#gir hood tag
badlydrawn-brostrider · 9 months
(no art today because I'm so tired)
[GHG(GirHoodieGuy)]: Broseph Strider Strudel Stridizzle
[GHG]: broster strudel
[GHG]: ur gay lmfaoaooaooaooao
–– taciturnTriloquist [TT] began pestering GirHoodieGuy [GHG] ––
TT: Water's wet. The sky's red. I like men. And you, kid, look like you need sleep.
TT: Stop pesterin' me in the middle of the goddamn night. Or if it ain't night stop pesterin' me when ya should be tryin' to get some rest.
TT: Christ, kid. Does your ass not sleep or somethin'? Horribly hypocritical of me to say but Jesus. Every time I see ya you're more tired.
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lilymarie432 · 5 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Invader Zim GIR Cosplay Hoodie.
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boboprincess · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Diesel S Gir B5 Felpa Crew Sweatshirt Bright White Size XL.
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rissynicole · 4 years
A prompt for @sunnymelonpan as a thank you for adapting one of my writing prompts into a full-fledged, 12-part comic! She did an amazing job, and I absolutely adore her art. Check her out.
For this one-shot, she requested a sickfic involving Zim and Dib in college. Zim goes to school while running a fever, and it culminates in him passing out right in front of Dib.
The story will be under the cut. I’ll give Sunny the honor of naming this fic (and it’s totally not because I can’t think of a name for it for the life of me).
Relationship: Established ZaDf
Characters: Dib, Zim, GIR, Computer
Warnings: Typical “sick person” stuff, I guess. Fainting, vomiting (nongraphic), fever, chills.
Words: 1,261
Something was off about Zim. Dib sensed it pretty early on, but it took a while for him to grow genuinely concerned. When he’d seen Zim outside the library on Monday, he instantly took notice of how tired he looked. Uncharacteristically so. His face was wane, dark undereye circles standing out against the pale skin.
It only seemed to get worse as the week went on. For the next few days, Zim walked right past him on campus without so much as raising his head or saying hello. He looked slow. Unsteady.
Ever since they’d begun school at the public university in their town, they had both been rather busy. They normally made efforts to at least acknowledge one another, though.
Now, early Thursday morning, Dib thought he would make a conscious effort to catch Zim after class and find out what was wrong. Both had classes in the engineering building, and Dib managed to duck out of his early to wait for him. He parked himself on the bench outside the double doors to Zim’s lecture hall, watching as throngs of students exited at the top of the hour.
He was started to get antsy when he didn’t see Zim among them. Once the little faux invader finally shuffled out, he did a double take. He almost didn’t recognize him.
Aside from looking even more exhausted than before, what made him stand out was the bright yellow sweatshirt he was wearing. The abbreviated name of their university was printed in bold black letters on the front. Zim never wore anything but his perfunctory military uniform. Even during their high school graduation last spring, it had been on beneath his cap and gown, and he’d quickly shed the gown as soon as he’d shaken hands and gotten his diploma. Why was he switching things up now? Sudden burst of school spirit? Not likely. Zim had made it very clear that the only reason he was continuing on with his education was to “learn more about the indigenous species on this hideous dirtball.”  
He trudged right past Dib, looking down at the ground. The price tag from the university bookstore poked out from the back of the hoodie.
“Hey!” Dib called, standing up and waving his hands exaggeratedly.
Zim’s eyes flicked up blearily.
“Hey, Zim what’s—” The words died on his lips immediately.
He looked awful.
His skin was an ashen gray-green, and a sheen of sweat covered his entire face. Tendrils of black hair from his wig were stuck to his forehead, and Dib swore he could see the outline of a single black antenna trying to escape from underneath it.
“Zim? Are you okay?”
Zim opened his mouth, then swayed a bit on his feet. “Heh? Yeah. I just… I just…”
He stumbled backwards. His eyes rolled back into his head, and his legs crumpled beneath him.
Dib swore loudly, then lunged forward to catch him before he could hit the ground.
It took a disconcertingly long time for Zim to come around. Long enough for Dib to carry him up to his dorm room and pace around with his phone in his hands, debating on calling GIR, or even his sister.
He had gotten as far as pulling up the number for the base’s landline when he heard a weak groan from the other side of the room.
Over on the unmade bed where he had been deposited, he was beginning to stir. Dib stood over him, watching as his eyes fluttered open.
Zim looked peaceful for all of two seconds before a strange sort of urgency came over him. He flew up into a sitting position, hand pressed against his mouth.
Dib’s eyes widened. By some stroke of unimaginable luck and quick thinking, he dove for the garbage can next to his desk and shoved it under Zim’s chin just in time for him to be sick.
Zim retched violently, his tiny body quaking inside his oversized hoodie. After a few minutes, it tapered off to groans, then he went quiet.
“Are you done?” Dib asked.
“Uh huh.” He thumped back against the bed. He still looked nauseous and his eyes were watering near the edges.
Dib placed the trash bin in the bathroom and returned to his side. “What’s going on? Are you sick? You’ve been acting weird all week.”
Without giving him time to answer, he placed a hand on Zim’s forehead, eyebrows raising at how hot he felt. “You’re burning up.”
Zim groaned and tried to turn his head away. “Not sick. Irken elites don’t get sick.”
Something about the way he said it made Dib feel as though it had been rehearsed several times before.
He sighed and glanced back down at his phone, turning it over in his hands. His thumb pressed down on the little green call button and he held it up to his ear as it rang.
