#girl that is not Amazing that is a Health and Safety hazard
oasatelematics · 2 years
of course we should be supporting small businesses etc etc. however. if you ever catch me buying makeup that some tiktoker made and packaged in their kitchen just hunt me for sport and shoot me point blank
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shammah8 · 22 days
📅 SAT. 31ST AUGUST 2024
For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries (1 Corinthians 14:2).
Pastor Chris Says
Speaking in tongues is very important to every child of God. Make it a conscious habit to speak in tongues every day. That’s where the power is. Once, a gang of ruthless kidnappers accosted a young girl and dragged her away. As they did, she spoke vigorously in tongues. They threatened to kill her, but she continued speaking in tongues. The more she spoke in tongues, the bolder she got. To her utter amazement, not long afterwards, the ten armed men suddenly threw away their weapons and fled. They ran away from one unarmed young girl. Why?
The Bible says “...he that speaketh in an unknown tongue, speaketh not unto men but unto God....” God only knows what those criminals saw or heard that made them scamper off in terror. Don’t take speaking in tongues lightly. Before you go out of your house every day, speak in tongues.
A truck driver was speeding down the road when, suddenly, his brakes failed, and his truck started hurtling dangerously towards a young guy. A fatal accident seemed inevitable, and the driver closed his eyes, expecting the worst to happen. When the vehicle ground to a halt, he opened his eyes, only to discover the young guy was still standing, unscathed and unruffled.
Quickly, he alighted from his truck and said, “Young man, I thought I hit you.” The young man said, “No, you didn’t; as you came close, the power of God picked me up in the air. When your truck sped past, the power of God brought me back down.”
Then the young man narrated how before he came out that day, he had been speaking in tongues until his whole body was saturated with the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, when danger came, the power of God lifted him over and above the hazard.
The blessings and benefits of speaking in tongues are much more than you can imagine. The utterance may sound foolish or unintelligible to you or anyone listening to you, but that’s where the power is. Glory to God! Even now, lift your hands and speak in tongues about your life, your ministry, your family, your job, your finances, your academics, and your health.
          🙏 P R A Y E R 
Dear Father, as I speak in tongues today, I align myself with your perfect will; my life is transformed and I’m empowered by the Holy Spirit, walking in victory in every area of my life. Thank you Lord, for the supernatural protection and safety, transcendent blessings and benefits of speaking in tongues, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
        📖 FURTHER STUDY :
1 Corinthians 14:2; For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries. 
Jude 1:20 AMPC; But you, beloved, build yourselves up [founded] on your most holy faith [make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], praying in the Holy Spirit;
Romans 8:26-27 AMPC; So too the [Holy] Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance.
[27]  And He Who searches the hearts of men knows what is in the mind of the [Holy] Spirit [what His intent is], because the Spirit intercedes and pleads [before God] in behalf of the saints according to and in harmony with God's will.
1 Corinthians 15:1-34 & Proverbs 5-7
1 Thessalonians 2:1-9 & Jeremiah 17
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simplybaby1 · 2 years
Celebrate the Joys of Parenthood with Newborn Baby Girl Strollers
Beginning: You have just cuddled your little bundle of joy, and she is as delicate as a rose. And all you want, as an adoring parent, is to ensure it stays that way. But what if you want to go out together for a little stroll? How will you sustain the stretched arms and limbs? She might be lightweight, but gradually you realise she also needs a better lying posture while you are out. Or a better and more comfortable sleep position. And what better way than to use a newborn baby girl stroller as you shop baby clothes accessories online Australia? Here are some of its benefits and why you need one.
Why You Need to Get Newborn Baby Girl Strollers for Your Little Angel.
(a). It’s fairly safe and protects newborn babies on outings with added comfort.
The most amazing thing about newborn strollers is their comfort and enhanced safety. The anxiousness and worry of parents go down a notch, and they can enjoy parenting. It’s the safest, most comfortable, and best place to protect newborns from harsh elements and other hazards. 
(b). Strollers are built sturdily, are durable, and are multipurpose.
They are built for sturdy work with solid wheels, frames, protective shields and covers, comfortable baby inlays, and a mini-bed. The newborns can enjoy beautiful rides protected from the elements.
(c). They can be easy to carry accessories and highly convenient.
They are portable and easy to carry around, even on holidays or vacations. They are meant to be more versatile, as they are foldable, packable, and won't carry much weight or occupy much space. It makes parenting more enjoyable and fun because there are fewer burdens.
Tumblr media
(d). Made with the most baby skin-friendly fabrics that are breathable and easy to clean.
Every new and experienced parent knows how crucial it is to get baby skin and health-friendly products. This includes fabrics, breathability, and hygiene. All these factors determine and influence how your little girl or boy blooms in decent and safe environments. Breathability is just as important to avoid suffocation or shortness of breath in low-quality products.
(e). Ease of monitoring on a stroll leads to better parent-baby bonding and relaxation.
It's hard to relax with an infant in your arms as you are constantly watching out for and after it. A stroller provides all these and more. The parent and baby can relax easily and enhance better bonding.
(f). Babies get emotional support, sound napping, and more storage options.
It is hard to carry all the baby stuff around and stay organised or hygienic. A stroller’s compartments lessen your worry and burden while giving your little girl sweet naps on outings. When she rests in the cosy and comfy stroller bed with breathable fabric, you are relieved for other activities.
Conclusion: When you buy baby gear online, you access the latest trends in baby care stuff. From the most fascinating baby girl clothing sets to the bedding and all around baby care products. It kind of lessens your challenges as new parents and infuses more fun and joy into the journey. So, buy baby care products online from certified manufacturers with global quality standards.
For more info:-
Newborn Baby Girl Strollers
Buy Baby Boys Clothing Accessories
Baby Girl Clothing Sets
Source URL:- https://sites.google.com/view/buy-baby-gear-online/home
0 notes
Rootless Tree
//klaroline au week// - day 7 - trope x trope Little sister’s best friend x age difference I wrote two things for today. This one is a sweet older Klaus, child Caroline. Enjoy!
Caroline Forbes was left to her own devices a lot.
Of course she was.
She was the only child to the recently single town sheriff. It meant for many cold mornings being ushered out of the house very early, so Liz Forbes could be at work on time, and many long afternoons, quietly doing her homework in the police station.
Caroline didn’t mind though, because she loved her mother.
But it meant when Rebekah Mikaelson, the newest member of Caroline’s class, asked her if she wanted to come over to play at her house one afternoon only a few weeks after moving to Mystic Falls, Caroline eagerly accepted. 
Caroline was happily welcomed into the large family. She met some of Rebekah’s brothers, Kol and Henrik, and immediately joined the Mikaelsons in their afternoon business. Caroline was beyond happy to not be couped up at her mom’s work, and to have found a new friend who was her friend first.
Later than evening, when the sheriff finally made it to the Mikaelson house to pick Caroline up, Liz apologised profusely for Caroline inviting herself over, and for how late she was to pick her daughter up.
“Oh don’t be silly, Liz! Caroline is a true delight,” Esther, Rebekah’s mother, had said, jovially. “Not only is she more polite than any of my lot, she also cleaned up after herself, and kept my three youngest from fighting all afternoon! What a gift.”
Liz had been quite chuffed to hear such nice words about her daughter.
“Well, thank you for having Caroline, Esther!” Liz replied.
“Would you like us a mind her here during the week? I heard about your husband, and to manage it all must be difficult with a young daughter. The girls seem to get on really well, and it’s nice to see Rebekah with someone much more like her, rather than her noisy brothers. So it would be wins all round, really.”
Liz’s eyes had widened; she couldn’t possibly put that burden on another mother. But then she heard Caroline laughing joyfully in the house, and that was much nicer the subdued Caroline who would otherwise be sitting quietly in a police station half her life.
“That would be amazing.”
And from that moment on, Caroline was a permanent fixture in the Mikaelson household. Wednesday through Friday, Caroline would be packed in with the youngest Mikaelsons for afterschool adventures she would remember for the rest of her life.
Which brought her to that day, where she was having one such adventure, though it wasn’t only memorably for good reasons.
For this particularly afternoon, over a year after Caroline and Rebekah met, Caroline suggested that she, Beks, Kol, and Henrik, build a blanket fort in the play room.
The idea went off without a hitch, and the fort was really coming along, until Henrik forcefully pushed at Kol for encroaching on ‘his territory’, which had, in turn, seen Kol knocking into Rebekah, who the subsequently fell into one of the pillars keeping the fort fixed in place.
And the thing about children was, the used all available materials to serve their purposes, regardless of occupational health and safety hazards.
In this instance, a pile of heavy books was used to hold up the fort. Thus, a heavy pile of books crashed on the heads of Kol and Rebekah.
The two children screamed in pain and fear, now not only having books crashing on their heads, but because they were tangled in blankets and sheets as well.
Esther came rushing in to see the split forehead and split lip of two of her children, another child sobbing, and her daughter’s best friend looking terrified, trying to calm the others, and desperately trying to keep her own tears to herself.
“Niklaus! Elijah!” Esther roared, summoning two of her much elder boys to the room. “Elijah, get Kol and Rebekah into the car, they will need to visit the emergency room. Then come back to calm Henrik. Niklaus, you will take Caroline back to her house and will wait with her until her mother arrives home from work. Okay?”
Elijah jumped into action, but Klaus, who was not known for his subordination skills, said, “No! It’s not okay! I am not home to babysit Rebekah’s little friends, mother!”
Klaus should have known by now which battles to pick, because his mother was suddenly brimming with rage at her third son for having the audacity to defy her in that moment.
“You will do as I say, Niklaus, or I will rain hellfire down on you. And so help me god, you will be kind to that girl, she is the best friend of three of your siblings and I will not have your abrasive personality scaring her away!”
Knowing she had him beat, Esther immediately jumped into action.
“Caroline, sweetie, I have to take Rebekah and Kol to the hospital, just to check they’re all okay. Klaus here will take you home. I will call your mother and let her know to go straight home, okay?”
“Okay,” Caroline said, unshed tears still swimming in her eyes. “I’m sorry Mrs Mikaelson.”
Esther gave Caroline a quick, reassuring hug, before dashing from the room after Elijah.
The room was now in relative calm, since the wailing Henrik had followed his mother, Klaus looked at Caroline, who looked sadly back at him.
“I didn’t think anyone would get hurt,” she said, her lip wobbling.
“Come on,” Klaus said, awkwardly, not really knowing how to comfort her. “Let’s get your things.”
Caroline silently retrieved her school bag and shoes, then hovered by the front door waiting for Klaus to come back.
Caroline didn’t know much about Klaus. She knew he was Rebekah’s favourite brother, but Rebekah had never really said why. He had never lived in Mystic Falls, because he started college a long way away when the rest of the Mikaelsons had moved there. And even though she was only eleven, Caroline knew he was very handsome, and it was off-putting, because she didn’t know what to do with that feeling.
“Let’s go,” he said, striding past her.
Caroline scampered after him before stopping dead in her tracks, because Klaus was getting into the most impressive car Caroline had ever seen.
Normally, Esther would drive around in a very stately looking SUV, and if Elijah was home, he drove them in a very plain sedan.
But this was hardly a car, it was a work of art.
“This is your car?” Caroline squeaked, going bright red.
“Yes it is, sweetheart,” Klaus smirked. “It is a 1978 Chevrolet Corvette.”
“It’s – it’s so...” Caroline stammered, trying to find a good word to describe what she was feeling. “Fancy!”
“It’s fancy indeed, love,” Klaus said, throwing her a wink. “That’s why I drive it. Ladies love being driven around in cars like this.”
“Right,” Caroline said, a little confused. “But why would ladies like being driven around, going driving is boring. My dad likes old cars, and used to take me on drives before he left, and I used to just feel a bit sick.”
“Right you are, Caroline,” Klaus said, chuckling a little.  “Sit up front, you won’t feel so sick.”
Caroline nodded and climbed into the car, careful to brush her shoes off before putting them inside, like her dad used to make her do. The motion wasn’t unnoticed by Klaus, and he appreciated the gesture.
As Klaus started driving, music began playing through the car’s speakers, picking up where it stopped Klaus’ last journey.
What I want from us is empty our minds
He noticed Caroline curiously looking around at all the bits and bobs that were different about this car than other ones she had been in.
But we fake, we fuss and fracture the times
Klaus didn’t know Caroline all that well, obviously, she was eleven, but she seemed a lot more reserved with him than he had seen her be with her siblings. Which was different from how Rebekah was, always the same loud attention commanding presence no matter who she was with.
We go blind when we've needed to see.
While looking out the window, Caroline tuned in to listen to the song. It wasn’t one she knew, she didn’t even think she knew who was singing, but it was nice. The man’s voice was very different from the other singers she knew.
And this leans on me like a rootless
It was a funny song, Caroline couldn’t really understand what the words meant, but it seemed to fit with how Klaus was.
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you
Caroline’s eyes bugged out.
And all we've been through
She couldn’t believe what she just heard! How could anyone so loudly curse like that!
I said leave it, leave it, leave it
She looked at Klaus, her eyes still wide with shock. He just smirked at her.
It's nothing to you
“Anything the matter, love?” he asked, feigning innocence.
“That man on the radio just said… the F word!” Caroline exclaimed, whispering the last part of the sentence, just in case.
“He did. What’s wrong with that?”
“It’s the F word, Klaus!” she cried, a little indignantly. “It’s not a good word!”
“It’s just a word, Caroline,” Klaus said, a grin still in his voice, though his face tried to remain serious. “Words only mean what we let them mean.”
“What?” she asked, confused.
Though, he was saved from explaining complex ideas of semiotics and semantics to a child, as they pulled up at her house.
Even though she was still a little bit struck by the appearance of the F word, Caroline skipped quickly from the car.
It was already dark, so Caroline struggled a little to get her key into the lock, until Klaus came over and used his phone to flash some light for her.
“Thank you,” she murmured, finally managing to open the door.
Klaus followed her into her home, and looked around curiously.
As a child who came from almost endless wealth, he often had to remind himself that not everyone did. And it was certainly interesting to see Caroline’s humble home, knowing just how cavernous, and extravagant his family’s home was.
“You don’t have to stay,” Caroline said, once she’d set down her bag in the kitchen and turned some lights on. “I can stay by myself until mom finishes work.”
“My mother told me to stay until your mother was home.”
“I know, I heard her say that,” Caroline said, plonking herself in the middle of her couch. “But I know you don’t want to, so you don’t have to. I’ve stayed home alone before.”
Klaus furrowed his brow, he honestly didn’t really want to stay. No nineteen-year-old wanted to babysit his eleven-year-old sister’s best friend. But, Klaus sighed to himself, if his mother found out, he would be skinned alive. And, if he was deeply honest with himself, if the situation were reversed, Klaus would want someone to wait with Rebekah, even if she was somewhat okay on her own.
“It’s not a problem, love,” Klaus said. “But just wait here a moment.”
Klaus walked back through the front door, and returned a minute later, a CD in his hand.
“Why don’t we listen to this while we wait,” he asked, showing her the album cover. “Do you have a CD player?”
“Yep!” Caroline said, before jumping from the couch and scampering away to fetch her player from her room.
“Is this what we were listening to in the car?” Caroline asked, after the music began to play, and a familiar voice started singing.
“Indeed, his name is Damien Rice.”
“Damien Rice,” Caroline said, moving the words around her mouth. “I like his voice.”
“As do I love, but his magic is in his lyrics.”
Caroline wasn’t really sure what Klaus meant, she never really listened to the words in songs much, but she modeled his behaviour and just listened, trying to make sense of the words.
“Oh!” Caroline exclaimed, as the next song began to play, jumping up from the couch again, and hurrying into the attached kitchen. “I didn’t offer you anything! Would you like some water, or a lemonade or something? I think we have some pizza in the fridge if you’re hungry!”
“It’s fine, love,” Klaus said, chuckling at her stress at forgetting her manners. “I’m okay.”
“You have to have something!” Caroline pushed. “I’m going to have some lemonade.”
“Okay then,” he responded. “I’ll have a lemonade too, sweetheart.”
Caroline retrieved two cans of lemonade, and brought them over, though her brow was wrinkled, as though deep in thought.
“Klaus, why do you call me ‘sweetheart’ and ‘love’?” she asked, curiously. “I thought sweethearts were people who were in love. And, no offence, but I’m not in love with you.”
“I’m not in love with you either, Caroline. No offence,” he replied. “I’m not sure why I say it, just a habit. It’s like when my mother calls you ‘sweetie’, it’s just a different pet name.”
“Hmm, okay,” she said, seemingly satisfied with his answer.
She immediately went back to listening to the music, and Klaus was quite surprised she was listening to intently. He thought she was get bored, or restless and find colouring or something to do.
He had tried listening to this album with all of his siblings, because sharing music was something they did as a family, but none of them had taken much of a liking to it.
“I really like this one,” Caroline said, then they got to the track Coconut Skins. “I feel like I can dance to it!”
She pranced around the room for a few moments to the beat of the song, and he, once again, couldn’t help but chuckle at her.
Though a serious expression over took over her face after another couple of minutes, and she looked at him, with those wide, blue eyes.
“Klaus, can I ask you something.”
“Fire away.”
“Do you think Beks and Kol will ever talk to me again?” she asked, her brow furrowing very deeply, her whole face twisting with concern. “If I hadn’t suggested building a fort, they never would have got hurt.”
“Look, love, it wasn’t your fault,” he replied. “Sometimes accidents happen, and sometimes things happen because we make a choice. But I don’t think Beks or Kol will hold it against you.”
“But mom said it wasn’t my fault that dad left, and he still doesn’t really talk to me,” Caroline whispered, as though telling him her darkest secret that she’d never told anyone. “And he left over a year ago! Do you think it will take a year for Beks and Kol to forgive me?”
Klaus frowned, not really sure what to say – sure, he was the older brother to three much younger siblings, but that didn’t mean he was in the business of dispensing life advice all that often. And this seemed like the kind of question that would have an affect on her life if he answered incorrectly.
“Caroline, I’m sure Beks and Kol will forgive you faster than a year,” Klaus said, feeling a weight of responsibility, to not wanting tear down the shaky emotional walls children construct for themselves as they begin to make their way in the world. “As for your dad, I’m not sure what to say. Sometimes with adults, families especially, things are harder to understand, especially when you’re young.”
“Right,” Caroline said slowly, trying to find the right box for his words in her mind.
She was still thinking very visibly when the front door open, and Liz Forbes strode through the door a few minutes later.
“Mommy!” Caroline called, racing from her spot next to Klaus, to launch herself at her mom.
“Hello sweetie,” she said, hugging her daughter back. “Sounds like you had quite the eventful day!”
“Uh huh, I did, mom, I hope Beks and Kol don’t hate me forever!”
“They won’t, honey, they won’t, in fact, when I spoke to Esther on the phone, Rebekah asked if she could come over and play here sometime over the weekend, does that sounds good?”
Caroline nodded into her mother’s chest, relief rushing through her body, while Liz’s attention turned to Klaus.
“Klaus, I can’t thank you enough for minding Caroline tonight,” she gushed. “I hope she wasn’t too much.”
“Not at all,” Klaus said, pleasantly. “She even offered me a lemonade and some pizza.”
“Very good manners, sweetie,” Liz praised her daughter. “Is there anything I can do for you, Klaus? Order a pizza to your house, or something?”
“Unnecessary, Sheriff,” he replied. “It was my pleasure. But I best be off, mother will likely want some help with everything tonight, after all the excitement.”
“Of course,” Liz said. “Let Esther know that if she needs anything, don’t hesitate to ask! Thanks again.”
“Bye, Klaus,” Caroline said, once again a little shy as she had been earlier that day. “Thanks for looking after me.”
“Not a problem, love,” he replied. “Have a good weekend.”
Klaus was off through the door, when Caroline noticed the music still playing.
“Klaus, wait!” she called, opening the door to rush after him. “Your CD in my player.”
