#gimme dem feels
wallcrawlparker · 11 months
Gimme Feels my Dudes
Starter Call (??) for any muse that would have known Peter before Dr Strange had him wiped from everyone's memory. I am craving a thread where Peter does everything he can think of to get someone to remember him and the amazing relief when someone DOES ✨
p.s. If you're a Tony and want this sort of cuteness, I'm happy with Tony miraculously having survived and/or a multiverse situation 👀
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WiP Wednesday!!
Iiii'm tagging @kcscribbler @thosegayoldmen @loki-is-my-kink-awakening @lokimobius @sweeteatercat @ anyone else whose username I can't remember. No pressure tags, either to read or post anything 😘😎
For context, this story’ll take place some time after my first coochieverse fic, Sledgehammer. Transmasc Mobius/transmasc Don, sex tape shenanigans, angst and smut galore.
For the purposes of this fic, Loki’s snuck off to the Sacred Timeline to find something for his and Mobius’ anniversary -- no, it isn’t an actual anniversary, but he’s never had one, and he wants an excuse to do something nice for him and Mobius. Mostly for Mobius, but you know. Dorks and feels.
He visits an adult toy store, and is helped by a very knowledgeable young man with shoulder length blond hair and a bit of a familiar dialect - but Loki’s too fascinated by everything on display to properly look at the guy, or register his face. He’s in a sex shop for the very first time of his life. Priorities, people.
And yes, this snippet is very very NSFW. Read on below the cut. 
“Ooh. A man after my own heart. Just a tic!” The helpful young clerk disappeared behind the corner to grab something off the shelves a little bit further in, and came back with no less than two different boxes. The brand was ‘Lelo,’ which told him nothing, and while the little doodads on display behind the clear front were…uninspiring at best, just holding the boxes gave him a visceral thrill.
“Here ya go,” said his new best friend. “Start off with this little guy, get those juices going, and when you really wanna rev his engine?”
Loki stared at the little packages. Exclusive looking, for what they were. Sonic, vibrating clitoral stimulators… “Fascinating.” He turned his head to properly look at the clerk, to thank him for his obvious expertise, but ended up staring at the poor man instead. It was a mistake to muster up the courage to talk about sex like a pair of adults engaging in a transactional Midgard custom. To look him in the eye, rather than let contextual embarrassment guide his eyes elsewhere.
It was the Don of his collected dreams and nightmares. Don from the home made sex tape that ended up changing everything for himself and Mobius. Long floofy, sunkissed blond hair. Peachy lip balm. Criminally tight, low cut jeans. And-- Why was he suddenly taller? Were those high heeled boots?
“Uncle Jethro’s gonna kill me for saying this, but all you need is your hand. Have your man use that on his clit until he’s gaggin’ for it, and then you use two fingers on his g-spot. But not like--”
He deftly demonstrated the fluttery, rubbing, wave motions Loki usually did, and Loki could feel his face heat up like a forest fire.
“--but you lock your fingers at a ninety degree angle to your palm and pull up. Like, aim for the ceiling, up, up, up, up. Go fast. Hold his pelvis down, and don’t worry about being too rough, he can take it. You’ll know you’re golden by the wet noises.”
“I, what?”
“I got two words for you, handsome. ‘Fountain.’ ‘Orgasm.’ He’ll love you forever.” Don leans against the shelf. “...now, what’s your pleasure?” Overt, come hither, how do ya like dem apples, pouty lips, shock full of confidence and swagger
“I. Uh,” Loki squeaked. “I beg your pardon?”
“What kinda toy do ya want him to use on you? Gimme something to work with.”
“Aw. You’re precious.” Don patted his hand, which was still clutching one of the clitoral stimulator packages he brought over in a white-knuckled grip. “I like you.”
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apfelhalm · 8 months
I was wondering if you could gimme some feelings in these cold winter days with the prompt from this writing prompts with Izana x Kakucho from Tokyo Revengers 🥺
50 Types of Kisses - Writing Prompts
"An accidental brush of lips followed by a pause and going back for another, on purpose."
Source: https://www.tumblr.com/kashimalin-fanfiction/178524845380?source=share
"Na?" Izana reckt das Kinn in die Höhe und seine neuen Ohrringe klackern leise vor sich hin. Er fragt nicht wirklich nach Kakuchos Meinung - Izana hat schon immer nur das getan, worauf er Bock hatte -, aber er will die Bestätigung, die einem König zusteht.
Kakucho mustert ihn. Die Anhänger passen gut zur Tenjiku-Uniform, noch besser zu Izanas schmalem, eleganten Gesicht. Allerdings ... Kakuchos Hand bewegt sich von ganz alleine auf Izanas Ohrläppchen zu, wo er den halboffenen Verschluss des Ohrrings bemerkt hat. Jemand anderen hätte er niemals so nah an Izana herangelassen, doch für ihn selbst gelten diese Regeln nicht. Kakucho ist Izanas Diener und ein Diener muss seinem König manchmal unauffällig unter die Arme greifen. So wie jetzt. Er lehnt sich vor und fummelt an dem Verschluss, bis er einrastet.