Just as he’d hoped, GIR’s trilling little voice surfaced after the third ring “Helloooooo?”
“Hey, GIR. I’m here with your stupid master. He just passed out in the hall after second period and—”
Dib winced and held the phone back a few inches.  
“I told him not to go to school!” GIR shouted again. “I knew this would happen!” He dissolved into wailing sobs on the other end.
“Ummm…” A voice piped up in the background. Dib immediately recognized it as the computer’s. “I told him not to go to school. You told him to pick up a Suck Monkey at the 7-Eleven after he finished classes.”
“Oh yeaaaaahhhh,” GIR said, sounding perfectly cheery again.
Dib sighed. That made more sense. “GIR, tell the computer I’m taking Zim home. He’s running a fever and can’t even stand up.”
He flicked his eyes towards Zim, who was shivering miserably on his side with his back to Dib. His wig had flopped off and was lying on the pillow like some sort of sodden, dead animal.
“Okie dokie!” GIR said.
Dib hung up and walked back over to the lump on his bed.
“Alright. Let’s go.” He pulled the hood of Zim’s sweatshirt over his head to cover his antennae. “Why did you buy this, anyway?” he asked, tugging at the strings of the hoodie.
“Cold,” he murmured into the mattress.
When Dib tried to pick him up, Zim’s muscles went rigid. “I’m fine.”
Dib laughed once. “Sure you are. Tell me all about how great you’re doing. Go ahead and stand up for me.”
Zim looked as if he were going to try, then went limp again with a frustrated grunt. His face turned to shoot Dib a half-hearted glare.
“That’s what I thought.” Dib gently lifted him off the bed. “Come on. Let’s go back to your house. I’ll put on a movie and make you some soup or something.”
Zim grimaced into Dib’s chest as he carried him out of the dorm room. “I hate you.”
“Uh huh. At least I’m not going to make you walk into 7-Eleven to get GIR’s Suck Monkey.”
Zim grumbled all the way down the hall and to the elevator, clutching the edges of Dib’s trench coat and awkwardly trying to wrap it around himself for warmth.
Dib managed to pry his claws off him once they got to his car, which only earned him more half-coherent insults. He buckled Zim into the passenger seat and heaved out a heavy sigh as he walked around to the driver’s side.
It was going to be a long day.
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sweetiepie08 · 5 years
Rebel Z (Chapter 4)
Invader Zim fanfic
While analyzing Zim’s PAK for weaknesses, Tak discovers strange coding that sends her on a search for answers. The clues lead her to uncover a conspiracy that governs all of Irken society. When the truth sends her on the run, she has no choice but to return to the one place the Tallest would never willingly go: Urth.
Meanwhile, Dib has noticed odd changes in Zim’s behavior. Has the invader simply grown bored of his mission over the last few years, or is there something more interesting going on?
People who asked to be tagged: @incorrect-invader-zim , @messinwitheddie, @reblogstupids, @cate-r-gunn, @agentpinerulesall​
If anyone else would like to be added to the tag list feel free to message me. Also, if you’re on the tag list and you changed your name, please just let me know.
Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6. Chapter 7. Chapter 8.  Chapter 9. Chapter 10. 
Dib felt the familiar burning sensation in his eyes as he stared at his monitors. Zim had been relatively quiet for quite some time now, three years to be exact. He didn’t disappear completely, like he had right before the Florpus Hole incident. Dib still caught him moving about his house, talking to strange aliens on his tele-communication device, and building dangerous-looking machinery. Despite Zim’s clear activity, outright plans to take over the Earth seemed to cease. Or at least Zim stopped gloating about them. Dib noticed these changes and decided they were concerning enough to require constant surveillance, but stable enough that he could step away from his screens every now and then.
As his eyes drifted across the screens, they landed on a haphazard stack of college brochures resting on his desk. Top universities from all over the world have been sending him these since preschool. He suspected college recruiters everywhere put his name on their lists the second they heard the world-renowned Professor Membrane had an offspring. They badgered him and Gaz for as long back as he could remember. They typically threw at least one ivy-league brochure in the trash every week. Although now, he had to start keeping them. Those recruiters must have started salivating as soon as his SAT scores were in. Every school wanted to be able to say they educated the children of Professor Membrane.
At least he didn’t have to deal with all the college recruitment events he knew were going on over at the High Skool. He and Gaz left mainstream education behind years ago after convincing their dad to let them homeschool. It wasn’t that hard. All they had to do was sit their dad down and show him their curriculums. His only condition was that they keep their grades up and take the most advanced programs available. It turned out to be a mutually beneficial arrangement. Dib & Gaz were learning the advanced science their father wanted them to, and they never had to set foot in the Skool again. This arrangement ended early for Dib, as he completed his senior year before his former classmates reached midterms. Of course, this only made the college recruiters even more ravenous.
Well, they were going to have to wait. High school may be over for him, but now he was taking a gap year. He told his father he wanted the time to figure out which branch of science he wanted to study. This was only half-true. Really, he just needed to figure out what to do with his life, period.
His child-hood dream of being a paranormal investigator grew less and less appealing as he saw what the field had become. The Swollen Eyeball network had gone down hill since Agent Darkbootie went off the grid to live amongst the sasquatch. Standards dropped to the Marianas Trench. Now, they let in riff-raff like flat-earthers and hollow-mooners. Uncovering the truth didn’t seem important to them anymore. It was all about who could come up with the most convoluted conspiracy, regardless of evidence or even common sense. Dib wanted to uncover the mysteries of the universe, to expand the knowledge of the human race. Knowledge didn’t seem to factor in at all anymore, not so long as the theory was sexy.
