#giorno giovanna hcs
chaoticshark98 · 8 months
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Some bucci gang head canons !! 🐛🐛🐛
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also throwing in the height chart too !
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calmbigdipper · 11 months
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The power of Joestar-Brando genes
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 6 months
How the bucci gang sleep hcs
This has been in my drafts since January wtf
all over the place
there is not a single time where these two have woken up in the same position they fell asleep in
like they'll fall asleep spooning, then they'll wake up with half of Bruno's limbs zipped off and Abbacchio sprawled across the bed in a position that looks uncomfortable with her foot in Bruno's face
one of Bruno's legs is probably on the floor and Abbacchio is most likely cuddling one of his arms
they're just used to it at this point
"Leone can you pass me my leg?" "m'kay"
Narancia came in to wake them up one time and screamed because Bruno zipped his head off in his sleep
Mista and Trish teased him about it for weeks
anyway i bet on my life that Bruno and Abba bring out their stands in their sleep
just randomly while they're sleeping Sticky Fingers and Moody Blues pop out
they just look at each other, then down at their users, then back to each other
they end up cuddling too (SENTIENT STANDS SUPREMACY)
it's so cute when Bruno and Abba wake up and see that their stand are cuddling
also Bruno's hair may look perfect 24/7 but in the morning it's SO. FUCKING. MESSY.
he has to immediately brush his hair so no one sees it like that
except Abbacchio
when she wakes up her hair is also a mess
just slightly less messy
she has breakfast before she does anything else, then she immediately does her make-up
also don't be surprised if Bruno has Abbacchio's lipstick stains all over his body in the morning
it just means he sucked some girl dick last night
usually on those days Abbacchio wakes up with smudged make-up that she forgot to take off
also Abbacchio has frequent nightmares and often times wakes up in the middle of the night
she doesn't like telling anyone and calms herself down before going back to sleep
Bruno knows about it though
these guys are like the opposite of Bruno and Abba
they'll fall asleep cuddling and wake up in the exact same position
usually Fugo's the big spoon because he doesn't like being the little spoon
brings back bad memories y'know?
but anyway they sometimes also bring out their stands in their sleep
GER most of the time
it just likes to pop out to see what's happening
sometimes in the morning when Fugo wakes up, he'll roll over and see GER staring him dead in the eyes
he screams loud enough to wake everyone up
nara, mista and trish all tease him about it
"Did someone get scared~?" "SHUT UP NARANCIA! IT WAS JUST STARING ME DEAD IN THE EYES!" "Pussy lmao" "MISTA" "Nah the boys are right, you are kind of a pussy" "TRISH!"
sometimes purple haze comes out while Fugo's asleep
GER just pops out and hangs out with ph for a bit
anyway Fugo's hair is always a pain in the ass when he wakes up
as for Giorno... uh...
picture Dio's hair but longer
he looks like a younger version of shadow Dio too in the morning lmao
also Giorno bites shit in his sleep
and he's got some sharp canine teeth
the pros of being half-vampire
don't be surprised if when they wake up there's bite marks on Fugo's arms
or if Giorno's biting a pillow
if Giorno's had a stressful day he might move around in his sleep too
not much usually, but one time he ended up sleepwalking
Fugo woke up in the middle of the night and noticed that Giorno wasn't there
he eventually found Giorno wandering around the garden and muttering to himself
it was really funny when Fugo snapped him out of it
then they went back to bed and Giorno bit Fugo's hand so hard it drew blood
true love at it's finest
sometimes Fugo has nightmares and Giorno has to wake him up
on more rare occasions Giorno has a nightmare and wakes up Fugo because he's trembling and shaking so much
that's about it
he'll sleep in any position there is possible and he'll be comfy in all of them
he's also the deepest sleeper in the team
this guy moves around a lot too
he'll fall asleep in fetal position against the wall, then he'll wake up halfway across the room with his blanket tangled in his legs
sleepovers with him are a nightmare because not only does he snore, but this man also sleeptalks
one time Narancia and Trish were sleeping in his room and they woke up to him mumbling about how far his ass is
they recorded it in case they ever needed to blackmail him
but yeah this guy is a mess
He sleeps naked too
Balls out and everything
Unless Trish and Narancia are sleeping over
In thy case he leaves his pants on
Also on hot nights he SWEATS
This guy naturally runs warm, he gets hot during the night
Bro sleeps like a baby
Nara just kinda sleeps wherever
He hardly even uses his own room unless someone carries him there
Honk mmimimimi honk mimimimimi
Also they sleep with their blanket wrapped around them like a cocoon
My guy is snug as a bug in a rug fr
This mf does not make ANY noise in their sleep
Completely silent
The amount of times people have thought they were dead because of this is quite a hefty amount
The missile is very sleepy
If they sleep next to someone they cling on for dear life
Also they're a blanket hog
They do not move at all either
She sleeps in a princess bed
Also a quiet sleeper
But she does move, unlike Narancia
Goes to sleep like she's in a casket at her funeral and wakes up face down on the opposite side of the bed
If she forgets to take her makeup off before bed she screams and tells Giorno to buy her self-care products
Live laugh love Trish
Sometimes she sleeps with Sheila E (I wish lesbians were real💔💔)
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helenabuu32 · 26 days
Finally thought of some more headcannon ideas! So here’s my hc’s for who in the Bucci Squad is good at cooking!
