#gives the right vibe to Ori's eyes and we LOVE that!!!
tenthhell · 1 year
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Updated Orianna bc I got a mod to work + a rough approximation of Asmodeus' avatar.
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gettingbyy · 3 months
6/24/2024 - 6/25/2024
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this post is for mouse, but you can read it, too, if you want.
a triple shot espresso drink was involved when i started this and it shows.
i was just reading through my older posts - i must be some kind of fortune-telling witch, cos i mentioned the water heater going bad soon in february (which it did, in april) and i worried about void baby and ori's contentious relationship only getting worse, which it did and continues to do. maybe i'm a disaster witch.
since we've talking more regularly i don't have as much for general life updates, but i do have a few things i need to muse on. you can skip this one if you want, it might get a little wild. will send you a name abbreviation guide in discord with the post link. /|\ ^._.^ /|\
i just created a channel for our blog and video links if you're interested. it may not be necessary so let me know your thoughts xD i just figured this way they wouldn't get lost in our general chat. but also you email me video links so... i dunno xD
i discovered i can control my phone's spotify through my work laptop now. i think i was always supposed to be able to do that, but it always broke everything before. this is good.
this one is risky cos he might be reading this but yolo i want to get it out there. i think i told you i blocked C? a little while ago, maybe a month. it's been...like honestly relieving in a lot of ways. i'll tell you more about the history when A and i first got together, and right after we broke up, but suffice to say for more recent times, i got tired of the sex pest-y vibes and unwanted horniness. it was a classic case of manic pixie dream girl, too, and repeated misgendering. the misgendering part is kinda funny cos it started out very "respectful" when i first told him i'm enby, and then slowly over time he stopped checking in and started using wrong pronouns and super gendered language. after the 3rd or 4th she/her i stopped correcting and just got tired. this one has been an interesting look into the human psyche in some ways for me, and toxic ally behaviors. (i hate the word behaviors, it feels so corporate and pseudo-psychological now. i can expand on that if you want. i'd love to research how corporations are using therapy-speak and psychological terms to manipulate their employees, but also that might make me angry. i could write a dissertation on JA alone. ANYWAYS.) i even tried indulging C for awhile when he kept pressuring me to talk about sex, but i think that just emboldened him instead of ameliorating the issue. give an inch, they'll take a mile, as the saying goes. it just got so exhausting to constantly find new ways to say no.
as far as the manic pixie dream girl thing goes, this was really hammered home for me when i sent him a link to a story i was revisiting and reworking/editing. it just became so incredibly obvious that he literally did not care about me as a person other than what he thought/assumed i brought to the table, both in terms of sex and otherise. i'd talked to C before about wanting to start writing again and needing encouragement, feeling like an imposter, etc. but then when i was rereading my story, i found it to be more solid than i originally thought and got inspired to work on it again. i sent him a link to the story and said basically exactly that, and warned it needed more editing. he said he'd look at it "in a bit," and then a full 24+ hours later was like "oh hey i read it btw." his only feedback was "yeah i really like it! it's in dire need of an editing pass but the characters are solid." and i'm like great, thanks....... then four-ish days later he randomly goes "proud of you babe" in the middle of an already weird nonsensical conversation, so i asked what for, and he said "revisiting old works with a critical eye" which was literally the opposite of what i was doing lol. i was actually actively trying not to be too critical so i didn't burn myself out immediately, which i then told him. he never responded. i dunno, it's wild to me that after like 10 or 11 years of knowing each other he still has such a fixed idea of who i am and doesn't update that idea with new information. i'm basically a notepad file in his brain that hasn't been changed since 2013. it feels super manic pixie dream girl because i'm on this pedastal that he's created for me out of his own imagined impressions of/desires for me, and he responds based on that depiction instead of what's actually in front of him. also what makes him think he can use nicknames like that with me? the audacity, honestly.
having had him blocked for a month, i definitely know i made the right choice. talking to someone like that who has such a fixed idea of who you are despite evidence to the contrary really fucks you up in some subtle ways. there were times when i was questioning my communication skills because he had ideas about me so blatantly wrong, or took conversations in such a weird direction from what i was saying. it felt most often like he was talking sideways at me based on the first couple words i would say, instead of actually processing my full sentence(s). like he was just constantly 1000% distracted and couldn't be bothered to put any attention towards interacting with me, unless he was horny. you know when you're trying to talk to someone and they're looking at/doing something on their phone and they're responding with a couple words or like not really responding much at all? it felt like that, except constantly and always.
i think between C and K i've definitely learned that just because someone was in/has been in my life for a long time, it doesn't necessarily mean they're doing any self-reflection or growing as a person. it's like a weird optimistic pitfall where you assume someone is a better person now because they've had so many opportunities to become one, and you used to be good friends with them so surely they've gone in a similar self-improvement journey. i don't know if i told you what went down with K, but he's a massive creep and hasn't improved literally at all since high school. one of the dating apps that's been more successful for me than the rest is no longer a viable option for me because of him. now that i think about it, i'd argue he's worse than he was back then; at least he regretted harassing/being weird towards other K and stopped/apologized. i should've known better all along probably, he aggressively grabbed my boob out of nowhere and without permission when we were waiting in the car after wind symphony in high school. he apologized and claimed he "misinterpreted signals," but it was still weird and uncomfortable and i never looked at him quite the same way again after that. also to be clear there were no signals to misinterpret. it's just wild to me that someone like K can be so shitty after nearly 15 years. another reminder to me that just because a path starts similarly doesn't mean it'll end similarly.
this person's initial i'm going to change to S - it's actually D but i don't want to type things like "i've been ruminating on D a lot lately" lmao
i think i mentioned that i've been talking/interacting with S a little lately, through mutual friends/mutual gaming, and it's got me reflecting on 11 years ago and the turmoil he put me through. i was explaining everything that happened to A, she didn't know the full story because she was uncomfortable hearing about past flames when we first got together (also from trauma), and she was pretty floored at what/how/why he did what he did. i'll never forget that one line he used - "i'd like to pass on my genes, and given your family history i agree you probably shouldn't have children." obvi i don't want them anyway, but the eugenics vibes were strong and also that's pretty fucked up, especially considering what my dad was actively going through at the time. (aside: if his only concern is passing on genes, go to a sperm bank you gross fuck.)
a big part of why this is still semi-plaguing me (when i'm reminded of it) is the total lack of closure. i was never able to talk to S about what happened and how it affected me, nor was i able to get his thoughts on the situation. it's a mildly festering scrape i've had since it happened, and i have no idea how to resolve that. therapy, i guess. in the immediate aftermath, there was a month or so where we didn't talk much, then he reached out again and we were talking as constantly/closely as we had been. he was even a big support for me in the late hours of the evening after my mugging when the panic was setting in and i didn't have words to describe it. things didn't really end until sometime that summer - he just sort of stopped talking to me. we went from meaningful and lengthy conversations to one-word answers and pulling teeth for any reaction. i can only assume he had finally found "his people" in seattle and dropped me like i'm in toy story.
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the wildest part is that S seems totally detached from it all, like he's forgotten it happened, or it mattered so little to him he may as well have forgotten it. we've hardly spoken in the intervening years (a rarity for me, most everyone else i've kept in touch with for at least a little while after the situationship broke off) and while he definitely still recognizes me as someone he knows (lmao can u imagine if he didn't), he's never made any remark/reference to our """"past""" or tried to talk about/apologize for/allude to it. i mentioned to P off-hand (he doesn't know what happened) that S gives me sociopath vibes sometimes with how disconnected he is from all of us, and P sort of agreed with me. "chaotic neutral" i think was the way he put it. maybe what i'm struggling with the most in fully processing it is that S seems to care so freaking little. even when i tried to talk to him a bit more about what we could maybe check out in the city, he just stopped responding after a couple messages. it's been fully years since he's ever sent me a message first or spoken to me without prompting, and i doubt that's going to change like...ever. i dunno. it's interesting how someone can be so impactful to you but they seem to feel completely the opposite. we didn't ""officially"" date, but damn if we didn't spend a shit-ton of time together and have a pretty big mutual meaning. it's the juxtaposition of knowing that, and seeing it completely unacknowledged and brushed under the rug that really gets to me. it feels akin to gaslighting, in some ways, in the most oblique/indirect way possible; i know it happened, and i know that he knows it happened, but we're just supposed to continue on like it's nothing and we were nothing. i'm not looking for some kind of declaration of lost love or profound regret, but just a little something as a treat would be nice.
Gotye's Somebody That I Used to Know was released in 2011. this situation happened in 2013, and fuck if that song isn't so painfully poignant about this.
this will be a short one. i want to take more photos again. i haven't had a roll of film developed for months, and i've barely taken out my new-to-me (and very spendy lol) digital camera. i wish someone here would go with me. i get nervous in the city and being out alone, especially around this time of year (like clockwork, a monthish before and for a couple months after my muggingversary it flares up). i'll go when i really work up the courage, but the photos i make when i do show my anxiety somehow; i don't know how to describe it but you can just feel it. like when i was embroiled in terrible depression and anxiety being at QC and my photos were bleak and my insta was grey and dark and bleak. i'm really excited about our trip, getting to see you and burn through some film rolls and really try out my newish camera. it's gonna be good.
sorry for the incredibly long post lmao love you bbg and miss you can't wait to see you soon i hope you're doing okay today and having a middling to good day <3
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finnofamerica · 4 years
Crawl - Thorin Oakensheild x Reader
Summary: Upon meeting you in Bag End, Thorin immediately knows that you are his one, but for the sake of the quest he decides to keep that to himself. 
Word Count: 1,151
Date posted: 05.08.2020
Note: I want to give a very special thanks to @fizzyxcustard​ for her wonderful advice on writing Thorin, and I wanted to extend my thanks to everyone else who helped me with his charaterization - including the people whose content I shamlessly consumed. Title based off of Kings of Leon bc I really vibed with the song when I was thinking about this one. 
|| Masterlist || Requested by @queenofmankind​
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Bag End was a cute little Hobbit hole in Hobbiton. It was warm and cozy and filled to the brim with thirteen dwarves, a wizard, and the hobbit himself. Naturally, the second you knocked on the door Bilbo Baggins was ready to throw down. 
“No! No more Dwarves!” You hear him yell from beyond the threshold. 
“I’m no dwarf, Master Baggins!” You laughed as the door swung open. “Y/n.” 
You could hear Gandalf inside, telling the little hobbit to let you in. 
“Gandalf,” You gave the older man a hug, “Sorry I’m late.” 
“Nonsense, child.” 
Thorin hated the idea of you being there, but Gandalf put up as much of a fight for you as he had for his burglar. Thorin studies you, all intense grey eyes and brows furrowed. He could hardly believe that you, looking like a gift from Mahal himself, were as fierce a warrior as Gandalf insisted that you were. He knew instantly that you were his One. You seemed to glow in the honey light of the Hobbit home, ethereal in your seat, polishing arrows and knives. 
You were listening to every word, despite the fact you busied yourself with your weapons. Glancing up every now and again, meeting the King’s eyes. You were curious about Thorin, almost certain that his gruff attitude wasn’t all there was to him. Just like Bilbo, Thorin alienated you from the group, speaking on how you didn’t belong, and you weren’t meant for such things. By all the gods in the heavens, you were determined to prove yourself a valuable member of his company. 
You took the late watch most nights, keeping to the edge of the camp, eyes scanning the darkness, listening. 
“It is late, you should rest,” Thorin said to you while the other’s snored. 
“With all due respect, Your Majesty, You hardly sleep, and when you do it is hardly restful. I am fully capable of handling the watch, and should I tire, I will wake Master Dwalin to take over.” You gave him a smile. “I know how much is at stake for you, rest well.” 
From that moment Thorin was more thoughtful with you. Not in the, he’s overly nice kind of way. More that he was watchful, almost admiring the way you were kind to every member of the company. You’d repaired Ori’s slingshot more than once, mending tears in tunics, and putting up with his nephews’ antics with nothing less than a smile on your face. At night, when you shivered in your sleep, Thorin couldn’t stop himself from covering you with his cloak to ease your chill.
The fact that he knew you were his One was eating him up inside. He knew he had to keep an eye on you - you were the one he was meant for. The universe promised him to you and the fact that he couldn’t tell you was torture to him. But he knew he couldn’t let his longing get in the way of reclaiming Erebor. He could not let this be a distraction from his journey for his rightful home. So he couldn’t help but tell his most trusted advisor, Balin. 
Balin was kind with his words, suggesting that he tell you. Tell you about the fire that burned in his soul for you. Some nights, when he looked at you, he feared that you could see it in his eyes. Still, Thorin refused but knowing Balin shared part of that weight relieved him.
Mirkwood was a dreary place. The canopy blocked the sun and the cobwebs in the branches turned whatever light filtering through a dull grey. You were familiar with these wood, and you suggested taking the lead, only to be denied. 
Covered head to toe in cobwebs, you stood in the group as the Mirkwood Elves surrounded. 
“Y/n,” Legolas lowered his bow, “What are you-?” 
“It’s a long story.” You shrugged, following as the guard lead the dwarves to the dungeons. 
“Y/n, why do they know your name?” You could hear Bofur ask, he was quickly silenced by the elf next to him. 
“What did they do with Y/n?” The dwarves asked. None of them had seen you get locked in a cell, “Where is Thorin?” 
Many of them knew you were his one at this point, and they all worried for you. You weren’t a dwarf, but you were as much a part of this company as any of them and if they were to succeed, they would have to stick together and defend their own. 
In the throne room, Thranduil was looking down at the Dwarf King. 
“You have found a way in. You seek that which would bestow upon you the right to rule. A King's jewel. The Arkenstone. It is precious to you beyond measure, I understand that. There are gems in the mountain that I too desire. White gems of pure starlight. I offer you my help,” Thranduil was a smart man, you hoped he would be kind. “I will let you go, but you must return what is mine.” 
You frowned at Thorin denied his offer. He should’ve taken the offer. Though you hardly wanted to admit that you’d grown a soft spot for the dwarf. 
“Enough!” You shouted, pushing yourself off the wall you were leaning against. “Thranduil, this will be completed with or without your help, and we are running out of time.” 
The silver-haired Elf king glowered at you. 
“You may be my lover but you have no right to speak to me this way.” Thranduil scolded. 
“You have given me a home, and you have treated me better than I could’ve ever asked for, but I ask for this.” You stood your ground, not backing down even as he invaded your personal space. “Please, if you will not help us, then at least let us complete our quest.” 
Thranduil let out an agitated breath. “Very well, but you risk your home.” 
“If I can help return these dwarves to their rightful home it will all be worth it.” You cupped his cheek, “I know all too well what it’s like not to belong anywhere.” 
Thranduil spoke a few words to his son, telling him to release the dwarves and send them on their way. 
Lover, the word burned in Thorin’s brain with a fire that consumed. They were released from their hold, and that they had to be grateful to you for, but Thranduil’s lover! You were Thorin’s one, how could you settle for sleeping with his enemy. 
Thorin’s heart longed for you, but every time he looked at you after that, he could only see Thranduil holding you, loving you in the way he had long desired over these past months. Cold, reserved, just when you thought he was warming up to you, he completely changed. A scorned king, longing for a woman who was spoken for. 
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|| Part 2 || Tags: @fizzyxcustard​ 
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xfadingstarx · 4 years
A Bleach Retrospective: In defense of Bleach
These are opinions, please respect that.
My Journey with Bleach (please skip if you want to go straight to the analysis):
On September the 8th, 2006 YTV’s weekend evening anime programming block (Bionix) aired the first episode of Bleach. I, unfortunately, did not catch this episode, instead, I caught the second episode on September 15th the following week. I was ten and from then on, Bleach fascinated me. It had an interesting concept, tight pacing, catchy music, a good story, and unique character designs. I also really enjoyed how Bleach lacked the same kind of emotional labour that Naruto demanded (as child who survived off of constantly seeking validation from others because of absentee parents, Naruto is way too much work).
My fascination with Bleach got me started in the fandom communities of yesteryear, for I was a child with zero internet supervision. My introduction to fanfiction was because I loved Hitsugaya Toshiro.
Bleach was my entry into poetry (poem at the start of every volume).
But alas, all good things were not meant to last and by the summer of 2009, I was officially done with Bleach. It had felt stilted for some time before then. Over the years, I would gradually revisit bits and pieces of Bleach, but I would not read it in its entirety until months after its finish, about a decade after I had first saw Bleach on my TV. Between the time I stopped reading and the series ended, I became friends with people who didn’t think highly of Bleach and I also started seeing criticism I had made about Bleach in 2011 being repeated by fans on the internet, I started to think that maybe Bleach was bad, but I knew what bad writing looked like —I started reading fanfiction through Bleach fanfiction AMVs on YouTube — and somehow Bleach didn’t sit right with me in the “bad writing category”. 
I sit back now, a decade and ahalf later from when I first started and ask, “was Bleach really that bad, and if so, why do I keep coming back to it?”
What Made Bleach So Good?
Unique story and aesthetics: When Bleach first started in 2001, it was one of the first manga series to talk about souls and death in a poetic way and with such coherence. Bleach clearly knew what it wanted to say about life and death. It also had a very unique aesthetic, very similar to that of “The World Ends With You” or “Persona 5″ — an urban Japanese take on R&B kind of vibe. Also, Bleach had the most “realistic” and minimalist art style amongst the Big 3.
Cool Music: Bleach had cool music, from very solid rock’n’roll and R&B style songs in its OPs and EDs to very funky OST music with lots of pizzazz. Many singers feature by Bleach ended up successful (to varying degrees) outside of anime, eg: Orange Range, UVERworld, YUI, sid, etc.
