#gladius (out of the abyss)
idril-la-wiccan · 12 days
Out Of The Abyss Headcanons
(Sorry if it’s bad also swear warning)
Voice headcanons ???? :O
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Omg, they fit pretty well for the most part, not gonna lie !
You made my day, anon ! ^^
Hmm, makes me think I might have to make my own voice claims for them all. Some I know for sure what, but other aren't that obvious to name...
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cainluvr69 · 5 months
Surely, We Can Make Miracles Chapter 24
Previous Chapter
Murr: Where's Arthur?!
Shylock: I can sense his presence from that direction…!
Arthur: <Pernoctant Nixzo>!
Balthazar: …kh…! If only I had a body! A child such as this would pose no threat…!
Arthur: Hahh…hahh… Murr! Shylock!
Shylock: Are you unhurt?!
Arthur: Yeah, somehow! If both of you are okay, then we need to head over to where the sea dragon is! Cain and the others are in danger!
Balthazar: You think I'll just let you walk away?! <Mare Praeda>!
Shylock: <Inviebelle> I don't think this much mist will be enough to stall him for very long, sadly.
Murr: It's fine! As long as he's connected to the abyssal jade, he shouldn't be able to follow us very far…
Balthazar: Wait…!
Arthur: He's following us.
Murr: Woah, don't push yourself! Hey, are you gonna be okay being far away from the jade for this long?
Balthazar: If I take your body, that won't be a problem! <Mare Praeda>!
Arthur: Murr, watch out…! …Aaahhh…!
Murr: Arthur!
Shylock: What a terrible wound… We need to begin treating him as soon as we get a chance to catch our breath!
Murr: A chance to catch our breath?! Like where?! Like at a cafe or something?
Shylock: If you mean a centuries-old one, we should be finding one very soon.
Murr: Oh, you're right! This really takes me back!
Arthur: …gh…I'm fine… We need to hurry!
Murr: Arthur! You do not need to cover for me, okay?!
Arthur: I will anyways!
Murr: Why?!
Arthur: Because you're my comrade, and because you've been very kind to me!
Murr: Wai…
Arthur: …Tsk, this is a dead end! Let's destroy these buildings so we can escape! I know this is a place full of memories for the two of you, though, so is that okay?!
Shylock & Murr: Feel free!
Arthur: <Pernoctant Nixzo>! That made a gap! Let's go! Woah…! That pillar is crumbling! Be careful when going under it!
Murr: … Who raised this kid, again?!
Shylock: Don't let him out of your sight, or else we'll lose track of that rascal!
Balthazar: Wait…! Shylock…! Hwylryn! Hwylryn, come here…!
Akira: Where's Arthur's group?!
Oz: They are split between Arthur's location as well as that of the sea dragon. I can feel the presences of both, but they are far from one another. To whom shall we proceed?
Akira: … To Arthur. If he's not in any trouble, then we'll go to meet Hwylryn afterwards.
Oz: Understood.
Owen: <Cure Memini>
Cain: …Owen…! (This whole time, I haven't been able to see our enemy.) (But I can see Owen fighting, and that's been more than enough to tell me how strong our opponent is.) (Owen's opening his trunk and calling Cerberus…) (Being underwater isn't doing a thing to stop them… All three huge heads are baring their fangs.) (Ah… They got knocked back so easily.) (Owen isn't just standing around doing nothing, either. He was diverting the water currents while Cerberus was attacking, and…he's getting closer to our opponent!) (I need to make sure Owen's attack succeeds… I need to draw my sword…!)
Cain: <Cure Memini>
Cain: <Gladius Procella>! (Owen's magic is freezing the water in the shape of a spiderweb…!)
Owen: Tch…
Cain: …! That didn't stop him…
Owen: So this is a Northern dragon, huh…
Rutile: Hwylryn! Please, think this over…!
Hwylryn: Hey, don't get any closer! You'll get pulled into things, and that'd make Akira sad.
Rutile: Cain and Owen are both Akira's wizards, too! Hurting either of them will make them sad!
Hwylryn: Oh no…
Cain: (Our enemy's voice is trembling, just a little bit.)
Owen: …
Cain: (Owen's trunk started glowing. I need to time this right…) (Now…!) <Gladius Procella>!
Owen: <Cuare Morito>
Cain: (We're more in sync now!)
Hwylryn: …! …Ahh…my eyes…
Owen: …
Cain: (Owen's smiling. Does that mean our attack did some real damage?) …?! Something's getting closer…
Balthazar: <Mare Praeda>!
Cain: …! Look out…!
Owen: …Sir Knight…!
Cain: Aaaggghhh…!
Arthur: Cain!
Shylock: Cain! Owen…!
Hwylryn: …Don't be mad at me. It hurts and I can't see. I can't hold back like this.
Rutile: …! Waaahhh…!
Hwylryn: …! No!
Arthur: Rutile! <Pernoctant Nixzo>!
Rutile: …ah…uu…
Arthur: Rutile! Hang on, Rutile!
Rutile: …cough… I'm…okay…
Arthur: … Sea dragon…
Hwylryn: I told you this was going to happen. Go back to the shore already.
Shylock: Cain! Cain…!
Cain: …gh…Shylock… I'm glad…you're okay…
Shylock: …
Owen: …Sir Knight…
Balthazar: Hwylryn! Surely you can drive these louts off.
Hwylryn: Balthazar… It's dangerous for you to leave the jade's area of effect looking like that.
Balthazar: I had no choice but to expose this wretched form of mine because you weren't where I told you to be!
Hwylryn: I'm sorry…
Balthazar: …Did you get hurt?
Hwylryn: Yeah…
Balthazar: I'll heal you. <Mare Praeda>
Hwylryn: Oh, I can see again. I'm glad I can see you again. Thanks.
Balthazar: Heh.
Hwylryn: …Ah…
Balthazar: …!
Hwylryn: …Akira's presence…
Balthazar: Oz's presence…!
The mermaids guided us to the underwater city. But there was a point partway in that they refused to progress past--they were scared.
Oz: …I can sense Arthur. As well as the dragon and Balthazar…
Akira: …
And then, before I could say anything, the faint outline of a door drew itself in front of me.
Mithra: <Arthim>
It opened to Mithra, who had a wicker basket tucked under his arm. I'm pretty sure the basket was for the torta di cocco I'd asked for.
Akira: Mithra…!
Mithra: Sorry to make you wait, Master Sage. Where is Rutile?
Oz: He should be with Arthur and the rest of their group.
Mithra: Oh, can you use your magic right now? If you can't, please vacate the area at your earliest convenience. I'm not going to be protecting you.
Oz: I have no need for you to do so.
Mithra: Hearing you say that is pissing me off…
Oz: … There is no need for you to protect me. But there is still a need for you.
Mithra: …
Oz: We must depart.
Mithra: Hey, hey, say that again. And be a bit more descriptive this time.
Oz: I will not.
Mithra: What did you say? You need me?
Oz: I said nothing of the sort.
We continued deeper into the undersea city. The elegantly carved pillars and stone paving had once overseen the livelihoods of countless people, but now, they were traversed only by schools of fish. It felt rather strange to see those fish drifting peacefully through what had once been windows, or diving through what had once been roofs. It was beautiful in the way Wonderland must have been when Alice first stepped through the looking-glass. But for me, stepping into Wonderland meant facing the painful reality that awaited me.
Hwylryn: …Akira…
Hwylryn's clear, silver eyes began to glow with happiness once he saw me. But moments later, that innocent expression of his darkened; it was a place where light couldn't reach for long, much like the bottom of the ocean. It was as if…he'd heard me say goodbye before I had a chance to say it.
Akira: …Ah…
I felt pinned in place as I stood there, Mithra's basket under my arm, saying nothing. I saw my wizards, covered in wounds. All of them were in tatters. Cain and Rutile's wounds looked especially bad. Shylock and Arthur…and even Murr were riddled with injuries. They all looked like they were on the verge of breaking down. Even Owen had a few cuts here and there.
Owen: …Master Sage…
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Next to Hwylryn was a man's head with a red coral necklace hovering where his shoulders should have been. The head was inside of what looked like a big bubble of glass. I was staring at a severed head, but for some reason, I didn't feel any fear or unease. He had brown hair that should've dusted the tops of his shoulders, and deep blue eyes… It felt somehow like seeing anyone else's face reflected back at me in a mirror. Maybe it was because his glossy skin was completely unblemished, unhurt, and he could still blink at me.
Akira: (That must be Balthazar…) (The wizard that sank Adams Island…)
Mithra: …
Mithra's face stiffened as he looked at Rutile's limp form, drifting through the water. But he didn't panic or yell. He simply quietly, calmly, took Rutile into his arms. He brushed Rutile's golden bangs aside, his hair floating through the water. Mithra closed his vibrantly green eyes.
Rutile: …Mithra…
Mithra: You're truly such a fool. It should be obvious that being underwater is going to be much more dangerous than remaining on land. Why did you come down here?
Mithra's words were harsh, but the tone of his voice was gentle, as if he were lulling Rutile to sleep.
Rutile: I'm sorry…
Rutile's voice was just an apologetic whisper. Owen turned his back to them and then spoke.
Owen: Don't act like he was being useless. You sure weren't here helping out.
Cain: …Owen…
Owen: Same goes for you, Sir Knight. Mithra, open one of your doors. Send Rutile and Sir Knight back to land.
Cain: Wait, I can still…
Owen: Shut up. There's nothing else you can do after this.
Cain: …
Owen: … …You did well.
Cain: Huh…?
Owen: Hurry up, Mithra.
Mithra: Understood. <Arthim>
Mithra recited his spell, and another door drew itself in the empty space before us. The world on the other side was kind of blurry, but an endless river of seawater started gushing out on that side of the door.
Shylock: Cain. Please take care of Rutile.
Cain: …What about the rest of you…?
Shylock: I, for one, would most certainly like to leave as soon as possible, but I imagine that'll be impossible for the time being.
Murr: It's impossible to know if we'll be able to disappear into the crowd or not.
Balthazar: Of course you can't.
Oz: Arthur. You must also step across the threshold.
Arthur: I don't want to…
Oz: You must withdraw from here.
Arthur: I don't want to! I'm not saying that because I want to make a name for myself as a hero, or anything like that!
Arthur's voice was low, but his gaze was sincere as he made his appeal.
Arthur: If I withdraw, then…there won't be anyone left to protect you, Lord Oz.
Oz: But…
Balthazar: I will not allow that one to withdraw from here. He claimed to be your disciple. Before I turn you to stone, I will make you watch as I eat his.
Oz: …
Oz glared at Balthazar. Before stepping through the door, Cain grabbed Arthur's hand, still supporting Rutile with his other arm.
Cain: …Make sure you come back…
Arthur: Of course. I'll bring everyone else back with me, too.
Their fingertips slowly, reluctantly parted from each other's. The door that crossed through space closed and disappeared. I looked at Hwylryn. Hwylryn looked at me, too. Neither of us moved. His hair, white like seafoam on the waves, danced a drifting, wavering dance through the water. Hwylryn extended an arm and pulled Balthazar towards himself. He drew Balthazar into his arms, maybe to embrace him, maybe to hide all of him including the bubble of glass from our gaze, and then he said something to him.
Hwylryn: Is it okay if I talk to Akira?
Balthazar: Why? So you can betray me?
Hwylryn's eyebrows drew together as he smiled so very, very kindly.
Hwylryn: I won't betray you.
My chest began to ache. The fingers carrying the basket of cake began to tremble.
Hwylryn: Akira, let's go. Let's talk on those stone steps over there. We'll have a nice, unobstructed view from there. If anyone moves, we'll know.
Mithra: I'm coming, too.
Balthazar: I am not waiting for you to finish up your conversation. I'm going to turn Oz to stone.
Hwylryn: No, you aren't. Oz is about as strong as I am, you know? The guy standing there with the red and yellow eyes is stronger than you are, Balthazar.
Owen: …
Hwylryn: Just wait until we're done talking. You guys are fine with that too, right? I won't hurt a hair on Akira's head.
Arthur: … Understood. I trust you.
Hwylryn: Thank you.
Heathcliff: …Gasp…!
Shino: Are you okay, Heath?!
Heathcliff: Yeah! Thank you, Vespa! We're gonna fly the rest of the way to the castle on our brooms! We'll be safe there!
Vespa: …
Heathcliff: Ah… This isn't goodbye, Vespa.
Vespa: …! …!
Heathcliff: I'll definitely come see you again! I can even come tomorrow, or any day at all! Thank you, Vespa!
Shino: Thank you!
Vespa: …! …!
Lennox: …This isn't goodbye… Who are we parting with…?
Faust: A mermaid that was a great help to us. …They aren't saying goodbye to you. Don't worry.
Lennox: …
Faust: I'm not going to up and vanish on you without a word.
Figaro: …Sounds like things are calming down outside the castle. The local lord went out and said her piece, so I guess that's what calmed them down…? Hard to believe they'd do that after hearing that the wizard that sank Adams Island might be aiming at this one too instead of getting all freaked out about it. Everyone who lives here must love this island. They want to protect their home. … …I should have enough…of the cintamani stone's antidote now… Now I just have to figure out how I can make him drink it… It's almost dawn… … Lord Snow… Please wake up. Pull yourself from that cramped frame with your magic, like you always do… … …Trees, mountains, the ocean, even my homeland changed their forms and disappeared… The two of you are the only other wizards to have lived for as long a time as I have. Lord Snow… Lord White…
Snow: Dearest White. Hmm? Dearest White~? Where have you gotten yourself off to, my dearest, darlingest Whiiiite? … No answer… White! White…!
White: Ohoho. I'm here, I'm right here.
Snow: Oh! What were you doing?
White: I was watching the sky to the east. We should be seeing Figaro soon.
Snow: Riding atop his broom, I imagine. We did foretell that that settlement wouldn't last.
White: He's always been fond of humans, he has. He wants to live alongside them.
Snow: He keeps settling down in one settlement after another, living with them, and when it doesn't go well, he comes back to us. He must be tired of it by now.
White: Such is the nature of things. Living alone as Oz does is too lonely for him.
Snow: What a good thing it is that there's two of us.
White: Indeed. What a good thing it is that there's two of us.
Snow: I hope we'll still be together when we turn to stone. I would be lonely dying without you, White.
White: I feel the same. I'd be terribly lonely without you, Snow. I have never wanted to live alone even for a moment.
Snow: Neither have I.
White: Truly?
Snow: Truly. Hm…? Is this a dream?
White: …
Snow: Are you seeing the same dream, White?
White: …
Snow: Please, answer me. Hey, White… …White…! …It'll be okay… …It's just fine… Just like that fateful day, I… …I'll definitely bring you back to me… I'll never let you leave my side… So wait for me, White!
Figaro: … …No matter how I call to him, I'm not seeing any reaction… …It's a bit primitive, but…I wonder if…smacking the frame…would work… …
Painting Snow: …
Figaro: Lord Snow…!
