biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Alison Brie on Creativity: the Quartz interview Read more... https://qz.com/alison-brie-creative-process-actor-writer-1850245574
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I feel like my guy sakakibara wanting to sculptand carve has something to do with the dolls that appear in certain frames. On a more important note, DID THE FUCKING BIRDCAGE MOVE?????????!!!?!???!??
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gffa · 1 year
Kind of side-eyeing some of the fandom’s insistence that Din Djarin cannot possibly be FamilyName GivenName, that that makes absolutely no sense etc., when like you guys know literally billions of people on Earth have their names in that order, right?  You don’t have to accept it, you can do what you want, that’s not my issue, but the idea that that ordering doesn’t make sense, that it couldn’t even be possible is making me side-eye some of the responses to this.
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Y’know given Hua Cheng’s shapeshifting and Shi Qingxuan’s shapeshifting and He Xuan’s shapeshifting and the kingdom of Xianle prizing androgyny and Xie Lian’s total blasé attitude about when people confuse him for a woman
I feel like maybe my Wei Clan don’t… do… gender?
Like. I think after a few generations of being surrounded by all this gender fuckery from all directions — especially when you know the girls would be raised with just as much freedom and indulgence as the boys — I feel like eventually everybody’s gender identity would be best described as a shrug. The Wei know what gender society Expects them to be, and for their own convenience they typically just go along with that, but it doesn’t actually have any weight for them.
Wei Changze doesn’t like the way makeup feels on his (their?) face but he likes when he gets to leave the Jiang sect and go home for holidays and stuff because it means they get to wear pretty dresses.
The family’s perspective on other peoples’ genders is that like. If you tell me your name is Familyname Givenname, and your favorite color is orange, and you really like lychee, and you are a woman, It is not my place to say “no, you’re wrong” about any of that.
Like, gender to them os very much a societal role, and those roles don’t apply to them, but it’s sort of like… occupations? This musician is a woman. She does musician things, like compose her own music, and perform for audiences, and maintain her instrument of choice. She does woman things, like manage the house’s finances, and cook, and wear makeup. Those are all fine, good things for a person to do, and we wish her as much success in her career as a woman as we do her success in her career as a musician.
The only time Wei Changze ever cared much about gender was after meeting Cangse Sanren, when he felt the spark, realized instantly she was his destined one, and then just as quickly realized he was gonna have to somehow explain this stuff to her and oh god people who aren’t of Xianle get Weird about this what if she thinks it’s creepy or gross oh no
(Of course CSSR is super interested and curious and lowkey turned on and it is the complete opposite of an issue)
It is so, so much weirder for Wei Wuxian, who was kidnapped and presumed dead for the first seventeen some-odd years of his life, and was very much raised As A Man. Not only does meeting his long lost family send him down an identity crisis for all of the obvious “what do you mean I’m half-undead Ghost Royalty” reasons, but it ALSO sends him down a gender crisis, which happens right on the heels of his sexuality crisis re: realizing that LWJ is his Destined Other, which then tucks neatly into yet another crisis because LWJ already barely likes him (them?????) will he be able to handle it if Wei Wuxian is also kind of a girl sometimes??? Would he like it better if Wei Wuxian is always a girl???? Is that even and option or does Wei Wuxian need to stop doing gender entirely??????? He doesn’t know how to do that???????????
(Wei Wuxian does not, in fact, need to make any changes or choices with regards to his gender if he does not want to, nobody is gonna pressure him, but the kid is going through a lot in a very short amount of time and the spiral is probably going to be cathartic, so let him have a breakdown. He deserves it.)
(Of course, LWJ does a lot more than “barely like” WWX, and once the gender thing is explained to him he does a lot more than just “handle it.” He is supportive and eager to learn and understand and, of course, as always, kind of horny about it. He ends up deciding he has a Thing for WWX in slinky nightgowns, and they have lots of weirdly tender, nasty, disrespectful sex about it.)
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studentofetherium · 2 years
i think translation discourse needs a new talking point: when writing Japanese names in english, should they be put in western order (aka givenname surname), as is the official policy of the Japanese government, or should they remain in eastern order (aka surname givenname)
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onepiece-oc-archives · 6 months
Is there a naming pattern or process for naming new characters for the one piece universe?`what should one consider when naming their oc? what can be done, what should not be done? i generally struggle with names and the one piece universe is no exception.
