#glass barometer
blackswanhourglass · 1 year
The Importance of Proper Maintenance for Your Fitzroy Barometer!
If you are a weather enthusiast or simply someone who loves antique instruments, then you might have come across the Fitzroy barometer. The Fitzroy barometer is a type of aneroid barometer named after Admiral Robert Fitzroy, who was the captain of the HMS Beagle during Charles Darwin's famous voyage. This type of barometer measures atmospheric pressure, which is an essential component in predicting weather changes. However, owning a fitzroy barometer also comes with the responsibility of proper maintenance.
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Proper maintenance of your Fitzroy barometer is crucial if you want it to function accurately and have a long lifespan. One of the most important things you can do is to ensure that it is calibrated regularly. This involves adjusting the barometer to the correct pressure readings so that it can accurately measure the current atmospheric pressure. Calibration should be done at least once a year, preferably by a professional.
Another critical maintenance practice is to keep the barometer clean and dry. You should avoid placing it in damp areas or exposing it to moisture, as this can damage its delicate components. Additionally, dust and dirt can accumulate on the barometer's surface, which can affect its accuracy over time. Use a soft, dry cloth to clean it regularly and keep it free from dust.
Lastly, it's essential to keep your Fitzroy barometer in a stable environment. Extreme temperature changes, such as placing it near a heating vent or in direct sunlight, can cause the barometer to expand or contract, leading to inaccurate readings. Keep it away from sources of heat and direct sunlight to ensure that it remains in optimal condition. Visit www.blackswanhourglass.com to learn more!
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ourlordapollo · 10 months
Vaporwave* bathroom is still very much a WIP rn but I'm loving this mini-vibe
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*with elements of synthwave, weebcore, yachtcore, & vacation dad (for any purists out there)
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frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
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Thank you, @social-mockingbird 💚 It was definitely a headache brought on by the storm last night. It’s passed now, and I’m feeling much better. ☺️
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rottenpumpkin13 · 5 days
what would aszc do if Genesis just kinda collapsed one day?
You mean like this?
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Amidst Genesis' volatile temper and penchant for dramatics, there was one constant sign of frailty yet to come: his voice. It was a barometer of his health, an instrument he had been taught to play against his will since birth, tuned to the subtle shifts in his health.
The first signs were subtle—a slight quiver where there once was a firm tone, a rasp where there was once resonance, a cough at the end of a sentence that grew tighter with each word. Those who knew him well could detect the shifts, often when Genesis himself remained willfully blind to his declining health.
Genesis would dismiss their concerns with a wave of his hand, claiming it was merely fatigue, asserting he was fine, "can a man not cough in peace?" with a hint of disdain for their concern.
But that day Genesis defied all expectations. He was not teetering on the verge of impending illness, nor was his voice any different than it had been all week—strong and mellifluous, matched by his buoyant mood. He flourished, his laughter reverberating through the corridors of headquarters as he entertained a group of eager third-class recruits with tales of his recent exploits. His cheeks were flushed, his smile genuine and his presence commanding—all observations noted by Cloud, who had only recently made Third, as he entered the training facility.
Meaning it came as a profound shock when Genesis suddenly collapsed without warning, his body convulsing in agony as he collided with the ground.
Cloud's cry for Angeal pierced the air before he even realized he was moving, his knees hitting the ground hard as he cradled his commander's head in his lap. "Someone get Angeal!" Cloud screamed to the other Thirds, their panic matching his own. "Go!" he urged, hands trembling as he checked for a pulse, doubting what he found.
Zack was the first to arrive despite the shouts, having been training in a nearby chamber when Cloud's urgent voice pierced through the din of the combat simulator. He rushed into the scene to find Angeal and Cloud in heated debate over the best course of action. He arrived just as their argument reached its peak:
"We need to get him to the medical facility," Cloud insisted. "It's the quickest way to diagnose and help him."
"No," Angeal countered firmly. "We take him to Hollander. He's been Genesis' physician for years, he'll know what to do."
"Time's running out, guys!" Zack snapped as he stepped between them and swiftly lifted Genesis onto his shoulders. With Cloud and Angeal trailing in argument, they hurried out of the facility.