Versatile tone: Bleach was edgy, there’s no doubt about that. It was willing to show a lot of blood and bodily violence, especially in the manga (eg half of people blowing up and bits of bone still attached). Despite this though, it was not pretentious about its edginess — it didn’t revel in it. To contrast the edginess, there is a lot of humour in Bleach with character interactions. It was able to be laid back enough with its strong characters that it would rely on the characters’ relationships for comedic relief. The post-credit skits and the fillers really helped to add to this overall feel as well.
Maturity of the Story: Bleach was very willing to handle topics that made people think. For example, the Ulquiorra - Orihime subarc was treated with a sense of carefulness about it, as if to reflect Ulquiorra’s own cautious curiosity about the heart. A less emotionally mature story would’ve gone for the cheap rape/torture porn, but instead we are treated to determined strong Orihime, who has found strength through the heart after the death of her brother, clashing with the nihilistic hollow who wants to know if there is happiness outside of emptiness. It’s a very loaded question and one that requires both perspective and life experience to fully understand both parties. As well, Bleach always knew what it wanted to say about life and death as the final conflict of Bleach is between Ichigo, who has accepted his transient life and Yhwach, who is scared of death. And ultimately, underneath all that action, Bleach produced takes on its themes that were hard to relate to unless the reader themselves had a certain level of emotional maturity (eg: 12 year old me got nothing out of the Ulqui-Ori arc, but 20 year old me spent a good 10 mins crying after)
Strong characters: Contrary to popular belief, Bleach does have quite solid characterization. In fact, Bleach is the journey of Ichigo as a character, from grappling with his weakness and pain to finally accepting all the parts of himself and his history in order to defeat Yhwach and protect those he cares about. Even the secondary characters of Bleach receive a sizable amount of backstory and/or development. Bleach also managed to have more proactive female characters. Even the damsel in distress Orihime stands up to Ulquiorra and slaps him. As a result of these strong characters, Bleach was able to rely on them and their relationships to drive aspects of the story (eg Ichigo crying in the Fullbringer arc).
Willingness to Deal with Emotion: Given that Ichigo is an internally motivated character, it was obvious Bleach would deal with emotion at some point in time. Making Ichigo just a normal high school boy also relives the previous edginess. Bleach also clearly too the time to make its readers feel in its early years. We are treated to beautiful panelling and very real displays of strong negative emotions. Bleach is also very good at giving its characters room to breathe and be sad. Eg: moping Orihime, moping Ichigo, etc. As well, Kubo went to extraordinary lengths to break Ichigo down during the Fullbringers Arc.
Interesting Character Designs: Every character in Bleach feels vibrant and unique with their personality showing through in their designs. For example: Shunshi’s sloppily tied up hair, visible stubble, and overcoat-hidden-haori show that he is both easy going and not looking for a fight; meanwhile Byakuya’s neatly pulled back hair and neck covered by scarf show that he is both someone who likes structure and is conservative.
Poetry and Symbolism: Kubo manages to weave poetry into Bleach in the beginning of each volume. The poem was said by the character on the volume. It gave the reader insight to this character and it gave Kubo a chance to flex his poetic chops. Further proof of this is the fact that many people don’t realize that the name “Bleach” refers to the bleaching of soul that is key to the story. Kubo loves to use rain to set sad scenes. It rains when Ichigo fights Grand Fisher, Zangetsu tells Ichigo that he hates the rain, etc. Kubo also specifies that he wishes for the reader to read certain volumes on stormy, rainy nights.
Panelling: Many people like to criticize Kubo for the lack of effort with the Bleach manga, but Kubo has stated that he uses negative space (i.e., foregoing backgrounds) to focus more on his character’s expressions. This not only further proves that Bleach cares a lot about its characters, but it’s done well enough that the average reader likely doesn’t notice the lack of background on the first read through. As well, Bleach has very cinematic panelling. Kubo uses the format of manga well, utilizing the human mind’s ability to fill blanks in with clever panelling to create tone and build tension and the feeling of movement through a scene.
In fact, in finding pages for this analysis, I found myself noticing that Bleach panels very similarly to slice-of-life shoujo but with a boy MC manga like "Horimiya": focus on expression through intimate angles and use of panels and breaks to create mood and the feeling of cinema; whereas something like DBZ panels like a shounen action manga with many hard lines and action shots, instead of a focus on subtle details and emotions.
Some Examples:
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Notice now in Chapter 197: The approaching danger, Kubo uses a gradual zoom to build tension and the black background to add intensity and signal to the reader that Hitsugaya is relaying important information.
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Here in Chapter 234: Not Negotiation, the immediate close up to Ulquiorra’s eye from the full body shots creates a sense of intimidation and unease with its sudden intimacy. As well, the immediate zoom in from Ulquiorra’s side full body shot to his facial profile creates tension and the change from the dark background to the white face with Orihime releases this tension (very fitting with considering the line for this panel is “but not you”). (This scene also ties into Ulquiorra’s central dogma of “that which is not reflected in my eyes does not exist’.)
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Again in the same chapter, this gradual zoom in on the two creates tension that is then release in the next panel and summarily cements Ulquiorra as a terrifying BAMF.
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In Chapter 262: Unblendable, Kubo uses the negative space to create a feeling of isolation, similar to how Orihime is supposed to be feeling.
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In the same chapter, notice how Kubo creates a sense of intimacy (not in the romance sense) with the relationship of Ulquiorra and Orihime. He creates tension gradually with the zooming into Orihime’s eye and releases it with the zoom out to Ulquiorra. Through this scene, Kubo has shown us that Ulquiorra and Orihime have a tense relationship and with the implication of eye contact through the shots and panel breaks creating both the intimacy and showing Orihime’s defiance.
(Interestingly, I’ve noticed that Ulquiorra and Orihime have a lot of these intimate zoom shot-reverse-shot eye panels)
What are the Bad Parts of Bleach?
Okay, so by now, you’re probably thinking that I’m ignoring the massive amounts of critique that Bleach gets and don’t get me wrong, while Bleach does have a very special place in my heart, I’m also not maudlin enough to pretend that Bleach was all good.
Pacing in the First Half of Bleach (Karakura Town - Arrancar)
When Bleach first started out the pacing was excellent. Kubo showed great mastery of pace to control the tone and highlight the emotions throughout the first two arcs. Mid-way through the Arrancar arc, the fatigue sets in and it was hard to keep up with, especially since Kubo would interrupt one exciting fight set up to go set up more plot elsewhere (eg Fake Karakura town right as Ichigo and Ulquiorra were about to battle). Whilst looking back and reading it all at once does help with the pacing, it was frustrating if you were reading/watching on a weekly basis.
Pacing in the Anime:
I don’t ascribe to a simplistic belief of “fillers bad” simply because I think that sometimes fillers can be a good thing, for example, since every chapter is ~15-20pp, some character interactions have to be cut for the sake for space, so filler is a great opportunity to add those moments back into your story. For example, a lot of early Bleach fillers are just the people of Karakura town just hanging out. That being said, Bleach does have an unfortunate amount of fillers, with some of them even interrupting tense fights (eg the Beast Sword Arc interrupts Ichigo’s battle with Ulquiorra). However, the padding that the fillers provided did wonders for the transition between Soul Society to Arrancar Arc in the anime. Ultimately, the Bleach anime adaption was a long-running anime made for syndication and that’s okay.
******* Brief Aside: many people like(d?) to point out that Bleach has a very cyclical plot structure. I used to think this way too; however, this is not the case. There are many other long running stories that repeat similar goals. The problem lies not in the idea, but the execution. The main complaint about the Orihime rescue was not that it was uninteresting, but instead that it felt a rehash of the plot of the previous arc. This is largely because the story was not given enough time to breath between similar character arcs. For example, in One Piece, Luffy and Co have to save Nami and by extension, her home village so she can join them; however, the next time a Straw Hat needs to be saved is 227 chapters (2 whole story arcs) later. In between saving Rukia and Orihime, there is only a really an arrancar encounter, a bit of training, cheering up Ichigo, and a Grimmjow encounter before Orihime goes with Ulquiorra, thus making the goal of this arc “save Orihime” in only ~59 chapters vs 227. These two similar arc goals so close to each other does indeed create the sense of repetition.
Pacing from Fullbringer to End:
This is where Bleach really lost a lot of people. If you weren’t gone after the Ulquiorra fight, you probably were by this arc.This arc went at breakneck speed, and ngl, during my first full read through I almost gave up here too. I mention earlier that Ichigo had been broken down in this arc, but it was hard to feel his despair and the weight on his shoulders because there wasn’t enough for the reader to take a beat and breathe. The Thousand Year Blood War, similarly suffered from sloppy pacing, with many readers feeling like story lines of Squad 0 and the Soul King were anti-climactic. As well, this arc started with a massacre and feature the deaths of many fan-favourite characters, and unfortunately due to the pacing, their deaths were not given a sense of gravity.
Missed Opportunities and Forgotten Story lines: Many people felt that Kubo forgot about a lot of his characters after the Aizen arc. Many thought the Fullbringer Arc was going to be a Chad/Orihime Arc. Whatever happened to Uryuu lolol? We all just collectively forgot about him for a large portion of the last half of Bleach. At one point in time, there was a rumour going around that Kubo had written out the story for Bleach and lost it. Idk if there is any credibility to it. However, in a 2017 interview, Kubo did say that he did end the series exactly the way he wanted to.
(If anyone wants to see me write an entire ass text post about Orihime and her treatment in Bleach, please let me know because I will do it)
Too mature:Even though above, I praised Bleach's mature handle on its themes, an unfortunate side effect of this is forgetting that the characters are only 15 at the beginning and for the first half of Bleach. This unfortunately, leads to some readers feeling disconnected from Bleach.
Epilogue: THE DESTROYER OF SHIPS!!! A lot of people hated this ending. Many people felt like the romance was shoe-horned in, others didn’t like the pairings, and there were some people who actually liked it. Personally, I didn’t like it too much, but it was a cute conclusion nonetheless. Since it didn't add anything to the story except for a "where are they now" look and because of that, I low-key felt like it was unnecessary, but w/e.
Making a long-running weekly serialized story is hard and doing it for 15 years is gruelling (obligatory “fuck capitalism” here). Like many artists of long-running manga, Kubo destroyed his health for the sake of publishing Bleach weekly. Kubo on his health after Bleach (photo from AshitanoGin on Twitter):
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Given this insight, I think it’s only fair to be respectful and grateful for Kubo’s contribution to the anime-sphere. Also, through his work, Kubo seems to be a very understanding person and artist. I’m sure he knows better than anyone where Bleach went wrong, but there’s nothing that can be done now. Despite him having a twitter, he is not Joanne and doesn’t feel the need to constantly hemorrhage out word of god info about Bleach (and thank god for that).
Final Thoughts
It’s hard to forget my happy memories when I think about Bleach. It had my first adolescent crush and first OTP. As a result, I think the best way to enjoy Bleach is to take what you want out of it. People always think that something has to be 100% without flaw for it to be good, but that is not true at all. It is totally okay to just like the parts that you like without engaging with anything else. It’s special to you for a reason, you know? 
There’s no use in fretting over what Bleach could’ve been, besides, very rarely is the reality better than the fantasy in your head.
I do think though that a lot of Kubo’s issues could’ve been fixed if he planned the story better but not all of us can be “I've been planning One Piece since elementary school” Oda Eiichiro.
Other voices on this issue: here
Wow. I can’t believe you made it this far down. Congratulations! Thanks for reading my 2:30am non-sober take on Bleach (it only took me 7 hours to write). Here's a cookie <3
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floorbed · 4 years
pen playlist tiem. brain full of thoughts i think this is my longest playlist ever . lyrics and annotation and sections under the cut for funsies heh
me and my husband - mitski
and i am the idiot with a painted face / in the corner taking up space / but when he walks in i am loved / i am loved / me and my husband we’re doing better / it’s always been just him and me together / so i bet all i have on that furrowed brow / and at least in this lifetime we’re sticking together
turf war - momma
the kings and queens are on the court / they’re sitting pretty on the floor
this charming man - the smiths
a jumped up pantry boy / who never knew his place / he said return the ring / he knows so much about these things / he knows so much about these things
utopia - cowgirl clue
living in a great utopia is quite nice is quite nice / living in a great utopia you pay the price you pay the price / living in a great utopia roll the dice kiss goodbye / living the dream living the dream living the dream
bubblegum bitch - marina and the diamonds
got a figure like a pin up got a figure like a doll / don’t care if you think i’m dumb i don’t care at all / candy bear sweetie pie wanna be adored / i’m the girl you’d die for / i’ll chew you up and spit you out / cus that’s what young love is all about
oh dear diary, i met a boy
(do the) act like you never met me - tv girl
the hidden kisses / the clumsy conspiratory glance / but i don’t really mind it no / i always liked the way you danced
it will come back - hozier
don’t give it a hand / offer it a soul / honey make this easy / leave it to the land / this is what it knows / honey that’s how it sleeps / don’t let it in with no intention to keep it / jesus christ don’t be kind to it / honey don’t feed it it will come back
real men - mitski
little boys cry and look around for comfort and / always get what they want
song against sex - neutral milk hotel
and he said oh boy you are so pretty / enough to wrap tight in rice paper string / and when i finally kissed him / the whole world began to ring / lost like a bell that’s tipping over / with two cracks along both sides / and i knew the world was over / so i took a look outside
(running away before the trial and seeing the world for the first time vibes!)
exile, early party
april and the phantom - animal collective
i’m sorry april / but you’ll be fine till then / i’m the phantom / i’m the phantom / i’m the phantom
(Pens First Summoning Dot Mp3)
insects are all around us - money mark
(from pens very first introduction in session 1 when he was walking in the woods and was described like looking like a lil insect)
bug - alex g
and when you go there / you stay there / bug in the crosshair / you stay there
king of carrot flowers pt 2 & 3 - neutral milk hotel
i love you jesus christ / jesus christ i love you yes i do
you’ll miss me when i’m not around - grimes
if you don’t bleed then you don’t die / cross my heart and hope to fly / if you like it then you’ll make it out alive / if they could see me now / smiling six feet underground / i’ll tie my feet to rocks and drown / you’ll miss me when i’m not around
rich bitch juice (HANA remix) - alice longyu gao
don’t you dare talk to me / bitch
fool - moonbounce
you could’ve let me think im right / i could’ve tried to keep my cool / i could’ve followed my own rules / i could’ve used you like a tool / i could’ve played a fucking fool
hooped earrings - the front bottoms 
and you have gotta do this now or you can never come home again / yeah you have gotta do this now or you can never come home again / and there are not so many options / there’s not so many ways that this could possibly end / so you have gotta do this now or you can never come home again
wicked boy - alex g 
real men walk / on the outside / on the outside / on the outside / and they take it for the team
black hair - alex g
it’s not what you are / it’s just what you did / don’t hang up the phone / i love you to death / eternal return / eternal return / eternal return / eternal return 
rabbit heart - florence & the machine
this is a gift it comes with a price / who is the lamb and who is the knife / when minas is king and he holds me so tight / and turns me to gold in the sunlight
oh ana - mother mother
i’ll fake god / i’ll fake god / i’ll fake god / i’ll fake god today / hop up on a cloud and watch the world decay
i am my own hell - teen suicide
i’m learning all kinds of tricks / how to drain the blood from my face
brick - alex g
i know that you’re lying / you think i don’t but i always fucking do
come back - alex g
made my promise and i’m keeping it for kicks / yeah i really didn’t think that it would stain like this / yeah i really didn’t think that it would stain like this
river of the night 
trick - alex g
(this is what his Contract Signing Dream sounded like that’s all)
call this # now - the garden
call this number now / if you wanna check it out / well just do yourself a favor and just call this number now / call this number now 
long way down - teen suicide
you’re a spoiled kid who’s never gonna get / anything that you deserve / i know this life’s gonna be just fine / but with any luck you know the next one’s gonna hurt
business man - mother mother
talkin bout the business man / devil with a sunday plan / buddy with a stupid laugh / just talkin bout the business man / pretty little baby / pretty little monster / went to the good school / left with honors
king rat - modest mouse
deep water / deep water / senseless denial / i went down like a rag doll rat of a child
oh lucky lucky lucky lucky me again / i said it looks like i’ve got to use my feet again / well i just spent my last one hundred dollars / god i’ll pay my bill again 
after dying and being saved
new gods - grimes
hands reaching out to new gods / you can’t give me what i want / but what do i know? / i wanna i wanna i wanna let go / i wear black eyeliner / black attire yeah / so take me higher and higher and higher
only brand new gods can save me
home again - carole king
sometimes i wonder if i’m ever gonna make it home again / it’s so far and out of sight / i really need someone to talk to and nobody else / knows how to comfort me tonight / snow is cold rain is wet / chills my soul through the marrow / i won’t be happy till i see you alone again / till i’m home again and feeling right
miracle - paramore
and have i told you / i’m not going / cuz i’ve been waiting for a miracle / and i’m not leaving / i won’t let you / let you give up on a miracle / when it might save you
(Pen And Ori. Pen Telling Ori He’s Not Going To Stay At The Castle [Bc He Couldnt Imagine Not Seeing Her Everyday.] Pens Naive Optimism + His Want T.o Make Her Feel Better Abt The Future and The World And Everything)
dinner and diatribes - hozier
i knew it from the first look of / the look of mischief in your eyes / friends are a fate that befell me / head is the talking type / i’d suffer hell if you’d tell me / what you’d do to me tonight
(Pen And Juni Anthem)
funny - the scary jokes
and i laughed and i laughed and i gasped and i cried / and i tried not to think of my love as a punchline / but i knew the truth would catch up with me sometime / and oh what a funny joke am i
(pen crying on the bed in castle ravenloft dot mp3)
pretty funny - dogfight (lindsay mendez)
isn’t it funny?  isn’t it funny?  aren’t you funny? / pathetically naive and desperate to believe you could always find some good / well you misunderstood or you’ve been dreaming / cus people are just cruel
(pen crying on the bed in castle ravenloft dot mp3 Part 2)
until it goes - john congleton
oh my vengeance i swear will be biblical
my bride my bride how do i silence / this restlessness inside me / inside i see it kneeling through keyholes / my bride i need no absolution / on this day of my execution / just stay with me stay with me stay with me stay with me until the horror goes
(abandonment issues pen be like *stay with me stay with me stay with me stay with me noises*. also one day i want pen to hurt everyone who has severely fucked with him and thats all [m****** and d******])
beautiful - carole king
you’ve got to get up every morning / with a smile on your face / and show the world all the love in your heart / then people gonna treat you better / youre gonna find yes you will / that you’re beautiful as you feel
don’t ask me to explain - of montreal
i’d like to marry all of my close friends / live in a big house together by an angry sea / am i the devil’s marbles don’t move on without me / who will be watching my body when i sleep / who will i believe in
(Pen Be Like I Love Ori And Juni And Alba And That Is My Disease. )
100 years - florence welch
i believe in you /and in our hearts we know the truth / and i believe in love / even the darker it gets the more i do / you try and fill us with your hate and we will shine a light / and the days will become endless / and never turn to night
a hundred arms / a hundred years / you can always find me here / and lord don’t let me break this / let me hold it lightly / give me arms to pray with / instead of ones that hold too tightly 
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melaninhuntress · 4 years
Aphrodite April Days
Since I wasn’t able to write a post for each day of the challenge I decided to put all of my responses in one post. Even though I wasn’t able to do all days I did enjoy this opportunity to bond with Aphrodite and to reflect on our relationship.
