#gladnoct week
yeollie-bells · 6 years
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Bookish Biker and Cat Shifter?
for day 5 of @gladnoctweek !! dont look too closely at the cat ear edits.....i tried
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snaurus · 6 years
PROMPTS: gladnoctweek - kitty!noct (nyactis)
Pairings: Gladiolus Amicitia/Noctis Lucis Caelum Ratings: K+ Categories: Humor Warnings: Violence
Gladiolus isn’t feline well after the team’s latest scuffle with a Naga transforms Noctis into something nobody expects.
*Tap dances my way to doing this prompt all wrong for Day Five of @gladnoctweek* I also ended up doing the secondary prompt, but that response is queued for later today to keep from flooding the tags. 
Just some quick inspiration for this story: I think it’s kind of a popular opinion in fandom now, but credit to @demishock for sharing their headcanon with me about all of Gladio’s sneezing in-game being due to the big, beefy outdoorsman having (at least seasonal) allergies! They shared the observation with me first and I’ve since accepted it as truth, so I wanted to explore it here. 
My greatest heartfelt thanks also goes out to @glyphenthusiast for sharing all the laughter and comments on this story while editing it to the purrfection ya’ll see here today. <3
In her death throes the air was clouded by the Naga’s vestiges of magic. To Gladiolus' right, Prompto coughed and swatted the space in front of his nose. He only managed to spread the noxious-purple smoke around rather than disperse it.
Grabbing him by the arm, Gladiolus used the crook of his other limb to cover his mouth as he dragged Prompto to the edge of the Naga's circle of influence. Gladiolus didn't release him until they were safe from being cursed. Past his own hacking fit, Gladiolus managed to ask, "You okay?"
"Hnnng," Prompto said in response, bending at the waist. He sounded ready to hack up a lung or the contents of his stomach. Gladiolus patted him on the back. When Prompto didn't immediately drop dead he sought out their other companions.
"Roll call!" Gladiolus rasped.
Somewhere north of them, Ignis reported in. As the smoke finally cleared, Gladiolus saw him stumbling around, seemingly half-drunk. The lack of a certain prince's response had Gladiolus on alert. Ignoring his sore throat, he yelled, "Noct?"
Everyone sorted themselves out when they picked up on Noctis' absence, too. Shaking his head to re-orientate himself, Ignis turned in every direction; he checked high and low for any sign of their friend. Prompto cupped both hands around his mouth and called, "Croak if you can hear us, buddy!"
There came a reply, although it didn't originate from a human or an amphibian. A soft mewling echoed their frantic shouts. Gladiolus tore through the area as he tracked the origin of the noise, uncertain exactly where it was coming from. The Naga's body had yet to completely dissolve after its demise, so Gladiolus hefted her tail to permit Ignis and Prompto to search underneath.
"Gentle, gentle!" Ignis chided as Prompto coaxed a small, black bundle free of the wreckage. Gladiolus assumed it was a wad of gunk that had secreted from the daemon's remains, but no, when he dropped the Naga's body he saw how it took shape, even after Prompto wiped down the mound with the corner of his vest.
"Oh. Em. Gee!" Prompto swooned, cradling what turned out to be a fluffy and blue-eyed cat. "You've got to be kitten me, Noct! It is you, right?"
The cat yawned, evidence enough of who it was. During Prompto's cooing and awing, Ignis seemed perplexed while Gladiolus became apprehensive. The advisor leaned in, adjusting his glasses by the earpiece as he examined their miniaturized friend. "How curious. I'd noticed the variation in this particular foe, but who would have surmised that its repertoire would also be unique?"
"Right? But I'd rather a cat than a frog any day," Prompto said. Redirecting his attention to Gladiolus, who'd remained distanced from the group, he held Noctis toward the other man’s face. "What do you think, Gladio?"
Gladiolus balked at the sudden closeness. He opened his mouth to say something to the effect that he'd rather have Noctis sans sticky tongues, long tails, or any variations thereof. Except all that came out was a tremendous sneeze. At the onslaught Prompto clamped his eyes shut and stepped back, whereas Noctis had been in the direct line of the assault. Ears pressed flat against his skull, Noctis hissed and swatted a paw. He hit Gladiolus across the tip of his nose.