Bucci Squad cooking + bonus cooking for their S/O or crush!
Of course mother can cook
For real though, he’s one of the best cooks in the group.
I can imagine a young Bruno learning how to cook with his mother, and after she decided to leave it was something he kept up and just kept getting better at
Could also see him going out of his way to cook food for homeless or elderly people around the city just because he loves helping others so much.
He loves cooking for the rest of the squad and likes to have nights where everyone gets together and he can just make a bunch of different dishes and have a great time with his friends. He always make sure that everyone has at least one of their favourite dishes on the table, even if it means spending the entire day in the kitchen
When he has a crush or is in a relationship, he loves cooking for them and secretly learning their favourite dishes so he can surprise them with a romantic dinner. Candles, red roses, fancy wine and music, the whole classic dinner date thing.
Excellent cook, but not as good at baking. Still good though.
This man burns water
He’s so bad. He tried to help Bucciarati once when everyone was supposed to come over and Bucciarati had to hide himself gagging. He then tried his best to fix the dish while Mista got distracted so he didn’t have to throw it out and make him feel bad…
…because of this, Mista thinks he’s a great cook.
Even when he makes something bad, he’ll try it and think it’s fine…I imagine he’s like Joey from Friends and will literally just eat anything
He cannot bake either, at all. Even if someone hands him one of those tubes of the pillsbury premade dough things that you literally just have to place on a pan, he will burn them
The first time he tried to cook for his s/o or crush he set the oven on fire
Proceeded to serve the meal after spraying everything with a fire extinguisher
They ended up ordering take out that night, but s/o or crush says next time they’ll help him because they can see how hard he was trying :)
Okay he’s still pretty bad but surprisingly not as bad as Mista
He’s not great with measurements and following instructions because he doesn’t read, so he kinda learned over the years what works and what doesn’t
He still often gets distracted or will put his headphones on and miss the timer, so he often overcooks or burns things…but every once in a while he actually comes up with something edible
He likes trying to help Bucciarati in the kitchen but gets frustrated easily and is known to just be like “fuck this” and go off and listen to music somewhere
He actually tries to bake for his s/o / crush the first time and the cookies look really good!
Until they take a bite and they realize he accidentally used salt instead of sugar…s/o / crush laughs it off and they make another batch together that actually turn out pretty good :)
Will leave the kitchen a mess for days after he’s done if nobody makes/helps him clean up
Boy can COOK
He actually might be better than Bucciarati…
But he doesn’t do it for everyone that often because he doesn’t like drawing the attention to himself. When he helps Bruno in the kitchen, everyone just kinda assumes that Bruno did most of the work. He doesn’t really mind as long as he knows deep down that people are enjoying what he made, he doesn’t care about being praised for it.
If the others try to help in the kitchen he gets annoyed and just starts drinking wine.
Will eventually get so fed up that he goes to the dining room table and continues to sip his wine while he listens to all the chaos going on in the kitchen so he doesn’t lose his shit at everyone (mostly Mista and Narancia)
When he first cooks for his s/o or crush he actually tries to pretend that Bruno made it or that he got takeout from a fancy restaurant “this isn’t even a date, shut up and eat.”
Obviously s/o crush can tell he made it. He forgot to clean up around the stove because he was actually panicking about them coming over. S/o/crush won’t out him but won’t stop going on about how DELICIOUS the food is…
…He lied, he loves the praise.
He’s actually a pretty decent cook!
He’s good at following instructions, so he’s naturally just good at following recipes. What idiot couldn’t follow a book….
…Oh. Yeah he’s not allowed in the kitchen when Narancia is there because once he got so angry at him that he broke a wine glass over his head.
When Narancia (and Mista tbh) aren’t there though, he really enjoys helping Bruno in the kitchen. He’s not on the same level as him or Abbacchio, but at least everything he makes ends up tasting good.
I feel like he would be even better at baking actually, because I find baking tends to use a lot more numbers and measuring out ingredients to exact numbers. It’s like science and Fugo loves that.