"Jetzt passt es", brummt er und guckt zu Izana hoch, genau als dieser ihm das Gesicht zudreht. Heißer Atem streift über seine Wange, dann warme Lippen über seine: unerwartet, kaum spürbar und so schnell wieder weg, wie sie da waren. Kakucho wird heiß und kalt, bevor er erstarrt.
Für einen Moment sehen sie sich einfach nur an. Izanas Blick ist wie der einer Schlange, lauernd und unberechnbar, doch dann verzieht er den Mund zu einem kleinen, amüsierten Lächeln. Er legt den Kopf schief, wie eine Einladung, wie eine Herausforderung, und Kakucho schluckt schwer. Ah, denkt er, und dann Scheiß drauf, als er sich erneut vorlehnt und das holt, was er schon immer haben wollte.
Izanas Lippen sind weich, genauso wie das blasse Haar, durch das Kakucho jetzt mit seinen Fingern kämmt. Schon damals im Waisenhaus hat er sich gefragt, wie es wohl wäre, Izana Kurokawa auf diese Weise zu berühren, ihn zu küssen. Es ist genauso, wie er es sich vorgestellt hat, und ganz, ganz anders. Wie das Gefühl, wenn sie im Winter ein Iglu gebaut haben, bis ihre Finger steif wurden, aber so breit dabei gegrinst haben, dass seine Backen wehgetan haben. Weich und kalt und schneidend und warm, alles auf einmal.
Als er sich zurücklehnt, ist ihm ein bisschen schwummrig und das Blut rauscht ihm so laut in den Ohren, dass er kaum Izanas leises Seufzen hört. Wie in Trance reibt er mit dem Daumen über Izanas Ohrläppchen und lässt den Anhänger noch einmal durch seine Finger gleiten.
"Sie steh'n dir", sagt er schließlich mit rauer Stimme und Izana leckt sich langsam über die Lippen, bevor er ihn leise anlächelt. Ein Lächeln wie Schnee im Winter.
"Ich weiß."
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
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A B C H L for Mukuro! Gimme dem deets
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A   :   AFFECTION.how does your muse show affection?
— Mukuro is a very physically affectionate person, so she shows a lot of her love through touching/PDA/hand holding/cuddling/etc. She also loves cooking for her SOs and will love to bring them meals or invite them over to cook for them.
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
— Mukuro loves flowers!! Any type of lilies are her favourite. She's honestly not a super huge fan of roses, she's not too keen on the smell of them.
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
— She enjoys it! Mainly dark or white, she's not a big fan of milk chocolate. And Mukuro's more of a fan of chocolate covered items or like a caramel filled chocolate treat, she's not super into just solid chunks of chocolate.
H   :   HEART.   is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
— Mukuro's rather slow at that, she can catch feelings for someone rather quickly but she won't really let anyone have her heart until she's absolutely confident that the relationship she's in, is a very very long term one
L   :   LOVE.   who does your muse love?
— This is a very verse dependent answer, but for a constant answer, she's always going to be in love with her late fiance. Ryu is someone that Mukuro is going to never stop loving.
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【 valentine's day alphabet 】 ♡ 【 accepting 】
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schorschidk · 3 months
Yellow Jockey Open Air 2024: Musikfestival der Extraklasse mit Nico Santos, Wincent Weiss und The BossHoss
Musikfans dürfen sich freuen: Das Yellow Jockey Open Air startet in diesem Jahr endlich aus der Startbox auf der Galopprennbahn in Bad Harzburg. Es verspricht schon heute unvergessliche Erlebnisse und Glücksgefühle unter freiem Himmel. Vom 2. bis zum 4. August 2024 verwandelt sich die grüne Galopprennbahn in Bad Harzburg in eine pulsierendes Mekka für einige der größten Namen der deutschen Musikszene: Nico Santos, Wincent Weiss und The BossHoss.
Der Starter: Nico Santos
Der charismatische Sänger und Songwriter Nico Santos, bekannt durch Hits wie „Rooftop“ und „Safe“, macht den Anfang und wird das Publikum mit seiner einzigartigen Stimme und energiegeladenen Performance begeistern. Seine Musik, die durch eingängige Melodien und emotionale Texte besticht, verspricht ein gelungener Auftakt der neuen Konzertreihe zu werden.
Publikumsliebling: Wincent Weiss
Wincent Weiss, der Dauerbrenner der deutschen Popmusik, wird mit seinen gefühlvollen Songs wie „Musik sein“ und „Feuerwerk“ die Herzen der Fans höher schlagen lassen. Seine Fähigkeit, persönliche Erlebnisse und Emotionen in seine Musik zu integrieren, macht ihn zu einem besonderen Künstler, der live eine außergewöhnliche Atmosphäre schafft. Wincent hat die diesen Tagen mit seinem Team auch das Finale der aktuellen Staffel von „The Voice Kids“ gewonnen und ist auch bei uns der absolute Liebling des Publikums.
