morpheussons · 8 months
Nora and me
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Trigger warning: sexual content, drugs
Nora is a peasant disguised as a genius princess. We met some months ago in a club, waiting in line next to the toilets for, well, you know, not the toilet and ended up in the same cubicle. We didn't leave each others' side for 48h. She looked ravishing and hotter than a Thai super chile.
I think I can generalize the way Nora's body is shaped and apply it to her personality. There has to be a correlation between character and body shape. Everything about her is focused, sharp, pointy, directional, intentional and loaded with energy. The same goes for the shape of her anus, otherwise it would be impossible to explain the sheer force of her farts. She could fart so vehemently that you felt the sofa trembling sitting next to her. Once, at a home party, she sat on the kitchen table, sipping a mixture of alcohol and some unidentified liquids, obviously drunk, and farted so powerful through her glittery dress that the MDMA, carefully presented on the mirror, scattered all over the table surface. The gays went crazy. Keep her ass away from the drugs. I mean, literally.
Also, her intelligence, movements, jokes, her drunk gaze and semi-articulated speech pinch the atmosphere as an embroidery of filth and decadence. She's in fashion of course, earning shitloads of money by judging young designers and models while floating in the rush of drugs and low self-esteem. Because although she looks fabulous and hip, in an unguarded moment you can see the depths of self-loathing and despair in her eyes. She embodies and owns it, wears them as a sad trophy, a weakness leveled up to an admirable feature. 
According to Nora, the eyes tell everything: they luxuriate, they shine, they "profoundalize" and deepen like rubies, they make the outfit shine and not vice versa, and will move the attention to the places that matter most. When you treat your eyes like jewels, the crowd looks where you are looking, your eyes will suck their attention and everyone will succumb to the radiating power. Being looked at is being seduced, it’s Nora acknowledging the worth of you existing. There is so much in her gaze and people want to be part of all that, be part of the world she’s looking at, part of her attention and life. There's no diamond that can compete with Nora's finely-honed eyes, and no money can buy the little time she takes interest in you. 
Nora and me are a bad combo, we ignite the worst parts of each other, two drinks of alcohol and combustion happens in our brains, spilling indecencies like pouring champagne over a tower of crystal glasses. Once the lid is off, we sparkle vigorously. In an instant, everyone is affected. It’s a bush wildfire, everyone turns flammable by our contagious energy and the madness spreads like chlamydia in a circuit gay afterparty. Things happen there, and me loosing my glasses at an orgy is the least worrisome. Since I moved to the capital, this is my 5th pair. I really have bad eyesight, so the moments my judgement was impaired by blurry human bodies, I sucked too many questionable dicks attached to even more questionable body parts. I frequently asked her not to bring her dealer home. Last time we ended up sucking his dick in the bathroom and it was terrible. After that little adventure I had to talk to my team of therapists, main conclusion: it's not me, it's my trauma. That's a broad concept though, am I referring also to that time the police broke my front door because I'm queer, or to my precious childhood memory of my dad jerking off on my little brother's face and made me watch? But enough about me.
I don't know when she sleeps or if she even dares to. Her brains processing her lifestyle every night must be like Sisyphus rolling 3 rocks at the same time, considering the amount of drama and intrigue she collects on her way to the next shoot in Paris or Rome. I love her deeply and I cast myself as the safe haven in her escapades, not that there's much left of safety once the drugs kick in and my mind goes berserk. She has a same ‘me’-person in every city she roams, from Sarajevo to Shanghai, and I truly feel them gays, tumbling around in her slipstream while she passes through their lives as an intoxicated fighter jet.
The best talk we ever had was under a living room table at 4 a.m., trying to recover the dropped bag of 3MMC by sniffing it off the floor, between the crumbles of garlic bread and Tuscany olives. "I miss my dad", she said, staring at the purple high heels, tapping the floor nervously just in front of us. I don't want to know how that triggered the memory of her father, but her voice was sincere and raw. I wiped away some white powder and crumbles from under my nose and asked where he was right now. “He's dead”, she said. “Somewhere in a mass grave in Serbia, I don't know”. “Ok”, I mumbled, “that's a mood killer”. Normally that would cheer her up, but the way this hurt animal lifted her head from the floor and looked at me, nope, not this time. ‘So rude', she said. 'You're shit and you know it' and she pushed me but fell on her side while trying and bumped her head to the table leg. “You fucker”. That was it, really. Nothing more. Or I don't remember anymore. She then rolled over to the sofa, climbing it while violently pushing away two guys making out. I sat there for 10 more minutes, trying to make sense of her dead father and how she became this person, before making my way through the dance floor towards the toilet. On hands and knees, meanwhile being petted, sat on, hit, pushed and stomped. When I finally reached the toilet, I stared into the dark water and blacked out.
I woke up under the sofa some 18h later, and Nora was already on a mission to Amsterdam. I only received some nonsensical text messages later that evening, meaning she was probably doing ok.
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ivory-peaches · 7 years
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So, a certain glittery anal body part had a birthday today sooooooooooooo, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HER!
Everyone, go wish @glittery-anus, my trash wife, a fabulous birthday because she totally deserves it!  I love you, dear, you’re amazing.
(note, the fifth moodboard isn’t done but will be done by tonight so, yeah, lmao)
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Do you appreciate totally-not-sane's moodboards? Because I'm totally the one who encourages her to make them lol
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txtmsg-blog1 · 8 years
it's okay bby girl. i dont like peaches either
g o o d
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MM CD10 time: 18:44
And the good vibes just keep on coming - Molasses was again absent from being able to brutalize my veins and Dr. M was on the helm as ultrasound master.
While completing blood work, a male patient was sipping water while standing beside his female companion, presumably to hydrate and improve his ability to have blood drawn. He happened to be looking in my direction (you naughty boy) when my needle went in, and this puss jumps and turns away in cowardice like he’s just realized he’s in the room w a salivating bengal tiger that hasn’t properly eaten in ten days.
“Shoot, I saw it!” Puss boy proclaims.
Hmmm excuse me? Saw what? An erection firing glittery rainbow cum into a leprechauns anus would warrant such surprise and shock, but needles in a phlebotomy department should be.. well.. assumed.
So I play w puss boy: “you think thats bad? Try giving yourself four injections per day, buddy.” Puss boy did not turn back in my direction, shaking his head slightly, but his lady friend attempted a half grin. I can sense that even his partner finds it a bit comical that a man so obviously terrified of needles would stand about so nonchalantly, sipping his water like it’s afternoon tea in Windsor Castle, in a room where needles abound.
Ultrasound shows slow and steady growth in the follicle department. While last cycle I tried to manage my expectations by obsessing over the number of developing follies, this cycle I’m walking a more zen path. I’m managing my expectations by not having any. It’s a mixed bag at best anyway, after only getting five eggs when I was showing upwards of thirteen well developed follicles during ERR1, so why stress and obsess? Save that for the wait period afterwards.
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mygiantesslove · 6 years
Mother & Son: Underfoot by Azra
Chapter 17
In a beautiful part of the world, in a homely Japanese inn beside a famous hot spring, a large beautiful woman slept between fine silk sheets, her face, as regal as an empress', adorned with a blissful, silent smile. Underneath her, unconscious from the heat of her mighty body and with his face wedged securely up his mother's backside, her son dreamt of the week just past.
