Silvio Ricci x Reader (Ikemen Prince)
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A/N: Part of the 'Tis the Season for Love Content Creation Challenge hosted by @xxsycamore and @voltage-vixen
Pairing: Silvio Ricci x Reader
Prompt: Forced to wear an ugly Christmas sweater
Tags: fluff - with a few guest appearances
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"Daddy, Daddy!" The two girls shouted as they pulled on their father's arm, dragging him closer and closer to the ballroom doors. "The party is this way!"
Silvio gritted his teeth as he allowed his daughters to pull him towards the party. Not normally one to shy away from such an occasion, this tonight was not your regular gala.
This was something called an Ugly Sweater Party.
Silvio looked down at the sweater he was wearing with disdain. Snowflakes scattered on a sky-blue background, a snowman stood tall and proud, smiling his crooked coal smile. He turned and found you standing behind your two daughters, faces bright with bubbling smiles, each dressed in the same snowman sweater. The things I do for this woman, he thought to himself as he heaved a giant sigh.
"Alright," he muttered, "let's get this over with." With your hand in his, he grimaced as his daughters led the way into the ballroom.
"Oh, for -" Silvio mumbled as he entered the room.
"Yours doesn't look so bad now, does it?" you whispered into Silvio's ear as he peered out into the crowd. Everyone present was wearing a sweater, one uglier than the next. A sea of red and green stretched out as far as his eye could see; sweaters adorned with the most garish of decorations, worn by partygoers happy and smiling.
"Why are they all so happy to be dressed like this?" he whispered back to you.
Before you could answer your husband, your daughters began shouting, rushing past you and pushing you to the side.
"Uncle Rio!" they screamed as a familiar blonde head turned his way towards you.
"Oof!" The two girls tackled their uncle, barely giving him a chance to breathe before dogpiling on him. Waving to you and Silvio from the floor, Rio soon picked himself up and fixed his sweater.
"I see you're wearing the sweater, Silvio! Does that mean you liked it?" Rio asked.
Silvio fumed silently in his spot; his eyes focused on the atrocity Rio was wearing. Emblazoned on a red and white striped background was a happy beagle wearing a Santa hat and a jingle bell on his tail. He glanced down at his own sweater, a momentary flash of relief washed over him, somewhat grateful that his was less garish.
"I didn't think I had a choice in the matter," he said plainly, glancing around the room at the other party goers.
"Daddy!" his eldest daughter cried out dramatically, rolling her eyes at her father. "You have to wear an ugly sweater to an ugly sweater party!"
"I'm wearing the sweater, aren't I?" Silvio's turquoise eyes sparkled as his lips curled into a small smile; there was nothing he wouldn't do for that little girl.
"Hey," Rio whispered, "why don't I take these two for a while so you can go mingle with the other guests?"
Silvio glanced at you, your wide smile serving as silent agreement. "Sure, go ahead," he told his brother.
Rio called for the girls who came running to their favorite uncle. "I heard Luke has some extra special honey cakes. Who wants to see if he will share some with us?"
"I do, I do!" they jumped and shouted.
Rio winked at Silvio as he whisked his daughters off in search of honey cakes.
"Finally," an exasperated and exhausted Silvio breathed, "a moment alone." He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
"Not so fast," you said, pointing to a familiar face who was now waving.
With a disgusted snarl, Silvio dropped his arms. "Who invited him to the party?"
"He was visiting Rhodolite; Sariel had no choice but to extend the gesture of goodwill by inviting him." You threaded your arm through his. "Come along now, and let's not be rude. Okay?"
"Ah, the Riccis! What a nice surprise to see my Benitoite friends here in Rhodolite!" Gilbert, with a cheerful smile, was standing next to his date and a mostly empty tray of cookies that laid dangerously close to the Obsidian prince.
"What a lovely sweater you're wearing, Prince Gilbert." Silvio looked at you with horror as you complimented Gilbert's sweater; there was absolutely nothing lovely about it.
"Is it's nose...blinking?" Silvio asked, his eyes narrowing as he peered at the reindeer adorning Gilbert's sweater.