Rockige Klänge: The BossHoss
Die Rock- und Country-Band The BossHoss, bekannt für ihren unverwechselbaren Sound und ihre mitreißenden Live-Auftritte, wird das Yellow Jockey Open Air mit einem explosiven Mix aus Rock und Country am 4. August für dieses Jahr beenden. Ihre Hits wie „Don't Gimme That“ und „Jolene“ sorgen garantiert für eine ausgelassene Stimmung und jede Menge Rock’n’Roll-Feeling.
Ein Wochenende voller Musik und Unterhaltung
Die drei Open Airs bieten nicht nur hochkarätige Live-Musik, sondern auch ein abwechslungsreiches Rahmenprogramm. Besucher können sich auf vielfältige gastronomische Angebote, tägliche Supportbands sowie eine grüne Oase im Harz freuen. Dazu werden unsere Partner noch die ein oder andere Überraschung bereithalten, die es auf der weitläufigen Galopprennbahn zu entdecken gilt. Das idyllische Gelände der Galopprennbahn in Bad Harzburg bietet die perfekte Kulisse für ein entspanntes und zugleich aufregendes Konzerterlebnis.
Tickets und weitere Informationen
Der Vorverkauf für das Yellow Jockey Open Air 2024 hat bereits begonnen. Tickets sind online über www.yellow-jockey.de sowie bei allen bekannten Vorverkaufsstellen erhältlich. Auch regional können alle Interessierten Tickets in den Touristinfos von Bad Harzburg und Goslar, im Shop der Goslarschen Zeitung sowie im Kulturklub Bad Harzburg erwerben.
Wichtig: Wer mit dem Auto anreist und unmittelbar am Konzertgelände parken möchte, braucht hierzu ein täglich wechselndes Parkticket. Dieses ist für nur drei Euro unter www.yellow-jockey.de sowie bei den Offline Vorverkaufsstellen zu erwerben. Sitzplatztickets gibt es nur noch sehr begrenzt für das Konzert von Nico Santos. Für die beiden anderen Shows ist dieses Kontingent bereits restlos ausverkauft. Stehplatzticktes gibt es für alle drei Tage weiterhin unbegrenzt.
Weitere Informationen zum Line-up, den Vorbands, Anreise und Rahmenprogramm finden Interessierte auf der Website.
Über das Yellow Jockey Open Air
Das Yellow Jockey Open Air ist das größte Open Air Event im Harz. Es bildet die Nachfolgeveranstaltung des legendären MINER’S ROCK aus Goslar, welches zum Jahresende 2023 beendet wurde. Die Veranstalter sind ihrer Region treu geblieben und haben zu Jockeys umgeschult.
Freigegebenes Zitat Christian Burgart
„Wir freuen uns auf einen fantastischen Auftakt im Sommer und darauf, mit ganz vielen Fans und guter Musik gemeinsam zu feiern!“
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xneontragedyx · 5 months
Joeboy Body & Soul Lyrics | Boomplay
Body & Soul Lyrics
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Body & Soul Lyrics
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Album:Body & Soul
Year of Release:2023
Body & Soul - Joeboy
dey sing, you dey dance, you dey whine
When you cry I go wipe your eyes
Gimme your bag make I fill am with dough
I'm the only one, you no need another
I'll hold you down
You know this, you notice, bebe
And I've told you now
I'm right here, I dey for you, bae
E no get anywhere wey I wan go
If I could I would love you in my next life
I don't really care about tomorrow
As long as you dey right now I go dey fine
You gat me high when I'm low low
Shawty, you can take my soul
All these things wey I dey talk right now
I dey feel am for my body and bone, oh
Body and soul
Body and soul
Body and soul (oh ho oh)
Body and soul
I love the way you put it on me
That thing wey you dey do me e dey mad me
It's a vibe when I'm rocking your body
No competition for your side oh dem no reach
Make you look me wella I no be novice
Only you, I want don't need nobody, no oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
So baby girl, I'll hold you down
You know this, you notice, bebe
And I've told you now
I dey here, I dey for you, bae
I'll hold you down
You know this, you notice, bebe
And I've told you now
I dey here, I dey for you, bae
E no get anywhere wey I wan go
If I could I would love you in my next life
I don't really care about tomorrow
As long as you dey right now I go dey fine
You got me high when I'm low low
Shawty, you can take my soul
All these things wey I dey talk right now
I dey feel am for my body and soul, oh (Oh)
I dey feel am, I dey feel am, I dey feel am oh way
Joeboy Pon deck (hmm hmmm hmmm)
(I dey feel am, I dey feel am, I dey feel am for my body and soul)
(I dey feel am, I dey feel am, I dey feel am for my body and soul)