“Keep it, sweetheart,” he said, throwing her a smirk. “I have another copy. Besides, have to let a fellow Damien Rice fan listen to his music, right?”
“Right!” she squealed excitedly. “Thank you, thank you!”
She scampered to him, and gave him a quick but tight hug, before hurrying back inside to tell her mom, exactly how cool she thought Klaus was.
Klaus smiled genuinely as he hopped back into his car, feeling quite fulfilled. For a task he had been so not keen on, it turned out to be quite the wholesome experience.
One he would remember for a long time.
Let me know what you think! Listen to Rootless Tree, Damien Rice is my favourite musician of all time. There may be a part two ~sometime~, that will be set about 15 years in the future, I wonder what may happen!
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outranks · 5 years
extreme wolverine boshaw
so about two months ago I told the wonderful @naromoreau I’d write a fic for her about her dep Becca telling Sharky she’s pregnant, and also with some smut, so!! finally I had time to write it! I LOVE YOU NARO ❤️❤️❤️❤️
pairing: female deputy/sharky boshaw
smut, pregnancy
The small house feels claustrophobic and just on the side of too hot. Whatever air conditioning it has, if it ever had any, is long since broken, so even though the temperature outside is mild at best, inside the house it feels like the heat continues to rise, causing sweat to bead down Becca’s temples.
Or maybe that’s all of the anxiety.
The room suddenly seems too small to contain her and everything she’s feeling all at once.
She paces back and forth, from one wall and then back again. Over and over until finally she stops for a moment to open a damn window, unconcerned with any of the sounds of the county or the bugs that might fly in. If the Peggies and the Montana wildlife can’t kill her, then it’s definitely going to be all of this new stress that will. She takes a deep breath, filling her lungs with crisp, cool air, and then releasing it slowly as she counts down from ten. Sharky should have been home twenty minutes earlier, like he said he would be, but instead he’s somewhere between wherever Jess is holed up in the mountains, and the little house they’re squatting in because no one cares so much about property these days.
It was only supposed to be a short trip to drop off Boomer, but if she finds out he took a detour to drink with Hurk then he’s going to be sleeping on the couch until he’s an old man.
“Sharky Boshaw, I swear…” she mutters, walking over to the fridge to pull out some cold, leftover pizza from the night before. It only takes a few bites before she regrets her choice, her stomach completely unable to handle the pizza monstrosity Sharky had invented. She swallows reluctantly as she grabs for a glass of water to wash away the questionable taste and sudden nausea. “Fuck.” The cloying atmosphere of the house mixed with her her newfound urge to curl up on the floor aren’t helping matters at all.
Mostly she really just wants Sharky to come home before she loses her mind to the impossible scenarios she’s trying not to concoct inside her head.
Becca turns on her heel and walks back into the living room, dropping down into a sprawl on the old and worn couch. It’s not very comfortable, she’s pretty sure the thing is at least as old as she is, and there’s a spring digging into her back, but it’s better than pacing the house like a caged wild animal just waiting for Sharky to return. She groans, rolling onto her side, feeling absolutely ridiculous for acting the way that she is, though she thinks her excuse for that is reasonable. “Fucking hormones.”
There’s a sound like tires running over gravel and the telltale unpleasant creak of Sharky’s truck coming to a stop on the driveway outside. First thing they’re going to do after torching the couch is to get a new car that isn’t constantly seconds away from falling apart. They really can’t take the risk of driving something so dangerous anymore. She sits up as the door is pushed open and tries to school her face into something pleasantly neutral, though she’s sure the anxiety shows.
“Hey babe,” Sharky says, kicking his shoes off into the corner and shutting the door behind him. “You look...annoyed, I think? Why do you look like that? What happened? Was it something I did, because if it was the thing about how I was telling everyone that you have the best ass in the county, then I agree you have the right to be mad, but I stand by what I said.”
“You…” Becca has to think that one over for a moment, just to work it all out in her head. “No, that’s okay,” she says eventually, because it’s true anyway. “I’ve been waiting for you to get back; what took so long?”
“Truck wouldn’t start,” Sharky says, “I think it might not be very good-- might even be some kind of health and safety hazard that maybe we shouldn’t be driving. There’s a weird smell coming from it whenever the engine is on and the steering wheel gets too hot to touch.”
Becca considers that carefully and decides that is definitely something they’re going to come back to later because she’d really like for both of them to be alive for a while. She is not going to let Sharky die to some weird attachment to a car they found abandoned on the side of the road a month ago. “Sit down, I gotta talk to you,” she says, trying not to sound so dire that she scares him out of the house before they even get a chance to talk. “It’s nothing bad or anything-- Sharky just-- will you please stop looking like you’re about to panic?”
Sharky runs a hand through his hair, knocking his hat to the ground. “You can’t just say we gotta talk and expect me not to panic a little.”
“Well I did, so sit.”
Sharky falls to the couch beside her, keeping just the slightest distance, and Becca takes another steadying breath. For all that she was stressing over what she was going to say to him, she never actually prepared anything for when he was finally home. “So, uh--” she starts, searching for the right words and failing to find any-- “how do you feel about kids?”
“I don’t have any secret ones running around, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“What?” Becca doesn’t really know how to respond to that. “Why would I-- what?”
“Well yeah,” Sharky says. “Hurk told me about how sometimes that happens, and I just want you to know that there are absolutely no Sharky Jrs out there, coming to surprise us one day when we least expect it.”
Becca nods along like she’s following any of that, more than a little worried about Hurk’s wild stories, but glad at least that Sharky hasn’t been hiding a secret family from her. Which, up until this moment, wasn’t even a concern. “How would you feel if there were Sharky Jrs? If there was maybe one, specific little Sharky Jr?”
“Babe, I promise you, I have no kids.”
“No, that’s not--” She takes his face between her hands so that she’s looking him straight in the eyes before she speaks again. “Sharky, I’m pregnant.”
His eyes go wide with shock, and then he glances down toward her stomach for a long stretch of seconds where she can tell he’s trying to work it all out in his head. “You’re what?”
“Pregnant,” Becca repeats softly. “We’re having a baby.”
“A baby.”
“Yep.” Becca shifts closer to him, pressing herself against his side. “I took a test,” she says, “and then I took five more tests just to be sure.” In case it was a false positive, she didn’t want to have this conversation only for it to turn out that she was wrong.
“A baby,” Sharky says again, quiet and careful, like he’s testing the idea out in his mind. “You and me are going to have a baby. We’re going to be parents. With a baby.”
“That’s usually how it works.”
“Little Extreme Wolverine Boshaw.”
“Absolutely not.”
Sharky sighs, and glances over at her. “That’s only if it’s a girl,” he says. “If it’s a boy I’m thinking Flames Explosion Boshaw.”
Becca laughs in spite of herself and leans in to kiss him because she loves Sharky more than anything in the world and the anxiety she felt over telling him she was pregnant turned out to be for nothing. “I love you, Charlemagne Victor Boshaw the third, and I’m so happy to have your baby.” Her throat feels a little tight with the emotions she’s trying to hold back; the last thing she wants to do now is start crying.
“I fucking love you,” he says, grabbing her hands and looking happier than she’s ever seen him, including those times he and Hurk got access to Peggie weaponry and the complete breakdown in Hope County law enforcement meant no one could stop them from doing anything stupid with it. “My babe is having my baby.” He stands up and pulls her to her feet, twirling her around the room in time with a song only he seems to hear, though whatever it is feels slow and intimate. “We’re going to be the best, most amazing, parents ever. Nothing like mine and I’m-- I’ll teach our kid how to play catch or how to safely, and effectively, avoid getting caught by the cops.”
“But only once they’re old enough,” he adds, pressing a quick kiss to her temple.
Which she is definitely going to talk him out of long before their kid can even walk, but she’ll let him live in that fantasy for now. Though there is the somewhat worrying thought that their kid will be the perfect mix of both of them, and no one in the county will be safe, but that’s a problem for another day.
“We’re going to be parents,” she says as the reality of the situation finally starts to sink in. They’re going to be responsible for another, smaller, human, and they’re going to shower it in so much love that their kid will never know what it’s like to want for anything. She can’t fucking wait.
“Becca,” he says, “babe,” and he scoops her up into his arms and carries her down the hall to their bedroom. “I’m going to treat you so good and little Flamethrower Clutch Nixon Boshaw--”
“--is going to be the happiest, healthiest baby this county has ever seen.” He drops her onto the bed where she bounces on the mattress once before settling against the blankets with a laugh. “Damn, you’re so beautiful,” he grabs at her jeans, doing his best to rip them off, and is careful to remove her underwear too, “and you’re gonna look even better when you start to show.”
Becca sits up a little to help Sharky get her shirt and bra off, and pulls him down into a kiss that leaves her breathless, before she falls back with a groan as she feels his thick fingers pressing at her entrance. It’s only enough to tease, to make her want more, but she knows exactly what it’s going to lead to. “Come on,” she says, with just a hint of frustration, “don’t go slow.” She’s already wet and aching for him from just the light touches he’s giving her. Usually she doesn’t react to him this quickly unless they’ve just been through some cult bullshit and she needs him right then and there, to remind her that they’re both alive. But maybe that’s sort of what this is too. She groans, rocking her hips down, and finally feeling the slow push of his fingers pressing inside.
“I’m gonna make you feel so good,” he says, running a hand down her chest and resting his open palm on her stomach for just a moment, with a look of absolute wonder on his face. “I can’t fucking believe…” He brushes his thumb over her clit, rubbing in little circles that send shivers up her spine, and leans down to take one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking gently and making her back arch up, pressing against him.
Her breath hitches and he catches another moan in a kiss, cupping her jaw in the sweetest touch, before he starts to slide down the length of her body until he’s positioned between her legs. His fingers move in and out of her in a slow rhythm meant to drive her crazy. She squirms and gasps, he entire body feeling like a livewire at the first brush of his tongue over her clit, but he remains gentle the entire time.
She whines, rocking her hips, trying to chase the feeling of his mouth on her and his fingers inside of her, desperate for more. The position isn’t great, but she can’t focus enough to do more than bring one leg up to brace herself on the bed, digging her heel into the mattress, and spreading herself open for him. She reaches down, one hand grabbing at his hair with a need to touch him, already feeling so close to the edge. Her muscles tense and her breathing becomes ragged, and every sense narrows down to feeling of his tongue running over her clit.
“I want you to come,” he says, fucking her with his fingers and pressing one hand to her thigh to hold her in place so that she can’t try to take more than he’s giving.
Becca moans, tearing at the blankets under her as her mouth drops open and her eyes slip shut. Her muscles tense and jump, and every nerve in her body lights up she comes, shaking apart under Sharky’s careful attentions.
“There you go, Chica,” he says, pressing his lips to her hip, and easing his fingers out of her. He pulls back, wiping at his mouth, before he stands up and strips off his own clothes in what has to be record time. He looks at her for a moment, his face the perfect expression of love. “How did I get so lucky?” he asks, climbing back onto the bed and helping her roll onto her stomach, and then up onto her knees.
She wants him deep inside of her, fucking her hard, and even when he wants to tease her he’s still so eager to give her everything that she wants. The anticipation is killing her as he takes his time to line up his cock with her entrance, and push in so, so slow, making her feel every inch of him stretching her wide and so damn full. His cock drags against her inner walls until she’s shaking with need once more. It’s only been a day since they’ve last done this and yet it feels like it’s been ages and she’s discovering what it’s like to have him inside of her all over again.
“Don’t go slow,” she says, and Sharky, eager to comply, pulls out just enough so that he can slam back in, rocking her forward and setting up a pace that leaves Becca feeling like she’s just barely holding on.
He takes hold of her hips, fingers pressing into her skin, and fucks her hard enough that the entire bed shakes with each thrust. It has her breathless and gives her the passing thought that they should probably get a new bed soon, too.
She drops to her forearms and moves her hand down the bed so she can touch herself, unwilling and unable to take things even half as slow as they’ve been going. She might still be buzzing from her last orgasm, but it’s not enough. The room is filled with the embarassing, wet sounds of his cock inside of her, and the harsh rasps of their breathing, and Becca can feel herself growing wetter with each snap of his hips.
“Sharky,” she says, trying to urge him on, but it comes out barely more than a whisper, because it’s all caught in her throat, only escaping in soft gasps with every push. Her fingers spasm on her clit, out of sync with his movements, but that hardly matters when every slide of his cock has her shaking with need.
“I ain't gonna last,” he says, fucking her like it’s the last chance he’ll ever get, even when she’s already starting to think about putting him on his back and riding him for hours. “Fuck, fuck.” He lifts her up so that her back is pressed to his chest and he can splay one hand over her stomach so he can hit deeper. The hand on her hip moves up to her breast as he kisses her shoulder, then her neck, and then he moves his hand again to her jaw, and tips her head to the side so he can brush his lips over hers. “I love you.”
Becca’s release hits her then and she sobs as it rips through her, leaving her weak in his arms and a shivering mess desperate for Sharky to follow her. She clenches around him and reaches back to pull him closer to her, and lets him take what he needs until finally he loses himself inside of her with a moan.
“Fuck,” he says again, pressing his forehead to her spine and touching at where they’re connected, making her gasp at the light brush of his fingers at her entrance, before he slowly pulls out. “I’m never gonna get used to that.” He eases her down to the bed, pushing the now damp blanket off to the side, and curls up beside her. “So I’m thinking after we have a round two, you let me make you some dinner-- I got a recipe from my Nana that I’ve been saving for a special occasion and it doesn’t get any more special than this-- and then we light off some fireworks and go for a round three under the stars.”
She knocks the back of her hand against his ribs, still trying to catch her breath. “You’re such a romantic,” she says with a laugh. But if she’s being honest with herself, she really can’t think of a better way for them to spend the night. “I can’t believe we’re having a baby.”
“A little of me and all of the best parts of you.”
“Best parts of both of us.”
“It’ll be amazing,” he says, “because you’re the smartest, funniest, most beautiful person I know.”
Becca can’t tell if it’s the hormones, or that she’s with the love of her life, or they they’re having a baby together, but she’s so happy and her heart is so filled with love that she has to tuck her face against his chest before she starts to cry. They’re going to be a great family and their kid is going to have the best life she and Sharky can give them, no matter what. “I love you, Sharky, and I can’t wait to have this baby with you.”
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liamakorn · 6 years
Spoopy Love
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader (Ghost-Hunter AU) 
Warnings: None. It’s a fluff fest y’all. Seriously, hand me Peter Parker, and watch my heart explode. 
Words: 5,092
A/N: GUYS!!! I had so much fun writing this, you have no idea. Somehow, it turned into a Buzzfeed Unsolved AU, and I aint even mad lol. This is for the August AU Writing Challenge by @after-avenging-hours . Hope y’all enjoy it as much as I did, our smol awkward boy deserves all the love! 
I tried to keep it as short as I could, lol, but uh....I think I failed. Sorry XP 
“I am so not going in there.”
A small whine that sounded vaguely like your name left his lips, brunette curls shifting in the small autumn breeze.
“Oh, c’mon, where’s your sense of adventure?”
Glancing at Peter, you must’ve made a face, because now he was chuckling, bumping your shoulder lightly with his own. A small, handheld camera hung by a cord on his wrist, swaying to and fro with every movement.
You focused your gaze on the house in front of you, trying to muster up some enthusiasm. It was cold, the sun was setting, and you really didn’t want to be here. How you’d managed to let him drag you on this “adventure”, you’ll never know. Oh, wait, that’s right, he’d flashed those puppy dog eyes and you’d just melted.
However, this was a little beyond your comfort zone. The house was huge, three stories in all. But what it had in grandeur was ruined by the state of the building itself; exposed wood paneling, the rotted porch with hardly a pillar left, shutters barely clinging to their windows. God, you could smell the mold from here. You noticed a few rats dart beneath the cracked walls and nearly fainted.
After another nudge, Peter finally grabbed your attention, pouting at your expression.
“Oh c’mooon! We’re about to catch the only known footage of Eliza Cartwright’s ghost! Aren’t you at least a little excited?”
Allowing yourself one last sigh, you managed a nervous smile, readjusting the heavy bag slung across your shoulder.
“This is a health and safety hazard.”
Somehow, you put one foot in front of the other, forcing your steps closer to the hell hole you were about to spend the majority of your night in. After a few seconds, you noticed Peter wasn’t following, glancing back with an eyebrow raised.
“Well, c’mon, Dimples. This ghost aint gonna catch itself!”
The crooked grin you received was worth every discomfort this house could throw at you.
It’s not like you didn’t want to believe in ghosts. You would’ve loved to have had the same enthusiasm for the supernatural that seemed to flow through Peter every time someone uttered the word “haunted”. It just seemed like there was always a more logical explanation, an answer that made more sense than the supposed “paranormal activity”. Banging in the walls? Faulty pipes. Scratching noises and flickering lights? Mice. Doors closing by themselves? Wind.
Yet, somehow, you ended up a moderator on Peter Parker’s ghost hunting blog, staring up at a dusty old house, on a Saturday. Life sure did have a sense of humor.
Stepping through the creaky front door, you were met with a wall of what could only be described as old people smell, kicked up to eleven. You couldn’t help but cough, taking stock of your surroundings. Dust hung in the air, catching the last few beams of sunlight creeping through the slats of decaying boards, which were haphazardly secured to the windows with rusty nails. The walls were nothing special, decades old paint flaking from the plaster, faded and worn from years of neglect.
The furniture was coated with a thick layer of dust and dirt, making it nearly impossible to discern what color each item had originally been. The cushions seemed to be missing; you counted that as a blessing. Who knows what would’ve been living in there.
A sudden achoo! startled you from your thoughts, shattering the silence of the otherwise abandoned house. Spinning on your heel, you just caught Peter’s wince, the brunette lifting the camera as you pressed your hand to your chest.
“Give me frickin heart attack, why don't’cha?”
His smirk was almost shy as he apologized, chuckling when you lightheartedly shoved his shoulder. You plopped your bag onto the couch, a cloud of dust kicking back into your face. You dug around for your own camera, hiding your face from view and trying to calm your blush. Jesus, how had he wormed his way under your skin so easily? You’d only known each other for a few months, having become fast friends after you’d transferred to his high school at the very end of the year. It was an odd experience, walking into this new school the first day and having Peter and Ned bombard you with greetings.
One minute you were the weirdo loner girl who couldn’t keep up with the new curriculum because she’d moved in fricken June, and the next, you had two amazing friends who actually wanted to hang out with you. Hell, it was that first day of school where Peter had nervously approached you and asked if you wanted to come with him to check out this stupid house in the first place. 
You’d been inclined to say no, but after looking at his expression...you just couldn’t. He’d sounded almost scared, like you would make fun of him or something. Well, needless to say, you’d caved, and here you were, the day before Halloween, hunting a ghost. And, despite your best efforts, enjoying yourself.
Heaving out a sigh, steeling yourself, you turned to face Peter, unable to keep the smile from your face at his fascinated gaze raking the dilapidated living room.
“You ready, Parker?”
An excited grin stretched his features, brown eyes sparkling in the dim beam of your flashlight. His enthusiasm was contagious, and you soon found yourself just as impatient to explore as he was. Attaching a go-pro to the side your head, you noticed Peter staring at you with an expression you couldn’t read. He quickly averted his gaze, clearing his throat and fiddling with the camera. You could’ve sworn you saw pink dusting his cheeks.
As happy as seeing Peter this excited made you, that was quickly dwindled by the borderline dangerous nature of your surroundings. Everything was either rusty, dusty, moldy, or all of the above. You noted the exposed wood of the walls, some of the panels rotted away completely, other rooms visible in some places. Meanwhile, your companion continued to monologue, recounting on camera the details of a grisly death.
