hydrachea · 2 years
Gonna go with the obvious here and ask GilRin for that ship meme
ship meme
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My favorite, the culmination of "this is getting out of hand, now there's two of them", a double serving of tsundere, and validated by word of god. What's there not to love?
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novemindie · 4 days
continued from here for @lady-crowned-with-stars
Gilrin was eyeing the variety of adult toys in the room. Initially, she was just looking for her friend, Yvette. But then she saw that the door to the room was open and thought she might find her here. And when she did not she got caught up in admiring the older woman's collection. The brunette quirked a brow as she looked over at the sound of Yvette's voice. "It does, you have a fascinating... selection." She commented and then fully turned to face the other woman. "No, perhaps you should have put a leash on me." Gilrin joked back.
yvette looked into gilrin's eyes and tilted her head. "are you joking, or is this a genuine wish?" she wondered as she took a step closer. "because i never thought our bond went beyond friendship." she added and chuckled. "and once we go there, you won't be able to go back;" she teased.
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iminye · 1 year
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» Instead of a sword, I want to wield a brush; and it shall be paint, not blood, that soaks my clothes. My hands shall do no harm, but only seek to capture the beauty of the world. I may be a daughter of the House of Fëanor, but that does not mean I must follow in their footsteps.
@tolkienocweek day seven · gilrin magloriel
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“Don’t. I’m not good for you. Don’t even think about falling for me.” // because I ride the angst train till it crashes ❤️
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"No, you are wrong," She shakes her head, determined that he is being foolish in thinking that he is not good for her in any way. "You are good for me." Gilrin protests, tearing up as she looks at him. "I have fallen for you, I am in love with you."
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determined-magi · 6 months
" Sometimes... I wonder "
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" If I strayed... if I became the very things I fought against... would anyone see the dying embers before the light went out? Or would they go quietly into the dark, with naught an ear to listen? "
" I know the answer to it... It wouldn't matter, would it? most would be helpless by then, and those who were not... I would betray, one way or another. Why or how? I know not... only I am fated to do so... Whether I want to or not, It is our doom, our curse, our damning mark no matter what... "
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" And the worst of it is that it will be always our fault... "
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notyourastarion · 8 months
"Have you even considered that I do not desire to fix you. I have done morally reprehensible... anyway I don't claim to be pure of heart, I only... I just want to help you in toeing the line." The brunette elf explains, attempts to explain that she means not to change him, but to help handle the ever greying line of moral actions; Gilrin has burnt her hand before by not being careful, she does not want him to be hurt like that, not if she can help it.
for Astarion
(not sure how comprehensible I am being 😅 but oh well, feel free to ignore)
"You? 'Morally reprehensible?' Darling, do go on!" Astarion teased, attempting to dispel the severity of the conversation, before relenting and addressing her properly, sighing like a petulant child.
"But yes, I have considered that possibility. I just don't see much fun in 'toeing the line'." He replied, badly mimicking her speech. "I'm quite capable of following rules and regulations - I was a magistrate, you know - I just... don't want to, if I can help it at all." The pale elf shrugged dismissively, before a thought occured to him and his eyes narrowed at her.
"Now, why don't you tell me why my actions matter so much to you, hm?"
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empirexsin · 9 months
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" you look like you have something to say " it has been a long day. an arduous one. with their wedding only tomorrow, full preparations have been underway. the servants have been working tirelessly, and the people of rome have already begun to gather an abundance of flowers so that they can cover the city with them - or to lay at the feet of their emperor, and his new bride. commodus cares not for such a tradition.
he has been absent, if only because he has been occupying himself with fighting in the coliseum, spending time with his concubine of whores, or drinking the richest of red wines until he is drunk, and falls asleep until the morning. it was only earlier today that as part of his own wedding preparations, it seems, he demanded that gilrin came to the coliseum to watch him fight. ' the woman who i will be married to, should watch me fight! ' he had yelled this in the morning at an innocent servant, had made his voice echo throughout the palace walls until she had been rushed to with the information that she should watch him. that this is a spectacle.
and it was, if only because he had killed another upon the sand in the arena - heard the cheers of the roman people as he lifted his bloodied sword in the air. all of him, covered in blood, as if he had butchered a small village.