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Emmanuel Nwosu / Joseph Akinfenwa Donus / Samuel Adetiloye / Wade Oghenejabor
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jimbles-archive · 6 months
FU ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐
Seriously, FU (ಠ_ಠ)┌∩┐
I don't care ╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮
The Finger And The Ass ┌∩┐(‿|‿)┌∩┐
The Finger And The Boobs ┌∩┐(◟‿◞◟‿◞)┌∩┐
Oh Yeah? WFU ╭∩╮ (òÓ,) ╭∩╮
Table Flip (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Flip All Dem Tablez ┻━┻︵ (°□°)/ ︵ ┻━┻
Epic Table Flip (˚Õ˚)ر ~~~~╚╩╩╝
Ok. I Put Table Back ┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
Put More Tables Back ┏━┓┏━┓┏━┓ ︵ /(^.^/)
Anon ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)
Punch! O=('-'Q)
Pistols ̿' ̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=(◕_◕)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿
Flex, Don't Mess ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
Peace Yo! (‾⌣‾)♉
Oh Hell Yeah (òÓ,)_\,,/
Right Back At Ya! (☞゚∀゚)☞
Gimme ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Serious Face (ಠ_ಠ)
Angry Face (⋟﹏⋞)
Happy Square 【ツ】
So Sorry (ノ´д`)
Yes! Success .(•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
Meh! Thingies ¯_(ツ)/¯ ヽ(。°)ノ ヾ(o・ω・)ノ
Goofy Faces ಠಠ (•̪●) (॓॔) ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃•̃) ۶ ٩(̾●̮̮̃ ̾•̃̾)۶
More Goofy Faces ٩(-̮̮̃- ̃)۶ ◜☋◝ ◭,◭   •ิ.• ๏̯͡๏   ̃๏̯̃๏  
More More Goofy Faces ๏̯̃๏ ツ [O.o] 
Zombie [¬º-°]¬
Wot? I'm Confused ( •᷄ὤ•᷅)?
Crazy Bastard (⊙_◎)
Crazy Bitch (⊙﹏⊙✿)
Crazy, I Can't Even (。☉౪ ⊙。)
Headphones d[-_-]b
Boom Box ♫♪.ılılıll|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|llılılı.♫♪
Party Time ┏(--)┛┗(-- )┓┗(--)┛┏(--)┓
Sunglasses ( ••) ( ••)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)
Help ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶
Fuck Off t(-.-t)
Facepalm (>ლ)
Happy ۜ (סּںסּَ` )/ۜ
Pirate ✌(◕‿-)✌
Robber -╤╗(◙◙)╔╤- - - - \o/ \o/ \o/
You Vaporized! ( ●_●)-((⌼===<((() ≍≍≍≍≍ ♒ ✺ ♒ ZAP!
Sleeping (-.-)Zzz…
Sad (╥﹏╥)
Rage t(ಠ益ಠt)
Sunny Day ☁ ▅▒░☼‿☼░▒▅ ☁
Lenny Face ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Smug Bastard •|龴◡龴|•
Sparkling Heart -`ღ´-
Love Note 웃❤유
Boobies (. )( .)
Big Boobies ( o Y o )
Huge Boobies →→ (︶^︶) ←←
Perky Boobies ( ๏ Y ๏ )
Russian Boobies [.][.]
Small D 8=D
Big D 8=============D
A Limp D 8~~~D
Sperm ~~o
Love in my eyes (♥_♥)
In Love (✿ ♥‿♥)
Hugs (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
Hugs And Kisses (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Kisses Thingies ( ˘ ³˘)❤ (*^3^) (´ε` )♡
In Love, Holding Hands ../(,”)\♥ ♥(“.)
Love Feels Thingies =♥   (♥♥,)   ❣   ➳♥
Pretty Feels Thingies ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿   ❀◕ ‿ ◕❀   ❁◕ ‿ ◕❁
Hug Me (っ◕‿◕)っ
Stars in my Eyes ✌⊂(✰‿✰)つ✌
OMG Wat? ◕_◕
Fuckin Man Tears ಥ_ಥ
Atish (| - _ - |)
Shit, Hide! |_・) |・ω・`)
Happieee ⎦˚◡˚⎣ (。◝‿◜。)
Yay! (ˆ˚ˆ)/
OMG! Insane Happy O(≧▽≦)O
Love You »-(¯·.·´¯)->NAME<-(¯·.·´¯)-«
OMG, Love It! ☜♡☞
Coffee c[_]
Airplane ✈
Flowers ✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁ ❃ ❋
Weather ☼ ☀ ☁ ☂ ☃ ☄ ☾ ☽ ❄ ☇ ☈ ⊙ ☉ ℃ ℉ ° ❅ ✺ ϟ
Sword o()xxxx[{::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::>
Band Aid ( ̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅ ̲̅]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅ )
Fish Swimming ¸.·´¯·.´¯·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸><(((º>
Polar Bear ˁ˚ᴥ˚ˀ
Koala @( * O * )@
Cat 龴ↀ◡ↀ龴
Mouse ----{,_,">
Butterfly Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
Cute Cat ^⨀ᴥ⨀^
Happy Cat <(^.^)>
Snail '-'@
Musical ¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸
Happy Birthday To You ¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸
Decorations ▂▃▅▇█▓▒░۩۞۩ ۩۞۩░▒▓█▇▅▃▂
Play Cards [♥]]] [♦]]] [♣]]] [♠]]]
Play Chess ♚ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ♟ ♔ ♕ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♙
Play Ping Pong ( ••)O*¯·.¸.·´¯°Q(•• )
Multiplayer 웃웃웃vs웃웃웃
Needle [ ]--["""""|"""""|"""""|"""""|]>----------
Cribs Yo! ̡͌l̡̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡|̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲▫̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲͡▫̲̲͡͡ ̲|̡̡̡ ̡ ̴̡ı̴̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡
Crap! They're After Me! ..( ‘_’)……………..☻…HELP!!!!