Hey, good question! I sort of answered this in this post I made before I even started this blog, but it's not very detailed, and it's mixed in with a lot of other stuff, so here's a little naming guide:
First of all, the family name comes first! I see a lot of people confused about this, but, in the Japanese naming scheme (which is what One Piece uses), the family name comes before the given name. So, if you have the name Roronoa Zoro, then Roronoa is the family name, and Zoro is the given name. Simple! You just have to pay a bit of attention to it to not get it mixed up. Another great example comes with Monkey D. Luffy and Monkey D. Garp. Luffy is Luffy and Garp is Garp. The "Monkey (D.)" part is their family name, which they share.
So, what's the D.? The D. is... well, we don't exactly know. All I can tell you without spoilering stuff is that giving your character the D. in their name is a decision that comes with a lot of lore implications and consequences, so consider it well. If you were to add a D. or any other letter of meaning to your character's name, it would be "Familyname X. Givenname".
If your character has more than one given name, you just glue them to the name at the end, so "Silvers Mary Jane" for example. The character is called Mary Jane and her family name is Silvers.
Aside from that though, you're 100% free. In the world of One Piece, anything can be a name. It doesn't really matter what culture it's from - you can probably make it work. I would say most names are either Japanese or based on a Western language, most commonly English, - or just entirely made up. You can name your OCs normal human names, fantasy names, name them after foods or weapons or tools... whatever you like! This goes for given and family names by the way. Also, a person's perceived real-world ethnicity does not determine what names they're "allowed to have". Nothing does. Just look at the live action! Nami and Sanji both have Japanese names, for example, but they aren't Japanese.
As a general piece of advice, I would avoid giving your OC the name of a famous pirate, because that name is most likely going to be taken.
Speaking of names being taken, if you want to check whether a name is taken or not, you could hop onto the One Piece Wiki starting page, and search for that name. Do not click on the articles you may stumble across if you want to avoid spoilers, otherwise your search should be relatively spoiler-free. I can't guarantee that it will be, but it most likely will be.
Generally, for naming OCs I use Behind the Name. It has a lot of names for pretty much every culture I could think of, including names from mythology, pop culture, literature etc. They also have a page for surnames, but it's not as detailed or extensive. With One Piece though, your surname doesn't even have to be or even sound like a surname. One Piece names can be very whacky, so feel free to go wild!
I hope this helped! If you run into any more trouble, let me know ^^
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eternalgirlscout · 5 months
meg has been watching the mp100 dub because hulu's captions on the sub are atrocious and it's so weird that they swap the names of all the characters to GivenName FamilyName format except reigen. i've decided this is because in dubworld he works under a pseudonym that's just his name in a different order. legal name arataka reigen, professionally known as reigen arataka. no one will ever suspect.
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Under a Read More for Mandalorian Season 3 Finale spoilers
Okay so, I have zero problems with the concept of Surname GivenName as a pattern. I mean, it's a very real thing, practiced by billions of people. In fact, my initial reaction when The Armorer named Grogu as "Din Grogu" was a shocked "So we've been calling Mando by the wrong fucking name?!"
BUT... as I've thought about it... it doesn't fit the lore. And I don't mean that in a "well, actually" gatekeeping kind of way.
None of the other Mandalorians appear to use a Surname first naming model:
Bo'Katan Kryze, Satine Kryze, Pre Vizsla, Paz Vizsla, Tarre Vizsla, Boba Fett, Jango Fett, Gar Saxon, Tiber Saxon, Sabine Wren, Tristan Wren, and Ursa Wren
That's a lot of Mandalorians who aren't using a Surname GivenName pattern, but in fact a GivenName Surname pattern.
He is Din Grogu because he is an apprentice. Putting Din first is to identify the Mandalorian adult who is responsible for him - not his parent, necessarily, but the one who is responsible for his training.
Once he becomes an adult and swears the Creed, he'll be Grogu Djarin.
Idk. It's just a fun theory to plug a hole. What do people think?
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cetospandiglia · 1 year
I feel no patriotic love for Spain and in fact I yearn for its inevitable demise but when foreigners start dealing with the fact that their family name system heavily favours men's family names I am reminded that not everything about this country sucks lmao
If you don't know what I'm talking about, ever since medieval Castille everyone involved in a marriage has kept their surnames, and the children inherit the father's first family name as their first family name and the mother's first family name as their second. The origin of this practice is in no way feminist, but in modern day Spain it means that there's no debate around keeping your own name because it's always been yours to keep. Children carry both their parent's surnames and it's been a good while now since it was passed into law that even if the default order is Givenname Fathersname Mothersname, that is now optional.