" do speak " it is a command rather than a suggestion. his lips, slightly twisted into a subtle smile. one that is rare. that will disappear quickly. coming and going like the wind. " it amuses me "
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444names · 2 years
roman places, deities and emperor forenames + bosmer names from tes
Abeng Adwor Aedil Aegidir Aenetras Agorna Agoth Algor Alonalin Alonone Amalis Amare Amitutus Amler Amritara Anathrill Ancomasfil Andan Andennir Andorn Andras Anethra Angland Anionir Annethil Annius Anvalon Anwedraks Aragnia Arastum Arefind Areth Arion Armitus Aroban Artor Arwil Athil Athor Augin Baeth Balinsa Barin Barwina Bauloth Bedra Bedragas Beneguell Berielaks Blestvanel Blued Bluevalor Bluiliong Bluin Bluingir Bluniros Boraglolor Boredall Bormen Brelail Brethor Bridintia Brindoth Bronasta Brongin Bronimra Caeridran Calake Calow Canrus Carthadis Castrennia Cathir Celonagill Cineldir Cineth Cinir Cochallor Comaras Comparod Culch Cygal Cygwigill Cylfin Cylgomin Cylis Cyllidonna Cylse Daenth Dalariaeng Dalaulung Dandir Danegovan Dares Dayenling Debran Dellus Derva Dessrian Desss Deste Destius Didragaeth Didrium Diras Disdrin Ditsharlel Dolluciir Dolrostas Dorandel Dorithar Dorod Dowenus Dralburin Driovir Drius Ebresna Ebreth Edeboron Edria Edthor Eghtwilin Egitus Eguin Einorn Elbor Elgus Elindren Elorn Elowponis Elronora Empel Enaras Endrolion Enendion Eniel Erandre Erdor Eregiderel Erimannia Erlibel Erodrater Erredhel Ertum Estelow Estornas Ethal Ethan Ethen Excepool Faedaepood Faelso Faeresorim Farale Faranienie Faravenike Farelion Farenrion Farethel Fartern Fathin Faulanilin Fayale Fellawn Feroninia Feros Filian Filin Finatthir Findra Finion Finlonir Finrin Fintel Finus Firis Firossa Firra Fixenarmas Fixesonor Foledorn Folminn Folorme Folus Foodorborn Foolwas Foragol Fordhend Fornim Foruin Frion Furilthor Gaedbeler Gaelow Gaendon Gaendor Gaerdinil Gaern Gaerund Gaervale Gaianruin Galathon Galeio Galeth Galir Galorth Gangandril Gangolmil Gania Ganidel Ganigor Gannethaie Ganoniel Garalion Garthether Gazalas Gelles Ghtsalow Gilgor Gilmales Gilrin Gilthol Githilber Glalin Glana Glandil Glareb Glingorhin Glion Glolossia Glorth Glowen Gluewihion Golethun Gorathel Gorchora Gordegoras Gorinarva Goroothra Gothel Grillow Grong Gwaeareth Gwaereng Gwalegeta Gwall Gwilas Gwilgo Gwingil Gwintia Haequinor Haganiond Halatara Halin Halionsa Halir Halis Hamnaeinor Hanghaldan Hanwoodia Haudandel Heler Hellin Heodir Heras Heril Herval Heryon Huldal Hylth Iacrith Indin Inethia Iniath Innegor Inthisteng Ivere Joakvandil Junmariel Kilmor Kunienor Ladir Laerin Landanator Larhie Launus Legna Lerwo Lethilas Libel Licirre Lindil Linirn Liongstia Lionvalil Liscradst Lithorna Lonlineth Loras Lorbornath Lugil Lunor Lurondir Mailivegel Malbonos Manaresky Mandirsla Mandra Mannis Mannor Mannordorn Marith Marst Martharin Maxiona Medrater Mefilvia Mellus Melosel Mendern Menel Menia Menortar Meralenus Merrannana Mesum Methras Mieldormin Miliuleth Minas Minrius Miria Molidellon Mones Monildor Morbror Mosenor Mosme Mossarfir Mossva Mucir Mulon Naell Nalicky Nalionel Narthrung Nasth Nathaenor Nelow Newihion Nillin Nillius Nilrogon Nilrus Nilthengal Nirrinor Nirwens Nitanus Nithras Noakpool Nonor Nothil Oacun Oaklum Oandil Oberon Ofirodoton Olaslegir Olorither Orodritas Oterra Ouniel Outth Palandraen Palvird Parth Pedwinel Pegorn Pegothos Percir Phruta Picta Pinrood Pisel Pisnas Poothras Posslarae Prith Privir Putth Quinorn Riana Rilip Rilviscarn Rolgod Ronght Roras Sandor Sarnorel Sarwen Sathel Selick Sevethor Shoniel Sianrithor Sidolos Sillortus Sindrinath Siresladir Situnelia Slenril Spriel Sprielwara Sprilis Sproth Surey Swoollow Sylandaen Teran Teria Thadaers Thadel Thilan Thirilin Tholmer Thoripleth Thrabel Thriel Throth Tiblucin Trilionn Trinragas Ulbina Ulete Ulthrimril Ultus Ulverel Valilth Vegal Venor Verriel Vislanras Wercate Wiirranius
