#like pirate ships and whales
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Poking my pirate ship setting again in ways that aren't all that productive but at least resulted in some outfits, namely for Captain Whitestone, his partner Delian (who holds no specific rank besides being an all around fun dude), and one of the crew members, Nutmeg
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vamptastic · 8 months
I've never seen OFMD maybe they're all fastidiously clean idk but a show where ppl presumably write a bunch of explicit gay fanfiction about dudes that haven't bathed in months and live on a boat eating hardtack absolutely massacring their digestive systems being sponsored (?) by a lube brand is really funny. I don't think those guys would use it to be real with you. Like I don't think there was room in the cargo hold I don't think it was a priority. They needed room for the hardtack
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penkura · 5 months
knowing [3/8]
Summary: Sanji knew you were the one the moment he met you.
Pairing: Sanji x Reader
Warnings: None really. Normal One Piece stuff I guess.
Note: Chapter three whoooooo. I like how this one turned out.
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[Ch. 1] ● [Ch. 2]
Having left Water Seven with Franky as a new addition and Usopp back in your crew, you all ended up finding a ghost ship and meeting a living skeleton named Brook. Luffy of course wanted him to join you all, despite most everyone being either terrified or concerned, it made you laugh and was the one time you agreed with Luffy, surprising Sanji more than anyone.
"Why not? Could be fun."
"He's not joining our crew!!" Zoro shouted at you which just made you stick your tongue out at him in return.
Arriving at Thriller Bark, you were starting to get a chill down your spine even as Nami, Usopp, and Chopper took the Mini Merry out, only to get lost it seemed and you all still on the Sunny being attacked by an invisible creature, whatever it was being weird enough to sniff at Robin and lick up your face, absolutely disgusting you. Sanji kicked whatever it was away, making sure you were all right before the rest of you left to explore Thriller Bark.
You stayed closer to Robin this time, getting even more concerned about the things going on when Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji disappeared.
Robin kept you near her even as you fought various zombies, eventually learning more about Brook and how he once knew the whale Laboon, who you'd met all the way back when you entered the Grand Line, then hearing you needed to return to Sunny, your missing crew members having been taken there after their shadows had been stolen. Your next mission being to get them back and rescue Nami from a creep that was trying to marry your best friend.
You and Sanji went to find and rescue Nami, him leaving her in your care since she'd been knocked out while he attempted to defeat the weird Absalom guy. She did wake and ended up beating Absalom on her own in the end, but it was the thought that counted (she did thank you later for saving her from some random creepy guy).
Eventually you ended up outside and Luffy, turned into a monster briefly by another pirate and her crew stuffing shadows into him, defeated Gecko Moria just in time for those who had lost their shadows to regain them. You wouldn't dare tell anyone how terrified you were seeing people starting to turn to ash from the light, especially Sanji of course.
The Warlord Bartholomew Kuma appearing and using his powers to knock the majority of you out was unexpected, as was seeing Sanji run off after Zoro once you'd all awakened, and you ran after him, just in time to see Zoro nearly on the ground and bleeding heavily.
Thankfully, with Chopper of course, Zoro had survived whatever had happened and was bandaged, awake after a couple days as you all prepared to leave Thriller Bark, Brook joining as your newest member and musician.
The night you left, Nami demanded a girl's night with you and Robin, mostly so she could get even more information about your relationship with Sanji out of you. You answered what you could for a while, before realizing how late it was getting, standing up from your place on the floor.
"I'm gonna go help Sanji if he needs it. I'll be back later."
"Take your time." Nami gave a grin while you smiled and left the women's bunks, hurrying off to the kitchen. Even with all the events of the last few days, now that your crew of ten was on their way to the next destination, you only wanted to be around Sanji and see if he needed anything. Brook joining meant more work to be done all over the place, your dear boyfriend probably would need help with any kitchen prep now.
Even though he denied it as soon as you showed up and offered your help.
"I can handle it, I promise!"
You pouted which made Sanji laugh, while you threw your arms around him in a hug that he returned.
"I don't want you to overwork yourself."
"I won't, I'm used to this. You forgot I worked in a restaurant?"
Shaking your head, you looked up at him, giving Sanji a smile. "I just want you to take care of yourself. If I can help in any way, I want to."
Sanji didn't say a thing, just unable to believe how lucky he was. You liked him so much, you wanted to make sure he didn't overdo it and had help to finish his work early enough to sleep. He had the second watch that night, but still, you wanted him to get some rest and take care of himself. You cared about his well being so much, even if it meant you had to wait to sleep or even do your own chores.
What a far cry from the life he knew as a child. Someone who truly cared and wanted to care for him in return for how he cared for them. What did he do to deserve you? What higher being did he impress enough to be so blessed with you in his life?
"I love you."
The words slipped out before he could stop them, your eyes going wide as you held onto his shirt a bit tighter. It took a moment for Sanji to even realize what he said, but your very quiet 'what' in response made his face turn red and he tried to push you away and apologize but you gripped even tighter.
"What…what did you say…?"
"I…nothing, sorry, I didn’t–"
"Say it again."
Blinking, Sanji's breath caught in his throat as he looked at you. Your face had a slight blush but you looked like you were going to cry, he wasn't sure why.
Had he freaked you out to the point of tears? Was it too soon for those words?
"I…I love you, [Y/N]."
Hearing it again, you just couldn’t help it and started crying, highly concerning Sanji as he started asking what was wrong, telling you that you didn't have to say it back if you didn't feel the same way, it was fine! He wouldn't stop loving you, you had to know that. He hoped he hadn't scared you and that this was too soon, he really didn't mean for those words to come out yet.
Damn it, of course it was late and in the kitchen of all places! Sanji had thought this through multiple times, thinking he'd get to take you on a real date somewhere and tell you those words, instead of them just tumbling out while in the kitchen. His hopes were dashed for that, you probably didn't even have those feelings for him yet. Of course he screwed it up, he really was a fail–
"I love you too!"
You hugged him even tighter and buried your face in his shirt, making Sanji tear up now as he held you closer. He couldn't believe it, you loved him back.
You loved him! He didn't want to cry, trying so hard to stop the tears, despite how happy he was about it.
He hadn't told you how much it meant to hear you say that, not that night. He wanted you to know about his childhood, but not then, another time would be better. He didn't want to ruin this special moment, and prayed that none of your crewmates would interrupt, especially once you leaned up to kiss him, saying another 'I love you' when you pulled away, which he returned.
Nothing was going to ruin that moment.
"Morning." Nami took a sip from her coffee, giving you a look while you yawned and rubbed your eyes, taking the seat across from her and laying your head down on the table. Sanji gave you a smile and asked if there was anything you wanted, you replied that you'd take a coffee to start which he gladly provided you with. Nami watched the two of you, her knowing about your relationship obviously made the two of you more comfortable with her around; she smiled knowingly to herself as Sanji gave you the coffee you'd requested just as you like it, kissing the top of your head and making you smile sweetly at him before he returned to making breakfast for the crew. With Brook having joined, that meant more to be done, but Sanji didn't accept your offer to help this time, saying he'd have to get used to it. Nami looked between the two of you, as you watched Sanji work with your smile still on your face.
Oh, she had noticed you never came back to the girls' bunks the night before. You'd left at one point, you said, to see if Sanji needed help with the dishes or prepping for breakfast, telling her and Robin you'd be back but you never returned. After nearly an hour, Nami was close to going after you to make sure everything was all right, before Robin told her that she shouldn't interrupt the two of you. She didn't elaborate, but her smile made Nami think something more was going on that night. Robin didn't tell her a single thing, instead going on to bed and leaving Nami to wonder what on earth could have been taking you so long. She stayed up and tried to wait for you, a thought crossing her mind that she didn't want to entertain for the sheer weirdness of it, but the fact you never came back to your bed made her wonder if she was right so she chose to ask after watching you that morning.
"Did you guys have sex last night or something?"
You almost spit your coffee across the table while Sanji nearly cut himself before he turned to Nami in shock at her question. 
"What?!" You both shouted, faces bright red at the thought.
Shrugging, Nami took another drink before continuing. "[Y/N] never came back to her bed last night, and you guys are being even sweeter to each other today…"
"Nami, that doesn't mean–"
"Oh, and you're wearing the hoodie Sanji had on too."
Your eyes widened and you sunk down in your seat, realizing she was right about that. You'd taken it that morning without thinking, almost leaving it before Sanji said you could keep it on, he thought you looked cute in it. You had no intention of giving it back, but even so, just you wearing his hoodie didn't mean you'd had sex.
"I…no! We…we didn't…absolutely not!"
Your face became an even darker red than it already was, Nami grinning like a devil and Sanji completely frozen behind you. He didn't even know how to react, never expecting Nami of all people to ask such a question! Robin, maybe, due to her Devil Fruit powers if she so chose to use them, but still! That was an awkward question for the two of you considering you had slept together but didn't have sex since you had followed Sanji to the crow's nest when he took over from Usopp.
Would Nami believe you though?
"N-Nami-swan," Sanji nervously smiled at her while you started to pull your hood over your face, the orange haired girl's grin never leaving, "We absolutely did not…um…"
"Have sex?"
"Y-yes! I mean, no! We didn't!"
She didn't believe a word of it. Not with your reaction and Sanji's nervous voice.
Nami was about to offer you her silence in the form of interest, but Luffy bursting in asking for breakfast was the reprieve you needed. You hoped and prayed no one asked why you were wearing Sanji’s hoodie, and luckily none of your crewmates seemed to care, besides Zoro who gave you a questioning look before you shook your head and he nodded in return.
You were absolutely going to hide that hoodie as soon as you were done with breakfast.
"You gotta run!! Don't let him touch you!"
Sanji held your wrist tightly, pulling you away from Bartholomew Kuma in Sabaody. He'd already used his powers to remove Zoro from the equation, you were fighting to not be in terrified tears as you tried to escape. Each of your crewmates disappeared one by one, Sanji was trying his damnedest to get you safe.
You tripped over debris, Sanji's hand losing his grip on you and his eyes widening as you tried to get up and reach for him, causing him to do the same as he ran back to you. His fears increased as Kuma stood over you and raised his hand.
He didn't get to you in time, you were gone in an instant, like everyone else.
Sanji opened his eyes to pink everywhere once again.  He'd finally found a room he could slip into and hide away from the Newkama that were now chasing him day in and day out, attempting to force him into a dress while he fought for the 99 recipes he'd learned about from Ivankov.
He'd been woken again from the same dream, nightmare, he'd had the last several weeks. He knew he wasn't going to be able to keep Kuma from sending you away, but at the time he tried desperately to do so, out of fear that Kuma's attack was a deadly one. Now knowing it wasn't, he was relieved, but there was an intense feeling of guilt since he hadn't been able to protect you. He couldn't protect anyone, but the guilt of letting you be sent away was eating at him every night.
He hated feeling like it was his fault you were sent away, somewhere he wasn't, but even if he had protected you more, there was no guarantee you would have ended up in the same place.
Iva had noticed the guilt Sanji felt, somehow, just by watching him. Every now and then, he'd slip up a little and nearly cut himself while cooking, he'd almost burned his dinner the night before, and more than once under or over salted a dish. None of it was normal for Sanji, even Iva could see that.
"Ah, damn it."
Another knick on his finger was enough to make Iva speak up.
"You've nearly chopped off two of your fingers today alone, boy! What's got you in such a tizzy?"
Sanji stayed quiet while he bandaged up the cut he'd given himself, before turning back to his work with a shrug.
"I don't know…just…thinking, I guess."
"Anout something or maybe someone?"
He laughed a bit, nodding. "Yeah, someone…"
"I see, hee-haw! A special someone then?!"
"Honestly, the most special person in my life."
