#giraffe gene
serrated-snake · 5 months
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He has "sandstone beach at noon" vibes. Not super certain about the secondary or whether blossom should be a part of it or not
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bonusdragons · 2 years
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September 30, 2022:
Fire Tertiary, Ridgeback, Giraffe.
Maple of cheer’s Clan Quaeris!
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Poking my pirate ship setting again in ways that aren't all that productive but at least resulted in some outfits, namely for Captain Whitestone, his partner Delian (who holds no specific rank besides being an all around fun dude), and one of the crew members, Nutmeg
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funkbun · 11 months
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i remember i made these designs for snorpy n floofty's parents like 2 years ago, the og post is somewhere on my main blog i dont fuckin know lol, but i felt like redesigning them slightly
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spacedoutman · 3 months
Kissblr—urgent question-if you were a giraffe in a zoo who in the current lineup of Kiss would you trust to be your caretaker?
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terra-tortoise · 7 months
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progress progress progress...
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sickviking-fr · 1 year
Baby share!
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Kaiser, Imp, Nugget, Azaran, Drakken, Annabelle.
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candycoloredragons · 2 years
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fiction-quotes · 1 year
“Of course clues to phylogeny may also be found in the human body. They reveal themselves in small, apparently insignificant details. The vermicular appendix. The coccyx. The wisdom teeth.” Atrophied organs, useless characteristics that did little damage and were carried around as souvenirs from the animal past. The fossils were buried in the body itself. Primitive man lived within us.
  —  The Giraffe’s Neck (Judith Schalansky), translated by Shaun Whiteside
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ferberus-skull · 2 years
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can someone please explain what the FUCK is going on layer-wise on giraffe for tundras?? what the fuck is this. what's happening here.
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frtools · 1 month
New Flash Sale: Primary Veilspun Gene: Giraffe
A new flash sale has been discovered for Primary Veilspun Gene: Giraffe
A scroll that will change the primary gene of one Veilspun dragon to Giraffe. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Game database: click here Marketplace link: click here
Treasure: 112500 90000
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serrated-snake · 1 year
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Offering Drifter and Reed today. They're husbands on a vacation in the Kelp Beds, and Drifter is desperately trying to find a perfect anniversary gift while the two of them are there. Reed already has his prepared, and is more concerned with finding dinner
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bonusdragons · 2 years
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October 24, 2022:
Yellow Tertiary, Coatl, Giraffe.
Pandora from MaDragon’s Haven of the Flowerfall Wilds!
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wrathful-reptile · 5 months
now that we have one dino gene on the baldies, we can get OTHER dino genes on them too
Anky, Parasaurolophus, Tupandactylus
With Antlers, we can see about other animal horns, spines, and crests on the dusties
Ossicones(giraffes), Bearded Dragon spines(Dragon? Bearded?), rams horns (*with a bit of fur), Crested gecko helmet.
Idk. A lot of animals and creatures have interesting head shapes that FR could just add as terts to the dusties (they're so bald, makes for a decent tert canvas)
because there's not nearly enough terts that bother the head.
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alwayscorvus · 7 months
What are lions truly scared of
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What are lions truly scared of
half-lion!Jing Yuan x malereader, fluff
Jing Yuan resembled a lion in many ways.
Lions stood out with their bushy mane, one that was incredibly similar to Jing Yuan's. Long, thick, messy. Extremely difficult to control.
Lions weighed around 420 pounds*. Known for their massive build. Their mass and strength allowed them to hunt and fight for their pride. Exactly as in case of Jing Yuan who had a powerful physique, which made masculinity radiate from him. By his very appearance, Jing Yuan woke awe and fear in eyes of his enemies.
Lions were "kings of the jungle". They kept watch over other animals. Just like Jing Yuan, who ruled Xianzhou Luofu thanks to his role as one of leaders.
Lions mostly didn't raise their offspring, leaving that to lionesses to do. Despite this, they always protected the youngest ones. Maybe that's why Jing Yuan often put off teaching Yanqing and preferred not to assign him difficult tasks through which he could get hurt.
Lions were known for performing outstanding hunts. Choosing right time, adjusting their attack tactics and observing their prey for a long while. When working as a team and carefully following tasks instructed to them, lionesses were able to knock down a giraffe that greatly surpassed them. Perhaps this is why Jing Yuan was such a great strategist. His skills worked well both in chess and on battlefield. Man didn't act by impulse, he thoughtfully chose his next steps. He knew that not all attacks should be responded to, and even if, it wasn't necessary to do that immediately. Sometimes it was better to wait for the right moment. Slow action and "patience" also allowed Jing Yuan to not get too much tired...
Lions became exhausted easily and run only on short distances. So you could say that Jing Yuan had in genes this laziness and dullness which he was always showing.
