#gilded reaper ghost
opalescedlotus · 3 years
gloria, i smell it on your breath. gloria, booze and peppermint. gloria, no one said enough is enough. gloria, they found you on the floor. gloria, my hand was tied to yours. and, gloria, did you finally see that enough is enough? heaven, help me now, heaven, show the way, get me back on my own two feet. i would lie awake and pray you don’t lie awake for me. (1) gloria, the lumineers
He used to hide the bottles; by the end of the first month of presidency, you were picking up Jack Daniels, Grey Goose, Cognac, and Woodford Reserve from underneath tables and couches, scattered amongst sloppy drafts and signed paperwork that never passed through your hands. The acrid tang of cigarette smoke and alcohol tended to saturate the conference rooms and the president’s office. You watched the kid leave each meeting nauseous and brittle, so you started leaving packs of chewing gum in his office drawers and bedside table. He berated you for it and at the end of the week the intermingling scents of peppermint and smoke and alcohol had burrowed its way through all your wardrobes.
When he began flagging during his workouts, you dragged him to the one doctor you’d considered an ally. The doctor advised against his overindulgence, but the president waved him off, patted him on the back, and requested protein supplements. Frustrated, you left the room.
The festival was supposed to be a celebration of your country’s power. You watched him smile as the kid spoke, and you thought it was something like pride; when he proclaimed the boy was a traitor and shoved him in a box and called the blood god to the stage, you froze, and then you said no. In the smoky aftermath you found yourself slumped over stage’s audio speaker, ears ringing with the biting screech of the fireworks. The kid was gone; the president lay unconscious next to the box. You looked over the audience and your skin prickled with their damnation.
In his grapple to save his image and push his new agenda, he proposed to demolish the white house, and that was the last straw. You left. You joined the rebellion. He died in the war and he laughed in your face and told you he didn’t care about you, and the hollowness which had started to fill as you found a purpose in other people sharpened. That was fine; you were free and you had plans for the future.
You ate his heart anyway. His ghost hovered in the periphery and you slept knowing he’d approve of the bloodthirst.
Today, the slick handle of the warden’s sharp axe is as familiar a weight to your palm as the glass bottle, and the price of pulling in your chips weighs down on your spine.  
everything you see is double, any way you go you lose when you’re lost in the woods and alone in the world too. another day older and another day we go, oh no alone again with all these people. (2) jackrabbit, san fermin
Quick as a fox, that’s what you are, that’s the way you were born. But that’s not the way they see you.
Your father used to call you his little champion when you were younger, but, well, you know how that turned out. You don’t remember your mother well enough for you to fall short of whatever expectations she’d left for you as a baby. When your grandfather says he loves you for who you are, you suspect he thinks of you as a nuisance. The men you called brothers and countrymen left you. That’s fine.
The thing is, you weren’t sharp enough to see the whole picture. You watched your country—your  birthright—blow up thrice,  and then you breathed in the smoking echoes elsewhere. The dry desert reverberates, and you cannot recall which came first: the chicken or the egg? Would you have been able to change the course of fate? 
It doesn’t matter what you lost now; what’s done is done.
Here is the aftermath.
Time bleeds sluggish and swift in turns. You look back and a blur of black shadows drifts closer and closer and you think nothing of the burrowing emptiness in your heart until—
The reaper grasps your throat with the speed and intensity of lightning and you wake up breathless, your heartbeat quick as a fleeing rabbit. You stop sleeping. In a fit of panic you destroy your base and move to the foot of a mountain, in the midst of a small forest. You are alone and it suits you.
One night, you fall asleep despite your best efforts, and this dream is different. He calls for you to reminisce over the failures and dreams of the past two administrations. You miss him, and he hands you the promise of family and purpose atop a gilded platter.
You try to be better for your new allies and when you meet them, you click. They’re just like you: scared, and determined, and haunted. There’s blood on all your hands.
You feel a little less empty.
(you don’t remember this: he told you to run. from whom?)
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feywildfiction · 3 years
My 2021 Backlist TBR
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I was reluctant to create any type of TBR list for the new year because of how bad my reading experience, or rather lack thereof, was this past year. However, these are the books I have been carting around with me for quite some time and I know I want to get to them. Some time. Maybe soon. Who knows.
[If you’ve known me for a minute, you’ve probably seen a lot of these books in previous posts and must thinking “Wow Jericho really, you haven’t read that book yet? It’s been 2 years!”]
Either way these are the books I know I want to read so I figure I’d share. I’m a mood reader by nature but if anyone has any recommendations to which I should read first, let me know! Books listed out below.
Top Shelf (left to right)
The Paper Menagerie
The Tombs of Atuan
The Unbound
Phantom Pains
Mules and Men
The Ghostbride
Ninefox Gambit
Underground Railroad
The Obelisk Gate
Reaper Man
The Mark of Athena
The House of Hades
The Blood of Olympus
His Majesty’s Dragon
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Middle Shelf (left to right, then the ones on top)
Children of Blood and Bone
Gods of Jade and Shadow
The Gilded Wolves
The Library at Mount Char
The Bear and the Nightingale
The Stars are Legion
Sorcery of Thorns
Hidden Figures
The Monster Baru Cormorant
The Three-Body Problem
The Dark Forest
Caliban’s War
Abaddon’s Gate
Monstress Vol. 1 (rereading)
Monstress Vol. 3 (rereading)
Saga Vol. 7 (rereading)
Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins
The True Queen
Storm of Locusts
Black Sun
Jade City
The Adventure Zone: Murder on the Rockport Limited
Bottom Shelf (top to bottom, left to right)
Bianca and Roja
Little & Lion
The Weight of Feathers
How Long Til Black Future Month?
Winter Tide
There There
Barbary Station
Invisible Planets
Conjure Women
Not Free, Not For All
Among Others
Lab Girl
Tiny Pretty Things
The Prey of Gods
The Vorrh
An Unkindness of Ghosts
Shadows Cast By Stars
The Grace of Kings
The Wall of Storms
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dantesinfcrno · 4 years
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His shoulders carried lives that did not belong to him. As he cried, birthing storms as his heart sung war cries, a crown of thorns bit his skin –– sweet child, unborn, interrupted. Bleed, was the command bestowed by the skies as they parted in rage. Graceless infant, you will be torn. The body he inhabits is merely a vessel –– and he finds himself capable of shapeshifting, ravenous beast devouring the world. Mother dearest, unforgiving: handed him the sun, allowed his hands to burn. Embers are piling over his ribs, dust filling his lungs. Hold this until you're seething –– open your greedy mouth and swallow the flames, were the words barked down at him. Carnivore, eat yourself alive. He dared survive, and now it would haunt him. Take a dying breath, and you shall be free –– but he chooses to remain alive, a bearer of an entire inferno, for heavens would grant him neither absolution nor mercy. Revenants were the spirits he bore, penumbra enclosing his irises: the undead, wailing, firm grasp on his shoulder –– and they pushed until his head was underwater, until he drowned, until despondent pleas drenched his very core. An heirloom held to his heart by callous hands, a prayer pleading for his destruction. Matriarch sweetest, bellowing: I could not sacrifice you in my altar, but it remains your birthright. Holy water tastes of salt –– he drags his tongue over his wounds, gaping fissures in the urn he was molded into being. Lilith comes to him once constellations have created a path in his skin, a snake tightening around his neck. Child, stripped of purity, gifted with a blade. Sink this dagger onto your chest, and become a god–– sunk a dagger onto himself, became a corpse, rotten–– became a dead boy, walking. His nerves are bullets, pressed inside his flesh with refined cruelty. Pain is an opulent currency he exudes, gilded chains branding his neck as an offering. Is he a target or a threat? The wolves prostrate before him, regardless of the answer. He is not a son, but a weapon. He is ruins before he could ever be whole: he counts bodies as one would count sheep. Sunlight does not bless him with delight –– trembling hands are intimate with survival, his only silver lining a dying breath that never comes (he dreams of it once exhaustion covers his limbs, but it remains unreachable). Dante –– unknown, unnamed, unloved –– embraces the Devil; sutures his skin; poisons himself.  Blade against aorta, war raging on his pulse, ownerless. He is running through thorns, barefooted, sempiternal cycle. You won't be a lamb to the slaughter if they do not catch you –– if you butcher them first. 
Boy, stolen, abducted. Hunters look at him and see golden: human converted into money –– no longer breathing as he is dragged across the woods. The birds remain quiet: a death sentence. His family won't search for him–– won't even begin to miss him as he shudders his last words. He isn't Midas, but a wicked curse –– these men will howl his name, and the forest will hear it. Eight days pass him by; seven nights consume his flesh. Frustration grows as a thick fog, soaking his captors in anger. Glass shards are raised to his jugular –– as if he did not know this pain before, as if Death was not a looming threat, as if Thanatos did not inhabit the vultures chained to his heart. They spit on the grave that is his body and offer no clemency. Unfortunate pick he was for a ransom, as nobody is waiting for him outside this clearing –– and he pays for this, agonizing hours of torture as he supplicates to be remembered. These are wounds that never heal, scars shaped of humiliation, scarlet drawn on his skin with blunt knives –– the only permanence he knows of: this throbbing ache, this parasite spreading through his roots. His tongue was ripped out of his mouth: a ghost undeserving of a voice, throat consumed by worms. He is but an unholy burial ground: the moon rises, demanding blood. It spills from Dante's mouth; oozes from the words he dares not to speak. Cloaked, glorious Reaper presses cadaverous claws on his shoulder. Dante bites them off, spits them out –– he becomes acquainted with Ares, war drums crushing the festering hummingbird, corrupting his center. Lucifer a phoenix, rising above his ashes. Who could you become but yourself? An ouroboros; lethal–– silver arrows, an eclipse. Mother, I brutalized myself. Mother, I am born again. Mother, I have grown wings –– they have lacerated me open, my back is shattered porcelain, every edge a hazardous peril. Mother, I have murdered to find my way back to you –– do you love me yet? Has my blood become ichor, have I become a god? 
No. Sinful beast touched Heaven, poisoned it –– punishment is an endless flogging. There is no skin to be tainted: necromancer, undressed, prophecy an apsis high in limpid skylines.
Boy, body, turns his back on the living.
Boy, dead; blasphemy sizzling on his lips.
Boy, mausoleum; cryptic hemorrhage standing on trembling knees.
Dante /ˈdan.te/ proper noun. ¹an oath made upon gore, stained by carnage. ²midnight sun, simmering. ³a case study in fractured oceans, a corpse hidden in abyssal depths. 
–––––––– It is not a definition he has written himself. Mercutio traced it over his body, held it over his head. A feral child turned into fodder for sadistic tasks. The pain is no longer his, as news articles pile upon his predecessor's desk –– he has to share it all, rotten abrasions slashed anew to entertain bejeweled eyes. Each scar exposed elicits a firestorm within his chest –– outnumbered, thrown to the wolves once more. Endure, retaliate. It's all he has ever known. He settles –– vile, resentful, roots shifting into thorns. He desired one sweet embrace, and this is what he received. Misery, as he laid on the opulent manor. Hell, not vermilion flames, but gilded cages –– it scorches him, nevertheless, as he spews out a pandemonium at these false rulers. They hold him by thick chains, freedom mutilated, but the beast remains unowned. –––– I do not need your hounds at my feet. –––– he howls, hostility a downpour, talons threatening to come alive at Mercutio's neck. A survivor that knows no fortresses, only relentless fists –– survival demands annihilation. –––– I do not wish to be your chosen one. –––– the love offered to him now felt like a bargain: feed me your secrets; show me the python that has devoured you; let me take the glory of beheading it. –––– Fuck you. –––– as tears refuse to drop from his eyes, another broken crown now confining his head as he is laid on Mercutio's bed once again. Angel: fallen, dismembered, enslaved. Love is trauma; Venus is Lucifer –– spirit broken for the first time as he finds a home. Eros has graceless hands, fingernails arrows against his trachea, taunting him to breathe. They can't purify a demon of its crimes; each shudder a threat against humanity. Tenderness seeks him out, takes a mouthful of his muscles, leaves him for dead. This is what you deserve for daring to remain alive. Dead fucking boy, heartbeat echoing–– he doesn't ask for help, no hands are guiding him to his sepulture. Act out, bite the hand that has never fed you, let a supernova burst at your fingertips, lace this world in your wrath. Unquiet dragon, make yourself known, make yourself feared. Lustful and avaricious deities imprint dirt upon your pulse, and you let them. Ophelia is a beast, he learns. Numb sacrifice, tasteless offering, a cataclysm. Powerless, derangement collapses over his skull as he wails, knees sunk to the ground. Meet your end: mute and forgetful, like everything you are. A funeral lead by merciless judges, no sobs to be heard but his own. Quivering lungs, smashed halos –– lamb turned wolf, unforgiven. Hold Death in your arms and make it your beloved –– a kiss laid for the crowns that bicker at his eyes: ravished resurrection. 
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insomniac-dot-ink · 5 years
The Clockwork Princess
Genre: fairy tale, wlw original story
Words: 8k
Summary: A young woman is trapped in an hourglass that is hoarded by a dragon, a thief regularly breaks into the cave to take a few treasures.
The princess tries to convince the thief to break her out.
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The Thief
It’s half-past sunset when anything vaguely interesting happens. 6:32 to be exact, Caroline always knew the time, no matter how much she tried to forget it. It was tucked away in her head like a never-ending hum drumming rhythmically against her temples.
It would be impossible to forget the time in place like this anyway.
She isn’t expecting the change, she’s halfway between dreaming and drawing circles in the fog of her chamber. And then something moves in the corner of her eye.
Caroline shifts, the sand tumbles off her lap toward the cool golden bottom of her cage, freeing her to roll toward the edge of the glass. She squints out into the world.
It looks as it always does: rolling hills of gold, small jewels, coins, shining rings and priceless ivory teeth fillings. The whole cave filled to bursting with treasures and anything that sparkled, illuminated by a large skylight up above that allowed for small streams of faded sun or moonlight.
And of course, the clocks.
Caroline doesn’t know exactly what affinity Heratis had for time, perhaps nothing at all, perhaps he too was trapped by the constant ticking of forward motion, as immortals do. The clocks are endless, buried in the coins: grandfather clocks the size of two men, tiny coo-coo clocks that sang every hour. Brown leather wrist watches, sundials the size of dinner plates, fat white candles laying unlit, little mechanisms and gilded machines she had no name for.
Clocks, clocks, clocks, time keepers. Most of them had ceased working years ago, some ticked on despite themselves, all saying different unknown times from around the globe. But there are the few that Heratis kept neatly and routinely wound and polished.
A stately grandfather clock made of an entire oaktree, a tiny ornate pearl clock on a pedestal in the center of the room, a skeletal wristwatch that held a piece of the night sky, and, largest of all, a giant green jade clock stationed on the cave wall, inlaid finely in the grimy stone itself and the size of a carriage.
The oak, the pearl, the sky, the jade clock and then finally an enormous glass hourglass half-submerged in coins. She knows all about the last one.
All of them meticulously announced the time down to the second as the sun moved across the sky and forgot them, Caroline wished for the life of her she could forget as well. It is 6:38.
Nothing seems any different and Caroline is all but willing to sink low into her capsule again, but then comes another flit of movement, a single flurry of motion off to the side. Her eyes go wide, a shadow is dashing across the hills of gold, light as a feather and footsteps quiet as a ghost.
For a moment she’s not sure if she’s hallucinating it, if some dark reaper had finally come for her after all this time or if she had simply lost her mind. And then she sees a single coin rustle under the figures hasty steps, the thing was touching down, real.
“Hey,” her voice is raspy and aches from disuse, she presses her palms against the glass, “Hey! You!”
The shadow doesn’t stop, in fact it treads more quickly across the shimmering sea, Caroline scowls, she takes a deep breath and musters all her strength. “STOP!”
She isn’t sure if that would work.
The ghost, the shadow, the nothing, turns toward her, Caroline’s face goes slack, a jet-black cloak floats around what appears to be another person. The cloak dances in place, dark and moving as if plucked from the darkest storm clouds, wispy and strange. But there’s definitely a person within.
Caroline starts waving her arms wildly in the air, she is seconds away from weeping or self-combusting.
The face of a young woman appears curiously out the dimness of the cloak’s great hood. She has lank black hair ruffled around her face, like a frame of thick disheveled raven feathers. Her skin is a chalky grey, the color of a muted winter day or flat concrete road.
Her eyes are strikingly dark, inky black pools the color of her cloak and sharp as daggers. Her face is rather plane, unremarkable, thin-lipped and expressionless. Blank. As if you are meant to forget it right after looking at it. Caroline doesn’t care, she starts flailing more wildly.
“I’m over here!” She cries, “I’m here!”
The figure hesitates, she is several paces away, body poised for flight and a tangible confusion written across her face. She looks like she doesn’t know what to do with the vision of a bedraggled blonde princess stuck inside an enormous glass hourglass.
The figure doesn’t move as Caroline beckons for her.
Her face starts to cave in, “do you hear me?” She scowls, “I know you can see me.” Or at least, she hopes she can.
The figure takes a few measured steps forward, she looks the hourglass up and down, “Do you work for the dragon?” Her voice is flat and cool, like stagnant spring water.
Caroline cocks her head to the side, showering sand down her body as she does. “No, no,” she says quickly, “I’m hostage. The dragon Heratis took me long ago and used my life force to-”
“Okay.” She says bluntly, “Well don’t make too much noise.”
Caroline’s eyes go wide, “What?” She bares her teeth as her thoughts burn hot, “Let. Me. Out.” She gets to the point.
The woman frowns, looking her over again, and then she turns. Caroline waits for a moment, waiting for something, but the figure just bends over to look fastidiously over a few golden coins and a particularly large ruby.
“Did you hear me?” Caroline repeats, “I’ll start screaming.”
She looks up, “You can if you want, the dragon is out.”
Caroline opens and closes her mouth, blood slowly raising to boil in her veins, the stranger isn’t wrong. Heratis was out hunting and nowhere nearby.
Caroline’s scowl calcifies into a snarl, “Yes. He’s out.” She put her hands on her hips, “And do you not see this giant hourglass?” She gestured around her, the thick beautiful glass and heaps of sand she slept in surrounding her. “My family will reward you handsomely for returning me.”
The stranger blinks, “What’s your name? Kingdom?”
“Princess Caroline,” she says quickly, pressing herself up against the glass. “Of Timus. To the east!”
The stranger shrugs, “Never heard of it.”
Caroline’s face breaks out into an angry red, “What do you mean?” She bawls her fists up.
“Sounds fake,” the woman turns away.
“Why would I lie about this?” Caroline stomps her foot indignantly. “You will have more riches than this entire cave if you release me.”
The woman slipped several more coins into a satchel at her side, “I have heard of this.” She took a few soundless steps forward. Her hand was just as grey as her face, with blunt black nails and ringless long fingers. She tapped on the glass, “This is the hourglass of the Whistling Sea,” she nods, “It’s one of the dragon’s top prizes.”
“Yes, it’s priceless,” Caroline’s encourages, face lighting up again. “We could steal it and be rich beyond measure.” She tries to appeal to her.
The thief turns, “And be chased and eaten by Heratis?” She waves, “Sucks to be you.” She says simply and put the ruby in her pack.
Caroline screws her entire face up into an angry mess, “You can’t leave me here!”
“I am going now,” the woman starts to flit away, dark as shadow and fast as the breeze, just as she arrived.
“Thief!” Caroline bangs on the glass with her fists, “Devil!” She cries, “I’ll eat your bones and drink your blood if I ever get out of here!”
The last part might have been a little dramatic, but in her defense she had no other company except a dragon for the last century.
The Hourglass
Caroline hugs her knees to her chest, sitting bonelessly against the glass and half-submerged in fine white sands. She looks out unseeingly into her home. A cave of wealth, and death. It is 11:55 am, the 133th day of the year. A Monday.
Somehow she still hates Mondays.
The mounds of sand stir around her, tilting as the sea of coins dips and oscillates, she looks up. An enormous head struck a shadow above her, a face like stone and unmoving cliff faces stares back at her.
He has a long dirty-white beard and a long jagged face, colored pale brown and rimmed by aging whiskers. His features all plucked from a time no living creature could remember, a time of storms and boiling seas and bursting earth, the dragon breathed something ancient and bloody.
He has green eyes, acidic and deep set in his long face, she can’t see the rest of his enormous lizard body, but she knows it’s there: a weather-beaten pale hide and city-spanning wings, worn and pock-marked with small holes.
Caroline just sighs, her stomach had stopped turning at the sight of him a long time ago. She nods over to him in acknowledgement.