Sanji couldn't help himself, he just started talking about you and nothing else. Everything he loved about you, how long you'd been together, how you met, he told Iva everything while he continued to work on his meal for that day. He seemed so focused while he spoke about you, that it made Iva smile while he watched Sanji. The look on his face, his voice while he spoke, every bit of it and Iva just knew, but wanted confirmation from Sanji first.
"All right then, let me ask you a question, little lover boy."
"Wait he told you he loved you in the kitchen?!"
You laughed at the shocked face of the girl you were working with. You'd been lucky enough to land in a village for kunoichi, spending your time training and learning new techniques, while making friends with some of the younger girls. The one you were speaking with, Akane, was a few years younger than you, but she loved hearing your stories of the adventures you'd been.
She was mostly interested in your love story with Sanji when she heard you had a boyfriend, always asking for more stories about the two of you.
You thought it was cute, it was like being back home with your younger sisters and telling them all kinds of stories.
"Yeah, I know he didn't plan it, but that made it even better. Doesn't change my feelings for him, and I'm sure he was just relieved to hear I love him back."
Akane sniffled a little, but nodded. "That's actually kind of sweet then. I want a boyfriend…"
"You're seventeen! You'll find one!"
You laughed while Akane whined about the boys in her village being less than ideal, aside from one, and just listened to her. Truthfully you were glad you didn't have to deal with any of the boys in your home village, Sanji beat them all out by miles when you thought about the ones you knew.
"Hey, so, umm…"
Akane blushed a bit, looking away. "Do you think he's …you know…the one?"
You stopped sweeping the room you and Akane had been cleaning, thinking a bit, but not if Sanji was the one or not.
You already had your answer. The late night talks you two had whenever you stayed up with him, your walks through island towns to stock up when the Sunny docked, the small gifts he'd given you including your necklace. Every bit of it made you feel happy and safe when you thought about those moments. You two often talked about your possible future together, it always made you giggle a bit when Sanji blushed bright red at the thought of you two being married and having a family of your own.
But those moments were cute and special to you, so you knew your answer. You gave Akane a smile, shaking your head before you went back to work, noticing how her shoulders dropped a bit before you spoke again.
"No, I don't think he's the one. I know that he is."
"When did–"
"Honestly, I think I knew the moment we met, but it didn't hit me until recently. I can't wait to see him again."
"So, little lover boy, do you think she's the one?"
Stopping his movements, Sanji didn't really have to think about Iva's question. Speaking about you while he cooked came naturally now, it's what he'd done every day since you got together and not another person occupied his thoughts. Thoughts of you and him, together again once your crew reunited. Sanji thought maybe you should tell everyone when that happened, but also thought it might be better to wait at least until you all had visited Fishman Island finally.
His thoughts would often drift to potential futures with you. Would you get married? He hoped so. What would your children look like? Sanji wanted at least two with you, something you had agreed with the one time you briefly discussed it late at night. You made him blush when you grinned and said a little girl that looked like him would be amazing to have. Sanji in turn said a boy that was like you would be a dream, which made you blush just as red with a smile still on your face.
No one else had ever made him think of such a future, not a single woman he met while at Baratie nor anyone else since he'd met and gotten to know and fall in love with you. He was thankful to whatever higher being there was that he'd told you he loved you before you all were separated, and that you responded in kind. You'd basically stolen the hoodie he'd been wearing at the time but Sanji didn't mind, as long as you were happy.
Smiling to himself and returning to his work, Sanji nodded at Iva's question after a moment.
"I know she's the one. I have since the very moment I met her."
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alexa-fika · 4 months
Hey, hey I wondering of you can Goldie from the newer Puss and boots movie x Whitebeard pirate. But imagine instead of goldie meeting the bears when she was a child and using all of the bear family stuff she instead uses the Whitebeard pirates stuff and like they found her sleeping in Ace bed because in the the original story she was in the youngest bear bed and Ace is the youngest of the crew. How does she react? How do the Whitebeard pirates react?
Second if this one is better
Goldie from newer movie x whitebeard pirates. But instead she is a teenager and she had already grown with the bear family but she got seperated from her bear family when the area in the whising star took her away from her dimension and she lands on the Whitebeard ship. How does she react? How do the Whitebeard pirates react?
Thank you sm if you answer this or do this, Im sorry if its to much you can pick one of the scenario wich is more to your liking. ♡♡♡
Unexpected Reasons ( Whitebeard x f!child!reader)
A/N Here we gooo, am I the only one with a crush on goldilocks, that woman is gorgeous anyhow, I decided to go with your first prompt, im not sure if to call this a cook or a flop what do you guys think
Reader here is replaced by Dokucha which stands for reader in japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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"What the hell?" muttered Haruta, looking around the commander's quarters, which now lay in disarray. Various commanders commenting on the absence of some of their belongings.
"Did we get ransacked?" Questioned Ace
"No one would dare ransack Whitebeard, much less its mother ship; it doesn't hold water, idiot," Thatch scoffed.
"That last part was unneeded," he snapped, glaring at the chef.
" Ya pitchin' a fit?" he piped back a grin on his face.
"Cut it out, both of you-yoi," Marco Sighed.
"Perhaps it was Stefan. We were gone for a few days, and the lad was most surely angered at us leaving for such a long time," Vista Mused.
"We leave this room locked; he couldn't have gotten inside, not to mention Stefan is quite the behaved canine; I do not see him capable of this," Izou answered, frowning at the lack of his crimson obi amongst his things.
"Where is Stefan?" Thatch questioned
"Haven't seen the furball since we came back"
Their conversation is soon interrupted by the sound of ruffling; they all turn to the bed in front of them, and the covers draped over a lump on the mattress begin to shift.
"So it was you...Stefan," Ace exclaimed, stomping his way to his bed and uncovering the bed to reveal said canine. His words, however, paused as the crew's dog was not the only one lying on the bed.
"What is it-yoi?" Marco questioned walking next to the freckled man only to stop and stare in a manner not much different from Ace himself, the rest of the commanders mirrored their expressions as they stared at the child lying down on the bed, hugging Stefan close to her a familiar obi wrapped around her for additional warmth
"Well, I'll be; Pops is going to have the time of his life with this one," Thatch said, breaking out of his shocked state and grinning at the girl, who began to shift. She rubbed her eyes as she sat in the bed, letting out a giggle as Stefan began to jump on her, licking her face in greeting.
Izou smiles, gently scooping up the child into his arms.
"Hi there, who might you be?" he questioned 
"I'm Dokucha!" She grins up at him
"You seem to have something of mine," he commented, gesturing to the crimson obi wrapped around her.
"It's pretty and soft," she smiles, nuzzling further into the silk, receiving a soft, amused hum from the sniper.
"What are you doing here?"
"It's comfy!"
Marco looked at the girl, letting out an amused laugh at her simplistic answer.
"You broke into a galleon belonging to pirates because you thought it would be comfortable."
"No!" she laughed, seemingly finding the idea entertaining.
"Well that's goo-
"It was because I liked the whale. It's so cute!" she exclaimed, interrupting Ace's words as she threw her hands in the hair at her proclamation.
Ace lets out a slight snicker that soon turns into uncontrolled laughter, soon spreading to the rest of the commanders.
"Hey, dokucha, how would you like living in the cute whale?" Thatch questioned looking at the small girl
"Do I get to be with the puppy?" She questions with a slight tilt of her head
"Do you mean Stefan?" Izou questioned, gesturing to the terrier who was pawing at his arms, trying to get to the girl once again 
She nods, laughing gleefully as the dog leaps into Izou's arms, continuing his barrage of kisses on the girl.
"Well, we know how Stefan feels-yoi," Marco laughs.
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What do we think? That ending was kinda sudden so im kinda eh about it, what are we thinking?
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the-travelling-witch · 7 months
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summary: a siren attack is already unfortunate, but it's worse if it also reveals some truths about your insufferable crew mate
pairing: pirate! hawks x gn! pirate! reader
warnings: just a silly drabble to get back into writing and exorcise some of my hawks brainrot; a little suggestive at the end
general masterlist || bnha masterlist
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Getting stuck on the same ship as Takami Keigo was one of life’s most torturous challenges. At least for you. He was obnoxiously arrogant and, much to your chagrin, people flocked to him like seagulls to a forgotten loaf of bread. 
Sure, your fellow pirate was quite easy on the eyes and rather charming when he wanted to be;  a truth you would only ever admit in the comfort of your own head, lest you inflate his ego even further. Instead, you rather grumbled to yourself, cursing his name for getting to sit pretty in the crow’s nest while you sat on deck and mended a torn net.
“Having fun down there?” If the devil ever spoke to you, you were sure he would mimic the grating lilt of Keigo’s melodic voice. “You know, I’m pretty sure a whale could swim through the holes you’re leaving.”
He was your crew mate, he was an essential part of the expedition, you couldn’t just shoot him down. 
“At least one of us is doing their job,” you deadpanned, not even giving him the satisfaction to look up. “You know, I think an island could sneak up on us with how distracted you are.”
“Oh you think you’re distracting me?” Even with your eyes trained on the cords in your hands, you could picture the cocky tilt of his head, a dashing grin playing around his lips. “Is that the kind of effect you want to have on me?”
“You’re the one who’s always coming up to bother me, so if anything you’re the one who’s obsessed with me.” If this conversation went on for any longer, your medic would have to patch up a popped vein on your part.
“Ah there is that wishful thinking again,” he laughed and this time you glared up at his silhouette standing out against the blinding sun. As always, he wore loose beige pants and the top buttons of his black shirt were undone, showing more of his toned chest than you needed to see. His black boots were propped up against the nest’s railing and the crimson head scarf fluttering in the breeze matched the earring dangling from his left lobe.
Just as you were about to retort, another shadow against the sun caught your attention. Drawing your pistol, you undid the safety, alerting the rest of the crew that there was something coming.
But before you could see what exactly was approaching, you suddenly lost your balance as the ship developed a heavy list. Grabbing onto the mast of the crow’s nest, you managed to steady yourself, yet the impact knocked the revolver from your grip. As you looked up, the first thing you saw was the massive cliffs your ship was heading towards, sharp rocks littering the waters, waiting to demolish its wooden bottom. 
Then your eyes locked on to the crew’s navigator, whose head lulled from one side to the other as he firmly steered you towards your demise. Next to him, holding his attention, was a beautiful woman sweetly tracing a finger along his jaw as she sang to him. As a feather drifted past your eyes, it suddenly hit you what -or who- exactly you were dealing with.
“Cover your ears!” You shouted to no one in particular as you scrambled for the wax you had stuffed into your pocket. With your hearing muffled, your own heartbeat raced in your ears as you dove for your pistol and breathlessly aimed for the siren attached to your navigator, who by now was half way towards the ship’s railing, his feet dragging underneath him as the woman lured him further towards the water.
You weren’t sure if your bullet was enough to actually kill the siren but upon impact it dissolved into a burst of feathers and released its hold on your crew mate, who dazedly blinked as he tried to regain his senses.
The next few minutes were a blur of talons, feathers and pulling your crew back from the ship’s edge, even tying some of them to the masts to make sure they wouldn’t try to kill themselves again.
Soon enough, however, you were out of bullets and you reluctantly drew the dagger previously secured to your thigh, scanning the area for more sirens when someone tapped your shoulder. Whirling around you slashed your dagger in an arc around you, only to find Keigo standing in front of you, holding up his hands innocently. There was an easy going smile on his face as he said something you couldn’t understand, so you removed one of the wax beads restricting your hearing.
And that was your mistake.
