holdingmoonlight · 2 years
ohmygod not me being a piece of shit and forgetting about this ask game for a whole 2 months
26 - frozen by sabrina claudio
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padmaddean · 4 months
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Pride month Day7
Gigi & Dani The L Word: Generation Q (2019-2023)
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makeyouminemp3 · 1 year
"they're just friends, stop trying to make them gay" how about i set you on fire, huh?
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mapsontheweb · 4 months
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How much wealth inequalities are there in Europe?
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ginis-wonderland · 9 months
midnight treat
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pairing: dad!simon riley
summary: returning home at midnight after a long day in the base, simon needs to eat but after his baby joins him, he can never say no to ice cream.
genre: fluff
word count: 1.5k
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the house was quiet when simon arrived home. he locked the door as soon as he stepped foot into their entryway and he tried to not make as much noise by taking off his heavy boots. the balaclava was thrown to the small table that was flushed against the beige wall and his keys were gently placed onto the small ceramic plate that his oldest daughter made a year ago. his stomach grumbled and he sighed, knowing he needed to eat something before bed but it was already so dark and late that he didn't want to. 
all that paperwork was enough to keep him at the base the entire day and he was developing a migraine from reading so much words on the pages. simon just wanted to go to bed and wrap his arms around his wife to sleep. that was it.
the family dog, berk, peeked from the corner of the wall by the stairs and once it saw the familiar face of its dad, it quietly trotted over for attention. simon bends down slightly to rub the german shepherd's head and the man nearly tip-toed his way over to the kitchen. he knew he was a naturally silent walker but with his girls sleeping in the house, he didn't want to risk a screaming newborn and tiny girls running down the stairs past bedtime. he knows how hard it must've been for you to get them all to sleep so he didn't want to ruin your efforts.
he opened the fridge and winced at the bright light so he averted his eyes from it but he saw a tiny figure by the wall, leaning against the corner and rubbing their eye.
"papa?" a small tired voice filled the silent kitchen and simon couldn't help the smile that itched his lips.
"hey, bug," he whispered back. 
the little girl inched her way closer to him, dragging the blankie with her and simon naturally held his hand out for her to grab so he could pull her close. her blonde hair was all over the place and he tried to smooth it down but to no avail. 
"why're you up?" he asks her quietly and she looks up at him with those bright blue eyes, still bleary from sleep.
"heard your car," she answers. simon chuckles at her.
"you should've been sleepin'."
she shakes her head. "can't sleep long time if papa not tuck me in."
wren was his middle child. the daddy's girl of the family. she was only 4 years old and had a 3-year-gap with his oldest and his youngest. she was the baby he got to spend time the most since he took a longer break from work when she was born and only returned a year ago. therefore, she was spoiled with the most attention from her dad and only did things if her dad was there with her, like sleeping.
simon closes the fridge and reaches over to turn on the kitchen light above the island so he could pick her up and sit her on one of the chairs. he mumbles a small apology and a kiss on her chubby red cheeks when she whines at the bright light. he moves to stand opposite from her.
"didja eat yet, papa?" she wonders and rests her chin on the marble island to look at him.
simon didn't sit down but leaned on his elbows in front of her. "not yet. 's why i was lookin' in the fridge."
her eyes lit up. "ice cream! let's eat it together!" she whispered yelled with a grin that showed her missing front teeth.
her father raised an eyebrow. "'t's well past bedtime, missy."
she pouts.
then he sighs.
he could never say no to her.
"i eat ice cream when 'm tired," she argues with her pout still strong on her lips that she inherited from you. 
simon laughs lightly at her response and nods, pushing himself off of the surface. berk wags his tail as he follows his papa to go to a cupboard and quietly pull out two small, colorful bowls that were meant for ice cream and two small spoons. he brings it to the island in front of wren and sets it down gently before turning around to open the freezer and grabbing the vanilla dairy-free ice cream. 
wren's eyes shone and she hurriedly slipped from the chair to go to a drawer to yank the ice cream scooper out then went back to her spot to hold it out to her father.
"smart girl, you are," simon praises with a ruffle of her hair and grabs the scooper. 
she eagerly watches her strong papa glide the metal scooper across the delicious treat and plop a large ball of it on the bowl. he places the spoon on it before gently sliding it over to her.
"don' be messy. got it," she finished for him in a hurry so she can eat.
honestly, simon should eat more than just some ice cream but his wren wanted to eat ice cream together so he will. it wasn't much and definitely nothing special but spending time with his baby was enough to satisfy the grumble in his stomach. 
"were you good today?" he asks and she nods with a grin, carefully setting the spoon down to not make a mess.
"helped mama plant daisies," she gushes. 