"Yes! I'm so pleased you noticed it," Gilbert exclaimed proudly. He lifted a hand, his fingers tracing the lights on the reindeer's antlers. "The lights blink, too."
"My date helped pick out," he added, as he wrapped his arm around the waist of the figure next to him.
"I really had no part in this," his dated blushed. "It was all Gilbert."
"Really?" Silvio said mockingly. "Gilbert, your sweater is truly spectacular."
"See," Gilbert said to his date, "he likes my sweater!"
"That wasn't a compliment, my dear," his date muttered as Silvio stifled a laugh.
Gilbert gasped loudly in horror as he looked at the now empty tray of cookies. "Who ate all the cookies?"
"That would be you," replied his date, who wiped the remaining crumbs from his lips. "I think Luke has some honey cakes stashed somewhere. Shall we look for him?"
"Goodbye, Riccis!" Gilbert waved as he was led away by his date in search of Luke.
"Goodness, I thought they would never leave." Silvio tugged your hand, pulling you close. "Do I finally get you alone now?"
"Yes, you do," you replied, your eyes gazing into his.
Silvio leaned in and kissed you gently on the lips. It was short and sweet, but much needed.
"These honey cakes are mine!" A tall figure whizzed by in a blur of green.
Silvio broke the kiss and stared at you in confusion. "Was that Luke?"
"Yes, it was," you replied with a laugh. "Wanna go outside?"
Silvio nodded. "Yes, please. Maybe I'll find some mistletoe out there."
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesrose @atelieredux @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady @queen-dahlia @devildomwritersposts @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @violettduchess @umi-adxhira @bellerose-arcana @yarnnerdally @scorchieart @crypticbibliophile
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honeybear-yammy · 2 years
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Warnings: nothing this is 100% fluff
Pairings: Elena Gilbert x Female Reader
Summary: In which Elena and Y/N decide to build snowmen together.
© Honeybear-Yammy, please do not steal, translate, copy, or transfer my work.
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You looked out the window and gasped. It was finally snowing. It was the first snow this year and you were so happy. You loved the snow. You also loved Christmas and Elena found it so cute how you loved Christmas and Winter so much.
Elena was kinda the opposite. She loved the Summer because she loved to go to the beach but, she says having you around during the cold Winter nights made it so much better. You giggled and ran to Elena. She smiled and chuckled when she saw how happy you were.
"Elena! Can we pleaseeeeee go outside?!" You giggled.
"What has you so excited baby?" She laughed.
"It's the first snow of the year! You know how I feel about the snow. I really just want to go outside and do something and I want you to come with me!" You giggled. She loved how innocent and cute you always acted.
"If it will make you happy then sure." She chuckled and kissed your forehead.
"Yay!" You giggled and kissed Elena's nose making her smile.
"You're such a goofball." She chuckled. You giggled and ran to the closet grabbing your winter gear. Elena followed you grabbed her coat, mittens, and hat. The two of you bundled up and then headed outside.
You smiled watching the fluffy snowflakes fall from the sky. You giggled and stuck your tongue out trying to catch some on your tongue. Elena watched you and laughed.
"You are so cute." Elena chuckled.
"And you are adorable!" You said with a giggle and poked her nose gentle. "Boop!" You giggled. Elena laughed and shook her head.
"So, what did you want to do?" She asked.
"Hmm.." You hummed tapping your finger to your chin. Elena chuckled watching you, waiting for a reply.
"Why don't we make a snowman?" You giggled.
"Sure." She chuckled. "I'll go inside and get everything we need." She said with a smile as she walked inside. You smiled and felt so happy. Today was a perfect day for you. The first snow happened and you got to share it with your amazing girlfriend Elena.
A few minutes later Elena came back out with all the things you would need to make a snowman. You smiled and clapped your hands happily.
"Yay! Okay we should start with the bottom of the snowman first." You said.
"Well duh." Elena laughed making you chuckle. You and Elena began to roll some snow around. The ball of snow slowly got bigger the more you rolled it around. You kept pushing it even after Elena stopped.
"Jesus y/n, how big do you want this snowman to be?" She laughed.
"Like... 7 feet tall." You giggled.
"I- how about we go a little shorter." Elena laughed.