"Hey now!" Gladiolus said, clutching his face. His voice was muffled, although it became clear that it had nothing to do with the gesture, but how stuffed up his sinuses had become. "It's not my fault I'm allergic to His Royal Furriness!"
"Oh," Prompto said in acknowledgement. Then he did it again in realization. "Oh. Sorry, dude. I should have figured, what with your allergies and all…"
Prompto drew the cat back against his chest. Noctis must have felt constricted at the increased contact since he squirmed and yowled in protest, not so dissimilar to a motorcycle engine. To appease him, Prompto stroked under his chin. It wasn't clear if Noctis enjoyed the treatment; he might have been undecided himself because while he stopped his attempt at escape, Noctis kept making the noise deep in his throat.
Not that it was just Noctis' growls permuting the area. Gladiolus picked up on the disturbance, then Ignis. They inspected their surroundings, although it quickly became unnecessary. The daemons materialized smack dab in the middle of their group. One glowing, floating Bomb appeared, and another, and finally two more burst into existence at once.
Before Gladiolus could decide to summon his sword or his shield, an armful of pissed off fuzz and sharp fangs was shoved at him. He fumbled a moment, gathering Noctis by the scruff of his neck and holding him at arm's length. "Prompto, what— What am I supposed to do with him?"
"Come on, just for a sec? I need both hands free," he said, recalling his firearm and demonstrating his point by clutching the large gun. One hand was on the trigger and the other steadied the weapon. Gladiolus regarded Ignis for assistance, but the advisor was already fighting off some monsters with a dagger in each hand.
Cursing, Gladiolus transferred Noctis to his shoulder with gritted instructions to, “Hang on tight – no, not that tight, watch your claws!”
He settled on his shield, it flashing into place on his left arm. Gladiolus kept the other hand cupped over Noctis to keep him secured as he skirted the fight. It felt off not rushing in and designating himself as a threat, but Gladiolus refused to risk losing Noctis in the scuffle a second time. The potential for singed whiskers would be the least of their worries if that happened.
Fortunately, the others managed to distract the daemons well enough on their own. Once Prompto agitated a Bomb with an entire clip of ammo, Ignis unleashed an ice spell. What monsters he'd been chipping away at were disposed of in the same blizzard he generated to finish off Prompto's target. The last Bomb, sensing its impending demise, charged for the nearest victim to destroy with its deadly explosion.
Gladiolus was wide open. He tensed in anticipation. Instead of bracing to stop the monster, he side-stepped at the last possible moment. The daemon whizzed past him. Swinging around in the direction he'd turned, Gladiolus used his shield like a paddle to pummel the Bomb back the way it'd originated. It impaled itself on Ignis' spear, as he'd switched out his blades for distance, and ended the confrontation.
While Prompto cheered in victory, Gladiolus was busy trying to get Noctis to release his hold on him. The prince had slipped past his collar where Gladiolus couldn't reach him anymore; Noctis clung to the inside of his clothes. The back of Gladiolus' neck already itched something terrible and flushed with irritation.
Finally taking notice of Gladiolus' discomfort, Prompto asked, "Um, you all right there? Do you need some help—"
"Yes," he snapped, scrabbling at his back. "Get him off of me!"
"Okay, okay!" Prompto said, and approached him. He ducked as Gladiolus' flailing almost earned him an elbow to the eye. "Whoa, hold on!"
It took several attempts, but Prompto circled Gladiolus to nab him by the jacket. He shucked it up to reveal Noctis clinging to the underside of his shirt. For his trouble, Prompto earned a slash from Noctis’ claws when he went to retrieve him. He retracted his hand in time to keep from losing his fingers.
"Me-ouch! Noct, what's gotten into you?" Prompto asked.
"Leave him!" Ignis said, looking worriedly behind them. The sounds of more daemons spawning alerted them that another bout was imminent. "We have to find our camp or we'll never be rid of these fiends. Now hurry!"
"You're joking," Gladiolus seethed through his teeth (and maybe his watering eyes).