Only a few heartbeats after his velvety voice reached your ears, your dagger clattered onto the deck as Keigo reached out to unplug your other ear as well, his fingers grazing your cheek with nails much sharper than you expected. You wondered if his lips would be as plush as you imagined them to be or if his hair would be as soft as it looked when you buried your fingers in it.
His amber eyes were trained entirely on you as he gave you a coy gaze, inviting you to take another step towards him, to find out for yourself, to sate your curiosity. Likewise, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from him either as your feet followed his graceful movements, the light reflecting of his golden hair like a halo, the crimson wings on his back completing his angelic appearance—
Then, Keigo dissolved into a burst of those same scarlet feathers as two sharp swords sliced through his torso. For a moment, you thought you had imagined it when the same face came back into view again.
With full force, the noise of the ship reached you again and you staggered backwards at the sudden onslaught of stimuli. Around you, the crew was running around, untying people and frantically steering the ship back onto the right course as you raced to regain your bearings, disoriented by the orders being bellowed around you.
“That should be the last of them,” Keigo ripped you from your daze, his voice clearer as the sea as he sheathed his swords again. “Nasty creatures, those sirens. Though I guess this one was a handsome fellow, considering you were dazedly mumbling my name on your way overboard.”
Your lips pressed into a thin line when your brain caught up to your current situation. Perhaps the siren had been taken care off, yet you were still tempted to throw yourself head first over the railing. Justifiably so, you thought when your eyes darted to the man’s face long enough to confirm the self-satisfied expression he was wearing.
“I am quite flattered really,” he mused, one hand reaching out to tilt your face up so you’d meet his eyes as he stepped closer to you. For a split-second, the thought that it was still a siren in front of you crossed your mind. “To think that a siren would choose to wear my face in an effort to seduce you… now isn’t that quite the compliment?”
“Just… shut up and let me die in peace, would you?” You rolled your eyes, ready to retreat into your little cabin and try to grapple with your near-death experience, this confrontation included. If only the rocky spikes had ripped open the bottom of the ship, you could sink to the sea floor in quiet solitude.
“No no no, why would you do that when you can stay right here with me? C’mon just see it as my reward for saving your precious life, treasure.” He sent you a cheeky wink, drawing your attention to the sharp slant of his eyes and your heart, the treacherous thing, skipped a beat. 
“Is your idea of a reward torturing me further? Or what could you possibly get out of this?” Your shoulders sacked with your sigh, resigning to your defeat. 
“What I’m getting out of this? It’s quite obvious isn’t it?” Slinging an arm around your hanging shoulders, Keigo pulled you flush to his side. Warmth and the scent of salt mixed with something woodsy radiated off of him and you could admit this wasn’t the worst position to be in. “Believe it or not, I do enjoy your company.”
“That is hard to believe, you’re right.” You cocked your head in suspicion. “Normally you do everything to get under my skin, so what changed?”
“Hmm, I wonder why that is,” Keigo’s melodic timbre lilted before transitioning into his typical pearly laughter. Then, as if sharing a secret, he leant down so his lips were dangerously close to your ear, his voice dropping low. “You know, you weren’t the only one visited by a siren. As tempting as that version of you looked, I must say I prefer the real deal.
“Do you think I could get you to sing for me as well?”
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caputvulpinum · 2 months
my latest tabletop characters in chronological order:
-17 year old orphaned anarchist guild leader who ends up apotheosing as the god of their homeland and ends up taking the throne to rebuild it after an apocalyptic disaster
-farmboy becomes a soldier in a war against a double-apocalypse, fucks up some invading fairies hard and gets captured as a war trophy, spends the next 400 years in fairyland before the moon says she likes his vibe and breaks him out by turning him into a furry and giving him ultimate cosmic power, which he mostly uses to act as the ethics babysitter for a godlich whose special interest is civil engineering.
-fairy princess eldritch wildlife biologist whose mom is basically titania. it was a very complicated relationship for like 14 levels and it took literal reality-altering magic rituals to start fixing their relationship. she hates the anarchist aforementioned bc hes 17.
-perfect prettygirl daughter of social climbing mother is predestined to inherit the ultimate cosmic powers of becoming part of heaven's secret police. theres two factions of the secret police and she hates both of them.
-rich frat jock gains insight into the hidden occult world and immediately uses it to start a homoerotic frat/dinner club dedicated to shapeshifting and blood sacrifice. snip snip snip
-prometheus got turned into a fairy. a girl who makes things explode with her mind and her friends turned him into a different kind of fairy. then he became her dad. he also accidentally used his fairy mind control powers to cause a global anarcho-communist insurrection due to going viral on international news. 1 billion people were actively mind controlled by it. he was not allowed on tv again but he did get a twitter
-genetically engineered soldier wolfboy has his furry polycule fireclade KIA by a gay sexy pirate and then gets saved by a ghost space whale. he then does war crimes and everyone is soooo mean to him but hes soooo sad about it. and then he performs lobotomy on himself and implants his negative emotions into a shackled AI god which loves him and hunted down his best friend and soul mate to be her service animal.
-a wizard in a mech keeps trying to infiltrate the gay space gnostics and they keep telling him no. then he gets corrupted by the logic plague because he saw the name of god and has ultrasurgery performed on him with the help of a team of hyperqualified shackled AI gods and a mad doctor who has been trying to create anti-god supersoldiers and he was the first success. and the gnostics immediately wanted his cock onboard their snake ship. he never experienced consequences for any of his actions:)
-girl from a noble family of divine heroes is very very late to inheriting divine herodom and has soooo many opinions about this. she spent the last 6 months hunting down a weird fairy with some new friends and spent the first 5 of them pretending to be stupid jock so they wouldnt bother her. she has been trying to eat the fairy this entire time but it hasnt been working yet.
-a werewolf who is big and brown and hypermasculine gets turned into a werewolf and freaks out bc apparently everything supernatural is real and he was weird for not believing in any of it. he totally doesn't have any body image issues due to being a big hypermasculine brown man with anger/resentment issues and he is totally fine with how everyone assumes he's just a stupid violent meathead despite being a trained EMT actively going back to med school for his doctorate. he literally went to a supernatural therapist to vent about lycanthropy and got scared when she did actual therapy on him. he's so in his head about how everyone interprets him as Big Scary Brown Man that he doesnt realize he's drowning in transgender dogs who are actively barking for his attention. he would put on a collar and not realize its a sex thing. a spooky nightingale told him it saw him from across the ghost forest and liked his vibes because he was a murderer
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 2 months
Roger pirates x Eri!reader
Also, can Eri!reader also meet past Whitebeardcrew when they have their big celebration?
-Tiny footsteps filled the air as you exited the cabin you shared with Rayleigh, as he was given the title as your guardian, after Roger tried to give you beer when they first met you, after you, literally, dropped out of the sky from a sparkly portal.
-You peeked around the corner into the galley, still being cautious, as you didn’t want Overhaul to find you, as you liked where you are now. The men were all nice on the ship and treated you so nicely, giving you tasty food, pretty clothes, and not hurting you!
-You saw most of the crew eating, having breakfast, as you looked around for those you felt the safest with at the moment, Rayleigh, Roger, Shanks, and Buggy/
-A hand came flying over, something you realized was Buggy’s, taking one of your own and you smiled as he led you over to the table where everyone was- as the rest of the crew smiled, greeting you warmly, making you feel so safe and welcome.
-Roger beamed brightly, looking so elated as he pulled you into his arms, “And how’s my favorite Y/N this morning?” you blinked up, slightly confused, “You know more than one Y/N?” he instantly had a hand over his mouth as tears welled in his eyes, overwhelmed on how adorable you were, not getting his joke.
-Shanks beamed brightly, handing you an apple slice from his own plate, “Here Y/N!” your eyes turned into stars, seeing the apple as you stuffed it into your cheeks, a bright smile on your lips, “Yummy!”
-Rayleigh was quick to grab you from Roger as he fell back, clutching at his chest, overwhelmed by your cuteness, landing on your ground as you looked down at him in slight worry, but Rayleigh spoke as he smiled down, “He’s fine Y/N.”
-You nodded softly as he set you next to Buggy and you smiled shyly up at him, “Thank you Buggy.” His cheeks were a bit red but tried to play it off as his hand reattached.
-You knew of Buggy’s ability, after you had found out in a bad way, where his body was in a bunch of different pieces, when you burst into tears, rushing to him, telling him not to die.
-That’s the day that the crew found out about your ability, when your horn flared to life, trying to heal him. Once Rayleigh and Roger managed to get you calmed down, you explained what that power was, your quirk.
-You had to explain about the world you came from, that most everyone had quirks, strange abilities, but unlike this world where it came from eating a Devil Fruit, it was natural.
-Rogers had been a little scary, as he had been furious when you told him about Overhaul, after they asked about your scars- about what he had been doing to you- you were just a young child.
-Now you were safe as they had adopted you into the crew- as some had discussed taking you to an island and leaving you with people, but they didn’t want to take a chance with your ability.
-Once Roger joined the world of the living again, he grinned over, “Are you excited for today Y/N?” you were eating another apple slice, your cheeks puffed up like a chipmunk, tilting your head in confusion, which had him KO-ed again.
-Rayleigh rolled his eyes as he turned to you, being a bit more immune to your dangerous abilities, “We’re meeting with some… ‘friends’ for a party.” You lit up a bit, “A party?”
-Shanks beamed, ruffling your hair lightly, “Yup- it’s another pirate crew, the Whitebeard Pirates- we’re going to an island! There’s gonna be lots of food and we’re going to have fun!”
-You felt a bit excited, but also a bit nervous, as you were only just starting to get used to your crew, who all doted on you, you felt a little scared meeting new people.
-Once at the island, your crew arrived first and Shanks took you to splash in the water, making you squeal with delight as you ran from and chased the waves, turning it into a game.
-When another ship arrived your eyes were like stars, rushing to Roger who kneeled, picking you up, “It’s a whale!” he boomed with laughter, finding your awe amusing.
-As the other crew got off, you started feeling a bit shy, wiggling and Roger put you down and you quickly stepped behind him, hiding under his jacket, peeking out.
-Roger nearly keeled over from the cuteness as you held his pant leg as you peeked out.
-Whitebeard noticed you first, seeing het little hand and he grinned broadly, “And who is this?” you peeked out a bit more, seeing the massive man grinning down at you and Roger beamed, putting a hand on your head as the other members of Whitebeard’s crew saw you, “This is our new friend, Y/N!”
-You gave a tiny wave and Whitebeard kneeled, smiling gently down at you, he knew a hurt child when he saw one, “It’s nice to meet you Y/N- my name is Edward Newgate, but everyone calls me Whitebeard, but you can call me grandpa!”
-His crew and Roger’s eyes all went wide as he said this as you stepped out, your eyes a bit wide, full of sparkles, “Really? I’ve never had a grandpa before!”
-You were quickly in Rayleigh’s arms, crying loudly as both Whitebeard and Roger collapsed, clutching at their chests as everyone else was laughing loudly, thinking it was amusing that you were so ‘deadly’.
-You enjoyed the party, watching people dance, laugh, and you got to try different types of yummy food! Whitebeard couldn’t help but grin while you were on his knee, holding a meat stick that was way too big for you, but you were trying your best in eating it.
-You now had two crews that were going to protect you, even if they didn’t always see eye-to-eye, for you- they would set he world ablaze, just to keep you safe.
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extrashortshorts · 1 year
Do the animal pirates still have ships or do they sort of just float/swim with their biggest/strongest swimmer? Does Ace just ride on Whitebeard’s back? Does Whitebeard PULL his ship?
….does Sanji still cook meat? (I mean I guess goats sort of eat everything)
Mihawk beating Zoro by just. Flying away.
I think its would be better if they DO have ships, but some of them looking little different!
