#glitra week 2021
baggebythesea · 1 year
"Shadow Weaver takes Micah's firstborn" is actually such a good plot device for a fairy AU honestly
She would refuse to let anyone else play the wicked godmother.
Aaaaaaand Glimmer growing up under Shadow Weaver's 'stellar' care would be... interesting. I'm reminded of @rarijackistheshit's swap-au
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teaandsmut · 3 years
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Finally finished my piece for Glitra Week! For the Teach me to dance prompt, but ceilidh dancing is really easy to learn so it’s Glimmer showing Catra the merits of spinning each other as fast as possible.
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YOU BE MY DETONATOR: GLITRA WEEK DAY 3 written for @glitra-week-2021
Catra scowls at her hands and thinks, distantly, about punching the smirk right off Glimmer’s smug face. It’s not her fault that they got stuck outside like this. It’s not her fault that she left her coat and therefore her keys and her money inside the car they’re currently locked out of at 3 in the fucking morning in February. And it’s most definitely not her fault that Glimmer, fucking stupid pretty Glimmer, the same Glimmer she’s been pointedly ignoring for the past few months, happens to be locked out with her. “So, kitty,” she says cheerfully, folding her arms and leaning against the car. “How are we going to get home?" She grits her teeth. “Shut up.”
read it here!
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glitra-week-2021 · 3 years
Glitra Week Voting Closes Today! Closed!
Today's the last day to vote for the prompts you'd like to see for Glitra Week 2021!!! Polls have closed! The winning prompts will be announced soon!
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nny11writes · 3 years
Glitra but it’s that one video
I can’t find the video anymore, but it’s the one where the guy makes an egg for his boyfriend for breakfast and tries to vacuum up the excess pepper only to suck up the egg. Anyone know what I’m talking about????
Anyways it’s that :)
“Well...fuck…” Catra glared at the pile of pepper that used to be a perfectly cooked egg. Of course this had to happen the one time she managed to get it literally perfect, a crisp bottom and runny yolk and stars she was so hungry!
Glimmer blinked at her from the garbage can, where she’d been using a butter knife to scrape the burnt parts of their toast off. Her eyes were unfocused as she held up one finger and put the toast on top of the fridge for some reason. “I gotchu.”
“Uuuhhhhh, okay? You had your coffee yet babe?”
The exhausted woman at the hallway closet responded with something. Either “not yet” or “dead bet” which, really, either one was fair. 
“And how much sleepy meds did you use last night?”
“Bwuh?” Glimmer emerged, somehow holding the vacuum even though Catra was sure she hadn’t dug it out. Maybe she’d used a pocket dimension, after learning how to pull things through a gap in space time she had been abusing it.
Catra quickly went to the coffee machine and started to make Glimmer a cup, because she loved her or something. Gross, she was getting all domestic. “Meds? How much?”
“Pfffffffft,” Glimmer essentially blew a long raspberry as she marched to the counter and got the vacuum plugged in. “Not much. New strain. Wait, why did I- EGG! Egg rescue!”
And before Catra could understand what was happening, Glimmer held the vacuum hose to the egg. For a split second she even thought, “Wow she’s so smart, this is gonna work!” before horrifying reality set in and the egg was sucked up into their home appliance. Glimmer stared at the plate and then the hose before looking to her girlfriend for help.
“UH!?” Catra’s brain stuttered, backfired, and finally rolled over, “W-water!”
She thrust the cup she was holding out and only once it was too late did she remember her water glass was on the counter as their vacuum sucked up a cup of coffee with cream and sugar. There was a long pause as they waited to see what would happen, before they both started to grin. 
If anyone had been there, someone would’ve stopped them. 
And they were going to take full advantage of this lack of foresight.
First they did the toilet paper roll, which was hilarious to watch spin as they sucked it up. Then Glimmer sucked up the broken spoon (Entrapta experiment, look don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to) they’d both been ignoring for their own safety. Catra was delighted when it took every single sock she fed it, one from each of Glimmer’s half socks she hated so much. Then Glimmer took it to suck up the puddle of water that was growing again on the patio before she started to vacuum up the loose dirt and soil they’d left yesterday after their failed re-potting attempt to save their lemon tree sapling.
Fare thee well Meyer, you were beloved but doomed.
Catra kind of lost track around the time they tried to vacuum up some weeds, but shortly thereafter the poor machine gave up the ghost and stopped with a pathetic wheeze. Glimmer pouted but at least seemed more alert as she shook the hose and then shrugged. “I hated that vacuum anyways.”
“...wait, waitwaitwait, was this your way of making sure we’d have to buy a new one?” 