Sephiroth had been in the briefing room when it happened, deep in discussion with Lazard, when movement caught his eye through the glass. He saw Cloud, Zack, and Angeal rushing urgently, with Zack holding an unconscious Genesis thrown over his shoulder. Without a moment's hesitation, he ran out, leaving Lazard mid-sentence.
He caught up just as they reached the elevator. "What happened?" Sephiroth's gaze flickered between Genesis and Angeal. "What did he do?"
"Nothing," Cloud was breathless and visibly shaken, strugging to explain and find his words. "He collapsed⏤out of nowhere," he managed between gasps. "We don't know… he just...went down!"
Sephiroth's thoughts raced as the elevator descended. The sight unnerved him, because he had witness far too many of Genesis' brushes with death to be mollified by their route toward the medical facility.
The urgency with which a team of doctors and nurses rushed to meet them only heightened the tension, the blaring alarm sounding throughout the white hallways as they swiftly strapped Genesis to a gurney. They hurried off with him, leaving the rest of them without answers or any assurance that he would recover.
But Genesis awoke six hours later, disoriented and feeling as if the goddess herself had forced him back to consciousness. Cloud, Angeal, Sephiroth, and Zack were granted entry into the room, where they found him alert, but his attempt at cheerfulness was visibly forced as he greeted them.
Sephiroth wasted no time in asking: "What happened?"
Genesis scoffed lightly. "It's silly, really," he assured, lifting the medical gown to reveal a fresh scratch on his hip bone. "I got nicked by the enemy on that mission two days ago," he explained, his gaze momentarily falling to the injury. "It seems the wound hasn't healed yet, but don't worry," he added hastily, covering the scratch with the gown and attempting a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "I'm sure it will."
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icantspellthings · 3 months
Oliver was born in the wrong time period, as in he should've been a victorian era doctor prescribing cocaine to his elite clients, pissing on his patients face as urine therapy, licking the fresh cut wound from a blood letting session, and getting a raging hard on over amputating a necrotic limb. He would even raise leeches in those cute little glass cages
I feel like he would've been much happier getting to have his freak on as his professional career.
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Look at this beautiful leech barometer, they raised leeches in here! Oliver would totally have one in his houses.
Edited to add: there leech houses are called a Tempest Prognosticator do not tell me Oliver wouldn't love having one in his house
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today’s thrift find
So I’m in the Goodwill and the first thing I see on the electronics shelf is this cassette player.
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But this is no ordinary cassette player, since the word “capture” caught my eye; looking at the side, there’s a USB jack. It’s one of those doohickies seen on eBay that let you rip cassettes to the computer!
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Okay then, we have a find! So I drag it home and start fiddling with it, and I realize why it was given to charity: the fools left the AA batteries in and they corroded.
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Can this thing be saved? Let’s find out. A YouTube video gives me some instruction on how to open it up, and I do that to get the batteries out rather than trying to get them through the door. I pull out a glass brush and begin going over the terminals -- the spring on the negative one is caked in alkaline! Once that’s cleaned up enough that it’s springy and bare, I put a couple batteries in and, to my surprise, the capstan wheels start turning. (This was a surprise because there was a loose wire that fell out. I still haven’t figured out what it was supposed to be connected to.) So that’s half the battle.
I put the shell back together and pull out a USB cable, then plug it into the end and the computer makes a happy-beep. That’s when I see the plug doesn’t stay in the jack because it’s loose, so give a slight crimp to the metal of the jack with my screwdriver to make it more snug. Plugging in again... Solid! It doesn’t show in the USB devices but does appear in the Sound control panel, as it should. I put in a cassette and pressed Play.
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The volume barometer in the Input field is moving around, so sound is getting in! Fiddle with some settings to make this the input device and play through the computer speakers, and I’m hearing voices!
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So the cassette I found in a thrift exactly one a year ago is something someone recorded in the car when their family went to pick up someone from the airport who was just getting into town from Germany. Not terribly exciting but now I know what’s on the tape and that I can rip cassettes on my computer!