The hoard churns as he touches down, a perturbed ocean under his weight, Caroline flounders as everything tilts, but a clawed hand descends. She falls to her backside as her cell is plucked up by the golden top. Caroline scrambles to right herself just as the hourglass is turned over.
Marking another day.
She takes a deep breath, kicking back to the top of the heap and gathering at the edge of her glass prison as the sand starts draining toward the chamber below. She had learned long ago to simply huddle at the edge and ignore it, or she surely would have gone crazy decades ago from the constant dripping.
“Little bird,” a deep rumble of crashing ocean waves and earthquakes gashing across landscapes addresses her. “Why don’t you tell me a story? A new one.”
Caroline blows pieces of stray golden hair out of her eyes, “Can’t this be the day you eat me, father moon?” A name from a time when the people cowered from the lord of time and greed. He just grins down, letting out a wet and rolling laugh.
“Who else would give their life to my hourglass then?” He purrs and places his mighty head next to her chamber. “So much life to give, little princess.”
She rolls her eyes, “I have a story of a knight taking down a greedy lizard.”
He laughs, “No, a new one.” He licks his lips, “Or I will bury you again.”
She sighs unhappily, “Fine. Let’s have one of the maiden and the nightingale. With a song so lovely it boiled the oceans away and enchanted the night to never cease.”
She had been thinking of this one for a long time.
The dragon closes his eyes and begins to listen. Caroline’s heart sinks, she consoles herself that least she isn’t submerged under the ocean of riches this time.
The Bargain
Caroline is lulling in a restless sleep, strange shapes and colors run through her mind and her body is floating somewhere distant and cold. It’s 3:43 in the afternoon, it doesn’t matter when she sleeps, so it doesn’t matter when she wakes either, it’s just by chance that she rolls into consciousness in time. She blinks groggily and rubs at her face, eyes nearly missing the stranger above her.
A dark figure stands on the top of a golden hill, Caroline’s eyes go wide, she was once more overcome with a sense of an illusion haunting her. She gulps, “hey…” She speaks softly. It had been almost three weeks.
The figure doesn’t turn, but Caroline is sure the person is grey and looking over jewels in her hand. The same as before.
Caroline clenches her teeth, hard, this really wasn’t a knight. She takes a deep breath, drawing herself up and crawling to the side of the hourglass. “Hey!” No response, just a cold back turned to her.
Caroline widens her stance, a hot prickle flickering deep within her chest. She tosses her head back violently and takes a deep heaving breath.
“Aaaaah,” she let out a piercing, grating scream from deep in her chest. The sound quickly deflates like a pierced balloon from the effort, but she draws another breath to start again.
“You have to be kidding me,” coins cascade down in tiny trickles as the thief approaches her.
Caroline glances at her through slitted eyes, “Aaaah-”
“Come on,” the thief waves her hands, “There has to be knights around here for this sort of thing.”
Caroline put her hands on her hips and leers out, “Perhaps you could fetch one for me.” She juts her jaw out, “Or simply hand me a hammer?”
The thief looks her cage over, “How?” She seems momentarily confused.
Caroline grows a small smile, “Simple,” she leans forward, “Break the glass and hand it to me.”
The woman rolls her eyes, “Look, I get it, you’re stuck and that sucks.”
“Oh my God,” Caroline huffs, “Being consoled by a spineless thief. This is rock bottom.”
The woman growls, “You’re not making a good case for yourself.”
Caroline’s gestures for her, “Angry? Go ahead, try and hit me.”
The thief opens her mouth, and then closes it. A wry smile crosses her impassive face, “Very funny.” She shakes her head, “But I am spineless.” She says slowly, “And I’m sure someone mightier than me will come along for you.” She looks around, “Someday.”
Caroline groans and sits back in her mound of sand, it was halfway full by then. “Please?” She finally says, “Pretty please? Do me a favor. You’ll get a thousand favors back.”
The thief hums, “how do you even get trapped in an hourglass?” She squints, “how are you still…?”
“Alive?” She finishes her thought, “Magic.” Caroline explains simply. “Stupid, terrible magic.” She taps a blue vein on her arm, “Don’t be born with enchanted blood. First rule.”
She presents a smile again, “Noted.”
Caroline’s face softens and she tries to melt into something pleading and pitiful. “I haven’t seen another person in decades. The knights have… become scarce. And the dragon is fierce.”
“The dragon is very fierce,” the thief responds clippedly, “and not all of us have thick glass around us.”
Caroline put her head in her hands and let out another cry, “The first person to successfully break into the cave… and they’re an asshole!”
The thief gives a miffed noise, “bad luck then, princess.” She turns, “You wouldn’t happen to know the most expensive small item in here?”
Caroline just makes a rude gesture toward her and the thief chuckles and picks up a chipped emerald and golden necklace before hopping down the heaps of treasure once more.
Caroline refuses to watch her go, “First person in decades,” she continues to grumble, “And they’re just here to steal things. Typical.” And they weren’t there for her.
The Wait
Caroline blows warm breath onto her glass case, painting designs with her fingertips in the mist that fogged up the inside. She draws an intricate bird with wings of fire, in her mind’s eye it burns up the whole world: one branch and building at a time, smoldering the whole land into nothing.
Lucy had once said she was afraid of fire, all witches were. Caroline wasn’t afraid of anything now, there was nothing left to touch her.
She closes her eyes and imagines sleeping again, floating into somewhere dark and soundless. But sleep doesn’t come. She opens her eyes again and writes a small word: S.O.S. She designs the letters, attaching swirls and delicate flowers sprouting from their backs as she had many times before.
She closes her eyes when she’s done, leaning against the cool walls and sighing.
She bites down on the word like it’s a piece of moldy fruit in her mouth. They aren’t looking for you anymore.
They aren’t sending anyone.
Despair lodges so cleanly in Caroline’s chest she thinks she might choke on it or stab her straight through. She flops over and puts her head beneath the yellow sand that trickles from the tube above, closes her eyes and lets it wash over her.
She could go to sleep again. Let the dragon bury her and the sands to drag her deep down into the endless restless dreams, like the maiden before her had done.
Dream until her entire life force is spent and empty, ready to replaced by the next girl.
Caroline takes her head out of the sand and crawls over to the side of the glass, she isn’t ready yet. It isn’t over yet.
Though she can’t explain why.
She continues to expand her small drawings, erasing, and breathing again, art that would never be seen or remembered. Her eyes glaze over.
It’s 8:40 at night, two weeks since she had last seen Heratis.
Caroline perks up as a slight movement dashes off to her right side. The coins shift.
She sits up in place, “Back so soon?” It had only been two days. Two days four hours, five minutes, 22 seconds.
The shadow pauses in place, her eyes flicking up and face briefly illuminated by the streaming moonlight. She has a bloody gash across her lip and molting purple bruises just below her right eye, turning yellow as sour candy.
Caroline peels her lips back, “Bandits?” She guesses, the thief just grunts, a wordless affirmation. “Let you do all the work and then take the treasure themselves.” Caroline tutts, “No honor these days.”
The thief draws her hood up to cover her bloody face, “No need to mock.”
Caroline dances in place, “Trust me when I say I have nothing left to lose,” she starts to make faces, “I have no pride left. Watch this.”
She squishes her face up to the glass, mashing her nose up and slobbering across the smooth surface, the thief makes a quick sound- it might’ve been a laugh.
“Please don’t distract me,” the thief bends down and starts inspecting priceless items again. “Some of us have jobs.”
“Do you want to switch?” Caroline offers hopefully, “I have no job. No worries,” she drags her hands through the loose sand, “Just sand, really quiet a lifestyle.”
The figure shakes her head, “I’ll pass,” she looks up with a quick grin, “And unfortunately I was not blessed with enchanted blood.”
Caroline could have started to cry, wild emotions surge through her, maybe it was just from communicating with someone for so long.
She opens her mouth to keep her talking, but both of their heads jerk up at a new sound. An approaching whooshing boom, caucus fills the space as winds as strong gail storms bluster through the vast cave, the thief’s hood flies back to reveal her horrified expression.
The whomping grows louder.
Caroline wrenches her head around, voice urgent as a lightning strike, “Hide.”
She isn’t sure if she’s loud enough, but the address seems to jolt the thief from her shock, she stumbles to the side. “Quickly,” Caroline gestures, “Behind me. Bury yourself.”
The woman moves like a corpse in the breeze: disjointedly and carried by something beyond herself. She falls toward Caroline, staggering for the hourglass and managing to dive behind it, “Dig!” Caroline commands as the woman crouches behind her. The thief starts desperately clawing her way into the treasures and covering herself.
She is just barely submerged when mighty claws touch down, shifting the ocean of treasure but luckily not sending Caroline capsizing.
She sits up in place, the dragon’s maw is bloody with a successful hunt. He must have gorged himself for those two weeks, he would be close to sleeping soon.
Heratis settles heavily, letting his limbs fold up under him and head bending down with a drooping grace. Caroline opens her mouth to distract him, but addressing him first would be suspicious after all this time and she stops.
Heratis gives her a long look, blinking slowly and consideringly, Caroline holds her breath. “Think of another tale Little Bird,” he finally says, “I will expect one when I wake.”
Caroline exhales in relief as he swings around and places his jagged pale head down far away from her. “Of course,” she replies softly, but his eyes are already closed.
Just as quickly as his eyes close she hears the shifting of coins behind her. “Wait.” She hisses between her teeth, “He’s not asleep yet.”
Wide black eyes stare back at her, the woman’s face and neck just visible underneath her shallow grave of treasures. The woman’s hood is torn down and Caroline notes the small twisting horns on her head and pointed ears, she must have been some sort of elf or even a tiefling.
Caroline tilts her head, perhaps a hybrid.
The thief looks away, ‘when?’ She mouths.
Caroline shrugs, “time is slow for him. Hours. Days. He’ll be completely asleep eventually though, that will bring luck on your side.” The thief’s eyes become dinner plates, her thoughts written all over her features: days?
“Don’t worry,” Caroline grins, “his hearing is bad,” she explains slowly, “it’s just movement he’ll notice. Wait.”
The dragon breaths out, they both jump but nothing else follows.
Caroline settles down, lying in the grains of sand and observing the situation. The thief shoots her an annoyed look and she just shrugs back.
“Wait,” she repeats, “What’s a prison after all?” She adds the last part bitterly and with at least a little sense of pointed irony.
The thief’s eyes are screwed up into angry little blights on her face, ‘what are we waiting for?’ She mouths, making barely any noise at all from down below.
Caroline is lounging next to her, “Sounds of snoring.” She says simply, “Also, you can speak a little louder.”
“Ugh,” The thief groans, “Princess,” she growls, “I really don’t have time for this.”
“Why don’t you do that magic trick with your light steps then?” Caroline asks back, looking down at the black cloak tied neatly around the thief’s throat.
The woman opens her mouth, she glances over to the dragon, and then back. Small sweat droplets trail down her temple.
She was afraid. She wouldn’t risk running right now, Caroline smiles loosely.
She relaxes into the bottom of her chamber, “What’s your name then, great thief?”
The woman scowls back, “It’s ‘Great Thief.’ Capital G. You got it.”
Caroline snorts, “Well, I’m Caroline of Timus.” She repeats, “Princess, capital P.”
“I remember,” The thief huffs and turns slightly away. A full minute passes before the woman carefully clears her throat and catches her eye again. “I’m Vera.” She finally says, “not that it matters.”
“It’ll matter,” Caroline winks, “In the great epics written about this later. The Great Thief: in the dragon’s belly, but not forgotten. When she wouldn’t get help for the captured princess.”
Vera makes a small noise in the back of her throat, “Do you plan on getting me eaten?”
Caroline gives a heavy sigh, “Not yet.” She says assuredly, “I’m not actually an asshole. Like some people.” She lifts her eyebrows pointedly.
“Well you’re not making yourself a lot of friends right now.” Vera grumbles.
“Where are you from Vera?” She changes subjects.
Vera eyes her warily, “Nowhere,” she says bluntly, “The Northern country.”
Caroline nods, “I could have guessed that.” Very few people south of the equator had chalky grey skin, like the face of the moon.
Vera shakes her head, “And you, from the Kingdom I’ve never heard of.”
Caroline smiles, “Maybe you don’t have very good hearing.”
The other woman gives a small chuckle, “You sound rather clever, how do clever girls get captured by dragons?”
Caroline droops, unsuccessfully smothering her own pout. “It’s,” her mouth goes slightly dry, she sighs, “It’s as stupid as it sounds.”
Vera raises her eyebrows, “Oh?” She follows Caroline’s gaze, “You tripped and fell into a glass case?”
Caroline just groans, “I believed… someone I shouldn’t have.” She explains cryptically, “And they bargained with the dragon.” She peels her lips back in disgust, lamenting herself. “Never trust beautiful witches. It’s all warts from there.”
Vera studies her, “I’ll have that printed on my next saddle bag.” She smiles, “Consorting with witches though,” she almost leers, “Someone must have not been a very good human royal.”
“The worst,” Caroline says darkly, smiling back sourly, “But how else would I get in here?”
Vera just nods, “Understood,” her eyes trail down Caroline’s pink summer dress and the curve of her waist. “Second question,” she hums, “Does this thing make you immortal?” Her voice is even, deceivingly flat.
“Depends on your definition,” Caroline touches the sand, “It feeds off me. Keeps itself turning and stops me from aging, but not from dying.” She looks up at her ceiling. “It’s not the best deal quite honestly.”
Vera was quiet for a long moment, she frowns delicately. “What did you bargain for?”
Caroline didn’t reply for a long moment, thinking it all over blankly. What do I have to lose? She reflects briefly.
“No, not me,” She finally replies, glancing up crisply. “Do you want to steal my secrets as well thief?”
Their eyes meet and Vera raises her eyebrows, “If you wish.” She snorts, “It doesn’t appear that I’m going anywhere.”
Caroline rolls her eyes, “It’s just as I said: don’t trust beautiful witches… And don’t fall for them.” She looks down at her lap emptily, “Lucy wanted more time. More life. Keep the cruelty of ages off her.” She looks off into nowhere, murmuring. “And I wanted to make her happy.”
Vera looks away, averting her gaze off to the side. “Princess’s with problems. Ah.”
Caroline sniffs, “And thief’s with problems.” She retorts, “Such as getting beat up by bandits.”
Vera makes a face at her, “A job hazard. But one of us isn’t stuck in a glass coffin.”
“Not yet!” She shakes her fist.
They exchange a long look, and then, despite themselves, they start laughing, a sharp childish giggling that Caroline tries to cover with her hands. Prompted from the absurdity of the darkness, and the gold, and the slumbering dragon that had yet to snore.
Vera stays perfectly still but seems to really look at Caroline now, “tell me,” she asks slowly, “What have you been doing with the dragon all this time?”
So, Caroline tells her a story: of a foolish human princess who ran away with a witch. Of a witch who feared death and an hourglass. A bargain with a time dragon and everything else.
Vera slowly, carefully tells her snippets of information as well: she was hired by a great lord who planned to accumulate wealth for an army. Vera guessed that the army was for taking over the grand principality, but that really wasn’t her business, nothing seemed to be her business.
The moon crosses the sky like a perfectly round hole in the darkness, a falling silver coin, Caroline drinks in the sight of another person. Of a real conversation.
Finally, she touches the glass again, “So,” She asks softly, “How does one get into the business of thieving for lords?”
Vera purses her lips, “They run out of options. Among other things.”
Caroline raises her eyebrows, “Family?”
Vera shook her head with forlorn, “No.” She looks up at her own little horns on her head, “Unacknowledged,” she gives a thin smile, “You can call me a bastard if you like, that’ll at least be correct.”
Caroline’s studies her exposed moon-grey face, “Well, my family abandoned me too,” she sighs, “so maybe that’s how people like us end up together.”
Vera gives her a funny look, “I suppose.” She looks away, “You know I’m a,” she pauses, watching Caroline, “So you’ve guessed, I’m a hybrid.”
Caroline shrugs, “Sure,” she says and itches her nose, “How else would an elf walk like a shadow?” She smiles, “No one has done anything like this, you’re stronger than any of the other silly heroes who’ve came so far. It’s impressive, really.”
Caroline can’t help but catch the briefest surprised smile crossing Vera’s face at that, she tugs it back into something guarded. “Well I’m not a hero.” She replies quickly, “And you ran away from your whole life for someone, so that’s impressive too, really.”
Caroline laughs a bitter and light sound, “Now I’m being teased. It’s not all that, just stupid youth.” Their eyes meet and Caroline can’t explain it as her heart squeezes for a moment. “I get what I deserve.”
Another moment passes, the moonlight cascading over the cave from up above and their breaths catching in time with one another.
“I wouldn’t say that,” Vera’s voice was quiet, “It’s a terrible thing done, no one would deserves it.”
Caroline shivers from head to toe, their eyes meet again, and she doesn’t know how to place it. She wets her lips, waiting, a bubbling force rising in her chest.
Vera lifts up, shifting some of the coins and exposing her shoulders, then she stops, as if biting down on something too, holding it beneath her tongue and rolling it around. They stay breathlessly watching each other, perhaps something more might have come of it.
Instead, they both jump as booming guttural sound echoes around the cave. A deep snore.
Caroline and Vera exchange a look. Caroline tries not show her face fall, “Go,” she points, “Take as much gold as you can carry. He stopped counting this junk ages ago.”
Vera was still looking at her, mulling her over. She takes her time unburrying herself and then grabbing everything in arms reach.
“Caroline,” her face is flushed and Vera hunches over slightly, searching for something, and then she just nods. Caroline nods back.
“Go,” it’s a whisper this time. What else is there to do? She asks herself, Caroline waves her arms, “Quickly!”
Vera rises on her ghost feet, gathering the cloak around her and barely disturbing a thing as she darts away, into the night, into the nothingness.
I hope you got what you were looking for.
And she was alone again.
The Dream
Vera is gone. But what did Caroline expect?
She told herself to stop expecting things. Perhaps it was just the sign she should let herself sleep again, let it all go.
She hovers at the top of her chamber as the hourglass finishes filling, swimming in the sea of sand with just her upper body barely above the surface. She braces herself as the mechanism turns over again, forcing her to slip toward the bottom and then dig her way back to the air again.
Not that it mattered. She didn’t need air.
It takes another month for Heratis to wake again, Caroline already had her next story meticulously planned for him.
He blinks open his crusted, glossy eyes and she calls to him. “I’m ready.” He settles in expectantly, waiting before he needed to go out feeding again.
“How preparatory of you,” he puts his enormous head by her, blinking his acid green eyes and resting his soft leathery beige cheek by her cell. “Go on.”
She lifts her eyes up, “This one is about a tiefling and an elf who fell in love. And their daughter who rose above it all to become a star on the horizon.”
She begins again.
Caroline is wavering between waking and sleeping, as she had been for days now, letting the drowsy sand wash over her, quietly, consumingly. She could be lost like this, she could dream again.
Her eyes are closed and head lulling down on her chest, thoughts floating in and out as she dreams of fresh buttery bread she keeps bringing to her lips only for it to disappear on contact. She turns in place, deep within the sand.
A sharp tap erupts besides her, insistent and sharp.
It’s 2:22 in the afternoon, a Thursday. Heratis was out- having left after she finished her last story.
Caroline blinks awake and turns, kicking her way out of the sand and pushing her way to the edge of the cage. She has to rub her gritty eyes when she sees someone next to her in the streaming daylight. A figure draped in a billowy black cloak.
Inky eyes capture hers, “Vera?” Caroline rasps, her throat tightening almost painfully.
Vera nods slowly, tugging at her fingers. “That ransom for you,” She begins awkwardly, swaying in place and looking somewhat lost. “Would it still be a lot?”
Caroline just shakes her head, “I lied.” She says carefully, “My parents did try to bargain for me at first, for posterity's sake, but,” she hesitates, “But what is a daughter who ran away?” She sinks down, “there is no longer a reward I’m afraid.”
The truth weighs heavily on her chest, forgotten. She slid quietly to the bottom of her cage, “I lied.”
“I know,” Vera says with a hard tone, hesitance written over her pinched expression. “Sorry, I already knew that. Caroline,” She looks up darkly, “There is no longer a kingdom of Timus.”
Caroline’s mouth falls open, thoughts thumping in her temples and heart racing. In the back of her mind she already knew that, deep down she had known that for a long time.
“Vera,” She swallows thickly, sorrow welling up from somewhere she didn’t know existed. She tries to focus, “Why are you here?”
Vera had never tapped on her glass before and her hands are empty of any treasures, in fact, instead of a satchel at her side there was the hilt of what looked like a heavy weapon. Something is different.
Vera looks down at her feet, as if she’s a small child suddenly caught taking cookies from a jar. She scuffs her foot on the coins and her mouth becomes a squiggle line across her face, strangely bashful.