Ignis’ point became clear as an unnaturally large fist erupted out of the ground, signalling the arrival of an Iron Giant. Prompto tugged Gladiolus' shirt and jacket back down to secure Noctis in place. He pushed Gladiolus in the small of his back to urge him in the last direction they'd seen campfire smoke. "Come on, you heard him! Hup-two, hup-two, double time!"
They ran, Gladiolus resigned enough not to be told twice. The sooner they returned to camp, the sooner he could breathe easier. Literally.
Their group had been close to camp when they left the car at an abandoned parking lot. The desire for fresh red meat at dinner time had delayed them until nightfall. Their hunting had quickly turned them into the hunted as a Naga took advantage of them being outside the wards of their campsite.
Gladiolus covered that remaining distance in minutes.
He was the first one to see their refuge atop a small hill nestled by pine trees. As soon as he breached the glowing sigils, Gladiolus stripped. He ripped his jacket off completely and let it drop to his feet. His shirt came off next. Noctis still clung to the fabric, so Gladiolus wrapped him up in it like a burrito. The little shit had the audacity to purr at him for the gesture.
The other two of their group had lagged behind him during his mad dash to safety, but they caught up to him now. Prompto stumbled the last couple of steps, but whatever complaint he was going to voice morphed into laughter. Pointing, he said, "Oh man, look at your back!"
"What?" Gladiolus twisted around, trying to get a good look, but could only spot the etchings of his tattoo. "What is it? Better not be hives."
"No way, more like Noct used you as a scratching post. I can't believe this! The King's Shield, felled by a ten pound menace." Prompto gave him a hearty slap on the back, igniting the skin as he touched some of the aforementioned scratches. Gladiolus grunted, more out of annoyance than pain, as he barely registered the scrapes even after Prompto brought attention to the marks.
Ignis chuckled. "Noct certainly put you in your place, hm?"
"Yeah, yeah. Yuck it up you two." Sobering somewhat, Gladiolus offered Noctis to Ignis as he asked, "How long do you, uh, think he is going to be like this?"
"He should have reverted back by now," Ignis said, accepting the bundle. He examined Noctis, but no answers were forthcoming. "If Noct remains this way until morning, perhaps we should reach out to Dave. He or one of his hunters may have experienced something of this nature and can offer us insight."
"Right," Prompto agreed for all of them, then tiredly, "Bedtime? Not much else we can do."
Considering they'd been forced to abandon their food for the evening and their stores were depleted, dinner remained out of the question. There was a collective sigh as everyone came to the same conclusion. Sleeping was about all they could do.
"I'll keep watch tonight. No use for me being cooped up with the fur ball," Gladiolus volunteered, somewhat reluctantly. He didn’t mind the outdoors, but if given the choice he’d rather be within reach if Noctis needed him. In this form Noctis was next to defenseless. The prince wouldn’t be alone, however, so Gladiolus would have to settle for one evening.
He took a seat at the campfire while the others bid him goodnight and entered the tent. Hopefully the fresh air and some distance would alleviate his allergy symptoms. Gladiolus tilted his head back and massaged his temples, trying to ease the pressure.
It might have worked, too, if a couple hours later there wasn't something circling his legs. Gladiolus startled out of his doze and looked down to behold Noctis brushing against his ankles. Glancing in the direction of the tent, there didn't appear to be any activity coming from inside. Noctis must have snuck out from under Prompto's and Ignis' care without their noticing.
"Just gotta be contrary, don't you?" Gladiolus rumbled, still a little sleep addled. It'd figure that the one time Noctis was allowed a catnap, he wouldn't, just so he could annoy the one person most susceptible to him. He waggled his foot when Noctis sniffed and pawed at his bootlaces. The playing was a precursor to Noctis latching onto his leg and climbing into his lap like he owned the spot.
Despite his condition, Gladiolus gave Noctis a couple scritches along his back because damned if he wasn't a little cute like this. For Gladiolus' sacrifice, he earned a gentle headbutt to his chin. Noctis then used Gladiolus’ chest and shoulder like a springboard to continue upwards. Noctis attached himself to a tree at Gladiolus' back, clambering up to a branch that overhung their campsite.