As for Dib’s work on Zim, he had to admit, it’d become mundane sometimes. He could only watch Zim binge-watch tv so many times before accepting there was nothing more to it. Hell, sometimes Dib would find himself watching whatever was on the tv more than he watched Zim. He’d sometimes go days without any notable movement. A few weeks ago, however, remarkable activity breathed new life into Dib’s efforts.
Currently, Zim’s ship sat haphazardly parked, or rather crashed, on the front lawn. Dib stared at it, waiting for Zim to notice the state of his space craft.
“Still monitoring Zim?” He heard Gaz say from the door.
“Always,” Dib replied, eyes still glued to the screen.
Gaz rolled her eyes and walked into his room. “You sure you need to? He’s been pretty quiet lately.”
“He knows I’m watching.”
“Okay, TJ Eckleburg,” Gaz said, leaning on his desk and popping open a soda.      
“Read a book.”
“Whatever,” he groaned, his eyes flickering from one monitor to another. “The point is, quietness means nothing. Remember the time he disappeared but it turned out he was just hiding in the toilet?”
“You mean the time you let him hijack Membrane Labs, kidnap dad, and almost send the planet through a florpus hole?” She took a long sip of her soda. “Yeah, I remember.”
“And what about the time he left for weeks, then just showed up one day and broke my camera?”
“Oh yeah, that. I wouldn’t call breaking your camera ultimate evil, though, especially if you were shoving it in his face. You never did find out where he went, did you?”
“No, but there’s definitely something going on now,” Dib said as he opened his laptop. “I was going over the surveillance footage from last night and look.”
He brought up a clip he saved from the footage. It showed Tak parking a boxy, gray ship in Zim’s back yard and sneaking into his base. After a few minutes, the rooftop hanger opened. She flew Zim’s ship out, dumped it on the front lawn, and parked her own ship back in the hanger.
“Is that Tak?” Gaz asked, watching the clip.
“Yeah, I saw her on the cameras a few weeks ago. She broke into Zim’s base and left after about an hour, but this time she hasn’t come out.”
“So why aren’t you going over to investigate?” Gaz asked, returning to her casual lean.
“I can’t just rush in without a plan on something this huge!” he retorted. “I have to figure out what they’re doing first.”
Gaz shrugged. “Maybe she killed him and took over his base.”
“It’s not that easy,” Dib explained. “Zim’s computers are programed to only respond to him.”
“I used it once. The Tak hotdog thing, remember?”
“That was different. Zim let us in semi-willingly. Unless Tak found a way to override the security features…”
“Maybe she’s using Zim’s corpse as a meat-puppet to control the computer.”
Dib cringed. “Uh, gross.” Even he wasn’t sure he could stomach that idea. He returned to his monitors and saw a shadow move in Zim’s living room. “Wait! I just saw something!”
They both leaned into the screen as Dib zoomed in the camera on the window. Through it, they could see Zim’s robot servant sitting on the couch, eating snacks.
“That’s just Zim’s dumb robot watching tv,” Gaz said.
Dib threw his hands up. “Oh come on!” The robot again?! He’d watched this thing gobble down nachos on this couch a million times. Why did everything look so normal over there? “There has to be something going on. Is Tak hiding? Did Zim capture her? Are they planning something together? I have to know!”
“My best guess?”
“You’ve got a theory?” Dib asked, eagerly swiveling his chair around to face her. “Let’s hear it!”
“Tak’s playing the trombone and Zim’s slamming the oven door.” Gaz smirked, looking annoyingly proud of herself.
Dib’s face fell into a scowl. “Thanks Gaz, very insightful.” He sharply turned his chair back toward the monitors.
“You’re going to be up here obsessing all day, aren’t you?” she asked.
“Fine.” Gaz downed the rest of her drink, tossed the can in the trash, and started toward the door. “I was thinking about watching that new Skinwalker Ranch documentary tonight, but I guess you’ll be busy.”
She walked out, leaving Dib alone with his screens. He scanned the feed in front of him, all inactive save for Zim’s snacking robot. He had been wanting to check out that documentary, but keeping an eye on Zim was more important, especially after this recent development. His eyes landed on the robot again, who was now sloppily sucking down a giant slushee. Dib sighed and checked the rest of his cameras.
Still nothing.
Zim emerged from his labs after another night of testing and research. His latest project was going well so far, despite the recent interference. No doubt, his leaders would be pleased. He went to the kitchen for a well-deserved soda and, whistling, headed to the living room to check on Gir.
As he sipped, he noticed something large and purple out the window. When he went to look, he nearly spit out his drink. His voot sat crashed in the front yard for all the Urth to see.
“Gir!” he shouted, jumping around to face his robot. “What is my ship doing out there?!”
“I dunno,” Gir said, munching away on his snacks.
“Well, if you didn’t do it, who did?”
“Uh, Zim,” the computer interrupted. “It was probably the intruder.”
“What intruder?!” Zim demanded, stomping into the middle of the room. “Why didn’t you alert me?”
“Uh, I did.”
The show Gir was watching snapped off the tv and the screen now showed security footage from the previous evening. Zim and Gir sat on the couch with a bowl of snacks.
“Sir, I have detected a-”
“Not now, computer,” TV Zim said, “Jessica is about to reveal the murderer.”
“But this really is urgent.”
“Of course!” TV Zim shouted, leaning off the couch. “It was the bus driver, seeking revenge for his fallen offspring!”