The first time his S/o or crush tastes his cooking or baking, it’s actually because he brought it “for the squad”. He’s too embarrassed to admit that he just wanted to see if they’d enjoy what he made. He gets all flustered when they tell him how good it is and leaves the room. But then starts bringing stuff almost every week for them to try.
I feel like he’s on the same level or a little better than Fugo…
He always had to kinda take care of himself, so naturally he learned to cook for himself as well
Unlike Fugo, he doesn’t go by the book as much. He just picked up from restaurants and over time learned what worked together
He does also enjoy baking sometimes because he has a bit of a sweet tooth, but just basic things like cookies, brownies, etc.
He doesn’t really help Bucciarati in the kitchen because Abbacchio just glares at him the whole time. Leone hates that he’s actually okay at cooking. Can this kid just be bad at something wtf.
If Abbacchio does get fed up and goes off to sulk somewhere, he doesn’t mind stepping in to help out though
When cooking for an s/o or crush, he has a similar approach to Bucciarati. He likes to make it romantic but in a more light-hearted way? Like he prefers more upbeat music, maybe even sitting on the couch and watching a movie instead of at a table. He will always make sure to sprout a beautiful bouquet of their favourite flowers to be on display nearby, though.
Trish just doesn’t really like cooking
She doesn’t like how sweaty the kitchen can get, and hates how onions make her cry. Her mascara is expensive!
Just sits back and lets the boys take care of everything when Bucciarati has the squad over for dinner. Cooking is already stressful enough without 3 fistfights breaking out…
Although she doesn’t like cooking, she wouldn’t be terrible at it if she were in a situation where she had to.
She does on the other hand enjoy baking though!
She always loved baking with her mom growing up. Her favourite thing to make is cupcakes because it’s so much fun to decorate them with colourful icing and cute sprinkles when they’re done!
The first time her s/o or crush tries her baking, they’re just hanging out and she all of the sudden gets the idea to make frosted brownies. She has a lot of fun seeing the different approach they take to decorating them. They start to have weekly baking dates where they try something new every time, and sometimes brings the boys leftovers :)
Yaaaay another one done! I really do love making these. My asks are open so if you enjoyed reading this and would like to see my hcs for a particular situation, go ahead and let me know! I’m also always looking for more moots to talk about JJBA and other stuff with 💖
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just-a-shark333 · 4 months
Giorno and Narancia have a complicated simbling relationship where they both view the other as their younger sibling
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tenebris-aurea · 1 year
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jojo meme redraws part 2 (part 1)
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deusluxuria · 1 month
( content notes: insects, worms, childhood trauma, child abuse implied )
headcanon that, even though giorno loves most creatures and plants that most people find disgusting or are afraid of, he has a terrible phobia of maggots. he absolutely refuses to tell anyone why. not just because it's difficult to talk about, but because he would feel awful for putting that in anyone's head.
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tlcartist · 2 years
Abbacchio's relationship with Giorno is fascinating to me. He behaves antagonistically, not because he hates him or because of any particular thing that the other did, but because of who Giorno fundamentally is as a person. Abbachio resents Giorno because he's everything he's not. He still retains the idealistic nature, hope, and sense of justice that he held in his youth. When Abbacchio sees Giorno, what he really sees is a younger version of himself, but more importantly, he sees his failures.
Abbacchio lost himself in his fall from grace, and while he did find a sense of purpose again in joining Passione, he never fully returned to his former self. Some things once broken can be repaired but never fully made new. He became bitter. Jaded. Turned to unhealthy coping mechanisms. Wether it was burying himself in work or drowning himself in a bottle he'd do what he needed to keep himself distracted from his past. The seeds of despair became so deeply entrenched in his heart that he came to see it as truth. No longer would he approach the world with the naiveté of his youth. Was it a pessimistic view? Perhaps, but he was surviving and had found a few close comrades he could rely on and that was good enough.
At least that was what he told himself.
Enter Giorno. The catalyst. The force of nature. The blinding sun. An agent of renaissance had joined the crew and turned everything on its head. Like Bucciarati before him, Giorno was a natural born leader. Like a master sculptor he could look at someone and see their hidden potential and bring it to fruition. He could see beyond surface level flaws and make them shine. Unlike Bucciarati, this came with an unintended consequence.
See, Bucciarati had also looked into Abbachio and drawn out his strengths, but Bucciarati's modus operandi was not something that was as freely expressed. It was subtext. It was in the gestures of kindness he made to those in need. It was the clemency he displayed for those who truly deserved it, but nothing beyond that. He was, after all, a mafioso and had a job to do. He didn't truly defy the status quo. He couldn't.