Gender ♋ ♂ ♀ ☿ 웃 유
Just Music Thingies ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ♭ ♮
Skrillex Yo! ϟƘƦƖןןΣx
Me and Ma Boys (-(-(--)_-)-)
Me And Ma Girls (three coz girls cant even) ✿ (◠◡(◠◡◠)◡◠)✿
LOLWUT █▄▄ ███ █▄▄ █▄█▄█ █▄█ ▀█▀
Battery low 5% █ ̲̅ ̲̅ ̲̅ ̲̅ ̲̅ ̲̅ ̲̅ ̲̅ ̲̅ ̲̅ ̲̅ ̲̅ ̲̅ ̲̅ ̲̅ ̲̅ ̲̅ ̲̅ ̲̅ ̲̅]
Rifle ︻デ═一
Creepy bleeding eyes guy ༼;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ༽
Raise your dongers! ส็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ส้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้
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drogba-prospect · 6 months
Sean Paul - Like Glue (Official Video)
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah, feel dat trend now, yeah yeah
Chanderpaul, so mi go so then
Well I don't really care what people say
I don't really watch what dem waan do
Still I got to stick to my girls like glue
And I mon nah play number two
All I know the time it is gettin' dread
Need a lot of trees up in my head
Got a lotta damsel in my bed to run dat red
Well enough little girl dem out o' road dem got di goody goody
One ting mi haffi tell dem Dutty got di woody woody
Front way back way Cutie K man haffi shooby shooby
Virgin dem waan gimme an mi haffi tooky tooky
Hot girls outta road dat seh dem see mi see mi
And a tell mi seh dem have somethin fi gimme gimme
How much a one night dem all a dream bout di jimmy jimmy
Dem a promise and a tell mi seh a fi mi fi mi
But a promise is a comfort to a fool, so cool
Well yuh dun know seh dat man haffi rule, di school
We nuh pet dem just wet dem up just like a pool
Man a dignitary me haffi use up mi tool
Well I don't really care what people say
I don't really watch what dem waan do
Still I got to stick to my girls like glue
And I mon nah play number two
All I know the time it is gettin' dread
Need a lot of trees up in my head
Got a lotta damsel in my bed to run dat red
So how can they waan big up dem chest
But they dun know Dutty Cup we deyah rated as di best
A wouldn't they love fi see Sean Paul dis
We nuh cater fi nuh guy and only girls we a request
So gimme di gal dem yow in every minute him wid it
Fi get di gal dem exquisite and get dem regular visit
Just gimme di gal dem yow dem all a pressure mi cellular
Seh a mi a di dappa dem waan fi be dem big poppa
Gimme di gal dem, off a di chronic we tek a drag
And I don't mean to brag everyday I got to shag
Gimme di gal dem every time I look inna mi mind
Is only girls ah weh mi find and true mi love dem design
Well I don't really care what people say
I don't really watch what dem waan do
Still I got to stick to my girls like glue
And I mon nah play number two
All I know the time it is gettin' dread
Need a lot of trees up in my head
Got a little damsel in my bed to run dat red
Some guy a live dem life and dem nuh really waan check it
Dem have nuh girl nuh wife nuh woman dem nah select it
Sometime mi haffi wonder if dem headset dem wreck it
Jah know dem ago bun well if dem don't waan correct it
Oh please, dem nuh wannabees
Dem hangout wid too much dogs and catch fleas
Dem nuh waan nuh honey, dem only waan di money
Dat's how mi know seh dem bwoy deh all a move funny
Look like dem lost, livin' in di past
One ting mi haffi tell dem, sorry mom
Dem better move fast, before we get crossed
Badman nuh cater fi dem just because, mi go so then
Well I don't really care what people say
I don't really watch what dem waan do
Still I got to stick to my girls like glue
And I mon nah play number two
All I know the time it is gettin' dread
Need a lot of trees up in my head
Got a lotta damsel in my bed to run dat red
Well enough little girl dem out o' road dem got di goody goody
One ting mi haffi tell dem Dutty got di woody woody
Front way, back way, Cutie K man haffi shooby shooby
Virgin dem waan gimme an mi haffi tooky tooky
Hot girls outta road dat seh dem see mi see mi
And a tell mi seh dem have somethin fi gimme gimme
How much a one night dem all a dream bout di jimmy jimmy
Dem a promise and a tell mi seh a fi mi fi mi
But a promise is a comfort to a fool, so cool
Well yuh dun know seh dat man haffi rule, di school
We nuh pet dem just wet dem up just like a pool