“Zim, there is an intruder in the-”
TV Zim jumped to his feet. “What? No!”
“It’s not the bus driver after all!” TV Zim declared. “I knew it!”
“No you didn’t,” TV Gir chimed in.
“There’s too much time left in the episode. Jessica still has 15 minutes to find the killer. Now, which of these smelly bus-humans is the real culprit?”
“Ugh, fine, whatever.”
The security feed cut out and Gir’s show came back on the tv. Zim growled and pressed his palms into his forehead. Curse that Jessica Fletcher and her engaging small-town mysteries! If that show hadn’t been canceled Urth decades ago, he would have ensured that was the last murder she ever wrote.
“Computer! Is the intruder still in the base?”
“Locate them.”
After a few seconds of processing sounds, Computer answered. “Irken biosignature located in the storage room.”
Irken, he was pretty sure he knew what that meant. Zim stormed over to the trashcan/elevator. “Computer, take me to the storage room. I’ll show Tak how to sneak into my base.”
“You’re going to show her how to sneak into your base?”
“Or how not to sneak… Or what happens when you sneak… or… Ugh you know what I meant!” Zim jumped into the elevator. “Just take me there!”
Finding Tak wasn’t as hard as he expected. As soon as he made it down to the storage room, Zim was greeted by the sound of something metal clanging to the floor. From there, all he had to do was follow the trail of crushed cans. At the end, he found Tak sitting on the floor, surrounded by discarded cans and bottles. She barely took notice of him as she downed another drink.
“You!” He shouted, pointing an accusing finger at her. “You have some nerve coming back here after… whatever it is you did! I spent days running diagnostics, trying to figure out what it is you tampered with.”
“Eh, who cares what I did?” Tak slurred, tearing her mouth away from the bottle. “I’m back on Urth. Life is empty and destiny is a cruel joke.”
“What are you going on about? And what is all this?” he said, trudging through her mess. His foot kicked a glass bottle which was larger than the rest. Picking it up, he recognized the fancy Irken label. “This is my gingzor!” he gasped. “I’ve been saving this!”
“You can get more,” Tak said with a burp. “Did you know you can get this stuff on Urth without showing identification? Idiots.”
“Have you been in my storage room, drowning yourself in gingzor all night?”
“Yup, why not? As good a way to waste my meaningless life as any.” She looked down the neck of the bottle in her hand. “Empty, sad,” she pouted as she tossed it over her shoulder.
“What are you talking about?”
“Just my recent discovery that my entire life is a lie,” she sighed. “Hey, wanna watch me laser-shot this whole six pack?”
Tak held up a pack of green cans by their plastic connector. She shot a hole in the bottom of one with a laser pistol, then started chugging the drink out from the bottom.
Zim curled a finger around his chin as he pondered the sight before him. This was very unlike Tak. He’d had enough encounters with her to know what to expect. Proud declarations of her superiority, vows for bloody vengeance, maybe a bit of maniacal cackling… that was Tak. She even had all night to attempt to kill him and, instead, spent it swimming in a pool of gingzor and self-pity. This…this was not Tak. He wondered what could possibly bring her to such a lowly state. Then it hit him.
“Ah, I see what’s happened,” he declared. “You finally realized you were never meant to be an invader and that knowledge has sent you down a spiraling pit of despair. Go on, let it out. Zim can offer his pity.”
Tak’s eyes narrowed. She plucked a can off of the pack, shook it up, and sprayed it in Zim’s face. Zim let out a yelp as he was doused in the drink.
“You know, Zim, I didn’t know you were so sentimental.”
“Sentimental?” he grumbled, rubbing the gingzor out of his eyes
“I found your secret stash.” Tak smirked as she pulled out a box labeled ZIM’S PRIVATE STUFF (GIR DON’T TOUCH).  She reached into the box and took out a CD case titled Best of Queen. “Looks like someone’s a fan of Urth royalty,” she said as she tossed it in the air.
Zim scrambled to catch it before it smashed on the ground. “That is a music group, not royalty and-”
“Oh what’s this?” she asked, pulling out his sleeved blanket. “Some sort of backward robe?” She threw that on Zim’s head, then held up his fuzzy boots. “And what are these?”
Zim snatched the blanket off and dropped it on the ground. “It gets very cold on Urth and-”
“Guess I can expect softness from someone who kept their cadet badge.” Tak held up the pink, metal circle with the Irken insignia emblazed on it. His heart beat just a second faster.
“Enough!” he shouted, swiping the badge out of her hands. “You have no business going through my stuff!”
Tak made a dismissive sound and waved her arm. “Pfft, I’ve already seen the inside of your brain. What’s the harm in looking through a few boxes?”
“Eh? My brain? Wha?” His hands flew to his back as he realized what she just admitted. “My PAK! You tampered with my PAK!”
“For the last time, I didn’t tamper, I ANALYZED!” she screamed in his face.
“Uh… this was the first time I mentioned it… Wait! It doesn’t matter! You committed a capital offence!”
“No, tampering is a capitol offence. Analyzing isn’t technically against the law.” She let out a bitter chuckle. “Although, it probably should be if they didn’t want me to see what I saw.”
“Eh? What?”
“I know something you don’t know…” she sing-songed.
“What? What is it?” He demanded, grabbing her by the shirt. “Tell me!”