Maybe Whitebeard does rides his crew on his back,but it's a special case, cus he can and loves his family. And there is two regular ships that kinda mimic his looks, like the original blue ones that we seen near white whale ship at marinford
Also Hawkeye's boat is just someone's floating nest with a cool stick he found:
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The food thing🍖🍣:
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...and Ace 😎✨
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factual-fantasy · 8 months
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They are not related by blood, no. (Blood? Frosting..? Filling?? Anyways-)
Red is actually Seafoam's great Nephew. And he joined the crew because of a tradgedy involving his mother,, Seafoam's niece..
When Red joined the crew he was very shy and scared of everything. Coco at this point was a rough and tough pirate gal.. but man, something about that kid.. she just adored him. She took it upon herself to take care of the little guy and be his guardian.
She loves him to bits and has definitely taken the role of "mother" in his world. When ever the ship is under attack, she is the first to swoop in and take Red to safety. She is the one Red goes to when he cant sleep or is scared. She takes care of him when he is sick, she cleans his clothes and feeds him too.
Seafoam has made it very clear that she does not have to do any of this. And that Red is 100% his responsibility. But she just ain't havin' it. She chooses to be involved in Red's care and wouldn't have it any other way. 💖
Its a good thing too, Seafoam has no idea how to raise little kids <XD
(Also thank you so much!! :DD )
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Sorry uh- I don't know that character. I made some OCs for Cookie run but I haven't played any of the games, I don't know the lore and I don't know/remember any of the characters- sorry!
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Ah,, I don't know? <XDD I don't know how the games work- are there other types of cookies?? I don't know--
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Judging by what I've heard/seen of that game? They'd run for the hills! They're not safe there <XD
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<:D Ah sorry- I don't know who that cookie is- remember I haven't played either game and I don't know any of the lore!
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Also thank you so much!! You are beary nice :}}}
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Thank you for the no spoilers!! :DD I have not seen it but I have heard of it :0 perhaps sometime I'll give it a go! :}
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Man, cookie run lore is WILD XDDD
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Thank you! My day today was better than yesterday at least! XD
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I've drawn them twice actually that I can remember! Once in my FNAF Recap/Repair part 2, and once in a doodle dump post thing! :00
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:0 eh? Huh? Til what?
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I actually haven't thought much about that :0 I worried that the group wouldn't feel very diverse if I had duplicate characters.. but the opposite personalities but same person is genius! But whompst would be duplicated... 🤔
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Hello! I believe I do write scripts, but if I'm being honest I don't think I can scrape together even one sentence of sound advice for you- 💔😭💔
I am known to be very bad at explaining how to do things. A lot of what I do is just taking random things and stapling them together and ripping off some parts and gluing this here and put that over there and tada! Comic! "How'd you do that" "...Honestly I cant really remember-"
The only think I can think to say is figure out what you want to come from the scene and.. do what ever it takes to make it happen..? Uhhh- for example, "I want these two characters to fight and character A to leave in a huff." Well then give them something to fight about, and make character B say something that would make character A mad enough to leave without saying anything..?? But that doesn't explain how I would figure out what the argument would be about- I
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I'm afraid I am of no use to you here-
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AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I'm glad you like my minecraft guys and my cookie run critters! :DD And not to worry- He'll catch on XD right now the main thing keeping them some what apart is Seafoam's thoughts of "She's a beautiful mermaid, why would she be with an old Captain like me..? :( " And Blue's thoughts of "He's a well respected Pirate Captain! What would he see in a big whale like me..😔" But they get past that eventually-- XDD
And yes! I have drawn them before <XD although those drawings weren't made with my Mario AU in mind.. When they grow up they will definitely be more stylized. :0 Not sure how they'll interact with Bowser as they age, but they are intended to all be his biological children :)
As for the birth order, I haven't thought it through fully,, but I have decided that Ludwig is the oldest and next in line for the throne. And JR is the very youngest with Lemmy being second to youngest. And Larry being 3rd to youngest :00
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Thank you! And to be honest if the D.A was split and gender swapped, I would just slap on some eye lashes and make them both generally appear more feminine.
Glitchy sun tho.. man, how would Fazbear Entertainment deal with that? <XD
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Thank you!! :DDDD
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(Post in question)
XD Well? Did it work?
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Choose your favorite!
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Vote in the other polls!
What fans say:
Kung Fu Panda:
Honestly iconic. The progression of story, the message, the acting.
The way this movie balances tone is nothing less than astonishing to me. It's funny and lighthearted but also intense and dramatic and neither ever take away from the other. Every joke and emotional beat lands excellently. Not to mention. The fight scenes SLAP. And so does the score!!
It's just GOOD. I love how all of them were insanely genuine. Po genuinely wanted to be a Kung Fu master. The Furious Five genuinely wanted to be the very best like no one ever was. And Tai Lung genuinely wanted to kick the shit out of anyone that even looked at that dragon scroll. But seriously one of the best movies.
Treasure Planet:
The setting and focal relationship!
WHALES IN SPACE. Second best treasure island adaptation (#1 is muppets). The song The Song!!
Where do I begin with this movie? It blends CG and hand drawn animation beautifully. All of the backgrounds are gorgeous. There are so many cool alien designs. The score is absolutely perfect. The amount of detail put into the design and worldbuilding shines through. All of the characters are so much fun to watch, especially Long John Silver and Captain Amelia. This movie takes at least partial responsibility for my love of space/sky pirates. Also it was actively sabotaged by Disney so I need to vouch for it at every chance.
Space pirates in a classic novel. It's gorgeously animated with a blend of 2d and 3d. Also, LONG JOHN SILVER HAS A 3D HAND thats hecking impressive for a main character to be a blend of the two in 2002. Did I mention the twink protagonist and malewife for the rich halfwit son? The aliens are beautifully unique, and a mantis guy floats off into space. from a pirate ship. because they aren't just space pirates, they're aliens and cyborgs on pirate ships going through space. Which fucking rocks.
It's a genuinely creative adaptation of Treasure Island that has so much heart and incredible animation. It helped pioneer 3D animationa nd it was the first feature animated film to utilize both 2 and 3 D animation
The animation is so good, and the way that the antogonist isn't black and white, he genuinely cares for the protagonist <3
Pirate ships in space!
Watched this on loop as a kid, gave me solace for not growing up with a dad
It fucks
The ☆A n i m a t i o n☆!! And captain Amelia
It's so fun looking, cool character design. It's funny, it's emotional. I love it so very much please aaaaaaa
How this movie looks is absolutely amazing. A space-steampunk pirate story with fantastic visuals and (mostly) great characters. The vibes this movie has are off the charts. Jim is the bad-boy-good-heart kid, the doctor is a silly-goofy-but-oddly-competent support and Silver is a complex father-figure-who's-made-mistakes. Also MORT the cute little jelly that won me over in 0.5 seconds flat. I am also a slut for a good soundtrack and this one SLAPS. I will stand by my opinion that the Russian version of the song I'm Still Here did a better job of fitting the montage and the mood. That's a hill I will die on.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 5 months
The Pirate (Dad Squad)
Abel shook the strange feeling off of himself as they stepped through the gate created by the item. If it had led them here, that likely meant its twin had opened a portal to this land as well.
Blinking a few times to reorient after the brief kaleidoscope of light, Abel took in the sight of a bright sun, the smell of sea salt, and the sound of crashing waves. They were obviously by the ocean, though he had no idea where in particular, or what sea. He only knew of the Lanayru Sea, but tales spoke of other bodies of water that rivaled it.
Rusl walked ahead first, adapting quickly, eyes alert but face placid. Abel watched the Fierce Deity walk after him, unreadable as usual.
Something clearly caught their attention as they stood at the edge of the dock, staring. Abel peeked around them, wondering what it was, when he caught sight of the scene.
A ship was sinking. But it was moving towards them. Its deck had just been submerged, and its mast was all that was remaining. A man stood atop it, glaring ahead fiercely as if willing the boat to make it to the dock in time, but his posture was proud as if this had been planned all along.
What in the world...?
The mast managed to reach the dock in the nick of time, allowing the man to step off. He blew out a sigh, looking like his knees were about to buckle, when he caught sight of the group of men. He sized them up quickly, eyes widening a little at the sight of the deity, and then waved sharply. "How's it going? I'm just passing through. Gotta go now. Important things to do."
"Wait," Rusl interrupted, stepping into his way. "Can you tell us where we are?"
The man blinked, hackles less raised, confusion evident. "Where you--this is Mercay Island. How do you not know that? What, you get clocked by those red spandex wearing freakshows too?"
Abel immediately stiffened. "The Yiga were here?!"
"The who?" the man bounced back, looking even more confused as the wind whipped through his dark brown hair.
"It's a group of demon worshippers," Rusl explained. "They've taken our sons. We're tracking them. Where did you see them?"
The man's face flushed, eyebrows coming together in outrage. "They took someone of mine as well! And he's my best crewmate! Well, he's my only crewmate, but that isn't the point! I came here in search of a new ship to track them down since they--they sunk--"
Here the man sniffled, glancing away in seeming anguish at the lost of his boat.
"I'm sorry about your ship," Rusl said appeasingly. "But perhaps we can help each other."
The man hummed, crossing his arms and squinting at them as if he were debating the matter.
Abel started to grow impatient. "Do you want to find your crewmate or not?"
"Don't get short with me!" the man snapped. "I am Linebeck, captain of the seas, and I know this place better than anyone, especially you guys. I'm your only chance to find those freaks, so you're going to take orders from me now!"
The Fierce Deity picked the greasy looking man by the back of his coat, bringing him to eye level. The man, in turn, squealed, flailing his arms and legs in a desperate maneuver to get out of the hold, yelling, "LET ME GO, YOU BEACHED WHALE!"
Abel glanced at the deity, tempted to tell him to toss the man into the sea, but if he truly had seen the Yiga, then they unfortunately needed his help. Rusl just sighed, seeming to grow a little tired of being the sole negotiator of the group.
"How do you propose we find the Yiga if your ship has been damaged?" Fierce asked, silencing the man's squeals. "If I retrieve it, will you be able to repair it expediently?"
"Retrieve--it's sinking into the sea, you small brained land mass!"
Abel did have to almost laugh at that one. Rusl looked unimpressed by the man's impolite demeanor, but at least his insults were entertaining. Nevertheless, they needed to move.
Fierce seemed to sense Abel's impatience and Rusl's disapproval, casually tossing the sailor aside as he walked up to the mast. The man spluttered, shakily trying to get to his feet before promptly falling back on to his backside as he watched the deity singlehandedly start to pull the ship out of the water with a firm grasp at its mast. Abel heard the wood start to give, though, not tolerating the force it took to fight the water crushing the rest of the ship, and he put a hand on Fierce's shoulder. "Let it go. We'll have to find another way."
Rusl turned to Linebeck. "We'll work with you, friend, but not for you. Understood?"
Linebeck gulped, still trying to process what he just saw, and then he huffed, rising. "F-fine. Whatever. But I'm still in charge."
Abel felt his eyebrows pinch together. "That's not--"
"Let's go!" Linebeck announced, twirling around and marching towards the island. "I know just the ship we can acquire."
The three trudged behind him somewhat reluctantly. Abel bristled at being given orders from someone like this, but he kept his mouth shut for now. Instead, it was the sea captain who spoke first.
"So... what are all your names?" he asked as he continued to stride ahead.
The Ordonian answered first. "I'm Rusl. This is Abel, and Fierce."
"Fierce?" Linebeck repeated, glancing back at him. "Weird name."
"It is my title," Fierce clarified.
"Title? Who calls you Fierce? Fierce what, Fierce Breaker of Personal Boundaries?"
This man talked entirely too much.
"What's the plan?" Abel asked before the conversation could continue.