Man a dignitary me haffi use up mi tool
Well I don't really care what people say
I don't really watch what dem waan do
Still I got to stick to my girls like glue
And I mon nah play number two
All I know the time it is gettin' dread
Need a lot of trees up in my head
Got a little damsel in my bed to run dat red
Well I don't really care what people say
I don't really watch what dem waan do
Still I got to stick to my girls like glue
ADÉLAÏDE (Jordyn Huitema)
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clickvibes · 8 months
New Music: Ajebo Hustlers x Odumodublvck - 'Celine Dion'
Highlife duo, Ajebo Hustlers, have released new single “Celine Dion,” featuring Odumodublvck, it also comes with a visualizer dropped on youtube. https://youtu.be/AEwtrVtmgDU Lyrics Celine Dion ft. Odumodublvck - Ajebo Hustlers ... AVANTI. (PIEGO) Girlie she dey feeling me on Girlie she dey sing like celion dion Girlie she dey lead me on Girlie she go wound me, she go killy me on. Girlie she dey feeling me on Girlie she dey sing like celion dion Girlie she dey lead me on Girlie she go wound me, she go killy me on. Say Say Say gobe mama serah X4 she gimme groundnut ohh and kolanut ohh i sit down for her domot, nobody interrupt ohh, i spend a lot ohh she gimme groundnut ohh and kolanut ohh i sit down for her domot, nobody interrupt ohh, i spend a lot ohh (ODUMODUBLVCK) Yeah, she no even need to suck before she soft.(yes), Depends on how i feel modu go add ontop.(lord) Jungle jungle flood out with akpoche my love. The ego na Nonledger apply when i climb untop. Fuck her till she cum, Finger in her butt, modu you are lot, everything dey go down, kiss her in her uber. Forget driver, konji no dey show remorse, na my pumpi dey mind for long, the bobi soft, the booty more. Omo na bonafide darling, her pressure dey defile brothers, dem dey beg am with all their beautified flowers, see my kele don hammer. She tell me say dey dont matter. so its alright, its okayyyy. Say Say Say gobe mama serah X4 she gimme groundnut ohh and kolanut ohh i sit down for her domot, nobody interrupt ohh, i spend a lot ohh she gimme groundnut ohh and kolanut ohh i sit down for her domot, nobody interrupt ohh, i spend a lot ohh (KNOWLEDGE) JESU ACCRA KPOS!!!! Her attitude na zero, but she sabi kill mosquito. praaaaa. Her body dey popori, e dey boost my libido. My chikito I gbadu you till infinito. I put am for her body as i jam the Casaprito. Son of Ajah Abraham, a descendant of Apachino. No be today she don dey hear me since for abalito. Kpos daddy, Omo na me be her papito I carry go, i ball her like chicharito. she gimme groundnut ohh and kolanut ohh i sit down for her domot, nobody interrupt ohh, i spend a lot ohh she gimme groundnut ohh and kolanut ohh i sit down for her domot, nobody interrupt ohh, i spend a lot ohh Read the full article
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No Policeman dem know
Mi good sensimilla not a deadly drug
No Policeman dem know
I smoke mi marijuana catch mi i-tal flow
A splif a day keeps the doctor away
Gimme some marijuana makes mi feel okay
Cops and politicians dem play a filthy game
Kickin and beatin that's the real shame
Sensi inna mi bag
Dotty money in dem pocket
White-collar crime skyrocket yo!
Injustice hidden by ties and jackets
When will they stop it?
When will they stop it?
No Policeman dem know
Mi good sensimilla not a deadly drug
No Policeman dem know
I smoke mi marijuana catch mi i-tal flow
Plantin a seed is not a crime for mi
There's no trick by growing my weed
Handcuffs and bars cannot hide jah jah truth
I'm not a dealer I'm a farmer from mi a youth
I work with mother earth man a straight i-tal
But babylon said man a real criminal
Babylon rise and babylon fall
Everytime mi ask dem why mi Sensi is illegal
No Policeman dem know
Mi good sensimilla not a deadly drug
No Policeman dem know
I smoke mi marijuana catch mi i-tal flow
A splif a day keeps the doctor away
Gimme some marijuana makes mi feel okay
Cops and politicians dem play a filthy game
Kickin and beatin that's the real shame
Sensi inna mi bag dotty money in dem pocket
White-collar crime skyrocket yo!
Injustice hidden by ties and jackets
When will they stop it?
When will they stop it?