Painting Snow: …gh…uu… <No…> <Noscomnia>
Figaro: Lord Snow…!
Snow: ….Hoho… …I can…hear your voice…
Figaro: Don't speak too much. Just drink this medicine.
Snow: …Gulp… Gulp, gulp…
Figaro: …
Snow: …Ohoho… I heard a…terrible, privileged voice… …So I came out to greet it…
Figaro: …Always with the comebacks…
Snow: …Worry not…dearest Figaro… As soon as my magic returns to me… …I'll bring White back… I will…
Figaro: …I know you will.
Next Chapter
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metakazkz · 2 years
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My old Kirby OC character Maya knight. there is more other oc characters in my deviant art. 
Name: Maya Knight Race: Puffball Gender: Female Age: ????  26 in human years
Weapons and abilities: Great Sword Guardia ( I decide the remove  the transformation into Gladius form. because I don't think I'm going to use this. ) Different between Day and Night - Maya knight Is more powerful at night than day. During the day her power is unchanged. She can detect any form of energy, such as emotional and environmental. Wings: This is what she looks like without her cape, and you can see her long, flowing hair. Her oddly shaped wings do not deter her flight ability. The rings visible on her arms are the Moon Abyss Stones, it's only use to control her power correctly without getting the supply energy out of control. The Moon Abyss Stone or Core of Gaia is a gem that came from the underworld, and cannot be found elsewhere. It can only be wielded by someone with high spiritual energy. It helps Maya control her powers correctly, but you better not mess with her when the rings are absent, because it means a lot to her, though she still relies on them. One may wear one for luck, for health, for strength or for protection. Spirit Chains - Spirit Chain are one of must powerful weapons that can destroy or capture evil forces, people's soul who is imprisoned by supernatural beings. It can move like a snake; silent, very fast, invisible. Only Maya can see it and those who have aura-like senses can see it too. She can command several at one time, and there is no limit as to how many can exist at once. There is three phases: the first is harmless, use only for detecting energy. The second can cause pain, but without long-term damage. The third is a death sentence; once an individual is bound in their chains, they are only capable of breathing unless Maya commands so. The Abyss crystals - Maya can summon shards from the ground and target at enemies like missiles. Like: Drawing, salmon, sushi, travelling around the world. She likes to be with her friends, being alone (sometimes), walking and meditating. dislike: Being bored, evil forces. Personality: She is calm, intelligent, honest, steadfast and loyal. Maya can be stubborn when she has something in her mind. She never leaves her friends behind. Maya is mostly independent but she can work with a team. She takes thoughts into careful consideration and be serious and straightforward in needed times.
Maya knight (me) metakazkz
Kirby HAL laboratory (Nintendo) Artwork by me metakazkz Meta-Kaz Deviant Art
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sunnetrolls · 2 years
translations of all my latin ship names
Pacta Corruptela: (kinda) Consensual Homewrecking (Planhz, Ardell, & Kyrian)
Erunt Pueri Pueri: Boys will be Boys (Planhz & Ardell)
Mors Cara: Favorite Corpse (Planhz & Nobody)
Minima De Malis: Lesser of Two Evils (Planhz & Rhamno)
Timoris Mutuere: To be Afraid of Fear (Planhz & Gaitaz)
Ante Mortem: Before Death (Planhz & Kallia)
Canis Amat Canem: Dog Loves Dog (Planhz & Nocyon)
Imago Praeteriti: Ghost of the Past (Nocyon & Gaitaz)
Canes Gremii: Lapdog (Nocyon & Kallia)
Canis Amat Canem: Dog Loves Dog (Planhz & Nocyon)
Anachoresis: Retirement (Helian & Rexroa)
Contrarium Inlustre: Shining Opposites (?) (Helian & Rhamno)
Anachoresis: Retirement (Helian & Rexroa)
Ante Mortem: Before Death (Planhz & Kallia)
Canes Gremii: Lapdog (Nocyon & Kallia)
Contrarium Inlustre: Shining Opposites (?) (Helian & Rhamno)
Minima De Malis: Lesser of Two Evils (Planhz & Rhamno)
Imago Praeteriti: Ghost of the Past (Nocyon & Gaitaz)
Timoris Mutuere: To be Afraid of Fear (Planhz & Gaitaz)
Concordia Ex Machina: Harmony from a Machine (Ark & Raizol)
Stilus Et Gladius: Pen and Sword (Ark & Kilyia)
Pax Repens: Unexpected Peace (Ark & Holly)
Ad Quod Damnum: To Whatever Damage (Ark & Anneke)
Hostis Negotii: Business Enemies (Ark & Cheryl)
Cognatus Animi: Kindred Spirits (Ark & Spizaett)
Memento Vivere: Remember to Live (Krygen & Caurin)
Catenae Florum: Flower Chains (Krygen & Dahlia)
Vellus Persici: Peach Fuzz (Krygen & Anthus)
Alea Sarmatiae: Russian Roulette (Enneyo & Kyuuga)
Lusor Laminae: Knifeplayer (Enneyo & Archie)
Nunc Scio Amorem: Now I Know Love (Laambe & Kitevh)
Lana Ferrea: Steel Wool (Antare & Beanie)
Miseram Pacem: Unhappy Peace (Antare & Dylynn)
Caterva Proelia: Fight Club (Antare & Demuye)
Mala Impulsio: Bad Influence (Kitty & Lassie)
Igniculi Volant: Sparks Fly (Xurkit & Pierot)
Aula Regis: King's Court (Jhevil & Serger)
Astrictus Amori: Bound for Love (Selata & Erotka)
Halec Roseum: Pink Herring (Orcinus & Dira'ui)
Cimex Sacculi: Purse Bug (Folium & Kiseku)
Ad Vitam Aeternam: To Eternal Life (Folium & Kronus)
Materia Medica: Medical Matter (Folium & Xuange)
Materia Medica: Medical Matter (Xuange & Folium)
Pulsus Ferus: Animal Impulses (PR0T0TYPE & Vrayan)
Compar Maris: Sea Companions (Abyssal & Eizzil)
Amans Maris: Sea Lover (Abyssal & Deepfang)
Angeli Maris: Sea Angels (Abyssal & Noctol)
Beluae Maris: Sea Monsters (Abyssal & Sazrac)
Dis Manibus Sacrum: To the Memory Of (Leviathan & Vhepar)
Aliquid Ex Nihilo: Something out of Nothing (Sunny & MN)
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codylabs · 3 years
Chapter 1
It was on the morning of the forty-first of February, year fifty-three hundred and three, (Gladius Major 2 standard calendar,) when I first thought to think that the war was over.
“So I talked with Katie the other day.” Dunkalk broke the silence rather suddenly.
“Oh yeah?” I drug my eyes away from the deep layers of whirling abyss I’d been admiring in my coffee, and glanced up at my friend. “That’s cool. You two getting back together or what?”
“Huh? Oh, no, no, no. No.” He shook his head, and his eyes wandered out the window. “Y’know. Just catching up. Work, bills, the like. She’s a clerk at the naval office now. Nice salary… And besides, I mean, she’s gone and found another man. They’re engaged now. Wedding’s in June or something. Happy couple.”
“Ah.” I tried to offer my consolation. “That’s too bad.”
“Ha ha, yeah, you’d think so, but I’m not twisted up over it though.” Dunkalk wasn’t actually talking to me, and I didn’t know who he was talking to. Maybe the rising sun out the window. Maybe the buildings. Maybe his reflection. “I mean, I’m glad for her. It never really would’ve worked out between us, and… Hmm. You shoulda heard the way she talked about him… Happy couple.”
“Hmm.” I nodded wisely.
“And it’s not like she just found another jock with a taller shell than me, either.” Dunkalk waved a claw dismissively. “He’s another human. They’re fixing on starting a family.”
“Hmm.” I nodded wisely. The information finally worked its way from my ears to my brain, and I perked up with a frown. “Really? Katie? She never struck me as the homemaking type.”
“Yeah, well. You never knew her as anything beside a pilot.” Dunkalk scoffed.
“And you did?”
“No. That’s the funny part.” He plucked whimsically at a loose pebble of exoskeleton on his chin. “And maybe that’s why I’m not sad. Because she’s not a pilot anymore. She can… Be who she is. Be who she was. I don’t know. She’s got a life of her own now.”
“Huh.” My eyes drifted back down toward my coffee. It was very dark, deep down in the depths of that drink. Black like the void of outer space, but shiny, and the sun shone off my coffee just as it had shown off the canopy of my fighter. And there were bubbles in the coffee, faint and tiny bubbles around the edges like drones popping to life on my HUD, dodging around and peeling in closer, loosing flares and bullets and whatever other tools they had in their bellies, fighting for their lives just as desperately as I fought for mine, but I knew them better than they knew me, and my fighter was just a touch quicker, my aim a touch truer.
The bubbles popped.
“Yeah.” I agreed.
The war really was over.
“Eh.” Dunkalk shrugged. “Anyway, speaking of women, how’s Authia been doing?”
“Good.” I nodded. “She’s getting her numbers up in the simulator. But she needs a lot more cockpit time than she’s been getting.”
“Yep. Ain’t no substitute for experience.”
“Nope. Actually, we were gonna take the Skips up later today, as a matter of fact.”
“You wanna come?”
“Naw. Tom and I were gonna hit the fair later. Blow some cash on the races.”
“Oh. Well that’s cool. Tell him I said to suck the lemon.”
“Copy.” Dunkalk downed the rest of his drink in a single swallow, rolled to his feet, and made for the door. “But uuhhh, hey Marshal, do we really have the money to spend on flight time? Deuterium prices being what they are, and the jobs ain’t coming.”
“They’ll come.” I finished my drink, and followed him. The air outside the diner was crisp and fresh, and smelled faintly of cherry blossoms and rocket exhaust. And compared to a year ago, the former was now much stronger, and the latter much fainter. “They’ll come.”
A Series-82 GDRL Combat Skip handles a lot differently than a single-engine propeller-driven crop duster. It had been invented several thousand years later, for that matter. But the machine war had been so large, and so long, and had taken so many things from so many people, that on a few of the poorer frontier planets, folks could still be found flying single-engine propeller-driven crop dusters, for lack of anything else with which to fight.
That was all she'd had to fight with, at least, when the machines first came. That little plane had carried her to safety when the deforestation units leveled her planet's western hemisphere. It had later carried a machine gun between its wheels when she'd tried to dent the endless lines of dust-belching excavators. It had protected her from that dust for years, as she patrolled between the lookout posts on the border. She'd been flying it when she first heard news of planetary liberation: the burning streaks and sonic booms of the Grand Liberation Armada reentering. She'd been flying it when she first saw a Skip in action. She'd been flying it when she first met Marshal.
She'd flown that same plane into enemy territory under the dust,carrying missiles to the auto-factories while Marshal and his team distracted the machines in the upper atmosphere. She'd ducked beneath that plane's canopy to shield her eyes from the blasts. She'd glided it home on fumes, landed it on a beach just short. She'd flown that plane until it was so old it was falling apart beneath her. She'd flown it right up until the day that the GLA was ready to move on, and Marshal got up the guts to ask her whether she wanted to join the team and go with them, and then, she left that little old plane back on her homeworld, and never saw it again.
Now here she was three years later, wearing a space age flight suit, holding a EM-shielded pressure helmet, looking out her apartment window toward the Series-82 Gravity-Drive-Rocket-Lift Combat Skipper parked outside the hangar, wondering if she could ever possibly master it in time to make herself useful in the war... At least, that's what she used to wonder. Before the war ended.
There was a clattering of straps and pressure seals coming down the hallway, which stopped outside her door and knocked. "Hey Authia, you all dressed up?" Marshal asked.
"Yep! Yep." She buckled the last few latches on her space suit, stood up from bed, and stepped out the door. "All ready?"
"I'm ready." He gave his helmet a little toss. "I had Briggs run the coolant already, so we should be good to launch as soon as we get the fields charged."
"Sweet. Charging to 30% today, right?"
"Right. And how much altitude is that?"
"Eight point four kilometers. You know I know the math."
"Yeah, I know."
It was a short walk from the apartments to the hangar, then a far longer walk to make it across the width of the hangar itself. Theirs weren't the only craft here, there were countless others: retired spacers kept little fusion dinghies here, civilian hobbyists with planes, loggers and teamsters with cargo helicopters, even a few other mercenaries stored Skips like theirs. But there weren't that many fighters out in the open anymore; they'd all been mothballed by now, wings folded, fields depleted and coolant drained, hoisted onto racks on the wall and wrapped in tarps, waiting for something; waiting for what? Waiting for another job? Waiting for the airshow? Waiting for another war? Or waiting for this last war to be covered over by enough years of nostalgia that the dated tech could be sold to collectors?
Most days, today being no exception, her own team's Skips were the only starfighters to be seen. And that was just as well to her, for they stood out. They gleamed. To her, they were the most beautiful machines on the world. A proud row of four stubby, angular knife-shapes, propped up on narrow landing legs, shining like shards of mirrors in the sunlight; the shape was for radar stealth, the shine for warding off lasers. The skips' g-drives were all completely internal, so the only openings on their surfaces were the cockpit canopy, the fusion-powered thermal rocket on the back, and the barrels of weapons. The light glinted slightly differently off the fins, flaps, and the texture of the reentry tiling on the belly, but the seams between were invisible.
Beautiful machines. Proud, sharp, polished, deadly; begging and pleading to be deadly again.
Briggs intercepted them about halfway across the tarmac."G'morning kids." She croaked, at which point she reached her limit for the number of polite things she could say per day, which was one. "You both reek." Smell was about the only one of her senses that battle and age hadn't damaged in some way, but as the ancient stories say, she'd been just as grumpy young.
"Morning Briggs!" Marshal smiled at her, as if by enough years of so doing he might change her. "How's it going?"
She ground her mandibles together with a truly awful noise. "Oh, I'm having the time of my life." She spat, which was her way of saying she was perfectly miserable, which was her way of saying that everything was going fine and normal. She fished a claw around in her bag and pulled out a pair of clipboards that she tossed toward the pilots. "Alright, same thing every week, same for both Skips. All 7 preflight safety pins have been removed and stowed for both craft, cryostats holding pressure at ten hundred, supercon stable, deuterium level ninety-five hundred, propellant flatzero so keep the intakes open and don't break atmo, fins locked in atmospheric position, G-fields charged along the laterals to 30%, launch brackets linked to pilot release, base power connected, inbound and outbound paths already cleared with the tower. All systems green, I hope you both crash and die."
"Copy that." Marshal glanced down the checklist and handed it back. "Did you replace that compressor bearing from last time?"
"Of course I did."
"You're awesome, Briggs."
"I know." She stated matter-of-factly, hefted her bags over her shoulder, and walked off to let them get on with their preflight. Authia had just begun checking pipes and running down a checklist of her own when she heard Briggs call over her shoulder. "Same time next week?"