“I just thought,” Vera put her palms up helplessly, “you know. It does, actually, really... suck. To be stuck somewhere.”
Caroline’s draws herself up, “Yes. We’ve been over this. It sucks.” She says dryly and fixes her with a steady look, “Is… that it?”
“I mean,” Vera rubs the back of her neck, “I’m not actually a hero or anything.” She mumbles, “Most people don’t want to think of me as anything at all, but,” her eyes dart up, bursting with something. “I dunno, I just kept thinking about your silly face stuck in all this sand…”
“Yes?” Caroline’s heart speeds up, eyes going wide.
“And I thought, well, I mean, maybe I had been wrong,” she fidgets in place, “and maybe I could steal something good for once.”
Caroline’s mouth falls open like a screw came loose in her jaw, “You won’t get a reward,” she says quickly, manically. “Obviously. I don’t even have a kingdom anymore.”
Vera speaks gently. “Yeah, I know.”
Caroline’s mouth is still hanging open, “I have nothing for you.”
“I know.”
Caroline crams herself up against the glass, “You don’t know what this means. I can’t, I mean, I can’t thank y-“
Vera’s tone is quick and halting, “Don’t think about it. Come on, before I change my mind.” Her eyes flit over to the mouth of the cave.
“We’d have to run.” Caroline speaks as if in a dream, Vera nods grimly back, “We’d have to be fast.”
Vera breaks into a broad grin, a real one. “I’m fast.”
Caroline steps away from the glass, hands shaking. “Can you break this damn thing?”
Vera’s grin turns wild and barbed, “You happen to be in luck,” she says gleefully, “For you have a thief at your service and she happened to be sent to the dwarf kingdom’s artillery last month.”
“No,” jitters course through Caroline’s system, “No way.”
Vera pulls out what appeared to be a golden hammer, the head is as big as the girl’s head and looks as heavy as a small cow. It’s covered in small brilliant symbols and built with the fineness of smart hands and a little magic.
A flutter surges through Caroline’s heart, it couldn’t be real. “Amazing,” she claps her hands, “Amazing Vera!” She wonders if this is what being high was like, or in love.
Vera lifts her chin up, “Step back.”
Caroline can’t move fast enough, retreating until her back hits the opposite wall of glass and her muscles tense all over. Vera lifts the hammer above her head, heavy and shining in her hands. Their eyes meet for a brief second, something stretches between them like a sunbeam across ice: blinding and fierce.
Caroline holds her breath, “I’m ready.”
The hammer swings down before Caroline finishes the sentence, Vera’s face is screwed up in red determination and she lets out a feral grunt as the weapon falls. It strikes with a terrifying crunch that must have shot tremors up Vera’s arms.
Heavy and solid it thunks against the glass and, to Caroline’s amazement, a jagged raw lightning strike crack bursts across the surface. Tears well up in her eyes despite herself, hot and stinging with feral trembling hope.
A second thought strikes her: the hourglass was one of Heratis’s most prized possessions, the dragon had meant to be away awhile and yet…
She tenses all over, “Quickly.”
Vera’s face screws up again, “Huh!” She grunts and brings the hammer down once more with deadly blunt force. This time Caroline’s entire chamber shakes, she steadies herself on either wall and gasps as more spiderweb-thin cracks spread.
“That’s it!” She whoops, “You are my hero you damn fool, keep going!”
Vera’s cheeks flush ashy-grey at that, but she heaves the hammer down again with a teeth-shattering crash. Another crack.
Then comes the roar. A roar like flood waters slamming down across canyon creeks, the sound of terrors in the night children dream up and bones crunching against cold stone. A roar erupting from somewhere so deep it might as well be from the earth itself.
Caroline jerks up, “Hurry, hurry!” She nearly breaks into tears again, “He’s sensed it. He’s coming."
Vera looks pale and almost sick to her stomach, ready to bolt at any second. For a moment Caroline expects her to turn and sail away on light feet into somewhere soundless and dark. Safe.
For a moment Caroline wants to tell her to do just that.
Vera clenches her teeth, “watch out.” She lifts the hammer with her entire body, solid and lurching from the effort, she struck a silhouette all young girls knew: a champion of old. Vera brings the hammer down with a terrifying crash, the glass dents inward, caving in.
“There,” Caroline staggers as the cage jostles, “Almost!” She can see the unfiltered light, she can taste the clear air.
Vera backs up, sweat streaming down her forehead, the effort obviously taking a toll on her trembling limbs. The roar comes again, but this time accompanied by the whump of massive wings.
Caroline burns with a heat that feels like it might incinerate her, she’s so close. “Ah!” She screams and rushes for the cracks in the glass, pushing on them with all her strength.
“Wait-” Vera barely gets a word out before a shadow with deviled horns and blooming fury descends. They both scream.
“Who is tampering with my hoard?” The beast roars with a raw vitriol, “I will crunch your bones and burn your whole family to dust.”
Vera snarls back, “My family already told me to shove off, so,” she grins daringly, stupidly. “Try again.”
A clawed hand shoots forward, grasping Vera’s small body and lifting her.
“No!” Caroline moves in that moment, she has to, she digs her heels into the shifting sands, braces herself, and then flings herself at the cracks in the glass. Everything shatters.
She gasps, her skin stinging with a thousand pinpricks and a shuddering burn. Her insides wash with what felt like frigid ice water, like sucking in artic wind in every sinew. The tumbling mix of hot and cold surges with a dizzying weight through her, time reclaims her with a vengeance.
Her eyes spot white, ears ringing and the taste of grit and soil bleeding through her taste buds. The world smells raw and vivid as a sucker punch.
Mortality singes every nerve in her, a stranglehold of life and promise of death all once. Caroline takes a second to look at her hands, pale and empty, she clenches and then unclenches them. She can feel the sticky pain in her shoulder from where she bashed it across the glass, she can feel the thrash of wind against her skin and an aching hunger throughout her body, aches and aches and aches.
She tingles, her thoughts heave, slipping through her fingers like burning ashes. She no longer knows what time it is.
“Aaahh!” Caroline looks up as a sharp cry fells the air, breaking her out of her brief reverence.
Heratis is holding Vera around her middle, lifting her through the air and bringing her up to his green cold gaze.
“And who are you?” He growls, “Who are you to touch my things?”
Vera shakes like a leaf, she looks ready to puke on the spot. She must have gathered something from deep within though, something Caroline can only guess at. “Who- who are you to make anyone a thing?” She says, just loud enough and then growls forcefully: “go eat your own tail.”
The dragon laughs, its voice filling the whole space. “Oh, I’m going to make this slow.”
“Hey!” Caroline screams, feeling the burn of her fledgling lungs. “Heratis!” She musters a battle cry, bursting with new and terrible life. Something that had been building in her for a very long time. “I have your things here.”
Heratis turns toward her with the sluggish movements of a beast older than the sky itself. “My little bird,” he sneers, “How ugly your wings are.”
Caroline draws herself up, she reaches for the sands cascading out of the hourglass like carnage out of a gut wound. “Stop me.” She scatters the sands, tossing it away to fall between the cracks of the treasures and disappear.
“Ugly, ungrateful,” he seems to forget Vera for a moment and comes rushing forward with the force of a small hurricane. “Small, petulant, creature.”
Caroline latches her hands around a giant piece of glass from her cage, gripping it between her tingling hands and yanking it loose, the sharp edges bite into her skin as she hefts it up. She grimaces as her palms split up, blood seeping down her wrists and across the smooth surface of the object.
She gives the hourglass beside her a savage kick, sending what’s left of it toppling down the golden hills and away. She lifts the shard of glass over her head just as the dragon’s dives to catch the hourglass, Caroline is faster. She leaps, soundlessly, ruthlessly, and thrusts the glass fragment deep into the side of the dragon’s face.
The shard pierces the dragons soft aged cheek, enchanted by her spilling blood and filled with the fury of a girl who had lost everything. His skin bursts with a sluggish red gash and Caroline tears downward.
She wedges it deep within his face before letting go, his eyes go wide for a moment, processing this new foreign horror. He reels back, head thrashing and body whipping about, shaking the entire cavern itself. Caroline falls to her knees and staggers in place.
A momentary glee balloons in her chest, but then the dragon releases Vera as he clutches at his ruined cheek- tossing the girl aside like a scrap. Vera’s body sails limply across the open space.
“No,” Caroline leaps toward her, feet flying and heart pounding so hard it might burst. A roar drums in her ears and her mouth tastes of copper and bile.
“No, no, no,” she put her hands out to catch the other girl, mind screeching, but she is still several paces away, not close enough. “No!”
Vera is falling, face stricken and body tossed like a boneless ragdoll, and then the next moment she is turning in midair, situating her feet toward the ground and decelerating. Her cloak flutters as she rights herself like a falling cat and softly lands.
Caroline tries to dig her heels in as Vera’s comes down feather-light.
She barely manages to slow before crashing into the other girl, running headlong into her body and almost sending them both sprawling. Vera grabs her around the waist instead and swings them both around. “Stupid girl!”
Caroline laughs in her arms, “Brilliant shadow!”
They hug for just a moment, though neither would ever admit that’s what it is. Then the thrashing of Heratis comes back to them. Coins spray around them and a growling screech resounds.
“It’s ruined!” He cries and lets out a growl of a thousand baited hound dogs.
Caroline turns toward the wall, thinking quick. “Can you get up there?” She points to the massive jade clock perched high above.
“What?” Vera grabs her arm, “We need to get out of here.”
“We should stall him first,” Caroline counters quickly, keeping her eyes on the dragon as he tries to turn, “he won’t rest until that clock is wound again. That will buy us time.”
Vera seems to open her mouth to argue, but then glances back at the dragon and only nods. They both start racing; Caroline’s veins are ice and she barely registers the endless light just outside the cave. She waves at Vera as the other woman crawls up the wall with the speed of a specter and grabs at the big hand of the giant clock.
“Turn it!” Caroline screeches and watches as the dragon’s prize is wrenched out of time.
Heratis roars, blood streaming down his chin and neck. “Don’t touch that!”
Vera lets go, the dragon grabs for his treasure, trying to restore the item back to the exact second. Vera darts away, landing on the ground lightly once more, Caroline takes her hand. “Come on.”
They grin with the bloody exhilaration of almost-victory, they turn, they run.
The sunlight is as bright and fierce as a first kiss, a first breath, a first forever. Caroline is skipping as they tumble down the mountain side, skidding and flinging themselves down and away, every scraped knee is a new promise.
She only stops once, “Thank you Vera!”
They approach the edge of a forest, just far enough away from the cave for the dragon cries to be muted. Caroline didn’t even know there was a forest outside, it was a young and bright thing, more oaks than it was pines and brimming with bird calls and rustling life.
Vera is panting and holding her sides where the dragon had squeezed her. “Me?” She wheezes, “You’re the one that stabbed him back there.”
Caroline turns to her, hair loose and wild, “You didn’t have to come for me. You didn’t have to do any of that.”
Vera looks away and huffs, “We have to keep running, he can fly you know.”
Caroline hadn’t stopped smiling since she’d come out, “Just one second,” she reaches for Vera’s hand once more, “One thing and then we can flee to the ends of the earth, or ends of the kingdom at least. He’s a lazy thing.”
Caroline glances back up toward the cave, roaring was still emitting from it, “Make it quick.”
Caroline gets on her tiptoes, Vera was too tall. “Ahem,” she clears her throat, “I am in your debt. And as a freed princess, you have my eternal gratitude.”
Vera turns to her, making faces, “What are you on about?”
Caroline takes Vera’s cheeks between her hands, “A legendary hero.” She reaches up, “Wresting me from the dragon’s clutches. I show my thanks.” It was a silly thing, but all story books are silly.
She lifts herself up, closes her eyes and softly presses her lips against the other girls. It tastes like blood and burning lungs, but Caroline is full to bursting with the whole entire world. She kisses delicately, tender against her raw skin and thumping heartbeat.
Her head swims with exuberance and she thinks she might never sleep again.
The kiss is chaste and careful, Caroline falls back again quickly, still smiling. “There.”
Vera looks blankly back at her, cheeks burning a vivid dark ash and eyes huge. “Oh,” she blinks, stammering, “I mean,” She holds her black feathery hair back, “That’s… Oh.”
Caroline laughs and leans into her, “that’s how it’s supposed to go.”
“Not my stories,” Vera appears thunderstruck.
“Then how do yours go?” Carolina’s face hovers inches from Vera’s, ready to press another shy kiss to her cheek.
Vera grabs her hand and pulls them forward as a howl bursts from far behind them. “I’ll tell you later.” She hurries them onward, “It’s a story of a silly trapped girl and a selfish thief.”
“Will I like this story?” They keep running as Vera begins a new tale.
“I hope so,” Vera’s face is aglow with a wide smile, her pointed white teeth stretching across her lips, a lovely shameless thing. “Hopefully if it’s not over yet.”
Caroline chases her steps, “Not yet!” She cackles, “If you’d like to see the rest that is.”
Vera squeezes her hand, “Lead the way.”
They laugh wildly and descend into the dappled thick woods.
The world settles and Caroline’s face is turned up, thick with sunshine and fury and a whole new world beyond her glass and sand. Her hands run bloody, and her body aches with bruises and a new licking hunger, and there is no time at all.
The End
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kinslayr · 4 years
@muertemismo :3c
it  was  a  night  not  unfamiliar  to  him,  the  tangle  of  their  heated  flesh  and  sated  kisses  passed  through  breathless  lips.  it  was,  perhaps,  entirely  unsuspected  that  the  man  he  had  taken  to  his  bed  (or,  well,  vice-versa)  would  end  up  being  a  ghost  from  his  past,  and  perhaps  the  irony  would  have  been  more  apparent  to  him  had  they  not  been  so  enraptured  in  one  another.  it’s  different  from  their  encounters  all  those  years  ago,  different  because  they  are  different,  aged  and  jaded  by  a  world  that  judged  monsters  of  all  varieties.  perhaps  had  he  not  known  gabriel  from  his  past,  this  entire  encounter  would  have  never  happened.  but  then,  going  into  it  -  submitting  willingly  to  the  trace  of  lethal  claws  across  his  flesh  -  he  had  not  known  the  man  beneath  the  mask  would  be  someone  familiar.  it  had  all  become  a  moot  point  anyway,  because  when  gabriel  -  when  reaper -  touched  him  like  he  had,  the  archer  was  consumed  with  nothing  but  bliss. 
indeed  they  were  so  terribly  different,  yet  so  terribly  the  same.  gabriel  was  a  ghost  of  the  man  he  had  been,  perhaps  something  of  nightmares  and  the  violence  to  go  along  with  it.  yet  he  had  not  judged,  had  not  even  blinked  at  such  revelations,  because  he  had  no  place.  hanzo  was  a  monster  himself,  of  his  own  making  no  less,  and  though  his  body  remained  wholly  intact,  it  was  his  mind  and  soul  that  had  been  tainted.  it  had  been  easy,  almost  too  easy,  to  fall  back  into  the  rhythm  they  knew  from  years  ago,  to  touch  in  places  unexplored  for  far  too  long.  and  he  could  not,  would  not ruin  the  bliss  that  it  provided  them  both.  he  was  not  a  hedonist,  he  never  had  been  -  but  when  his  companion  had  kissed  him  like  that,  touched  him  like  that,  it  was  so  easy  to  just  let  go. 
and  let  go  he  had.  hours  spent  tangled  in  that  hotel  room  (something  to  thank  talon  for),  breathlessly  divine  and  filled  with  carnal  sins.  he  thinks,  perhaps,  he  has  lost  track  of  the  extent  of  their  debauchery,  the  amount  of  locations  tainted  and  abused.  frankly,  hanzo  could  not  bring  himself  to  care  -  even  less  so  when  he  was  allowed  the  privilege  of  watching  the  infamous  reaper  -  gabriel  reyes  -  fall  apart  beneath  his  lips  and  fingertips.  even  he,  however,  could  only  go  for  so  long,  and  while  he  was  suspecting  that  perhaps  his  companion  still  had  quite  a  bit  of  virility  left  about  him,  at  some  point  hanzo  had  quite  literally  collapsed  onto  the  bed  (or  was  it  on  top  of  gabriel?)  and  fallen  fast  asleep.  it  was  the  best  damn  rest  he  has,  without  a  single  doubt,  had  in  nearly  a  decade. 
he  wakes  slowly,  body  impossibly  heavy  but  the  bed  a  cloud  against  his  flesh.  he  is  delightfully  warm,  lean  form  curled  about  by  something  just  a  bit  larger  than  he.  it’s  a  familiar  scent  that  fills  his  nostrils,  one  from  years  past  and  mixed  with  something  entirely  new,  something  not  quite  of  this  world.  he’s  hardly  discomforted,  however,  especially  not  as  he  feels  the  trace  of  killer’s  fingertips  (well,  claws)  along  his  thigh...  over  an  extensive  tattoo  of  more  storm  clouds  and  gilded  designs.  it’s  a  twin  to  the  one  upon  his  arm,  though  distinctly  lacking  the  sacred  shimada  dragons.  ah,  he  hadn’t  had  those  the  last  time  they’d  been  together,  had  he?  his  hair  hadn’t  been  nearly  as  long,  no  bridge  piercing,  no  part-cyborg  brother...  pride  demands  he  swat  gabriel  away,  but  true  desire  for  intimacy  squashes  the  conditioned  urge,  and  instead  he  basks  in  the  attention,  allowing  his  head  to  lull  back  just  slightly  and  dark,  depthless  hues  to  catch  the  gaze  of  crimson  ones.  two  placated  beasts,  basking  in  the  attentions  of  one  another.  his  voice  comes  out  at  an  almost  sultry  cadence,  but  lit  with  that  usual  wit  and  for  him...  just  a  bit  of  vulnerability. 
                                  “  are  you  enjoying  yourself  back  there,  gabriel?  ” 
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cielrouge · 6 years
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2018 YA Reads by Authors of Color
#PrettyBoy Must Die by Kimberly Reid - A CIA prodigy's cover is blown when he accidentally becomes an internet sensation, inspired by the #Alexfromtarget story.
500 Words or Less by Juleah del Rosario - To redefine her reputation senior year, Nic Chen begins writing their college admissions essays. But the more essays Nic writes for other people, the less sure she becomes of herself, and whether her moral compass even points north anymore.
After the Shot Drops by Randy Ribar - A powerful novel about friendship, basketball, and one teen's mission to create a better life for his family in the tradition of Jason Reynolds and Walter Dean Myers.   
A Girl Like That by Tanaz Bhathena - When half-Hindu, half-Parsi school troublemaker Zarin Wadia dies in a car crash with a boy named Porus, no one in her South Asian community in Jeddah is surprised—what else would you expect from a girl like that?
A Land of Permanent Goodbyes by Atia Abawi -  After their home in Syria is bombed, Tareq and family seek refuge, first with extended family in Raqqa, a stronghold for the militant group, Daesh, and then abroad.
A Reaper At the Gates (An Ember in the Ashes #3) by Sabaa Tahir - Within the Empire, the threat of war looms, putting Laia, Helene, and Elias at risk. 
A Thousand Beginnings and Endings edited by Ellen Oh & Elsie Chapman - 15 bestselling and acclaimed authors reimagine the folklore and mythology of East and South Asia in short stories that are by turns enchanting, heartbreaking, romantic, and passionate. 
All of This is True by Lygia Day Penaflor - Four privileged Long Island teens befriend their favorite YA author with disastrous results.
All Out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories of Queer Teens Throughout the Ages edited by Saundra Mitchell - A historical-fiction anthology shines the spotlight on queer teens, from as far back as the 1300s to the 21st century.
All That I Can Fix by Crystal Chan - Ronney kept believing his dad would snap out of it and shape up—until his hope turned into anger.
All the Stars Denied by Guadalupe Garcia McCall - In this companion novel to SHAME THE STARS, McCall covers the hidden history of the United States and its first mass deportation event that swept up hundreds of thousands of Mexican American citizens during the Great Depression.
Along the Indigo by Elsie Chapman - Love, mystery, and tragedy unfold for Marsden and Jude in a small town with a haunted past.
American Panda by Gloria Chao - An incisive, laugh-out-loud contemporary debut about a Taiwanese-American teen, Mei whose parents want her to be a doctor and marry a Taiwanese Ivy Leaguer despite her squeamishness with germs and crush on a Japanese classmate.
American Road Trip by Patrick Flores-Scott - After Teodoro’s older brother, Manny, left for Iraq, the Avilas begin to fall apart. But in a desperate effort to save Manny from himself and pull their family back together, T's fiery sister Xochitl hoodwinks her brothers into a road trip with many stops along the road to visit loved ones from their past. 
