#giza rabbit
femmesandhoney · 5 months
The phrase “seven wonders of the world” is still commonly usedZ However, six out of these seven wonders no longer exist.
The one that remains is the Great Pyramid of Giza.
And the phrase itself predates the birth of Christ. (Don’t believe in him, but “predates the common era” is just a less snappy thing to say)
i read this hours ago went oh thats so cool, totally fantasized typing out a response and posted it, and scrolled thru my blog for a solid minute going where is that post i posted did i accidentally delete it anon will be so mad at me i didn't mean to only to realize i imagined typing out a response and posting it bc i was enjoying the knowledge drop too much and also was like damn what were all the seven wonders again and went down a wiki rabbit hole sorry anon i love u
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panlight · 2 years
I've been wondering if in the Twilight universe a lot of historical mysteries can be explained with vampires? Kind of like how in ancient aliens everything is just aliens. How were the Pyramids of Giza built? Vampires. Who created stone henge? Eh, vampires did it. Where is the lost city of Atlantis. That was Aro's fault.
No, but seriously some historical mysteries could be explained this way. Maybe Atlanis was a real city, only to be destroyed by the Volturi to cover up vampire activities. Maybe a coven lived there? Or the colony of Roanoke disappearing could've been a vampire or several wiping them out and cover it up. Maybe even a few historical killers were just vampires and that's why they were never caught. It's a very interesting rabbit hole to go down, on how mysteries might be explained in Twilight.
Honestly, why isn't Bella asking Carlise or the vampires in Breaking Dawn about this?! I would be asking the romanians and Amun about history all day long!
Yeah, see, this is the stuff I wanted more of. I think the only thing we really get is the "St. Marcus" story about driving all the vampires from Volterra, and that is purely made up by SM, not based on real history or legend (although probably inspired by St. Patrick driving the snakes out of Ireland).
I guess there's the stuff with the Denali sisters inspiring the myths of the succubus, and Carlisle starting the 'stregoni benefici" legend, and obviously she co-opted the Quileutes' history and origin stories which is you know a Whole Other Thing, but otherwise it's just so romance-focused that we don't get a lot of this grounding sort of 'history' and world-building and frankly I was always more interested in that than the romance. I was reading the series as vampire stories vs romances, and while that might have been a misunderstanding on my part, it has influenced how I have engaged with them from the start.
And, yes, WHY doesn't Bella ask Carlisle or really ANY of the vampires about any of their history??? I found that enormously frustrating as a reader that she had centuries of lived experiences here and she just . . . didn't seem interested at all. Even with Edward! She doesn't ask him what the roaring 20s were like, what it was like to live through WWII, anything? She apparently loves Jane Austen--Carlisle was alive in that time period, she doesn't want to ask him about it? Again, I think this is a function of a) this is a romance and b) SM does not care about history; but it would have added so much depth not only to the supporting characters to learn more about their lives before Bella, before the Cullens even existed as a group in some cases, as well as her relationships with them.
I know everyone loves to headcanon they're all close and Bella's like the newest daughter/sister and it's one big happy family but I struggle with that because there's so little canon evidence of Bella like . . . giving a single crap about most of these characters as individuals. She doesn't seem curious about them. She only knows the bare outlines of their histories because THEY info-dumped them on her and then never talked about it again. Bonding moments of Bella asking about what the 1960s were like and all the Cullens telling funny stories or whatever would have made these relationships and Bella's love for these characters seem much more real.
And yeah, oh my god, I would have SO many questions for Amun. He’d probably get annoyed and kill me but it would be worth it to get all my questions about life in Ancient Egypt answered before I died. 
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en-la-casademiamor · 1 year
A birdsong for the grey-wolf
I told him of the time I aspired to be a great archaeologist opening up tombs at Giza; and of the sole reason I did not follow suit. It made him feel terrible.  I assured him, all was not lost.
I subsequently told him of the boy who thought me ugly.  I cried at twelve.  I cried again at forty-nine. He listened.  He said he had [sort of] heard this before; tapped away letters upon his typewriter about not being the holder of an extra-extra large cup of coffee.