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tearsinflamesrpg · 4 years
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#ShonenRPG #LoveStory
La dama del destino es una fiel musa que se levanta por encima de lo incomprensible, sus finos dedos suelen hacer girar la rueca del tiempo, torciendo y moviendo el delgado hilo a fin de satisfacer sus caprichos absurdos.
Hacía muchos ayeres, una guerra se originó en una ciudad de Japón, se cobró incontables vidas, y muchos sacrificios en pos de materializar la cumbre de la maldad, pues el santo grial era solo un pretexto por el cual dejar germinar una masacre cruenta. Resultaba curioso que bajo ese contexto, un ganador fuese genuinamente victorioso. Pero la excepción también solía darse, ¿sería un capricho de nuestra musa del destino?
Un rey sumergido en una vida cotidiana, los recuerdos sobre su pasado estaban bien cimentados dentro de su memoria, recordaba hasta el punto indicado de su muerte; sin embargo lo sorprendente era su propia existencia. Un antiguo monarca viviendo de lo más normal, había luchado una guerra de la cual logró vencer junto a su compañera, una mocosa que conocía desde pequeña. Vaya ironía.
Tohsaka Rin, la prometedora maga. Gilgamesh había sido un conocido suyo, luego por una conexión paso a volverse su primer hombre en la cama, dando como resultado ser ese compañero durante toda la masacre, y finalmente acompañarla a Londres, cumpliendo todas esas cosas que una pareja suele hacer.
Sí, habían aprovechado a disfrutar toda esa sabiduría antigua respecto a la vida. Sobrevivían a base de amor, comprensión y toda la riqueza que poseía aquel servant.
Se encontraba el protagonista sentado en una banca de la cocina, estaba bebiendo una taza de café humeante, debía reconocer su creciente aprecio por tan buen brebaje. Era todo un aficionado a su sabor por las mañanas, delante estaba el periódico abierto, tenía unas cuantas noticias.
“ El mundo es mejor desde que los gusanos son una excelente proteína. El matrimonio exitoso de la señora Sakura Emiya y Shirou Emiya exportan su cosecha a los lugares más hambrientos, como lo es África. “ Sus ojos se posaron sobre esa noticia momentos atrás, por lo cual tuvo que soltar una risa característica suya.
— Cada cosa en su lugar, hasta los mestizos logran salir del fango de vez en cuando.—
Tohsaka Rin
 Cuando se enteró de su estado, o más bien… al estar indudablemente segura de ello, empezó a rememorar todos los sucesos más importantes de su vida, curiosamente en todos ellos está Gilgamesh. Al quedar huérfana a temprana edad su custodia pasó a las manos de Kotomine Kirei, fue viviendo con este cuando conoció al peculiar rubio de quien se enteraría más tarde se trataba de un servant cuyo cuerpo volvió a ser de carne y hueso gracias al lodo del Grial, una revelación impactante tras otra fue lo que marcó su adolescencia, de algún modo sobrevivió a todo ello y más tarde se encontró a sí misma llevando una vida de pareja con aquel que alguna vez fue un rey y de quien todavía se habla en los libros de historia.