Americanized: Rebel Without a Greencard by Sara Saedi - Saedi recounts her teen years growing up and coming of age in 1990s California while fearing deportation for herself and her undocumented family.
Analee in Real Life by Janelle Milanes - A genuinely fresh spin on Pygmalion in high school, starring Cuban-American Analee Echevarria. 
Anger is a Gift by Mark Oshiro - Rooted in the working-class neighborhoods of Oakland, California, this is a tale of black teenager Moss Jeffries, diverse in sexuality and gender, organizing to challenge state-sanctioned violence.
The Astonishing Color of After by Emily X.R. Pan - Leigh Chen Sanders is absolutely certain about one thing: When her mother died by suicide, she turned into a bird .Leigh, who is half Asian and half white, travels to Taiwan to meet her maternal grandparents for the first time. There, she is determined to find her mother, the bird. In her search, she winds up chasing after ghosts, uncovering family secrets, and forging a new relationship with her grandparents. 
The Beauty that Remains by Ashley Woodfolk - Music brought Autumn, Shay, and Logan together. But when tragedy strikes each of them, somehow music is no longer enough. Now Logan can’t stop watching vlogs of his dead ex-boyfriend. Shay is a music blogger struggling to keep it together. And Autumn sends messages that she knows can never be answered. Despite the odds, one band's music will reunite them and prove that after grief, beauty thrives in the people left behind. 
The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton - In the opulent world of Orléans, Belles are revered, for they control Beauty. Camellia Beauregard wants to be recognized as the most talented Belle in the land. But she soon finds that behind the gilded palace walls live dark secrets. When the Queen of Orléans asks Camellia to risk her own life and help the ailing princess by using Belle powers in unintended ways, Camellia faces an impossible decision.
Beneath the Citadel by Destiny Soria - In the city of Eldra, people are ruled by ancient prophecies. For centuries, the high council has stayed in power by virtue of the prophecies of the elder seers. In the present day, Cassa, the orphaned daughter of rebels, is determined to fight back against the high council. But by the time Cassa and her friends uncover the mystery of the final infallible prophecy, it may be too late to save the city — or themselves.
Between the Lines by Nikki Grimes - A new group of students join Mr. Ward’s poetry class in the companion novel to Bronx Masquerade
A Blade So Black by L.L. McKinney - The first time the Nightmares came, it nearly cost Alice her life. Now she's trained to battle monstrous creatures in the dark dream realm known as Wonderland. But when Alice's handsome and mysterious mentor is poisoned, she has to find the antidote by venturing deeper into Wonderland than she’s ever gone before.
Blanca & Roja by Anne-Marie McLemore - The del Cisne girls, Blanca & Roja, have never just been sisters; they’re also rivals. Because of a generations-old spell, their family is bound to a bevy of swans deep in the woods. But when two local boys become drawn into the game, the swans’ spell intertwines with the strange and unpredictable magic lacing the woods, and all four of their fates depend on facing truths that could either save or destroy them. 
Blood of a Thousand Stars (Empress of a Thousand Skies #2) by Rhoda Belleza - Separated, unaware of the others, Rhee, Aly, and Kara try to wrest control of the galaxy from an evil celebrity. 
The Boyfriend Bracket by Kate Evangelista - Stella has had a hopeless crush on Will, her older brother's best friend FOREVER, but now that Cam and Will have graduated and are going off to college, this year is her chance to really strike out on her own. With the help of her best friend Franklin, she comes up with the perfect plan to have a boyfriend by Christmas: The Boyfriend Bracket. Or it seems like the perfect plan...right up until Will starts showing up again.
Broken Beautiful Hearts by Kami Garcia - Cuban-American Peyton Rios is a rising soccer star to discovers her boyfriend’s dark secret, and confronts him—and finds herself falling down a flight of stairs. Peyton’s knee—and maybe her dream of going pro—is shattered. With her future on the line, Peyton goes to stay with her uncle in a small Tennessee town to focus on her recovery. Dating is the last thing on her mind—until she meets sweet, sexy Owen Law. 
Bruja Born (Brooklyn Brujas #2) by Zoraida Cordova - Teenage bruja Lula Mortiz tries to save her boyfriend, Maks, by cheating Death; however, Lady de la Muerte is not so easily bested.
Buried Beneath the Baobab Tree by Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani - The unnamed young Nigerian narrator of this novel, with a loving family and academic aspirations, is kidnapped by Boko Haram along with many other girls and women from her village.
Catching Teller Crow by Ambelin & Ezekiel Kwaymullina - Nothing's been the same for Beth Teller since she died. Her dad, a detective, is the only one who can see and hear her - and he's drowning in grief. But now they have a mystery to solve together. Who is Isobel Catching, and what's her connection to the fire that killed a man? 
Chainbreaker (Timekeeper #2) by Tara Sim - In 1876, someone is destroying the clock towers that control India’s time. Teenage mechanics Danny Hart and half-white, half-Indian Daphne Richards as they travel to Agra to investigate a series of clock tower bombings. 
Check Please! Book 1: Hockey by Nogzi Ukazu - A collection of the first half of the megapopular webcomic series of the same name, Check, Please!: #Hockey is the first book of a hilarious coming-of-age story about hockey, bros, and trying to find yourself during the best four years of your life.
Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi - 17-year-old Zélie and companions journey to a mythic island seeking a chance to bring back magic to the land of Orïsha, in a fantasy world infused with the textures of West Africa.
Crown of Thunder (Beasts Made of Night #2) by Tochi Onyebuchi - Taj has escaped Kos, but Queen Karima will go to any means necessary—including using the most deadly magic—to track him down.
Damselfly by Chandra Prasad- In the wake of crash-landing on a deserted tropical island, Samantha Mishra and her other private school classmates must rely on their wits and one another to survive. 
Dear Heartbreak edited by Heather Denetrios - This is a book about the dark side of love: the way it kicks your ass, tears out your heart, and then forces you to eat it, bite by bloody bite. If you’ve felt this way, you’re not alone. 
The Devil’s Thief (The Last Magician #2) by Lisa Maxwell - Esta and Harte set off on a cross-country chase through time to steal back the elemental stones they need to save the future of magic.
The Demon Race by Alexandria Warwick - When 17-year-old Namali learns of her arranged marriage, she flees home and enters the Demon Race for the chance to change her fate. But to compete, she must cross the Saraj on a daeva, a shadow demon that desires its own reward: to infect her soul with darkness. In this race of men and demons, only one can win. But the price of winning might be more than Namali is willing to pay.
Djinn by Sang Kromah - Bijou Fitzroy is strange. With the unwanted gift of being an empath, she has spent her entire life as a sheltered recluse. When Bijou and her grandmother move to Sykesville and she starts to attend the local high school, Bijou’s world begins to crumble. Town locals begin to disappear and the creatures from her nightmares begin to take shape in her reality. She finds herself at the center of a war she never knew was being fought all around her.
The Disturbed Girls’ Dictionary by NoNieqa Ramos - Officially classified as “disturbed,” Puerto Rican Macy vents her rage, frustrations, and fears in a dictionary-style journal.
Down and Across by Arvin Ahmadi While his parents travel to Iran to visit his ailing grandfather, 16-year-old Iranian-American Scott Ferdowsi quits his boring summer lab internship in Philadelphia and secretly travels to D.C., seeking answers about his (in)ability to succeed.
Dread Nation by Justina Ireland - The Civil War is over, but mostly because the dead rose at Gettysburg—and then started rising everywhere else. Fighting the undead is a breeze for Jane McKenne, an Attendant, trained in both weaponry and etiquette to protect the well-to-do. But the fight for freedom? That’s a different story.
Dream Country by Shannon Gibney - The heartbreaking story of five generations of young people from a single African-and-American family pursuing an elusive dream of freedom. 
Driving by Starlight by Anat Deracine - Two teenage girls in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, rebel against a patriarchal culture while struggling to navigate their complex family lives.
Emergency Contact by Mary H.K. Choi - A secret relationship conducted almost exclusively via text buoys Korean-American college freshman Penny Lee, slouching awkwardly toward adulthood and a 21-year-old cafe manager who is trying to clean up the mess his life has become.
Empress of All Seasons by Emiko Jean - Each generation, a competition is held to find the next empress of Honoku. The rules are simple. Survive the palace’s enchanted seasonal rooms. Marry the prince. Torn between duty and love, loyalty and betrayal, vengeance and forgiveness, the choices of Mari, Taro, and Akira will decide the fate of Honoku. 
The Fall of Innocence by Jenny Torres Sanchez - When she was 8 years old, half-Mexican, half-El Salvadoran Emilia DeJesus was brutally assaulted. But when a startling discovery about her attacker's identity comes to light, and the memories of that day break through the mental box in which she'd shut them away, Emilia is forced to confront her new reality and make sense of shifting truths about her past, her family, and herself. 
Final Draft by Riley Redgate - 18-year-old high school senior Laila Piedra is determined to write the best sci-fi story ever. Dr. Nazarenko has led Laila to believe that she must choose between perfection and sanity—but rejecting her all-powerful mentor may be the only way for Laila to thrive.
The Final Six by Alexandra Monir -  Italian-American Leo Danieli and Iranian-American Naomi Ardalan must become astronauts in record time for an inaugural space mission.
Finding Yvonne by Brandy Colbert - Yvonne's longtime plans to play violin professionally seem to be falling apart as she nears graduation. Feeling unmoored, she begins seeing a street performer while also pondering her longtime relationship with her father's sous chef. Ultimately her unexpected pregnancy forces some hard talks and hard choices.
Fire & Heist by Sarah Beth Durst - In Sky Hawkins's family, leading your first heist is a major milestone. Embarking on a life of crime is never easy, and Sky discovers secrets about her mother, who recently went missing, the real reason her boyfriend broke up with her, and a valuable jewel that could restore her family's wealth and rank in their community.
For A Muse of Fire by Heidi Heilig - 16-year-old shadow puppeteer Jetta Chantray performs with her family’s traveling troupe, the Ros Nai. Her skill and fame are her family’s way to earn a spot aboard the royal ship to Aquitan, where rumor has it the Mad King has a spring that cures his ills. But as rebellion seethes and as Jetta meets a young smuggler, she will face truths and decisions that she never imagined—and safety will never seem so far away.
Fresh Ink edited by Lamar Giles - 13 leading YA voices from diverse backgrounds lend their talents to this anthology of 12 fictional short stories.
From Twinkie, With Love by Sandhya Menon - Aspiring filmmaker and wallflower Twinkle Mehra has stories she wants to tell. So when fellow film geek Sahil Roy approaches her to direct a movie for the upcoming Summer Festival, Twinkle is all over it. The chance to publicly showcase her voice as a director? Dream come true. The fact that it gets her closer to her longtime crush, Neil Roy—a.k.a. Sahil’s twin brother? Dream come true x 2.
Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan - Thrust into the beauty and horror of the Hidden Palace, will Paper Girl Lei survive?
Girls on the Line by Jennie Liu - A teen pregnancy puts two orphan girls in contemporary China on a collision course with factory bosses, family planning regulators, and a bride trafficker.
Give Me Some Truth by Eric Gansworth - In the 1980s, Carson Mastick’s Native American coming-of-age story grapples with the day-to-day details of teenagers’ lives on and off the reservation.
The Healer by Donna Freitas - Marlena Oliveira has—mysteriously, miraculously—been given the power to heal all kinds of ailments. But her power comes at a price: she can’t go to school, she can’t have friends her own age, and she certainly can’t date.Then she meets Finn, a boy who makes her want to fall in love. For the first time, she begins to doubt whether her gift is worth all that she must give up to keep it.
The Heartforger (Bone Witch #2) by Rin Chupeco - With a thirst for vengeance, a band of terrifying daeva at her command, and her resurrected lover Kalen by her side, dark asha Tea is ready to face her adversaries.
Hearts Unbroken by Cynthia Leitich Smith - A thoughtful story of Native American Louise Wolfe navigating the complicated, confusing waters of high school — and first love.
Hide With Me by Sorboni Banerjee - A powerful story about the unbreakable bonds of friendship, the headiness of first love, and the courage to fight for a brighter future against all odds.
Home and Away by Candice Montgomery - Tasia Quirk is young, Black, and fabulous. But when she catches her mamma trying to stuff a mysterious box in the closet, her identity is suddenly called into question. Now Tasia’s determined to unravel the lies that have overtaken her life. 
Hope is Our Only Wing by Rutendo Tavengerwei - In Zimbabwe, 15-year-old Shamiso, struggles with grief and bewilderment following her father's death. For Tanyaradzwa, whose life has been turned upside down by a cancer diagnosis, hope is the only reason to keep fighting. As the two of them form an unlikely friendship, Shamiso begins to confront her terrible fear of loss. 
I Am Thunder by Muhammad Khan 15-year-old Muzna Saleem, who dreams of being a writer, struggles with controlling parents who only care about her studying to be a doctor. Forced to move to a new school in South London, Muzna realizes that the bullies will follow her wherever she goes. As her new freedom starts to disappear, Muzna is forced to question everything around her and make a terrible choice - keep quiet and betray herself, or speak out and betray her heart?
Ignite the Stars by Maura Milan - Criminal mastermind and unrivaled pilot, Ia Cocha has spent her life terrorizing the Olympus Commonwealth, the imperialist nation that destroyed her home. When she’s captured, Ia is trapped at the Commonwealth’s military academy, desperately plotting her escape. But new acquaintances—including Brinn and their charming Flight Master, Knives—cause Ia to question her own alliances. Can she find a way to escape the Commonwealth’s clutches before these bonds deepen?
Imagine Us Happy by Jennifer Yu - Stella lives with depression. But when she meets Kevin, she feels less lonely, listened to—and hopeful for the first time since ever…But to keep that feeling, Stella lets her grades go and her friendships slide. With her life spinning out of control, she’s got to figure out what she truly needs, what’s worth saving—and what to let go.
Inferno (Talon #5) by Julie Kagawa - Ember Hill has learned a shocking truth about herself: she is the blood of the Elder Wyrm, the ancient dragon who leads Talon and who is on the verge of world domination. With the stakes rising and the Elder Wyrm declaring war, time is running out for the rogues and any dragon not allied with Talon. The final battle approaches. And if Talon is victorious, the world will burn.
Into the Black (Beyond the Red #2) by Ava Jae - The revelation of Eros’ parentage leads to political intrigues and a change in his relationship with Kora.
Isan by Mary Ting - After meteors devastate the Earth, 17-year-old Ava struggles to survive and ends up in juvenile detention, until she is selected for a new life—with a catch. She must be injected with an experimental serum. To receive the serum Ava agrees to join a program controlled by ISAN, the International Sensory Assassin Network.While on a mission, she is abducted by a rebel group led by Rhett and told that not only does she have a history with him, but her entire past is a lie perpetuated by ISAN to ensure her compliance. Unsure of who to trust, Ava must decide if her strangely familiar and handsome captor is her enemy or her savior—and time is running out. 
Isle of Blood and Stone by Makiia Lucier - Mysterious maps from opposite ends of the sea cast doubt on the whereabouts of two princes, presumed dead.
Jazz Owls by Margarita Engle -  Against the backdrop of World War II, a patriotic Mexican-American family proudly contributes to the war effort despite pervasive racism.
Jinxed by Amy McCulloch - Lacey Chu has big dreams of becoming a companioneer for MONCHA, the largest tech firm in North America and the company behind the  "baku" - a customisable smart pet that functions as a phone but makes the perfect companion too. One night, Lacey comes across the remains of an advanced, but broken baku. Days of work later when the baku opens its eyes, Lacey calls him Jinx. Slowly but surely, Jinx becomes more than just a baku to Lacey. But what is Jinx, really? He seems to be more than just a robotic pet. He seems...real.
Kingdom of the Blazing Phoenix (Rise of the Empress #2) by Julie C. Dao - Princess Jade has grown up in exile, hidden away in a monastery while her stepmother, the ruthless Xifeng, rules as empress of Feng Lu. Ready to reclaim her place as rightful heir, Jade embarks on a quest to raise the Dragon Lords and defeat Xifeng and the Serpent God once and for all. 
Learning to Breathe by Janice Lynn Mather - Sent away to live with relatives in Nassau, Bahamas, to escape her mother’s wild lifestyle, Indira’s new home is anything but a sanctuary.
Legacy of Light (The Effgies #3) by Sarah Raughley - After Saul’s strike on Oslo—one seemingly led by Maia herself—the Effigies’ reputation is in shambles. Belle has gone rogue, Chae Rin and Lake have disappeared, and the Sect is being dismantled and replaced by a terrifying new world order helmed by Blackwell. If the Effigies can’t put the pieces together soon, there may not be much left of the world they’ve fought so desperately to save.
Let’s Talk About Love by Claire Kann - Alice has her blissful summer take an unexpected turn when she meets Takumi and can’t stop thinking about him. As they get closer, Alice, who is asexual, has to decide if she’s willing to risk their friendship for a love that might not be reciprocated—or understood.
Live in Infamy by Caroline Tung Richmond - In an alternate world in which the Axis Powers won WWII, 16-year-old Chinese-American Ren Cabot grapples with the cost of revolution.
Love, Hate & Other Filters by Samira Ahmed - High school senior Maya Aziz works up the courage to tell her parents that she’s gotten into the film school of her dreams in New York City, but their expectations combined with anti-Muslim backlash from a terror attack threaten to derail her dream.
Love & War (Alex & Eliza #2) by Melissa de la Cruz - As the war for American Independence carries on, two newlyweds are settling into their new adventure: marriage. But the honeymoon's over, and Alexander Hamilton and Eliza Schuyler are learning firsthand just how tricky wedded life can be, tested by lingering jealousies and family drama.
Lovely, Dark, and Deep by Justina Chen - Biracial Viola Li has her future as a globe-trotting journalist all planned out, but everything comes into question when her body suddenly betrays her, after she develops an extreme case of photosensitivity, an inexplicable allergy to sunlight. 
The Lost Kids (Never Ever #2) by Sara Saedi - Just a few weeks ago, Wylie Dalton was living on a magical island where nobody ages past 17. Now, her home is a creaky old boat where she's joined a ragtag group of cast-offs from the island. But when the Lost Kids invade Minor Island, they're shocked to find it totally deserted, except for one survivor who reveals the shocking news: adults have discovered the island.
Mariam Sharma Hits the Road by Sheba Karim - Three Pakistani-American teens, Mariam, Ghazala, and Umar, go on a cathartic summer road trip through the Deep South.
Meet-Cute edited by Jennifer L. Armetrout - Whether or not you believe in fate, or luck, or love at first sight, every romance has to start somewhere, an anthology of original short stories featuring tales of "how they first met" from some of today’s most popular YA authors. 
Mem by Bethany C. Morrow - In alternate reality Montreal (1925), a young woman’s personality is the result of a startling experimental procedure, leaving her to struggle with the question of who she really is.
Mirage by Somaiya Daud - In a star system dominated by the brutal Vathek empire, 18-year-old Amani is a dreamer. But when adventure comes for Amani, it is not what she expects: she is kidnapped by the regime and become the body double of the cruel Princess Maram. As Amani is forced into her new role, she can’t help but enjoy the palace’s beauty—and her time with the princess’ fiancé, Idris. But the glitter of the royal court belies a world of violence and fear. If Amani ever wishes to see her family again, she must play the princess to perfection. 
Monday’s Not Coming by Tiffany D. Jackson - Washington, D.C., eighth-graders Claudia Coleman and her best (and only) friend, Monday Charles, were inseparable, often mistaken for twins—until the day Monday disappeared.
Monk! by Youssef Daoudi - This vividly illustrated biography of jazz legend Thelonious Monk brings to life his relationship with the headstrong baroness who would become a life long friend and patron.
Monsters (The Reckoner #2) by David A. Robertson - Cole Harper is struggling to settle into life in Wounded Sky First Nation. He may have stopped a serial killer but the trouble is far from over. A creature lurks in the shadows of Blackwood Forest, the health clinic is on lockdown by a mysterious organization, and long-held secrets threaten to bubble to the surface. Can Cole learn the truth about his father's death? 
My So-Called Bollywood Life by Nisha Sharma - A fresh, madcap rom-com in which a Princeton, New Jersey, high school senior, aspiring film school student, and Bollywood junkie Vaneeta “Winnie” Mehta navigates the dramas of real life.
Not the Girls You’re Looking For by Aminah Mae Safi - Iraqi-American Leila “Lulu” Saad is about to graduate from high school with her three best friends by her side, but things get messy and senior year becomes a little more complicated than expected.
Odd One Out by Nic Stone - Courtney Cooper is in love with his longtime female best friend, Jupiter Charity-Sanchez, who is an out-and-proud lesbian. But the arrival of a new friend, Rae Evelyn Chin, who is questioning her sexuality, complicates their relationship and inspires new questions and possibilities between the trio. 
