animmal · 12 days
@gilmor: you’re going dark on me again.
Caroline pulls together a smile, something plastic and cheery and just on the edge of creepy if you look long enough. She blinks her eyes at Rory, blue to blue, like she might be able to get across the general feeling of ugh hanging over her without having to verbalise it.
“I'm hangry.” You're not you when you're hungry. If only this could be cured with sugar and chocolate and peanuts instead of blood and the dedicated amount of focus one needs to pull off convincing someone who wants to run that they should stay very, very still. And don't scream. “I haven't written anything substantial in weeks and I can feel Mr. Midlife-Crisis-Porsche's eyes on me whenever I walk past his office.”
She punctuates her woes with a sigh that's only mostly for show. “I need a distraction. Tell me what you've been working on?”
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fyrewalks · 10 hours
💬 + all the tornados the wranglers wrangle are just cgi 😔 ... muse of your choosing!
Send 💬 + a rumor and my muse will react to it.
"Oh, honey, now that ain't true - the stuff we do might be dangerous, and while you shouldn't try it at home, we are fully trained professionals. Live and in the flesh," Tyler says, voice rhythmic and smooth.
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wantsforever · 6 days
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plotted starter for @gilmor!
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two lives colliding, separate halves becoming whole. it's always an impossible balance when rory comes to visit him at school, simultaneously trying to remember his origin and the expectations that he's always consistently met at college. getting mindless quips from his teammates that he's whipped or comments about have you hit it yet? is unavoidable. he shakes them off, seasoned at ignoring, always with an eye roll and a pushback about how we're just friends. and it's the truth. half-truth, because they're best friends. at least, she's his best friend. and even though a night where rory comes and visits always ends with her making a remark about his personality around his friends, it'd always be worth it. especially because she says it with a smile.
it's another night where she's come up to visit, a small party taking place in his fraternity house. ( not uncommon, there's usually always something going on, even if it's a tuesday night. ) stays relatively close to rory until his attention is pulled for a keg stand that he can never morally deny, stolen by a blonde with a revealing top and a flirtatious laugh soon after. how his nights usually go are drink, find a girl, drink more. in that order. but with rory here, and not in his sight, he finds his thoughts gravitating towards her whereabouts more than the girl who throws herself at him unabashedly, manicured nails running up his arm. while normally something he'd take without hesitation, he offers her a kind smile, a dismissive i'll be right back, and goes to search. no intention on going back.
it's on his search that he finds rory with one of his frat brothers, jeff, trailing behind him up the stairs long staircase to where the second floor bedrooms are placed. brows furrow, heart pounds, and he pushes through the crowd to catch up.
❝ hey, sorry, ❞ he apologizes, mostly to jeff, wrapping his fingers around rory's wrist to tug her to the side. jeff's complaints are loud but ignored, steve raising a hand at him to acknowledge that he's heard him and that he just needs a second. by the time he reaches them, they're already up the stairs, so he brings her to the corner of the hallway, away from jeff's ears. ❝ what're you doing? i've been looking for you. ❞
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doomdays · 10 months
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity!
ilysm someday i'll rewatch gg just for you 💖💖
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sumbolus · 1 year
@gilmor : Where have you been?
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"It's a — " Complicated? Private? All of the above? Robert smiles, a tight, uneasy thing, abandoning the strewn papers and illegible notes. And remembers his research, a myriad of dead-end questions, poorly phrased and deserted, heaped on the floor by his bed. It has been a stressful couple of months, to say the least. But to Rory Gilmore, all he offers is a vague explanation, a half-truth. "D.C. A research leave."
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"All caught up, however. And if I understand Professor Caplan correctly, you have some questions concerning your grade? Please, sit."
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venustrape-arch · 1 year
@gilmor | meme ↪ ❛  i'm sorry, i had no idea.  ❜ / hm rachel . . . perhaps its time for rory's nyc era
she knows first hand how alluring a mysterious garment bag can be. that zipper just begs to be opened. the thing is, her boss is not exactly pleased when clothes meant to be picked up & delivered to important people fall into the hands of curious girls he doesn't know. " oh, honey, it's okay ! " still, rory is her responsibility here. had she not been so preoccupied with one of the million meaningless tasks he has her doing every day, she would've paid more attention. " tell you a secret... i peeked, too. " quick wink before she puts the hanger back where it belongs. " i don't know who it's for yet, but that dress is to die for. " she'll bet the mystery celebrity has blue eyes. that shade would make them pop. which reminds her... " we have to find you a dress in that exact same color, you'd look just beautiful. oh, & don't mind that old sack of bones – he's... uptight. "
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softersinned-arc · 1 year
@gilmor said: i don't really know where to start
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"I mean, I don't think the where matters quite as much as it matters that you just... start." The chipped ceramic mug beside her is empty but still warm, the result of the waitress taking twenty-four hour diner very seriously and topping Astoria's cup off every time she makes one of her frequent rounds with the coffee pot. The notebook in front of her, weathered and showing the signs of being thrown in every bag she carries, is open to a clean page near the end, each page prior crinkled or coffee-stained and covered in unintelligible scribbles and shorthand.