“Guess who’s defective…” she sing-songed again in that annoying, giddy tone. “You! And me! And Skoodge! And a whole bunch of other people probably! And it doesn't matter at all!” She laughed. “Nothing matters! Nothing is real!” She laughed harder and threw her arm around Zim’s shoulders. “I don't even want to kill you anymore because it be so pointless. Why put in the effort? We're just walking talking food for a giant, horrible, tentacle-y, blob-monster-god-thing”
“What blob-monster-god-thing?” He inquired, pealing Tak’s arm off of himself with a sneer.  
“You know it as the control brains.” She smirked. There was something bitter and smug in it.
“Control brains?” He gasped. “You're speaking treason.”
“Eah-yup!” she declared, popping open another drink.
He desperately rubbed his temples as this new information buzzed around in his brain. She couldn’t be serious. She couldn’t be. “This is a trick,” he accused, eyes darting around, looking for hidden cameras. “You're trying to get me to say something treasonous so you can record it and show it to the Tallest.”
“Nope, no trick,” she said. Her voice was unsettlingly casual. “I went all the way to Refierencee to find out Irk is nothing but the plaything of a life sucking horror blob. Don't believe me? Here.” She tapped a spot on her PAK and a cable flew into her hands. “Plug me in and check my memory drive. See if I'm lying.”
She waggled the cable at him, daring him to take it. There had to be a reason she was doing all this. She must have some sort of ulterior motive. Why else would she make up such an outlandish lie? Unless, it wasn’t a lie...
“Fine,” he said, snatching the cable, “but I warn you, I've upgraded my computer security. So if you try to infect my base with a virus, it won't work.”
Tak shrugged and went back to her drink.
Something was wrong here, very wrong. Whether it was the truth or just a nefarious plot, there was only one way to get to the bottom of it.
Tak sat on a box, her PAK plugged into the computer while Zim reviewed her memory drive on his computer screen. He played the Refirencee memories again. Was this the 3rd or 4th time? He couldn't remember. He scanned each frame with a sharp eye. There had to be something else here, some sort of tell that this was a trick, just another one of Tak’s schemes. There was no way this could be true.
“Watch as many times as you want,” Tak said, opening yet another can. “It's not gonna change.”
“You tampered with your memory drive,” Zim said matter-of-fact. Even if he hadn’t found an inconsistency yet, that had to be the case. It was the only explanation. Well, not the only one…
“Nope,” she answered. The assurance in her voice was grating. “Have your computer check. I dare you.”
Zim glanced up. “Computer…”
“No signs of tampering detected.”
“You see…” She was so smug. He hated it.
“Then this Krislotch person is a liar.”
“And has an amazing amount of free time on his hands,” Tak retorted.
“There must be something else!” Zim slammed his hands on the control panel. “Some other explanation! If it is true that means-”
“That our people are slaves and our entire society is a lie? Why do you think I keep drinking?” She asked, knocking her drink back.
“Enough sass, you talking bottle of gingzor!” He shouted, whirling his chair around to face her. He jumped to his feet and put an accusing finger in her face. “You expect me to believe this? That the Control Brains are actually-”
“A giant parasite feeding off the life force of our entire race? Yes! Exactly! What aren't you getting?” She jumped to her feet as well and advanced toward him, crushing a can in her hands. “It's got its tentacles in everything. It controls every aspect of our lives and it'll continue to grow bigger and bigger until that's all there is. Irk doesn't exist, Zim!” She grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him in. “In our lifetime it never has! There is only it and everyone: the invaders, the foot soldiers, the janitors, the food service drones, even the tallest! We're all just slaves to the glory of the parasite.”
Tak broke out in a wild cackle as tears began leaking from her eyes. Her fingers slipped from Zim’s clothes and she doubled over, hysterical laughter echoing around the room. Zim could only watch and puzzle over her conduct. This behavior was unbecoming of a proper Irken, especially not an elite as Tak fancied herself. Maniacal laughter was fine, sure, but this? Would she degrade herself so much for an act? He thought not.
“What now?”
“It's just so funny,” she said, wiping a tear from her eye. “I mean, we work all our lives to serve the empire. You and I even remained loyal in exile. And when I learned about this thing, how our people were in danger, my first thought was ‘I have to stop this thing.’ And now,” she let out a burst of cackling, “I'm an enemy of the state! And I have to hide in your base of all places and the first person I can tell about any of this is you.” Her laughter began again in full and it sent her to the floor. “You see how that's funny?”
“Uh, no.”
“Oh.” She calmed down enough to take a few deep breaths. “Am I laughing or crying?”
“Uh, laughing I think?”
“Good, good, 'cause this really is funny,” she said, reaching over and grabbing another can. “Like a great, big joke. My life, my existence… it's all a big, cosmic… what's that human phrase? Fuck you!” Her arms opened to the ceiling. “It's a big, cosmic fuck you!”
Zim watched her, laying on the floor, her pained laughter filling the room. The site was beyond pathetic, but he could feel no victory in it. He couldn't feel anything at all. If this was true, Tak was right… about everything. And in the face of this revelation, he did the only thing he could do. He sat down on the floor, grabbed a can of gingzor from the pack, and poured the contents into his mouth.
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sweetflowerboi · 4 years
@zimangsttime for your lovely enthusiasm about this, I have personally tagged you. I hope you enjoy it, links to the full chapter will be at the end of the excerpt.