Authia caught a hint of uncertainty in the question and glanced at Marshal, suddenly unsure how many 'next weeks' there would be.
"Eh." He closed an access panel and gave it a little pat, with no idea either. "One day at a time, how 'bout?"
"I tell myself the same thing." Briggs grumbled. "So am I gonna miss my show again next week or not?"
Marshal hoped so. He glanced at Authia. She hoped so too.
"Let's plan on it." He nodded.
Briggs slouched back to wherever she lived, while the pilots ran through their preflight, and birds sang over the empty runway.
It wasn't a big place, this town. A shallow valleyon the outskirts of a larger city's wreckage, little hills and little buildings around a little river, dangerously overpopulated by refugees from every land. A few years ago the valley had been half crime-ridden ghetto and half barb-wired staging grounds for the armada, but Marshal had seen it transform into quiet suburbs and golden farmland, as the apartments had grown and the law had come and the armada had left, when the war had ended. He and Authia's Skips hardly had time to raise gear before the place disappeared into the distance behind them, and all they could see now were the blooming wildflowers on the concrete shores of the crater lakes, where the bigger city used to stand. The control tower told them they were clear to begin maneuvers.
"North Heston" had been the name of the city. "Strawberry Bend" was the town that remained. Neither had ever felt much like home to Marshal, or to Authia, or maybe to any of them. Places of dust and scars and memories, weren't they? The war may have died, but it had bled and spat and urinated itself across all this land before it had, and the smell would remain. Strawberry Bend would not, could not forget anything in this lifetime, nor could any town on this planet, nor could countless other planets besides, nor for many lifetimes more.
The Skips had been running on their thermal rockets until now, with their noses angled steeply upward to let their little wings catch the air. Now that they'd reached a safe distance, Marshal signaled to Authia to spread out to 300 meters, so they could activate their gravity drives.
Ordinary gravity-powered vehicles, like shuttles and tugs and those little floating baseballs that kids have, need their drive coils to be continuously supplied with power from an onboard reactor or battery or something, then have the whole engine on a gimbal for steering. Fighters, however, don't have the luxury of extra weight for a reactor or a battery, and couldn't risk anything as complicated and fragile as a gimballed drive. So the Skips' cores were closed systems; no electricity in, no electricity out, no moving parts. They were built as a tangled mass of magnetic coils and bottles of exotics facing every which direction, each wired into each other in a way that allowed the pilot to shunt energy from one to the other. Also unlike most commercial g-drives, which are only designed to expend energy by pushing off of nearby matter, the Skip's were designed to rapidly swap to and from a reverse mode as well, where they recycle energy by 'braking'.
Marshal eased off the throttle on the thermal rocket, thumbed on the g-drive, and pulled his joystick upwards. Briggs had charged the lateral coils up to 30%, so that the drive had essentially been trying to pull him both left and right at the same time for this entire flight. As he touched the joystick, the engine dumped all the power from both into the upward coils. The ship's invisible 200-meter-wide gravity field finally decided on a direction, grabbed all the air around the ship, and forced it straight downwards, propelling the Skip straight upwards, at more than 40 Gs. A set of reverse-wired coils in the core acted enough like a compensator to keep him alive; he only felt about 2-3 Gs of it.
It carried him upwards about eight point four kilometers, at which point it ran out of energy, and he slowed to a hover. On his left, a half second behind, Authia bobbed up level, and fell in. They punched the rocket throttles and bore back downwards now, letting the movement of masses of air through the fields charged the cores back up.
At a kilometer altitude he hit the G-drive again, instantly slowing his descent and peeling off to the right, with her just behind him. From the ground, it would have looked like both of their ships hit an invisible midair wall, and rebounded like billiard balls.He turned the sticks this way and that now, and his Skip bounced around the sky chaotically, while the gravity fields climbed and kicked and churned up great currents of air, filling the sky with a thunderous 'whumping' noise whenever they collided. Authia matching him movement for movement, step for step, move for move, but always maybe just a touch slower, maybe at a slightly wrong angle. She finally slipped up and fell out of sync entirely, and careened off East, back toward a nearby crater.
Two bounces and a second laterand he was right behind her again. He thumbed the radio to tease her or offer some advice (he hadn't decided which by the time he opened his mouth,) but then realized too late that she'd been baiting him, as she bounced straight backwards. She passed below him within about 50 meters, close enough for her drive field to encompass not only a lot of air, but his Skip as well. With the enormous traction that offered, she shot off to the North at more than 60 Gs, propelling Marshal at about 20 Gs south.
...Back overland.
"Alright, alright. Nice one. Didn't see that coming." He steered himself back toward the 2-kilometer-wide crater lake, where she was currently hovering still.
It was a game the team played over the craters, something between dogfighting and sumo wrestling, trying to throw one another out of the 'ring'. She liked it better than maneuvers or actual combat sim because she was willy enough to win almost half the time. He'd been trying to ween her off it since it didn't teach actual useful skills and largely just wasted fuel and encouraged them toward increasingly risky almost-collisions. But how could he bring himself to say no, when it was really so fun, and he liked seeing her win as much as she did... And so what if her combat skills stayed a little dull?
Wasn't the war over?
He dived his Skip down close to the water's surface, so close that his drive grabbed traction on the liquid itself, and jerked him forward, left, and up behind her at 90 Gs. The airframe shuttered in the turbulence, and by the time he should have been in range of her, she had anticipated him, dived down and south toward the water, baiting him again. He bounced after her, taking the bait willingly, thinking about how he would bounce down at the last second, bouncing her up and breaking her traction with the water, then... Well, what if she tried the same thing? What if they both grabbed each other and the water and launched themselves downward to their dooms? Would they be able to realize before impact? What if only one of them realized it? Which would? And then what?
It was a dangerous game with no reward. He hesitated.
The hesitation was his loss, as he found himself thrown out of the ring again before he could even react, and heard her laughing over the radio.
He glanced down at the water and the hard ground. "Alright, no more games." He wondering how close he'd been to death, or whether he would ever know. "You need to practice your maneuvers."
"Aww." Her Skip turned in a lazy little roll. "Well can we buzz Glasstop Island along the way?"
"...Oh alright." He relented. "Fall in."
Their maneuvers took them away from the craters and the city, past the machine's old landing units and a few of the auto-factories that had been destroyed mid-assembly. Past the dead husks of fallen ships, friend and foe, finally down dozens of kilometers of coastline, past the mountains and the poisoned reefs, far and away until a parting in the clouds allowed them to see Glasstop Island, the city-sized potato-shaped rock floating in the sky. Well, not floating, exactly. More like it had been undergoing the slowest reentry in history, and had been doing so for two years now. Thirteen gravity tugs sat anchored comfortably to its bottom side, converting the massive energy of the asteroid's slow descent into electricity, enough to feed the industry of half the continent. Every hour, on the hour, the tugs would drop a full battery into the ocean below for recovery, and every day, high at noon, massive winches would lift a couple dozens batteries back up.
Glasstop Island currently floated 27 kilometers up, in the upper reaches of the mesosphere. That was no problem for the gentle, thousand-kilometer-wide fields of the tugs' drives, but the Skips' short-range G-drives couldn't get enough traction on the thin air to climb that high. And since their thermal engines were intaking air for propellant too, they just had no way up.
None, of course, besides the batteries.
It was almost the hour.
Authia hit the throttle and went vertical, and Marshal behind her. The rushing air charged their G-drive laterals up to 100%, but they didn't use them yet. Instead they kept the thermal rockets floored, as the air grew thinner and their hull temperature began to climb from the friction. At hypersonic speeds the air intakes began having problems, but by that point the rockets were beginning to overheat anyway, so they cut out the engines and drifted as high as they could. Their altitude read 19 Kilometers, still 8 short of Glasstop, when high above, they saw the battery release.
Their fingers twitched on their G-drive controls for a few minutes of anticipation, as the battery plummeted slowly down toward them. The pumps in their thermal engines sucked in a little air, enough for a quick burst, and that was all. As soon as they got a good estimate of the falling mass's trajectory, they fired that burst and coasted toward it. Marshal had gotten used to how big things could be in space, but Authia never had, and it always took her off-guard to see these things up close. Just this one battery was taller and wider than any of the apartment buildings in Strawberry Bend, bigger than some of the armada's ships, impossible to really conceive of, and seeing her Skip's shadow for scale didn't help.
They passed within spitting distance of the battery's underside, close enough for nearly the entirety of its dense material to be inside their fields. Soon as they reckoned it was, they fired their G-drives and bounced away from it at more than 120 Gs, nearly quenched their drive coils, straight upward toward Glasstop. The battery was falling a fraction of a percent faster below, while above, they'd achieved hypersonic speeds again all of a sudden. Their ships shuddered and almost glowed in the heat, but this time, they didn't slow to a stop until they were up past 27 kilometers, close enough to get traction on Glasstop itself.
They kept it slow now that they were here, and not by choice; their G-drives didn't have any energy besides what they got from their tiny braking approach of the island. So they bounced lazily around the island's underside, past the tugs and their huge domed drive cores, past the massive nets and pitons used to hold the island together, past the strange pairs of walking arms in charge of shuffling around the batteries, past the island's jagged skirt of rocky spires.
Then across the top, so smooth and shining after having been melted to glass by the asteroid's first few aerobraking passes. There were buildings up here under construction, apartments and houses and roads, fancy and exotic land already bought and paid for, by investors and benefactors anticipating the day when the island would finally be set down in the ocean. Ordinary folks like Marshal and Authia would never be allowed on this land when it finally did; there would be rich people living here then, in their mansions carved of glass, playing golf on smooth translucent hills, and drinking Champaign from goblets of stone just for the irony, but for now, Glasstop Island was still technically in space, and space was free.
They dropped gear and set down on the roof of some pretentious villa, and sat still for a moment in the silence, for no reason but to see the bizarre and breathtaking sight again: this flying crystal city luxuriating above the sky, resting on the backs of a baker's dozen steel Atlases whose grip was failing slowly enough to bless the world beneath with thunder, while all around, a green and gold horizon tinted by peaceful blue stretched out in an endless curve.
And from up here, it was hard to believe there had ever been war.
Marshal glanced over at Authia. Saw sunshine lighting her helmet yellow from behind, planetshine blue from the front, and saw her eyes and her mask and her hair beneath it. And he wondered if whether or not, even after all this time, he had ever known her as anything besides a pilot. And he wondered who she was, and who he was, and whether she ever wondered the same.
He saw her eyes wander across the horizon, saw her catch herself, and return her attention to her cockpit. "Alright." She radioed over. "Glasstop Island reached. What's the next waypoint?" And he knew this was correct of her to say, for she truly was a pilot, and so was he.
A forbidden hurt lingered always in his chest, a thing he could never say and never admit, even to himself, for it was too horrible: it was a longing for the war to return. Oh, how he missed the war, the action, the excitement, yes even the pain, because back then he knew who he was, and had friends who knew the same. "Let's take a dive through Philippian Gorge, then two laps around Springland Peak." He answered her, as he raised gear and bounced back over the edge of Glasstop, down toward the planet again. "And no daredevil moves this time, alright? You gotta be a precise. Gotta be 5 moves ahead. Like a computer. You got me?"
"I got you." She stopped her antics and went serious as she followed, for she really did want to be a pilot, and for the rest of the flight, she really did try.
"Marshal! Hey yo Marshal come in, would you pick up already!"
Marshal thumbed the radio over to isolate the ground frequencies. "Copy that Dunkalk, you're coming through loud and clear, over."
"Awesome, hey yeah, listen, Tom and I are at the fair, right, and we were in the livestock section, because, well I guess it doesn't matter why, but we were looking at the pigs, and there was this guy there who was selling these long little brown little piglets and he was selling them real cheap because he was tryin'a get rid of 'em because he signed on as a colonist but anyway we got talking and anyway we might have a JOB!"
"A job doing what, selling long brown piglets...?" Marshal frowned, with his attention momentarily split between Philipian Gorge and this nonsense gossip.
"Oh lick a battery Marshal, I mean it's a pilot job! Escort!" He could hear Dunkalk's mandibles clattering excitedly as he tried to string words together as fast as possible. "And boy are you gonna hate it, but you gotta answer fast though, like, you gotta give me an answer in like 100 seconds because he's literally on the phone with the colonial office right now to delay them making it public because then everybody and their mom is gonna be applying, so-"
"Wai-whoa hold on okay slow down!" He pulled the Skip hard back to a standstill hover, dumping all its momentum into the laterals. The cockpit became suddenly silent. "What's the job?!?". Authia's Skip circled his and jerked to a stop as well as she listened in. "Why will I hate it? What's the job?"
"Escort...! As... I said!" Dunkalk made a distinctly audible effort to make the words come out slower. "So! They're fixing to launch a colony toward one of the wiped worlds, it's like, 50,000 passengers, right? Tom, what did he say the pa-...? Yeah, 50,000. Fifty-grand folks signed up for this, and they launch in 9 days. They've got a colony together, habitats, fusion plant, underdrive tug, they even got authorization for a nuclear arsenal for O-prop and/or pirate-be-gone, all they need now is a couple mercs to run patrol, in case they run into any leftover machine nests. 8 month journey, 206lightyears, it's food, lodging, air included in the contract, it's a good deal. Easy money. Ee-saaayyy mon-naaayyy-"
"Yeah, okay, okay, but why would I hate it? You said I would hate it, this sounds great."
"You'll hate it, because the underdrive tug they're using is one of those military surplus type-35s. Nowadays they're so cheap that the whole thing costs less on resale than the fuel needed to make the return journey... So they're gassing it up for one-way. We ain't coming back, Marshal. We'd be colonists."
"Oh." He let go the controls and just sat and blinked, in stunned silence.
"But like, we're down to like 50 seconds to make a decision though man, like seriously right now right now this could be the deal of a lifetime, we'll retire as I dunno farmers or something, you down? I'm down."
"You're asking me to just leave my whole life behind in the next 50 second?!?" He frowned hard at the comm as if this would somehow impress Dunkalk with the seriousness of the matter.
"45, but yeah."
"You talk to Briggs and Poppa about this yet? If we don't got the whole team I-"
"Briggs'll do what whatever we tell her and Tom's on the phone with Poppa now uh- hey gimme that Tom." He heard the sound of Dunkalk snatching Tom's phone, and the speakers and earpieces of both phones being pressed together.
"Heeeey there Maaaarshal." Came the elderly, drawling voice of Poppa. "Saaaay did you hear about the little ol' gig Dunkalk just drummed up for us, hmmmm?"
"Yeah, yeah, I heard, what do you think about it? No take-backs on this one."
"Weeeell I think I need to finish this game..." The clack of a checker tile. "Then yeaaaah I'll be right there, gimme uhhhh five minutes I'm still in my pajamas I gotta find my flight suit..."
"But you think it's a good idea? You wouldn't mind a new world?"
