#gimme the angst pls
rapidhighway · 8 months
K I've been thinking about this for like a week now. Ignoring any immortal headcanons if you have them. Knuckles knows he's not going to be able to guard the Master Emerald forever and that probably troubles him, but, if he was dying do you think he'd ask Sonic to guard it? He's the person with a unique connection to Chaos and the Chaos Emeralds and he's basically chosen one the most specialest guy, and one of the few people Knuckles could trust with that duty.
Of course I think Sonic would say no. I think he'd never be able to do that and he wouldn't want to.
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lalalak3 · 10 months
i need more body horror danny phantom fics.
give me the dude coming to terms with shit. noticing how fucking odd he feels in his own body, once he learns about cores i wanna see him going "i am not really human anymore, am i?", i wanna see his internal dialogue the first time he phases through something
or in some dcxdp au where one of the bats becomes a halfa and we get to see their grief about it, cause most of the times i only see "hell yeah, ghost powers", but the implications man dhhdbdbdf
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french-toast-enjoyer · 2 months
pssst @symbiotic-slime @rkmoon please tell me what I should draw from the story I infodumped to y'all about I need art ideas.
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soulsuckrrs · 10 months
open to: m/f/anyone connection: ex business partner & lover. plot: after years of being apart, ex-business partners (& lovers) find themselves working to get the same item for different clients from a ruthless gang involved in transporting items on the black market. they get in over their heads & have to work together in order to get out alive, getting close once again & rekindling some old feelings. hmu if you wanna talk about the plot! editor: using beta
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“There are people out there trying to kill us and you’re worried about that right now?” Ina snapped, spinning to face the other again as she jabbed an index finger and her hand towards the door that almost seemed like the last thing between them and certain death. Her heart hammered in her chest but not only because she’d been running only moments prior to them barricading themselves in this room. Doing her best in calming down her heart rate Inadraith took a couple deep breaths, knowing that losing her temper wasn’t the best way to get out of this. She knew that she had an ace up her sleeve to get herself out of this situation but despite herself Ina couldn’t leave the other, no matter how much of a pain in the ass she thought they were right now.
With a short growl Ina shifted away from the other, running her hands through her hair roughing to shove it out of her hot face, doing what she could to simmer that fire inside of her, this wasn’t the time or place to unleash it. “If you have any ideas of getting us out of here alive then I’m all fucking ears,” she said finally, shifting to glance back at the other, now half across the room from them. Her hands dropped from her hair to pose one against her hip and the other gripping the back of the chair she stood next to for support and grounding.
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ficsandfandom · 11 months
not a fic rec but:
‘how to train ur dragon’ but sterek!! it’s literally perfect so:
a deep bias against werewolves by general society, sheriff stilinski trying to keep his people safe and Stiles being stiles.
Claudia is gone… JNTIL WE GET TO that bit in the ice dragon movie (it’s been a while since i’ve watched httyd) when it’s revealed she’s been with the Hale pack? or just like other OC wolves? or maybe Satomi’s pack!!! yh that’s better BC IT SETS UP
One night stiles finds a wolf in the forest (mess with the timelines here mb? have this happen just after the fire? so he finds derek but wolfed out and they start bonding (pls can he know he’s not like a dog- and derek becomes human form quite early on x))
over time, we find out that sm from the village- the argents have always been there, vocal about the dangers of werewolves but no one had thought kate was hunting them down the way she did the hales- had massacred the pack and it’s like a thing. slowly public opinion changes and just follow whatever else happens in httyd but have stiles and derek get together instead.
peter could just pop in and out and ig scott could get bitten to kickstart it.
but i rlly want the claudia stilinksi revealed scene- it’s what prompted this post!! and stiles being magic too bc why not?!
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touchbased · 4 months
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"no, uh, sorry. that's great." it isn't, actually, because despite the fact that the whole goal was to make their exes come back to them, damien was starting to think (hope) it wouldn't actually happen. but he can't say that, can he? so he forces a smile and nod. "means we're doing something right, yeah?" / @angeldcgs
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returnofahsoka · 9 months
hi i'm shy to ask but does anyone have any opla-friendly fic recs? by that i mean, set in the same part of the plot as the live action adaptation so it doesn't get too spoilery. or just tips and pointers on how to filter for specifically east blue saga fics on ao3?
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storm--bound · 8 months
anxiously refreshing patreon and youtube
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koishua · 2 years
none of the angsts angsting on the newer gen kpoppieblr
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lunaetis · 2 years
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[ i want to do more writing but i can hardly keep my eyes open so i shall throw myself to bed. i want to do starter call for new followers but i still owe quite a few so i might make a few opens tmr instead ! the best way to interact with me is to send unprompted asks or poke me ooc or just throw ideas at me LIKE YANK ME BY THE NECK & SAY LET’S PLOT / WRITE. anyway, sleep time for the pupper ! hope you all have a great day / night on your end ! ]
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cornylovers · 2 years
Y’all I just want some sad gut wrenching angst that makes me bawl my eyes out. Breakup? Someone dying? Cheating? Toxic relationship? Idc
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ozlices · 1 year
im knocking on the door of all danvan fans give me headcanons in my ask box im starving please hear the jingle jangle of my coin tin
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itwasmagic · 2 years
fic trope preferences
tagged by @hillaryscotts
slow burn or love at first sight // fake dating or secret dating // enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers // oh no there is only one bed or long-distance correspondence // hurt-comfort or amnesia // fantasy au or modern au // mutual pining or domestic bliss // smut or fluff // canon-compliant or fix-it // reincarnation or character death // one shot or multi chapter // kid fic or roadtrip fic // arranged marriage or accidental marriage // high school romance or middle-aged romance // time travel or isolated together // neighbours or roommates // sci-fi au or magic au // body swap or gender bend // angst or crack // apocalyptic or mundane
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bondlegacy · 2 years
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blood was everywhere. trickling down her chin from her mouth, running down her face from the wound on her temple, tracks all over the floor from dragging herself further and further until she had collapsed in this very spot, having no strength nor energy left to go on. this was it, it seemed. it was bound to have happened one day, but a part of her had hoped to have at least some more years on this earth before leaving it. and for it to happen now, so relatively soon after having met her father and started at mi6  ... so many regrets now added as she felt herself slowly but surely succumbing to her injuries. lise had already abandoned hope when her failing vision caught someone coming over, barely able to distinguish who it was. “ i didn’t tell them ... i said nothing, i didn’t tell them anything - ” breath wasted on something like this, desperate for them to know she had held out until the end, though paying the heaviest price for her silence. “ - hurts ... everything hurts .. ”
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ensuists-moved · 2 years
the amnesia tropes with ships hits differently every time. it's such a classic and potentially overused one but UGH. the angst, falling in love again, finally getting their memories back. it’s just *chefs kiss*
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sexywolfydom2 · 2 years
I'm doing this again! If anybody wants to snz rp with potential angst maybe, or maybe just snz rp in general, I'm down if anybody else will be. I'm all fine for playing mxm, but if anyone wants to be a female that's okay too! If you have a discord let me add ya cuz for some reason my name (Lavence Ice#4867) is hard to find. Anyway, have a good day!
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