Out of Left Field by Kris Hui Lee - Marnie’s love of baseball—and the stalwart friends with whom she plays the game with such passion—has been the centerpiece of her life; but now she’s 17 and things are changing after she replaces Cody, the school’s star pitcher. With her own team against her, Marnie begins questioning her abilities. And when fate throws her a curveball, can she play without losing the game, Cody, and her belief in herself?
The Outcast (Summoner #4) by Taran Matharu - Arcturus is just an orphaned stable boy when he discovers he has the ability to summon demons from another world and sent to Vocans Academy. As the first commoner gifted with this ability, his discovery challenges the nobility and the powers that be and Arcturus soon makes enemies. With no one but his demon Sacharissa by his side, Arcturus must prove himself as a worthy Summoner...
Period: 12 Voices Tell the Bloody Truth edited by Kate Farrell - In this collection, writers of various ages and across racial, cultural, and gender identities share stories about the period. Each of twelve authors brings an individual perspective and sensibility. Told with warmth and humor, these essays celebrate all kinds of period experiences.
Picture Us in the Light by Kelly Loy Gilbert - Chinese-American Danny Cheng has always known his parents have secrets. But when he discovers a taped-up box in his father's closet filled with old letters and a file on a powerful Silicon Valley family, he realizes there's much more to his family's past than he ever imagined.
Pitch Dark by Courtney Alameda - Set against a future of marauding space scavengers and deadly aliens who kill with sound, Tuck and Laura must survive abroad the USS John Muir. 
The Place Between Breaths by An Na  - Walking away from those we love most may seem like the kindest thing we can do, but it’s a choice that will forever haunt those we leave behind: this holds true for 16-year-old Grace. 
The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevdeo - In Harlem, NY, Dominican-American Xiomara Batista who dubs herself The Poet X, clashes with her strict, Catholic mother and runs up against her own self-doubt as she explores her doubts about religion, her fears of dating, and her budding talent for slam poetry. 
Pride by Ibi Zoboi - 17-year-old Haitian-Domitian-American Zuri Benitez deals with gentrification in her Brooklyn Bushwick neighborhood and her own bias against Darius Darcy and his rich family in this Pride and Prejudice remix.
The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang - Prince Sebastian has a secret: at night he puts on daring dresses and takes Paris by storm as the fabulous Lady Crystallia. Sebastian’s secret weapon (and best friend) is the brilliant dressmaker Frances. But Frances dreams of greatness, and being someone’s secret weapon means being a secret. Forever. How long can Frances defer her dreams to protect a friend?
Reflection: A Twisted Fable by Elizabeth Lim - What if Mulan had to travel to the Underworld? When Captain Shang is mortally wounded by Shan Yu in battle, Mulan must travel to the Underworld, Diyu, in order to save him from certain death. Will Mulan be able to save Shang before it's too late? Will he ever be able to trust her again? Or will she lose him--and be lost in the Underworld--forever?
The Resolutions by Mia Garcia - From hiking trips, to four-person birthday parties, to never-ending group texts, Jess, Lee, Ryan, and Nora have always been inseparable—and unstoppable. But now, with senior year on the horizon, they’ve been splintering off and growing apart. And so, Jess makes a plan and adds a new twist: instead of making their own resolutions, the four friends assign them for each other—dares like kiss someone you know is wrong for you, show your paintings, learn Spanish, say yes to everything.
Restore Me (Shatter Me #4) by Tahereh Mafi - Juliette Ferrars thought she'd won. She took over Sector 45, was named the new Supreme Commander, and now has Warner by her side. But she's still the girl with the ability to kill with a single touch. When tragedy hits, who will she become?
Run, Riot by Nikesh Shukla - When teenagers Hari and Jamal film an unarmed youth from their estate being beaten by police, they find themselves hunted. But as they go on the run with Hari's twin sister, Taran, and Jamal's girlfriend, Anna, the four friends discover that the truth behind the shooting goes deeper. 
Running with Lions by Julian Winters - A multiethnic group of Midwestern teenage boys contend with soccer and sexual identity. 
The Season of Rebels and Roses by Virginia Sanchez-Korrol - Ranging from Puerto Rico to Cuba and the United States, this engaging novel set in the late 1880s, follows historical figures that were instrumental in the fight for self-determination in Puerto Rico.
Secrets of the Casa Rosada by Alex Temblador - 16-year-old Mexican-American Martha has to adjust to a new life with her maternal grandmother, a respected curanderaor healer in Laredo, Texas, after her reliably unreliable mother dumps her at the pink house filled with tokens of her mom's childhood that might, maybe, explain why she abandoned Martha, leaving her with a family she never knew existed.
The Secret Science of Magic by Melissa Keil - A quirky high school romance unfolds in the alternating voices of math whiz Sophia and aspiring magician Joshua. In life and love, timing is everything. 
Shadow of the Fox by Julie Kagawa - Demons have burned the temple Yumeko was raised in to the ground, killing everyone within, including the master who trained her to both use and hide her kitsune shapeshifting powers. Yumeko escapes with the temple’s greatest treasure—one part of the ancient scroll. Fate thrusts her into the path of a mysterious samurai, Kage Tatsumi of the Shadow Clan. Yumeko knows he seeks what she has...and is under orders to kill anything and anyone who stands between him and the scroll. 
Shadowsong (Wintersong #2) by S. Jae-Jones - Liesl is working toward furthering both her brother’s and her own musical careers. But when troubling signs arise that the barrier between worlds is crumbling, Liesl must return to the Underground to unravel the mystery of life, death, and the Goblin King—who he was, who he is, and who he will be.
Smoke in the Sun (A Flame in the Mist #2) by Renee Ahdieh - After Okami is captured in the Jukai forest, Mariko has no choice—to rescue him, she tricks her brother, Kenshin, and betrothed, Raiden, into thinking she was being held by the Black Clan against her will. But each secret Mariko unfurls gives way to the next, ensnaring her and Okami in a political scheme that threatens their honor, their love and very the safety of the empire.
Snow in Love: Four Stories by Aimee Friedman, Melissa de la Cruz, Nic Stone & Kasie West - Curl up in front of a crackling fire. Grab a mug of hot cocoa. And delve into this deliciously cozy and compelling YA collection of wintry love stories. 
Someone to Love by Melissa de la Cruz - High school junior Olivia Blakely struggles with disordered eating and a life in the spotlight as her father’s political career starts to rise. 
Sorry Not Sorry by Jamie Reed - Janelle and Alyssa used to be BFFs -- but not anymore. But, suddenly, Alyssa's diabetes becomes the talk of the school. It's turned life-threatening; without a kidney transplant, her chances are not good. Despite reservations, Janelle gets tested and finds that she's a rare, perfect match with Alyssa for a transplant. But organ donations aren't very common in her community, and she starts to feel pushback. When feuds and accusations push the girls further apart, Janelle doesn't know what to do. Will the match bring the girls back together, or drive them apart for good?
A Spark of White Fire by Sangu Mandanna - In a universe of capricious gods, dark moons, and kingdoms built on the backs of spaceships, a cursed queen sends her infant daughter away, a jealous uncle steals the throne of Kali from his nephew, and an exiled prince vows to take his crown back. Raised alone and far away from her home on Kali, Esmae longs to return to her family. When the King of Wychstar offers to gift the unbeatable, sentient warship Titania to a warrior that can win his competition, she sees her way home: she’ll enter the competition, reveal her true identity to the world, and help her famous brother win back the crown of Kali. 
Star-Touched Stories by Roshani Choski - Three lush and adventurous stories in the Star-Touched world.
Star-Crossed by Pintip Dunn - Princess Vela is tasked with choosing a boy fit to die for the king, which is impossible enough. But then Carr, the boy she's loved all her life, emerges as the best candidate in the Bittersweet Trials. Refusing to accept losing the boy she loves, Vela bends the rules and cheats. But when someone begins to sabotage the Trials, Vela must reevaluate her own integrity—and learn the true sacrifice of becoming a ruler.
The Storyteller (Sea of Ink and Gold #3) by Traci Chee - Sefia is determined to keep Archer out of the Guard's clutches and their plans for war between the Five Kingdoms. As Sefia and Archer watch Kelanna start to crumble to the Guard's will, they will have to choose between their love and joining a war that just might tear them apart.
This is Kind of an Epic Love Story by Kacen Callender - Nathan Bird doesn’t believe in happy endings. But his friend Florence, is set on making sure Nate finds someone else. And in a rom-com-worthy twist, someone does come along: Oliver James Hernández, his childhood best friend. After a painful mix-up when they were little, Nate finally has the chance to tell Ollie the truth about his feelings. But can Nate find the courage to pursue his own happily ever after?
Summer Bird Blue by Akemi Dawn Bowman - Music helps a Washington state teenager Rumi Seto overcome guilt and grief after the death of her beloved younger sister, Lea. 
This is What It Feels Like by Rebecca Barrow - It used to be the three of them, Dia, Jules, and Hanna, messing around and making music and planning for the future. But like the lyrics of a song you used to play on repeat, there’s no forgetting a best friend. And for Dia, Jules, and Hanna, this impossible challenge — to ignore the past, in order to jumpstart the future — will only become possible if they finally make peace with the girls they once were, and the girls they are finally letting themselves be.
Thunderhead (Scythe #2) by Neal Shusterman - Rowan and Citra take opposite stances on the morality of the Scythedom, putting them at odds. 
Tiffany Sly Lives Here Now by Dana L. Davis - At 16-years-old, African-American Tiffany Sly suddenly lands on a different planet: Simi Valley, California to live with the biological dad she’s never known. But Tiffany has a secret. Another man claims he’s Tiffany’s real dad—and she only has seven days before he shows up to demand a paternity test and the truth comes out. 
Toil & Trouble: 15 Tales of Women and Witchcraft edited by Jessica Spotwood & Tess Sharpe - A short story collection that illustrates the multitudes of girlhood, womanhood, and magic.
Toxic by Lydia Kang - Hana, a secretly created teen girl, abandoned aboard the sentient biological spaceship Cyclo, which is dying, encounters a mercenary boy doomed, Fennec "Fenn" Actias, to perish on the ship for his last job.
Trail of Lightning by Rebecca Roanhorse - After the Big Water, Maggie Hoskie’s monster-slaying clan powers have woken up. She’s going to need them on a journey culminating in the kind of battle fantasy readers will relish.
Two Dark Reigns (Three Dark Crowns #3) by Kendare Blake - A victorious Katharine sits on the throne, Mirabella and Arsinoe are in hiding, and an unexpected renegade is about to wage a war of her own. The crown has been won, but these queens are far from done.
Tyler Johnson Was Here by Jay Coles - When Marvin's twin brother, Tyler, is found dead by police violence, Marvin falls deep into grief. But with the help of friends and family he finds the strength to confront what happened and fight the forces that took his brother's life.
Umbertouched (Rosemarked #2) by Livia Blackburne - As Shidadi and Dara alike prepare for war, Zivah and Dineas grapple with the toll of their time in the capital. Time is running out for all of them, but especially Zivah whose plague symptoms surface once again. Now, she must decide how she’ll define the life she has left.
Undead Girl Gang by Lily Anderson - When Fairmount Academy is rocked by three apparent suicides in the span of a week, it is up to Mexican-American Wiccan Mila Flores to conjure up the truth.
Unbroken: 13 Stories Starring Disabled Teens edited by Marieke Nijkamp - A YA Anthology of short stories featuring disabled teens, written by #OwnVoices disabled authors. 
A Very Large Expanse of Sea by Tahereh Mafi - It’s 2002, a year after 9/11. It’s an extremely turbulent time politically, but especially so for someone like Shirin, a 16-year-old Muslim girl who’s tired of being stereotyped. But then she meets Ocean James. He’s the first person in forever who really seems to want to get to know Shirin. It terrifies her—they seem to come from two irreconcilable worlds—and Shirin has had her guard up for so long that she’s not sure she’ll ever be able to let it down.
The Way You Make Me Feel by Maurene Goo - Korean-American Clara Shin lives for pranks and disruption. When she takes one joke too far, her dad sentences her to a summer working on his food truck, alongside her uptight classmate Rose Carver. But maybe Rose isn't so bad. Maybe the boy named Hamlet Wong crushing on her is pretty cute. Still, what if taking this summer seriously means that Clara has to leave her old self behind? 
Welcome Home edited by Eric Smith - A collection of adoption-themed fictional short stories, and brings them together in one anthology from a diverse range of celebrated YA authors. 
What If It’s Us by Becky Albertalli & Adam Silvera - Ben and Arthur meet cute but lose touch, then have a series of near misses and first date re-dos before finally settling into a relationship. But Arthur's impending departure for the summer and both guys' own insecurities threaten to end something new that's only just begun.
Wildcard (Warcross #2) by Marie Lu - Emika Chen barely made it out of the Warcross Championships alive. Determined to put a stop to Hideo's grim plans, Emika and the Phoenix Riders band together, but her sole chance for survival lies with Zero and the Blackcoats, his ruthless crew. Caught in a web of betrayal, with the future of free will at risk, just how far will Emika go to take down Hideo? 
Wrong in All the Right Ways by Tiffany Brownlee - Everything in Emma's life has always gone according to her very careful plans. But things take a turn toward the unexpected when she falls in love for the first time with the one person in the world who’s off-limits–her new foster brother, the gorgeous and tormented Dylan McAndrews. 
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kida · 5 years
what choose your own adventure books do you recommend? any specifically or just, like, the genre? side note: have you seen bandersnatch on netflix
so theres like three-ish apps featuring (good, well written) cyoa books: choices, choiceofgames & hostedgames. ive read...so many on all of these apps. spent a lot of money...you can be gay on any of these apps & their stories.
faves from choices: bloodbound, nightbound, wishful thinking, the freshman series, a courtesan of rome, desire & decorum (basically pride & prejudice but with more flavor cuz it features poc), endless summer, haunting of braidwood manor (actual ghost girlfriend is the main love interest), hero, high school story series was cute, it lives in the woods and it lives beneath (for real...best horror/romance on the app hands down), the elementalists (even...if i have my issues with it), the royal romance series (very very contrived and stupid sometimes but so dear to my heart), platinum (new bur promising), veil of secrets (v good murder mystery), perfect match (mystery...cyberpunk ish). ive read basically every book on that app. i have an opinion about every book. ive had it since launch. im poor
faves from choiceofgames: choice of rebels: uprising (very long, complex world. very good), tally ho (lighthearted, takes place in the roaring 20s in britain), grand academy for future villains, the superlatives: aetherfall, blood money (GHOSTS), psy high (basically sky high. yes the movie), werewolves: haven rising (part one of werewolf liberation/romance story. werewolves are basically an allegory for native americans like in twilight. yeah), gilded rails (kinda boring but very choice based and thought based. u run a railroad line and have to get married to inherit the line forever.), the mysteries of baroque (horror/romance. i actually loved this one), heart of the house (horror/romance, my actual favorite book...of them all. like for real, it was so thought out. the only sad part was that i still have yet to be able to save one of the love interests despite replaying this book several times since two yrs ago but whatever), heroes rise series + hero project series, versus series (these series are all connected), rent-a-vice (cyberpunk romance. looks into ... a lot), the martian job (be a pro scam artist on mars), sorcery is for saps (was cute. magic/fantasy).
faves from hostedgames: the harbingers head (i wanted to fuck the headless horseman. lets keep it real), the last wizard (fantasy romance savior thing. i dont know if i ever finished it actually but i remember liking it), community college hero series (sky high but in college tbh), the magicians burden, keeper of the sun and moon, zombie exodus series (safe haven was more banging imo then the other one), the butler did it (LONG.....i still havent finished it), wayhaven chronicles (VAMPIRES. SEXY. SEXY SEXY SEXY SEXY. i love this and will ALWAYS reread it), the courting of miss bennet (actually pride and prejudice. you play as lizzy but you can rename yourself...and redescribe yourself i think. romancin mr darcy is cunty), the grim and i (again i wanted to fuck the grim reaper but you make choices to move on from death. like actually death dead death)
and YES ive seen bandersnatch. it was so stressful LOL but i love when your choices actually matter.