No. he did not ac-tu-al-ly say this, but he might have well have had.
I felt dejected. I sensed a sinkhole expanding between my heart and his–There existed beyond my third eye a vacuous land that hinged upon the perimeters of his room. I envisioned the foot of his bed and a chair sliding off the side of a Daliesque cliff.
I barely let a day go by without addressing this. I decided to tackle this problem by rummaging up through my sleeves, where I grabbed   at a familiar object.
I sprang out a beaver skin magic hat; and with my free hand, I yanked out from its crown, an actual rabbit from thin air.
Look my love, precious, some will tell you this is a sultry woman, though indeed I hold a rabbit. What’s worse than this hyperbole is how many will insinuate themselves into a mirage that resonates like a pied piper’s flute like melody.
Did I tell you about the time I temporarily went from woman to bird to mouse?  His eyes said he was terse, but he was in truth only attempting to make sense of me.  
The hair above his lip swept upward as he considered my words, but before he could speak to any of it, I named him incredulous.
Did you know, though a birdsong should refrain from being sung in the dead of one's winter, I will sing for you.
*snow began to fall*
For you, I will be the eponymous soluble tessitura that folds like a slow pouring of honey into hot tea .
A grey-wolf took form from man.  I took shape of bird swooping into this wolf’s widening mouth; where caught between molars and fangs, I innocently inquired before commencing:
Do you believe now all was never lost and that I can scale any wall imagined?
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askpinkietai · 7 months
Had a weird one in the dream department today! It started with wanting to create a couple of Muppet-type characters in a Sims-type game, to a teacher's exasperation, for some reason. And then this slowly expanded to answer why there was a puppet character option in a Sims game to begin with. Well, in this world, puppets are another sentient race that co-exists alongside humans, and always have. Their origins are shrouded in mystery, but they've been around basically as long as people have. The sphinx at Giza is in the likeness of a giant puppet. They're mostly very similar to the various "human-type" Muppets like the Electric Mayhem band, rarely any furry or monster-type puppets, and rarely any bigger to require more than one hand to operate. Kermit would be around the baseline size. And speaking of the hand, that's the biggest mystery.
All puppets have an organ called the Extremity, which is literally a hand up their ass. An arm operating the puppet that disappears into a shadowy void. Puppets are naturally adept at lining themselve up with a wall or signpost or something, anything where the arm can basically disappear around the edge. You normally only notice it when they're walking out in the open. They don't like talking about it, and the idea of even trying to remove a puppet from their Extremity is taboo, considered a capital crime the world over. It's just kind of a thing society accepts. And puppets are everywhere in society. They have a natural aptitude for any job or role, but also have a natural need to entertain, so they're usually drawn to anything that gives them some kind of spotlight. There's just as many puppets in the government as the entertainment industry.
I guess alongside such obvious puppet-based settings such as The Muppets and Greg the Bunny, I'd compare it visually with the Grumpuses from Bugsnax, as well as other series where clowns or toons are species alongside humanity with their own sort of rules, like Bonkers and Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Just kind of an interesting dream concept. Like I dreamed my way into the forbidden Muppet lore~
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More than two miles long and 1,142 feet tall, Uluru, the red sandstone rock formation in Australia’s Northern Territory, wows travelers during the day.
But now, a new night spectacle Wintjiri Wiru illuminates the darkness adjacent to the monolith in a way that reveals Indigenous culture while dazzling with high-tech sound and lights.
“Humans are drawn to light—just think of how compelling sunsets are,” says Melbourne light artist Bruce Ramus, who designed the work in collaboration with the local Anangu people and Voyages Indigenous Tourism.
Wintjiri Wiru is just the latest offering—and newest technology — in the tradition of son et lumière (sound and light) shows, grand public spectacles projected on to (or close to) historic buildings and natural wonders.
These mash-ups of pageantry, culture, and art are experiencing a boom fueled by digital advances and tourist sites looking to attract visitors after dark.