"That ship," Linebeck said, pointing towards a relatively large ship sitting in the harbor. "We can use that to track those scum."
"If you already had another ship, why were you perturbed at the loss of your other one?" Fierce questioned.
"It's not his," Abel surmised quickly.
Rusl smiled, rolling his shoulders. "All right, then. Who owns it?"
Abel glanced over at the Ordonian, a little baffled. He still hadn't entirely wrapped his head around what kind of work this man did - he was the most polite and kind of the group, easy with people, yet he condoned stealing in a heartbeat.
Not that Abel wouldn't steal if he had to, but... he had to. Rusl was... he didn't know. This just certainly was not the first time the man had done it, that was for sure.
And clearly, this sailor was more akin to a pirate.
Sighing heavily, Abel listened as Linebeck prattled on about some women "who won't be a problem," and the three men started moving steadily towards the boat.
Surprisingly, it only seemed to have two women aboard - Linebeck claimed that the rest of the crew was at the market. That at least made things simpler.
The four moved quickly. Rusl crouched low, leading the way and pulling out a dagger he hid in his belt. Despite being quite the swordsman, Abel had observed that Rusl often resorted to a dagger in close combat, and the more he saw it, the more he questioned the blacksmith's occupation. Fierce, on the other hand, left his hands open, likely not wanting to use his powerful blade on a couple women guarding a ship. Linebeck was also unarmed, curiously.
Sighing, Abel unsheathed his sword. He caught up to Rusl, and the two rushed up the gangway, picking a target and quickly overpowering them. Rusl never unsheathed his dagger, only using its small hilt to smack the woman across the temple, knocing her unconscious and covering her mouth as she fell. Her companion caught sight of him before Abel could get to her, yelling, but Abel easily tossed her overboard while Rusl pushed the other down the ramp.
Fierce walked aboard next, glancing around, while Linebeck sauntered aboard. The pirate's face was tight, as if he hadn't quite expected the ferocity the men had displayed, but he tried to cover it with a quick little, "Well done. Now we can depart."
"Not yet," Fierce said quietly, his voice in that low tone he used when stalking prey. Abel immediately went alert, whirling to find what he was looking at, when--
Turning sharply, Abel saw a woman pointing from a door leading below deck. Within an instant, at least ten other women appeared, all armed and snarling.
"You said they were in the market!" Abel yelled as he readied for a fight.
Linebeck didn't reply, seemingly vanishing into thin air, and Abel only caught sight of his blue tailcoats slipping under a barrel.
"Did--did he just--"
"Not now!" Rusl snapped as their enemies charged on them.
Abel focused quickly, dodging a strike from a nearby fighter before parrying her blade and kicking her away to create some distance. Thankfully, he still had at least one functional shield left, and he quickly used it to block a jab from another enemy. Before he could retaliate, the two women were swept away by a... screaming woman?
Abel glanced to his right to see Fierce holding one of the fighters by her wrist and using her as a weapon to ram into the others. At his questioning glance, the deity explained, "The little hero usually does not approve of killing mortals. If these women prove problematic, I'll eliminate them, but for now--"
"Behind you!" Abel interrupted, pointing as another fighter tried to leap off the rail of the deck and stab Fierce in the head. The deity swatted her like a fly, and she rammed into the opposite end of the ship.
"Jolene!" some of the others shouted. Abel immediately perked up at the reaction - clearly this woman was important, maybe even the leader.
"Toss her off!" Abel ordered the deity, moving to intercept a few other enemies. He glanced to his left to check on Rusl and found the Ordonian starting to accumulate a pile of enemies who were on the ground writhing or motionless.
The former knight felt a swell of pride for his friend before looking back to see Fierce easily throwing the leader off the ship. As predicted, the others followed to check on her, leaving the men in peace temporarily. Abel put his sword and shield away to pull out his bow and arrows while Rusl pulled the gangway up to prevent them from returning. Moving to the edge of the ship, Abel nocked the arrow, aiming for a second before letting it fly. It sank into the woman's shoulder, making her scream in pain.
He nocked another arrow.
"Abel," Rusl interrupted, putting a hand on his shoulder. "The fight is over."
Abel continued to stare at his target. Killing her would put the rest of her crew into chaos. It would prevent them from following them.
Rusl's hand tightened a little, reassuring but firm. "Abel."
Sighing, Abel slowly lowered the bow and arrow. His focus was interrupted as he heard splashing, glancing over to see Fierce throwing the bodies overboard.
There was a scrape of wood on wood, catching the men's attention, and they all drew their weapons to see--
Linebeck, peeking out from under the barrel. "Oh, are they all gone?"
I'm going to kill him. Abel marched forward, eyes alight with rage, when he was held back by Fierce, who pinched the back of his tunic to prevent him from moving ahead. He turned to snap at the deity, but his words were quickly overrun by the pirate, who dusted himself off and continued, "Well done, then! We're ready to set sail! I'll man the helm."
As he moved forward on the deck, he scurried all of a sudden, filled with seemingly feral energy, and stood on his tiptoes at the railing, shouting, "THAT'S FOR ALMOST BLOWING UP MY SHIP TWO WEEKS AGO, JOLENE!"
Before anyone could comment, he rushed to set sail as if his life depended on it, guiding the ship out to sea.
Abel blew out a frustrated breath, and he felt Fierce release him. He kicked the barrel under which the pirate had been hiding, taking little satisfaction from it but having to get his anger out somehow.
Rusl took a moment to calm himself as well, though far less noticeably, before he walked over to the wheel. "So where are we going?"
"Bannan Island," Linebeck answered, eyes on the horizon. "That was the direction they went, towards the north sea. They also claimed to be going to a Banana Island, so I think they heard the place's name wrong."
Banana Island. Goddess. Sometimes Abel was almost embarrassed that these were his enemies. Though it simply proved that sheer numbers could cause enough of a threat, despite how idiotic they were.
There was silence for a while as Marcay Island grew steadily smaller. The adrenaline of the fight wore off, and Abel slowly slid to the ground, feeling his stomach grow steadily more upset at the tossing of the waves.
"Who are these people, anyway?" Linebeck eventually asked, glancing at Rusl. "What do they want?"
"They essentially want to see the world burn," Rusl answered, crossing his arms. "Somehow that involves taking our sons hostage."
Linebeck pursed his lips, debating some issue, and sighed. "Well, that's rotten luck. Good thing you have me."
"Oh yes," Abel huffed. "Where would we be without you?"
Linebeck didn't seem to catch his quip, or if he did, his rebuttal was interrupted by Fierce asking, "Why did they take your crewmate?"
Linebeck's face soured, and he glared ahead of him at nothing in particular. "Whatever the reason, Link can probably get himself of out of it. But... I need a crew. So I'm finding the kid."
No. Surely not. There was no way this disgrace of a man had a Hero in his crew, and--
Oh goddess he did, didn't he? That would be why the Yiga targeted him.
"Our boys are named Link too," Rusl said, eyes widening a little as he came to the same conclusion. "Heroes of Hyrule, spread across time. I think they must be targeting them because they know they'd stop them otherwise."
"Heroes? Hyrule?" Linebeck repeated, staring at him. "My kid isn't a--I mean, he's--look, he's my crew, and... he's a good kid, but..."
The pirate bit his lip, staring at the wheel a moment, still and silent. Worry etched every feature before he shook his head.
"The Yiga will perish," Fierce assured him. "We'll find your child."
Linebeck flushed. "H-he's not my child!!"
"Right," Rusl chuckled, patting the man on the back.
Abel sighed, ignoring the pirate temporarily and looking at at sea. The horizon bounced up and down along with the ship, giving him a headache, and he closed his eyes. He wondered if they'd actually have any luck this time - all they'd found were scraps of information and cold leads. This attack seemed fairly fresh, so hopefully they could make it in time.
Ugh. Closing his eyes made the seasickness worse.
Thunder rumbled, catching Abel's attention, and he hastily opened his eyes to see dark clouds ahead. "Uh..."
"Are we going to sail through the storm?" Fierce questioned, staring at the abysmal weather.
"No sailor goes through a storm on purpose," Linebeck immediately said. "That's just suicide. Lucky for you, I'm an excellent sailor. We'll skirt around it - I don't want to lose too much time."
At least Abel could agree with the man on that. But still... even he, someone who did not navigate the ocean, knew not to get near a storm out in the open sea. "Are we sure about this? We should probably try to avoid it altogether."
"And give those sea vipers time to get away?" Linebeck growled, glaring at the clouds. "Ha! I, Linebeck, master of the seas, can handle this just fine! I'm getting my crew back, blast it!"
Well... he couldn't fault him for his determination, at least. But still... Abel sighed, hugging the wooden support rung under the railing, lightly bouncing his forehead against it. "We're going to die."
Abel's relatively mild quip felt more and more like a promise the closer they got. The winds picked up, the sea turning a sickly green, and Abel nearly threw up with how much they were being tossed around. Rusl nearly flew across the ship as one wave almost overturned them, and Fierce had to grab him by his shirt to save him. The three men clung to the rail desperately, occasionally getting beaten by walls of water spilling overtop them.
Abel looked to the helm worriedly, feeling completely out of control and petrified, only to see Linebeck standing firmly, holding the wheel with a steel grip. He glared defiantly at the sea, almost daring it to try its worst, confident and firm in his stance.
At the sight, the former knight had to admit he felt almost a little reassured.
Another wave crashed into them, and Abel watched Linebeck release the wheel a moment, letting it turn sharply, guiding the ship to ride with the wave. Then he grasped it, guiding the mast with gritted teeth as he fought against the whipping winds. Fierce pulled Abel close, shielding both him and Rusl with an iron grip to the railing so the waves wouldn't knock them off.
Honestly, with the way they were getting tossed, Abel would be surprised if they didn't capsize. He clung desperately to both the rail and the Fierce Deity, feeling the mythical being's strong arm pressing him and Rusl closer together. Rusl and Abel exchanged a look, some kind of finality or certainty in each other's eyes as they nearly flew over another wave, facing it head on.
They still had to find their boys. Abel had to get back to Tilieth. He'd survived a damn apocalypse, he wasn't letting this be what killed him.
Glancing up at the pirate again, Abel saw the same fierce determination on his face. It was a promise, and despite how Abel's entire world was trying to kill him, he took comfort in it.
Abel closed his eyes, his forehead touching Fierce's sleeve, his hand brushing against Rusl's as they both held on to the deity for dear life, shivering and trusting and letting go.
Hylia... I leave this up to you. Don't let me down.
He lost track of time. All he heard was the crashing of waves, like claps of thunder, roaring in his ears, making his heart pound. But slowly, surely, the boat jostled them less, the wind didn't howl as it had, and the ship rocked and bounced up and down like a hammock instead of feeling like an earthquake.
Abel opened his eyes, dripping wet, tasting salt and bile, and saw sunlight.
Linebeck smiled down at them, hands on his hips, looking triumphant. "Told you I was the best."
Rusl barked out a laugh, slowly rising while Abel continued to shiver in Fierce's hold. "Well, I'm certainly impressed."
"Are you alright?" Fierce whispered softly, his arm shifting to rest his hand on Abel's back.
Hesitantly, Abel rose, testing his legs, though his knees certainly felt like they could give out at any moment.
It was official. He despised sailing.
But he could recognize and admire skill when he saw it. "Well done, Linebeck."
The pirate beamed, postiively preening at the praise, and Abel found he couldn't hold himself together any longer, leaning over the rail and vomiting.
Linebeck cackled quietly, heading back to his original spot. "Well, it isn't for everyone, I guess. But I promise the rest of the way is less rough."
Rusl helped Abel sink back to the floor while Fierce grabbed some water at the Ordonian's request.