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ltwilliammowett · 6 months
Do you have favorite pieces to decorate a room so it evokes sailing imagery without being too kitchy? Trying to avoid "beach theme." Obviously it's too well, obvious, to use an anchor for a bookend, and I think it's really hard to do a flag alphabet in a sophisticated way without too much overlapping saturation of colors. I'm helping decorate my cousin's room and I was just wondering how you'd do it. A framed ship schematic? Right now what we're working with is two ancient-looking barometers from a flea market, and a pair of stormy water paintings.
Hmm good question, so it looks like this in my livingroom-
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well, that's an older picture, i have now a harpoon tip and a glass float there and a sea chest as a table. The question is what are the popular colours and should the whole room look like this or just one corner? Otherwise I would add a model or a knot board next to the pictures and maybe a globe or framed sea charts. Not too much otherwise it will quickly look like a sea chest has thrown up in the room.
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thegoldensanctuary · 9 months
Louis XV's royal clutter
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Castles opened to the public tend to put a great emphasis on furnitures, paintings and panellings. This focus often occurs at the expense of smaller every day items, such as tools, services, boxes and so on.
Even as far back as the 18th century, inventories of the garde meuble- the administration in charge of the French royal furnitures and collections- often omitted those smaller items, in favour of a greater focus on the furnitures themselves.
Several exception that that rule do exist for instance : When King Louis XV died the 10th of May 1774 in Versailles, his Versailles private cabinets were opened and searched, all the cash and the precious items contained in his cupboards were listed and described in an inventory made 27 days after his death.
Said inventory isn't located in the documents of the House of King(O1 series of the french national archives) like it is usually the case, but in the King's papers, namely in the K series of the national archives, more specifically the K 153.
The document in question was never published nor translated to this date.
I decided to publish it for the first time and translate it entirely to give an idea of the of the kind of clutter that was present in the king's private cabinets in Versailles at the time of his death :
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Here is the translation of the provided text into English:
1: Four gold snuffboxes, three enameled, one guilloché,
2: A black lacquer snuffbox mounted in gold,
3: A snuffbox of black tortoiseshell.
4: An ivory candy box.
5: Two watches encrusted with diamonds with their chains also adorned with diamonds
6: An enameled watch with diamond hands and button, a gold cord, and two seals encrusted with diamonds,
7: A garnet box watch adorned with diamonds, attached with a blue ribbon,
9: A large rock crystal flask with a gold stopper, and two seals encrusted with diamonds
10: A small crystal flask
11: A large enameled gold flask
12: Two plain gold flasks in a roussette box
13: A shell flask
14: A rock crystal flask in a roussette case
15: Seven math instrument cases, some in plain gold, others enameled, and some encrusted with diamonds
16: A side case with an enameled gold chain but with diamond buttons
17: Two pocket cases, one enameled gold adorned with diamonds and rubies, and one in jade
18: Four lorgnettes - two in gold, two in silver, and one in copper
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19: Two pencil cases, one enameled gold adorned with diamonds, the other containing a compass
20: A Baradel in gold
21: A small portable silver barometer
22: Four tablets in gold, lacquer, or Burgos, one of tortoiseshell with diamond cyphers
23: Three souvenirs, one of enameled gold
24: A hunting knife with a gold handle
25: A dog collar with diamond initials.
