#the devil is and will always be a gentleman // Asmodeus.
illithilit · 4 months
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Orianna, Nethfari, and Asmodeus.
Art by @malotte00. ( Commission info. )
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tenthhell · 1 year
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Updated Orianna bc I got a mod to work + a rough approximation of Asmodeus' avatar.
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r3d-redemptions · 6 months
Mephistopheles & Raphael parallel
right, bare with me because i just want to discuss their parallel because it’s so fascinating to me. i don’t see it discussed enough. spoilers ahead!
• unsurprisingly, mephistopheles is charming and as cunning, but he can display different façades sometimes. and yet, behind that cold surface, mephisto is a walking contradiction. “Fiendish codex II” (i absolutely recommend getting this if you want to know more about the hells, it has all the essential about them) also describes him as depite for someone who appears cold and reserved all the time, mephistopheles would have an actual temper tantrum. something he does is “destroying everything around him in a thunderous explosion of hellfire and devastating magic.”
•mephistopheles appears as a handsome gentleman! he speaks in an intelligent, calculated manner and of course wit won’t be absent.
•he also doesn’t give up easilly when something gets in his way he would always find ways to get whatever he wants.
•he is always eager to find out new information around him, things thay could make himself even more powerful because he wants to take over asmodeus too
now, doesn’t what i’ve described above remind you of raphael? and isn’t it interesting how raph hates his daddy so much yet he wants to be so much like him? that’s daddy issues at its finest, if you ask me. besides, raphael’s inner conflict seems to be familliar to mephistopheles’, but in his case the conflict is based on the fact that he’s a half devil. the fact that he’s a human too makes him absolutely more vulnerable, unlike how devils are supposed to be. however, in my opinion, it’s his human form that brings him most of his sucess in deals after all.
regarding how raphael appears and expresses himself: he gives the first impression of an intelligent gentleman, but as the plot progresses, he’s a cunning little bastard that has us easily around his fingers. interestingly enough, he seems to display the same façade as his father… beyond having the inherited personality(most likely), i think raphael decided to display a very simillar façade to his fathers’ after he’s seen Mephistopheles becoming this powerful with such a personality.
and my favourite part so far: raphael’s ambition! in a case where you give the crown to gale and he becomes a god in the epilogue raphael is still very determined to take over as he would rise from the gods’ ruins, like he says. also, before fighting him in the house of hope, you can be something like “if you kill me you won’t have the crown” he’s like “yeah whatever i’ll get it because i can😠”.
about the finding information part… isn’t it interesting how around the house of hope you find so much powerul equipment? man seeks ANYTHING that can make him feel powerful. mind you, i’ve always found the amount of equipment he has around the house of hope pretty impressive ngl
(also the fact that he can manage so many portals? i wonder how they appeared in the house of hope in the first place, someone enlighten me pls xd)
anyway yeah, just wanted to ramble about it for now. i hope you enjoyed my yapping and that i made sense lol. thx for the attention and for reachig this point of the post :)
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roseytoesy · 3 years
Vore related ask: which of the brothers (or one of the other characters) has the comfiest belly? Who is the best at lying about where Mc is when they have them hidden away?
I'll just go down a list of what I think each brother would be with comfort and sneakiness rated out of 10.
Lucifer: Comfort is 6/10. His stomach is somewhat average, a bit more on the touch side due to him always being tense and at the ready because of his brother's antics. The sneakiness of holding onto the MC is 9.5/10. Almost perfect with the straight face he can pull off and the threatening aura he would give off when questioned too much. overall not the most comfortable but best to go to be left alone. 
Mammon: Comfort is 7.5/10. He has some plushness with his more relaxed attitude to the world, the only reason it's not higher is cause he gets so flustered. His stomach blushes as much as he does so it gets very warm also lots of nervous/flustered swallowing. Sneakiness is 2/10. He is the worst of the worst liars ever. Don’t know how the heck he's decent at poker. Probably isn't. anyway he studders and will either wrap around his belly or doesn’t touch it and tries to act all casual but failing miserably. Overall nice to relax with and spend some time, just hope no one else is around and hope he's not up to no good. 
Leviathan: Comfort is 6/10. A bit low due to how chilly it can get due to his cold-blooded nature, also due to the constant moving with games and tension around you if and when it gets intense. He apologizes but even without the games, he's just so nervous about messing stuff up for the MC and gets all tense with stress.  Sneakiness is 4/10 or 7/10. It all really depends on how well he was listening to what the person was looking for. If he was engrossed in a game he would just give a quick excuse and then go back to gaming, only freaking out a bit later when his mind catches up. He's really bad at lying when he's not engrossed, he just wants to be in his room with his henry safely tucked away. stupid normies. Blushing stuttering mess and awful excuse. Overall nice to be with to be alone and listen faintly to games or anime away from everyone else, but best hope you don’t have to go anywhere. 
Satan: Comfort is 8/10. He is a very nice gentleman and runs a bit warm but not unbearably. Usually is relaxed and reading so he's got a soft and squishy and warm stomach to relax in. Somewhat feels like a sensory deprivation tank. If you ask he will happily read to you and let his baritone voice wash over you. Sneakiness is 9/10. Very good at twisting the truth or making white lies or brushing past the topic to keep the MC to himself for just a bit longer. Overall a very good place to be for some relaxing times. enjoy a nap in the comfortable silence and warmth. He’ll let them out when it's time to go somewhere or when they ask. 
Asmodeus: Comfort is 10/10. Silkiest softest stomach in the devil dom. He has had previous people interested in being within him before so he had to make himself perfect on the inside as well. He's able to massage you and control his stomach perfectly. Just don't punch or kick anything too hard, he’s VERY sensitive and will try not to moan when you rub his belly. sneakiness is 7/10. He's a decent liar when it comes to things he wants to hold onto for a bit. Naturally changes the subject to himself so eventually, they leave cause chatting with him about the MC will only bring up many many picture shows. Overall very good person to go to relieve stress in the best place possible. Share some kind words and he will melt and feel not only physically full but his heart will feel very warm as well, congratulations you made the avatar of lust blush! His stomach also glows pink when he blushes.
Beelzebub: Comfort is 9/10. I'm biased toward beel so it's more likely around 8 cause of his tough abs and continuously moving stomach. Very spacious area if you are shrunken down. He's very warm due to his high metabolism and workouts but he's very sweet to be in and around. Lots of rubs from him to remind himself that you are there and that you are safe. You make him very happy and his stomach is full and so is his heart. Sneakiness is 1/10. He doesn’t lie very much so he's even worse at it than mammon, if he REALLY needed to though he would just ignore the question and try not to place a hand on his belly. his stern face usually makes people wary to not mess with him anyway. Overall very good boy give him many belly rubs inside and out. He is just happy to have you close and his hunger forgotten for the time together. I’m soft for him
Belphegor:  Comfort is 9/10. Very lazy stomach so it's very squishy and soft and very slowly moves around you. The only reason it might be an 8.5 is due to Belphegor laying on his stomach when napping so the MC might get a bit squished. Sneakiness 9/10. Usually goes to someplace secluded to have the MC all to himself and to have a nice full nap. If he can’t hide away he's good at tiredly lying and acting nonchalant about not knowing where they are. Overall the best to go to to have a nap, but be warned he will be a cheeky little shit demon when the MC asks so be prepared for teasing before quick noms and a nice long nap. Also will not let them out when asked until he’s had his fill and good sleep. 