"Don't think I'm coming up to get you if you get stuck," Gladiolus warned. He didn't know why he felt compelled to talk to Noctis in this form, but around his sniffling he did, anyway. It was unclear if the prince understood speech or that he was actually a person under all that black fur. The one time Gladiolus had been transformed by a Naga he didn't remember his time as a frog, but considering the alteration in forms maybe this was different, too.
Noctis peered down at him and gave a long, blank stare that ended in a slow blink. It struck Gladiolus as the same attention Noctis would have bestowed upon him regardless of being a feline or not. He wasn’t a talkative cat, either – same as his old human self. Maybe the prince did understand him like this.
"Heh. Suit yourself," Gladiolus said, managing to relax with Noctis in his sights, and let him be until the following day.
At the first signs of daylight, a surprised cry arose from inside the tent. There was a lot of shuffling, the material on the sides protruding as someone moved around. Ignis burst out the front, looking frenzied and unkempt as he looked around. Spotting Gladiolus standing nearby, holding a steaming cup of coffee, Ignis zeroed in on him.
"Gladio! I can't find Noct. Did you see him come this way?"
Wordlessly, Gladiolus motioned with his mug toward the spot Noctis had climbed earlier. Following his silent instruction, Ignis glanced up and found Noctis splayed across the tree branch. His face was squished into the bark and each limb splayed on either side, leaving the length of his body parallel to the wood.
Noctis was also distinctly human while lazing up there.
"How did he…how is he…? Hm." Ignis settled on covering the bottom portion of his face with a hand, pondering the sight.
"He changed back halfway through the night," Gladiolus explained, taking a sip from his coffee.
Somewhat delayed, Prompto exited the tent, having been woken up by Ignis' antics. His hair was in disarray and so were his clothes, but he stopped trying to correct his appearance as he spotted Gladiolus and Ignis staring at something. Flitting his gaze upwards, he watched Noctis for a drawn out beat. Prompto didn't even say anything as he tucked his hand into his pocket and gradually started to pull out his camera.
Ignis pushed the device away and said, "Don't you dare! We should be figuring out how to get him down from there, not taking pictures."
"Aw, come on…" Prompto whined, acting pained at being denied 'the shot of a lifetime'. Or so he claimed.
"Pft. I got this," Gladiolus said, handing Ignis his coffee to hold. Bewildered, Ignis couldn't do more than accept the drink and watch as Gladiolus did a couple stretches. He brought his right arm across his chest, holding it in place, and did the same to the opposite arm.
Then Gladiolus high-kicked the tree.
Noctis listed to one side before tumbling off the tree branch and into Gladiolus' waiting arms. That wasn't enough to wake the prince, so Gladiolus gave him a light squeeze. Grumbling, Noctis peeked open an eye. The other opened up as both eyes went wide as he realized where, exactly, he was. "Huh…?"
"Good meow-ning, Noct," Prompto greeted.
"How are you faring?" Ignis asked straight-faced, for all appearances sincere until he added, "Perhaps you’re feeling a bit catty? Any lingering hissy fits?"
Bewildered, Noctis looked between the three of them, settling on Gladiolus as he mouthed 'what the fuck?' But oh, Gladiolus had his own form of payback planned. He’d had all night to contemplate the puns he was going to unleash on him, after all.
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gladnoctweek · 6 years
Gladnoct Week 2018 Prompts!
Gladnoct week prompt voting is done, and the results are in! With 140 votes total, we now have our top seven prompts for the week. There are two prompts available per day, with an extra free prompt on Day Seven so that you can post any work that doesn’t quite fit with the rest of the week.
You can fill as many prompts as you like, and how you interpret them is up to you!
Gladnoct week takes place from September 23 - 29.
Day One:
Cuddly Gladdy | Mercreature AU
Day Two:
Body Insecurity | Age Difference
Day Three:
Formal Shield/King | Bookshop/Tattoo Parlor AU
Day Four:
Chronic Pain | Cuddling for Body Warmth So We Don’t Die
Day Five:
Kitty!Noct [Nyactis] | Duty vs. Desire
Day Six:
Bodyguard | Soulmates AU
Day Seven:
Sick/Injury | A/B/O and Free day!
Go forth, Gladnoct fans, be creative, and have fun! We can’t wait to see what you bring us when the week begins!
