#buuuuut I really like the eye mod!!
tenthhell · 1 year
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Updated Orianna bc I got a mod to work + a rough approximation of Asmodeus' avatar.
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im baaaack~!
lololol hiiie guys <3 sorry about the sudden disappearance, my old acc got terminated o,3 buuuuut im back now!! n i think my brothers r on here tooo so lets see how bad they r at using tumblr /aff
rp blog for everyones favorite watcher with a thousand eyes bliklotep :3 not planning to be very serious but like who really knows lmao
open for interactions! run by @tenmillionmice, mod uses hiss/purr/growls+they/them
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bearded-shepherd · 3 years
Alrighty Let's Talk: PlayStation Showcase 2021
Short quip, there's quite a few games I'm definitely keeping an eye out for:
I've been waiting for this game since the initial teaser. Also, MY BOY ATREUS (Loki) HAS GROWN!!! Cant' wait to see the new combat and enemies in this game (I have my eyes on the centaurs). I honestly dont wanna fight Frigg (Freya, Forest Witch whichever). I really like her as a character...buuuuut, if I have to beat some ass... I will.
Made by the same peeps who did FFXV. I have been keeping an eye out for this game since before it's name was changed from Project Athia. So far, the little gameplay clips looks promising, it's kind of giving me the game Control in some scenes.
I've also had a watchful eye on this game for a while too; Looks pretty good, still no release date but the man is going hard on the gang signs lul. Well see, the gameplay looks good but I'm really interested in what the story may be.
The music got me, very interesting game; I love the style, I'm not sure what language is spoken in this trailer but I think it's brilliant that it is voiced this way other than English. A fun little game to look forward to.
Marvel's Wolverine & Marvel's Spiderman 2:
Insomniac Games back at it again!! Mile and Peter working together and now we got Wolverine!
+ Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection: It was inevitable. I fukin love this series and I hope they will also have the Nathan Drake's Collection on PC too.
+ Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online: I just have to laugh at this trailer, like BRUV, 'Improved Graphics' I've seen mods with 10x better graphics da fuk.
Pretty good showcase, can't wait to see what these games are truly about. Hopefully my ass can get a PS5 before then
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ehehehe hEYyyyyy Kokichiii~~~ I, 🍬 anon have returned!!
ik i sent in an ask not too long ago but likE-
i lowkey needa vent rn and srry if this ends up long as hell lmao (feel free to answer this whenevr you want mod no pressure <3 )
just for some context, a few months or so ago (i have no clue lol) i realized that im a trans demiguy instead of being genderfluid because i realized i was forcing myself to accept she/her pronouns cause i didnt wanna be an inconvience to people but i still liked really feminine stuff which is why i thought i was genderfluid at first, but i just needed some time to really think about it yk? also in case you wanna know my pronouns are he/him or they/them <3
aNyWaY sooo a few days ago i bought a chest binder on amazon and not even a day after it arrived, my parents sat me down and asked me why i bought it behind their backs. cause i never told them i bought it in the first place. they ended up practically forcing me to come out to them because there was no other way i couldve gotten out of the situation, and the reactions i got wheerrreeee mixed to say the least. it could've been much worse, but it felt like it couldve gone so muhc better. my mom started crying and said that she'll accept me no matter "whether you have short hair, long hair, or whatever you wear" which like.... lowkey feels transphobic to me??? like being trans (in my opinion) is hardly ever about what you wear or what you look like, wear whatever the hell you want whether its feminine or masc or whatever. all that matters is what your comfortable with yourself yk? it just kinda feels like she has this incredibly shallow understanding of what being trans is and doesnt even want to try to learn more about it. she was also more concerned about the fact that i didnt tell them before hand which in my opinion isnt something i have to do. just because i didnt come to them about it doesnt mean i dont trust them. she said that she doesnt think she'll be able to use my preferred name and pronouns too soo thAnKs mOm. my dad on the other hand was much more understanding, but still said stuff like "your young" and "your feeling lots of different emotions right now" and my mom said similar things as well. bUUuUut it kinda gets a bit worse... the day after all of this happened, for the entire day, my mom completely ignored me, not even bothering to look me in the eye or even speak to me. while she and my younger brother had a full conversation about his day when i got back from school, she never said a word to me. she didnt even talk to me for the rest of the day until recently where she said "good night". IS THAT IT- its honestly like she doesn't care that she practically ghosted me the entire day. id probably understand if she had a rough day and didnt feel like talking, but she was just fine talking to my brother, so now im wondering if she's transphobic. and ignoring someone let alone her own kid the whole day is something thats really really not like her usual self, so yeah. tbh, i had a gut feeling that she had at the very least internalized transphobia, so now i really wish that i had gotten to test the waters first but instead i was flung straight into the deep end of the pool. metaphorically. although, im not completely sure how this will all play out... in the meantime though, thank you so much for listening kokichi~~ <333 can i have some comfort cuddles please? 👉👈
*covers your face in kisses and cuddles you softly*
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“wellll first of all, im super glad you figured that out about yourself!
congratulations! im really proud of you!
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...but im sorry your parents didn’t have a good reaction.
if my child came out as trans, i’d throw them a party and buy them anything they want! buuut some parents aren’t like that....
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sometimes they do accept you but they’re just reallllyyy bad at understanding what’s going on.
orrrrrr they’re transphobic which is totally awful! i don’t tolerate those types of people!
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and you shouldn’t either! you shouldn’t have to deal with dumb people like that or dumb things like transphobia!
you are who you are! and i think you’re amazing!
the easiest thing to give people is respect y’know? and it’s soooo dumb that they can’t give you that right away!
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...you’re valid, whether or not they choose to respect you though!
that’s the most important thing to remember! no one can hurt you if you know how incredibly amazing you are y’know?
and im not lying about that. i think you know me enough by now to know i don’t lie about stuff like that!!
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and yup! of course i’ll give you comfort cuddles!
*opens arms*
you deserve them after all.”
-Kokichi Ouma
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thorn-amidst-roses · 4 years
Trying to work through some of the things I was collecting for absolutely no reason (not on display or easily able to be displayed, or things I had just because they were ‘part of the collection’)...
It turns out that the value of 3DS faceplates has shot the heck up, so I offloaded most of my animal crossing and plain ones this morning.
I could do better if I were willing to sell my really rare, in-demand ones (Zelda, or the Ambassador plates, or the Pokemon 20th anniversary ones) buuuuut I actually like those a lot so
I should list up some dolls, too - I have a Juri ‘11 head that I have NO idea how to price. I also have a DZ Big Dipper that never sees the light of day, but every time I pull it out of storage husband kicks up a fuss about not wanting me to sell it.
Also potentially on the chopping block is my modded DC Bella and Withdoll Angela - I like them, but I never, ever display them. Also side-eyeing my MNF Chloe - she’s the original Amethyst fullset, but the market is so Chloe-saturated that...I dunno.
I also do quite like her fullset, but again, I never display her.
(And I have two other dolls on the way so I NEED space to be made...ugh)
Renee and the Blue Fairy girl aren’t moving at all. BJD market is so stagnant right now. :(
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askaceattorney · 4 years
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Inferno,
Co-Mod: Nope, I just decided to have that be a fun addition to her character after her first letter.  I didn’t tell her any specifics, though, so the time-space continuum should still be safe.