That's why it wasn't surprising when, during transformation of some of Luofu's residents, Jing Yuan was one of them.
Yes, at some point the nation over which Jing Yuan held custody began to change. At first Xianzhou Luofu was just an unusual and wonderful place inhabited by many different species. The most popular of them were of course Foxians, Vidyadharas and Xianzhou Natives. The last one were previously famous only for their long-living. They didn't show any animal traits in their apperance. Over the years, however, this began to change. Mutations weren't common, but despite that, in some individuals they suddenly triggered the appearance of parts unusual for human body. Tails, horns, extra ears, claws, scales, anything that just referred to animals that Natives personified.
Because of that, an already perfect image of General was enhanced by a pair of white lion ears and a long, swift tail.
However, that was not what caught your attention. Rather it was a Jing Yuan's strange behavior.
At first, you thought you only imagined it or that it was just a pure coincidence. Over time, however, you found that Jing Yuan was really avoiding you on purpose.
At Louofu celebrations, by the time you were able to push through the crowd to where Six Charioteers were standing, Jing Yuan had always managed to change his position. Leaving behind only sight of departing shadow and ruffles of his robe waving in the wind.
When you visited Divine Foresight for business matters, you could never find Jing Yuan. When you asked about him, you were told that man had left only seconds before you arrived. Or even better, that at that day he wasn't there at all. And you could have sworn that behind the closing door to one of the back rooms, you saw a long, white tail frivolously levitating in the air.
However, you got really fed up with all that when Jing Yuan sent his representatives to consultation with you instead of showing up himself.
You also like Jing Yuan belonged to long-lived species. Although you didn't reveal any additional features in your appearance. And in look were no different from an ordinary person (well, maybe not counting large build in form of broad shoulders and above-average height). But elephant blood flowed through your veins.
As a result, you and your family became famous for your divine memory. Because of which, male line of your dynasty from generation to generation served rulers as consultants and "treasurers of knowledge". Though this didn't happen often. Because your services were extremely expensive. And also because you have lived in a grudge against Six Charioteers since ancient times. Precisely, since a few centuries ago one of former rulers made a decision completely different from your suggestions. That offended your pride deeply. However, your helping still took place in special circumstances.
One could say that due to the long life span, there weren't many of your "generations". But unfortunately, because of your genes, you were the target of so-called "poachers". They were eliminating you because of highly paid commission. You were valuable, your knowledge was precious. And it posed a great threat to others. That forced you to start new generations. By holding sensitive information from many years, your grandfather and later also your father lost their lives. Only you remained. And it was you who held the duties of "treasurer of knowledge".
You did it with extreme diligence and were respected by many. That's why you decided to take advantage of it.
When stellaron crisis hit Luofu, and you were once again asked to share your knowledge by Jing Yuan's subordinates. You gave an ultimatum.
General had to personally show up.
New deals, raises, promises of extraordinary rewards couldn't bribe you.
What's more, enough was enough when, after "agreeing" to your terms, another broker appeared at the meeting instead of Jing Yuan. Explaining himself with General's "illness".
To some, your attitude could seem trivial. But you really needed to find out why the head of Xianzhou Luofu had been avoiding you like a fire for years. Was there something wrong with you? Did you offend him with something? But how were you supposed to do that if you had never even seen him in person. Exactly. You had never had the opportunity to even see Jing Yuan with your own eyes before. You only knew his appearance and character from stories, paintings and your own analysis. That additionally kept you motivated in holding on your decisions.
And that's why you left the meeting room with a bang. News about your grudge immediately reaching General.
Jing Yuan realized that he had crossed the line. And that if he really wanted to get answers for his questions, he had to meet you in person. Not hologram, not anyone else, but he himself. If you would grant him another chance at all….
Your curiosity, however, worked in his favor. A week later, Jing Yuan showed up at your residence.
You found him sitting on a mat in your office. At the sight of him you instantly froze for a second. He looked even better than they described him, though perhaps not as majestically... Did you imagine that or did he really give off a vibe of shy and lost? Hunched, he looked around the room with hesitation. Avoiding your gaze at the same time. You didn't know where the great, famous, well-respected general had gone.
You took a seat on the other side of the table. And you took a closer look at him.
Fluffy white ears lay flattened on his head, and eyes that still avoided your face were squinted. With your memory, you returned to books about lions that you had been browsing, wishing to learn more about Jing Yuan.
Similar symptoms occurred in cat family when they were scared of something. But what could a brilliant General be afraid of. Stunned, you looked around to the sides, but you didn't see any threat behind your back.
-So how can i help the famous Jing Yuan? - you asked almost amused.