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ferix-writes · 6 years
me, enjoying all of the mercreature gladnoct AUs after voting for that prompt in my own fanweek:
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arounagein-art · 7 years
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Gladiolus Amicitia x Noctis Lucis Caeulm
|♚ Princess ♚|
“Rise and shine, Princess.”
Gladnoct Week Day 4: “Princess” // Gladio and Noct have hatesex on the train
[Ah I always liked Gladio’s line from Episode Duscae cutscene-- I even have it set for my alarm clock sound on my phone  (¬ε¬ ); Ah anyway I could not think of a better scene/ moment than Gladio using this line to wake Noctis up. Noct is not a morning person haha Please enjoy and take care!
Ah also, I tried really hard to become better at drawing Gladio’s form/muscles, I hope I am getting better... Sorry this is so late!]
Characters belong to Square Enix
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oi-chibi-oi · 7 years
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@gladnoctweek GladNoct Day 1 : Size Difference
- Prompto: Every morning they’re like this 😑 - Ignis: Indeed ~😧
***** Aahh happy to be able to participate this spectacular event, especially when it’s dedicated to one of my all time otp! ;u; do my best to make it all days!💕🐟🍲💕
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kimmimaru · 7 years
Title: A Kingly Mistake Gladnoct week day 5: Gladio and Noctis find out that Clarus and Regis are a couple Warnings; Very mild sexual content Rating: Teen Noctis calls his father and regrets it. @gladnoctweek
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playdencos · 7 years
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Happy GladNoct week!
Gladio: [ x ] Noctis: [ x ]
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rosedecay · 7 years
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Day 6 of @gladnoctweek
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yeollie-bells · 6 years
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another kitty Noctis! for day 5 of @gladnoctweek
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snaurus · 6 years
PROMPTS: gladnoctweek - cuddly gladdy
Pairings: Gladiolus Amicitia/Noctis Lucis Caelum Ratings: K+ Categories: Angst Warnings: Spoilers for the Omen Trailer & Chapter 10: The Heart of a King
Noctis is visited by a nightmare that isn’t a nightmare, if matters don’t change course soon. He’s seen it all happen before. 
My friends, at long last the time I’ve anxiously been waiting for is upon us: @gladnoctweek has officially started and for Day One: Cuddly Gladdy I bring you...sadness, hah hah. But there’s a very happy ending, I assure you! After all, Gladio’s arms are big enough to carry his sword, his shield, and his prince to a better state of mind. So it must be so. :’)
I recommend readers being familiar with the Omen Trailer and having played past Chapter 10 (aka: That Lover’s Tiff of cosmic proportions) to fully enjoy the scope of the story. I know everyone, including myself, has already addressed this part of the narrative before, but it’s my personal life mission to expand or altogether fix it in every conceivable way possible. I’m not the only one who feels that way, right? Multiple attempts should be encouraged and welcome?? 
Beta read by @glyphenthusiast, for whom this story (and pretty much all the stories I was able to cram before the deadline) owes its beautification to. Their support and dedication means so much to me, so thanks to them for being my guide!
Noctis drifts by himself, but he isn't alone. Insomnia is laden with Niflheim soldiers. They fill the streets, the subway platform, the train – crowding the area to the point he knocks shoulders with them in his attempts to get by.
He starts running.
Gunfire explodes everywhere around him. Machines and armored men alike give chase. The environment blurs and shifts. The city turns to a Niflheim military base to a desert – though he's never been to one – and tilts as he falls through the world
to awaken on a cot. Gasping, sweating, hands fisted in the sheets, Noctis bolted upright in bed. The total darkness of the room threatened to choke him. It's pitch blackness was confining except for the periodic flashes of street lamps outside the single window. There shouldn't be any light, the night all-encompassing.
That difference, the reality of it all, should have relieved Noctis of his nightmare. He did realize he'd had a nightmare and it was over; he'd experienced that exact one several times in the past. But he hadn't been on a train heading to the center of Niflheim during those previous episodes. The transport's rumbling along the tracks mirrored Noctis' dreamscape too well to alleviate his heart racing.