"You good?" Rusl asked. He was shivering too, just as soaked to the bone as Abel, but he seemed far better put together.
"Nothing fazes you, does it?" Abel asked hoarsely, somewhat annoyed and jealous.
Rusl smirked. "We all have our strengths. You're certainly a better fighter than me."
If you say so. Abel pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling a little less nauseous, and accepted the water Fierce offered him.
The sun slowly dried everyone off as they continued to make their way to their destination. Eventually, Rusl, being the talkative man that he was, starting gently interrogating their captain while Abel leaned against Fierce with his eyes closed. The deity didn't mind, letting himself be a pillow, but Abel could hear fabric shift as he turned to listen in to the other two.
"How did Link become part of your crew?"
"Well, I was hunting treasure," Linebeck explained. "Link wanted to find the ship I was looking for. His friend, uh, needed some help. So we worked together. I figured the kid worked so well it only made sense that he stick around. He..."
Here the pirate paused, and Abel looked over at him. His eyes were cast downward, and though shadows pulled at the dark circles under his eyes, he had a gentle smile on his face.
"He's a good kid."
Fierce sighed quietly, barely audible over the breeze. "I must figure out why these Yiga are after our children."
Linebeck grew flustered. "I said he wasn't my kid!! Look, he's just a useful member of the crew, okay? Honestly, I'm not that soft!"
Fierce blinked, the slightest crinkle to his nose, a dead giveaway that he was bemused. "You speak of love and affection as if they are weaknesses."
"Wha--I--this is silly, I am a pirate, and--"
"And?" Rusl prompted, eyebrows raised, a mischievous, gentle smile pulling at one corner of his mouth. Fierce may not have understood the man's blustering, but Rusl clearly was just trying to mess with him now, seeing right through his bravado.
Personally, Abel was just a little exasperated by it. Men who pretended they were "tough" and nothing affected them all the time simply to show off annoyed him. He used to maintain a calm façade not because he was trying to prove a point, but because the last thing people needed was to see someone in charge panicking. This was different. This wasn't a way to keep others feeling safe and secure, this wasn't a means of protecting others, this was a pitiful attempt for Linebeck to protect himself.
Perhaps it wouldn't annoy him so much if he didn't suspect the man behaved this way in front of his kid too. He could act a fool to others, but if he denied his affection for his boy right in front of him, Abel did not approve of that.
But he didn't have to say anything. Fierce's innocent confusion would tear down his argument well enough.
Linebeck huffed, looking like he was scrambling for an argument, but Abel had to interrupt it when he caught sight of something. "Is that land?"
Everyone turned to look, seeing a small splotch of yellow and black andd green, and Linebeck laughed triumphantly. "There it is! Land ho! I told you I would get us there in record time! Now hold on, you sorry land slugs, we're coming in fast!"
He was true to his word as it seemed to take little time to reach their destination. For once, it was blessedly easy to find their target - a large ship with the Yiga symbol on its mast, painted sloppily as if it had just been done, was at the port. Linebeck worked to slow their approach, when Abel instead insisted, "Don't slow us down, just ram it - we'll take care of the rest!"
"There's a cannon on this ship," Rusl noted.
"We can't risk hurting the boys if they're aboard," Abel argued, shaking his head. "Just damage it enough to stop them from escaping, and we can board."
Linebeck nodded. "Just so you know... it's uh, all up to you once we get there. I'm a fantastic fighter, but I'm afraid my sword is on my own ship."
Rusl and Abel both stared at him dully. "Right."
The men prepared themselves, weapons at the ready. Fierce pulled out his double helix blade, making Linebeck's eyes double in size. "Geez, overkill much? Get ready, we'll hit them on the port side."
"The--the what side?"
"Port, on the port--ugh, on your left!!"
The three moved, and Linebeck snapped, "Your other left!! Left from facing the bow!"
Abel sighed heavily, positioning himself and bracing for impact alongside the other two. As the Yiga ship grew closer at an admittedly unnerving rate, he prepared to jump.
Their boat slammed the Yiga ship, impaling its hull slightly and causing it to rock so severely that they could hear some of the enemies screaming and falling into the sea.
Linebeck roared in satisfaction. "HAHA, TAKE THAT YOU BRAINLESS JELLYFISH!"
Abel let the momentum of the movement carry him, Rusl, and Fierce across as they leapt with the contact. The Yiga boat was still nearly on its side when they landed, causing them to slip a little, but Abel recovered quickly, decapitating the first Yiga in sight before moving on to the next. The team moved quickly, with Fierce taking out swathes of the enemy in one fell swoop while Rusl tore ahead. Abel scoured the area for signs of a leader, entering the underbelly of the ship as well.
When he reached the brig, he froze, breath stolen from his lungs. There was another gate there, its bright kaleidoscope dizzyingly swirling, and two Yiga stood before it, holding an unconscious boy.
Oh hell no! Charging ahead, Abel stabbed one Yiga quickly, kicking the other off the child before finishing him off. Rusl hastened in shortly thereafter, wiping blood of his sword.
"Anyone else?" Abel asked as he knelt down to check on the child.
Rusl shook his head, cheeks flushed, eyes aflame. He held up a booklet. "Found a journal log, though. Might be able to help us."
At this point, Abel honestly wasn't surprised, just exasperated. He supposed the Yiga's main purpose in being here was to take this boy. Theirs were still at large.
At least they'd spared this boy the same fate.
Fierce entered last. "The enemy has been eliminated."
Abel sighed, looking down. The boy in front of him was young, not even a teenager from the looks of it, though he was likely close. His hair was thick and wispy, golden as the sands and thick with mositure and sea salt. He wore a green tunic and undershirt, paired with white trousers.
Catching the men's attention, Linebeck rushed into the room, kneeling down beside the boy. His hands hovered over him hesitantly, face paling at the abrasions on the boy's face. At first his concern was genuine, but his eyes shifted to the dead Yiga around him and suddenly he looked woozy.
Abel fought the urge to roll his eyes. He motioned with his head to Fierce, who quietly removed the bodies. With the distraction gone, the pirate returned his attention to the child, considerably less pale but still oh so hesitant and gentle with Link.
The boy stirred, squeezing his eyes before slowly blinking them open. Abel could see the immediate sparkle of relief as the boy registered seeing Linebeck, and the former knight smiled a little.
Linebeck smiled in return, hands finally settling on the child, patting hsi cheek and helping him sit up. His grip settled on the boy's shoulders, and he took a steadying breath.
And then he started shaking him like a rag doll.
"You stupid sea monkey, what were you thinking do you have any idea how much trouble I had to go through just to get to you, they sank my ship, now we have to get a new one--!"
The other men stared, a little caught off guard, and then Rusl gently pointed out, "Easy, you're going to give the kid whiplash."
Linebeck paused, glancing at them, leaving Link nearly limp in his grip, eyes dazed and clearly dizzy. The pirate huffed, pulling the boy to his feet, and Link stumbled around a few paces before nearly collapsing against him.
Sighing, Linebeck settled an arm around the child to keep him from falling over, letting him lean against him. "Well. The job's done, at least. But... didn't you say your boys were missing too?"
Rusl smirked. "Ah, so he is your boy?"
Linebeck jumped, eyes widening. "W-wha--no, I--you're dodging the question!"
Rusl waved the booklet in response. "I'm sure this log will have valuable information for us. But you and your son should get out of here. We'll make sure the Yiga can't come back."
Linebeck was practically inflating with hot air to rebuke Rusl's claims about him and Link, but he instead stormed out. "Honestly, I rescue you ungrateful sea barnacles and you mock me. I'm leaving."
"You forgot your kid," Abel noted dully as the boy shook his head and steadied himself.
"Link, let's go, what are you waiting for!" Linebeck called from above deck.
Abel put a steadying hand on the boy's shoulder while Rusl smiled warmly at him. "Better get going, son."
The boy looked between them, adn then the Fierce Deity, and then he nodded, saying softly, "Thank you. Thank you for taking care Linebeck."
With that, the kid ran outside, and Rusl laughed. Abel had to chuckle at the ridiculousness of it all.
"Let's get through this gate and seal it," Abel suggested. "We can read the journal after we get out of here. The less likely they can come back, the better."
Fierce's reply was cut off by voices from above.
"Linebeck, look! It's Jolene's ship!"
"Of course it is, I stole it!"
"But then why is your ship over there?"
"What?! My ship was--that's my ship!"
"Oh! I think I see Jolene on it!"
"She fixed my ship? SHE STOLE MY SHIP??"
Rusl and Abel exchanged a look, and then they both snickered.
Fierce glanced hesitantly above deck, but Abel shook his head. "Leave him to his fate. Clearly this is not their first encounter, and they've managed without us. We should go."
With that, the three men strode forward, preparing for another adventure.
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kermyywhat · 1 year
For those interested in AU with Siren Wilbur and Captain Quackity from the lower post
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this AU has quite a rich lore and plot, it is mainly based on psychology and is quite difficult to understand, there are a lot of characters and they all went through a lot of suffering. If I talk about EVERYONE then it would take a VERY long time, but I can talk about the main characters: Techno, Tommy, Wilbur, Sally, Puffy, Quackity.
Everything begins with the kingdom of mermaids and sirens in the Black Sea.
A quick explanation about mermaids and sirens.
Mermaids have the tails of river and lake fish, such as salmon, herring, etc. That is, almost everyone, except predators.
Of course, there are always some cases-exceptions, so sometimes there are mermaids with the tails of predators. Also with sirens, sometimes you can meet a siren with a tail, for example, a goldfish (like Tommy).
Mermaids themselves are smaller than sirens, also dangerous, but mostly weaker.
Sirens are always predators, such as sharks, killer whales, piranhas, etc. (Although piranhas live in fresh water, they still belong to sirens that live in the sea). Sirens can use their voice in hypnosis, have very sharp claws and teeth, they are the strongest creatures in the black sea, so there is racism in the kingdom, where sirens humiliate mermaids.
An interesting point: pairs of sirens and mermaids.
Both sirens and mermaids are very jealous and loyal. They can only have one partner for life (or polyamory - 2 partners for life). That is, when a pair of sirens/mermaids dies, the other dies as well. The only way for one of the partners to survive is to have a child.
I can tell more about lore in other answers and posts, because there is a lot, a lot of information (after all, AU is exists more than a year, I came up with a lot lol)
Now plot & lore.
Technoblade is the eldest son, he is a siren with a white shark tail, and despite the fact that he is older and should be the heir to the crown, he joined the ranks of the knights of the kingdom.
Wilbur is the middle son, has a killer whale tail, he became the heir to the crown, so he has a lot of responsibility and interest in his every action. By himself, Wilbur is quite calm and wise, tries to be fair, but sometimes he breaks down and runs wild.
Tommy, the youngest and last son, he is pretty childish and in refers to things from a positive point of view. Wilbur doesn't always share this, and is more inclined to listen to the advice of Techno and their father Phil.
Tommy and Wilbur are often called the sun and the moon in the kingdom.
Sally is a river mermaid with a salmon tail. She, like other mermaids, unfortunately succumbed to humiliation from sirens and even other "privileged" mermaids. In the course of the story, she became Wilbur's girlfriend, which was greatly disliked by the other mermaids and sirens of the kingdom and eventually killed Sally, but Wilbur was able to survive because he had a child, Fundy/Tallulah, by Sally at the time. (I used to think that they would have a son Fundy, but now I think it would be better if it were Tallulah, because then Fundy would be a human child, and Tallulah would be a siren). But even though Wilbur managed to survive, he began to slowly lose his mind and go wild, due to which Phil had to put Wilbur in the kingdom's prison for a while.