“The first spirit we’ll be covering is Christopher Requaitt. He came from the incredibly small town of Seboeis, Maine, and had a relatively poor upbringing. And yet, somehow, he managed to graduate at the top of his class, earning him a job in the household of one James Cartwright. It was rumored that he had been working off a debt to Cartwright, and that, after it was paid, he was hired full time due to his incredible culinary ability. However, these claims were never officially documented.”
You hardly realized you’d stopped scanning your surroundings, completely enraptured by the way Peter’s lips moved as he recounted the tale. Even as you started fiddling with various settings and EMF machines, you kept an ear on him, glancing up every once in awhile, enthralled by the story he was telling. Although you were a skeptic, it was hard not to be interested in the lives of people before you, hearing their history sending a shiver down your spine.
Peter continued, the confident edge to his voice catching you by surprise.
“One night, Cartwright’s wife, Cheryl, became incredibly sick. It would soon be known that she was pregnant with her first, and only, child; but, at the time, she claimed to have food poisoning, contracted from undercooked chicken. Due to Requaitt’s incredible reputation and skill, many have speculated that the accusation was meant to get Christopher fired. She had made her distaste for the cook obvious, never missing a chance to denounce him to her friends and acquaintances.
It is widely believed, by both residents and historians, that James and Christopher had been in the midst of an affair, an incredibly taboo subject at the time. Cheryl, either jealous or afraid for their reputation, might have wanted to take drastic action to halt their activities. Although he was saddened by it, Cartwright had no choice but to fire the cook. Finding himself wracked with woebegone, Chris-”
A snort escaped your lips, earning a playfully annoyed look from Peter. You coughed, trying to disguise your giggles behind your hand. He raised an eyebrow, directing the camera at you, catching your amused expression.
“Something wrong, munchkin?”
You chuckled again, shaking your head.
“Nope, nothing, I’m good. Please, continue.”
Rolling his eyes, he readjusted the camera, a soft smile on his face.  
“Anyway. Finding himself wracked in woebegone-”
He stared directly at you as he emphasized the word, setting off a new round of giggles, prompting a wider grin to stretch his lips.
“-Christopher found he couldn’t live with James’ decision, stuffing his face in the deep frying, killing himself and burning his face off before they could make him leave.”
“Christ, Parker!”
He halted, furrowing his brows in bemused confusion. You tried for an aggravated expression, only just managing a mildly miffed look before a smile broke out.
“Could you be a bit more blunt?”
He chuckled, pink dusting his cheeks even as he shrugged.
“What? That’s what happened, what d’you want me to say?”
You released a huff of air.
“I dunno, Pete, just...you can’t speak ill of the dead, man, that’s like, rule number one in the ghosty handbook.”
Peter’s eyebrows shot up, an amused smirk on his lips.
“Oh, there’s a handbook now? Miss (Y/N) ‘I’m sure it was just the wind’ (L/N)?”
A flurry of giggles interrupted your sentence, covering your mouth to try and contain them. “I’m just saying, have a little respect, Parker!”
A victorious grin stretched his features, your heart skipping a beat when he let out the cutest laugh you’d ever heard.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. Should I mention the fact that the only way they could identify him was by his clothing, because his features had melted together-”
You faked a disgusted face, covering your ears. His snickering sent a warm feeling dancing in your chest, the smile on your face lingering even as your chuckles died. You admired him for a moment, the crinkles in the corner of his eyes, dimples fully on display with his wide grin. Even in the dim beam of your flashlight, shadows dancing across his features; god, he was breathtaking.
After a few seconds, Peter cleared his throat, a touch of shyness flashing across his face.
“You, uh, you alright there, munchkin?”
Snapping out of your daze, you nodded, fiddling with the EMF meter at your belt.
“Yeah, yeah, let’s move on. You mentioned a little girl?”
That familiar sparkle returned to his eye, gripping your wrist suddenly and practically dragging you up the creaking staircase. You fought a laugh, heart pounding at his touch, no matter how minor. You really needed to get a grip on your crush.
You ended up in yet another dusty room, covered wall to wall in what was once a pale pink, but had faded to grey over time. The same confident tone as before overtook his voice, face stone serious as he began his spiel about the area’s most popular spirit.
“Here we are in the bedroom of James Cartwright’s six-year-old daughter, Eliza. She was born barely a year after the death of Christopher Requaitt, leading the residents of the town to question Requaitt’s death. Though nothing came of it legally, gossip and rumors of the supposed affair between Cartwright and Requaitt resulted in Cheryl’s eventual suicide, leaving James with Eliza when she was only four. Tragedy would strike again two years later, when Valerie Peridot would witness one of the many supernatural occurrences in the home. Only, unlike the others, this one was fatal.
“Peridot was the most recent in a long line of women James Cartwright dated after his wife’s death. She had only been dating him for three months before moving in, treating Eliza like her own daughter. But, as she entered the little girl’s room, she was startled to find the large window open, the child standing on the balcony railing and speaking to someone Valerie was unable to see. She seemed upset, screaming at the unseen figure to go away. When Valerie opened her mouth to scold her, Eliza jolted, as if she was pushed, flying from the third-floor balcony to the asphalt below”
Your eyebrows shot up, catching Peter’s attention for a brief second. The crooked half smile he sent your way was enough to catch your breath, hoping to any god out there that he didn’t notice.
“After Eliza’s death, Peridot was obviously suspected, her story of an unseen man shoving the girl out a window seeming preposterous. However, diary entries were found of Eliza’s, mentioning an imaginary friend named “Krissy". Law enforcement thought nothing of it, but spectral enthusiasts disagreed. It was speculated that perhaps “Krissy" was actually the ghost of Christopher Requaitt, enacting his revenge of what was the product of his demise. Eliza mentioned Krissy’s distaste for her family, specifically her mother. Even after her death, the spirit had apparently denounced Cheryl to the young girl, trying to convince her to “remind her father of his sins”. While these claims are somewhat far fetched, is it impossible to believe that Requaitt, heartbroken and betrayed by his lover, would seek retribution in the way of Eliza’s death?”
Peter glanced at you again, tilting his head slightly in question.
“Are you cold?”
You furrowed your brows, confused for a moment. You hadn’t even noticed your own arms encircling your torso, goosebumps rising on your bare arms, too engrossed in his story. Shrugging, you tried rubbing your palms together, the temporary warmth doing nothing to soothe the chill.
“I’m fine. Just a bit chilly is all, let’s keep moving.”
After a few seconds, he nodded, but not before shrugging off his jacket and draping it over your shoulders.
“We’ll only be a few more minutes. Just wanna use the spirit box and then we can head out.”
He lead the way towards a narrow hallway, just missing your intense blush. You tailed him, whining slightly.
“Can we not? I fucking hate that thing.”
He snickered, glancing back at you briefly; your heart fluttered at his bashful smile, slipping your arms into the sleeves of his coat. The fabric completely obscured your hands, filling you with a warmth that rivaled the pink on your cheeks.
Leading into the maid’s quarters was a rundown hallway, barely any plaster left on the walls. This area of the house seemed...moister than the rest, a distant leak echoing around the space. It sent shivers down your spine that had nothing to do with the cold.
“Well....this is ominous.”
Peter laughed, pointing the camera at you once again.
“You scared, Munchkin?”
You lightheartedly shoved him, shaking your head. It was getting increasingly difficult to be annoyed when he flashed those stupid dimples. Peter began setting up the camera against a far wall, pulling out a small black gadget, explaining the mechanism simultaneously.
“So for those of you not familiar, what we’re about to use is called a Spirit Box. It uses radio frequency sweeps to generate white noise, which theories suggest give some entities the energy they need to be heard. When this occurs you will sometimes hear voices or sounds coming through the static in an attempt to communicate. It basically scans radio stations super fast to give the ghost a chance to roast us.”
Your chuckle is quickly cut off by a wince, plugging your ears to drown out the loud shrill given off by the hell box. After a few seconds of garbled syllables and static, you managed to catch what could’ve been either “starry" or “sorry". You decided on the latter.
“Sorry? For what?”
Peter shrugged.
“Maybe it’s sorry about the house?”
You snorted, trying to contain your giggles.
“Man, it should be sorry, this is a fuckin’ mess.”
Peter had the gall to look offended.
“Hey! Be respectful.”
That set off another fit of giggles, followed by a sarcastic tone,
“Oh, now you care about respect? Besides, what’s a pissy ghost gonna do?”
A sudden smirk found its way onto your lips.
“Ooh, maybe it’ll follow you hooome-”
He shoved you lightly, laughing nervously.
“Shut up! That’s not funny!”
You just giggled, vaguely paying attention to the spirit box. You could’ve sworn you heard something akin to, ‘I don’t want to go’, but you couldn’t be too sure.
After another few seconds of unintelligible nonsense, Peter sighed, switching the device off. Trying to hide his disappointed expression, he fixed the camera on his face, a small smile adorning his features. You began to pack up your equipment while he vlogged his outro.
“Alas, dear viewers, it seems that, while paranormal activity does reside in these walls, we weren’t able to catch much of anything tonight. Until next time, where we take a road trip to the Lizzie Borden Murder Hou-”
All of a sudden, a loud bang! followed by several shuffling sounds echoed from somewhere above you, startling the both of you nearly to death. Peter practically dropped the camera, eyes wide in what could’ve either been excitement or fear. Probably a little bit of both.
“What was that?!”
Your first instinct was that someone else had the same idea as you. Or a homeless man was squatting there. Or a wolf was hungry and craved the flesh from your bones. While some more far-fetched than others, none of those options seemed incredibly appealing.
You tugged Peter’s arm, trying to nudge him towards the exit.
“C’mon, Pete, let’s get outta here-"
Just as you said that, the shuffling got louder, swooping past your face and right past a terrified Peter. As the bird settled on an ancient chair, the two of you stayed silent for what felt like ages. Until the dam cracked, and the giggles you were trying to keep back came spilling out from your lips. When the terror had finally subsided, Peter chuckled a bit too, clutching his heart and leaning against the wall.
The giggles didn’t stop. Forgetting yourself, you’d stopped checking your surroundings, completely focused on Peter for most of the night. So, it’d be just your luck that you’d step right onto a spot of water damaged flooring behind you.
Good news? You’d found the source of that dripping noise. Bad news? Your foot went straight through it, sending you crashing down, banging your head on the wooden paneling. You might’ve heard Peter yell out, but your brain was swimming too much to notice, a ringing settling in your ears. You blinked rapidly, trying to clear your foggy senses, only to notice the intense pain shooting up your leg. It was like somebody had taken your ankle and bashed it against a rock a few times. You were almost sure it was broken. You just hoped to god you weren't cut anywhere. The last thing you needed right now was tetanus.
After a few seconds of confused blinking, the rapidly spinning room finally came to a halt; coherent enough to notice your surroundings, Peter came into view, a worried look etched into his expression. His eyes were almost teary as he fussed over you.
Grabbing his hand, you tried your best at smiling, only managing a grimace as your head throbbed. His eyes snapped to yours, squeezing your hand a little too tightly, his free hand checking your head as lightly as he could. When it grazed over the welt right at the top of your forehead, you winced, relieved when he pulled his hand back to cradle your cheek instead.
“Okay, okay okay okay, you’re okay. Can you hear me, sweetheart?”
Blinking a few more times for good measure, you nodded, soothing some of the panic in his eyes. Slowly, as gently as he possibly could, Peter supported your upper back and waist, lifting you to a sitting position, jostling your leg as little as possible. Even then, you let out a slight whimper. The nausea hit you all at once, forcing you to grip Peter’s arm until the room stopped spinning. Although you could barely pay attention to anything but your swimming senses, Peter continued to mumble out loud; whether it was to calm himself or you was unclear.
“God, (Y/N), I’m so sorry, I was stupid to make you come with me, I should’ve just taken you to get some damned coffee like a normal person, now you’re hurt and it’s my fault, Jesus I’m sorry, I’m so sorry-”
He stopped altogether, eyes wide and terrified. Giving him another, more convincing smile, you sniffled, wiping your face on the sleeve of his jacket that you were still wearing. Taking stock of your leg, you couldn’t see or feel many splinters or cuts, which was a plus. However, your ankle didn’t seem to be faring as well, the throbbing having only worsened as the minutes rolled by. Getting it out of the rotted floor was definitely a priority.
“Alright...okay, Peter. We need to get my leg out, yeah? I’m gonna need your help.”
Peter nodded, visibly swallowing, clenching your hand to the point where it almost hurt. He reached down, careful not to impale himself on the cracked wood, and began to clear as much of the debris as he could. Although the thought of shifting your leg was nauseating, you tried to help as much as you could, knocking splinters away so there was a clear passage you could slip your foot through. 
Taking a deep breath, you squeezed Peter’s arm, cautiously lifting your foot out of the floor. Even that minor jostling sent stabs of pain up your leg, an unintentional cry escaping your lips. Peter tried his best to make the endeavor as painless as possible, supporting your leg and back, moving anything that could bump into the injury. You saw his pained expression at your cry, brows furrowed in worry.
Eventually, you managed to free your ankle, a sigh of relief escaping your chest. You hadn't even noticed you were holding your breath. Once able to shift without feeling like you were going to die, you released Peter’s arm, wincing at the red marks you’d left. He barely seemed to notice, cradling your ankle to assess the damage.
Despite the awful situation, you couldn’t help but notice how beautiful he was. Cheeks flushed, jaw flexing every few seconds, a nervous tick you’d noticed over the past few months. His eyes were trained on you the whole time, a softness to his gaze that sent your heart racing a mile a minute.
Hesitantly, you reached up, tracing his cheekbone with your fingertips. His eyes snapped to yours, the blush you earned filling you with satisfaction. You had no idea where this sudden confidence came from, and you were sure it wouldn’t last. Still, you couldn’t help but make the most of it.
Your voice was barely audible when you whispered,
“You’re so pretty…”
If you thought he’d been red before. Oh boy. Now he was like a tomato, a shy smile stretching his lips before he could stop it. Catching your gaze briefly, Peter chuckled, continuing his examination of your ankle.
“You probably have a concussion. We should get you out of here.”
Giggling, you couldn’t help the fond look you gave him, a dopey grin on your face.
“You’re taking me out? Like, on a date?”
He grinned fully, 50 shades of pink, standing to help you up.
“Alright, you definitely have a concussion. C’mon, let’s go.”
Gripping his hands, you allowed Peter to lift you to your feet, shocked by his strength. Careful not to lean on your bad leg, you hardly noticed when you began to fall, the room suddenly spinning. Peter caught you by the waist, keeping his hold on you until you could focus on anything but keeping your balance. 
The both of you were barely an inch apart, your head the perfect height to lay against his chest. Which is exactly what you did, sighing as your senses began to return to normal. You could just about hear his heartbeat, thumping rapidly against his sternum.
God, you must’ve had a concussion. Or some sort of permanent brain damage. There’s no way you’d be acting like this in your right mind. Peter didn’t seem to mind, though, leaning his chin gently against your hair. It was so calming, you almost forgot about your ankle entirely, letting it droop to the floor absentmindedly.
Immediately on contact, you yelped, clutching Peter’s shirt in a vice grip. He sighed, keeping his arm circled around your waist to support you, becoming your crutch and letting you lean practically all of your weight onto him. Still, he didn’t complain, giving you a reassuring smile.
“Alright, Munchkin, let’s get outta here.”
When you showed up to his apartment, banged up from your adventures, May practically forced you into a cab, taking you to the nearest hospital to be checked up on. You didn’t end up having a concussion, thankfully, just some minor bruises and a sprained ankle, as well as a tetanus shot for good measure. You did, however, get what felt like an eternity of a scolding from Peter’s aunt. Which, to be fair, was incredibly valid. What had possessed the two of you to go to an abandoned ass house, on the night before Halloween, by yourselves, was completely beyond you.
You found it hard to be upset though, laying on Peter’s bed, watching him set up a pillow and blanket on his floor. It was far too late to go home, so you’d convinced May to let you stay for the night. You sighed again, pouting at Peter.
“You really don’t have to sleep on the floor, Dimples. It’s your bed, I can take the couc-"
He paused his activities, a tired smile on his face.
“Are you kidding? You think my injured friend is gonna sleep on the couch? We found that thing on the curb, you’d end up with god knows what.”  
He wandered over, fussing for the millionth time with your pillows and blankets, making sure you were comfortable. You rolled your eyes, groaning.
“You’re acting like I’m on my deathbed. A little fall isn’t gonna kill me, Pete.”
He just chuckled, and, after a few seconds hesitation, brushed some of your hair behind your ear.
“I know, I know. Just...let me take care of you, ‘kay?”
A heavy blush settled on your cheeks, rendered speechless by his sudden shift in demeanor. Wordlessly, you nodded, biting your lip to keep the smile off your face. His eyes caught the movement, focusing on your mouth for a few seconds before falling to his hands. Slowly, almost cautiously, he sat at the edge of the mattress, brows furrowing. As if he was thinking about what to say next.
“Listen…(Y/N)... I wanted to tell you something. And I’m not...well, I’m not exactly sure how to say it, but I feel like this is a good time, because realistically, I know you’ll be fine, but if you’d really gotten hurt in there, I don’t know what I would’ve done, I just-"
He cut himself off, keeping his gaze locked firmly in his lap. Finally, he seemed to focus, taking a deep breath before continuing.
“I asked you to come with me on my stupid ghost hunting trip because, well, you’re just-”
Another deep breath.
“You’re kinda, sorta, basically always on my mind. And I wanted to hang out- well not ‘hang out’ but, I wanted to, y’know, ask you out, but I couldn’t find the words, and now you’re hurt and I-"
He kept rambling, but you barely heard it, too focused in on his confession to notice anything else.
Peter likes you.
Jesus, everything made so much sense now! How shy he was, how timid he’d been asking you to go with him. He wasn’t just asking to hang out. He was asking you on a date. Butterflies filled your stomach, a warm feeling settling in your chest. You couldn’t keep the grin from your lips if you tried. Peter likes you. Peter likes you.
Noticing your expression, he finally stopped ranting, an almost terrified look in his eyes. Clearing your throat slightly, you averted your gaze, mumbling softly.
“I, uh, I like you too Peter.”
His expression was almost comical. Eyes wide, mouth slightly ajar.
You giggled, an affectionate grin on your face.
“I said, I like you too, you doofus.”
He visibly relaxed, features softening into a sweet smile.
You both sat there, the silence of his bedroom settling over you like a blanket. You must’ve looked like idiots, sitting amongst his Star Wars sheets with lovestruck expressions, glancing at each other from the corner of your eyes. After a few seconds, he cleared his throat, blush never fading.
“So, um...do you, I mean, there’s a movie next week, would you maybe, uh, I dunno, um-"
“I’d love to, Peter.”
His smile widened even more, brown eyes sparkling as he nodded.
“Okay. Okay, good. So, uh...we should probably get some sleep.”
Peter moved to stand up, but stopped himself. After a few seconds of hesitation, he leaned over, gently pressing his lips to your bruised forehead. As he pulled away, you gripped his wrist, eyes fluttering shut to savour the moment. You were here. This was real. You felt his light breaths across your face, nose practically brushing yours. A breathy giggle escaped your lips, opening your eyes to see Peter already staring at you. You could see every small detail in gaze, golden flakes scattered in their chocolate depths. You kept your voice hushed, scared to shatter the moment between the two of you.
“Can you lay by me? Just until I fall asleep?”
His smile could rival the sun in its brilliance. A thrill went through you as he nuzzled his nose against yours.
Careful not to touch your ankle, Peter climbed beneath the covers, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. Your head rested against his chest, steady heartbeat a little too quick to be casual. You smirked.
“You nervous, Parker?”
He chuckled, squeezing you in a hug.
“Shut up, Munchkin.”
God, you didn’t think you’d ever stop smiling. Closing your eyes, you breathed out a sigh of content. A year ago today, you never would’ve imagined you’d be here. A new school, ghost hunting blog, and sprained ankle later, and here you were, cuddling with the guy of your dreams.
Things were finally looking up.