Noctis shoved the covers aside and stumbled out of bed. Sans shoes and jacket, he darted from the private compartment and into the hallway. In his recklessness, his shoulder bounced off the wall as he rammed into it.
There were only two directions to take and he blindly chose one, using the momentum from his crashing into the wall to go right. At this late hour the sleeping car was empty, which allowed him to race through unimpeded. Noctis fled his personal daemons until he came to a dead end.
He staggered into the Regalia, his palms held out in front of him. Noctis caught himself from falling flat across the hood and saved his face from ramming into its wide expanse. The cool, familiar texture of the metal shocked him from his stupor. He hovered there, breathing heavy and watching his hazy reflection.
When he’d calmed, Noctis straightened in place and took in the sight of the storage hold. Nobody was here, either – just him and his father's vehicle. His legs were unsteady; he used the side of the car as a guide to drag himself to the rear passenger door. Fumbling with the handle, he eventually manhandled it open and collapsed inside.
Noctis closed his eyes and rested both hands on his face, letting himself simply be. The smell of the leather interior, the sensation of the seat cushions underneath him, the shade from the retractable top – all of it screamed 'safe'. So why couldn't he relax?
He'd always possessed a sort of reverence for his dad's car. Most of his childhood had been spent in this very spot, going between important meetings, visiting dignitaries, or attending political functions. In some respects, whenever him and his father traveled it was the most personal time they'd ever spent alone together.
Despite how expert a job Cindy did detailing the Regalia, Noctis swore he still detected hints of his father's cologne. It was as if a part of him remained with Noctis. The lack of comfort that fact brought him was distressing. He'd rushed here, even unconsciously, to seek solace and it wasn't working like any of the instances before.
There came footsteps. Noctis hadn't heard the approach until they were nearly upon him. He dragged his hands down his face and dropped them in his lap, but didn't turn to acknowledge anyone.
Gladiolus opened the opposite set of doors and bent over, ducking his head in. The length of his arm braced against the metal exterior while his opposite hand gripped the doorframe. Of course it was him. Noctis had bolted like a bat out of hell, so it was no wonder that their lightest sleeper had heard his escape. It was peculiar that the others hadn't been disturbed – or they might have, and Gladiolus had requested to check up on him alone. Noctis was unsure which he'd prefer.
"There room for one more?" Gladiolus asked.
He shrugged, as good an invitation as he was willing to give. It was good enough for Gladiolus, anyway, the other man accepting the offer to join him in the backseat. There was a gap between them, Gladiolus keeping to his side and Noctis staying on his.
It didn't used to be like this.
From an early age, Noctis had learned Gladiolus was a really tactile person. The slaps on the back and high-fives were just a small portion of the touches he'd freely give. He figured being an Amicitia had something to do with it. Iris loved hanging onto Noctis' arm and when Noctis was a child Clarus had even patted him on the head once in greeting.
That wasn't the extent of it, though. Once they started traveling together Gladiolus got more intense. Noctis had protested, often loudly, about the treatment. He'd brush off Gladiolus' playful shoves or the ruffling of his hair in their lighter moments. Complaints about Gladiolus' close proximity in the tent or how absurdly long his legs were as Gladiolus' boots knocked against his in the Regalia were frequent.
All of it stopped after Altissia.
And Noctis felt emptier for it.
This distance was so much worse, so much more, than them losing the understanding they'd developed growing up. They didn't need words to communicate, when a simple glance or nod of the head was sufficient to convey their meaning. Now neither of them could interact, much less speak, to one another without it dissolving into fits. After the near-failure in retrieving his ancestor's katana they'd agreed to work through their differences, but where to start? The divide seemed insurmountable.
Gladiolus cleared his throat. "Bad dream, I take it?"
"Yeah. A 'bad dream'." Noctis' face contorted from some kind of emotion he couldn't identify. He didn't know the source of his irritation (or if it was even directed at Gladiolus), much less how to deal with it. "The same one I've had since Lestallum and all the fucking time."
Which wasn't entirely true. Only certain parts of the nightmare stuck with him after waking. The worst of it had been prior to confronting Titan, which is when the night terror first occurred, and since then only sporadically.