26: A large lacquer tablet containing eight portraits of the royal family adorned in gold
27: A lacquer tablet with a portrait inside
28: Four portraits in three plain boxes
29: An ivory barrel adorned with gold
30: A piece of jade from the Amazon River
31: A Sèvres porcelain lorgnette
32: A gold and Magellan telescope
33: A porcelain Sèvres eyewash basin
34: A small red leather writing set adorned with gold, with a gold seal and pencil
35: A damask pruning knife
36: A double-bladed mother-of-pearl knife with a gold fleur-de-lys
37: Three glasses cases, one of tortoiseshell adorned with gold
38: An approaching eyeglass adorned with silver
39: A watch with its chain and seals, all in rubies and diamonds
41: A mathematics case in yellow lacquer with diamond buttons
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42: Two almanacs mounted in silver and marcasites in their roussette cases
45: Three seals, two in gold, one in stone
47: Four rings, three with diamonds or coloured stones, one with an engraved stone
48: An English lorgnette
49: Four canes - one with a gold handle, one with a porcelain crutch, one with a gold apple adorned with diamonds, one with a golden apple-wood handle and parasol
50: Six watches - one in gold, enameled with a steel chain and chime, two other enameled, three other guilloché gold
51: A steel mirror
52: A gold egg cup in a roussette case
53: A gold writing set with Charlier paintings, in miniature in a roussette case
54: A very beautiful crystal vase, measuring 9 inches in height
55: A gold breakfast set consisting of a Sevres porcelain tray, two identical cups, a gold teapot and sugar pot, two spoons, a strainer, and a sugar tong made of the same metal
56: A gold-enameled punch pot with a pump, and a second pot of Saxony porcelain
57: A small enameled gold punch pot with a pump and a crystal basin
58: Two gold-enameled candlesticks with their bobeches
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59: A crystal breakfast set surrounded by gold, consisting of three goblets
60: Another crystal breakfast set consisting of two carafes and a covered goblet, with the tray of enameled gold
61: A red leather box, edged with gold, containing 12 gold spoons and 12 gold forks, two roast oval plates, two appetizer plates, two dessert plates, and six dishes, all made of the same metal, with one missing, which is in the possession of Mr. de Fontanieu.
62: A set in a red leather box containing a lacquer box with a marabout, a teapot, a spirit lamp, six coffee spoons, all made of gold, three cups, a sugar pot, and a milk jug made of Sevres porcelain
63: A set in a walnut wood box containing 12 gold tableware, twelve knives with rosewood handles, gold cup and rosette, steel blades, twelve knives with Sevres porcelain handles adorned with cup rosette landau, plus four gold plates
64: A red lacquer box reinforced with gold, containing a Sevres porcelain bowl adorned with gold, two gold spoons, a covered crystal goblet adorned with gold, two porcelain pasta pots from Sevres
65: A wooden case enclosed in a black lacquer box containing a marabout made of gold with handles made of Sevres porcelain, two large sugar pots, two saucers, and two chocolate cups made of porcelain, a spirit lamp, adorned with gold, a square crystal flask adorned with gold, two coffee spoons, and a large gold spoon
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66: A gold-plated copper microscope in its pyramid case
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Dom Noël, Planche 19 Microscope tripode.
67: A writing set with 12 zodiac signs
68: A wooden box reinforced with silver containing a pharmacy adorned with silver
69: A yellow lacquer box enclosed in a red leather box
70: A graphometer in a red leather case
71: A gold compass with its stand and a level in a sharkskin case
72: A black lacquer box
73: A breakfast set consisting of a painted sheet metal tray and two porcelain cups
74: A writing set made of silver-reinforced roussette
75: Supplementary gold tableware, three coffee spoons, one tea spoon, a gold set in a roussette case
76: A small black lacquer box
77: A small oak chest, we weren't able to find the key
78: A box of tools with wooden handles and silver ferrules
79: A box of Kingswood,but the key wasn't found
80: A gold-braided telescope
81: A coffee pot for four gold cups with jasper handles and six gold coffee spoons, in a leather case made to contain 12.
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Kyu-chan’s glasses turn white when he senses trouble
Whatever one says, I am thankful that Kyutaro Kugi has the initiative to make it easier for Kazuki and Rei to get out of trouble. My Kyu-chan trust barometer skyrockets to 75 per cent. Not yet 100 per cent trusting him, but I am getting there.
And so what if he offers Misaki Unasaka money for her chemo and other expenses to build a new life with Miri? And Misaki agreed to it? It would be a win-win situation at the moment. Miri doesn’t look like she harbors hate toward her mother. If Misaki was abusive to her physically, that’s a different ballgame. She seemed to have bottled up everything inside.
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Miri still loves her mom, who are we to deny that to her?
Anyway, Kyu-chan would compromise everything if he didn’t do anything at all. Not only himself, but the lives of his friends. This option is better than betraying his friends/fave colleagues. He’s not naïve to think that playing a family and assassins will be a permanent solution. Especially now that there’s a tangible threat. Unless Rei and K turned their backs and commit fake suicide and live their new identities somewhere else. Though I could picture Kazuki doing one of his tricks, that is hacking, to create chaos and convincing the authorities to finally arrest the syndicate members like what happened in real life with one of the prominent Yakuza leaders Satoru Nomura, who was arrested by the Fukuoka Prefecture Police in 2014 for killing civilians. He is now sentenced to death, while his henchmen are threatened to serve life imprisonment.