The commercial was a mess. At least, it was from Phil's perspective. He had assumed Madame Harukawa had offered them a vacation in Japan with no string's attached, but of course, that had dovetailed into "optionally" shooting a big set of adverts for his mom's joint-marketing push in Tokyo, and when it came to business that was never an option.
It was a series of short vignettes centering around Phil getting completely dominated against his will by his mother, with shots like him getting dragged away by her foot as her toes latched onto his head or shoulders, or him swimming up from deep underwater only to find the plump, breath-stealing ass of his mom ready for his face as he  broke the surface.
They took care to illustrate the inevitability of his mom's superiority over him, framing it as "fate" or "destiny". One commercial depicted him as a tortured, brilliant artist, struggling to climb the "mountain" of his torment with his bare hands only to find his angelic muse (his mother, dyed blonde with angel-wings) falling laughing from the sky butt-first, impacting his face and knocking him off the mountaintop and back down to earth. Another showed him trying to run away from something in tears, only for his mother to slurp him up like a string of spaghetti, winking at the camera as she caught his face between her lips for the money shot. There'd be one where they were dressed for a dinner ball and he was smoothly chatting up a beautiful Japanese girl, only for his mother to realize this and with a raised eyebrow yank a leash that was revealed to be around his neck and pull his face into her crack as the girl laughed.
Yet another had him running a race barefoot along a beach in record time, only for him to be crushed by some unknown shape and blackout at the finishing line and the scene to switch to his voluptuous mom, who has now completed the same race half a minute quicker. She would then smile in victory and raise her almost-barefoot, revealing she'd been running on her shrunken son who had been strapped to her foot the entire race. He'd be a wrestling champ, fresh off a title win, only for a massive, purple toe-nailed foot to come down from above and squash him, and a zoom out to show his mom taking his title. They were all played half for laughs, but they were also partly going for a serious and forthright tone. The femdom angle was obvious, and the mother-son element was reinforced at the start and end of every clip as a choir of energetic girls would scream "Son Life?!" and then "No! Mother Life!" as his mom made her sudden impact. He didn't get that, but then he supposed it wasn't for him.
The end of the ad would feature him acting as a throne for his mom, now clad in spikey leathers and a glittery silver tiara. She had a catchphrase to say at this point but he never heard it as the role always necessitated his face being between her butt-cheeks, but he did know that when she stood up he had to repeat the name of the station as loudly as he could (despite being buried in bum) and then give a hearty thumbs up with her as the commercial ended. This was quite awkward, as when his mom stood up the part of the leather outfit that strapped his face into her butt-crack would pull taught as she raised her arm for the thumbs-up, causing him to stumble more than once, much to everyone's mild amusement.
Eventually, at last, they got it right, with both mother and son giving the line and salute at the same time with him on his knees and her standing with her ass in his face, and they could finally, he thought, get on with the remainder of their vacation. He was so embarrassed that briefly, just for a moment, all he wanted was for his mom to push his body up between her buttocks, his face into her anus and just hide him there forever, away from the rest of the world.
However, this feeling passed quickly enough that when his mother asked him to sit beside her in the taxi he was relieved not to be finding his head a cushion for her bottom once again. She wrapped her arms around him and gave him a big kiss on the cheek, her face glowing with maternal pride.
"I'm so proud of you sweetie, my little acting star." She beamed. "Did you enjoy yourself today? I found this acting thing very easy personally, most of the scenes we shot today came very naturally to me."
She raised one plump leg off the floor with a grin and left it dangling there between them. Catching a wink of her eye he removed the strap from her shoe and then place it on the ground as she slowly moved her foot towards his face, letting the aroma waft around him.
"It felt very ... true to character..." He admitted, suddenly transfixed.
"It did, didn't!" She agreed happily. "Did you enjoy having mommy's bum on top of you in front of lots of sexy Japanese girls? Did you enjoy their nubile young bodies moving to follow you, only for you to be smothered under my big, smelly feet?" Her soft sole pressed against his face now, and his eyes rolled up as she began rubbing it up and down, caressing him with her skin. She laughed as she caught his nose between her big and middle toes and he visibly shook as the earthy stench, leather and sweat, entered him point-blank.
"Lick?" She commanded quietly. He did with a large exhale, as his tongue snaked out and caressed her salty, soft, occasionally calloused skin. She cooed appreciatively, never taking her eyes off his face, framed as it was from her perspective as if her foot was resting on top of it. She arched a heel and pressed her biggest toe firmly against his lips.
"Suck." She commanded, considerably more smugly. She pushed insistently and his lips yielded, allowing her plump and fragrant foot into his mouth. His brain almost seemed shut down know, she smiled; his eyes were white and his expression pale, and the only movement from his body came from his sudden shaking and drooling at the mouth. She raised her phone and took a picture.
She decided to let him massage her toes with his tongue until they got back to the hotel, she was sure she'd have something else by then. She smiled and rubbed her other foot against his groin where despite himself his member stood at full mast and pressing hard against his pants. She had heard, translated though it was, that he had born it all shoot long.
The door shut with a solid click, and Phil ushered his giggling companion in, heart all a-flutter. His hands around her waist, he led Naoko into their hotel room the studio had arranged. Never having any luck with girls before, Phil was thrilled to find cute, giggling Naoko eating ramen at one of the touristy-traps down in Shibuya-cho. She could speak broken English but understand it perfectly, and she was intensely interested in a cute foreign boy like Phil! He hazarded she was a few years younger than him as he cheekily groped at her perky chest (getting slapped playfully for his efforts) and braided her hair into pigtails to exacerbate the look of a schoolgirl, complete with bright pink schoolbag and pleated short-skirt. He took her hand, and he was walking on air. After a few hours of her leading him around downtown he invited her back to the hotel so he could change before finding a place for dinner, and here they were.
"I hope you don't mind waiting a few minutes, I just feel so uncool next to you in my dorky shorts and tee." He laughed. She giggled and shook her head in response. "Do I look like I mind?" And then with the pristine delicacy of a butterfly alighting on a petal, she pressed her lips against his and gave him his first kiss.
He breathed out.
"That ... was amazing." He said, trying hard not to gasp for air. Naoko giggled and teasingly drew his hands lightly down her slim young hips as the light flicked on and -
"Oh. Philip. And who's this you've brought back with you?"
His mom was sat on the leather sofa with a glass of full red wine on the table and a Japanese phrasebook in her hand. In contrast to Naoko, she was dressed aggressively, in a low-cut black figure-hugging tee and leather mini-skirt that came down to mid-thigh. Her legs were covered in tan pantyhose, and she wore dark pumps on her feet. Her mature face was covered in make-up, rouge, mascara, eyeliner and deep ruby-red lipstick, her hair was trussed up and dyed blonde in indifference to the dark-haired masses of Tokyo and she wore two large gold rings on her ears. Phil's breath quickened as her thunder-thighs unfurled and came to rest just a head's width apart.
"Hi. Mom. Hi!" He said, shocked. "I didn't think you'd be back yet! This is Naoko and we just met today!"
"Oh?" She said rising, and Naoko saw she was much taller than she had suspected. The maternal bbw stalked behind her son and placed a hand possessively on his chest, heaving her buxom cleavage onto his shoulders. "And just what does Miss Naoko-chan want with my son, hmm?"