By contrast, Giorno's attitude feels downright absurd to Abbachio. Who did this brown nose brat think he was? Who was he to go spouting off nonsense about his "dream" and ideals? Who did he think he was, trying to challenge the way things were? Why even bother? He's too similar to his younger self. Giorno might as well have held up a mirror to Abbacchio's face, and, when he's forced to contended with the man he's become, he isn't sure he likes what he sees.
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failedintsave · 11 months
Bucci Gang HCs Nobody Asked For
Sleep Edition
Sleeping: sleeps either 2 hours or 12, no in-between; sprawls like a starfish and snores like a chainsaw when he isn't just catnapping; blanket thief, but ends up kicking most of them off the bed; one old, flat pillow; has to set 50 alarms to wake himself, but rouses easily to the sound of his own name
Pajamas: oversized t-shirt and soft shorts (emphasis short) for lounging, but usually strips butt-naked to sleep
Sleeping: takes 90min on average to actually fall asleep, usually rests 4-6 hours a night, waking multiple times; side/stomach sleeper, doesn't roll more than a few times a night; mostly quiet, sighs a lot when he's deeply asleep; owns multiple weighted blankets; gets up just before sunrise without an alarm every day and is therefore in charge of making coffee
Pajamas: loose tank top and sweatpants
Sleeping: spends as many nights on the couch as in his own bed; snork mimimimi; dreams vividly and loves to analyze them out loud the following day; always manages to get a cool 7+ hours, even with the Pistols waking him at midnight sharp for a snack; likes a single blanket with no topsheet; wears his hat to bed; very groggy upon waking but generally cheerful in the mornings
Pajamas: socks and boxers most of the year, cartoon-patterned flannel pants in the cold months, no shirt ever
Sleeping: keeps his bed pushed in a corner and sleeps with his back to the wall; talks in his sleep, usually muttering about something he read that day (brain won't quit); gets a solid block of 6 uninterrupted hours on most nights, and Do Not Disturb him before then if you value your life; prefers a vintage, twin bell alarm clock over a radio or buzzer
Pajamas: Ebeneezer Scrooge-ass nightshirt
Sleeping: can and will pass out anywhere, anytime, for however long he needs (sleep schedule who?); tummy sleeper but often draws his knees under his chest and hikes his butt in the air like little kids do; so much drool; sometimes has night terrors and ends up crawling into bed with Fugo or Mista after; sleeps through alarms and has to be shaken awake more often than not
Pajamas: tee with the sleeves ripped off and gym shorts
Sleeping: able to go lights-out as soon as he settles down; sleeps flat on his back, hands folded over his chest, still and quiet all night; has 10+ pillows and lies in them like a nest (also one stuffed frog); rolls and pins his bangs every night; wakes naturally when his room brightens because he keeps his curtains and blinds open for his plants to get sunlight
Pajamas: owns several sets of matched silk pajamas in different pastel shades
Sleeping: insists on 8 hours of beauty rest and will complain about dark circles and the risk of wrinkles if she doesn't get it; sleeps curled up, hugging a pillow; wears a sleep mask and uses a white noise machine (prefers rain sounds); also wears a mouthguard but only uses it about 50% of the time
Pajamas: either a sports bra and shorts, or whatever comfortable-looking item she's stolen borrowed from 'her boys,' fuzzy bunny slippers
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lady-of-endless · 5 months
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure requests
- matchup trades OPEN
- headcanons CLOSED
Hello again, sweethearts. My jojo brainrot circled back to me conveniently during my holiday so to mark another peak of my jjba obsession I'm opening my inbox for a period of time.
1. For the headcanons: I'm most comfortable with writing for parts 1-5 (especially 5 since I rewatched it days ago). There's a limit of 3 characters per request. But if you want a whole gang request for part 5, send it anyways (have in mind, those will take more time to get done).
2. For matchups: It's a trade, so, you get a matchup and I do too. Please leave me a message in private and we can discuss the details there.
3. All characters and themes (sfw/nsfw) are ok. Get crazy with it and as detailed as you want. I accept oc requests too.
3. And as always, please, be patient and RESPECTFUL. (don't forget to say at least a 'hello', it's still an interaction after all)
Thank you and have a wonderful day/night!🌹
Masterlist is here
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(gif not mine, please show appreciation to the OP)
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belugastar · 1 year
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Day 6!! As an orchestra player, I've always wanted to do an au w them in orchestra as stand partners who always try to one up each other
This time they both forgot their sheet music on the night of the concert
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 9 months
how i think bucci gang would confess their love
i don't even know anymore man, enjoy the hcs
Bruno Bucciarati
very calm about it
it just slipped out one day lmao
he was just chilling with Abbacchio and he was talking about something
"I understand how you feel, Abbacchio. But you have to be more careful, ok? I love you." "I know- WHAT?!"
bruno acted like he meant to say that
he was screaming on the inside tho
the moment he got home he was giggling and kicking his feet
he has a boyfriend now
Leone Abbacchio
he probably confessed while drunk
he's the type of guy to push his feelings away and not pay attention to them
but spoiler alert, you can't push away your intense love for Bruno, dumb goth whore
probably tried to avoid Bruno for a bit
it worked until Bruno took care of him while he was drunk
"Ok Abbacchio, it's time to go home now-" "but I love you!"