Here’s where to see the latest shows, plus why visitors love these “virtual campfires.”
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How did sound and light shows start?
Paul Robert-Houdin created the first sound and light show in 1952 at France’s Château de Chambord.
Music and narration played while slide projectors splashed colored lights on the 16th-century palace.
“We had the feeling that a new way of discovering and understanding monumental heritage was perhaps being born,” one observer wrote in Le Figaro newspaper.
The concept was a hit.
“Standing in the dark and being immersed in sounds and images creates a sense of enchantment,” says Jane Lovell, a professor of tourism at Canterbury Christ Church University in England.
In the following decades, other storied sites harnessed that magic, such as the Red Fort in Delhi, India, and Independence Hall in Philadelphia.
“There were captive audiences for these attractions, so the efforts were minimal—just light up these beautiful things that already existed,” says California light show producer Ryan Miziker.
Early technology was expensive and bulky: sofa-sized slide carousels, finicky stereo speakers that malfunctioned in bad weather.
The storytelling, if mostly historically accurate, could be clunky and lecturing.
At Egypt’s Pyramids at Giza, the still-running circa-1961 show features the Sphinx “narrating” a lofty spiel about ancient life as murky colored lights wash over the monuments.
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How tech took over light shows
“Son et lumieres started out as pretty rudimentary things—a castle would be lit up and a soundtrack would say, ‘this tower was built in 1592,’” says Ross Ashton of London’s Projection Studio, which designs extravaganzas for attractions from Welsh castles to Indian fortresses.
But by the 1990s, innovations in video, lasers, and audio meant creators could screen riveting, mind-bending shows.
“Digital video changed everything,” says Miziker.
“We had software to do 3-D mapping, which takes a round object like a globe and flattens it, or wraps any structure in overlapping, blending geometry.”
Sound evolved, too.
“Bells, spoken voices from different directions, or a fireball rolling, you can layer sound up, so it feels like a tapestry,” says Projection Studio’s sound artist Karen Monid.
Today’s sound and light shows are like mini action movies screened on historic buildings or natural wonders.
San Antonio’s The Saga wraps the 18th-century San Fernando Cathedral in sound effects (mariachi ballads, cannon blasts) and painterly images (folk dancers, renderings of the Alamo) to tell the story of the Texas city.
In Jerusalem, Israel, the ancient Tower of David has two night shows, one on city history and the other about the biblical shepherd-turned-ruler that gave the site its name.
Wintjiri Wiru harnesses LED lights, lasers, sound, and 1,100 drones to recount a legend from the Anangu, who consider Uluru sacred.
The show depicts mala (wallaby-rabbit) beings battling a gigantic devil dog spirit.
“Combine light with sound—in this case Anangu songs and other effects—and it’s like the desert is speaking,” says Ramus.
Other projects are more abstract, such as the new Aura Invalides show at Les Invalides in Paris, which fills the grand interiors of the historic military monument with surreal rays of colored light and outlines architectural elements in laser graffiti.
“People move around within the building, making it more like a 360-degree immersion than something didactical,” says Manon McHugh, a spokesperson for Moment Factory, the studio that created the show.
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Why travelers love spectacles
Experts think people are drawn to these shows for their sense of wonder and spectacle.
“Sound and light shows are like fireworks—it’s impossible to look away,” says Miziker.
"Since audiences are sitting in the dark, there’s cognitive dissonance, with the atmosphere almost becoming its own entity,” says Lovell.
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Plus, in this age of Instagram, sound and light spectacles make ideal selfie backdrops or video ops.
“When Moment Factory started doing shows, we didn’t want people to have their phones out,” says McHugh.
Now, other digital production studios build in elements like photo booths to encourage participants to share their experiences.
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How sound and light shows help tourist sites
Sound and light shows can be expensive and time-consuming to design.
(Wintjiri Wiru was developed over several years and cost $10 million.)
But many tourist attractions and cities are willing to shell out.