Naoko was blushing pale almost as much as Phil was red. She quickly looked away from the lady's jiggling bosom around her paramour's face and said "I - I take him out for dinner! Show him sites of Tokyo! I live here a long time and know all the great place to eat!"
"Yes and I've just remembered I don't really mind what I'm wearing right now so we're just going to be going right ahead and l-"
"Oh Phil you can't possibly leave just yet," Mrs. Metzger said, her eyes flashing, "not when I'm feeling so gassy."
Phil went white. "Oh. Uh. I guess not, mom."
"Excellent!" She replied, a wide smile splitting her face as she strode over to the sofa. Naoko felt very confused.
"Um, gassy? What is?"
Phil turned on a wirey smile and looked sheepish. "It's just this thing me and mom do, it's no big deal. I just smell her farts and kiss her butt a bit, you know, it's nothing." He said, sweating.
"Farts?" Naoko repeated. "Butt?"
"C'mere Phil sweetie." His mom interrupted, curling a finger at him as she produced that little decanter from between her plump bosom. Assuring his newly minted girlfriend Phil hurried over and drank a single drop from the little bottle. Obediently, he then knelt down on his knees and braced his back. Debra giggled. "Oh, somebody can't wait for his mom to sit on his face!" She said, laughing expectantly at Naoko as if it was a joke between old friends.
Naoko then watched as the lady turned around and began rubbing the largest butt she had ever seen right into the face of the boy she had only just met!
"Oh, yes! Ohh!" Debra moaned theatrically, tossing her hair and rubbing her hands up and down her rotund hips, "Oh take it, Phil, take it all! That feels so good!!"
The poor Japanese girl wasn't sure what she was seeing! Right in front of her eyes, a cute foreign boy seemed to be ... worshipping the ass of his big, beautiful mother?
"Phil?" She said, inching back to the door...
"No, no! It's fine, see? We do this all the time!" Phil blurted out frantically, lips still plastered to his mom's backside. "Please don't be weirded out!"
"Hush now dearie, we're almost done," Debra laughed, clapping her cheeks on her son's nose, "You wouldn't know but Phil's just absorbing some of my gas so I can shrink him down to size."
Sure enough, Naoko noticed that Debra was now leaning farther back onto her son's face. Whereas once her bulbous skirt-clad cheeks had covered up to his ears now they reached past his hairline, and soon she was leaning on his shoulders as his head had disappeared altogether up her bum! Her mouth opened wide as Phil got smaller and smaller until -
Debra crashed seat-first onto the floor, landing on a pile of Phil's clothes that suddenly had no Phil in them. Naoko rushed over, panicking.
"Is he- is he -?!"
She was searching through the tumble of garments as Debra merely laughed getting to her feet. "Don't worry dear, he's in a safe place." She said, turning around to reveal her naked son plastered against the leopard-skin clad seat of her large skirt. She scraped him off with two red fingernails and held him up to the light.
"Oops! I think he's unconscious!" She laughed. "Phil, come on, wake up sweetie!" She took her little boy in her big, warm hands and gently prodded his naked belly with one plump finger. He began to come to, slowly sitting up in her palm. "Ah, there's my big strong boy!" She turned conspiratorially towards Naoko. "You know I sit on him quite a lot so he's really quite resilient! Which of course just means he gets sat on more!"
Phil shook some feeling back into his head and, suddenly very aware of his nakedness, covered his groin with his hands. "So mom now that I've helped you out I thought you could maybe get to growing me back and Naoko and I could just be on our-"
"Oh no sweetie, no, this is a perfect time for us to have a little chat and get to know each other!" She smiled innocently, looking directly at her son's small companion. "Like Naoko-chan here and what she plans to do with my little boy behind my back."
She hushed the suddenly very jittery girl backward into a chair. "No dear you just sit there, my little Phil will sit here," she said, pointedly placing him directly behind her on the sofa, "and I'll just sit down right on top of him-"
Naoko rose to her feet. "No! Don't sit on him!"
Debra snorted at the thought. "Don't sit on him? Why ever not? I've been sitting on him for years, Naoko-kun! Did you know that? My little Phil is my favorite pair of panties." She smiled proudly. "Besides, you saw earlier - he'll be perfectly fine even if I sit right down on him. A mother knows when her son's in trouble, and I can assure you that there's no safer place for my little boy than right under my big, soft bum!"
"It's - it's alright Naoko, honestly," Phil said rising, his head still woozy from the huge impact it suffered moments ago. "I - I can take the pressure and breathing's not too much of a problem, especially if mom keeps farting on me. Honestly, it's pretty safe."
His words didn't seem to be working. Naoko's hands were shaking and her eyes were bright and watery. "Phil, I don't think this - our dinner - you could die!!"
But Phil's mom was smiling smugly at all of this. Picking Phil up again, she strode over to the girl with the solution, as it were, in hand.
"Here sweetie, you can even help me put him in." The large, voluptuous Mrs. Metzger said to the suddenly very small and frightened girl, who suddenly found herself holding a tiny man. Smiling confidently over her shoulder, Mrs. Metzger reached around with one meaty hand and pulled the hem off her skirt from her prominent hindquarters, nodding to Naoka to drop her son into her butt-crack as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Too frightened even to notice Phil's nakedness, Naoko squeaked as she drew her hand near to that big bottom and Phil, whom only minutes ago she was kissing on the door-step, dropped because of her into his own mother's ass-crack!
"Ah, there we are." She said, wiggling her buns as she felt Phil's body drop in between them. "He's nice and cozy. Now, what would you like to talk to him about?"
Phil was not a party to the ensuing conversation because his mother chose that moment to sit down on their plush leather sofa and seal his body under the weight of her giant form. However, he heard what he assumed was Japanese being said by the girl and the frantic, rushed pace of it worried him. He tried to parse it but before he could his mother helpfully said: "I'm sorry dear, but I don't speak Japanese."
Phil happened to know this was at least partly untrue, as by this point many of his mother's clients were, in fact, Japanese natives, but the girl didn't know that and responded in broken English.
"How can do that! That you son! How you kill him?!"
Phil was shocked. Kill him? His mom wasn't trying to kill him, she just popped him in between her butt-cheeks for a bit, didn't this girl know that? His mom sounded equally affronted. "Kill him? How very dare you! I'm not killing him, you silly girl, we do this all the time! I assure you he's very much alive!"
But the little girl wasn't convinced. "No! I see you! You sit on him!"
"Oh for goodness sake," Debra said, suddenly standing up and swinging her prominent posterior into view, "There, you see? Right where I'm pointing?"
The little girl found herself scrutinizing the bigger woman's bottom very hard for a moment. Sure enough, there was the little boy, or at least his outline, pressed up against the tiger-skin skirt covering his mom's bottom. Or at least, there was most of him.
"Where his head?" She said, shaking hers.
"Well, it's in-between my butt-cheeks, obviously! That's his favorite part!"
"His favorite part?!"
Phil heard his mother sigh. "Phil, I've had enough, tell her yourself." She pulled down the hem of her skirt and, with some effort, plucked her son's head from its maternal prison.
"Naoko, it's okay, I'm fine, see? This is all just ... perfectly normal!" Phil gasped before his mom pushed his head back into it's home with her big finger.
"Normal?! You face up your mother's butt!"