The main point is that the only time the three of them will be safe is when Ogino and Shigeki Suwa are both dead.
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Distraught and hopeless, but there is always light at the end of the tunnel
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blackswanhourglass · 1 year
Why the Glass Barometer is Still Relevant Today?
When it comes to measuring atmospheric pressure, the glass barometer has been a trusted instrument for centuries. Despite the advancement in technology, it still holds great relevance today.
Here are a few reasons why the glass barometer is still a useful instrument.
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Firstly, the glass barometer is a simple and reliable tool that doesn't require any power source or maintenance. Once installed, it can be left untouched for years, providing accurate readings of atmospheric pressure. This makes it a popular choice in remote areas or places where access to electricity is limited.
Secondly, the glass barometer is highly precise and can detect even the slightest change in atmospheric pressure. This makes it an essential tool for meteorologists who need to monitor weather patterns and predict changes in the weather. It is also used in aviation and marine industries where changes in atmospheric pressure can have a significant impact on flight and navigation.
Moreover, the glass barometer is still relevant today because of its historical significance. It has been used for centuries and has played an important role in the development of meteorology as a science. It is a symbol of human ingenuity and innovation and has contributed to our understanding of the natural world.
In sum, the glass barometer is still useful today because of its ease of use, accuracy, historical relevance, and dependability. Although there are more advanced technologies available today, the glass barometer remains a trusted and valuable instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure.
Visit www.blackswanhourglass.com to browse a unique collection of stylish and meticulously handcrafted hourglasses made from nature’s finest materials.
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endorphinmachine · 4 months
i woke up in the recovery room and like the first thing i did was tell the time and the nurse was all HOW DID YOU KNOW!!!!!! and i said theres an analog clock on the wall over there and she was too polite to say anything but eventually my parents came and gave me my glasses and i looked again to see how much time had passed and long story short it was a barometer.
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alipeeps · 4 months
Wheeeeeee my bumper parcel from Superbuy arrived today!! Lots of lovely cdrama merch goodies - all of it Till the End of the Moon stuff! 😁😍
Most importantly... I finally got the Tofu Ming Ye and Sang Jiu figures to match my Tantai Jin and Ye Xiwu ones!
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Here they all are together:
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They weren't together for long though because (as ever) new merch meant I needed to reorganise my (teetering at capacity) merch display... *and* another of the things I got in today's parcel was a background display box to match the TTJ and YXW figures.
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So they have relocated over to the windowsill along with the Tofu Word of Honor figures that I have display cases for:
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I also got 3 very nice replica swords/weapons with stands - Ming Ye's spear, the Devil God's sky slashing sword, and Cang Jiumin's South Branch sword.
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I also got a very pretty roll-up bamboo fan:
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And some pretty photo cards, and a replica of Tantai Jin's emperor era hair/forehead ornament:
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And finally there is this - a very pretty replica of the crystal spirit container Ming Ye forged for Sang Jiu... this one is a storm glass barometer/weather predictor:
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My display area (not including the figures with background displays on the windowsill) has been rearranged once again to accommodate the new arrivals:
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lesbianmaxevans · 1 year
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Max & Liz in Roswell, New Mexico 3.03 ‘Black Hole Sun’ Nancy & Ace in Nancy Drew 4.01 ‘The Dilemma of the Lover’s Curse’
[Image Description: Eleven stacked gifs comparing a scene from Roswell, New Mexico and a scene from Nancy Drew.