Day 2: Plan a special ritual in honor of Aphrodite and your love for her
This is my first time honoring Aphrodite on the Full moon so I wanted to make this ritual as special as possible. I thought possibly doing a bath ritual but since that is something I am used to doing with her I also thought about doing something different like maybe maybe meditate with her. I wrote down a list of all of her symbols and I definitely wanted to incorporate seashells, rose quartz, and pomegranate in the ritual somehow.
Day 3: Share your own personal associations (concepts/symbols/animals/colors..etc)
I personally associate her with rose quartz, Valentine's Day, and the entire month of February.
Day 4:Which of her myths is your favorite?
My favorite myth so far is the one where she is born of sea foam
Day 5:List your favorite epithets and why
My favorites so far are "She Who Turns to Love," "Laughter-Loving," "Of the Sea," "Foam-Born" and "Risen from the Sea." The first two because it reminds me how she represents all types of love which include self-love and how part of loving oneself is to accept your mistakes and not take yourself too seriously. The last three is because they remind me of Aphrodite's sea aspect as it is amongst the aspects that I connect with her the most.  
Day 6: Share your favorite hymn
I like the Orphic Hymn#55 that's dedicated to Aphrodite
Day 7: Share your  Full moon ritual and how it went with Aphrodite
I usually mediate with Artemis and Hekate on the full moon so I decided to do two separate sessions and do Aphrodites the following day instead. During my session with Artemis and Hekate I had an intense visualization and Aphrodite appeared to me as a representation of Libra which I didn't expect for her to do and she told me that it's time to take my place in the world.For my ritual for Aphrodite the following day I split it in two portion: a cleansing bath portion and a Sea Sinking (meditation) portion. For the cleansing bath I used bath bombs, shea butter and pomegranate wash. During the bath I took time to soak myself with in it to become in tune with its energy. I begin to cleanse myself of miasmic thoughts and situations. I begin say that I am loved and I am worthy of love from myself and others, I am worthy of respect from myself and others, that I am beautiful and strong and smart. During this time I visualized the water’s energy being pink as I was washing myself. I then felt compelled to do some affirmations while also washing myself with rose bar soap and African black soap, by saying that I am powerful, I am magical, I am in tune with the universe and the universe is in tune with me, I am in tune with the forces of nature an the forces of nature are in tune with me, I am in tune with the ancestors and the ancestors are in tune with me, I trust that the ancestors would provide what I need, I am a root worker who harness ancestral power, I am a witch who’s power comes from sea, earth, and cosmos, I am a Child of the universe, a Child of God, I am many things but most in importantly I am me. From that moment I felt a release and I smiled with joy and proceeded to drain the bath water and to rinse myself with the shower.Afterwards I put pomegranate lotion on and I retrieved all of my items for the sea sinking/grounding part of the ritual which included seashells, sea glass, rose quartzes, and frankincense. I than burned the incense on Aphrodite's altar and my cleansing and protection sprays to create a barrier to protect the space around it. I formed a circle with my items and invoked Aphrodite to proceed with the meditation. I originally wanted ocean music to accompany the sessions but I had issues with my phone that prevented me from accessing a video with the music. I felt disappointed and shameful that did all of this for Aphrodite and its not working out well but Aphrodite strongly assured me that we can still do it without the ocean music. I decided to go along what she said and continue the sinking by imaging the ocean sounds in my mind and asked my Ori to guide the visualization. The visualization while blurry and unrefined had me in a beach with the ocean waves in front of me and I was wearing a blue dress again while barefooted. I then asked Aphrodite where we were and she said were in a beach.  During the process I felt that it wasn’t working and tried to open my eyes but Aphrodite assured me that it was. I then felt compelled to get into the ocean so I did a dive and was floating underwater. I than saw Aphrodite come up to me and some menfolk by her side (maybe nereids or oceanids?), she than grabbed my arm and dragged me a couple of feet through the ocean and she than faced me and said that I am worthy of love and I am loved while cupping my cheek and kissing my forehead. I asked her what if I won’t remember that I am loved and she said that I always will. Then the visualization blurred and I opened my eyes. I asked her to confirm if it was real and it happened and she said it did. I was happy that it worked out but apologized how isn’t end up as I planned and she told me not worry about that. I then realized that I didn’t bring an apple as an offering or my water scrying water but assured that there was no need for the former and that the latter can be done this Friday. I thanked her for her presence and ended the ritual.  
Day 8: Talk about a UPG you have?
I'm not sure if this counts as UPG but I feel like Aphrodite is a huge shipper when it comes to fictional characters just we tend to be.
Day 9: Songs that remind you of Aphrodite and share your playlist
My Aphrodite playlist is very long because I put all of my favorite love and romance songs from movies, musicals, tv shows and from individual singers while putting in songs that center around other types of love like friendship , familial, and self love and some some songs that have sexual themes. So for this I'll just share ten of the songs that are on that list.
"Show Yourself"-Frozen II
"Change Your Mind"-Steven Universe
"True Kind of Love"-Steven Universe: The Movie
"Nobody's Perfect"-Hannah Montana
"Can You Feel the Love Tonight"-Elton John
"You've Got a Friend In Me" -Toy Story
"One Love"-Jordan Pruitt
"You Belong with Me"-Taylor Swift
"Seasons of Love"-RENT
Day 11: What are some daily things you do/in honor of Aphrodite?
I haven't been consisted lately but I generally dedicate my self care to her as one of the things she has reminded me is that self care is itself a form of self love.
Day 12: Talk about how you personally see Aphrodite or create/share an image?
I generally see her as a brunette with long wavy hair with peachy skin that that has a slight tan. Sometimes she wears a pink prom like dress with white gloves and other times she wears a pink chiton. Those are the forms she usually appears to me in my visualizations.
Day 13: A person you associate with Aphrodite (someone you know or a celebrity)
I personally find that one of my best friends Hanna gives me strong Aphrodite vibes mostly because I noticed that the role that Aphrodite plays in my life is similar to what Hanna's was.
Day 14: A fictional character you associate with Aphrodite
There are a lot of characters that remind me of her. For this I would like to talk about Miss Piggy and Stella from Winx Club.
Miss Piggy is a lot of things: self-confidant, self-indulgent, self-absorbed, self-centered, self-assured, self-reliant.....a lot of the words that begin with "self" applies to her haha. Miss Piggy has a lot of self worth that is often demonstrated in many ways throughout Muppet media. Two of my favorite moments was that Three Little Pigs segment in Muppets Classic Theater when that wolf commented on her body shape and she snarked at him back and that scene in The Muppets 2011 film when the Muppets almost replaced her with Miss Poogy and she burst right in the studio to reclaim her place. Both of these moments capture a lot of aspects of Miss Piggy and one of these aspects is her huge amount of self worth. She was like "you're trying to take my place? In my original gang? Replace me? I don't think so bitch." She reminds me of Aphrodite because I perceive her as a goddess who knows her worth and isn't ashamed at being herself.
Stella from Winx Club reminds me of Aphrodite for the some of same reasons as Miss Piggy. Stella is a huge fashionista, can be self centered and vain but despite all of this I really admire how Stella is always there for her love ones. I often perceive Aphrodite as a goddess who is dedicate to what she loves so when she loves someone or something, she loves it hard. This applies to Stella such as when she sacrificed herself to save her father  and when her boyfriend fell in a hole in the Under Realm with Stella jumping in after him. Stella is powered by the sun so she was already very physically weak when she was underground yet that didn't stop her from attempting to save him.
Day 15: Tell a story about yours and Aphrodite's relationship
There was this Friday where I missed the bus to my meeting with my job couch and I had to rescheduled, I came back home very tired and feeling shame over not being able to make it I ended up sleeping on and off on the living room chair. I ended feeling bad that I was wasting my time sleeping throughout the day instead of honoring Aphrodite, she than came to me by saying that there is nothing wrong with taking a rest and reminded me that taking care of myself is a form of self love on its own. This moment really touched me because not only did it demonstrate that the Theoi appreciate small things and we can honor them by our own actions but also showed how much Aphrodite cared about me.
Day 16: What do you love most about Aphrodite?
I love her compassion and how she really gets intimate with her followers. She takes in all of us who feel unlovable and unworthy and makes feel very loved and cared for. Aphrodite is a goddess who fundamentally wants all of us her followers to love ourselves by seeing ourselves the way she sees us.
Day 17: Where do you most find/feel Aphrodite?
I mostly find her in the hair salons, in local water fowl, my altar for her and when I go out shopping with my mom and try on new clothes. I often felt very insecure trying on new clothes because I don't have the "perfect" body shape but there were times where I look at myself in the mirror and I feel like I am attractive and I hear Aphrodite counter by saying I look beautiful.
Day 18: Share your favorite piece of artwork that depicts Aphrodite or that you personally relate with her.
My pieces of artwork so far are these two that depict her portrayal in Percy Jackson & the Olympians and Percy Jackson
Day 19: What are some resources that you used to help you get closer to Aphrodite?
I used Theoi.com, the aphrodite worship and aphrodite devotion tag on Tumblr, PastelPriestess' Resources for Aphrodite Devotees was pretty helpful as well as the Ways of Worship: Aphrodite article on Vocal. I generally utilize bath rituals with themes of self love, confidence and the sea, putting on perfume, painting my nails, and my biweekly hair wash to feel closer to her. I sometimes try to practice affirmations while washing my face in honor of her in addition to listening to my playlist dedicated to her.
Day 20: Share some movies you associate with Aphrodite
So far I seem to associate Steven Universe: The Movie with her. I am not sure why though, it could be because the movie and the show its based on depicts various relationships (friendship, familial, healthy, unhealthy...) and all the it comes with these relationships such as jealousy, insecurity, idealization, disillusionment, heartache, and many others. Both the show and movie has a strong theme of love and one of the various ways it is embodied is through self love something which many characters such as Pearl and Amethyst struggled with.
Day 22: In honor of the New Moon, what’s something new you would like to bring into your worship/devotion?
I would like start planning feasts to share with Aphrodite, write my own hymn to her, explore my gender identity and to understand what it means for me, and to possibly start writing letters to her.
Day 23: Talk about one of Aphrodite’s lovers
I always felt a connection with Hephaestus due to being a disabled individual myself. I find that Hephaestus empowers me as a disabled person even though his is more physical and mine is mental. I struggle with internalized ableism which often manifests as making me feel like I have no worth in the grand schemes of things and Hephaestus helps me counter it by reminding me that I do have worth. One of the lessons that he has taught me is not instead of focusing on gaining the approval of neurotypicals I should instead focus on developing my personal skills and talents ("Don't tell them that you can do it, show them that you can"). Something came over to me one day where I wondered why Hephaestus never tries to gain the approval from others since he is kind of an outcast amongst his Olympians and possibly in Ancient Greece as well since he had few public shrines and temples but than the answer came to me: Hephaestus knows his own worth. He doesn't need to prove himself to others because he knows how important he is in the grand scheme of things, he knows that there is no way the Olympians would have their weapons without him and knowing this possibly prevents him from being insecure.   Hephaestus is the epitome of have self worth as a disabled/differently abled individual. I also admire his passion and dedication to his craft.
Day 26: What’s a misconception about Aphrodite that annoys you the most?
All common misconceptions of her anyone me but the one that annoys me the most is that she is all about sex, lust, and romantic love. I dislike how people reduce her to this traits in order to dismiss a less impressive goddess when she is so much more than that. Aphrodite accept all of us and that includes those of us in the ace and are spectrum. There are times when I sometimes feel insecure over demisexuality and how I don't often feel sexual attraction to the person I am romantically attracted towards which often causes me to question on the authenticity of my feelings. Aphrodite has reassured me that I don't need to experience sexual attraction for my romantic feelings to be valid.
Day 28: If you’re comfortable with it, share a pic of your altar/shrine and talk about it. If you don’t have one or are not comfortable sharing a picture, talk about what you would like your altar/shrine to look like and/or what it represents to you
My Aphrodite altar has a pink cloth with hearts on it as the base. Since I didn't have the money to buy a statue I instead made a jar to represent Aphrodite inspired by this post on deity jars. The jar is filled with seashells, rose quartz, clear quartz, pearl-like beads, dried pink rose petals, and sea glass. Surrounding the jar is a conch seashell that resembles the one I saw in my dream where Aphrodite reached out to me, seashells, sea glass, red rose petals, a red candle, perfume and scented boy lotion and my sachet dedicated to Aphrodite that was inspired by Aphroditiful's Aphrodite Spell Sachet. I often carry it with me either in my purse, pants pocket or jacket/coat pocket in order to keep he by my side and feel close to her. There is also a frog shaker which I added because I knew that is something se would like since frogs were associated with her and a jar with a mixture of Libra Full moon and Taurus New moon water in order to keep the energy of Aphrodite April with me.
Day 30: Talk a bit about the aspects of Aphrodite that tend to go unnoticed, such as her war side and her death side. What do they mean to you and how do you see them in her?
Aphrodite Areia, her war aspect, to me represent how love is a very powerful and strong emotion. Love when you think about it can often cause conflict as much as it can bring peace. What I think about Areia, I think about that scene where Mufasa wrecked Shenzi, Banzai, ad Ed after they tried to eat his son, even if he wasn't the king he still would have done that because he loves Simba that much, I also think about how people participate in war simply because they love their county and their love ones that much.  There is also the fact that love can cause jealousy, heartache, tears, pain, and sorrow. We often associate love with positive qualities and emotions but the fact that it can also cause negative emotions shows its duality and how very powerful it can be.
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fatebreaking-a · 4 years
Tagged by : I am a thief. ( Stolen from @starthieve​ ) Tagging : steal it from me.
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
( I will not, I will pick all my muses, how dare- I’ll leave everything except this blog + my other Sona blog out, for length’s sake.) long post, so it’s under the cut.
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My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES-ish / NO. ( people who like her like her, and people who don’t... really don’t. )
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO / MAYBE ?
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO / MAYBE ?
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?  — lol. I take inspiration from canon, let’s put it that way.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  Your local patron saint of lost causes, a heroic entity who has overcome betrayal and judgement to become an existence that can save the world. Also she’s tall and strong and hot and nice, what more could you want? Huh? You want more than being hugged by a 6′4″ lady??? Sona can also be in various countries, and can participate very easily in fluff, angst, and all sorts of other types of threads.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  Lots of angst and drama, a bit of a loner with a distant vibe. Having no etwahl and not playing music kills the interest and ‘usual interactions’ for a lot of people, and being mute & not jumping to telepathy can make threads dry and slow. Being a ‘sexy boob lady’ ( u g h ) also has painted her in a certain light - I’ll never forget that someone said that ‘ofc everyone ships with Sona, she’s the village bicycle.’ I’ve made her exceptionally strong ( almost overpowered ), and that doesn’t jive with people sometimes - shoving in all these themes that I personally like and crafting an interesting story of a divine / demonic seer witch who doesn’t know what to do with herself, is finally ‘too strong’, and finds power distasteful... The themes can be a little depressing and cold, even when she acts nice. And seeing “Even though she feels nothing, she still acts nice” in character can feel... tiring. A mute is not an easy person to write with, and I don’t shy away from trying to give the impression that ‘waiting for Sona to communicate can be tiring’ - because I want my readers and mutuals to feel the kinds of things she goes through everyday. While I try to make the blog accessible, Sona has a speech disability, and that can be tiring.
Also that she doesn’t act like a fancy noble... I don’t know. I feel like the way that I write her is very, very different to the fandom’s impression of her, and that leaves people disillusioned. “This isn’t what I expected or signed up for.” She’s just not that person... And because she doesn’t speak, a lot of prompts are off limits. I’ve also recently reset because I wanted to emphasize that she is patient, grim, and secretive while still being kind. I’ve toned down her tendency for mischief a lot, she used to be an absolute gremlin.
