#episode 10: lost at sea
luci-on-the-moon · 1 year
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The scene we needed in episode 10 💔
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Of stupid and funky dads
I salute forever
Now the dream is over.
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syrena-del-mar · 5 months
Blind Spots of Motherhood: Last Twilight, Episode 10
We're coming off of the emotional rollercoaster of last week's episode and seeing the consequences of Day and Mhok's getaway. And the consequences are big, which not even Night can assuage.
I love scouring the tags as I watch Last Twilight, and I've been seeing many call Day's mom evil or a narcissist. In my opinion, she does not fit the bill (if you're looking for one that is, go watch Twins, now that's a narcissist). There's a tendency of wanting to villainize mothers, and BLs do a great job of giving us mothers that do fill that role, but I sincerely don't think that's the story P'Aof is trying to tell us here. Rather than evil, I think her arc is more about being a flawed mother that does more harm than good through overparenting, her perceiving Day to be more vulnerable than he really is, and sidelining of Night.
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Stages of Adjustment to Vision Loss
Just like the seven stages of grief, similarly there's a theory about the seven phases of adjusting to vision loss. The Stages of Adjustment applies not only to the one suffering the vision loss, but even their friends and family.
Phase 1: Trauma, where personal attitudes and generalization form one's personal view of a person who is blind takes over.
Phase 2: Shock and Denial. Self-explanatory.
Phase 3: Mourning and Withdrawal, it's where the loss of regular activities and routines occur.
Phase 4: Succumbing and Depression occurs when an individual is unable to come to terms with the sudden low vision/blindness and they stop caring for themselves. Feelings of inadequacy becomes prevalent.
Phase 5: Reassessment and Reaffirmation occurs when individuals regain and maintain control of their life. Loved ones play a significant role in assisting them to reach this independence at this stage.
Phase 6: Coping and Mobilization happens when individuals develop coping techniques to live with the vision loss and acknowledge their abilities and accept when the need assistance.
Phase 7: Self-Acceptance and Self-Esteem occurs when the individual realizes that they have value and their loss of vision is just one of the many attributes.
When the Last Twilight first started, we met Day as he was dealing with Phase 3 and 4. With the help of Mhok, we've seen Day grow in his independence, but also come to terms that his vision loss may be forever. He no longer was thinking and hoping for that transplant surgery, he wasn't even counting on it anymore. Instead, with the help of Mhok (and Night), Day was able to reach Phase 6 and was transitioning into Phase 7.
But just as Day was moving on with his, his mother wasn't. She's still struggling with his disability and has gotten stuck in Phase 3 and 4, just as Day had been. She's so blinded by Day's disability, that she's drowning in the fears of what could happen to Day rather than seeing the strides of improvement that he has made.
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Overprotective Parenting fails in Harm Reduction: Day
"Expecting him to be independent at one time and overprotecting him at another will only result in a frustrated youngster. It is important to judge and treat the blind child fairly; not indulging him, yet not setting goals and expectations so high that he is discouraged." -The Blind Child: Becoming an Independent Adult
Day's mother is frustrating, to say the least. She is so incredibly misguided in how she treats both of her sons, it's no surprise that Day locks himself away into the cavern of his bedroom.
She only sees Day for his disability. Acknowledging and accepting that Day is blind is important, and that does signify life adjustments, but that doesn't mean making Day's blindness the only thing about him. She forgets that Day was a full-functioning adult that had his own lifestyle before he lost his sight. She's only come to known Day for his blindness. She's the one that puts his blindness at the forefront.
She wants him to get out of his bedroom, to stop locking people out, but once he has some sense of independence, apart from his family, now she's afraid? Her son, vision loss or no vision loss, is an adult, but instead of giving him such dignity, she regresses and infantilizes him. She pushes him back into that suffocatingly big bedroom. She takes away his phone, his internet, every tool that connects him to the outside world. She takes away what little independence he had started to build up again.
Any good parent would be worried about their child who has undergone a traumatic event, but over-protecting does more harm than good. In her anxieties, she ends up resorting to using unintentionally abusive tactics. Yes, Day would be physically fine, but in her overprotectiveness, she fails to realize that it could lead to dependency inducement, learned helplessness, and bouts of depression. Day's mother fails to realize that taking away any autonomy that Day has only started rebuilding, would only result in Day's emotional state worsening.
Blindness doesn't have to mean debilitating, but locking your son up in his room without any way to interact with the world around him that he is trying to relearn? That's more crippling than any vision loss could ever be.
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Readjusting as the Glass Child: Night
"The most egregious form of rejection that anyone can ever experience is parental rejection" -Is Rejection, Parental Abandonment or Neglect a Trigger for Higher Perceived Guilt in Adolescents
Oh man, the pain I felt for Night this whole episode was next level. The idea of a glass child is not one's delicateness but rather as a sibling of a individual with disabilities, the sibling becomes invisible to the parents, only seen when the parents need them. If it wasn't obvious before, it's clear that this was the role that their mother was forcing Night into.
There's nothing that hurts worse than the sharp words of a mother directed to her child. His mother explicitly blaming Night for Day's disability was a new low-blow. Night had already been beating himself up for the accident, his father (who doesn't even live with them) knew that, but seemingly their mother was oblivious. The only one that Night could rely on was an outsider, a father that they hadn't been in contact with for years. Their mother created that environment by not paying attention to her other son, who was also in that accident.
Nothing fuels sibling rivalry like preferential treatment from parents. Even worse when one has to be the caretaker of the other when they already have a fractured relationship. Instead of easing the tension between the two brothers, their mother is too busy worrying solely for Day without accounting for Night. Caretaker burnout is already incredibly exhausting when you're caring for a loved one, but Night has personal guilt and Day's resentment to deal with as well. Not once does their mother ask him how he's doing, if Night is alright.
Night is the forgotten child, the child that's expected to take care of his brother no matter what, no matter how independent Day has become. She has parentified Night without any consideration of how he was doing or what was going on in his life. This was probably already a running theme as they grew up, assuming from their positioning in the family portrait. In doing so, she unknowingly worsens the strife with the brothers, making Day believe that Night had only been "behaving well" in order to win some preferential treatment from her.
Even on Christmas, their mother only cares for Day, feeding him first and putting food on his spoon, body fully turned against Night. In that scene, visually Night seems like he's intruding and he feels it as well! It's why he excuses himself, saying that he's going to meet up with some friends. Even after being forgiven by Day, his mother doesn't make any effort to include Night other than just having him at the table. It's as if he wasn't part of their nuclear family, just a convenient body that is there to help out as Day adjusts to his new life. If it hadn't been for Day, Night would have left that table that night and would have believed that nobody cared for him. I'm hoping this makes her confront and reassess how she's treated Night, now and in the past.
It's ironic, even though Day is blind and held a lot of contempt for his brother, he was still saw Night and all his struggles. Meanwhile, their mother was seeing right through him, blaming him for what happened to Day. Driving a dagger, that Night had already stabbed himself with, even deeper.
Final Thoughts
I'm not quite ready to jump on the 'Mother Gothel' train for Day and Night's mom. I think she is juggling being a career woman and being a mother at the same time, while failing to adjust to Day's blindness and making mistakes in her parenting as a result.
I also don't think it's out of maliciousness or self-importance, either. When I see their mother, it's as if she's trying to save a sinking boat that is already pierced by numerous holes. There's no going back to their lives before Day's blindness. She needs to adjust her priorities, because disregarding Night and locking up Day is not the answer.
This episode was frustrating, not because I found her to be outright abusive, but because of her worries she ends up hurting her sons even more. No parent is perfect, and they can hurt you while thinking they're acting in your best interest, but they have to be willing to love and let their kids learn on their own.
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at what point does this waiting room permit office thing turn into a form of psychological warfare
my GODS grian
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theearlgreymage · 1 year
Did I write something that isn't SnowBaz for once? Why yes. Yes I did. Because this little found family has grabbed my heart in a death grip, and episode 10 left me in ruins. 
So. Here's how I coped with being stabbed in the back while I watched my house burn to the ground. 
Shout out to @ic3-que3n for diving head first into this rabbit hole with me. This one's for you 😘
Fic info and summary under the cut 
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Buddy Daddies (Anime) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kurusu Kazuki & Suwa Rei, Kurusu Kazuki/Suwa Rei Characters: Kurusu Kazuki, Suwa Rei Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Assassins & Hitmen, First Kiss, Partners to Lovers, Roommates, Oblivious, Anal Sex, Tender Sex, Anal Fingering, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Post Episode S1E10, Sea References Everywhere Summary:
"I can't lose you too." They both shouted. Nearly in synchronization.
The simultaneous admission silenced them both immediately. Only the soft sound of the flowing river outside their apartment could be heard through the open balcony door.
Steel blue locked with rusty red. Then dropped to where their fingers were still twisted together. Squeezing the other’s hand tight enough that they'd leave marks on their partner.
It was impossible to decipher who moved first. If it was Kazuki who pulled Rei or if it was Rei who threw himself at Kazuki. But in the time it took for a heart to beat twice their lips collided with one another.
This was easy. Surrendering to the crashing waves around them. Drowning in each other.