Tagging: @captain-ariel-barnes @papi-chulo-bucky @after-avenging-hours @occasionalfics @aliciawentzshadows @writing-parker 
Sorry if you didn’t wanna be tagged in this, lol, I just tagged anyone who I thought might like Peter fluff XP 
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Size Guide To Categorizing and recognizing Six Hundred Seashells, Harasewych, Moretzsohn.
Meeting my company -new people is part of the enjoyable of being a Tranquility Corps Volunteer in Botswana. The Power Rangers returned to the Central Gain access to Complex to notify Billy of their predicament. Push down on the handle of the chisel to prise the board up. Repeat beyond up until the whole board has been raised high enough for you to insert the claw of your hammer. Directly I highly advise this film just and also solely to Power Rangers' fans, not to the general audience. A variety of health-club chains currently have several Power-Plates as component of their fitness center tools. One of the most excellent facets of guide is how it utilizes a new schematics of sex as well as power to brighten our truth, with Tunde's experiences demonstrating just what it resembles to come of age as the weak sex. Alternatively, you might ditch the gym and also sign up with a running club, join a routine fitness class, or buy a workout DVD. There is no reason you cannot create a totally useful residence gym that will stand the test of time for in between ₤ 1,000 as well as ₤ 2,000 There are a lot of places to buy made use of fitness devices, such as classified ads as well as public auction sites like ebay.com, where you'll usually be able to grab equipment for less compared to half just what you would certainly spend for it brand-new. Whatever equipment the gym provides is given and maintained by Hendricks free of any expense for participants. Because like the Clean Power Strategy, every one of those contamination control procedures result in shifts in where power is created, as filthy plants are phased out and also cleaner ones constructed. Very academic but primarily easily accessible, guide insists that the concept of power needs to be looked at in '3 measurements.' It is not nearly enough to state that 'A has power over B to the level that he could obtain B to do something that B would certainly not otherwi This is a 'mini-classic,' for this reason it gets the 5 stars normally scheduled for standards. Proving himself deserving by helping the Rangers several times, Rocky was offered the power of the Red Ranger by the departing Jason. That's the lower line of this publication by Eric Cressey, that runs one of one of the most effective fitness centers in the nation as well as is amongst the top fitness instructors for elite athletes in several sporting activities. The procurement of a chain such as Soho Fitness center would certainly be one method of speeding up development in the funding. Actually, it also includes an Air Conditioner adapter (power block) that you can make use of straight with a laptop in situation you have actually lost your power brick. Without rounding your shoulders ahead or throwing your back into it, get your biceps as well as lift the weight to bear height. I looked up to see what might be the last time Jack looked at me with love in his eyes and then relied on encounter my back to him as i lifted up my leading to reveal my bare back to him. Although the idea of power is not inborn yet learned some individuals have it and others don't. I additionally like his summary of the price of power; lengthy hrs, effort, and also loss of family members as well as personal time. He raised his hand as well as i tensed my body, gasped as well as closed my eyes ready for the discomfort. Jack raised among his arms from my midsection and also approximately my head, stoking and also cleaning my hair until i fell asleep ... mmmmm, i might obtain utilize to this ... use to being in Jacks safety arms, risk-free from the globe around us! Making use of the power of your hips extending onward, turn the kettlebell out in front of you to a factor where it is lightweight and you are standing high with great pose, core engaged. Sneezing as well as coughing during in a fitness class or while raising weights leaves a trail of unpleasant microbes waiting to infect the remainder of the gym. When he passes to a greater qualitative degree of life, everybody feels that his total power rises. The life that heads out in love to all life is the life that is complete, and also rich, and continuously broadening in appeal as well as in power. The results, nonetheless, are uncannily comparable: the radical exposure of the body to the pure temper of political power. It is this perspective that obtained him opted to stand for Angel Grove at the Globe Teenager Top, a tranquility seminar in Switzerland he attended, leaving the Rangers with Trini Kwan and Zack Taylor that left a space in the team which was after that filled up by Rocky DeSantos. On a recent browse through there were shelves of plastic tubs of supplements behind the counter as well as a notice on the door revealing that the fitness center was shut on Friday afternoons for Muslim prayers. A system lift is a machine that is powered to elevate and lug power chairs and the people who are using them. More questionable is the assertion, on the leading lift sharing internet site,, that it is a lot more fun. This remote control makes it possible for the disable person to operate this mobility device lift at their very own as opposed to depending on somebody else in the house. It's a truth of life that some nuclear power plant are made use of much less, and also others used a lot more, when gas costs change, for instance. When you open the electrical expense and also understand that you have actually received a check for the added energy that you created and also supplied to the power grid, how amazing will that be. After being double crossed by Marah as well as Kapri, Vexacus was ruined by the Rangers. There is no demand for you to attach to the main power grid as well as brighten your houses, be self-dependent as well as attract power from the sunlight. If you are alone in a lift when this scenario emerges, and also you want to pander to this sort of narcissism and hold the door then, bitterly regretful though it is, you might do so. You are just motivating them, as well as no good will come of it, but it is your option. You could see all my lift numbers and make a duplicate of it to your own Google drive to use on your own. Due to this, I have actually located it most valuable to insert a high power posture into my morning routine for 2 or 3 mins and after that carry on with the remainder of my life. All six of the Terran Rangers stood in a line, their headgears concealing their entertained expressions. Great no nonsense guidance and also exercises for any person that does not want to most likely to the gym or workout with weights. The oppositions following insurance claim is that EPA is totally barred from restricting power plants' hazardous carbon air pollution since EPA has currently used an additional component of the legislation-- Area 112-- to suppress the very same plants' exhausts of mercury and various other hazardous air contaminants. Citizens Guidance highlighted a typical problem that people joining gyms can fail to know that they were signing a credit report contract. That may merely be due to the fact that there are less ladies in power if we see less misuses by woman leaders. Everyone still educated there and new participants would certainly come from time to time however the fitness center was off the primary path and tough to find. These 3 electrical outlets of the federal government, Partisan Politics, Special Passions and Allurements, and also War are all simply existing types that the government and also power make themselves present. However, after their first day at Pokey Oaks Preschool with Ms. Keane (voice of Jennifer Hale), the girls find out that having extremely powers could be both a blessing and also a curse. She also knew they saved the longer power interruptions for the morning or late evenings when it was less troublesome to those operating in the structures. If we build up all the positive numbers (11 +8 +12 +2 +1), we get 34. Then, we subtract the 5 turn overs (34-5) to get 29. Finally, we separate 29 by 33 mins played. As quickly as you've raised a board, drive the nails back via the timber (the way they came) and also prise them out with a hammer. But for those who already project power and competence to the world through their bodies, there is another, possibly harder obstacle: connecting warmth. He released his very first book, Outright Power, in 1996; one year later, it was adjusted for film, with Clint Eastwood as its supervisor and also celebrity. For me it was greater than a physical lift yet also a welcome psychological lift-spiritual boost for my heart and soul. Bonjour, j' habite à Marseille j' aimerai essayé la Power Plate et j' aimerai savoir quels sont les prix pratiqués sur Marseille?merci d'avance!!! But I wanted the scanners to be turned on initially, so we could determine specifically where the continuing to be Rangers are concealing. Treharne, who opened his very first branch in Hounslow in 2008, said he intends to open in between 15 and 20 brand-new gyms a year to tap demand for flexible use. Both the OFT and Resident's Recommendations have provided standards in the last fortnight regarding exactly what to watch out for in health club contracts, as well as have given guidance to those who are already secured into long contracts. Even if we're cut off from Ninja Ops, a minimum of we could still access the Power approved to us.
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stingrayvilla · 3 years
The Actual TRUTH – Is Cozumel Safe?
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It’s only reasonable that you demand to know the actual truth – is Cozumel safe? The news media does not paint an actual picture of Cozumel. I will not start saying “fake news” but let us show you the data!
Thousands of people visit sunny Cozumel each year and return home from a trouble-free trip. With a dose of common sense and some inside intel, you can too! I will examine everything you need to recognize. Despite the media headlines painting Mexico as a place rampant with corruption and drug disorder, my experience has been different. By choosing the same basic safeguards as you would travel anywhere (including metropolitan cities in the US), Cozumel is safe for you and your household. The Mexican government will not let millions of dollars slip through their network because the most prominent spots aren’t secure.
Street Safety
To be safe anywhere in the world, you must apply your common sense, be attentive to your surroundings, don’t wander down dark unlit streets alone, and place your treasures out of sight. You wouldn’t spot me strolling down a dark alley in Saint Louis MO, alone at night. Again, apply common sense. Street safety is an essential subject to cover if you enjoy exploring on foot. Compared to other places I’ve visited, Cozumel is nowhere near as high risk with street safety. That said, just always be mindful of what’s going on around you and act accordingly.
Scams in Mexico
Scams are a worldwide issue. I’ve had credit card fraud in the United States on more occasions than anywhere else in the world. Here are the scams to look out for in Cozumel:
CASH MACHINES – This one is at the top of my list and by far the most prevalent. It’s never happened to me, but some tourists have fallen to this scam. Do not utilize random cash machines on the boulevard. Although they are accessible, they aren’t protected and observed by officials. Use cash machines at a bank to be extra secure. In Cozumel, there is no scarcity of banks to choose from, just be certain to notify your branch before leaving your home country so the card isn’t rejected or blocked.
TAXIS – Many people worry about getting into taxis in an unfamiliar country. Once you learn the ins and outs of how taxis work in Cozumel your fears will be alleviated. Always agree on a cost before you get in the taxi this way both you and the driver are clear on how much it will cost before the trip commences. Most residents aren’t out to defraud you, but with a little care and being aware of who is around you will be secure.
CURRENCY EXCHANGE – If you will bring cash along with you, just do your homework before you get here. Research the strongest exchange rates before you go to evade being ripped off. Many places accept USD, but if you go in a taxi or shopping in Cozumel, it’s suggested that you utilize the local currency (Mexican Pesos).
Is drinking alcohol in Mexico safe
A few years ago the US State Department warned travelers about possible tainted alcohol in Mexico, because a girl was found deceased in a pool at a resort after a night of drinking. We’ve dealt with a lot of guests wondering how safe it is to indulge in their vacation margaritas. It’s justifiable to be concerned. Rule number one, drink responsibly! You should not avoid consuming alcohol in Mexico, but you should be cautious. As you will stay with us, pick a beach club with a great drinks selection boasting brands that you know and trust. I’ve encountered nothing evil but here are 9 top tips to remain safe on a night out:
Insist on observing your drinks being made
Consider bottled or canned drinks
Buy your alcohol at a liquor store
Never leave your drink unattended
Don’t drink in the sun
Drink enough water in between drinks
Observe your surroundings
If you feel ill seek medical attention
Take out travel insurance
Drugs and Cartels
Mexico has a position for drug-related cases. None of us are alien to drug culture, specifically if we live in a big city. It’s just part of life. It’s an issue, but it appears everywhere. Whether you choose to call it gangs or cartels, it’s all the same. You don’t want to get tied up with these sketchy people. Avoid them at all costs and you will be fine. Back home if someone ran up to you on the highway and offered drugs you would say no. The same applies here.
Transportation Crime
Mexico is an amazing place where you can travel almost anywhere in the country via bus. It’s society’s main transport service. The ADO service is the finest one to use. The site is super simple to work and you can book your tickets in advance. There is a problem that has been going on now for some time. Do not use the overhead bin for your backpacks, purses, or luggage. At a stop, someone may “accidentally” take your bag from the overhead bin and others will not allow you to go forward by standing in your way. Keep your belongings by your feet while seated. It is a little uncomfortable, but you will prevent your bags from growing legs.
Night Safety
From sundown to sunrise it’s essential to look after yourself. If you are out with your companions or family just watch out for each other the same as you would at home. If you’re headed back to your hotel in a taxi try to do so in groups or at least pairs just in case one of you has had too much alcohol and requires a little extra support. Be mindful of your surroundings, keep your eyes peeled, and be sure to mention anything questionable. Don’t wander off alone at night and always go in well-lit areas.
LGBT Safety
It will please you to recognize that Cozumel is very LGBTQ-friendly. Cozumel has developed into a sanctuary for gay couples who choose to get married and require an ultimate wedding destination.
Natural Hazards
Nature is a force in the Caribbean. Things got very exciting in 2020 with hurricanes in the state this year. After previous catastrophes, the island is fully prepared to handle natural disasters and possesses the best hurricane shelters and state-of-the-art hospitals.
Travel Health
Because Cozumel has a tropical climate mosquito-borne infections such as dengue fever and chikungunya are a risk. Speak to your doctor well in advance to prepare and have the correct precautions before your trip. Avoid getting bitten altogether by bringing bug spray with you. Cozumel can become hot, so preserve your skin with sunscreen. Try to use biodegradable bug spray and sunscreen as it undermines the coral reef systems when you go in the sea, plus it’s better for your body. Drink bottled water and make sure you drink plenty of it to stay hydrated in the heat. Now let me talk about the elephant in the room. COVID-19 is now with the human race forever. There will be cases in the population from now till the end of time. Change your habits and take precautions whenever you can not social distance. Mask use must become the new norm. With simple precautions, we will protect ourselves.
Need Help to Book Your Vacation?
Safety is our absolute priority. We live in Cozumel. Silvia and I respect the opinion of all travelers and our sole mission is to present you with all the tips and facts you require to ensure you have a marvelous vacation! We know the area, restaurants, and tours better than anyone. Our prices are great too! Need help to formulate your vacation? Book today here. We offer free advice and can save you tons of cash on your next holiday!
Written by Stingray Villa
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SO confused about this car insurance issue?
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Do I need a motorcycle VIN number to get insurance in NC?
I live in North Carolina and I'm trying to get a license to purchase and operate a 150cc motorcycle. In North Carolina you must have a license for an automobile before you can get an endorsement for a motorcycle. Right now I'm learning how to drive a van so I can get a motorcycle endorsement. Before you can get a license for an automobile you must have proof of liability insurance (DMV form DL-123). Do I actually need a vehicle with a VIN number to get liability insurance? Or do I have to purchase non-owners insurance first and then switch it over to motorcycle insurance after I get an automobile license with motorcycle endorsement?
Will my car insurance go up if I was side swapped while driving a friends car?
I was 100% not at fault. We called cops, etc... But my question is will my personal car insurance go up? I was driving my friends car..""
Auto insurance for 16 year old female? r/o/p?
I'm sixteen, will be added to my mother's insurance plan. I will be the primary driver of a 2006 prius. I have good grades, and also, there are 2 cars between my mother and I. I am also located in CT! Can anyone give me an estimate of my yearly insurance cost?""
How do I find out who insures a store?
I know its private and you can't find this out and the owner doesn't have to tell you. Although there is a safety hazard when I go into this store and I don't want to get hurt and have to sue...I don't want it to get down to that...I want to let they're insurance company know. This really concerns me how you can contact somebody's insurance company... Is there anybody else I can report to?
What auto insurance company or small company is cheap for drivers under 25 in arizona?
I am going to get a car soon and i want to look for an insurance company that is cheap and won't really burn a hole in my wallet. Maybe someone cheaper than 120-150 per month? Please give me name and estimate price for which car.
How much did you pay for your first car insurance? !?
Hey im gettin a first car soon, i only passed last week! and i understand that insurance for first time buyers is VERY expensive! If anyone could quote me some of the prices they payed on insurance for there first and the car they had that would be great!!! (IN ENGLAND  BY THE WAY)""
""If i buy a car, how long have i got to insure it?""
If i buy a car, how long have i got to insure it?""
Why can't I get quoted on the same model but older year of a car?
Hi I'm 18 and have just passed my test. I was looking to get a diesel fiesta, the 1.6 TDCi Zetec S to be exact. I was checking out quotes on insurance on them. For some reason I get quoted and can insure the 2007 and 2008 models, but the ones before that I don't get a quote. I looked up the cars specifications for all years and they all have the same torque, bhp, weight & everything. I wanted to know why I can't get quoted on the older models?""
What is the average cost for a student possessions insurance policy?
What is the average cost for a student possessions insurance policy?
How much do you pay car insurance?
17 cheap car insurance??
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""RX8 or BMW Z4, who has the highest insurance?
Does the 2004 RX8 (lol used for racing) have higher insurance than the 2004 BMW Z4?
Do i need insurance if i have drivers permit?
i got my permit yesterday but my parents wont let me drive until i get insurance. my moms car is insured. the insurance is 1000 dollars and thats how much i have in my savings account and if i spend it all i'll be broke. im 18 and still in high school and im looking for a job i applied but no one is hiring me and its frustrating!! im gonna waste all that money i did save on some stupid insurance??? ?????
Suspend my insurance without it lapsing?
Im having some mechanical problems with my car that Im financing, and I am too young to rent a car while its in the shop, so Im considering buying a cheap car to get me by until I can fix it. Unfortunately Im still financing the first car and want to know if there is any way to put a hold on my insurance so im not paying $200 a month to insure a car Im not driving. I will still be making the car payments but it would make it a lot easier for me to afford the repair bill if I could skip on the insurance without the bank I finance thru getting upset.""
Where can I buy health insurance?
I'm an self-employed worker. Need some health insurance because you never know when I'll get injured.
Car Insurance?
I know people will tell me to ring myu insurance company but i dont have my policy number with me or their number im at work today...... How much difference cost wise do you think it would be to change my policy so i can drive any car. I need to be able to drive my boyfriend, my dads and his dads cars? In the UK by the way""
Does anyone know a carr insurance company that quotes and lets you print certificate?
i need a car insurance certificate for wed and my own insurance cant post one in time. does anyone know a web site that quotes and then lets you buy and print off a certificate? not swift cover as they wont insure my car as im only 24! thanks!!
How long does car insurance process take for collision?
So my mother was involved in a collision several days ago and actually hit a police car on the highway. Her car has some serious damage and had to be towed. Now we're left wondering how long it will take before the insurance company determines whether it's totaled or fixable. It's an '09 Nissan Sentra and the passenger side airbag went off, the front passenger door's damaged, and the front right tire looked to show some axle damage. She was definitely at-fault but the the officer was kind enough not to cite her since she lost control of the car. Now we're left wondering how long it will take before the insurance company notifies us what they've decided. I was informed an appraiser went to look at the car two days ago though. Any comments on what the process will be like from now on? Thanks.""
""If I make a claim using my company car insurance, does that affect my personal insurance reputation?""
I recently got into a little fender bender using my company car. The other driver wasn't present, so I left a note. He called, and I followed through by filing a claim with the insurance company. I'm worried, though, that my personal insurance reputation/rating is going to be affected because of this claim with my company car. Any information you can provide would b helpful.""
What are the costs of running a car?
Firstly, I'm in the UK. I want to know if I can afford a car, so I need to know what you have to pay for. At the moment I'm aware of insurance, the cost of the vehicle (and petrol) and MOT. Are there any other costs I have to take into account? Thank you.""
Fake insurance??
Hello my friend want to register his car under fake insurance. He wonder wat will happen if he go register it with that fake insurance?
Where can i find cheap car insurance?
Im 18 and male and all the quotes i've looked at are coming back from 3000 to 7000, does anyone know where i can get it under 3000?""
Tip cheap car insurance for one month only
Tip cheap car insurance for one month only
Car insurance question?
My dad has full coverage on his car, my brother's ex wife has her car insured with his address. She doesn't live there, but is using his address for her car insurance purposes. His premium keeps going up, although its two different premiums, does it affect him because she is also using the same address? My dad is 70, and this girl is 27. Thanks""
Why can't I get car insurance?
I passed my driving test on the 11/10/12 I am not the registered owner on the V5 Log Book, my father is already insured on the vehicle that will be handed over to me as a shared car yet, I can't get my own insurance because I had one claim as a provisional license back in 2010, would it be better to go as an additional driver on my fathers policy or somehow resolve the problem as be the policy holder myself. Also my father admits he will be no longer needing the car when the insurance expires, but what do I do? just to be able to drive my car as I've only recently passed and want to go out for a drive!!!! Will the log book eventually need to be in my name so I can insure it? Also I'm having great difficulty with the claims, I can't seemed to be insured just because of a motorcycle accident claim that wasn't even my fault! thanks.""