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mydarlinginej · 6 years
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2018 sounds like an amazing year for books so let’s see what we have (note: dates are subject to change, especially the ones scheduled for later in the year)
bolded = sequels/continuation of a series; ** = most anticipated
the cruel prince by holly black → jan. 2**
meet cute: some people are destined to meet edited by jennifer l. armentrout → jan. 2
someone to love by melissa de la cruz → jan. 2
batman: nightwalker (d.c. icons #2) by marie lu → jan. 2**
busted by gina ciocca → jan. 2
unearthed by amie kaufman and meagan spooner → jan. 9
nice try, jane sinner by lianne oelke → jan. 9
iron gold (red rising #4) by pierce brown → jan. 16**
love, hate, and other filters by samira ahmed → jan. 16**
reign of the fallen by sarah glenn marsh → jan. 23
immortal reign (falling kingdoms #6) by morgan rhodes → feb. 6**
shadowsong (wintersong #2) by s. jae-jones → feb. 6
the belles by dhonielle clayton → feb. 6
the queen’s rising by rebecca ross → feb. 6
american panda by gloria chao → feb. 6**
#prettyboy must die by kimberly reid → feb. 13
blood of a thousand stars (empress of a thousand skies #2) by rhoda belleza → feb. 20
heart of iron by ashley poston → feb. 27
a girl like that by tamar bhathena → feb. 27
tess of the road (seraphina #3) by rachel hartman → feb. 27**
children of blood and bone by tomi adeyemi → mar. 6**
blood water paint by joy mccullough → mar. 6
barbed wire heart by tess sharpe → mar. 6
a kiss in the dark by gina ciocca → mar. 6
to kill a kingdom by alexandra christo → mar. 6
the midnights by sarah nicole smetana → mar. 6
obsidio (illuminae files #3) by amie kaufman and jay kristoff → mar. 13**
the heart forger (the bone witch #2) by rin chupeco → mar. 20**
tyler johnson was here by jay coles → mar. 20
the astonishing color of after by emily x.r. pan → mar. 20**
aru shah and the end of time by roshani chokshi → mar. 27**
emergency contact by mary h.k. choi → mar. 27**
the queens of innis lear by tessa gratton → mar. 27**
not if i save you first by ally carter → mar. 27**
amelia westlake by erin gough → apr. 1
starry eyes by jenn bennett → apr. 3
leah on the offbeat (simon vs. #2) by becky albertalli → apr. 24**
love songs & other lies by jessica pennington → apr. 24
trouble never sleeps (trouble #3) by stephanie tromly**
the burning maze (the trials of apollo #3) by rick riordan → may 1**
royals by rachel hawkins → may 1**
9 days and 9 nights (99 days #2) by katie cotugno → may 1
undead girl gang by lily anderson → may 8**
puddin’ (dumplin’ #2) by julie murphy → may 8
amal unbound by aisha saeed → may 8
the way you make me feel by maurene goo → may 8**
my so-called bollywood life by nisha sharma → may 15**
the brightsiders by jen wilde → may 22
furyborn by claire legrand → may 22
listen to your heart by kasie west → may 29
the last summer of the garrett girls by jessica spotswood → jun. 1
the kiss quotient by helen hoang → jun. 5**
summer of salt by katrina leno → jun. 5**
save the date by morgan matson → jun. 5**
from twinkle, with love by sandhya menon → jun.5**
mariam sharma hits the road by sheba karim → jun. 5
final draft by riley redgate → jun. 12**
a reaper at the gates (an ember in the ashes #3) by sabaa tahir → jun. 12**
not the girls you’re looking for by aminah mae safi → jun. 19
a thousand beginnings and endings edited by ellen oh → jun. 26
heroine’s journey (heroine complex #3) by sarah kuhn → jul. 3**
the storm keeper’s island by catherine doyle → jul. 12**
lovely, dark, and deep by justina chen → jul. 31**
dance of thieves by mary e. pearson → aug. 7
toil & trouble: 16 tales of women & witchcraft edited by tess sharpe → aug. 28
untitled (three dark crowns #3) by kendare blake → sep. 4**
dark age (red rising #5) by pierce brown → sep. 11**
for a muse of fire by heidi heilig → sep. 25**
the lady’s guide to petticoats and piracy (a gentleman’s guide to vice and virtue) by mackenzi lee → oct. 2
what if it’s us by becky albertalli and adam silvera → oct. 9**
blanca & roja by anna-marie mclemore → oct. 9**
queen of air and darkness (the dark artifices #3) by cassandra clare → dec. 4**
city of ghosts by victoria schwab → dec. 31
the girl king by mimi yu → october
kingdom of the blazing phoenix (rise of the empress #2) by julie c. dao → october**
fire and heist by sarah beth durst → 2018
untitled by marie rutkoski → 2018
the gilded wolves by roshani chokshi → 2018
summer bird blue by akemi dawn bowman → 2018
dear miss sweetie by stacey lee → 2018**
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andrewmoocow · 6 years
Gravity Soul chapter 6: In Search of Pacifica, Another Enemy Returns? (originally posted on March 20, 2018)
AN: Welcome back from hiatus boys, girls and every other gender/sexuality! From here on out, Gravity Soul is going to get even insaner and you’re all coming along with me for the ride. Welcome one and all to the Quest for the Northwest arc, and now your new cipher brought to us by Mr. A1Z26. 1 12-9-20-20-12-5 7-9-18-12 2-25 20-8-5 14-1-13-5 15-6 14-15-18-20-8-23-5-19-20 23-1-19 2-15-18-14 20-15 2-5 20-8-5 22-5-18-25 2-5-19-20 14-15-23 19-8-5'19 11-14-15-3-11-5-4 15-21-20 3-15-12-4 20-15 19-1-22-5 8-5-18, 20-8-5-25 13-21-19-20 2-5 2-15-12-4
Mere hours later, the beastly Madness of Sloth formerly known as Preston Northwest charged through the woods of Gravity Falls with his wife Priscilla and their currently unconscious daughter Pacifica clutched in his large hands, startling many a woodland creature and supernatural oddity. “Please Preston, if you’re still in there, just let us go!” his wife cried trying to flee, but her words fell on deaf ears before the monster finally arrived at their former mansion, which was now property of Fiddleford McGucket, but something seemed off. It was now infested with monsters roaming its courtyard, the windows darker than the night sky and the roof having a large hole in it, allowing the light of the moon to shine upon the foyer. “Master Kishin Cipher, I have returned!” the Madness boomed entering the house. “Master, where are you?” he wondered looking around for his lord. “I believe he has other matters to attend to sir.” a diminuative elderly man dressed in all black with a pointy nose explained appearing before Preston. “I am Mosquito, at your service.” he cordially introduced himself. “I suppose you must be another one of his minions, correct?” “Of course we are, we’re all working for the same guy right!” another man called stepping into view. This one in particular had very pale skin, metal piercings, a fur-collared jacket and brown gloves that extended past his elbows. “Who’s the ruffian with you?” Northwest asked setting his captives down. “This ‘ruffian’ is my partner Giriko. We made a deal with Bill to resurrect a certain someone in exchange for our services.” Mosquito stated. Giriko got quite mad over the former philanthropist calling him a ruffian and got his face incredibly close to the other’s. “Who are you calling a ruffian?! You’re the ruffian here for being a terrible parent from what I’ve heard!” “SILENCE!” another voice roared before its owner crashed down into the floor through the hole, none other than Kishin Cipher. “Kishin Cipher, I have been expecting you my lord!” Mosquito distracted himself from the duo’s argument by kissing up to the fusion of Bill and Asura. “My most glorious, almighty, unholy-” Kishin Cipher interrupted him by literally zipping his mouth closed. “Skip the formalities Pointy and hand me the journal!” Although Mosquito’s speaking was muffled through the zipper, he complied giving his boss the second journal written by Stanford Pines. “Oh yes, finally someone gave me one of the journals for once!” the fusion cried in euphoria. “Now all I need are the other two and the ritual to get my power back will be complete!” Skimming through the book, he glanced at Giriko and the Madness of Sloth still fighting before shocking them with a wave of his finger, ending their tussle. “Quit it both of you!” “Okay then you big lug, no need to create another spark over this.” Giriko chuckled at his own terrible pun before getting serious again. “So what do we do with those two over there?” he wondered turning to the other Northwests. “Whatever you do milord, please have mercy on them.” Preston offered thinking for his family. “Oh isn’t that sweet? This man still cares for his family even after he’s been turned into a hideous creature! Whatever shall I do to please him?” Kishin Cipher mock-cried mulling over what to do before he finally came to a decision. “Oh I know! Golems, take the woman to the dungeon where she shall remain!” “But we made an agreement!” Preston roared as his wife was tossed into his family’s former panic room by a pair of large stone creatures. “Well I’m not one for keeping promises bub!” the Dream Kishin exclaimed before gesturing towards the still comatose Pacifica. “And place the girl in a special cage, we’ll need her for later.” The Golems did as they were told picking up the girl and sticking her in a gilded cage before it was raised to the ceiling. “What do you plan on doing with her?” Sloth wondered fearfully backing away. “You’ll see Mustachio. Now go outside and guard the front door!” The Madness of Sloth reluctantly complied before walking outside and taking his position. Cipher went back to eagerly scrolling through the journal before Giriko finally spoke up. “So what’s this ritual you were talking about?” the Deadly Demon Weapon wondered. “That is a very good question buzzface!” Kishin Cipher answered faux-affectionately pinching his cheek, much to his displeasure. “In order for me to regain my maximum power, I need the blood sacrifice of a human, a Witch and a Demon Weapon. I’ve already got one of them down, but all I need are the other two.” He produced an image of the Mystery Meisters before Giriko & Mosquito. “Kill every last one of them, but bring the old man and the Demon Scythe to me. Understand?” he commanded. “Yes master.” the two accepted before going on their way. “But master, what would happen if someone else got involved?” Mosquito inquired before Cipher grabbed him by the shirt collar. “What do you mean by someone else?! If you’re talking about him, then our plans will be ruined if he finds out! Now go already!” He finally dropped the Bloodsucker to the ground and retreated back into the shadows, presumably to recharge his energy as the two walked out of the mansion. “So explain to me again why we’re working with him if he looks like he wants us dead?” Giriko wondered. “Don’t you remember my boy, we originally made a deal with him to resurrect Lady Arachne in exchange for our services!” Mosquito exclaimed irritated at his partner’s forgetfulness before consoling himself and focusing on the task at hand. “But your incompetence doesn’t matter now, let us continue on our way.” The pair finally disembarked on their mission, confident that they will succeed but didn’t know what they were in for.
Meanwhile, deep in the woodlands of Gravity Falls, Dipper and Maka began making plans for an attack on Kishin Cipher with the rest of the party watching. “Okay everyone, here’s the plan.” Dipper began mapping out strategies. “It’s a long way to the mansion so it’s best that we all split up into groups to find a decent pathway to our destination.” He then began listing off the teams. “Mabel, Waddles, Maka, Soul, Crona & I will form the first team. Stan, you, Ford, Kid, Liz & Patty and Wendy form the second. Soos, Melody, McGucket, Stein, Spirit & Blair are Team #3. Finally Black Star, Tsubaki, Gideon and Ghost-Eyes will make up the fourth team. Any questions?” “I got one,” Mabel raised her hand. “how do we communicate with one another when our teams are far away from each other?” she asked. “That’s where these come in.” Maka stated pulling out a bag of flashlights and handing them out to each group. “Each team gets one flashlight they’ll have to share. For every five meters, one of you will have to flash it twice if it’s safe. If there’s trouble, flash it four times. As for other signals, all members within each team will give each other hand signals.” She formed her hand to make an OK symbol. “Use this whenever you’re in the clear.” Then she lowered three of her fingers down while the pinky & thumb pointed outward. “And this is for perilous situations. Are we clear on that?” The others nodded in agreement before Spirit raised his hand. “I think I got a good hand signal!” he exclaimed before he demonstrated said signal by clapping his hands, making a peace sign, then an OK sign and finally placing his left hand over his brow. “I think he’s saying "Your underwear is showin’”.“ Stan translated the signals. "Yeah boy!” Spirit cried fistbumping the great uncle while Maka watched in embarrassment. “Good grief.” “Before we proceed, I think we need to contact my father about the current situation.” Death the Kid suggested before extending his hand, causing a skull-shaped magic circle on the ground to appear and an image of Lord Death to pop out of it. “Hey there, hi there, ho there everybody! How are you all doing children?” the Shinigami cheerfully greeted. “We’re doing fine Lord Death. We contacted you because we’re about to go on an important mission.” Maka explained. “Who the devil is Mr. Tall Dark & Mysterious over here?” Stan wondered. “And what’s with that mask of his?” “Mr. Pines, I’d like you to meet my father Death.” Kid introduced the great uncle to his father. “Ah, so you must be one of my son’s new friends.” Death politely stated. “So wait, your father is literally the Grim Reaper?!” Stan exclaimed gaping at the Death God. “To be honest, I don’t really see the family resemblance.” “You must be Lord Death. The name’s Pines, Stanford Pines.” Ford greeted stepping forward. “They’re our great uncles and super cool too!” Mabel exclaimed. “Oh look, little Dipper and Mabel are here as well! What’s up with this mission I’ve heard about?” said Death. “Well here’s a question for you sir.” Dipper stated crossing his arms. “Have you ever heard of Bill Cipher?” Lord Death gasped at the boy’s question, as if he knew the dream demon from days long passed. After regaining his composure and answering. “Why yes, yes I have.” he stated. “He and I go way back. Hundreds of years ago, he plotted to unleash his weirdness upon the world but me and my eight guardians refused to have any of that. We found a way to break into his hideout in the Nightmare Realm and prevent his invasion, but I feared he would come back someday ready for revenge.” “Well that’s why we contacted you Mr. Death, he’s back and fused with this guy named Asura!” Wendy exclaimed which again sent Death into a tizzy. “Wait, Asura’s back?! How, and why?” he exclaimed. “He fused with Bill for one simple purpose: revenge.” Stein said turning his screw. “And now he’s kidnapped a young girl after brainwashing her father into becoming one of his minions.” “Oh my, that is quite perilous! I’ll promise to watch over you and make contact when all is said and done!” Death proclaimed doing a military salute as the hologram gave out. “Lord Death, out!” When the message finally ended, Dipper turned to the other teams. “Okay everyone, we all know what to do!” he announced raising his flashlight skyward. “For Pacifica!” “For Pacifica!” the others shouted before finally dispersing across the forest. All except for Wendy who stopped her younger friend and snatched the trapper cap from his head, replacing it with the pine tree hat she took to remember him by last summer. “Wanted to do it when you first came back, but I guess I lost track of time.” she said before running to catch up with the elder Pines, Kid and the Thompsons. And so, the great quest for Pacifica Northwest that would last them through the night finally began. Meanwhile with Lord Death, he had just ended the call before turning to gaze around his special room, pondering about their current situation. “So Asura’s back, just as I feared.” he reiterated in a hushed fearful tone unlike his usual wise eccentric personality. “I wonder if it’s finally time I tell Kid.” “Is something wrong sir?” a blue-skinned zombie entered the room without Death knowing. “Oh it’s nothing Sid, I’m just concerned for my son.” Death answered sheepishly. “Oh, you mean Kid? I’m sure he’s doing fine in Gravity Falls.” Sid replied. “No Sid, not just him.” the Shinigami corrected him. “The other one as well.”
Owls hooted loudly as Dipper’s team, consisting of himself, Mabel, Maka, Soul, Crona and Waddles wandered through the forest in search of a good pathway to the former Northwest mansion. “Are you sure we should be out when it’s this dark? I don’t know how to deal with this.” Crona moaned hiding behind Maka. “It’s gonna be okay Crona, you got us sticking by you all the way.” Mabel comforted him before Ragnarok popped out of the Demon Swordsman’s back. “Yeah, all that mushy power of friendship crap or something!” the Black Blood blade shouted giving his Meister a noogie. “Hey, quit it Ragnarok!” Just then, Waddles started oinking in fear and dashing toward Soul. “What’s up little guy, you look like you’ve seen a ghost!” the Demon Scythe tried to soothe him before the group spotted a snake slithering before them. “What are you all scared about, it’s just a snake.” Dipper said. “That’s not just any snake Dipper,” Maka exclaimed. “look at its scales!” The Pines brother nervously stepped forward to examine the reptile and much to his surprise, there were various arrows adorning its body. “That is definitely nothing like any snake I’ve seen!” he shouted as it snapped its jaws at him. “Correct child. In fact, I’m not just a snake at all.” the snake suddenly spoke to him in a female voice terrifying the Meisters in the twins’ group. “No, that’s impossible!” Maka cried preparing for a fight as Soul’s scythe form flew into her hands. “Oh it most definitely is Maka-chan.” The snake began morphing into a young woman of fairly average build with black dotted tattoos winding down both of her arms. She had yellow eyes with matching hair and was clad in a sleeveless black cloak but was barefoot, revealing black nail polish. To the Pines twins & Waddles she was a frightening sight, but to Maka, Soul and Crona, she was none other than Medusa Gorgon. “Is that supposed to be Medusa?” Mabel wondered clinging to Maka’s overcoat as the young Meister prepared for a rematch with the snake witch. “Yes, but I just can’t believe she’s still alive!” Maka replied readying her scythe. “Well then, why isn’t she turning us to stone?” The clearing suddenly became deathly quiet as Medusa tried to comprehend the little girl’s question. “What…did you just say?” she asked increduously. “I mean, isn’t Medusa supposed to be like some kind of crazy snake-haired lady who can turn anyone looking at her into stone?” “Wow Mabel, I honestly didn’t know you were that into Greek mythology.” Dipper gasped in astonishment. “Well to be honest Dipper, I mostly got it all from that movie from '97 we watched a lot when we were little.” Mabel said. “We had to replace the VCR three times because I had a crush on Herc-” “SILENCE!” Medusa shouted interrupting their random conversation with an arrow that gashed Mabel’s cheek and blew her back. “I’ve had enough of your meandering chatter little ones, now I must assassinate you for my new master Kishin Cipher!” she declared summoning more arrows from her person. “Oh my gosh, are you okay Mabel!” Dipper howled worrying for his sister. “I’m fine bro-bro, just go get help.” his sister groaned reeling from her injury. The boy immediately reached for his flashlight to contact the others before it was suddenly destroyed by one of the witch’s arrows. “You won’t be needing them now little Pine Tree.” “Oh my gosh, someone help us!” the boy began screaming for help as Maka and Crona engaged Medusa in combat.
“So if your dad’s Lord Death, then where’s Lady Death?” Stan asked as his group, also made up of Ford, Wendy, Kid, Liz and Patty, ventured through their neck of the woods. “To be frank, I never knew my mother or if I even had one at all.” Kid said. “Small world, my mom’s not around either.” Wendy added wrapping her arm around the young Shinigami’s shoulder. “She died when I was like a kid and it still really affects my family even to this day.” “Ditto, we all know what happened with me and Patty’s folks.” Liz affirmed before an arrow whizzed past them and landing on a nearby tree. “What was that?!” Patty cried. Racing over to where the arrow had landed on the tree, it suddenly vanished into thin air. “Just where did that come from?” Ford wondered. “I think it came from over there everyone, we should contact the others!” Stan cried picking up his group’s flashlight and flashing it four times, signaling the others to their side. “We got your message Stanley, what’s up?” Stein wondered. “We were just talking about moms and then an arrow just flew by our faces!” “An arrow? Oh geez, not her!” Black Star cried. “Her who boy?” Gideon wondered. “You’ll know when we show you Gideon, now follow us!” Stan exclaimed leading everyone else on the arrow’s path.
“I’m shocked you’re still siding with Lord Death’s cronies my child.” Medusa stated after defeating Maka and Soul while the Pines twins hid in fear of the witch. “And where is Ragnarok? I don’t suppose you made him into part of those tacky clothes, haven’t you?” Crona was enraged by his mother commenting on his current outfit and let out a mighty battle cry as he dashed towards her with Ragnarok in hand. “SCREECH RESONANCE!” “Seriously, defeated again?! I thought we were stronger than this!” Soul shouted rubbing his head in pain. “It’s not that we’re getting weaker, I think Medusa’s gotten stronger since we last saw her.” Maka guessed watching the mother and son clash. “You think it has something to do with Bill?” her partner asked. “Possibly, that would also explain the change in wardrobe.” “Kids, we’re coming!” Stan cried as he and the other groups raced towards them. “Grunkle Stan!” the twins cried rushing to their great uncle who simply glared at Medusa. “So you’re the hussy that was a terrible mom to Crona, aren’t you?!” he snarled brandishing a pair of brass knuckles. “And I suppose you must be Pine Tree and Shooting Star’s great uncle, right Mackerel?” the witch said putting on an evil grin that distorted her entire face. “How are you even alive Medusa?! You were supposed to have been killed by Maka’s Genie Hunter!” Tsubaki cried changing into Black Star’s chain scythe. “Why it’s simple you all. I can never truly die, plus we all know about the deal I made with Bill. In exchange for helping to morph Crona into a killing machine, he offered to make me into one of his loyal minions!” Medusa summoned a snake-like creature made out of her own tattoos to her side. “You may call me the Madness of Wrath!” “Oh I’ll show you some madness and wrath!” Stan hollered charging towards the witch and hitting her with a left hook. “Come on, who’s with me?!” Just then, Ford, Soos, Melody, Stein and Black Star joined him in taking on Medusa. “So it has to be that way?” Medusa crossed her arms as a black mass swarmed around her. “Nake snake cobra cobbra. VECTOR ARROW TIMES THREE!” She unleashed a barrage of arrows towards her opponents but unfortunately for her, they all swiftly dodged them. “Have some of this!” Soos socked her in the eye with his hammer and Melody slapped her with her shock gauntlets. Meanwhile, Black Star tied her up with his chain scythe leading Stein to send an electric shock just by gripping the sides of her head. “That children, is called Soul Menace. Where you can literally weaponize your Wavelength to create a concussive shock.” “Brag all you want, but you forgot one thing.” Medusa smirked bringing forth her snake creature. “Light Serpent, now!” The monster grew to a gargantuan size and snatched up the entire party in its jaws, flying high into the sky above the forest while the others cried for help. The only member that wasn’t captured was Crona who trembled in fear as he watched his friends on the verge of being dropped to their doom. He became so furious at his mother that he screamed at the top of his lungs and sprouted wings of Black Blood from his back and chased the Light Serpent down. “Hey is it me or are we being made to look like idiotic weaklings?!” Black Star shouted trying to break out of the serpent’s jaws. “Especially me, the man who’s gonna transcend God someday!” Then Dipper proposed a hypothesis. “I think it’s like what Maka & Soul said, it’s possibly because she’s become way too powerful for us!” he said. “Very good observation Dipper, but can we plan on how to escape without dying here!” Gideon exclaimed. “Hang on everyone, we’re coming!” Suddenly, the group all spotted Crona flying after the Light Serpent, keyword being flying as he now had wings. “Wait, Crona can fly now?!” Melody exclaimed. “I recognize those wings from anywhere.” Kid declared. “He gained this ability after devouring every soul aboard the ghost ship Nidhogg with the Black Blood.” he explained. “Great, that’s cool and all but how is he gonna save us with that?!” Wendy wondered. “Like that.” “BLOODY SLICER!” Crona screamed cutting his wrist, allowing blood to fly out & form into a curved projectile. This attack whizzed toward the Light Serpent and sliced its head off, causing it to vanish and its prisoners falling to the ground. Just then, Crona swooped in and picked up all his friends within the wings and gently set them down on the ground. “I can’t believe it Crona, you saved our lives!” Dipper cried gasping for breath. “Yeah, you totally did it!” Mabel added before everyone started singing Crona’s praises. The Demon Swordsman shed a small tear at how much love they all showed him before Medusa finally cornered them. “So you destroyed my Light Serpent? Very good job on that one.” “You leave her alone you crazy snake lady!” Soos firmly stated while he and Melody rushed to the child’s defense. “No Soos, let me handle this one.” Crona declared making the two move out of his way. Stepping forward to face Medusa, the boy put on a determined scowl on his face as he summoned Ragnarok. “You dare challenge me Crona? And I thought I trained my son to obey me!” the snake witch scoffed. “No, I am not your son anymore and I refuse to be called that! A mother is supposed to love and cherish their children, not abuse them into becoming weapons! From this day forth, my name is no longer Gorgon. Instead, call me Crona Ramirez!” Soos put on a small smile as he and the others watched Crona stand tall against his former mother who just groaned and simply said “Vector Plate.” Just then, large arrows pointing in different directions away from Medusa sent all four teams flying away from one another, with Crona being shunted back to Dipper, Mabel, Waddles, Maka and Soul. “Stan, Ford!” the twins cried out for their great uncles. “KIDS!” “Where’s she sending us to?!” Wendy cried as her group tumbled through the forest. “I do not know, but I sure hope it doesn’t get any worse!” Kid exclaimed before they started screaming again, fearfully awaiting what would happen to them.