"Okay fine." You chuckled and stopped rolling the now big ball of snow around. "Okay now we need the middle part." You said.
"Why doesn't one of us do the middle and the other do the head?" She asked.
"Sure." You chuckled. "I could do the middle and you could do the head?" You asked.
"Sounds good." She said with a chuckle and began to roll some snow around to make the head. You rolled your snow around as well to make the middle. After a few minutes of doing that you both finished your parts.
"I'm done the middle." You chuckled.
"Ok good because I am done the head." Elena laughed. You put the middle ball on top of the bottom one then Elena put the head on top.
"Okay how about you go find some rocks for the buttons and I can go find some sticks for the arms." You said.
"Alright." Elena smiled and walked out. You both began to look around for the things you were assigned to find. You found two sticks and tried to make them look like stick arms as best you could then put them on the snowman.
Elena came back with the rocks and you helped her put them on for buttons, eyes, and a mouth.
"Okay did you get a carrot?" You asked.
"Yup I got a carrot, a hat, and a scarf." She said.
"Ok good!" You smiled. You stuck the carrot on the snowman for his nose then Elena put the hat on. Then the two of you put the scarf on the snowman.
"He looks great!" You smiled.
"Yeah he does." Elena said smiling back. "What should we name him?" She asked. You tapped your finger against your chin thinking.
"How about... Freezy?" You laughed.
"Freezy? That's a cute name. I like it." She laughed.
"Okay! Freezy the Snowman it is!" You giggled. "This was fun." You giggled.
"It was." Elena chuckled. "I love you baby." She said.
"I love you too baby." You giggled and she pulled you in for a kiss. You smiled into the kiss. Today really was the perfect day.
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Author's Note: tysm for reading!
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maya's "first" winter (feat. gilbert, karlheinz, and devyn)
writing this post made me think "oh damn I haven't written anything abt maya's childhood with gilbert" so yeah here's a cute child maya plot
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-maya can still remember her winter days back when she was still the same old mariya hisae—the first fall of snow, her giggles with her siblings, the hot cups of cocoa, the cat snowmen they built in the backyard, the berries they picked from the holly trees
-but now that she has been taken by karlheinz from the brothel and adopted by gilbert to become the first vampire doll, she decided she has to move forward in life and put an end to her old days as mariya hisae
-besides her family name has been heavily associated with winter (hisae is spelled with the characters of holly tree, sand, and blessings; holly trees are widespread during winter in Japan)
-and so maya told gilbert she wanted to build a snowman at the backyard of his japanese mansion, which was odd and surprising since maya doesn't request a lot from him
-while maya was busy doing her last snowman (she promised herself this would be the last to pay "homage" to her old self and sweet memory with her siblings), gilbert was pranking devyn (@secretarykang) and karlheinz with a mistletoe and urging them to kiss in front of the camera
-ofc karl chased gil, threatening to strangle the sht out of him when he stepped back and knocked over maya's snowman much to her disappoint
-the three adults were quite nervous on how maya would react since the human doll is not the type to show emotions so gil instantly kneeled in front of her and apologized; devyn even tried to soothe her by saying they can build another snowman again
-the thing is maya took the destroyed snowman as something like "it's futile to say goodbye, after all" so she opted to just be fine and went inside to warm up along with them
-so while gil was busy preparing the roasted chicken and their other meals, devyn gave her a hot cup of cocoa and was abt to put in some marshmallow fluff when karl called her name and said "the little girl is crying"
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-gilbert automatically abandoned his kitchen duties and tried everything to comfort maya, who was quietly sniffing as devyn hugged her to her chest while karl was just mocking him and even muttered "you deserve that"
-so in the end, they went out again, and this time gilbert built the snowman alongside karl, who was forced to do so since the poor child was crying (gil even threatened him like, "I know you're the vampire king, but it's only a matter of time before I can dethrone you so screw your ass and help me build that snowman!")
-yes, devyn had to cover maya's ears bcos gilbert and karl kept cursing at each other while building the said snowman
-nonetheless, maya got her closure and since then, winter has never brought her sad memories of the days she lost before the tragedy from the brothel
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strawbrryrush · 2 years
🍓winter market even plotting/starter call! 🍓
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below ill have all my characters and what they’re up to! c: if you wanna plot like this and i’ll shoot you a message! or if you want a starter reply with who! 