A lot of these things also apply to my other Sona blog ( @virtuous-dignity​ ), where she is extremely structured and self-confident and a bit of a recluse, so while she’s much much nicer, she’s also a complete hardass. It’s rough stuff, especially since I make sure to point out, “hey this Sona practices music over 8 hours every day.” “Hey this Sona finds it morally wrong to play music for small audiences.” There are certain traits that just cut ideas in the bud.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  I played Sona a lot in bot lane. Multiple years of sexist remarks, shitty writing, and bad characterization made me frustrated. A lot of things were left unexplained and the etwahl felt like too much of a focus that I could not answer, “who is Sona besides a musician with a fancy instrument”. She has to be someone, right? But we never get to that in the story ( nor in the apparent upcoming lore rework either... ). She has to be someone, her being a famous musician is not everything. So I forcibly tossed aside the music part, especially to also prevent accidentally being pulled into ‘your music is so pretty’ plots. Plus: I wanted to write a character with an internal conflict who was going through some things but wanted to be nice anyway - I believe in that idea a lot. And I wanted to write a character that, tbh, could ship and flirt and just... be flirty and easy going more ( hah! didn’t work out so great now! ). My first canon characters were a ‘left by the void Malz’ dealing with his sins and Ori, who I talk about below, and neither were really great for getting that flirty vibe out. I also really wanted to emphasize that... Well, to be blunt, that if I wrote Sona as sexually promiscuous, that wasn’t a bad thing. That ‘being sexy’ and ‘sex positive’ did not equal ‘objectified tiddy witch’ and ‘perfect candidate for oppai mouse pad’ and other things I’ve heard directed at me in my league experience. Many, many things. Ugh. It kind of did end up turning into a thing where Sona herself draws an interesting line between ‘haha I can tell everyone’s looking at me with those eyes and it’s the fucking worst’ and ‘ok but I trust you and am in bed with you, so I want you to grab me’ - but that’s getting more into ns/fw topics so I’ll leave it there. 
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  All my characters tend to be expressions of myself, as well as answering important thematic questions, like “What does it mean to be rejected by your home and no longer have a place”, and some other stuff. I usually go back to that. Plus, exploring concepts around abandonment and loneliness is something I do a lot with her - feelings of neglect and disillusionment, and ideas surrounding “do I need to like someone or be liked by someone to treat them with dignity”. ( virtuous-dignity, on the other hand, was created because I wanted to write something as soft and uwu as possible, and then it turned into something about ‘balancing dignity for oneself with duty to others’ and handling those kinds of conflicts. )
I also really do enjoy, on some level, turning people around on these characters. “You made me care about character x” is such high praise.
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My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. ( idk, how many of you think robots are hot- )
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. ( I think people downplay Ori’s intelligence a lot, but Riot also casually implied she did open heart surgery on herself so??? )
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO / MAYBE ?
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO / MAYBE ?
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?  — hahahahahahaha. hah. hah. Sorry. Everything I write is divergent by default.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  A genius inventor and cute spherical robot duo who speak to other robots and shoot lightning, run around acting cute, and try to save their city one step at a time - all while dealing with deep existential dread and fighting off a fate that decrees Ori’s death. Between ‘pancake bot’ and Ori being an accidental flirt, there’s plenty of variety and development here as my oldest canon muse. Not to mention that the blog ‘grows’ and ‘changes’, and in the last year, Ori has taken to dying her hair pink ( because Vi is cool is why, just don’t let her near a rifle or she’ll try to imitate Cait ). I also regularly think about / draw different hairstyles and clothing styles. Ori is very much ‘alive’, the most so out of the three muses on this blog. A human that has the memories of being a robot, trying to live on and live a good life. Also, there are bird, angel, and time themes. So many clocks. Mega clocks!
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  Deep angst and existential dread, because she knows her fate is to die and she’s cheated time. Themes of dysphoria and other troubling topics abound. Being stuck in time loops, thinking she’s an aberration, needing crutches because her legs stop working, etc.
Also, removing the fact that she is a robotic automaton is a bunch of the appeal of Ori. Or well, it’s what makes her character ‘interesting and unique’ to many. Without that, she is ‘yet another Zaunite’, as the thing that made her most interesting was her death and rebirth. ( Nevermind that her entire story is that she’s a selfless person but- I’m supposed  to act like she’s bad, right? )
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  Hey remember when institute of war was a thing? And then when it wasn’t? And Ori’s lore was “died to a turret shot trying to be a champion”... and then it was up in the air for two years?
That’s why. If no one else will love her, I will. She deserves better. And then the lore became close to my lore so I rewrote everything a second time trying to stick to the themes I had.
Ori’s thematic question is, “What do you do when you don’t recognize yourself anymore? How do you get back to ‘okay’ and what do you do from there?” It’s a pretty dim question that has a lot to do with body image, but also to do with abandonment and neglect, and  just dropping out of people’s lives. I think that’s something that people can really relate to. I originally wrote her on a multi with a ‘post void Malz’, who was dealing with the trauma of being puppeted around for years and all the things he had done, trying to get back to ‘okay’ without getting killed. More below:
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  Themes as noted above, Ori is super cute, and a lot of my art & general ideas. I’ve kind of turned these three characters in borderline OCs and keep developing them as they grow... Sometimes I think the stories and concepts I’ve written have outgrown the fandom. And thinking about her, and how she would live, and what her story is... mmm.
Also, the themes I write... I think they matter. Maybe it’s not obvious to anyone but myself, but writing a character who feels dysphoria and hates their body for ‘betraying them’... is relatable. It’s not nice. It’s not simple. But it’s relatable and it matters. Ori’s theme on this blog has a lot to do with “fighting a fate that says you’re going to lose and defying expectations” as well as “coming back from something wicked and rotten in your psyche/body”. And I do write some other skin verses for her but they’re all adapted to meet that theme. ( For example, in SG, she rises to guardian after finding out she’s fated to become a dark star and fights that fight alone, because ‘hell no she’s not going to go dark’. This was 5+ years ago back when there were theories SG and DS were same universe. )
Mostly it’s writing about these themes of expectation and reality. Overprotective parent, absentee parent, dealing with trauma... All my writing is like that. It can make my characters seem overly tragic, yes, but these ideas are not so far gone that they’re completely irrelevant and beyond belief. I’m sure many people have experienced emotional exhaustion and problems with body image. Even though I do write ‘polite but ready to fight’ characters only... Well, I believe in exploring and expressing these kinds of problems. Inner conflict and all. But also fluff! Fluff is really nice! Talk to her about pancake robot.
I also really do enjoy, on some level, turning people around on these characters. “You made me care about character x” is such high praise.
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My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO. ( post rework??? oh my god )
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. ( hard to consider ‘martial’ characters strong when Xer/ath and Syn/dra exist )
Are they underrated?  YES / NO. ( she’s a little overrated, isn’t she?  )
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO / MAYBE ?
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO / MAYBE ?
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?  — I still draw from old lore with her big four blades of doom and ‘reviving’ with the help of Raka ( though I leave it vague / easy to gloss over ). I also had a lot of ideas about music and rhythm and tradition before the update ( drums were a big thing for her, so strong percussive beats and motions reign over the more silk and ribbon dances that flow more, drawing on things like Zelos existing, Lito’s lessons & harsh behavior, and her own internalized habits of trying to calm herself ), so I draw on those a ton. For me, the progression is ‘classic’ -> ‘infiltrator / nightblade ‘ -> ‘aviator’ all as one timeline. Also wrote her as being ‘missing in action’, which makes the awaken cinematic weird. I also really try to emphasize that she’s an emotionally stunted wardog with scars and not ultra pretty, so.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  A world traveler and a wardog, you can find her anywhere, any time, ready to kick some butt and enjoy the local food. Her simmering fury is a counterpoint to her relatively muted demeanor and adventurous spirit. However you may find her, there’s a definite charm to being flown up above the clouds to watch a sunset and talk. She will fly you where you need to be.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  I’m a little stuck on old lore and writing Lia as a character that has “left behind” her past and is pretending to be dead does make certain interactions tough. She’s also a deeply stunted character, emotionally, and I write her ten years of experience as having chilled her to a cold, ever burning ember rather than a passionate flame. Also, ‘aviator’ is kind of weird to handle for a lot of people.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  This one is really simple. When this blog started, the only splash where Irelia was smiling was the aviator splash. That’s it. That as the whole reason. “I want her to be happy and have found her happiness.”
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  I will admit that Lia is the character that I give the least attention to out of these three, and part of it is because I don’t really do flirting or shipping with her as much. She’s not one to reach out to others, and there are a lot of popular Lia blogs to the point that when I, as a multi, write with someone... She probably isn’t the first pick.
But I just... want her to be happy. That’s it. As I mentioned with the Ori section, what I’ve worked out for her has kind of outgrown the fandom itself, she’s become a different entity. Her themes largely involve recovery and finding oneself anew, and writing a character that is passionate about others while still being cool-headed is some of the variety I need. Because Lia is ace/homosexual, she sits out on a lot of the flirty content, but the chances I get to write her being romantic and caring... my god. Just a few posts back and forth with @unholyshe​ ‘s Akali and a So/na I used to write with....... Unforgettable. ( On that note go follow @unholyshe​ what a good writer, gosh dang. ) It’s these small interactions I find intensely compelling, and having a ‘quiet intensity’ and really thinking about her body language...
Also it’s nice to write a character with little secret agenda, who is just straightforward. “Will I enjoy kissing you? Only one way to find out. ‘It was okay.’ “ A ‘the only way forward is through, just do it’ attitude is refreshing.
Learning to write all three characters helps me write the others: The little things I think about that are specific to each person really help me out for the others. The depth of using body language from Sona bleeds into how Lia uses body language, and how Ori doesn’t ( even common ticks ), etc etc. Ori’s blunt, observational style of speaking ( telling you that you look good like it’s an observational fact ) helps me understand how to be straightforward with Lia.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES …? / NO. ( sometimes I do get very anxious abt it, esp. since I’m so divergent and do things like ‘so/na is one part succubus lol’ )
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO. ( do excerpts count? less headcanons and more musings, since I’m on like 5+ years with 2/3 of these. )
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO. ( time is not a thing but I used to write a ton, my drabble energy goes to novels now )
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO. ( this is why you see mobile posts from me constantly, and so many excerpts / musings ).
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO. ( It’s what I want but it can also be disillusioning / disappointing to people so. Dunno. Anxiety. =/  )
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. ( It takes me a bit to warm up to a character again, but yes. I know my writing is not bad but I can be a little insecure about it. )
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. ( Very. I cry a lot and I get upset pretty easily. Sometimes I end up being really cold instead but idk. )
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  — To a point. Sometimes criticism is irrelevant or meaningless, or is just personal taste. “Sona shouldn’t be that strong” isn’t helpful ( but thinking about ways to pare down the complexity is good! ) Sometimes I get criticism that is the equivalent of tasting a chocolate cake and going, “It should have been vanilla, I like vanilla better.” That’s cool, but that has nothing to do with the taste of the chocolate cake I made. ( Ori as a human isn’t interesting, talk more about Sona & the etwahl even though it’s broken, Lia flying doesn’t make sense, etc - these are foundational flavors, so what can I do? ).
Also sometimes people make comments that make me feel they’re just being petty / catty and not sincere. I’ve seen quite a few hypocritical comments and it’s hard to take them seriously. So, yes, but ‘to a point’... Mostly I take suggestions, which I then talk about for the muse. Exploring those ideas. Unsolicited criticism is... hmm. In my experience, about half of it isn’t constructive. And from the wrong person, it can sound judgemental. 
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  — Of course? I love asks. Always. Great. Awesome. If I have a chance to draw to answer these asks, even better.
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  Not really. I’m divergent, they probably disagree because they have a different vision for the character. I’ll be honest here and say I’ve had enough people tell me that “my portrayals are not what they expected” that this can be... disheartening. I usually have a good reason for 80% of my hcs. If we’re talking in IMs though or just conversing, I’m totally fine with it. This comes back to unsolicited criticism - to be a little blunt, some people just straight up don’t know what they’re talking about. And given that I put a bunch of effort in trying to make sure most of my headcanons can be glossed over, so it doesn’t cause conflict and my ‘ultra grim take’ doesn’t cause the end times... I dunno. I’d rather that someone tell me “the kind of interactions they want”, so I can lean into that direction. If you just want fluff, I can leave most of my darker hcs for So/na at the door... But you need to tell me that, so I can work with you. 
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  — just leave? huh? I mean, I already know people disagree. If you’re not rude, then we’ll just move on and be chill. Otherwise... well, we won’t be chill and you can still go, but I’ll consider you a dick. I don’t expect everyone to agree with “Ori is a human”, but why bring that up to me?
This is why a lot of the time, when people talk about characters and my muses, my brain defaults to “Well that has nothing to do with me.” Why should I invest any time being upset that people are disappointed with my portrayal or I’m not what they expected. It’s exhausting. People have some really strong opinions about Lia and Sona sometimes, but... ‘that has nothing to do with me.’ There’s no point in trying to convince someone to try your flavor of ice cream when they’ve already decided what flavor and toppings they want. It just leads to tremendous insecurity. I should not have to argue that ‘my portrayal is worth paying attention to’. 
Ugh. I might be too sensitive about this. There was a point where people really got in the habit of saying, “this is how character x is” ( not their muse ), and it felt like someone trying to enter my kitchen. It did not feel like a suggestion or an idea. It was an assertive, “this is how Irelia is” by, say... a Ry/ze or Ken/nen blog or something. That felt extremely isolating and alienating to me, because it felt like I could not participate in that conversation at all. Or stuff after. I had to sideline myself, because... that has nothing to do with me or my interpretations. Ofc griping at them is wrong because I know they mean, ‘this is how I see it’, but ye. I’m short tempered and easily upset. Working on it.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  — um? bye? hello?
god I used to go “ ok that’s cool you don’t like my portrayal, here are some other great So/na blogs that I love” but I realized that I was directing someone who felt the need to tell me my portrayal or character is bad to those people... and no. no no no. I still feel a little guilty about it, because thinking I directed a toxic person to my duplicates...  yuck.
If you don’t like the characters, or you don’t like my divergent takes, that’s fine. I get it’s not for everyone. Just unfollow me. You’re not paying me. You’re not under any obligation. To an extent, i don’t mind being critical of the character, but there’s a difference between being critical and being hateful to someone’s muse? And it depends a lot on how close I am with a person. For example, I think Sy/las is a complete scumbag and I hate him, but I don’t go yelling that to every Sy/las blog I see. C’mon.
Another bit of salt but it’s... kind of a sad topic, really. There are some characters people love to hate, whereas other ones get the ‘protection squad’. And in general it’s really disheartening to see someone shittalk Lux every two weeks, but go ‘these other champs are off limits’. If you have that attitude, it makes me think you’ll shittalk my characters the moment they get popular ( COUGHIRELIACOUGH ) and that’s kind of sad. And mean. So general advice on this is: Probably just don’t tell someone you hate their muse, you know? Idk. Everyone has their own tolerance level too so. meh.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  Somewhat.  Not much to say here, sometimes I am very tired, sometimes I comma splice like a madman, sometimes I overuse hyphen dashes to avoid deciding whether to use a comma, period, or semicolon - like this. I don’t need an editor. English is my first language. But if there’s something egregious or you have tips, let me know? I’m someone who looks up grammar rules regularly, and breaks teh rules just as regularly. Knowing when and how to break grammar rules is useful. Though I do tend to... overuse something once I’ve learned it. Hyphen dash, I’m looking at you.
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   — Yes and no. I’m chill, I can be a little overly passionate, and I’m pretty quick to apologize... But I have certain moral standards and if you break those, you’re done. Also I can be a vengeful bastard. I try to give as much benefit of the doubt as I can and many chances, but I’ve noticed that I really... have a sour attitude towards a lot more people than I expect. Sometimes people who are very well liked, just because they said or did something that ticked me off. Luckily, I have the special skill of not being a jerk even if I don’t like you, and overall trying to be nice to most people, so it usually won’t matter. 
Ah and I can be a little selective in who I talk to / play favorites a bit. I’m a busy person with an adult life and a stressful job, I only have so much patience. I skip from “tolerating it” to “leaving”, and that can seem like I ghosted, but that’s not always the case. Just better to leave than to pick fights. I have some pretty strict standards and harsh opinions. Short temper. Vengeful. Alas.
Somehow people think I am very nice and baby, so take that for what you will. Pft. I just want people to be happy and feel comfortable and okay. Wrong is wrong, blah blah blah ok I stop now.
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
( If you managed to read all this, with 3 full muses... Let me know, I want to hug you??? )
4 notes · View notes
superpuppies · 4 years
Hobbit High school
Chapter 1: The Stories Exchanged
Fandom- The Hobbit
Characters- Ori X Dwalin, Bilbo X Thorin, Fili, Kili, Dori, Nori, Gandalf, Thlandral, Legolas
Rating- PG13
Word count- 4924
Archive Link- https://archiveofourown.org/works/10027448/chapters/22350188
Summary- Ori and Bilbo meet before class to exchange stories (as the title may suggest) and Dwalin joins the two younger Ri brothers for dinner.
Hey all, here’s the newest from my mind, please keep in mind that I do have dyslexia and I really do try to fix all spelling mistakes but some will always slip through. If you spot some please let me know and I will do my best to correct it. Thank you.
Moria is a quite suburb, nestled prettily between the Lonely Mountain, where Lady Galadriel’s School of Medicine shown bright and the White City. In the old days it was a fairly bustling mining town but now it was just a quiet place between a bustling city and a large college of medicine. This fall morning was windy with a chilling under tone as the sun was only just beginning to peek through the gray clouds at six thirty in the morning. Ori Ri had walked to school with his brother, Nori as usual and now sat in the bleachers watching the football team run through their morning drills. Well more watching Dwalin Stealbuster run through his morning drills, of course Ori would never admit that was why he was there. Whenever asked he always said it was to meet with Bilbo for a quick homework review.  This of course only cemented the two younger boy’s reputation as nerds even more, despite the fact that most of the team didn’t believe it. Though the story was hard to dispute when Bilbo always showed up and most of the time papers and note books where passed back and forth between them.  