How much is Audi A4 1.8t insurance?
I know there are a lot of things to take into consideration when getting insurance quotes and all but I was on craigslist and I found a nice little 2005 Audi A4 1.8t and I wanted to get an idea of insurance. I know that it is considered a luxury sedan and its foreign from Germany so those are going to make it more expensive. It puts out around 170hp and 160 trq. The car has great crash test ratings too. Seller is asking a little under $6000 and I don't know how many miles are on it yet. Other things to consider are that im only 19 so it would go under my fathers name. I know its hard to estimate what insurance would be but if anyone can come up with a good idea or if they own one themselves. Im not completely sold on the car but I just wanted a little help from the yahoo community. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I know Im not giving you a lot of info to work with.
""Add a teen to auto insurance policy, please help.?""
My dad is getting ready to renew his car insurance, I got my learner's permit in December of last year, and I do drive the car a lot, (with him of course....or not) but if he include me on his policy his premium will be over $1000, move like $1400 - $2000. Just because he added me to his policy, and his insurance company told him he HAVE TO include me on his policy, but I heard some where if you have a learner's permit, you do not require to be on your parent insurance policy? Or something like that......Is this true? Normally his car insurance only cost like $480.00/per 6 months, I hate for him to make me go out to get a job just to pay the car insurance and to drive.""
How does purchasing a car that was subject to an insurance claim affect the new buyer?
I'm looking to buy a car on autotrader and to be honest I really do not know as much as I would like to about cars. Someone is selling a car for quite a bit cheaper than its worth but the reason they've given for this is that the car has been subject to an insurance claim. In what way will this affect me?
When buying a car what detirmines how cheap insurance will be?
I am currently Looking for a new car and am trying to get the best rate for insurance as possible what features add to or detract from insurance costs thank you
Does anyone know where to get Cheap SR22 Insurance in Texas?
Does anyone know where to get Cheap SR22 Insurance in Texas?
Does anyone who is under 18 and doesn't have health coverage automatically qualify for MassHealth?
We live in Massachusetts and I previously heard that ANYONE who is under 18 and does not have health insurance will automatically qualify for the free state insurance, MassHealth. Does anyone know if this is true because it doesn't really specify online.""
Does your license get suspended for not paying insurance?
Does your license get suspended for not paying insurance?
What's the cheapest insurance i can get?
I live in NYC, i'll be 18 in feb next year and i want to know how much i would have to pay for it. I can't be under someone else's insurance. I don't even have a car yet but it probably won't be anything over 7000 and probably 1990's or early 2000's. Thanks.""
Are there any good arguments for requiring health insurance. Ive only heard arguments against it?
Ive heard the car insurance one, not very solid. I also have heard there will be hardship exemptions and certain levels of income earned that will determine how much help will be given in purchasing insurance. Just looking for somethings to note when someone brings up this part of the bill""
How much can i expect to pay for insurance?
Hi, Well im about to finance a Mercedes-Benz C300 and wanted to know how much should i expect to pay for insurance. Im 19 by the way, have a credit score of 710, dont know if insurance companies look at scores, but finally, this will be my first car. Hope that helps. Thank you!""
""I just received a position where I am given Benefits for the first time, I have questions about Insurance?""
Does what I pay for insurance come out monthly? or every check? what is coinsurance? How do deductibles work? Stupid questions I am sure, but I have never had the option to pick insurance, and I haven't been covered by my parents insurance for at least 7 years. I didn't go to the doctor much when i was covered, so I never learned what my parents had to do.""
""Moving from Texas to Arizona, how will it impact family auto insurance?""
I have auto insurance with my family who lives in Texas, but I am moving to Arizona. Right now my insurance is on a family plan which has multiple vehicles as it is much cheaper than if I were to get the car insurance by itself. If I register my car and license in Arizona, will the insurance agency not allow me to continue insurance with my family as we're in different households and states? Insurance agency is Metlife if that helps.""
Car Insurance for Teen Girl Estimate HELP PLZ?
How much would you estimate that insurance for a 16 year old brand new driver in a 2001 acura integra 2 door hatch back would cost with a good student driver discount? any idea? any one close to those guide lines that have an idea willing to share? Please help thanks
Can my daughter be on my mom's car insurance even if they don't live together?
Hi, my name is Kathy, I'm 19 year old female and want to buy a car but car insurance is just expensive. I want to be put on my grandmothers car insurance but we don't live in the same city. Do you think it would be possible for me to get on there! Thanks for your answers...""
Does anybody know any type of affordable car insurance (South.CA) for a teen who just got his driver license?
Do you know any car insurance that is not too bad (that covers stuff) yet not too expensive (lets say somewhere less than $500 a month)? And could you also please site a reference site? Thank you.
Can I have two cars under two separate car insurance companies read my situation please!?
I have my own insurance on my own car with Farmers Insurance. However, my best friend just bought a new car and her insurance rate sucks. Can I insure my friends car under my name with Gieco and add my friend as a secondary driver and keep my Farmers insurance under my own car? Also, is there any way that Farmers would no if I did this? Do I have to tell anyone I have two insurance companies? Just put insurance, right? THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!""
Is having a health insurance mandatory in California?
I am moving from Massachusetts to California at the end of this month. In Massachusetts its mandatory to have health insurance and if you don't have it you can get penalized on your taxes. Is it mandatory in California as well?
""Do you know cheapest car insurance? My friend is 21, male.?""
Do you know cheapest car insurance? My friend is 21, male.?""
""I dont have insurance or a source of income, help?""
I am eighteen years old and currently have no insurance and I am looking for a job but so far nothing. I have chronic migraine disorder and ptsd, I was on medication for both but after I turned eighteen I lost all insurance I had with my mother. i don't go to school nor can i afford to and i dont know what to do. Help?""
What's the average insurance cost of a 17 year old just strating to drive?
1.) In a 1.0 engine car 2.) In a 1.5 engine car 2.) In a 2.0 engine car
What is the penalty for driving without insurance in california?
what is the penalty for driving without insurance in california?
How much does horse insurance cost?
How much would it cost to insure a 14 year old gelding quarter horse? He is 1,200 pounds and does jumping and dressage. I need to know this ASAP!!!""
I am selling my car while the insurance is about to expire.?
Do I need to buy a short term insurance to cover the car while I am trying to sell it? Btw it is parked on the driveway of my house and I won't have to drive it any more. But when there is a buyer coming to try the car I know it has to be insured at that time. So should I leave it until someone committed to buy the car or get it insured immediately? Hope someone who has same experience to answer this, many thanks.""
Tip cheap car insurance for one month only
Tip cheap car insurance for one month only
Will Health Insurance Reform give us affordable premiums?
We understand the proposed legislation will require insurance companies to accept pre-existing conditions and prohibit them from dumping anyone who gets an awful prognosis. These features are very progressive. Mr. Obama didn't want federally mandated insurance, but the insurance industry does want it. So if everyone is required to sign on, as with car insurance, then we need to shop around for the best rates. What's the bottom line? How can we find out? Can we still ask our Congressional reps to strike this out?""
Which candidate do you agree with on Health insurance?
A=Mandatory universal coverage in first term. Tax credits for working families to make insurance more affordable  ensuring premiums do not exceed a percentage of income. Business would be required to offer insurance to employees or pay into a pool for people without it. Expand Medicare and federal employees' health insurance plan to cover those without adequate workplace insurance. Raise taxes on wealthier families to help pay estimated cost of $110 billion a year. Also, raise taxes on a portion of very generous plans covering people making more than $250,000. B=Mandatory coverage for children, no mandate for all. Aim for universal coverage by requiring employers to share costs of insuring workers and by offering coverage similar to that in plan for federal employees. Says package would cost up to $65 billion a year after unspecified savings from making system more efficient. Raise taxes on wealthier families to pay the cost.""
Motorcycle insurance/registration in IL?
Do I need insurance to register my motorcycle in the state of IL? I know I don't need insurance to register it at the currency exchange, but it's cheaper at the DMV so I rather go there, I just don't know if I need proof of insurance.""
Cheapest Car Insurance (UK) For 17 year old (guy) who just passed test?
Hi, What are the best insurance companies to go to for cheap car insurance for a just passed 17 year old guy? Ive tried go compare and compare the market, but their cheapest quotes were 3700 a year! Are there any good Insurers who arn't on comparison websites, I heard some offer you discounts if you go to them direct. Thanks!""
Can switching to geico really save you 15% or more on care insurance?
How likely is it that my car insurance will go up due to this?
Haven't had a claim in over ten years Haven't gotten a ticket in probably 5 years. But, the neighbor kid did $2K worth of damage to my car with his bike in three separate incidents. Basically, half of it will have to be repainted! I'd really, really rather not go to court. His insurance is NOT an option in this case. He doesn't have $2,000 laying around. IF I go the much easier route of getting him to pay at least my deductible, how likely is State Farm to raise my rates with a, after deductible, claim of about $1500 or so? Any relevant advice/comment is appreciated.""
""What is the average insurance rate for a 19 year old male in Austin, Tx?""
PLEASE give me an actual number, not just how I could find out and what important information I left out. I have had no accidents and an attending school and will be buying an average car. Thanks in advance""
A person with sr22 insurance wrecked my car. Will sr22 cover the damages to my vehicle?
I was unaware the person I let drive my vehicle only had sr22 (Texas) insurance. He totaled my car while I was a passenger in it. My insurance is very unlikely to cover the damages since he is not on our policy, but would his sr22 cover the damages? I am very worried & any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you""
Motorcycle insurance on a 2008 crf230l?
(around) How much would motorcycle insurance be for a 16 year old on a Honda crf230l?....thanks
Where can i get cheap car insurance?
Ive tried compare the market and a few of the other leading companies but they all a bit to high for me - whats so annoying is when i find one thats suitable it ends up higher than the listed price. Anyone know of a good one
""Insurance,if I buy a car and get my dad to registered keeper and owner and he insures it wi me as main driver?""
Is this legal their is a space on go compare ask n who the main driver would be ive got dr10 ins10 twice lc20 All from 2008 so cheapest quote is 5k. My dad also has his car too with 8 yrs no claims so idea is to insure my car registered in his name with the 8 yrs no claim s wi me as main driver and insure his car without no claims bonus got a quote on go compare 1000 for my car wr dad as registered keeper me as main driver and he would have to pay on his own car with no claims bonus not on should still b cheaper than , ,5k help!""
Is it possible to obtain a learner's permit without having my parents' insurance rates go up?
I am a 16 year old in NY and my parents do not want me to obtain a learner's permit because they are afraid that their insurance rates will go up and they cannot afford it now. Now, a friend told me that I could go to the NY DMV without my parents and get a learner's permit. Is this possible? I would like a learner's permit not only for the ability to drive, but also as a solid form of photo ID (like, instead of a passport). What should I do about this? PS. My parents won't be convinced.""
Where can I get cheap bike insurance?
I'm having trouble getting a decent quote for my ZX7R, due to my no claims being void becase I haven't ridden for 4 years. Can you help?""
What is the average annual/weekly contents insurance cost?
What is yours or what is the average?
Pregnant w/o insurance.?
I am 6 weeks pregant and do not have insurance. I don't qualify for medicaid anymore because I make too much money, like 1000 over. The problem is that I can't work less or we can't pay our bills. Does anyone know how I can get insurance while I am pregnant??""
Rental car insurance -- what does it cover?
We are going to Vegas in a few days and are renting a car. Since this car is going to be in and out of parking garages, I think it's a good idea to buy the rental car insurance @ $ 10.99 a day. Say while the car is in the parking garage and someone scratches or dings the door, would this insurance cover it? That's all I'm really worried about.""
Is there some sort of reason that Car Insurance costs so much more in Nevada than it does in California?
Im looking into moving, and I cannot help but notice that the quotes I am getting are, well, DOUBLE what I pay in California. Granted, I am a 23 year old male and have a decent driving record, it is kind of shocking to see liability only coverage quoted at $250/month for my two 8 and 12 year old cars, when Im paying $125/mo. as of now in California for the same 100/300 coverage. Can someone explain this? I have some friends that have moved to Las vegas, with the same shocking increase in premiums... (And yes, I need the 100/300 since I own a home)""
Proof Of Car Insurance?
I never owned a car, nor have I need to car insurance. I see I need Proof Of Insurance, How can I bypass proof of insurance when registering/buying a car from a dealership, etc?""
Insurance companies will have 32 million new customers because of Obamacare. How is this socialism?
The Affordable Care Act was modeled after a Republican health care plan by the Heritage Foundation and was first implemented by a Republican governor. All this bill does is makes sure that insurance companies have 32 million new customers. I could understand if you called Single Payer socialism (which I highly support), but calling Obamacare socialist is pretty stupid.""
Smart roadster uk insurance.?
Slight problem, was looking up TPFT insurance quotes for a smart roadster: 500 excess. 7000 yearly premium. 7500 annuall mileage. The car's only worth 8500 it has a 0.7L engine. How do they justify this price gouging?""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old?
How much would car insurance be for a 16 year old female with a convertible volkswagen?
Can I get medi-cal if I already have health insurance?
I am insured with blue shield in California, and just found out I'm pregnant. My insurance doesn't cover prenatal care. I know my income qualifies me for California's medi-cal coverage for pregnant women, but will having insurance make it so that I won't qualify for medi-cal? Also, my live in boyfriend makes more than the income cap. Will that affect things? I just want to make sure I get some sort of medical care.""
Car insurance quotes?
when i turn 17 (few months) and hopefully pass my test 'm going to most likely going to get a ford fiesta however ive already looked at claims on multiple cars including the fiesta type i will probably get and every quote is around 5000-7000 so i was wondering if i should (give the car to my mum or dad) and get insured on them for a considerable lower price as the car im looking at is around 2000-3000 im not a boy racer or anything so im not gonna mod the car or rag it rotten i was wondering if i will be able to get away with it or should i just get insured on a car that costs less than the insurance? Thanks all that answer
Can I add a person to my insurance if i dont own the car?
Okay, my live in boyfriend just got a car and is leasing it through an auto dealer, and making payments. The car is in his name. I would like to know if he can be added to my insurance policy? Does the car have to be in my name to be on my insurance policy?""
Can i switch over car insurance to new car/ Montana to Wisconsin?
I had insurance for my old car when i was living in Montana, liability coverage or whatever is the cheapest. I got rid of my old car, moved to Wisconsin and bought a new (used) car. Can i switch my insurance over to the new car i bought? I got my insurance through AAA> Any advice would be helpful>thanks""
Tip cheap car insurance for one month only
Tip cheap car insurance for one month only
Where can a marijuana smoker get affordable life assurance?
it depends on if your a heavy smoker or just smoke a few times. if they ask for health records then you will be in a higher quote, but also when they ask you question on health and ...show more""
I work for a company that provides insurance through Health-net. Since the rates aren't that great (ya, what a surprise for Hyundai) I was wondering if could I deny the company insurance and just go with an outside provider? Or if I half to take what ever my company provides me.""
Can i get cheep insurance after being convicted of a 23140 in the California vehicle code?
I got pulled over more then a year ago and had a few beers with my best friend before he left for the armed services. I have the worlds brightest car and this probably wasn't the best idea. This happened 2 months before my 21st bday. My term to not have a licence is almost up and I am scared what my insurance is gonna look like. Does anyone know a way i can get cheep insurance or clear my driving record? Its only a infraction but will seriously mess up my life for the next 10 years. Any advice about programs insurance company s might have to lower costs so i can afford it when this period is up?
""What are my options, health insurance wise?""
I'm 19 and MassHealth is being a b**** and canceling my insurance. I got no job and I'm a full time student. Is there anyway to get insurance like this? I mean, Massachusetts must have something for people like me. Anyone else having this problem and have a solution? If so it would really help.""
How much is insurance for the Acura RSX?
I really want on badly but I'm concern about the costs. I am eighteen year old male and this will be my first car. I just got my license as well.
Is there an affordable health insurance plan?
Hey, I'm 17 years old and I have a baby. We both have MOLINA insurance. But my boyfriend who's 19 doesnt have any health insurance. He works full time and is about to be going to college part time. Well his wisdom teeth are coming in crooked and he cant get them fixed because it costs so much. Is there any health insurance plan that wont cost us an arm and a leg? And doesnt have a catch?""
Gap insurance on new auto?
what is the cost for gap insurance for honda acord 4 door sedan 06 year
Will this lower my insurance?
Im looking at cars to buy for my first car and I was wondering what the insurance cost would be like for a 16 almost 17 year old female for a 1979's 1980's camaro I also maintain a high gpa and get a discount for it aswell and live in las vegas.
""Where can I get cheap car insurance for a vw golf 1.4 51 reg? Im 17 and just passed, I'll b on parents policy?""
I will be on my parents policy, with a parent as the main driver and me as the named driver? Ive looked at tesco value and its coming up as 2500!!! i was hoping more along the lines of 1500""
Why does car insurance cost more in one state but is cheaper in another?
Why does car insurance cost more in one state but is cheaper in another?
Question about car insurance.?
Hi there I bought a car that is about 100 miles away, and is in another state. I will get a ride there to pick it up. But what do I do about insurance do I get some or other temp. insurance to drive it back to my home town? or do I get insurance where I buy it? What is the procedure in this case? Thank you""
Range Rover Insurance?
I know that insurance depend on a lot of factors however I'm just looking for a round about estimate for a 24 year old female with a clean driving record on a 2003 a range rover?
For a first time driver who is 28 who is good for cheap car insurance?
In the uk
Why is a five door car cheaper to insure than a 3 door car?
My father got a quote for a 5 door 1995 ford fiesta yesterday for 240. The previous car was also a fiesta of the same year and same engine but was a 3 door which cost 340 per year. We have had a 5 door ford fiesta before but that cost 340 per year as well, but the engine was the same and it was the same year. Why the difference in insurance cost between 3 and 5 doors?""
Can a financial advisor from AXA sell you New York life insurance?
I'd like to know if a financial advisor that works for AXA Advisors offer clients New York Life insurance products. Thanks in advance! I'm in CA by the way.
Insurance for honda civic?
Does anyone no how much insurance is for a Honda civic, I am 17. Do i have any hope of getting any?""
Car or 125cc motorcycle for 17 year old?
So I turn 17 soon and I was wondering whether to get a car or a 125. The main downside to getting a car is the driving lessons, it will probably end up costing 1000+ in just driving lessons/tests and is likely to take ages to past where as it takes a day to do the CBT to ride a bike. I am not interested in people saying Don't get a motorbike they're deathtraps! . So what should I do?""
Speeding ticket...how much will my insurance go up?
I received a speeding ticket. If found guilty of it, how much can I expect of an increase in my insurance premium? It is my first ticket. I have USAA insurance. It is a minor infraction. (1 point in here in Cali.) Thanks for the help!""
I am thinking of getting renters insurance. What is the cost of most average cost of most polices?
Live in a 2 story, downstairs apartment ground floor, one level., I have a doxie (weiner dog), my son who is an adult and my husband.""
Why is car insurance so expensive in the UK!?
So i'm not driving yet, only applied for a provisional, i'm age 17. But I thought why not try and figure out how much my insurance will be once i've passed and buy a car at roughly 1000, so I filled in all the details as accurate as possible on the compare websites and the cheapest yearly insurance price was 5600! How the hell am I suppose to afford this, am I doing something wrong haha :L""
How much does motorcyles insurance run??
I want to be an inexpensive bike to save gas money (like a ninja 250) and I'm curious how much laibility insurance is... my car insurance is only $30 a month and I have a perfect driving record, no accidents. thank you""
Will Hillary Clinton universal health care program force all Americans to pay for health insurance?