"Well of course!" His mom yelled back, almost laughing, "because it's much more comfortable than your boney little behind!"
The conversation ended swiftly after that. He heard some more yelled Engrish, and then his mom farted on him and he didn't hear anything at all.
When his hearing finally returned after a few minutes he called out to the surrounding bottom: "Mom, is she still there?"
Debra smiled and rocked her bottom back and forth slowly into the chair. "No sweetie, I'm sorry. I don't think she was ready for this relationship. And, I may have said one or two things that scared her off." She conceded.
"Oh," Phil said, clearly crestfallen.
Debra smiled sadly and tapped her foot against the floor. "I know sweetie, I know. But that's girls for you. They'll drag you around, lead you on and then rip your heart out! And with you being shrunk half the time God knows what'd happen to you if you dumped one or someone thought they could push you around. That's why you're staying with mommy, right? That's why every day I keep you safely tucked away up my backside, where no-one can hurt you and you know exactly where your place is! You're one in a million sweetie; you're not meant to find someone, you're meant to live in my bum forever and make me feel so good! And I make you feel good too, sweetie! My big butt will hug and kiss you better than any flat-bottomed girl could! You don't really need anyone other than me, do you?"
Phil sighed deeply into his mom's suffocating ass-flesh. After all this time, it certainly seemed that way. "No mom, I guess not."He admitted.
His mom beamed, her chest swelling with pride. "There, that's a good boy! Tell you what! Come climb out of my butt and lie down on the sofa, and I'll give you a nice full-body massage with my butt! That always makes you cum, right?"
"That would ... that would actually be really nice, mom."
Phil kicked in his sleep, and to his surprise pranged his foot off the bed-knob on the wooden corner post. The sensation of being able to reach the corner of the bed with his feet was unusual to him because normally he was far too small to do so. He rubbed the sore foot on his calf as he woke.
Of course, then their sleeping arrangement came back to him; because Phil was on holiday with his mom she'd wanted him to experience life in Japan from as regular a point of view as possible, so this meant that for most of the time he'd walk around at full size, eat at full size, go to the bathroom at full size and yes, sleep at full size. He wouldn't even be tied down to the bed. The only minor concession that he had to agree to was that his mom would sleep sitting on his face each and every night with his young boyish face wedged tightly up between her plump, middle-aged butt-cheeks. He'd willingly spend each and every night with his face in the warm confines of his own mother's ass-crack. At no point would Phil take his head out from under his big mother's heavy, round ass, and if he broke their arrangement at any time then he'd be shrunk down to miniature size and crushed summarily between his mom's feet until she was sure he was sorry, and then attached face-first to her sole to be slept and walked upon for the rest of the trip. Phil, of course, agreed eagerly to the stipulations - he'd never dream of hurting his mom's feelings intentionally by doing something as rude as pulling his face out of her ass while she was innocently sleeping on top of him - and had readily enjoyed the hotel's luxuries so far.
Of course, this situation had it's drawbacks too. He was entirely under the sheets, and it was getting warm down there. Moreso, he just wanted to get up. He had no idea what time it was, but he imagined house breakfast couldn't be far off, and the thought of fried bacon and eggs made his lips drool even as they were pressed loyally against his mom's dozing bum-cheeks. He fumbled with the sheets and poked his mom's round hips with his right hand. Her soft white flesh yielded pleasantly to his touch, and her plump flanks bounced softly. No response. He waited a minute, and then hesitantly poked her again.
*sngr, snore*
Still nothing.
"Oh, mom ..." He sighed, lying his arm back and trying to find a sweet spot for his face to sleep in when suddenly the force on his face increased dramatically as his mom sat up and all her upper body's heavyweight was on him and
"Wuz Phil? Wuzza?"
Mmmng! The stink was all around him! His nose hadn't even been against her butthole but mom had a very definite stench that she exuded from her musk and of course, her beloved son was the constant recipient of it. His young body, much smaller than his voluptuous mother's from years of her loving, taxing domination, whipped and spasmed under her from pure reflex as her half-awake rump kept him pinned to the floor. Outrageously, he could not get his face out from under his mom's fat ass.
"Mmm? Phil? Phil, you're not trying to get out, are you?" She said hotly, misunderstanding him. No, no! he waved and kissed her bottom frantically. "Ihm justh ... hungwy mohm!" He muttered, his voice very much obfuscated by attendant maternal rear-end.
"Oh," she smiled, wiggling her bum on her own son's face, "well it's almost 7 o clock, they'll be making breakfast soon. Let's go get showered and dressed sweetie. You get in there, mommy'll wash you!"
His mom "washing him" generally involved, from Phil's point of view, an awful lot of standing and kneeling, and then standing up again. After getting him sufficiently soaked in the shower she'd step in next to him, completely buff, and proceed to wash him with only one part of her large body - her curvy ass. So after she'd lather up her big, chubby cheeks and the deep dark crack in between she'd spend an extended time washing Phil's face, hands, chest, and groin. Afterward, if he was lucky, she'd shrink him down, soap him up and then use his tiny body as a loofah to scrub herself with, paying particular attention to her ass, bust, armpit, thighs, and feet. However this was not one of those times, and as their bathroom toilet didn't have space for Phil's head to fit in after helping that enormous rear-end towel itself off he found himself dressed and waiting in the eating area with his mom, eagerly awaiting breakfast.
But today turned out to be different in more than one respect. Shortly after arriving in the breakfast room two beautiful young spring maidens wandered over to them and both began attending to Phil; asking him was he okay, laughing at anything he said and generally flirting quite obviously with him. Phil was feeling great until a much heavier, middle-aged hostess appeared and spoke something in their native tongue. The two listened attentively as the elder lady pointed at Mrs. Metzger and then at her own bum, and made a sweeping motion with her hands. The two turned to Phil and for some reason burst out laughing, before rising and swiftly excusing themselves from the room. The older lady smiled and led them out into the hot-springs unisex changing area and Phil, blushing red and suddenly remarkably interested in not being in the dining room any longer, quickly followed as his mom politely stifled a giggle.
They changed and were led into a private hot-spring, Phil trying not to stare at his bbw mother's wiggling bottom as she teasingly swayed her hips in her purple bikini. They were asked if they were hungry, and then politely told to sit down on the edge of the spring.
After not even a minute Phil, a little bored, slipped down into the warm waters of the spring. It was surprisingly deep, and he found his feet on the lower rungs of a makeshift ladder. He splashed his mom, who smiled back at him, spreading her legs and then clapping her thunder-thighs together. A mock-warning. Phil gulped but smirked back, and made to rise from the water.
"No no Phil, that perfect. Stay right ... there!" The matron suddenly said as she entered, striding over gracefully to the pair of them and gently pressing his head down until his chin was just below the water line. His face had come level with his mom's big, bikini-clad crotch. He stared in awe of it. The matron's request to spread her legs had pushed her hips forward, and he blushed and tried not to look. "Oh, look at that," she teased as his mother tried not to giggle, "you gone back to where you come from. Don't you feel good? Now mom, please move your legs over here." She motioned down to Phil.
Mrs. Metzger draped her thick thighs over her son's shoulders and giggled to see his peculiar expression. Having his mom's big, strong legs, each the size of his own chest these days, wrapped protectively over his shoulders made him feel safe, but there were also problems. The added weight pushed his face below the water-line; he could breach the surface and breath, but only if he pushed constantly with his own body, and only if she didn't push down. Her own body at rest was almost enough to drown him. She gave her son a cuddle with her legs, squeezing her quads thickly around his face.