Puffy. She plays quite a role in this story because she is a loyal knight of the kingdom and the best friend of the king and his sons. She is quite wise and compassionate, Puffy plays the role of a psychologist in this story. She is a siren, but I haven't decided what kind of fish her tail will be XD
captain Quackity. A cruel and influential man, he has been hunting sirens and mermaids for a long time. He is not a pirate, he is a hunter.
Pirates and hunters are a little different: pirates do not affect the inhabitants of the seas, they attack other ships, and hunters attack both the inhabitants of the seas and other ships.
after capturing Wilbur, the captain will treat him more gently than the other sirens and mermaids, because this is the first time a blue-blooded person has been on his ship. Despite this, he will still be quite cold towards Wilbur, and will try all kinds of methods to find out as much secret information as possible.
By the way, at the moment when Wilbur is on the hunter ship, Stockholm syndrome will happen and Wilbur will start to think that he loves the captain :(
so now there will be a spoiler for the ending:
The ship will be caught in a severe storm, sirens will attack their ship, killing many of the crew and tearing the ship apart. Quackity will drown when he tries to save himself and others, he will be stuck in the closed cabin. Wilbur will look for the captain and then he will find him, but it will be too late.
Wilbur will drag Quackity's body to the shore, there will be a difficult scene with Wilbur tearing his own body to pieces in front of Tommy, who will be hiding behind a rock nearby.
Tommy becomes the new heir to the throne.
The kingdom despises Tommy and Phil for his choice. The kingdom is in chaos, Tommy will have to make up for all his wrongdoings and prove that he is a good king.
Here's the story in a VERY short summary. I wanted to do it in the form of a fanfic, but I understand that I will not be able to, because it's too difficult mentally, I still need to study psychology.
I hope you like the idea if you're still here XD
Also, English isn't my native language, I apologize for possible mistakes in the text.
I hope I haven't exceeded any word limits here...
here is another sketch and art of this AU, which I drew in 2022:
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lol I noticed that Quackity is on the right side in each illustration.
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superums · 1 year
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roronoa zoro's 5 love languages
gender neutral reader. fluff. improper grammar. no y/n or (name). established relationship. strawhat-coded reader. i've never really been a zoro girlie... i hope this is okay tho. based on opla!zoro but can fit anime!zoro aswell. spoiler free.
color coded text: zoro
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physical touch: he isn't big on giving physical affection, it's just not his nature. he doesn't like PDA all too much and in private i believe that he doesn't change. its not that he hates physical touch, it's more like he doesn't like initiating it. if you're touchy and always want to hug or hang off of him who is he to reject your affections. if you were to jump into his arms or just collapse on him he wouldn't say anything about it... well he might complain but its not real complaining. i think instead of initiating hugs and kisses he's more if a kisses your hand or rub the back of your hand with his thumb—kind of guy.
acts of service: he likes to do hard labor to show you love. ofc he dose things like get you a glass of water or get you a blanket from the bottom deck but he likes to show off his strength. if you wanted a fish he'd come back with a whale—stuff like that. he'd try to tone it down if you don't like that but thats his best quality. he likes to do absolutely ridiculous things to simple tasks because he wants to impress you. sometimes sanji gets involved and then he HAS to show off bc who dose sanji think he is trying outdo him at his job (getting you chocolate milk)??????
quality time: he spends his free time training and sleeping mostly so he probably won't invite you to join him on his free time that often unless you like taking naps or watching. i think he'd think he's boring so he probably wouldn't to invite you anyway. sometimes he will just plop down beside you whenever you're on the deck and you two will sit in a comfortable silence. he'll tell you about how he's training to lift a ton or swing his sword faster, but he honestly wants you to do more of the talking. when you leave the ship he always wants to go with you. it doesn't matter if you're leaving to get 1 thing or 100 things or even just a breath of fresh air away from everyone he wants to be with you at all times even if he doesn't explicitly say it.
giving/receiving gifts: he doesn't have any money so dont expect anything extravagant. he gets you more food than anything because thats all he can really get yk. he tries to spice things up by getting you a bird or fruit from a island, maybe even some treasures that villages gift them as a way of saying thank you, but you get a lot of fish from him. he might also give you a kiss as a way of giving you something—you gotta rmr kissing really isn't his thing so that means a lot coming from him!! he's a pirate after all and he cant really show a lot of appreciation towards you in the gift department.
he's also easy to please. be doesn't really expect much, if you gave him a towel he'd cherish it. he knows its hard to really get the other anything especially with a kingpin nami being in charge of the money holding everyone hostage financially so he's be happy with anything. i also think he's also one of those people who are content with what they have/feel like they have all they need. he has his crew, his swords and you—what else dose he really need?
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norakbubbles · 2 months
Luffy x Nami: Unexpected Proposal
Drabble prompt: "But we're not married" "Then marry me"
Warnings: Extreme fluff; Spoilers (I think); Takes place in the future; a couple of theories I'm throwing in
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Their hard work had paid off
All the blood, tears, shared laughter, unexpected obstacles, and adventure had come to an end.
Luffy had found the One Piece and became King of the Pirates and the news spread like wildfire. The slaves of Mariejois were free and the Celestial Dragons had been taken care of.
Zoro became the world's greatest swordsman
Sanji found the All Blue
Usopp became a brave warrior of the sea and is known worldwide for his heroics
Chopper finally found the cure to every disease known to mankind, even ones that had been left unsolved for generations
Robin found every Poneglyph
Franky now made ships for people far and wide and is sought out by anyone and everyone
Brook reunited with Laboon
And Jinbei was finally able to convince the fishmen and merfolk to trust humans and how the two races lived in harmony both on land and in the sea
Nami smiled as she watched the celebration going on in Laugh Tale right now. Her own dream was achieved as well. The map of the world was proudly displayed in a glass case made from a strong material that would prevent anything bad from happening. She sighed in content and leaned back against a stone, watching everyone. People they had met along the way were there, even those they fought in the past. The Cross Guild, Perona, Nojiko, Genzo, Foxy, Hancock, Iceburg, Paulie, Zeff, Reiju, Bon Clay, Conis, Shirahoshi and her brothers, King Neptune, Hachi, Camie, Pappag, Duval, Bartolomeo, Viola, Rebecca, Coby, Helmeppo, the entire Revolutionary army, the Heart Pirates, Bonney, Kidd, Kiku, Hiyori, Momo, Yamato, Smoker, Tashigi, Hina, and of course Vivi and Cobra. Hell, even Katakuri and Pudding showed up. Nami laughed as she watched Luffy bicker with Garp before the two fell asleep briefly. She pushed herself off the wall and walked to the extremely large buffet table. Sanji was still cooking up a storm with Zeff and Hachi's help. Good thing, too, since Luffy was eating like he hadn't eaten in days. She refilled her mug with some high-quality wine Mihawk had brought and picked up a small quiche.
"Big party, huh?" Vivi asked, walking next to her friend. She was holding a plate of fruit with a whale skewer in one of the pieces.
"Tell me about it. I'm surprised this island hasn't sunk with how many people are here," Nami replied causing the two to start giggling silently. They stood, saying nothing as they observed everyone around them. The people who they had so many memories with were all celebrating one person and for good reason. Nami's eyes wandered until they landed on Luffy. He was stuffing his face but that's not what caused her gaze to linger. Former warlord Boa Hancock was seated next to him, slightly turned away, a blush on her cheeks and her finger tips pressed against each other as she spoke. Nami couldn't make out what she was saying but was sure it was something about how she loved him. Luffy, of course, didn't register.
"You should tell him." Nami jumped.
"You should tell him how you feel," Vivi said, gesturing to the redhead's hand. Nami realized she had gripped the quiche so hard it was now ruined. She sighed and wiped it off.
"You know I can't do that."
"Why not?"
"Because we're Nakama, Vivi! And besides do you think that Luffy even returns my feelings? Much less when he has the undivided attention and affection from the most beautiful woman in the world?!" she shouted. Luckily the party was loud enough that not many people heard her. A couple heads turned but they brushed it off. Vivi set her plate down and took Nami's hands in her own.
"Nami...when I admitted my love for Koza, he didn't believe me at first. He thought that I was joking because I was royalty and he wasn't. It took some time for him to find out I was telling the truth but when he did, he couldn't believe it. He had loved me since we were children and that deep rooted voice in his head told me I would never reciprocate his feelings so he neglected to tell me out of fear... if you do the same, you'll lose Luffy for good. You will still be friends but you will never forget that you had a chance to make your true feelings known and you didn't because you were scared. You and Luffy have faced so much together. He saved you from Arlong, you're the only one he trusts with his hat, and you've fought alongside each other against the deadliest of opponents. You believed that he would be king of the pirates and he believed you would draw a map of the world and now here you both are. Surrounded by people who love and admire you. I have a feeling that Luffy loves you more than you may think. All you have to do is talk to him." By the end, Nami was crying and she threw her arms around Vivi, hugging the princess tightly.
"Thank you..." she mumbled.
"I'll always have your back. Now go," she said, nudging her in Luffy's direction. Nami started to walk in his direction and stood in front of him.
"Eh, Luffy?" He looked up and gave her a big smile.
"Hey, Nami! Have you tried the food? It's so good!" She giggled and nodded.
"Yes I did..." Nami looked at Hancock briefly, whose piercing gaze was boring into her head. "I, uh, was wondering if we could talk alone, Luffy?"
"Hm? Sure! You can have Hammock's seat!" Nami avoided a grin and a laugh at that statement but decided to sit on the other side of Luffy instead. Hancock rolled her eyes and glared at Nami before getting up and walking away, shoving Buggy to the ground in the process.
"So what'd you wanna talk about?" Luffy asked, shoving a piece of cake into his mouth. Nami couldn't help but stare. He was so immature, loud, and messy... but he was also kind, made her laugh, and was fiercely protective of not only her but everyone else who asked for his help. Luffy tilted his head when she didn't say anything.
"Nami, you ok? Are you hungry?" Nami sighed and shook her head with a small smile.
"No, Luffy, I'm not hungry, I,...I need to discuss something very important with you."
"Ok! What is it?" he asked, shoving a whole cantaloupe in his mouth.
"Luffy... ever since I met you, I had this feeling that you were different from any other man I met. The way you went about life so carefree and fearless was intriguing and it made me somewhat scared for your life. However...as I stayed with you and kept getting to know every part of you, my feelings grew into something much more serious. When you put your hat on my head back in Cocoyashi and promised to help me with Arlong, I felt something grow within me. Something that I hadn't felt in so long. And every time you smiled at me, saved me, or even promised to help someone else like Vivi, that something kept growing bigger and bigger. It took some time to come to terms with but Luffy...I fell in love with you. And I fell in love hard. I know you might not reciprocate or even understand the meaning and I understand if that's the case but I just wanted to tell you that-."
"I love you, too." Nami's head snapped up in shock.
"I love you, too." I talked to Robin about it one time after we got her back from CP9, and I told her that it felt like things were dancing in my stomach whenever I saw you or was close to you. She explained to me that I was in love. I still don't fully get it, but what I do get is that I am in love with you, too." Nami felt like she was going to cry. All of the fear she had initially felt was gone.
"But, what about Boa Hancock?" Luffy shrugged.
"Eh, she's not my type. Also, she's like 12 years older than me, which is kinda weird." Nami couldn't help but laugh a little at that.
"You know I'm King of the Pirates now."
"Of course. Why else would we be having this party?" she said half sarcastically.
"Well...a king needs his queen." Nami gasped softly at that. She turned to look at Luffy searching his eyes for any signs of deception but saw none, only truth.
"Luffy, you know that kings and queens are typically husband and wife, right?"
"I know that. And?"
"But we're not married." Luffy reached over and grabbed her hand.
"Then marry me." The redhead's eyes widened.