How will those who are unemployed pay for health insurance under her plan?
Help! Accident on motorcycle with no insurance.?
I was recently involved in an accident on my motorcycle with a Hertz rental car. I purchased the bike 9 days before the accident and was planning on adding the motorcycle to my car insurance policy. No one was hurt in the accident but a police report was filled out at the request of the rental company. I was wondering if insurance companies possibly have some kind of grace period for accidents a certain number of days before the policy is added, or if need be, transferred to the motorcycle. The rear bumper of the rental car was dented and the right rear lights were damaged. My motorcycle is fine. I live in California.""
Can my brother put me on his health insurance?
I have a illness. I started a new job and insurance won't kick in untill another three months. Can I be put on my brothers insurance? He has no children and he is not married. Plus he never uses it.
Jeep Wrangler Sahara insurance?
I am a 16 year old female... I want a 2004 Jeep Wrangler 4x4 Sahara as my first car. My mom seems to think the insurance is too high. Can anyone tell me whether the insurance on it would be super high or give me an average number for insurance? Would it be cheaper on a smaller car? thanks .xx
Tip cheap car insurance for one month only
Tip cheap car insurance for one month only
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vacationsoup · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://vacationsoup.com/the-actual-truth-is-cozumel-safe/
The Actual TRUTH - Is Cozumel Safe?
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It’s only reasonable that you demand to be aware of the threats and risks when traveling to an unknown place. The news media does not paint an actual picture of Cozumel. I will not start saying "fake news" but let us show you the data!
Is it safe to travel to Cozumel?
Thousands of people visit sunny Cozumel each year and return home from a trouble-free trip. With a dose of common sense and some inside intel, you can too! I will examine everything you need to recognize. Despite the media headlines painting Mexico as a place rampant with corruption and drug disorder, my experience has been different. By choosing the same basic safeguards as you would travel anywhere (including metropolitan cities in the US), Cozumel is safe for you and your household. The Mexican government will not let millions of dollars slip through their network because the most prominent spots aren’t secure.
Street Safety
To be safe anywhere in the world, you must apply your common sense, be attentive to your surroundings, don’t wander down dark unlit streets alone, and place your treasures out of sight. You wouldn’t spot me strolling down a dark alley in Saint Louis MO, alone at night. Again, apply common sense. Street safety is an essential subject to cover if you enjoy exploring on foot. Compared to other places I’ve visited, Cozumel is nowhere near as high risk with street safety. That said, just always be mindful of what’s going on around you and act accordingly.
Scams in Mexico
Scams are a world-wide issue. I’ve had credit card fraud in the United States on more occasions than anywhere else in the world. Here are the scams to look out for in Cozumel:
CASH MACHINES - This one is at the top of my list and by far the most prevalent. It’s never happened to me, but some tourists have fallen to this scam. Do not utilize random cash machines on the boulevard. Although they are accessible, they aren’t protected and observed by officials. Use cash machines at a bank to be extra secure. In Cozumel, there is no scarcity of banks to choose from, just be certain to notify your branch before leaving your home country so the card isn’t rejected or blocked.
TAXIS - Many people worry about getting into taxis in an unfamiliar country. Once you learn the ins and outs of how taxis work in Cozumel your fears will be alleviated. Always agree on a cost before you get in the taxi this way both you and the driver are clear on how much it will cost before the trip commences. Most residents aren’t out to defraud you, but with a little care and being aware of who is around you will be secure.
CURRENCY EXCHANGE - If you will bring cash along with you, just do your homework before you get here. Research the strongest exchange rates before you go to evade being ripped off. Many places accept USD, but if you go in a taxi or shopping in Cozumel, it’s suggested that you utilize the local currency (Mexican Pesos).
Is drinking alcohol in Mexico safe
A few years ago the US State Department warned travelers about possible tainted alcohol in Mexico, because a girl found deceased in a pool at a resort after a night of drinking. We’ve dealt with a lot of guests wondering how safe it is to indulge in their vacation margaritas. It’s justifiable to be concerned. Rule number one, drink responsibly! You should not avoid consuming alcohol in Mexico, but you should be cautious. As you will stay with us, pick a beach club with a great drinks selection boasting brands that you know and trust. I’ve encountered nothing evil but here are 9 top tips to remain safe on a night out:
Insist on observing your drinks being made
Consider bottled or canned drinks
Buy your alcohol at a liquor store
Never leave your drink unattended
Don’t drink in the sun
Drink enough water in between drinks
Observe your surroundings
If you feel ill seek medical attention
Take out travel insurance
Drugs and Cartels
Mexico has a position for drug-related cases. None of us are alien to drug culture, specifically if you live in a big city. It’s just part of life. It’s an issue, but it appears everywhere. Whether you choose to call it gangs or cartels, it’s all the same. You don’t want to get tied up with these sketchy people. Avoid them at all costs and you will be fine. Back home if someone ran up to you on the highway and offered drugs you would say no. The same applies here.
Transportation Crime
Mexico is an amazing place where you can travel almost anywhere in the country via bus. It’s society’s main transport service. The ADO service is the finest one to use. The site is super simple to work and you can book your tickets in advance. There is a problem that has been going on now for some time. Do not use the overhead bin for your backpacks, purses, or luggage. At a stop, someone may “accidentally” take your bag from the overhead bin and others will not allow you to go forward by standing in your way. Keep your belongings by your feet while seated. It is a little uncomfortable, but you will prevent your bags from growing legs.
Night Safety
From sundown to sunrise it’s essential to look after yourself. If you are out with your companions or family just watch out for each other the same as you would at home. If you’re headed back to your hotel in a taxi try to do so in groups or at least pairs just in case one of you has had too much alcohol and requires a little extra support. Be mindful of your surroundings, keep your eyes peeled, and be sure to mention anything questionable. Don’t wander off alone at night and always go in well-lit areas.
LGBT Safety
It will please you to recognize that Cozumel is very LGBTQ friendly. Cozumel has developed into a sanctuary for gay couples who choose to get married and require an ultimate wedding destination.
Natural Hazards
Nature is a force in the Caribbean. Things have been quiet on Cozumel for over a decade with no major hurricanes in the state. After previous catastrophes, the island is now fully prepared to handle natural disasters and possesses the best hurricane shelters and state-of-the-art hospitals.
Travel Health
Because of Cozumel has a tropical climate mosquito-borne infections such as dengue fever and chikungunya are a risk. Speak to your doctor well in advance to prepare and have the correct precautions before your trip. Avoid getting bitten altogether by bringing bug spray with you. Cozumel can become hot, so preserve your skin with sunscreen. Try to use biodegradable bug spray and sunscreen as it undermines the coral reef systems when you go in the sea, plus it’s better for your body. Drink bottled water and make sure you drink plenty of it to stay hydrated in the heat.
Need Help to Book Your Vacation?
Safety is of our absolute priority. We live in Cozumel. Silvia and I respect the opinion of all travelers and our sole mission is to present you with all the tips and facts you require to ensure you have a marvelous vacation! We know the area, restaurants, and tours better than anyone. Our prices are great too! Need help to formulate your vacation? Book today here. We offer free advice and can save you tons of cash on your next holiday!
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ubwfc · 5 years
Bristol 1s v Bath 1s 2-1
This Wednesday our Bristol 1s team got ready to play their first match of the season (in the prem, if we hadn’t already mentioned that). The weather was in our favour with views from the chicken shed of beautiful blue skies and the fragrant smells of Camilla and Jess’ lunches, and we were off! The girls held great pressure against Bath 1s, with some amazing runs from the starting front players. Keira, Liz, and Chey worked tirelessly to get the ball into the back of the net. Unfortunately, the opposition managed to break through our strong defence and put in a mildly average punt into the goal, raising the score line to 1-0 to Bath.
The girls kept up their PMA’s, particularly aided by Chey’s beautiful yoga stretches (which were kindly featured on the UBWFC Instagram story by the wonderful social media secretary, Ella). Roughly half an hour in, Captain Henna (with her hair up, may I add, rocking a stylish-yet-chic bun) made a beautiful solo run, dribbling past Bath defenders and only narrowly missing the target with a sliding shot. The side lines went wild in response to the action, resulting in an absolute ruckus in the chicken shed with Niamh Jenkins throwing her water bottle into the grounds of the 3G. This also resulted in the tragic fall of Tyler’s water bottle, smashing the entire thing causing a possible health and safety hazard on the pitch.
Back to the match, Liz played some brilliant passes to Niamh Carty whose strike just missed the net. The girls kept up great pressure, with the ball mainly kept in the opposing half of the field, our side being guarded by Trim, Ash, Phoebe, and Laura ensuring keeper Amaia had enough backup. Laura took an interesting approach to defending, which more involved hugging her opposition, a sort of spooning whilst kicking style, but she did win the ball! With the score-line still in favour of Bath, Bristol really needed to get a goal in, thankfully our American-soccer queen Liz was upfront and made some insane turns, proper fooling those Bath defenders, and pulled out a cracker of a goal levelling the score to 1-1.
With the second half underway, and our players pushing up field, we were so close to scoring again which would have looked insane on the tape, yet Bill failed to provide enough space on his memory card. Alas, the filming was threatened, until Ellen Brown whipped out her brand-new iPhone 11 pro max and saved the day by filming the rest of the match in 4K quality. Honestly, what would we do without her? Some dodgy tackles were made by Bath resulting in Bristol receiving a free-kick. Our on-site medic, Anna, took a strike from the half way line. It was SO close to the goal, every spectator was on the edge of their seats, the Bath goalkeeper was quaking in her boots but luckily for her the shot was just above the crossbar. Bath made a comeback out of this, but Trim and Amaia had it covered with a quick pass back and she collectedly booted the ball back up the pitch.
Bill made some substitutions, bringing on Nancy and our two new footballing fresher’s Stella and Sophie. The three girls coming on went in with full force, Nancy putting in a great defending shift – the Bath strikers had no hope. Club cap Phoebe Tate then crossed the ball over to Sophie who smashed the ball passed the keeper, which hit the post and fell to Keira who finished it smoothly into the back of the net. 2-1 Bristol. Once again, there was uproar from the chicken shed. Stella then, needless to say, switched a stellar ball to Phoebe who sent it to Sophie, who then crossed it first touch to Liz, whose volley unfortunately hit her face rather than the goal. The crowd then believed an unknown fresher had come onto the pitch, pulling some serious turns on the ball. When actually, Keira had just taken her gloves off.
The game finished and our Bristol girls had successfully and confidently won their first match in the prem!
Squad:  Amaia Emmerson Phoebe Tate Emily Trim Nancy Gilmartin Laura Barrett Ashleigh Guest Niamh Carty Anna Cairns Stella Gandee Morgan Henna Butcher Keira Madden Cheyenne Denny Sophie Price Elizabeth Robinson
Player of the match: Phoebe Tate Dick of the day: Laura Barrett - for her missed header/gallop under the ball 
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Finding the Best Paint Types for the Baby’s Room
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When it comes to affordable home improvement, you are always concerned about aesthetics. However, at the same time, you must be very careful about the material that you use. This is especially true for your baby’s room. More than creating a great functional and stylish space for your little ones, you must also keep the room safe and secure. Luckily, there are various products that allow parents to get the look they want without putting the well-being of their little ones at risk. So much so, for a more worrying parent, there are types of paint, which can even kill microbes such as bacteria, fungus, and viruses, as well as absorb formaldehyde. People are often very careful in choosing paints for their homes, be it interior house painting or exterior house painting. At the same time, when choosing a safe paint for your baby’s room, we recommend you to go for a water-based paint product. From a health point of view, it must contain zero volatile compounds, which have less than five grams per liter of the volatile organic compounds. You will find a number of paint options at your local store, but we recommend you ask for paint, which does not need a primer. In this way, you will have paint with fewer chemicals. If you had mold or fungus in your house, there are safe paint products that come with antimicrobial agents, which help keep the mildew and mold at bay. So, ask about such products when you go to your local store and shop for paint. Milk Paint Milk Paint offers unique products that are truly back to basics, for instance, the earth-based paints. These paint products are naturally free from volatile organic compounds or VOCs. Milk Paint is one of the safest paint products on the planet. When parents expect a certain joy or happiness, one of the stressful but potentially fun parts of preparation is to work substantially in designing the baby’s room. So, you really want the baby’s room to be a place of comfort, rest, and love. Of course, you also want to give it your own personal touch. At the same time, you may not want to have a typical blue or gendered pink theme. There are many different color themes you can choose from, and also so many different ways to make it significantly unique for your baby. You can also put your own personal touches, which will make the baby’s room even more distinctive and special. Your baby is your sunshine! You know “Lullaby” is the most adorable song, which can make a unique theme for a nursery. Using the safe Milk Paint product, we recommend you to make the basis for this room a yellow color. Similarly, you can try painting the walls with a dove gray and use yellow accents to have a great sunshiny feel. In addition, Chevron is an amazing pattern that can work well in your baby’s room, along with a DIY light fixture to really mimic the sun itself. The whole point is to be bright! For this, you can also use flowers as décor as well. Another great idea is trying a nautical theme, and going crazy with decorations, color, and accents. Blue, white, and red are classic nautical colors, but you always have the choice to use any color combination, nonetheless, it is important that you stay true to the basics, boats, clean strips, and anchors. Milk Paint offers aqua blue paint colors! You can use it with crisp white boats/ships and pinstriped walls that will look awesome as navy blue walls, a great red bed and white accents. You can likewise individualize the nautical theme easily, so don’t be scared to experiment with it.   YOLO Color House According to the Federal Trade Commission, the YOLO Color House paint has no volatile organic compounds, no reproductive toxins, no chemical solvents, and HAPs-free. The Yolo Color House Company takes the consumer and environmental safety seriously. They have restricted more than thousand chemical compounds from their paint products. The zero-volatile organic compounds formula by the company means that these paint products are a great choice for your baby’s room. In addition, No toxic fumes in the paint products mean that these pains do not contain any air pollutants. These products are free from mutagens, ozone-depleting compounds, hazardous air pollutants, phthalates, and formaldehyde. The paint products are a good and healthier option for your baby’s room. However, if you have certain health concerns, it is important to consult with your doctor. As soft as bunny ears and as sweet as strawberry ice cream, YOLO Color House sprout .06 is a great pink color for your baby’s room. You can add it in a simple stencil as well as with YOLO Color House greens to have a wall just as elegant and sweet as your little one. Don’t forget to check the special canvas color collection at the official website of YOLO Color House. Use hues from this collection to add an extra touch of sophistication to your baby’s room. A base of brown color .01 and brown .02 will provide a soothing backdrop. Likewise, layer with blue colors, graphic shapes, and a cute baby picture for the perfect space. Bioshield Paint Bioshield Paints offer solvent-free, water-based, zero-VOC paint products. They are washable, breathable and economical – a perfect interior house painting. What separates the products of this company from the aforementioned paint products is not only their elegance and beauty but also a wide variety of colors to work with. You can apply Bioshield Paint easily over sheetrock, gypsum board, plaster, and masonries such as brick and concrete. Likewise, it is incredibly easy to apply the Bioshield Paint over previously painted surfaces given that the existing level of sheen is flat. You can accomplish this without the use of solvents or VOCs. Bioshield Clay and Casein Paint products are derived from raw ingredients. This paint product comes as a powder, which can be mixed easily with water to form an ideal consistency. Parents are usually in love with the variety of color options as well as the final appearance of the non-toxic clay paint for their baby’s room. In addition, Bioshield Teal Color Paint is a great choice for your baby’s bedroom. You can make it more cheerful when you combine it with some warm accent colors, for instance, pink, orange, and yellow work particularly well. So much so, its versatility means you can easily switch up your accessories in order to create a whole new look without compromising and/or having to re-paint the entire baby room. Grey and Yellow is the ultimate neutral color combination, which works very well in a baby’s bedroom. We recommend you to go for pale colors for a more inviting and soft look. Bioshield red and blue classic pairing just looks awesome as part of a classic-themed scheme, complete with blue and red bunting. Moreover, cool blue walls uniquely balance out hot red accents in the furniture, woodwork, and accessories. Our recommendation is to go for a chalky blue color that will blend easily with other paints as your baby gets a bit older. Furthermore, you can also use Bioshield Pastels but they don’t have to be sugary. You should use splashes of pastel yellow, green, blue, or pink, which can look excitingly modern. Depending on the quantities of these colors you use, they just work very well in the baby’s room, especially in the baby girl’s room. Using these colors, you can paint cupboard doors, woodwork, and drawers in a variety of pastel hues/shades and set them off against white walls. Read the full article
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hivknowledgeorg · 5 years
Venereal diseases (STD) intro
Venereal diseases (STD) intro
When likewise a lot more individuals have actually truly begun getting in right into a variety of sex-related partnerships, sexually moved disorder are boosting nowadays. If regretfully one acquires contaminated by any kind of sort of type of such trouble, it is much better to begin issue as quickly as feasible for these health issue have the prospective to destroy your whole life.
This short article notifies the clients stressing specific significant STDs along with their indicators in addition to indicators.
1. AIDS along with in addition HIV
– Transmitted with- AIDS in addition to furthermore HIV are 2 a lot more or les attached disorder. The HIV stands for the ‘human immunodeficiency infection’ in addition to in addition the illness that broadens through it is acknowledged as AIDS i.e. ‘acquired immune shortage problem’.
– Symptoms- weak body immune system along with vulnerable to a whole lot even more infections than typical. When the HIV consumer obtains a certain a sign problem, hiv obtains changed to AIDS.
– Preventive Measures- extremely little supplied. Safeguard versus taking medications. Preserve health and wellness as well as health.
2. Chlamydia-.
– Infected with- the microorganisms Chlamydia trachomatis is the resource of this infection. When this germs goes into the person’s body it influences his mucous membrane layer layers, eyelids along with furthermore reproductive cells.
– Symptoms- the indicators Chlamydia generally puzzled with an additional equal STD called Gonorrhea together with despite having Conjunctivitis as a result of eyelid infection. The routine signs and also indications to this condition are discomfort throughout sex, melting together with unusual discharge. Chlamydia can be without any type of normal signs.
– Prevention- the trouble is treatable. As a preventative activity one needs to preserve health throughout sex along with obtain specialist check up executed in order to continue to be without infection.
3. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease- frequently females are affected by this issue. It is a an infection in the leading genital system along with reproductive body organs having ovaries, womb together with fallopian tubes.
– Spreads via- Chlamydia along with Gonorrhea are both STDs that are commonly answerable of this issue. Ladies in between 15 to 25 years old are a great deal added prone to be contaminated by it. Excess douching can likewise cause PID for it cleans the commonly vital germs from the girls’s genital canal.
– Symptoms- When undesirable PID, girls may experience discomfort throughout sexual intercourse, melting along with furthermore warmth.
– Precautions along with furthermore Cures- anti-biotics use to recoup PID. It is urged to obtain regular check ups performed in enhancement to in conditions the condition is found medications along with appropriate therapy need to start the actual minutes for PID can be instantly hazardous in later phases.
4. Gonorrhea- contaminates the person’s vulnerable cells of reproductive system.
– A person can acquire this condition with all kind of sex-related telephone call like sex.
– Indications- the indications to Gonorrhea are really variety of that makes all of it the a lot more tough to solve it therefore quit it from being relocated from one to the various other exclusive with sex. Indicators originate from Chlamydia so both illness rest be amazed with each various other. An exclusive dealing with Gonorrhea experiences uncommon discharge, burning, discomfort throughout sex, swelling, warm together with various other infections like ladies might have blood loss in between durations.
– Remedies together with Safety- therapy needs to start in preliminary phases to take care of Gonorrhea. Those that are instead energised in their sex-related life requires to obtain have a look at ups done often to be on a far more safe side.
These there are a range of various other STDs not analyzed right listed below like Hepatitis, Scabies, Herpes, Syphilis, HPV and also so forth which are most usual in ones. When you are sexually energised along with also get in touch with from a gynecologist every currently in addition to also after that to prevent from all kind of STDs, it is far better to obtain info worrying them.