"You look so cute down there sweetie! Like a little bunny trying to pop his head out of a hole!" She said, tightening her leg muscles and giving Phil's head a good squeeze between her thighs. With a small motion, she locked her ankles and Phil's face fitted perfectly between the big, strong legs that were ready to squash it silly.
"Phil," the matron said, smiling warmly down at him, "hold on to the back of your mother hips, and rub her there quietly." He did so and was rewarded with a relaxed moan from somewhere above the big maternal breasts currently blocking his view of her face. He had to admit, rubbing such a big butt felt really good, and he liked that his mom enjoyed it. But ... this was just a stone's throw from being mom's seat cushion!
"Okay now, mom," he sputtered, "take your legs off my shoulders, please, and let me back up."
"Oh, I don't think I should Phil," she said, pursing her lips in concern, "the matron said not to, you know ..."
"Of course not!" The lady in question smiled, "Phil, your mom is giving you hug! Hug with big, strong legs much better for you, she can squeeze you lots, remind you of dominant love. Besides, where would you eat breakfast?"
"Br ... breakfast?" Phil asked, puzzled.
"Yes! In fact, here it comes now!" She replied, nodding to the spring entrance which had suddenly burst open and three smiling maids, all large and maturely aged, came bustling in with big blank smiles carrying trays. The first carried a large tray filled with delicious smelling food (Phil could make out some rice bowls, an egg in a cup and was sure he smelt bacon in the air), the second with an assortment of cups, kettles, jugs, and decanters for various kinds of teas, coffees, and juices, and the third carried an odd tray of what seemed to be cutlery and hot, moist towelettes. The big maternal thighs around Phil's head wiggled in delight, causing water to splish and splash around him as they squeezed his skull. That was nothing to what happened next, as the first maid leaned down and with a big smile laid her delicate ceramic tray down on his mom's lap, squarely on top of his face!
"Oh, how wonderful!" His mom squealed.
"There! Now you can have breakfast with son!" The matron said. Phil couldn't believe the world his face had been thrust into! Everywhere around his face, his mom's thighs sat softly, enfolding him in fat thigh-meat. Right now it was like a warm, soft hug, but they were ever so slowly pressing him down into the water unless he strained against it and besides, he knew just how strong his mom's legs really were. He wiggled and wiggled, but he just couldn't get loose.
"Phil? Phil! Now calm down Phil, this very instant! You're going to make me spill my breakfast!" She said, tightening her grip around her son's head until her treetrunk-like thighs had lifted the tray three inches off his face from muscular swelling. He heard the maids giggling girlishly as he thrashed in pain before his body went limp and his mother's leggy grip relaxed on him, setting the tray down to its original position balanced carefully on her legs and his trapped face. "There's a good boy." She said warmly, gently butting his lower back with her locked ankles.
This was ridiculous, Phil thought. I'm hungry too, but I get mom's big, strong legs wrapped around my head and squeezed. I'm trying not to upset her meal but her quads are pushing me underwater and I have to stay on tiptoes to even stay up! What do I do?!
The matron called down helpfully to him. "Use your mother body to help you, Phil! Hold onto her bottom to keep your head afloat! Do not rely on your own body, it will fail! Rely on your mother and respect her wishes!"
What choice did he have? Phil readied his arms as the blood began flowing into them again and then pulled, letting his feet be pulled off the ladder some several feet below. The tray righted slightly, and the egg-cup slid precisely into his mother's waiting grasp. He felt her legs give him an appreciative cuddle as she squeaked in delight, and then began eating.
It was a long ten minutes before she was done. She had used this time to converse nonchalantly with the always happy to be of service maids who were pleasantly helpful in suggestions for their last day in Japan and always seemed to have another jug of warm sake to hand. In fact, Debra was well into her second gourd before she remembered Phil was caught between her warm, heavy legs. The maids insisted on lifting the tray for her, and as it turned out for good reason; Phil was sleeping quietly, his dozing head tightly caressed by his mom's encircling thighs. His arms hung limply from under her butt - they had gone limp long since and he was being restrained from the depths solely by her motherly head scissors.
"That's so strange! I've always thought he hated my big legs. I always used my head scissors to punish him or reward myself with a guilty orgasm. I never thought he actually liked it." She said.
The matron just smiled knowingly. "This one of greatest gift boy give his mother. The knowledge that he like that his suffering brings you pleasure is a very rare thing. You instruct son to become one with your foot, you ass, and he obeys. Now, he goes further and let you know it okay you crush his head with your legs." She tipped the gourd of sake into Phil's snoring mouth and he sputtered awake.
"Now mother reward son with a hug. Show how proud of him you are and that this his proper place in the world."
With a soft smile on her face, Debra then waded into the water after her son and reaching out with her warm, soft hand pulled his dazed face into her big, comforting cleavage. She held him deep in there as he came back to the world of the living, squishing her big boobs playfully against his face and whispering how proud she was of him in his ear. She held his shoulder with one hand and pressed the back of his head into her considerable bosom with the other, smothering him in her boobs. He tried to resist and made a moan like an infant, but she cooed and hushed him against her chest, and soon he was nuzzling in there like a baby with his arms drifting in surrender by his side.
"Such a good boy!" She smiled, kissing him lovingly on the forehead. "Up now, let's go!"
He stumbled backward as he tried to rise, and simply lay sprawled against the springs wall, his nudity and erection exposed for the tittering spring maids to see.
"I'm tired mom ... can I just ... go back up ... your bum ... please?" He panted.
His mom tittered in front of him with her hands proudly on her hips. She took a swig of sake offered by one of the maids, wiped her lips and offered it to her son. Thinking better of it, she rubbed the mouth of the jug between her big butt-cheeks and then returned it to him and smiled aggressively, nodding insistently as he eyed the jug before putting it to his lips and downing it. She smiled as the last gulp went down his throat. "Of course sweetie. Hurry on to our room, I'll be along in a moment to sit on your face. It's our last day here and we've got a little while before dinner, after all ..."
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memfish88 · 3 years
What do Butterfly Koi fish eat? Butterfly Koi For Sale near me
Bring beauty by harmonious diversity of colors. Butterfly koi wears a graceful, graceful appearance and a graceful swimming style that captivates the hearts of aquarium lovers. Why is butterfly koi so popular? How to take care of them is the most correct way? Let’s find out interesting information about this fish through the article below .
Origins of koi butterfly fish
Known as one of the koi fish breeds that possess a beautiful appearance. Butterfly koi, scientifically known as Assorted Butterfly Koi- Cyprinus carpio, is extremely popular among aquarium hobbyists.
The truth about the origin of the butterfly koi has not yet had an accurate answer from scientists. But many rumors suggest that they come from Indonesia and are descendants of the koi breed as well as Asian carp.
Of the koi breed, the butterfly koi is the most prized species.
At competitions, TV programs, butterfly koi always lead the way in the high rankings and bring glorious victories to their owners.
For those who play fish for many years, this koi is not often used in the answer as traditional koi.
However, people still fall in love and fight to bring this fish home.