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Hiiii yes!!! I absolutely love the way you write!! I'm so glad I accidentally stumbled across your blog!!! If it's okay, may I ask for some nsfw headcanons with Beelzebub and Mammon (separately) with a VERY sub female s/o? Completely fine if not tho!! Keep up with the amazing work!!!
Say Hiiii so yes I saw that you write nsfw now and uhhhhhhh, may I ask for some headcanons with Beel x a very sub!f!reader? Completely fine if not!!! Thank you :) hewwo 💕nsfw for the obey me boys with a really sub mc who just wants to be dominated? 
(idk if i wrote the fandom, so sending it twice, sorry) nsfw headcanons for obey me with a sub/bottom reader
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I hope nobody minds, but I got 4 different asks with the same type of request, so I’m mashing them together
Also, I really hope any NSFW stuff I write is okay! I’m really not that great at writing it, so I hope you all enjoy this!
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( I’m so happy that I got this sticker okay - And the other side of the card now, too, thanks Devil Flower! )
Lucifer is the epitome of a dominant top, so he’s perfect for you, especially if you WANT him to dominate you.
He doesn’t even try, it only comes natural to him - Everything about him - His gaze, his composure, his self-esteem, his pride, his confidence, his aura, his stature, everything about him SCREAMS dominant.
While yes, he will be having you squirming under him, a moaning mess calling our his name with no inhibitions or shame, he will still hold himself back the first few times, until/if he knows your boundaries, kinks and fetishes.
Lucifer would either have you undress for him, slowly, to admire your whole body, or would tease you with his ungloved hands by tracing every curve of your body with gentle and soft touches that make you want more.
His kisses are out of this world, hot and passionate with a small tint of rough, but never messy.
He actually loves biting your bottom lip, tugging on it slightly, teasing you a lot, loving to hear your whimper.
Prepare for either multiple orgasms, or a lot of edging and orgasm denial, because unless you’re begging for your sweet release, you won’t have any mercy from this one.
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Despite having a huge power bottom or submissive energy, he won’t care what role he has to do, as long as you’re enjoying it.
He has some big self-esteem issues, but honestly, if you two are having fun in bed, then he really trusts you a lot, and he won’t think or feel down in any way, so he will focus only on you and your pleasure.
He loves you so much that he wants to make sure you get multiple orgasms, he wants you to be happy, to love him, to enjoy being in his arms, to enjoy his touch.
He loves the Missionary position, if he has to top, because he can hold you close to his body, look you in the eyes, kiss your cheeks, forehead, lips, neck, jawline and cleavage as much as he wants.
Mammon loves seeing your cheeks get pink and when you look away as you’re feeling good and shift around, panting for air or biting your lip, trying to hide your moans.
Expect a loooot of compliments and body-worship because this boy literally venerates the ground you walk on, that’s how much he loves you, and he will do anything to make sure you’re happy, and you know you’re perfect inside and out, and that you’re more beautiful than any star, in his eyes.
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With Levi, it takes long until he gets riled up enough for him to be a DomTop, especially since he’s such a SubBot, a little blushy tsundere who likes to have someone dominate/top him, since it will spare him a lot of embarrassment.
However, that doesn’t mean he’s a bad DomTop, on the contrary, if he’s in the mood, he will be the best guy you’ve ever made love with.
It’s enough for him to see you in a short skirt, thigh highs, cute hairstyles that look anime-ish, or any cosplay/clothes with cosplay potential, and that’s it, he’s your guy for the whole night, he won’t leave you alone.
He’d put you in his lap and caress your thighs up and down, muttering how beautiful you are, and how much he wants to make love to you, hold you close to his chest, slowly undress you, pinching every inch of your body, commenting how much he loves every party of you and how beautiful you are.
Levi would make sure to kiss your lips and neck a lot, not caring if he leaves hickeys, mostly because he sees you enjoying those kisses so he doesn’t think about anything else, having it as an incentive to keep on going.
Say his name, say how much you love him, say how good he’s making you feel, and oh boy, you will see Valhalla in a way you’ve never dreamt of.
Also, he’s VERY good with his hands…Fingers…Thanks to all the gaming he’s done, and he’s veeeeery patient, and will know every little inch of your body and how it reacts, and you better bet that he’ll take advantage of that, only to hear your cute squeaks or whimpers.
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He can either be super gentle, or super rough, depending on how you like it. 
He’s a gentleman and he cares a lot about your pleasure, so he won’t do anything you’re uncomfortable with or dislike.
As well as that, Satan is afraid he’ll unintentionally hurt you by being too rough, since he’s a demon and compared to humans, he sometimes doesn’t realise the difference in strength, so he’d rather be gentle and know that you’re enjoying it, than seeing crude bruises or scratches.
He enjoys being a top and loves teasing you so much, being a lot into senses-play, so blindfolds, a bit of playful messing around, soft touches, messy kisses, he just wants both of you to have fun, so if you giggle and then moan, godamn, you’re killing his heart.
Satan likes hearing your voice while making love to you, and even more, when he’s in the prelude mode, just enjoying how wet he can get you only with his words, touches and kisses.
Sometimes, however, he can’t resist your charm too much, seeing you so vulnerable and ready to take him, so he doesn’t tease you too much, enough to beg and whimper for him, he will go right at it when he knows you’re ready and will rock your world like never before.
Your innocence is such a turn on, and the thought of somehow tainting you, in a devilish way, makes him want to do filthy things with you, enough for you to never want to let go of him, to never get enough of him, and love only him.
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Avatar of Lust? God of Lust? God of Love? God of Pleasure?
Honestly, Asmodeus is everything you would ever wish for in a love partner.
He makes you feel safe and secure, he makes you feel beautiful and love, and will give you enough self-confidence for you to be able to speak out anything you want.
There’s a weird fetish you have? Okay, Asmo’s gonna make sure he integrates it next time you make love.
You want to try out a new kink, but you’re ashamed or scared of it? No worries, Asmo will be gentle, and there is nobody more knowledgeable in this department, so you know everything he says is legit.
You just want to have a tender and passionate love-session with him, where all he does is pamper you and makes you feel loved? Yep, Asmo will be more than happy to ensure that happens.
You want to go rough and get dominated in a filthy way? No shame, Asmo will dirty talk in your ear how much of a slut you are for his dick with no problem or second thought.
He will NEVER judge you for anything you do in bed, and it only stays between the two of you, although he’s never going to shy away from complimenting you outside of your bedroom and saying how lovely you were and all that.
As well as that, Asmo would like to make sure you are pampered before and after your love-session, so he will make you do the whole skin-care routine with him, including a rose-bath with a glass of rose-wine or champagne.
Asmo is always very attentive at your every need, even if he doesn’t seem like that while at it, but it’s thanks to his experience that he doesn’t need to think about anything, and he can still make you scream his name with no real effort.
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(( I just got this too hnnnng, but no Alice in Devildom event card from Draw 10, I’m mad, lemme cry ))
He’s a very chill baby, so he won’t really care much about dom or sub, top or bot, basically, he’s a switch and will do whatever you’re comfortable with.
If he’s on top, he’ll be a bit wary because he doesn’t want to hurt you in any way, either from his demon strength, his huge body, or the fact that he constantly works out, so he’s even physically stronger than average.