The tavern was lively, full of robust laughter and perky music, creatures big and small making conversation with one another. All except for, what looked like, a small, green alien sitting in a corner by himself actively examining everyone in the establishment. Dib glanced at him very quickly before walking over to a table and sitting down. He watched a Kobold sing about her adventures, tales of encountering dragons and banshee's. Fighting off Drow and making great allies with people across the land. Dib was enchanted by her stories, so fixated on them that he didn't notice someone climb up onto his table until they grabbed his face. Dib had no time to react before the mysterious person started yelling.
"Hello! Let me tell you a story!" The person in front of him was in fact not human, but a small robot. Light grey in color with light blue eyes, and wearing a green dog costume with the hood off.
"Uhm, I suppose you can tell me one story." Dib mumbled uncomfortably.
The little robot let go of Dib's face and quickly sat down on the table. Dib rolled his eyes as he watched the stranger think of a story to tell him. Although he was interested enough to not walk away from the little guy, he was quite annoyed with how he got Dib's attention.
"So one time, me and my master were in this really spooky town. I mean ​really​ spooky, he was so scared and was all like 'Gir, hold me! The great Zim is scared to be here'. And I said 'yes sir', then there was a pug and I shot it up into space. But then I turned around to see a flying moose and-"
Dib cut Gir off in confusion, "Wait, wait, wait, you did what to a pug and saw a flying what? Are you sure this is a true story?"
Gir nodded and continued on with the bizarre tale about a flying moose. Dib sighed a figured he could give the small robot some money for at least trying his best at telling a story. He reached for
his money pouch only to feel another hand already in it. Dib immediately grabbed the hand as soon as he felt it and turned to see who it was that was attempting to steal his money. The culprit was the green alien from the corner, getting a better look at him Dib realized he wasn't much taller than the alien. The alien had black hair that seemed to have a gel like substance in it and had light purple eyes. He wore black boots and leggings, along with a pink and grey jacket.
"Run Gir!" The alien yelled before biting Dibs hand to attempt his great escape.
"Ow, fucking hell!" Dib looked up to see the alien and robot scamper to their feet in order to run and quickly pulled out his whip, "Oh no you don't space boy!"
Dib lassoed the two and pulled them towards him within seconds. Gir seemed unfazed, in fact he was asking Dib to do it again. But the alien, the thief, was annoyed with the events that just took place a minute ago. Dib sighed before tying the two up to some chairs and grabbing one of his own, facing towards them.
"What's your deal, why are you trying to take money from me?!" Dib snapped.
"If you must know, the amazing Zim needs it to buy a few things. Gir here was ​supposed​ to keep you distracted, not be so bad at his job that it's cause you to go reaching for your pouch out of pity!"
Dib stifled a laugh, "Wait,​ you're​ the 'great Zim' from Gir's story? I was expecting a child, dude you're about my age!"
"What do you mean from Gir's story? Gir! What did you tell this filthy earth boy?"
Gir laughed and looked towards Zim, "I told him you got scared, there was also a pug and a flying moose."
Zim sighed in defeat, "Listen here earth scum, that stuff isn't true. Zim is scared of nothing, NOTHING​!"
Note: the Wattpad link didn’t work. So instead look up my user. I’m sorry for the inconvenience. My wattpad is SweetFlowerBoi
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thatshxtagain · 5 years
Kindness Is Always Warm and Dry (Nightlight one shot)
Here's a oneshot of MISFIT Ruby x FREAKS Matilda for the people in the NERDS Discord!! Hope you enjoy!
The thunder that roared in the heavily overcast skies made Matilda yelp, pulling her hood further onto her head. Rain pelted her fleece hoodie, soaking into her clothes and clinging onto her skin as she wobbles to her feet, nearly slipping on the puddles already forming underneath her. Thankfully, she doesn't feel any scrapes or bruises from that fall. She takes a look back, barely able to make out the doors of the warehouse through the dense rain, but knowing fully well that she wasn't getting in anytime soon. Not with those stupid goons that kicked her out - 'past working hours', they claimed. 'Past working hours' her ass, they just wanted to have the facility to themselves.
Matilda almost had no time to react when she saw the rapidly approaching headlights from the side, barely able to jump out of the way in the nick of time. She splashed into another puddle, nearly teetering off balance as the car speeds past her, splashing into the puddle she was previously in and spraying her from behind. The tiny girl shudders, jumping away to examine herself before shortly groaning. If Mat wasn't completely drenched in water before, she certainly was now. She stares down at the street through the heavy precipitation - there’s no way she’s going to make it to Heathcliff’s house through this downpour. With a clammy hand, she reaches into her hoodie pocket, carefully taking out a small, round object the size of a yo-yo, several glowing green numbers flashing rather brightly on the front despite the water droplets already splattering on the screen, and smack on the top was a blue button. Matilda knew this object well - it was one of MISFIT’s teleportation devices to other universes, the numbers being coordinates to send her to Dimension 1. Specifically, Ruby 1’s room. Matilda stared at the device for a few seconds, hesitating, before finally pressing the blue button.
Her room is exactly like she remembers - cream colored walls lined with bookshelves, a few bean bag chairs littered around a table with a tv, a fluffy grey carpet smack in the center of both, a smooth marble desk in the corner stacked with an ungodly amount of paperwork that not even her own Ruby would be able to handle, and a queen sized bed with a tiny dresser right beside it. Ruby 1 had been reading a book in one of the beanbag chairs when Matilda popped in, and when she did notice her, her eyebrows shot upward, eyes widening behind her square framed glasses as she takes in Matilda’s appearance. Mat can only imagine how she must look in the other girl’s eyes - she must be a pathetic sight, already shivering from the sudden blast of the AC. Her shoes squish on the polished wood of the floor, and she suddenly feels bad that her sopping state is beginning to ruin the floor.