If sadly one obtains contaminated by any type of sort of type of such illness, it is a great deal much better to begin issue as swiftly as feasible for these troubles have the feasible to spoil your whole life. – Spreads with- Chlamydia along with Gonorrhea are the 2 STDs that are most normally liable for this illness.
– Symptoms- the signs Chlamydia typically puzzled with one a lot more comparable STD called Gonorrhea along with despite having Conjunctivitis as an end result of eyelid infection. The typical signs as well as likewise indicators to this condition are discomfort throughout sex, losing in addition to unusual discharge. It is a an infection in the leading genital system in addition to reproductive body organs being made up of ovaries, womb along with fallopian tubes.
– Spreads through- Chlamydia along with Gonorrhea are both STDs that are normally in price of this issue. – Spreads with- Chlamydia in addition to Gonorrhea are the 2 STDs that are most frequently in charge of this condition.
– Symptoms- the signs Chlamydia typically puzzled with one more equal STD called Gonorrhea along with in spite of having Conjunctivitis as a result of eyelid infection.- Spreads with- Chlamydia in enhancement to Gonorrhea are both STDs that are normally responsible of this trouble.- Symptoms- the signs Chlamydia usually puzzled with one also a lot more equal STD called Gonorrhea as well as no matter of having Conjunctivitis as a result of eyelid infection. The regular signs as well as additionally indicators to this disorder are discomfort throughout sex, losing as well as unusual discharge. It is a an infection in the leading genital system as well as reproductive body organs being made up of ovaries, womb as well as fallopian tubes.
The post Venereal diseases (STD) intro appeared first on HIV-Knowledge.org.
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artsoccupychi · 6 years
3G, 4G, and 5G Networks: Why the Difference Can Affect Your Health
When smartphones first arrived on the scene, 3G networks were a hot commodity, thanks to their quick speeds and high bandwidth. Then, 4G networks took their place, with even stronger technology that made their predecessor seem molasses-slow.
While this advancement has given us amazing capabilities, the electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) emitting low-grade radiation from these devices and cell towers are associated with several health issues. And with the arrival of the most powerful network yet, 5G, beginning to roll out in some cities, health experts are deeply concerned about its potential impact.
3G, 4G, 5G—What’s the Difference?
With the arrival of the most powerful network yet, 5G, health experts are deeply concerned about its potential impact.
As smartphones have advanced in technological capability, you may have noticed the numbers increasing in mobile data capability as well. The difference between all the Gs (which stands for “generation”) is the level of speed, security, and reliability, which are enhanced with each iteration to keep up with the demands of modern life.
Current 4G technology was developed to better cope with cloud computing, mobile video conferencing, content streaming, and more, and an even stronger, lightning-speed 5G network is becoming available from the major telecommunication companies Verizon and AT&T in some cities this year.
How Wireless Networks Affect Health
Although we can’t fully gauge the health effects of 5G until it rolls out on a wide scale, more than 180 international scientists and doctors from the Centre for Research on Globalization have been lobbying for a moratorium on its rollout.
According to this group, the steps required for widespread 5G implementation will cause increased and unavoidable exposure. (5G only works at short distances, for which many more antennas will have to be installed, particularly in urban areas–in most neighborhoods, a small station must be installed about every 5 homes!)1
This moratorium is based on review of many scientific publications showing that “EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines.” So, even though telecom companies may be following the rules, we are still susceptible to the health effects of EMF exposure, which include:
Cancer risk
Cellular stress
Free radical increase
Genetic damages
Learning and memory impairment
Neurological disorders
Reproductive system changes in structure and function
The state of California has acknowledged these potential effects by amending a recent bill on the placement of cell towers, stating that they cannot be installed on a fire department facility.2 This change was in response to a report by the International Association of Fire Fighters’ Division of Occupational Health, Safety, and Medicine, which took a strong stance against using fire stations as locations for cell phone towers and transmissions, due to their growing concerns about EMFs being hazardous to the health of emergency personnel.3
The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer has also classified radio frequencies (RFs, another term for EMFs) as “possibly carcinogenic” to humans as well, based on epidemiological evidence showing an association between RF exposure from mobile phones and various head cancers. WHO has commissioned further studies on longer lifetime exposure that younger generations will experience. They have also noted changes in brain activity and sleep, with more research coming to determine the extent of these changes.4
The effects of radio frequency exposure are known to wireless and mobile phone companies, as evidenced by the fact that manufacturers like Apple have information in their fine-print insert that comes with your phone, about how to use devices to reduce radio frequency exposure.
Because they’re operating within legal limits, however, it does not benefit them to make changes that may affect what’s most attractive about their wireless products: high speed, security, and reliability.
Research on the Health Effects of Mobile Phone Use
Cell phones are ubiquitous these days. Even your grandmother probably has one in her pocket. It’s hard to imagine that such a common and essential part of modern life could be harmful, and you can’t “see” radiation emitting from your phone. But growing evidence suggesting negative effects on the body has been ignored by leading telecommunications companies for years.
From brain tumor risk to DNA damage and reproductive issues, the electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) emitted from cell phones can alter our bodies in ways that threaten our short-term and long-term health. These are some of the documented health risks:
Increased Risk of Brain Tumors: Numerous studies over the years have shown that EMFs trigger oxidative stress,5 which can ultimately lead to cancer. In particular, a landmark $25 million study from the U.S. National Toxicology Program in 2016 found that when rats were exposed to cell phone radiation, there was an increase in brain tumors known as gliomas. A subsequent Italian study provided additional damning results, as the growths researchers observed were comparable to tumors found in epidemiological studies involving mobile phone users.
Decrease in Brain Cells: In a study of adult male rats subject to 900-MHz of electromagnetic frequency exposure, Turkish researchers discovered a decrease in certain brain cells compared to rats without any radiation exposure.6 These findings are particularly important if children are exposed (with phones, devices and gaming), as they are in a vulnerable state while their brains develop and their skulls are thinner. Excess exposure to EMF radiation may potentially inhibit proper growth.
DNA Damage: Among the negative effects EMFs have on our bodies is potential DNA damage. Subjects in a 2009 study7 were exposed to 1800 MHz-like frequencies for 15 minutes per day for seven days. This resulted in the release of free radicals, which create oxidative stress and destroy DNA molecules. This level of frequency is on par with most cell phones. Although free radicals can be neutralized with enough antioxidants in the diet, think about how long you actually use your phone. Most people spend hours on their devices every day, not just 15 minutes.
Parotid Gland Tumors: Do you talk on the phone with the device up to your ear, or do you use earbuds with a microphone? It’s time to go the hands-free route, as studies show a consistently elevated risk for tumors within the mouth’s parotid glands as phone use increase, particularly in subjects who spend a lot of time with the phone held next to the face.8
These are far from all the studies on the effects of cell phone use on human health. Renowned researcher Dr. Magda Havas has collated thousands of studies on the biological effects of EMF exposure, many of which explore the link between mobile networks and health concerns.
Being proactive about your health and staying in-the-know about how technology affects the body is essential to keeping you and your family safe from increased risk of health problems due to EMF exposure. Luckily, there’s a lot you can do to protect yourself. I’ve spent hundreds of hours researching this topic, and I’ve made you a FREE guide, to show you free and inexpensive options to decrease your exposure.
Whether the network is 3G, 4G, or 5G, though, the way people use and carry their cell phones prolongs exposure next to some of our most sensitive organs. It has troubled me for a long time that carrying around a cell phone in pants pockets places it right next to sensitive reproductive organs, and girls and women often stick emitting phones in their bras, increasing breast cancer risk, decreasing the body’s energy immediately, and causing risk to heart function.
How To Break Your Phone Addiction
Because cell phones are an integral part of our daily lives, it can be tough to break up with your phone, even if it does improve your health.
Because cell phones are an integral part of our daily lives, it can be tough to break up with your phone, even if it does improve your health. You do have a few options, however, to become a little less dependent on your favorite device:
Download an app like Moment that tracks the amount of time you spend on your phone. This way, you have a baseline to work with and can track your progress over time.
Turn off notifications that aren’t essential, such as pings from social media and your personal email.  
If you find you need an even more aggressive approach to unplugging, download an app like Offtime that blocks social media after a set amount of time, or even Flipd, that locks your phone from use during a scheduled period.
Delete mindless games. The fewer distractions you have from your present surroundings, the less time you’ll feel the habitual urge to spend with your phone.
Place your phone in “Do Not Disturb” mode if you’re not expecting any calls.
Add in other habits, like going for a walk sans cell and enjoying nature instead of the latest podcast, or visiting a friend and leaving your phone in the car or at home.
Our devices can be difficult to limit, without intention. Leaving it at home has the additional benefit of making us more present and attentive to those we care about, and to more important matters.
Can’t Reduce Your Cell Phone Time? You Can Still Reduce Your Exposure Risk
Sometimes it’s not practical to be without a cell phone or other mobile technology. Staying connected to family or work is often not optional! Turn your wi-fi off at night. Ground your computer so you aren’t exposed to wi-fi during the day. Turn “airplane mode” on when your cell phone is within 6 feet of you, but you aren’t using it. These are simple, easy hacks, but other important protective measures are in the free EMF Action Plan.
My inexpensive solution for protection from cell phones and other everyday EMF-emitting items is the xZubi technology, a patented, proven device that reduces the negative effects of radiation on human tissue. Besides cell phones, you can put these discs on PCs and laptops, microwaves, TVs, baby monitors, gaming systems, and phone handsets. It’s an easy and inexpensive solution to ever-increasing EMF health threats. The three layers of paramagnetic earth materials do not block signals, but rather are proven to protect human cells. I put one on my PC and laptop screens, on the back of my phone, and I make sure to give one to any child in my life who is carrying an unprotected device. The xZubi device is proven to protect us from 83 percent to 100 percent of harmful radiation from low-grade emitting devices. Get 40% off a five-pack of these holograms, here.
–Robyn Openshaw, MSW, is the bestselling author of The Green Smoothies Diet, 12 Steps to Whole Foods, and 2017’s #1 Amazon Bestseller and USA Today Bestseller, Vibe.
Learn more about how to make the journey painless, from the nutrient-scarce Standard American Diet, to a whole-foods diet, in her free video masterclass 12 Steps to Whole Foods.
Nyberg, Rainer; Hardell, Lennart. “Scientists and Doctors Warn of Potential Serious Health Impacts of Fifth Generation 5G Wireless Technology.” Centre for Research and Globalization. September 18, 2017.
Hueso, Ben, et al. “SB-649 Wireless telecommunications facilities.” California Legislative Information. Last amended March 28, 2017.
International Association of Fire Fighters. “Position on the Health Effects from Radio Frequency/Microwave (RF/MW) Radiation in Fire Department Facilities from Base Stations for Antennas and Towers for the Conduction of Cell Phone Transmissions.” n.d.
“IARC Classifies Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields as Possibly Carcinogenic to Humans.” World Health Organization – International Agency for Research on Cancer. May 31, 2011.
Kivrak, EG et al. Effects of electromagnetic fields exposure on the antioxidant defense system. Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure. Volume 5, Issue 4, December 2017, Pages 167-176.
Kivrak EG, et al. Effects of 900-MHz radiation on the hippocampus and cerebellum of adult rats and attenuation of such effects by folic acid and Boswellia sacra. J Microsc Ultrastruct (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmau.2017.09.003
Guler, G et al. The effect of radiofrequency radiation on DNA and lipid damage in non-pregnant and pregnant rabbits and their newborns. Gen. Physiol. Biophys. (2010), 29, 59–66. doi:10.4149/gpb_2010_01_59
Sadetzki, S et al. Cellular phone use and risk of benign and malignant parotid gland tumors–a nationwide case-control study. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2008 Feb 15;167(4):457-67. Epub 2007 Dec 6. DOI: 10.1093/aje/kwm325
[Read More ...] https://greensmoothiegirl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/shutterstock_578273665-300x200.jpg https://greensmoothiegirl.com/5g-network/
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I'm 16 right now and I have been diagnosed with major depressive. My mom lost her insurance in May last year and I haven't been to a doctor since. My symptoms are getting worse and I attempted suicide a couple months ago (refused to see a doctor afterwards because I didn't want social services to get involved). I have a family history with depression and mood disorders and my condition is only getting worse. I tried to get insurance all summer and fall last year, but I couldn't qualify for medi cal (I live in california) because of my age supposedly and my old doctor refused to sign off on minors consent. I'm wondering if things will be different by the time I turn 17? Will I be more likely to be accepted by then? Is there anything else I can do that won't get my mom arrested and me put into the foster care system? I feel like the social workers have a gun pointed to my back right now.. if I say much more about my problems to them they'll take me, and my little brother. Also CPS is not an option I want nothing to do with them or foster care. I would rather continue on and die in my condition than go to the foster home in my area, I've met kids stuck in that system and continuing on without medical care seems better than living in that hell hole. And I certainly wouldn't wish that on my little brother.""
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so I just got my driver's license (im 18), but i don't have a car yet. im driving my mom's car, is that ok? do we need to call the insurance comany and tell them to add my name to our car insurance? do we need to pay extra money? thanx for ur time! p.s. we r in Maine""
""Annuities and life insurance, please help?""
I am 35 yrs old and I recently purchased Index Universal Life insurance for the tax free money, guarantee return flat rate, and protection from market loss. I also have $100k in my 401k and my insurance agent suggest I rollover to an index annuity to get the best maximum return. I will get a 10% bonus and both the interest and 10% bonus will be compounded for next 30 yrs. If I withdraw at age 55 at 4%, my yearly index return rate is $9.261. I can see for the first 11 years, the annuity company is giving back my original amount. If I live through age 86, I would have withdraw total amount $185,200. Everyone keeps telling me life insurance is a bad investment because of fees and the agent is trying to get a big commission off me. After running and looking at the numbers, it seems annuities and life insurance are the best savings program. Is there something else about the numbers quoted I should be aware of?""
My friend has no car insurance..?
He was driving and its raining outside so the street is slippery. He braked and avoid hitting anyone but it didn't help. He has no car insurance and just hit a car right now. What happens when you have no car insurance and you hit someone's car? I don't think the person will sue, but will my friend have to pay damages and a ticket? Any jail time or suspended license? Anyone experienced that? I know its illegal to be driving without insurance. This is in Florida. Help me out with some good advice or suggestions. Thanks.""
What would be cheaper on insurance?
I'm thinking of getting a 1987-1995 jeep wrangler yj or a 1992 acura integra. Which would be cheaper on insurance? thanks.
Maternity Insurance...Anyone have it?
My husband and I are trying for another baby. And most insurance companies in TN say you have to wait 9 months for the insurance to take effect. So is there any insurance out there that will help without having a time limit and not Tenncare or WIC. We will not qualify for that due to our income.
Which is the best Health Insurance and Car insurance in NYC? if you know the answer to each or any let me know
Thanks.... Car insurance i am looking for the cheapest as far as health insurance i am considering HIP PRime but not sure if its good.. if you know about hip let me know if thats a good choice.. only reason why i might choose that is because there are no copay and no deductibles :) FREE lol but i want to make sure its a good choice... besides the obviouse.. take care and i am thanking you in advance for your advise
Corvette insurance?
does any one own a corvette? How much is insurance??
What is the cheapest car insurance around?
I still want good coverage but am so confused by all the ads. geico? aig? mercury? ahhhh so many I am a 21 yr old female with a good driving record I have had my license since I was 16. Please help!!
Is car insurance group 11 lower or higher than group 32?
i am wondering as i am looking for a car to learn in and it has to be lower than group 32 thanks
How does Obamacare make health care more affordable when it only deals with insurance and not with costs?
The doctors and hospitals will still be charging an arm and a leg. How is regulating insurance going to lower what doctors and hospitals and pharmaceutical companies charge?
What accounts affected by liability insurance?
What accounts affected by liability insurance?
How much is the insurance for a ford mustang?
for a teen girl driver thats 15 with a permit
Why do I have to be added on the car insurance?
Im 17 and I got my license yesterday. I do not own a car, but I will be using moms car occasionally. My question is if she has car insurance, why do we have to pay extra just for me to drive it? Wouldn't the insurance she already has cover me? Dose that mean that every car I drive (that I dont own) I will have to pay for extra insurance? I just dont under stand it. If any one could explain it to me I would be great-full. Thanks""
Where can I get laibality insurance for a medical assistant?
I am looking for insurance to covoer myself for Medical assistant
Home Owners Insurance?
My wife and I are planning on buying our first home and are currently shopping for mortgages. As a first time home buyer I am a little bit confused about a few things and I thought I just ask here :) One of the mortgages we looked at (online, from our CU) listed a Hazard Insurance Monthly in the Prepaids & Reserves section (which is part of the closing cost). - I am aware of the need of Homeowners Insurance, but does that include or exclude Hazard Insurance? - The monthly rate for Hazard Insurance was listed as $1,900. That seemed extremely high to me, so my question is: What is an average amount for Hazard Insurance (or Homeowners Insurance in general)? FYI: The home we are looking at is located in the SF Bay Area and will have a value of approx. $700,000. Any comment will be appreciated...""
Does the color of your car effect your insurance rate? is it a myth or true??
I want to buy a car but i've heard so many diff. myths about the color effecting your insurance rate. Just wondering...
How much would car insurance increase?
my mother is a single mom i live with her and she just lowered her car insurance for her owned mini van to 800$ a year for her amazing record. now i am 16 years old took a drivers ed course, won a AAA award for being a mature driver and signed up for a defenisve driving course. i am a straight A student and will be gradutaing next june. i am reciving a 1999 nissan maxima passed down to me from my father for my mom to regester it under her name. if she went to the insurance company and added that car under her name and added me as a part time driver for the maxima, how much would it cost???""
Somerset Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43783
Somerset Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43783
Car Insurance: Fully Comprehensive or Third Party ?
Plain English please: what is the difference between FULLY COMPREHENSIVE and THIRD PARTY FIRE AND THEFT car insurance? I have an old ford escort.
Car insurance help - first time driver!?
First time driver :) I'm 19 & female. I'm hopefully getting a car by the end of the year. So I was just checking the general insurance prices (I know they change regularly, but I just wanted to see) Anyway, I typed all my information, I was the main driver (I didn't put my parents down as additional drivers either) and the cheapest price was 694.94 - would that have been for the year? It was full comp too. It also had a total excess price, what does that mean? I'm really confused; I though first time drivers had high insurance?? BQ: If I got my car within the next month; then asked my dad to teach me, would I then be able to take a couple lessons with an instructor before I took my test? Or would I need to have all my lessons with an instructor? Thanks!""
Do i need car insurance?
well basically i cracked my sideview mirror and the plastic holding it is a little lifted from normal place.. if i went to an auto shop to fix it, would i need car insurance or could i just get it done and pay with cash?""
Car insurance company asking for more money?
hi i cancelled my car insurance back in feb i had it from 23rd dec to 17th feb i paid for the months i was covered and now the can insurance company are asking for the rest of the money for the months after the policy was cancelled. is this legal?
What are the Cheapest Veichles to insure in Ontario? or in general?
What are the cheapest to insure? or the cheapest to fix?
How much will my insurance increase?
I'm a young driver (20) and my car insurance it's currently 3000 a year which I paid in full (lv) Now I had an accident 4 days ago and I scraped someone's car when reversing so as I worked with his girlfriend we started settling it outside work but he's giving me quotes for 1000 and I only scraped it. So settlin it is out of the question, I've only been driving since October and this insurance company I've only been with for 2 months, how much approx will insurance premium go up?""
Car insurance for short locations (2-4 days)?
I usually rent a car at Rent a Car service companies once or twice per month. The insurance they offer are somewhat expensive (im 26, never got pull-over, never had an accident). I would like to know if anyone knows of an insurance company who offers rent-a-car insurance? Thank you.""