Bruno just stared at him for a second before bringing him home and hoping to GOD that Abbacchio wouldn't remember what he said
he did
they had a deep conversation after and started dating
Abba looked a little happier that day
Giorno Giovanna
very straight forward about it
walked up to Fugo and said "we need to talk"
istg Fugo almost shit his pants, he thought he was gonna get in trouble or some shit
instead giogio just sat him down and told him he liked him
"What did you need, Giorno?" "I'm in love with you." "...." ".........." "....WHAT?!"
Giorno started listing everything he loves about Fugo and strawb boy almost fucking fainted he was so flustered
Giorno had to stop halfway through his rant to make sure Fugo was ok
he ended up gaining a boyfriend and was super happy and giddy for the rest of the week
everyone else was wondering why he was smiling so much and flapping his hands (it's because he's autistic)
also clung to fugo like a glue trap
Pannacotta Fugo
another one to push down his feeling and try to dismiss them
he couldn't look at giorno for more than five seconds before turning bright red and looking away
EVERYONE knew he liked giorno lmao (except giorno)
he probably didn't confess, instead giorno overheard mista and narancia teasing him about it
"Still got a crush on the golden boy, Fugoo??" "shut. up." "C'mon! We just wanna know!" "SHUT THE FUCK UP" "I'll take that as a yes" "FUGO LOVES GIORNO!" "I DO NOT-" "You love me, Fugo?"
Fugo immediately shut up at slowly turned to Giorno with the most terrified expression you'll ever see in his life
bro looks like he just pissed himself
cue nara and mista laughing their lungs out in the background
he just quickly brought giorno into another room and quietly explained that he had feelings for him
it was all good because he gained a boyfriend
he was a lot happier for the rest of the week
Guido Mista
verrryy flirty
but he only uses cringy flirts
sometimes they're good but most of the time...
"hey, are you lightning? cuz you're McQueen. KACHOW"
since i don't ship him with anyone YOU (yes you, person reading this) GET TO BE THE UNLUCKY PERSON MISTA CONFESSES HIS LOVE TO
when i say unlucky i mean unlucky
he'll never leave you alone
"I need to go piss hold on" "can I come?"
probably confessed with a love letter (he's a sucker for romance)
but like he just handed you a letter and ran off
he'd be very happy if you said yes
everyone would know that he's dating you by the end of the week
also do NOT sleep in the same bed as this guy, he snores louder than a nuclear explosion
Narancia Ghirga
shy. that's all i'm gonna say
he'd try to act chill and fail miserably
my guy tries to say something flirty and stumbles over his words so bad he trips
"hey, so, uh, d-did it, um, hurt when- when you, uh, y-you fell from heav- heaven? Uh, actually nevermind! OKBYETALKTOYOULATER!" *trips*
cried to Mista about it later
i also don't ship narancia with anyone so YOU, THE READER, ARE THE LUCKY ONE WHO GAINS HIS AFFECTION
and when I say lucky, I mean LUCKY
sweetest boy ever
he'll literally die for you
probably tried to confess romantically but stumbled over his words and got so nervous he almost passed out
just ended up screaming that he loves you
"s-so, basically, uh, the thing is, um, I uh... FUCK IT! I LOVE YOU!"
his face was so red
very giddy and happy for a long while if you say yes
he'd proudly show you off
Trish Una
once again, YOU get to be the one she's attracted to
surprisingly chill about it
she compliments you on a daily basis
expect her to constantly be around you
mf she is NOT leaving you alone
"I need to piss" "let's go piss together queen"
i fully believe trish is a hardcore lesbian
she cringes at the thought of dating men
"I'm sure one day you'll find a kind young man to take care of you" "EW no"
"you wanted to talk to me?" "yeah, so I kinda have a crush on you and I was wondering if you felt the same way?"
very smiley if you say yes
also she will NOT let go of you hand
the end
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helenabuu32 · 19 days
We had a little thunderstorm the other night so this hc idea popped up in my head!