Beel is very soft and will put your needs above his own, so he would give you so many tender kisses, will ask if you’re okay and feeling good, will touch you a lot, and of course, he will eat you out like there’s no tomorrow, provided you’re okay with it.
He will make sure you cum a few times before he goes further, wanting to be extra sure that you’re okay at all times, that he won’t hurt you, that he won’t be too rough without realising and all that.
Honestly, Beel is such a loving babe, he doesn’t believe in roles and anything of the sort, he lets emotion take over him, and makes sure to pleasure you, and if he sees you like it, he’ll continue with even more passion.
Can go on all night with no problem, but will go for as long as you’re able to, since human stamina isn’t as high as demon stamina.
He just really wants to love you and show you in any way possible that his feelings for you are infinite, so at the end, he will hold you tight to his chest, kissing your forehead and playing with your hair soothingly, staying awake until you fall asleep, just happy that he can look at you and indulge in your beauty and the fact that you really love him as much as he loves you.
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beelsnack · 4 years
Hi!!! I LOVE UR WRITING AND I MEAN A LOT! Its the first time EVER I ask for something and I know you are the right person! I don't know if you can write a HC of a female MC or it NEEDS to be neutral but just in case: How would the brothers react to a fem MC who is like"flat", (almost no breasts) and is super insecure? If you only write neutral, how would they react if MC was insecure because they have no curves at all and they think they are plain? THANKS A LOT 💞💞
Omg I’m??? So honored?? Thank you so much, I hope I can live up to the praise. ^////^
Yeah, I can def write a female MC! My only rule regarding MC’s gender is that you specify in the request if you want a certain gender for the MC. Other than that, I default to gender neutral pronouns!
I feel like I kind of mixed the two versions of your request together without meaning to, lol. This ended up being more like a fem MC who thinks they are plain. I hope you like it regardless!
I’m sorry this took so long, friend. I was in a bit of a creative slump and I wanted to put my all into your request!
CW: Suggestive situations, but nothing explicit
Lucifer: “Come on, stop staring.”
Lucifer smirked from his position beneath her, using one arm to prop himself up while the other reached up to trail along her jaw. “Am I not allowed to admire your beauty?”
“I’m not beautiful,” she muttered, glancing away shyly. In the heat of the moment, both of them had discarded a majority of their clothes, but now that she had a moment to think, she hesitated. “Especially not compared to you.”
“I wasn’t aware that our relationship was a beauty contest,” he sat up fully, brow creased in concern. His hands made their way to her waist, steadying her as she straddled his lap. “Tell me what’s on your mind, my dear.”
She bit her lip, face growing warm. “It’s just…wouldn’t you prefer someone more…more?”
“My dear,” he chuckled lowly. “You are already quite the handful.”
“I meant…physically.” she crossed her arms over her chest, and Lucifer couldn’t tell if it was a subconscious gesture or not. “I’m not exactly…you know, well endowed.”
He was quiet for a moment before sighing and tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. “If I wanted to be with someone based solely on appearance, I have my pick of the whole Devildom. You, my dear, are the only one who had managed to enrapture me with more than just your pretty face.”
Mammon: “Hey, human! Check it out!”
Mammon actually knocked on the door while he spoke, they were making progress.
She looked up from her schoolwork and smiled at him. “What’s up?”
“The Great Mammon is on the front cover of Devil Today, that’s what!” he tossed the magazine he had been carrying on top of their textbook. Splayed across the front in full color was Mammon, staring coolly over his sunglasses at the camera. The only change from his normal attire was swapping out his normal brown and white jacket for a black leather one, so it was clearly supposed to look casual.
Her eyes drifted from Mammon’s picture to beautiful demoness hanging off of his arm. She was exactly what a model should be - tall, slender, well-endowed, the works. The human felt a surge of jealousy climb up their throat, and she had to struggle to force in down.
“Hey, hey,” Mammon planted his palm flat on her desk, leaning down so he was eye-level with her. “What’s with that face?”
“What face?”
“The face yer makin’.” he frowned. “You look like you just took a bite out of something rotten.”
Her eyes flicked back to the glossy magazine cover. “Nothing. The picture looks great, Mammon.”
“You really think you’re getting out of this that easily?” he might lack common sense, but Mammon could read facial expressions and nervous tics like most people read books. “Come on, tell me what’s up.”
“I just…” she sighed, slumping back in her desk chair. “I keep wondering when you’re going to dump me for one of these amazing models you work with.”
Mammon’s eyes went wide behind his glasses. “You’re kidding me, right?”
When she shrugged and looked away, he huffed and took her hand. “You’ve got nothing to worry about. I wouldn’t trade you for anything.”
“Even Goldie?”
“Hey now, don’t be cruel!”
Leviathan: Was she really getting jealous over an anime girl?
A quick glance at the screen in front of them told her that yes, yes she was.
“Whoa, I, um…!” Levi gulped, scrambling for the pause button. The main couple was in a locker room, the girl clad in nothing but a pair on gym shorts and a flimsy tank top. There had been plot that lead up to this scene, but she had stopped paying attention a while ago.
“The reviews didn’t say anything about an r18 scene…” Levi mumbled, face turning bright red. She could see his bright orange eyes flick over to her briefly before he desperately searched for anything else to look at. “Oh, man. Ohhhh man…”
“Levi?” she gently placed a hand on his arm, and she felt him tense, but he didn’t pull away. Maybe the exposure therapy WAS working. “You good?”
“I-I-I…” he kept looking back and forth between her and the screen, face getting redder with each pass. Yup, he was definitely comparing.
Almost instinctively, she curled in on herself. Of course, she should have known she couldn’t even begin to compare to a 2D girl.
“Ah, wait, no, don’t look like that!” Levi stammered. “I just, um…th-this is the first time…I’ve thought the 2D one was…b-b-better…”
She stared at him for a solid thirty seconds before her brain caught up with what was happening and her face grew just as hot as Levi’s looked. “…Oh…”
Satan: Well, someone was certainly popular.
Satan had asked her to go to a new cat cafe that was opening up after classes had ended. He always took a bit longer to reach the entrance since his last class was all the way across the campus, so she had found herself a nice bench to sit on and read while she waited. It was only a few minutes before the doors opened to reveal Satan…
And a whole group of succubi.
Obviously, since he was one of the Seven Rulers of Hell, Satan got quite a bit of attention. Although she didn’t want to admit it out loud, the thought of him surrounded by demons whose literal reason for living was to turn people on made her feel a bit…inadequate.
One of them had linked her arm with his, manicured claws drumming along his forearm and she smiled coyly up at him. They were too far away for the human to hear the conversation, but the way her glossy lips pouted cutely up at him certainly didn’t make the human feel any better.
As they descended the stairs onto the cobblestone walkway, Satan’s eyes met her. Almost immediately, the vaguely irritated expression he had been wearing melted into something warm and he shook the succubus off of his arm without a second thought.
“Hey, sorry for making you wait.” he was at her side in a second, extending a hand to help her up from the bench. “Were you here long?”
“Only a few minutes,” she peeked over his shoulder at the fan club that was slowly morphing into an angry mob. “Um…”
“They’ll get over it,” he held onto her hand as they began walking, leaning over to kiss her temple. “Come on, let’s go. What were you reading?”