Two months after Ori and Bilbo had come clean to each other about their crushes, Bilbo surprised his friend with the first of what would become many erotic tales featuring Ori and Dwalin. It was only after receiving three such tales that Ori returned the favor in kind supplying Bilbo with ones featuring himself and Thorin. This secret game of gifted tales turned into something adjacent to a competition to see whose story could affect the other more. There was only one rule to this little competition of theirs; they would only receive a story if they both had one to give.  Today was one such day.
Ori pulled his too large gray and green horizontal striped cardigan tighter around him as he heard Bilbo step up on to the aluminum. He turned to his friend and smiled as Bilbo’s medium length soft brown hair flew wild in the breeze. Bilbo was wearing one of his father’s old maroon corduroy jackets over a dark blue button down and some well-loved, faded jeans. He had an old brown leather satchel that the two boys had found in a local thrift shop slung across his chest to rest on his right hip. Ori’s smile widened as he thought how much his friend looked the part of a literature nerd, there was no doubt that Bilbo would follow his parents down the path to librarian but he may also add writer to that path as well.
Bilbo is the only child of the Baggins family, who had been personally invited by Mayor Oakensheild to help bring the library up-to-date. Dori and nine-year-old Ori had dragged Nori to the re-opening celebration.  While exploring the new building Ori found Bilbo bunkered down in the fantasy section. The two young boys became quick friends over their shared love of literature. Over the years Bilbo became very comfortable in the Ri household, so much so that when Ori brought up the suspected affection for Thorin he had very little trouble admitting to it and wrangling out Ori’s thoughts on Dwalin.
“Windy this morning.” Bilbo said, as he got closer to Ori.
“It’s probably going to rain before lunch.” Ori nodded at the sky.
“Yeah?” Bilbo sat down to Ori’s right.
“I can smell it.”
“When are you going to get rid of this thing?” Bilbo picked at Ori’s cardigan. The striped thing clashed with Ori’s earthen fire hair, besides doing nothing at all for any semblance of fashion his friend might have. Ori wore brown slacks with a brown and teal argyle pull over. Bilbo was fairly certain his friend couldn’t look any more like an old man trapped in a young man’s body if he tried especially with that cardigan.
“I like it.” Ori said brushing Bilbo’s hand away.
“You bought it as a joke; you’re not supposed to wear it all the time.” Bilbo huffed opening his bag and pulled out a maroon binder. Ori shrugged reaching down by his feet for his canvas messenger bag.
“It’s comfy.”
“It’s ugly.”
“It is, Ori.” Thorin said leaning against the field fence before gulping down some water. Both Ori and Bilbo turned to the football captain.
“Shut up, Thorin. No one wants your opinion.” Ori said with playful defiance, Thorin just laughed dropping his water bottle back onto the bench.
“It’s not an opinion, it’s a fact. Nerd boy. Isn’t that right Bilbo?”
Bilbo blushed slightly as he smiled. “That’s what I keep trying to tell him.”
Thorin laughed again and ran back out to join his team.
Bilbo watched Thorin’s retreating back with longing.  One early spring afternoon two years ago, Ori came to the realization that Bilbo had a heavy crush on Thorin.  So, while both boys where sitting in Ori’s room Ori confronted Bilbo about it and was forced to admit to his own feelings for Dwalin.
Ori dropped a black folder onto the binder Bilbo was holding, startling his friend into catching it before it slid to the ground. Bilbo tightened his grip on the folder and turned sharp eyes on Ori, who just shrugged. “What, I dropped it.”
Bilbo smirked. “Yeah right.” But his voice showed his hurt feelings. “And to think I stayed up writing two of these for you.” Bilbo handed Ori the binder.
“Two? Oh, don’t I feel special.” Ori flipped open the binder. “What are they about?”
Bilbo cracked open the folder. “They’re both the same basic idea but I couldn’t decide who should be in what role so I wrote it both ways.”
Ori laughed as he started reading, though the more he read the more he decided he didn’t like this first tale.
Bilbo put away the folder, pulled out a notebook and sat writing quickly. “What are you doing?” Ori asked, Bilbo had never before not at least started the story given to him.
“I forgot to finish the story treatment for English.”
“Geeze, you’re lucky Professor Thranduil accepts hand written stuff from you.” Ori said rolling his eyes in disbelief.
“He would from everyone if their handwriting wasn’t so atrocious.”
“Well most of us prefer the computer anyway.” Dwalin said dropping down onto the bleacher in front of them.
Ori started at his sudden appearance and pulled the binder up to his chest as he asked. “How do you do that?”
Bilbo smirked; he was also surprised by Dwalin’s fairly sudden appearance but not as much as Ori seemed to be. Dwalin’s ability to silently appear had come up several times before and still continued to confound them.
Dwalin shrugged leaning back to look at Ori. “It’s a skill.”
“I imagine.” Ori said relaxing his hold on the binder slightly. Bilbo’s smirk grew, part of him enjoyed watching the two of them dance around each other. No matter how many times he tried to encourage his friend to confess to Dwalin, Ori simply wouldn’t do it. Not that Bilbo could bring himself to be all that upset by it, he got a good show most of the time and he couldn’t say a word to Thorin about his own feeling so he had no right to be upset. There was also the chance that he was misreading Dwalin’s kindness because he knew how Ori felt about the older boy.
“Why do you two sit out here? It’s too cold to just be sitting.” Dwalin asked his eyes never leaving Ori’s face.
Both Ori and Bilbo shrugged in response. “I walk in with Nori and this has just kind of established itself as the place. Besides were else would we go?” Ori said drawing invisible patterns over the story on his lap.
Dwalin half smirked. “Inside, the library or something. The school is open you know, just somewhere else so you don’t have to sit out here in the cold.”
“Stealbuster!” Coach Boromir shouted from the field, Dwalin looked back at the field and the familiar weathered face. “Leave the worlds quietest cheer squad alone and get back down here.”  Dwalin rolled his eyes at his teammates who were silently mocking him behind their coach and stood. He smirked again as he hit the field and he heard Ori and Bilbo let out an unenthusiastic, “Go team. Fight.” before returning to what they had been doing. Coach Boromir chuckled briefly but quickly went back to barking orders at the team.
Ori watched the team for a while but didn’t want to seem like a creeper and eventually turned back to the story Bilbo had given him. He never really cared for the stories in which Dwalin was almost submissive to his every wish and this one was getting to be too much in that vibe. He read on a bit longer before turning to the second story. Bilbo closed his note book and glanced at his watch as he put it away. They still had about twenty minutes so he opened the folder with Ori’s story in it and began to read.
 Coach Boromir gathered his team and sent them inside to get cleaned up. As he picked up the last of his papers, he noticed the younger Ri and his friend still on the bleachers reading. With a sigh he walked to the bottom of the bleachers and called out to them. “Ori, Bilbo” The two boys looked up. “You should be heading in too.” The boys glanced around and noticed everyone else had moved inside and began to gather themselves up. Once done they trotted past him with an apologetic. “Sorry Coach.”
“Just get inside.”
 Nori was showered and dressed first as per- usual having thrown around his power as ‘Most bad-ass on the team’ the entire team did not agree with this statement. They did however agree that he was one of the funniest and had the best beard. While they all sported pretty impressive beards for young men still in high school, Nori had already set his into interact braids and patters that hinted at the star pattern he would be known for in his adult life. He had his reasons for wanting to be out the door first. One he needed more time for beard matiness and two he wanted to get to Ori. Since the rumor that Nori was “screwing Ori senseless every night” had made its way to his little brother. Ori had blushed so hard upon hearing the rumor that his cheeks almost matched his earthen red hair while he sputtered out denials that were sadly less then convincing. Ori had begun pushing him away and the only time he was allowed to be with Ori publicly was in the early morning.  
Nearly done primping in the mirror a ruckus broke out in the showers, so reluctantly Nori peeked in, to see what was going on. Two of the younger boys, Fili and Kili to be exact had started some sort of water fight. Nori sighed; he had no intention of dealing with them so he turned to Thorin who was toweling off nearby. “Thorin, your idiots, blond and black.”
“God, damn it!” Thorin grumbled pulling on a pair of dark jeans and marching back toward the showers. “Fili! Kili!”
“Yeah, yeah” Fili answered, he was the more brazen of the twins and enjoyed riling his ‘uptight’ Cousin.
Nori smirked as Thorin began verbally leaning in on his cousins in that almost kingly tone of his. It was times like these that Nori and Dwalin thought he sounded like his father, Mayor Oakensheild at one of his many speeches. Nori was tightening that last tight into his beard when Dwalin appeared in the mirror beside him. “You know if you keep playing with it, it’s going to fall off.”
Nori rolled his eyes. “Is that why you just let yours flop there?”
Dwalin stood a good head and a half taller than Nori; his beard matched the deep black of his hair and falls more naturally, so that from the side it almost looked like extensions of his hair that ended about an inch off his chin. “It does not flop.”
Nori reached up and smushed Dwalin’s beard. “Yeah you’re right, it’s too short for that.”  Dwalin shoved Nori away from him.
“I hate you.”
Nori laughed at Dwalin, Thorin walked back into the locker area behind them in a huff, pulled on a dark blue shirt before grabbing his brush and going to town on his hair. “It’s like they do it on purpose, like I don’t have enough to deal with!” Thorin grumbled.
“I don’t get why you take responsibility for them.” Dwalin said with a sidelong glance at Thorin.
“Because if I don’t and they get into trouble, I get blamed for it.”
“Well, sucks to be you don’t it.” Nori threw over his shoulder walking to the door.
 Ori stopped in the hall to fix his bag. Bilbo smirked; to anyone else this wouldn’t seem all that odd except for where they stopped and that they stopped there most mornings. The locker room door opened and Nori practically leapt onto Ori’s back. “Ori! I love when you wait for me!”
Ori tightened the strap on his bag and braced himself to take on Nori’s weight. “Well if I don’t you chase me down the hall, jump on me and make me fall over. So it’s just better to stand here.” Nori laughed loudly as he tightened his hold on Ori.
Immediately following the Ri parents’ death, by car accident, Nori acted out for several months, causing quite a bit of trouble for his eldest brother and now legal guardian Dori in the process. When nothing seemed to be working to straighten the young Nori out, Dori gave a last ditch “God Help Us” effort, by placing a seven-year-old Nori in charge of the five-year-old Ori. To Dori’s and many other’s surprise, Nori took to the task extremely well. Because of this the younger siblings developed an exceedingly close bond. As they grew Nori began to show his affections more publicly, randomly hugging his younger brother or finding other ways to have some sort of physical contact. This struck Dori as a bit odd but he was sure it would come to an end as Nori entered High school, it did not. When two years later Ori entered high school himself, the displays became even more overt, to the point that Nori was often seen hanging off of his brother in the hallways.
Ori for his part enjoyed the attention from his brother, though sometimes Nori could be a bit embarrassing. There were times when he wished Nori would stop but on the whole, he did truly enjoy knowing how much his older brother cared for him. Dwalin looked away from the two brothers as Nori snuggled into Ori’s cheek causing the younger boy to blush and turn away.
Thorin smiled and wrapped his arm around Bilbo’s shoulder as he chuckled at his friends. “Why are you friends with these weirdoes?”
Bilbo used his answering shrug as an excuse to brush closer against Thorin as he looked up and said. “I could ask you the same thing.”
Thorin shrugged in return as he ruffled Bilbo’s hair. “I’m pretty much stuck with them at this point.” Dwalin started down the hall without them. “Even if I stopped hanging out with them I’d still be associated with them through family. So, you know what’s the point.” The Oakensheild’s, Stealbuster’s and Ri’s had been dear friends and figureheads of Moria since the town’s creation.
Bilbo smiled again as he tried to get his hair to lie properly. The group fell into step with Dwalin and an easy joking atmosphere began swirling around them. Almost a half hour later the halls where filling too much for Ori and he began to pull away from his brother. When they stopped at Ori’s locker Ori had to physically push Nori off of himself. “Get off me!” Ori said half laughing half panicked as he swatted Nori’s returning hands away. Ori’s ritualistic morning please and shove, rang in Dwalin’s ears and as the first bell sounded Dwalin dropped a hand on Nori’s shoulder. When Nori didn’t move Dwalin grabbed him by the shirt collar and began dragging him down the hall. Thorin chuckled as he turned for his own class.
Ori and Bilbo settled into their seats and muttered to each other that whoever came up with an eight AM Math class was clearly the devil. The teacher began roll call as Kili and Fili sauntered into class. She paused and disappointedly watched them head for their seats. “Please try to be here on time gentlemen.” Kili just nodded while Fili turn and smiled at the teacher, flashing some charm.
“Yeah, sorry about that Coach was talking to us.” The teacher made a notation on her roll book and continued call. Fili settled next to his brother two seats behind Ori and Bilbo. As the lesson started Bilbo pulled out the folder from Ori and some blank paper so that it looked like he was taking notes. Ori sat with the binder-spread open before him; he twirled his pen in his fingers as he began reading Bilbo’s story again.
The day proceeded normally, Ori and Bilbo did their best to stay as far away from Fili and Kili as they could and as per- usual they had one minor run in with the twins. Thankfully though the run in was a small one with only the twins throwing sad reference to the rumor about Ori and Nori at them as they separated for their next class. When Ori and Bilbo got back together for lunch Ori sat across from Bilbo and with a lowered head handed back the first story.
“Not this one, Bilbo.” Ori hated when he gave back a story, he felt as if he didn’t appreciate them. But these types of stories were always strange to him and left him feeling very bothered so he never kept them.
“I thought as much.” Bilbo said shaking his head as he slid the story back into his bag. “You have a weird aversion to the idea of him treating you like that.”
Ori pushed at the mashed potatoes on his tray a slight blush creeping onto his cheeks. “It just doesn’t feel right…natural? I guess.”
“I don’t know about that?” Bilbo said picking up a carrot, Ori eyed his friend. “I just call it like I see it, Ori.”
“Then why don’t you call Thorin like you see him?”
Bilbo glared at Ori. Fili turned toward the boys a table away at the sound of his cousin’s name. “It’s not that simple, he’s only nice to me because he thinks he has to be.”
“What, is that supposed to mean?” Ori laughed.
“Because of his dad.” Bilbo rolled his eyes.
“Okay that is utter bull shit and even if it wasn’t, which it is. How is that any different then what I’m dealing with?”
“He doesn’t have to be nice to you.”
“He’s my brothers’ best friend of course he’s not going to be an asshole.”
“I don’t understand why you simply refuse to see it.”
“Fili!” Kili snapped as he leaned into his brother. Fili turned back to his dark haired baby brother with a smirk. “I’m talking to you, what the hell are you looking at?”
“Sorry Kili, but I think I have an idea.”
“Oh yeah?” Kili sat back and pouting, shoved a fry into his mouth. “About what?”
“A little prank we can play on the fag and his book worm.” Fili nodded at Ori and Bilbo so Kili would look, the two would be victims looked as though they were starting to fight with each other. A smirk settled on Kili’s lips, they were generally speaking his favorite victims, fairly easily frazzled and quick to freak out, you just had to know the right buttons to push. Though lately Ori had grown immune to any menschen of the rumor he and Fili had started about Nori screwing him senseless almost nightly. So maybe a new topic wouldn’t be such a bad idea for a while.
“Hmm, what brought them to mind?”
“They were just talking about Thorin and I think we should teach them to stop relying on our dear cousin’s kindness all the time.” Fili’s smirk darkened. “Just give me some time to fine tune it and we’ll have our fun…” The bell cut through the cafeteria and Fili’s sentence. Fili watched Ori and Bilbo stand and walk out the door with a mob of other students. Fili and Kili fallowed at a safe distance and watched as Bilbo opened his locker put his math and soc books inside along with the folded returned story as he grabbed his German text. Fili crept closer and when Bilbo turned pushing his locker closed as he walked away into the hustle of the quickly moving hall. Fili reached out and grabbed the locker door before it slammed shut, pulling the door open he grabbed the folded story and shut the locker before merging back into the crowd.
 At the end of the day Ori stood at Bilbo’s locker and apologized for their little tiff at lunch while Bilbo filled his bag. Nori and Dwalin came up and stood on either side of Ori ready to walk home. Ori and Bilbo said their good byes, Dwalin waved and Nori just threw himself on to Ori’s back. Just before closing his locker Bilbo reached in for the story but couldn’t find it, thinking he must have already put it in his bag while he was talking to Ori he shrugged and closed the door. He would find the story later when he got home but right now he had to get to violin lessons.
Ori walked quietly beside Nori, thankful that he had managed to get his brother off him but now he was impatiently waiting for Dwalin to deviate down his own street. He was tired and an afternoon nap was looking great right now, he smiled at the thought of it.  Until he realized that Dwalin should have left them two streets ago he glanced up at Dwalin and unconsciously asked. “Wha?”
“Dwalin can’t go home right away today so he’s staying with us for dinner.” Nori answered and nudged Dwalin’s shoulder. “I told you he wouldn’t remember.”
“Oh.” Ori glanced at the ground, he vaguely recalled Nori mentioning something about this a few days ago.
“Mom’s having the carpets cleaned and I’m not allowed in until they’re dry.” Dwalin offered up as explanation.
“That’s just the nice ‘mom’ way of telling you that you’re gross and disgusting and she doesn’t want you around for a while.” Nori jabbed.
Ori sighed as the thought of his afternoon nap evaporated.
“Then why would she send me to your place?” Dwalin arched an eyebrow confidently.