It is not unusual for Spaniards to go by their mother's family name if they just happen to like it. 2 presidents ago we had José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero (José Luis given name, Rodríguez father's family name & Zapatero mother's family name) aka just Zapatero, and his minister of interior and succesor at the front of the main centerleft party in Spain Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba aka Rubalcaba (he lost the election).
In fact, I remember vividly a moment, shortly after Rubalcaba lost the election if I'm not mistaken, when he was leader of the opposition and as a mark of disrespect he was referd to as "Sr. Pérez" instead of "Sr. Pérez Rubalcaba" or "Sr. Rubalcaba", it was a whole thing with the (parlamentary) left complaining about the fact that the right intentionally used the man's first surname because it sounds less remarkable (Pérez is one of the most common Spanish surnames while Rubalcaba is not, I don't think I've ever heard of other people named Rubalcaba besides the guy in question), and the right calling the left loony because Pérez is literally the guy's first surname and refering to people by the first surname is the normalest thing to do.
Some very famous people you might have heard of that prominently use their mother's family name are Picasso (painter, Pablo Ruiz Picasso, 1881-1973), Velázquez (painter, Diego Rodríguez de Silva Velázquez, 1599-1660), Federico García Lorca (poet, 1898-1936), Javier Bardem (actor, Javier Encina Bardem, 1969-), Antonio Banderas (actor, José Antonio Domínguez Bandera, 1960-)
This is also not exclusive to Spain, I didn't know it but Chile's Pedro Pascal uses his second surname as artistic name, his full name is José Pedro Balmaceda Pascal.
This is not to say all these people are feminists (in fact Picasso was a known misogynistic abuser) or to say Spain is an extremely feminist country (from what I know, nowadays it's a country with a very strong feminist movement but I don't think this has anything to do with it). This is just a historical coincidence probably derived from the fact that noble people sometimes had more important mothers than fathers and they wanted to be able to carry ALL their family names.
(Also, one curious thing is that looking up people who use their mother's surname none of them were women, idk if I just haven't looked hard enough or if it's more common for men to do it.)
I'm not trying to make a point here. End of post.
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ok wait does din grogu even make sense in context of the other names?? because bo katan kryse isn't kryse bo katan and paz vizla isn't vizla paz?? and if he's being adopted as mandalorian apprentice wouldn't they use mandalorian naming conventions? because even if dins home planet used the FamilyName-GivenName format I feel like he would have been too young to care at the point he was taken in by the mandalorians
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northern-passage · 2 years
What are the naming conventions for the Chens? Or why did you pick the names you did for them? Fang is the only one I recognize as Chinese, so I was just curious if you had a reason for naming them that way.
at the start i didn't really think about it, to be honest. Lea was the first, then Hadrien, then their parents.... and Lea and Hadrien were both loosely based on characters i had created previously, and Hadrien kept the same name.
i do have a lot of ideas about the Chens, and their impact in northern Adrania - i think i've mentioned it a few times off-handedly that i imagine Blackwater has a large Chinese community. i think it would make sense for a lot of the immigrant Chinese population in Adrania to move up north, to a place where there are popular and well-liked people that came from the same place as them and have a name they recognize - and also resulted in a lot of them joining the Order, too.
this is something i have in mind that i may potentially edit into ch1, if it doesn't come up later down the line - but Blackwater is an important location and will come up a lot throughout the game, so i'm waiting to see if i can slip it in somewhere else first.
so a lot of Lea's family comes from this community in Blackwater, and Lea's mother, Fang, is from there, too. she's the first generation of her family born in Adrania, whereas Lanfear, Lea's father, is the Chen side of the family. the Chens have been living in Adrania for generations, and i imagine they will have adopted the naming conventions over time, like [FirstName LastName] instead of [FamilyName GivenName], and with some of them marrying Adranians and Gaels, their kids would have blended names due to the mixing of cultures.
while Lea and Hadrien were names i didn't really think much about, i did purposefully choose their parents' names more carefully in an attempt to bridge that gap. and i do have plans to actually talk about Lea's family and their culture later in game, once we actually get to meet them.