The petite girl only had a chance to blink before Ruby began scrambling off the beanbag chair, darting to her closet and frantically taking out a large towel, already beginning to bundle the girl with a perfectly worried expression. “Matilda, what happened to you?! You look absolutely soaked!!!” She fussed, her voice dripping in concern as she begins to dry her off despite her state. "I-I got kicked out in the rain," Matilda stuttered, startled with the other girl's sudden behavior. How could she be so caring to her so quickly? As far as she knew, she was only an 'alternate' to her. Before she knew it, clothes are being shoved into her hands and she’s ushered to the bathroom to change. Mat is quick to undress - she was practically freezing in her own clothes - and starts to properly dry herself off. She leaves the towel ruffled in her hair before picking up the clothes Ruby provided her - a grey and yellow sweater with a tiny front pocket, brown shorts, and a pair of ankle-high white socks - and tugs them on. It was no doubt that they were ridiculously huge on her, the sweater kept shrugging past her shoulders every chance it gets, the socks sinking ever so slightly down her ankles, and the shorts didn’t  even try to fit, immediately flopping to the floor the moment she tried to put them on. She frowns at this, pulling the shorts back up and trying to tie the sides. No luck, they immediately fell back down with every attempt. She sighs, kicking the shorts to the side of the bathroom. At least two out of the three articles of clothing could somewhat fit her. Mat tries to adjust the sweater one last time, holding it up one shoulder as it sagged off the other, and with a huff she exits the bathroom. 
“Ummm...the shorts couldn’t fit…” Matilda mumbles, shifting awkwardly the moment Ruby laid eyes on her. She wishes the stupid sweater could stop sagging for one damn minute - she swore Ruby must’ve been holding back a laugh, since she did have a hand over her face when she saw her come out. Matilda kept her eyes glued to the floor, feeling uncomfortable the longer the other girl stared. Finally, the blonde clears her throat, straightening slightly. “M-My bad. I forgot my clothes were much bigger than you. Sorry about that.” She responds with an apologetic look. “I think I have an old skirt that may be your size though!” She offers. Mat wrinkles her nose, immediately shaking her head. “No thanks - not exactly a fan of skirts.”
Ruby frowns at this. “Are you sure? Your legs must be cold right now - I can’t imagine how frigid they’ll get if you leave them like that.”
Well. Now that she mentions it, they were getting pretty chilly. Mat had to literally rub her knees together to keep them from numbing. Her lips pursed into a thin line, and she reluctantly nods. “I guess I could try.” She says sheepishly, pulling the sweater up her shoulder once more.
The taller female smiles, nodding slightly before heading to her closet. She rummages through her clothes for a while, then finally pulls out a short white skirt that Matilda honestly doubts would actually warm her in the slightest - but, beggars can’t be choosers. Ruby hands her the skirt, and she goes back to the bathroom to put it on. It surprisingly fit - almost a little too well, staying securely on her small waist without being too tight. She stuffs the burlap of a sweater into the skirt, attempting at a tuck-in but failing miserably. Was the sweater supposed to sag underneath the skirt? She guessed not. She tugs the sweater out a little, keeping a bit of the edges still tucking inside while the rest flopped out. She looked absolutely ridiculous from the reflection of the bathroom mirror, reminding herself of a spoiled toddler - if it weren’t for her wet, unkempt hair that still had a few droplets of water dripping from the tips. She dries her unruly hair with the towel one final time before setting it beside the sink, exiting the bathroom.
 She couldn’t help but feel even more uncomfortable with the skirt once Ruby’s attention was back on her, and the staring definitely felt longer then before, except her eyes were glued on the stupid white article of clothing. Her hand flew to her face again, and Matilda felt herself flush in embarrassment, fiddling with the hem of the baggy sleeves. “W-well...i-it fits..” she said meekly, somehow feeling more exposed then before, shivering slightly at the faint air that passed into the skirt. Sadly, it wasn’t the type with any sort of inside shorts.
“A-Are you laughing at me?” Matilda asks suddenly, what with all the staring and mouth covering. "NO!" Ruby responded almost immediately, making Matilda jump slightly as she waved her arms in a frantic manner. "No no no. You look great! You look pretty gir-pretty great!" She floundered, and the moment she exposed her face Mat noticed the deep blush beginning to form on the other girl. This causes her to blush brighter, squirming slightly at the compliment. For a moment, she almost thought she was about to say ‘pretty girl’. “A-Am I wearing it right?” She asks anxiously, peering down at the skirt a little. “Th-There weren’t any tags…”
“Yes! Yes, of course!” Ruby spluttered out, nodding instantly. “I-It looks amazing, and you’re wearing it absolutely perfect!”
This stirs yet another flush from the smaller girl, and she stiffly nods, hiding her face in her hands in embarrassment. Ruby blinks, making a small chuckle at this before walking over and wrapping Matilda in what she assumes to be another towel until she feels a strange warmth that seemed to be emitting from inside it. “Heater blanket,” Ruby explains, bundling the girl tightly and guiding her to one of the beanbags. “I’m going to get us dinner, okay? Then I’ll put on a nice movie before we retire for the night. Get comfy.” She informs with a smile, and the tiny girl made another nod, wringing the heater blanket closer around herself as she pulls her legs to her chest.