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Dear Anonymous,
The Mod: I’d love to see some flashbacks to characters that never got to be seen in their heyday. Give me Diego with a rookie Mia as his assistant. Give me a Grossberg case. Have me play the villainous Kristoph cheating his way through a case against an ever saddening Winston Payne.
I don’t see Capcom doing that, since the new team seems scared of messing with Takumi’s characters, even to their own detriment (which is why Maya still acts like she’s 17 when she’s 28 and Pearl is so stupid she thinks a person in a raincoat is a frog), but I’d love to see it anyway for nostalgia’s sake.
I’m not personally big on costume DLC. I like the characters to look the way they’re supposed to look, but I can see why other people like it.
Co-Mod: My eyes are currently stuck on the words “new AA game,” just so you know.  I’d love nothing more than to see something brand new with the current cast of characters (possibly including a flashback case or two), buuuuut I’d rather not get my hopes up for it.
I don’t really have an opinion on costumes, but the idea of Athena with a scarf and a key in her hair does tickle my fancy a little bit.
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: Thanks!  I was wondering where he might have come from.  I never would’ve guessed he was from a game that was published by Capcom.  Go figure.
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Dear Shamus,
Co-Mod: Technically, the Ace Attorney timeline occurs in an alternate world where a few things are different (i.e. different nations are formed, the bombing of Pearl Harbor never happened, etc.), so it’s hard to say how close to our reality it would be.  I imagine most things happening the same way, though, so the rioting and the coronavirus 19 are canon in Ace Attorney as far as I’m concerned.
Questions about coronavirus are okay, but the rioting’s a bit too divisive of a topic for this blog, so I probably won’t answer letters to the characters about it.  That’s just me, though.
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Dear power-joe-fanclub,
Co-Mod: Here she is, compadre.  I had to search for it twice for some reason, and I found it almost in an instant the second time.  Life’s funny like that, ain’t it?
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Dear Nicco,
Co-Mod: Hey, not bad!  I’m not much good with 3D graphics or animation, so I’m always impressed when someone creates something convincing with it.  That being said, I doubt we’ll use them here, since we usually use the Phoenix sprites with backgrounds, but thanks a bunch for sharing them!
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Dear Anthony,
Co-Mod: Wow...  Empty parking spots at a Walmart are a beautiful sight, aren’t they?
...Oh, you mean the sky.  Yep, those are some beautiful color combinations.  Thanks for using the miracle of photography to share them with us!
On a semi-related note, I recently had a dream where I was driving, and when I looked up, I saw a triple rainbow.  Is that even a thing that exists?  Either way, I hope it’s a sign of good news in the future.
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Dear Shamus again,
Co-Mod: I can sort of imagine that happening, but I doubt he needed much outside influence considering how much of an evil genius he is.  Not to mention his poker face.  And, y’know...the other one.
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-The Mods
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 10)
"Cut 'Em"
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Back at Colson's, everyone is still in full swing. Making the quiet ride back, with Luna and Colson simply resting upon each other, even nicer. Foster the People's Torches is bumping, helping the weed smoke roll through out the house. Colson, Luna, Baze and Slim are sitting at the kitchen table about to play spades, surrounded by girls. Mod, Pete and Ashleigh are playing Mario Kart in the living room. Surrounded by girls. Benny, Phem and a few others are out by the pool with more girls. The scene looks as if they brought all of VIP back with them.
"So you think you can throw cards?" Slim says to Luna, eyeing her while he shuffles.
"I've sliced some hands off with a spade or two before." She says leaning back. After she takes a swig of her beer, she says "My cut."
"Sure." Slim slides the cards to the middle of the table.
Luna cuts the cards. Slim deals.
"Yo. Slim looks like he wants to fuck her up. He BIG mad she took me as her partner. My girl better walk as hard as she talks, Boy..." Colson thinks to himself watching the two of them.
Slim deals. Luna looks at her hand. She's got 5 solid and a possible 6. "First hand bid it's self?" She asks.
Slim looks a little surprised. "Yeah."
"Alright, on me. You ready?" She asks Colson.
"Get it, Kitty." He tells her.
She opens it up with the ace of hearts.
"Ok." Baze says throwing low.
Luna and Colson play off each other magnetically. One look. She walks all 6 books easily. He pulls another 3. "Just a preview." She smirks at Slim as she begins to shuffle.
"Well, if I had my PARTNER." Slim emphasises. Lighting up another joint.
"Whoah!" Throws out Baze. "You didnt pull shi.."
Luna interrupts him. "You want him, take him." She says, extending her arm across the table at Colson, turning her head. One look. Looking back, "I'll whoop both your asses." She taunts Slim with a half smile.
"Aight, bet. Switch places with me."
"Y'all are REALLY outta pocket." Laughs Colson. Watching them playfully bicker.
"Fine. It's still my shuffle tho." She says getting up. As she sits down, she leans over to kiss Colson. "I'm sorry, Bunny." She grins at him. Then she looks across to Baze. "You ready to run these hoes, Partner." She says swigging her beer.
The three of them look a her for a second before erupting into laughter. "THAT is definitely YOUR GIRL." Slim states. Luna swigs her beer again before she begins to shuffle.
After they bid, Slim throws the ace of clubs to start. It should've walked but Luna slices it with the 4 of spades. He looks at her. "You wanted your partner." She shrugs laughing.
"This is true, Bro." Colson backs her up, shrugging too.
"Fuck you both." Slim laughs.
It's a fun game. There's a lot of laughter and shit talking. Surprise books walk and others that are supposed to, end up cut. Luna and Colson play footsy under the table. It's not a massacre but Luna and Baze take Colson and Slim by 200 points.
"Good game. Where'd you learn to play like that?" Slim asks afterwards, impressed, as they light up cigarettes outside. They can see the sun begin to dance.
"I did a summer at Crossroads." She says exhaling, leaning against the house.
"What, like summer camp?"
Luna laughs. "No. Like maximum security juvie." She says taking another drag.
"REALLY?" Slim cocks his head towards her. "YOU and your 5 high to a knee high. For what?"
Luna chuckles at his metaphor. "A knee high though?" Crossing her ankles as she leans.
He shrugs. "For real tho, what cha do?"
"I picked up something like 96 charges. Multiple accounts on most, so some of them don't count. It ranged from terroristic threatening, 2nd degree assault, fleeing, resisting arrest..." She sighs, rubbing her forehead. "Annnnd assault on an officer and possession and intent. I believe." She finishes, taking a drag off of her Newport.
"God Damn, Girl!!! What you do all that for? His face scrunched up.
She throws her hands out as if, I don't know, as she looks at him. "Enh. These two bitches jumped my friend. So, I jumped em back with a Louisville, after picking up." She takes another drag. "I feel like they trumped up the charges because it was on school property."
"Not because of the Louisville?" Slim laughs. He puts his cigarette out. "You know," he says pointing at her "I wasn't sure about you at first but you aight." He nods his head. Agreeing with himself.
"Thanks. That means a lot and is important as Colson's best friend." She says honestly, taking her final drag before putting her cigarette out too. "I'm glad we got a chance to hang out." He agrees.
Slim sticks around outside admiring the sunrise.
"Rook was right, she is quick and funny as fuck.... Can hang too...Shooo.... The way she cut them books.... Kells'll be good if she's as hard as she's coming off to be..... At least she seems to be living up to the hype after the all years he fucking sweated her." He thinks, lighting one last Newport.