It tended to transpire whenever Noctis was stressed, such as the night before Gladiolus left to undertake his family's trials or…before Luna's sacrifice. Such a pattern couldn't be coincidence, so whenever the nightmare made a resurgence Noctis had taken it as the ill-omen it might be intended. Stranger things had happened in his life.
Out of the corner of his eye he spotted Gladiolus' jaw working, like he was grinding his teeth. Probably irritated over another subject that Noctis had denied making him privy to, but why would he have? Discussing personal interests or private matters often ended up embarrassing for the both of them. Still, Noctis anticipated an explosion or Gladiolus to leave.
Noctis wouldn't hold it against him in either case. He was surprised Gladiolus' patience had lasted as long as it had, that the man had settled on voicing his every grievance or sitting on the outskirts of their camp in the Fodina Caestino Mine instead of…he didn't know what. Returning to Lucis to rejoin the Crownsguard or facing Niflheim by himself, maybe. Someone of Gladiolus' stature and aptitude wasn't without options, a dark part of Noctis often reminded him.
To his surprise, Gladiolus asked, "Do you want to talk about it?"
Snippets of having to confront armies, of bleeding and hurting without the support of his friends or family, had Noctis snuffling. He rubbed irritably under an eye to cover the slight, but he thankfully found the last vestiges of sweat from his night terror and not any wetness from tears. His hand shook during the process, so he returned it to his lap.
"I just want them to stop." Noctis meant for the words to come out sharp and cut the conversation off, but to his own ears he sounded like a scared, defenseless child. Once again, he made himself a fool in front of Gladiolus at the worst of times.
"Then tell me. It might help," Gladiolus persisted. He reached out a hand, hesitating, and opted to loop his arm around Noctis' headrest so as to ease closer without making contact. The gesture was most likely borne of thoughtfulness, but Noctis was only left feeling hollow.
"How? It's just a stupid nightmare, I already know that! It can't hurt me."
"Because—" Gladiolus started, his tone terse until he forcefully gathered his composure, "because I want my friend back."
Noctis' shoulders went taut, his gaze kept forward. He couldn't bring himself to ask for clarification and risk shattering the moment. But he was listening, hoping—
"I miss the guy who came back for his training, all those years ago. Who hasn't let himself get knocked down and stayed down since then." Gladiolus ran his tongue along his bottom lip before resolving to continue, Noctis gradually starting to incline his head to look up at him. "The same guy who always made time for my bratty little sister and anyone else that's needed his help, no matter their situation. His people, our friends…I need him.
"If confiding in me can bring him back, then I'm here. Anytime, anywhere."
"And if he's gone?"
Noctis didn't realize he was clenching his hands over his knees, the knuckles bone white, until Gladiolus' reached over to grab one. He pried it off his pant leg and let Noctis clench his palm in a death grip, instead. His skin was dry and hot, but the pressure was steady.
Gladiolus let out a soft hum, it sounding like Noctis' name, before he said, "Not gone – lost, maybe. His sense of direction is kind of shitty. But I have it on good authority that I'm the best tracker there is, so I'll guide him home. If he lets me."
Their problem, Noctis concluded in that moment, was twofold.
Part of it were his own actions. Gladiolus had respected Noctis' space during his time of mourning, but Noctis was never very good at processing situations. Without the other man's guidance he'd receded deeper inside himself. Noctis festered, considering himself finally broken. The way Gladiolus looked at him right now, however, didn't resemble pity or sympathy.
But they'd both been stubborn, neither willing to bend. Noctis had wanted to stay distant, once he was huddled and hiding inside himself, lest his weakness infringe on his friends. Gladiolus had wanted Noctis to be something, someone, that he wasn't. They'd come to that conclusion a little late, with Noctis a tad slower than Gladiolus on the uptake, apparently. The epiphany came in the face of what Gladiolus was offering him: his way out.
Gladiolus had met him halfway, and Noctis needed to do the same.
Noctis' concession came in the form of scooting closer to him on the seat. The motion was all the prompting Gladiolus needed to swoop in and envelope him in a hug. Greedily, Noctis took in everything he'd been denied – the body heat and solid weight of him. While Gladiolus nuzzled the top of his head, adjusting Noctis under his chin, it occurred to him that he'd never comprehended just how much he'd depended on Gladiolus to initiate these moments. The idea of going back to a life without it terrified him.