Because the fins are long, smooth, carrying the body of a fish, but their swimming looks like a butterfly trying to fling its wings so that it is very skillfully and gracefully fluttering into the sky.
It is therefore not uncommon for them to call their fins “underwater butterflies.”
Appeared in Japan for a long time, but recently, butterfly koi has received attention and attention from people.
The number of koi fish is increasing at a dizzying rate. Because the breeding form and the need to buy as ornamental becomes a favorable market for breeders.
Butterfly koi was the product of breeding and breeding during this period and New York is one of the potential markets.
This is also where the breeders bought stout long carp from Indonesia.
At the Blue Ridge Fish hatchery, North Carolina. When buying the carp from here for research, scientists have discovered an interesting point.
These are the genes of the carp’s long fins and the koi’s vibrant colors that create a nice diagonal line between the two.
The results were not unexpected when the koi butterfly fish was born healthy with long and smooth fins that captivated the heart.
Because of this, many people still used to call them the butterfly koi carp, but in fact, the two species are completely different.
The Shape and Size of the Butterfly Koi fish
Proudly favored by nature for its graceful, beautiful waving set, butterfly koi fish when swimming in a fast glide look like fluttering butterfly wings.
Compared to the original (standard) koi, there are many differences.
However, if you consider only from a color perspective, it is difficult to distinguish when the basic colors such as white, yellow, orange … are common in both species.
A butterfly koi develops, its fins reach a minimum until the blood vessels can no longer continue.
The bigger the koi is proportional to the longer the butterfly’s fins. So it doesn’t matter when you confuse an adult butterfly koi with a long dragon moving through the water.
Their antennae (antennae) are even long-lasting and can be forged into sophisticated designs.
The fish’s tail and fins are visible to the naked eye and appear fragile, with many longitudinal folds.
There are few butterflies with one color, the mix of colors on the body is quite harmonious, the fish’s tail when moving is what attracts the opponent’s vision the most.
This is also an important point if you want to distinguish two standard breeds and butterfly koi.
In discussions about the butterfly koi, people often talk about their beautiful, “miraculous” fins.
If you come across a butterfly koi with a mutated long fin, it is unusual because of genetic deviation.
Instead of growing more in body length, they develop their fins to their maximum.
However, this problem is not much of a concern because many other fish breeds often have this situation, typically such as: Siamese fighting fish, Simpson’s fins gun, long fin chest and fins. long black.
Any biologically but significant deviation will bring about an unexpected commercial value.
Similar to the standard koi, the butterfly’s fin organ is made up of dozens of cartilage rays that lead outward to perform a support function.
Initially they develop very straight, but over a long time they start to bring parallel shape.
The longer the butterfly tail, the longer it brings high economic efficiency because people love the graceful appearance when swimming from the tail.
Although they have a small body and are just a normal ornamental fish , their lifespan will surely surprise you when it is even 3 times the age of a human.
The average is 25 to 35 years, with good care and nurturing conditions, there is a possibility of living up to 200 years.
How to raise butterfly koi fish in a glass tank
The ideal amount of water to acclimate to the butterfly koi is around 1000 gallons of water.
To build them a comfortable environment, farmers need to add objects such as rocks, aquatic plants, rockets …
Butterfly koi personality is a species that likes to explore and explore, they often dig everywhere for food as an instinct available.
Because they eat a lot, the amount of waste generated is no less, to keep the lake clean and fresh, you should pay attention to change the water regularly.
Provide a quality filtration system and place large rocks so they can dig freely without injuring themselves.
Male and female butterfly koi can be easily identified by looking at their anal parts.
Males the anus are recessed, as well as a nodule on the head, females on the contrary, do not have this.
The female koi moth lays very “intoxicating”, sometimes up to 1000 eggs per cycle. The hatching rate of the eggs lasts from 4 to 7 days depending on the temperature of the water at that time.
If you have a need to breed and nurture your koi butterfly cubs, you should be careful. During the first week of postpartum pepper consumption should only feed the fry with pureed frozen food.
Gradually, they feel their health getting better and better and adapt to a new environment to switch to small pellets.
Around week 3 to 12, the color of the koi butterfly will begin to show up clearly, lasting until much later.
The food of koi fish sold in the market is quite diverse. You do not need to buy food for ornamental fish in general, but koi fish have a separate diet that will help them adapt and grow better.
In addition, to ensure the absolute health of the butterfly koi fish, the farmer needs the following parameters:
Minimum koi aquarium size: 1000 gallons
Care Level: Easy
Personality: Peace
Water conditions: 36-90 ◦ F, KH 2-12, pH 6.8 – 7.2
Maximum size: 90cm
Color: Black, orange, red, white, yellow
Diet: Omnivorous.
How many Butterfly Koi Types?
As mentioned above, among koi varieties, butterfly koi is the most typical, most beautiful and most popular species.
The reason for this trait is its bright colors, beautiful fins with special patterns, which also makes butterfly koi a valuable fish.
Although it was born later, it is known as the typical koi breed.
In addition, the striking lime yellow and platinum ogons are two colors that fall in the stunning category of the butterfly koi.
In addition, copper gold and neon-white are also two pretty special colors, they make koi butterflies surprisingly brilliant and graceful.
Sorogoi butterfly fish
Described as “adult, good-natured” in butterfly koi varieties, sorogoi often wear gray or black overall.
At first glance, maybe sorogoi does not make you feel impressed by it almost fading in the world of colorful colors.
However, it is only when you see them swimming that you really feel attractive and you are as if you were caught in their curves along the water.
Their graceful appearance, the ability to control their bodies ice underwater as if they are “dancing” will probably make you feel a lot of shock.
Black and gray have always been two colors representing mystery and elegance, depending on the perception of each person, each culture has a different way of feeling.
Sometimes, black is also the color representing elegance, symbolizing men.
That is why sorogoi is still preferred and chosen by many people. They become “typical faces” present in most aquariums at home of many families.
Black butterfly koi fish
Unlike the genes of some sibling koi, the black butterfly koi has an unusually large size and appearance.
In the middle of the water, their glossy black appearance becomes sparkling, creating a distinctive and unique eye-catching look.
The fish fins of the black koi grow to the maximum, the larger they try to stretch, the more they grow in size like a jet black dragon is able to swim upstream skillfully.
Owning a black butterfly koi is likened to having a tiny water dragon.
The shadow under the water is like a shadow but not a shadow. In Japanese culture, black butterfly koi is a symbol of luck.
Milk white butterfly koi (tancho ghoshiki himitshu)
This is a fish breed that has recently appeared in Vietnam. They wear milky white body is a blend of yin and yang giving people an overall look that both matches and harmony when viewed in terms of color.
Along the spine of the milky white koi, a row of butterflies runs steadily in a straight line.
Some special figures have a red circle at the top of the head as a characteristic highlight.
Because of this, the Japanese are extremely loved by the red stain that looks like the national flag of Japan mixed with a white background equivalent to 80%.
The price of the white butterflies on the market is very high.
Platinum Butterfly Koi
Just like the name suggests, the glittery butterfly koi has a sparkling body under the water, creating an eye-catching look that makes the viewer seem fascinated at first sight.
Under the light, this fish is much more prominent, depending on the color of the light on the body of the fish that they reflect into different colors in the extremely diverse darkness.
What do butterfly koi fish eat?