 Sonrió con una emoción tan conmovedora que llegó a derramar un par de lagrimas, está enamorada de él, es feliz, lleva una buena vida, aún así se pregunta cómo tomará la noticia el rubio, ¿es este un buen momento para formar una familia? Actualmente dedican gran parte de su tiempo a resolver peligrosos casos relacionados con el mundo de la hechicería, también realizando algunos trabajos de caza recompensas, deberá tomarse un descanso de todo ello para no poner en riesgo su vida ni la del ser que ahora lleva dentro.
 —Gil —lo interrumpió al ingresar en la cocina, cuando tuvo su atención se plantó delante de él y sin rodeos le mostró la prueba de embarazo positiva—. Estoy embarazada.
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"Only my favorite people get my special kind of sass."
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wickednerdery · 5 years
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Because, once upon a time, I promised @lady-crowned-with-stars I’d make Gilrin/Ulfr gifs and, despite taking ridiculous amounts of time, I keep my promises, lol!
Hope you like them!!
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((They’re all made by me from gifs found on Google))
Others Who Might Care: @holykryptonitekitten @moonfaery @chibiyanai @ultrarebelheart @lukeevansandjdmobession
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iminye · 3 years
Hi! 1, 11, 25 for Gilrin?
Hello! Thank you for your ask!
For context: Gilrin is Maglors Daughter. She was born at the very beginning of the third age and is generally very open, cheerful and positive so these questions were kind of challenging.
1. What’s your oc’s most irrational fear? Is there a specific reason this fear came about?
Gold (The metal)
This fear came to be because gold was the part of the reason her older brother died (he was present during Smaug's attack on Erebor and died trying to save at least some of the People living there)
She gets anxious even when she just sees Glorfindel's hair shimmering in direct sunlight or when she notices something glittering in the corner of her eye
She's aware that she shouldn't be scared of this because it's irrational
She knows she should be scared of dragons instead but she just.. isn't which confuses her very much
(I hope this makes sense)
11. Does your oc have any interests/hobbies that they hide from everyone? Why do they hide these interests?
Gilrin has a bit of a knack for jewelry making (as long as they don't involve gold)
Given her family's record involving jewelry, that's not something she would or should openly display
She does it for herself in the closure of her room and hides the pieces she made under her bed
Only her mother and Arwen know about her hobby (her brother did too but he never said anything about it)
25. How does your oc handle sadness?
Gilrin has a talent for painting and drawing and when she's sad or grieving she just starts to paint something related to the things that made her sad
For example: When Celebrían, who was like a big sister to her, had to sail, she painted a very life like mural of her and Elrond on one of Rivendells walls
Same thing happened when her brother and one of her uncles died
It just helps her cope
Ask me about my OCs!
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😳  if your muse thinks mine is pretty. 
- @madxcaptain
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"Thank you, love," @madxcaptain
(//thank you 💕)
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determined-magi · 6 months
" Today i've had a pleasant surprise... "
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" Apparently my students prepared a surprise party, thinking it was my birthday... "
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loki-and-sigyn-asks · 5 years
❝You have such a beautiful way of telling lies. I almost believe them.❞ Gilrin compliments the god and takes a sip from her cup. ❝It's impressive, the way you play with words and the people you talk to.❞ //I have missed you. 💚
Loki chuckles and sips his wine. “Darling, you should know I don’t lie to you.” He grins. “Only to play the political game here in the palace.” //I missed you too
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empirexsin · 7 months
" you don't even know me " @lady-crowned-with-stars
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it has been two months into their arranged marriage. unaccustomed to one another. how glances have been shared between them and few words. sometimes he has caught himself looking in her direction with intrigue. each saunter and movement of her silhouette, making him curious.
" but you are very good at pretending you do. and feigning interest in me, gilrin " he muses. he has been sat alone, within the empty hall of faces - marble statues of emperors before him, ancestors. quietly in thought, a moment of peace, where the people do not need to fear that their emperor commodus shall shed violence or allow his temper to get the better of him.
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