Meanwhile deep in the forest rested a small cave in which its entrance masked by the surrounding flora. There was a large body of water winding all the way from that entrance to a pedestal, which rested a sword that was illuminated by the moonlight coming from a large hole in the cave’s ceiling. The sword was the cave’s only inhabitant. Along with a few fairies who’s faces were contorted in pure disgust.
That’s all folks! Hope you’re all ready for the next chapter when the Stans, Wendy, Kid and the Thompsons happen upon a certain Holy Sword. Hilarity ensues. Until then… FOOLS!
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mischief-toy · 5 years
28 YA Books by Black Authors!
By popular demand this is the complete list of every book we featured during our #28daysofdiversebooks during #blackhistorymonth. Everyday we featured a different book about black charecters by black authors. This is the complete list! All of these books are available at our store (along with many others we did not get to feature during February!). 
February 1st:  This is Kind of an Epic Love Story by Kheryn Callender.
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This also happened to be our February Book club book! We meet the last Thursday of every month at 6:30pm. Check out our facebook to see this month’s book!
Here's the description!
"Nathan Bird doesn’t believe in happy endings. Although he’s the ultimate film buff and an aspiring screenwriter, Nate’s seen the demise of too many relationships to believe that happy endings exist in real life.
Playing it safe to avoid a broken heart has been his MO ever since his father died and left his mom to unravel—but this strategy is not without fault. His best-friend-turned-girlfriend-turned-best-friend-again, Florence, is set on making sure Nate finds someone else. And in a twist that is rom-com-worthy, someone does come along: Oliver James Hernández, his childhood best friend.
After a painful mix-up when they were little, Nate finally has the chance to tell Ollie the truth about his feelings. But can Nate find the courage to pursue his own happily ever after?"
February 2nd: Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler!
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Octavia Butler is, in our opinion, of of the most influential writers of the last century and her books belong on everyone's bookshelf! Parable of the Sower is one of our favorites.
Here's the description: "In 2025, with the world descending into madness and anarchy, one woman begins a fateful journey toward a better future
Lauren Olamina and her family live in one of the only safe neighborhoods remaining on the outskirts of Los Angeles. Behind the walls of their defended enclave, Lauren’s father, a preacher, and a handful of other citizens try to salvage what remains of a culture that has been destroyed by drugs, disease, war, and chronic water shortages. While her father tries to lead people on the righteous path, Lauren struggles with hyperempathy, a condition that makes her extraordinarily sensitive to the pain of others.
When fire destroys their compound, Lauren’s family is killed and she is forced out into a world that is fraught with danger. With a handful of other refugees, Lauren must make her way north to safety, along the way conceiving a revolutionary idea that may mean salvation for all mankind."
February 3rd: Dragon's in a Bag by Zetta Elliott!
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This is a great book for younger readers, full of magic, wonder, and Dragons!
Here's the description: "When Jaxon is sent to spend the day with a mean old lady his mother calls Ma, he finds out she's not his grandmother--but she is a witch! She needs his help delivering baby dragons to a magical world where they'll be safe. There are two rules when it comes to the dragons: don't let them out of the bag, and don't feed them anything sweet. Before he knows it, Jax and his friends Vikram and Kavita have broken both rules! Will Jax get the baby dragons delivered safe and sound? Or will they be lost in Brooklyn forever?"
February 4th: Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi!
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This is a fantastic fantasy story with themes of corrupt totalitarian government, discrimination, and empowerment that you will find very relevant to the world today.
Here's the summery: "They killed my mother. They took our magic. They tried to bury us.
Now we rise.
Zélie Adebola remembers when the soil of Orïsha hummed with magic. Burners ignited flames, Tiders beckoned waves, and Zélie’s Reaper mother summoned forth souls.
But everything changed the night magic disappeared. Under the orders of a ruthless king, maji were killed, leaving Zélie without a mother and her people without hope.
Now Zélie has one chance to bring back magic and strike against the monarchy. With the help of a rogue princess, Zélie must outwit and outrun the crown prince, who is hell-bent on eradicating magic for good.
Danger lurks in Orïsha, where snow leoponaires prowl and vengeful spirits wait in the waters. Yet the greatest danger may be Zélie herself as she struggles to control her powers and her growing feelings for an enemy."
February 5th: Black Panther by Ta-Nehisi Coats!
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This whole series is great, but Black Panther Volume 6 comes out TODAY!!! Stop by to get your copy (or number one if you want to start this great series!)
Here's the Description: "A new era begins for the Black Panther! MacArthur Genius and National Book Award-winning writer T-Nehisi Coates (BETWEEN THE WORLD AND ME) takes the helm, confronting T'Challa with a dramatic upheaval in Wakanda that will make leading the African nation tougher than ever before. When a superhuman terrorist group that calls itself The People sparks a violent uprising, the land famed for its incredible technology and proud warrior traditions will be thrown into turmoil. If Wakanda is to survive, it must adapt--but can its monarch, one in a long line of Black Panthers, survive the necessary change? Heavy lies the head that wears the cowl!"
February 6th: Calling my Name by Liara Tamani!
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This is a great contemporary story about love, coming of age, and family.
Here,s the description: "Calling My Name is a striking, luminous, and literary exploration of family, spirituality, and self—ideal for readers of Jacqueline Woodson, Jandy Nelson, Naomi Shihab Nye, and Sandra Cisneros.
This unforgettable novel tells a universal coming-of-age story about Taja Brown, a young African American girl growing up in Houston, Texas, and deftly and beautifully explores the universal struggles of growing up, battling family expectations, discovering a sense of self, and finding a unique voice and purpose.
Told in fifty-three short, episodic, moving, and iridescent chapters, Calling My Name follows Taja on her journey from middle school to high school. Literary and noteworthy, this is a beauty of a novel that captures the multifaceted struggle of finding where you belong and why you matter."
February 7th: Ghost Boys by Jewell Parker Rhodes!
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A wonderful Middle Grade book about Police Brutality and mourning.
Here's the description: "Twelve-year-old Jerome is shot by a police officer who mistakes his toy gun for a real threat. As a ghost, he observes the devastation that’s been unleashed on his family and community in the wake of what they see as an unjust and brutal killing.
Soon Jerome meets another ghost: Emmett Till, a boy from a very different time but similar circumstances. Emmett helps Jerome process what has happened, on a journey towards recognizing how historical racism may have led to the events that ended his life. Jerome also meets Sarah, the daughter of the police officer, who grapples with her father’s actions.
Once again Jewell Parker Rhodes deftly weaves historical and socio-political layers into a gripping and poignant story about how children and families face the complexities of today’s world, and how one boy grows to understand American blackness in the aftermath of his own death."
February 8th: Belles by Dhonielle Clayton!
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One of 2018's hot books that just came out in paperback!
Here's the description: "Camellia Beauregard is a Belle. In the opulent world of Orléans, Belles are revered, for they control Beauty, and Beauty is a commodity coveted above all else. In Orléans, the people are born gray, they are born damned, and only with the help of a Belle and her talents can they transform and be made beautiful.
But it’s not enough for Camellia to be just a Belle. She wants to be the favorite—the Belle chosen by the Queen of Orléans to live in the royal palace, to tend to the royal family and their court, to be recognized as the most talented Belle in the land. But once Camellia and her Belle sisters arrive at court, it becomes clear that being the favorite is not everything she always dreamed it would be. Behind the gilded palace walls live dark secrets, and Camellia soon learns that the very essence of her existence is a lie—that her powers are far greater, and could be more dangerous, than she ever imagined. And when the queen asks Camellia to risk her own life and help the ailing princess by using Belle powers in unintended ways, Camellia now faces an impossible decision.
With the future of Orléans and its people at stake, Camellia must decide—save herself and her sisters and the way of the Belles—or resuscitate the princess, risk her own life, and change the ways of her world forever."
February 9th: On The Come Up by Angie Thomas!!
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This is the long awaited second book (not a sequel) by Angie Thomas (who wrote The Hate U Give last year) whose first book shook both the book and movie industry. Rumor is that On The Come Up is already listed for a movie adaption, so this is sure to be one of 2019's hot books!
Here's the description: "Sixteen-year-old Bri wants to be one of the greatest rappers of all time. Or at least make it out of her neighborhood one day. As the daughter of an underground rap legend who died before he hit big, Bri’s got big shoes to fill. But now that her mom has unexpectedly lost her job, food banks and shutoff notices are as much a part of Bri’s life as beats and rhymes. With bills piling up and homelessness staring her family down, Bri no longer just wants to make it—she has to make it.
On the Come Up is Angie Thomas’s homage to hip-hop, the art that sparked her passion for storytelling and continues to inspire her to this day. It is the story of fighting for your dreams, even as the odds are stacked against you; of the struggle to become who you are and not who everyone expects you to be; and of the desperate realities of poor and working-class black families."
February 10th: A Blade So Black by L.L. McKinney!
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This is a super cool Alice in Wonderland meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer book with a sequel coming out this fall!
Here's the description: "The first time the Nightmares came, it nearly cost Alice her life. Now she's trained to battle monstrous creatures in the dark dream realm known as Wonderland with magic weapons and hardcore fighting skills. Yet even warriors have a curfew.
Life in real-world Atlanta isn't always so simple, as Alice juggles an overprotective mom, a high-maintenance best friend, and a slipping GPA. Keeping the Nightmares at bay is turning into a full-time job. But when Alice's handsome and mysterious mentor is poisoned, she has to find the antidote by venturing deeper into Wonderland than she’s ever gone before. And she'll need to use everything she's learned in both worlds to keep from losing her head . . . literally."
February 11th: Tyler Johnson Was Here by Jay Coles!
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This is a great book for lovers of The Hate U Give and tackles similar issues. This book has wonderful characters and wonderful emotions throughout, this is certainly a hard hitter worth your time.
Here's the description: "When Marvin Johnson's twin, Tyler, goes to a party, Marvin decides to tag along to keep an eye on his brother. But what starts as harmless fun turns into a shooting, followed by a police raid.
The next day, Tyler has gone missing, and it's up to Marvin to find him. But when Tyler is found dead, a video leaked online tells an even more chilling story: Tyler has been shot and killed by a police officer. Terrified as his mother unravels and mourning a brother who is now a hashtag, Marvin must learn what justice and freedom really mean."
February 12th: Dactyl Hill Squad by Daniel José Older!
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A great, lighthearted but adventure filled, pick for younger readers and fans of children's literature. Basically it's a dinosaurs during the Civil War book. That alone should sell it for you.
Here's the description: "It's 1863 and dinosaurs roam the streets of New York as the Civil War rages between raptor-mounted armies down South. Magdalys Roca and her friends from the Colored Orphan Asylum are on a field trip when the Draft Riots break out, and a number of their fellow orphans are kidnapped by an evil magistrate, Richard Riker."
February 13th: American Street by Ibi Zoboi!
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A wonderful book about immigration, the American Dream, and Family. This is a not to be missed book.
Here's the description: "The rock in the water does not know the pain of the rock in the sun.
On the corner of American Street and Joy Road, Fabiola Toussaint thought she would finally find une belle vie—a good life.
But after they leave Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Fabiola’s mother is detained by U.S. immigration, leaving Fabiola to navigate her loud American cousins, Chantal, Donna, and Princess; the grittiness of Detroit’s west side; a new school; and a surprising romance, all on her own.
Just as she finds her footing in this strange new world, a dangerous proposition presents itself, and Fabiola soon realizes that freedom comes at a cost. Trapped at the crossroads of an impossible choice, will she pay the price for the American dream?"
February 14th: Let's Talk About Love by Claire Kann.
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This is a wonderful romance book perfect for valentines day! Featuring an awesome quirky bi-romantic asexual main character this is a sweet book you are sure to love!
Here's the description: "Alice had her whole summer planned. Non-stop all-you-can-eat buffets while marathoning her favorite TV shows (best friends totally included) with the smallest dash of adulting--working at the library to pay her share of the rent. The only thing missing from her perfect plan? Her girlfriend (who ended things when Alice confessed she's asexual). Alice is done with dating--no thank you, do not pass go, stick a fork in her, done.
But then Alice meets Takumi and she can’t stop thinking about him or the rom com-grade romance feels she did not ask for (uncertainty, butterflies, and swoons, oh my!).
When her blissful summer takes an unexpected turn, and Takumi becomes her knight with a shiny library employee badge (close enough), Alice has to decide if she’s willing to risk their friendship for a love that might not be reciprocated—or understood. "
February 15th: Dread Nation by Justina Ireland.
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This is a wonderful book about institutional racist, zombies, and the civil war. What more could you want?
Here's the description: "Jane McKeene was born two days before the dead began to walk the battlefields of Gettysburg and Chancellorsville—derailing the War Between the States and changing America forever. In this new nation, safety for all depends on the work of a few, and laws like the Native and Negro Reeducation Act require certain children attend combat schools to learn to put down the dead. But there are also opportunities—and Jane is studying to become an Attendant, trained in both weaponry and etiquette to protect the well-to-do. It’s a chance for a better life for Negro girls like Jane. After all, not even being the daughter of a wealthy white Southern woman could save her from society’s expectations.
But that’s not a life Jane wants. Almost finished with her education at Miss Preston’s School of Combat in Baltimore, Jane is set on returning to her Kentucky home and doesn’t pay much mind to the politics of the eastern cities, with their talk of returning America to the glory of its days before the dead rose. But when families around Baltimore County begin to go missing, Jane is caught in the middle of a conspiracy, one that finds her in a desperate fight for her life against some powerful enemies. And the restless dead, it would seem, are the least of her problems."
February 16th: Inventing Victoria by Tonya Bolden!
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A fantastic Historical novel set in Post-Reconstruction American that we are really excited about!
Here's the description: "As a young black woman in 1880s Savannah, Essie's dreams are very much at odds with her reality. Ashamed of her beginnings, but unwilling to accept the path currently available to her, Essie is trapped between the life she has and the life she wants.
Until she meets a lady named Dorcas Vashon, the richest and most cultured black woman she's ever encountered. When Dorcas makes Essie an offer she can't refuse, she becomes Victoria. Transformed by a fine wardrobe, a classic education, and the rules of etiquette, Victoria is soon welcomed in the upper echelons of black society in Washington, D. C. But when the life she desires is finally within her grasp, Victoria must decide how much of herself she is truly willing to surrender."
February 17th: Black Enough edited by Ibi Zoboi.
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This is an awesome anthology of stories about black teens written by a wonderful collection of black authors!
Here's the description: "Black Enough is a star-studded anthology edited by National Book Award finalist Ibi Zoboi that will delve into the closeted thoughts, hidden experiences, and daily struggles of black teens across the country. From a spectrum of backgrounds—urban and rural, wealthy and poor, mixed race, immigrants, and more—Black Enough showcases diversity within diversity.
Whether it’s New York Times bestselling author Jason Reynolds writing about #blackboyjoy or Newbery Honor-winning author Renee Watson talking about black girls at camp in Portland, or emerging author Jay Coles’s story about two cowboys kissing in the south—Black Enough is an essential collection full of captivating coming-of-age stories about what it’s like to be young and black in America."
February 18th: Blended by Sharon M. Draper!
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A great book for younger readers about bi-racial identity and dealing with divorce.
Here's the description: "Black Enough is a star-studded anthology edited by National Book Award finalist Ibi Zoboi that will delve into the closeted thoughts, hidden experiences, and daily struggles of black teens across the country. From a spectrum of backgrounds—urban and rural, wealthy and poor, mixed race, immigrants, and more—Black Enough showcases diversity within diversity.
Whether it’s New York Times bestselling author Jason Reynolds writing about #blackboyjoy or Newbery Honor-winning author Renee Watson talking about black girls at camp in Portland, or emerging author Jay Coles’s story about two cowboys kissing in the south—Black Enough is an essential collection full of captivating coming-of-age stories about what it’s like to be young and black in America."
February 19th: Shadowshaper by Daniel José Older.
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An awesome urban fantasy book with a dash of zombies and Caribbean magic thrown in!
Here's the description: "Sierra Santiago was looking forward to a fun summer of making art, hanging out with her friends, and skating around Brooklyn. But then a weird zombie guy crashes the first party of the season. Sierra's near-comatose abuelo begins to say "Lo siento" over and over. And when the graffiti murals in Bed-Stuy start to weep.... Well, something stranger than the usual New York mayhem is going on.
Sierra soon discovers a supernatural order called the Shadowshapers, who connect with spirits via paintings, music, and stories. Her grandfather once shared the order's secrets with an anthropologist, Dr. Jonathan Wick, who turned the Caribbean magic to his own foul ends. Now Wick wants to become the ultimate Shadowshaper by killing all the others, one by one. With the help of her friends and the hot graffiti artist Robbie, Sierra must dodge Wick's supernatural creations, harness her own Shadowshaping abilities, and save her family's past, present, and future"
February 20th: Zahrah by Nnedi Okorafor!
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This is the first book written by the bestselling author of Akata Witch and is highly recommended for anyone who loved her better known work!
Here's the description:
"In the Ooni Kingdom, children born dada—with vines growing in their hair—are rumored to have special powers. Zahrah Tsami doesn’t know anything about that. She feels normal. Others think she’s different—they fear her. Only Dari, her best friend, isn’t afraid of her. But then something begins to happen—something that definitely marks Zahrah as different—and the only person she can tell is Dari. He pushes her to investigate, edging them both closer and closer to danger. Until Dari’s life is on the line. Only Zahrah can save him, but to do so she’ll have to face her worst fears alone, including the very thing that makes her different."
February 21st: Love Me or Miss Me by Dream Jordan!
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This book is actually both of Dream Jordan's critically acclaimed books (Hot Girl and Bad Boy) together in one book! These two books tell one wonderful story together and are well worth checking out!
Here's the description: "What's a Brooklyn Girl to do when her best friend is away for the whole summer? Don't ask Kate, because she has no idea. Aimless, and unhappy with her new foster mother, Kate falls into the hands of a stylish, "It Chick" who whips her into fashionable shape. Armed with new confidence, and a game plan to get her man, Kate quickly falls under her new bestie's bad influence. And she becomes reckless in her pursuits. Can Kate get her life back on the right track--or is it already too late?
One year later, Kate's fantasy life of having the perfect family comes to an abrupt end when she is suddenly forced to return to the group home, a place she's fought so hard to avoid. Alone and vulnerable, Kate falls for the ever so gorgeous Percy who treats her well at first, but soon a cycle of controlling and abusive behavior begins. Kate finds herself trapped and unable to be the strong, independent girl she's tried to be her whole life. Will she be able to escape Percy's clutches?
Told through Kate's witty, fearless point of view, Hot Girl and Bad Boy are powerful stories from an important voice in young adult fiction."
February 22nd: Dear Martin by Nic Stone!
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A wonderful book about racism and what we can learn from the past.
Here's the description: "Raw, captivating, and undeniably real, Nic Stone joins industry giants Jason Reynolds and Walter Dean Myers as she boldly tackles American race relations in this stunning debut.
Justyce McAllister is top of his class and set for the Ivy League—but none of that matters to the police officer who just put him in handcuffs. And despite leaving his rough neighborhood behind, he can't escape the scorn of his former peers or the ridicule of his new classmates. Justyce looks to the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for answers. But do they hold up anymore? He starts a journal to Dr. King to find out.
Then comes the day Justyce goes driving with his best friend, Manny, windows rolled down, music turned up—way up, sparking the fury of a white off-duty cop beside them. Words fly. Shots are fired. Justyce and Manny are caught in the crosshairs. In the media fallout, it's Justyce who is under attack."
February 23rd: Spin by Lamar Giles!
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A brand new murder mystery/thriller that is sure to keep you on the edge of your chair and trusting no one!
Here's the description: "Sixteen-year-old Paris Secord's (aka DJ ParSec) career--and life--has come to an untimely end, and the local music scene is reeling. No one is feeling the pain more than her shunned pre-fame best friend, Kya, and Paris's chief groupie, Fuse. But suspicion trumps grief, and since each suspects the other of Paris's murder, they're locked in a high-stakes game of public accusations and sabotage.
Everyone in the ParSec Nation (DJ ParSec's local media base)--including the killer--is content to watch it play out, until Kya and Fuse discover a secret: Paris was on the verge of major deal that would've catapulted her to superstar status on a national level, leaving her old life (and old friends) behind. With the new info comes new motives. New suspects. And a fandom that shows its deadly side. As Kya and Fuse come closer to the twisted truth, the killer's no longer amused. But murdering Paris was simple enough, so getting rid of her nobody-friends shouldn't be an issue... "
February 24th: Little & Lion by Brandy Colbert!
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This is an amazing (and award winning) book about love, family, and mental illness. Plus, the new cover is super neat!
Here's the description: "When Suzette comes home to Los Angeles from her boarding school in New England, she isn't sure if she'll ever want to go back. L.A. is where her friends and family are (along with her crush, Emil). And her stepbrother, Lionel, who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, needs her emotional support.