"Listen sonny boy, if you think Ima chicken out a' this one you can come bite my aaaaaaaaaaa-"
Marshal flipped the comms off for just a moment to make a brave, if futile, attempt to think this through.He'd just started to try to start to get used to starting a civilian life, and now here it all was being uprooted again and lobbed onto some other planet he'd never heard of. Forever. He glanced out the cockpit at Authia, and thought what a tough place she'd been in without them here, but what if she didn't want to go?? And it occurred to him that perhaps the years had run him dry of things to tie him down, until now there was only her. "What do you think?" He mimed at her though the glass.
She looked around, contemplating. Then held up a thumb and nodded happily. It hadn't been a hard decision for her. He flipped the comms back on.
"Poppa, let's do it. Dunkalk, you there?"
"Yep, here!"
"We'll take the job. Tell the guy yes. We'll own this."
There were some scratching noises and some excited talking on the other end that he couldn't make out, then Dunkalk hollered "We got the job!"
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godslittleshadow · 4 years
At the Grand Ball
On this, the most important of nights for the Sabbat, Bach finds his senses overwhelmed by the motion. Cowed ghouls trail behind their masters, the vessels groan and sway from the side-rooms, bodyguards lean with glassy malice over tittering socialites.
It is like the Curia in Rome, in ways that he has only begun to see. Volumes of red and black silk rustle when elders pass, jeweled crucifixes glinting in the ruddy torch-light. Walking sharks that will pray for you while they circle. 
They, his elders and superiors in the Order, have stuck him not behind the scenes with his precious work, but instructed that he ply and play the crowd. 
The young - hearing himself described thus does not sit well on his dusty, downturned features - Lasombra would rather leap into the roaring flames set for tonight's dance than further be simpered over by some Gangrel ancilla with no sense of personal space. Her stiff fingers pull at his silver hair, inspecting a ringlet between claw and thumb. 
"Aren't you that hunter" she asks, a rolled purr in her speech, "who got caught?" 
"I am 'that hunter' who was saved. What I was before is an afterthought to what I may become, be that the Dark Father's will." 
There is no derision in his voice, no curled lip or narrowed eye. His features are as placid and blank as the moon's gleam. Were he older, a few decades more seasoned in the ways of sect and Clan, this stoicism would be seen as unsubtle posturing. As a neonate, and one of a faction that is sneeringly dismissed to value humanity over the greater body of the Sabbat, it is a telling demonstration: look at how well this one has discarded the trappings of mortal life. 
It is an utter lie, but it serves Bach well. God knows he did his share of smile-and-nod meetings with doughy politicians, awful men with worse money and things worth knowing. Lasombra have shed their skin in the centuries since Gratiano supposedly drank the Shadowed One down in an adolescent burst of rebellion, but unlike the simpering Blue-Bloods they have wrenched their young back from the brink. Allow the youth their emotional flights, they will turn to righteousness in time. 
The Gangrel gives a satisfied nod and sneers through yellowed fangs, before loping off towards the plaza proper. 
The play will begin soon. 
Dark incense plumes the air, the hot coals sizzling within the thurible that draws the eye of every Cainite in the upper halls. Two ghouls chant prayers as they pass, Latin cants with an inordinate focus on blood and the impending flames.
 It does suit Catholic sensibilities, even if most Sabbat see the rites as nothing more than spiritual dressing over worldly actions. They must listen to sermons before they feed, and he can see tittering laughs and unfocused eyes more concerned with the vitae to follow than the words that uphold their soft little un-lives. 
A side-room provides a place to dress and prepare the vessels, and Bach uses this cupboard room to prepare one final time. Reputation was a means to an end in the Society; ignored as long as people let him do his damned job, and used with sparse distaste. Let other people worry about gilded ideals and far off times as it suits them. To make God's will a reality, suitable temporal power must be assured before the matters of the spirit, and this means listening with care to those stronger than you. 
This former jewel of the Gladius Dei preens and touches his face - the one time when he might want a mirror it is wanting - underlining his eyes in charcoal greasepaint with a swipe of a thumb. The costume is a simple one, black chasuble with silver trim, a silk vestment that sheens in the dim light. Scarred hands pull the cappa nigra around his shoulders, the hood making his craggy features smooth out in a veil of shadow. An old man with a face that tells a life of sun-worn work far more at home against an obscenely green Alpine backdrop, some storybook ideal of mountains and low rolling rivers and steins of beer, than a blasphemous cadre of the undead. 
That is to say: a good butcher shouldn't look like one.  
Bach goes swift through the back rooms, the sharp turns choked by limp and lone bodies. They are not for him. To feel the rattle of emptiness and continue regardless is the greatest virtue a beast can abide; tempted from warm pulses from gathered hearts. The lines he knows, the timing repeating through his head, best not to forget and choke. Here was power for the taking, without the thin glaze of human pleasantry over desire and want, with simple rules of survival. 
Others are speaking on stage, the Antediluvian apocrypha that is said to hold significance. It doesn't all make sense to him yet, the odd and often incomprehensible prophecies from those beyond human. 
They pontificate out around a high mass covered in red cloth, iron-scent unmistakable. One hundred vampire eyes are fixed to the stage, and it does cross his mind that once upon a time the scene before him would have appeared as Hell on earth. He takes a single step, pale fingers along the spotlight, grabs the edge of the fabric and pulls down.
We notice humanity in two singular ways: the eyes and the hands. His eyes are closed, black lashes drooping in the small mercy of unconsciousness. His palms face up, the twin bones of the wrists pinned aloft with nails. Alter Christi; spiny embryo with wire-curl hair and sun tanned skin, a grape for the press. 
Bach speaks with a lilt, smooth and low. There is no doubt that they are listening. 
"A sexta autem hora tenebrae factae sunt super universam terram." 
The Word trembles the air and the Abyss follows. It is a false memory of flame, a velvet-dark outline that fans along the boards and steals glances from the little kine below, a darkness that sears imprints into the back of your eyes. The crowd growls and rumbles, a few cheer. 
There is a touch of the Inquisitor in him still; in the way the shadow licks and tents around the base of the cross like a fresh pyre, in the wayward faith that makes the air feel leaden. It is a pale echo of what resided within when he still lived. Love and sacrifice hollowed out for a dull murmur of sacred blood and divine right. The Sabbat remember, they do not forget the zealot's ire that fueled Monçada. Bach's wide eyes are only for his vessel. 
 Rapt, he continues, "Caro enim mea vere est cibus et sanguis meus vere est potus. Qui manducat meam carnem et bibit meum sanguinem in me manet: et ego in illo."
White eye teeth gleam wet, the silent smoke-inferno rising towards nailed feet. A glitter of light in the void. Silence from the crowd. 
Bach bows, crosses himself once, and then rends his Christ's throat open with his mouth.
 It is a quick thing, a simple wrench of his jaw until his teeth clatter against thin strips of flesh. Efficient, and once finished he backs away to allow the elders to fill chalices and cups. The shadows roil, high ripples sparking with a frenzy of offered blood, and then simmer and fade into nothing. In the flurry of action it is easy to slip back behind the stage. 
The hunter merely wipes his mouth, tastes holy blood from his fingers, and smiles. Amen. 
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the-sayuri-rin · 7 years
A new study shows pissing off demon gods increases your chances for not being flung into a roof somewhere. Yeah and my right foot is running for president in 2020. In other news this morning the war of smiles vs. Food has ended and both smiles and food reign supreme. All hail out egao overlord, may he forever make us smile!
Credit to: DMC 3444 
Last Time’s Egao Count: 252
Crow: Sawatari told me what happened! I’m going to inherit the feelings of our fallen comrades, and fight you!
SAWATARI-SAN: If a carded person can be returned to normal, Then we can bring you back, as well!
SAWATARI-SAN: I’ll return you to normal, And then give this thing back to you!
Zarc: HAHAHAHAHA! You make me laugh! I voluntarily became one with my monsters to destroy the world! There’s no way I would let go of this magnificent power! I will never go back to being a normal human!
Zarc: When I destroyed a monster through battle with my power, I can Special Summon up to two Supreme King Servant Dragons from my Extra Deck, in Defense Position! Be revived! Supreme King Servant Dragon Darkwurm!
Zarc: I set three cards face-down, and end my turn!
Zarc: Bring it on, my fresh Duelist prey! I shall enact the greatest entertainment show ever by destroying the world itself! If you think you can stop me, feel free to try!
Narrator: The world is divided into four dimensions. Across these dimensions, there are four boys, who all share the same face, And the dragons they possess call out to one another, As if seeking out each other…
(Opening Sequence)
Reiji: The four cards! They’re the cards that…
Reira: Yes. The four cards that Akaba Leo is going to use are the cards Ray used in her battle against Supreme Dragon King Zarc.
Reira: Ray said that… Father is going to use those four cards, and personally fight against Zarc this time.
Reira: Brother! You can’t keep on quarrelling with your father like this! If something happens to Dad, I… I want everyone to smile! (Egao Count: 252+1= 253) Even if we save the world, if Dad has to sacrifice himself, You won’t be able to smile! (Egao Count: 253+1= 254)
Reiji: I…won’t be able to smile? (Egao Count: 254+1 = 255)
Reiji: It’s true… You can’t create smiles out of someone’s sorrow… (Egao Count: 255+1 = 256)
Reiji: Listen up, Reira! Don’t move an inch from where you are!
Reira: Brother!
SAWATARI-SAN: Screw your “destroy the world” crap! That’s not entertainment! True entertainment is supposed to…
Crow: …Make everyone smile! (Egao Count: 256+1 =257) Let’s do this! It’s my turn!
SAWATARI-SAN: He’s going first!? Goddamn it!
Crow: That’s right. I learned that from you, Yuya! It’s important that hungry kids get their food, But their smiles are just as important! (Egao Count: 257+1= 258)
Crow: I summon the Tuner Monster, Black Feather - Kochi the Daybreak! When there is only one Black Feather on the Field, I can Special Summon Black Feather - Gladius the White Night from my hand!
Crow: In the City where I grew up, the Tops and Commons were always hostile to one another! But your Entertainment Duel with Jack changed our society, And brought true peace to it! I owe you a big debt, Yuya!
Crow: You taught me about the power of Entertainment! Someone like you shouldn’t run around and blow up the world!
Crow: I’m tuning the Level-3 Gladius the White Night with the Level-4 Kochi the Daybreak! Spread your jet-black wings, And charge through your enemy with thunder! Slash through the lightning! Synchro Summon! Rain down your attacks on them! Assault Black Feather - Raikiri the Rain Shower!
Frank + Tanner: It’s here!
Amanda: Crow’s ace monster!
GONGENZAKA: This isn’t good! If he Synchro Summons while Supreme Dragon King Zarc is around…
JACK: He’ll Synchro Summon again!
Zarc: I release the two Supreme King Servant Dragon Darkwurms on my Field, and perform a Synchro Summon! My trusty servant and bearer of the wings of light! Tear our enemies asunder with the sharpness of your deadly wings! Synchro Summon! Come forth! Supreme King Servant Dragon – Clear Wing!
Zarc: When Supreme King Servant Dragon – Clear Wing is Special Summoned, It will negate the effects of all opposing monsters, and destroy them!
Frank: Raikiri is…!
Crow: Not so fast! From my hand, I activate the Quick-Play Magic, Black Feather Illusion! I can Special Summon Raikiri from the Graveyard with its effects negated!
Crow: This is my entertainment!
Kids: It’s back!
Crow: Here I come, Yuya! Battle! I attack Clear Wing with Raikiri!
JACK: Clear Wing is going to activate its effect to negate the battle and destroy the opposing monster!
Zarc: Unfortunately, your entertainment will be short-lived.
Crow: Don’t think that this is the end. From my hand, I activate the Quick-Play Magic, Black Feather Reverse! If battle or effect damage would be inflicted, I can negate it, and Special Summon a Black Feather whose ATK is equal to the damage from the Extra Deck! Come! Assault Black Feather - Chidori the Rain Sprinkling! Chidori the Rain Sprinkling will gain 300 ATK for every Black Feather in the Graveyard!
Crow: Here I go! I attack Clear Wing with Chidori the Rain Sprinkling!
Kids: He did it!
Zarc: I’ll commend you for destroying my monster. But due to the Pendulum Effect of Supreme King Gate Zero, as long as there are Supreme King monsters on the Field, the damage will be zero!
Crow: Don’t be naïve! I banish Black Feather Illusion from the Graveyard, and activate its effect! It negates the effects of Magic Cards during this battle!
Crow: Eat this! You’ll take 1000 damage!
SAWATARI-SAN: Amazing. He did it.
GONGENZAKA: He sealed off the Supreme King Gate’s effect, and damaged Zarc…
Zarc: HAHAHAHAHA! So, this is your entertainment? Then, allow me to entertain you. With my entertainment!
Zarc: With your Chidori the Rain Sprinkling as the target, I activate the Continuous Trap, Supreme King Mad Dance! Due to it, Chidori will have to attack one more time!
Edo: One more time? But the only other monster is…
Sora: Zarc!
Kaito: But with Chidori’s ATK…
Captain Falcon: He won’t be able to beat it…
Zarc: When I destroy a monster, I can Special Summon two Supreme King Servant Dragons from the Extra Deck in Defense Position! Be revived! Darkwurm!
Crow: Your monsters are not the only ones that will revive! When Chidori the Rain Sprinkling is destroyed, I can Special Summon Raikiri from the Graveyard!
Crow: Raikiri’s effect activates! Once per turn, it can destroy one of my opponent’s cards for every Black Feather on my Field!
Zarc: I am not affected by the effects of Fusion, Xyz, and of course, Synchro Monsters as well!
Crow: Do you really hate losing that much?
Crow: Well, winning a match is great and all.
Crow: However, a guy who has never experienced the pain and sorrow of losing can never know the true joy of victory!
Crow: We Commons have always been on the losing side. That’s why when peace returned to the City, Our joy was even greater!
Crow: The one who did that was you, Yuya! Don’t you forget that!
SAWATARI-SAN: Oh, we’re getting under his skin.
Crow: There’s no shame in losing. What’s really shameful is fearing to lose and lying to yourself!
Crow: I’ll destroy Supreme King Mad Dance with Raikiri’s effect!
Zarc: With Supreme King Mad Dance’s effect, once per turn, I can negate the destruction of Supreme King cards!
Crow: Sheesh. You won’t be able to make anyone smile with that stick-in-the-mud attitude. (Egao Count: 258+1 = 259) But, oh well. I guess I was able to get a glimpse of your true colors.
Crow: I end my turn with this. The rest is up to you, Sawatari!
SAWATARI-SAN: Sure! Just leave it to me! Well then! It’s time for the true star to make his entrance! The fun has just begun!
Futoshi: Just what on earth is happening? Where is Big Bro Yuya?
Shuzo: Could it be that Yuzu is in that world as well!? Are you all right!? YUZU!
SAWATARI-SAN: I’ll make you remember, Yuya! What true entertainment is all about! It’s my turn!