Walking inside Luna stretches wide and yawns, looking around for Colson. Things are surprisingly quiet. She finds him in the kitchen eating a cold fried chicken leg. "Ahhhh!!! Tell me you have more. I am starvingggg." She whines.
"YES." He proudly shoves one her way with paper towels.
"You. Are a God." He leans down so she can kiss him on the cheek. She then hops onto the kitchen counter and begins to eat her chicken. "So," she says swinging her bare feet "What's the plan for tomorrow?"
He walks towards her, she's still swinging her feet until he gets close enough that they rest on his naked stomach. He looks down. "You wanna get fucked right here?" One look.
She smirks and looks around " I mean...." She says biting into her chicken, shrugging. "I am trying to eat this chicken tho."
He laughs "You want another peice?"
"Yeeeeessss pleeease. This shit is slammen'."
As they hang out eating their chicken together, he says to her "Tomorrow's gonna be chill... I'm picking Cas up Sunday morning." He takes her finished chicken and throws it away. Walking back to her, he continues "I meant what I said. I want you to meet her. Maybe we can go out to dinner." He says moving to in between her thighs. One look. Pulling her across the counter, up against him. She puts her hands on his collar bones.
"HOLY FUCK MY LIFE. SHE'S GONNA HATE ME." Panics Luna mentally.
"I don't think that's how you meet kids, Bunny." She says to him, shaking her head. "Especially if you want them to like you." She laughs lightly. "Doooo you want my completely uneducated thoughts?" She asks.
"Always." He responds kissing her.
"I think, you should hang out with her first, and then maybe tell her about me when you feel it's right annd then ask HER if she'd like to meet me. Wherever she'd like." She's looking at him seriously. "Buuuuut I vote Disneyland." Luna smiles widely, raising her hand.
"I vote Universal." He says pushing her arm down with his now raised arm.
"You're an idiot." She laughs, squirming as they weirdly arm battle.
"You the one who loves an idiot." Trying to move, trapped in her things, continuing to raise arm battle her. The sight of him makes her retreat, laughing loudly as he continues on his own, pleased by her laugher.
"I do love you" she smiles pulling his face towards hers. With this he also retreats into her hands. Kissing her wetly and deeply as her thighs tighten around him even more. His hands run through her long hair, down her back, onto her ass, pressing her hard against him. She drags her blue nails down his bare chest, before she slides her hands alongside her own body and pulls off her bra with her black sheer shirt off in one swoop. Although he could see her breasts all night, he was tired of the shirt and is pleased to see it go. He NEEDS to feel her skin right now. Both of them begin to take the other's pants off. His drop to the floor as she lifts herself up for him to slide hers off. He runs his index along her lips before dipping inside of her.
"You're always so wet for me, Kitten. I fucking love it." He says gnawing at her neck as he slowly works his huge cock deep into her pussy. "And tight." They both groan in pleasure as he makes his way into her fully. Arms wrapped tightly around each, sloppily tongue kissing. Their hips slam together as they grind and fuck each other, deep and hard on the kitchen counter. "You're such a dirty, little slut." He says in her ear.
"Who's dirty, little slut am I? She asks lowly, bucking against him harder.
"MINE." He says firmly, "You're MY dirty, little slut." Kissing her back on the mouth. His words excite both of them. They're both close to cuming as they fuck each other harder.
"And what are you going to do to me?" She pants.
"I'm going to fuck you wherever, whenever, however the fuck I WANNNNNT." He growls loudly, pulling her hair as he releases himself inside her, for the second time tonight.
"FUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!" his mind explodes. He knows he's drunk but if he's going to believe in religion. It's her fucking pussy. He decides.
The yank does it. She buries her face in his neck as she tries to muffle her squealing giggle as she cums with him. "Mmmmm...Colson." She purrs. "I love you."
After a few moment, they unwrap themselves and kiss sweetly. "I love you too, Luna." He says before lifting her off the countertop. They do a quick clean up job before he grabs her bag and they head upstairs together.
"Jesus Christ that was amazing. I wonder if anyone heard us. Probably. Oh well....... Thank Fuck, I stayed on birth control. I knew shit was gonna pop off between us but DAMN...."
"That was fucking HOT. She wasn't lying. We do fuck like rabbits. How can I not with that fucking ASS!!" He refrains from biting her as he watches her ass bounce up the stairs. "And she fucking loves me." He thinks beaming, heart racing while admiring his view. "I've never came like that before...." his mind drifts watching her ass guide him.
To be continued...
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It can be absolutely daunting to log on and just stare blankly at an empty post. It’s quite a struggle, but have no fear! The Bee Sisters are here! There’s a light at the end of the tunnel and you will come out the other side. Okay, I’ll stop with the cheesy metaphors now. Read on for common causes relating to the loss of muse and how to revive inspiration by falling in love with your character again.
Problem 1: Stressful Personal Life One of the most common factors of lost muse is a stressful personal life. If work or home life has suddenly become unmanageable, it can cause writing to feel like a chore. 
Solution: We’ve all been through it and a brief hiatus in this circumstance can actually be pretty useful as they often give you time to take a step back and think about how you want your character to return to the RP. You know what they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder! Take the time to relax, write a list about what you want to bring to the overall plot of the RP and how your character can facilitate that goal and get hyped up about returning.
Problem 2: Loss of Direction Similarly, it can become very easy to lose all sense of direction with your character and get wrapped up in going with the flow with no big development occurring. 
Solution: This is a good time to take a step back, reread your character’s bio and reevaluate your character and their existing connections. Tap back into your initial inspiration for where your character came from and think about what may have gotten lost or has been on hold for too long. What were your original aspirations for your character? How does your character specifically fit into the overarching plot of Thornewood? What does this character bring that advances Thornewood’s story?
For instance, if your character’s bio states they’re a go-getter and strive for achievement but haven’t quite achieved anything since arriving at Thornewood, perhaps it’s time for your character to earn a promotion or be downgraded from the red/yellow floor to the yellow/green floor. We know going backwards isn’t intuitive, but sometimes it’s important to look back in order to go forward. Looking back can provide inspiration for a plot revolving around a new characteristic or a developing skill could result in further character development for a more exciting and adventurous route.
Problem 3: Lack of Connections  A big issue with writing in a growing group is that as new writers and characters come in, it can feel as though your character is getting lost in the crowd. It’s absolutely essential you continue to put your character out there to be heard! Solution:  Open starters (we have a post all about intriguing open starters, posted here) are the best way to do this! Read the other characters bios and if you see one that your character may gel well with (or, it might even be more exciting if they don’t get along) and you have an idea for a plot (this part is really important!! Come to the table with at least some idea!), message them privately and pitch your ideas! We are extremely lucky to have a wonderful and friendly group of writers here so please don’t be worried or afraid to build those connections!
Problem 4: Undeveloped Character Development Bear with me on this one. You applied with a bio that, at the time, felt strong and you had a lot of muse for but as you got to threading and creating connections and plots, your character still feels…the same. Unmoved. Unchanged by their environment. Don’t stress! It happens, I’ve done it! 
Solution: Now its pivotal for you to go back to your character bio and pick out one part that you know you’ve lost or would like to improve upon. Now, journal, self-para, create mood boards, take mun/muse quizzes or personality tests for your character, fill in an IC all about me, create a playlist of songs that relate to your character. Work on them from the ground up. Strip them back and find the parts that make them unique. (I will be adding some character development quizzes to the main if you find these helpful.) But, the aim here is for you to basically rebuild your muse from where it first began but with a refreshed perspective.