It's easy, she's learned, to feel protective of Rory. Hers is a familiar experience, between the mother who wanted a built-in friend more than a daughter to the grandparents who picked up the slack despite the near-endless resentment on their child's part. But where Astoria has developed a (rather healthy, she thinks) distance from her mother, Rory is perpetually caught in the hurricane that is Lorelai.
She told Jess, the first time she met Lorelai, that she'd pay his rent for a year if he distracted Rory long enough that she could tell Lorelai exactly what she thought of her, and Jess had seemed far more tempted than he wanted to let on. (She is almost as protective of Rory as she is of Jess.)
"I mean, a first draft's supposed to be shit. Doesn't matter if it doesn't perfectly pay homage to your grandparents; the first draft just needs to exist. You can clean it up once it exists, but before you've written it, there's nothing to fix." She and Rory have enjoyed their all-night brainstorm sessions in the past, but this one feels a bit more personal, a bit more immediate. "Unless you're worried about your mom again? I know she wasn't thrilled last time, but I mean, at the risk of being a bitch—does it matter if she doesn't like this? It's not for her."
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vipercloud · 2 years
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                                ──────────────                                gentle  intake  of  air  offers  mild  ease  to  the  ache  of  disruption  that  quivers  through  her  chest ,        gaze  remains  fixated  on  the  beaded  catastrophe  before  her  as  she  manages  to  tune  out  the  steady  thrum  of  the  harsh  rain  that  has  plagued  new  haven ;        the  weather  was  the  perfect  parallel  for  her  foul  mood ,        and  if  paris  were  more  religious ,        perhaps  she’d  be  praying  for  some  form  of  reprisal  from  the  storm                (    or  the  idiocy  of  the  so - called  ivy - league - worthy  girls  that  she’d  been  unfortunate  to  dorm  with    ) .                there’s  a  quiet  creak  of  the  door ,        and  paris  immediately  knows  that  it’s  @gilmor​  returning  to  the  room ,        the  only  person  in  their  shared  space  that  had  any  form  of  common  sense ,        the  only  one  conscientious  enough  to  avoid  disrupting  her  calming  mantra  or  workflow .
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❝        𝚍𝚘𝚗’𝚝  𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚝  𝚝𝚘  𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎  𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛  𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚎𝚜  𝚊𝚝  𝚝𝚑𝚎  𝚍𝚘𝚘𝚛 .        we  don’t  need  the  airhead  breaking  her  neck  by  slipping  on  the  mud  that  you  would’ve  tracked  in .        and  the  last  thing  that  i  need  is  a  death  staining  my  record  before  i’ve  even  graduated  undergrad .        that  kind  of  thing  could  ruin  a  girl’s  career .        ❞                                heavy  sigh  escapes  lips  as  hands  drop  project  in  mild  frustration ,        figure  pivots  to  face  the  other .                                ❝        or  perhaps  it  would  become  the  perfect  traumatic  story  to  get  my  foot  in  the  door .        ❞
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moondevoured · 3 days
continued from here...
"oh, i'm pretty sure i can!" nesta's amusement is evident in her voice, although her features form the picture of bemusement. "from where i'm sitting, what's happening on either side of this room is just two different shades of the same insanity." it is, but she finds herself smiling ( the smallest curl of her lips ) despite herself. whatever they've got going on is questionable at best - but infinitely better than her own coping mechanisms.
she finds herself eyeing @gilmor's assortment of snacks, morbidly fascinated by the strange combination of textures of flavours. there's no way that they taste good one after the other, but she's curious. "— let me guess, you don't share food?"
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fyrewalks · 1 day
maybe you can explain that to me tomorrow. // @gilmor
"What," his lips tilt up in an easy smirk; Tyler is unable to help himself. It's too easy, too fun. Raising the beer bottle to his lips, offering a wink right before his lips parts, he continues, "I wear you out already?"
To Gilmore's credit, it's likely that he has - up early in dawn light for a debriefing before the team sped past the rest of the gathered storm chasers, all hoping to catch something good, they had spent the day chasing after several cells. He had even given her the full experience, having her strap in the front seat to ride through a small tornado.