Bucci squad with a stand user S/O or crush who’s afraid of thunderstorms
In this situation, s/o or crush does actually like light storms, but when they’re so strong that the power goes out and the house is shaking, it gives them a lot of anxiety
Doesn’t even hesitate for a second or care that he thought you liked storms. The moment he sees you in distress, he goes protect mode
He’ll wrap you up in the biggest, fluffiest blanket he can possibly find and sit beside you on the couch until the storm is over, he doesn’t care how long it takes or if he’s up all night
If it’s dark outside and the power goes out, he’ll light some candles to make you feel a bit better
He’ll keep asking every 5-10 minutes how you’re doing and if there’s anything else he can do to make you feel better. Need water? Snacks? Want him to read to you or play a board game with you? Just say the word, he’s on it.
Jokes that he can zipper open a pocket for you guys to sit in to get away from the noise. If you say yes, he’s actually willing to do it.
If you’re really freaking out, he’ll sit close to you on one side and get Sticky Fingers to sit close on your other so you feel more protected
If you’re dating, he already knows about this fear and actually keeps track of when there’s supposed to be really bad storms. He’ll make sure to have your favourite snacks and drinks stocked up for the occasion, take you upstairs to his room and get under the covers with you and just hold you until the storm is over
He’s confused at first because he thought you liked storms! When you explain that you do, but sometimes they get too loud for you, he’s really understanding.
He’ll bring Sex Pistols out to comfort you and tells you “wait there, I’ll be back soon!”
When he comes back to get you, he’ll grab your hand and lead you to the living room. He had just spent the last 10 minutes making a blanket fort filled with any battery powered light he could find and a stack of drinks and snacks
He’ll sit in there with you and talk about anything and everything to try to distract you through the storm. His stand will stay out so it feels like you’re all just hanging out and having a good time!
If you’re dating, like Bruno, he’ll prep if he knows there’s supposed to be a bad storm. He’ll set the fort up in his room with all those fairy lights you like and even set up a portable DVD player and just make a day of it. You guys hang out in the fort all day leading up to the storm, sometimes the Pistols come out for a bit too. Once the storm starts, he’ll put his stand away and just hold you and continue to talk you through the storm. You guys usually fall asleep in the fort.
Wtf he thought you loved storms??? You never shut up about how much you love the rain
Once you tell him it’s just when they’re super loud like this, he kinda gets it, but will still tease/make fun of you
When he sees that you’re actually in a lot of distress he’ll feel bad and throw a blanket around your shoulders and place his headphones over your ears. He’ll hand you his music player and let you choose some music you like and just sit on the opposite end of the couch to make sure you’re okay
If you’re dating, he won’t prep for storms, but he’ll wait them out and knows the second they start getting too loud for you. He’ll grab your hand and a bottle of water, take you upstairs to his room and just lay next to you/hold you while you listen to music with his headphones. He knows all your favourite bands and songs and actually put together a playlist specifically for this situation that is several hours long so you two can just lay next to each other and maybe even fall asleep
He bought a few battery powered lanterns after the first time the power went out during a storm and you screamed. So he keeps them around his room and turns them on for you as soon as that happens
Also keeps a stash of snacks in his room in his bedside table so if you get hungry or want anything he doesn’t have to leave you alone durning the storm
He’s also very confused because what the heck he thought you loved storms???
He doesn’t make fun of you, but he just doesn’t really understand. The moment he sees how upset it’s making you he tries his best to make you feel better!
He’ll start talking about anything he can think of to try and distract you. He’ll even start making up these elaborate fantasy stories!
If that doesn’t seem to be working, he’ll grab his boombox and a bunch of lights and just have a little rave with you in the living room to get your mind off the storm! Who can be scared when they’re dancing???
Narancia always has a HUGE stash of the best snacks and he’s happy to share them with you to make you feel better
If you’re dating, he’s a little oblivious and usually won’t notice a storm is getting too much for you until he sees you cowering under a blanket, but he will drop everything he’s doing to comfort you once that happens
He bought one of those cool starlight projectors and even found a music player with multiple headphone jacks so you guys can rock out to the same music and drown out the thunder while his arms are around you
He’s confused and doesn’t get it. Logically, there’s nothing to be afraid of. It’s just a storm and it can’t hurt you from inside the house, and he also recalls you saying you enjoyed storms.
When he sees how much you’re freaking out he kinda panics and doesn’t know what to do. But he still wants to help.
He’ll ask you straight up if there’s anything he can do to make you feel better. Want water? He’ll go get it. Need a snack? Just tell him what kind.
He won’t make up stories like Narancia, but if you ask him to just sit and talk you through it, he’ll get flustered and just start spitting out random facts. About animals, space, history…anything to distract you (and himself tbh).
If you’re dating, he’s taken note of the things that make you feel better during storms. He’ll charge his portable dvd player all day until the storm starts so you guys can watch documentaries and shows about all the different things that interest you. He also makes sure to go out and buy snacks and drinks that you like if he knows there’s gonna be a bad storm in the next few days
He bought you a weighted blanket and will drape it over you while he holds your hand snd waits for the strom to calm down
While he’s not afraid of storms anymore, he does understand. He remembers being so young and alone and having nobody to go to during bad thunderstorms. It was really scary.
