#give ur savior a kiss on the lips it's the rules
kaiotisk · 2 months
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first dunmeshi fanart had to be the farcille bath scene
i think marcille would gay panic so hard she might explode
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rinbowaman · 4 months
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btw how are U😁
Warning; extreme non/dub con content below. This is a little one shot within the TO series (ongoing) I would highly recommend you read the chapters of TO (The Otherside) before reading this, otherwise you might just get confused. This is heavy duty yandere love. Mentions of murderer/serial killer (if you know…you know).
You threw everything you could grip your hands on. Smashing all of his collectables on the floor, you rampaged his entire studio apartment and tore everything in sight. What else was new? You snapped…again.
“Are you done?” He asks as he stands with his arms crossed, not even bothered by the amount of damaged you had just caused.
You breathe out heavy pants as he smears away the glistening beads of tears from your cheeks. Why did he have to do this to you? Why can’t he just let you go? Why did he have to do all those terrible things, yet claim it is all out of his unyielding love and affection? Is being forced on and contained away from the world really love? You don’t know anymore. It’s been so long since you saw fresh faces, and heard different voices, apart from his friends; the cannibal and the rapist. You fell into a state of hopelessness and gave in, even after jumping back and trying to fight it once more. But just as usual, he stands tall and defiant, with that damn smirk on his face. He knows he will win at the end. The man who saved you from being butchered by your original captor, has become the one who holds the key to your freedom and the life you once had. He, your savior, he took it all away from you. You don’t know which one is the lesser of two evils. After being forced upon time after time, hearing his whispers of love and obsession as he grunts in your ear and pounds into you relentlessly and making you scream, not out of fear or hatred…you wish it were that. Instead, he made you scream out of pleasure and yearning for more. He made you desire for more of it, and when after each session was finished, you fell into a state of regret and hated yourself. You hate yourself for caving in and holding on to him as he finished off deep inside your body while he tenderly kisses you, taking full advantage of your mind and soul being lost and confused from the isolation. You don’t even know who you are anymore. What can be done? Other than to oblige by his words. You finally give a slight nod as you started to sob once more.
“Good.” He merely responds as he chuckles, stroking his thumb over your quivering lips as he affectionately shushes you. “You’re just tired. Don’t worry, we’ll get a house with a nice yard for you to play in. You just need some air.”
A yard? A funking yard?! Why does he do this to you? Can’t he see that this was so wrong? Why is he being so blind and nonchalant?
“I love you.” He cuts your thoughts mid way and presents you his hands forming a heart shape. “I love you so much. Nobody is going to hurt you or try and take you away. I won’t let anyone do harm to you, okay? Now…”
He wipes your tears and shushes your lips once more. “I’ll take you outside for some air, maybe even get you a treat…but you have to be good and calm. You know the rules baby. You going to be a good girl? Hm?”
You begrudgingly nodded. He won…like always. What could you do? Even when he took you out, there was no chance of escape, not with his cunning little gadgets he had custom made to keep you connected to him, or tracked. God forbid if you started to cry or scream out for help, the first time he took you out, roughly three months in your captivity, you made the dire mistake of trying to reach out to a local police officer, in which Heeseung effortlessly dismissed as he lied to the officer and claimed he had just picked you up from the hospital and that you were feeling the affects of some narcotic medications. He proved it by cunningly having a forged prescription already in hand. He already knew and planned for anything you may have had up in your sleeve, that slick bastard. After providing the false prescription to the officer, you paid for your mistake regretfully. He left you in a sealed room and darkened room for days, maybe even weeks. Each moment he came to check on you, it was to bend you over on his lap to spank you, but not in the way that may seem alluring. You were in so much pain, the sting was unbearable, thank God there weren’t any marks, though he made sure of that since he didn’t want to ruin your pretty little skin, just wanted you to understand the pain of you breaking the rules. If it wasn’t the spanking, it was him using his little toys on you, causing you extreme pain from overstimulation as he repeatedly tied you up and fiddled with your cavity until the soreness caused you to cry out and apologize.