No Policeman dem know
Mi good sensimilla not a deadly drug
No Policeman dem know
I smoke mi marijuana catch mi i-tal flow
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rainsmediaradio · 1 year
Vybz Kartel - Mankind Has No Love Lyrics
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Vybz Kartel - Mankind Has No Love Lyrics Intro Sometimes in a mi dream Grandmother warn me "Nuh trust dem" And sometime when mi a sleep Feel all over me, protected Sometimes in a mi dream Grandmother warn me "Nuh trust dem" And sometime when mi a sleep Feel all over me, protected Verse 1 Mi figure dem out A dem alone fi mek it, watch di ginal dem now Nothing nuffi gwan fi mi but "Jah know" Mi still a win, dem cya stop it like a.. All when mi nah play football God deh pon mi side Anuh every kill.. some a crocodile In street yuh affi slippery like a bottle a baby oil Now you see me, now you don't Rice, water, wash yuh eye Chorus Mankind have no love And dem will stoop so low Fi stop yuh food, oh no Nav nothing fi prove, no no So mi just gwan wul out Mi just deya a wul out A watch dem a bow out A watch dem a bow out Mankind have no love And dem will stoop so low Fi stop yuh food, oh no Nav nothing fi prove, no no So mi just gwan wul out Mi just deya a wul out A watch dem a bow out A watch dem a bow out Verse 2 Mi see weh yuh mean Dem tell mi seh dem love mi but dem heart nuh clean Yuh jealous of mi fi things weh mi cyah stop Like di talent God gimme cah mi cya gi' him back Yuh woulda shot mi ina mi head and tell mi mada seh a enemy Come a mi funeral and all a cry, bad energy Mummy if mi dead nuh mek nobody tell yuh sorry Memba seh yuh teach we seh nuffi trust nobody Chorus Mankind have no love And dem will stoop so low Fi stop yuh food, oh no Nav nothing fi prove, no no So mi just gwan wul out Mi just deya a wul out A watch dem a bow out A watch dem a bow out Mankind have no love And dem will stoop so low Fi stop yuh food, oh no Nav nothing fi prove, no no So mi just gwan wul out Mi just deya a wul out A watch dem a bow out A watch dem a bow out Bridge Sometimes in a mi dream Grandmother warn me "Nuh trust dem" And sometime when mi a sleep Feel all over me, protected Sometimes in a mi dream Grandmother warn me "Nuh trust dem" And sometime when mi a sleep Feel all over me, protected Verse 1 Again Mi figure dem out A dem alone fi mek it, watch di ginal dem now Nothing nuffi gwan fi mi but "Jah know" Mi still a win, dem cya stop it like a... All when mi nah play football God deh pon mi side Anuh every kill... some a crocodile In street yuh affi slippery like a bottle a baby oil Now you see me, now you don't Rice, water, wash yuh eye Chorus Mankind have no love And dem will stoop so low Fi stop yuh food, oh no Nav nothing fi prove, no no So mi just gwan wul out Mi just deya a wul out A watch dem a bow out A watch dem a bow out Mankind have no love And dem will stoop so low Fi stop yuh food, oh no Nav nothing fi prove, no no So mi just gwan wul out Mi just deya a wul out A watch dem a bow out A watch dem a bow out Read the full article
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milimima · 1 year
Gimme them racks, keep dem feelings 🤮
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eleericman · 2 years
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Doing my best just to show y’all how it’s done
I love your girl when her hair is up in a bun
Sing these songs just so she can have some fun
Lift her baggage even though it weighs a ton
Marching band back then I knew that I was the one
She’s the one too and I do it for her damn
Got a broken heart but I fixed that bitch bam
Gotta new girl and she flicks my switch man
I’m just so good
That’s an album name right there
Drop these one by one so you can have it where
Where you need me
Don’t look at me I’m just going with the flow
Bustin my own wave out you already know
I’m the best out I can feel it head to toe
Fuck with me and you’ll see how it go
I’ve lost many friends
Don’t need them
Some lost their lives
Now their in my lens
I’m just one cup of coffee in spittin gems
Ovoeric hittin hard that’s the man dem
Don’t even though what that means but it’s a price I can spend
Gimme all your hearts I can mend them
Listen to my songs you’re gonna change then
Righting my wrongs take care pen Ayy
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soho-x · 4 years
I just watched youtubespace randl, one of the questions is what's another job you will attempt and link said : hairdresser, this boi really wanted to be a hairdresser. If we get another fanfics episode, I really want one of them about link being a hairdresser, heck, I want the fics really hits home for them. No need to be that smut, angsty is okay too, and something that makes them feel soft maybe? Something that makes them think😂 Of course this time I want them to talk to the author first.
That’s one of the issues I had with the fanfic ep. it was, obviously, done to induce cringe by making them ready naughty words. But I want them to be forced to read words wherein they are loving and sweet and kind to each other. Or words in which they have to read about longing and pining and desperation. Fanfic is so much more than smut. (I know that’s rich, coming from me, but still!!!)