(ZETSUBOU commercial. Brb)
SAWATARI-SAN: Using the Scale-1 Abyss Actor - Devil Heel and the Scale-8 Abyss Actor - Funky Comedian, I set the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-2 and 7! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! Abyss Actor – Big Star! Next up, Wild Hope! And finally, Pretty Heroine! Look! This is my all-star cast! And our program for today is—
Zarc: Before that, allow me to send my cast to the stage! A dragon befitting of Pendulum Summon!
JACK: Could it be…
Zarc: When Pendulum Monsters are Pendulum Summoned to my opponent’s Field, I can release two Supreme King Servant Dragons, And Special Summon a Pendulum Monster from my hand, deck, or Extra Deck! My loyal servant and bearer of the dichromatic eyes! Reduce the enemies before you to ashes with your scorching eyes! Come forth! Supreme King Servant Dragon – Odd-Eyes!
Futoshi: That’s Odd-Eyes!
Ayu: Why does he have Big Bro Yuya’s dragon?
Tatsuya: No! It’s not the same! It might resemble it, but…
Shuzo: What is up with that giant monster? Does it have something to do with Yuya?
SAWATARI-SAN: Fight Pendulum with Pendulum, eh? You know the routine pretty well, don’t you, Yuya? The cast has been gathered! Using Big Star’s effect, I add the Magic Card, Abyss Script - Rise of the Demon King, from the deck to my hand!
Zarc: Any card added to the hand outside of the Draw Phase will be destroyed because of my effect!
SAWATARI-SAN: You’re trembling with fear, aren’t you?
Zarc: SHUT UP! Spare me your pathetic banter!
SAWATARI-SAN: Then, from my hand, I activate the Continuous Magic, Abyss Script - Abyss Entertainment! I release Pretty Heroine, And bring back Abyss Script - Rise of the Demon King from the Graveyard! I then set it!
SAWATARI-SAN: I didn’t add it to my hand, so you can’t destroy it.
SAWATARI-SAN: Well then! I shall now activate Rise of the Demon King! For every different Abyss Actor on my Field, I can destroy one of your cards! I’ll destroy two! I’ll destroy Supreme Dragon King Zarc and Supreme King Servant Dragon – Odd-Eyes!
Zarc: Through the effect of the Continuous Trap, Supreme King Mad Dance, Supreme King cards on my Field won’t be destroyed!
SAWATARI-SAN: It’s no use!
Zarc: Huh!?
SAWATARI-SAN: When there is a Level-7 or above Abyss Actor monster on my Field, My opponent cannot activate an effect in response to Rise of the Demon King’s activation!
SAWATARI-SAN: Disappear along with Odd-Eyes!
Edo + Sora: FINALLY!
GON, Shun, and Kaito: Zarc is…
JACK: …taken down!
SAWATARI-SAN: Oh, yeah! Well done, me! Who cares if you’re Zarc or the Supreme Dragon King…Huh?
Zarc: As long as Supreme King Servant Dragon – Odd-Eyes is around, Once during each turn, I can negate the destruction of Pendulum cards!
Zarc: I am Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and Pendulum!
Shuzo: Yuya’s Odd-Eyes protected that giant monster?
Tatsuya: Like I said, it’s not Big Bro Yuya’s…!
Ayu: But it resembles it a lot! There has to be some kind of connection!
SAWATARI-SAN: How pathetic, Yuya! The Sakaki Yuya I know is not some coward who focuses that much on defending!
SAWATARI-SAN: Ain’t that right? During that legendary Duel between you and me… You successfully achieve a great escape despite all the odds! Where is that courage of yours now!?
SAWATARI-SAN: If you’ve forgotten, I’ll make you remember! No matter what it takes!
SAWATARI-SAN: Using the effect of the Continuous Magic, Abyss Script - Abyss Entertainment, I release Wild Hope, bring back Abyss Script – Rise of the Demon King from the Graveyard, and activate it! Then, with its effect, I destroy Supreme Dragon King Zarc!
Crow: As long as he has the Level-7 Big Star… He can’t activate Supreme King Mad Dance’s effect.
GONGENZAKA: And he can only use the effect of Supreme King Servant Dragon – Odd-Eyes once!
Zarc: I won’t be destroyed! I won’t ever be destroyed! As long as the monsters that I destroyed are in your Graveyards!
JACK: Say what!?
Edo: The monsters he destroyed…
Sora: Our monsters are…!
Kaito: Why are they on his body?
Captain Falcon: Our monsters are protecting him!?
Crow: Then, everything that we’ve done will be all for naught?
SAWATARI-SAN: Damn it! At this rate…
Leo: Your efforts won’t be in vain!
Edo + Sora: Professor!
SAWATARI-SAN: That guy is…
Kaito + Shun: Akaba Leo!
Duel Disk: Intrusion Penalty, 2000 points.
Himika: Akaba Leo!
Shuzo: W-What the!?
Futoshi: W-What’s happening!?
Ayu: Just what is going on!?
Allen: We’re back here again!
Sayaka: Look!
Allen: That’s our comrades in the Resistance!
Sayaka: The people turned into cards are being restored?
Futoshi: Just what in the world is this!?
Leo: Zarc! Do you remember me?
Zarc: Of course, I remember. You gave real bodies to the monsters, Awakened their souls, and revolutionized Dueling.
Leo: That’s right. The creation of monsters with mass via Real Solid Vision was truly a revolution. The people wanted more intense and exciting Duels, And the Duelists enacted more exciting Duels in response. And then, you, Zarc, the demon, was born!
Crowd: Zarc! Zarc! Zarc! Zarc!
Zarc: That’s right. I made a vow as they cheered me on. To become a supreme being, stronger and more dreadful than anyone! I will mow down all enemies who dare to oppose me, and fight until the world is destroyed! That vow hasn’t changed!
Zarc: I send Supreme King Mad Dance to the Graveyard, and activate its effect! My opponent’s monsters have to attack me!
Crow: Don’t go off on your own!
Zarc: Don’t be relieved just yet! Due to Supreme King Servant Dragon – Odd-Eyes’s effect, the damage will be doubled!
Zarc: If you’re going to stand in my way, I’ll cut you down as well!
Leo: That won’t happen. I have the means to defeat you.
Zarc: Is it those cards!?
JACK: What!? He has cards for that…?
Leo: Those cards made you suffer, and divided you and the world up! This time, I will defeat you in place of Ray, and restore the world once again!
Himika: In place of Ray?
Leo: It’s my turn! I activate the Magic Card, Spirit Collapse! I pay 1000 Life Points, And send the Fusion Monster, Master Spirit Tech Force - Pendulum Ruler, from my Extra Deck to the Graveyard!
SAWATARI-SAN: Why is he sending another monster to the Graveyard? It’s only going to boost Zarc’s defenses!
Leo: I created the Devil, and threw the dimensions into chaos by fusing them. This is my way of taking responsibility for that!
Reiji: You’re not the only one responsible for creating the Devil!
Leo: Reiji!
Duel Disk: Intrusion Penalty, 2000 points.
Himika: Reiji-san!
Reiji: I am also responsible for Zarc’s revival!
Leo: You’re going to fight with me?
Leo: There are three Fusion Monsters in the Graveyard. All the conditions have been met! Here I go, Zarc!
Zarc: I won’t let you do as you please! Trap, activate! Supreme King Insult! For every Supreme King card besides this card, I can choose a card from your hand and destroy it! There are four cards!
Shuzo: What the!? There’s a person over there!
Futoshi: Where!?
Tatsuya: That’s…!
Ayu: Big Bro Yuya!?
Allen: Zarc is on that monster?
Sayaka: Zarc is actually Yuya!?
Reiji: What created Zarc is the evil that we are unaware of inside each of us. In other words, Zarc, the demon, is a product of society! Every one of us has to atone for that sin!
Zarc: I’ll destroy those four cards with the effect of Supreme King Insult! And for every card, you’ll receive 300 damage! Disappear along with those four cards!
Reiji: DAD!
Reira: You…You’re… Ray?
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authoratmidnight · 7 years
Arc V Episode 139 Translated Script
Script and Translation from DMC3444 on NAC
Last Time’s Egao Count: 252
Crow: Sawatari told me what happened! I’m going to inherit the feelings of our fallen comrades, and fight you! SAWATARI-SAN: If a carded person can be returned to normal, Then we can bring you back, as well! SAWATARI-SAN: I’ll return you to normal, And then give this thing back to you! Zarc: HAHAHAHAHA! You make me laugh! I voluntarily became one with my monsters to destroy the world! There’s no way I would let go of this magnificent power! I will never go back to being a normal human! Zarc: When I destroyed a monster through battle with my power, I can Special Summon up to two Supreme King Servant Dragons from my Extra Deck, in Defense Position! Be revived! Supreme King Servant Dragon Darkwurm! Zarc: I set three cards face-down, and end my turn! Zarc: Bring it on, my fresh Duelist prey! I shall enact the greatest entertainment show ever by destroying the world itself! If you think you can stop me, feel free to try! Narrator: The world is divided into four dimensions. Across these dimensions, there are four boys, who all share the same face, And the dragons they possess call out to one another, As if seeking out each other… (Opening Sequence) Reiji: The four cards! They’re the cards that… Reira: Yes. The four cards that Akaba Leo is going to use are the cards Ray used in her battle against Supreme Dragon King Zarc. Reira: Ray said that… Father is going to use those four cards, and personally fight against Zarc this time. Reira: Brother! You can’t keep on quarrelling with your father like this! If something happens to Dad, I… I want everyone to smile! (Egao Count: 252+1= 253) Even if we save the world, if Dad has to sacrifice himself, You won’t be able to smile! (Egao Count: 253+1= 254) Reiji: I…won’t be able to smile? (Egao Count: 254+1 = 255) Reiji: It’s true… You can’t create smiles out of someone’s sorrow… (Egao Count: 255+1 = 256) Reiji: Listen up, Reira! Don’t move an inch from where you are! Reira: Brother! SAWATARI-SAN: Screw your “destroy the world” crap! That’s not entertainment! True entertainment is supposed to… Crow: …Make everyone smile! (Egao Count: 256+1 =257) Let’s do this! It’s my turn! SAWATARI-SAN: He’s going first!? Goddamn it! Crow: That’s right. I learned that from you, Yuya! It’s important that hungry kids get their food, But their smiles are just as important! (Egao Count: 257+1= 258) Crow: I summon the Tuner Monster, Black Feather - Kochi the Daybreak! When there is only one Black Feather on the Field, I can Special Summon Black Feather - Gladius the White Night from my hand! Crow: In the City where I grew up, the Tops and Commons were always hostile to one another! But your Entertainment Duel with Jack changed our society, And brought true peace to it! I owe you a big debt, Yuya! Crow: You taught me about the power of Entertainment! Someone like you shouldn’t run around and blow up the world! Crow: I’m tuning the Level-3 Gladius the White Night with the Level-4 Kochi the Daybreak! Spread your jet-black wings, And charge through your enemy with thunder! Slash through the lightning! Synchro Summon! Rain down your attacks on them! Assault Black Feather - Raikiri the Rain Shower! Frank + Tanner: It’s here! Amanda: Crow’s ace monster! GONGENZAKA: This isn’t good! If he Synchro Summons while Supreme Dragon King Zarc is around… JACK: He’ll Synchro Summon again! Zarc: I release the two Supreme King Servant Dragon Darkwurms on my Field, and perform a Synchro Summon! My trusty servant and bearer of the wings of light! Tear our enemies asunder with the sharpness of your deadly wings! Synchro Summon! Come forth! Supreme King Servant Dragon – Clear Wing! Zarc: When Supreme King Servant Dragon – Clear Wing is Special Summoned, It will negate the effects of all opposing monsters, and destroy them! Frank: Raikiri is…! Crow: Not so fast! From my hand, I activate the Quick-Play Magic, Black Feather Illusion! I can Special Summon Raikiri from the Graveyard with its effects negated! Crow: This is my entertainment! Kids: It’s back! Crow: Here I come, Yuya! Battle! I attack Clear Wing with Raikiri! JACK: Clear Wing is going to activate its effect to negate the battle and destroy the opposing monster! Zarc: Unfortunately, your entertainment will be short-lived. Crow: Don’t think that this is the end. From my hand, I activate the Quick-Play Magic, Black Feather Reverse! If battle or effect damage would be inflicted, I can negate it, and Special Summon a Black Feather whose ATK is equal to the damage from the Extra Deck! Come! Assault Black Feather - Chidori the Rain Sprinkling! Chidori the Rain Sprinkling will gain 300 ATK for every Black Feather in the Graveyard! Crow: Here I go! I attack Clear Wing with Chidori the Rain Sprinkling! Kids: He did it! Zarc: I’ll commend you for destroying my monster. But due to the Pendulum Effect of Supreme King Gate Zero, as long as there are Supreme King monsters on the Field, the damage will be zero! Crow: Don’t be naïve! I banish Black Feather Illusion from the Graveyard, and activate its effect! It negates the effects of Magic Cards during this battle! Crow: Eat this! You’ll take 1000 damage! SAWATARI-SAN: Amazing. He did it. GONGENZAKA: He sealed off the Supreme King Gate’s effect, and damaged Zarc… Zarc: HAHAHAHAHA! So, this is your entertainment? Then, allow me to entertain you. With my entertainment! Zarc: With your Chidori the Rain Sprinkling as the target, I activate the Continuous Trap, Supreme King Mad Dance! Due to it, Chidori will have to attack one more time! Edo: One more time? But the only other monster is… Sora: Zarc! Kaito: But with Chidori’s ATK… Captain Falcon: He won’t be able to beat it… Zarc: When I destroy a monster, I can Special Summon two Supreme King Servant Dragons from the Extra Deck in Defense Position! Be revived! Darkwurm! Crow: Your monsters are not the only ones that will revive! When Chidori the Rain Sprinkling is destroyed, I can Special Summon Raikiri from the Graveyard! Crow: Raikiri’s effect activates! Once per turn, it can destroy one of my opponent’s cards for every Black Feather on my Field! Zarc: I am not affected by the effects of Fusion, Xyz, and of course, Synchro Monsters as well! Crow: Do you really hate losing that much? Crow: Well, winning a match is great and all. Crow: However, a guy who has never experienced the pain and sorrow of losing can never know the true joy of victory! Crow: We Commons have always been on the losing side. That’s why when peace returned to the City, Our joy was even greater! Crow: The one who did that was you, Yuya! Don’t you forget that! Zarc: SHUT YOUR MOUTH! I WILL NEVER LOSE! SAWATARI-SAN: Oh, we’re getting under his skin. Crow: There’s no shame in losing. What’s really shameful is fearing to lose and lying to yourself! Crow: I’ll destroy Supreme King Mad Dance with Raikiri’s effect! Zarc: With Supreme King Mad Dance’s effect, once per turn, I can negate the destruction of Supreme King cards! Crow: Sheesh. You won’t be able to make anyone smile with that stick-in-the-mud attitude. (Egao Count: 258+1 = 259) But, oh well. I guess I was able to get a glimpse of your true colors. Crow: I end my turn with this. The rest is up to you, Sawatari! SAWATARI-SAN: Sure! Just leave it to me! Well then! It’s time for the true star to make his entrance! The fun has just begun! Futoshi: Just what on earth is happening? Where is Big Bro Yuya? Shuzo: Could it be that Yuzu is in that world as well!? Are you all right!? YUZU! SAWATARI-SAN: I’ll make you remember, Yuya! What true entertainment is all about! It’s my turn! (ZETSUBOU commercial. Brb) SAWATARI-SAN: Using the Scale-1 Abyss Actor - Devil Heel and the Scale-8 Abyss Actor - Funky Comedian, I set the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-2 and 7! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! Abyss Actor – Big Star! Next up, Wild Hope! And finally, Pretty Heroine! Look! This is my all-star cast! And our program for today is— Zarc: Before that, allow me to send my cast to the stage! A dragon befitting of Pendulum Summon! GONGENZAKA: What!? JACK: Could it be… Zarc: When Pendulum Monsters are Pendulum Summoned to my opponent’s Field, I can release two Supreme King Servant Dragons, And Special Summon a Pendulum Monster from my hand, deck, or Extra Deck! My loyal servant and bearer of the dichromatic eyes! Reduce the enemies before you to ashes with your scorching eyes! Come forth! Supreme King Servant Dragon – Odd-Eyes! Futoshi: That’s Odd-Eyes! Ayu: Why does he have Big Bro Yuya’s dragon? Tatsuya: No! It’s not the same! It might resemble it, but… Shuzo: What is up with that giant monster? Does it have something to do with Yuya? SAWATARI-SAN: Fight Pendulum with Pendulum, eh? You know the routine pretty well, don’t you, Yuya? The cast has been gathered! Using Big Star’s effect, I add the Magic Card, Abyss Script - Rise of the Demon King, from the deck to my hand! Zarc: Any card added to the hand outside of the Draw Phase will be destroyed because of my effect! SAWATARI-SAN: You’re trembling with fear, aren’t you? Zarc: SHUT UP! Spare me your pathetic banter! SAWATARI-SAN: Then, from my hand, I activate the Continuous Magic, Abyss Script - Abyss Entertainment! I release Pretty Heroine, And bring back Abyss Script - Rise of the Demon King from the Graveyard! I then set it! SAWATARI-SAN: I didn’t add it to my hand, so you can’t destroy it. SAWATARI-SAN: Well then! I shall now activate Rise of the Demon King! For every different Abyss Actor on my Field, I can destroy one of your cards! I’ll destroy two! I’ll destroy Supreme Dragon King Zarc and Supreme King Servant Dragon – Odd-Eyes! Zarc: Through the effect of the Continuous Trap, Supreme King Mad Dance, Supreme King cards on my Field won’t be destroyed! SAWATARI-SAN: It’s no use! Zarc: Huh!? SAWATARI-SAN: When there is a Level-7 or above Abyss Actor monster on my Field, My opponent cannot activate an effect in response to Rise of the Demon King’s activation! SAWATARI-SAN: Disappear along with Odd-Eyes! Edo + Sora: FINALLY! GON, Shun, and Kaito: Zarc is… JACK: …taken down! SAWATARI-SAN: Oh, yeah! Well done, me! Who cares if you’re Zarc or the Supreme Dragon King…Huh? Zarc: As long as Supreme King Servant Dragon – Odd-Eyes is around, Once during each turn, I can negate the destruction of Pendulum cards! Zarc: I am Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and Pendulum! Shuzo: Yuya’s Odd-Eyes protected that giant monster? Tatsuya: Like I said, it’s not Big Bro Yuya’s…! Ayu: But it resembles it a lot! There has to be some kind of connection! SAWATARI-SAN: How pathetic, Yuya! The Sakaki Yuya I know is not some coward who focuses that much on defending! SAWATARI-SAN: Ain’t that right? During that legendary Duel between you and me… You successfully achieve a great escape despite all the odds! Where is that courage of yours now!? SAWATARI-SAN: If you’ve forgotten, I’ll make you remember! No matter what it takes! SAWATARI-SAN: Using the effect of the Continuous Magic, Abyss Script - Abyss Entertainment, I release Wild Hope, bring back Abyss Script – Rise of the Demon King from the Graveyard, and activate it! Then, with its effect, I destroy Supreme Dragon King Zarc! Crow: As long as he has the Level-7 Big Star… He can’t activate Supreme King Mad Dance’s effect. GONGENZAKA: And he can only use the effect of Supreme King Servant Dragon – Odd-Eyes once! Zarc: I won’t be destroyed! I won’t ever be destroyed! As long as the monsters that I destroyed are in your Graveyards! JACK: Say what!? Edo: The monsters he destroyed… Sora: Our monsters are…! Kaito: Why are they on his body? Captain Falcon: Our monsters are protecting him!? Crow: Then, everything that we’ve done will be all for naught? SAWATARI-SAN: Damn it! At this rate… Leo: Your efforts won’t be in vain! Edo + Sora: Professor! GONGENZAKA: What!? SAWATARI-SAN: That guy is… Kaito + Shun: Akaba Leo! Duel Disk: Intrusion Penalty, 2000 points. Himika: Akaba Leo! Shuzo: W-What the!? Futoshi: W-What’s happening!? Ayu: Just what is going on!? Allen: We’re back here again! Sayaka: Look! Allen: That’s our comrades in the Resistance! Sayaka: The people turned into cards are being restored? Futoshi: Just what in the world is this!? Leo: Zarc! Do you remember me? Zarc: Of course, I remember. You gave real bodies to the monsters, Awakened their souls, and revolutionized Dueling. Leo: That’s right. The creation of monsters with mass via Real Solid Vision was truly a revolution. The people wanted more intense and exciting Duels, And the Duelists enacted more exciting Duels in response. And then, you, Zarc, the demon, was born! Crowd: Zarc! Zarc! Zarc! Zarc! Zarc: That’s right. I made a vow as they cheered me on. To become a supreme being, stronger and more dreadful than anyone! I will mow down all enemies who dare to oppose me, and fight until the world is destroyed! That vow hasn’t changed! Zarc: I send Supreme King Mad Dance to the Graveyard, and activate its effect! My opponent’s monsters have to attack me! SAWATARI-SAN: Wait! Crow: Don’t go off on your own! SAWATARI-SAN: AAAHHHH! Crow: AAAHHHH! Zarc: Don’t be relieved just yet! Due to Supreme King Servant Dragon – Odd-Eyes’s effect, the damage will be doubled! SAWATARI-SAN & Crow: AAAAAHHHHHHH! Zarc: If you’re going to stand in my way, I’ll cut you down as well! Leo: That won’t happen. I have the means to defeat you. Zarc: Is it those cards!? JACK: What!? He has cards for that…? Leo: Those cards made you suffer, and divided you and the world up! This time, I will defeat you in place of Ray, and restore the world once again! Himika: In place of Ray? Leo: It’s my turn! I activate the Magic Card, Spirit Collapse! I pay 1000 Life Points, And send the Fusion Monster, Master Spirit Tech Force - Pendulum Ruler, from my Extra Deck to the Graveyard! SAWATARI-SAN: Why is he sending another monster to the Graveyard? It’s only going to boost Zarc’s defenses! Leo: I created the Devil, and threw the dimensions into chaos by fusing them. This is my way of taking responsibility for that! Reiji: You’re not the only one responsible for creating the Devil! Leo: Reiji! Duel Disk: Intrusion Penalty, 2000 points. Himika: Reiji-san! Reiji: I am also responsible for Zarc’s revival! Leo: You’re going to fight with me? Leo: There are three Fusion Monsters in the Graveyard. All the conditions have been met! Here I go, Zarc! Zarc: I won’t let you do as you please! Trap, activate! Supreme King Insult! For every Supreme King card besides this card, I can choose a card from your hand and destroy it! There are four cards! Shuzo: What the!? There’s a person over there! Futoshi: Where!? Tatsuya: That’s…! Ayu: Big Bro Yuya!? Allen: Zarc is on that monster? Sayaka: Zarc is actually Yuya!? Reiji: What created Zarc is the evil that we are unaware of inside each of us. In other words, Zarc, the demon, is a product of society! Every one of us has to atone for that sin! Zarc: I’ll destroy those four cards with the effect of Supreme King Insult! And for every card, you’ll receive 300 damage! Disappear along with those four cards! Leo: AAAAHHHH! Reiji: DAD! Reira: You…You’re… Ray?
21 notes · View notes
gamerszone2019-blog · 5 years
Astral Chain Hands-On: Two Characters Make Combat A Fast-Paced Blast
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Astral Chain Hands-On: Two Characters Make Combat A Fast-Paced Blast
Platinum Games upcoming Nintendo Switch title, Astral Chain, makes you a metaphysical anime K-9 cop. It’s as cool as it sounds, mixing some light investigation mechanics with a little bit of platforming and a two-character combat system that gives a new twist to Platinum’s approach to stylish, hard action.
At San Diego Comic-Con 2019, Nintendo offered GameSpot our first chance to get hands-on with Astral Chain. We played a small portion of the game that took place a few hours in, which seemed more akin to a side quest than a main story mission. The slice gave a brief look at a lot of what Astral Chain has to offer, including its combat system and investigation mechanics, and how they’ll both work together with the game’s central conceit–controlling two characters at once.
You play a member of a special police force unit called Neuron in Astral Chain, and your duties include dealing with the fact that the astral plane is spilling over into the real world. With it comes monsters, but you have a special trick for dealing with those, too: a Legion, your own astral plane entity that can fight monsters for you automatically or follow your commands. Your Legion is basically like a sword-wielding dog you lead around on a leash. The Legion attacks hostile creatures on its own, but you can also tell it where to go and what to attack.
Your Legion is basically like a sword-wielding dog you lead around on a leash.
The slice of Astral Chain we played started with a case about a missing woman who had seemingly come under attack from an astral plane monster, known as a chimera. Heading to the crime scene means walking through Astral Chain’s city, where you’ll find citizens to speak with and shops where you can buy useful items. Talking with people can give you information about the game’s story and the cases you’ll work on as you progress through the game, and like a real cop, you’ll keep notes about important information you learn along the way. Conversations that took place before our slice of the game had brought up mention of something called “the Red Ghost,” which turned out to be the chimera we’re hunting.
Arriving at the crime scene gave a quick sense of what Astral Chain’s investigations are like. This case required checking certain spots on the ground where evidence had been marked. We were able to see a reconstruction of the victim lying on the ground after the attack and picked up some other information about the event, and eventually, we found a place where the chimera’s astral plane energy had warped reality slightly. That was the clue we were looking for.
Using Your Supernatural Police Dog
As you walk around in Astral Chain, your Legion isn’t necessarily always by your side, but you can just about always summon it with a quick press of the ZL button. You can use it to analyze astral plane evidence, and when we brought our Legion to check out what had happened at the crime scene, it was able to detect an astral trail the chimera had left behind. Now we were using the Legion like a bloodhound, navigating through the streets as it illuminated the trail. Before long, Astral Chain presented another use for the Legion–it can allow you to cross large gaps and leap to distant locations.
When you summon the Legion, it’ll float around on the end of its spectral leash and follow you, but you can take control of its movements by holding ZL and using the right thumbstick. Positioning the Legion on the far side of a gap lets you use it to pull you across the abyss, making it useful for platforming. You can also direct it to specific spots to activate switches and solve simple puzzles.
Eventually, the Legion led us to a portal to the astral plane where the chimera had taken the woman. The astral plane is a spooky, strangely geometric and minimalist landscape, basically filled with arenas for battling enemies and locations to use your Legion to solve puzzles. It was here that we got our first taste of combat, which, despite sometimes requiring you to control two characters in the heat of battle, is actually intuitive and easy to pick up.
One Player Co-op Combat
You only have one attack button in Astral Chain, which you’ll pound away on as you fight enemies to create combos. Variety in combat is created by how your weapon can transform seamlessly; you wield a high-tech police baton that can change shape to fit the situation. It starts as a small, fast melee weapon, but can be switched to a powerful, slow, heavy sword called a gladius, or morphed into a pistol. You can switch your weapon on the fly to change your attacks as you pummel enemies, and stringing several attacks together builds a combo.
Fighting is less about performing a bunch of complex moves and more about exact timing to link your attacks with those of your Legion. String six hits together and you’ll see a blue circle appear on your character as time briefly slows, prompting you to hit ZL to summon your Legion. Do that in time, and the creature will spring into action, adding another big hit to your attack. You can then follow up with another strike of your own, which triggers another Legion prompt, and so on. After you’ve done enough damage, you can also activate finishing moves with your Legion, which sends your partner to rip out a chimera’s “ability core,” and restores your health and increases how long your Legion can fight at your side.
Your other major ability is a quick dodge that can get you out of harm’s way, and slipping past incoming attacks at the absolute last second gives you another opening to send your Legion in for an attack. Combat quickly becomes a fast-paced concert of attacks on open opponents and dodges that give you chances for counter-attacks, with your Legion leaping in and out to extend your combos. When you’re not actively telling your Legion what to do, though, it engages whoever’s closest on its own, without requiring you to babysit it.
The result is the ability to control both characters, or just one, depending on the situation. You still need to be aware of both characters, though–your Legion disappears if a timer that starts when you summon it runs out, and more time gets subtracted as it takes damage.
The Legion has a few other tricks, too. The creature is leashed to your wrist with its spectral chain, but if you control the Legion directly, you can wrap that chain around enemies (including bosses), which briefly locks them in place and stuns them. And like your weapon, you can switch it between a few different versions, like a sword-wielding take, or a slower, more hulking one. The sword Legion can be called on for special moves, too. We fought a big shield-wielding enemy, which required lots of combos with the Legion to beat, but later, it was joined by a floating pink baddie that could create a tether between it and its allies, rendering both invulnerable. Calling on the Legion allows you to take direct control of it for a sword strike that can cut things in the environment, including that energy tether. Slicing through it broke the invulnerability bond, allowing us to send the Legion to fight one enemy while we took on the other.
After fighting some smaller enemies, we took on the chimera we’d been hunting, a multi-headed dog creature called, of course, Cerberus. The boss fight felt pretty typical to action games, with the monster winding up for big ground-smashing attacks that sent shockwaves outward, or leaping into the air to come hurtling back down toward us. The skill in the fight was in recognizing and dodging incoming attacks to create openings for the Legion to strike at the Cerberus. Avoiding attacks was a big focus since the boss could do massive damage to both you and your Legion; you need to protect yourself and pay attention to where your partner is to keep both of you alive and dishing out combo damage.