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richard gecko- went along just because jo dragged him along. could probably be seen being broody since it’s so out of his style.. could be seen doing whichever jo’s up to. might run into seth, maybe even get a drink with ethan winters, who knows! it’s richard.
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malcolm bright- thirdwheeling with faye and eric..is most likely used to little events like this given his mom.. probably decides on a whim to do sled races- ?? has he ever sled before? probably not but does he care ?? no.. 
Starter for- faye chamberlin
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faye valentine - lbr there for the food and drink, wanted to see what the hype was about.. and a reason to look dazzling in a winter fit, can be seen at the food and drink venues.. might get into some competitions.. 
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winry rockbell- is excited just to be there, she is quite the optimism.. can be seen hanging with aerith, also doing the snow ball fights-  snowman building competition.
Starters for ciri, sophie
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hanna marin - comes up in the cutest fit ever, a cute sweater; a cute beanie.. the cutest light makeup!! we love her, she can be seen ofc taking pictures with hot santa.. at the hot coco bar! just having fun!
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eric northman- i mean he’s a one thousand year old vampire- and i’m not quite sure he cares too much about holidays?? but he’s there with faye ( hes down bad for her rn cant blame him ), he probably can be seen being almost amazed at human entertainment.. also can be seen using food as fangs because he’s so funny and has that rizz.. idk just where faye is he’s there with her.
Starters for- Faye Chamberlin, Victoria
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elena gilbert- excited for the holidays, though she misses her family. she’s grateful to have the family she does have here.. she can be seen doing pretty much as much events as she got get in..of course taking pictures with hot santa, doing the competitions.. probably will get a lil tipsy, can’t blame her she just got her memory back but yeah!! 
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homura akemi- she comes off as cold and standoffish and is almost uncomfortable at this event.. it’s out of her comfort zone, she never really got to experience a good holiday.. ( given she was in hospital majority of her early life due to heart problems; and then magical girl problems.. u get it ) she’s the person you see in the corner of the party.. but if someone can convince her to have fun and get out there surely she will!
Starter for Abby
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nami !- with mq, she dragged him along.. she can be seen pestering him, and doing shopping! of course she’s going to be ecstatic about this, it’s a new thing..might be confused about santa pictures?? but will partake.
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jade west - she’s going to act like she doesn’t want to be here.. act like she hates it, halloween is her favorite holiday.. christmas is fun because she gets things, -but she’s going to of course have fun... just acting broody and edgy about it, might do some karaoke and ofc slay it! and maybe you’ll catch her actually having fun.. hmmM
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eden hamby - really nervous about going to this event.. i can’t say she was too much of a party goer.. or even an event one at that.. she’ll dwell into some sweet treats, and try new things.. anyone help her come out of her shell pls!
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rei hino- will be intrigued to what’s happening at this event. will be EXTREMELY competitive in all the challenges and races.. will be kind of a hot head but overall will have a fun time!
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hannah washington - omg she’s going to be so nervous and standoffish.. she won’t really know what to do with herself.. she’ll be cautious when trying new things, but she’s a sporty person.. might try her hand at ice skating, and might be interested in new friends!
Starter for si ji
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gu chang-seong - i mean let’s put this out here.. he can see ghosts, he’s trying his best to ignore them.. but is going to most likely be so obviously seeing something, he might try activities to distract himself..  just give this man a friend, pls he needs it.. he’s stressed.
Starter for sam maek jong and man wol
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jinx! - of course causing chaos.. can be seen making the most elaborate ass ginger bread house, will probably laugh at the santas.. but will take a picture for shit and giggles.. just over all will be a shit head.