He grabs your jacket and places it over your shoulders. “It’s a little windy babe.” He smirks once more. “Let’s go out for a walk, and get you a pastry. After that we’ll come home and clean you up, and if you’re still good we’ll watch a movie. Would you like that?” An eerie smile forms on his heart shaped lips. You step back out of fear as his eyes darkened and his laugh grows louder and malicious. Oh no…not that….anything but that side of him. For a moment, through his calm demeanor you forgot the real side of your savior.
“Let’s come back and watch a movie, I’ve got so many homemade films baby.” His wicked countenance hinted at what those films were. He made you watched them before…the films of when he brought you here and raped you, yet you succumbed to the pleasures and begged him to keep going. You hated those films, yet he loved watching and pointing out how you were desperate for him to keep going. “Let’s watch them snd listen in to how you kept begging for my dick to scramble your insides. Maybe it will get you wet enough so we can make another one.” He tugs on your waist as you try to peel yourself away. “Yes baby. You love it when I fuck you and bounce you on it. Don’t you?”
He begins to tear your blouse apart. “You love it when I suck on your tits and lick your neck.”
“Stop!! No!! Don’t!!!!”
“You love it when I make you cream on my dick.”
“Noooooo!!!!! Stop!! I don’t want this!!! Let go! Stop!”
*squeak squeak squeak*
“Ugh! Ffffff-uck!”
“Yeah? You fucking like that baby?”
“You want me to go in deeper?”
“Say it, you beautiful bitch.”
“Yeah? That feel good y/n?”
“Y-yes!…oh God yes…”
“Come here baby, let’s fuck you harder.”
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pinkykitten · 5 years
Based on a Gif!
Steve Rogers (Captain America) x smoke abilities! female reader (requested by @captainskyline)
Warning: curse words, violence, angst l(ike what is with me and angst lately jeesh)
The team was splitting. Some thought it was needed to sign the Sokovia Accords while some thought it was unnecessary. Including your Steve Rogers. 
“Tony we need to convince Steve to sign the dam* thing. I can’t lose him too,” you stressed to Tony as he rubbed his temple. “I know y/n, I’m trying here. He’s-”
“Stubborn, trust me I know.” Sighing you stand abruptly to go see Steve. Steve is in his room overlooking pictures of Peggy Carter. 
You feel bad as you place a hand on his shoulder, “she was beautiful Steve.” You hear him sniffle as he laughs, trying to play it off, “yeah she was a doll, a gift.”
“You know you don’t need to do that. You can cry if you want to, you can miss her Steve. She was an important person in your life and she meant a lot to. I understand all that. I’m here for you.” 
Steve nodded and gave you a tight hug, “I do miss her y/n.” He breathed out. A tear fell down his cheek and lightly kissed your skin. You kissed his forehead. “You know though what I am here to discuss about.”
Steve shook his head, “I can’t believe you want to sign the accords.”
“Steve there are rules and lines we can’t cross. You need to understand this isn’t just our world, this isn’t our playground!”
Steve laughed, “what you think that I believe this a game? A joke?”
“No I don’t think that, in fact I think totally differently. People look up to you Steve,” you grasp his hands in yours. “They see you as their savior. They’re scared and sometimes don’t understand us. Thats why signing this shows that you’re on their side and you can show them that we heroes take their thinking and putting into our hearts. Plus they saw what happened with Wanda.”
“Oh c’mon y/n, you’re starting to sound like Tony!”
“Well Steve lets see, all the people only saw was that she exploded a building!”
“She’s just a kid.”
You got into his face, “and they are just people! They don’t know the in depth things of situations. They don’t know that she’s just learning, they don’t know that Tony has panic attacks, they don’t know that you have nightmares. They don’t know how much I love you, see those things people don’t see! All they see is someone to save them! When they have no hope we give them that Steve. We are their light in a darkened world. Why can’t you see that?”
“I’m sorry y/n, I can’t sign it.”
You nodded, “well then we’re done.” You walked away and could see in the clear glass of the windows his saddened reflection. 
“So this is what is has come to,” you said as you were placed on Iron Man’s side, the side of good. 
“Hello their y/n,” Steve said as he was standing opposite from you, with his team. 
You ignored him and face Tony, “are we gonna get on with this or not?”