Problem 5: It’s Been Awhile There are many reasons why you may have taken a hiatus, and rightfully so, but now you’ve been away for so long that jumping back in sort of feels like a huge leap. The dash has moved, events have unfolded and everyone seems to be in the midst of a big plot. 
Solution: Before returning, set up a group chat with the mods and we will fill you in on everything that may have occurred in your absence. In the midst of this conversation, you can absolutely plot with us about how your character should return! We enjoy helping when we can and ensure a smooth transition back into Thornewood. Don’t let yourself suffer in silence! Communication is key!
Problem 6: Striving for Perfection  I know first hand how it feels to be in the middle of writing an important plot that you are incredibly proud of and want to be good and entertaining enough that the other writers in the group are interested in reading it, buuuuut there’s a fine line between writing well and wanting to write well that your ambition ends up scaring off your muse. Now, to be clear, we’re not saying don’t try to write the absolute best can! Please, do! Push yourself! However, we’d like to caution you that an unhealthy amount of pressure on yourself will kill muse.
Solution: If you’re staring at your reply and pulling your hair out, hit that little “save draft” button and walk away. I’m serious. Close your laptop, make yourself a drink and take a deep breath, or even move onto another thread you have. I’ll often give myself 45 minutes to an hour and then come back to the original thread. At that point, it’s like a fresh pair of eyes going over what you had before and you’ll suddenly see the mistakes and your second draft will be 100% better.
Problem 7: Insufficient Communication Okay, this one here is a biggie and I need you to know one thing before I start, when we say communication is key, we mean it. I can’t tell you the amount of times I have watched people lose all their muse because they are not communicating honestly and effectively with their RP partners. 
Solution: If the plot you created isn’t working anymore, tell them. If they’re all over the place and rarely on, meaning you can’t write with them, discuss it with them. If you feel you’re being disrespected or not listened to, talk to them openly and honestly. (If you’ve done this and are still having issues, please report such a thing to the mods as this is something we can deal with). If god-modding (you didn’t previously approve), meta-knowledge or meta-disrespect has taken place, report it to the mods immediately. This destroys all love for writing and your plots and can make for a tense and hostile environment which is not something tolerated here at Thornewood. Communication with your partners and mods is incredibly important.
Conclusion: If you got this far, wow! Thank you! Gold star for you, if there’s one thing this bee does well, it’s ramble. This guide has come from a very honest place because recently I have been struggling with a loss of muse and through writing this, I’ve used my own tips to bring it back. If you take anything away from this, let it be this:
Hiatuses are a-okay and a lot of the time, necessary. Please don’t lose sight of the fact that this is supposed to be a fun and enjoyable space and lastly, the mods are here to help, guide and support you in anyway we can. We are only a message away.
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If it's not too much could I request A, M, B, E and R for Gonta? Please and thank you!
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AW HECK YEAH FIRST THING I SAW IN THE INBOX, time to write for bestest boy. and hope my writing is acceptable
-Mod Gonta
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Oh, Gonta loves a ton of things about you! Buuuuut, if he had to choose, he absolutely loves your voice. He’s not too sure if it’s considered weird or not to like someone’s voice, but he just adores hearing it. When you sing, when you talk, he just loves to hear your voice, he thinks it’s cute, beautiful...etc. The only time he doesn’t like how your voice sounds is when you’re sad, he hates hearing when you’re sad or angry!
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
He’s never really thought too much about having a family with his S/O, but if they didn’t mind the idea, he probably wouldn’t, either. A domestic family portrait looks real good in his eyes, so he thinks the idea is cute and nice. But it’d only be if the feeling was mutual, he doesn’t want S/O to do anything they’d regret! Gonta’s not sure if he’d be a good dad or not, but he’d do his best if he ever did become a dad.
E = Everything (You are my __ (e.g. my life, my world…))
“You are Gonta’s universe, S/O.”
It’d seem as if he’s exaggerating a bit, although it’s not much of a stretch to say that it’s true. Gonta’s life was pretty nice before but he’s just--so in love with you, it’s like things immediately got brighter when you two met. He just adores you, S/O, even bugs moved down on his list, straight to number 2. That’s how you know he cares for you, huh?
M = Memory (What’s their favorite memory together?)
His favorite memory with you would probably be your meeting. It was the thing that started this all, why wouldn’t he be glad to remember your meeting? There are so many good memories you’ve made together but had it not been for meeting you a long while ago he would’ve never had those memories! So you guys’ first meeting is definitely important to him. Plus, looking back on it, not only is it nice to reminisce, but it was also a mildly embarrassing memory too, so it’s kind of comical.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
He prefers just being with you on a rainy day. He doesn’t do anything particularly special, you two might take a few naps, or watch a few movies or eat a nice and warm lunch while the rain either gently pitter-patters outside or pours down. Although he does appreciate if you help him help a few bugs somewhere more safe if it’s a particularly heavy rain, and make sure that the worms get out of the soil in time, if you’re okay with that!
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With My Heart in My Mouth
(Original fiction by Mod Cuore of @the-heartbeat-carries-on)
Here it is! Decided to write a bit of original fiction with a cardiophile theme :D This was fun. A little rambling and very informal (and first person, present tense, what even), but still fun to do. I hope you all enjoy it! (Rated PG for mild language)
Right now, teleportation sounds like the best idea in the world.
Picture me, a young woman in love, having brought her boyfriend back from the airport after a nervous but still joyous car ride. I'm beyond excited and happy that he's finally in the same house as me instead of a few thousand miles away. Picture him flopped over on the couch. He's exhausted from all the travel, but still eager to spend time with me and is in cheery spirits (even if his eyelids are dipping every so often).
And then, picture me, wanting to dive into his arms and flee the country at the same time (the latter possibly including a new identity). We’d hugged for a long while at the airport; in fact, I’m pretty sure people stared as the minutes-long embrace went on… and on… and on… So why was I getting cold feet about… well, about this?? Isn’t it natural for a girl like me to want to cuddle with her boyfriend? And listen to his heartbeat? Even though it’s something he doesn’t like? His heartbeat, not the cuddling. Jury’s out on the cuddling. But I know for a fact that he’s said before he doesn’t like heartbeats. Which you’d think would be a dealbreaker for someone like me, a cardiophile who’s loved hearts for as long as she can remember.
But noooo, my heart didn’t think that was a problem. So here we are, in my house, me sweating like a fountain and him stretched out on my couch… looking so nice and relaxed… and looking like he has the perfect spot next to him where I could fit in nice and neat--THERE I GO AGAIN.
Unfortunately, for me, he seems to have picked up on the anxiety. “You all right, Jenny?” Dammit. Either I was too obvious or he's just that good at reading people. Probably both; he’s always seemed like a people-person.
“I…” Right now would be the perfect time to lie about it, right? No, no good… he hates liars. I suddenly found just about every piece of advice I’d ever heard about honesty starting to flood my head. “Communication is key,” it all says. “It’s important to talk things out,” comes another voice. Sage advice to be sure, but with my heart pounding as hard as it is right now, can I even get the words out?
My lips finally part. “...Are you tired?” DAMMIT, Jenny. Just… go bury yourself in the corner, why don’t you.