Left - The scene from Roswell, New Mexico. Liz: Max! I – I’ve been looking for you. Max: I should’ve found you earlier. I’ve just had things on my mind, so... Liz: Like someone getting murdered or your heart failing? Max: I should’ve told you. Liz: I – I get why you didn’t. I mean, we’ve hardly been in a place to share our deepest, darkest secrets. Max: Ever since last night, I’ve wanted to talk - Liz, tearful: Can I go first? I think about you. Every day. And every time I try to go to the ocean, I – I can’t. Cause you’re not with me. Max: I can’t do this anymore. He slowly backs away from her, and Liz glances at the drive in lights and notices them flickering. She quickly rushes to catch up with Max, getting in front of him before he reaches his truck. Liz: No, no, no, no. Hey! Why are you pushing me away? Max reaches out towards her, placing his hand over her heart. It takes a moment for both of them to register the gesture. Liz: You’re lying. I can tell.
Nancy opens the door, to see a panting Ace. Ace: You were lying. Nancy: What? He steps closer. Ace: You do have feelings for me. He hands her the slip of paper where she wrote his name. Nancy: This could’ve been written by anybody. She starts to walk away from him, Ace follows her. Ace: How many order tickets have you written me at The Claw? I know your handwriting. Nancy slowly turns around. Ace: That bottle shattered at the Vigil, just like the barometer shattered in my apartment. Both times I felt something, and I know you felt it, too. And both times we were close enough to – Ace starts to lean in for a kiss, but they are interrupted by the glass of the flashlight shattering loudly. Nancy holds up the flashlight. Nancy: Ace, we can’t. Ace: Tell me why not. Nancy: Because we’re cursed.]
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itsalexwin · 1 year
Hold on y'all I'm thinking... so glass breaking is their warning sign, the thing that prevented them from activating the curse right? Glass in the barometer, glass jar, glass in the flashight - kept them safe... Glass House... the Glasses... The Glasses are the key to breaking the curse... maybe Tristan?? Y'all
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thebreakfastgenie · 4 months
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That's Not Her Style Wines and dines with Argentines and Kuwaitis After she sips margaritas on the White House lawn
We Didn't Start the Fire Buddy Holly, Ben-Hur Space Monkey, Mafia
The Downeaster "Alexa" There ain't much future for a man who works the sea But there ain't no island left for islanders like me
I Go to Extremes Tell me how much Do you think you can take Until the heart in you Is starting to break?
Shameless I've never lost anything I've ever missed But I've never been in love like this
Storm Front We've got a low pressure system and a northeast breeze We've got a falling barometer and rising seas
Leningrad I was born in '49, a cold war kid in McCarthy time Stop 'em all at the 38th Parallel, blast those yellow reds to hell
State of Grace Granted, this world is not a perfect place Still it's the world that I'm in
When In Rome Swing that hammer and break that stone Push those buttons and answer that phone
And So It Goes But you can make decisions too And you can have this heart to break
My favorite lyrics from each Billy Joel song
Cold Spring Harbor | Piano Man | Streetlife Serenade | Turnstiles | The Stranger | 52nd Street | Glass Houses | An Innocent Man | The Bridge | River of Dreams | Turn the Lights Back On | You're Only Human
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crystal-mouse · 1 year
FUN FACT TIME (sorry it’s too late for enrichment but fun facts are always fun)
in 1850 a doctor called george merryweather (sidenote: i love nominative determinism) invented a thing called the tempest prognosticator. basically he had 12 glass pint bottles and put a leech in each one. when the atmospheric pressure changed before a storm the leeches would wriggle(?) up to the top of the glass and knock out a piece of whalebone that was in the neck of the bottle. the whalebone was connected to a hammer that would ring a bell, so when the bell rang in succession that meant there would be a storm.
he was actually inspired by a poem (signs of rain by edward jenner (yes the vaccine guy)): “the leech disturbed is newly risen; quite to the summit of his prison.”
merryweather put the bottles in a circle so the leeches didn’t feel lonely. he also got emotionally attached to some of the leeches and wrote that they had befriended him. he called them his “jury of philosophical councillors”
sadly the leech barometer didn’t catch on :( he original was lost but there’s a replica at barometer world in devon (wait i just looked and the museum is closed but the leech barometer is on sale skdjfhs “leeches not supplied”)
george when his leeches start wriggling:
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Cant believe the leechometre never caught on 😔😔 -then again the leeches at my local zoo always used to creep me out sm so maybe it's for the best
Also!! very fitting tho given the storms predicted >:))
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Thank u frogothy!! :D
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