Tony chuckled and soon you all started running two each other. You fought with Wanda first. Anger boiling within you as you used your powers on her. You used your gift to lift her in the air with smoke and drop her down harshly on the ground. 
Then it all led up to fighting Steve. “Wow this should be easy to kick your as*.”
Steve gave you a guilty face. His blue eyes seeping into your brain and making you have feelings for him all over. “Y/n I don’t think I can-”
You shut him up real fast as you used your powers on him. 
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Steve rolled and hit one of the airplanes. 
“You can’t what? Hurt me? Too late Rogers, you already did.” The smoke blocked his vision and you became invisible. The smoke was everywhere. Steve looked all around until you came up from behind him and locked your legs around his neck, flipping him over. He quickly though found his place and hit you with his shield, sending you hitting the ground. 
“I don’t want to do this to you y/n. I can’t hurt you.” Steve gasped as he saw your tears. “Why? You did hurt me Steve. You chose a piece of paper over our relationship. Everything we have been through. And now you don’t want me to hurt you? You don’t want me to kick your as* after everything you put me through. Steve, I loved- still love you. But you pushed me away. I can’t go through this anymore.” You were about to puff hot smoke on him but Steve did not move. “If this is what you feel to be right then I won’t stop you.”
You put your hands out and tried to hurt him, tried to sting him but you just couldn’t. More tears came out as you stopped, “I can’t hurt you...I’m still in love with you Rogers.”
Steve motioned over to you and placed his hands on your cheek, “this is for until we meet again.” He placed his rough delicate lips over yours and kissed you. It was nostalgic. You missed the feeling. You grasped tightly onto his shoulders to deepen the kiss. 
“I will always love you y/n,” Steve gave you a charming smile. 
“I can’t never stop loving you,” you cried as you let him go on a jet with Bucky. “Until we meet again.”
(authors note: lil fact civil war is actually one of my fav marvel movies, one, one of my fav dont get my words twisted now lol. i know its angsty and all that jazz but i just felt that at this time and moment and cool i hate myself ✌️ jk hope yall like it and pls pls keep requesting this is ur LAST DAY)
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @andreaoreas, @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms, @fangirl-4-life415, @dirbel, @marwantr, @divaanya, @wassupitschloe, @idontknowwhattocallthisworld (wont let me tag), @spycii, @woeisbutwoe, @pormacskaa
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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wilhelmjfink · 5 years
“It’s Them” (1/3)
time to break the monotony up w/ a oneshot I pounded out kinda drunk & finished late so it’s getting posted w/o being edited or even remotely glanced over tonight..... this one is Negan x reader!!! holy shit right??!?! i know!!! i had to switch things up so. enjoy~
PS: @crossbowking i rly hope ur not mad at me for posting this i love u :,(
Prompt: “It’s them.”
You were growing increasingly more fed up with being out in the damp cold air as dusk settled onto the forest around you. You had your AR15 slung over your back carelessly so that your hands could remain tucked into the front pockets of the black jacket you were wearing, fingers frozen despite the cotton gloves you wore.
Negan’s rules had been simple: you knew where these people were coming and going, and it was your job to interfere, halting them in their tracks. A surprise visit to the group of strangers that had broken into your eastern compound and shot every single one of your comrades as they slept.
The thought made your blood boil and it coursed through your veins, offering slight relief from the brisk night air. You had friends at that compound — there were men and women there that you were sure had never even held a gun in their hands. Innocent people being slaughtered was nothing new in the world you lived in now, but that didn’t mean it didn’t anger you and that there wasn’t anything you could do about it. Vengeance was one thing that you did have, and you’d be damned if you’d let anyone take it away from you.
So you trudged through the fallen leaves and dead brush underneath your boots, already glistening with fresh dewdrops, leading your small squad of four through the maze of baring trees.
The small single beep that radiated from the walkytalky on your hip rung out just loud enough for you to catch it. Without looking down or missing a determined step, you felt down for the call button on the side, clicked it in response, and waited for an answer.
Finally, a familiar voice crackled through the small speaker. “Beta, you read?”
You threw a quick glance over your shoulder at your crew for attendance and held up a hand, signaling them to stop behind you. “Beta’s good.”