He nods. “Yeah, I mean… it was a really long flight. But you look tense.” He pauses a moment, an odd look of shame crossing his face. “Oh, no, sorry; you probably wanna sit. Hold on.” In a few swift moves, he’s sitting up on the couch, cheeks a little red. Nooo, Will; that’s the LEAST of my worries. You’re not taking up space.
Well... if he’s offering me the spot, it’d be rude to not sit there, right? It’s a few moments before I find myself creaking toward the couch, like I’d just hopped off of Frankenstein’s table. Will isn’t keeping it a secret from me that he’s confused by the way I’m acting, his bushy eyebrows doing all the talking. Honestly, he has every right to be; I feel like an idiot. And all because I want to cuddle up next to him and…
He reaches over and puts a hand on my shoulder. “You’re looking really pale; you sure you’re all right?”
I try to look over, but the gaze from his slate blue eyes is a little too much. My heart punches me in the back of my ribs and I cough a little. “I’m… just kind of…”
His expression melts into one of warmth and concern. “If you’re nervous, you really don’t have to be. I mean… wait, what am I saying…?” He takes his hand off my shoulder and buries his face in his hands. “I mean… okay, I’m a little nervous myself. But… I guess a bit of nerves in the beginning is healthy. Means you’re not taking this lightly or for granted.”
That’s true; after all the time I’ve spent, thinking about me and him together, I’m not going to let any of it seem as though it’s something I’m owed. Heck, the fact that I’m together with anyone seems like a miracle in of itself after all these years (crushing on people is hard… at least for me. I feel lucky this even happened). So, with that in mind… I guess I can relax a bit. I smile, trying to look at him but still avoiding his eyes. “Y-You’re right. I guess I’m just nervous. I just… I’ve been waiting for this for so long.”
He smiles, his slightly crooked teeth glistening in the remnants of daylight streaming through the window. “Me too,” he says.
A few moments of thick silence (save for the ticking of the living room clock and the ridiculously loud pounding my heart is doing, what the heeeelllll) pass before I decide to clear my throat. “Um… I h-hope this isn’t too forward of me, but…”
What am I doing?
“...I was wondering…”
Oh no.
“...if you wouldn’t mind…”
“...could we, you know… cuddle, maybe?”
...I blew it. That was WAY too forward, wasn’t it? I mean, this is only our second time of meeting in person, the first time we’ve met as a couple. Heck, maybe he’s not even into cuddling. He’s a hugger, sure, but… but maybe… ohhhh, I blew it.
There’s no way I can accurately describe the tone of his voice. A period doesn’t do it justice, and an exclamation point makes it sound way too enthusiastic. But there’s a definite tone of… happiness to it. It’s lighthearted, gentle… maybe not super eager, but it actually sounds like he’s… into it.
I can feel a stupid grin crawling onto my lips; good luck prying that off, I tell myself as he starts stretching back out, watching me, waiting for me to… oh, he’s patting the side next to him. I look at his face.
He’s smiling. Ohhh heavens, I can’t take this. Maybe it’s quicker than I should move, but I almost slam myself down by his side trying to fill in the space.
“Whoa! That was a rush and a half…”
I breathe in sharply. “Are you okay?? I didn’t hurt you, did I??”
Thankfully, he’s shaking his head. “No, I’m fine. That was just, I dunno, REALLY sudden.”
“Ah, sorry, sorry…” I mutter, resting my head on his chest. I try to make it as casual as I can, but, truth be told, this is what I’ve been waiting for. I’m just hoping HE’S okay with it.
I can feel him gently wrap his arm around me as I settle my head down, suddenly hearing the sound I’d longed to hear ever since my feelings for him developed.
B-thump b-thump b-thump b-thump b-thump…
I am both simultaneously mesmerized and flustered. On the one hand, I’m finally getting to hear his heartbeat. On the other hand… so much faster than I was expecting!
...And I suddenly realize that it’s probably beating that way because of me. My own heart skips a few beats, something I don’t realize he can feel.
“I think something happened…” he says. I look up into his face; his eyebrows are still reaching for his hairline.
“A-Ah, yeah…”
“It felt like your heart just kinda had a freakout.”
A wave of warmth rushes through me as he says that word, “heart.” Ordinarily, anyone saying that word would make me smile, but him? The way he curls the vowels and the “r” sound just… it’s too much. My face goes a little redder.
“I’m just… I’m sorry.”
His eyebrows crease even further. “Sorry? Sorry why? You literally haven’t done anything you need to apologise for.”
I sigh, more blush creeping up my neck. Might as well remind him, shall I? “Okay, I… you’re right,” I start. “I just… d-do you remember that first letter I gave you? Way back when we first met?”
He closes his eyes as he thinks back. “Man, that was so long ago. So much happened too; what was in it?”
No use turning back. “Well, I… I told you in it about my being a… a cardiophile.”
Yep, there’s a definite silence here. “A what?”
“I like hearts. A lot. It’s like…” The words just started pouring out. “It’s like a lifelong obsession for me. I’ve liked them ever since I was little.”
“Ohhhh…” he says, looking up as though he’s searching his brain for memory banks. “So that’s why you’ve got all that heart stuff on your blog.”
I nod slowly. “Y-Yeah…”
“So…” He looks down at me. Not two seconds go by before someone turns on the light behind his eyes (I could almost swear I can see it). “Ohhhh. You can hear my heartbeat right now, can’t you?”
All I can do is nod. “I just… I just remembered something, though.”
“What’s that?”
“You said on your blog, a while back, that you don’t like heartbeats.”
He thinks for a moment. “Yeah, I just, couldn’t really stand hearing my own so often. Like, lying in bed at night when I’m trying to sleep… Also kind of reminds me of all the horror games I’ve played. And that’s not something I want to have when I’m trying to sleep.”
He stops a moment, looking a little embarrassed. “Buuuuut I mean, if you like hearts, hey, who am I to judge?”
...Did he just say that? Really?
I can hardly believe it; it feels as though a weight has been lifted. “You’re… okay with that?”
“Why wouldn’t I be? If it makes you happy, then like away. Just because I don’t like my own heartbeat doesn’t mean you can’t. I mean... it’s not hurting me or anyone else if you do. At least, I’m assuming you’re not gonna plunge a dagger in and scream ‘Kali-ma!!’ or anything like that. If you do, I’m afraid we’re gonna have to rethink this relationship thing.”
I giggle. I have never felt so good or validated in my entire life. Smiling intensely, I let my head nestle into the gentle curvature of his chest, taking in every enthusiastic beat. A few seconds slip by before I say “In that case, let me love the parts of you that you don’t like. That way, all of you can be loved and appreciated.”
“Awww…” His expression lightly rumbles through his chest and his heartbeat picks up slightly. I catch a bit of blush on his cheeks before he closes his eyes, sighing deeply. It’s a few moments before I realize that he’s drifted off, finally robbed of consciousness at last by all the travel.
Welp. Looks like I’m stuck here beneath his arm, nestled between him and the back cushions of the couch. But with his stamp of approval and my new location next to his heart, you won’t hear me complaining. In fact, you won’t hear me at all. I can’t hear his heartbeat if I’m making any sounds of my own, after all.
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Achievements Analyzing for the Sake of Characterization
((Because what is my liiiife-
Anyways, after bringing up the Oracle Turret as a means of pointing to a softer side of Chell, I decided to look into the other achievements in both of the Portal games [including the Still Alive port] and Mel’s mod for my interpretation of Chell and Mel’s characters [ignoring the ones that are either achievable outside of the main storylines or through deaths, the former I don’t consider canon to them because, you know, not in their stories, and the latter because them dying is def not canon.] because I find that taking certain actions being rewarded is a tad interesting. 