Glimmer blushed horrifically and waved the hose around like a staff. “ExCuSE you! No! ...Not at first! Look, you are going to love the Serenity vacuum, it’s so highly rated!”
And sure, she did very quickly come around when she realized how easily it got her fur out of the carpet and how easy it was to maneuver around their weird shaped half-fixed furniture. (Look, the problem with learning to use pocket dimensions is all the failed attempts leave things a little brokenish and you need to respect that.) But also sure as shit Catra screeched when Glimmer threatened to see what they could blend before needing a new one, because she wanted a new one.
The answer turned out to be far more than she’d expected, except the super glue kind made it a moot point.
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butchosprey · 3 years
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A piece for @glitra-week-2021! Loved drawing Mermaid Glimmer!!
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therodrigator6 · 3 years
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GLITRA WEEK, DAY 2: "First kiss"
"I'll get you out of here, I found a way out Glimmer" -"Wait! Promise me you'll go with me, we're leaving together or not at all!" -"Together, I promise... I love you."
I'm basically dumping my fantasies of what could've happened in space jail LMAO
Thank you very much to @glitra-week-2021 for all the prompts!
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rarijackistheshit · 3 years
Glitra week 2021: NOIR.
Got this commision from @manzanillapop thank you so much!
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marmarkow · 3 years
Day two of Glitra Week ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ @glitra-week-2021
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enby-catra · 3 years
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Day 1 (chaotic girlfriends) for @glitra-week-2021 let’s be honest glitra would always be chaotic but s1-2 glitra would be something else. they’d burn down so much shit
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housebutchvee · 3 years
Two Seconds to Mayhem
Glitra Week Day 1: Chaotic Girlfriends
Words: 1482 Read on Ao3
Catra and Glimmer chase down a lead to find out who put a hit on the BFS. Things get messy fast.
A Cyberpunk She-Ra AU I put together with lots of tech, neon, and action! Featuring Psion Glimmer and Fixer/Hacker Catra.
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baggebythesea · 3 years
The lady and her knight
a drabble for the day 4 prompt of Glitra week 2021 - Princess/Knight AU.
"Glimmer," Angella said. "You are now thirteen years old, and it's time for you to have your own..."
"Pony?" Glimmer asked with eyes full of hope.
Angella sighed.
"No, Glimmer. We have been through that a million times. Horses are dangerous. No, it's time for you to have your own body guard."
"Ugggggh!" Glimmer said. "Moooooom. I don't need a baby-sitter. I can take care of myself."
"A lady's knight is far from a baby-sitter," Angella said, voice a bit sharper. "Your body guard will be someone in your own age. Someone you can bond with, share experiences with. Grow to trust with your life if necessary. It's not uncommon for such bonds to grow in time." She smiled warmly and Juliette, who returned the smile. "Your knight could become a trusted companion, a close confident, a..."
The word 'friend' hung unsaid in the air.
Glimmer gave her mother an uncharacteristically placable look.
"It might not be horrible..." she said slowly. "But who would it even be?"
"Ah, I have actually already asked General Juliette to chose a suitable candidate among the aspiring knights."
"Indeed," Juliette said with smooth voice and opened the door. "Could you join us please, Catra?"
A girl Glimmer's age entered. She was dressed in leather armour and carried a light sword at her side. She stepped up to Glimmer with the bearing of someone who has been told very sternly by her superiors to behave, and the irreverent smirk of someone who knew in her heart that she wouldn't. She sank to one knee and met Glimmer's eyes.
"My lady," she said, and even if the words were proper and the tone of voice were subservient, her eyes danced with obstinate light.
Glimmer gave her a long look.
She held out her hand, a queenly gestured practiced a million times to placate a mother who had told her very sternly to behave, but at the same time smiled a smile of someone who has no intention of doing so.
"My knight," she said with velvet voice.
They looked each other in the eyes.
Oh, you're so going to get it, they communicated - loud and clear with no need for words.
Catra took Glimmer's hand.
Glimmer helped her to her feet.
They both squeezed as hard as they could without breaking eye contact, without their smiles faltering.
"Catra has shown great promises in basic training," Juliette said. "She is an able fighter and a skilled strategist, and it has been suggested that she might benefit from some, ah, variation in scenery."
"Ah," Angella said.
Catra smirked.
"Glimmer might also... benefit from a... new perspective," Angella said.
"Ah," Juliette said.
Glimmer grinned.
They all understood each other, loud and clear.
"Glimmer," Angella said sternly. "I trust you will do your uttermost to treat your new knight with the dignity and respect her station deserves, and most importantly, behave like a lady."