"after rolling around in the dirt with berk," a voice startles them both.
simon can hear anyone that was near him before they even speak but his wife, oh boy, she was more of a ghost than he was. 
he gives you a sheepish smile and wren gasps. 
"mama!" she says with a smile then remembers the ice cream which she hurriedly slid over to her father. simon looks at her with an offended expression.
"you little cheat!" he whispers to her and wren gives him an oopsies look.
"sorry, papa. mama is scary when she's upset," she defends.
you cross your arms and walk to stand next to simon's seated form. even sitting, he was the same height as you. 
"good evenin', lovie," he grumbles, pressing a kiss on your cheek that became sticky from the ice cream on his lips.
"it's morning, mister riley," you tutted. 
but simon knew you weren't upset. you had that small twitch in your lips that meant you were fighting back a smile.
he knew seeing him would be enough to erase all questions and irritation.
"and usually, we don't have ice cream for breakfast in this household," you comment.
wren looks at you with a smile. "but we were celebratin' that papa was home!"
finally, a smile breaks free and you chuckle at your daughter's antics. "yes, darling. my apologies. we must celebrate your father's homecoming."
simon wraps an arm around your waist and he pulls you to be closer, your wide eyes looking at him. "bug and i were just havin' a treat. would you like some?" he asks, looking from your eyes to your lips.
you bit your lip before realizing wren was still sitting there so you turn away from his intense stare and smile at your daughter.
"tell you what. you go on to bed and papa will be up there to tuck you in then we'll have chocolate chip pancakes when you wake up," you bargain and she nods eagerly.
"pancakes," she repeats to herself then hauls her blanket up and slides down to the floor. she looks at their dog and she waves him over. "c'mon, berk! let's go to my room!"
the dog quietly barked at her and ran after her.
"no running up the stairs, please!" you call out after her and finally, she disappears around the corner.
simon slides his hand from your waist down to your hips and to your bum to teasingly squeeze it. you swatted him, scandalized while he laughed.
"mister riley!" you gasp and he smiles at you.
"yes, missus riley?" he whispers back.
he leans forward to give you a gentle kiss that evolved into a deep kiss, one that had you cupping his cheeks. you both separated only because of the lack of air and you gasped, foreheads and noses still touching.
"i missed ya today," he grunts and you nodded.
"i missed you too, si."
simon loves the way your lips move as you speak and he feels like he's 18 again when he first saw you enter that shop he worked in. he didn't expect a decade and some change later, you would be married and have children of your own even after he swore to never have a family.
for you, he changed.
and for you, he became better.
you separate from his kiss making him instinctually growl and chase your lips but you leaned back with a giggle. "c'mon. let's go upstairs. we can't risk another child coming down."
simon took no time and hauled you over his shoulder, making you squeal in surprise, before he's marching up those stairs with a mission.
"gonna show you how much i missed you, pretty." 
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gini's notes: ugh, gosh i love simon riley. he is such a girl dad and he defo just wanted an excuse to eat ice cream haha.
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saclarclay · 2 years
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heartsoftruth · 3 months
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dailylgbtq · 2 years
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Of course I wanna live with you.
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falsecardigan · 1 year
The TikTok trend that's like "*fill in the name* wouldn't mind being in love with a girl/boy if it didn't mean being in love with *fill in the name*, *fill in the name* wouldn't mind being in love with*fill in the name* if it didn't mean being in love with a girl/boy" is actively ruining my life but is also simultaneously my favorite trend on that app since I downloaded it in January
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itsfootballbih · 5 months
Happy “corner taken quickly” day!!
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saphiiiic · 2 years
Okay Sepi going straight in with the tongue?????
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sherlock-is-ace · 1 year
Bill Masters as a character generates four distinct reactions within me:
Jesus Christ, he's a piece of shit I want him murdered.
Omg nooo, you poor babie ily, come here
Pathetic wet cardboard of a man
Damn he's so gorgeous
And i think they're all very correct
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dykrophone · 5 months
lol so I did a thing. thoughts?
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ps - idk why lumity wasn't here but they'd go in cute! there were a few more but I couldn't make out who they were from the thumbnail so I didn't add them lol
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lorenzocarrera01 · 3 months
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Getting along with your boyfriend's family (?
It was funny to me that he changed their name, for more moments between everyone and a reformed Draco (😆)
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mafer8503 · 2 months
ABOUT Spooky Month
I will try to make better references to present my AUs and OCs but it is a small presentation and later I will present both things better.
Spooky Month: Sweet Home (Poisonwine AU)
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Spooky Month: Back to the golden old days (Au pre SpookyMonth)
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Victoria Anne Müller “Tori” (Sectarian)
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Dominic Thompson “Señor Detective”
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Giny Blossom "Miss Green" (Happy Fella Show)
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Charles J. Douglas “Charlie/ Mothman”
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F (Happy Fella Show)
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