Now, these are probably me reaching, buuuuut since Chell and Mel are blank slates, I don’t have too much to go off of, so I’m grasping at as many straws as I can for them.
Anyways! Let’s get started!
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Not really much to say with these ones. You get all of these by advancing the game. Though I would like to point out two of them;
One, the Fratricide Achievement. By definition, fratricide is the act of either killing your sibling or your ally. This is the achievement you get for euthanizing your Companion Cube. Both the name of the achievement and its description catches my attention. The title reinforces, at least to me, that Chell felt some connection to her cube in some compacity. However, the description the extent Chell is willing to go to survive. We all no that she is stubborn and never gives up, but this instance demonstrates that Chell, if she absolutely has to, is willing to sacrifice an ally or even a loved one to stay alive. Really, Wheatley’s not too far off when he called her selfish, which, oof-
And the second one is the SaBOTour Achievement, the one you get for following after Wheatley during your little jailbreak. Not much given, just like the little icon, depicting a stick figure [the player] running while holding a core [Wheately]. idk I think it kinda implies Chell’s intention of not just using him for her escape, but genuinely wanting to escape with him. And I think it’s sweet. Maybe I’m reaching here, but god dammit lemme have this-
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Chell’s skills(tm). This shows the extent of her reflexes and speed as well as how well she can solve tests. Not only is she good at avoiding getting shot and can solve at least one test without ever even touching the block needed for it [I know you can get this achievement automatically by solving Wheatley’s first test, but you can actually earn it earlier if you’re clever enough in the sixth chamber] but she’s such a pro that she can manipulate a rocket turret to shoot its own rocket, catch a wildly bouncing box before it even touches the ground, and can even complete at least one test in a little over a minute. 
What I’m saying is that she’s practically got super humanly fast thinking and reaction and is overall abnormally efficient. Like, jesus, Chell relax-
Though, to be fair about the last one, the test chamber 10 in question is in Portal 2 Chapter 2, and she’s basically seen it all at this point, so it’s not like she’s naturally this fast.
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Chell’s portaling habits. The first two seem to imply Chell testing out the capabilities of the portal gun. Though I am also inclined to believe that along with the Saw That One Coming, Drop Box, and Overclocker Achievements that the first one could also imply that she’s a bit of a show off, or at least that she likes to make personal challenges for herself.
As for the Out of the Blue, this could imply the order in which she puts down the portals.
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These are achievements that are rewarded to you for being thorough [I’ll explain the the Scanned Alone Achievement in a sec-] enough to find them. I believe these can point to her being a rather curious and observant person with an experimental “try everything that won’t definitely kill you” sort of thinking. 
And the Scanned Alone Achievement can even further that “Try everything” way of thinking, and also demonstrates that not all her ideas work, but hey, at least she knows. 
Also it’s funny as fuck to think that this was an idea she had before grabbing a defective turret, and I’m disappointed that Wheatley did not comment on it-
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Chell’s relationships with the [rather few] sentient beings she’s encountered, not counting the antagonists. The short answer? She loves Companion Cubes and fucking hates Turrets. To the point where she goes out of her way to destroy them once they deactivate.
Though, the No Hard Feelings Achievement demonstrate that she’s not so blinded by hate that she isn’t willing to make exceptions or recognize that not everything is out to hurt her, and even show some compassion every once in a while. Or at the very least mercy.
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Oh look, instances of Chell being a defiant lil’ shit. What a surprise-
For real, though, Chell absolutely goes out of her way to be a nuisance to her antagonists in any way she can. Just give her half a god damn chance to do so-
Although the name of the first depicted achievement, Camera Shy, also implies that she doesn’t very much like to be watched, fuuuurther reinforced by her smashing Wheatley’s monitors when solving his tests. Though that could also be her demonstrating just how pissed with him she is-
Unlike with Chell, I’m skipping Mel’s story related achievements because I don’t have anything to say about them.
Also, Portal Stories: Mel has a lot of achievements that involve you dying [Though I have an interpretation on that that involves one of the few achievements that don’t involve dying], so as a result, I don’t have nearly as much to work with. But I will try-
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These all demonstrate both curiosity, sharp eyes, and just absolute stubbornness.
Though unlike Chell, she seems to have less of a want to experiment and more of a want to explore or in the case of the Determined Achievement, to not leave things unfinished. And often times goes against Virgil’s advising against it. Probably OCD as fuck-
Also she recognizes that Companion Cube is shaped like a friend and is sad that she can’t take it with her-
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An example of Mel’s bitchitude. This combined with her refusing to take Virgil’s advice at the start of their partnership is that she didn’t particularly like him. Aaaaand now that she met him in person, she can get back at him by making him as frustrated as he made her.
And to be fair, Virgil painted himself as untrustworthy from the moment he woke her up and was overall kind of a jack ass, so yeah, it’s fair to think their relationship is rocky at first. Although overtime they did end up growing on each other, so.
Also a pretty fun reference to when Wheatley tried to bust Chell out-
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The only achievement where you can be hurt without fucking dying. And here’s my interpretation on this.
Unlike Chell, not only is she very much inexperienced with the Aperture brand bullshit, but she’s also not quick enough to avoid getting hurt. 
And that could go back to how the experiment she signed up for affected her health. Remember what Virgil said? The chemicals that Mel was pumped full of could cause heart attacks from the mere exposure to them. Not to mention the instances where she was having trouble physically exerting herself.
Rocks falling everywhere? All she could do was walk up the stairs [if she didn’t take the elevator]. Heavy door Virgil directed her to? She couldn’t open it, no matter how hard she tried, so they were forced to go a different route.
And keep in mind, she used to be an Olympic Athlete. A track runner to be more precise. Competed in the 1936 Nuremberg games. And after the cryogenic sleep test, she’s been brought so out of shape that she can’t even run like she used to [probably from atrophy combined with her heart attack prone... heart...]. And then having to navigate so many dangers? It’s not a surprise she’s gotten hurt throughout the journey. Hell, it’s a wonder she survived holy shit-
Aaaaanyways, I think that’s all of the achievements I could find. I would do one for Gel, but I couldn’t find any achievements for Aperture Tag. So. Fack-
Either way, hope this was a fun, or at least legible blabber of sorts.
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brites · 7 years
Impulsive Gluttony
(Bacon_inferno Mod here!  The following is based on a little Free! tidbit I wrote on my own page here:  http://archiveofourown.org/works/10636407 Thought I’d share here since it applies.  Hope you guys like it.  :) )
Rin Matsuoka wasn’t an unintelligent person.   He liked to fancy himself someone capable of using his head when the situation called for it.  But he was only human.  Humans have their moments of weakness, where impulse supersedes logic.  And when he stopped by his boyfriend; Makoto Tachibana’s house after a long hard day of practice, only to find Makoto had managed to whip up a proverbial BANQUET worth of food?
Logic proceeded to swiftly and un-apologetically take a back seat, as the hungry, shark toothed boy had then proceeded to ravage just about everything Makoto had set for the two on the table.  This was a feat that most certainly was not lost on Makoto, as he watched his boyfriend rip into his meal with savage gusto.  All the while, his eyes wandered between Rin’s throat as his Adams Apple bobbed repeatedly with each rapid mouthful gulped down, to Rin’s slim, firm, athletic stomach, which progressively expanded little by little with every plate consumed.