Ori let out an audible huff as he realized he was going to have to make dinner, Nori looked at Ori who had picked up the pace in his growing frustration.
“Oh, come on Ori.” Nori wrapped his arms around Ori’s shoulders and leaned against his back. “Dori’s supposed to have left us stuff for fajitas.”
“Really?” Ori smiled slightly.
“I’m not doing dishes.” Ori said pushing Nori off of him and crossing his arms.
“Well, duh. I mean he’s got to do something to pay for eating my delicious fajitas.”
“Excuse me! I am the guest!”  Dwalin sounded almost appalled.
Ori walked up the step to the front door in a much better mood. It looked like that afternoon nap was going to happen, along with Nori’s famous Fajitas and dinner with Dwalin. He opened the door, kicked off his shoes and dropped onto the sofa. Today was turning from fairly good to pretty great. Nori dropped his bag on the coffee table and dragged Dwalin into the kitchen to wash all the veggies and dishes he needed.
 Nori flipped the meat and vegetables into the air again and smirked at the grumble Dwalin gave him while setting the table. “Hey, do me a favor.”
“What now?” Dwalin said dropping the last plate unceremoniously onto the table.
“Go wake up Ori for me, it’s almost done.”
“What?” Dwalin’s tone softened.
“He’s usually asleep by now so go wake him up.”
“You mean he’s usually in here cooking and you’re falling asleep.”
“Yeah, when you guys are over. Rest of the time I’m doing shit around the house and he’s passed out on the sofa.”
“Really?” Dwalin chuckled.
“What are you laughing at?”
“It’s just weird to think of Ori as the lazy one.”
Nori narrowed his eyes at Dwalin. “Do you know why Ori comes to morning practice with me?”
“So he and Bilbo can check each other’s homework, how nerdy is that by the way?” Dwalin smiled leaning against the counter.
“No.” Dwalin’s smile fell. “That is just some stupid cover story. He comes to practice with me because if I didn’t drag his ass to school every morning then he wouldn’t show up.”
“That’s bullshit.”
“Nope, he does this all the time. Comes home takes a nap, has dinner, goes to his room and does whatever the hell it is he does until some unheard of hour of the night then morning comes around and I have to drag his whinny ass out of bed and the whole cycle starts all over again.”
“Aww, that’s kind of adorable. You being a caring big-“
“Just go get him.”
Dwalin laughed as he walked out into the living room still not believing Nori in the slightest. Ori lay on the sofa, his head back, mouth slightly open, his legs sprawled wide over the rest of the cushions, he had twisted himself somehow so that his shirt had rolled up and exposed the milky skin of his stomach. Dwalin’s eyes caught and hung there memorizing the slight rise and fall of his breath.  
Walking closer Dwalin told himself that he would just grab Ori’s shoulder and shake him awake but his out stretched hands ignored him and instead did a gentle, ghostly glide over the exposed skin. He let out a quiet sigh at how soft it was and spared a quick glance back to the kitchen door but thankfully Nori was still preoccupied.  Turning back, his fingers ghosted across the exposed patch and played in the red trail that linked Ori’s navel to his groin.
Ori moaned as his left arm vacated its perch on his chest with a swipe to settle on his stomach. Dwalin pulled his hand away barely avoiding detection.  Silently berating himself for what he had done. Dwalin took Ori’s shoulder and shook the boy awake.
Ori grumbled once before opening his eyes as soon as he saw Dwalin leaning over him he shot upright an embarrassed blush creeping over his skin. “Dinner’s ready.” Dwalin said as he forced himself to look away from Ori’s quick fidgeting fingers and walk back into the kitchen.
“Thanks.” Ori said quietly pulling his shirt down.
Dinner was full of corny jokes, bad impressions of Dori and Coach Boromir, old stories and embarrassing ones. All three boys laughed hard and often; Ori was glad for it too because there was something really embarrassing about having Dwalin wake him up. The festivities were interrupted by a knock on the door; Ori excused himself to answer it.  “Hello Sheriff Stealbuster.” Ori smiled up at the man Dwalin would be in twenty years. Dwalin really was the spitting image of his father only not balding and rundown looking yet.
“You don’t have to call me ‘Sheriff Stealbuster’ it’s either ‘Mr. Stealbuster’ or just ‘Sheriff’.” The man chuckled it was a low warm sound that washed over Ori.
“Yes I do, it’s what you are.”
“Does that mean I should call you ‘student Ri’?”
“If you want but it might be kind of hard to distinguish me from my brother.”
The Sheriff chuckled again as he fallowed Ori back into the kitchen. “There’s no problem there, you’re the good kid in this family.”
“Hey dad.” Dwalin said dropping his plate in the sink.
“Dwalin.” The Sheriff smiled at his son and turned to Nori with a nod.
“Hey” Nori grumbled as he slid down in his chair. “I could hear you, you know.”
“So are we clear for reentry?” Dwalin asked.
“Yep, so let’s go before she thinks we got shot or something.” They all smiled at the idea of it, as Dwalin gathered his bag and put on his shoes. “Thank Dori again for me would you Nori.”
Nori scoffed. “Why, what the hell did he do?”
The Sheriff looked around the house. “Where is he anyway?”
“Minas Tirith medical conference.” Nori supplied.
“Oh” The Sheriff’s voice was tinged with concern as his eyebrows raised.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. I just always thought Dori liked Ori alive.”
“Nice! Get out of my house.” Nori glared.
“Hey now, if you don’t knock off this threatening behavior I’m going to have to take you into custody.”
Ori sighed, this game was old. “I’m going to go do homework. It was nice seeing you again Sheriff Stealbuster.” With that Ori snagged his own bag and climbed the stairs. About thirty minutes later he heard the Sheriff’s car pull away.
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smallgayblanket · 5 years
New/revised/whatever- List of stuff
Egos (Marks/Jacks) that I have written for or at least actually have thought about HCS/other universes for:  (Just some brief rambles about them, please don't hesitate to ask about them :3)
  -Anti,   Two takes really, I like him soft, like him mean, hes just fun to write, plenty of different ways to spin why he acts out, what he is and all that. My current fav way to portray him is a missing piece of Seans soul, which means hes unstable as a ‘person’ (cough, not really a human but not, not human either.)  And how he has static filled blue eyes but usually hides them with the scary emerald green...
-Jameson,  I will always stand by this kinda universe i created with a friend aages ao that Shawn took away Jamesons voice when being puppeteered by an awful ink creature that shares his body.  Giving Jameson a lovely fear of knives, some scars, and some very damaged vocals..
-Crank, Oh my fucking boi, a near dead human spliced with a bunch of robot parts..human skin tangled with wires and a heart incased in metal..hes a right mess, a voice in his head that makes him feel all sorts of bad.. He tries his best..he cries oil,  I hardly get to write  him but I love him.
-Blank, another big fav oi, black hollow eyes..a tendency to faint... My Hc involves him having been in an accident that almost killed him, leaving him with a very rare heart condition. He also has an aura which..kinda ties into him having a few abilities and stuff. 
-Nes.. He started off as my own kinda Ethan ego, basically Ethan who was mistreated and really lost his marbles..hes great for the real twisted messed up kinda stuff, so dependant on others, a minor murderer, and has been eyed off by a certain ice cream driver for quite some time...
-Were eth,  Okay granted this was literally just kinda an idea that..Eth became a were wolf boi, fangs, tail, ears. Hes just a fun lil pupper
-Eden. Succubus Ethan basically, but well, he again kinda turned into his own thing separate from Ethan. He's got a tail and wings, and hes a lovely lithe thing. He doesnt dare do things without consent, just gets a bit touchy-feely when hes gone without any energy for too long. Very wide stunning saphire eyes. 
- Jackie  Oh my lad..Buff, trans, adorable, sweet. I always love tinkering around with how/what powers he has tbh..and like- I’ve always had the hc that his eyes are lilac?? or gold. Depending on things.. and he works either at a comic book store, a gym, or at the counter of a gas station. Gives the best hugs. Also I love AUS where hes a phoniex because of uhm?? Big fucking red wings??? YES.
-Hen, Getting his accent right is tough but other than that I love writing about the tired doctor living off coffee and ignoring himself in favor of others. 
-Chase The fucking best dad, sunshine lad. Running a vlogging channel and doing his best while combatting depression..I hc him to have chronic fatigue so he has to push himself extra hard. but He does well in trying to get better and look after himself and only slips up like any other helpless human. Very fun to write. 
- Robbie.   Sof.t zombie lad. Drown in a sweater. Stutters and is v quiet. Slow with speech. Struggles to see sometimes. Loves soft textures.Loves attention. Overall soft fucking lad.
-KOTS, To mean known as Simon. Actually v smart, big brain, very scattered n shy and nervous and squirrelish. Loves books n plants, loves nature. Red is his best colour. Warm sweaters and nuzzling and cuddling up. I always get torn between him being a hybrid of human/squirrel or just a lovely soft guy. 
-Yan ! My fem nb/trans gal! They’ll kick ass with their katana, have the hots for Bim, and looove Japanese culture and stuff. Very adorable. Loves pink. 10/10 love to write. 
-Technically I do have a muse for Mark, or..idea? I’m thinking about shoving it into my own oc/thing..but basically he got tortured n abused by Authy so hes not quite like the real life markimoo..just a nervous mess whose dealing with his traumas..
-Bing, Skater lad, yellow/orange eyes, sunflower vibes. Tries his best, clumsy as fuck, great for a laugh when hes not cowering under google. 
-Edward iplier,  Gah my doctor lad.. I have a hc that he Lost arm. In fire..or by dark n wilf.  He has heterochromia too!! One cho ceye one blue one. He is a fucking nerd (Minor adhd lets be honest) He fucking loves space and science and space/science related lights. He has a bat plus with spacey wings. He likes reading, likes being clean and is quite a quiet indulger in food which has left him with a big of a softer figure. Super gentle nature..nothing like the arrogant portrayal we got in some videos. 
-Angus   I love this man!!! Part Aussie, part irish, a whole lot of gruff old dad with a soft spot for nice people and animals, has his own big place, next to a large ass forest. Loads of scars. Loves boots and cameo coloured clothing. A lovely guy when you get past the rough edges. 
Aand onto all my ocs as of writing this (cause you name well know I be writing new ones like..all the time.) 
OC’S (My original characters!)
-Jessy, Cowboy-   Choker with gold bell. Lil ears/horns. Spots. Shy but sweet. Hands and feet different colour to rest of skin. Kinda  fur ish feeling rather then just straight-up skin.  Pear shaped figure. Shy lad. Likes to take lots of naps, anxious easily but a big people pleaser too. 
-Ailan and Keros. Moth n butterfly boi.  (Literally just made up with a friend, just a random soft pair of lads tbh nothing too fleshed or spesh)
- Louie - Followed by a dark being/creature/spirit... Yet to determine what else about him, but hes got brown hair, pointed ears and looks lovely in green.
-Quinton  A Hybrid of Demon and Angel otherwise called a Guardian. Quirky, Pan as shit, great dress sense. Extremely calm. Can see auras. Lovely black feathered wings. Bright blue hair.  Kind smile. Works at a little coffee shop in his spare time.
-Ori  Very pure angel boy, previously owned and not very well treated by a god, came crashing down to earth with no memories but his wings intact. Some help him. 
-Lumi  Ghost boy! Died years ago under awful circumstances..now lingers around on earth, sometimes meeting humans who happen to be able to feel or see his presence, he has the ability to make himself solid for short periods of time. 
- Lucio Witchy..dragon soul something or other- Deaf.Paralyzed? In the arms??They might use alot of energy trying to hover around instead of having to use a chair..(I mean how many witches do you see with chairs??).. Although they could not have use of their arms instead, like..paralyzed from the shoulder down- they still have them but theyre effectively useless and easily sore.. (which might make magic really hard, cause theyd have to master it again without their hand gestures.)
- Eztli, Bit of a prick. Basically got cursed to have really weird blood that replished and rejuvinated too fast/too much by a witch he angered. So he turned the curse into a good thing and basically goes out offering himself as a human blood bag for vamps willing to pay in info, items, cash or uh..other services..  
- Gallio Photographer, has hypocalcemia. Haven't really done much else with him tbh.
-Aomi Warlock/witch in training. Downright awful at it. Young and lives in a nice lil cottage outside of the village he was abandoned in.
- Lucas A moonstone gem perma-fusion, he kinda has SPD/DID but he doesn't, cause..hes two gems that became one but not fully. Leaving him to be a bit of a mess and not as strong as other moonstones. 
- Kiyan. A little assistant android!! Created to assist, he can make portals!, He works at a post office. Hes under surveillance by the company that made him and isnt yet aware of many human customs/emotions.. 
- Alex  A very confused, overly optimist Alien who doesn’t know what they are. Come from the planet Eutychia, 4'3. They fucking glow. You know  Kilowatt from space chimps? think that. But hair n freckles and more human and just as  bubbly and energetic. 
-Locus  Mer/Fish boi!  Transparent fins, glowy patches, plays harp + loves music.
-Lir  A Tiny Octopus/Human hybrid lad. Makes little burble and trill noises. Quite harmless. Needs a home. 
Benji (Strawberry shortcake boi- Cursed tape /bandages. Demi half god.? One eye. Uses notes. To communicate but also sign. Really. Good sweets maker)
 Small bois (A collection of tinys because G/T is fucking great okay?)
- Tobias. Literally Made of hair gel. cleary, adorable, aaand Eats soap..amoung other non food items he probably should not ingest but does..
- Hinto  Guy made of foam slime. Very chill n laid back.
- Glowstick bubs. (Alo/aloke -  Green and blue  +  Siro - Yellow n pink.  + Mavi (Vi) Red and silver. + Roxy (Ro) - Orange and  purple )  They’re a cross between glowsticks and lava lamps and its epic- asides the fact they have like.half a brain cell each. Lots of sleeping n lazign around.
- Theo  A tiny ink creature.  A clever little lad, who likes to drawn and write n paint in ink and leave cheeky little black splotches everywhere. A very good writer companion tho. 
- JellyBubs! A collection of tiny sentient jelly babies, hungry lads will raid your cupboards. 
-Miel A tiny little bee boy! Loves flowers <3 
Apocolyse Squad:
The planet Keres,  Left uninhabitable after the invasion that ruined the air and killed almost the entire race.
Sameal o’Ceirin (Being of smoke- partly blind.)
Mallory Thomas (Part cat. Vet, partner to Sam who ends up dying in the canon of their story)
Hamrish Benat  (Hayden. 4 eyes, soft tongue. PTSD. extra tiny heart in wrist. Quite fem/soft. Likes soap cutting vids and stuffed toys/teddies.)
Joshua who cares (An asshole. Staight up. He dies. Fuck him. He sucks ass.)
Andy peters (Strong, kind. Kinda like Tyler shied. Big, tol, but actually pretty soft.)
Adrian  Géarán  (Tail, fire abilities, likes to make little robots. Very weak n has a couple of disabilities that leave him tired n such, which aint great for his esteem or his team when the apoc hits.)
Wyatt ???? ?????????????????
Pace- Nerdy. Finds a cat. Observer for the aliens. Is immune to black goop. 
Four - buff. Scary. Deadly. 
Apocolypse Squad Part 2  Small lads who dont derese to be in danger: 
  -Apep, Naga boi  Legs mutate into a cool tail. Hisses, fangs. Adorable loves the sun. bout 20 years old. 
Chris. Camp leader! Biig dad type, redhead, buff, likes gardening and camping, very outdoorsy. Little awkward but great.
Small child Talise- nickname tails? ..   Blind and slightly traumatized by the car crash that killed his mother and ended up with glass in his eyes, very sensitive to noise n textures.     Ends up mutating tails.  6 v young n smol  blocks n colourin
Shirin Parvis. Crystal boi .. trained solider/ royalty.  Tried to warn people before the apoc hit and failed. Now tries to protect the small group of surviors he stumpbles across. 
 Zephaniah, mutation turns him into a  Chameleon basically, just.. a human one. He  Prefers Zeph. Big gamey Nerd-  gets a pet gecko.  16. Quiet. Loves Lazar skirmish and lazers. 
Moyachi, Cactus boi!! Plant bab. Loves water and has clear/lime green tinted aloe/herbal helpful blood. Spikes up at defense from bad people 18/ 19   likes drawing. Pretty grumpy and needs a break.
Colin, nicknames: Coco,  Lady bug lad, who is baby trans  mutation resulted in a weird Red/Orange skin condition basically.  Can predict weather v accurately.       Ballet/dance, 14   Likes cooking. 
Hotaru , Firefly bby  - Glowy bub with antenna,  possibly mutates wings.. Sassy and tired. Turns nocturnal as the apoc progressed. Also becomes Colins first love <3
Zeno  A Siren of sorts.  DC/ hip hopper/   Lost his arm in apoc.  He loooves music alot. Very purple aesthetic and checkerboards.
Liren Pichi, deaf peaches n cream aesthetic boi- Nickname Pichi.  He is alone during the apoc, sneaks aboard and ship and goes missing..
Neighbours AU:
They all live on the homeworld, Ermioni.
Blake Aglaia  A human with a gift of being able to put emotions into glass balls.. Red head, quite fem, but gay, sweet, but not mousy. 
Lynx ?? An alien and human, the alien somewhat resides inside its host but they coexist. Sometimes goes feral.  Alien half likes to go by Perse  (Percy)  They have cool looking saliva- viens that run down their arms that are pretty cool- sharper nails/claws. Tendrils. Large ol mouth. Lots of pointy ass teef. Lynx likes to train,go to gym, and kick ass. Big ass butch energy.
Demon fam:
Hyacinth  A six-armed demon with serious parent energy. Big gardener, his body grows flowers depending on his moods/strength of emotions. Purple neck length hair. Great at comfort and cooking. 