Starters for eddie
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lorei-wrote · 1 year
Ikemen Prince - Fanart & Wallpapers
Valentine's Day Cards
Chevalier Michel
wallpaper1 (mobile)
sleeping embrace (x OC; fanart)
Potato (Chibi) Chevalier
wallpaper2 (mobile)
Kiss (x OC; fanart; inspired by Klimt's The Kiss)
Modern Clothing / Different style (fanart)
At Midnight (fic & art; xOC)
Clavis Lelouch
wallpaper1 (mobile)
flower crown (fanart)
wallpaper2 (mobile)
wallpaper3 (desktop)
Potato (Chibi) Clavis
Snowman!Clavis (Chibi)
Gilbert von Obsidian
wallpaper1 (mobile)
Keith Howell
wallpaper1 (mobile)
Leon Dompteur
wallpaper1 (mobile)
Licht Klein
wallpaper1 (mobile)
Sariel Noir
wallpaper1 (desktop)
Silvio Ricci
wallpaper1 (mobile)
Yves Kloss
flower crown (fanart)
wallpaper1 (mobile)
Original Characters
Viva & Esther (Masquerade)
Viva - casual outfit design
Esther - redesign (post engagement)
Esther - crochet doll
Esther in lingerie
Rosalie Michel (Esther and Chevalier's daughter)
"Who do you see?" (comic)
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ozzballl-out · 2 years
My music can go through shit like this:
Then to:
Like huh- how?!
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brookston · 10 months
Holidays 12.7
Armed Forces Flag Day (India)
Blue Marble Day
Christmas Jumper Day (UK)
Cypress Tree Day (French Republic)
Dia de las Velitas (Day of the Little Candles; Colombia)
Enlightenment Day
Ferry Floss Day (UK)
Fetes de l’Escalade (Scaling or Climbing Day; Switzerland)
Hang a Wreath Day
Heavy Snow Day (Chinese Farmer’s Calendar)
Human Rights Day (Kiribati)
International Civil Aviation Day (UN)
Letter Writing Day
Memorial Day (East Timor)
National Day (Myanmar)
National FAFO Day
National Fire Safety Day
National Heroes’ Day (East Timor)
National Illinois Day
National Joy Day
National Judith Day
National Letter Writing Day
National Rina Day
National Slime Day
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
Spider-Woman Day
Spitak Remembrance Day (Armenia)
Students’ Day (Iran)
World Kamishibai Day
World TTTS Awareness Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Marshmallow Peeps Day
National Cotton Candy Day [original date, moved to 6.11; also 7.31]
National Prosciutto Day
1st Thursday in December
Kid Lit Art Postcard Day [1st Thursday]
Lover's Fair (Arlon, Belgium) [1st Thursday]
Independence Days
Delaware Statehood Day (#1; 1787)
Farrar Republic (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Fraughtia (Declared; 2012) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Aemilianus (Greek Church)
Ambrose of Milan (Christian; Saint) [Italy]
Bhairava Ashtami (Indian Goddess of Soma) [8th Lunar Day of Kartik]
Bradley (Positivist; Saint)
Bruma II (Pagan)
Eve of the Immaculate Conception
Fara (Christian; Saint)
Feast of All Monsters (Church of the SubGenius)
Festival of Primordial Beings
Flag Day (India)
Flag Land Base Day (Scientology)
Gian Lorenzo Bernini (Artology)
Haloia of Demeter (Pagan)
Hanukkah (Judaism) [begins at sundown]
Holiday from Death Day (Pastafarian)
Maria Giuseppa Rossello (Christian; Saint)
Quema del Diablo (Burning of the Devil; Guatemala)
Rosita (Muppetism)
Sabinus of Spoleto (Christian; Saint)
Still Not Dead Day (Pastafarian)
Stuart Davis (Artology)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 23 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [23 of 24]
Fatal Day (Pagan) [23 of 24]
Historically Unlucky Day [11 of 11]
Historically Bad Day (Cicero assassinated, Pearl Harbor attack & 4 other tragedies) [11 of 11]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 56 of 60)
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [56 of 60]
Abbott Elementary (TV Series; 2012)
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna (TV Mini-Series; 1986)
Bad Day at Flat Rocky or A Record in Bullwinkle’s Blot (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 326; 1964)
The Bells of St. Mary’s (Film; 1945)
Brokeback Mountain (Film; 2005)
Canine Patrol (Disney Cartoon; 1945)
Dominique, by The Singing Nun (Song; 1963)
Edward Scissorhands (Film; 1990)
Frosty the Snowman (Animated TV Special; 1969)