He doesn’t care that you usually like storms, he can see why it would be different when it gets this intense
He’ll light some candles/turn a lantern on, give you a blanket and just sit with you. If you wanna talk, he’ll find things to talk about, but he doesn’t mind just being silent company if you prefer that.
If you like animals, he’ll turn a pillow into a dog/cat (whichever you prefer) so you have a snuggle buddy to calm you down.
Every once in a while he’ll ask how you’re doing and if you need him to get anything for you, he’s happy to do so.
If you guys are dating, he’ll bring you up to your room once the strom starts, even if it’s not too loud for you yet. He’ll use Gold Experience to turn something into your storm buddy and just lay with the two of you and stroke your hair to calm you down until the storm is either over or you fall asleep
Confused at first but also gets it because she can be jumpy with severe storms as well!
Her fear is definitely not as strong as yours, so she does her best to try to help you through them
She’ll take you up to her room with some snacks and get out a stack of magazines for you guys to read. She has a lot of pillows and blankets and fairy lights so her room is really cozy!
Need a big stuffed animal to cuddle with? Trish has ya covered
If you guys are dating, she’ll put together a charcuterie board and some fresh fruit before heading up to her room and doing your usual storm routine
Once she started lightly singing to you and you told her she had a really pretty, soothing voice. So when the thunder gets really loud or you’re especially scared, she’ll wrap you in a hug and sing to you until you fall asleep or stop crying
She also likes to play with your hair or will even rub your shoulders/back to comfort you
Hope you guys liked these! I’m honestly this way with storms….I LOVE them and even don’t mind if they get a little loud, but if it’s constant, house-shaking booms or the power goes out when it’s already dark out, I can get pretty anxious!
My ask box is open so feel free to send me some hc ideas if you enjoyed!
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lady-wallace · 2 years
Just caught something new while re-watching the JoJo Part 5 anime and wanted to share because I don’t think I’ve seen anyone mention it before.
Watching the part with Giorno’s backstory again, I’m actually 90% sure that the mafioso he saved was a Stand user and I find that really interesting.
During the scene where Giorno’s mafioso killed the drug dealer and the guy’s son goes after him, the kid seems to be physically unable to shoot the gun. This also seems to be the case with Giorno’s stepfather. In the scene where it shows him about to beat Giorno, it’s less like he stops because he is scared of consequences and more like he stops because he physically cannot raise his hand against Giorno. Whether this was intentional or not, I thought it was interesting to think of the mafioso having a stand ability too.
It also makes sense seeing as he appears to hold a position at least to the same level as Bucciarati in Passione, which wouldn’t make it unreasonable to assume he had been given the chance to pass the lighter test from Polpo as well. If he did have a Stand I can only assume the ability is some sort of control/command based power, which he would have utilized in the scenarios above as a way to stop something from happening, either by physically controlling an object, or forcing someone to obey a command. I think it would be interesting to explore the nuances of a power like that.
But just some thoughts. I’d be interested to hear what other people have to say on this subject.
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just-a-shark333 · 2 months
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beneathashadytree · 2 years
So I’ve had a really awful month- first my family and I had to put one of our cats down because he suddenly got really sick, and then my uncle passed away from stage four kidney cancer. I never got to say goodbye to him and I feel awful about it. I recently found out that my great aunt who’s had cancer for a long time is going into hospice because her chemo treatments aren’t working, and it feels like I just haven’t had a break from all this bad news and grief. It feels like it’s never ending and I’m afraid that something else horrible is going to happen. I was wondering, how do you think the Bucci gang would react to my situation if I was friends with them? Thank you so much for answering
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Warnings : mentions of grief and death, hospitals and hospices, their relationships are platonic, this is not proofread, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : comfort <3
Word count : 1.2K words
Additional notes : I can’t even begin to apologize for how long it took me to write this. I had gone through something traumatic myself, and it took me a very long time to start answering my ask box. By the time I’ve reached this request, it’s already been so long🥲 I really hope that you’re faring better right now, and I pray for strength to your weary heart. I hope this request does justice to your feelings and honors them💗
Requests : Are closed for the time being.
Tip jar if you’d like to buy me a Ko-Fi!