He waves a hand, both dismissive and apologetic for his own dirty humor. "Tomorrow will be an early day to," Tyler says, lips softening into a small smile. "Better sleep while you can."
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118diazs · 15 days
12. What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
well first he needs everyone to know that chris is the funniest person in the universe to him. but something specific is that when eddie and his sisters were younger they very much loved to play punch buggy. it was a very serious game in the diaz mini van on the way to school. so every time he sees one he'll have to laugh at that memory from his childhood. it was so serious to him at the time but he was still being so gentle with his sisters about it even though they weren't with him at all. it's one of the few memories he has were he actually felt like a kid.
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livingisboring · 6 days
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venustrape-arch · 2 years
@gilmor  |  meme
         ↪   why are you looking at me like that? / @ mom ✨
        not  a  big  mystery,  really.  the  borderline  offended  stare  prologues  just  a  little  longer  as  they  stand  on  her  parents’  doorstep.  “  i  can’t  believe  you  abandoned  me  in  there.  ”  the  logical  part  of  her  brain  is  very  much  aware  that  her  daughter  had  no  chance  of  intercepting  emily’s  aim  for  her  jugular,  but  between  whining  now  or  the  whole  drive  home,  she  chooses  now.  “  i  would’ve  tried  my  darn  hardest  to  get  you  out  of  next  week’s  dinner  if  you  got  shanghaied  like  that  by  my  mother,  you  know  ?  but  now-  ”  hands  are  already  gesturing  frantically,  car  keys  in  hand  as  she  starts  walking  &  immediately  lets  her  train  of  thought  lead  her  to  luke.  “  now  i  have  to  go  tell  the  man  i’m  dating  that  my  mother  wants  to  meet  him.  again  !  ‘i  didn’t  meet  him,  not  in  this  capacity’...  there  is  no  capacity  !  she’s  known  who  he  is  for  ages,  he  has  not  grown  a  tail  in  the  time  between  their  first  meeting  &  now,  i  should  know.  ”  kirk  has  a  special  place  on  her  black  list  after  this  slip-up.  of  course  her  mother  is  being  petty.  learning  things  about  her  life  from  other  people  puts  her  in  the  best  shape  possible  on  friday  nights.  “  do  we  still  have  that  paper  bag  in  the  car  ?  maybe  i  should  breathe  into  it  for  a  minute.  “  car  door  flies  open  as  she  takes  in  another  breath,  settling  on  a  pout  as  she  searches  rory’s  face.  “  hold  it  to  my  mouth  while  i  drive,  will  you  ?  ” 
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sentientsky · 3 months
just a friendly reminder that, just because slavery was formally "abolished" in the so-called united states* in 1865, enslavement itself is still ongoing in the form of incarceration, which disproportionately affects Black and Indigenous people
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(*i say "so-called" because the US is a settler-colonial construction founded on greed, extraction, and white supremacy) recommended readings/resources:
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander
"How the 13th Amendment Kept Slavery Alive: Perspectives From the Prison Where Slavery Never Ended" by Daniele Selby
"So You're Thinking About Becoming an Abolitionist" by Mariame Kaba
"The Case for Prison Abolition: Ruth Wilson Gilmore on COVID-19, Racial Capitalism & Decarceration" from Democracy Now! [VIDEO]
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everrot · 5 months
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❝ okay, okay, so your grandmother won't be totally furious if we win this; instead, she will be extremely pleased with us. ❞ she laughs, her voice ringing with delight as her eyes scan the table, clutching the cash in her hand a touch tighter. lorelai bounces lightly, excitement fluttering through her ⸻ she still loved to execute tiny, honey-sweet acts of defiance. turning to her daughter, she raises an eyebrow, ❝ where exactly did you tell her we were going? ❞
012, the roulette table in a casino. @gilmor !
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buglesbetty · 7 months
rory bursts into the bullpen, trying her best to juggle a tray of hot specialty coffees for her coworkers as well as a box of a dozen heart-shaped donuts. she nearly knocks into betty's desk on her way in, instead choosing to lay her treats down there. " here betty, " she states, holding out what she's nearly certain is betty's favorite coffee order, " happy valentine's day! "
her attention is caught by the smell of coffee and sugar. blinking a couple of times, her eyes stinging as they adjust from her screen to the fluorescents of the office betty swivels in her chair to see a smiling rory holding out a coffee expectantly. "oh that's so sweet," she beams, taking a sip, stopping and furrowing her brow when the liquid hits her tongue. "how did you know?" she sticks to black in the office, a leftover habit from when she first started and attempted to fit in with the adults around her, yet somehow rory has handed her the preferred drink that matches her sweeter taste.
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