The Golden Compass (Film; 2007)
The Gondoliers, by Gilbert & Sullivan (Comic Opera; 1889)
The Grifters (Film; 1990)
Hallelujah, by Leonard Cohen (Song; 1984)
Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play Element in Culture, by Johan Huizinga (Science Book; 1938)
I’m Not There (Film; 2007)
Jamboree (Rock & Roll Film; 1957)
Kung Fu Fighting, by Carl Douglas (Song; 1974)
The Librarians (TV Series; 2014)
The Long Tomorrow, by Leigh Brackett (Novel; 1955)
Mary Queen of Scots (Film; 2018)
New Kin in Town, by The Eagles (Song; 1976)
Ocean’s Eleven (Film; 2001)
Resign Your Fate to a 52nd State or Moosylvania (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 325; 1964)
Rock! Rock! Rock! (Rock & Roll Film; 1956)
Rosemary, played live by the Gratefull Dead (Song; 1968) [Only Time It’s Played Live]
(Sittin’ On) The Dock of the Bay, recorded by Otis Redding (Song; 1967)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Film; 1979)
2010: The Year We Make Contact (Film; 1984)
Wild Life, by Paul McCartney & Wings (Album; 1971)
The World’s Fastest Indian (Film; 2005)
Today’s Name Days
Ambrosius, Benedikte (Austria)
Ambrozije, Sabina, Urban (Croatia)
Ambrož (Czech Republic)
Agathon (Denmark)
Piine, Sabiine (Estonia)
Sampsa (Finland)
Ambroise (France)
Ambros, Benedikte, Farah (Germany)
Amvrosios (Greece)
Ambrus (Hungary)
Ambrogio (Italy)
Anta, Antonija, Dzirkstīte, Tonija (Latvia)
Ambraziejus, Daugardas, Tautė (Lithuania)
Hallfrid, Hallstein (Norway)
Agaton, Ambroży, Marcin, Ninomysł (Poland)
Filofteia (Romania)
Ekaterina (Russia)
Ambróz (Slovakia)
Ambrosio (Spain)
Angela, Angelika (Sweden)
Ambrose (Ukraine)
Ambrose, Ambrosine, Jasmin, Jasmine, Jazlyn, Jazmin, Jazmine, Yasmeen, Yasmin, Yasmine, Yazmin (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 341 of 2024; 24 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 49 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 10 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 25 (Ji-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 24 Kislev 5784
Islamic: 24 Jumada I 1445
J Cal: 11 Zima; Foursday [11 of 30]
Julian: 24 November 2023
Moon: 27%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 5 Bichat (12th Month) [Bradley]
Runic Half Month: Is (Stasis) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 75 of 89)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 16 of 30)
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brookstonalmanac · 10 months
Holidays 12.7
Armed Forces Flag Day (India)
Blue Marble Day
Christmas Jumper Day (UK)
Cypress Tree Day (French Republic)
Dia de las Velitas (Day of the Little Candles; Colombia)
Enlightenment Day
Ferry Floss Day (UK)
Fetes de l’Escalade (Scaling or Climbing Day; Switzerland)
Hang a Wreath Day
Heavy Snow Day (Chinese Farmer’s Calendar)
Human Rights Day (Kiribati)
International Civil Aviation Day (UN)
Letter Writing Day
Memorial Day (East Timor)
National Day (Myanmar)
National FAFO Day
National Fire Safety Day
National Heroes’ Day (East Timor)
National Illinois Day
National Joy Day
National Judith Day
National Letter Writing Day
National Rina Day
National Slime Day
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
Spider-Woman Day
Spitak Remembrance Day (Armenia)
Students’ Day (Iran)
World Kamishibai Day
World TTTS Awareness Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Marshmallow Peeps Day
National Cotton Candy Day [original date, moved to 6.11; also 7.31]
National Prosciutto Day
1st Thursday in December
Kid Lit Art Postcard Day [1st Thursday]
Lover's Fair (Arlon, Belgium) [1st Thursday]
Independence Days
Delaware Statehood Day (#1; 1787)
Farrar Republic (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Fraughtia (Declared; 2012) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Aemilianus (Greek Church)
Ambrose of Milan (Christian; Saint) [Italy]
Bhairava Ashtami (Indian Goddess of Soma) [8th Lunar Day of Kartik]
Bradley (Positivist; Saint)
Bruma II (Pagan)
Eve of the Immaculate Conception
Fara (Christian; Saint)
Feast of All Monsters (Church of the SubGenius)
Festival of Primordial Beings
Flag Day (India)
Flag Land Base Day (Scientology)