Looking for affordable health insurance?
My employer does not offer health insurance. Does anyone know of a private health insurance company? I was with Blue-Cross Blue Shield and they kept raising the rates. I don't qualify for any assistance due to low income. Also some coverage for dental.
Caught with no business insurance but i have insurance?
Hi, so yesterday i was delivering food for a kebab house, i only started the job 2 days earlier and i am on a trial period so i did not update my insurance to business.... beause of this i was stopped by police and when they checked i did not have valid business insurance meaning my vehicle was seized, i am due in court and will receive 6 points which will earn my a straight ban because i have only held my license 1 year and 11 months ( just before the 12 point allowance). by the time the court date has passed i will have had my license two years... is there anyway i can escape this offence without a ban ? any help appreciated!!""
I want to make sure the insurance isn't too much when I start riding a motorbike- how do I get a quote?
How do I get a quote from the insurance company exactly? I guess I just call them up... but what sort of things will I need to be able to tell them?
Questiong regarding motorcycle insurance?
I was wondering since im 19 years old how much insurance would be? i have 0 tickets and 0 wrecks. Is it possible to get insurance for like a summer then stop paying it for the winter time when i wont be riding it?
My car insurance is 5000 dollars?
I'm a 17 male and just got my license here in texas. I forgot which insurance company it is, but my yearly insurance fee is 5000 dollars, and thats a around 400 a month. I dont have my own vehicle and I'm sharing cars with my family. Is this normal to have that of an expensive plan?? Or should we shop around more for better prices?""
What is a Cool looking car but cheap on insurance?
I am looking for a sporty looking car but not actually considered a sports car and is cheap on insurance. I like a Dodge Stratus and Dodge Intrepid type looks IS there any Cars that Have the cool look but Is cheaper on insurance I know they exist but could you give me a list PLEASE THANKS FOR THE HELP
Health Insurance for new born after job loss....?
Situation... We had a new born almost three months ago. She was on my wifes insurance while she was on maternity leave. Now she (my wife) will only be going back to work part time ...show more
My car insurance is $96.00 a month and I have a 17 year old son that needs to be put on my insurance?
How much do you think it will be after I add him?
""How much, on average, is car insurance?""
How much, on average, is car insurance?""
""Need cheap car insurance, already looked into geico and progressive?""
what's a good, AFFORDABLE company i can go to for auto insurance? i'm a 19 yr old female, living in dallas, tx marital status: separated""
Lloyds car insurance?
ive just bought a new car and am wondering if its possible to transfer my old car insurance to this new car? or do i have to cancel that policy and make a new one? will there be any extra costs if i can transfer etc. any advice appreciated xx
What is the average cost for martial arts insurance?
What is the average cost for martial arts insurance?
""When you have a car accident and you are at fault and pay through your insurance, by how much will your All?
By how much will you All State insurance premium raise.
How much is insurance for a jeep wrangler?
ok, im 14 and im planning on buying a jeep wrangler in two years for my first car because i really like jeeps. but my dad says that insurance rates are high enough for jeeps already, but being a 16 year old guy would only make it worse. So i just want to know about how much it would cost a month to insure a jeep wrangler (not a newer model) with geico?""
Do I have to have my mom on my car insurance?
I recently bought a car(mustang!) and I was able to get a pretty low premium, do I need to put my mom as a additional driver? She has her own car and her own premium.""
""Out of a mini one, mini cooper, fiat 500 and Rav-4 ?
Ok so this is my first car and these are all the cars I like and can get. So could someone plz tell me which is cheaper insurance for a 17 yr old girl and which is cheaper on petrol? Thank you xox
Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?
Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?
Appropriate and affordable health insurance for my autistic son?
Here is the situation: My son is seven and severely autistic. He lives with his mom (we are divorced). As part of our agreement, I take care of his health insurance and medical bills, co-pays and things related to his medical care. I pay for insurance for him thru my employer, around $280 a month, just for him. However, although it is pretty good for office visits, it is really bad for hospital. Because he is autistic, he has to be knocked out for some procedures that he wouldn't normally be knocked out for. Recently he incurred a $9000 bill, which the insurance company wont pay because he already maxed out his hospital indemnity for the year. I feel that the time has come to provide him with some sort of hospital indemnity, but I can't find any that I can actually afford. I don't make very much, I make enough to pay his regular health insurance and his child support, and the occasional doctor bill. But I don't make enough to pay the huge premiums that a regular hospital indemnity plan has. To add another wrinkle, I live in New York, he lives with his mom in Connecticut, she is the one who brings him to the doctor/hospital, I'm just the one who pays for it, which I am happy to do. But the problem is, that anything available with NY, only covers providers in NY. CT wont work with me because i do not live there. Am I screwed (as in I have to pay 900 per month in hospital insurance), or is there something I can do? By the way, I make about $36000 per year, not a lot for New York. I just want to provide the best care for my son, but I need something I can actually afford""
Somerset Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43783
Somerset Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43783
Can my car insurance company do this?
I have recently been involved in an accident which i was at fault. My car is written off so they said they will pay out 3,000 for my car minus 250 excess on the policy. so i am left with 2,750 but they said because my insurance was renewed two weeks ago they will deduct my remaining 11 month insurance premium. So I am only left with 900. can my insurance company to that?""
What is insurance?Explain?
I mean what is malpractice insurance, car insurance ,health insurance, etc. Please explain is simple, clear and easy words.""
Do you pay homeowners insurance in advance?
When closing on a house, do you pay the homeowners insurance in advance?""
Will insurance points carry over to another company?
I have 9 insurance points. My mom is wondering if she signs me onto her policy, will the rates go up dramatically, or will they still be reasonable?""
Go auto insurance company?
i am looking for some cheap car insurance company and i have found go auto insurance to be the cheapest so far with what i need. has anyone heard of this insurance company? and if so, good or bad?""
""Would you rather have a law against gay marriage, or affordable HEALTH INSURANCE that can't be canceled?""
Admittedly a false choice, but still...electing a GOP/Teabag/Fox 'News'/Jesus freak government would enhance the chances of a law against gay marriage and diminish the chances of some form of Medicare for all. Feel free to substitute 'Christian right for 'Jesus freak...consider it a figure of speech or an expression of art.""
Auto insurance for drivers with little/no credit history?
While shopping for car insurance, I usually use a fake name/address with all my real information (DOB, driving record, etc) just so I don't get a bunch of annoying calls/emails from every company I get a quote from. The fake email address I always use got an email the other day, which basically said that when they ran a credit check they consumer reporting agency couldn't provide a full credit history (not surprising seeing as they were checking on a name that doesn't exist). The thing that concerns me is that being only 19, I also don't have much of a credit history (the only credit I do currently have is a card I got a month ago). I couldn't really tell from the email (since I didn't read it too closely, I was really just clearing out the fake inbox) but I'm not sure if they were saying We couldn't get a credit history on you, if we had been able to, the rate you were quoted could have been lower or something more drastic like because we couldn't find a credit history, the quote we gave is no longer valid and either they won't cover me or will charge way more. I'm concerned because the email came several days after I got the quote. When I decide which company to use, and I get a quote with my real name/contact info and buy it right way online, am I going to get an email in a few days saying the because of my lack of credit they either want more money or are cancelling my policy?""
How much would it cost in insurance for a ferrari 355 rep on a toyota mr2?
its a 1996 2.0l with a 355 bodykit on it should be about half the money of the mr2 i think
My Car Insurance Company Is Telling Us To Add My Two Sons Into My Policy.?
My sons had their license for a while now. Few months if I'm correct. They are 18 and one is 16 turning 17 in a month. Ever since they got their license, they haven't drove because they didn't have insurance. I refused when they asked because the cost was about $250 a month for each. We live in California and have State Farm. Recently, I've been getting mails and calls that I NEED to add them to my policy. I was wondering is it was really necessary because they never drive and they don't have access to my car. I only have two keys to my car and I keep it with me all the time and I'm a house mom. So the point is, they never drove the car and never will until they get insurance. So my question is, do I really have to add both of them to my policy? and if I do, do I have to pay? and if so, how much? Would it be the same as what I was told when I first asked about the cost of insurance? Which is $500 dollars a month for both.""
Is it true that some car colors cost more money for insurance? And if it is then why?
Is it true that some car colors cost more money for insurance? And if it is then why?
How much do you think insurance for a 16 year old?
i live in texas but i want to buy a car year 2004 and up which car would be less expensive as in insurance
How can I get affordable health insurance for my mother and I?
I am 22 years old and my mother is 57. While she was working, her job for the state had a very good health insurance which would cover me and her until I turned 25. However, her eye sight has started to go out on her and she could no longer do her job. She now works part time as a vendor for a brand of dog food, as that is the only job she could get in today's economy with her failing health. I am in college with a meager part time job. Medically, there is nothing wrong with me yet, but there have been times earlier this year where I got so sick that I felt like I was going to die, but no hospital or clinic would see me for less than $300, even though I knew I just needed some antibiotics. It's insane. I could not afford that. I am in college partly so that I can graduate, get a good job, and help my mother retire and live in good health. She needs to see a specialist, and at the crappy free hospitals, she has been waiting in line since January, and is not expected to see her doctor until December. I want to try and get us both affordable health care. Her, because she needs to see a doctor more often to have her medicine regulated, and me because whenever I get a viral infection, I don't want to lay in bed for a week until I'm able to buy antibiotics off of the black market. And I don't want this crappy healthcare system to kill my mom while she waits months for treatment she needs now. Does anyone have any idea where I can look?""
Short-term car insurance in California? Advice needed!?
I am going to rent a car in California for 6 weeks. I don't own a car of my own, so I don't have any normal car-insurance policy of my own. I do have a Visa gold-card, that covers collision damage waiver; but I wouldn't want to be without liability etc. Question: Is there any better deal I can get than paying the $10-$15 per day to the car rental company? Any ideas would be very welcome.""
In terms of premium cost the most expensive type of insurance is?
In terms of premium cost the most expensive type of insurance is?
Will i still be on my parents' insurance?
So, there were a bunch of changes made to health insurance due to the Health Reform. i heard that the coverage i get from my parents (since i am a dependent) will last until i'm 26 now, instead of 21. we have western health advantage through my mom's work (i think) and live in california (not sure if that makes a difference). anyways, i'm 18 and currently in college. next semester i'm hoping to take off so that i can work full time and save up money so that i wont have to be so financially dependent on my parents in the near future. do i have to be in school in order to still be on my parents' health insurance? i will still be dependent until i get my own apartment and get married, which will be in about a year or 2""
Health insurance coverage or car insurance- accident?
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury Bodily Injury i am looking for some auto insurance ...can you please clarify me the difference between the above two .. also, when i get into an accident, who will cover for my medical charges .. is it insurance from the car insurance company or from employer's health insurance provider that covers my medical charges? i also have a health coverage from my employer""
Where can i find the cheapest car insurance?
Where can i find the cheapest car insurance?
Are there rental cars that can be covered by personal car insurance?
I was wondering this because I wanted to rent a car but was afraid that I'd have to pay for the extra cost of insurance that the car's under. I have Mercury as an insurance and want it to use as my insurance instead of paying. Thanks... ^_^ v
Unemployment Insurance for Teenagers?
The business I have worked at for 3 years has just announced they are shutting their doors at the end of the month. I am only 17 but have been told that I am still able to apply for unemployment benefits...which I know next to nothing about. Basically, I've only worked 10-20 hours a week for a wage slightly above minimum. It's just been a part time job for me since I'm a student and involved in several sports and challenging classes. However, I'm still trying to save money for college, so...what do I actually get when I file for unemployment and am hunting for a job? Anything? Sorry if this question sounds ditzy...I don't know much about the workforce.""
Learner's Permit and Car Insurance?
If I didn't live with my parents, had my learner permit and had my own car, would I be able to drive it if in the presence of a licensed insured driver? Like say my friend came over and I drove him in my car, would his insurance cover me?""
Best place for car insurance? (uk)?
I passed my driving test a couple of days ago and i need to insure my car. I realise the insurance is going to be 'through the roof', but can anybody reccomend places worth trying where i might get the best quote? thankoooooou""
Insurance E-bike?
I live in california and I would like to know if I need an insurance for my e-bike if I hit someone or something. If you could post the web page you found it on that would be nice. Thanks
""When you get married, how do you get off of your parent's insurance, etc?""
My dad still has me declared as a dependant, and my car insurance and health insurance is on his. When I get married will these automatically change, or do I have to notify the insurance companies and tax people?""
A good individual dental insurance plan?
I don't have dental insurance, and my employer doesn't offer any. I seriously need to see a dentist, I haven't been to one since I last had insurance 4 years ago. But I can't afford much right now either. I need a plan that will cover preventive treatment, doesn't have much of a waiting period, and will cover at least some of any major work, because i think I might need some. By the way, I live in central PA.""
Is Van insurance cheaper than car insurance Eg A fiesta car or van same spec?
Is Van insurance cheaper than car insurance Eg A fiesta car or van same spec?
Somerset Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43783
Somerset Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43783
Where can i get cheap insurance?
I Would like to get a new auto insurance, where can i find cheap insurance? Thanks in advance""
Car insurance help and rules?
Okay so I am 18 years old living on my own completely dependent. Now if I put my dad as a secondary owner to my car so I still have possession of it and got on his insurance would it be cheaper? Or would it have to be his car. I live in Oregon by the way. And also could I get better rates if say I got on my grandma's insurance? Is that possible considering she isn't my guardian or anything and I don't live with her? Because she has the best credit known to man and I know that affects your rates. If you have have any tip on how I can stop paying 250 a month on my 94 Accord which is 4 door (yes I'm getting very raped by American Family) I would appreciate it.
Can Auto Insurance Companies suspend drivers licenses?
Does anyone know for sure if an Auto Insurance Company has the right to suspend drivers licenses at any time or can the BMV only do that? We paid the required 20% down in car accident to get our licenses back, but can Auto Ins. Company suspend us now if we miss a payment after that down payment? Thanks for any help!""
""Whats cheaper, paying for gas or car insurance?""
Im getting my lisence soon, and my mom said i can have her car. Its a 2001 chevy malibu, she said if i pay for gas she'll pay for car insurance. Well with gas prices rising what would actually be easier for me to pay?""
Car insurance for married couple!?
Hey there! My wife and I both used to have our own car insurances until a few months ago when we decided to drop hers and add her to my policy to save some money. She got into an accident the other day; everyone's okay and it hasn't been determined who was at fault yet. I was wondering if this is going to affect MY driving record as well considering that we are sharing a car insurance policy? I realize that our premium might go up but I guess I want to know if the premium would go up even if we decided to get her off of this policy and find her a separate one with another insurance company. Do insurance companies look at which driver and which vehicle (we each have our own car) was involved in the accident or does it all just go by the policy number?
Should I get life insurance?
My mom and I live together. I am 43 disabled male, and my mom is going to be 76 in september. We have no debt, but no savings. We live in a ranch which is reverse mortgaged, and when my mom dies it will go to the bank. I can buy a 15yr 100,000 dollar policy at 285 a month. We will have enough of money after the Premium to live off from. Do I start a savings account or do I buy the insurance?""
Can I get arested 4 driving my car w/my name on the insurance if my dad calls the car(undr his nam) in stolen?
The car is under his name my name is on the insurance can I be arrested if my name is on the insurance and he calls it in stolen because he is mad that I left the state with it?
""Best insurance for my small business? im 25, non registered business 0-10 jobs per week.?""
Best insurance for my small business? im 25, non registered business 0-10 jobs per week.?""
What is the average cost of health insurance and garbage bills? help im doing a project!!?
im doing i project and i cant seem to find the average cost of health insurance and garbage bills per month. i need a estimate and a website to prove i found it. please help this is worth 100 points and its due tomorrow and i need to get to bed soon!
Cheap full coverage auto insurance?
Would it be cheaper to put I rent my home or just other on my insurance for my vehicle.
Estimating how much more is usually liability then full coverage insurance?
how much more do you think it would cost had 1997 dodge stratus 4 door and bought a 2008 ford focus, I know you it depends but do you think its gonna cost 1000 more for exampe or what?""
Does my international travel insurance cover rental car?
Hi, I am going on a holiday from Australia to the USA and Canada in March. I have purchased travel insurance and it states Section 16 Rental Vehicle - Up to $3000 Cover for car excess payable on Motor Vehicle Insurance resulting from your rental vehicle being: * Stolen * Crashed * Damaged and/or cost of returning rental vehicle due to you being unfit The $3000 would cover the excess from the rental car company but do I need some sort of liability insurance too? As I will be hiring a few cars for about a month. The companies I'm looking at are National car rental and Thrifty. I'll be picking up the car at LAX Any advice would be good thanks""
How can Americans like me stay healthy if we don't have access to affordable health care?
Or have the money to purchase insurance?
I am looking for good insurance on a new car.?
I am 21 years old and getting my first new car. Where do you suggest I look for car insurance? I don't have the best driving record. I had an accident in Nov 2002 and a speeding ticket in July 2003. I want to get a lot of coverage, but I don't want to be paying anything outrageous. How much should I be expecting to pay for car insurance?""
How much does motorcycle insurance cost?
I'm 17 and live in the Ann Arbor area in Michigan. I'm looking at buying a Kawasaki Ninja 500, and was wondering how much insurance would cost for it?""
What is the cheapest/reliable car insurance company in Miami Florida ?
I have clean record, 34 years old.""
How Much Would A 17 Year Old With A G2 Pay For Insurance For A 1995 Geo Metro Hatchback in Toronto?
Im planning on getting my first car but the insurance is holding me back. Please Help.What Company do you suggest? Maybe you know someone with the same car and around the same age.
What are good insurance companies for young drivers?
I've used comparison sites and the cheapest quote was 850, Aviva was 690 are there any other good companies that offer cheap insurance to young drivers? I do not want one of those box things. I'm 20, held my licence for 20months and have 1y no claims.""
What is the cheapest car insurance for 25 year old female in Florida?
What is the cheapest car insurance for 25 year old female in Florida?
Im 18 year old male looking for cheap car insurance in UK?
just got the car and license. 1.2 ford fiesta 2004 price is the only factor for me as i will make no claims for the first year in any situation. the best so far is aviva. i have been reccomended several insurers who have given me ridicolous qoutes.. tesco..aa..elephant..all the pass plus ones and i am asking yot to tell me whos suit me! thanks
When does my insurance expire?
I have a Family HealthPlus insurance that I just renewed thus is valid until next year, I also just got a new job, and my employment insurance is in effect as of July 1. What happens next? is my HealthPlus automatically cancelled or can I use both of my insurances simultaneously? The reason why I am asking is that, I have a referral to extract my wisdom tooth from my old insurance, and would like to use it to do just that. My employer does not allow me to take sick/personal days off in the first 90 days of my employment, so I can't really do that between now and July 1, to schedule an extraction. Thanks a bunch!""
Auto insurance claim?
My car came out of the autobody shop this week and I paid my deductible based on the insurance. Now my insurance expires the same month. I am transferring the title over because I wont be in the states for next two years and leaving at the end of the month. Will I get a surprised invoice from the auto body shop because I didn't renew my auto insurance and the insurance company decide not to pay? Thanks in advance
Can parents get sued if I drive a car without insurance?
My mom tried to tell me that if I drive without insurance they would be sued because I live with them. I am 19 so I am a legal adult. The car is also in my name only. I think she was just talking out her *** personally, but now I am curious if that is even possible. Whatsoever.""
V6 mustang and v8 mustang insurance?
how much more would a v8 mustang insurance be than a v6? im 17
Car insurance choice of car?
Im a new driver not passed my test yet but not far away and i need to know what is the best car you can get for cheap car insurance maybe top 5 cheap cars for new drivers or something! im un employed due to medical reasons at the moment, but recovering well :) so i cant afford nothing to exspensive im 18 and i have a provisional but will have a full licence soon Thanks""
Somerset Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43783
Somerset Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43783
0 notes