Maybe she didn’t have anything to worry about.
Asmodeus: This was a mistake.
A new nightclub had opened up in the Devildom Cultural District, and as Devilgram’s biggest influencer, Asmo had gotten some VIP tickets. He had practically begged her to come, since it was so rare that she wasn’t bogged down with homework and other mundane things. The thought of going clubbing with a bunch of demons made her feel a bit queasy, but she had agreed anyway.
Of course, Asmo was taking forever to get here. Knowing him, he was still in the bath. But, her name was on the VIP list, so the bouncer had let her stand behind the rope to wait for her date.
She watched as what seemed like every Devilgram model was let into the club. She couldn’t hear anything being said over the pounding base of the music, but she had caught enough disparaging glances to get the general idea that she was being judged.
She probably looked like a kid playing dress up compared to everyone else. Although she had thought that she looked fairly decent when she had checked herself out in the mirror before leaving, being surrounded by the Devildom’s best and brightest put a very unflattering filter over her self image.
“There you are!”
She jumped as Asmo appeared in front of her. She had been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn’t noticed the bouncer let him in. He looked stunning, as always, hair curled stylishly and already long lashes made even longer with mascara. Honestly, this man could show up in a garbage bag and make it the next fashion trend.
“Ooh, that dress looks amazing on you, darling!” he pressed a quick kiss to her cheek, briefly overwhelming her senses with the smell of his cologne. “I’ve never seen you wear that color before! Look at you, stepping out of your comfort zone.”
“Thanks, Asmo,” she laughed. “You look amazing too.”
“Don’t I?” he held out his arm for her hold onto like a proper gentleman. “I tried this new moisturizer today, and it’s a miracle-worker! You have to try it.”
“Is that Lord Asmodeus?”
“Of course it is, any club owner worth their salt would invite him for the opening!”
“Who’s that mousey little thing with him though?”
She could only catch snippets of conversations, but the Devildom rumor mill was already turning. She couldn’t help but frown, tucking herself closer to Asmo’s side.
“Don’t listen to them, darling,” he leaned down to whisper-yell into her ear. “They’re just jealous, and jealousy doesn’t look good on anyone.”
Beelzebub: This was the last time she was working out with Beel.
It might have been different if they were working out at the House, but being surrounded by demonic weightlifters made her feel a special kind of incompetent.
Everyone in the gym looked like they should be starring in a weight loss infomercial, but she felt like she was the before picture and everyone else was the after. She was wearing a baggy T-shirt that she was pretty sure wasn’t even hers and basketball shorts. Everyone around her was all toned muscles and six packs, and her arms felt rubbery just from a few reps with a five pound weight.
“You need some water.”
Someone of Beel’s size had no right to be as sneaky as he was. She hadn’t even heard him set down his weight, and suddenly he was standing in front of her holding out a water bottle.
“Thanks.” she sighed, setting down her weight. She hadn’t realized how thirsty she was until she took a drink. “Man, I feel tired already.”
“You’re doing good,” Beel smiled. “Maybe next time you can try the ten-pound weights.”
Just the thought made her biceps twinge. “Maybe…”
“You don’t have to feel self-conscious.”
“Huh?” Damn him and his unexpected perceptiveness.
He sat down next to her on the bench, popping the cap on his own water bottle. “You were looking around at everyone else, and you had this look on your face like you just ate something bad.”
“I’m that obvious, huh?” she laughed weakly.
“Not really,” he shrugged. “I was watching you.”
“You were?” she had been too busy comparing herself to everyone else to notice.
He nodded. “I like how you look when you’re determined. It’s…cute isn’t the right word, but…”
She couldn’t help but laugh, bumping him with her shoulder. “I get it. Thanks Beel.”
Belphegor: “Hey, come on, wake up!”
Sometimes she swore Belphie purposely fell asleep whenever it was the most inconvenient for other people.
She honestly didn’t know when he was conked out, but he was deep in slumber by the time she closed the textbook she had been using to fill out her study guide. He had folded his arms on the library table that the two of them had commandeered and pillowed his head on top of them.
“Why do I even bother…?” she sighed. Even so, she poked his cheek. “Belphie, come on. They’re going to close the library soon.”
He mumbled, but stubbornly remained asleep. Growling under her breath, she stood up and placed both of her hands on his shoulders.
“Bel. Phe. Gor,” she punctuated each syllable of his name with a shake of his shoulders. Finally, he groaned, one drowsy amethyst eye blinking up at her.
“Man, I was having a really good dream…”
She huffed, crossing her arms. “Were you even sleep long enough to dream? We’ve only been here for an hour or so.”
“O ye of little faith.” he yawned, sitting up. “I guess it’s best you woke me up, it wasn’t a dream I should be having in public.”
“Please tell me you weren’t having a wet dream in the school library.”
“Mm,” he smirked up at her. “It wasn’t a wet dream yet. More like moist.”
“Well, I thought it was pleasant.”
She rolled her eyes, beginning to gather up the books she had spread across the table. Belphie continued to watch her through heavy-lidded eyes.
“You were really cute in my dream.” he finally said. “Not that you aren’t cute in real life, but still.”
She paused. “You were dreaming about me?”
“Who else would I dream about?”
“Literally anyone else.” she frowned, refusing to look at him as she shoved all of her supplies back into her bag. “I’ve seen some of the succubi around here, there are way better options.”
“Do you really think that?” Belphie reached out and grabbed her wrist. He wore his usual disinterested frown, but there was genuine concern shining in his eyes. “You really think I would trade you in for a bigger pair of tits attached to a screeching harpy?”
She just shrugged.
“If this was just about how you looked,” he stood, still holding onto her wrist. “Do you really think I would sacrifice my precious nap time to study with you?”
“Well, I mean, you still had your nap time…”
“That’s beside the point.”
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johannestevans · 3 years
Friday Summary 14/05/2021
Good evening!
What a busy week it’s been, and still a busy week to come!
One of the things I’ve focused on this week is adding a few bits and pieces to my website - there’s now a Contact section, which contains information on commissions, collaborations, and other professional invitations, and there’s also a new public calendar with everything I’m to be involved in displayed in advance!
Upcoming this week is the Monstrous May Movie Watchalong with #RomancingTheGothic, which is going ahead at 9pm GMT on Tuesday 18th, and we’ll be watching some sort of movie with Angels & Demons - sign up here!
Summary of New Work Published
Essay: Why We Need To Write Essays
Some thoughts on why writing essays is important for one’s development and one’s writing, and more importantly, why writing essays should be fun. 1.2k.
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Essay: A Man’s Choices Are Always A Woman’s Fault
Marty Robbins’ Devil Woman: an exercise in shifting blame.
A silly essay I had incredible fun writing, doing a close reading of Marty Robbins’ Devil Woman and exploring the motivation of the character of the singer. 3.8k.
Read on Medium / / Read on Patreon
Erotic Short: Managing Stress
A gentleman is prompted to relax by his butler. Explicit M/M short between a gentleman and his butler, both of them cis. 1.2k, contains baths, hand jobs, hand kink, tiredness.
Return of Donald Howard and Victor Mead.
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TweetFic: Green Thumb
Short flustered sweetness turns to something… more sinister.
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Erotic Short: Simple Error
Two students of magic enjoy the results of a potions mix-up. Silly and sexy!