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Things that both happen in the same episode of doctor who
(content warning for dark humour and references to various morbid topics)
1.A thoughtful and moving depiction of suicidal depression/The Doctor fights a giant invisible chicken
2.An iraq war allegory involving aliens that cut off human skin and wear it/those aliens also fart a lot and laugh about it
3.The Doctor is tortured for billions of years in a metaphor for the incremental nature of moving on from grief/doors are revealed to be canonically sentient and mad at everyone and the doctor makes a psychic link with one
4.The Doctor grapples with the consequences of abandoning his friend because he cannot face the inevitability of her death/aliens make kids into geniuses by feeding them french fries fried in space oil so they can hack into the universe, they are then killed by said french fry oil
5.A man must deal with his loved one's inevitable death from a terminal illness/the doctor flys a sleigh pulled by a flying shark while wearing a santa hat
6.The Doctor accidentally causes his companion to be killed then brought back only to be trapped in a dystopia for ten years mutilated and dehumanized/missy dabs
7.The endpoint of the human race is revealed to be them mutilating themselves putting their heads in spheres and sadistically murdering other humans for fun/The Doctor becomes tinkerbell jesus
8.The Doctor admits that he's seen so many people die that he's lost count and become numb to it/the villains evil plan revolves around burning a sea monsters poop as fuel
9.The Doctor grapples with the ethical implications of the death penalty/a farting alien tries to blow up a town and then escape on a space surfboard
10.The Doctor abandons his companion for 30 years and then erases a version of her from existence against her will/a robot is killed by getting hit on the head by a replica of the mona lisa
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thewinchestah · 4 months
"Good things come for those who wait" - Alastor x reader fic
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Pairing: Alastor x Fem!Reader
Tags: ,18+, Smut, NSFW, edging, BDSM, Alastor does what he wants, there's plot if you squint really hard, alastor in heat, breeding kink, Possesive! Alastor, Jealous!Alastor, Protective!Alastor, spanking,degradation kink, praise kink, Angst with a happy ending, fluff, I didn't proof read this, english isn't my first language, no beta we die like men here, etc etc etc
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Word Count: there's no point guys. I can't stop talking.
A/N: WOAH!! Hello everyone!! What the fuck?? I wasn't expecting my "debut fic" to blow up like that! Thank you so so much to everyone who took the time to read it and leave a comment! I'm truly flattered by your praise. So, I hope this sequel to "PREY" does it justice! (but it can also be read as a standalone). Let me know if you guys like it, and if you have anymore ideas/suggestions! I'm tagging everyone who asked me to, so if you want to be tagged on my next fics let me know! Without further due, here comes that mostrosity of a fic! Hope you like it <3! (UPDATE: PART 3 IS NOW UP!!)
Part I  | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Taglist: @smallershorteranduncut @markster666 @jyoongim @stygianoir  @pepperycookie @fraspent @aether-th3-enby 
It all started, as many things do, with a joke and a simple misunderstanding. Dying and instantly going to hell is not easy. Being in hell and not understanding why the FUCK you are in hell is confusing, frustrating and sometimes drawright ridiculous. There’s no guidebook for the hellish afterlife, and more often than not you felt lost at sea, drowning. Until you found your questionable lifeline, the Radio Demon. 
Somehow said demon clocked really early on that you were completely infatuated with him, but too scared to act on it. And oh, how he gave you enough reason to be infatuated, enough reason to be scared. Luring you into the most delicious trap, Alastor had claimed you as his. His to breed during the height of his heat, his to care for, his to inflict the most heavenly torture. 
Being caught up in the middle of the living myth that was the Radio Demon was a dangerous thing, you had been warned over and over again. So of course that you had to almost fuck everything up in the silliest way possible.
The obnoxious TV set, also known as Vox, had just started another round of his futile attempts to win Alastor’s attention by airing the most absurd reality tv character assassination ever. You would put money on the fact that the obsessive flat screen was a deceased TLC producer. Usually, any of his pompous i-hate-alastor-so-so-much!!! fits would be met with enthusiasm around the Hotel. Everyone would cramp in front of the TV and make fun of the entire ordeal. Even Alastor would tag along and make a private edition of his radio show while he counter-narrated that nonsense. It became a fun bonding activity for everyone involved, it was a nice thing. But there’s a reason why you can’t have nice things.
Today the Hotel was mostly empty:, only you, Angel and a very on edge, sexually frustrated, irritated Alastor haunted its posh walls. Still, you and Angel carried on with the little tradition sitting side by side in front of the tv not knowing what to expect from today’s “My Strange Addiction - Alastor’s Version” episode. It was truly a laughable attempt of a character assassination, actors who could not act saying things like “Alastor isn’t even as bad as everyone says, his torture tactics are not that special either. My mom’s aunt was tortured by him and was going to work 10 hours later”, “i walked down the street today and alastor didn’t even try to kill me when he saw me crossing the street, he’s all talk” “i have video footage of the self-proclaimed cannibal eating a chocolate covered strawberry. He’s cannibalbaiting.”
“no self-respecting overlord would go out wearing those ridiculous out-of fashion clothes”. 
Angel was having the time of his life leading the daily Vox roast session, the spider was funny and you couldn’t hold the laughs. The camera cut to a close-up of Vox, babbling on about technology and the anti-Radio Demon speech you knew by heart at this point. As if on cue, Alastor entered the room. But the pair of you remained oblivious to his presence. 
“Toots, you totally should apply for this show! I mean it!. I’m sure Vox will buy literally anything you say. Anything! If you say Alastor likes to eat red nail polish cause it looks like blood he would believe it! You laughed at his words, what a ridiculous thing to say. You loved red nail polish, alastor drinking it because it looks like blood is absurd. “I mean, look at you!! Look at this face, these eyes!! This body!!!” Angel gave your thighs a playful slap. “If you say hell is actually cold using all that i would eat it right up. Vox will be too busy staring at your boobs to notice you dropping that even the oldest radio looks better than that fucking flat face”. The thought that you were the mind-numbing type of beautiful made you laugh. Sometimes you felt like your friends were being way too kind with the flattery about you. You were nothing special at all. It was nice of them to be kind to you, adapting to your new lifestyle was taking a visible tool, anyone could tell. Their efforts were honorable and sweet, but you just couldn’t let yourself believe what in your heart, you knew was a lie. A beautiful, comfortable lie, but still a lie. You weren’t much, you were just lucky. You started to laugh even harder, out of pure nervousness as your brain started to snowball into all the things you weren’t. 
“ Seriously Angel, you have the strangest ideas ever!” you tried to sound normal, putting up a confident facade. That helped, a lot. You had picked that up during your days with Alastor. 
Speaking of the devil, Alastor wasn’t amused by your little display. Standing on the corner of the room as you laughed, he made himself known by walking out of the room, in hurried steps. If it were anyone else, they wouldn’t think much of it. But you weren’t anyone else. You were Alastor’s. 
And that’s why he was seething with rage. His rut always drove him, an already unpredictable man, to the brink of true, pure instinctual insanity. He had to grip his marvelous constructed self control painfully hard. Since your paths crossed, the most chaotic part of his existence seemed in control, your pretty little body always ready to take him, your eyes always holding his gaze in a maddening  comfortable way, the way you would push your limits just for him. 
Only for him.
And the worst part was your softness when it was all done. Alastor would fuck you rentless, for hours, making you take all the mess of his most animalistic desires without a second thought. Both of you would be spent, bathing in the afterglow, room smelling like sex, and you would ask him if he needed anything. Him, that just fucked you so hard so won’t walk straight for a week, that feasted on the blood of the love bites he inflicted, him that covered you in a painting of bruises. 
How could he not want to just lock you inside his lavish room and give you all the rings of hell? to carve his name deep into your soul? to dote on you? to make him the only thing on your mind as he makes you his time and time again in the most sinful ways?
It was simple really, why he was shaking with anger: how you, who was his, was even thinking of being in the same vicinity of that scum of creation?  LAUGHING AT THIS ABSURD CONCEPT. Vox thinking of you was already a crime punishable by painful death, but Vox looking at you was heresy, and the entirety of hell would pay for his transgressions. 
As Alastor stormed off towards the Hotel’s large room corridors, he took several calming breaths. Losing control like this wouldn’t do anyone any favors. In the troubled waters of his mind, Alastor could only think of 3 things: you, fucking you and murdering someone.
 So he didn’t even realize your hurried steps trying to catch up with his long strides.
“Hey sugartits! Don’t take too long doing whatever you need to do! there’s a woman going live after the break saying she saw Alastor eating an entire packet of PAPER TOWELS!!! HAHA! This shit is too good to be true!” you heard angel scream.
Adding insult to injury, nice.
Trying desperately to reach your demon lover gait, you could only think about how bad you had messed up. Alastor was your only true respite in hell. He was a blessing in a mist of the worst humankind could offer. He made you feel hope, more than making you feel alive, he made you feel glad you’re dead. The Radio Demon felt like coming home. You just wanted to make it up to him. You could not lose this, lose him. You were not sure you would survive it. And who knew where you went after dying in hell? 
It doesn’t matter where you go after hell, it doesn’t matter at all if Alastor is not there. Your brain added to your inner monologue. True.
“Alastor! Wait” you shouted. He stops dead on his feet.
Finally, those long long legs of his do not make chasing after your love any easier.
“Alastor, I'm so so sorry. Angel gets way out of line sometimes and I was nervous” he is perfectly still, ears pinned back, listening. But doesn’t say anything back.
“Al I’m truly sorry. I didn’t mean it like that, at all. Look, let’s try to do something to make your day better. I know how hard this season is on you, I know you feel like you are losing contr-
Uh oh.
oh shit.
You used the two forbidden words together. The temperature in the room drops, Alastor snaps towards you. You feel something gripping your throat mercilessly, as you fall to the ground. Looking at the other end of the corridor Alastor has you on a leash of his magic. Eyes burning red, forehead marked “x” he grips your chains hard, pushing you towards him.
“That was a brilliant speech, little doe. Truly marvelous! I’m sure your television debut will be quite the show you were planning!”