“They produce new income streams,” says Ashton. “People normally go home at night, but if you sell them a ticket to an illumination, they’ll come back.”
Many sound and light experiences in public, urban spaces — outside cathedrals, on city halls, across skyscrapers — are free, but paid for by cities to give visitors an excuse to stay an extra night.
“We used to think of tourism as a daytime activity, but there has been this tourist-ification of the night,” says Andrew Smith, a professor of urban experiences at England’s University of Westminster.
“Now cities want to attract people and keep them in town. It’s a commodification of the night, a way to extend economic and cultural activity.”
Studies indicate that these shows might even make city downtowns feel safer. “It starts to dematerialize the buildings,” says Ramus.
“You just see the lights, and our cities become transparent. They feel gentler.”
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lunarlegend · 2 years
okay, time for some Stella Lore™
Stella was originally going to have her own familiars, similar to Noctis with Carbuncle, in the form of these Giza Rabbits/White Hares from FFXII (specifically Revenant Wings, since that's the one i played, lol)
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Stella herself was also going to be a lot different. she was originally supposed to be younger, not shipped with anyone, an actual healer (similar to a white mage), and her ending was supposed to be very tragic. in fact, she herself was tragic; she was much more genuinely snarky than comedically dumb, and far more self-aware.
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(old drawing is old, lol)
obviously almost everything about the original concept for Stella has since changed. "canon" Stella is older, half of the Stellnis ship, is still technically a healer but really bad at it (lol), and no longer has a sarcastic personality, nor a tragic ending of any sort. she's instead the sweet, dumbass ball of chaos who most of my friends and followers have come to know.
however, there is one thing i technically kept, which is the inclusion of her familiars, the White Hares pictured above (i know i'm mixing Final Fantasy universes here, but bear with me, lol).
Stella is able to use her healing powers via a special brooch that her mother gave her when she was young. the brooch had been blessed by the Crystal via Regis; the only way members of the Izunia bloodline could successfully channel the Crystal's power. like Noct's Carbuncle amulet that we see in Brotherhood, Stella's brooch is really hiding her own guardians.
i've mostly done away with the symbolism surrounding the White Hares and kept them as a hidden facet of Stella's story (especially since her brooch is unfortunately destroyed by Ardyn during Chapter 8 of the game), but there is one significant little thing.
after the Marilith attack, a tiny 6 year old Stella found a 10 year old Ignis crying alone outside of Noct's room when her mother took her to visit. she sat with him, and gave him her doll to hold, a plushie of a White Hare. when it was time for Stella and her mother to leave, Stella smiled up at Ignis and told him to keep the doll.
Ignis did keep it, and he eventually gives it to their daughter, 20+ years later.
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backyardbunnynews · 6 days
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Can You Unravel the Mystery Of the Giza White Rabbit Breed? What Makes the Giza White Rabbit Stand Out? What makes the Gabali Breed so unique? What makes the Giza White Rabbit Breed Stand Out? What Makes the Teddy Dwarf Breed So Unique? What Makes the Giza White Rabbits Stand Out? What Makes Giza White Rabbits Unique? Why Are Carmagnola Grey Rabbits so Rare? What makes the Giza White Rabbit Breed unique? What makes the Enderby Island rabbits so unique? There are many different breeds of rabbits, including the Giza White Rabbit. You may be wondering how they differ from the Gabali and the V lines. This article will provide you with a brief overview of the Giza white rabbit. You'll also learn about the Sumatran Short-Eared Rabbit. https://backyardbunnynews.com/can-you-unravel-the-mystery-of-the-giza-white-rabbit-breed/?feed_id=6424&_unique_id=665b013151827
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
Oops sorry scurgles, I got adhd and autism so my mind jumps like rabbit on cocaine with topics
I was just curious on how we don’t have biopic of Henry Ford and his connection with Thomas Edison after ac stuff used that historical fact.
Until I remember his antisemitism aaand sorry for the Jewish community if I acted ignorant
Me when I’m younger: How could Hitler and Ford have such hatred towards a group of people?