Explicit M/M short with two cis witches, with one spontaneously growing lactating breasts. Features transformation, teasing/banter, milking, lactation, oral sex, competence kink. 2.7k.
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Publishing F.A.Q.
Just a little master post of frequently ask questions about how I publish and write. This one is a bit different to the others - when I get new questions, I’m going to add them to this master post, and I’ll link it whenever I get questions along the same lines!
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Serial Update: Powder and Feathers
Chapter Forty-Five: Aftermath.
After Luc Deverell’s appearance, Aimé, Jean-Pierre, and Asmodeus go home.
Content warnings: self-esteem issues, discussions of racism, some mild ableism, parental neglect
Read on WorldAnvil / / Read on Medium
Aaand that’s everything! See you next week! :) You can sign up to get this list directly into your email inbox each week here. 
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obey-stories · 5 years
A Free Night - Barbatos
I could have had this out sooner, but procrastination happened. This goes out to a friend @asmodeus-playground I hope you like! Happy 500 followers btw you deserve it!
The same routine. Every day at five, Barbatos does his round around Diavolo’s mansion. Making everything spotless, he didn’t bother to search for him. It was the usual greeting before he starts on his cleaning. Now it was the first thing he does when he walks in.
The hall was silent as usual. His mind starts naming off each room he has already done and which room to start next. Now, he was in the dining room, wiping the table. He glances at the grandfather clock, seeing dinner should be getting prepped soon.
He hums quickly before double-checking the table was spotless. His footsteps echoed through the room as he exits and enters the main entrance.
Even though he already went through the room, he decided to go about one more time. He starts to clean the side he entered and thinks about what to do in the next few hours. An echo of footsteps starts to come. He didn’t have to turn to look. The sound was all too familiar.
“Barbatos, I thought I heard you humming here.” Diavolo smiles towards him as he comes to a halt.
“I’m finishing up, my lord.” He spoke as he stopped dusting for a second. He slowly shakes his head before continuing.
“You already cleaned up this room.” Diavolo glances across the hall. Spotless. He knew Barbatos does an extraordinary job.
“I start and finish in this room.” He spoke.
Stopping, he turns towards Diavolo and bows slightly with his hand against his chest. “Dinner should be ready at seven.”
“Ah, yes, thank you, but I need you to do something for me.” Diavolo declared.
Barbatos stands tall, staying silent, waiting for him to speak again. He wasn’t expecting another task today. He knew everything he does so he wouldn’t be giving something unexpected.
Diavolo walks over towards him, placing both hands on either shoulder as he grins towards him. “I’m giving you a free night tonight.”
Barbatos furrows his eyebrows, confused. “That’s a first.”
“It’s a first for anything. Go, do what you want. enjoy yourself for the night.” Diavolo nods and pats his shoulder. “You don’t need to worry about me tonight. Luci is coming over for some business.”
“Would you like me to prepare anything?” Barbatos questioned.
“All I want you to do is to have a free night. Go hang out with someone. Misa shouldn’t be doing anything tonight, last time I remember.” That name made Barbatos tense slightly before smiling at him.
“I don’t understand what you mean.” He tilts his head slightly before Diavolo gave him a stern look and takes a step back.
“Barbatos, my friend. You of all people know you can’t lie to me. I know how you look at her.” Diavolo smiles at him and claps his hands. “When you’re not around me, you make sure she’s safe from those brothers.”
Barbatos stays silent. He was right. He was able to talk to her from time to time, but that’s about it. He looks to the side, not saying anything. Diavolo laughs and shakes his head.
“Anyway, go enjoy your night off,” Diavolo spoke, smiling at him one last time before walking off.
Barbatos stands there in silence once again. He takes a deep breath before fixing his clothes before looking around the hall. Diavolo was right. The room is well-made.
“A free night.” He murmurs. “A change of clothes and a nice walk would be nice.” He made his way to his room, changing his clothes. He notes the time and nods to himself before heading out.
He opens the door to get smacked with the cold air. He closes the door and thinks of where to go. The first thought was Misa. Diavolo did mention Misa was free, but he wasn’t sure himself. A pass by could work. He let himself start walking down the path.
Barbatos pushed all his thoughts in his head. His real reason for wanting to see her, but he kept telling himself it was a mere check up on her time in this world. A human in a devil’s world, he would have thought she would be afraid, but after a while, he noticed she took everything in so well.
The first time he talked to her, he didn’t know what, but it felt right. A little too curious about this world, but that made him fascinated towards her.
He was focusing on his thoughts before a voice made him snap out of it. He halts before looking around the area seeing he was passing by the school. He was close. That voice, it was Misa, he knew it. It was probably in his head. He was about to go ahead before hearing her voice once again.
She was, singing.
Walking towards the voice, Barbatos soon spots Misa walking alone. He stops in his tracks, keeping his gaze at her. The moonlight shining down made her look beautiful.
He crosses his arms having a debate in himself. He takes a deep breath. Everything was okay a second ago, but now Barbatos was having that same feeling as he usually does. Shaking his head, he turns away. He checked up on her. That’s all he wanted, but he couldn’t walk away now.
He closed his eyes, focusing on his breathing. He felt his face start to heat up. He brushes his face lightly with his hand. “It’s now or never.” He spoke to himself. He didn’t bother to think it through as he turned around started to walk towards her.
She didn’t realize he was around until he spoke to her.
“My, my, A human like you shouldn’t be out and about all alone. Someone could easily take advantage.” Misa quickly turns around, startled to meet eyes with Barbatos.
He notices she relaxed in his presence. He gives her a warm smile and offers his hand. “It’ll be a pleasure to accompany you this fine evening.”
A chuckle leaves from Misa’s lips and brushes a strand of hair behind her ear. “Even when away from Diavolo, you sure are a gentleman.”
Barbatos hums, watching her. Seeing her smile, especially at him, made him ecstatic. He was able to keep his composure. Misa nods and turns back around and starts to walk, and he follows her.
The next few minutes went on.
 Keeping a conversation going was his best suit, but for some reason, he wasn’t sure what to say. It was as if his mind went blank. He kept trying to think of what to say, anything. He coughs slightly, thinking of a question.
“So, how was your day?” Both of their voices echo in the night. They turn towards each other and lock eyes. Immediately, they turn away from each other.
Barbatos clears his voice, trying to calm himself down before hear Misa speak.
“My, my day. It was alright. Classes,” She starts and takes a deep breath. “I was able to lose Mammon earlier. He was too loud.” She rubs the back of her head, laughing softly.
“I see.” He nods. “Mammon is a loud one.”
“He is.” She looks at him for a little while before continuing. “My day got better.” Barbatos turns his head towards her, slightly confused as she chuckles. “I’m glad you joined me.”
A small smirk coms on Barbatos’ face before he speaks. “It’s as if you were waiting for me, Misa.” This time he chuckles slightly.
Misa’s face started to turn red before she turned away, shaking her head. “What? N-No, of course not.” The sound of her voice only made Barbatos continue.
“Ah? So, the conversation Diavolo and I had earlier wasn’t due to you two talking this morning. I’m disappointed. I would have thought you would have talked about me a little bit.” Barbatos gently takes ahold of Misa’s forearm and turns her towards him.