There was muffled chatter for a moment while Simon checked in with Charlie and Delta, and after they confirmed their condition, it was followed by silence.
You shifted your weight on your feet impatiently, already struggling to see just feet in front of you as the sun disappeared. There had been no sign of the group you were after yet — at least, for your squad — and you were getting angrier and angrier at Simon and Negan for sending you the direction they did incase any of your targets caught wind of the gameplan and detoured or actually discovered any of the dozens of Saviors that were roaming the area all around you.
“Everything ok, boss?”
You looked to Lola as she stepped toward you, bloodshot eyes wide in eager anticipation, itching for a fight as always. A smile crept onto your face at the sight of your friend as she bounced on her heels, glancing left and right and back and forth, the two black knots of hair falling loosely from their spot on the top of her head.
“Yeah,” you responded, looking to the radio on your hands. “Just Simon dicking around like always.”
Lola laughed dryly and nodded in understanding. “Figured as much.”
Toby swung the heavy bag from his back and dropped it to the ground with a grunt, leaving it momentarily to stretch and doubled over with a satisfied groan. When he straightened up, he opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the crackling of the radio  at your side.
“Alright everyone, listen up.” Simon’s voice was oozing with superiority he thought he had and you rolled your eyes. “They’re rounding ‘em all up by the camp off of Hudson. It’s marked on your maps, so hurry up and get your asses over here. It’s go time!”
“Got it,” you said into the speaker before tucking it back onto your hip. Toby hoisted the bag back up over his shoulders. Meyers pulled the roadmap from his own smaller pack, and Lola shined her mag light onto it.
“Maybe a half mile,” she said, trailing her pointer finger along the paper Meyers held in his hands quietly. “Keep going straight.”
You nodded. “Let’s go meet these fuckers.”
Marching on, the three followed you back into the dark forest.
You spotted the headlights from your vans and trucks before you reached the clearing, the rumble of chatter from your fellow Saviors growing as you neared them. The Sanctuary was a large community but it wasn’t the only one; there were probably fifty Saviors around you and every single one of them was just as pissed off as you were.
There was a camper parked on the far end and you curiously made your way toward it, unsure of whether or not it was occupied and if it was, you wanted to be sure it wasn’t nobody that should be on their knees in the clearing behind you.  
You retrieved your weapon from your back and poised it up and ready to fire as you pulled the flimsy plastic door open and climbed the first step inside.
“And, BANG! You’re dead.”
You nearly jumped out of your skin, whipping around toward the unmistakable voice behind you frantically. Only when you found Negan and saw his cocky grin as he emerged from a darkened corner did you lower your gun and place a hand overtop of your heart just to make sure it was still beating and he hadn’t actually scared you to death.
“God, you fucking asshole,” you bit out breathlessly. “I almost shot you!”
“You need to be more careful, doll.” He crept toward you and even in the dim light the vehicles outside hardly provided in the small room you could see his perfect teeth glistening as he grinned down at you mischievously. “I could’ve shot you before you even got a chance to see me. And wouldn’t that be a shitty way to die?”
“Yeah, yeah.” You waved at him dismissively and stood on your toes to peer over his shoulder through the cracked blinds behind him, watching as your crew surrounded the line of strangers on their knees, circling them like vultures. “We got ‘em,” you said, almost surprised, and Negan noticed.
“Did you ever doubt that we would?”
“No, it was just getting late and I was about ready to throw in the towel and try again tomorrow.”
Still smiling, Negan shook his head slowly. “Now, that is not the girl I know...”
“Yeah, well...” you shrugged. The comfortability between you two was always present and especially welcomed at that moment, considering the long and exhausting day you’d had keeping up the unwavering front as your squad’s leader. It was unsettling sometimes how easily you could let your guard down around him. “It’s fucking cold outside, Negan.”
He slinked closer to you, his large frame towering over you so close to you that his body was radiating warmth that you were craving.
You could feel his breath on your chilled skin: “Awe, poor baby,” he crooned; you didn’t know if it was his proximity or his words that sent a chill down your spine, but goosebumps made their way over your whole body in waves.