"Of course, mother," Glimmer said, her eyes never leaving Catra's face.
"Catra," Juliette said. "I trust you will do everything in your power to serve and protect princess Glimmer, and most importantly behave like a knight."
"Of course, General," Catra said, her eyes locked on Glimmer's.
Oh yes, they understood each other perfectly.'
"Then I suggest you take your leave and get to know each other," Angella said. She gave Juliette a fond smile. "Me and the general have urgent matters that needs to be discussed."
"Indeed, my Queen," the general answered with warm voice.
And thus, Princess Glimmer and the knight Catra were left to their own devices.
- - -
The first shot was fired in unison. There was no communication, no agreement, but apparently they both felt the importance of both of them taking responsibility for what was to unfold - whatever that might be. The shot itself was trivial, just the two of them trying to squeeze through the doorway together and roughly pushing each other in the side. They traded a few sarcastic, demeaning apologizes, but they both felt this was just warm-up.
They strolled down to the balcony to 'get to know' each other and begin in earnest.
Glimmer took the next swing. Perhaps they felt it suitable for her status. A few lofty remarks, a demand for 'her knight to serve her' (they were drinking tea).
Catra didn't miss a beat and spilled the entire content of the tea can in Glimmer's lap. She looked her in the eyes and 'apologized'. Glimmer wasn't even mad, it was such a flawless execution.
Then Glimmer had Catra find a broom and sweep up the fallen tea tray, servant style. Catra managed to make such a mess of even finding the broom closet that Glimmer had to abandon the attempt and leave it to the servants.
Then Catra, apparently tired of leaving the initiative to Glimmer, started to make a fuss over Glimmer opening doors, walking up stairs, reaching things from the high shelf... all solid taunts targeting a spoiled little brat of a princess, but somewhat loosing in execution since Catra was just as short as Glimmer, and since Glimmer could teleport up the stair, which she smugly did.
Catra narrowed her eyes.
Time to step up her game.
Catra suggested they take a walk, and they just 'happened' to come by the training grounds. Catra suggested she'd take the opportunity to show her new lady what her knew night was capable of. While Glimmer jealously watched, Catra spun and jump and struck and flipped and reduced a poor training dummy to splinters, looking incredibly cool the whole time and not like a stupid pampered princes who's mother wouldn't even let her have a pony.
Then Catra administrated the coup de grâce - as efficient as it was cruel - by saunter up to the staring princess, a bit sweaty but otherwise as cool as anyone Glimmer had ever seen, and casually suggested that now when Glimmer had been so good to indulge her knight's fancy maybe they should do something more suitable for a princess, such as ballroom dancing or - she indulged in a moment of dramatic silence before she looked Glimmer in the eye and continued - embroidery.
Glimmer hated her. She hated her with a passion she never felt before in her admittedly short but still very passionate life. She hated her stupid grin and her strong arms and the way her fangs made her look dangerous and cool and she hated her smug, irreverent way of sauntering and she hated the way she swished her tail when she thought she had done something extra clever and what exactly did Bow think was funny with all this?
"Nothing," Bow promised and hid a smile under his hand.
Catra hated Glimmer. She was such a spoiled brat. She looked like a cupcake and smelled like strawberries and wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty and sparked like the sunset and... what was Adora laughing at?
"Nothing," Adora promised without even trying to hide her smile. Catra snarled and ran out of the soldier's quarter they shared and force the images of Glimmer's warm smile out of her mind.
The next day they escalated.
Glimmer was snooty, Catra was irreverent. Glimmer gave unreasonable commands, Cara obeyed them in as useless a fashion as possible. They traded barbs, as hurtful they could think of. They glared at each other with pure, undiluted hatred.
They both knew this would end in a catastrophe sooner rather than later.
"How do you to get along this far?" Angella asked.
"Just fine, mother," Glimmer has answered.
"Really? No problem getting to know each other."
"Of course not, mother."
"And nothing to remark on Catra's performance of her knightly duties?"
"Absolutely not. She is a credit to her order," Glimmer had answered with calm voice.
"How is the princess?" Juliette had asked. "These royal types can be such a pest sometimes."
"I couldn't say, General," Catra had answered. "The princess is the very epitome of grace and kindness."
"No problem getting along, then?" Juliette asked.
"No problem at all," Catra answered, voice unwavering.
The last thing they wanted was outside intervention.
This was their war.
It was such a tiny thing, really, when they first broke script. Just one barb hitting a bit closer to home than usual, a mask faltering for just a moment, and the other suddenly looking worried, suddenly reaching out a hand, as if for comfort.
The moment was over in the blink of an eye, and they both did their best to act like it hadn't happened.