Seeing her this close, made his heart start to race. Noticing the faint blush of her face made him wanting to be closer to her. Misa looks down, trying to hide her blushing face.
“I-look it’s-I.” She couldn’t speak a sentence.
“You know,” Barbatos brushes his hand across her cheek, making her stop. “You look ravishing this evening.” His voice was soft for only she could hear. “Though you always look beautiful every time I see you.”
Barbatos starts to lean forward. He wasn’t sure what he was craving. Her words? Her touch? Or all of her in general. He notices Misa slowly closing her eyes. She was permitting him. He chuckles as he cups her face and kisses her.
Misa’s hands rest onto his arms, not knowing where else to go. The warmth from Barbatos made her want to get closer. Her hands traveled up his shoulders, making him shiver. He tightens his grip around her back. His hand goes behind her neck before she pulls away, catching her breath.
Barbatos, on the other hand, didn’t want it to end. A low growl comes from the back of this throat, and his hand pulls her back in, making her gasp. Holding her gently, She was able to push him back and shakes your head.
“Ho-hold on.” She informed and looked down, catching her breath.
Barbatos breathes out and rests his forehead on her also, catching his. Both their faces were flushed. Barbatos loosened his grip from her, and Misa took the chance to pull away from him a little more, leaving a small gap between them.
“I wasn’t.” Misa starts before going quiet.
“It happened.” Barbatos rubs the back of his head, smiling.
“So, that walk.” She starts motions ahead of them.
“Have you had dinner yet?” He asked. She shakes her head.
Barbatos smiles towards her and offers his arm. “Then, shall we go get dinner together? My treat.”
“I am quite famished.” Misa smiles. “I’ll gladly join.” She takes ahold of Barbatos arm. “Lead the way Barbatos.”
The smile made him start to blush again. Misa notices and chuckles. Leaning in, she gives him a light kiss on the cheek, making him look towards her.
“Of course. Let’s go, my dear.” Barbatos nods. Misa leans her head on his shoulder as they start to walk. He smiles, glancing over with his peripheral. The only thought he had at this point was how glad he took this chance to be with Misa for the night.
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BOOK OF THE DARK WITCH ~ The Demonic Pantheon
The true core power of the Workings within Book Of The Dark Witch lies with the Black Goat Satan and the primal Spirits of His Demonic Pantheon, below is put forth what I call The Dark Pantheon Of The Kingdom Of Shadows . . . it differs greatly from some Hierarchies put forth although it is close to the Dukante Hierarchy regarding the Demons Included. The Demons included here are Dark Spirits I have Communed with who to seem void of untoward connections with the Hierarchies of Light and the filthy tendrils of the Religions of the East. Beside the Name of each Demon is noted its Gender or at least recognized Gender . . . . (A) Androgynous (F) Female (M) Male . . . also the Title of the Demonic Being and despite not heeding the plethora of Magickal correspondences of Ceremonial Magicians the resonating Moon Phase is also noted. The influence of the Moon is not regulated by the archetypal correspondences of humankind but is very real and powerful on many levels. Beneath this is give the ares of influence over which the Demon holds power and finally in Bold Text a brief description of the Demon’s manifestation. SATAN ~ THE DEVIL (M) ~ Black Goat Of The Sabbat ~ Dark Wisdom, Power, Black Magick, Knowledge Of The Occult, Desire, Lust, Creation, Mastery, Authority, Seduction, Protection, Influencing Others, Strength, Scyring, Leadership, Death, Creative Power, Intellect. Appears with the body of a man but the horned head, legs and cloven hooves of a Ram, occasionally He will appear as a bipedal black Goat or a black Goat itself. BEELZEBUB (M) ~ Lord Of The Flies ~ Full Bravery, Rulership, Battle Fever, Authority, Military Strategics, Influencing Those In Authority, Protection, Victory In Conflict, Strength, Leadership, Promotion, Command, Warfare, Destruction, Loyalty. Appears as large black Fly or at times as an oily black skinned male Demon with the head of a Fly. SARGATANAS (A) ~ Bearer Of The Shield ~ Waxing Protection From Magickal Attack, Protection From Psychic Attack, Protection From Psychic Attack, Lust, Banishment, Protection, Wisdom, Power, Protection From Injury, Authority. Appears as a Ram headed Demon clad in a crimson robe and carrying a Golden Shield bearing its Sigil. AGALIAREPT (M) ~ Keeper Of The Keys ~ Waxing Scrying, Gateways, Seership, Magickal Doorways, Divination, Psychic Protection, Occult Knowledge, Discovering Arcane Mysteries, Grimoires, Initiation, Guidance, Other Realms, Mirrors, Dark Arts. Appears as tall figure completely shrouded in a long black hooded robe, the only thing visible is skeletal pale skinned hands, he carries a bunch of Keys and a leather book. TAROON (F) ~ Enchantress Of The Night ~ Full Seducing The Lover Of Another, Lust, Enticement, Enchantment, Charms, Seduction, Desire, Sexual Manipulation Of Men, Glamour, Beauty, Enticement, Promiscuity, Adultery, Infidelity, Sexual Possession. Appears as a long black haired woman with pale skin and garbed in a long robe of scarlet hue, large Ram’s horns curl back from her dark locks. UNSERE (F) ~ Womb Of Life ~ Full Fertility, Childbirth, Pregnancy, Safe Pregnancy, Protection Of Children, Healing Children, Fertility Of The Land, Safe Childbirth, Motherhood, Beauty, Love, Sustenance, Vitality, Nature, New Life, Nursing. Appears as a long dark haired pregnant woman with pale skin clad in a long gown of emerald green and with small ivory horns coming from her brow. FLEREOUS (A) ~ Wielder Of The Flame ~ Waning Pyromancy, Fire, Death By Burning, Commanding Fire, Control Of Fire Elementals, Reading The Ashes, Protection From Fire, Controlling Flames, Destruction By Fire, Divination, Passion, Cartomancy, Scrying. Appear as Demonic Spirit forged from golden and amber flames which have a red aura about them, the face can be discerned within the flames, sharp and sinister. ABADDON (M) ~ Lord Of The Pit ~ Dark Misery, Isolation, Desolation, Death, Binding Another’s Magick, Bindings, Curses, Pain, Torment, Hexcraft, Tragedy, Inflicting Wounds, Banishment, Banishing The Dead, Torture, Revenge, Hatred, Despair. Appears as a slim figure clad in a black hooded robe, his face is white and almost featureless accept for the large hollow black eyes. SATANACHIA (A) ~ Guardian Of The Realms ~ Waxing Protection, Seduction, Fertility, Astral Projection, Astral Protection, Safe Journeys, Manipulation, Lust, Power, Safety From Harm, Psychic Protection, Desire, Possession. Appears as if forged from grey stone, its head holds four faces enabling to see on all sides, it wears a long scarlet fur lined cloak. SONNEILLON (F) ~ Weaver Of The Black Loom ~ Waning Dividing Lovers, Discord, Arguments, Hatred, Division, Endings, Feuds, Disagreements, Divorce, Breaking