Gian Lorenzo Bernini (Artology)
Haloia of Demeter (Pagan)
Hanukkah (Judaism) [begins at sundown]
Holiday from Death Day (Pastafarian)
Maria Giuseppa Rossello (Christian; Saint)
Quema del Diablo (Burning of the Devil; Guatemala)
Rosita (Muppetism)
Sabinus of Spoleto (Christian; Saint)
Still Not Dead Day (Pastafarian)
Stuart Davis (Artology)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 23 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [23 of 24]
Fatal Day (Pagan) [23 of 24]
Historically Unlucky Day [11 of 11]
Historically Bad Day (Cicero assassinated, Pearl Harbor attack & 4 other tragedies) [11 of 11]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 56 of 60)
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [56 of 60]
Abbott Elementary (TV Series; 2012)
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna (TV Mini-Series; 1986)
Bad Day at Flat Rocky or A Record in Bullwinkle’s Blot (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 326; 1964)
The Bells of St. Mary’s (Film; 1945)
Brokeback Mountain (Film; 2005)
Canine Patrol (Disney Cartoon; 1945)
Dominique, by The Singing Nun (Song; 1963)
Edward Scissorhands (Film; 1990)
Frosty the Snowman (Animated TV Special; 1969)
The Golden Compass (Film; 2007)
The Gondoliers, by Gilbert & Sullivan (Comic Opera; 1889)
The Grifters (Film; 1990)
Hallelujah, by Leonard Cohen (Song; 1984)
Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play Element in Culture, by Johan Huizinga (Science Book; 1938)
I’m Not There (Film; 2007)
Jamboree (Rock & Roll Film; 1957)
Kung Fu Fighting, by Carl Douglas (Song; 1974)
The Librarians (TV Series; 2014)
The Long Tomorrow, by Leigh Brackett (Novel; 1955)
Mary Queen of Scots (Film; 2018)
New Kin in Town, by The Eagles (Song; 1976)
Ocean’s Eleven (Film; 2001)
Resign Your Fate to a 52nd State or Moosylvania (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 325; 1964)
Rock! Rock! Rock! (Rock & Roll Film; 1956)
Rosemary, played live by the Gratefull Dead (Song; 1968) [Only Time It’s Played Live]
(Sittin’ On) The Dock of the Bay, recorded by Otis Redding (Song; 1967)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Film; 1979)
2010: The Year We Make Contact (Film; 1984)
Wild Life, by Paul McCartney & Wings (Album; 1971)
The World’s Fastest Indian (Film; 2005)
Today’s Name Days
Ambrosius, Benedikte (Austria)
Ambrozije, Sabina, Urban (Croatia)
Ambrož (Czech Republic)
Agathon (Denmark)
Piine, Sabiine (Estonia)
Sampsa (Finland)
Ambroise (France)
Ambros, Benedikte, Farah (Germany)
Amvrosios (Greece)
Ambrus (Hungary)
Ambrogio (Italy)
Anta, Antonija, Dzirkstīte, Tonija (Latvia)
Ambraziejus, Daugardas, Tautė (Lithuania)
Hallfrid, Hallstein (Norway)
Agaton, Ambroży, Marcin, Ninomysł (Poland)
Filofteia (Romania)
Ekaterina (Russia)
Ambróz (Slovakia)
Ambrosio (Spain)
Angela, Angelika (Sweden)
Ambrose (Ukraine)
Ambrose, Ambrosine, Jasmin, Jasmine, Jazlyn, Jazmin, Jazmine, Yasmeen, Yasmin, Yasmine, Yazmin (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 341 of 2024; 24 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 49 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 10 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 25 (Ji-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 24 Kislev 5784
Islamic: 24 Jumada I 1445
J Cal: 11 Zima; Foursday [11 of 30]
Julian: 24 November 2023
Moon: 27%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 5 Bichat (12th Month) [Bradley]
Runic Half Month: Is (Stasis) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 75 of 89)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 16 of 30)
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melongraph56 · 11 months
Rythian singing "Gilbert the Snowman"
my genuine reaction
(spoilers below <;3)
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classic rythian gilbert
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Favorited "Frosty The Snowman" by Paul Gilbert https://ift.tt/dKrAJaQ
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planetaryaether · 2 years
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poisonedapplepicks · 3 years
Watch "Paul Gilbert - Frosty The Snowman - 'TWAS" on YouTube