Ruby wasn’t gone for too long, but it was enough time for Mat to lift the collar of the sweater to her nose, sniffing it curiously. It smelled like warm pastries and lavender, a combination that reminded Mat of a luxury spa that was definitely way over something Molly could afford - but somehow always managed to. The lavender scent made her relax ever so slightly, and the pastry smell made her stomach churn. Both scents mixed together helped her unwind on the bean bag chair, leaning further back and closing her eyes for a few minutes. She doesn’t open them until she hears the door open, and sees Ruby carrying two trays of food. She joins Ruby on the carpet as she places the trays in front of them, then walking over to the tv table to get out the movies. They ended up choosing some sort of action movie, one with so many cringey moments that Mat could barely pay attention to it without rolling her eyes every so often as she ate. The food wasn’t bad - it was just some mashed potatoes, peas, and a few chicken slabs, but really, any food was heaven to the tiny girl, and she thanks Ruby during the first half of the movie.
When she finished, Mat didn’t notice she had unconsciously started leaning on the other girl. It wasn’t until Ruby turned to look over at her did she realize what she’d been doing. “Tired?” The blonde asked with an amused brow. Matilda huffs, shaking her head. “I’m just cold, that’s all.” She responds, which wasn’t exactly half lying - her legs were still chilly from the lack of clothing she wore. Ruby tilts her head at this, but smiles. She reaches over, and before she could say anything she pulls the smaller girl in between her legs, proceeding to envelop her entire body around her. Matilda froze, turning to stare at the taller female incredulously, who only gave a friendly smile in return, cuddling her even more. A pink blush dusts her face, and the Korean places her hands on top of her arms, turning back to the movie. She...she couldn’t explain it, but for some reason she felt at ease in Ruby’s arms, all her troubles somehow fading from her mind as she focuses only on the movie, and how comfortable Ruby’s chest feels, and how it was so easy to relax in her warm embrace. It got more and more difficult for her to stay awake with how much she was completely basking in the other girl’s cozy hug, blinking off quite often during the movie. The credits scene is the last thing Matilda sees before she dozes off, and the faint smell of pastries and lavender suddenly much stronger - especially when she curled further into Ruby’s arms, now knowing where the scent had been coming from - Ruby’s jacket, the scent wafting into her nose as her head nuzzles into the soft material, being the final nudge before she drifts into slumber.
Matilda wakes up in Ruby’s bed the next day, still incredibly soft and the familiar pastry-lavender scent stronger than ever that Mat almost fell back asleep. She notices Ruby still snoozing soundly in her sleeping bag, and the smallest of smiles crosses her face. She got up as quietly as possible, reaching for the teleportation device left on the nightstand, about to press the button to return home before remembering something. Opening the drawer, she pulls out a pad of sticky notes and a pen, writing down a short message and sticking it on the lamp. She gives Ruby one final look before pressing the button, teleporting back to her universe.
An hour later, Ruby wakes up to an empty bed and a sticky note on her lamp. 
‘Thanks for letting me stay over. 
P.S. I took one of your pillows.
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jacketskider · 4 years
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Add striking style to her outerwear Pink Windbreaker Tie-Dye Print Jacket from Cat and Jack™. This pink tie-dye print windbreaker jacket makes a fun and functional choice in her layering closet. Made from lightweight waterproof material, this hooded jacket helps to provide extra coverage and protection during rainy or windy days. The soft and breathable cotton lining gives it a comfortable finish, while the full length front zipper allows for easy dressing and layering. Plus, the side pockets provide a spot to store small essentials. Gender: female. Age Group: kids. Pattern: Solid. Material: Recycled Polyester. Check price
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badlydrawn-brostrider · 9 months
-- girHoodieGuy [GHG] started pestering taciturnTriloquist [TT] --
[GHG]: soooo i sorta went to sleep for a "short" nap of like an hour
[GHG]: and then i slept until 3 fucking PM
[GHG]: im literally more tired ughrhhfffgggf
TT: Can't help ya much there, kid. I have the exact same problem half the time.
TT: Here's to one day wakin' up actually feelin' well rested.
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badlydrawn-brostrider · 9 months
I'm so eep and I could actually literally fall aeep rn but I refus I EEFUSE to eep because I've eept so much these past few days
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[Has slept through everything]
[GirHoodieGuy]: I hate my life
[GirHoodieGuy]: UGHHHHHHDBDBDBSBSSVASN$$733&;//8&/&'N
BRO: You look fuckin' exhausted, kid. I know you've slept a lot and its hypocritical of me to say but maybe ya should consider gettin' some more rest.
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badlydrawn-brostrider · 9 months
[GHG]: oh snap ur emo now hell yes
[GHG]: broseph brosephen Strider
[GHG]: GOD I am so tired
[GHG]: srry I'm totes spamming you
[GHG]: I will skedaddle now
[GHG]: adios
*Note by HE (headphoneEnthusiast) it is storming out here in Florida not very fun, stay safe yall in Mississippi and shizz out here is insane (PS gir hoodie guy totally calls bro broseph to get on his nerves and only bro in serious situations)
TT: Won't be emo for long considerin' people can't behave. They go wild at the sight of skin as if I'm some fuckin' Victorian maiden showin' off her ankles for the first time.
TT: I don't mind the spam, lil' man. Pester me whenever ya want. Can't guarantee I'll hop on right away but I should get to ya pretty fast.
TT: See you 'round, kid.
–– taciturnTriloquist [TT] ceased pestering GirHoodieGuy [GHG] ––
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boboprincess · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Diesel S Gir B5 Felpa Crew Sweatshirt Bright White Size XXL.
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