But they didn't forget.
After that it was all downhill, really.
Or uphill, I suppose, depending on your frame of reference.
It was their barbs being more and more designed to provoke laughter rather than hurt.
It was them more and more often trying to impress rather than put down.
It was Glimmer asking if Catra could perhaps teach her some of the cool moves she did on the training ground.
It was Catra asking if Glimmer could perhaps show her some of the acrobatics she did while teleporting.
It was the two of them, walking hours over the castle ground and talking and laughing.
It was the time they got in their head to climb the old tower. Only a quick teleportation saved their lives.
It was them sneaking down to the cavalry unit and beg Adora to let Glimmer have a go on her horse Horsie.
It was Glimmer asking Bow to teach Catra some archery stunts deemed less than suitable for impressionable young knights by the Bright Moon military leadership.
It was the two of them deciding that knightly duties absolutely involved guarding the princess at night from unspecified but obviously real dangers.
It was the two of them staying up long after midnight in Glimmer's room, laughing and talking and thinking and plotting and eventually falling asleep, snuggled up together.
They become inseparable, much to the Castle staff's chagrin. Where one went, the other was sure to follow, and with both of them in the same place, trouble was not far away.
In hindsight, perhaps it was somewhat of an overreaction, the things Catra did to the knight of the Princess of Salineas after said princess had appeared rude to the Princess of Brightmoon during an official gathering (don't worry, the knight's moustache grew out again).
Definitely an overreaction was what Princess Glimmer did to the diplomatic attaché from Mystacor after said diplomat had made what could be constructed as snide remarks on Catra's behalf.
Luckily, Bow, Catra, Angella, Micah, Juliette, three thirds of the servant stab and half of the available palace guard managed to hold back the furious princess before Light Spinner suffered lasting damage.
Angella and Micah DID manage to coax an apology from Glimmer afterwards, but back in Glimmer's room, Catra and Glimmer laughed about the look on Light Spinner's face.
- - -
"More tea, Juliette?"
"Thank you, Angella, just a drop."
"I trust the scones were to your liking."
"Simply divine, as always, my dear Angella."
They were in the west tower, one of Angella's favourite retreats for tea with her knight. It was airy and light and they could see the court yard down below.
They watched with interest how Catra and Glimmer hid behind a couple of crates, apparently intent on sneaking outside as soon as the guard looked away.
"It seems my daughter is a bad influence on your knight," Angella remarked.
"Please," Juliette laughed. "Catra has been unruly from the very start. She would never fit in the usual command structure. As the personal knight of a member of the royal family on the other hand she can be forgiven for a higher degree of freedom."
"And the lonely, unruly princess just so happens to have found herself a perfect partner in crime," Angella laughed. "Juliette, I owe you thanks. I'm sorry I ever doubted you."
Juliette took Angella's hands. They shared a long, soft look.
"What is a lady's knight for, if not helping her lady facing the challenges life throws her way?"
"What, indeed?" Angella echoed.
They held each other's hand, looking lovingly in each other's eyes as their tea grew cold.
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glitrahasconsumedme · 3 years
Day Seven of Glitra Week:
Prompt: Proposal/Keeping a Promise
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if there is a glitra week 2021 i am going to go feral /pos
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glitra-week-2021 · 3 years
So... um... what are the word on NSFW fics for Glitra week? 👉👈
Your question has been answered here! 😊
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shera-dnd · 3 years
Hey, so I had this whole big post planed out for New Years Eve about how I’m gonna start taking this blog more seriously as a source of income and start posting more often and bringing up my ko-fi more often.
But then my PC got fried and I had to replace both the fans and the PSU, so I basically couldn’t post shit for a whole week.
So anyway here’s the plan: This blog is the source of income that got me through a year and a half of college and then a whole ass year of pandemic. And as such I feel like it requires more attention, so I can nurture this shit into something big and good and that can truly be worth something.
To that end I’m gonna have to find the balance between “overworking myself to the point of having a mental breakdown and busting both my wrists at the same time” like I did in 2019 and “wallowing in my depression until I barely have the drive to get out of bed” like I did in 2020. I’m sure there’s plenty of space for that there.
Also this includes branching out into stuff that isn’t She-ra, now I have some ideas for that but that’s gonna have to wait for later. There are at least 3 more side quests and a few plot points I wanna go over for this AU, before I consider doing something else.
also dear god so many fanfics I wanna write, god I have like the biggest glitra fic ever in my docs right now
At the end of the day this basically just means more content for y’all and hopefully more income for me, so here’s to 2021 being the gayest fucking year we can possibly make.
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