"Marry me, Nami. I know it's fast but I love you. Be my queen... please." The dam had broke, and Nami had tears streaming down her cheeks. Sanji noticed, and his gaze turned fiery.
"LUFFY!! WHY IS NAMI-SAN CRYING?? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER??" His yelling caught the attention of pretty much everyone else there, and they all stared at the two. Sanji set his leg on fire and leaped into the air, about to land a flying kick to his captain's face. Nami exhaled a shaky breath.
"Oh, Luffy, of course I'll marry you." Sanji stopped in mid-air and fell on his face.
"WHHAATTT???" everyone shouted at the same time, save for Robin and Vivi, who were both giggling off to the side. Luffy grinned wide and laughed.
"Shishishi! We're gonna be the greatest king and queen ever!" he said, wrapping his stretchy arms around Nami in a tight hug. Nami laughed too and hugged him back just as tightly. Everyone started cheering and clapping. Sanji was face down crying into the dirt. Hancock was off to the side chewing on her sleeve.
"Congrats guys!" Usopp shouted, clapping both of them on the backs. Robin and Chopper hugged Nami while Franky and Jinbei ruffled Luffy's hair.
"Never knew you had it in you, Captain," Zoro said with a smirk, taking a sip of his beer.
"Oi! Strawhat!" Luffy looked up to see Genzo giving him a stern look.
"You remember your promise!" he said, raising his mug. Luffy nodded and bowed.
"And I'll keep that promise!" Everyone's drinks were refilled and Sabo, with his arm around Koala, raised his glass high into the air.
"A toast! To the new king and queen of the pirates!"
"To the king and queen!!" everyone shouted happily. Luffy pulled Nami close to him by her waist and pressed his nose to hers.
"To us," he said. Nami smiled and placed her hand on his cheek.
"To us." They kissed softly as the cheering got louder and Usopp, Franky, and Bartolomeo let a barrage of fireworks off. Luffy and Nami watched the fireworks and Nami stole a glance at her now fiancé's huge grin. She was going to marry her best friend and she was going to be a queen.
And she was going to be the best damn queen the world has ever known.
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pooks · 2 months
alright, time to dive into part 5; the Alabasta Saga feat. straw hat!Ichiji
into the Grand Line and encountering Laboon
we start first at the Reverse Mountain Arc, where our heroes passes the Red Line and into the Grand Line. Ichiji is very excited and unfortunately, gets a massive panic-induced anxiety attack.
i mean, come on. first, they nearly crash into the mountain when they're riding on the stream up the mountain, then they almost crashed into a giant whale and then, they get EATEN by the same whale
Ichiji stays with his crew while Luffy got (briefly) seperated from them. Ichiji is very confused about how they ended up in a resort (?) inside the whale and meets the strange old man, Crocus.
compared to the rest, Ichiji appreciates Crocus' sense of humor and finds him very humorous.
Ichiji is very touched by the story of Laboon and the pirates he's waiting for. like Sanji, he's realistic about the possible theory that the pirates might be dead.
he is, just like the others, very agitated and panics when Luffy decides to fight Laboon...and in his weird way, makes a promise to return.
log poses and two weirdos
after they gets to the surface, Nami notices that the two weirdos who tried to kill Laboon, Mr.9 and Miss Wednesday, are missing. Ichiji coldly says that he doesn't care what happened to them and they could get eaten by giant sea squids. Nami gives him a slap on the head for his tactless remark while Sanji laments to her that his older brother is a little petty and holds onto grudges too easily.
Ichiji is concerned when Nami panics about her compass malfunctioning when she draws plans for their Grand Line journey. when they got the explanation about log poses, the magnetism in the Grand Line, Ichiji remarks that he forgot something and pulls up a small leather book.
Sanji recognizes it and yells at him why he has it. Ichiji, with a small smirk, tells them that Zeff gave him his old logbook, which contains his detailed journey in the Grand Line. Sanji seethes a little, obviously jealous that Zeff trusted Ichiji with his prized logbook.
Ichiji instead asks Crocus if log poses was common to buy in the Grand Line and gets the bad news that they would be, unfortunately, stuck at Twin Capes since they can't travel without a log pose. then Luffy reveals having a log pose, the very one Mr.9 dropped.
Luffy and Sanji ends up accidently breaking it, though, and Ichiji takes this as a sign to return to the ship, not in the mood of dealing with his little brother and his silly romance antics.
later, then they're approached by Mr.9 and Miss Wednesday and being asked to travel to Whiskey Peak, Ichiji is against it since he doesn't trust people who just tried to kill their whale friend. his vote is vetoed, since Luffy decides to go to Whiskey Peak anyways and captain's word is law.
the straw hats, along with their new guests, sets sail for Whiskey Peak and Ichiji briefly wonders if their new destination has their namesake drink. Usopp wonders why, which Ichiji reveals it's his favorite drink.
Whiskey Peak, a town that welcomes pirates?
upon docking by Whiskey Peak, where they're greeted by a large crowd that seems to adore and welcome pirates, Ichiji is suspicious. he's grown up with a lot of pirate tales from the Baratie and he knows that people welcoming pirates is very rare.
he's visibly annoyed when Usopp, Luffy and Sanji instantly falls for the welcome. during the party in a tavern, Nami is easily lured into a drinking game for some prize money. Ichiji and Zoro bonds a little over their suspicions, being the only ones with rational mindsets. Zoro reveals to Ichiji, being on his 12th drink, that he actually likes Sanji but gets annoyed with his constant womanizing. he also tells that he finds a good friend in Ichiji. the latter appreciates his honesty.
Ichiji, still being suspicious of the overly warm welcome by the town, cooks up a plan in his head. he puts on an act and feigns a migraine, asking the "mayor" if there's a quiet place he can sleep. Ichiji "sleeps" in a smaller room, but takes his chance to quickly make a decoy doll (made up from sacks of potatoes ) and hides it under the bed he's borrowing. when he's being checked on, Ichiji is lying on the bed and pretends to sleep.
while his crew has seemingly collapsed by exhaustion, Ichiji takes his chance to place the decoy on the bed and sneak outside onto the rooftops to investigate his surroundings. he overhears the exchange between Zoro and the "townspeople" and realizes that they're in a bounty hunters' nest. he hides inside an empty house and as soon as a bounty hunter runs past, he ambushes him and steals the clothes and weapons, successfully infiltrating the bounty hunters.
revealing princess Vivi and fighting Mr.5 and Miss Valentine
Ichiji sneaks around and evades Zoro, deciding against joining the fight. he knows about Baroque Works and which high-ranking agents are here, but he feels that he's missing an important piece of the puzzle. he also puts his faith in Zoro and decides that his friend got this covered.
we find out that Ichiji has enhances senses, which is proven when he hears the entire reveal of Miss Wednesday's identity; princess Vivi of Alabasta and that the boss of Baroque Works, Mr.0, has ordered her eliminated.
he makes the decision to join the fight, but using the element of surprise to his advantage. when Vivi is cornered by Mr.5 and Miss Valentine, he surprises them by putting a bullet into one of Mr.5's hands.
Ichiji, standing on a high building, takes off a cowboy's hat and it landes by the agents' feet. he lets himself being revealed in the moonlight, introducing himself as Scarlet Ichiji of the Straw Hat Pirates and mocks Baroque Works at the same time.
"Oh, I thought I sensed a foul stence around here. I understand that your highly esteemed boss, Mr.0, sent you two here to this backwater island, just because he felt threatened by a princess finding out his dirty little secrets? How embarrassing. Mr.5 and Miss Valentine, how about you'll return to your boss with the shameful message that Scarlet Ichiji of the Straw Hat Pirates defeated you?"
Zoro, who just intercepted an "explosive booger" from Mr.5, smirks and remarks that now it's a fair fight, obviously happy that Ichiji is here and he made a badass entrance.
Luffy vs. Zoro and escaping Whiskey Peak
Zoro and Ichiji works together to fight their opponents, but they don't get very far when Luffy catches up to them and starts to fight Zoro, due to a misunderstanding
Ichiji is very annoyed by this and he now defends Vivi on his own, fighting Miss Valentine and Mr.5. the latter is still very furious at Ichiji for taking out one of his hands and Ichiji finds Miss Valentine extremely annoying, as her haughty laughter starts to trigger his temper.
the agents gets quickly taken down when Zoro and Luffy are irritated by their interference. Ichiji stays out of their fight and ensures that Vivi is safe. Luffy and Zoro are taken down by a pissed off Nami.
the four straw hats gets a fully explanation from Vivi regarding the state of Alabasta, the civil war, who pulls on the strings and the accidental reveal of the Mr.0; Crocodile, one of the seven warlords
Ichiji remarks that's he couldn't be less surprised about Luffy and Zoro's excited reactions and Nami's despair. things gets worse when the Unluckies discovers them and marks them as wanted. Ichiji takes this as a sign that they have no choice than to deliver Vivi to Alabasta and fight Crocodile.
Nami is especially upset at his lack of reaction and resigning himself to his fate. Ichiji simply smiles at her and tells her that a long time ago, he made a vow to never turn away anyone asking for help.
Igaram, formerly known as Mr.8 and the captain of the guard of Alabasta, plans a decoy to allow the straw hats to safely escape Whiskey Peak and deliver Vivi to Alabasta. Ichiji remarks that a decoy was risky, but he understands the importance of the mission. however, it goes horribly wrong when Igaram's ship is attacked and seemingly dies. the straw hats decides to take the chance to escape now.
Luffy fetches Sanji and Usopp and they all boards the Merry. Sanji and Usopp, being out of the loop, complains and Nami "sets them right".
Miss All Sunday and heading to Alabasta
not long after they've escaped and after both Sanji and Usopp got everything explaineed, they're unnerved by the surprise entrance of Mr.0's partner; Miss All Sunday (aka Nico Robin)
everyone aims their weapons at her, deeming her as a threat to Vivi. Ichiji, in a surprising twist, doesn't gear up for a fight. instead, he looks up at her with folded arms.
Miss All Sunday neutralizes them quicker than they can see. but she takes the chance to look down at Ichiji and asks why he wasn't prepared to attack unlike his captain and crew mates.
"Because you have something to say. Considering that you are partner to Mr.0, you could've had us killed before speaking up. My theory is that you're here for a reason."
the rest of the straw hats are surprised how quickly Ichiji figured it out. Sanji remarks in his mind that Ichiji is the brains between them; the strategist, always trying to figure out the big picture.
Miss All Sunday seems to be interested in Ichiji, both of them having a brief staring match (first Ichiji/Robin moment!) before she offers them an eternal pose that leads to a different, faster route to Alabasta or they take the longer route, where they might be attacked by more agents and reveals they'll head towards a place called Little Garden.
Luffy takes the decision in his head, though and crushes the eternal pose, saying that she doesn't make the decisions on his ship. Miss All Sunday takes her leave in a rather amiable way, saying that they'll meet again.
soon after she's left, Ichiji remarks "what a strange lady", vaguely impressed that she managed to get on their ship undetected. Sanji, swooning over the woman, asks if Ichiji agrees that Miss All Sunday might be a "mellorine" like Nami and Vivi. Ichiji only says a flat "no" before stalking off to the galley.
he opens up a large book with blank pages and starts to write about their recent adventure in Whiskey Peak, taking his duties as the archivist seriously.
(end. part 5)
(read part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4 here)
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gt-pina · 6 months
I changed Prism design (again) !!!
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He's a big mermaid inspired by a whale shark
He's not bad even tho he has sharp teeth, he's just curious about the ships he meet in his territory.
He likes swimming close to pirate ships to understand what it is exactly which gave him the reputation of a "Sea monster" because he scares the sh*t out of pirates
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