Deals, Betrayal, Ending Friendships, Disloyalty, Infidelity, Brutality, Dishonour, Shame. Appears as a white skinned female with curling white horns and Bat like wings, even her waist length hair is white, but her eyes are piercing blood red. ASMODEUS (M) ~ Lord Of Passions ~ Full Protection, Lust, Desire, Seduction Of Women, Seduction, Passion, Wrath, Battle Rage, Possession, The Ouija, Protection Of Others From Magickal Attack, Seduction Of Other’s Wives, Spirit Communication, Automatic Writing. Appears as a red skinned horned male Demon naked bur for the blue loin cloth like garment he wears, has the cloven hooves of a Goat. SVENGALI (M) ~ The Ruthless Lord ~ Waning Treachery, Revenge, Karma, Death, Justice, Deals, Trading, Influence Over Legal Matters, Retribution, Vengeance, Hatred, Destruction, Grudges, Conflict, Commerce, Trade Deals. Appears as a Large figure completely black, cloaked and with horns, he gives the appearance of a shadow with no distinguishable features but for the glowing red eyes. MEPHISTO (M) ~ Demon Of The Earth ~ Waning Pacts, Trade, Deals, Contracts, Wit, Bargaining, Manipulation, Desire, Etiquette, Liberation, Revenge, Influence, Popularity, Fame, Oaths, Declarations, Elegance, Fame. Appears as a distinguished gentleman sporting sleek black hair and a goatee beard, dressed in scarlet or black Tudor style clothing, his eyes are penetrating and black. FRIMOST (M) ~ The Wanton ~ Waning Seducing Younger Women, Wanton Behaviour, Promiscuity, Inciting Another Into Adultery, Seducing Another’s Wife, Lust, Fornication, Desire, Infidelity, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Perversion. Appears as a naked male with an erect phallus, his facial features give the impression of being almost serpentine in look, his skin is pale with deep violet hued pronounce veins. MORAIL (A) ~ The Hidden One ~ Dark Invisibility, Remaining Hidden, Secrets, Concealment, Remaining Unseen, Ability To Move Unnoticed, Deception, Illusion, Deceit, Facade, Sigil Magick, Slight Of Hand, Fraud. Appears as a constantly morphing figure of translucent skin which shows through the vista behind it, sometimes it garbs itself in a robe of purple, its eyes are white. KHIL (A) ~ The Shadow ~ Dark Earthquakes, Tremors, Astral Tremors, Tsunamis, Natural Disasters, Death Through Natural Disasters, Storms, Astral Disruption, Imbalance Of Other Realms, Mental Disturbance. Appears as a old long white haired bony man clad in grey rags and holding a wooden staff but may transform into a large shadow like creature in an instant. DELEPITORAE (F) ~ Our Lady Of Sorcery ~ Waxing Seduction, Lust, Desire, Seducing Younger Men, Love, Passion, Enchantment, Glamour, Enticement, Temptation, Adultery, Sexuality, Fornication, Seduction Of Another’s Husband, Harlotry, Sacred Prostitution. Appears as a long red haired woman of great beauty, here eyes Cat green, her pale skinned naked form barely hidden by the gossamer violet gown that covers her form. BELPHEGORE (A) ~ The Seed Bringer ~ Waxing Love, Invention, Marriage, Creation, Crafts, Arts, Creation, Inspiration, Creativity, Craftsmanship, Binding Lovers, Ideas, Artistry, Evolution, Renewal, Evolution. Appears as a horned bearded Demon of pale red skin with a long forked tail, its eyes are yellow and it looks always to be in deep concentration, it wears only a loin cloth of brown fur. LUCIFUGE (M) ~ The Paymaster ~ Full Prosperity, Money, Wealth, Inheritance, Profit, Promotion At Work, Financial Security, Authority, Attracting Opportunity, Obtaining Lucrative Employment, Business Deals, Social Standing, Respect. Appears with the top half of a man and the bottom half of a brown Goat with cloven hooves, three ivory like horns protrude from the tome of its head and it carries a side pouch full of gold. CLAUNECK (F) ~ The Wealth Weaver ~ Waxing Finances, Inheritance, Heirlooms, Legacies, Riches, Financial Success, Obtaining Required Funding, Business, Success, Savings, Investments, Financial Speculation, Commerce. Appears as an old woman in worn brown rags leaning on a crooked wooden staff, a large bag is upon her back filled with gold and jewels. BEHEMOTH (A) ~ The Beast Of Sin ~ Waning Avarice, Sloth, Gluttony, Jealousy, Apathy, Laziness, Luxury, Inciting Avarice In Others, Lewdness, Blasphemy, Debauchery, Greed, Envy, Selfish Behaviour, Wanton Lust. Appears as a large grey skinned bipedal creature sometimes resembling an Elelephant but at others a Hippopotamus, its eyes are yellow and black and it sweats profusely. MUSISIN (A) ~ The Enchanter ~ Waxing Influencing People In Positions Of Power, Compelling Another Against Their Will, Influencing Important Decisions, Command, Hypnotism, Manipulation, Control Of Those In Authority. Appears as a tall commanding figure robed in robes of royal blue, two striking Ram like horns rise from it bald heard, its skin is white, its eyes black and penetrating. VETIS (A) ~ The Dark Shade ~ Waning Temptation, Sin, Lust, Desire,  Corruption Of The Pious, Seduction Of The Chaste, Destruction Of The Holy, Desecration, Blasphemy, Ruination Of The Pious, Disgrace, Fall From Grace, Public Shame. Appears as red skinned devilish creature with short horns, it as both male and female genitalia and golden eyes, it is naked and chews and spits out the Holy Wafers of Christ. LUITHIAN (A) ~ The Scroll Bearer ~ Waxing Success In Exams, Study, Excelling In Study, Scholarship, Literature, Prose, Writing, Teaching, Learning, Improvement Of Learning Skills, Concentration, Studious Skills, Attention, Detail, Understanding. Appears as a man robed in gowns of fine deep blue, long silver white hair falls down from its balding head, it carries scrolls under one arm and a large book under the other, the stern face is highlighted by crystal blue eyes. EURYNOME (M) ~ The Lord Of Tears ~ Dark Pain, Self-Harm, Loss, Depression, Inciting Self-Harm, Misery, Inciting Suicide, Torment, Despair, Sadness, Melancholy, Loss Of Hope, Apathy, Self-Hatred, Futility, Failure, Obstacles, Self-Loathing. Appears as red skinned horned, bearded Imp like creature, upon its back to stumps suggest wings have been torn from its body which is covered in cuts and scars, sometimes it wears a fur cape upon its back, its yellow eyes hold a look of terror. HUICTIIGARA (F) ~ Queen Of Dreams ~ Waxing Dreams, Peaceful Slumber, Nightmares, Inciting Nightmares, Prophetic Dreams, Lucid Dreaming, Inciting Nightmares, Attainment Unbroken Sleep, Astral Travel, Exploring Other Realms, Bringing Slumber To Another. Appears as a pale skinned woman with long auburn hair, she wears a long robe of purle gossamer but no body can be seen beneath it, her eyes are as black as night. VERRIER (F) ~ The Healer ~ Full Healing, Health, Medicine, Healing The Self, Healing Others, Vanquishing Disease, Banishing Malady, Nursing, Care, Medicines, Reiki, Natural Treatments, Meditation, Yoga, Visualization. Appears as a pale skinned woman wearing a green robe and crimson cloak, her black hair is tied up atop her head and her eyes are deep green, she