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Bruno’s easily the most comforting presence anyone could ever ask to have in their life, and he proves it with how he reacts to hearing the news from them as they cry their heart out to him
Maybe he won’t be so forward so as to embrace them, but he gently takes their hand in his, a silent vow to always be there for them, sealing it with a small smile
He’s the best to offer calming words; even though he knows that he can’t give them empty promises that things will be fine, what he can do is reassure them that no matter what happens in their personal life, it’s totally fine to grieve with him
Having seen all the horrors there are in Napoli, he’d never invalidate their feelings or their struggles, and it’s that fact that makes him such a lovely friend to have
If any expenses were necessary, whether at the hospice, funeral, burial grounds, or even just comforting purchases for themself, he’d pay for them all; it’s the least he could do to alleviate some of their pain and take away their troubles
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He’s a tough nut to crack, but once having become friends with him, Abbacchio is the most loyal and devoted man there is, which makes him a great listener despite himself
All grump and daily exasperation pushed aside, he becomes that silent supporter that they need, listening to all their worries and sobs about the grief they’d been carrying all alone for a long time
He’s not the best with coming to terms with death and still carries a lot of guilt himself, so he won’t be the best in that area, but at the very least he can offer a night of heart-to-heart talk over drinks, where everything they need to feel lighter is taken care of
Abbacchio will never leave their side, even if he prefers to linger in the shadows and let them take the grief headfirst, because he knows that escaping from the truth never did him any well… it might seem a little cruel, but they both know he’s doing it for their own good
And at the end of the day, when their tears are blurring their vision and their heart feels so heavy it becomes a burden in their chest, he shoulders half the weight with them just by being so close
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As much as Mista believes that a lighthearted attitude can ease any tension and shoulder off any burden, he’s not an insensitive prick and knows when that is not welcomed nor the right way to go about it
So, with a little awkwardness, he learns to sit still and listen to them earnestly as they tear up and let outball their worries and grief in one go, even if it snaps his heart in two to hear them so distraught
He’s had his fair share of losing loved ones and worrying over other people’s lives without having had the chance to say goodbye, but he’s never really outwardly expressed it, so this might actually be a little therapeutic for him too
With hands as gentle as they are when dealing with the Sex Pistols, he wraps them in a casual but affectionate embrace and encourages them to always lean on him
He’s as dependable as could be, so he’d never fail to offer them solace when things get too rough and they feel overwhelmed with heartbreak
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Giorno’s always been torn between immense apathy and absolute understanding of other people’s emotions, but when it comes to this happening to someone so dear to him, he’d empathize with them immediately
After having become the Don, he knows more than anyone just how difficult it is to say goodbye too soon, and how hard it is to still continue about your day while still carrying guilt for having not been ready for it
So he’d be the best person to seek that sort of quiet, understanding comfort from, and it helps that he’s not a man of many words; he believes that simply sitting beside them and offering his shoulder for them to lean their head on is more than enough to show his endless support
He’s quick to reassure them that things won’t get worse—as long as he’s there with them, they’ll never have to worry about anything because he’ll always offer his protection and services
As for the realm of life and death? Though it’s out of his hands, he’ll always stand beside them, come what may, and they could always count on that
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Fugo was still grieving himself when they came to him with tears streaking down their cheeks and a heartbroken expression on their face, and he found that he couldn’t turn them away
For someone who had so few friends that he cherished so much, he felt it tug at his heartstrings seeing them so upset, and he felt the urge to instantly offer them comfort, but simply didn’t know how to go about it
It soon became apparent to him that being there was simply more than enough; yes, him trying to talk to them and reassure them that it’s alright to struggle with their muddled feelings at the moment was helpful, but the gentle patting of his hand at their back was more than perfect
He might try to rationalize their fears while simultaneously trying to convince them that they weren’t very logical, which might come off as a bit rude, but it was just his awkward attempt at trying to dispel their worries
As someone who frequented the hospital before to see other people, he’d probably offer to visit the hospice with them if that’s what they wish; he’s immune to the negativity that thrives there, and would do anything to make himself a reliable presence when he tags along with them
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It’s no secret that Narancia wears his heart on his sleeve, and gets very easily affected by the changing moods around him—and with someone so close to him feeling so terrible, it’s impossible for him to not feel for them
When they run to him and cry into his chest, he finds it hard to blink back the tears that formed in his eyes as they sobbed and vented to him about how absolutely devastated they were, and how the walls felt like they were closing in on them; a familiar enough feeling for the mafioso
While there isn’t much in his hands to do, he’s more than eager to wrap them in the warmest hug imaginable and offer his most sincere condolences
Now it seems that everywhere they go, they’ll find Narancia tagging along and keeping them company, hoping that doing so will lessen the burden and encourage them to embrace how they’re feeling and voice all their fears and worries
Personally, he’s got far too much bad history with hospitals and illnesses, so he would rather not go with them, but he’s more than willing to make up for it by waiting for them with their comfort take-out food as soon as they get back
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Taglist: @blondeboyfriend @mrsgiovanna @boorishbrambling
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