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ask-hungary-prussia · 6 years
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Prussia and Hungary! PRUHUN
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twistedtummies2 · 2 years
Christopher Lee: A Sinister Centenary - Number 31
Welcome to Christopher Lee: A Sinister Centenary! Over the course of May, I will be counting down My Top 31 Favorite Performances by possibly my favorite actor, the late, great Sir Christopher Lee, in honor of his 100th Birthday. Although this fine actor left us a few years ago, his legacy endures, and this countdown is a tribute to said legacy! Today, we start our countdown off with our Number 31 pick! Kicking us off is one of Lee’s more obscure motion pictures: A Nutcracker Fantasy!
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The classic Christmastime fairy-tale of “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King” is, in my opinion, one of the hardest stories out there to properly adapt. We all know the popular ballet, and honestly, I think that the ballet is probably the best version of it to exist. Different productions do a better or worse job with the material, naturally, but the ballet is helped by its medium: it runs on rules of emotion and spectacle more than complex storytelling and character development, using visuals, not words, to get across so much of its subtleties and impressive qualities. Movie and TV versions of the Nutcracker story, however, tend to fall pretty flat, in my opinion, ranging from “Dull as Dishwater” to “What the Heck Is This Rubbish?” If there’s one non-ballet adaptation of the Nutcracker I recommend, it would probably be the 1979 animated picture “Nutcracker Fantasy.” Now, if the style of this stop-motion feature’s animation looks familiar, it should: the movie was made by the same people who did the animation for many of the classic Rankin/Bass TV specials. Rankin/Bass, of course, were the ones who made such timeless Yuletide pieces as “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” “Frosty the Snowman,” and “The Year Without a Santa Claus.” While the film has no actual affiliation with Rankin/Bass, you can basically call this a Rankin/Bass Nutcracker, because – especially in the English release – the movie feels a LOT like a production of that company. It covers a classic Christmas/Fantasy piece, the style is obviously highly reminiscent, and even the voice casting feels in the vein of what that company would do. On that note, this cast is chock-full of celebrities: Roddy McDowall plays the Nutcracker Prince, himself, while Jo Anne Whorley plays the main antagonist, an evil two-headed Mouse QUEEN called Morphia. Other voice talents involved include Melissa Gilbert, Lurene Tuttle, Dick Van Patten, Jack Angel, Eva Gabor…and, of course, Christopher Lee. Lee actually plays several roles in the film, the most prominent being the mysterious and eccentric Uncle Drosselmeyer, who give the main character, Clara, her precious Nutcracker, setting off the events of the story. Throughout the picture, Clara encounters other characters who are equally enigmatic, and all voiced by Lee, including the zany Puppeteer, the shadowy Street Singer, and the gentle-hearted Watchmaker. The movie is a very strange, dreamlike fantasy picture, which has gained a cult following over the years for its surreal and colorful visual landscape, as well as its faithfulness to the original source material. For me, though, it was honestly Lee’s presence in the film (as well as Roddy McDowall’s, I should say) that got me interested in looking it up. While it’s a bit slow-moving, it’s still quite a marvel to behold, and honestly the only non-dance version of the Nutcracker I can earnestly and honestly recommend. Any film that casts Christopher Lee in four different roles, ensuring you’ll hear his illustrious voice PLENTY throughout the picture? Well, clearly they are doing something right, and deserve to be noticed. Tomorrow the countdown continues with My Number 30 Choice!
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