The compliments and flirtatiousness were always present between you two but you disregarded it as friendly banter — you, unlike most women you came across, could handle a little inappropriate banter and his perverted sense of humor. Hell, most of the time, you could match it; make him blush even. But as it had always been with you and your predominantly male group of friends, harmless teasing was all that it was and would ever be. And you would be just fine with that.
But harmless teasing had left you and Negan behind some time ago, despite your attempt to simply ignore the heat that pooled in your stomach every time you caught him staring at you from across the room.
But at that moment, he wasn’t across the room, noticeably eye-fucking you with his tongue hanging from his jaw like a dog. No — he had dropped that bad boy persona and took on his role as the leader of a deadly and violent group of soldiers and held his act together with confidence and class. Over the course of the day you’d watched him go from a horny teenager to a man that would hold you down until you caved and called him daddy.
You worked for Negan. He was your boss, essentially. And part of that concerned you. But there was another part of you, a much bigger and stronger part, that excited you even more.
And he knew it, too; standing there before you with his lips hovering so close to yours that the minuscule distance between them began to actually, physically hurt. So standing there with Negan, toe-to-toe, you caved and let the hype and adrenaline of the day’s events consume you and without giving yourself another second to contemplate it, you closed the small space between you two impatiently.
The second that your lips touched his it was like a switch had been flicked on inside of him, as if he’d been posed restlessly at the starting line waiting for the gunshot that told him to fucking go. The simple act had given him all the permission he’d needed and you let him guide you backwards until your back hit the wall and he pinned you up against it deliciously, fueling the fire that was burning in your veins and had you yearning for him, refusing to smolder and burn out until you had every inch of him in the palm of your hand — literally and figuratively.
Just as his normal behavior always flaunted, he was cocky and dominant with his kissing as well, biting on your lower lip and tugging gently and eliciting an unwilling moan from you that only seemed to drive him on. He let out a low growl in response and the sound itself could’ve melted you on the spot. In fact, you wouldn’t have been surprised if the whole RV around you went up in flames from the energy he was emitting.
His large hands explored your body the best they could with the layers you had on, fumbling with the buttons on your coat until they could make their way inside the heavy material and slowly move up and down and ghost around your breasts tauntingly. He knew exactly what he was doing — you were making a point to not remind yourself that. And it wasn’t hard considering his movements had you like putty in the palm of his hand and he manipulated and rolled you between his fingers hungrily.
When he pinned both of your wrists in one hand overtop of your head you felt your knees weaken and threaten to give up underneath you. But the second that his mouth left your lips and dropped to the nape of your neck you were both interrupted by a voice right outside of the door.
“Let’s meet the man!”
You weren’t sure why you panicked and shoved him off of you, panicking at the thought of anybody seeing you, even if it was just Simon. Nervously you looked to Negan to gauge his reaction to your sudden change of heart but he seemed to understand and simply stood up and retrieved Lucille from where she was propped up against the counter.
Simon knocked to alert Negan and he headed toward the door, readjusting the red scarf around his neck and bringing a hand up behind his head to smooth down the hair your wandering hands had tussled.
With a smile in a wink that almost had you jumping back on top of him, he grabbed the door handle and gave you one last provocative up-and-down, running his tongue over his perfect teeth like a snake. “You come out whenever you’re ready, baby girl.”
And with that, he stepped out of the camper, letting the door swing and slam shut behind him.
When you were positive he’d left from earshot, you let yourself fall onto the cushions behind you with a deep sigh.
“What the fuck have I done?” You asked yourself quietly, unable to stop the laughter from bubbling up into the words. You really backed yourself into a corner. Next time you saw Negan he would want to finish what you had started. Did you want to finish it? You wouldn’t have kissed him if you didn’t. So what does that mean for you as a Savior? He’d have to kill you to get you into one of those skimpy black dresses and call yourself a wife. You would sooner take a job on the fence.
You should’ve known it was bound to happen sooner or later — that was always how things went. You weren’t his ‘right-hand’, but you might as well have been. You were a team, a good match in temperament and skill, successful in most things you did together. You could deny it all you want, but that spark had always been there, and you tried to ignore it only to make it much more obnoxious than it had already had been.