Makoto knew his boyfriend could eat, especially when he was hungry…
…But this?  This was a whole new level of shameless gluttony.
The minutes ticked away.  Makoto had long since finished his meal, and sat perfectly content and sated.  And after several MORE minutes, Rin had polished off every single spare plate that the table had laid out.  It was in this moment that Makoto could see the true impact that the meal was having on Rin’s midsection.  Rin’s normally chiseled stomach had rounded out to the point where Rin’s black short sleeved collared shirt rose up and, rather noticeably, exposed a sliver of flesh at the bottom where the shirt normally covered up.  Rin’s belly was pressing out to the point where it was straining the button on Rin’s jeans.  
Sufficed to say, it’s a good thing there wasn’t any room in Makoto’s fridge for leftovers anyway.
Helping Rin up from his chair, given his current state, the two boys eventually made their way to Makoto’s couch, as they so often did after a hefty meal.  Or rather, as they so often did after one of them had overdone it.  A feat even Makoto was quite guilty of here or there.  But not this time…
“W-Wow, Rin,” Makoto finally muttered, now that the ‘feast’ had finally been depleted, “you were, umm…pretty hungry, weren’t you?”
Rin groaned loudly from a mixture of uncomfortable fullness, and utter satisfaction from a hearty meal.  Which one Rin was feeling more of right about now was anyone’s guess.
“Ohhh, holy crap, Makoto, since when could you cook like THAT?” Rin remarked, easing back into his seat and rubbing his left palm all across his bloated stomach beneath his shirt, causing it to hike up even higher, exposing more of his rounded belly all the while.
Makoto, still fixed on Rin’s rounded abdomen, rubbed the back of his head and chuckled tentatively.  
“Oh, it was nothing, just a few tricks my mom taught me.  I just thought I’d share them with you, to see if I got her recipes right, y’know?  S-So, erm, does this mean you liked it?”
Rin responded by clutching the center of his distended midsection, and letting out a forcefully deep belch.  
When it rumbled to an end, Makoto chuckled a bit sheepishly and said, “…I’ll…take that as a yes?”
But before Rin could make his typical smartass reply, a look of immediate discomfort overtook him as his bloated gut let out an audibly deep, gaseous gurgling, making him squirm a bit uncomfortably in his side of the couch.
Makoto being Makoto, immediately scooted closer, resting his palm on Rin’s shoulder with a look of moderate concern for his boyfriends’ wellbeing.  
“Are you okay?” Makoto asked.
Even in his current state, Rin couldn’t help but be a smartass…
“…Rgh, I ate an entire tables worth of food in under half an hour flat.  If I were anything resembling okay, I’d literally be a fucking alien…”
“…Not okay then,” Makoto conceded, before scooting besides Rin and glancing down at his gurgling belly.   “…Jeez, you really DID eat a lot…”
“…Ya THINK…?”
Rin wasn’t angry at Makoto.  He was just naturally snarky and currently in pain brought about from his overindulgence.  Makoto knew that.  A lesser person might draw attention to that, and how Rin was reaping what he sewed.  But Makoto wasn’t that kind of guy.
Instead, he rested his large hand gently down atop Rin’s rounded belly, feeling it gurgle audibly beneath his palm.
“Well, the first thing we need to do is free up some space.  I don’t think you realize just how much you actually ate, Rin,” Makoto said.  But before Rin could come up with yet another snide remark, Makoto reached down and unbuttoned Rin’s jeans for him. 
Almost immediately, Rin’s belly surged outward considerably, hiking up his shirt even more as the bottom of his shirt now rested directly atop his belly button.  And in the process of the surge, Rin’s stomach forced the zipper of his jeans to come down.  As soon as that liberation transpired, Rin felt an immense constriction just ease off of his stomach, allowing him to relax a bit more as the tension in his body unwound somewhat.
When Rin finally looked down, however, even he was taken back by just how jam packed his stomach actually was.
“…Jesus fuck, I look like I literally just swallowed an entire Watermelon…and then swallowed a bunch of Melons on top of that out of spite…” Rin muttered, comically wide eyed for a moment.
Makoto hated to admit it, but seeing Rin get this flustered was always pretty amusing.  Try as he might to avoid or deny it, Rin was a pretty animated character.
“It isn’t THAT bad,” Makoto insisted, pulling Rin’s shirt up, exposing his full stomach; emphasis on the word ‘full.’  Mere moments later, Makoto began gingerly rubbing all across Rin’s aching belly, gently kneading and massaging the tensest portions of Rin’s expanded middle.  All the while, Makoto could feel just how full and rock hard it actually was, all the while, gurgling beneath Makoto’s palm.
Rin was no stranger to this treatment.  He had a very special relationship with Makoto’s cooking, and as much as Rin hated to admit it, Makoto’s rough palm tending to his aching tummy was one of the best feelings in the world for Rin.  So much so, it almost made the stomach ache worth it, just to be tended to by the larger teen.
Then, after a few uninterrupted moments of absolute bliss, Makoto kneaded against an especially tense portion of Rin’s belly, causing it to gurgle deeply in response.  A mere moment later, Rin’s brow furrowed with discomfort for a moment, until…
Rin expelled another deep, rumbling burp.  Makoto just chuckled a good-natured chuckle and shook his head.
“Excuse you,” he said teasingly, earning a roll of the eyes from Rin.
“Whatever, that was your fault anyway,” Rin insisted, “you pushed too hard.”
But then, after a moment, Rin cocked a brow and glanced down at his bloated gut for a moment, causing Makoto to tilt his head in confusion.
“Something wrong?  I can stop if-”
“-Actually, I…think that actually helped a bit.  My stomach isn’t hurting as much after that one.  Keep it comin’, Mako.”
Blinking with surprise, Makoto nonetheless nodded, kneading a bit more firmly into Rin’s belly, and working up another throaty burp moments later.   Rin coughed after it ended, then gripped his throat, likely indicating it stung a bit, which, Makoto felt a bit guilty about.  But after Rin insisted, Makoto nodded and pressed again, working up a much DEEPER burp, which had some added bass to it.
This went on for a few more moments, of Makoto kneading into Rin’s belly and Rin throwing his head back and burping loudly and shamelessly into the air.
Finally, after a strained sounding hiccup erupted from Rin’s throat, another look of discomfort overtook the red haired boy, as his belly groaned DEEPLY.  Concerned, Makoto rubbed firmly against Rin’s bare, bloated stomach, hoping to ease the last bit of pressure up, but only working up a few more hiccups.
That is, until Rin sat up straight, holding his finger up at Makoto, as if nonverbally telling him to wait…
Then, Rin smacked his chest firmly with his palm…
Out expelled a monster belch, rumbling with enough force that Makoto would swear he felt the couch quake slightly, and for a good five seconds straight.  Followed by a loud, but slightly shorter burp, and then a shorter one after that.
When it ended, Rin groaned with utter relief as he flopped back into the cushion, with a look of absolute bliss plastered across his mug as he patted his belly a few times with utter satisfaction, which, for the record, was no longer gurgling or causing any more discomfort of any kind.
“Ahhhh, holy shit did I need that…” Rin remarked in a strained and hoarse voice.
Still bewildered, Makoto laughed and said, “I can tell!”