His antlers were growing, his demon form showing itself as he becomes taller and taller over you. All bared teeth and flashing red eyes. This is what everyone warned you about. Don’t get in the Radio Demon’s way, he is dangerous and insane. You will regret it.
Hot. your brain thinks. He pulls your leash even tighter, and you feel wetness pooling on your core.
“Do you have any idea what I was about to do before I heard you so selflessly offer your services to that pathetic excuse of a demon?” Dragging you by the magic chains, his towering frame comes down to meet you at eye level. You can’t say anything back, your brain short circuits and goes AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
“You know better than leaving me waiting for an answer at this point, pet” He grips your face using his sharp claws,the pressure threatening to break skin. “But you seem so hellbent on being a bad girl today, I shouldn’t expect your usually good girl’s behavior, should I?”
You are, once again nothing but a doe caught in the headlights of his eyes
“One should always know better than expecting their fantasies to be true”
His sclera goes black, only the tiny blazing red radio dials devouring you as he stares so deep into you, you feel feverish. 
“But since we are already here. I. Will. Tell. You.” static picks up around the room and surrounds you both, the corridor is illuminated by an eerie green light. You start to kinda fear for your life, but Alastor has you completely hypnotized by the radio dials on his eyes. You shiver in anticipation. 
 “I was coming to ask you, to please, spare me a part of your day, away from you friends. Because the only thing on my mind has been you. Fucking you. Sinking my cock so deep into your tight, wet cunt it would mark your soul. Because you are the only one who can take me like this, who deserves being bred by me, who deserves every drop of my seed”
You feel the wetness on your panties grow until it runs down your thighs. There’s nothing right about this, but your dear Alastor showed you long ago how the concepts of right and wrong are meant to be skewed.
“But oh well, you seem to have your affections directed elsewhere…” he tsks at you using that delicious mocking tone. “But, you can’t blame a desperate man for trying” he goes from 100 to 0 really fast, his voice softens so much in a way that’s almost too heavy to hear after all that. Even with his demon form still very much present  “Do you still want to make my day better, pet?”
you are at a loss of words, but you manage to nod desperately. The anticipation of what he is going to do to you makes you giddy. 
He manhandles your leash until you are on your knees in front of him, tugging on the chains so you look up towards his crotch. He makes quick work of his pants, pulling his cock out. Hard, angry hot red coloured. Angry because of you, angry for you. 
“Open wide, little one” and without much more warning, Alastor is fucking your face, hard and fast. 
You position your arms behind your back as quickly as you can.  You know how hard it is for him to be touched when his rut is peaking. The overwhelming need for relief mixing with his ever present desire for control. This is about him asserting his dominance over you, making sure you don’t ever forget where you belong: In the warmth of his burning gaze, under him, on your knees, while he merciless fucks your throat into compliance. He’s taking it out on you, and you fucking love it.
He’s not saying anything, only growling like he’s about to murder someone. He grabs fistfuls of your velvety hair, but never leaves the white knuckle grip on your chains. You can only resist the urge of playing with your pussy while he thrusts so deep you feel his monster cock. hitting the back of your throat. This is about him, and you want to give him this so badly your cunt is throbbing with desire
Tears wet your cheeks, your lips around his cock are the definition of renaissance art to Alastor. He’s almost over the edge now, the head of his cock twitches on top of your tongue as a warning of his approaching orgasm. It’s hard, it’s hot, it’s fast and it’s angry.
Alastor cums, you swallow as much as you can, but he takes his cock out and spills everywhere, coating your hair,  your face. It’s so deliciously erotic Alastor can’t resist catching some of his cum and running his hands throughout your velvet locks, bathing you in his essence, marking you once more. There’s still a bit of cum on the tip of his claw, he feeds it to you, and your lips wrap around his fingers as you take as much of him you can take, gladly. 
“Oh how beautiful you are when you ruin yourself like this for me, my little doe” You look up at him with adoration and a lustful gaze, his eyes hold an equally lustful gaze and… something more. Something that you are sure will drive you insane. 
Alastor notices the pooling mess underneath your tights, he knows how desperate you are for relief, but he still wants to self indulge on you. He’s certain you still don’t understand the reality of what he is feeling. Swiftly he topples you down the corridor’s carpet and places himself between your legs, his crawled finger tearing your lacy panties away. 
Then, he feasts on you like a starving man, and he might be, because you taste like the ambrosia of the gods and he can’t get enough of it. Of how you make a mess of yourself for him and there’s still something for him to take. You just taste so sweet, what a perfect meal your nectar makes. His wicked silver tongue polishes you, aided by your whispered sighs, his name moaned like a prayer on your lips. You are so so close, alastor sucks on your throbbing clit you are already seeing stars, all you need is a gentle push.
 Grinning like a devil, Alastor looks up, tilts his head, gives you the most wicked-and-douchey look in existence. He gets up, your leash dissipating into the air and walks away in perfect composure, like nothing happened. Nothing at all.
“Well, I think that’s my cue!!” he says in his usually chirpy tone. You just stay there, flabbergasted. “I just remembered I still have a lot to do today! Work never stops when you maintain a facility like this in tip-top condition!” Already halfway across the corridor, Alastor’s head turns towards you “Still want to make my day good my dear? Be a doll and clean this mess up, will you?” you just stare at him, too fucking stunned to speak. You can’t believe it. That fucking devil. He’s about to make the turn towards the elevator and disappear when his eyes flash red as he warns you “Oh! and don’t you dare make yourself cum without my permission. If you cum before I say so, you won’t be cumming for a week. Choose wisely!Let’s see who loses control first Ha Ha! This will be fun!”
 Alastor can be a psychopathic demon in heat, but before all that he still is a psychopathic demon who loves torture. 
And he just left you all hot and bothered. 
Alastor knew better than believing in such things as heaven or holiness. In fact, Alastor was positively sure nothing was sacred. The concept of sacredness was non-existent in his book.
But his skeptic mind danced on the edge of belief when he touched you. To be inside you felt heavenly, heavenly in a type of way that should not even be allowed in this place. The way your lush body burned underneath his wicked gaze was sacred.The way you always presented yourself to him, with selfless abandon was sacred. Somehow, someone allowed him, of all people, access to a soul he frankly didn’t understand what was doing in hell in the first place. He never was the better man. He was never giving that up.
In all of his nature, Alastor felt the most sinful pleasure in defiling your sacredness. He wanted nothing but to take the heavenly thing you were and taint it with his darkness. 
He was well acquainted to torture and had no shame in inflicting the most delicious and depraved type of it on you ,until all of your holiness was irrevocably marked by him, down to the core of your soul.  Of course Alastor didn’t buy your soul. He didn’t need to use those means to completely own you. He did it effortlessly, because you craved it. Because he craved it.
That’s why the thought of Vox even looking in your way was heretic, and not in a good way. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing you to Vox. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing you. Period. You were his.
 But adding that man into the equation just made everything more intolerable. The things he would do if he found out about you… Found out that not only you were his but how you could make someone feel. How precious and undeserving of anything less than good you were… 
You were made to be cherished and protected. Protected by him.
 In fact, it took all of the Radio Demon’s willpower to restrain from walking to the Vees building, and kill Vox for something he didn’t do. Because Alastor wouldn’t allow the thought to even cross his mind. All that, a messy display of his desperation and loss of control. Giving that prick the smug satisfaction of knowing somehow he got to him, in his last moments. 
Damn, his rut truly did make him on edge.
Suppressing his murderous thoughts, Alastor focused his mind into something he as actually good at: torture. Yours specifically. He still wanted to punish you for making him feel like this. He still wanted to make you understand.
And he just thought of the sweetest way to do it.
After cleaning up the mess on the corridor, and yourself (you did it all on autopilot, still trying to understand what the FUCK happened) you still had to give Angel a satisfaction about why you didn’t come back. You must’ve looked really miserable cause Angel just hugged you really tight and ordered you to bed. When in reality all of your efforts were now focused on masking your humiliating arousal. So you find yourself lying in your bed, trying not to think anything Radio Demon related. You’re totally not thinking about the way he looked at you while he fucked you. The way his eyes would search yours in a crowded room, winking playfully at you. An inside joke. A promise.The way you both playfully banter at the dinner table over silly things. You are also totally not thinking about how he takes you, how you love to hear him saying “good girl” to you after you push your limits again, only for him. Not thinking at all about how his cock fills you so perfectly, you truly feel empty without it. Who’s thinking about what hides behind his eyes when he his voice goes all soft in the middle of a rough fucking? Ha ha!! Definitely not you. 
You punch yourself with your pillow. 
C’mon don’t think thoughts of Alastor now…
You are so fucked, and not in a sexy way. The worst part is that you want to endure it, you want to be good for him. Your pussy is aching to be touched, your mind begging you to have thoughts of Alastor while your pussy is being touched. But right now you would give everything in this world to hear him praise you again. You know how hard his rut is on him… He already carries a lot alone, the Hotel, the doomsday clock of extermination ticking closer and closer everyday. Plus the other things… You know there’s something more, something that haunts his nights, but it’s not your place to ask. Hell, you are too scared to ask. You just hope, you just pray that when it happens you are beside him. You don’t ever expect the Radio Demon to ever ask for help, or open up. Or seek comfort. Oh, he’s anything but comfortable. But you like to think that in time, he would feel comfortable enough around you he could let something slip, a tiny detail to add to your “The Mystery of the Radio Demon” clue board. Something that would let you show him he doesn’t need to pick himself apart, carry all these burdens alone.
Great, you are doing amazing at the “not thinking any Alastor thoughts” game. 
You hug your pillow closer and look across you window as you start saying out loud a list of things you need to do around the Hotel. Maybe this will take your mind off the devil.