Rhys  A Demon with a great curiosity about humans has a sibling, Feri.  Rhys is a big nerd, but very hard to get to know. Not great with emotions, comes across a tad distant and cold without always meaning too. Loves candles and lots of autumn aesthetic. 
Anthos, AKa Ant. Rhys and Hy’s accidentally created/summoned a toddler.. and hes fucking adorable. 
Vato - V   Hy has another bub later on who's more purpley blue with red curled horns and 4 arms.. No tail.. 4 eyes. V cute and inquisitive. Less noisy and wreckless than Ant. 
Douglas Connelly  A regular chubby human bean! Learning to become a chef. He loves food, loves cooking and also loves dancing. Hes a big guy, big cudddler, but a little shy and akward at times. 
Donovan Amores  Real fricking cool and smokin hot Bartender with a love for dogs. Dougs roommate. Has glowing fuckin orbs- donates his heart to a fucking god is smooth as fuck, background heavily Spanish, moved when young.
Haris Alaksim Real name (lost in translation, Huitzilopochtli God of sun and war) ) - A god whom Dono is very close with and donates his heart two one every 3 years during the day of the highest sun. He is a god / Mouros.    Donovan refers to him as “Dios gentil”  or “ Viejo colibrí sabio”   (“El viejo colibrí sabio es un dios gentil” (The old wise hummingbird is a gentle god.)
Donovans Family
Rem (Looks after magical creatures- Cane is from Haris)
Oscar  (Not sure what trinket or power but He’s just a casual store worker w/ good arms. Surprisingly good with knives- perhaps has one from Haris?)
Nicole  (His only sister Makes clothes..possibly got some ability to do with seasons..?  Perhaps earrings or a bracelet from Haris)
Javi  (Makes jam, cute boy, wears cloaks. Maybe has a cute little jar necklace or magic jar??)
Luca (Trans bookkeeper- Talks to Haris most often and likes to ask questions..Has precious books...Possibly a special pen..) 
Forest bois!!
Cypress The soul of the forest - Mentor of Rem. Very calm, very wise. Kinda like master oogway type. 
Unicorn boi, Hes rare, missing a chunk of his horn. Dont hurt him. He doesnt even have a name.
Fyn. Mushroom boy. Protects a gate. Lost his twin during a human-caused fire. Very mad about it. 
Fie. Bat boy. Loves fruit. 
Moh. Fairy/incubus hybrid.  
Tucker. Bunny boi, Best friends with Ainsley. Got some like, punk vibes about him, piercings n such. Not as soft as one would expect but still nice at heart.
Ainsley. Fawn boi, clums, shy, round glasses,  Looks smart but doesn't always know stuff. Very unsure of self. 
Experiment AU: 
Izekiel Iris A being of Paint. Hes made of paint. He has trauma from being experimented on. Slightly depressed. Loves art, loved creating. also regresses to try to deal with said PTSD.  Hard to get to know at first. 
Matty  (Matthew Libelle)   An experiment, part human, part lizard, part dragon. Much smol.  Hes fucking baby and i adore him alot please do ask anything and everything about him. 
Cult bois:
-Nero Aakil   (Means Genius/Orange blossom)   Orange bub  - Leader. Smart. Telepathic link with all cult members.  V corrupted…  (Parents were rich and ignorant)
-Mao Cerise   Pink - Ditzy, Looks after their ‘little bird’ (aka Jey) 
-Jey Michael Cherubim   Fallen angel -  Corrupted..desaturating and weak.. Was summoned by the cult and captured as a trophy. 
-Jaden Hirav  Looks after a garden of plants both harmless and some not for master. Previously Neros old pet..His  The family was alright but he was moreso raised by like his mum and bro. He was kidnapped from his garden and never seen again. The cult ritual to initiate him into the group failed and he was spliced with plants making him near useless to the cult.
-Rowan maverick - Now known as  Rogue- Red. Lost their tongue. Does Not follow orders to the T but gets their job done.   Has another voice/god/soul looking out for them… Very assassin ready, very perceptive. Wants to get out the cult but knows theyre too far in.. Cool glowy words in the air because they don't have their tongue. Possibly only lives of medication and vitamin pills..possible OD? Possible addiction. They struggle alot with it. 
P - Pax -  God who watches over Rowan. Was killed by the Master but their spirt lives on.
Cato.   Purple - Another smart one.. Possible Wiccan?  Sadist. Mean. Tall.  Scary. Abuse. Twisted. Loves being in the cult. Eventually wants to host Masters soul.. 
Gin Short for Ginger but the real name is Xanthe.  Blind. Also another assassin like Rogue but more obedient.  Doesn't talk often out of fear. 
Benjamin Brandy  (Benji. B) is Gins friend, Gin is trying not to get him involved in the cult but was too late as B had previously already been cursed and dealt with mythical beings..
 Silver bub. Demir. A demon summoned by the cult to complete the collection. Wants out, very stressed.  
Adopted AU: (This is like a mess of some of the boys but younger and in a different timeline to their universes smushed together intoa kinda cute school/adoption au idea.)
Matthew is smol autistic, malnourished and heavily abused both mentally and physically, leading to selective mutism and being a small fragile easily tired bab.  He loves hanging in the library once he gets used to going to some schooling. Gets tutored by Chris? Goes to camp and helps around n has fun..
Jaden, loves the school garden, and likes science class. His family is alright, However he ends up mostly raised by his sister? Or brother? 
Iz is the lil art bab, also in foster care of a big family, not so much abused but semi neglected. Quiet.
Nero is the gifted nerdy child..Parents ignorant. They love history and fictional books and reading and learning.
Benji is the slightly older kid whos possibly maybe a little behind or delayed or..something, they help out with other kids as a buddy? They like to do cooking classes.
So this Au was like..the Septic tank births all the egos.
Angus first- He has..some kinda strength I imagine/..
Then Anti, Hen, Jackie. Marv. 
Chase -  He kills himself because of Glitch- also falls in the tank a second time and ends up with odd powers. 
Glitch Starts off as very bad and misunderstood. Turns out they were just highly unstable and required medical treatment.  Their real name is Arius and they cant stomach solid foods all the time. Mostly a liquid diet. They have glitchy fits/static seizures. Very unpleasant. Can enter tech, and its not so great, can get trapped. Can absorb certain amounts of electricity because of this they Got hit by  ightning once and has epic lighting scars!! Up arms..some on neck. All over his chest and back. 
Septic clone AU
Sean giving up bits of soul to make clones ends up in coma
Experiments and torture and odd shit with the egos ensues??
Minecraft AU??  
Yeah i had weird ideas for a cute minecraft gang of minecrafters who had accidents involving getting merged/recded with other creatures traits ect. 
Vail.  -Vex / Human
Snow golom hybrid? Or Blaze?
Slimey boi
Panda lad.
Pokebabs au
Mainly for Matty, Iz and Blank.. were they have pokemon forms and when bonded with a human long enough can evolved into human forms?? 
Horned AU  (With Troiseh/Glitch-in-the-static)
Shiro  -Prince lad  (This is their lad :3)
Junji - Battery..whump/slave/lost prince 
Isao Asuka -  Shiros Royal Guard 
Alien AU
Hami if he were..alien instead of being a human in an apoc basically. 
Angel AU stuff: 
Good omens inspired boi
Leo Halvar   Part..humany..demon..Cambion are according to google "In late European mythology and literature, a cambion is the offspring of an incubus, succubus, or another demon with a human, or of an incubus and succubus"
Ryan  Hot archangel guy: One wing, demon hunter thing.. Good kinda reforming from a less nice lifestyle previously. 
Mute angel possibly demon idk- -   Latif? Emmet? Evan? 
Long fringe shy boy-  Cael / Lox
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A Twist of Fate ch.11 -An Unexplained Feeling
The Elementalist au
Beckett x MC (Oriana)
Words: 2571
Master List (Catch Up Here)
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The next morning, Beckett woke up spooning Oriana. She was pressed completely into him, and he felt himself sticking out into her. For a moment he allowed himself to daydream about kissing her and the way she reacted to his touch, like he alone lit a fire in her all throughout her body. Trying to make as little movement as possible as not to wake her, he inhaled her scent, and wondered what their combined scent would be like.
  He felt her move in his arms lightly, her skin brushing against his erection, making him even harder than he already was. He groaned as quietly as he could, not wanting her to wake up and hear the effect she was having on him at that moment. He loved having her in his arms, but if he was going to end up with a constant hard on it was going to be a problem. He looked over at the clock, 7am. He needed to get moving. He started to slowly pull away from her, immediately missing her warmth. When they were finally disentangled, he crept out of the room quietly.
He was still so tired. He couldn’t stop thinking about everything she’d told him last night. He stood in front of his mirror, buttoning up his shirt and attempting to style his hair. He grimaced at the dark bags beneath his eyes. He finished primping as best he could and head down the stairs, but to his surprise, Oriana was standing over the coffee machine.
She turned and gave him a tired smile. “Morning. Coffee’s almost done.”
“I didn’t mean to wake you.” He told her.
She smirked. “And I told you that you’re cute in the morning and I want to do something nice for you.”
Beckett felt his face flush.
“Oh, and here’s your lunch.” She handed him a container. “It’s the dinner we never ate last night.”
“I’m sorry I missed dinner…. wait. We? You didn’t eat either?”
She shook her head. “No. I’m also going to eat some for lunch.”
Beckett didn’t even know what to say. Does she actually want to have every meal with me? Why?
“You still look exhausted.” She pointed out
He rolled his eyes. “Well, I haven’t slept much since you walked into my life.”
She bit her lip, and his gaze fell to it, images of making out with her the previous night flashed through his mind again. I shouldn’t have done that. But it really seemed like she wanted it to happen. If I hadn’t stopped…how far would it have gone? No. Don’t think like that. What she gave you was far more meaningful.
She stepped forward. “Um…I can help with that.” Before he could ask what she meant, she had stepped forward, placing her hand over his heart again. Warmth and light spread throughout his body and he instantly felt lighter, happier, more energized. Her eyes had turned golden, and in that moment, Beckett knew he was head over heels in love with her. More than that, he knew he’d always been in love with her.
He heard a gasp escape her lips, and she took a step back, breaking their connection, with a strange look on her face. “You should probably go. Don’t want you to be late.”
“Ori...” He started. “Is it like that with everyone? The light you put in my heart. Does it always feel this way?” Tell me why you gasped.
She cocked her head to the side. “What do you mean? You should feel energized. That’s what it does to people.”
“Right…” He narrowed his eyes at her. There was something she wasn’t saying. But then, there was something he also was not saying. “Alright, I’ll…see you later. Thank you. For coffee, lunch, energy…you’re incredible.” He hadn’t meant to say the last part out loud, but sure enough, it came out of his mouth.
“Bye Beckett.” She responded softly.
At work, Beckett felt amazing. He couldn’t believe how good he felt. He wasn’t tired, he wasn’t worried, he could actually concentrate for the first time in days. He greeted everyone he saw, the lunch she had packed him was outstanding. Things were good. The first time he looked up from his work was when he heard his office door close. Dave and Tom stood in front of him, arms crossed.
“Uh…hey guys. Can I help you?”
Two sets of eyebrows raised. “You’re in a really good mood.” Dave said.
“Yeah.” Tom agreed. “I haven’t seen you this refreshed and motivated…well, ever.”
“You always did have a dim outlook on life.” Dave pointed out.
“So, what’s going on?” Tom finished
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Beckett told them. “I’m having a good day. Is that so hard to believe?”
“For you? Yeah, kinda. You’re not exactly Mr. Sunshine.”
But I have my own personal sunshine at home.
“Wait, what? Am I never in a good mood? I’ve had good days before.” He said defensively.
Dave pulled up a chair. “Not like this. This is a whole other level of happy.”
Beckett stared at them a moment.
“Did you sleep with her?” Tom asked
“What?? No!! Of course not, it’s only been a few days…”
“Almost a week.” Dave piped in
“Okay, almost a week. That’s not long enough to…”
“Are you kidding? It’s definitely long enough when you’re living with someone you’ve always been in love with.” Tom exclaimed.
“I…we have not had sex.” Beckett said firmly. “And I never said I was in love with her.”
“Beckett.” Dave started. “You know how we could tell something happened when she first moved in and you were denying that anything was going on? I’m getting the same vibe here. So just cut to the chase and tell us so we can all move on with our day.”
Beckett sighed. “We got…closer. But not sexually. She told me some things…horrible things…she said I’m the first person she ever told. And it felt…good. Not good that she’s gone through these things, but good that she would trust me like that. No one’s ever placed their faith in me before, at least not on a personal level.”
“She’s telling you things she’s never told anyone? Not even her ex? Her best friends?”
Beckett swallowed. “Uh…yeah. Why?”
The two men shared a glance and a smirk. “No reason.”
Beckett pinched the bridge of his nose. “There’s a reason. Just say it. You made me come out with it, it’s your turn.”
“How did that particular subject matter come up?” Tom asked.
“Does it really matter? You guys are ruining my good day.” Beckett snapped.
“It’s all about context.” Dave replied.
“I’m done talking about this. It’s been great sharing all this with you, but I have work to do.”
“Beckett, come on. We’re trying to help. You said she told you horrible things she’s never said out loud before. That’s a big deal. Things like that don’t just randomly pop into a conversation. So what led to that discussion? What happened to make her open up to you like that?”
Beckett glared at them, remaining silent.
“Fine. If you don’t want to tell us, then don’t. But we’re the married ones. We may know a thing or two that can help you win her over. I guarantee you’re closer than you think. And as you said, it’s only been a few days. Which means things can easily go either way. We want to help you make it go the right way. Because we like this new Beckett we’re seeing. It’s refreshing. You’ve never smiled this much since you started here.”
The two men started to leave his office, and right before the door clicked shut…
“I kissed her!” Beckett blurted out, before burying his face in his hands.
“I knew it!” Dave announced gleefully. $5 please!!”
Tom rolled his eyes, shoving a $5 bill into Dave’s hand.
“Are you…did you make a bet?” Beckett asked incredulously.
“Perhaps.” Tom shrugged. “Dave here thought you kissed her, and I thought you slept with her. We decided to make it interesting.”
Beckett’s mouth fell open. “Seriously?”
“Seriously. No one’s in this good a mood unless it has something to do with their girl.”
“She’s not my girl.” Beckett mumbled.
“Yet.” Tom corrected.
“Why are you two so invested in this?” Beckett asked.
“Because we’re your friends. So. You kissed her. How’d that happen? And how did it lead to her telling you extremely personal things?”
“Well…” Beckett trailed off, the tips of his ears turning read.
“Oh my god. You almost slept with her!” Tom cried. “What the hell, man? Why’d you stop?”
“Because she just got out of a relationship! She’s too vulnerable!”
“And willing to sleep with you! From everything you’ve said, it sounds like she barely even liked her ex, they were together more out of convenience and familiarity than anything else. Jesus, Beckett, okay, so you rejected her? I can’t believe you’re even alive right now.”
If only you knew how accurate that really is. “Well, she was definitely pissed and tried to kick me out. But I wouldn’t let her, and when she saw I wasn’t giving up…she let me in. On a deeply personal level. That’s how it happened. Satisfied?”
Beckett glared at them, annoyed he’d just told him all of that, annoyed that they could figure it out. The room was silent for several moments before Dave finally spoke again, his voice quiet.
“Wow. Good for you. That’s impressive. You really do love her, don’t you?”
Beckett nodded once, not saying a word.
“Okay…” Tom began. “She definitely likes you, or she wouldn’t have kissed you back…wouldn’t have reciprocated your advances…certainly wouldn’t have let you stay after rejecting her. She likes you. Maybe…maybe she even loves you. If she told you things she’s literally told no one else…There’s gotta be a reason for that.”
Beckett scoffed. “She hated me for years, she’s not going to fall for me in a matter of days. She has no idea how long I’ve wanted her.”
Dave sighed. “Again, if she actually hated you…she wouldn’t be in your house right now. And she doesn’t know because you haven’t told her. You should. Also, she thought you hated her, and you definitely didn’t.”
“What are you trying to say?” Beckett asked in frustration. 
“I’m saying be honest with her. Tell her how you feel, how you’ve always felt. She likes you, and you deserve this, something good. You both do. So be that good in each other.”
With that parting comment, they left his office, and Beckett leaned back in his chair with a huge sigh. Well now my concentration’s fucking gone. Way to go assholes. This is why friends are overrated and I’ve avoided it in the past. Who do they think they are, butting into my life like that?
Try as he may, he couldn’t get back into his groove. He was annoyed, and all he could think about was Oriana. The things she told him about Chase, and the things that happened to her while she was with him. It was awful, and she trusted him with it. He’d actually kissed her, could have slept with her, he was sure, and he couldn’t even be happy about it. He was having this nagging feeling that something was wrong. And, to his immense disappointment, he knew his friends were right, this relationship could easily swing either way. He stood up, gathered his things, and told his boss he was leaving for the day. Luckily, Beckett often worked long hours, as he never had anyone to go home to, so he could more than afford a couple hours off.
He didn’t know what he was doing, but he knew he needed to see her. It’s how he always felt now. Now that she was in his life, he couldn’t imagine it without her. Something was happening between them, something strong, something he’d never experienced before. He could feel her now, he could tell she needed to see him. She’d been radio silent all day, which was unlike her. He didn’t like it. When he got home, he burst through the door, calling out her name.
She stepped into his vision, eyebrows furrowed. “Beckett? What are you doing here?”
“Are you okay?” He asked immediately.
She frowned. “Uh…yes? Why? What’s going on?”
“Do you regret telling me the things you did last night?” He blurted out.
She looked at him in confusion. “No.”
He waited for her to continue, but she didn’t.