Then, after a few moments of silence, and no more gurgling from an upset tummy, Rin smacked his lips and turned his attention back to Makoto.
“Oi, Mako…did your mom teach you any dessert recipes?”
A few moments of silence passed when Rin posed his question.  Then, a smile formed over Makoto’s face, as he got up and rose from the couch.
“Well, I thought maybe we’d hold off on dessert after you ate as much as you did, buuuuut I had a feeling you wouldn’t let fullness keep you from your sweets,” Makoto remarked teasingly before opening the oven and revealing a rich looking chocolate cake.
Rin’s eyes almost bugged out of his head for a moment, but then, after a few moments, his lips spread into a toothy grin.
“Mako…you know me too well…”
Indeed, Makoto did.  If anyone could count on Rin to overeat it beyond any point of reason, and STILL want dessert…it was Makoto.
But then again, when one is in a relationship with another person, one has to know these things, especially when their partner is a stubborn, shark toothed, secretly self-proclaimed bottomless pit like Rin Matsuoka…
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pokefriendsimagine · 8 years
I have a mighty need for Guzma Wedding/Honeymoon hc x'D (just kill me now /wHEEZE)
I wanted Ty to do this one and to egg him on to make this blatantly about Ariel buuuuut I wanna get more done so I’m gonna do it in a general sense.
- Guzma totally got cold feet and needed his “best man” (Plumeria) to smack some sense into him… literally. His s/o was confused as to why his cheeks were red and in some of their wedding photos you can see the hand prints.
When Guzma gets scared he gets angry and somewhat mopey more than jittery. He paces, rants and raves and throws his hands in the air and yells and swears up a storm. Mostly ranting about what kind of idiot actually wants to marry him and how stupid he looks in a tux and how much of a fancy schmancy bore weddings are.
- He opens his tux, loosens his tie and opens his shirt a bit to feel more natural. Plumeria nugees his hair back into his former glory and he exhales and starts to feel better about this whole ordeal.
- Feels shitty about the engagement ring he bought. They deserved better but they wouldn’t want him to obtain it through illegal means but he wanted better for them and he tells Plumeria this. He wishes this was the kind of wedding where he could break shit because he’s about to break his damn skull on the wall to make this bitch ass anxiety fucking stop already.
- Plumeria whips out a flask. “Some, not all of it. Don’t even think I’m letting your sloppy ass get to that altar while you’re bombed to shit, ya hear me?”
She lets him have a drink and makes damn sure his breath is sweet and the alcohol is rinsed away because she’s not wishing no booze monkey on the honey who scored her dumb brother figure. They deserve better than that but they also deserve for him to show up and in one peace.
Grabs his shoulder, hard as fuck, enough to bruise even and makes him look her square in the eye. “You made like thirty of the cotton candy crew happy. No scandals but you made me happy too when I didn’t even figure how far I was from happy in the first place. You’re gonna be fine.”
- “… yo, but hear me out, Plums. What if they wind up wanting kids? I’m pretty sure they do.
”… if you finish that sentence with your fucked up father I really will sail in you, Boss.“
"I ain’t fuckin around here, Plums! What if some of that shit rubbed off on me, huh? Wake up one day and look around and come down off this rampage and realize my (spouse) is battered to shit or even my fuckin kids! I don’t wanna turn into that piece of shit, I’m fuckin bad enough already!”
She literally does wind up smacking him.
“Fuckin STOP IT, Guzma. You talked now it’s my turn. You know we fucked up with Team Skull, I know we fucked it, the whole region knows that shit was a hot mess of hell on wheels right? It’s done. You got yourself straight. That cute little dumbass out there who wants you? They know you’re more than Bjg Bad Guzma. Whatever you haven’t got right yet they’re gonna help you. They did a damn good job already. You oughta be proud. I fuckin am.”
- He didn’t cry and Plumeria wasn’t at all close to crying but she definitely warned him not to show up looking like a wet ratata to his wedding.
- … there were a few tears. Fine. No one needs to know.
- Except seeing his S/O when the time comes actually makes him stop and clutch his chest. He’s so rigid and tense and his face is red and he manages to smirk but it’s an odd hybrid of awkward smile and trying to hard to be smug smirk.
- Golisopod is the ring bearer. He’s just so happy and blissfully unaware of how messed up his trainer is. He’s just standing there all happy trying balance two rings on a pillow.
- While putting on one another’s rings he cracks and dies get slightly choked up. He plays it off but he’s trembling and his gaze is intense.
- He goes to far when the loss comes. He can’t stop kissing, he deepens it more than he should and he needs a prick from Golisopod and a rough smack on the back from Plumeria to get back to reality.
- The lesbian grunts caught the bouquet together. The gay grunts griped loudly in disappointment and when everyone stared at them they were super embarrassed. There had always been rumors but that was confirmation that they were in fact a thing. akonididntcatchrhebouqetbuthecaughtastrayflowergronit what?
- In between the wedding and the reception he pulls his s/o away with him for awhile. Conversation is sparse. He just needs a breather because the whole day has been heavy so far and he just wants some time alone with them before he has to share again. Before he has to slip back into his usual persona and not crack under pressure as he has been.
Admittedly the next part is inspired by “To The Moon” and it probably won’t be the last time I use this bit of influence but…
He asks if they feel any different now. If being married changed anything. How they look at things, how they feel… and will it change them?
He feels… well burnt as fuck after the wedding but being their husband and the blessed he made makes him feel somehow stronger. It’s pretty lit actually but it’s still a lot to wrap his head around.
- Plumeria roasted the fuck out if Guzma. Then Kukui who Guzma wound up inviting personally. Then Nanu who just seemed to show up because. He didn’t say to much but what he did say had the room ROARING. Guzma contemplates his life choices on the toilet right after this for half an hour.
- Busts it wide fucking open for the first dance with his s/o. Makes up for it by revealing he actually. An dance wonderfully for a little while. He may or may not have begged Kukui to help him. He wanted to dance like he did with Burnet. Kikui hadn’t even known he was at his wedding but Guzma couldn’t not go and wound up leaving an unsigned present for them.
They reconnected while teaching Guzma to properly dance but both kept calling the other gaaaaaay which Burnet also did because why would she not.Both dan ed with Guzma during this time.
- He’s not going to rough. He didn’t fuck them for the first time in their honeymoon because of course they fucked before marriage what are ya but he was still especially gentle (as much as Guzma can be). He’s terrified and feels guilty over any little bruise or mishap. He squeezes too hard when they snuggle up for sleep and when told to stop hugging so tight or let go he says
“Nah. Never.”
- They travel the regions together. He didn’t have a favorite and missed Alola but he really had no love for Kalos at all. Sinnoh was actually pretty fun because of how cool and high tech Sunyshore was but the moving sidewalks fucked him up more than once.
- He caught SO many bugs. He wanted to find a cute buggy honey for Golisopod because gotta hook ya boi up. I’ll leave it up to you if he was successful or not but imagine how happy Guzma would be to hold an egg while a cute little pre evo bug pokes its head out.
- There got so many sex toy “gag” gifts that saw SO much use let me just tell you that much.
I’m bad with honeymoons. Again, I’ll leave it up to the incredibly striking Mod Gruntcle to add more if he see for. This is his friend asking after all.~
~ Mod Opal enjoyed the fuck out if this
~ ModGruntcle approved of ALL of this well done Mod Opal you've outdone yourself. owob
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