This fish is named by taking the name of the koi species of the same species and adding the word “gin rin”,
There are also two other more common types of butterfly koi fish that are more common: butterfly koi in aquarium and butterfly koi in garden.
The size of the backyard butterfly koi is larger than the other butterfly koi. Depending on the farming location, family members can choose suitable breeds.
Tumblr media
[TOP 10] Best Koi Food Reviews in 2021
How much does butterfly koi cost? Where to buy and sell
The prices for each butterfly koi breed are not the same. Depending on purity, health condition, longevity and color, there are compatible prices.
According to the reference on the online stores and in the aquarium stores, in general, butterfly koi fish have the following prices:
Butterfly koi fish type F1 mazabuki ogon price Contact Betta koi fish costs: Contact Koi fish imported tancho price: Contact Phoenix tail fish cost: Contact
source https://memfish.net/butterfly-koi/
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be sure to check here before you ask a question!
Common Questions about Mods
Who are the mods?
GlitterMod and DragonMd (previously known as AstroMod but she keeps changing her damn name).
Pronouns for the mods?
She/Her for both!
Ages of the mods?
Time is just an illusion.
Where can we find the mods blogs?
@glittery-anus and @the-boxed-dragon
Are the mods dating?  How do you know each other?
We’re just really close Internet Besties who decided to do a blog with each other.  :)
Are you really married?
I don’t know, are we?
What are the mods sexualities?
Glitter is between gay and bisexual right now, Dragon is demi-sexual but questioning hetero or panromantic.
Common Questions
Which demigods are featured on this blog?
Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Will Solace, and Nico di Angelo
How old are each of the boys?
Percy and Jason are both 25, Will is 22 and Nico is 21.
What’s their sexuality?
Percy is bisexual, Jason is bisexual, Will is pansexual, and Nico is gayyyy.
How tall are they?
Percy is 6'0, Jason is 6'1, Will is 5'11, and Nico is 5'6 and a half.
Is Solangelo canon?
Yes, yes it is!
Is Jercy canon?
Also yes!  Very much so in fact.
Are y'all a foursome?
Yes, yes we are.
What about Percabeth and Jasper?!!!
Percabeth and Jasper decided to split in this form of headcanon.
Are NSFW questions allowed?
Yes, they are but they are tagged.
How do you tag?
We use the tags pjo, hoo, percy, jason, nico, will. (NSFW is used for nsfw questions).  (NOTE: we suck at tagging now a days but, we’ll tag NSFW)
Where do the boys live?
In a small apartment in NYC but, they go to Camp Half-Blood sometimes.
Do the boys have jobs?
Yes!  Jason works as an autistic teacher at an elementary school, Percy works as a marine biologist and helps clean up beaches and the oceans.  Nico is a local intern and does tons of computer work and Will works at the infirmary at Camp Half-Blood.
Which boys are nerds and with what?
Percy and Nico are Star Wars and musical theatre nerds. 
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ivory-peaches · 8 years
jercy headcanons anyone?
@glittery-anus, my lovely girl friend(mind the gap) and I came up with all these headcanons so, yeah.  *shrug*
They totally play footsies under the table ALL THE TIME.
They play-fight in general, sometimes wrestling in the bed
Percy does this cute whine when Jason shoves him gently.
And Jason mocks him.
Jason will pin Percy and do the whole Lion King thing.  'Pinned ya.'
Protective!Top!Jason AND Sensitive!Soft! Jason at the same time
They switch for the big spoon.  It depends on who's feeling anxious.
Percy's shorter so, he digs his nose into Jason's back when he's the big spoon.
Jason loves digging his face into Percy's hair when he's the big spoon because the smell of the sea calms him
Jason loves to wake Percy up in the morning with lazy smiles and kisses, his arm over Percy's chest.
Percy LOVES nuzzling his head into Jason's neck
Jason loves to kiss random parts of Percy's body for the giggles and squeals
Then both of them are giggling and it's adorable.
Both Percy and Jason are sooooo clingy, it's ridiculous sometimes
Percy LOVES calling Jason, 'Jay' and Jason LOVES calling Percy, 'Perce'.
The two call each other 'babe', whether its platonic or romantic.
"Babe, pass the salt."
"Babe, can you lend me a hand?"
“Babe, you wanna go spar?"
Jason 'Raised by Possessive AF Wolves' Grace gets jealous easier.
He's sometimes VERY protective and Percy has to be like,
"Babe, you're protecting me too hard."
Percy loses it anytime Jason mentions that Percy belongs to him and him only.
Percy has panic attacks, Jason has anxiety attacks
When Percy has serious PTSD issues, Jason makes him get out of bed and makes him eat and then they go swim.
Jason's treading the water, holding Percy's waist as Percy does little water tricks
They bump noses and smile softly and giggle quietly.
They share slow, gentle kisses under the dock
Percy loves when Jason is all soft and gentle
Their levels of affection are literally so adorable because like, 
Jason is soft and makes sure Percy is comfortable
Percy is over-affectionate, always touching and complimenting and asking how Jason's day was.
(Like, Percy’s hand is always on Jason’s shoulder or in his hair or playing with Jason’s fingers absent-mindedly)
Percy doesn't like the whole, 'it was okay' answer, he wants to hear ALL ABOUT IT.
Percy screams when he's startled and then Jason screams too
During Cabin Counselor meetings n stuff, they hold hands under the table or Percy will doodle all over Jason’s arm to keep concentrated
We just love soft Jercy.  A lot.  Like, too much almost.
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I'm loving this fanfic???? With all of my being???? I can't wait for the next chapter! Also, I adore your writing style!
Thank you so much my friend!!!! I appreciate it so much!!!
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magiaela · 7 years
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I was tagged by the lovely Clara @giraffehowell
Sorry for my terrible handwriting :3c
I tag @mint0reos @limerancy @glittery-anus @bubblyprincessabbie @sawssbuck and @carniverousherbivore 
Also anyone who wants to do this as well <3
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louisysl · 8 years
It’s been a hot minute since I did one of these so here we go. Thanks my darling @literlarryreal for tagging me
So here are the rules: You can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to. Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs and then tag 10 people. (And because I’m a rebel and these things are terribly boring otherwise, I’m adding something about each song. You don’t have to do it though since it isn’t the point of the tag)
Pablo Nouvelle - I Will feat. Sam Wills This one’s great for writing or background noise in general, but I do find myself singing along every now and then. Has some potential for fic inspiration as well.
Alaska Thunderfuck - Your Makeup Is Terrible Self-explanatory. Fucking great if the mood’s awkward or if your friends are great and enjoy a good giggle in the middle of a party. Also great if you’re feeling like having an impromptu dance party by your lonesome.
Tobias Jesso Jr. - Without You Yet again, great for writing and concentrating. Bonus points for being inspiring and soft. I wouldn’t say it’s particularly sad other than lyrically.
Mansionair - Speak Easy Again, not really mainstream but absolutely great for writing (are you noticing a theme yet). Soft house!
Alaska Thunderfuck - Anus Who doesn’t love pussies and anuses? “What d’ya wanna do, and where ya wanna go, I wanna feel it feel it in your pussy pussy hole. Drop it down low, let me feel it in your pussy hole.” A great bi anthem.