Tend to the Venus Fly traps of the gardens. (You could ask Nifty for the bugs)
Write the thank you letters to the new guests that agreed to help with hotel chores.
Tell charlie about your book club idea using cool flashcards 
It’s your turn to organize “Theme nights”, maybe Alastor would enjoy a “great gatsby” theme, right?
Great, Alastor again. You sighed. 
Suddenly a red note written with perfect penmanship flies next to your spot on the bed.
“My darling doe, I’m waiting for you in my chambers.
Don’t take your time, we have much to discuss.-
Yours, Alastor.
You take your time, though, to thank anyone who’s listening as you sprint towards Alastor’s lavish room. You feel dizzy, anticipation like butterflies in your stomach. You don’t have to knock more than once for him to let you in. 
He’s on the edge of the bed, looking like his normal self (as normal as it gets for Alastor)
The taps the spot next to him on the the bed
“Come here, you darling thing!”
you don’t waste a second, and as quickly as you are sitting on his bed, you are sitting on lap. Holding you close, in a vice like grip with one of his arms, Alastor starts talking 
“How was the rest of your day, my dear?” you open your mouth to start talking, you have so much to say to him. That you were a good girl, that you were ready to do anything to make up for laughing at Angel’s stupid idea of seducing Vox. You are ready to beg for your release. to ask how his day was. But you don’t get to utter a word. 
Alastor quickly and swiftly maneuvers you: now your feet are dangling from the bed, your ass and  legs sprawled out across his lap. A powerful arm locking you to him by the small of your back.
Holy fuck.
“Well my day was downright awful! You see I overheard my pretty pet laughing at the prospect of seducing one of my most infuriating enemies. I’m in the peak of my unforgiving rut ,and all I wanted was the shared pleasure of our bodies as I fuck the darling thing senseless!” he pinches the back of your thigh, hard. You blur out a soft, desperate sigh. 
“Of course, the good girl she is, she went begging for my forgiveness. I didn’t fully give it, of course. That was a harsh offense, what my little doe did. But I did have my fill with her” You try to spea-
Alastor audibly shushes you.
“I did leave her all hot and bothered after spilling my cum all over her maddening little body, of course. I contenplated murdering the bastard demon so he wouldn’t get a chance of even knowing about her existence and what she does to me. But I still suffered with the hellish need of fucking her into oblivion, and pondered a lot about divine justice. So, if I had to suffer this entire day because of her offenses I think it’s only right for that darling doe to get her fill of suffering and punishment hmmmm?
 You try to look back to his face, but you feel the familiar sensation of magic wrapping around your throat. The leash, you are so so fucked. You couldn’t be happier about it.
He tugs at the chain, so your skirt rides up and your ass is totally bare for him and your head is buried in one of his fluffy pillows. With a snap of his fingers your panties disintegrate.
You shiver at the thought of what’s happening next, a delicious sensation that flows across your back and ends up inside your cunt, beginning to turn into a wet mess. He’s gonna spank you like the bad girl you were. He’s not going to be gentle about it either. You can’t wait. It’s gonna hurt, it’s gonna sting, it will leave you bruised. It will be deliciously wicked, like all of Alastor’s punishments. 
You feel another surge of magic, behind the powerful green glow something materializes.
Your horsegirl days back on earth don’t let you down. You recognise it instantly. On his previous free hand he’s holding a riding crop. A big, leather pointed riding crop. 
He’s going to literally whip you into submission. You squirm inside his arm. You can’t fucking wait. You’ve made yourself come a few times after the thought of being literally tamed, broke by alastor. 
You whimper. Alastor’s laugh fills the room.
“So this is how this is going to go, pet. I’m going to whip you lovely ass like the ungrateful slut you are and you are going to thank me for it after every crack of the whip. I’m gonna do this as many times as I see fit. Until your ass is as red as my hair. Until you understand what you did. By the time I’m done you will be begging to be punished more. Are we clear?
You can’t look back at him, but you can feel how his red irises make your skin burn. You like to imagine that his eyes did the thing where they soften for a heartbeat, if you blink you miss it. Waiting for your permission, even now. You are able to muffle a “yes, oh please Alastor, yes”. 
He didn’t even gave you time to process. The whip lands hard on the back of your left thigh. You let out a scream.
“Well?” he asks impatiently as he waits for your “thank you”. Seeing the way the spot where the whip landed turn a lovely shade of scarlet isn’t helping him hold his resolve either.
You wanna do this right, you need this as much as he needs it.
crack. the whip lands on your right thigh, a little lower.
 He whips you even harder, cutting the wind as it lands twice on your left buttcheek. Only four cracks down and you are a whimpering mess. You wiggle instinctively on his lap, seeking some friction, some relief. It hurts so bad, but it feels so good. You don’t know if you can take more. You want it anyway. “thank you, thank you” you whimper. Tears wet your face, arousal wets your core adding to the mess from before he even started.
crack. crack.
 He mirrors his movements to your right buttcheek. “thank yo- Holy fuck Alastor”
one more hit, now hitting both of your buttcheks. 
“I’ve told you many times before pet, there’s nothing holy about what I do to you. I’m gonna break you and then breed you. I won’t give you a moment of respite. And maybe by the end, when your legs are shaking from holding that orgasm you have been desperately chasing since this afternoon, I will be merciful and let you find your release. And we will know who’s really losing control here”
How can he do this to you with only his voice? You are not sure you’ve ever been so aroused in your entire life. You’re so wet, you’re staining Alastor’s pants. As close as you will get to marking him.
There’s a draft coming from the forest of his room, it softly kisses your abused skin, making it sting. You want to see the state of your lower body so badly. The way you’re submitting to him right now, the most sweet form degradation possible. Your eyes are clouded with tears, that line between pain and pleasure being blurred in ways only someone like the Radio Demon could cross. He tugs on your leash, to attract your attention from the sinful, unholy sensations you are feeling so openly, back to him.
Alastor drags the leather point of the whip across your throbbing cunt, collecting the obscene amount of wetness there. “By the 7 rings of hell, what do you have here? Are you such a slut that you are creaming at being whipped into compliance? I could do this all night long. Your ass is already red with regret for your actions but I’m not sure you learned your lesson yet.”
crack. The whip this time lands on your juicy cunt. Your hips trash with the sensation, your demon lover’s name escaping your lips like a prayer.You forget to thank him this time, despite your best efforts. 
“Are you so big of an ungrateful brat that you want this sinful punishment to continue? Not even bothering to thank me, in hopes it will end sooner. You know what you are. Nothing but a hungry greedy whore for the Radio Demon” 
crack, crack. One hit on each cheek. “But I already knew that” and with that mocking tone Alastor lands a  masterful final hit on both of your cheeks. He does have a way of proving his point.
You are fucking sobbing now. Tears coat your cheeks, now a colour so vibrant as the rich scarlet the covers your ass. Alastor knows everything that makes you tick. He knows how close you are to cumming. Cumming for only his masterfully inflicted punishment and his voice. Incoherent whimpers leave your lips “please please please” and soft “ohh and aaah, alastor”
He tugs on your leash again, he knows your body like the palm of his hand, and that you are probably entering the mind numbing phase of the pain and the pleasure. But he still wants your undivided attention. He has whipped you into submission, he still needs to fuck you into submission. 
“And you even made the mess of yourself stain my pants! My god, you are pathetic. Delightfully pathetic” 
Alastor gently runs his clawed hands across your ass, the sharp edges making you hiss. He looks in adoration at the masterpiece he inflicted on you. Your ass and thighs a shade of scarlet to rival his hair, the wetness between your thighs a heavenly invitation. Beautiful. Sinful.  Sacred. He will never forget this, and he will make sure that you never forget it too.
“Now, now, we are done with this my little doe” his voice goes extra soft because you can’t see him with your face buried in a soft pillow. “you were so good for me, you always are” 
The softness and sweetness of his praise makes you sob even harder. It’s maddening. 
He gently maneuvers you further into the bed, making space for himself. 
“But now I’m painfully hard, and I still need to bury myself inside that tight throbbing cunt of yours, so deep it will mark. your. soul.” static picks up around you, a delicious omen of what is about to happen. 
Alastor positions himself behind you, immediately entering you and bottoming out. 
His first thrusts are sharp and deep, as to make his promise of marking yourself from the inside real. He pulls your chains so your scarlet ass is presenting itself to him like the most sinful gift. 
Alastor picks up that breakneck pace of fucking, common to him, specially during his rut. He fucks you like he hates you. As hard as he possibly can, to make you know that you are his and his only. That even thinking of someone else, even as a joke, will not be tolerated. You wanted all of him didn’t you? You’ve made that clear, with words, with actions, with the things your body endures for him. So he makes sure to give you that. 
Moans drip from your lips in a crescendo, you are screaming now, you don’t know how long you will last. It feels so good. That delayed gratification drowning you in maddening pleasure. 
“Who do you think is losing control here?” he asks after a painfully sharp thrust. “Me, or the mess of a slut underneath me? That is screaming my name loud enough for the entire pride ring to know how she loves being fucked like a common whore for the Radio Demon,hmm?” 
One hand pulls your leash upwards, the other your hips. He’s even deeper now, you can feel him in your core.
You don’t reply to the question even though you want to, even though you know the answer. 
“Again, since you like being bred like that so much you are not hearing me” he takes all of his cock out and enters you at once. “Who’s losing control here? Me, or my little plaything with the scarlet ass from being whipped into compliance like the pretty little brat she is?” 
You don’t forget to answer him now, you need to cum, desperately. You withheld your building orgasm  for an entire day, you wanted to be good for Alastor. You wanted to be able to take everything he gives you. The pleasure, the pain, the sinful, delicious depraved torture. “Me, I am!” you scream out. 