More Astral Police Work
The fight was tough, but in all not too overwhelming. Astral Chain’s combat feels relatively simple when you first pick it up, which helps keep it accessible, but the number of things you can do with your Legion as you get used to the speed and timing of a fight adds a lot of complexity. The result is a combat system that allows you to do a lot of cool things as you get better at it, but which adds difficulty in the amount of attention and coordination it demands. Astral Chain wants you to be constantly thinking in two directions, and the skill involved in its fights comes both from quick reactions and timing, and from keeping track of both characters so you can use them effectively without getting either one killed.
The Astral Chain demo wrapped up with defeating the boss and returning the woman safely back to the human world–only to discover that in the meantime, chimeras had started appearing all over the place and the astral plane was bleeding through into the real world. Civilians were scattered around the area where chimeras were showing up, so we were tasked with clearing out the enemies–along with a giant, sword-wielding boss creature–in order to save them.
Astral Chain wants you to be constantly thinking in two directions.
Though the demo only lasted 20 minutes or so, our look at Astral Chain was enough to get a sense of how fast and satisfying its combat can be. It looks as though your Legion will be an integral part of the entire experience, which offers a lot of depth to a combat system that’s otherwise simple enough that just about anybody can pick it up.
The demo was a little thinner on what the other half of the game will be like, as you venture through the city talking to other humans and solving metaphysical crimes. The investigation in our slice of the game was pretty shallow and simplistic, but the inclusion of the notebook suggests that doing police work will be a bigger part of the game and might be more complex than just interacting with certain spots on the ground.
What’s clear is that there are a lot of cool ideas at work in Astral Chain. Platinum Games’ newest take on combat changes up the usual approach to action games just enough to feel fresh without being overwhelming, and its metaphysical setting and two-character mechanics suggest everything beyond fighting will be pretty interesting, too. We won’t have to wait long to see how Platinum’s new ideas work together as a whole; Astral Chain is due to hit Nintendo Switch on August 30.
Source : Gamesport
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cjvazmovielife · 5 years
the Uncommon Knowledge of a Filmmaker.
Throughout my career, I've obtained some unusual skills. I know how to sail an old Square Rigger ship, a common vessel from the Golden Age of Piracy. I know how to fight with different types of old age weapons; from a Cutlass (common Pirate sword) to a Roman Gladius, and even a Revolutionary War muskets. I've learned the art of the Samurai and have trained as Ninja. I can fire two guns while flying through the air and actually hit a zombie target. These are merely some of the uncommon skills I have acquired through my years in filmmaking that truly have no relevance today.
Being well versed in different things helps you become a better writer and a better filmmaker. Learning different cultures will only add to the depth of your character. Languages can add a certain level of sophistication to your story. While woodworking can easily add production value to your movie. I learned very early on from listening to the great directors of the past that to be a great filmmaker you need to continue learning.
A prime example of this is James Cameron. Not everyone's cup of tea but his movies do tend to be great. I've yet to hear anyone say that Aliens sucked, or Terminator 2 was lame. People still love Titanic to this day, and Avatar was an eye-opening endeavor that has shaped filmmaking since. James Cameron is an eager learner, and he researches extensively for his films. For Aliens, he worked with gunsmiths, sci-fi experts, and even NASA to get everything in the movie as close to what we expect it to be as possible. For Titanic, he expanded on his knowledge of deep sea diving and submersibles, that he acquired for the Abyss. He also learned everything there was to know about the shit, and how it went down. Same with Avatar, adding that he wanted to develop new technology to let him shoot it how he wanted. The guy spends more time in the library researching than the majority of college students.
The problem being is when the knowledge doesn't really serve you anywhere else. Writing, Film, TV, I'm good, but in the real world, most of my knowledge doesn't apply. I can't think of one offer where people have asked me to sail an old pirate ship into the open ocean and look for bounty. I don't spend my day training with my katana, preparing for the enemy to come to invade my village. I'm not a soldier in the Roman Legion or the Continental Army. Finally, while on a closed off and controlled outdoor range with plenty of safeties in place we were able to actually fire two guns while flying through the air and hit a zombie target, it's not very practical. Also, the landing hurts like hell, because you want to keep the guns pointing in a safe direction at all times so you really can't brace yourself. But again, not exactly a skill set I can parlay into the business world.
My parents have always been happy that I chased my dreams and continue to do so. They also wanted me to have a backup plan, and it's never a bad idea to have one. I sometimes do wonder if I cut myself off from learning other marketable skills that I can go into. Lenses, Editing, and movie fighting techniques tend to leave you in a bit of a niche. I also haven't gotten a chance to work on Mr. Robot yet, so my computer hacking skills are lacking at best. Hook me up Sam Esmail, I'm ready to go.
One movie I worked on involved skydiving. I've already jumped using the static line before, so it didn't phase me too much to do it solo. Though with that one we spent more time filming the actors on the ground using camera tricks to make it look like they were in the air, no wires. For another, I learned how to rock climb, and we translated that to the fake mountain built by the Art Department. I learned how to jump out of a flying helicopter with a rope, and basically hang there as it flew through the air. We ended up doing the shot in pieces, with different rings and a CGI helicopter.
Experiencing it does help you translate it to the screen. We don't do real for real anymore unless you are working on a Quentin Tarantino film. Real for real usually takes too long, too much money, too many safety issues and the lawyers usually come in to ruin the run by telling you it's not worth it. Quentin can get away with it because he's freaking Quentin, and he does take safety seriously. He will gradually increase to the semi unsafe levels, and even then they are still taking more precautions than anyone else. Quentin really cares about his cast and crew.
So what do you do with all this acquired knowledge? I'm genuinely asking because I really don't know. Historical videos are a possibility. Maybe something on youtube or potentially writing. I really don't even want to consider a time I'm not working in this field. Every day I walk on set it's something new and incredible. I never really get bored or feel it's mundane. I've been genuinely lucky, and I thank my lucky stars for it every day.
They'll come a time when something doesn't seem like it's worth learning, but you really never know how it's going to apply in the future. I still remember an Edgar Allan Poe poem I was tasked with memorizing in 7th grade as part of an assignment. I remember it to this day, and it came in handy a few years back on a set. I can't even begin to tell you how many movies actually deal with Archery so learn it, because it will be useful in the future. Surprisingly, so did cooking though not so much for a film but more for your cast and crew.  
On every project, I plan at least one day that I cook for the cast and crew. It's usually a light day, and something unique that they aren't getting on a daily basis. For example, if you have pizza all day every day, don't make them pizza. I look or something diverse, uncommon, maybe even from a foreign country that tastes great. Though between you and I, most recently I've been phoning it in with Tasty videos, thank goodness for Buzzfeed. But, this is my attempt at a family meal.
It's really nice because the Crafty people are included versus always serving. The crew likes it because it's a personal touch. The cast likes it because to them it means you care since you went above and beyond. Normally a comment about it needing more salt, from a younger cast member, comes up and everyone laughs. It's just a nice moment to share with everyone. I never thought researching how to make exotic foods would benefit me in any way, or it'd be something I'd use in the future. I'm not a foodie in anyway, but I've been able to expand myself by diving into it. So like I said, you never know how something you learn now may benefit you in the future. So come on Zombie Apocalypse.
Late Call Time.
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idril-la-wiccan · 2 years
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The Kids' opinions on the Flowers
Go here for the Flowers' opinions on the Kids !
Go there for the Flowers' opinion on each other !
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idril-la-wiccan · 2 years
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The Flowers' opinions on each other
Go here for their opinion on the Kids !
Go there for the Kids' opinion on them !
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idril-la-wiccan · 2 years
Out of the Abyss - Act 1 Part 5 - Much to reflect upon
   - “So ?” asked GLADIUS, “Could the bishop answer your questions ?”
Both he and ABBI were outside the cathedral, slowly walking back to the marketplace.
   - “For the most part, yes.” she responded, “Even to him, some truths are hidden, but it doesn’t change how surprised I was with what he does know.”
   - “And… What are your plans, now ?”
   - “Well, I was made aware of the fact there are people who can help in my journey. So I intend on meeting them.”
She looked around.
   - “... Tell me, GLADIUS, which places in this market would you recommend to get supplies ?”
And so, ABBI and GLADIUS went around the market, first making a stop at HELIA’s stall. The herbalist was more than happy to provide more  medicines for the octopus lady, but even she knew the limitations of her goods.
   - “You know what they say : “Antibiotics are not automatic !” So if I were you, I would also get a few fruits from PRIMO ! They have the sweetest and juiciest fruits known to anthokind. And if you get on their good side, you might even get one of their prized watermelons !”
   - “Watermelons, you say ?” ABBI inquired.
   - “That’s right ! But it’s easier said than done, really. Especially since, eh…”
The sunflower made a weird grimace, as if she was trying not to laugh.
   - “There’s a group of kids that come from time to time in town. And the first time they came here on a market day, they broke open one of the watermelons… PRIMO was soooooo mad that day !”
   - “Oh.”
   - “Yeah. And every so often, they come back and poke at the watermelons. So PRIMO has become very protective over these and always stash them away when the kids come around.”
   - “That’s understandable.”
   - “What’s worse is, these kids aren’t even mean ! They’re really nice !... They just happen to be a handful at times…”
   - “That’s for sure…” nodded GLADIUS, “At least the two oldest have good heads on their shoulders.”
   - “Yeah, these two could do no wrong.”
With that, they headed to PRIMO’s. They could not get any watermelon, but did get a dozen apples and a few assortments of berries !
   - “Ye say yer traveling to OTHERWORLD, hen ? On yer own ? Ye know there are some sleekit creatures up there, don’t ye ?”
   - “I appreciate your concern, but don’t worry. I know what to expect.”
   - “Well, yer no feartie ! But ah take it yer well equipped for brawls already.”
That made GLADIUS click.
   - “Oh, right ! Speaking of this… Miss ABBI, I think there’s one other place I should take you to before you depart.”
The last shop he took her too was not within the marketplace, but in an adjacent street. It was a smithy.
   - “I couldn’t help but notice that I haven’t seen you wield any kind of weapon : you’ve always used your tentacles. While you have proven to be strong, I’m sure it would be better if you-”
   - “I don’t need a weapon.”
He looked at her, incredulous.
   - “... Miss, you cannot be serious. Why not ?”
   - “I-...”
She stopped, realising she had, in fact, no good reasons not to. But the idea itself still felt… “off” to her.
She had to make up an excuse, quickly !
   - “... I do not think I could ever find a weapon that would… suit me.”
Once she said that, a hearty laugh could be heard from the back of the smithy.
   - “Is that what you think, Wise One ?” said the voice, “Well I take this as a challenge !”
From an open door frame came out RYU, the cactus man they met earlier that day.
   - “And if I can’t provide you with anything ? I will eat a pitaya from one of my own flowers !”
   - “Eww,” cringed GLADIUS, “don’t say things like this, RYU !... Could you even grow a fruit to begin with ?”
   - “You know me, GLAD’, I like to pluck around and find out.”
   - “Urgh, just help her out, please ?”
RYU asked ABBI to follow him, showing her the weapons already displayed in his shop, making a few suggestions here and there. He was also about to tell he could always make something brand new for her if needed when one blade caught her attention.
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It eerily looked like a knife, but the cactus insisted this was a dagger of sorts. And admittedly, there were a few key elements that made this blade different from a regular knife.
The blade itself was longer, had two edges despite its shape, and also bore intricate yet elegant engravings on the shiny, dark aloy.
A thought crossed ABBI’s mind : “fight fire with fire”.
   - “I think I will take this.”
   - “A good choice, Wise One. You’ll see, it’s swift and keen like no other blades, and is always ready for service…”
After taking a little break to fully restore her HEART and JUICE, ABBI was finally ready to go. GLADIUS was leading her to the Pluto’s Spaceline station, situated not too far away from the town’s Main Square.
On the way, near the cathedral, she finally noticed.
A floating mirror.
She approached it, seeing herself for the first time in forever. She had not realised until now that only her eyes were visible on her face. No wonder she got mistaken for one of those shadows.
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Gladius had an amused smile.
   - “It almost feels like you’ve never seen your reflection before.”
   - “Well, it is the first time I see the reflection of my current self.”
   - “... Pardon ? Are you saying you didn't always look the way you do ?”
   - “I, in fact, did not.”
   - “Huh… How curious.”
She did change a lot… Back when SUNNY was still here, she wasn’t as… dull…
She shook her head.
   - “Sorry, I got lost in thoughts… Let’s go-”
ABBI froze.
Now facing away, in the direction opposite to the mirror, she saw two children. One was a teenage girl with long dark hair, the other a young boy wearing a flower crown. Both were seated on a picnic blanket.
   - “Oh !” exclaimed GLADIUS, “I didn’t think they’d come here today.”
He waved at them.
   - “Hello, BASIL ! Hello, MARI !”
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MARI’s wink to ABBI got the flower man just as confused as the young gardener. He asked :
   - “You know MARI ?”
   - “Uh… it’s, um, a long story… Anyways, I think I should get out of here, fast !”
   - “Huh ? Why the sudden haste ?”
   - “Her brother OMORI doesn’t like me, that’s all you need to know ! Where did you say the station was ?”
   - “Uh, I… This way ! Follow me !”
They jogged down a street a little further back, the Pluto’s Spaceline station could be seen at the very end of it. Unfortunately, a certain little group of kids were going up that same street…
The young AUBREY was very excited to see the gladiolus and ran to him.
   - “GLADIUS ! I’m so happy to see you again !”
   - “Oh, aha… I’m glad to see you too, AUBREY.”
She noticed his tone.
   - “What’s wrong ?”
   - “Nothing, it’s just that… I was a little busy, you see ? I…”
He couldn’t finish his sentence as she then noticed ABBI behind him.
And the three others had finally caught up too.
   - “Oh ? Who’s this ?”
   - “Who ? OH ! Her ? Well, she’s… a tourist ! That’s why I was busy ! I was showing her around, you know ?”
ABBI could not escape this, now. She nodded while also trying to hide her face as much as possible with the hood of the cape.
   - “That’s strange…” noted HERO, “I feel like we’ve met before… What’s your name, ma’am ?”
She dared not answer. She dared not even think about trying to fake her voice either.
   - “Now that you say it,” added KEL, “I think I saw her before too ! What about you, OMORI ?”
The monochrome boy, who’s words are rare, had locked eyes with the octopus lady. His gaze was as cold as ice.
He brandished his Red Knife.
   - “How ?” he merely said.
ABBI remained silent, but she felt her anger was rising.
GLADIUS quickly interjected.
   - “Wow, hey ! Now, now, OMORI ! You can’t just threaten people like that !”
   - “This is not a person.”
Stunned silence. AUBREY turned to her friend.
   - “N- Not a person ?! What do you mean, OMORI ? What is it, then ?”
   - “The monster of the Abyss.”
   - “So this is all I am to you ?... REALLY ?!”
At these words, the three other children took out their weapons. However, ABBI had no desire to fight. With a swift movement, she threw her cape on them. OMORI cut through it like it was paper, but she had already disappeared out of sight.
The bell of the Spaceline Station rang. The gang turned back, shocked to see the lady in black perched on top of the big sign.