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Dudes a fuckin esper
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lemontreesims · 8 months
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Elmo met Wu Xio* by chance while trying to convince locals to let him demolish a boulder. They had a lot in common and made plans to hang out after Elmo took care of the boulder.
*Rambling time:
Full disclaimer: I'm white, curious, and tried my best, but I could be 100% wrong. Just send me a message and I'll fix whatever it is.
Wu Xio's wiki article says "Xio" is most likely a misspelling of "Xiao," and I'm pretty sure Wu is a surname/family name, not a given name? Most Shang Simla sims seem to have their names as "GivenName Surname," which matches TS3's name format but is the opposite of how real life Chinese names work (Surname GivenName).
So her name should be Wu Xiao in game, or Xiao Wu in real life. Given names are sometimes combined with a generational name like this chart explains, which makes me think Wu can be a given name? She'd have a name like Xiuwu or Yiwu if she had a generational name. I think.
I don't know any Mandarin or enough about naming conventions, so I'm not going to add a generational name. Plus, some people don't have them.
And I learned wuxia is a genre of martial arts fiction, so the game devs could've been trying to nod at that? Who knows.
tl;dr - Wu Xio is now Wu Xiao, fixing the spelling mistake.
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gffa · 1 year
To be clear, guys, I’m not planting a flag on the Djarin hill and willing to die there, my point is more that it’s a reasonable takeaway from the episode and it’s not like FamilyName GivenName is a weird, outlandish idea or that the name “Djarin” is too weird for The Weird Space Names Franchise and that Din Djarin is not a Mandalorian name.  It’s entirely possible that Favreau went with some other naming convention that doesn’t modify the parent’s given name when passing it on to the child. I’m not saying Djarin has to be his given name, that you must comply with this.  I’m saying it’s not unreasonable and also that I find it very funny because it’s such a chaos gremlin power move on a fandom that is annoying as fuck.
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tiktaaliker · 2 months
one thing i need to think about more for mortally coiled is last names. A lot of characters do not have and do not really need a last name but i kiiinda implied the existance of at MINIMUM some mortals having last names w/ Gar since he DOES have a last name.
I kinda want it to be that different iid cultures have different naming conventions. i think i might actually want mamids to have a "surname givenname" structure, but otherwise is a pretty standard inheritance rule of couples taking one of the surnames and then passing on said surname to all children. So either Gar's full name is Parlix Gar or Gar is technically the surname? Havent decided on which one yet. Also yes i think im changing it from parlic to parlix now. what about it
stemming from that, i thiiink maybe i want both aquiids and insectiids to have givenname surname structures, but each has a different twist.
insectiids have a very complex family system, and their naming convention reflects this. They technically have three names, with the middle and last both acting as different kinds of surnames. The last name is pretty straightforwardly a surname passed on by the parents, but the middle name is shared by the overarching group, often consisting of several otherwise unrelated family units. These groups are sometimes smaller with only a few family units, or can be an entire settlement (in that case, the group name would be the same or similar to the settlement name). An insectiid's last name typically stays the same throughout their life- children have options of choosing which parent's last name they take, with very young children using a hyphenated last name. When an insectiid splits off from their group, they will drop the middle name entirely, and either join a new group and take on the new group name, or start their own new group. In this case, traditionally, the founder continues to not have a middle name, and the group name is made from the founder's first name. A lot of older insectiid settlements are named after group founders.
aquiids typically do not have middle names, but instead have a multi-part surname. A child is given one surname per parent, which is made by mashing together all of said parent's surnames. This is either done via portmanteau or acrynym depending on parental surname lengths and numbers.
reptids, meanwhile, do not have surnames at all. They typically go by a name they choose for themselves in adulthood. There typically are no patterns/traditions for adult names. Because of this, a lot of adult reptid names are titles, descriptors, related to their career, taken from other cultutes, or occasionally just made up nonsense, so a lot of the stranger names in Mortally Coiled are from mortals who are culturally reptid. Childhood names, however, are almost always one syllable. In situations where a last name is expected for records, an adult reptid will use their childhood name in lieu of a surname.
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tabatastuff · 6 months
🪶Salami TABATA (givenname/surname)
JPN/Japanese: native/ English: Not good.
🔮Hogwarts Legacy FanFic:
M/F: Sebastian sallow x MC / Ominis Gaunt xMC
🔞 This blog is also for adults (18 or older), just like my main blog.
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