Alastor’s pace is becoming erratic, you feel the shadows of his growing antlers cover you.
“Again” he tugs at your collars. Another sharp, deep thrust. 
“Me, i’m losing control” 
“And what are you?” his voice is filled with static now, he’s close too.
“Yours! I’m yours Alastor, yours to fuck, to break, to punish” you cry out in sweet pain and pleasure. 
Another tug, Another painfully sharp thrust 
“I’m only yours Alastor” you finish. 
“Good. girl.” he spaces the words out between thrusts, knowing how you relish in them. 
“You can come now” 
Your orgasm comes crashing down. You grip the sheets like a maniac, your legs shaking so hard Alastor needs to hold them in place. You scream so loud you are sure they can hear you in heaven. You hope they can, so they know. So they know this man owns you. So they know you love him. 
Alastor is not far behind, your cunt tightening around him like a vice. He fucks you specially hard and deep know, delayed gratification hitting all at once. He cums so hard inside you, he’s sure he finally marked your soul. The feeling of his cock twitching and spilling inside you, adding to the indescriptible sensation. You are completely over the edge now, you feel weightless, free falling. 
You know Alastor will catch you.
“Ah! There she is” you open your eyes and feel a soft kiss on your cheek. You are lying on top of Alastor’s chest, he cuddles you gently, making lazy circles on your hipbone but still buried to the hilt inside you. He still plans to give you all of his cum, all he has during his rut,after all. 
“woah, that was… amazing” you say after a while.
“Well, I did whip and fuck you to the brink of insanity my dear. And you came so beautifully for me, you passed out. You’re such a sight pet. I will never forget it.” you blush at his words. You feel so happy. 
Alastor kisses your cheek again, and with a final thrust he leaves you with a obscenely wet noise. You are dripping with his cum, it’s running down your thighs, staining the sheets. 
You whimper in complaint. 
“Ah ,don’t be like that” he laughs, is a genuinely happy laugh. “There’s still plenty of where that came from, but I need my darling doe to rest first” he says. He’s lying you gently on the bed as he gets up. “Don’t leave” you whisper. 
He’s out of the bed anyways, and seems to be on his way to do something. You don’t care, you want him back here, holding you. You don't want him to ever let you go.
“Al, i’m truly sorry about today. You know that, right?” You know that I love you, right?  You want to say, but you are scared that confession is a little much for today. You see where he’s headed now. He opens the bathroom door.
“Don’t even think about it, my dear. It’s all water under the bridge” he says in his usual chirpy tone, louder than the noise of the bath running. “Now you just need to promise me that you will never even let the thought of that pathetic demon cross your mind, my love”
my love.
“And if he ever does, you will let me know. So I can fuck those wretched ideas out of your mind” Alastor is walking back to the bed now. He picks you up bridal style and carries you across the room. You can’t help the hiss that escape your lips as your irritated skin touches him. “I know, I know my dear. We will fix that right up. I can’t have my favourite doe hurting. We still have a long way to go until the end of my rut, dearest” you don’t reply, you are just happy. perfectly happy. You could hear Alastor’s voice for days without complaining. “But you did look so perfect with that scarlet ass on my lap. Crying from how much you love what I do to you. I hope you never forget that” 
You both reach the bathtub, he drops you with all the care in the world inside the water.
“I’m so proud of you. I truly am” the water is warm. The soap smells so nice. He lit candles too. You give in to the soothing sensations. You might have tuned out for a bit, cause you hear alastor calling your name so softly… He says it again, slow, soft, gentle, pleading. As to catch your attention, he has something important to say. “You know how precious you are to me, don’t you my little doe?” “yes” you respond, trying to fight the tears that begin to spill down your face ‘
“Oh my darling girl, why are you crying? There’s nothing to cry about. You are here, safe with me. As you will always be, as is your place.”
“Alastor I-I-” your heart swells, you want to say something. You want to say everything you are feeling. How consuming, in the best way possible, your feelings are for him.
But Alastor is always 10 steps ahead. 
“I know, I know darling” he kisses your hand “I feel it too.” he says. It feels like a confession, it sounds like a confession. The look on his eyes is the one of that mystery that hides there every time his voice in the midst of your passion. 
When you,know you know. your mind reiterates. 
“Let me help you dry those tears. Save them for another day” He holds your face and kiss your lips. “The only thing you need to worry about right now is resting and recovering that luscious body of yours, as well as your brilliant, witty mind”
He hands you a sparkly fancy pink soap, and gets up to find the softest sponge he has stored. 
“Now, I hope you like the smell of these candles, cause I’m not letting you out of my sight for at least the next four days!” 
Alastor continues to chat away sweet nothings as he helps you bathe. Maybe it will take a while for the Radio Demon to say those 4 words out loud. He has enough reason for that, inside that beautiful, complicated mind of his. His actions always speak louder than words, your relationship was proof of that. 
Until then, you will always have sacred moments in crowded rooms, you will always have jokes that only the both of you understand. He will always keep sweeping you off your feet in the most deliciously wicked ways possible. 
Right now, you have him by your side after everything that happened, you have his heart too. You are sure of that. So you don’t mind waiting for him.
Good things come for those who wait.
490 notes · View notes
madkiska · 8 months
watching the entirety of jrwi: riptide again. here's some important things from the first few episodes that I feel we forgot (<110 mentions too though)
Had night terrors similar to those of Kubakinta's curse in episode 5, and they eventually start returning even after Loffinlot's curse is lifted ○ All of them were about her family and/or the navy ○ I simply think people leave her out of the nightmare stuff and she deserves it. Hurt her more, please (he said, lovingly)
was actually very upset at having to use her medal to get a Loffinlot rebellion to shut up ○ This could be because she didn't want them to guess she was a spy, but I choose to believe it's because she felt guilty
"If you're gonna be sailing with someone, you should have a good relationship with them. [nervous chuckle]." She says, while asking him for information about the Black Rose Pirates (ep. 10)
Said "thank god they didn't find me" after a nightmare about the navy attacking. Even when she was supposedly a spy, who one day would have to return to the navy ○ Very unclear if she was scared of her dad, or if it's because she was a secret spy so the navy would've just killed her
Rewatching, she was suspiciously into the plundering and gold and stuff. Like that was real sus. It doesn't fit her current character much
The only one among them who's gambled before
The entire thing literally starts off with Bizly holding a lit match
Called Gillion "Gill" and Jay "Sureshot" from an early stage
Was SO much more of a bastard. Lied to Gill constantly, didn't care about anything but the money, etc.
Had aggressive hand tremors alongside Jay's night terrors ○ Gill cures it with lay on hands
When he gets drunk married, they talk extensively about how he'd be released when he's dead. Welp.
They did actually break up and it was fine and they were still friends. They parted on good terms
Is really fucking good at chess ○ Beat Earl twice and Jay once. Jay had a point of exhaustion after a nightmare but Earl had no excuse ○ Lost to Gillion though, but only cause of prophetic screwup ○ This kid is smarter than he lets on, y'all
Was the first one to have a backstory dump while Jay is asking him about the Black Rose Pirates, yet still we know jack shit about his life before them other than "orphan"
Charlie has referred to Gillion with 'they' many times. I can pull receipts.
When describing Gill, Charlie said: "He's more.. elven, if you had to make a comparison. 'Cause I don't wanna be a fish guy". Oh, honey.
Smote a bald person by using his hair as a whip (ep. 4)
Was given anxiety and self-doubt alongside jay's night terrors and chip's tremors ○ "What do you want?" "I want the feeling of satisfaction I've been chasing my whole life." ○ This was episode FIVE.
First mention of the prophecy and how Gillion wasn't their ideal student is ep. 7, after he divine smites + prophetic screwups and deals like 60 damage to some beetles ○ Chip spends the next 30 seconds in gay awe
He refers to the crescent moon Niklaus tattoo as "my zodiac" (probably a bit) ○ It's not a lil basic white girl moon this thing is the entire size of his forearm
Gill had never heard about the Black Sea - it's unclear if the Undersea just don't know, or if that's just how sheltered he was (ep. 10)
Biz: "What would Gillion do. If he just had no goal - was just sitting there." "Gillion always has a goal." "Would his goal ever be to just.. Sit there?" "Absolutely not." ○ Later, Chip expresses that he doesn't know what Gillion likes. What he would want out of winning a bet. Gillion doesn't have an answer
Apple, in a couple of early battles, acted like Gill's familiar (see: ep. 7)
They also pecked at his Niklaus tramp stamp and looked all confused at the idea of eating seeds
The specific crescent of the moon in the Niklaus tattoo is known as a symbol of "corruption" (ep. 9) and its antonym is the sun, for "life", similar to the yin and yang ○ Interesting to consider after what the tree said in 110 <_<
Pretzel has a masters degree in couple's therapy (ep. 10)
The Albatross/Millennium Chipper was described as the colour of rosewood or mahogany
Captain Lizzie's first introduction was a wanted poster, and Chip wanted to turn her in for the prize, then decided to try learn from her instead
Chip/Bizly called Old Man Earl "Erol" for a loooong time ○ Maybe it's an accent thing but I have an uncle called Erol and so this stands out to me
621 notes · View notes
yes-asil · 7 months
Hey so I’m about to watch detective Conan for the first time and I just wanted to make sure but Cased Closed is the one I’m supposed to watch first right? Cuz there are a could other detective Conan stuff on the site I’m using
I have the perfect list on how to rewatch the show under the cut
We've got a German website over here, so this is kinda??? official, but not really, it just makes the most sense as far as I'm concerned.