“Oh.” Was all he could think of to say.
“Are you okay?” She asked. “You seem a bit…off.”
Beckett ran a hand through his hair. “Sorry. I uh, took the rest of the day off. I thought we could spend time together.”
She blinked. “Oh…”
“Is that Beckett fucking Harrington??” He heard a screech from her phone that he just now realized she was holding. The faces of Shreya and Zephyr were staring at him in shock. “THAT’s who you’re staying with?? Okay, this is clearly an emergency, we’re coming home right now, and you’ll stay with us.”
“Um, guys…I should go.” She turned the screen back to face her. “Don’t cut your trip, really, I’m fine.”
“You are NOT staying with that asshat, Oriana.” Shreya said sharply. “Do you not remember…”
“Gotta go, guys, seriously, I’m fine and I’m staying here.” As her friends began arguing she hung up the phone and looked at him guiltily.
He rose a hand to stop her. “It’s…it’s fine, Ori. You didn’t want them to know where you’re staying. You already told me to be careful of who knows.”
Even though I completely disagree with that. Especially since this is going so well. But apparently, it’s not just Chase she wants to keep in the dark.
“I was about to tell them when you walked in, I swear.” She looked at him pleadingly.
“Do you really think they would tell Chase?” He asked
She laughed lightly. “They hated him. There’s no way they would tell him anything.”
“Then why…”
“I told you I was literally about to tell them. I’d only been talking to them for 10 minutes. Honestly, I just hadn’t gotten there yet.” She was searching his eyes, and he could tell she was being sincere.
“Okay. I believe you.” He felt some relief wash through him, knowing she was okay.
“Why are you actually here?” She stepped towards him, a suspicious look on her face.
“I just had a feeling…” He trailed off. What am I going to say? I thought something was wrong, so I came here as soon as I could? She’ll say I’m crazy
“What kind of feeling?” She questioned.
He started blushing. “I can’t explain it. I just felt…”
“Anxious?” She supplied
He nodded.
“What are you feeling right now?”
“Beckett…” She began. “When did you start feeling that something was wrong?”
“I don’t know. Does it matter?” She rose an eyebrow as he fidgeted uncomfortably. “Maybe about an hour ago?”
She shook her head. “That’s...that’s impossible.”
“What’s impossible?”
“I’ve only heard of this kind of thing happening, I kinda thought it was an urban legend.” She murmured, more to herself than to him. "I guess I realized but...still.
“What?” He was getting frustrated.
She met his gaze and he instantly knew what she was going to say. “You were feeling my anxiety about that phone call.”
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Prompt if you want to do it but don’t force yourself: Lance (or any other character) having everyone forget their birthday, sorry I’m just a bit of a sucker for those. Love ya blog by the way ✌️✌️
Hey! Sorry it took me so long to write this! 
Hope you like it ❤
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY LANCE!!” His mother all but yelledcompletely waking him up from his deep slumber. He usually didn’t sleep in tillthis hour, but he has been pulling all-nighters the past whole week trying tofinish his assignments, even though it was summer vacation. Those assignmentswere going to determine if he will be in Fighter or Cargo pilot. As till nowhis title was only Pilot.
His 4 older siblings filed into his room with theirfather standing next to his mother, who was holding the cake with the design ofa beach on it, her smile was so wide that her lips almost touched her hair line.
It was his 17th birthday, the last one beforehe was legally declared an adult, which wouldn’t mean much to his familyconsidering he was the youngest and will always be the spoiled one. Not thatanyone minded, his siblings loved him and he loved them. There was neveranimosity about the whole issue.
Lance sat up straight, grinning as he looked around theroom at his family. He will miss them so much when he leaves for Garrison thisyear, possibly more than before. There was something about the upcoming schoolyear that was giving him bad vibes but he pushed it to the back of his mind sohe could enjoy his birthday.
Being the youngest in the McClain household meant thatyour birthday was a national holiday. Anyone who worked would take a day offand since it was already summer vacation everyone would be free to celebrate.
His birthday routine was the sameevery year. The one thing that never changed so he always looked forward to it.It starts off with his family waking him up with a cake (he would have hisalarm off that specific day so he is completely surprised by his family), whichthey then take down to the beach for a small family party, which then turns into lunchat the nearest Shake Shack in the evening and then roller skating with hisfriends at night. 
His wish every year? That this never change.
Lance woke up feeling like shit.
Last night Keith kicked his ass in training and he was nowdealing with the aftermath. He shoulders felt like they were wrapped in cotton fromthe inside, which would’ve felt good if it didn’t make moving them so damnhard. His brain felt like it would explode under the pounding headache he seemsto be experiencing. He tried to push the covers off himself but his thighs feellike they were on fire. So he settled into subtly sliding off his bed. 
Thiswould’ve worked if the alarms didn’t suddenly blare up causing him to fall off thebed and up his headache tenfold.
Despite his protesting body, he got up and wore his armor.
He ran, tearfully so, to the bridge to see what was going onand was surprised to see Allura standing there with what looks to be stopwatchand an annoyed look on her face.
“If this was a real alarm, you would have killed Voltron.”
Lance went pale as he looked around and noticed thateveryone was there before him.
“You don’t even have your bayard.” Pidge retorted.
He wore his armor in such a hurry he didn’t even registerwhat he was doing. It was all muscle memory. 
Allura hadn’t made a pseudo alarm in months, he simply forgot they were a thing.
“Sorry. Long training session yesterday.”
“No it wasn’t.” Keith said, amused “I mean sure I kickedyour ass, but that happens every time.”
“Keith is right Lance. Keith was training with you and yethe was one of the firsts to reach the bridge. After Shiro of course.”
Lance decided that if he talked back it would turn into anargument. His head pounded just thinking about it.
“Sorry.” Lance said as he went to sit in his place.
“Well, now that everyone is here.” Shiro clapped his handsonce to grab everyone’s attention. No one noticed Lance’s wince at the sound. “Letus all go and have breakfast so we can start today’s training.”
Lance stalked behind everyone while massaging his templestrying to ease the pain. At this point, Lance was sure soon this is going to becomea migraine if he didn’t do something about it. He hadn’t had a migraine in solong, he almost forgot what they felt like.
He sat down next to Hunk, who shot him a worried look butsaid nothing. Everyone dug in to the equivalent of pancakes they had stacked in the middle of the table. The conversation ranged in topics but none caughtLance’s attention forcing him to be quiet and stare at his plate.
He nibbled at his pancakes, convincing Hunk he ate as to notdraw attention to himself. He stood up to leave to his room just as Shiro said,“C’mon guys. Clean up and meet me in training room in 15 minutes.”
“Actually Shiro, I was wondering if I could skip today’straining. I don’t think I feel well.” Lance internally cringed at how small hisvoice came out.
“Is it serious?” Shiro said. Lance could decipher the lookShiro was giving him. “Because we really have to do some group training, we haven’tin a while. So if you could manage today, then please don’t skip.”
Lance knew Shiro was concerned and didn’t mean to guiltLance into staying as he didn’t know about Lance’s intrusive thoughts and insecurities about always  not being good enough for the Blue Paladin mantel.
“Nevermind, it’s not. I can handle it.” Lance said, faking hisupbeat voice while trying to forget about his upcoming migraine. “Catch youguys at the training room.”
Lance went out of the kitchen to get away from the noise. Hestarted thinking about the possible reasons for this incredible bad attitude heseemed to have; He usually had an alarm set early in the morning where he wouldtake a hot shower before the day starts to ease his muscles into a long day.
He took out his phone and looked at the his clock settingsto see that the alarm was switched off. Weird. Lance thought. He lookedaround more and found the reason. His blood ran cold as he looked at the date. 28thof July. How could it be his birthday already? And better yet, why has noone said anything?
He wouldn’t have made a big deal about it, since they were in space and all, if it wasn’t forthe fact that they celebrated Pidge’s birthday a couple months ago and eventhrew a small party for Shiro before as he hated big celebrations. Lance madeit his mission to know what everyone liked so he wouldn’t do something that mightmake them uncomfortable.
This all just proves that they kept track of the dates. So theothers should’ve known it was Lance’s birthday. He remembers mentioning it many times. He didn’t remember himselfas he always tends to not think about it as to not ruin any possible surprises anyone might have planned. Itwas what he did back home and just kept doing it in space.
If he felt like shit before, this was a whole new level offuck-shit-ory of feelings setting in his stomach. They didn’t care. Why wouldthey? Lance has been the one to make all the effort in getting to know histeammates. The others put effort too, just not with Lance.
He reached the training room the same time as Hunk.
“Hey buddy.” Hunk waved at Lance. “You don’t look so good. Didyou sleep last night?”
“What?… Oh yeah. I did. Thanks for asking, Hunk” Lancestayed where he was, giving Hunk a chance to notice that Yes.Something is wrong.
“Well in that case. C’mon! Lets kick Keith’s butt!” Hunksaid.
“Yeah!!” Pidge yelled from the other side of the room. Godknows how she even heard what they said as she had her headsets on.
Lance walked behind them whilekeeping a forced smile as to not show how much this actually hurt him.
He didn’t make it two minutes in the simulation before he receiveda major kick and decided to excuse himself to his room. He felt nauseous andthe new injury to his stomach certainly didn’t help. How could your head and stomachhurt at the same time?
He went to his room, locking the door behind him as hereally wanted to be alone right now, closed the lights as his eyes were becomingsensitive due to his headache and threw himself on his back on his bed andstared into the dark.
His mind drifted off to what he could be doing on hisbirthday if he was home. His family waking him up and going to the beach forthe party, lunch and then possibly a bar this time instead of roller skating.His siblings have told him ever since he was 16 that the year turns 18 they would be in Cuba so they could take him to a bar to have his first legaldrink.
He never felt as homesick as he did at that moment. What he wouldn’tgive to go back to his family just for a day to tell them how much he missed them,how much they truly meant to him and how, no matter how old he gets, he willalways be his mother’s little dolphin.
His curled in on himself and imagined the sounds of thewaves as he closed his eyes, which did nothing to stop his free-falling tear.
Maybe if he stayed in this position long enough, he will wake up onhis bed back on earth.
Got any prompts you’d like me to write? 
Feelfree to drop by and send it ❤
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askbigred · 2 years
✖ au: jurassic world
Ruby Lucas; Meghan Ory
animal transport with department of wildlife
Connections: Killian, Robin & Emma; close friends
Ever since she was a little girl, Ruby has always been obsessed with anything to do with animals. She was definitely that annoying child in school that would always talk about her favorite types, bonus points if someone brought up dinosaurs. She never thought that she would ever be close enough to see a dinosaur with her own eyes, let alone work close enough to one that they could potentially kill her, but here she was. She found herself on Isla Nublar keeping the animals that she loved safe. But we all know how that turned out. As crazy as it sounds, she couldn’t give up that job for anything. So fast forward a few years and here she was, still working with Biosyn but now in the small town of Dolemite Valley. She loved the vibe of a smaller town and still loved working with the department of wildlife. But with the best teammates by her side, she knew that this was the right decision for her.
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iyarpage · 7 years
20 Best New Portfolios, March 2018
Hello readers! It’s March. As is tradition, I’ve gone and collected a bunch of interesting portfolio designs for your perusal. It’s an eclectic mix this month. You’ll see some plain and basic good design together with sites that do interesting things with 3D graphics. Enjoy!
Note: I’m judging these sites by how good they look to me. If they’re creative and original, or classic but really well-done, it’s all good to me. Sometimes, UX and accessibility suffer. For example, many of these sites depend on JavaScript to display their content at all; this is a Bad Idea, kids. If you find an idea you like and want to adapt to your own site, remember to implement it responsibly.
Kaj Jeffries
Kaj Jeffries has won my meme-loving heart by the simple expedient of using GIFs to showcase his work as a director. It’s a simple technique that works flawlessly with his particular directorial style. The layout with two columns that scroll in opposite directions is perhaps not the most practical, but certainly fits the vibe while not being unusable.
Ori Studio
Ori Studio is the first site in a long time to have “dots” as their primary theme. I don’t know, the first word I thought of was “pointillism”, but that doesn’t feel quite right. In any case, the style lends a very distinct feel to the site, and I doubt I’ll forget it soon.
Julien Renau
When you take into account how much I dislike pre-loaders and the overuse of animation, it says something that I like Julien Renau’s portfolio. There’s just something about the little blinking mascot (which you can control via the arrow keys), and the execution of the rest of the site that I find both elegant, and a little charming.
Uncanny Valley Studio
Uncanny Valley Studio changes up what would otherwise be a fairly standard minimalist layout by embracing a distorted graphical style when presenting their projects. And it works.
Each of their projects also seems to feature some interactive elements, such as this basic music looper. This adds a whole new dimension to the way users experience the portfolio.
Snow Beach
Anyone who’s read a few of these articles will know that I can appreciate designers trying something bold, and even drastic, even if it’s a little flawed. That’s more or less how I’d describe Snow Beach, a portfolio for what appears to be a team of directors.
The navigation isn’t exactly obvious as navigation until you look closely, and the “screensaver” kicks in way too quickly. Otherwise, this site hits you hard with that red tone, and a design that is obviously all about getting you to the videos as quickly as possible. I like it.
Community Films
Community Films is another portfolio for several different directors. Instead of hitting you hard with a ton of one single color, though, this one organizes its videos (and Instagram posts) into a pleasant masonry layout.
I’d say they need to make it clearer which links are Instagram picture and which are videos from the get-go, without requiring the user to hover over each one. Otherwise, the site is pleasant to browse, and stays out of your way.
One Design Company
ODC2017 is an interesting case, as it’s not the main portfolio. It’s just a collection of things that One Design Company did in 2017. I have to say, it’s rare for me to see over a dozen color palettes put to use in one page, and even rarer still for me to think it works. But it works here.
Claudia Basel
Claudia Basel’s portfolio is another one of those sites that hits the right spot ion a weird way. You know, like, it’s weird but it’s good weird. Full-screen navigation with what looks an awful lot like a family photo on the home page gives way to a minimalist portfolio that is clean and clear.
Hugo Vann
Hugo Vann took the now very-familiar asymmetrical site and gave it a dark coat of paint. It’s simple, and nothing mind-blowing, but it looks pretty, and works well. What I do particularly like is the way he presents snapshots of his work in ways that make sense for the medium. For example, he doesn’t present his mobile interfaces with skeuomorphic faux-phones, but you can still tell it’s a mobile interface first and foremost.
Patrick Heng
Patrick Heng used his portfolio as a way to show off all of the fancy interactive tricks he could pull. But I’ll find a way to forgive him, if only because it’s just so pleasant to look at. It’s rare that a site manages to feel colorful despite most of its elements being monochromatic. It definitely has something to do with how colorful all of his work is.
I’d just like to tell the people behind Switch that their site is lovely, find yet another way to implement project slideshows creatively, and that they should look out for lawsuits from Nintendo; they litigate hard.
I typically wouldn’t recommend using slideshows for everything, but I must admit that more and more sites manage to make it work. Switch is one of them. I’d just make the contact info horizontal again. I don’t like trying to decipher text that’s “on its side”.
With the dead-simple layout, the huge and bold sans-serif type, and the thick black borders on some thing, Akademi feels like a bit of a throwback. You know, a throwback to two or three years ago, at most? Darn, trends move fast.
It ain’t fancy, but it’s a good website. Man, I almost miss this style, now.
Two Twenty Two
Two Twenty Two is the next site on this list to go a little nuts with the 3D graphics on its website. We’ve got polygonal pizza, lollipops, toast, sunglasses, and those boxes from Super Mario that have question marks. The rest of the site sticks to a fairly typical layout, but that homepage really sets the tone.
Magic People Voodoo People
Magic People Voodoo People lives up to its name by embracing a new-age kind of vibe in its presentation-style portfolio. And even if the logo does look a bit too much like clip-art for my taste, you can’t deny that they have a distinct theme going for them.
P.S. Click around on their page until you see lasers shoot from the eye-logo. Then keep clicking as fast as you can.
Contrast Films
Contrast Films has taken to the Internet with a presentation-style site that very lightly mimics the look of a video camera’s view-finder. It’s stylish, the type is great, and they milk that theme for all its worth.
I am still skeptical of navigation links being spread to all four corners (or sides) of any given website, though. I don’t know where this trend came from, and I’d dearly like to see some numbers on how well it does or doesn’t work.
Mr. Kyle Mac
Mr. Kyle Mac brings us another website that is light, clean, and minimalist, with a few light touches of animation. Nothing mind-blowing, but solid and dependable design.
Walter Spatzek
Walter Spatzek’s portfolio goes right past “light touches” of animation, and dives right into the deep end. And yet, the rest of the design feels elegant enough that I don’t mind. The work is very clearly emphasized, and does all of the selling.
Florian Wacker
Florian Wacker has managed to do something I never thought I’d see. They’ve made (what I’m pretty sure is) German look more elegant than terrifying through typography alone. Okay, that’s a joke, but really, if that was English, I’d quite enjoy just reading everything on this site.
Ketan Mistry
Ketan Mistry is an old-school designer, and his website embraces an old-school theme. I half suspect his website might have looked a lot like this as far back as when we used frames and tables for layout. And why not? Good design lasts.
Robbie Hall Creative
If Robbie Hall’s portfolio looks a bit like a theme, don’t worry. That’s just Bootstrap showing through. However, I didn’t figure that out ’til I looked at the source. In a way, that fact alone is a testament to the skill of the designer. Plus, it looks good.
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Source p img {display:inline-block; margin-right:10px;} .alignleft {float:left;} p.showcase {clear:both;} body#browserfriendly p, body#podcast p, div#emailbody p{margin:0;} 20 Best New Portfolios, March 2018 published first on https://medium.com/@koresol
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