He had to respect you to some degree beyond a comrade to never make a serious move on you before, right?
It was scary to connect with people in the new world; scary to find somebody that made you feel something than other than basic survival instincts and could make you forget about the way life had changed. It was dangerous and you were just asking to be hurt, never being able to prepare yourself for when he was inevitably ripped from your grasp.
You knew that for a fact because it had happen before, and you weren’t sure if you could handle another loss.
Not knowing if they’d gotten lost, abandoned you, been killed or tortured or eaten alive. That was the hard part. Not knowing.
But if you wanted to live, you couldn’t dwell on things like that. You know there were certain people who would want you to move on and be happy and find comfort in somebody else’s arms, regardless of how narcissistic, cocky and borderline delirious they could be.
You shook the whirling thoughts from your head: you didn’t couldn’t in the dark and reminisce all night. You had a job to do.
Retrieving your gun from where you’d discarded in on the table you straightened yourself up, making sure to settle your own messy hair back into a relatively decent ponytail, and forced your personal feelings back down where they belonged: buried underneath more pressing matters.
You opened the door as quietly as possible as to not draw attention to yourself, and it would’ve worked had Negan not been staring in your direction as if he’d been waiting for you to emerge. He was on the other side of the group he had lined up, kneeling before him, all 10 or so avoiding his gaze except for the guy in the middle whom he was crouched in front of.
He smiled when he saw you. “There’s my girl.”
Your face flushed red and you cursed yourself for it, not wanting to show any sign of anything more than a professional relationship with Negan but also furious with him for stopping his big, dramatic facade to acknowledge her that way in front of the large crowd around you.
You sunk back into like in front of your squad and felt Lola nudge you harshly with her elbow, so much so that it knocked you off balance and you snapped back angrily at your friend and glared at her from over your shoulder. But it was hard to be mad at her as she stared up at you wide wide eyes and an even wider smile, telling you everything you needed to know about what she was thinking and how she felt about it all.
Negan stood up and sashayed around the group like the prima donna he was, though he spoke nothing but truth with no exaggerations, his recap of all your people the strangers before you had killed brutally successfully bringing back the anger you’d forgotten about for just a few moments.
Out of the corner of your eye you caught sight of a man hunched over under a blanket, covered in blood you presumed had to be his with how badly his body was trembling.
Negan has begun one of his theatrical  scenes and was slowly circling the strangers with Lucille outstretched before him but you couldn’t focus because you were still squinting in the dark, struggling to see the face of the injured man across from you because something felt wrong about him. You couldn’t explain the odd feeling you were getting from him, trying to make out his features in the shadows of the headlights as Negan passed by him slowly, taunting him with his scare tactics.
Then, like a freight train, it hit you. Hard.
He was familiar — the strong arms and broad chest, shaggy hair that casted over his eyes as he hung his head weakly. But when Negan stepped by him, sticking Lucille in his face menacingly, he actually rose his eyes and glared up at him, fearless and unwavering.
The strength was your first hint; the shadows lifting from his features and revealing a face that turned your previously boiling blood into pure shards of ice.
Your stomach dropped. The wind was knocked from your lungs. The world was tilting dangerously around you and you felt like you were going to keel over. But you had to know for sure.
You looked to the person at his side. And the next one. And the person next to them. And then to the man in the middle and you were sure you might’ve passed out of Lola didn’t catch on and wrap a gloved hand around your elbow, whispering something unintelligible that you could hardly hear. And while you so badly wanted to just turn around and assure her you were fine, you found that you lost the ability to form coherent thoughts, let alone sentences.
The only words that you could manage to squeak out, barely audible, felt so distant and so wrong on your own tongue: “It’s them.”
wouldn’t this be an incredible 2 parter!!!!! *wink nudge @crossbowking dont hate me lol xx*
@crossbowking @jodiereedus22 @apossiblegentleman @mtngirlforever @sourwolf-sterek32 @winchester-angel @qrangr @cole-winchester @the-bottom-of-the-abyss @twdeadfanfic @crazyaboutnorman @thatsoragan @deliciousassafrasssandwich @bunnymother93 @96ssi @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @ima-mther-fckn-starboy @thatsoragan @lonewolf471
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