X Ambassadors - Unsteady Can you guess it yet? Yes, again with the writing music. I don’t know what to tell you at this point; I write a lot. “Daddy I’m alone, ‘cause this house don’t feel like home. If you love me, don’t let go. Hold on, hold onto me ‘cause I’m a little unsteady.”
Alaska Thunderfuck - Puppet I swear I didn’t plan this. For Satan’s sake. “Don’t touch it, I’m not your puppet. Daddy mother-fuck it, I’m not your puppet. Bitches can touch it, I’m not your puppet.” Basically my life in a nutshell. Glittery dicks and all.
Oh Wonder - All We Do A beautiful, beautiful song. Really just.. beautiful? Great for writing as well. A bit melancholy, but most of all simply beautiful.
Moguai - Hold On feat. Cheat Codes I’d say play this with your friends around. Play it while cleaning your house. Put it on your writing list. It’s great if you want uplifting music that won’t distract you; it’s ideal background music with a nice beat.
Haux - Caves Again, beautiful. It’s a bit haunting, which is something I absolutely adore in music. Ideal for background music as well, as seems to have been the general mood of this list for the most part. Definitely worth checking out.
I should mention I just put three playlists into one and put shuffle on, which I suppose is why there were no actual favorites of mine on this list (Love Me Harder, Somebody Else, everything by 1D, Thinking Bout You).
I tag @larriez @fump3 my wife @what-does-one-affects-the-other @hunkyniall @milliondollarbum annnddd uhh @fakecourt and @terraptor because he’s always bored and needs content in his life. Also anyone I didn’t tag because I have the worst memory, feel free to do this
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heartbxmbs-a · 8 years
 and then there’s just
a floating, glittery blue anus
there to defend you from things that want to steal your soul
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mysunangel · 6 years
Many thanks to @fandomsunitestuff (ily)!!
Rules: Bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people
AIR: I have small hands · I love the night sky · I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by · I drink herbal tea · I wake to see dawn · I’m valued for being wise · I prefer books to music · I meditate · I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE: I don’t have straight hair · I like to wear ripped jeans · I play an organized sport · I love dogs · I am not afraid of adventure · I love to talk to strangers · I always try new foods · I enjoy road trips · Summer is my favorite season · My radio is always playing
WATER: I wear bracelets on my wrists · I love the bustle of the city · I have more than one set of piercings · I read poetry · I love the sound of a thunderstorm · I want to travel the world · I sleep past midday most days · I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs · I rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia · I see emotions in colors, not words
EARTH: I wear glasses/contacts · I enjoy doing laundry · I am a vegetarian · I have an excellent sense of time · My humor is very cheerful · I am a valued adviser to my friends · I believe in true love · I love the chill of mountain air · I am always listening to music · I am highly trusted by the people in my life
AETHER: I go without makeup in my daily life · I keep track of my tasks andtime · I always know true north · I see beauty · I can always smell flower · I smile at everyone I pass by · I always fear history repeating itself · I have recovered from a mental disorder · I can love unconditionally
I tag @bardingbeedle, @aptaisthh, @rhymewithrachel, @solangelo, @glittery-anus, @itsdaughterofapollo, @the-maidofmischief, @hellokasinkafan and @hesallin.
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ao3feed-mythology · 5 years
DOOMed Angels: An Exercise in Extreme Fetishes
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Ro25qm
by SaltyTeaLeaves
Set in the DOOM (2016-Eternal) series, an androgynous, agender Angel (Or Maykr) is forced to submit to the cruelties and lusts of Hells denizens.
These chapters are beyond kinky, and not recommended for the faint of heart.
Words: 4315, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Doom (Video Games), Christian Mythology - Fandom
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M, Other
Characters: Angel OC - Character, hellhounds - Character, Cyberdemon (Doom), Imps (Doom), Maykr (Doom)
Relationships: Agender Angel x Male Demons
Additional Tags: dubcon, noncon, Rimming, Anal Purging, Anal, Anal Squirting, Teratophilia, Size Difference, Bestiality, Oxygen Deprivation, Anus worship, Demons and Angels, Humiliation, Degradation, Queefing, Unrealistic Vomit, vomit play, Sacrilege, ass worship, puffy anus, Monstrous dicks, Knotting, Anal Knotting, Glittery vomit, Vomiting, Hypnosis, Curses, sexual curses, Explicit Sexual Content
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Ro25qm
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ivory-peaches · 7 years
Jercy’s Daughter, Andi (headcanons)
My wife, @glittery-anus and I had to come up with some headcanons for Jercy’s daughter so, here it is.  Yay.
Her name is Andi, short for Andromeda
Andi is Jason and Percy’s little daughter.
She looks nothing like the boys.  She has brown hair and brown eyes but, she’s very very very cute.
Andi is extremely driven and determined.
Her dad is Jason, her Daddy is Percy.
She was adopted
Andi has The Sight and can see monsters and get into camp.
She’s not intimidated by any monster and blows raspberries in their faces
Andi is deaf
In her free time, she loves to read.  Like, a lot.
Percy’s really jealous of her because he never had that kind of passion when he was her age.
Jason will read to Percy and Andi and Percy will translate and sign the book for her.
Even though spelling is really hard, Percy can sign-spell super easy.
Percy picked up sign language real quick, Jason already knew it because of his job to help disabled children at his elementary school.
They live in an apartment in NYC with a dog that Andi named Elliot.
Elliot is a mini Australian Shepherd.
When Andi turns ten, Jercy adopts a little boy so she’s a bit sister.
She’s wary and apprehensive at first because she can’t hear him crying or when he’s upset but, she learns to love him anyway.
Her brother’s name is Dare and he’s really quiet.
Percy loves the name because his kids name isn’t Danger like the joke, no it’s Dare.
Doctors thought something was wrong with Dare because he was quiet when he was little but, he’s just really quiet.
He can speak but, he prefers to use sign language more.
When he and Andi get older, Andi dates this one guy, a mute.  He and Dare get along great.
Everyone is fluent in sign language at the house and uses it all the time.
Jason loves how quiet their house is.
Sometimes when Percy or Jason are with their friends, they accidently start signing instead of speaking and Frank is like, ‘I don’T KNOW WHAT YOU’RE SAYING TO ME.”
Nico knows sign language and he’s really good with kids so, he’s Andi’s favourite uncle.
Will can’t pick up on sign language so, Andi reads his lips.
Nico tried to teach Will but, it doesn’t work.  His hands don’t move like that.
Andi’s favourite colour is red, which is absurd because the entire Jackson-Grace household loves blue.
Dare loves purple because it’s pretty.
Dare grows up and realises he’s ace, which is cool because so is Jason.
Andi is the straightest person in the family.  Like, she basically had to come out as straight to her family because everyone around her is so gAY.
When Andi gets really upset, she’ll pout and refuse to sign or watch people’s lips.  
“Dad, Daddy, I’m straight…”
Jason: “...What?”
Percy, pinching the bridge of his nose: “I have to go think about this for a while…”
Andi is really great and being quiet and sneaking up on Percy.
He’s forced to surrender to the tickle attacks from Andi and Jason
“Jason, she needs a BELL.”
“Perseus Jackson, we are NOT putting a bell on our daughter.”
For halloween, she wears sunglasses and carries around a cane and pretends to be blind.
“Dad, I’m Helen Keller!”
“Andi, that’s offensive.”
Jason is the responsible dad, Percy really isn’t.
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