With that in mind, Noctis haltingly admitted as much. His explanations were stunted, and without practice these kinds of exchanges may never become easier, but Gladiolus had bared his soul to him. Noctis wanted to return the favor. Cuddled against Gladiolus' side, with the other man’s fingers carding through the shorter hairs at the base of Noctis' neck, he opened up to him and told Gladiolus everything.
And for the first time in a long while Noctis felt ready to face tomorrow.
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gladnoctweek · 6 years
Gladnoct Week 2018 Participants- Thank you so much!!
Gladnoct Week this year was just as amazing as it was last year! 
A big, big thank you to anyone who made and submitted content!! And thank you to anyone who liked, reblogged, favorited, read, kudos’d, and commented on submissions! We hope you found some more wonderful Gladnoct artists to follow :)
Prizes - Mod Ferix will start compiling the list of entrants tomorrow night, so late submissions are still allowed! Please tag @gladnoctweek and your submission will still be reblogged and counted! 
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ferix-writes · 7 years
Fanfic: Shield of the King, Pt2
For Gladnoct Week Day 7: Prince and Shield marriage-esque ceremony
Gladnoct, Rated G
1.7k Word
Post-Canon, Noctis Lives, lots of comfort
Part 2 of 2 for my Gladnoct Week fics, hope you enjoy! This was based off this lovely gladnoct piece by @kaciart! When I first saw it I was so moved, and this prompt was the perfect excuse to write that scene out. Thanks for all your wonderful art, kaci!
It was an old Lucian tradition, and if that wasn’t the definition of Gladio and Noctis’ lives up until then they didn’t know what was. Everything that the Prince or Shield had to do was some kind of old Lucian tradition.
Read it here on Ao3
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arounagein-art · 7 years
Tumblr media
Gladiolus Amicitia x Noctis Lucis Caelum
| ★ Brotherhood ★ |
Gladnoct Week Day 3: Belly Bulge // Noct loves to be comforted by Gladio’s hugs
[Ah just something simple for today, I really wanted to draw some Brotherhood teen-Gladnoct. So here is Noct sharing warmth with Gladio and his sweatshirt after training together! Please forgive me for being late! Have a good day/evening and take care! (´▽`;)/ ]
Characters belong to Square Enix
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catlady1986 · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gladiolus Amicitia/Noctis Lucis Caelum Characters: Gladiolus Amicitia, Noctis Lucis Caelum Additional Tags: Fluff, Size Difference, Humor Summary:
Day one prompt: Size difference
Both men love their boyfriend's size, even if the other doesn't
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steel-justice · 7 years
Comfort in Hugs
For day 3 of @gladnoctweek
He pressed his face to Gladio's chest. It made him feel safe, the beat of his heart, his calm breathing and the warmth that radiated from his skin. It relaxed him, took him away from the world and showed him something different. Something safe. The size of his arms wrapped around Noct, protecting him from everything, the Daemons, the future. If only it could stay this way.
No, now was not the time to think about this, he pushed his face closer to Gladiolus and closed his eyes. Listening to the thump, thump of his heart and falling away into a different place. A place where it was just him and his big knight. The room painted in golden sunlight, the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. This was what he wanted, to rest up against Gladio on top of the linen sheets.
He would run his finger across the tattooed man's chest, looking up into his endless amber eyes that sparkled like gold in the sunlight. This is the future he envisioned, something he longed for, something that was just within his grasp. The safety of a hug, arms wrapped around him, a home that just the two shared with no one else.
“Noct?” Gladio's deep voice echoed, as if it was far away, each thump echoing in his ear as it pulled him from his fantasy, “Noct!” The voice echoed again, the golden hue fading from around them, the darkness wrapping around them as he looked up at the long haired beauty.
“I'm sorry Gladio...” Noctis said as Gladio looked down at him with those sparkling eyes.
“What happened? You went away for a minute.” He questioned as Noctis smiled, pressing his head into the man's chest one last time.
“No. I was right here, in this moment, and I never want to let it go.”
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