-Nameless... Is there anything I should know about them regarding the history of Xianzhou Luofu? Something that could prevent success of our cooperation? Can they be trusted?
You smiled at this.
-Why don't we start with what we agreed on in the letter first? - you recalled your conversation that you held after the last insult.
Man pulled a book from behind his bask and slid it timidly towards you. You grabbed it and opened at the page pointed by bookmark which surprisingly matched the patterns on Jing Yuan's robe.
You read the subject and then next few lines.
"What are Lions scared of?"
"Lions have only a few predators to fear other than humans."
Not that.
"Lions are not really scared of elephants. But elephants are the only animals they really try to avoid. [...] Lions show elephants respect that they deserve. Lions know that they will not defeat an elephant alone, because elephants are too powerful and massive for that. "
You smiled even wider and came up with another idea.
-What would General say about changing our agreement? I wouldn't want to drain Luofu's treasury that much... You have nothing to be scared of General. Although your ears could "suffer" a bit under new rules -you suggested playfully.
Jing Yuan rapidly raised his head. For the first time you could sink into his golden eyes. Nevertheless, you were greatly distracted from this astonishing view by naughty tail, which also rose to attention and flicked in the air.
After a moment, Jing Yuan burst into laughter, and his confidence returned. He nudged his head over the table towards you.
-What are u waiting for?
You also responded to the remark with laughter and slight disbelief.
Several decades of waiting, and everything could be solved in a few seconds.
You lifted your hand up, over Jing Yuan's mane. You hesitated for a moment, but then excitedly ruffled lion's ears. Soft to the touch. Fluffy as a cloud. Pleasantly cold after traveling outside.
And those purrs... Almost cat-like purr that came out of Jing Yuan immediately right after your gentle hands began kneading his ears in not so gently way. You could hear it more often.
And what's more, you could probably even fall in love with it.
made while listening to AREZRA "Goodbye"
*~190 kg
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dontexpectmuch · 1 year
sometimes jude gives himbo vibes (lets never forget he thinking mexican was a language lol) so what about headcanons of himbo jude and smart reader? I think this could be fun 😂😅
jude bellingham testing his partners patience could be like…:
you try your very best to help jude and his friend, gio, as much as you can when it comes to freshen up their general knowledge. you try. however, as soon as you talk about the first topic, a huge discussion erupts with both of them talking as loud as possible, trying to get their points through. and somehow you always end up in the middle, both of them trying to get to tell the other that their opinion is wrong.
“bro, a piranha could kill you.” gio laughs, looking at jude who only shakes his head scoffing with his hand squeezing your thigh. “not me, though.” he denies, now looking at you, in hopes that you would back him up. “don’t look at me like that, love, of course they can.” - “you should support me instead of that geezer!” he exclaims, offended that you would betray him like that. “bro, why wouldn’t it? have you seen them?” gio continued, not believing that his friend could be this naïve. “i’ll just swim away.” jude shrugged. both gio and you looked at him flabbergasted, no words found to describe how disappointed you felt.
explaining him different theories throughout the day, whether it was biology related or historical, became the new norm for you. it almost felt like playing teacher/pupil. jude somehow always comes up with the most interesting (?) questions ever. and instead of googling it or whatever, his first reaction is to go to you, the smartest person he knew. “babe, what did they say about the giraffe necks again?” - “babe, how can genes skip a generation? do they just, i don’t know, wait?” - “bro, what do you mean the proteins dissolve in heat?” you have to be patient, but also couldn’t help but coo at your boyfriends confused expression.
he uses your wide spectrum of vocabulary to roast his teammates or jobe in the group chat, never in real life, since he wouldn’t be able to pronounce everything correctly for the first time. it is usually in the evening, the two of you laying on the couch, a tv show softly playing in the background. “yo,” jude speaks up, his face focused on his phone, eyebrows drawn together and lips agape, “how do i say that he can go fuck himself and that i don’t care that he doesn’t want to do it, but, like, make it sound smart.” - “jude, what are you doing?”
sometimes, when his cluelessness gets too much for you to handle, you usually walk away, to a different room or something. just, something so you wouldn’t hit judes pretty little head with the next slipper you found. though, he is really mature and is able to keep a conversation flowing, he’d sometimes say something so out of pocket that one would have to be left alone for a while, just so you could comprehend what had happened. and jude would follow you, not giving you a chance to escape his weirdness, “bruh, c’mon it wasn’t that bad.” he’d laugh, his hands closed around your arm to pull you against his chest. “no, please.” you shake your head, trying to break free, “i can’t do this today.” -“babe! don’t be so mean.” - “love, what do you mean you thought mexican was a language? please, don’t do this to me.” hearing you say that caused him to laugh even more, eyes closed and head thrown back.
himbo bee effs for the win
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