She made herself menassing…
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And so, despite the cries of the children, Pluto took off.
As they went farther and farther away from the ground, ABBI calmed down.
   - “Ah…” she sighed, “That was a close one…”
PLUTO wasn’t sure in what kind of situation he’d gotten himself into. The only thing he knew was that this strange woman was much stronger than she looked. He could feel it earlier.
   - “Hmm… If I may, madam, before you tell me where you wish to go… what’s the matter between you and these children ?”
   - “It’s… a long story, sir… Let’s say there is a misunderstanding between us. But let’s be clear : three of the children I do not blame for this. It’s the fourth one I have issues with. The colourless one.”
She kept quiet for a moment.
   - “I cannot believe he finally spoke after all these years… Only to call me a monster !... Such a hypocrite…”
   - “... I have the feeling that whatever happened between you two troubles you a lot. I won’t press you for details.”
   - “... Thank you.”
   - “So. Where will your journey take you today ?”
   - “Bring me to OTHERWORLD, please.”
   - “You got it. Now… Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.”
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Ok, I think I can say we're half way through Act 1.
I'll probably take some more time before I can continue because I haven't drafted what I believe will be the last two parts of Act 1, which unless I change my plans should make 9 parts in total.
We're nearly there...
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idril-la-wiccan · 2 years
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The Flowers' opinions on the Kids
Go here for the Kids' opinions on the Flowers !
Go there for the Flowers' opinions on each other !
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idril-la-wiccan · 2 years
Out of the Abyss - Act 1 Part 4 (4/5) - Florotopia
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Everyone was blinded by the sudden bright light. It was clear now, the tulip girl and her little brother were in cahoots : all of that was but a stunt !
When ABBI opened her eyes again, she was here. Right in front of her.
   - “So you didn’t lie…” the goth stated, “ “ABBI” is indeed your name.”
   - “… What ?”
   - “I found it weird that a demon would give me their name that easily. So I assumed it must have been a lie.”
   - “ “Demon” ?!” ABBI repeated indignantly, “Why, thank you very much ! I know my current appearance isn’t the most reassuring, but-”
   - “Silence ! You won’t fool me like you fooled GLADIUS.”
At these words, the gladiolus man responded hastily :
   - “No, wait ! TULPA, listen to me ! You’re wrong about her ! She’s-”
   - “Enough talking !”
Giant tulips suddenly sprouted out of the ground, blocking the way of the other anthothrops.
   - “What are you doing ?!” GLADIUS cried out.
   - “Isn’t it obvious ?”
TULPA reached out in her bag to get her camera. She then put her bag aside as the two big white tulip buds in her back were starting to build up a new magic flash.
   - “I will send back that infernal creature to where it came from…”
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The biggest part of this chapter is done.
I just need to make adjustment for the release of that part on AO3 due to recent events, and you'll get the last segment of that part.
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idril-la-wiccan · 2 years
Out of the Abyss - Act 1 Part 4 (5/5) - Florotopia
TULPA’s legs shook ; and eventually gave up on her. The walls of white tulips wilted, finally letting the other anthothrops get close.
GLADIUS ran to her.
   - “TULPA, what in the world were you thinking ?!”
She remained silent to the gladiolus’ query. He wanted to insist, but decided not to insist. He awkwardly placed a hand on her shoulder, in an attempt to show he was more worried than angry.
Both HELIA and MUGGUET soon joined them, while the two mysterious individuals that had helped to catch the boy decided to check on ABBI.
   - “Are you alright, miss ?” asked the rose lady, “It seems to me you almost fainted near the end of this fuss.”
   - “You call that a “fuss” ?” the cactus commented with an amused tone, “‘Seemed more like a dogfight to me.”
   - “You should know by now, RYU. The “dogfights” TULPA gets herself into are always unnecessary.”
   - “I HEARD THAT !” yelled TULPA out of the blue, “PLUCK YOU TOO, ROSSEN !”
ROSSEN could only sigh.
   - “Anyways, as I tried to ask : how are you, Miss… ABBI, I believe ?”
   - “I’m fine. Trust me when I say I’ve been in a much worse fight, once…”
   - “I would be inclined to believe as much, considering how well you’ve dealt with the situation.”
   - “You sure did !” continued RYU, “In fact, I kinda feel like you were holding back your punches. Or is it just me ?”
ABBI wasn’t sure if she should tell him that, yes, indeed, she held back punches. While the tulip woman undoubtedly wanted her dead, she, on the other hand, did not want to severely wound her.
Though the occasion to give any sort of answer was cut short as TULPA was once again expressing her frustration, this time towards the sunflower.
   - “I don’t need you to treat any plucking injuries, HELIA ! I’m ok !!”
   - “Don’t give me that !” protested the herbalist, “You’re wounded !”
   - “The only wound I have is on my pride !...”
   - “Really ? Well I didn’t know this kind of wound would leave physical bruises ! You learn everyday !”
   - “Oh, pluck off !”
GLADIUS coughed to get their attention. Well, mostly TULPA’s as he then nudged his head to her left, where MUGGUET was.
The young boy, understandably, looked worried. He did just see his older sister get beat down. And for all they knew, things could have gotten worse than that…
The tulip understood what her friend was implicitly saying : if she would not get treated for herself, she had to do it for her little brother.
   - “... Fine.”
She reluctantly held out her hand to HELIA.
   - “Give me one of your… herbal pastes or something… Please ?...”
Even if TULPA was avoiding her gaze, HELIA gave her a warm smile.
   - “Of course.”
She handed her not only a paste, but also a little vial of a semi translucent teal liquid. Once given to the goth tulip, HELIA then went to ABBI, giving her the same medicines.
   - “I am certain you must need these too.”
The octopus took a good look at the vial.
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Well, good thing the vial was small enough to be emptied in one swig : peppermint was not a favorite of hers.
   - “Thank you, Miss HELIA.”
Bottoms up !
She couldn’t help but wince at the taste, but it did make her feel better.
TULPA stared at her. Then grumbled. Then got up, albeit slowly.
   - “Alright…” she started, less aggressive than before, “If you are no demon… then what are you ?”
   - “The Lady of the Abyss.”
They all looked at GLADIUS, stunned by what he just revealed.
   - “The… What.”
   - “... You heard me.”
He had a very serious look on his face. It felt almost unsettling.
   - “You-... You mean-...” HELIA stuttered, “The one the bishop talked about ? The Wise One ?”
   - “Yes.”
RYU looked up and down at said “Wise One”, as if she’d suddenly appeared out of nowhere, then gave her a joking smirk.
   - “Well darn. You’ve got quite the temper for a Wise One.”
ABBI shrugged, still taking this as a form of compliment.
   - “Oh… you know. When life is rough, that tends to happen.”
   - “Eh, seems fair.”
Though, she did take note her status as “The Wisest” also seemed to be known by this bishop. That only made her more curious to talk with him.
ROSSEN herself realised bringing ABBI to him was of the utmost importance, as she voiced that very concern.
   - “If you are the one that SAINT LILIUM had visions of, then we are only wasting your time by keeping you here.”
   - “I was actually bringing her to see him,” said GLADIUS, “until we were distracted…”
An accusatory glance was thrown at TULPA. She looked away.
   - “L- look ! How was I supposed to know ?! She looks like those things !”
   - “Well…” he softened, “I have to admit I did think the same at first… But even as a ruse, I don’t think those shadows would turn on each other…”
   - “Wait, what ?”
The ghost huntress looked at the Wise One.
   - “You… fought against them before ?”
   - “I did. I saved GLADIUS from a few. And even before that, the weepers tried to target me while lost in the woods… So clearly, they decided I was their enemy…”
   - “...”
She rubbed the back of her neck.
   - “... Sorry.”
ABBI smiled.
   - “Apology accepted. I’m more or less used to being wrongfully accused.”
   - “Huh…”
The octopus turned to the gladiolus man.
   - “I think we should go now. I must know what is happening with thoses weeping shadows and how I can fix this.”
GLADIUS nodded.
   - “Right.”
It did not take them long to go back on track. Soon, they were finally within the cathedral, crossing the nave to reach the altar.
The bishop was standing in front of it, his back turned to the visitors.
As he heard them stop at the small flight of stairs elevating the choir, he spoke.
   - “I awaited for that day to arrive… LADY ABBI.”
He turned to face them, an ethereal grace to his movements.
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His smile as warm and gaze as kind as he was imposing with his tall, slender stature. Anthothrops were naturally tall, however he himself was taller than the average flower person.
   - “I am glad to finally meet you in person.”
He looked past her and made eye contact with GLADIUS.
   - “Thank you for escorting her here.”
The young man bowed, then left without a word.
ABBI took one step on the stairs.
   - “So… you are the bishop who foresaw I would come ?”
   - “It is I indeed. Allow me to introduce myself. LILIUM OF WHITECASTEL. Current keeper of the Cathedral of Sunlight.”
   - “It’s a pleasure, your Holiness.”
She bowed as she said this. When she looked up again, LILIUM could see a strong determination in her eyes.
   - “If I may, I have many, many questions… Could you give me answers ?”
   - “I shall listen.”
   - “I wish to know the extent of your knowledge, as I have heard other denizens of this town refer to me as both “The Lady of the Abyss” and “The Wise One”. I can only assume they learned those titles from you. So my first question is : how much do you know about me ?”
   - “Ah… Indeed I know a few things about you. But I would be lying if I said you were the only one I knew about. Your epithet of “The Wisest” is part of a trinity. A trinity keeping this world in balance. Or at least… it used to be this way.”
   - “... “Wisest”... So you know about CAT and HUMPHREY.”
He gave a nod.
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   - “First was HUMPHREY, the Oldest and Great Creature of Needs. Then, there was you, the Great Creature of Wisdom. And last but not least, especially in the eyes of the god of this world, the Favorite,  BIG YELLOW CAT, Great Creature of Awareness.”
Interesting… a few things were… new, to say the least.
LILIUM continued.
   - “And since I mentioned him… let’s talk about the god of this world… Or what is left of him, rather… That avatar of his is the one who plunged and sealed you into the abyssal depths. However… the reason for such action escapes me…”
ABBI sighed.
   - “I… “commited” an act against his will… But I did this to help him, to help the real him. I did not expect for this copy to… do that…”
   - “... I see.”
   - “... What else do you know ?”
He closed his eyes, taking a moment to concentrate on the visions he had.
   - “This world… “Headspace”... and another, “Black Space”... are colliding. And this because of a shadow that wishes to drag the god of this world into an infinite torment.”
   - “A shadow ? Is it linked in some way to the weeping shadows ?”
   - “It is their leader.”
   - “Figures… Where does it come from ?”
   - “Its precise origin is unknown to me. But it does come from the world of “Black Space”. Something else I can say is… its resemblance with the other shadow, the one wishing to be accepted, is not an accident…”
He thought…
   - “In fact… I believe it is an overt mockery through mimicry.”
   - “A… mockery ?!”
He gave half a nod.
   - “... But why ?” she was very confused, “Why all this ?... If this entity comes from Black Space, then it once was part of Headspace ! I can perfectly understand if it is angry to have been banished, but…”
ABBI stopped for a moment, hesitant.
LILIUM inquired :
   - “... “But” ?”
   - “... But I don’t want to destroy everything… I am on SOMETHING’s side… in a sense… You said it yourself, SOMETHING only wants acceptance… But OMORI doesn’t want that… OMORI doesn’t want to understand that !… He is the real issue… I only wish to destroy him.”
   - “Hmm…”
He approached her.
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   - “I can indeed feel it… within your hearts… Your rancour is strong… so be wary of it… Do not let it blind you…”
   - “... I’ll try…”
There was silence.
   - “Do you know of the Truth ?” she asked.
   - “... Only fragments of it… I am unsure of what they meant… but I can feel through them the torment it caused…”
   - “Then I guess you really must know the true nature of this world… Don’t you ?”
   - “I do.”
   - “... But how ?... Why ?... Why were you allowed to know ?... No one in Headspace but me and the two other Great Creatures are meant to know… How did these visions come to you ? I don’t think it can just be because of Black Space’s influence since, at that point, EVERYONE would know then, not just you.”
   - “... It is… not just me…”
That information almost made her jump.
   - “Who else ?”
   - “I… do not know ?”
He seemed as confused as her.
   - “I suppose… it is a feeling… I somehow know I am not alone… but I do not know who else shares this knowledge with me.”
   - “Hmm… Well, since I intend on travelling all Headspace like he used to in order to unveil the Truth, I’ll probably learn who else and why along the way…”
She thought of said travel… It was bound to be different from the ones SUNNY and OMORI had…
   - “Tell me, SAINT LILIUM… where would you suggest I go first ?”
   - “Ah… a question as thorny as brambles. Let’s see…”
He looked for answers in the visions he had…
   - “The Truth is buried deep within “Black Space”, correct ?”
   - “Yes, it is.”
   - “Hmm… To get to it… a specific door used to be crossed… But that door needs keys to be opened… keys that are, I am afraid, lost forever… The world is in too much imbalance for them to come back… And even if they did, the door may be lost too…”
   - “But there still has to be a way to access it.”
   - “Of course there is. Why go through the door when the windows are wide open ?”
ABBI’s eyes widened at that realisation.
   - “But of course ! There are rifts between Headspace and Black Space now ! I’d just need to find one I could go thought and-”
   - “Easy now, LADY ABBI. You cannot just go through any rift. I do not quite know how “Black Space” operates, but I know that place to be hostile due to the shadow of torment. No, if you wish to take the least amount of risks, you will need to find the right rift to go through. That, and…”
The few glimpses he could see of Black Space made him shudder.
   - “Even for you, it is dangerous to go alone… You will need help.”
   - “By who ? CAT would certainly want to, but he can’t as the guardian of Neighbour's Room. OMORI would get suspicious. As for HUMPHREY… Yeah, no, not only did he completely lose it through the years, but he’s much too happy to play the role of Cerberus.”
LILIUM looked away, as if there was something he didn’t want to say.
   - “... I was not thinking of them…”
   - “Who, then ? Some inhabitants of Headspace ?”
The bishop appeared less tense.
   - “... Yes. Now, I know what fate befalls the ones who enter “Black Space”… However, I know that amongst them all, there exists four exceptions… Four actors in this fantasy, who share a trait in common with the god’s avatar. These actors have even fought against the avatar on many occasions, although two of them were often left at peace.”
Four… “actors” ?
Who fought OMORI many times ?...
And shared a trait with him…
It suddenly clicked.
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ABBI knew who LILIUM was talking about.
   - “SAINT LILIUM,” she said enthusiastically, “I cannot thank you enough ! I believe I know where I should head out now.”
He slowly nodded.
   - “I am glad. May I then ask where do you plan to go first, LADY ABBI ?”
   - “I shall go to OTHERWORLD.”
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Finally !... I had not planned for this to take so long... But that part is officially finished !
Next part will take some time to come as I have other projects to work on at the moment, but it won't be as long to make on it's own, I promise !
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