carries a wooden stoppered bottle. RASHOON (F) ~ The Harlot ~ Waning Seducing Another’s Husband, Seducing Another’s Lover, Adultery, Prostitution, Harlotry, Enchantment, Lust, Desire, Female Sexuality, Glamour, Enticement, Sexual Possession, Obsessive Behaviour, Lustful Behaviour. Appears as a beautiful mature woman with long blond hair and azure blue eyes clad in a long cloak of burgundy under which she is naked, two small horns protrude from her brow and she has the cloven hooves of a Goat. TEZRIAN (F) ~ The Death Bringer ~ Dark Causing Warfare, Conflict, Mass Death, Genocide, Entrapment Of The Souls Who Died In Battle, Military Conflict, Death, Acts Of Hostility, Punishing Those Who Die In Battle, The Battlefield. Appears as an elderly woman with long white hair and a stern but wise face, clothed completely in black robes and a feathered cloak, she carries a long dark staff which is decorated with bones, feathers, skin and nails. MINOSON (A) ~ The Trickster ~ Waxing Gambling, Good Fortune, Sin, Addiction, Financial Gain, Chance, Fate, Fortune, Risk, Danger, Luck, Fortuitous Events, Fortuity, Balance, Timing, Instinct. Appears as an Imp like figure with Demonic features and two small horns, it is naked from the waist up with russet coloured skin, its bottom half clothed in baggy amber pants. HIEPACTH (A) ~ The Flame Carrier ~ Waxing Finding Those Who Are Missing, Finding Those Who Are Lost, Discovery, Discovering Lost Items, Research, Investigation, Revelation, Searches, Archives, Divination, Remote Viewing. Appears as dark shadowy figure clad in ragged dark grey hooded robes, its face is hidden, the hands appear old and worn, it carries a wooden staff topped with a Hematite looking crytal sphere. BUCON (A) ~ The Unseen Blade ~ Waning Dividing Friends, Discord, Family Feuds, Arguments, Hatred, Disruption, Broken Deals, Termination Of Contracts, Separation, Battles, Fights, Conflict, Punishment, Hardship. Appears as a robed hooded figure, the garments of the deepest red, its head is that of a Ram’s Skull, a scabbard hangs at its side but no dagger is visible. FRUCISSIERE (A) ~ Summoner Of The Dead ~ Dark Necromancy, Mediumship, Seances, Other Realms, The Ouija, Communing With The Dead, Necrophilia, Paranormal Research, Retraining The Dead, Paranormal Investigation, Ghosts, Wraiths. Appears as Demonic figure with marble like skin and piercing black eyes, it wears long black robes and carries a black staff, a garland of various skulls hang around its neck and long black hair falls from the back of its head. BECHARD (A) ~ The Storm Bringer ~ Waning Summoning Storms, Winds, Hail, Thunder, Lightning, Causing Damage Through Storms, Weather Magick, Rains, Floods, Tempests, Hurricanes, Torrents, Influencing Weather Patterns. Appears as a striking and fearsome Demon, worn and wrinkled pale grey skin covering its bony form, the face almost skull like, wild black hair and its ragged brown clothing continuously blow from an unseen wind. SIRCHADE (A) ~ The Beast Of Tongues ~ Full Communicating With Animals, Healing Animals, Protecting Animals, Understanding The Calls Of Animals, Control Of Animals, Preservation, Conservation, Communing With Animals. Appears as a figure forged from foliage, bracken, bark, roots and animal skin, its face seems to be carved from the wood of tree bark, its fingers are like bracken sticks, its legs and feet akin to the roots of a tree. GULAND (A) ~ The Plague Carrier ~ Waning Inflicting Illness, Disease, Malady, Viruses, Injury, Pandemic, Ill Health, Infection, Plague, Causing Fatal Illness, Cancer, Slow Death, Terminal Disease, Tumors, Wounds. Appears as a huge terrifying Demon its grey skin covered by plague and sores, its large domed horned head holds large black eyes which seem to ooze with blood, clawed hands and feet complete the striking visage. MERSILDE (A) ~ The Watcher ~ Waxing Safety When Travelling, Protection When Asleep, Protection On The Astral Realm, Astral Projection, Astral Travel, Access To Other Realms, Journeys, Exploration, Excavation. Appears as a fleeting shadow rarely seen, black appearing cloaked, it never manifests for more than a few seconds. ASHTAROT (F) ~ The Queen Of The Scarlet Womb ~ Full Seduction, Lust, Homunculi, Psychogones, Egregores, Golems, The Creation Of Magickal Entities, Sex Magick, Desire, Possession, Passion, Love, Marriage, Partnerships, Astral Beings. Appears as a female of startlingly black and white pied skin and long black hair, she is beautiful and garbed in a long flowing hooded robe of scarlet hue, within her hands she holds a jar appearing to contain a fetus. VERRINE (F) ~ The Lady Of Renewal ~ Waxing Care, Medical Knowledge, Healing The Aged, Healing Children, Herbalism, Natural Healing, Crystal Healing, Medicine, Rejuvenation, Herb Magick, Natural Remedies, Recovery, Healed Wounds. Appears as a woman of elderly dignity, white hair tied back in a plait, her slender form clad in robes of holly green, here yes are pitch black as are her fingernails. BAAL (M) ~ The Bright Flame ~ Full Knowledge, Wisdom, Intellect, Passion, Invention, Intelligence, Will Power, Fortitude, Lust, Love, Passion, Philosophy, Leadership, Kingship, Mastery, Learning, Position, Power. Appears as a regal man wearing a golden crown and long gold robe, his skin is tanned bronze and he has long black hair, he carries a staff of bronze and it is topped with an ever burning flame. FRUTIMIERE (A) ~ Master Of Ceremonies ~ Full Celebrations, Happiness, Success, Sustained Success, Rituals, Ceremonies, Festivals, Entertainment, Joy, Beauty, Harvests, Sabbat Festivals, Occasions, Beauty. Appears as a red skinned Demon clad in green Tudor styled clothing and carrying a gold staff, its head is bald with two small horns. AMMON (M) ~ The Lord Of Life ~ Full Fortitude, Longevity, Strength, Renewed Health, Longevity Of Life, Sustaining Life, Banishment Of Ailments, Vitality, Physical Strength, Bravery, Healing Of Malady, Recovery Of Strength, Excess. Appears as a large muscular male naked but for a brown fur loin cloth, he has a the head of a horned Ram, the horns appearing to be solid gold. SEGAL (A) ~ Traveler Of The Realms ~ Dark Illusions, Apparitions, Hauntings, Psychosis, Schizophrenia, Madness, Hallucinations, Mirages, Paranoia, Nightmares, Paranormal Activity, Terror, Insanity, Mirages, Loss Of Rationality, Mistrust, Fear. Appears as white wraith like figure in flowing pale lilac robes, its long hair a silvery white hue, its nails long and talon like, its black eyes are stark against the pallid skin. SURGAT (A) ~ Holder Of The Keys ~ Waning Entry Into Places Forbidden, Locks, Portals, Gateways, Revelation, Entering Other Realms, Perception, Instinct, Admission, Ability, Seeing Beyond The Veil, Access, Understanding Complex Issues. Appears as a Demon of black skin with white eyes and unruly long brown hair, it is clad in grey coloured rags and wears a chain bilt upon which are many keys but all of them are the same. Written upon the Twentieth day Of August 2018
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