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nappingtopknot · 6 years
Sweet boy
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poppyssupergirl · 6 years
See It In a New Light
A few Danvers Family feels for you on this fine Sunday. 
Read it on AO3 if you’d prefer. 
It’s been a very hard day. Hard enough that she’s in the DEO, under the sunlamps, Eliza holding her hand. Her left side twinges. Her right side twinges too, but her left is the twingiest. Twingiest? Twingedest? English is weird and doesn’t have rules, twingiest it is.
Her head hurts too. Actually, there’s not much that doesn’t hurt.
“You know,” Eliza sighs from beside her, “Sometimes, I really do wish you’d never started on all of this.”
She sounds tired and Kara can’t help but agree, sometimes. Like when Alex is dragging her out of the line of fire, or Lucy’s shouting over the coms but there’s too much blood in her ears for her to understand, or when J’onn puts on her suit and always, always tucks her hair behind her ear before he leaves.
She just nods though and closes her eyes. She’s too tired to fight for all the people she’s saved right now. She’s just tired.
Eliza squeezes her hand, gently, before continuing. “I know the people on that plane matter, and I’m glad they’re all alive, I just wish you didn’t have to be the one to do this.”
But who else would? Who else could?
“I probably wouldn’t have if Alex hadn’t been on there.” And she would have regretted it too. Sitting in that bar, watching a plane crash, hundreds of lives, gone. But still, she probably wouldn’t have.
Eliza’s thumb stops its gentle rubbing. “What?”
Habits are hard to break. She’d been told for so long… “I mean, you and Alex and Jeremiah kept telling me to not show myself, to keep everyone safe. I really wouldn’t have put you all in jeopardy if Alex hadn’t been in danger. And after that, I couldn’t just keep hiding and watching people die because of my inact-”
“Kara, stop.” Eliza’s grip tightened and Kara wouldn’t even normally feel it if not for the bruises splayed across her hand. “What do you mean, ‘Alex was on that plane’?”
Kara blinks and frowns and that hurts too, but she tips her head to the side to see Eliza staring down at her and oh- oh, Alex hadn’t told her. It makes sense, she didn’t want to worry Eliza, but Rao above, she could have stopped any argument Eliza’d come up with if she’d just told Eliza the reason Kara’d finally come out of hiding.
“Eliza, I saved that plane because Alex was in it. I couldn’t let her die.” Eliza just keeps staring. “The plane was sabotaged because Alex had information from working with the DEO.”
She squeezes Eliza’s hand and Eliza deflates. Her shoulders slump and she sits back in her chair like all the fight’s been knocked out of her. Maybe Alex never would have told her. Maybe that would have been for the better.
She can’t sit up yet, might not be able to until tomorrow, but she doesn’t let go of Eliza’s hand while she processes the information. It hadn’t been a rash decision to save that plane, well it kind of was, but there hadn't been any other option available. That kind of information puts the last two years into a different light.
Hopefully, a light that eases the remaining tension between Eliza and Alex.
“Thank you.” Is all Eliza says.
They don’t talk after that, just sit together until Kara feels the warm pull of sleep. Her side twinges again, the less twingey side this time, and she goes to sleep with not a single regret.
She wakes up when Alex walks in a few hours later. It’s not so much the noise Alex brings as the smell. Particularly the smell of potstickers. Kara’d joked that they should have tried bringing in potstickers when she was under the effect of the Black Mercy. Alex hadn’t taken kindly to the joke, but she had pulled Kara into a cuddle pile for their entire Disney movie marathon. It’d been a nice evening.
Alex must still be a little cranky over the whole ‘Kara kind of ignoring her and taking on the Ronnoo by herself’ thing cause the bag of potstickers lands on her bruised leg. “Owww, Aleeex, I have a bruise there.” But hey, she’s also got potstickers there and she doesn’t feel like she’s going to die if she sits up, so, things are already looking up.
“Yeah, you’re a bruise.” Alex huffs and Kara hears her go to sit down but there are three packages of potstickers in here and wow, Alex really does love her.
“You don’t have to sta-” Alex pauses and Kara shoves a potsticker into her mouth before glancing up. “Mom?”
Eliza’s wrapped around Alex and Alex’s eye are comically wide with concern. She starts patting Eliza’s back and Kara sorta chokes on her potsticker.
It’s kinda hard to eat and cry at the same time.
“I love you, Alex.”
“Oh. Okay. I love you too, mom.”
Alex sends her a look and Kara just shakes her head before turning a bit. They deserve some time just to be together. She tries her best not to sniffle before shoving another potsticker in her mouth.
She gets through two of the packages before Eliza pushes the sunlamps back so they can all crowd onto Kara’s bed, Eliza between the two of them. Alex goes with it and they all squish a little closer together.
It’s warm and good and Kara just wants to stay here for the rest of the day. For the rest of the week even, with the smell of home around her. She’s half asleep again until she hears paper rustling and-
“Hey! Those are my potstickers!”
“Ya snooze, ya loose.”
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