Episodes 001-054
Movie 01 (The Time-Bombed Skyscraper)
Episodes 055-097
Movie 02 (The Fourteenth Target)
Episodes 098-139
Short Stories 01-03 (Wait for Me, Wandering Red Butterfly, Santa Claus of Summer)
Episode 140
Movie 03 (The Last Wizard of the Century)
Episodes 141-173
OVA 01 (Conan vs. Kid vs. Yaiba - The Grand Battle for the Treasure Sword!)
Short Stories 04-07 (Detective George, Ten Planets, Play It Again, Making of Conan)
Episodes 174-186
Movie 04 (Captured in Her Eyes)
Episodes 187-231
Movie 05 (Countdown to Heaven)
Episodes 232-262
OVA 02 (16 Suspects!?)
Episodes 263-275
Movie 06 (The Phantom of Baker Street)
Episodes 276-303
OVA 03 (Conan, Heiji, and the Vanished Boy)
Episodes 304-315
Movie 07 (Crossroad in the Ancient Capital)
Episodes 316-344
OVA 04 (Conan, Kid, and the Crystal Mother)
Episodes 345-356
Movie 08 (Magician of the Silver Sky)
Episodes 357-383
OVA 05 (The Target is Kogoro!! The Detective Boys’ Secret Report)
Episodes 384-396
Movie 09 (Strategy Above the Depths)
Episodes 397-424
OVA 06 (Follow the Vanished Diamond! Conan and Heiji vs. Kid!)
Episodes 425-434
Movie 10 (The Private Eyes’ Requiem)
Episodes 435-452
Drama Special 01 (A Challenge Letter to Shin'ichi Kudo ~Prologue Until Goodbye~)
Episodes 453-459
OVA 07 (A Challenge from Agasa! Agasa vs. Conan and the Detective Boys)
Episodes 460-470
Movie 11 (Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure)
Episodes 471-490
OVA 08 (The Casebook of Female High School Detective Sonoko Suzuki)
Drama Special 02 (Shin'ichi Kudo Returns! ~Confrontation with the Black Organization~)
Episodes 491-504
Movie 12 (Full Score of Fear)
Magic File 02 (Shin'ichi Kudo, The Case of the Mysterious Wall and the Black Lab)
Episodes 505-520
OVA 09 (The Stranger from Ten Years Later)
Episodes 521-529
Lupin III vs. Detective Conan (TV special)
Episodes 530-531
Movie 13 (The Raven Chaser)
Magic File 03 (Shin'ichi and Ran, Memories of Mahjong Tiles and Tanabata)
Episodes 532-561
OVA 10 (Kid in Trap Island)
Episodes 562-570
Movie 14 (The Lost Ship in the Sky)
Magic File 04 (The Osaka Okonomiyaki Odyssey)
Magic Kaito Special 01
Episodes 571-610
Detective Conan vs. Wooo 01
Detective Conan vs. Wooo 02
Drama Special 03 (A Challenge Letter to Shin'ichi Kudo ~The Mystery of the Legendary Bird~)
Movie 15 (Quarter of Silence) (Love that movie aughhh)
Magic File 05 (Niigata ~ Tokyo Souvenir Capriccio)
Episodes 611-616
OVA 11 (A Secret Order from London)
Episodes 617-623
Drama Episodes 01-02
Episode 624
Drama Episode 03
Episodes 625-626
Magic Kaito Special 02-03
Drama Episodes 04-07
Episodes 627-628
Drama Episodes 08-09
Episodes 629-630
Drama Episodes 10-11
Episode 631
Magic Kaito Special 04
Drama Episodes 12-13
Episodes 632-634
Magic Kaito Special 05
Episodes 635-641
OVA 12 (The Miracle of Excalibur)
Magic Kaito Special 06
Episodes 642-651
Movie 16 (The Eleventh Striker)
Magic File 06 (Flower of Fantasista)
Drama Special 04 (Shin'ichi Kudo and the Kyoto Shinsengumi Murder Case)
Episodes 652-666
Magic Kaito Special 07-08
Episodes 667-670
Magic Kaito Special 09
Episodes 671-674
Magic Kaito Special 10
Episodes 675-680
Magic Kaito Special 11-12
Episodes 681-694
Movie 17 (Private Eye in the Distant Sea)
Episodes 695-721
Lupin III vs. Detective Conan: The Movie
Episodes 722-735
Movie 18 (Dimensional Sniper)
Episodes 736-753
Magic Kaito 1412 01
Episodes 754-756
Magic Kaito 1412 02-04
Episodes 757-758
Magic Kaito 1412 05-06
Episodes 759-760
Magic Kaito 1412 07-08
Episodes 761-762
Magic Kaito 1412 09-11
The Disappearance of Conan Edogawa ~The Worst Two Days in History~
Magic Kaito 1412 12
Happy New Year, Kogoro Mouri (Fugitive: Kogoro Mouri)
Episodes 763-764
Magic Kaito 1412 13-14
Episodes 765-766
Magic Kaito 1412 15-16
Episode 767
Magic Kaito 1412 17-18
Episode 768
Magic Kaito 1412 19
Episode 769
Magic Kaito 1412 20
Episode 770-771
Magic Kaito 1412 21-22
Episode 772-773
Magic Kaito 1412 23-24
Episode 774
Movie 19 (Sunflowers of Inferno)
Episode 775-813
Movie 20 (The Darkest Nightmare)
Episode 814-844
Episode “One”: The Great Detective Who Shrank
Episode 845-854
Episode 856-874
Episode 855
Movie 21 (Crimson Love Letter)
Episode 875-898
Movie 22 (Zero the Enforcer)
Episode 899-935
Movie 23 (The Fist of Blue Sapphire)
Episode 936-1002
Movie 24 (The Scarlet Bullet)
Episode 1003-1038
Zero’s Tea Time 1-2
Episode 1039
Movie 25 (The Bride of Halloween)
Zero’s Tea Time 3
Episode 1040
Zero’s Tea Time 4
Episode 1041
Zero’s Tea Time 5
Episode 1042
Zero’s Tea Time 6
Episode 1043-1058
The Culprit Hanzawa Episode 1
Episode 1059
The Culprit Hanzawa Episode 2
Episode 1060
The Culprit Hanzawa Episode 3-4
Episode 1061-current
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14dyh · 1 month
list of my saved youtube videos that Hange would watch:
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A/N: someone watch this nerdy stuff with me pls, i'll go insane. need a hange for myself :') currently watching these videos to feed my nerdy hange delusions :D [i marked my faves with an (*) hehe]
short videos (10-30 minutes)
The Nightmares of Eduardo Valdés-Hevia
The Creatures of Codex Inversus
Nietzsche's Most Dangerous Idea | The Übermensch
Don't fear intelligent machines. Work with them | Garry Kasparov
* Decomposing Bodies to Solve Cold Case Murders
Glow-in-the-dark sharks and other stunning sea creatures | David Gruber
* You Will Never Do Anything Remarkable
* The Cognitive Tradeoff Hypothesis
* Inspiring the next generation of female engineers | Debbie Sterling | TEDxPSU
The Disturbing Paintings of Hieronymus Bosch
Roko's Basilisk: The Most Terrifying Thought Experiment
The 5 Most Dangerous Chemicals on Earth
Depth Charge Explosion Soaks Dr. Tatiana In Water
Monster Surgeon: The Lost Work of Dr. Spencer Black
The Biology of Giants Explained | The Science of Giants
I Made an Ecosystem With a Mini Pond Inside, Here’s How!
CSI Special Insects Unit: Forensic Entomology
not-so-short but under 1 hr (31-59 minutes)
* The unpredictable tale of The Dead Man's Story by J. Hain Friswell
Planets: The Search for a New World | Space Science | Episode 4 | Free Documentary
* Let's Visit the World of the Future [tw: might be a bit disturbing, it's an interesting scifi horror though]
The Mystery of Matter: “INTO THE ATOM” (Documentary)
* Australia's Deadliest Coast (Full Episode) | When Sharks Attack: There Will Be Blood
* How Leonardo da Vinci Changed the World
long videos (over 1 hr)
Demystifying the Higgs Boson with Leonard Susskind
* The complete FUN TO IMAGINE with Richard Feynman
The Brain That Wouldn't Die (1962) Colorized | Sci-Fi Horror | Cult Classic | Full Movie
* AlphaGo - The Movie | Full award-winning documentary
Particle Fever - Documentary
* Exploring The Underwater World | 4K UHD | Blue Planet II | BBC Earth
What was the Earth like in the Age of Giant Prehistoric Creatures? | Documentary Earth History
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queensharotto · 6 months
Brittle Doughie’s Cookie Run x Reader Masterlist (Part 3: Early 2023)
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A masterlist of @brittle-doughie’s Cookie Run stories organized by month.
Genre Emojis
😞 is for angst, 🎃 is for Halloween, 🎄 is for Christmas, 🍪 is for Cannibalism, 💗 is for Yandere, 💝 is for Valentine’s, 👻 is for Horror, 🎂 is for Birthday, 💚 is for Yandere!White Lily Cookie
The Indents are related to the featured cookies. If there are numerous cookies (Over 10 Cookies Featured), I’ll make a note on that as well. Additionally, I’ll categorize various cookies if they’re associated with a specific hobby, location, food etc.
Also, the ⭐️ will indicate a story featuring one of Brittle’s OCs.
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January 2023 ❄️
• “Molded, Battered, Whole”
Featuring: The Five Dragons
• “Y/N Cookie getting Injured”
Featuring: Pomegranate Cookie, Mala Sauce Cookie, Black Raisin Cookie, Financier Cookie and Princess Cookie
• “Foul Play” 💗
Featuring: The Cherry Stars
• “Seize the Spin”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Face the Music!”