But as she settles into her old life, Suzette finds herself falling for someone new...the same girl her brother is in love with. When Lionel's disorder spirals out of control, Suzette is forced to confront her past mistakes and find a way to help her brother before he hurts himself--or worse."
February 25th: The Field Guide to the North American Teenager by Ben Philippe!
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This is a great book about coming of age and learning to let people in and be yourself.
Here's the description: "Norris Kaplan is clever, cynical, and quite possibly too smart for his own good. A black French Canadian, he knows from watching American sitcoms that those three things don’t bode well when you are moving to Austin, Texas. Plunked into a new high school and sweating a ridiculous amount from the oppressive Texas heat, Norris finds himself cataloging everyone he meets: the Cheerleaders, the Jocks, the Loners, and even the Manic Pixie Dream Girl. Making a ton of friends has never been a priority for him, and this way he can at least amuse himself until it’s time to go back to Canada, where he belongs.
Yet, against all odds, those labels soon become actual people to Norris. Be it loner Liam, who makes it his mission to befriend Norris, or Madison the beta cheerleader, who is so nice that it has to be a trap. Not to mention Aarti the Manic Pixie Dream Girl, who might, in fact, be a real love interest in the making. He even starts playing actual hockey with these Texans.
But the night of the prom, Norris screws everything up royally. As he tries to pick up the pieces, he realizes it might be time to stop hiding behind his snarky opinions and start living his life—along with the people who have found their way into his heart."
February 26th: Sorry Not Sorry by Jaime Reed!
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This book is just out today and has a ton of buzz around it! A coming of age friendship story about growing apart and sticking together this is sure to be a great read!
Here's the description: "Janelle and Alyssa used to be BFFs -- but not anymore. Alyssa became leader of the shallowest girls in school while Janelle got involved in activism with new, true friends.
But, suddenly, Alyssa's diabetes becomes the talk of the school. It's turned life-threatening; without a kidney transplant, her chances are not good. Despite reservations, Janelle gets tested and finds that she's a rare, perfect match with Alyssa for a transplant. But organ donations aren't very common in her community, and she starts to feel pushback. When feuds and accusations push the girls further apart, Janelle doesn't know what to do. Will the match bring the girls back together, or drive them apart for good?
With humor and heart, and a fresh, unforgettable voice, acclaimed author Jaime Reed explores the power and complexity of lifelong friendships -- and the sacrifices we make along the way. "
February 27th: X by Ilyasah Shabazz (Daughter of Malcolm X) and Kekla Magoon.
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This is a true classic that needs to be featured in Black History Month (and all the time!). This is a fantastic book about Malcolm X's early life and the experiences that helped influence his life.
Here's the description: "I am Malcolm. I am my father’s son. But to be my father’s son means that they will always come for me. They will always come for me, and I will always succumb.
Malcolm Little’s parents have always told him that he can achieve anything, but from what he can tell, that's nothing but a pack of lies—after all, his father's been murdered, his mother's been taken away, and his dreams of becoming a lawyer have gotten him laughed out of school. There’s no point in trying, he figures, and lured by the nightlife of Boston and New York, he escapes into a world of fancy suits, jazz, girls, and reefer.
But Malcolm’s efforts to leave the past behind lead him into increasingly dangerous territory when what starts as some small-time hustling quickly spins out of control. Deep down, he knows that the freedom he’s found is only an illusion—and that he can't run forever.
X follows Malcolm from his childhood to his imprisonment for theft at age twenty, when he found the faith that would lead him to forge a new path and command a voice that still resonates today."
February 28th: Kindred by Octavia Butler!
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Honestly, Octavia Butler has been so influential to modern fiction and her books have been so important it feels wrong not to feature her twice. Kindred is an absolutely amazing book that we think everyone should read, during Black History Month and beyond.
Here's the summery: "The first science fiction written by a black woman, Kindred has become a cornerstone of black American literature. This combination of slave memoir, fantasy, and historical fiction is a novel of rich literary complexity. Having just celebrated her 26th birthday in 1976 California, Dana, an African-American woman, is suddenly and inexplicably wrenched through time into antebellum Maryland. After saving a drowning white boy there, she finds herself staring into the barrel of a shotgun and is transported back to the present just in time to save her life. During numerous such time-defying episodes with the same young man, she realizes the challenge she’s been given: to protect this young slaveholder until he can father her own great-grandmother."
Thank you to everyone for sticking with us through this month of wonderful books by fantastic authors!  We can’t wait to do it again next year! Remember, Black History is not confined to Black History Month. We feature books by black authors all year round and encourage you to support them! Thank you!
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serendipitae · 7 years
Fondu Au Noir | 02
Synopsis: [grim reaper AU] Yoongi wishes he could see her for reasons other than to be the bearer of bad news, but to never see her at all would be worse. WC: 1490 parts: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | WIP
The shadows on the walls match the shadows under your eyes and Yoongi is to blame for it. He watches you watching him from your seat and fights the urge to fidget under your gaze. You had been staring at him for a long stretch of time and Yoongi couldn’t bring himself to break the silence. You hadn’t spoken to him since he explained your predicament two mornings ago. You haven’t had anything to eat all day either and Yoongi wants to tell you to eat, but he stays silent. He is not meant to talk to the living.
Then again, he’s not meant to be seen by the living either.
The blinds in your room are drawn, but the sun is setting and the golden glow of the plunge dips the room in gilded shadows. He sits on your floor propped against your closet door and blends in with the rest of the shadows on the wall. Yoongi cannot leave your presence until you let him go.
“You’re not real.”
The sound of your voice startles both of you. It’s a hoarse whisper that sounds much too loud after the seemingly endless quiet. Yoongi’s neutral expression falters for a moment. You see his lips purse and his eyes twitch. The little movements draw attention. His lips and eyes are the most vivid things about him and stand in stark contrast to his dull clothes and pale skin.
“You’re not real,” you repeat to yourself. “I’m just going crazy.”
His blood red lips open and shut. He doesn’t really know what to say to that or if you even expect him to reply. For all he knows, you could be crazy. Yoongi doesn’t know how you see him any more than you do.
“I’m just seeing things.”
“And hearing things and bumping into them and yelling at them,” Yoongi butts in. “Now this thing is telling you to eat before you wilt away and he has to collect you.”
He’s gone after that and you blink at the empty space he had previously occupied. You sigh and get up to go to the kitchen with a mumble.
“…. going crazy.”
“What do you mean you can’t?”
He shifts on the sofa before deciding to get up and speak to you at eye-level. Having you staring down at him made him uneasy. Having you look at him at all made him uneasy.
“I can’t leave yet,” he says.
Yoongi starts to doubt that this is the best time to spring this on you when your entire demeanor changes with a bristling energy. He can see you preparing to tear into him, so he beats you to the punch and speaks first.
“You know who I am, right?” he asks.
That’s not what you thought you would hear and whatever you had been preparing to say drops from your thoughts. You had an idea of who he was, so you nod, apprehensive at where the conversation was going.
“You have to understand that I’m here because I have to be,” Yoongi says. He hesitates before continuing on. “When people lose their loved ones, they tend to hold on to those deaths and I have to linger. No one has ever been able to see me before though, so I apologize for the unplanned intrusion.”
Yoongi can’t read the expression on your face and he doesn’t get a chance to think too much on it before you’re turning on your heels again. He lets you go this time.
Yoongi comes and goes like the wind. He is there, strong and steady on rainy days and he is there when the sun shines. Those days bother you the most. While he blends in with dreary days, the contrast of his presence on a beautiful day mars your mood. He appears in your waking hours and he appears in your dreams. He had said he couldn’t leave, but his presence comes in waves. You get reprieves, but like the tide, he doesn’t stay away for long.
You become so used to him that it’s become easy to ignore him. He’s gotten used to it as much as you have, so it takes him by surprise when you speak to him.
“Are you real?”
It’s late and your words are slurred with drowsiness, but you were curious and it’s late enough that you can excuse yourself for talking to what you want to think is just your imagination. He sits on his usual spot on the couch facing the windows. You sit next to him, facing your body towards his and tucking your legs underneath yourself. He doesn’t reply. You’re close enough that he can see the flecks in your eyes and it distracts him. Yoongi feels the heat of your leg against his and he wants to say that he has never felt as real as he does now.
“Why can I see you?”
Yoongi’s voice is soft as he answers.
“I don’t know.”
You accept the answer with a tilt of your head, bringing you close to Yoongi. He nearly jumps out of his skin when you bring your hand up to touch his face. Yoongi is clearly startled, but he doesn’t budge save for the way his cheek moves with a small twitch. Your eyes trace his features, fingers following gently. When your fingers trace his lips, you feel the air ghost over your fingers as he breaths out. He grabs your hand.
“I’m real,” he says in answer to a question you had already forgotten.
You don’t answer him and he lets your intertwined hands drop between the both of you. You already knew that and he knows it too. His hand is surprisingly warm and it is the only thing anchoring you to your strange reality. It is the only thing keeping you from retreating into your head where things make more sense and everyone is still safe and sound. You hate him for it.
“Her name was - is Fei and I can’t just forget her.”
Saying her name brought a fresh blooming ache in your chest. Yoongi flickers away after that and the warmth you felt against your fingers fades and cools to nothing.
The only other person that could come close to understanding how you feel is Jimin, but even then, he was not as close to Fei as you were. His presence is a comfort nonetheless and it’s easier to be around him than everyone else who can only bear to look at you with pity in their gazes. Jimin mourns with you in silence by going about business as usual. Three days after the warmth of Yoongi’s hand and it takes every ounce of your self control not to ask Jimin if he can see Yoongi sitting in your living room as he goes about laying out the takeout boxes.
Is he as real to you as he is to me?
Now was not the moment to ask and you’re all too sure that it wouldn’t matter anyway. Jimin aims a smile at you as he presents the layout with a sweep of his hand. He finally takes a seat and hands you the remote with directions to pick whatever movie you wanted. Yoongi watches the whole interaction with a mild interest while you try your best not to look at him. Jimin would notice and wonder what was so fascinating about the loveseat. You settle on a movie after shifting your focus from Yoongi.
“We’ve seen this one before right?” Jimin says looking up from his takeout box. “I think I remember watching this.”
“Yeah,” you say with a nod. This time you don’t stop your gaze from wandering to Yoongi’s. “It was one of Fei’s favorites.”
Yoongi meets your gaze evenly and you’re the first to look away when it gets to be too disconcerting. You see him turn to the tv from the corner of your eye and he stays in the same position until well past the end of the movie and after Jimin has left. You’re tidying up all the empty takeout boxes when he speaks.
“You don’t have to forget her,” he says. “It’s not about forgetting. It’s about moving forward.”
He’s supposed to be the great usherer of souls and your soul is as lost as any. You look at him - really look at him and decide that it may be worth your time to listen to him. There was no use ignoring him when he was a constant reminder of your loss. Denying your reality only made you have to start over again with fresh pain every time you encountered him. You couldn’t live like that.
“How?” you ask. “How do I make it better?”
Even Death himself doesn’t know the answer to that. Not really. For once, you’re not speaking to him with hostility, but with uninhibited grief and weariness. It affects Yoongi more than he likes. 
“With time.”
A/N: This semester is kicking my ass, so I’m not able to update as much as I’d like to. As always, I appreciate feedback and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
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whiitedragon · 7 years
I need blood in the cut --;
She was getting sick of this.   She could handle being experimented on, being tortured by the insignificant pests that called themselves scientists -- when really, all they wanted to do was cause pain and suffering -- but this...being used for their entertainment, sacrificed again and again to a man of whom they had made a beast... There came a point at which she would no longer swallow her pride.  A point at which there was no reason behind charade, no reason to endure, no reason to willingly submit herself to such inane sufferings. The guards came to retrieve her, and she stood fluidly, soundlessly, and followed without a word.  They were nervous, she had made them nervous.  Even as blind as humans had become to the world beyond their knowledge, there was still some primal part of them that could recognize that she was something to be feared.  Good. She didn't look like much of a threat -- a broken, frail thing, covered in mottled bruises, and half-healed wounds, but the way she carried herself belied no pain.  It was an almost regal air, despite her small stature, and disheveled state.   When they arrived at the cell of the monster that had once been a man, she entered without prompting.  He was there, unstable and smoking, his body hardly in a solid state, false flesh looking black and putrid, giving him the appearance of something more dead than alive.  The exterior door of the airlock was opened, and once more, she stepped forward with no need for prompting.  She caught sight of the guards exchanging a nervous glance as the door was closed in her wake, a soft hissing signifying that the airlock was in place once more.   The gears controlling the interior door began to click. She smiled. The door opened. In the next instant, three things happened;  a pulse of raw energy emanated from the cage, knocking out any surveillance of the area; the guards dropped like marionettes with their strings cut, effected by the same force;  Reaper lunged. In the aftermath, she was the only one left standing. The abomination of nanites and rotting flesh was frozen -- pinned to the wall by a single hand, fingers tipped in claws that bit effortlessly into the thick glass where even Reaper's had failed.  His mouth agape, jaw seeming nearly unhinged, much like a snake preparing to devour its prey, tendrils of dark miasmamatic smoke poured from the gaping maw, extended from what passed for skin, reaching, grasping, trying to find purchase against skin newly flecked with white scales.  As they reached, they were burned away, her touch fire incarnate. "If you thought me an easy meal, you were mistaken," she hissed, fangs glinting white, visible in a flash through parted lips.  "There's some part of you that can still understand me," she murmured, brushing the knuckles of her free hand almost tenderly down his cheek, invisible flames driving away the smoke until skin was visible, smooth and whole.  She could reach out, she mused, slip the tendrils of her magic into his mind, unfelt, unknown, wrap them around his mind, just like his own dark tendrils ensnared his prey.  She could force his consciousness forward, make him hear her… But perhaps this was better. She would become a ghost to him, haunting him, always skirting around the edges of memory, perpetually just out of reach.  He would know to fear her, but never quite be able to recall why.  It was cruel, and there was a beauty to the insidiousness of it. “If you do not already wish for death, I will GUARANTEE it.”  Flesh knit together beneath her touch, becoming whole at her will, only be pierced and torn by deadly claws.  The same touch that healed would also destroy.  She would restore him, make him whole once more...only to see him torn apart by her own hand.  There was no satisfaction to be gained from sinking her claws into something already so broken.  There was no pleasure to be found in killing something already on the brink of death.  
She would make him S U F F E R .
She met his gaze head on, her eyes molten gold, roiling as she quietly seethed.   From that one single point of contact, she allowed energy to flow, leaving her and entering him, restoring, rejuvenating.  In waves, the smoke dispersed, her magic soothing the nanites from their agitated state.  Flesh, ashen and raw, but whole and untouched took the place of its predecessor.  No longer was his form in constant tumult, tearing itself apart only to reform in the same instant, replaced by stability, the chaos salvaged, pacified.  She wondered what it must feel like...to be grounded to flesh once more after the anguish of his new existence.  She could not so much as abide the concept. Withdrawing her claws, breaking her hold, she looked down at her arm, the blood a gradient from black to shocking crimson against her pale skin, a visual timeline of her healing in effect.  To bleed red once more...the monster had been made man -- if only in appearance. She barked a laugh, tossing him aside as a child does with a toy that has lost its favor.  She was done here. The air around her rippled and sighed as Gwyn pulled her magic tight to herself once more, drawing it in, sealing it away.  Her eyes faded from liquid gold to pale ice, and she became insignificant once more.  As far as anyone need be aware, at least.  Taking in a deep breath, she exhaled slowly, sinking fluidly to her knees, and her eyes fell closed, giving her the illusion of being at peace.  A faint smile curled up at the edges of her lips --- before she vanished from view.  The guards would find her, when they woke, back in her own gilded cage.   They would also find her no longer so easy to cow.
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bramar-jr · 7 years
Of Temples, Treasure and Traps
This is an old piece of mine and frankly, it’s not very good. I wrote it for National 5 English back in 2016, and it got me an A so it was alright for the grade I was working at. Truth be told I’m reluctant to upload it, but I think it’s important to remember where I came from, and see how much I’ve improved.
The writing process for this was long and laborious. This is in fact the seventh iteration of this essay, and I don’t actually think that’s a good thing. I was never happy with this essay, even when I handed it in, but the tight word limit (1000) stopped me from fleshing my idea’s out. My idea for it started very differently, but I was too ambitious, and I wanted too much from too few words. Lesson learned I guess.
In these ashen lands nothing grows, it's so empty, so barren… The air and the ash are one, every mountain spits out fire and stone, tainting the ground with a reddish black hue. The ground beneath my feet crunches and glows with volcanic light, I’m covered in ash, from head to toe, and my lungs are raw from coughing up the ashen dust.
I stand now at the foot of a temple, before a grand black gate, a huge, ancient fortification of dark steel and stone. It is decorated with bones drawn and shaped to make beautiful, yet dark artwork, angels bringing men from earth and grim reapers scything. As I push open the gate, the cold touch of its metal on my hand spreads through my whole body, sending shivers down my arms and back.
As I walk the long abandoned halls, it as if I can feel the ghosts of the people that lived here, their memories long since forgotten by the other peoples, yet still somehow sealed within the black walls of the temple. The whole building is designed with menacing purpose, but is oddly beautiful at the same time with its gothic patterns and carvings decorating the floors and roofs. While the walls are thick and defensive, obviously built with war in mind, it seems the architects never forgot to add beauty to their work.
I push open a huge door and look into a grand hall, the largest space I have seen since I have entered the temple, the walls are made of the same dark stone as the rest of the building but are now gilded with gold and carved with infinitely intricate patterns. There is a blood red carpet down the centre of the hall gilded with golden tassels. Steps lead from the door I stand in down onto the carpet and the rest of the room.
A throne sits at the end of the grand hall, atop a plinth of glittering black marble, with a small flight of stairs leading to it, making it the centrepiece of the room. Atop the throne sits a grand suit of armour, decorative and carved with bones and skulls and yet obviously practical. Crafted from a black metal with shining steel gilding and bones that glint slightly, as if they were gemstones. Grasped in gauntlets of the armour, resting on its lap lies a crown made of a circlet of bones, with four great fangs along the front and a single huge crimson red gemstone perched between the centre two fangs.
As I begin to walk forward down the carpet, I can feel something about me changing, I feel younger, brighter and better. My sores and blisters disappear and my scars heal, as if years of my life have been given back to my body! Even as I begin to realise this I begin to change again, I feel myself ageing, my scars reappear and my bones begin to ache. As the process continues scars appear where there we’re none before, my skin wrinkles and tans and my eyes cloud. I watch the skin on my hands begins to stretch out over my knuckles, slowly tearing holes around them, and my skin rots and drapes from my hands, then arms, then from all over my body. I can see my organs spilling out and rotting before my eyes. The muscle and sinew falls in lumps from my bones and then the bones themselves begin to crumble and break, turning to dust as I watch. The pain is unimaginable, indescribable. My world is nothing but agony, unending and maddening. Then blessedly, mercifully, the world goes black and I feel nothing.
The real world comes back to me, slowly and hazily, like a drunk stumbling out of a tavern in the late evening. I realise quite suddenly that I am both alive and not a pile of dust. I push myself up from the ground, resting on my elbows and glance around me. I’m still in the throne room, the armour is still there and I seem to be in one piece, aside from a new bruise on my arm and a throbbing lump on my chin from the fall down the stairs. I quickly realise why I had such a horrible vision. A curse stone, a powerful magical artefact, hangs from a silver chain above the door, a trap it seems, left to discourage pillagers.
My gaze turns back to the armour, and more specifically the bejeweled crown on its lap. It looked so promising, it was just there, ready for the taking, nothing else to discourage me. But it couldn’t be unguarded could it? The legends of tomb raiders always tell of traps and danger between a treasure hunter and their prize, surely now could be no different, surely one trap couldn’t be all.
I begin edging towards the throne. Bit by bit. Step by step. Nervous breath after nervous breath. Finally I reach it, at long last the crown is within my grasp. In one swift movement I reach out, I grab the crown and I pull it free from the clutching hands of the armour.
Quite suddenly a distant rumble interrupts the deathly silence of the throne room.
And like a rabbit in the lair of a fox, I bolt.
As I charge out of the hall and down through the winding corridors of the temple the rumble grows to a roar and the roar to a cacophony. I can feel the ground beneath my feet buckle and the roof above warp, the two points closing like a maw. But then, mercifully, beams of light rush towards me and I throw myself free of the temple onto the ashen ground outside and scramble up the hillside surrounding it.
As I sit panting with relief, I glance down at my prize and grin smugly. Then sighing to myself, I stand, spare the collapsing temple a glance and then turn back for the long road home.
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