Me after seeing radfems and black supremacists uncheck bigotry for the past ten years: Oooooooh
But for my ac lore dumping they might miss the fact Yasuke will one of the two playable characters in the upcoming ac game. I just been exposing stuff to how ac lore works before the shitshow hits the fan
And I got into ac during my healing process 11 years ago so I’m a big fan
Also I shit you not the games set in plotemic Egypt and Ancient Greece change my perspective on history
Look how truly old Egypt is, how Cleopatra is closer to the moon landing vs the pyramids of Giza
Or how Odyessy had like the Classical Greeks talked and treated their Mycenaean predecessors the same way we view them. Like I didn’t understand Ancient Greeks could also have ruins of a past civilization as well
But my lore dump is to explain to Nunya what Yasuke is probably going to do in edo era times.
PRAYING that the Yasuke decision was on the team alone and not a DEI decision. Sorry for ramblings, Nunya helped realize that not everyone buy into the insanity that is modern black media
Oops sorry scurgles, I got adhd and autism so my mind jumps like rabbit on cocaine with topics
She does that too, no worries.
I was just curious on how we don’t have biopic of Henry Ford and his connection with Thomas Edison after ac stuff used that historical fact. Until I remember his antisemitism aaand sorry for the Jewish community if I acted ignorant Me after seeing radfems and black supremacists uncheck bigotry for the past ten years: Oooooooh
I think you're fine on the ignorance bit, and ya people be nuts.
But for my ac lore dumping they might miss the fact Yasuke will one of the two playable characters in the upcoming ac game. I just been exposing stuff to how ac lore works before the shitshow hits the fan
I'm trying to keep up with it too, hope I manage well enough.
Look how truly old Egypt is, how Cleopatra is closer to the moon landing vs the pyramids of Giza.... ect
Time is a weird thing our perception of it is strange too, look how many people weird out when you remind them that the Peter Jackson LOTR films are all over 20 years old now, Shrek too.
But my lore dump is to explain to Nunya what Yasuke is probably going to do in edo era times. PRAYING that the Yasuke decision was on the team alone and not a DEI decision. Sorry for ramblings, Nunya helped realize that not everyone buy into the insanity that is modern black media
Was wondering how far into Edo he got, but it's fiction so he could be a immortal for all that matters.
Fun thing fiction
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sirladysketch · 3 years
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Sketched this out for a Final Fantasy XII project that’s been delayed/not taking submissions right now, so I figured I’d post it here and draw something new for it when it goes live. ^_^
Larsa and a Giza Rabbit discuss the finer points of potions.
It’s available on stuff in my RedBubble shop if you’re interested!
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mythicphoenix-art · 5 years
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Continuing with the Final Fantasy critters, here's the dreamhares from FF12. I've always loved their designs and I'm happy I finally got around to drawing them. I would love to see these lil guys show up in another Final Fantasy.
These are available as buttons and prints!
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fireflowerpom · 4 years
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About 12 years ago, I first picked up Final Fantasy 12 on PS2 - And I fell so in love with the Happy Bunny/Giza Rabbit enemy I had to do some fanart for it. Now here we are, legit 12 years since I posted it on a pretty much defunct deviantart account... And I’ve finally gotten around to trying to trace it and tweak a few things wrong, though I think it actually came out a lot better than the original, which I’ll put under a cut at the end XD
I’ve got the game on PS4 now and I’ve to this day never beaten it. Gonna try again, if I can get past “I’M CAPTAIN BASCH!” without cracking up- <3 Always gonna be a game I love, though~
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thedorfmirrin · 5 years
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@kirpix Kirp has introduced me to one of the cutest thingss ever, these little fluffle bunnlies
Happy bunnies.. giza rabbits.. ozmone hares... idk what to call them but im in love
Love i say
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iingezo · 5 years
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Natalie for @giza-rabbit !
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Fantasy Bunny
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yuri-cocaine · 6 years
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ouughghgh it’s a giza rabbit!!!!!!
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vivisucre · 6 years
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Doodle in class
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