Featuring: Gingerbrave and Friends, B.A.D 4, Manager Scarlet and Producer D.K.E.C
• “Two Sides of a Coin”
Featuring: Hollyberry Cookie
• “New Time Balance Department Cookies”
Featuring: The Time Balance Department
• “Sands of the Sale”
Featuring: Yogurt Cream Cookie and Lilac Cookie
• “Memories”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Coworkers Delight”
Featuring: Maple Taffy Cookie
• “Spared No Expense 2”
Featuring: Cheesecake Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie’s Valentine’s Day Experience” 💝
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “A Fish in a Barrel”
Featuring: Affogato Cookie and the Cookies of the Dark Cacao Kingdom
• “Good Day for Walks”
Featuring: Pure Vanilla Cookie
• “A Handycookie’s Expertise”
Featuring: Coffee Candy Cookie, Baguette Cookie, Dark Fondue Cookie, Maple Taffy Cookie and Marble Bread Cookie
• “Chaos and Control”
Featuring: Twizzly Gummy Cookie and her Gang
• “House is Where The Heart Is”
Featuring: Raspberry Mousse Cookie
• “The Serenity or The Charismatic”
Featuring: Pure Vanilla Cookie and Clotted Cream Cookie
• “Eternity”
Featuring: Snow Sugar Cookie
• “Interactions with Milky Way Cookie during Episode 15”
Featuring: Milky Way Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie Dislikes People Yelling”
Featuring: Hollyberry Cookie, Purple Yam Cookie, Carol Cookie, and Caramel Arrow Cookie
• “No Deed Goes Unnoticed”
Featuring: The Cookies of the Dark Cacao Kingdom
• “At Your Beck and Call”
Featuring: The Pearl Legion and House Custard Soldiers
• “Ayo, Their Pouch Responses”
Featuring: Sea Fairy Cookie and Moonlight Cookie
• “No Dice” 💗
Featuring: Clotted Cream Cookie and the Ancient Cookies
• “Undeserving”
Featuring: Affogato Cookie’s Disciples, Dark Cacao Cookie, Adventurer Cookie, and Captain Ice Cookie
• “But the Dance is Today!”
Featuring: Cookies of the Hollyberry Kingdom
• “Y/N Cookie’s Tailoring Hobby”
Featuring: The Tailor Cookies
• “Lost Amidst Matrimony” 😞💗
Featuring: Pure Vanilla Cookie and White Lily Cookie
• “Sweet Heartmender” 💝
Featuring: Blue Lily Cookie and Lilybell Cookie
• “Burger Chain Backfire”
Featuring: Reporter Cookie and Shining Glitter Cookie
February 2023 💝
• “Antagonized”
Featuring: Almond Cookie, Truffle Cookie, Butter Pretzel Cookie, Lollipop Cookie, and Melon Bun Cookie
• “Even More Heartbreak”
Featuring: Black Pearl Cookie, Captain Caviar Cookie, and Seaweed Cookie
• “Star of the Industry” ⭐️
Featuring: Dumpling Cookie (debut), Reporter Cookie, and various Music Cookies
• “The Sugar Swan’s Treasure”
Featuring: The Sugar Swan
• “Y/N Cookie Blurbs”
Featuring: Various Cookies
• “Pet Times”
Featuring: Carrot Cookie, Cheesecake Cookie, and Baguette Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie’s First Encounter with Stardust Cookie”
Featuring: Stardust Cookie and Moonlight Cookie
• “Moon Pie Cookie”
Featuring: Moonlight Cookie
• “Tales of Sweetness” 💝
Featuring: Carrot Cookie, Beet Cookie, Red Velvet Cookie, Pomegranate Cookie and Light Cream Cookie
• “If Y/N Cookie Hated Someone”
Featuring: Dark Choco Cookie, Pomegranate Cookie, Affogato Cookie, Ice Juggler Cookie and Cocoa Cookie
• “Movie Star Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Cheesecake Cookie, Blackberry Cookie, Cocoa Cookie, Mint Choco Cookie, Tea Knight Cookie, Eclair Cookie, Twizzly Gummy Cookie and Shining Glitter Cookie
• “Duel of Hearts”
Featuring: White Choco Cookie and Rose Cookie
• “A Very Much Invited Guest”
Featuring: The Cookies of the Hollyberry Kingdom
• “Fashion Week 2?”
Featuring: Cheesecake Cookie, Chestnut Cookie, and the Tailor Cookies
• “Po-tay-to, Po-tah-to”
Featuring: The Vegetable Cookies
March 2023 🌱
• “Artist Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Butter Pretzel Cookie, Cheesecake Cookie, Truffle Cookie and Pastry Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie’s Costume Concepts”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Drawings for the Little Cookies”
Featuring: Lollipop Cookie, Walnut Cookie, Onion Cookie and Strawberry Crepe Cookie
• “Ya Like Raisin Buns?”
Featuring: Black Raisin Cookie
• “Sweetheart Timekeeper Cookie” 💝
Featuring: Timekeeper Cookie
• “Stress from a Job”
Featuring: Baguette Cookie, Almond Cookie, Pizza Cookie, Dr. Bones Cookie and Kumiho Cookie
• “Ancient Y/N Cookie’s All Nighters”
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies
• “Y/N Cookie being part of a Royal Family”
Featuring: Madeleine Cookie, Financier Cookie, Red Velvet Cookie, Chocolate Bonbon Cookie and Rougefort Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie having a Nightmare”
Featuring: Moonlight Cookie, Milky Way Cookie and Stardust Cookie
• “Downstream: Part 1”
Featuring: Affogato Cookie and the Cookies of the Dark Cacao Kingdom
• “Group Findings”
Featuring: Cauliflower Cookie and Peperoncino Cookie
• “Volunteering to be a parent to Y/N Cookie’s child (Part 1)”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Sea Fairy x Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Sea Fairy Cookie
• “A Jammed Heart” 😞
Featuring: Chocolate Frosting Cookie
• “Croissant Cookie vs. Timekeeper Cookie”
Featuring: Croissant Cookie, Timekeeper Cookie, Coffee Candy Cookie and Dark Fondue Cookie
April 2023 ☔️
• “A Forced Hand” ⭐️
Featuring: Salsa Cookie (debut) and the Ancient Cookies
• “Y/N Cookie in Scovillia”
Featuring: Scovillia Headmaster, Capsaicin Cookie, Parfaedia Principal, Prune Juice Cookie, Creme Knights Preceptor and Kouign-Amann Cookie
• “From Afar”
Featuring: Chocolate Bonbon Cookie, Croissant Cookie, Sour Belt Cookie and Lime Cookie
• “Kindred Souls”
Featuring: Milk Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie Comforting Centipede Cookie”
Featuring: Centipede Cookie, Lilac Cookie and Scorpion Cookie
• “Chocolate Frosting Cookie trying to redeem herself”
Featuring: Chocolate Frosting Cookie, Croissant Cookie, Coffee Candy Cookie, Dark Fondue Cookie and Timekeeper Cookie
• “The Pudding Cup Circus”
Featuring: Banana Cookie, Ice Juggler Cookie, Licorice Cookie and Pomegranate Cookie
• “Cookies of Darkness Go to the Movies”
Featuring: The Cookies of Darkness
• “Volunteering to be a parent to Y/N Cookie’s child (Part 2)”
Featuring: Financier Cookie, Pure Vanilla Cookie, Red Velvet Cookie, Madeleine Cookie, Captain Caviar Cookie and Clotted Cream Cookie
• “Exiled from their Kingdom: The Darkness’s Offering”
Featuring: The Cookies of Darkness
• “No Simp September”
Featuring: Hollyberry Cookie, Kumiho Cookie, Frost Queen Cookie, Blueberry Pie Cookie and Princess Cookie
• “I’ll Miss You” 😞
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies
• “The Incorrect Quote Cookie Jar #2”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Y/N Cookie in the Crème Knights”
Featuring: Financier Cookie, Vanilla Sugar Cookie, Kouign-Amann Cookie, Prune Juice Cookie and Capsaicin Cookie
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thelaithlyworm · 14 days
Daomu Biji Watcher’s Guide, May 2024
A few new entries have been popping up lately, and I’m always hopeful new fans will stumble into the pits and never leave so I thought I’d paste up a rough map.
(Obviously the best watching order, like the best reading order of Discworld or the Aubrey-Maturin books, is ‘whatever first comes to your hand’ but for the people who don’t like that…)
Daomu Biji is a series about tomb raiding. Think Indiana Jones or Lara Croft but much, much longer. The protagonist Wu Xie is deeply in love with BFF1 Zhang Qiling, a hundred-year-old cryptid, and BFF2 Wang Pangzi, who was stolen in a raid from another book series. It’s comic, tragic, horrific, zany, prone to musings on life, love, desire, attachment, and has many, many piss jokes. (‘Journey to the West but modern’ is maybe the other comparison I’d make.)
– This guide is not talking about “quality”. All of the adaptations have their own strengths and weaknesses and tone can vary a great deal, which is to say, if one of them doesn’t suit you it’s likely something else will.
– Wacky endings, and plot threads that disappear unfinished and get picked up a long time later, are as inherent to the franchise as the piss jokes.
– It’s common for the dramas to introduce characters and subplots a lot earlier than the books do. Sometimes we’ll see a character introduced ‘for the first time’ on multiple occasions and strangely familiar scenes. I’ll try to point out the biggest continuity clashes as I go.
The Soft Entry:
There are a few movies that are entertaining as standalones but will introduce various characters and background. I would recommend:
Escape from the Monstrous Snake + Mystery/Grave of the Abyss – two monster movies featuring Hei Xiazi, a supporting character. He’s a pragmatical mercenary who’s going blind in kind of a weird way, and goofy as hell when he isn’t tiptoeing over a vast abyss of existential dread. So many fun action scenes.
Time Raiders (2015) – so there are some textual clues that late in his career Wu Xie wrote this story as a memory-jogger for an amnesiac friend. The plot is a freewheeling wild ride which doesn’t directly match any book plot but introduces some major characters and how they relate to each other. It’s colourful and fast-moving. Enjoy, enjoy.
Conjuring Curse and Misty Creed are… theoretically set late in the series even if the actors look about twelve. Both work as stand-alone adventures, though Misty Creed is maybe a little deep in the lore. Again, colourful and fast-moving.
The Chronological Order
You could honestly start with most of these – they tend to come with a ‘what has gone before’ at the start or a newbie character that things get explained to. The only one I wouldn’t start with is Heavenly Palace in the Clouds, which is lovely but also the second half of a set and things won’t make sense if you haven’t seen Lost Tomb 2 first.
Lost Tomb 1 – a highly digestible 10-12 episode version of the Seven Star Lu Palace arc, ie. Baby’s First Adventure. Introduces A-Ning, Xie Yuchen, and Huo Xiuxiu early and a couple of og characters for Wu Xie to talk to instead of monologuing to himself. The restaurant scene at the end was raided from a later arc and you’ll see it again in Ultimate Note. A book character, Da Kui, was cut which is a small problem because how he died is a minor plot point discussed in Lost Tomb 2. 
Lost Tomb 2 – covers Raging Sea, Hidden Sands (underwater tomb) and Qinling God-Tree (weird bronze tree in the mountains) plus a whole lotta side stories and original content exploring the world and foreshadowing later plots. Mooostly in continuity with Lost Tomb 1 (see Da Kui above) and made as a set with Heavenly Palace in the Clouds – they share resources and a lot of actors, and some threads begun here are finished in Heavenly Palace.
Heavenly Palace in the Clouds – covers the Mt Changbai arc, a journey up a mountain to find a very old, very grand tomb. This was made so close to Lost Tomb 2 that LT2 borrows shots from Heavenly Palace and not the other way around, which is fascinating because it pointedly contradicts the last five episodes of LT2. It also brings forward some plotlines originally from the Tamutuo and Zhang Family Old Pavilion arcs (San-shu’s past in the underwater tomb, and the Huo Family videotapes) dragging some characters on-screen and forcing them to talk about their feelings, which they would clearly rather die than do. Given those plot-tweaks and the early, deliberate continuity clash, I’m tempted to call this a Canon Parallel Universe. Got some interestingly chewy character dynamics and luverly, luverly set design.
Mystic Nine – This is a prequel about Zhang Qishan – Fo-ye – and his peers, but later dramas expect us to know who Fo-ye was so I’m sticking it here. Kinda… picaresque? Lots of action scenes and Republican-era flavour and various factions jostling for power – kinda feels like an old-school wuxia story, only set in the 1930s with all that glorious Republican-era styling. Has some unfortunate cut scenes – the details of how Fo-ye recovered at his family’s house don’t make a lot of sense in the aired version, and there are a couple of missing fights in the penultimate episode. Shrug. Still a lot of fun. Comes with four side movies about supporting characters.
Ultimate Note – Covers the Tamutuo arc (a trip through the jungle) and two-thirds of the Zhang Family Old Pavilion arc (investigating Zhang Qiling’s past is like kicking a hornet’s nest). Very, very flirty and has some zippy-zip action choreography. Politely ignores Lost Tomb 1–Heavenly Palace continuity (Xie Yuchen is, once more, introduced for the first time, now with a romantically coded friendship arc) and brings in a lot of cameos from Mystic Nine and Sand Sea, which it was filmed after. Kinda tiptoes around parts of the book plot, which I suspect would be hard for anyone to film, re: Fo-ye’s actions in the 1960s. Fair warning, this ends on a cliffhanger. This is also where the Xinyue Restaurant scene appears again – two cakes!
Tibetan Sea Flower – If Tibetan Sea Flower ever airs, it will go here.
Sand Sea – Based on the Sand Sea novel. After Tibetan Sea Flower, Wu Xie goes into a bit of a decline and makes that the world’s problem. We the audience, plus Li Cu and Liang Wan, EDIT: a lovely doctor, are pretty much dropped in media res into a number of ancient conspiracies and complicated plots coming to a head in the manner of a boil. It’s weird; it’s messy; it’s mad fun. Like Mystic Nine, has a lot of factions jostling for power and colourful jianghu characters. We will, once more, see the Xinyue Restaurant scene. Also has some side movies.
Time Raiders – The textual hints that suggest Wu Xie wrote this, suggest he wrote it around Sand Sea-era, when his life was a bit complicated. I’m putting it after Sand Sea because I believe it caps a conversation that, ah, doesn’t quite make it into the drama. But notionally this is where it should go. Ah…. at one point, someone tells a story about an ancient ruler, King Mu of Zhou, who sought immortality from the Queen of the West in Tamutuo. The longer book conversation suggests that a) King Mu of Zhou engineered a “trap” for someone like Wu Xie to fall into in the future, and b) that Iron Mask Scholar, a villain from Lost Tomb 1, was an alias that King Mu of Zhou used in the Warring States Era. Which makes some of Iron Mask Scholar’s appearances in Time Raiders… interesting.
Reunion: Sound of Providence – sometimes known as Reboot. Having peaked in badassery in Sand Sea, Wu Xie has to consider what his life is going to be now, and also, he would like to track down a missing family member. So this was tweaked to make it more accessible to new viewers (so some parts of the back-story are not mentioned or conflated for simplicity) and that mostly works but I did find watching this first and then picking up the earlier dramas a bit of a mindscrew. Zhu Yilong is, however, a powerful draw and the rest of the cast sparkles. Probably best to think of Season 1 as two short seasons jammed together, which is to say, once the Warehouse 11 arc starts there are a number of characters who won’t reappear until Season 2. It’s a fun arc even so. Season 2 ends with a badass action scene and then a big party, which I think is a great way to end a story.
Escape from the Monstrous Snake, Mystery/Grave of the Abyss, Conjuring Curse, Misty Creed – these are all theoretically set around or after Reboot-era, though they can certainly be watched as stand-alones.
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Rei’s okay sign always gets me.
Of course they bought Christmas presents for Miri, right? Despite everything what happened. Despite the temporary separation. When Miri returns her own Morio Kart second edition is waiting for her.
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So I know some people are complaining that ep 6 & 7 were too rushed and while I do agree that the pacing was much faster and while I would kill for more time to spend with characters (not just ep 9 & 10 hell bring back 24 episode seasons. Let's bring back beach episodes and episodes purely about exploring backstories. Hell make ofmd a community style show where each episode is about the characters' shenanigans in different genres)
pls tell me I'm not the only one who actually really liked how fast ep 6 & 7 were? Because (and I have a logical reason for this):
While I do 100% agree that the decisions Ed & Stede made in those episodes were very in-character,
The fact that (starting from ned low's torture) these two episodes happened within a span of 24 hours makes their decisions much more believable
Because sometimes when things happen (bad, good and overwhelming things) they tend to pile up on you without giving you a chance to even breathe and it's in those moments you make some of your rash and stupid decisions
When things happen so fast you don't even get a minute to process any of it and it feels...well it feels like you're lost at sea and you grab on with both hands to the first solid decision you see even though objectively it's a bad one, just so your mind will get some reprieve and a moment of clarity so you can say "okay this is the direction I'm working towards now" and through that direction you can, even briefly, settle yourself
The last time things happened like this, one big life changing thing after another, Stede ran back home to his ex-wife & kids
But when he got the opportunity to talk it through and sit with himself and process everything that had happened, he realised he was in love with Ed
it probably wasn't initially planned like that, it's probably Max being assholes and making as many cuts and restrictions as they can, but the insane chaos of the end result & the mounting anxiety as you wait for the other shoe to drop was actually, imo, very effective
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skeletonpunching · 1 year
Buddy Daddies episode 10 (Lost At Sea) trailer
Episode synopsis:
It's December, and Miri is hard at work practising singing for the daycare Christmas party. Kazuki and Rei go to pick up Miri as usual, when they spot a familiar figure in front of the daycare: Miri's mother, Misaki. In her fine outfit, she looks very different from before, and she calls out to Kazuki and Rei. When a baffled Kazuki asks her what she wants, she says, "I'm here to fetch Miri." Kazuki, stunned by this sudden turn of events, unthinkingly raises his voice. And just then, Miri, catching sight of her mother, comes rushing over. They bring Misaki back to the apartment to talk things over, with Miri innocently fawning over her mother. And it turns out that Misaki has a certain reason for being here to pick Miri up...
Trailer dialogue:
Rei: I feel like I've been getting really into clean living lately. Kazuki: Man, I'd never have believed it of you! Rei: If I manage to perfect daily chores, I'll be totally invincible. Kazuki: You don't get to say that! Rei: But I don't think I can cook, so I'll let you have that. Kazuki: Oh, you'd have to fight me for it, don't worry! Buddy Daddies episode 10: Lost At Sea. I wonder if we look just like a picture-perfect family from outside... Okay, it's laundry time! Rei! Give me a hand! Rei: It's cold on the balcony. Don't wanna go out. Kazuki: Mmm... well, that's so you.
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hoe-days · 4 months
Man the Phantom of the Sea episode had a little kick to it
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Frankie had to grow up without Cody and the Chief lost his kids for 10 years😭😭rewatching rescue bots is not for the weak I actually shed a tear
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